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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1901)
.----'- "i 'sjMV."ssl-- -as4-'',--'i WW. MORN I NCI ASTORIAN. SINDVY, NOYIl.Mlll.R 31, 1!H1 Telephone Main ML TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. PA1LT. Sent by mill, per year Bwit by mull, per month Srve,1 by carrier, per month.. WKKKLY. Sent by mall. per year. In advance. IJ.W The Astorian guarantees M (! dver- owpp,T r-MI!i.M on the Columbia . ri i rr. TAU1FF IN TUB WKST. While the Ea.tra s nalors .irj rov eren!a'.lvo arv bu-'ily onifrM in an fffort to Kw that her? I t be. no tariff lifrialai'on at th com nit win of cin(tivss, W"...irn in tori are pr. parin? f.w a unliovl eff 'rt to secure ac tion Kkinif to an aUustmon: of mriT .hed'jl to m(e: th? con.!:t:.irs con fr.milni ih country at the prm flay. The CbloiR-o R.wJ-H'TaM oil!;" itteniion t thv. It eiy " f the inst uh..-r:b" to t V hollnea J.vtr.n-' re tarding the IMfr'ey bill the we: d es not. Ii ia c-Tistaji'ty (riving pu: cun:-er-tt;lm"wv aeainst the claims of the Inner cirole of h!eh, of whS.-'i examplfn may b fou'Vl In the Inter views with Snat r Culkn snJ Repre-sertatlv-yi Prlnoe anj "Warner which arpa-e.1 in thle paper. "Thf. men are all taun-h RTubll cans an praot!i-.l plitVI.irb. fjtly If the 1'w were satisfactory to th people a it aiuls It w.mM not be to their interest to urge a revlslm. Thiy wtjU Join the M!aters as a mas ter of co-arse, and be thankful t . the alnars comf r1able p.Uoy of letting thinff aime. But eaoh .ne of these Pak mt only f ir reciproHty treaties but al- for a reajjument, and In do ing o declarea that he express- the public gentroient of Wg I.txjls consti tuency. "The eokt.r testifies tha: tbe PHu lar 'lemanJ is due to the deaire for larr fvwiirn markka, which can he gained only through tariff conceMons. CTfurrswrnan Prtce (rives testimony to the Mme efft, and adds that a strong OTiraniaulm w.H be f M-med In congress to fisht the ultra-cingfrvatlves of th ways anl mearw cmmittee. He de clares als thtit a r-ducti.n In revenue tsx-s will nt be ax"pt.d a a subs'Jtute for tariff r-iis;.n In the prices of d"!; the surj u. C n gresman Wam-r is qu:t? as prn un. fl as c.Tilaime in (?oj:n beyond rvd prH'ity 1 1 revlsi,. "The a'.titul.- a..u:nej by th-.e wit.n-s s and their j?rs val In tercut in rep .rting t ie public corr-i'tly ure a very go ! Inli -atira that their -v;il-nce as t th- p puUr f-e!ing is ! reliabls. -and r?.ie ki and cornm n s- n-e are cer'ainly m the si !e .'f the pJ cy whi.-h th?y advocate. We migin tuik internal r.- nue r diction al.jne if the Buriliw wer the only problem to be considered. Bui internal revenue not t u.i the qu-:n of f ;e gn mar kets at all or the question t tirfT nur.urtl mmipolies." The reput that m st of the remain ing taxes levied in 1SS 'o me the t-xtra exjien litures neitate,l by Spanish war will be removed in the approaching eesaion of cor.grews may turn vrut to b? true. A cut on the im posts on tobacco, beer and whisky will be urged, anl as the Kur;lus persists, twt withstanding the reiuctlon in tax ation made m the recent c ingress, in other reduction ia likely to take place wlrhln the next few months. There ha bom a heavy drop in expenditures of tile government, and the pres-nt in dicationB are that the surplus will amount tvj J80.000.000 or 1100,000.000 by the end of the fiscal year, Jun 3 next, if the existing taxes are maaitained till that time- The surplus already la causing coiisiderabU. purchases, of gw errimem bmil by Secretary Gage. A reilucti .n f 140.0'jO.OOO or In the government's incline through the r'-ml-aion of some taxes which