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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1901)
''I '. ' '' . ' ' J ' ,1 i ir.r y ,:il( , i vi ii be i 11 n M7, VOL. 1.1 V ASTORIA. ORISON. SINDAY. NOVOtUKK 21. 1001. NO. 113 LIBERALS DEFEAT GENERAL ALBAN He lias Returned to Panama Taklnjj Many Wounded With dim. Timrr unvimrn riOTi'DiV UlKlx lllM)KL.l) CAI'TlKLij 1 ...... Jlai.He As -in Mi; W H. LlimHirr. frUoiicm lukvil by l.lhcraU Are , ...lMl,... -w ii Now Svrvltiu In I heir Kunks Uultle look Place Ihlrty MUCH from I'uiiiiiiiu. hi....-!.... Ii. 'I t... lil.,La '. Nov. 3 - Many versMu. are i-urrrni all lo In fMf i.f ih 1 !- iffjr.ini( tlir ii"r-ttl.uu ami . . f4l ..f IdtionU A;1mV rtl. bl.h mft l'4nuna Hun.lay Ujrt T'o ruJI.'ttlng I Hi" iimal milientl.-: .'11 arnv .ny mi in"m'i, mi." fnm, IMiiuiu lonU AII.44.. -I, tlx 'n arrtviiif "IT Porm-i, 30 niilr . ll.. 11.111 Wlll.'ll Kl-'llll'l'l. 'I'll ' i'T u: n 1 lmiinl:loly p.u-v.l a lr- rn.l.. rilln rtrn nil i Vic wte. .MUrtng linn li li.n ..ii Imar l tirorrui AtlMii II mi. .,r.l.-ft.l til.. IUlV.l..'. IkLJltM i .... lu the na.'iil iikv .if llio n.-!.i. r. Tim w . r ti:e ii.i)'ti u:i wi , ti-n lint iiiany woro W'iu.l' l iiinl (lir tul Munwl L i)i a Tlio H'ij.4 Murtioil i I'.i'iiuin Ttiliifclny Mtlil, laklnif m-iny .miul.'l itni l li . .. . . . - - nur nil. i.n-mi oiann iih-ii 'j U..- ii'iiv Cn'iiKl.Vii Hit' I. l rl rank'. ' ; lU'Nim vT MAIlliriTA AT ' 'I.' 'N . .... W AJIIINimN. ,N.i. U.-JUot lii'I H'' ; tli" nmy il' iktrinwiu i''I i.iliy -.ihl.-ntaiii i r'V-Hvr.1 aii"-.ini.'linf llio , i. ..i ll-.4it...tV-l nnimi m i;ir bhiii.'i ' mi - ( l ni. li. ro alt,' Ii J.iihl (!u. M i.-lia. ll'lll vmi.'li UI. IUI'1-M' I'lvaolll t-ir tiiii:4n,-i.. ritiMn at i'.il'it Kiika.til' ;..r ..mi' i;mo. ! At .,,.! Iiiu-i .. lnf,.r- fr"' A.-..w ....T..r ':,. tt. - n..vl nil, l r4..l ... Manll... my, o.von..T ..ft I, ''Pr;v- j f -ur --'k4 . m .rv. IMUTIKYINiJ Hllllii:. I I'OI.ON' .N.w :J -Tho iMllh'a.l l i'l- j rHK.lSWILH N'T KXi'M'I'KP. ?m ..r 3"0 )M frt'in I'aiv4ina. t it t ' mi, " mil ..m.imn llMtf Iho on'ran.-o In fio I l.uNIN. N". U A nuvtlnc nf my. will il.riilfilofta w tlio mono nf tt..- ,i.'ar.N ..f I ha ll'iiiy r.-u-la Imluy r iniii'tf mrnnffl.'. Tim nnv.-inin.iii, a. - il.-fiMli'l a iimIUi to (I'lmlf fnl"i i .Tllnirly l f.rtlf)ln Ii. l u lnif can-, nn. ECUPSE HARDWAREjGO. Plumbers and Steamfitters HOI. 12 ACHJ1NTH l?OI S27 BOND School Books j& Supplies MAKE Y01R EXCHANGES NOW GRIFFIN & REED. Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR. FEED, PROVISIONS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS Supples of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen, Farmers and Loggers. , Ve ALLEN, Tenth and Commercial Streets iiiiw mil ml"1 niiv!'hiiiiii and b-irl. .n.i. Nmrly all tli- rtifhlliiu In the lual vk.h'k liartle mviirrH there. ATlfLirnc riMMiTTi:i'. 1 1N lUv (Tar., i.t Cimilimlil Mi' lit Kt. Lmta In j NHW YUK. "5 A ii oiniiilllet. In rliaiit" t aJiMIe pv Tl III Imn b.