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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1901)
Till: MORNING ' ASTORIA N, FRIDAY, NOVEMHKK 22. 1001 It Isn't Often Tim y .n nil I iviii'lU'i ly of lmilllli III.- I,r! III a trr-nofy at. " "l Our re. but r mak.. a Ap.d.ii. Chocolate Creams At., mk linn if ,UH ii,r .i ay i t,,, ) J'U . . H llim , W,. Hill gladly r run.) .in I fi r ymif imni'-y. J.lln'!illll Fancy Marsh mallows Fir i.iU.v W I vtiy wick; Pail Candles 'k; ih.i imr mr'. ly of l (tie KIP.i.n iln , I .' III it , i y ..imr 1 1 . aa ..f 'li. have . .li: .lirf.rnn I.MIHA u'lnl Couir an. I .11 35 ?r poind UOSS, IIICiGINS cV CO. worth rr.iiu 1.1 'i 14. but reduced iroat ly thin wik only, It ri'llnMy wal.A tlutt tray of ilium ii I t .l.ti fi-.jn ih. i'9 I'-rt- Tin. 1l.'vi'iy In iili In have ln-on ' mad" In a .fr. k i'f card., Tbl Hnl I Joke U Jul n hcliiK Apiunf liy tti ..r ust-in. .vi.l.'n;ly with niu.ii rlll). A w i.ii i:fi.., vkIkim iu ihw it n in k ;., h.v tit In bun. h'M hi Au dit. h- Nk m ..ffl.-. wi fi tli. "niii n f i ttill.l.i'.-n liy ih" p. I, Ilea! pui'.lr, IllKTn'l .l.H lll'l' tti" 1, .in J y. Uti.l.liiy lll'l l.l'.ll IMIIIllHT -f V Ki-IUI tl .ha w in .tl.- . All-Jilt 'jl. hut r-ultl In lh runup being bestow ed upon him. Wilson Up, of 'Airt.irtn, hav a, cured t)i contra.! f.r buil'Mrur a new i-iiincry Ui Hinborn-Cu'tltig Omv pany. Th" building will bw 210x140 f'". 4d w ill In. mmiilrtnl In mne for pT allnii (i.'Xi 'um. Th cinwry will j Af:r icr ' Hi" .l"ilf I! ill- w:iiv? i i'. W. tu II . li I Monday lull. J It .in. I The Morning Astorian TKMll'IIONK Ml. N'ti i: To Ai'Vi:iiriHi:i(H 'Inline ii.' f'l'v imil Km l.u.l-d.-ni .itr. r ) 3 . in. 1. 1 vcur ,ap. In tiio f, ., . jn( morn tig's r ill, ..11 Tlit ruin will ( .wrii nil J. ml In riiriirni n.-rpilng r jt.Htir I W llrw linvn ' t i ' . - J .:iii.. n . r... liil.l. , iii.i.t rlilnn - .tin. '.ii llii CM ( Ull-to-.U:. l-r. Ih (. . wik. brl.r nh .p f r Tlirr nrm-ciiti bar. Jl'iiti.. k.I of all klriil, clirap l.'i" V 'k-iliaiiia H.a.i tr, I;; i oiiuii. r. l Mrwt. : "ff n. Diy htvr (in-n tli-v ri U. ili.-iv At ih.- . .if Mi. 1. 11 K'tK-vt A I I" KlWy h i hit Hi ? 1 "lil.-f .if t.ia limv" Imi'i inl inn lli Jr 'llll.'.t llllK rv: nn, .m ..! liny n .t lute aim. In i liiin..' i'.m..Afil brim A. ilnii i'J i n f ,ll,lll. . 1.1 liT Wnln iy VI.I11I WIM . li. I.ll.k. ff III.- .1 iii.-r ! l;.t, wb' li Arrii'i-I fi n .'.-lir!i, w.ia rit pr- :ii.i-t'a l. oiw. Th Tt'lAY WIlATIinit. fi'ltTI.ANP. .Vn :l -!. .11 an,l'ii !i..ii. . . 4i.ii.i i.i in. I.ri.k t.i HlKll .ilh.-,ii Willi. wi: a uln.idi s-iu-ii o(; ll.ti.i, . mi l il"-4l. iilii; w i'Ji M-.-oM.iiut mill, iil!i .l, AKOUNI) TOWN. N.- i-r iiiu at J.iliua n Hr . Il.