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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1901)
rm: mornim; astorian, ikiday. novdmhmk m gaily otoviau Telephone Main Ml. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Sent by mall, per yoar Sent by mail, per month Served by carrier, per month .1100 , .so WKF.KLY. Sent by mall, per year. In advance. JS.OO Th Ator!n cuarantfM tn Its dvr - r!r th lirirt circulation of ny B.wr.Per r-Ml.hod on th. Cotom lTf. L OHIXESR KVOU'SIOX. j A tho timo f r tho noxt oi". f conerrvyi ;o c ti.n.. J i noaror Hi tcroM in tho iju ;l n , f ix -:u.iin of Chlni? frv-n thi vuntry is Inoroa. Injt. Tho pr.-xent Uw oxolud:rjf ch. nee :mmU:ration. kno-n aa ttv C!ry a.v V. oxidre next May. V5ion it la rwalloj with tencUy tho p.isaj of th orijrlnal oxo!u-!.'n l'w urn orp.M hy many of Katom who by tho way were oonv of the ablest men in tV sooato- there b ground for the apprehensi.nt thts most filutary and bi-noflo'.aJ law may fail of re-onactmont. On th PacitV oast thore ' jm ques tion of what p.-wit;n tho iKjtat;.)r. from thia n.-clon will taie on tho iiue tlon. Sfnat.irs and from the PaMflo :ato will a;and a a un-.U In tho eff-rt t.i k"r that la uixvi our taute honk-v They ar well nare of the dang t to w civl'.liation and well being of an unrestricted inRux of this cheap and whol'.y un desirable horJ of Oriental labor. Ex perience has been the school of our teaching and our determination that the barrier of exclusion fhall no: be destroyed is deeply ro.ned. The erreat danger Is that representatives from th.n)e sectiivifl of the country wh-re the Chinaman has not as yet" nnde his pre.n.-e feit may be perjuadJ that the danger fr,im Chines.- imm!gratioB Is not sufficient to warrant the pass age of this drastic muure aga:nst one particular n&ti.ialtty. Tbes? mem bers of congress must iiave this que. tkin placed befjre them in a forcible manner and must be made acquainted with tha sentiment of this section on this matter. Our state. ci:y, commercial and lab'r ..Trganirattons sh.mlj unite In formulating the facts bvhind this demaiil a"d forward it to th se tvprt- s-nta ivrs In c to ass st them i In Sivuring the 'uppot ne-epsiry t the rj-ena.'rtm-jit of that lur. Mayor Ph-lan. . San Fran."!sc). n an art.e e In the X eria American Re view treats th s subject at .4iv length and in a masterly minn-r. In his cl. ing Mnteno?s he says "exclusion is Let a mere labor question n.r a race qu--lion. It is an American iiu.:ion, af fecting the perpetuity of ur Insitu tlons and the standard of our i-iviiiza-tiui. Tho Chin-w will nt be aLSSimi latej. Th Ir earnings are carried hum- to China. They come to this cuntry to ble-d It They make ni improvements here and c-mtribute nothing to the per manent w.alth f the natinn. They live meanly, work nigh: aui day, take neith -r rest n r any pl-asure, f.J on rice and tea, dwell m the filthiest ansl cheapest mide. and acc-pt wages which would be lnalequate the ne cessities of whit- laiorsrs. If we are to have unllrnd ed ojii. Immigration we must expect ti have th- standard of life lowered in this country. Such a prospect U Intolerable. Chinese im migration threatens the welfare of the nation, the decency of the home, and not only the comfort and dignity but the very life of white labor. We in California are famiKar with the evil and our minds are made up, but the case must be presented properly and vigorously to congress. Talk ab-flit this country being an asyium f,r tne 'oppressed of all nati.tns' is run in considering the Chlne.