-n -Hi't.l In c-.hiieHloti w llll : i-hainpl ili:p ni'ol to viKtf p.n ! the wild's fair t Ki Louis in I Hi" (iHiuiiKI U composed of I. i: lu",' ,M"' J ,umvn- mv''" 1ur)-.j,,.,.r, M V. Winslm, pre.: ,lht t III" New Kngland A.'lalt" n, ii M. rl'l l.iikli "I. president At ' Km. Innon Dresldnnl Pacific As if... I..... - 1.1.. I',., AmA.!.'!. (km and lMgh irr. pn-l l-nt Houtl rm -A..!!! "!!: A O. Mill ''. 1 Kuutiea J K liar lor. J 'noph H. M, Clr and ll. T. Kl'by. ItiU i Urga t.i lb A. A V. .and Harry Mi Mlllinl a'M Uirlo' H. Weeks. Thi, (ir)),r ,M, ,,,, (.,flh fl,K Hi hri.1.U.ittm ..f r0nin l-l t all llio. h. lvv n ai !hr!f ..tlftdll.'1 1rn T t! I'ill-Ani'f " r . . .. - I i in ,, ....n nwn. lx ml "la 1 All trai P- , .,,. -.-1.nfnk mo !' l miinmaril)' loil; w th. Al I'm roi-m A A. I'. ni rling i n' i ... '"' A'i- - "t;'"1 T' .It ...r ;imtl..ur lit ! 1 1-1 1. in tin ili.Mi'ii out umil.-ur irtlil' ll' Hi II 1U lin llli nii'l rlillUH-'li'-a ..ill . . all rV.llH III I llC Nnfll uri TTriinr. um.n Tinivr h dual. hi Tuaouid Acrcl al Timber l.iad Sold tr ipay. urroi, . .iaNV i ir ' N.v T:w l irg ivmiIkt I. hi 1 ileal oior o snuiiuiml'il in (hi in .if irvirn w.t ci..h".I t.liy i...., ii... Wiltfiil. lll'l'"il Oiin:; , ..f H.iff'.na', Mi.iiiiC4ii. I'liri'lT-l .'iv ..f tlml r l.inl tnlniMry , til- ,llv Tli.i IM-!.-" li.l 4 ill'Ul U p,T bit". Thr. nuniujiy HI cimtnu i )Kt.g frn 'i flly t" ..... ....1 rs.. a !.irif I'ti.irl AlWIlllI - ,j, ,vi't.Vi K TAKT 1 M I'll' V I Ni ! . W.ll H I'nin.ii-IU.M. ll nn v r. f r ll..... .ii.. Vl'..V. Alnit K'Hr W.i-k". VASIIIViTiV. V.v SJ.-A 'l SUPERIOR STEEL RANGES STREET COMMERCIAL ST., ASTORIA, ORE. HARVARD SCORES SIGNAL VICTORY Defeated Yale in a Rattling foot ball (iame by a Score of 22 tc 0. YALE MEN ARE OUTCLASSED Thlrty-nix Thouituiid Spcclutorit Witiu'iincU I lie (iniiic I lircc 'I oticliiiown Mil J u (ioul from IklJ. HoLI'IMHM KIKLD. Ciunlrl.lg-, Maul. - Viftt"i ii-vw avtM U-r, an I vk' i.ry. ni-vi-r nrn ! -"taivo. o.uiir t-i Iliir v.irl lui din th: aftornom wiion l'io Vlf rlrvon -Ba .k-f- rl ;. t, 0. Tlinw tn it wtih ,rr invortoij lni. i tf'kiln .uii-l ko:i1 fr.n lii. flrkl. Inlillai'i iio-ull'n, oto lliryir I r'.ir Valr tli'n- wan n rlhlnrf lni: nllltoiw'ali. The lln'4r. m,.n r"iulrr I nbrtii flyc nilnulm In wlU'U t.i .rt lnoir iirlj f-.!li.ill iiia.-liliory. Af.or l.inl Yil w in ii.'V t In il.t.'ii.i( In rimniaKi. tu'lim, U'. jimngli.-. liu:J' litf itr.J 'klrlini; lujtitlntf aiiil (Ii'j.i k oVI'-ff. Vi" Val- men 'T' n.illiVlily ..lit.'! ii-1. II i: -. 4C 1 ji!) !! a K-ii 4'a.. 4 i!'miii' ra il, ill of nil. f 'Mil 1 k ' thai ' iw r"ll4: k .it.'.f. .iii'l .ii a rnul! the '! "1 "f i rlininn tt.iv,! In il.-llrlmiji ) .y .lurtn liu- ;. nl .n i.f twj lnjur '- i-ul'iiil f.y thi- .Mir !. Thj-tyiix tlum- . i 1 ;. tiiton. 4 (ti' ii!i.r tiumlr r th in ' .t f itv iratln-nil at ,i f ki 'j.i'l (run'". i:. :i.1 t'lo ruiiloat. sin M:T.