-iiia' uilii. r in.-it ai J.iha.n llnw I i'kJr Mik! tii vt.-i.1iy ! 4.1iiilii,!mli.i ,.f ih wt.lf 1!. lI'WMU'-.t. ll.l. ..III. .1 M .ry J W IUIi.., (.!!.. .iiiiiiii.I hi. r, a ia in lay. ..11 4 bri.f vUli. Wry aul r... (In. iliy yri.. Kun.y at J.'lui N'.w J.-iwcy 1 r ilil ri lo llr.ia. )ut in Call main Ml your ral i.u!r mrnu Or.lm pr,.mp:ly nilctl tlni ti-i-ont malf-lialiift Hun taurant. (13 C.iliiin.rcUl air!. Itr. I'aironla h me In.luHry an.l buy your lr an I itraln ai (laa'un't mill HI'.'HT 15CI1NT M1CA1. HI N IIICtlTAl'HANT. ftlriINt) N'-u J .tin. f .in.) Juki I ' .i Hi. "il'iiprAi Hullan.' ( ir .Ml llio Illik- llir Hun: t.rnl S..I.1 r ry w lii-rp. I Ir- JttnmituV a'. Ha, UQ Little iuu Fellows' I linvc tin- aliiivc nnini'il miniliiT of Suits for IWh. 3 to 8 In Vestees Norfolk Sailors Reefers and Russian Blouse Suits I wish to force 'em out. You run 1 m y Vm clump. This Weekl This Week! COME AND SEE. I" "U ni 'k'-? Try a "i!-nri Su!. m in." nr niw-i r.-.iii . ir.r mi ih- market H..1J rvry w ln-ri-. Til. Crt:i..ll,. far r"r-'ti(ly tl"-:.l )-1 : I llli Hi Tim m-iluv will be iim.I '.bo bpurfll nf tbi rliuroij If y..u want b' woo.1. alab wo..l or !lirr n.iKj tppih.inn Kelly, tin traiKfr man I'hunr ::il bla.k. I'Alrniiiap home In.luairy by moklli llm "I'rMa .if At.rla" rluara. Dni-ai iiu l Maiiura.-turrJ by MacFarlano & KmibH l"'U ai tho ll.iwcr KMrm iu.iu,.,. in mir w'ii.I iw, an. ,.ur Inty amk ; j new IVrfulll a n I yti ,.V.J. U fir, j lllUk'KlKI. Til I'Vm I Sli'Vitm hull lb. II . l ' ai. inuk'ni! ah . rr ( I., iirr iiicr a r- ..f .' Willi Hi,- t '.mini. i,-. i j i'!i!i l.trnt .i;Hiit 4 llii'l flii by Oulln l t V't V f..r I 111 ri ih r.(filat., wlii- mi :i I,I'.'...haI fl rt . f Kw wax lm ..n.' ..n lan-y A Ki.-t. ll.-r, n t .if tlu . li i.r. f.r 'nitiltliiB mi unit. .ma-I i .i;.u n ti : avii;ilr ih" '. Th- . !iy Ural i r mmil rv ) is vi.'i'liv by 'Iih r.nv.-n- ii .ii I. .n f..n . f;im W4t.i - ti. j, M. Vi I-. A M. I'lur-iin niij F A T , in 1 -J mi. a V. W.-l b. Auiiiim H': I n n I A. C. '.ill n. T ili'l wrl F MiiT'f', K I" I..Hi"lK r an I lvrr An.l ia.ii Jajimm W WVi.-ii !i.iwfi ..f lb.' .'.ifintiiii. -. jnl K 1' U..'ii.iri r - r. i .u . J'l Ik.' T'yi .r a- .l V W Vii.,lf li.n.. r.'Mirti' I fruii I'tiI.iji.I. w"it' Ii w.'nt I i is.iiau' th- i;i an I il ".r fi.'l.irv i- .. .-. Tin' film nn'ttilKf n t.. i,.r 1 1 1 'h r. a ly t i ajtr-.- t tr,-A. li mi iuiM.w.. ,y , ..inm:l.'.. an. I Ui' tr ii a h.i. h I i ' if '.mI 'Inn. II. iw' vT, t'.i.r'-nlauv Uir i-niuiy ; I arr.v.. l i I'.c c.iy t.ay, wbrn 'hr mnll. r will . 'uI.II''pa b. an i:Kb:.n ..ill 1. 1 ii.- -.tilfa. if n .f 411 i'..n. ! :i-.1 hnv.. u raiuuilty of VX c 4 illy. Juki what W, K, Tallint lirU'ii.l .1 .ln ,1m III.