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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1901)
1 ' THE MORNING ASTORIAN. FRIDAY. NO V KM H MR 22. I!H)1 LUMBER MILLS TO BE ENLARGED Plant of Clatsop Lumber Com-; pany at Rainier Passes Into New Hands. MANAGEMENT CHANGES SOON To BiiilJ I r rMvnivc l.uinKr Trade Between Columbia River unJ the Hawaii an IslanJs. rouTuvNP. Nov. ii.-ni cutip lumber mills at Rainier. Or.. hav sold to a new connuy formed by tV. I. Keed. a wWl-known California lumber man, and Gardner C. Wilder, of Honolulu. reprewaitloar the entire es tate of h fa:her. who died recently on th island. The amount Involved n the transaction is not made pubHo. The papers are now bein filed for record at St. Helena, the county aet of Co- lumbia county, in which th mill I located. For the past year th prop erty has been operated by W. C. Kin ney, manager of the Clatsop Lumber Company, who leased K from the Smith estate. The plant haa a capacity of about TS.0M fee per day. The deal was consummated in tnta city Tuesday afternoon, but was only known to directly interested. ( Messrs. Gardner, Reed and Kinney ; were present at the closing of the ! transaction. Tuesday tujcht Mr. WU- : der left for San Francisco en route for , his home. Mr. Kinney Is staying at the Portland. Mr. Reed, when seen at the Imperial j HoM today, said that the intention of , the most modern In the Northwest. Its Urge the plan: so as to make K on f the m,w;mdern in th Northwest, lw raoacltv will be graaily increased and all the latest imprived, machinery for i the mar.uiae'.ure of lumber will be In stalled as time will permit. The object of the new company is to reach out tt a market altogether , strange, to the Columbia river dieirlct. , So Mr. Red stated tJday. SilJ he: "Our Intention in buying this prop- ! erty fa to build up a lumber trade be- ' tjreen the Columbia river and '-he Ha waiian Islands. This market Is now supplied entirely by ths mills on Puget sound and Southern California ports. I see no reason why the Columbia riv er with Its endl-B resources and spec ial adaptnew to the lumber trade should not enjoy ami rf this business. Th annual amount of lumber Import ed by the islands is approximately 73. 000 000 feet, and all of that emes from the Pacific coast. Mr. Wilder, who has lived in Honolulu f r nearly all of his lifetime, and is thoroughly ac quainted with the business, will handle . the end over there, and we will come . pretty near getting our share of the business, since we feel sure that it costs no more to turn out lumber on the Columbia than on the S und t in California. The rs we expect - get from points along t'e river, as has been d ine by the p.p!e ""W in control." When a-ked how so -n the pp-pery wouil b:- tumel over t lt n-.v own er, Mr. Rel s;iid he ou'd not say wtji any certainty, but t viueh: the chanze in maiiiiitMit would ic'ba i'.y :ak- place the flrt -f F-bruiry. nxt. Li the mean-Ome the mill w'.'I be ?n!ar-d a.nd n--.v ma hiti-ry add- d, si that w ten the n.v nwn-rs at-p In th-y -an im mense i.ang buslr.efs ..n a larger a -alar on-?. Mr. Re-1 will be h - I-a: manaser of th cor-cero. aad w;l! :'r SfnUly superintend th- mill. He is an experienced man, havlni? been in the lumber business since $7. He was kit - lv einnwted with th.. Oakland lum ber Company and has had oJnsld-rable expernce in shipping iumb -r t Hon- lulu. For the ,"ast three, years h.