-e qus-s ion. The c wlie cumes h r-. not for political llb-rty, but to mak m m-y. which he tik-s Mck with him to China. He is not oi:ressed, but he is an uppr-.-w ir. He y not a refuge-, he is an invai-r." Froin statistics g.v-n in advance sheets of CWm's Weekly r vie v i: wiil b- neen that our exp.rU In Octob-r were unusually heavy, althougi show ing a 1 of tl.Vi,W) ouin;Kir-il with the same? period in 1900. which was on of the rei-orl-breakers. Our imports Illao ah an Itipr-ase of tlO.Vs.'.iss, Sl that we had a trade balanc- f 'mly J64.2OO,'-0j against I92,7'Si,00 ) in October last vear. The deer -as- last ni'Tith was chiefly ow'ing to the backward mov-ment In cotbm, which will of coursa be made up later. Nevertheless. !.v fr-nuMwy of smaller exports Jin I smtJier tndo balance is (tt;jlMf. even If due tod.-prewl.n.s' rather! tivan r-Actl at hum'. Tiiough we are strength wv man.H ev..po h of foreign wave of dopivs. Ihe tou !J si. TV .llttlcuiil.- o tin oi j with no Pure Fvl .i!!i ,i ,nn lx - the fu-t thai th o unison an- i. in i- be il V. IT an ,o .npulrc art I rr , i on (! u ; p-sorv i- an, n t r,,. o n i tr-m;so.l that :h fh uJ V-o d n n Mir.i I: h.- nioriy t orn- 1 m n.l.M , fir o r i n rnr o :on. on , uu-:ur. ,ti.l . ;onl'is of m;!k , ,,. lMmf ,h. I wr -ui Ju.Vv JivuV.J K'! )u-"tl " ... ..... 1 h,. i.mi ""V ' ' K V , A ni.l tS: do .f borwlo rl . pri--rvuno n.u lrja:l.u. - An on r; was'.y ma.l t i eie.-- tr.vute a cir. u r pha.-.t a: !ufral. X. Y . and It f.iil vl or su.ves. R-pa tvllv the trcic!.i cuiront na-s tur.itM on and the elvtrto dud g.von the r'sht of way :hru;a tho corp r al stru ".ure of the pa.vhy.lvrm without ctusng him :o KvweJi his h M u;v.n l.f.' or even ?o much as that the ptvvv dings Inter sted hm. It s r.ow b'ilevel that s.-lenc Is .m ;h-esh-ol.l of a now discovery iu t ie r o rd of hk h the Wcphaiu will fitrutv .is the first animate thing since tie tin' of Ajax to defy the Ichtning and loe . Tile 'annual report of the l.g.uhou-i' b.iard of the l"n:t.l States s'.vms lha It directed and cntrollwl mre h.ui thirteen hundnM lighthouse an.1 l'a- c. lights more than two score -ghl- shiand an imnvn number of other avVi to navigaiiin, of warnings an! sign lis to mariners. Its beneficent wrk is of hiestimibie imp.rtance and usefulness, but the t.ual of .PPnpri.. ; l(V.T the Si. rnu. fr m ! x yJ tions asked for la extremely mode-t In ' Truck Oak. to t'olfix. A party f men,ls t.i f.. .w- th.. American X profKtaie. to toe results achk-veJ. engtneers h.s taken the field to run j m;.l- and athsh pull. Sureiv gre ought n -t to be nig- , P:mlnari- ft a cut off. lrlu,U-g , poR ,(AIlJ,KSESS , a tunnel. They are now at work on a j . , gardly to this department. ; n,,w llm. ,,, gin ttt i),nnor I.ik. w:th n-nj Ingron. of llutt .n. t ul . ka . th livt-ntln of coming -u: o th- l-e hi I no: Mt'n r Jb,v Russia is un.vill!ng t, give France , Yuha river near Cisco. By the n-w ; ;"lf'' Jj .y-"'!";. '" ,j 'tV "r-'sp.r'.'i a freehand n the prvite.