- caniiiTy linn Km nut b" n hurn l. Wli'ti aakel yi'iti-riUy ..a io bl :ii:iitl.m, Mr. Tulbint J-illir. ! bi nuik.. any j.ini-iit, i Ai tin. I'mnnrln ".ub .uri liwt IliKill 'bull lllKl rViillllt W')t' tluvf Airj'glu (ritin.-ii fr in FiI'ik an j W ol fli'lil wlili aMpfiit wi. Th" Ta w r.-: :i-l.'. 21-H .in.) 2110 ."tHk irn 'an I Tli'tux. Ilk wIm t .k ihitw :m.f.rt fr -in T4injwm an Tb.mi "nil. Hi.- a a-". Ikmik. 21-12, .'1-14 ami l'1-l ". T . ilirbl MlUa lunl Olilrr IM Fuiilf' an.l W.iIH. M. wlilie ftt.rf'kl"n an I T:i i.uaa w!: fltcit It mil w .t.1 I il.u ...ii an 1 lUlxt " ! ! Till i'U-nl'i( thi- lauifh ible Mrh f.ire ly "Mjl'ii"y'a Wi.,ng !'' will Iv T,i lui-"l ai Fjihi-r'a ..-ra. i,iu'. It la a i- im-dy ciinflrui'lvj l.i p.i" I lii- y.tu'ijf n well .ia the IJ, un.l fuirly ii'.tm wild tn' ni.i ri'ViH anj huni' "il l.b'AA .f rUTJf iUy it: I'urln l he -rf rm iiiiv pn-tty iHlle aun.rlwa 1 I u.i In tlf w ay of tiiirlii( an.) Un. -Itii; -. ial!ii-A Heal a nnvr a-'II iii; si (lilllln IU-il . H euro Uwin anil ravn the ruali ill thf l..r. 111,. riil'.t fl at a ilv rrv!.'.' c m mi .n unn 'un.-a thin a( ih' rwiU'-wt ..f I n' b.irl of vl-.t.ira I.i tliA I'nitnl Hi.iIim n iMii "i .--" r . rxarn na il. i will !.. b-l ..n lA'r.'mU.r 11 12, 13. l'il. u! varl niA iiinv. thr..ugi,.ut thi" I'nl:. S(.iii', f .r th im tl 'n a ir.i"..m'r In Uu- Unl cJ S'.alrti n.ival .iy, i. n Ailiry i.f JlOU .. r n li u in Aai irian drAir.nif t in l'lr In t!i! i';iniliiAi!,m may m' xrr a. Ml l.uinl In f rinitlm by applying tu ii Y H.-ilbT'i. at llir b.cai iMit.,fllc.-. T i" !"j!ii'i:ii 1'11't .irrlvc l j-miit. .lav fr.i'ii f.m Fr.un!v.i Thr to ir-l In fi' ii Tliiain.ik. but ..I ltw l' lln-rj w 'it n.i m .v nr n ui .iik !! n.iti'ifr.xii. T.'i" wpith-r-b 'Uii l r.iUi tl.'l a Atlll tiil u; In Iho I .wit h ir. b .r. an 1 i ii.. ..f ihr . .i;iuiliia aiv b -Kiiii'hia; I.i w "ii l-T :f thry or I it. '!iri":m.n n Aa .rl.i. Ova-1 imlly ..ii .f th,. i4-a ni.ik'w a fir a.. in itv-i- h.iH i.ti . c"'n-rj n 1ua I tt- F. Il.'lliirn Ixi.l a lery un; leiA ant (' r. -ii'-.. .in TiiM-lay, a i.l hi-p"-Jfl t wh..n h. n-Kal'f lilmiwl' wl'h i-'il. k.-n pi l l Inauieurat. rlif.d "ip h for Ivai.-a. rmr.Tin; tlm (Jlnn-T h ,nw a pl"v of biAir, whk'h .lg jf.l n :h.' ihrvit. Dr. jr.llner w.ia jlianLy sum imii'M. but It waa twrn ly minutra b.-f.iiv tlr. ,Vinl.lm arriv. jn. Mr. Ili'illirn iia u I in.. at t h .kr.1 i ii ilin'.i. and whe-n Vr C ij'n-r ra h-i-. in . hoiiAo the- Auff.ivr naa bK"! nir ai :h.' ihntrlU an l in uth, while h.A (ry.-a lm ! .ilniMt auril frun tho w vk jr;.i The bo.K waa 'Xtm.lJ w.t'iou! - mu li tr .ubl. M il '.ilk' in ' !. Oil I r I Mr WIS .. h. r h ' ii J 'Iri. hln.i ! r aI h-iiii.' "n I. nip m'.'