- bas spen' a gl prim -1 his time in Portland and on the Columbia, with the intention of -v-rntualiy luting here. Mr. Wilder, who came here ostensibly to enter Into the lumix-r business in conne-tr n wi;h Mr. R-M, was pie-as-antly surprised wh-n he a.v tie spl-n-did opportunities lying open, anl re mark"! after having sje:r' a few days her", that the country was evn grand er than he had b--n t!l, by enwiis whom he had r-ason to U-lieve exag gerated In their description. With '.he Buccess of th : plan outlined it will beome necessary to engage a fleet of lumber t-arri-rs between the river ani the islands, and the "ear future win likely see a god!y numh-r of the lumber w-homers now in 'ne Pound-Hawaiian Island trade steering tht-'r for the mutb of the ( lumbia. THE IRON TRADE. Is Thought' Pig Iron Has About It Reached the Limit Price. CLEVELAND, Nov. 21. The Iron Trade Review dkit-usiing market cm- , ditions this wak Fays: i A buoyant iron market on the eve ; of the quiet time of year is ananomajy, but there are growing signs of a con dition under which the market might readily cut Vxtse. In tlhe past we k pig Iron has advanced, though import ant producers have steadily opposed an advance and throughout rhe trade there had been a feeling that the limit -has ben reached. It la true to say that the course of the market In the past three months haa been a general surprise and haa contradicted the pre- dictions of all the trade oracle. lad ing Southern n;erst w.-r vju ted h ly a few week after a cent advance In foundry Irixi, aa strnIy any ftir;hT Increase In prlcxa. Init In tho wvk u'Mcr ivvlcw prices have moved u; M venl and 111 W Hirmingham, In now the minimum fir N.v t foundry. Hensemer Iron, which has Nvn relatively hipher than foundry Is In line with CvidtKvns In sed and ntovrJ up ;U higher nl sua have been made in the pas; at Jir.:0 valley furnace. The purchn.'Sj of IteMitcr Iron on thr,-e in tth con tract by the Vnlted State, Steel Vr p -rt!on Is n w uvror oxMtsldcration and t;-e demand on merchant H.twnvr fur ni.vs frm other SvMircrti may lood 10 this change (rm the policy 'f bu mg mni'.h after montl. The pig iru statement for N.vcmb.r 1. sh 'wing a r.' luc'ion of SS.tV tons In O t N-r .co ivldcnt with an liicn-a- In output, was a surprise It Is n evident that with tho banking of .'ttlral n intern furnaiv.. for lck cf eo' the s:vk nductUin In November Is even gtvatcr. I; the valleys and the Pittsburg dis trict furnaces are taking tiic.r turn In w-.Uting for coke and thorn will be al ternating bak and starting f r sme weeks. It Is estimated that 50.000 tuns .f Resemer has bv-n siJd to various consumers m the week, aa hlgrh as H5.T0. at valley furnaces having "b-vn paid; In :5,iV t-w of ba sic Iron from an eiunem furnace w.ui lHught at 115.75, deXvered. Pittsburg. F.t the first time since 1W Virginia !tn ha be'n shlppeil intv Northern Ohio, on a basis of about 113 at the fur nace for No. i. In the week ne con tracts for Connellsvitl fur'ia.