can be spared C7uld be a r-'lief to the tr'as ury and the m iit market. S)ine Inbrresting fa: in r gard to the Bt afstics of the unni'W: railway ln-t-n-sts in the Unit si States hive Just been pi -pared by Prof. Samuel M'C I.inds-ay, of the University of P-nnsyiva-nia, for the forthcoming repirt of the fnited Stateu in.Ju-trlal Commission. In his work at P nnsylvania. Prof. Lind say hag given :tu subject of raiiway employes much study, and estimate that thi-y number abiut l.GOO.OOO in the country, and probably 5,0"j0.00 pers'girt are d-p-nd-ni on the of radwiy employment. The etiginei.-.n, firemen and conductors constitute .m Ittdiw trial army of 11. 000 men Inotuling other tralnmn, sen;, swiichm.oi. telegraph .iwralir atd train d atoh- crs. One third of the laVo.iK-0 employ.. are .-"giged d.tvetly In tho .ip-rating if train. Over a ouarter million wiv nvl.vl tok-cp :h tr.oto. in "M'Vr quarvr In "! eUtnhetv n ma.ntaln th. plant. W .u: may Urw. the ni s-!iinni-m o.' lu- Amf.l- .i.-i ra hv iv iV'm I than I0.'ii .-m.sT huv! SMX i-V-Va. Tie 'p.tfniM of .1 -ath hia be n pi.-s-r.l l-y tho Mi I ary i"onmlfe at Mi ni ii xn the p-i t n'e, tie .-V.-.f f j v t'o -,if) of ;v!lov .ml a Ml:y f' t. m ho iut1 convivtcl in h nofo-'ouj TivMy c.ise Ti'e .-rime for which they will be xvm ! va stabbing -wn of their ooutitt y-ucn and burying t'om before they d .l in oNVon- t i-il trvn Insurwtt Vi.l-. al h.nuh the t.mTj under an Am vican g.irrlsn. Genral rhnffoo his ommjtol th- b-a'h senten- .f the prtost to twen'y years' I'liprU men'. X ?witsst ind ng f-e Int -rdi -t .r nt arine 5 iner.l!,vt nhVh. hu bvn pr n ainoed by RuU i?.i"n! Am r can product. Rnss a Is a rce- Ivpf.-r ' Anv-iiMn go,i thin ev-r le'orc. Tiis u tH w'th tnt f th Euntvan cnintri-i. The higher tY'y ra'.s- th -'r custom birr'T ssvn-t 1'ni'el S'lte isicls the larger s th ntlow o article. The German ig-rti!i hive ,levf,yl thL farg t th !r f -rrow. i Glob-? IvTivrat. ThT nit.J Stat.t ls the greatest g d I nrxlu.vr am-ng the nition, the pr.- duct! n last year ammrtted ti n ivriy $o.vo n.v. Ausrnlasia cutis next with JTt.Ooo.fiO. Africa probably would hav eiua".ed the fnited tttri f It had not been for tbe war which rv- W Its priductlm t leas than $W.- IU.IA.M .' - The Argentine Republic desires to place a contract for an annual supp'y of frlOcf pairs of she in h fni'e.1 MOPERN SfRGERT SfRPASSKD Allow me t iigigratulite you ll'"s -. . , . , I H'i' I'm 11 't going to marry him. Ned St.tes. This is not n y a tribute to (uff,rBC fri,m , ca,, xv Ti,n . t, ingr!lluUe the supTioritv of fnited St:-s rrnaiu- i nil- I consulted a phvsiclin who id- 1 you agaai. iTilcago Neas. . . . . ., , , . ' v sed m to trv a box of PeWitfs Witch faoture. but It to also an ex m .. 0 K ., lr.r A; FOU Hl,ArtSKNlcs3 ample of Arg-nt!ns wfch to cultivate !!an:a. Oa. ,-I prvu"s a -i anl was ;-rt:re:v cur!. PeWltfs Witch Hail B-n). Ing 'rn, of I tut ton. Ind. "ays and extend h-r buttiKi r-la:.-n. w th jSlh ., A ,pien,tl.i cure for pile, giv- j h hi I not 'p k -n a wrl n this peatmn ! Ing redi'f Instantly, and I heartily rT- whisper f'r m nths. anl that ..n- b.t- " iommend it to ail sult-rers." S'.irg ry , tie of Fl y's tloaey and Tar r-s.of.l is unn--.-saT ti cur ;i''-'.. P-WI't's ; his v... Be ur y u g -t Foley's A New J' tvey man has a-k d the j Wit-1 H ij-'I Silve wlil cure any ease, j Mart's drug st re . i,i . ' Cut, burn", bruises and all ether . " . . courts to grant him a Inrt on to n.,an,u ar, aI, ui..k!v ,r( ,,y . , I'e.,,,. her vb-t .rl . Wil-li. t ground that his wi is "o foi l of :Bwir .. coiin'erfeits.-CH S Ri iG- sav th- 1 ast. a n s -n wad than prJ )ru'"1 . I"M K t.