- l n Wini' I Tu.. or iIiipc .Ut-iA , in r..l b'n.'f rl'i i,i bu'tni'ta . '-n-t r. M-hI tu .-..ii wnlni.'. . irr ,.f .r;an I' purr ryr, Am.'ri'.ri (Iila: wblky. Tbr only I'ur ..!'. iiiKrl ili-h anl m ''I.i v JOHN 1. i'AllltiN. S..U Ai-nt. I bur flfifrn buinlii-l t..!!i lruh. Ii arlr.'l fr.ini: buy our: If thr brlillra -it .ml rtlurn II, I win ty you u n-'w on.1 I'b.iA It.igi-rA John A Mtiiitgoni ry n ia oprnrii a ali.'P at 121 llou.l air-': nr. I n prrpurr.) ( il.i nil i'Iika a of pluiiilmig an.l tin i Imr at liiwrnt rit'A Thr iirw AlrAim r HI vlr.i wnil In.o .oininlMaHi yint'Mil.iy ii ;!,, , llii.. hut. Tho WiJaviA irluinr.l I.. II, i. ni. r. w li. io vho la ownrj. Itoalyn coal laaia longer, I clran. r an.l nik"' Iraa truublr wilh atovea unJ ihlmnry (lurt than flny ulhfr. Oeorge V. Hanborn, agent; irbphinr I3'l liaili f ir In.liri at ih 1'iilace nnthi. I'rh-Alo rut ranee on nl.Ie of building. Shop oprn on Humlay mornlnga for ahln.'A and balli. lavla A Corbrtt. proprli'lora. A a'orm of untiMiml twerliy ragod I.iaI nlghl, 111,, wind at Mnii Hll.ilii Ing a ti 1 m II vcbvlly. Hliniboarda xuf furol In thi- hiinliiift wvtkai, but lh-'ie wiiia no grrat diiniugo. F.imlly ayrlngpa from 25 centa upward at Il'igcra', Fonnlaln Hyrlngivi from ISO rent a up; any kind of rubber gooda you may want at bottom flgur.-a at Hogrra', Odd I'Vllowa building. Tho Toko Point oyator hoUAe la piv-IMin-'l Ut kuppIv f.inilly iiiil.'rn for tho fiinmua Toko Point i.yati'ra. Srrvia oyaliM-a !i any Klylo. Elrvonlh 8lrit, liil wo-ii lliuid mid CoiiiuhtcIiiI; phoiio. 2741. InaptvtonA, Mdwiirdti and Full.'r r-rlvi-d down (run IVu'llunU y.-aU'rduy. Thoy Imiirdod Mio Kldrr at AsWla for the punxiAe of liiBit'Cllng Uer. Tho In npii'tton wnn nitulo on Mhi trip up the river. Tho IaWIIoh' Ouild .if Holy IniKH-onlA' chapol will lioKI a aule M-f iiincy ai tl cloa In I'iiAl AHtorhi, mxt door t.i A hlllold ft llaukr'A. IiokIiiiiIiik Salur diiy iiftorn Mil at 2 o'clock ttiid contin uing during tho evening. Herman Wise offer 16S children's nulla, agea i to 8, ait a gr i reduc tion this week. They comprise, ventre. UuAHlan blouse, allor, reeferw and Nor folk suits, In plain und mixed goods, ,.r .i j 'l' I'll I b.-.-n vi.t. ut a y-nr ni, l:T 1'idr ipuci bv !. nn Two Ac . r i ' 'hln ih,! home V'.nl .t'.A t. r.'tll.ll'M 11 111" Alr.llll- aii ! nil fou: .'!.. ! ui,. .1 y. Alrr tn Ii pun ' ',:. ! r l'a'k.-r. "M J lm" ., ii'iliy I.