-tion of Fr-nch 'llt,n !h" 1;n vM 1 I v-tc. H- sure y.,u g-t Foley'.- mil-s and the elevation reduce I Jiiijii Hu-fs drug store interests in Turkey. The recent naval Ulnne, wll( mlV(, u, ,x dm.-ms?ttlon noariy lej to m:-, in l-ngtb. 1 The rep -rt that nusVl Sig- h,. rv- ; " en h-.s entire f.irtune to f ueid a holie FrJm the economic p.iint of view, Rus- puptier particulars are pub'ish.l ! ''' d sal.lel nieml'-m or Taintnat-.y lull: eia will not sa.'rltlce anj thing f r the'rs;lrd to the p.w:b:e er-vtim of the;!'r'"'' tl h" In -T.-ot, the sake of Fran.. Prjh;blUvo ,bs a- butt Una; In the Strand, says RRI.IAri.K ND .SKXTf.K. cles are placed in the way of the entry or rTp-n unvtucts inti ana the representations .f M. DeVase. ; um ,,f CIO.01M has been set aside in : K,.n, M, ,,'! cr:v l.-VI:f, .c r..-.n ,.., mJi th- -s-lmi!.. f . w .Ie s-t.iinr the ill- i tie Kar'v l:l.-tit HI; ttu. b'd lhir-ly with what wa. practically a po.tte re- In America we lirln to call a nia'i a mllii.oaire as s n is he is ratI a ll.ww.oi1. but It is the time h inor-1 cus- t m in Eng'and to re -k tn wealth in ;unds sterling, th-ref.r- a Kn.-lsh milii .nair- is w.rth $.1.Vi), or r).ii fran s A man worth a mii-n in our is .-n'ir'iy -lifr-r-it one w rth a m Hi " as the Kng- 1 1'sh under-tan.l It, th n ff-ten. e amounting to l4.r'MM. Julg:t.s from the ar iil-s a; peir'.-ig in the H Ai-dulu daily paper, w --n the p-riple of th- Hawaiian Islamls b oume itix-n of the L'nl'.ed States th-y e:n brace4 all our well es ahishe political methods, evrn ti the universal cust rn i-f imputing an b'Jt horwrajle pur-ores-, to the opp-asiJ.m party. V-rily. po'itlcs is the s-T.c the world over. Althjush runsi lentil- .I ffl ultv at tends th- efforts to bring about a sys- , tern of irrigation for our vast arid r- gfons there d.s not app-ar to b-much trouble abtut applying the s.'l.-nce to : hi -k Watering of Ibis clas of s-- ......ii.. v, . v, i,, -t,.,o , . i As the old humorist put it. It is all we j bronchitis, grit, and other winter com and the promoters are reaping their , along wWh you, but we plnlnt. f)ne Minn- Cough Cure n-v.-r reward. And now It J, stated that Have Ih-y not j writes "Our ...lis" glr. was a.l.v-k-d new mdern office building is to he the b-st of everything now? Do-s n with -rmp late one night and was so 'the tryant Man have to pinch and I hoars" she could hardlv Se.ik W designed by an American architect, and ; . Ul jp m m B,-alsklns? I ! gave h-r a few dos-s of On- M'nute bull: by American buUd-rs The ba- : tn-y run the house to suit them- ''..ugh fur. It relieved h-r Immedlafe- i,itu rm th-v not rondo, t th- rsill- I Iv and she went to slen. Wnen she til assurance or tnej, "Yanks'' is very, very astonishing. Th-r- seerrm to le an epldm!c of -enb-zzlements by m-n occupying p'eii tions of trust swoping uvt the enm try. The wrecked liv(-s of thesse who hav- fallen in the pint lt 001 s m t art a a warning 1 1 ithers. TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS, Am ri-a will be more strongly i'l) r -H-rit- l Lian ever in this y -ar's Six- day l,i-y.