-e coke for the first baif of 1902 have be.n mad- at K at the ox-en. a agiinst $1 75 for outside coke. The stM situa tSm rrowj no better and It Is a ser ious question wii line bayers of bil- K-ts, shiet bars and sXtbs whether they can secure a sufficient supply for the opeartlon of their plants la the next six months. AWAITS A DECISION. ? SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 21 Attor ney Pilisbury made the cl lng Argu ment in the Nome contempt cas be fore the I'nited States cia-ult cmr: of appeals today. Judge Gilbsrt, an:vunc eil that the court w.'u'.d take the case under advisement and render a decis ion as vn as possible. BOEFtS JOIN -BRITISH. LONDON, Nov. 21. A rret-ria cor respondent of the Svutdard rem irks as "significant Proof of growing cleavage in the Poer ranks and a hopeful sign" the fact that an Increasing number of ex-burehers are Joining the Hrltfc-h forces in the field. ATTORNEY KILLED. JOPLIN. M., Nov. 21. W. F. c.ray, a prominent attorney, was six and killed today by George Bayne, Superin tendent of the water works. Family troubles were the caue f the ehct ng. PRK13 OF SILVER. NEW YORK. Nov. 21. Silver, h6 WHHT MARKET. PORTLAND. Nov. 21 Wheal. "Waiia Walla. STfj'i: biust-m, ai. TAV'OMA. N v. 21 Wh-at. b'u -st.-m. eiub, 37. .1II.'AO''. Nov. 21 Wii.-a', Dec-m-ber. "pen-il. T2; cl-l. T2'. SAN FI'.AN'IS' ' . Nov. 21 ANAIfHY AT PHILADELPHIA. X -u- Y rk Ev -ning P t. A d L-t,ir l!y attack si the ni-m-T.v f Pr-s.J-nt M- Kinl -y is m id- in th-Hull-tin of the Am-rican Ir.-n tin I S: -I A-s c'ati-.n. U .'-'.i!.er,i!ely iJ-s-r s that h- mad his r- Ipr t-ity p .1 iey ' more radical than that f th-R-publi -an Nation il " inv-nuon of p"'i;" that he "l'r p s-d a revisi n if th- Dlng!-y i iriff." forgetting t pr--t-i-tion n--.l-d his cntinu-d h-'p t-1 s'r-ngthen It with the y.u"g m-n "f tn- country, if not with til -ir -ld-rs." It is a!' v-ry well f r th; Hull-tin t say that it is "iiainful" for it to iiave to ext Mr. McKinl-y'a r-crem-y ' pr-it-vtion. but th- (fu-tkin is wh-th--r its talk is not ess-ntlally anarch istic. Pr-siden: R KM-velt ha' distinct ly und-rtik-n to carry out his pr-d c-ssiir's tariff policy, and is not a.n al ta k upon that an attack u;n him? A-.; rditig to the do-trine laid d nvn Immedlat-ly after the pr-sid-nt's aswi sination, the liull-tin should be hij,-'-press-d. and Its eJit.r put in Jail. II merely provok-s th- Evening P'tst to Uneh'-r. but hi.w doea h- know that h Is not provoking sime pnte t-i lr m-mast-r to mur l-r? Th ext-nt to which oil is b-lng us-d for fu-l -ven at th pr'-sent tlm- 'tn tne Cil'f-irnia roails. is little un'ior st'Ktd. Th- consumption by the Snith ern Paeific for this purpose amoiinW to "5,000 barrelfl per month, v.'hM- that of the Santa Fe Is upward of 100,000 birr-ls. The str-t railways ar- al so using largely of It for fu-l, upward of 60.000 barrels p-r m'tn h X Ing used In Ln Angi-l-s alone, for this purp tw, and by the various el-i-irl companies of that city. The -output In Texas has Induced the railways of that section to fit thoir erigin-s witii 'til fur naces. Indeed, so extenwlve Is likely to be Its use that rme of the coal opera tors are apprehensive l-t It seriously affci-t the output of their mines. It haa tak-n a considerable amount of ex perimentation to determine the b-st method cf using this fuel, but that problem has practically been solved, and It Is now simply a question of rela tive sosl as to how far oil will super sede coal. -Railway Age. EXUIillATING SEALS IUKl AT rKIHYlOU' ISLANDS IS lirCKKASINti. Sitys Supcnislng Special Ancnt NV. S. Cluisc of the Tivus. ury Department. WASHIMiTON, Nov. il.