-" Wy. lilt h! . tl I'oiin. PaiVer went to Portland on Kie tiatgeit night, and today will leave dnvn with the aieam.T As-t-riin. Mr Parker han b',-n Vv king f .r in o.p .rtuulty i.i run the .A:jrln In 1. prn li'iilly li-tw- vn Ast' ria oml P 'i :iuii,l. and f,r a timr this fail It niMii".! thrre w m'..l ! a chanc f r him I . bp'.ik In. N '.v. lKiwever, ril lAfa. t -ry having li-n granted t'.i . an compmy. It ;lk"ly ihe A.twin A 'rvti- will not be require I, an l n..i; w Hi !l,e w.'l -kn 'Wn III in Our ;1 Ti.. tin will bo tl w! up t't 'tha w.nt'rr. Ibrfr l'vlng fr p,.r land Uuat night Mr. I'ark r hlnlel tiat h Would r t awiit t.i lUpubll.tin n .mlanin f .r e.iun llman. but tila At.nem'-rtt was 4"Ubtl-aai mblo In a of fun, a h had ariple opp Tlunl jr 1 1 d", line at yi'srrli.y'a ronvnil n, whb'h h waa a drl.'gate. In l"w of th in erw-t Alik-h his bkiri srUA"d ovt th mudlln reul:lng from thr n.mlnatxfi ,f K pubiltsv-a by fltlx-HA' a-1 ' I.!. m n , n'im.iiAt.ori will bo aw lit"! Willi impill . la 'll!x.'iia have h-rriofore made t irlr noininatlona by pi-ii'lm. but fill th convention wa nll. nd.l by mf- t ian I'io d.-lrgitt an I ib- .an l.dii-A . h'i'Mn Will In- I'lilklr,) , pla,.. o;, th. it k-t w b ni- unusual f rrnalny. Kich cin .11. Int.. mut file his ac -pun . of one n'Miilnallon. N-Ihiii, f r fci lanii'. lias Iw-n iihiii... by Iv.h par-ll'-. If he Jirrpn thr .'l(!xrn' nim-in-illon, thr rrulir ubbc iris may !.ik' t.lf.-ns , w ille If h a. Ofita Oi ' ll'-pu'illan th Clt'.avs may f"e offrlid.-l. eniAi'Lil'ly m vi- w' if the fact th.'it the Cl'.lx ns flrt ntniaatel him. Th slluiti. n ba a tendency to rrnke rnuttera rather uicomf rtibU? for th'i ca,'ididatei. Another qu'Xil.n artwa. If Audi:. N"l.n ace;.! the lb.-;'U!llcan ni m.narf ti. the ClUi-mr tU-k'-t will no: have a "d:late f r aulttor; If he acee;,tA Ih- C':iizena' rvan Intalhai, the It-;iublli'uiA wl: le a can- dilute ahy. Will tar central ormrirt- le' of Ihe pir:y cmni-d mrne a:i- orher ran.lnlute t r the ..nic. In a c r,lanre Insiru that Jt ahall Mil any arid aJI vaciiic.w ihat may oc cur' Future deiel aitm-nU will s-rve better tu anewyr tills iUtrA'!,m than anylhln else. 6:rect Su:r1nten 1-iit Kejrn.y is th,. th..r caaJi.lae wTio muet cjtiaid'-r tins little matter. luncllm in rV.nerne.kiu lias an- nuuticrd that b 'Jl n t acc-K th Kepubllcan nomination for may rr. In cinvi-nuii m wl'h an rvjire srntatlve lam evening. Mr. S.-herre-cluui said his hett'.Vi would n t jrrm: ac tive oampils-nln- ..n he part: that he had his ier.-n in the city cajn- n. 'tut, In vw if ibe action mmismm Do you want some very beautiful LINENS for the special Thanksgiving Day, and for servicatle use after wards? Yes. you do. WE OFFER YOU Blriif hdl Linen TabiV; rna.k, IJ2-iirl;fia wide, at . . . Blenched Liiu-ii Tulile Darimsk, (iS-incIifs wide, at ... . iJ'i nclicd Liiifii Tubli' iJninaik, liH-inclios wiile, at ... . Iileiielicd Linen Tiil-le I)iiuin.-k, fiH-int-hea wide, at . . . . BiVadied IJiicn Tidde Dania.