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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1901)
TIIK MORNING ASTORIAN, SUNDAY. NOVEM BKR 2V 1301 111 For. I VI lit If a young lady in in lovo TIiiiI'h II Kit l)ijHii( h.i. I I'h young muii in in love, That'tt HIS luminuHx, If they diriild b iniirry, TlmtNTllKIRIiUMiH-KD. Ol'U liiisiiii .sN in the jrier liiiiiilling of your Thanksgiving THURSDAY, NOV. 28. '01 Thanksgiving Poultry Aii'l wn mii fully iii iiuc. In alien. 1 in YOt'lt liuciin-NM. Tlii- your, us in oIIm tm, m In n wi Imvi- handled niimt of the oiillry miIiI liming tlm hnliilayn, wo are r-jarcl toivc yoii nici r fowls ami lu td r ainl i i i -k -r mTvico limn Vrr I'l fon-, itinl if year of x j 'Tiiu-f, carin j-t endiavnr and eli'iiri' lo ii'ion will sutiitfy ymi WE WILL DO IT I'oii'l onli f tilhcwlnje In-fore you our Mock, ROSS, IIlCiClNS & CO. The Morning Astorian TKI.KI'lloNE Ml. NkTK'IC TO AI'V KllTIHKItH 'hang "f cpy muai roach Ui bunl-n-m I'lTh-c by 1 m l.i secure -pcaran." In the momma" edition This ruin will It ivrril nil lo cal x Irvrllfc iiiMiln. rrcp!lng reading I x-i TilAY 8 WIUTIIKIl IMIlfl.ANP. N 'V 3 w ic-. fni. partly rlcad). .avacaoiuU I'aThl Mill". cooler e.-p! "r the o'.. r.t.rly wind. Western WoaJilmr'.oti. o-vaalotml rni. wralerlv wind; East rmi or..m, riactrrn Washington ati.l I Uho. fair. e4or, mill .. ft wind AROUND TOWN. Tlvnkgilnf rK U' h Mince meat. J'uni;.lii. ft.tiuh. Nun, llataina, I'ranlH-rri.-, I'luinpuddlng, KV'wh Fruit. Wir4.itilm, etc., Ill UtMIII.aoi ai J.duut-m llrvher. Call main Ml f"f yr require ment. Oilers promptly fllli-d. Ilmi K.-cii Itlslng Hun lies lautstii, I2 'iiiiii'rcUl trl. L Q Little 1UO Fellows' E7 I have tin' alovc named nuniher of SuiU for Hoys. Agt'S 3 to 8 In Vestees Norfolk Sailors Reefers and Russian Blouse Suits I winli to force- 'em out. You can luy Vin cheap. This Week! This Week! COME AND SEE. MiiiiairlllSt mi trutmt 1 I I'nirunUn homo Industry and buy your frrd mi.l grain at Huston", null. 1 1 KMT 16-CKNT MICA I. : HISINU HI'S HKHTAUIUNT. Mir k lll In- rl all .ay on Tluitiktimiutf J.ihim.n Itivn. "(Iflirral HullKan." Ili ftnra: D-rrut ciir mi tint mark"! HuM evrry whTr. full at llm (Wtlilfiit barber h"p f r U-l.i-iJ: w..ik. Thrra flral-clana bar. ltrrn. an.Kx (ixxla of all kindi. rhrap at tli Y. k 'limna lim.ur, t;2 i'oiiiinTfil airwl. Vanir rt'iit. bv fiunlly uf (hr, unfurtiiitlMtl litniao, nnmily! Apply A'iran ifn'. Iw you aiii' ki'? Try a "t.ncia Bui Uvn." nit 8-.n rlr-ir on Hi market. HkIiI rvt'ry whtr. If you want b! woivl. lab wood or .ilh-r rlrphun Ktlly. the irjmfT man. 'liri "U black. I'atr-Dilart homv liuluairy by rmk;nK tbf "I'MJn nf Alrl" rluari, flnrtt Manufactured by MacFarlmie k Knl"-I V S.i!fiipni. U ol and Iriv Htiaf ; Un y r.imnla"llii; i'Xviu v torrK iry lltvuvn llmthi-ra i'. , It.vli. n i.t. X V Wni-.--Tn r Ihi-rt- l.tliipK ii .i rti't' w b-iit cltxr to biHnr-a n n i t-r. M.hI ru omni'iili'iiiti. AiUlr.ii K nrf .'f Al Tiaii t'rwiim purr ry Amfneu'i fin hliky. Thf niily 'Ur-Knl; itii,r- j aii:i--l ilfli an.l m-'lmv. JOHN 1. i I CAUli iX. S.1. As-nt. I I flflifn luiti.lrt' I t i.itn hru!ii:( ' t.i -l.