-Th- an nual report of SupcrvlKinc S.vclal Agent W. S. Cliaici. of tiie treasury depirtment, fr the tll! ".-r Oiidlng Ju-tc if. 11. so-hvs tint the agents have made VJ s- sur. xa ued at $t-ii.:t. fr xiola'.l ms of ttie customs laws, and have oiux'd iho f.vox.iv, ci acoum of ;temptl li r -gulai '.t of about $."0.0A. It s-iys that opium, MiAicin drawn work, cl th',;g made In- Lmdoti taiKrs. h rsM. cattle, w ol. drugs and other aitiol.-s twve lwen smuggled, and that lmpriant arrests in connection thet.wlth have lvn made. The report also states (hat after full consideration the xllvtor of cust.xms of New York on March 1. 11. eff vted a rennrwicaUon of the syst .in of ex amlnlng the baggage of passengers arriving ftwn abnvul. and that groan Irregularttlos had bi'n disvenM ad as a result the duties c UNv-tl on such tviggigo between Marci 1 and July I. 11. were five tlmn the amount col. Wvt il frrn t!te nam s.nirc' in 'he same months of 1. The special agw givt cmstant at tentions to unler v.Uuations, and the report invite t.nw who have knowl edge thervif to call the attentlii f the secretary the 'JiM.-ury thereto. A change In the !a relating l inf -rm -ts vvmpi'ns.nlon, prtvtl"g euoh Inform ers fr m publicity. Is recommended. The s-al catch in th" Pnbiloff in 1H was .-".;. an Increase of :'2 ,v.-r the catch (f tii. Not .clthst.uul mg ihj. a consi WT.ibl divre.vv In the sea! herd is reported. The p-lagie catch of the British s-ftli"g tVs-t in is abut tw-.MhlrdH th.U "f I'Mt anl the P.-itlah Columhii m'aspapcrs t'Xr- at i'-m at tiv antl-'ipit-d ivirly extinction of the Priiiil"fT s-vtl herd The salmon In .V task an wat-r In the year 19"l will exceeil two million cases, an increase of alniut 2."' i:r cent over that of the year 1900. I'P TO DATE STORIES. It is seldom that one re-ails a hook without forming Some Ideal con ception of the personality . f the author, says the Chlcagi Chronic'. Tils con ception may prove to be erroneous In ev-ry detad. but the fact do -8 not d i..r ,im fnm a nv-n:al photo, graph of the one r-sponitile for th-n-xt tale that la p-rus -d. Hamllt.m Wright Mabii. the w-'il-kn .wn writer, railz-s this, and s. do-H one of the ard-nt admirers of his work. On Mr. Mabl-'s last vls.t to Kurpe he en.Miinter-d a humorous I.ttk. iiul-d-nt. The morning of th- seixnn 1 day out he found hims-If in' the vl inlty of a miss who hid previou-ly !nf .rm-d him she was from the W t and was male In h.-r first trio abroad, and who hid -vid-ntly not avail-I herself of t!i- ; r i.-i't-r insp-r-tlon prKii--s-.s s, d-ar : to the hearts of trivelers. A 1 1 : v-'lum,. .f his ' I'ud r tie Tr- '" .iv n h -r 1i;i. ' 'th. have you r -al tlust"' "li ls-- gan rapiut msly. a-i-l with ait wa-t'ng f r r-:ily: ,h- is my 'd- il -M-. M il.i-. I r-a 1 verythltig h- writ-a -I'v- n - v-r H--irl him s;. -ik or -i-n se n his p c 1 tiir-. 'out I f I fii.-.. I ktio.s Jus -a hat i h- looks Ilk h-'.- Ml' and si v. I-.-. .