-k, 72-inches wide, at ... , Bleach d Linen Tahle iJamiik, 72-inclies wide, at ... . Full Double Faced Satin Damask, at All Linen Doylic, j.c-r dozen, 4)c, 60c and All Linen Napkins, Small Cut, Good, per dozen All Linen Napkin?., 2ox:.7 inches, Light Weight, per doz. All Linen Napkins. 22x22 inches, Satin Damask, der doz. Towels in complete variety. One specialty is a Satin Dania-k, 21x4" in'che, fine and heavy, with hand knotted frinr;e, at 25C 50c 60c 70c 75c 1.00 1.25 1.25 75c 1.50 1.75 2.50 Shanahan's Dedal Sale On Overcoats Is Still Going On. MM . I .ii in til one now. 1 lie v out li Ii.imvs lire coming aim ymi coinfi'i tahle mid look well. Id or i imM nii.l leitninlv want damp, to feel ell. of th Ci:iz"nA in ind.rtng hia can- ll.larv ,m iirrvious Oicisiuin, he did I n.Ai fe.d tbat rw could a-pt a rum- j Ination against one ,( their candidates, j Mr. Schern'-ckau waa named by the ' C'lt:is a,s Cie4r canitlaie for the ourall frim the Second ward. Yeater- ! diy he was n,ai,iiatiil mayor by the Hep I'lll.-ujvi. which would nere Uie de.'llnitlon ut me of the nainlna- I t'...n. He has decidej to decline b th, and th. two varan, 1-w mua: be Ailed. Mr. Si'herneckau s.vld he majat hive i bn a candblale for mayor had fiit , iMmlnit'.on b- en t?nd red him by the tliens. or that iie might have been a candidate f.r tii.. cnricd had the Ittpiihllmiis lnd.irnrl him: but under no cla-urriH:ancvs w ud t.e c:ns nt ti imike a fight for okvUn, which wmuM be nviry If either of the nomina ti nri w is aco'i't",!. "If iny mme Is not taken frm ba tick ta. I will not nullify if elecled.1' n.ii,i Mr. S hern-k-au. "I haw nude ibis s atem.-nt sev eral limn during t:i eve"':iff. but ev -dently It Is reginlf.1 us an in.i.n-i-e one. However. I am very niu.h in earnest, and. w hile I ap; rwlale the honor of the n m n ill .n. I cann .--ii- ernt Ui be a I have been In j l!.e cniv-;i for ..x y .v. which la all l Mat can rvas naMy be a-i-d of a jman." When ? :i. Martin Furl, Ite. public in can, I'.l.ite It p.'lce . I si i.. r. satd he hal n't :1von :ie sub- , Ject a"y c iiAid 'ra'.i -n, and that he was ' I not rea Iv to s;at S H 'Jior or not he wou'.l ivn.'ent to make the ru.1. In i- , mat ' friends of Mr. F :-J a: .f the i opinion that he will aivep: iii n ni n- j ii'H. Ladies, Attention If you would like a pure old whiskey for mak ing your Mince Meat, ask for Sam Clay. This is a straight whiskey and is positively nine years old. On account of its age and strength it goes much farther than blended goods. For Sale by FOARD 8 STOKES COMPANY i CAUTION I Before yon buy a stove or range examine the Royal Charter Oak Better work, leas fuel and la- i bor, and last longer. Prices reasonable. ! W. J. Scully, 431 BOND STREET, Between Ninth and Tenth IT. i . . . . , ' . . ; ; , "'.77 T ft M $22...0 Over coats for . . 