-t fr-mi: buy ow; If lhi brlsi!f j 1 . 1 1 . nut ri'!iir:i It, 1 wl" siiv ymi i ; I ii"iv on'' t'h.ia. Itnu'-r ii M J Kinii'V .i. ivin fr m I ril.uil i-Miir I v . I ukliiK f T lili bu-ln v n t.MttH I ! r-t itr-ri--l n the ul(f!it Ifiiln, u.'o'iiiiKiiii".! by II K. l'lMil. I Jnlm A. M'lntu.unTy n.ia rpoiiivl hni nt i"t Mnii l iHr'-. nrl m iirfnn' l lii iln nil rl.iifn of plumbing nml tin- , i Iiik at low-cut pncilbl rjl 'a. j Kinlyn I'niil luio Inner, Ik ili'ftn.r ami mnki'c Iik trnublc Hilh Blovci nnd I'lilmiify lluoa Hum any other, (lenrgi! V. Sanborn, k"1; tcbphJne I31. Til.- Muniinllii t'k on n iiu.inlUy of Franklin ouil t tiio Mnioio bamkuni yiwti'rtlav. T!il cuil i now bi'lnir uil i!iu wt exrludlvnly for nu-aniliiK pui- IMMtH. Hatha for Udlr at the Talacr Hatha. Trlviito entrance on ilJe of bulldli'K. Shop opfn on Sunday mornlngi for hi lira and bath. Pnvbj A Corbett. proprlciora. Family ayrlnm-a from !5 cenli upward at noawm'. Fountain Syrlngaa from CO cPnla up; any kind of rubber gooda you may wnt at bottom figures at RiKiT8', Odd Follows' building, Tlio Tokit ToJiit oyntor hounr la pr' piuvil to milM'lv fanillv orili-r for tlio ftiiiKiua Toko I'olnt cyati'iii, Serves ii)hinh In any H'.ylo. Elevenih Stre't, bi-twu-Mi llmiil and Commercial; phono. 27U. HUIh the Inu'rovemont of i'oin ttk'n'lul alryet from Tih to FVmr tiitith and Movonth, btwvn lt"tul and lnimeri-ll, will bo 0ened t Au dltur Nolion'a office at 2 o'clock tomor rnv afternoon. Jitmifi ThitiiW.ti ui'l S4 yviir, died Frlduy evenlnit, after il llngr-rlng Ul ni. rVcO'ttneil wn h nmtlve f KnR Kind iid hud iki n'lutlvfw In this couu dry. The funpwil will occur today from IVIil'a uiiilcriaklnc; piulom. I carry a llt of lloiKT & QiiHot IVr. fiitiii-H In botllo ami bulk .alno rmaiul Ilaiynl Pcrfumi-a, Ianller, Maybelis and Oarnailon; an aMBonmut of Lubln, tl'MiK'lla, Ch'-rry H1umii, Mntaukim mill nliMH. "lia. ISiiti-m. "ililnulnr Futb"iii lin b'-eii awnr.l'tl th riiiirut fur rvlmiMlng Ih-i iiM whiif at li birty ilepit, ail W'irk win hf coiiiiiii n - l 'in.. .time iIiii Iiik i Me iinwiit wi-k fb-nrrvil r palra ilil l-. iii.kI.i in wur"li ninua thme. Tim lliflilh ue t-tid-'r .M.inr,inrl,i In hh.iI:ImK cm 'i crturilty tj put to She Ima lib mnl a nuinlfir of lui. t un will be pliu- l off Ti:iwn'ik bay. After lh w.k u l-in. Hie ! nd t w:H tn I i Wlllu;ia liarli ir, w iiei,. bu . w ill Im pl'ii i-1 mi the luir mi I all III. lu i) In :he h'lr r pliwol. For mwi il dm ;n . I :-. lut ben Mile .1M!et.V f T I III- K IK'UlIf -l-!ir A'llin, wlili li l-fi Ni"tn r.'i biy 6r A I o-l i. Y"'rday ' l 'i a!il a.1 e.l mV, Wll'T h.. tinl iCl nlncr X .vrinle r IV l'Vo;n vhni rtin le li'iriii-t. lor "til'fi'y f K'Ui'l:ne ntt ii' .in I che ua ilr.vwi to thr ti'Tt'i ward. I'm Moinl.iy ih- :mcra CuII.-iiiIht no. I Ma y flow r ;!! U!h cymiiieiuv ui a.