-t i:i.i:i:uati:. Ill ST. IN'. N v a-i-n. .- iiirrvl Ui .ii '.li,. iitr.-o' .if 11. n t nih'lu l.y ll.irar. un 1'H, r- iif.m-iil l.y !iuiilrlii ..f ft l.-u.In . Slr.: rt ic lit tHv.itn.. fr i-.ivi.-iit and I. (f f ili,v . !,. in ;ji .ii kv p '.rli-r. Sm l.ll III 41. II V.T. ( up t.i u- 1 - t au.liont' . TO TIST Ul'l.tN'U. K..r!M l.liiitf Utn.lUiiC nf O .nnu iiiit;vi I" Th!a ('.luntr)-. SKW Yt'ltK .N'.'V. '.'J-Ii .I.V..H11K III., ruw .if Tli'.nuut Itnl.11, the i-.ajn will ml.' whi'tlii'r or n-n a man nuf- fiTinc fruiii tuN rvul ' van be .x.-lml- eil fnim l!il rnuntry. Tbl I.t tn flr: i-;! In whKh the aialltuU.iiallty of llie Ireuaury ruHn Uml i'nniuiiii-tlvi-a uliull Ih n-veijej frim lan,llnT m 1mm ftrii:i . w'1.1 bp p.ia-eil ui n by .li.- c irt. TlHun.ia 1'. lljj 'n arrlvej hero fr m 1 Not-ttinlmr 9. a :'.-- ngr ii.'im..r nf the i'un.rj line steam er l.ui'.wi'.4. llai wife anj ihDJ were with lilm. llu hue relatlv w!io 1U n rinl.i.l. li'hu Tiny were able t.i Biiar.iiitiv tliaj: he wuUI not ImvI'iho a imlii'i- ill a IK,, ami he !.il in.-iuid of bis nviu The uuiliurftei 111 I'Mla Inland wr.-re .iI1i',I en H1.1: Bv' iio but they ilivlln- ,l t.i n.lmit li hit b'. Aue ,'X.nn.iial.ui by iihy.ii. l.iin f llie marine hiwiaml .M'l'a elr nvi'J that tuhervul,ai f tile iiiik. H i npiUM ttl t the tivus- ury ili'i'iirlnient and .1 r X 1 11. 11.1 1 1. .11 w.m iinlirel. Tae t:e.iui'y ilei'ai'.ment eisl Te.l Mr. It den be sent ba.-k mi the iii-xt t' l line at am. r, ;he li.i. wlilili a.ills t,l.iy. Kiaiieta T-'b'n, it lawyer fini rhil.ulelilil 1, ban clualn- ed a writ of linl.e.m c 'rjiu". The ii. t f I'linicn v under whleh It la prieil ,1 exelude Mr. I frain 1, pre vent tlie admlHslon of pers-ms "suffir- n fnm a l,vth'ine , r a danger iu dlneane." Mr. IVibn claim thit l)ie mijor ty if ihjnl,'Wiii 1I.1 tun regard ooneu:m- lon 11s o ml irl.'UK. PORTLAND AOADKMY. Won Intor-iVhoUatlfi Football Chum pinniittlp of OreRLtv ItMlTLiAND, Nov. 2i Purtlund ' demy eleven Ooday won llm inter-Bchol-arttho fo'iUill cbamtonahp of fha state by defeatlntr the Hill military academy by a sonre of 18 to 0. WILL ISC LIUCKATCI). II It Relieved Ibe Movement For the Rt ItiM ol Mil Esttwlck will Succeed. NWW VOUK. Nov. 23. It Is b-'llev-ed that the movement trseeure the InuneilUite n-leiiBe of Miss Eastwlek, tho Amertean woman who wis sentenc ed to six months' ImprbHinment f.T f.M'KliiK sbek itrtlllrales will te suo cessftil. ft'g the Iidon ooi'nfpond.'nt of ithe New Vork World. A pe Itl m to Home Sei'rHtary.RIU'hle In her be half Is now In ctreuUition. It Is sign ed by the Jury and other persons Inter vtl fn the caw. and prnj-s for her re-U-iuie on the KiMUnd thiut Fho Is de nienled, and -up.-fl a proml-e jlven by Ii-r frl. ixlii tint alio wJl Ink n t Am'T.i a tiy tH.it1vv, mi l ir .-rly 'r c f'.r. T.'i.i Ju'lKi' 'lii irVl t!i h.m tii-fn ak'-l f r a r inrt hy thi- h m ii n-Ury ami It U cx;i'.yl frm l.ln attltU'lo wh"n vniiii.'.nif li.