16.85 $20.1 Ml Over- Zt)i coats for . . IJ.VU ?1 8.1K) Over- 1 1 "A coats for . . li)it)U $lG.()0()ver- j 0 A A coats for . . l.UU $13.50 Over- U jA coats for . . 1U.1U $11.00 Over- 0 0" coats for . . OiLiJ $ 9.00 Over- ( 7" coats for . . I J 25 PCI Cent Reduction on Overcoats and Suits. 20 per Cent Reduction on Furnishing Goods, etc. s. danzTger IIir.H SOIDOL, PIHHJR-M. R Rill i r Mon'hly Hlictyicii Kx-ivls,s Occur This A.'teri'o n. r guiar monthly rie: r:c:il x i will occur a; the High Schoil aftcnio n. beff.nni i at 1:30. the numbers will be she f 'l- liwlriininHa! so: i . It.v tatlon. "D sir! It, Vhe:- Th -r,-i this Anions lowing: Ml s M 1 SehMl. ... . Otto h Heci:a!ion. "Jlurlil of Mo-.s" M - Mai'v Paws n rteniiation, "The Cvnlc" tleoi'ge H lmes Ux'ltati -a, "Tie Klcklnc Mule".... Alfred Anderson Ina:rumeiial du, t Miss.-s FI 'i-etic. nnd Altc Goddsird R.vltatln. "SomebHly's Mother".. Miss Klhel lier.iinff Pc l:i:i n. "Sputa.u lo th? Gla.l- iatois" A. via Oimi'bel! Ad,lr-ss, ' Id -.Us of r:titenr1lT... H n. i'. W. Fulton KOTIPK OF Pl-BLICATIOX. Notice Is hen'by given that th - Omi mon O,uno'.l of tho City of Astoria has doclar d Us Intention and determna llon to establish the gra le on Thir t.futh stiwt from the north line of Duane street Ho the s uth line of Kx- changV3 street at the foll.nving heights aboiv the base of grades as established by Oniln-UK-e No. "1 of eaid ctiy, to wlt: . At the noNh Una of Duane stieet, 24.5 foot, nnl at tho ooutti line of Duane street, 24.5 reet. At thq north line of Exchange stive, !8.l feet, and at the south Mr.- of Ex chimse slreet, 28.1 f.vt. The elope b'twivn the south line cf Duane street and the north line of Kx ohane stivet to be straight or graiual. This rrotlce' Ia pub lshe.1 for ten days In pursuance to a resolution of the Common C .iunc4l of sa:d city, ordcr nir the sane. H. K. NFXWN, Audit ir and Police Judge of the City o:' Asloria. Da e of first publication, November 22. Will. THE PAIACE COMMERCIAL ST Finest Restaurant in the City Regular Meals 25 cents Sunday Dinner a Specialty W.W. Whipple EVERYTHING THE MARKET AFFORDS " Lest You Forget. WHITE HOUSE COFFEE and UPTON TEA at Fisher Brothers' i We Rent New Typewriters. Many new improvements added. See our latest No. 2 Smith Premier Typewriter New Art Catalogue Free . . . L. M. ALEXANDER & CO- Exoluuive Pacific Coast Dealers 245 Stark St., Portland, Ore, F W. M'KECHNIE, Local Agent. vmAWasWP - C. a TRENCHARD, Commission. Brokerage. Insurance and Shipping. Cuastom House Broker. ASTORIA, ORE, Ageat W, P. A Go- and Paclno Kxpreaa Go t. HQTBL PORTLAND PORTLAND, OREGON Tho Only First-Class Hotel In Portland