-lhe riuiv.tvii fn: Itiia.iieaA trKtwtiru Al r.l and I-ei T"l bl ollit f ih liiini Hi run- In the vicinity "t Al irln. If. ret..' ,rv til" b.iiii h iVu Ii" ji .:U I;iiit 1mi n but now tji-y wi l in.- i : t doe.-i .,nip-..klii. ulid a rati' war U mini nwit. '.it:ui:i H ll-.v, ..f the upper river, l In (he -Uy. vW-ing with lila brt:ier-n-laiv. riptiiln t; t ir ly, of lb,, M m. ni'ilt.i It'vntly I'lptilii "!ref.ry t nl a few wi kc ."n Hie Valley, ft n fit- flt! time i hid ever Ihtii .iw-i fr on milt wi:. r a:i I he ""J yed !u lr!i Imni.-niely II- aiya l.e l iln't km.w ll-r u :i a c ur'l'y In -t.-n e an.l tlwil. w h n vmitl-in time i in nifaln, h'-'ll '.it f" inlet ir. Anyway, AntnHa rnllk la all nicU. (Siriimlimlimer lUlley, who jut returned ti fortlaM friin h trip 4 tliU city, lold tin Or KonUn rfirl-r ihil lie took a.iinpe off tlw wagin of five tuHkiiien mid on .t'-Hilng tlwm found that tiiey citnt.iliie i from 2 to 4 nl nf butiur fU, wlifilt la very K-cnl ah .wiiig. Iln vMtel th dilr:ra ilo-' mllkiimn and fmind Ihefn, wltit j nil" e eitl.iu, In f I rit Wa cmdlliufi, ! witi "ew banw an I everylhlnir In a" "A Chape. At the ! tl'T ploci; the. turn I bi r n l on th grnm l fo? a nw barn, Iwhlc-i l to li of the bat ki tiie r.iinly. .Mr. Hail.-y my tli-m la talk I of :anim a m.eiied mlilc f.u-l'cy 'ti Ait'.rlu. A In rife re,i of I He lanji j la li-'nif dike I In linn action, whli-.i 'make 1he flicxt kind of paature. and H U thotixli'. Hi re wl I he n.i trible In prx-intiiK nil Ihn rnllk ti'viwiry t i keep a i-i"'l in".-1 i'i'i. Ju l .ry Hi .p.-r- ll'lntl. i ' " The f't.itj.tji Mill mipany'a b .X fac tory l n nv beliuf run day ol iiinrht, and even ;i thla BujKTlnt'mdeiit I'ye H unaltle to fill Hi. ord ra f.r Ir.x.w whi.-li are receive I f r m 'lalifimia nd ..iiuld- p.dnia In f)reixon. The Klder, ivh c.i !etrt 'hla mornlnif f f San Frim l i, weatlie p.rm'ttl"g, will take 2m of while y.terduy a i-irl.iad -.tnill ji of Ron fnilt luxn w,i ahlpp d to Prt'aiid Th.. t x- w.H b- uil to in k O-ig-in i runiM. HurliiK tV w'-.-k t-h. mill onpuiy rh p I th- ni : valuab'e cur of tv.xert .M-r cent out of A '! Tli- t-Ma4 w w d.nllnel for California vin 1 wiia . ilh ngWy imi nia now em- pl I a! lh .ai.ihliliini m, and WVuO lumthly 1 b-inu jKi'd -ut l wig.-i. TV..- mil put .f l -x.-ii ilU'lnic :he P'"' .ek 3.oli. Kxtrwlvv r-palr. In vdvii'u Hi - . x;tnl tun- ..f all "Jt V.W. nr- a-m lo be mile ti the fa. ry- J.IIIK" W" WtVh. of t'e c mmt tee, ta T... I.iTiirh.r k. whi.-'i L. t. r-.-. lvei ' 'ba'cm an i..,. ... s. . ...r. ... t i- I! -milil in oily oenira' lying at the Cdum.-l, Hvr I'mM-tu ' tmny m in Juyit at pr--nt. P A... 1 1 l. d.. k Slh- wia lako on at !"" h'" de.lve. i-ondifrt ,f th eom Aninrn Ui t ni .f wh.-at, wbli-ti la ! Inii idiii.m, and the work of rp!rtn existed (., arrive d..n tlk- river to. the pirly"it In uo'.na; on In a vtg.r- in .rt. i.e. YewterU. a f-r.n t.f m.i wae imn manner. I lniy carting awoy ajih fpun'gbank. Th.