-r tliat ( will 'lvl. rli.inoiH'y. In Uk? nirtirntlm' MIhh hUwiwirk In 111,. pr:a n hIUl roi-olvlPK oyory tar o'"l att -mlnn n'l rhr '. uiii.K"lnc ww "f he rlfr f irbfn llfi. r.HUMANrt KTIIJ. fl'jaTII.B. Nn HalinfliM With fhinnlM-rUiln L t d.r of Kxj4j.iiaHon. lUCItl.lN. Xuv. S3 "tU-rnuLny m:ln-u-ii t.i rlnif with pnArma aglit the rrf.Tonroa whl.-h Chiimti.Tlaln. IlrJtmli "il mlal n-try, nra.1 t i O-nnun aitiiy in hl m"' l Hlln!iurirli. M.-tlnic arn bi-l" bnl4 fV'ry day ;inl th.Te l m. ln of n alait'-nifit if tli" axltatkn Tti letter Cliamlj-rU;n'i aftT. tary U prninuix l h'Tf Ui t- unatl f.irtliry, f r, an thn iii-r n'A' ff""n' lrliiln taki-e nothing b.rk. The pn-m H'liori'ly trirarJj the otr n n.Xhor Inault anl r ji'li fh? a-wuml'tun that the anll-riritUh njvni'iit U irilfk-luJ. COl.'iNKL AUXOUJ DEAD. wi:.-r iii sr. Nov. :i r ii m-i Abraham K Annld. V. S. A., ftiri-l, 1l.1l t ..lay. lie waa twice bivete f'r irilun're durlni: t:i- ch 11 war. and waa a medal "f hoinr by cinrr-wi f.r r.ii!i,;i bravi ry In b ittj.;. SKCKUTLY 0KhlC. Salaried Bor Failnarlti Bcipoailblc For (Icroiti RcMflineot. SKW ViWtK. N iv. J3. -The VI n"a e.irn-np.ndeiit of the -J. J n Tin and New- Y .ik Tim. f ly a iri-Il kt J oir 11.1 1 pti'. .h'i.-k 11 eoKTAin a. itli'if tha all ..v-r Germany MiLtr el ii -r emu mri'n are i-tvtiy Warklng The c t plnd'nt r'tiuirk 'hit in a-'i'J-HrM-lnh .aithreak In Aua'rU fdl-w-d Mr. I'll imli.-rl4.n' ref.-rem-e to In tt Kdenburiih p-. h. He n t.- In i-.innei'!iiii with thi tliat Dr. y 1 h.u n K lh-11 In Vienna a"l ' tin Aimirliin autb..rltl Inve nvule It kwn that AnKUi.i.'be demmwti'aiiitfia wla be d'apliMM-I. KlCVrKD C.oVKItNMKNT IXD. I'llKyiCXXK. Wn, X iv. a. In the I'nited Siat'H ii.urt tier taniKh:, A. A. Smuk:i, a cattle man, wan found uruil- ly ..f llli-trally f -nclmr oeverai hundred t(n.u.ind aerm of gowriitueiit land In the vVlnlty of Mannvl.l. JUST COME TO LIGIir THKFT TH AT WAS COMMIT! KI) SIX MOX1 IIS a;o. (Jold 1111J Silver Htillion Stolen in from Smelter to Kustcrn Kefincries. KU TASi, Tex., Nov. 13. The f.un that 11J Uirs of irold and silver bullion, valued at over IJ'i.OOO, were sUilen sis nvmths ago In Imncvit frsni the amel trs here to Eaitern rwllm-rlos uu Just ouno to llrht. It was not nill until the oar reach ed New Ork-aiis. It hAs Ix'en since I.Himtl that the bull! 111 was thrown from the train near t.h s city a"d that It now II1V1 buri,l In Wewtem Tex;is. Tlie thleivo have Invn tia.vd frvm piiuv 'o pbL-o and a tvr bars have been uiKMrth -d. IMP1USONKD WITIIOIT CAl'SIi. Will Ak rnlt.'d States to Have Mexi can Goveniiiient Make Ktwtltutlon. SW.TTtM. Nov. ;3.-Captnln A. W. Hall, rmrly of the San Fratvlsoj ik.