-:le race, which beg.n.s on De- r-mie-r 9, in Maitoin Squar- Gard-n. Six Arorii:in pairs are now prepailng . f-.r th- -v-nt. A-e rl'n? to thu Philadelphia Press rr;-i)'Js In this country will not try to 1 aid Miss MarL J .taw.hln,. F. me w Irk. ! th., ri-.n young woman from I-hiltd-'- , pii.o, who wdH si'iiien'Tf in j;n'i si to nix montiss' impris inmen: for for';ry. Two mir- machine shops anl a foun- dry at Kan Francisco have granted the tiim of tie rking Uvu workers. Till" are Moose, tuul C.otiriiT d. i-ie ,.ll'....Oa l 1.. YV .vita Sold KlMl- 1Un.y fliuil,,,v ,.., T)f,y h-lv,, asnv.l ,l4 ,My an Increase of J csnts an Ivor in M th.or em- ploy, to nuke up for the r-diction hi hour. 1'rtdismivd by the f no of Ml" $.,,,, t:u. Kllnipl mlsswtiaiy. M-ss Mary 1! ., a gtr from Ui Crowe. 'Wis., h.w Jus bevme i w.fc if U- , r i.I--r. h w:U take her l. i:n.ikv. Turkey. lUe ftati n from vh'..!i Xr.! jSto"! ii tnk-ti !y tho HuWim.., Mr. lor -x- to itmv ho wt of 411 Ui tmo- ioi In m:Ki..iry ohl ik Kaniikov. ,, .Hid hi hr!.. ntj !. 1, 111. TV. f :on MuViim of Ktii Art 1 1 .w t - . Im-t.M Kt.nt M il" rortriilt f a W.m.n." ! i un I ul:isl!.v no of tho Vo l fow Kon no ,t..f! of, U I-. tl.U ... roumry. , no umuvwi im 01 .v v. - !m-h. by W MK-h l! i.u- n. h,..n i-iri!inl. v 1( .vs one f the tnwurn of th xMikc .f Ititckinxham's o.dlo.-tl m, j i 1. . . ,. . , i,i.i 1 Often ch I Iron are torlutvl wdh Itch Kol:n to a of c .il..l.ti,e urn!)tc ,.,.,..,, ,., t!,,r , on tho death .f the laU Amor an.1 . , t)l, HoKtens Arn.a S.ilve -f iwiitrKula'lona n ci a own aooes. ,. th.- rnv sore, expeta lull iinma o".. Tllih hi Inf.TMiel the, Hon. leive th,. -kit- nitlioiit or AfrUlU -hot he Mi i the t,. , " n,'-,y of AVlur Rahman tn all tiling. (t ( )n;. :v t. Hart's !: iiustore. it. g o the Afrl li poe t'on. Afittuin j i-fucvs fr.m India ar. n nv Joui - u'y - Lig t . Ka-,-1 l irg. numbets .h.mgH only lhoo with paisjMrls are it owed t pisi Juiu-ud lit t :o f t o the KhvlvT t,.. A preliminary m-etliK of inonib-'rs of th- ,ea,,K gr-very tlrm, of Xea Y rk '?. h. cit-r l or .H'Tato what are kn '. as "ch iln" gr.v-.-ry store, sa .lust ben neu for me of ii.-o- u:!U the iu.s:!on . f foxm'tig a lr i.vthe or.'uvutt m. At the oiose f , ,w,ne t momtv-n. wre i-'d- ! brary dltvvtors. ,nt:v r-l!oen:. but It Is .!iim.M that! . . ' .k ... , A.IOpii li'.uiner. M'Util. la. the objo-t was the d-uss on .f unl- -t ,,,v K,,i,.v-, .ey and , value, on tho variui. st.ple pr. lTlp , .,. ,,,m;t). iln,, think It Hi, .pacts .."-'I ItV- i-li:illiui'. l,n Ol . ni ;itjn Tie .S uith.-rti Pacific Is detenninej to fh. Aw.Mtff.ri .f ll l.rtM-tlt ' the L,on I n c nv-,5nideeit of ti e Trl- c-.i.-i.-ii jc-i tHt V V.rlc ... .,K..., ih.i the , nr 'm:er f the sctv-me savs tnat ne t-rl r of th- dome by the great wt art- 1 " ' - ' ist or ..v nay. me - ture ... - k"owti. as at pr-sent d-'terminel. V.ctori an bulidtng. and If the luth -tl-ti.s arprive the syndicate's pi' '-.u op ru i.vis will lo start-d ,u; J.inu.iry 1 M!"'D1'RX Sri'.OKRY SflU'ASHKI) XV ii"-r li? fr in i bad cae of .ii! s I i- e"'il-e ! a pitv el in wi- a-l-v s-l m- t . trv a b-x of D-W ti' Wit. h Har.el Si'.v-." s tys (1 I-'. 