- ioi!um wwe the St.ri I i.l (' injt.ui)', jranla, 1 1 j'nndi Uiot he uce I in m.tklnc a witllc. Tner u.ic not . cUigl movemcnx along the waterfi it y.ct Td.iy. The ciorni whti li prevtt.l4 the nlghi pre. vl.nla chiirliil UP the tur to an extent th.ii nude arr.vila 'r ilepinur-a Im hie. The pr-itil civU f he.ny wt-ather la one of tti. . trKt ever ex-M-r!enc-1 at thla p tr! The line Li lle.i.U w.i down ).!rday and no ahtppin.f vjrt w e leo-lvol . When n yectenlay the aloiil Kie pollt'cal altui'lon n r"ner- Liken lo Welc h ha,l nothing to irlie nuL S,-hinn.ikiu and Fnari hnv.. mil vet fltrnmllv ten.l-T.M tneir ilivHmll w, and until they J i an n aet'on 1 -oklng t i th aelecllon of other nnniln-H-i will 1 tnki-n. The. crtmmlt t.M will meet on M in-lay i-vnlng at Mr Welch's offle- but It l nn''Unccl that the mvlt'T of in fhe two ci.'.dlla a r-fofed to will not be br mirlit up. Tt la undemt V 1,e cmmlltee ha !her availiWe I'm br. aid tht th-r wl'l he no difficul ty In Inductnr cinjtda'.fl to run. "It'a pretty nearly time tho Itt-publloarw got ut of Ihr wln," Mid a pron,.ient Anvipg the er,vi!i in tho clly dur ing '.lie we.-k wer. .Mr Mid Mrs. It. E. (I'lemn an I f .iif chti lre:i, uf Crawford .-oiiiiiy, I'a. They are nil tbtyr way to Tillatii.ik, h. ;- r.. !-ite Mr (!.! . . i muted in i-ont r-.itioii wl'..i a re porter th it he ita I r- .id a gr'M .1 ai ilt ni' 1'i. f n. an ! p .irti. u'.ir'.y al'it Tiil in. k .uti:y. .-! tlie df.r.piUc mall .:- -d li.;n ha.1 pr unptftl .i.m I i c .me V. ft. I: i Lie Inteiillun i i etiij.uv. ti dairying memlx'r of t hit p'-'y yesterday. e hv a normal miVintv of fully 5"i) In the c'ty In murlc (ml cl -t!ons. and i: c.-'ms to me nur tlefiMtc In !v I"-! have t.en tin - ti pxir management. I'm glid Mr. W-'Ich la making thla ef fort i g--t th- n 'Publicans t-irether. If w. all vol.- :he tl; k t. -l.-ctU'iv 'n Amor i will again Ix-onie unbtns mor fun i f rmal:tc. r -cmlimif 1 H''i'Ubli .rtoric" Ii !' tci r'P'rte.l that .4. .me ,.f the Kepuhl.cJii caJi.'lelt.. Special for This Week ?-.t rvr -ti sy ijje r MEN'S: FANCY YE5IS ' Single and; Double Breasted, with and without Collars, Wool, Worsted and Silk. Special Reduction 33 ViPer Cent Fancy Vests, worth 6.50. now $4.35 Fancy Vests, worth 5.50, now $3.63 Fancy Vests, worth 4.50, now $3.00 Fancy Vests, worth 3.75. now $2.50 Fancy Vests, worth 3.00. now $2.00 25 Per Cent 20 Per Cent Reduction on Men's Overcoats and Suits. Reduction on Furnishing Goods, Hats. etc. S. DANZIGER f..r the council w ul I dolin t ro run, but thla h prti nj"cej to hr Incorrect. Aprofoa of the t-eik-lown of gai llne ateumiT, an Int'T'snlnf story la bild of the experience (,f a Tilamok steamer. In IHM1 tbe old Hrenbam, own ed by tti lute Cipta'n Flavel, waa put nn the Tlllatiactk run. In oi'pnsltitn t the at-amer Field. It app--ft: tiat ad eem of Ihta ol'lciaitlfl cfateil aorne f.Tlltig. and. a iht H:e-iljm woa if ancient c'v!rui tlon aod n me to sa- wofthy, the minig-m'ni f the. Fled . line ntrin"d the cutaJn to 'inn off j fn tlin othwr dlri'i tkm If mer that d '1 ' Hr.