-hAner Sadie, has landed here fntai the British ship Pass of Melfort, anj will hasten to Washington to lay be fore the state department what be lieves to be a good caue for damages aaKlnst the Mexk-an government He ilalniH to have ben arrested and Im prisoned wtthum . cause while on a pearl fishing expedl;!on In thj Gulf of California. After two moiiUis confine ment be succeeded In making fcia es apa. TURRET 18 HARD IIP. Otbmian Bank Refuses to Make Fur thelr Advances. CXiNSTAXTINOPI.R. Nov. 23 Never ha-i the Turkish g 'vernment been In such sirilts as at tiie present time. It Is lmpodb!; to sve how the expenn.a of the Ramana ftnd due In Pecemlier and January and In voJvin 1.1G0,IHX) ivm be met. The Otto man hank uttorly refuses to make any more advances and ponury Is so acute that even troops In many provinces are imp lid. The cons, quenee is that there have been mutlnlett In several districts. TO FOUND SCHOOLS TIIROUGHOUTCHINA Imperial Edicts issued Providing for Their Immediate Establishment. TO SEND STUDENTS ABROAD Upon Their Kcturn to China Muni lit: Examined to Ascertain If T heir Kiiou IcUkc (Ujrrc npondm with Diplomat. U'ASIUXGTOX. Nov. a.-The gate deuartmeni h;ui n"lved frim mlnUter Cnif.r at I'ckln travtnUduna of two !miTlal e.:cta pr'ivld.nif fir the ttab lWhtnent of achool thnugbut th 'h:n-e tmplre and order!n vlcn. n l trvern,ir tj ieU-ct :d end t'u-.b-tita abroad to tx e,iu. aud In pcial branthi-t of InJuntrial 1 -b-we. One vt the ellitg ntljmlat that a.'tr s Chl n. o eni aiDr .ad t r thi purje iiia'l have ob' diploma and returned to China, the viceroy and troveriiora and literary c-nance.l 1.-, of the ?rov in shall examio" them ana ft" I whothor th.-lr kn w le! really t-arr-ninnda with th statements mid In the diplomas. JAPAN'S INSPIRATION. Th" t'n.t -d StJt.n Cau?l IUgenera'.lon of Japan. CHfCAOO. Nv 23-The I'nited S:;u' will t- ;.vn ;ra.:t.caly all ttw credit for Die great : of m xlem Jap an.e an.) CunmnJ ire Perry wlil be lauded as the country's liberator In an official history of the emp.r- about to lie wr.tten by Dr. Mitf--ukuri, an !n irtruetor In the 1'niverwlty of Ja;n at T.ii. Dr. Mltsukuri who j In Chicago on his way h -Tne fr.mi Kurope was dd- eira ed by the edu;at: tia; departmi-nt of his g iv.Tnmen: t study tae histories of Euripesn nations In ord-r that he might aciulre the best moth ds f T the compilations of the annals of his coun try. He has spe'it to yeans on these etud'.es In the untversi'.ies of Berlin and Paris. "Writing the hist ry. tt will he my purpose to accord to the United 6tates full credit for the regeneration of Japan." said Dr. Mltsukuri. "This country was our s,nirce of Inspiration and our pritevfoii In our time of rtal and tribulation our rescuer from the stare of seml-clviltiaUon which was succeeded In the later half of the cen tury Just closed by the progressive gov imment we now have-. "Your pr.rt ounm VIore. Matthew C. Perrj-, when he sailed Into the Bay of Yed in the month of February. 1S54, cam our liberator. We have erected a statue to his memary. but his fame shall be preserved In a manner more enduring than or brass. The fu ture students of our history sital! know him for what he wtw. He sought only Justice for hi country whn the great est opportunities f'r the w irking out of sinister deg g on our tiatl n pre sentiM themselves." SPORTS INDICTED. Accused of Operailng a Swindling Foot racing Track. KANSAS CITY, Nov. 23.