-ho-ier's 1'ii. k. havHg h-r pe: stakes M-e h'm. Tt 'f K ' 1 ru" I may deve,op when the wife's sale R-!N-nRBU ,x AfAJi . GKNTLK the ca i heard that hr i-t stink-" "A pi!!' 1 p si's "h- 1 v But , . '. tV if i'- "s a.. I , l.' V 'i wain a ir-e ';ii ,1 .f. e-i.,-. ,-i 1 1 1-- ut.iif- - ,l.T--i hrt n. Wf have h -ard of . a-os rf mistaken snake il-ntity b -f ire. The Younger Br th rs. rv -tf'y pir 1 -med from 'h" M nts rta state p-'is -n, nr.js. f. ,1 that their r-c rd I i-s 1 k-.--nts nh-'n c-.m;a:'-l tn the er.i ri n f tin' n.ttori us cro vJ. r-... ti. hie f.,r the re -nt ep d"' l is' of bank h .rt.ig-s thrmghout ttMo an I I . R sehurg R--v!e-.v. We wuil suggest to the Pirtianl fireg,,niai that hy owning the Vs-ks at Oregon "l:y tsuffi -i-nt water might , be ssv-urvd to allow a m of the small- ' st of the grain fleet n,.w res'lng .n '. the b'tom r.f "he river at Portland ti get a.vay fr nn the d w-ks befn-e th expiration of th-ir "liy days." TELEGRAPHIC BPIEFS, Ir, the Southeatern dia'iri.-t of the Transvaal the British tro-ips are still j dealing with uUtei parties of B -rs. on earth. Try them. Hart's Drug The captues are g-neraily In email I ',r'r wl" ruarantee aaHsfactian or re . . . fund mony. fmly 50 cents, batches. ' Tha reiut fr nn the P.iiladlphia ! Chamber of Commerce that the Onta rio mineral exhibit shown at the Pan American exposition be handed to them fr exhibition purpo.iej has ien refun ed. The coronatl gi robes are belnfr dis played on WiiJter Dummies In the Earl Mamtinl's Iyindon office for the bene fit of drewenak'Ts -in I t ill rs. 5 thot 1 ni mif?tik-s may be made wh'-n titl-d 1 customers give ord-rs. i The French etmmb-r of de.'aities has ! resolv-d to send a deputa'ion to tl." , Jubjle. celebration of M. B'-rt.ieb-t, ri.e i famous ehernist, wii.) Is !, ri if I Presld'-nt D-schanei, as "a great 'tl- an honor not only to France but tu worl 1 wld - s i'-n'-e." T ti mad" by x ens from the Brooklyn Health D-partrnent n-v-ale tae fait thit the nvnel by I,r. - George D Barney, culture from which he ijsm o iniH-ulat- Miss Emma King 1 had tuii-K-closis. Accordingly the animal .v.tskill-l by the beal'h ofllcia'g M. Biudln, Frenc.i tnln at'-r of pub 11" workH. has obtained the sjaJT-.i n "f his colleagues to a scheme to r due gradually the hours of lair In tut; min'-s. The plan provide f-,r nine li.nirs' lab.e- lif-glnnkig n' xt July, eu-ht and one-half h .urn in 1i01 and eight hours In W). Tii e in the way of s ' Ir.g Lord Sil bibury de-rilje him as gaining rapidly and displaying U tl i 'toel In pub'-lc j affair. Hi hem nut t !- v.vrti He seiinhoa la an ahs'iu iium.m im (,r tho PU f resistance- an.l 4,, .,r pol.tktil da- ., I tin bailee an.l c.unin tton. I v tlvotvuitiily wll lutein '.I Ku".in : (!:! -tor. Just nr:tve In 1..TI n mmi .. P-'temhurg ,1 nlcs oil k-Ul. of . a,v liii.-,-Amorcan bank lu lu tr: ' . w ,.Ubl'h,l bv th Keh. tie ' j.,r.-.. T'.i only n.- fnk In Si. JV t.-rxlur l th. lUnutt I:t N nl. ... . i i , h !a nv V-ri-'i'ti .v in I .ai I'd.1' . Th .l- i 'i! v m ' or 1 " 1 ' ' yil ,n t . ihi"ol"'r of lep.ltlcs attrbul- .-.I It t tie lUtldaiot of alc-ltol v. t rvn an I H. ! o.inu-a g i ga:: 'tit. -xi in '11. lie prxn'l l he vine- L-, fiirt Vv reduction ht r:lay hi,, .l ,,M.'I them lo study .juii- t;v ntii - tlivi niMn.ilx. .Ivrilnj r the lm l.n r-prvsenti- or (tie .M'K i. irt.nui-, u- St in lard's Sit it Afrtaai iirre(Mn.l- ei't.- are author tv for th.