-nh.itn brink down" As the man-j .iineii hd predlote.1, the Rrmharn broke down In due cours of tim-. iJitl ; me afierinein whh off Tlilinmik r.k In ; !inlpl'H condition. Sli ta I p iunde.1 j mi the T.l!amiA.k bar and the ntttfA ; iioll-r legs had col..!)!-.!, i;u!tlnir in tlu. tearing atrt of the s'eameiV vl- j talc. Tlie men ubrr wrt up ngalnst , a rn ghiy affioua pr .p l!l n. nl that ' nltrhl all wea-e wa t-d.-ep Uj w-ab-m baM- ! hig away for dnr Uf : During the f'!- ' lowing morning the Fu-ld came out of the I'olumbU aiid healed foj. Tlllimixit. , When off Tillamook ne k the hepi9 Hrt-nham waa wpiel, llylng Umtre.w alg- j nals. In accordance with liiaiructotria. : the FMd at ono-r put bout and atart- e. back f the Coiiimbla, lenina; the j Hrenham i g"t iut of her pnd cament , a hct ahc mtglit. Iiwn In the hoM ! of th ltrnha:n wa.4 one hlg'ily tndig- ! nant gentl-man, wo ht-apel triJcal j iinitrn-atlons on the h"ad of th cap- 1 Mln who h.i l thiio left the IlP-nham t I'a fate. Th,. gi-ntle-man 1" qumtl. l ; wan owner of the ither veamrl. He had taiken Mitao tmm Tillamook on;j the Itrenlum and wan unfortunate .nough at the eurrfd, ed hit: CUMI w. for .on: now of of the to 114. the opposrtl m Hrw Just time wbrn the break-iViwn oc Thtt Hrenham -vitu.illy r Mch cafely. but thf mem try of the mis emN tyel that dav llv d on if yfara. 'apiiln J' Harrtman th ighl-h:p. w; In command ripmham at ttie time. ISJAFICMIVINiBi Do you want some very beautiful LINENS for the special Thanksgiving Day, and for servicafcle use after wards? Yes. you do. WE OFFER YOU r.ltaclioil Linen Tulle, (i'2-iiichcs wide, nt . . . 50C Bleaelied Linen Tabic Daniaf-lc, OS-inche wide, at ... . 50C lileaclicd Linen Table Damask, (iM-inches wide, at ... . 7 OC Lleitelied Linen Table Damusk, C8-inebcs wide, at ... . 75C Llenehed Linen Table Damask, 72-incIies wide, at ... . .00 Bleached Linen Table Durnask, 72-inehes wide, at ... . .25 Full Double Fated Satin Damask, at 1.25 All Linen Doylies, per dozen, 40c, 60c ond 75C All Linen Napkins, Small Cut, Good, per dozen 50 A 11 Linen Napkins., 25x27. inches, Light Weight, per doz. J.7 5 All Linen Napkins. 22x22 inches, Satin Damask, der doz. 2.50 Towels in complete variety. One specialty ia a Satin Damak, 21x17 inches, fine and heavy, with hand knotted fringe, nt 25C Shanahan's THE NEW Alt MY 1'ISTOU The new pistol rcntly adopted by the I'nltH,! Suites army 1 vnainly a r-markalJe Invention. It jrtu dlacharg? Il bullots In a minute. With th ad dition of thJa wonderful weapon our army will be as far ahead of thej other armies of .h worM as Htetter' St.mia.-h BlMera in ahead i f any other stomach remedy. For over fifty years It has been the cAitvlard remedy of the Amcrlinn petple. If y iu av a suf ferer frvn Indlgesilm, dycpeinla. belch ing, henrtbum, flatulency, cuvtlptthm ir malaria, fever and ag'ue, and want to g-t well, you should try this won derful medicine. It will surey cure you. Re ware of eouinterfelta wh-n tuylng. The irniuin,. mus: have t ur Private Stamp over the reck of the b-Uie. ROOKS AT ArCTION PRICES. For a few