-. ;th should. -:s and a mas- of ir m- gray hair, and iu- his gr-a;, -Ink. . shudnwv -" i he sp-ak-r. of -ur-, .vas fair to c '. o !--f.) II- inu-i: b. you know, to writ- I k., this" At this point Mrs. Uiltm Hill stop- ,-1 to in-rodu - Mr. Mild- to the t fr.end with whom sh- was walking,, 'and in this m-rciful Interlu-le the l't ' tl- scnoul girl dix I -W.T-n it Is a ma't-r of ll-ais," ' miiH-d Mr. Mabl-. ivh i-e app-arance is . th- r-v-rs,. In -very d-t.ill of h 1 ttl ! enthusiast's p-.rr-iyal. "I b-llev- I'd' (rattier th- shatter-d t.-nui th- sha' -r-r ib... t i parphrase rait AIlci anyh .w !:n th;s Instan-e." j -It was s--ted sorte-:ime itg . that I he .l to marry tny daugnt-r," s ild I the fath-r of a girl of the pr!od f a I D- troit Free Pr.-s-i man. "but it y-t r m.iin.-d r .r the young man tt g-t my eons-ni. It was merely a f.rmallty, how-ver, ae I had cut no figure whit ever dining the ' my g.rl ar ranging matters to suit h-ta lf Without t-oiiHUlting me or my wWm-s. "Now I r-memlten-l with what tr p Idatlon I had appro.-i. hed my w ife s f ather when I a:-tk-d him for h-r hand, and I made up my m.nd ttiat wh-n th-at young man ehowed up to ask rne for my daughter's hand I would have ; r-venge, not only fir what I had ti; j ! twAaa OP IMITATION. TUa iIium l n mrr totda John duvcam-s ions, Acmu, . r. TV iviss ihnmgh li n I mnl my " lull f r being shoved to the background during the presuil pivdlng. Well, he called al my oillce yvuler. u t . .il ..... ..ill . !.... l.v ...Imlt .T.I.I , (mi I nii.i Ml.l 'i'hv w-j him and leave na ajone and sv that we wore noi itisiurmM. " 'just dr'l'P-d I".' "aid be, easily. declining to take a seal, 'la bll you mat I am going t,i many your daugh ter :be middle of next month. It l'd be a.' Infonual affair, s-i you can con sider yourself Invited without further " ) vh day ' It. f-iv I catch my biva-h he .. ....... .....I I .-,iini.Lllll...l to tnv daugiitei abnu li s tivauiLsit of I me. ill the comfort I got w-iis that I ! could i-oiislder myself fortunate Ill got- t'ng in liiliul ", as il was !o !.- an ! . vlusi,. a it .ui" ." ! TO KXl'U'KK AUVSIv A Kxteiiaiw exploration :.r, shout t' te uii.lei taken I' e Ar, i r cl. and the s'i.vs of tiie Arct.c .-c- all :t Alaska. The .xri.Ming party will ssart fr.-iii It rg iiui. neulv one thou- .i.nd mi'iM from S-:ki Ala-ka Isalou: ,h little know n as the Interior f Aft lea v. a few yea in ago. A "iwllc ii-tn-evlv fr the cun- of ceumn lit was unknown unill I Lvst -it r" Sieiii ich ll.lters weiv first discovered For llftv years It haa cured al toai leh and howel complaints, and tohf Is the m t i celebrated medicine In the .yorld. Tlw t',;t.T Will cine liidigi-slloo, hmdache. I liver ami kidney troubles, malaria, 'fever ar.d ague. Take no suhlllute. 1 The genuine must have our Private Die Stamp over the neck of the bottle. cTwT BARR DENTIST Mansell Building. 