- s uom-nt of th(. fimou. t.vr Vider. now a Jri'- . nor In St. lle'-n. 1 among the x- burghers who ar enlisting men aga n: the l?vr and who ir tikl'ig no inm agilnst the'r f wmr c mpnl w In anus often eh 1 lien are torture I with Itch anl in fivr of she British. i in and buni ng M-mi and other "k:ti ,l.soi. but lUi.klen's Am , Salve The e vil action agiiint Ob cf fggl's- . n ' , -k in,-.. B.i, i iu-i t a of -h- White. R.vk te I...1U. tr.'o. for th,. recovery ,f ,lmiags for al g'l kil'-ic f itini' o it of ea n hw N'n oyash-d by JiiIr- Shumate, Attorney f'r tb ft,, oil of nlt.i.kel he b'goi'ty of the . rvlo- f summ n n th-' chl-f which ws mile whilo he in eu.'olv ,,n a er ml-Ml i h.irw ) ,,ri, u.,heM by the court As ih.ef Kggl ston I now on 'he fie ivso-iat ,m In ft ih he Is out or rn.-h r h. ! nil curis 1 u sing the r"rt of an Interna I ! i!o..M lie upn the anarch-sits i the Berlin c triint. nt of t' e Herald siv: I: is otMe a'ly cnllrmsl t. at on :h s-.ig; . I ;i ef G'rnin.' ai l llussli I h-., h , vt -mati. il , X- ! ; change of views regird ng the eurvell- jt'll.e o: :i.i: , Illfis. i lie hi : is . j first, pe-h-aps m,v.t,M at Critic There 1 Its rea,m to bo! ew. hiwev r. that I' jw ivi,y nt-y that the prposals : ...1. H.a. ,.e.. lf ' I't'll lHJFh.lll.r.1, 1 tin. . ... at anv rate it I no: Intenl"-! t til j an international c nfTeno.. . .i,a,., ,, ,. ,..,.,o.,'r T'i.- t-i (!! t in Ai'ska. now inittitx-r o.-jj and V-.f Mt,.l numl-T that have b- j, brought to th- c .ii'i'rv f-om Si-b-rli a no- ire-iuding th e r-r nt y l.ri)-l by I.ioiit-n..t Berh.iif. They ir.. .!.s-rl!,iie, as f lms- Ta'.-n ti n. Ct'eV. T-!;-r etit on. TJ". '-i v.n i-it ei. ?'2 iape l'-inc- f Wales i',fi. Si-nr i-. Po'nt H p -. l.V B int B-r-.w. I'ei: B-th.-l. :: S'. It 'nie IsLinl. ST: .urchas- d bv H- rt iolf and i ir. ( I at !' rt Oir Ti. " the whil - numl'r 2M twl ng to mii..n . ,-,'.; 1 :tvt to 22 Kskimo apj.r-ntlces aid h- P st a-e In p s-s-i'n t the ; g .vei-r-n nt. The total cost of the hat Is. nl the ni"n'-y that litis -vr been i-xinde tn the .eit. rprl.-e. Is JlU.OOO. HK KKPT HIS I.KG. Twelve years ago J W. Suitlvan. of II irlf r I Conn , serltch.-d h-s b-IT with a rustv wire, mdammation and Wool , n..!s,in nt? set In. For two years he I siiff-re-l intensely. Tti-n the bet doc- t .rs urged amputation, "but." b- writ-. I us--1 one b .ttlo of Klectrle. Bitters 11,1 1 1X boxes of Bu'klen'a Am a , IPalv and mv b-g was s,,in,l and wen ( j a evr" For Eruptions. Izma. Salt Rheum, Sores and all biio 1 ,iord-n Wetrie Bitters has no rival RESIGNED TO HIS FATE. Llppincotte's Magazine. In the early Indiana days, when b ith Judge and attomeyri literally "rule the cirr-ult," a newly ler4 Judge, noted t his lack of p-iivxial beauty, was pbsMlng along n horseback lietw-.-n two county seats on" fin- summer day. Parsing through a pi' of woo ls he ws suddenly confr inlel bv a hunter, who unslung his eiiiirre: riff frim his nil-l-r and ordere. ihe h -rern-in t,, dismount. Somewhat startled bv t il peri-rnp. I iry command .'in I tue fa, t that the hunter was, if p's-sibl", even more d - . fli nt in facial symmetry than hlm- s' f, th Juri-t begin to rem .nira. H- was riuif-kly cut sh'.rt. howev r. by the -cmtirk p'j no use talking. I long nf. ,w.r that If I ev-r met a homlle- . rom Mian I am I'd sV'rt h.m on sight"' I Th,- Judge was qui' k-wl'te .ind,! ulzing up the situation, he promptly got off his horse. Foiling hie arms, h-' fa-'- I his ossauant ami saint "If I am any homlier tlmn y m are. j f it he ivn's mke, d xhoot. an.l Is- 'in ck about !M" Th.-n came a hearty aiutunl laugh, and a black bottle pr'.duo-d from the 1 Judg-'s saddlebags, wis duly nv-sti-gat's). After this cime S'-lf-introdu.-tion. anl tbe rli-.lng Jurist galne-l at, entiiU-ia.-tic supp'ir'er for his future campaign. TO vTltl-. A OHMIl. C .v.,,. ',!, J II li-i-itAtejs ill , i,,.,,., .llu, !,.,,, ,,.m ,, chan, to j heat t.,;,.y a 11 n'.v an.l Tar cures uiut causing a -li..n in .nrow,ng lolT III!