'ir"r, A l.iti. Ha. '! pr cur-1 a ' X an I a ,-:.r-:- cur-d. D-Witfs II.12 I .i' - '. 1 'd-n ild 1 are fir piles, gtv- i-ie r-l of Instantly, and I h-ar-'iy rc i.enm-nd t to ail sutT'-rets is un:i '. -sarv I 1 cur p.!. ' a..-, rv I).-Wi't's , W.t.-h H 17 1 j live will cur- any .-as-, 'hits. bums, hruis. s an I all rther wounds ar- also qui- kly cuni i.y it. li-'.vire of r lunteri-lts--'- ei..--. r.i"j- KI'.S, Iru:,'ist. MAN. THK MONSTKR According ti Mrs. t'orinu- Ilrown. f Chicagi, a mnv-ment Is on f'Ht to call a cotiv-nti m of ail d -t-rm.n-1 wom-n who w 11 be willing to form "It-bclli on nub." and tak- up arms agalnt Man, ,n- ai .n.sier. cs ..-. . ' It is t m- t.iat women proela.nvd to 1 th- world that they have b-st patl.-n.-- u" l"" T.'T"'" ,' ;;' stronger s -x. For such sl.nos and serfs H.0V1 th. t- nn st san.l tu ksksailltiTI trf t flH 1 . wnich .,ur complete fr b in and nj. v-oiu'iii air li.' .v -n ,i,.. ... .... n .JlnZ ! rebels ehould be furm-d. The m-n I 1 would s e,n subside. They cannot get Tha, 1. iniu rfsr tnat U verv true. ! roost certainly cannot g-t along wdhout I , you. ...o s. ui. m....h. .h,.i I Vcn of tnll country, from ele.tlng '"h-irl-s Pr Klg-r as ci'y itr-asun-r to 1 running Admiral Dewey rr tn- pr-si. d ncy? Is not th- whol- machinery of govrnm-ni stopped If woman wuits flx her hat fr arrange hT girter? I) e-s n t all -arth bow before n-r, ami is not supreme hi Heaven? Pause. '. irlnne mavourn.s'n. befir' y,,u ton or is the Ut laments! John J. Ingalls us-d to say woman, once our suierior, will y-t le com- our liial . Sao. R-e. HK KKPT HIS LKfJ. T-aelvo years ago Z W. Sullivan. Inrtf.rl. Conn,, scra'cned n's P-g witn : a rusiv w;r. Inflammation and bl'-l j poiso ri ng set in. For two years he I Kulf-red Intensely. Th'-n the best d.:-ltr r .rs urg-'i ampuiauon, iiui, n- i.i-s. . ,e-tig but that m-.ins st.irv.i'lm. K i "I us I on bt tie of Kl-cirle Hitters 1 p, vsp--.sia ''nr.. y,K .t what you feid 114 boxes of I!u tkl-n'a Ar.iia ,.;lt 'y,, n-e I sufT-' n i. h i- ej-.j . r Salv" and rnv 1-g was sound and weij I a nor nmrvalioei. T.n vir't ens-s " ev-r." For fcrilptlons, Ivz-rna. T - tl - r, Salt Rheum, Sores and all blond Disorders l-.i-ctric Hitters nan no rival on earth. Try tn-en. 11 in s urug fr . (miv w cents. ' , The return of Some of m-o d ravor-tt Itex t i the stage Is du- notice to some of the newcomi-rs that they will hive 10 su if they have to last. riuladel- phia Inquirer. TO 01' UK A COIMII. Sop ooiigMiw, a U '.rr::to (he lUtlgs, Stlil gllrs thin no e!imc to F.v II oi.'y and Tar cures without causing strii'ii In throw inn off the phlegm llk.i .nnino.-i .vun ex pectorant.. Ha- I' drug More. Adininl c.ill nnl in al u; the high eel Mkir.l li II ooll.vt r in (li rld. V .1 Shv.-ly. liateai l. O, spvak i Hi! ,.f I i.t ii iit-r Silve. vns: 'I uv.l it f T piles ati.t II Ins iloim mo more and ...,ii. iiiv ii'm I hi. . ... or iiii.l. nil I ' utod' r.-l ' miny Hm U."- .iti' druu lonv V ,u ,fKww Vu, ,., ,ih th.. 1 II 11 u.a-.i. l.tnu. .. ...1 ..- 1. K. V. U It. writ,'. 'I M liivn I tnuit-tr ; nrMt :ti I'.i. h.i. h, ' I tt:i in.tiitv.t to 1 1 v Koo' Ki.l'iv : tmVi'Z 'to ' av , ,, ., villv my 'r.