573 Commercial Si ASTORIA. Oil I TtLKPHONU. RED 2M1. jAndrcw Asp, Hum later. IU'ili ti lrxdir ! FIRST-CLAfS WORK AT 1 REASONABLE PRICES. i i Special Attention Given to Ship aid ! steamboat Uepalrlng.Oencral HUck- smithing, nrt-CU Horsc I Shoeing. !C 'CORNER TWELFTH BND DUANH STS Dr. T. L. Boll ! DENTIST- ! Tage BuiMlyg. Astoria. Or Gold 'Icdal At Buffalo! ' i W m I m M m m Young Ladies' FatoritB. is B.tti- o ' Co fil'U Styles for Dress, Hou;.:, OutiP. -.J John Halm S iLK ASTi iHIA A' IE NT k I 1 nese uny vapiuics are superior I J to Balsam of Lopaiba A V r.ihaaha rr Ininrfinnr an. : CURE IN 48 HOURSl the tame disease! with out inconvenienco. S'M h- oil t'rurri'ft. For Sale by KOAP.1) A 8TOKKH. CO. Urre7TfTiKf55 - : - THE- 0RJG1NAL 'VoRCESTERJHIlvE THAT ', w vm) Omsk VnAnmA nirwliiri aa tha bent and moat dallcioua Sauca In tha World for Meat, Game, Boupa tod Urariea. Pleasing the Ladies I'lirlllg HID ellt wIlll'T rvllltlg Hie inuiker nlieiiM teuii'iulx r Hie U.l'va "-l His sfler ellW-t el Hie elwsr N v 'M elKaii llial are lemln ..d (rsiiisnl, mul limiiy el mi euiioiiii n Itii I rlt -l 'niu' hi tlietr rveiilug luiine mi ike 'I lit) ivil Mi in.'te llimi lule lor I' mi.K itiAio e oti M.ud. Vim ly k lok WILL MADI50N. psher's Opera House I.. I:, ml It., I mill Mii ft. Friday, Nov. 22 HE IS COMISH; tiii: itnny LIT- Ti l: MAS'. J. L. McCABE r s Wedding Day" Till: KI'AI. LArCilllN'i SIlnW OK TIIR SHA9"N J MMiitlful Ji. -nerv H x'trlcul effi-Ca j l!:'it Pi"! lv Ulrl", Sitnf'''. l.uici-r I I'i:b'i:S -li-iaivel iiO, uilb-rv. .VV- S.-al .it- p-n at lirthn A It-el'. T!iurl,iv iii'mlnu- MiTICK l-MIt I'CHLICATP'N No-we U hiTel.y K ven that the C m m n !l nf Hie Cltv ..f Aiiorn h i ips Lire 1 In i -t -rai natl ui n''d In-t-nil m to Improve all Unit p irt'on "f Sev-nieeiith utie-t In the I'tv i f Aa I .rIM. 11.1 I n I out and recorded I'V J M S'uv. l-v from the tmuth line i f C 'ln ni.Tel.ll atr'VI to the n r h Idle of Kra'iklln avenue t th" full width hep-, f and 10 the eMbl..Hhfd Kindi th'-n- From the u!li line of i'.uii-iii'-n-.iil Ktpi't t , a p'lnt tx fe.-t north ,.f Hi- north H ie "f Kx -h iiiif- itreet Mild portion of will n't.,'1 "hall I, lui-.rv-l Hir nik'tiou: I he width Ih-reof l,v i-eiiiovitm ih' oei loalwrtv In lu-.-,. of f lewalka and nn l-i ol'Ciur and inittliiit in new un l-'rl'lnlnir and pl.ik- io th- -nine Itir -uifhiii: the wlillh 1 e-t,-if h'-iween 4li, wa'k-i and ' "li structlnit i.ei' i'kn -n 1 t, h " d there. ,,f n f et wide. Hie rm-T Hit plank ..f i!l ! fr ui curb t.. urh I, ttt I In. h- tn till kn-i" a -1 12 l"ciie In u !.;h ii !. lot ix f et north "f tl- n o"! ! lie of 'x h i;,e.. atreet lo Kx hiir.'e r,-i-t, cad 1 .- 1 n f aill -r-- : "li ill ! lui- ro.,1 ''v irradin and'iii; 'li- w.-.t ; .il' t i -reof mid uudi-ri' nuiif an I pi ink'-nr l'i n-t half Ih-ei' t .111 1 1- ,10 ru.-in k' -i.l.-walka t.-n f.-et w I I- ,.n 1 li si- 1 r of 1 after r- 1 1 1 1 1 k li ,. "Il hl.uiklior. unlerpin m md c-d ilk ih.- "ild p r ton ,f tie street lo li- pi ink-1 thr -tilth nit h- w: II!' ih-r-i f Tr ,111 1 1 ' 1 , I,, , urh ill1' 'la"kout four ;n-n-- i 'n I'll, kiem n- 2 Inches u .vidth. Tie ent i-e In-li-rM-ctl.n or iT'-.-lnir f -aid H v.-n-tei-nin i re I wlt.i Kx -hange irii. bv reiiiovlnif ;!ie ol I plinkuiK anl ii'id-r. ji.nliuf iherefr un and and lliinkl'iir Ih.. mill' Hir 'tiit'i'Mil Hie In t.e.iier'lon and cr H'lur 'X' '-P t un Iho eUl 111 feel of : I rr i-HIIK hall H' Improvei! hv undeipliiliiK nnd P'auklnR ii H inie the ,-i.v-rine plank Hir auth i.ur mild cro,tiK to be i lie-liei till, k 1 i,t 1; Inei.-B whl" l'r in Hi.. Hoiith I. I f KX II UUP- .-lie.