- phi. -Km llk, c-ii,iiOii c UUil .'X- : ivctoiatif. Hart's drug store. ; 7L 7r"!7T . ......i, i mv mv i. Mas Mari'lo- hivll, ar m-Uli 1-1 ivouid if I wer ty'U -Judg. - : , f :.uil.r silv. .ia: 'I I It f..r .) a:i.l II ! .l.n. n.r. . I i,. ... vii... l li.n .nor .I .1 1, an. I j;tv it many :..n l. - ll.iit's driu stoic thai Mr. ilioitni.i'i "ill ".ci 'T ' f'r ui i. p .'III.-.' J.nk S ..ilii. m" li.-n .11.1 lie .U-" -X.-.i Voi k W..I. S. 11 Hiiit-.iM, I. 'in i. ii. "'ii! ncr I. - V. It. K. ini.. I .lue Iwu troublr.l a uf.-Vt .1.' U tli ba.-ka.-he I lndu.v.1 try KoieyN K i'ur'. ;i:i I . tio ;.tt!i' ..ntti.' y u- , g, , v r,v11)1,.,l , , 1' otrv s IV I.I'lV i.-i:. v.-1 iiiu CP vUiliv mv tri.'tids am mij llu' (ra n ni-'n who arr usually s m tarly , .. ii..,. , ,lm.. ,.- i About Ail That's Nv.iry 'IU'oh n n I'o li.t grounds lViba.l li'li n . r T v ,iv,,t. hadn't li.-' Vlvn'iutg Hullotln imn T i.i rr Til KM srFFKIt h-a s th- r sore. exp-U luniniina- H""- leave lb., sklr without a soar ,..,, ,.,.,. ,.,.., , ,her-', no solve , lrlh as g 'od. Try it Cure guaran- - el. O-.iy J.V it llarfs li"jgt re Nu Hope for Htm -He W.! u .- me If 1 o: sin k'nc i :gi!Vlt.- ' Mr. Sappv. I't N-ir the .1 i . t m -ri ing a ma'i h u. ,lo s n 'th. ing -Hariciii I.ife. ,.1r. . lvis fj .in luskv o wr " I hive b.en u ng f- . H .n anl lir it ii m- -ii" anl tln.l :i the !; r'liuvly I ev,-r I trie I. I: st.ii!','l the c Uih I mine,! I-Lit'-.y and rv-l.eved all soreii'-s' " Take i only K.'U'v's - Hart's drug t re. j i! ng Tbn.ugh the liapds- b !ly Mr J.u.s. I wan: v mr daug i'er-- ur mutui 1 v,- Is as strong and 11111111111- ... t V . . - . . . .. . .. .. 1 h,..., von r 0 a ' barrel" blur n iigh f r tao? Puck. l I Or.', UT..,i,ee Co in I t..linl t.l. V, h(Vi. K .o,.,-', H meyand Tar In tv family and tnltik If Is th b-t cough cure on Ih. mirk I I WOUUI tlot w wil l, '!! n in lll li"lle, la there Is so g mil f r .... . . otigtis 1 and cd I. "Hart's drug stor. V -k lt.:h Ways -Nell- I hear you ir- iro-iii to marry yiu"g Sliiipkiiw. ,,.. i w ... . l. ...... -, . I M , ' '1 i -1 ' ti-Wl:-', i.l'- g-i: 1 1 1 rl I t . ti': t . tn.l. I" ir.-y ,' r - hut : st ' bf - irt 1 n .1 r. I I iv k'-l-y t . ! ik ''HAS v t ' I .w .1 nt-'' Sh-' -n "inn v t us r. a.l-r. inn't s i."' I sh ' I M . so -t' c Us m his r ad .1 I h- t . t - mg b. k ' tn- v or '' I.ife F '! ''II WG! 'I T 1 1'' 'I-3' N. I'll r-f 11- '., 01 the l!it-t'n.. pr... d'i. e. . ff 1 h.. th -s- f ars-tiic. but IT Klt.g's N'e A Life I' ll- Xl-I t.'le ;mi"ih 'r-on , bowel, gently, -as.'y Mi; sureli, eur tig ''..ns'ipit.nn. B I.oihiv s:,-k ll-i.ia.-he. F vra. all I. H-r. Kldn -y an I B-e-v-l tmubl-s Only at Hart's prugKtor. 1 'i Won. . r. - M Mtr -Si Wha' m.ik-s votir it-.- s 1 -g.rV N-wr C.k , I'lea-', mum. "h.. iil'-r 'lev w 'H b"l!-d in a i v -t y w-t N'.i V k W s-k y RI-yViMMKNP IT Ti Tit A I.N'MKS S -ymniir V ,!. M .Ir '. N. Y. writ. a 1 have b-01 trouble with mv kidneys f-r twentv-flie y. ir. and bad HP', s-yeral phy.e'm but reeeiy.-d no re- lief until I a bottle .f K-d-y's Kbln-y Cure. After using two bottles I wis absolutely , ur d I "arn.'stly rer-mnmend Foley's Kidney ur.' Take only Foley's. Hart's drug store. The fnlon Idol "Did y oU Hp him off to the police?" askvl the burglar. "Sure." an.swere,) tho confid"n, e man. ' Why?" "H'.'h n rum-union safe-blow-er." (tilcago Posit. TH CIlHyPP.EN'S FRIEND. You'll have a cold this winter. May he ynj have one now. Your children will suffer too. For coughs, croup, bronchitis, grin ind other winter com plaints One Mlnu'e Cough Cure never fall". Ac's promptly. It s very oieas. t,nt (0 the taste and perfectly harm less. C. B George, Wincnsiter. Ky., wrti-s "Our little girl was altak"d with rcip late one nlgiit anl was " lioars" .he could hnrdlv "i--.ik We gay.