-A special to the Star from Fort Scot:, Kan-as, siiys: The federal grand Jury has lndicte.1 five of tiie principal men of tbe Webb Cltv. MoM Athletic Cluh, IncJudJigr Banker A P. Stawart. of that town, in connectlm with recent heavy losses of money at the club's footracing track there. It Is asserted that mernliers of the club do not deny having won. In the last eighteen months, upwards of l.W.OiX). The winnings last w?k ar known to have beeji 127,000, notwith standing the publicity resulting from the prosecution Instituted by Reprvsen t'.ve J. M .Davis, of tills county, who Mat $5000 th-?re and says he was swin dled out of IL STOCK MARKET DILL. Caused by Heavy Exports ol Oold tod Afl Utlot Rejardloi Railroad Conbloe. NEW YORK, Nov. 2:!.-The stock maii'kot was dull and Irregular In the early part of the week, owing to unset tled Influence of tho. heavy exports of gold and the mgitatUm st on fovit in the Northwestern stales agaln-H the purples of the Northern S'vurltles Company. The absence of expected gold engagement for Saturday's steamers amd the rehvixilon In the money and fiireign exchange markits was the nompeting cause in the renewal of ac tivity and strength In thd stock mar ket. The eeffotive leaders In the re- '. ry W'-re the VanderWltn, th New York Traction and the ''oalers under th- nflu-nee t vim r tit approichlng d.'iln and miKn, wOiirh lackwl any authentic rt.tinniull.oi. RIOTINO IN' OAL.WAY. H'MUM of Unl'inist Sympathisers Were Wrwk-d. DUBLIN', Nov. 23 Her!!, rt tlng fill iwed the Illuminations last night In GaJway In honor of the -l"C'lon of Col onel Arthur Lymh to pirltament. Th Natlimallsts piraild the town, wretk Irg windows and doors of the houes of Unionists and Nationalists sus;iect ed of rotlng for ttw defnoted ca"d'. da:, If.race Plunkett The police bail grew dlffloulty In clearing the streets. Vigorous bit charges were m'-t by sh'wrs of paving stone which resulteil In number beCng Injured. COLORADO IXTCRK3TBD. Gotvrtvir Orman Will Attend Confor eivje on RaJIrtivl Combine. DENVER, Colo., Nov. IX-A tde. gram has been relved by Governor Ormin, of Odoralo, asking him if be woull participate In the confereicj of givern-rs ('lel by Govjnvr Van Sant tat Minnkita for c-'jrTat!on again ra'.lnud :ru.s. The grvemor replied tht he would laetiMpate In the con-fer-me if lit was possible f r h'm to be b-nt from the state at that time. ALL HOI'E Ali.WDOXED. Mlolif Officials Wbe Ealered West Mist Ycsltrdij Arc Last. POCAHONTAS. Vs.. N-v. 23. All hope of finding the eiirht mining offi ciaHi who entered the W-st mine yes- terxUy to Search for the bdles entomb ; ed by the reowit exptotJ jn In the Baby mine, has b---n abandoned. A r-scuing party enterti the mine !h's morning, but was ahle Ho proceed only J'iO yards. WORLD'S CHAMPION. ST. I.OHS, Nov. 23. Frd Gilbert, cf Spirt; Lake, Iiwa, won and now owns j the Republic cup .tmbiematio of the I live-bird championship of the. world. Gilb-r: kill.d 45 out of 46 Knls. ACCIDENTALLY KILLED S RATTLE. Nov. 3.