-t !.. Ihe II T II line of I-'r.inklln av-nil- .n d ixeljou of mre.o hIi iII lie Imorivd by itri'l h IC Ihe Kinie IhroiiKhmit th- width thereof to the -al a hi i "he I in ad 'h re. nf anl planking Ihe :'im - I 1 a width of IX fee thrniiir lout the c tit'-r rh.-p'. of. Ih ' i-oier iiK P'ank to le- 1 Inch -it ihl k anl 12 Itieh.n wr d and i-on rue. tiltlf .l 11 11 Mule ,,f Ihe !ltre.-t l Hill''- walk- f-ei wide foil Ih,. p'nnklna lln'ir. ,f) w!:ti 11 H, ii- of lau f-e1 be-iw-i-ii 1 It.- pl.'inklnir of 1 in- ihlewilk II. 11 1 t le ciirli l:i, re 'f I ft f r Ih . ri ant In K of tr 1 1 ,1 ru lo. a ut. lei- al-iliif the , 11 :-' en.-h adeivtllk. All hniih.-r use I in .,rd Imrtrovemi'nt Hhii 1 1 b iri"'l, dniind rx or yell w fir. mid t" 1 Id linproveiii'-iit It I 1 In- Hind" aee Tl'nir id pl-mi and 0 nViitlni'H th'-refor to he prepa.ed hv t,u, rllv nieveyor n. hef'-intiri r -liled, unl im lo mill"i of d"l;i! '-X 1 1 ' 1 m h-reln ottii-r-viH,. provlil'-d tu-c irdinir to the K"n eral (irov'x.onu n ",. .r, ,,i,na"r,. No. KKil of Ihe fl y of At rla Th.ul the cinta mil expensed nf mak ing Hild Improv'-ment lo wild portion nf xu'd Htn-et nhall lie defrayed hv Hji'ilal nimoiimenl noon Ihe lots, land and premlivi henellled hv a-ild Improve ment a -mrdinu I , the benoflta, which Hild lot", lands n'nl piemlKes are hr by Inclildi d within n sfm Ul eieietnent illHlric:. wh'.rtli add district Incliiib-s nil lots, land nnd tip-inlsi-M lienetlleil bv said Improvement and to lie iii-k-iI to defriv the e st n I exp-nitix there if and which nld aiecliil .iHsessrn'nt dl-trb-t In n follnwa. to-wl: Commencing a th northeiutt cornur of lot four III M ,cV 13,1 likI rminiilff tht-nco s iuth Hirouith 'he middle trf hlocks 13. 120 nnd 113, to me south east c,rner of lot 9 In block 113, Ihenca eat to Ihe soiithiast iiinu-r of lot In block 112, thence north to Ih. north cast rorner of I .-. 4 In It'ock 13'!. Ilv'nce wW on a atra'ir it I ne ! Ih - north I'ne of I.I ka 132 nnd 133 lo the pla of lt (finning nnd rontalnlna? nil of lo' 1, 2, 3. In block 133; lota 1. 2 and 3, In Maloney block I'M, lots I. S. J. 10. 11 " ' bl.s-k llil, I 'U t, . . L "lid . l" blo-'k II.', and loss i. Hi ,,u' lois 4. '. mid -in black HU. In Hie t 'Wil mow I'KO of A.terla, In Clitasop ii.iiii. ty, tip-goil, laid out and lecoiiled Hv .1. M Hlilvwlv. That (tin I'llv Hurvenr lia, be.-n reeled to preinrw and file with I ha Au ditor and Police Judge of mild uv of A"! fia iKllmsiii of the cost and i-Xpells. of eiiiIIUCllH ld lllll'r've. in, nt and ,'i lllca.Uoin for '.he in p.we.l work 'Phis noli.v le published Hi the M sn lug Astorian fur eight davs I" pur- tmncn to an orllnano. pis-ed on the isilt dav of Nov, li'i'l. ilii'cllug Hie Mine Mate nf Hint piilille.iil ui Nov Mlh. pml It K NKLHuN. Auditor and Police Judge nf Uio Cltv of Aslori. NOTICE 10 lt 1IIPH III, Is will lie i-.x- liv the CounlV I'.uiit of Chls. i Coiinti, Oivgoli until Wedii.-sdiv, i.cmli.T i lld, nt 3 l I in . for cli-ar'lig the right of way 1h'- iwixmi the i ami m-i-i l'"s aioeg m.. N-'ialeiu, or No ;. Sail right of way iiiiiH Ihi cIimih.1 of brush. (Iiv, logs ii ti.l Klump ! f el wld, la Hi.. Kit infliction of I lie County lUvid M ait-r lli.U must stain th prl v per lineal f.tit, rml or mile, mnl t.'ie dale of com 1'le.tloli of al, w-nrk Th right la rt').