- her a f-w ,I"S s "f fin.. M:nute Cough '"ur-. It relieved her Immediate, ly ntel she wnt t 1 sl'-ep Wnen She nanki. n'-xr miming "h" hud no signs of hoars-nes or cr nip.'' ('HAH ROG ERS. Druggisi. A remembrance " In ' t..'" .ibscv l the pron I trotb r, "we -.vjl always I be rerneinb"nei ),v ii,,. proverii, hoiM- .' No one v-r H"irl .f .tut - ' "" A I'HVSfTAN TKSTIPIKH "I hav- taken Kodol liyre-paia Cure and have -ii-v r us -i myihlng In mv life thiit lid in" the good that did." Hays c miiiI.v Physician ! o W, S-roggs, of Hill cuniv. Gi. "Ii-lng a physl - ian I have pr-s.Tlh-1 it and f uind It to glV the ll'-St results." If Ihe food you eat r'-inalns undigested in v air s.-omacii li decavs aiol n dsons ,h(, SYI(l..m, You cm nr-.e,it this by dieting but. that means vtirvatl'.n. K' lol Dysio;,sia '.'ur- Dig-ts what you eat. You need suffer n i.b-r ry.,p. sia n"r starvation. T.i" ivirtt 'iise), oitl'-kly ii'-" I. Never falls CHAK. ROGERS, Druggist. MKICTING Norii'li. Nolliv Is h, rcby tliMi lhat tbe an nual meeting of din s ivkliuld -ra of liio I'olunibla lilier I'ack'iM Aas-'clatimi will be h 1,1 nt Hie oHIic of lb., com pany at Astoria, Oicgm, on IVooiiiber t'tli. I'Kil. al U u'cl.vk a, 111, f .r Hie purpose of electing dirivliiis and for suci other business as may properly be collslil-lvd in or .-r of the proKld nt, GK11. II. GKiMtGK, Secri-lary TUKVSf Uf.lJ'S NOTK'i:. No l.v Is beroby glviii t..l there niv fun. Is In tin, i 1 1 v tivasiny to siv aM i ariMMa driu n on lac gcli"l"il (mid and endom , pr.oi lo January I, l:. li t n-.t Mill .vise after Dili dale, f J i'AUNKY, Citv Treasuivr Astoi' i. Or.... Nov 111, pKM. Norii'i: TO VOTI-'.lt! Tie mi I Tsiga,. I hereby plw' In 11 line bef.ov ths nubile as a , audi. late for Hie ..til -,. of street miti -riiit -tiilciit. to Iv Mile I at the election Pvelllber 11 I'.sU. anl icsp vTuilv asks the "U.'P-'rl of the public. J K WIUT, A familiar nam, of ihe flilesgo. Milwaukee. - St. I'aui Kalinay. all over tbe f nlon n the Great Railway running the Tlonecr IJnilled" train even .lav and n g.'it hetue.n St. Biul and Gb:,ago. and Omaha and flibago. The only perfect Ham In Hi world." fiil-rst.ind Goiineetlon, are mad with all transcontinental lines, scouring to passengers the bwi service known, l.uxurl on coii hes, electric Ight, si'im hell, of a variety cpialrl by na other line. S.i tint your Ilikst real via 'Ths Milwaukee" wtic, going to any point In the f lilted State or Canada. All ticket ae; ts - ihsin. For rate pamphiets r other .nfor in.itl 111. address, j w. c.vskv. c j. i:nnr. Trav. Ihi, Agt Gei. Agl.. Portland. Ore. Portland Or PRAEL & COOK thansi i:h company Telephone III. Graying and expressing All g.i.KJs shipped lo our fare Will Recelv, SP'dal No. Puans St.. W. J. CtXiK. Mgr. At n-la. Ore. Res. Tel. 1131. J.A. FASTABEND GKNKRAI. CONTHA' TOR AND BI'IIJ)liK GO EAST VIA SHORTEST fiND QUICKEST LINE! TO St.I'aul, I)ulu!ti,Miiini'aiiilis,l'liiraj;i and All P ilnts lis'.. DAILY TRAINS; FAST TIME; 8F-R-VICK AND SCKNKIIY IJN-EUL'Al.l-iD. Through Palace and Totirmt Sleepers, Dining an BufTet Smoking Library Cars. Tickets to points Fault via Portland and the Great Northern By., on sal at O. It.. & N. Ticket Oftl oe, Astoria, or Oreat Northern Tlokt Offlc ll TIIIKt) STREET, PORTLAND. For rales, folders and full Informallon regarding Eastern trip, call in 1 r ad dress A. B. C. DBNNISTON, City Pass, and Ticket