days on'y. 500 b'-autiful h.'ks will be offered .it alaujfhter prlivs in th? bu5ines4 room 45 Comm-4rc:al utiv 't, nex: to Seymour's Jewelry etire. Stvure your Chrtmis boks whllj the sale lasts. Ladies, Attention If you would like a pure old whiskey for mak ing your Mince Meat, ask for Sam Clay. This is a straight whiskey and is positively nine years old. On account of its age and strength it goes much farther than blended goods. For Sale by FOARD 8 STOKES COMPANY N'OTICB OF Pl'BMCATIOX. Notice Is hereby given that th Cmi mon Council of the City of .."torii haa deel.ird Us lnt-ntion and iletcrmini- j dim to eaiahllsh the grale on Thir- . t4Hth street from the north line of: Dnan,. Ktrot V the 8 uth line of Ex- j chant,'.' street at the foil n In; height- j ab '.v the bm- of trr.ulcs as osnbl ah d j by Ordinan-. N a. TI of said city, to wit: A: the norh H'e of Duaoc street, 24.5 f.vt. aji I at the south !iac of Puane stnvt, :i.5 feet. At tl'.e north lino of Exchange sttwt, 2S.1 foe:, and at the south Hn? cf Ex ch'Hige street, 2S 1 feet The elope between the sJttth 1'ne of Duaie street and the north line of Ex iihange etixvt to be straight or gradual. Tills notice piibllshevl for ten da-a in pursuance to a resolution of the Common Council of said city, order ing th- same. H. E. NELSON, Auditor mid Police Judge of the City of Astoria. Pale of first publication, November 22. 19.H. AGKTNS WANTED. New Holiday books. Memorial Life of McKinley. Life of President Roosevelt. Great sellers. Outfit free. S. C. Miller & Co.. Portland, Oregon. C. W. BARR DENTIST Mansell Building. i',3 Commercial St., ASTORIA. OR. TELEPHONE, RED 2061. Andrew Asp, iVupn Itilrr, EliirlsBilh lint Durniirr FIRST-CLASS WORK AT REASONABLE PRICES. Special Attention Given to Ship aid Steamboat Repairlng.Oeneral Black snilthing. Flrst-Clas. Horse Shoeing, etc COUNER TWELFTH AND tUflfU- STS Dr. T. L,. Ball DENTIST. Page Building, Astoria. Or. These tiny Capsules are superior to Balsam ot topaiDa, cs Cubebs or Injections a.ii'Mimvi rune im a h.iiirs ITjill I the same diseases with." out inconvenience. 4) CAUTION ! Before you buy a stove or range examine the mm. f f; W-yv, mm Royal Charter Oak T 5 Better work, less fuel ad la bor, and last longer. Prices reasonable. W. J. Scully, 431 BOND STREET. Between Mnth and Tenth THE Finest Restaurant in the City Regular Meals 25 cents pJ Sunday Dinner a Specialty EVERYTHING THE COMMERCIAL ST MARKET AFFORDS EVERYTHING THE Uf U UfiiftftlA M e !T. TTUllb " Lest You IPorget. WHITE HOUSE COFFEE and UPTON TEA at Fisher Brothers' We Rent New Typewriters. Many new improvements added. See our latest No. 2 Smith Premier Typewriter New Art Catalogue Free . . . L- M. ALEXANDER t CO- Exoluuive Paoitiv Coast Dealers 245 Stark St, Portland, Ore, F W. M'KECHNIE, Local Agent. C. J. TRENCHARD, Commission, Brokerage, Insurance and Shining. Custom House Broker. - ASTORIA, ORE, Aaeat W. F. A Co. and Paolflo idpntaa lioa. HQTHL PORTLAND PORTLAND, OREGON The Only First-Class Hotel In Portland