- uny or all tot I hereby ix-nervtst. lly order of Vm dimly Cour'. II, J WIIKIllTV. Clerk. NOTICE Knit llll Notice Is hereby given. Uiat UP to the liour of 3 o'cl h k P m . ill the .'1th day ' November, I'.nt, the mm. NEW ZBAUND UK INSURANCE COMPANY Of New Zeolnnd W. P. THOMAS, Mcr., 5nn Franclsico. UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SHAKKIIOLDKKS Sutisprilipil ('ititttl, l'uitl-ti t'niiUil, Atwi'U, Am U in 1'iiiti'i! Stnti'S, HurjiliiH to l'ulii y HoMcrs, Has ln't'ii I'lKlcrwritiiij; mi tln PACIFIC COAST COMPANY COAL For Steamer, Commercial and Family Use Orders Promptly Executed . . DOCK FOOT OF SEVENTH ST Samuel Elmore & Co., Agts. 1 Hnmuel Kltttore M Co., (leneral Attent., .,S l'i iltIA, OHK to, It. A N. R II. Co., rortlaml, AtiKNTS -J A. A C. 11 It. On, Portland. ll C. LA Ml I. TllUiiiook. Or(oa. l?OU!Nl)IiL A. I. I71 SUN INSURANCE OFFICE (IK LIIMIIIN 1 mi-: oLi)i:sr itki i.y i iki: oi i k i: in iiii. wiiki.d. Cli Ata, ... ii,himMmm C'Hi Annatw In l'nltrt Mtntv. .fn 0.,5 C. A. HENRY & CO., GENERAL AGENTS. 215 SiinMimc Street PacificNavigation Company StcniucrN "Sue II. I.liiunc" mnl "V. II. IIm i Ison'' Only line Antorla to rilluiilimk. (iiil lhuldl and Il.iv City, llnhmniv illo Cnnnrrtlnc at Aalorla wllh th Op'koii Itallroad A I'avlKatlon Com pany nnd also the Astoria A Colimiiiln Hlvrr Itallroad for Ban Kran claco, Portland nnl all pulnta Kist. For freight and puiwenger ratri api'ly lo Sixty CcntH Delivered at KOPP'S BEST ADeliciousancl Palatable Urink Absolutely Pure The Northern Pacific Brewery, of which Mr. John Kopp la proprUtor, make beer for domeatlo and export trade. llottled beer for family uae or k'f beer aupplled at any'tlmt. Dellvary In the city free. Horth Pacific Brewery iiiltl.o on atreets and I'UbHo v t 'oliililoii Council of the thIV of Atilol-lft Will reisiiVe S.Hln.1 bids Tor imnsliiHMIoii of Ilia Impoo ni'lit t l-ileielllll slrU ft'olll lll.l "orlll I Colilllieicllll slixvl In the "OllHl lllln 'T II. ui, I sin-l. s "id-ied Ulipioird bv of dlnancs No. JiiH f Hie Cltv i f Al .s.i ..ii.l iu-iirdiiig In Uio Plan llj .elllillloll llli'H'for All luils linwi "in.'i in , of .sdi'MliC No T ipags Hit . lie', iiiint'lliol cliai'P'r and ;rdi nauc.sil and lli rglil I. i'.or "l 10 any and .IM-M ,,r,N,,11 W J Cm Hi. I. A'lltllN. I'oitinilliee on Hius'H and Public Way of lll Collllill nf t in liv of Alorla NnTli'E Koll HI 1 Nolle, la herein glwit. Uiat up tn Hie lumr of 3 li'ckv k P in " 'bs '.'.III div 'f N'V-llle-l, l"il. th" coin nil ten .,n slrve'S nnd tmldic ways Hie illinium Council ,.f Hi Cli of ,l.u-;.i wilt nvliv -l d I'd. for I ha .- onsliu.-lioii ,.f III- liii.Mvenin, .if Cmiiiieix UI fiiwl fr"" Ibn east of air-ot lo IIm we line of I'Viiirl.-enili lr--l. as .,.-rd lini't-'vetl l,y ..rdHirtiVe No ;IJ, ..f the I'v of Astoria, and ac-oid im 1' Hie p'.ana and sp'-tni-iiuom lh,-t-for All lM miW conform 1 t , riitra incuts .if ordinance No l,'t fia Hi of lf. charier and ord" naiiifsl and ib" rlulit is r'evl t reject any ad ad bids C i- l -IVIVillMI. W J iNx'K. 1. AUHKN t'.iiuiiill'ee oil ttrvt sinl Public Wava if the '.iiiiin.iii Council ,-f Cm W i.f Aalorla 'i .(UHI.OOO 1,(1(10,(10(1 'J,'i I'i.I 1 1 111 II Mil M) 1 .7 1 s.7iJ Purilit' (' v 1 Iwriity-twn yr-nr. TtLLPHONL eUIN 661 Sun I'rnni Ivii. Cnl. Per Month Your RchIcIciicc.