AgJnt. Porlland. r Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you cat. Thlt irep;inillon conliiltw nil (if tho (ligatstutiU iinil dlk"'stri nil kind, (if food. JL(fivt'sli:itiiiil,ri.'licf itiiil never falls to cure. It, allows you to cut, all the foofl yod want.. Tint most wnsl 1,1 vo stomachs can take 1 1, liy llsuso tunny thousands of (hspcpt.ics, have been Cured after every! ,jn ,.M. failed. It Ih unequalled lot all stomach t ton laics. It can't IreljJ but da you good Prepared only by li.C InWiii A -Co., 1 lileugo Tin) Jl . Ii.t I ii- c. iiitaln-Clt 1 1 in, s tin MIc. siz For Bale by CHA8 BOOEBS. Druggist. SYGPEPTICIDE Th oraaUat a.d to DICES TlCfi. IQ ooi, vir I IVhut. Cf, l.rv I I Slrn'ts Arrlvr Overlnlld Kipres Trains for Halcin, He,. lung, Anil- liltl.l Nd.nilHlil,i 'i 30 p. m OKdi n, Sun I'hun. IS m clii, Mojuvi, lesi Allttt'li'M. l'il I'UMO. '8.3 III Nell Oi lcans and HO 11. 111 in l.ttat. At Woii.lburn dully except Sun day). Illol'lllltg .... 1 I tsulii connects wuh train for Ml. An lil. Sllvrrton. II r ll W II V I I I e, H,riiilleld. and Natron, ih ven Ing train for Ml. Ann,. and Hllvrr lull. , 3M nil I'm valll, i.m.en- lis W n in irrr H 60 p nil Sheridan paaseii- !:S m l'ally. IjlMlly n.-Tt Huinlay. Itehstte tickets on sale t-twin I'urt Isiid, SaersiiKnlo and San Kianrlscu, Nt rates 111 Arst class and 111 second class. Including sleeper. Hales and tickets In Kustern points and Kuriii. Also Japan, china. Mono- lulu and AllNlrtfll.1 i'm. I,- ..i,imi....i fr,,,,, j ,, Kirkland. Tlikei Agent 114 rhr, Htrvet. Y1M1111 1 i.n-u,,.v ta.miiii.i. 11 ISION j 1 "e"ST depot f if Jefferson HI I've f 'r o.rgo .lallv t ; .'0. ; 4 I J- S J0. A--'1. ' !1. 6 . 2.'', 1. I " ,J' P. nn 1 mm f 111. ,-i Sun.lay only. Arrlie ut Portland ,ally nt Ji, 'a. Irt'M a. m.. 1 36. J I.'. 1 ;:. :o, l uo p in ; 1: in n in. dan,. ,,ccpt Monday. M and l ti a. 111. on Sun days i.iily. Ie-av fr Pallas dally racrpt Sun. day a: Mo . m. Arrive at I'l-rllaiid at 9 3') a. m. Passenger train leaves Pall is fur Alrke M,iii.l.if, Wrdnisi.tays and lrl davs i S 45 p m lletiirn Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Kgespi Hu"dav It. KulCHI.KIt, Mamger C II M t HK II AM. Qn. Krt and I'ass Aft. li Travel UXUR10US Th, "Niirthweslern 1 'ml'ed" Iralna, eieino lighted tlir'Ughou', b.'th iiislits and nut, and sieam heated. r with out exception, lb Mnes; train In lh world. They embody Ihe lles!, i swesl an l bsst idnis f or enmfort. convent Ts' ami luxury sver olTered ths travelling public, and altogether ars Ih meal complete and splendid produ.-ti.iii t f th car builders' art. Thsi splendid Tra ns Connect With The Great Northern The Northern I'm Iflc and The Canmlinn Pacific AT ST. PAUL Foil I'htCAI.O onJ the i:ast. No xtra charge f t these mperior m1110-l.1t., uis nnd .ill , lan-i f :. k ets ure avaitaliir for rasiiu .1. tiie Iralns on "Ills line are loo . 1 d by lbs Interlocking Block Ss;em. W. II. MI'.AIi. II I, MISt.KH. General Agent. Traveliig Ag'L I'o: Man I. 1 ir-g 'n f'EAN AND llIVEIl SCllliDl.'I.H Fr 'm Astorla-- 1 All sailing dats , I subject to chang" ' i For San Fran, Is j ' ro every five days 7 a.m. I Columb s Itlver l I . m. Pailvex- j To I'nr-lund atul rxr. cent Sun. I Way Landings. ; Monday Stesm-r N.,h".ti. bave Astoria on tile dally, ,x ei.t Sut lny. for llwaco, .' nnectlng th'-re with trains for loiig Bench. Tioga and North Bench p .lsts. Itetiirnlng arrives al Astoria sanin even ing. G. W Iil'NSBKItllV, Agent. Astoria. A. L CBAIG. G,neral Passenger Agvnt, 1'iirtland. (.krea-oii. A FEW INTERESTING FACTS When penpla are contempt 1 ting a trip, whth'r on busings or pleasure. Ihey naturally want the best s.rvlc obtainable as far as speed, .0 mfort and safciy Is rnncem-d. Kmplnyss of th WISCONSIN CUNT It A L LINES nr. paid to crv the public and our trains are operated so as to mike close con nections with diverging lines at all Junction point. Pullman Palace Blseplng and Chair Cars on through train. iJlnlng car service uncx.ellsd, Meals ssrvod a la carte. In order to obtain ths first-class sr vlce, ask the ticket agent to sell you a ticket over The Wisconsin Central lines and you will muk direct connections at Ht. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee nnd all nolnls East. For any further Inform itl.m call on anv ticket sgent, or correspond with JAS, C. POND, QBn. Pais. Ag't. or JAS. A. CLOCK. Milwaukee, Wis. General Agent, THK CHICAGO A NOBTII WKHTliKN RAILWAY. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. I.KAVK J I'llltll.AMI Si Ui a 111 j IVitlmi.l In 011 l"i. I II Ills HI luepiu ler Ai, iis slid May V tu u ui I I'ollils ASTulllA -.iu K i leiilan.l . ud IV. y in, is in U IUI 111 I'. llila lllll tn st AMPK I'lVHIoN Nt',,, Istoll , er ll rtriehleli, I t III ft M 1 1 -si III j H.1,1. toll H rtrtii. I I l lit tl .11 j, .i lUnoimii'l uiid Ailoi l siir, ut " Ii it iii 1 '.,.l.i fur ll an, 111 ; I.' mi , ut 'J si i ,i, 1 I Irtloi. Ilsntit, a,. I. ,uur. 1 7 LSI m s si s 111 1 s(,.,,,, , ,, .i,,,!,, j j., , , Huiiday only. All trslna make close ennn,'l.'n at Gnble wiih all Nuribsrii I'acin.i train to and from the liaat and Noun I piMuit 1. I". MAVU. O'ti'l Fre uhl and fasaenger Agent. ..Forlland - Asloria ijoulo., STR. "BAILEY GATZERT." Pally It. mud Trips Kt.ept Sunday. TIME CAHD l.eate P irliand. I.'s ye Astoria.. 7 a. in. 7 p in. The Dalies Boat STR. " TAHOMA." Itr(r,., I'urtUtil. 'I'tio Iiailca mid arty l'.'iut TlMt CAHD L-ave Porlland. Tuesdays, Thursday and Ka u.davs at 7 a. in. Arrives The IkillM ths ame day. Ip m, l-avea Tli Iiailes. Hundsy WeduM. ils and Pridaya at 7 a tn. Arr.irs t'ortiaiid. sain day, p. m. This route has the grandest esnic au (ra. tl nis mi earth Un llng. Foot of Alder sirei Hoth '1'h'ines Uain Ut. A J TAYIm, Agt. Ailaila J'UIN M KII.I.OoN. Agt. The Dallsa. I'll A UAIl.NKrl. Agfa 114 llivrr. woi.PDitn wrmui. Atts. wwt Halm n. J C W V ATT. Agt Vsnvouver. K. W. I'llii'UTON. Aft. Portland, Odfgon m Shout line ,timk 1 1 1-: 1 I II.KH I Pi "ii I'o, iian.l 1 1 part Arrive rin.. nt., Portland fpe. al 'J ii 11 111. via I ( 1 1 1 1 1 -initton Aiiati!!., P.,i ! ,. m. r'all I nk , Ii. 'in r. l't W o- tb 1 una In. K anus i '..y m p in. s: I .. 11 a. i .:;,'.. g . an I I. ml Kill l.lke. III -11 V. 1 Pi. Worth, tuna ha. k in as I lly s til a n via Hunt- s, 1. .,, I 'llir tg . ' o,nd Past 1 Willi "Wall" Hi. Paul ' L 1 ,!on, Hi'.' P ut mail ,, . M nn-,.'l., p. ni Ih- P.,111. Hubith "no a, m VU Milll lllkee, I'm. , Hpokana i-ago mid llast ! 73 hours from porlland to Ghlciga. No Change of Tars. BESTOF LVERYTHIN6 In a Word This Telia .if ih Pa.1se.1grr Scribe 1 la ?ho Norlhwoslcrn fcine.. Klght Trains Dally Between St. Paul and Chicago, comprising The iJlest Pullman Hleepers peerless Dining Csra. Library and observation Car. Fret llecllnlng Obale Car. The 20ti Century Tralns- Buns Kvery I)y 0f the Year. The Finest Tram in the Worlo r.lfittrii l.iil.tcds nrstcd TIIH BADGKit STATIC KXPBKMH, til Pln.sit Dally Train Itunnllig Between Ht. Paul and Chicago, via th Bhort Line, Connections from the West Made via The NGItTHKBN PACIFIC 'JURAT NOItVIIKKN AND CANADIAN PACIFIC H'Y8. This Is also the 1 1 K.ST LINK between Omaha, Ht. Paul and Minneapolis. All ilgentg Hell Tickets via The Northwestern Line W. It. MEAD. II. L. BISLEIt. General Agent. Trav. Agent.. 2IS Alder Strict, rorllunj, Oregun.