-John Henry, a negro from Great Fa'Js, M v "hot and almost instantly kl'.eJ a pedestrian named Kinney tonight while attempt ing to kill a wa;ter in a b?er hall. HAS GREATLY FALLEN BY CONCFSSIONS TO I'NITED STATES AND GERMANY. Great Britain Should Not Sacrifice Her Interests in Persia Because of Indignant Germany. NEW YORK. Nov. 23. Referring to the reecnt artieJjs In the British Press favoring an Anglo-Russian understand ing the St. Petersburg oonwpmdent of the London Times and the New York Times quotes an article oppMstig the suggestion In the Novoe Vrymea. ThUs nauer belittles Great Britain, raying she has fal-?n greaJy from her former high estate as Is shown by her con cesslonj to the Untied Staites and Ger many. The correspond. nt draws the moral that Grea; Britain ou-jht not to sac rifice her Int.reats In Persia because of Indignant Germany, but tely on her stir alone. Th-'n, he fys. Russia would be ready to co-operate in find ing ways of fulfilling 'the missions of both countries with the least possible frivtion. MILLIONAIRES IN TROUBLE. Cited to Appear Before IT. S. Court for Contempt. NEW YORK. Nov. 23. Several mil lionaires have been summoned to ap pear before Judge Lacombe In the United States olrcuit court, November 29, to answer for contempt They are Wm. G. Rockfeller, Henry H, Rogers, P. J. Mcintosh .Frederick B. Olcott, James Stlllroan, Anson F. yfbwer and Leonard Lewisohn, directors of the Bos ton & Montana Copper Company. The Montana branch of the court appoint ed a commissioner in this dty to ex amle the directors In connection with the ease In whkih John Magitinia la plaintiff. At the hour set the only director who appeared was Flower. He refused to give any testimony or to be sworn. CLARK ACQUITTED. VANCOUVER. Was.t.. Nov. 23. Geo. P. Clark, charged with forgery, was acquitted in court here today. PRICE OF SILVER, NEW YORK, Nov. 23. Silver. 56ft. RUSSIA IS NOT 01 COMPETITOR Will Not Attain Competency of American Labor in 100 Years. NO FIELD FOR INVESTMENT There Is a Manifest Lack of Char acter In Official Jom That Re acts on the Empire' In dustrial Growth. NEW YORK. Nov. 21 Archer Brown, of Rogers, Brown & Company, manufacturers of pig iron and coke, with plan In half a docen different states. ays tt win take 100 years of de. wlopemcnt for the Russian laborer to reach a plan- where he will be a com petent as tbe average American skillwi laborer; also that Russia as a field tor the investment of American capital Is unattrae'lve at prment, "Mr. Brown has just re'urned from a trip through a part of Russia, covering a period of several months. He said: '.The working mn of the Unlied States have nothing Co fear in Rusnlan competition. Financial conditions there . ... . A. v.. 1 n i j 0LL 11 ' II , Clll'- 9 ll "1 ', many where there has been a long ! period of ov-Tproducttm. The Russian tron masters last year produced about j two miiUoxi tuns of iron, but 1c wa not 'of rood quality. i ' "The iron Industry in Russia lacks 1 ! two eMn'lai things to make it worthy I of consideration from a worldwide p ant !of view, namely hon'at and able man ' agment and good grade of ores. No high grilles of ore have as yet been discovered in Rusba. Tbey have su i perVir org in China and tt Is po ssible 1 they win uncover some in Russia, but j as yn they hare none. I "There is a manifest lock of character 'in officialdom that reacts potentially on the empire's industrial development. It seems to me that the race f ir com 1 merelaa supr!maoy lies between Ger 'many and the United States with oho j advantage unmistakably with this 1 country In the long run. Germany is a poor country after all. Its soil, agri ! cultural products and mltMi are infer ior and in aiming to lead the indus trial world It cut out for itself a ber-cul-Mn tank. Overproduction !h last two years nearly prostrated the Indus tries of the country and oompe.led the manufacturers, in order to fet funds with which to meet pressing obliga tions, to sell their goods for whatever they could get The prices for iron in bath Germany and England dropped 33 per ent and 1 production has falen to the lowest ! flsrura in years. The only resultant benefit is that Germany and England j has resumed cortroi to a large extent jof their own markets." CONVICTED OF MURDER. Umatilla Indians Found GuUty of Mur der in the First Degree, PORTLAND, Nov. 23. Columbia ! George and Toy Toy, accused of the I murder of an Indian woman, A"na Bd I na, on the Umatilla reservation in East : em Oregon In August of last year by ' giving her pois, ned whiskey, were to i day convicted In the Unlttcl States I court of murder in the first degree. The ; Jury struck fwm the verdict the words "capital punishment," thus pracdcally making the sentence Imprisonment for life. WHEAT MARKET. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 23. Wheat, cash, 98$100. PORTLAND. Nov. 23. Wheat, Walta, Walla and Valley. 57H: bluestem, 69. CHICAGO, Nov. 23. Wheat. Decem ber, opened. 72H014; closed, 72- TACOMA, Nov. 23 Wheat, bJues em, 59; club, S3. I MINERS ARE DEFIANT. MidlMUville, Ky, Misers Rentals la Cids and Under Arm. MADISONVILLE, Ky., Nov. 23. The striking union miners continue defiant, and remain under arms tonight In camp near the Providence coal mines Notwithstanding thait the time limit of Judge Hail's order that the camp should be disbanded and moved out of the county, expired more than 12 ttmra ago. There is a rumor, not confirmed that soldlere would be sent to the camp tomorrjv morning and that In the event the campers do not dispersj their tents would be destroyed ani the in mates (orced tb disband.