- iidi ttn mi tl.o tru : m'n ho ir.- ii' t illy :m !rlv , '"'... I lUrr. Jru, M.uo. TU- t.w .im. 11 hivo rrohrt'olv hi:o tho Mr- Intuit hi.i I'j. Iniiom ,uw.i. IHIN'T I.iri' THKM Sl'KKHK ' That plan tn oyoiiimnv tn- govern - ; Vis b.," by ,,. , :ir 1 j A P.ll.ts. I-Mor " Uy, writes- ' I hive (.-en us ng I o. , I. y's II -n-y and Tar ( i- Hou-s..nes .'The VZt : A . rv! ,.v,. 1 ,.,,.' Take . . I V ... t . n I.I . : ,:niy Ko!-v -dlarfs drug st . Andn-w I'.irn gi. siy the p.w! n .. k. .l".,.'. 1.. .. i..,,i. .. . ne couitn ilir i-i ! 'i. 11 w nil I not w .tnon- i in pi, home. th.-r-' Is s-. g.m.1 ' 'r coughs ; an I il ! ' Mart ilnig t r. I i i "A pill's I p !." sa, th- .. Hut th-re ar- pi's an I li. Y-u want a .. , , .h , ... ,r ,,i ., at. I j v-K-tal.l I . r. .t f -r but 1 ist th wis l i.t "t.eengt.i-'n and Inv.g .,.,. jm.,: .,d e,.y t, tak- ivir,Kl!. i-ns;i.. -CIIAS Judging fr..m th- f.n-t that O -m Pui! bis n : y-t i.r-1-r-.l V.tfi i-.i.sMti'Mi il'th-i. It miy l- t.ilii f.,r itruil.-l thie ther- -s st 11 .etlet.'l!n -f .1 l;s- pute In th- Tra-t-va il. Foul) f!.N-i;i;i Th I'nlSON. Pirr-'vin- f-l lo the mt-s-lnes p dii-ei eff'.-ts Ilk- th s. ,f ars-nlc but Dr Kii it's New I.if- P.IU X.--1 ttle pii' ins fr .m c'oag-d b ..w-D, j.-ntlv 'iaCv buf ii-'-1, ntring i.Voiatlpit on Itilimisn-s-i. Siik H-a-la. h-. F-ver.t. nil Kidn y and Hnw d troubb-s. Only - "' at 11 irt s pnigst.ire. , ; , , 1 ne u:ean is auviys t gr.-.n n po mat tint. I th- o'li-r f-'low g-ts his gim nut - 11-c r 1-11 -raid. RKi'iiMMI-iXli IT To TRAINMEN S-ymnnr V -hb. M dr. X. Y. writ. I "I hive be-n tr-Mihl- with my kidneys f ,r twenty-five years, and bad ttr-d phv-rooin" but ree-ly.-d no re lief until I bought a hottl- t.f F d y's U'l.ln... f,f 1 ein. ,,.ll.m IU'. , ,....,.,,.. ,.. ,,r..i 1 ,..., i r,.pmm,.,, K .,,,.v.. Kidney Cure." T k(. n, . F-il-Vs.-llart's drug stop ' , 'which th,. naval ring Hs-tf. lb- ,nn ,vlnir -m to iw Potts -a-il- ' ' Jg -loiirnai TIP? CHIUHtKN'S FItinSD. You'll have a cold this winter May be you have on now. Your children uht For roughs, croup, "Ms. Ac's promptly. I: Is v-ry oi-as- I ant to the taste and perfectly harm- less C Tt ft-ciriro XVIneh-sirer Kv. awoke next miming she had no algns of hoira-nes. or croup." C1I AH. RO(i ICRS, Druggist. M Hung Chang enJoy all th" h-ne- flis of i-lvllization 'n bis l;i' illieHH. Including n misiinderstaniln,r among th- ;ihyslians. Wa-h ngti in Star. A PH YSf'IAN TKSTIFIKS "I hav'- tiken KO'lol Dyp-psla r'ur- and h ive nev-r us -d inythmg in rn v life Ihtil did u- the good thnt did." says County Physician L-o W. Scruggs, of Hall county. Hi "Helng a phl'-:,in I hav- pr -s.-rih".l It and found u (ll Kv th- b-se e-'ults " If th f.,.,, you -it r-m a'ns iinllg-s'ei In .,,,. 'e.,mae:-i ; .-e:iv and nd-ons ,Vst -rn. You -in pr-ve-ie this by (,.,.kv ,.re. Never falls. CH AS. ,., tfu:i'.fi rrurglnt Kasy In Viff-r-nr-. " Wbv did we ar rive bite find l-ave hefor- th- ofe-r.-i w-tw lover''" ask'il the youngiesi ilaughl-r. "It was v-ry enjoyable." "Of course, wa," anw r-I Mrs. Cuenrox, "but. my d-ar. we had to shoiv pe ipl- that w didn't car- whether wo got irur money's worth or not.' Washl-ngton Sitar. MKirriNM NOTH'K, Xollce i li.ivl.y ghen Unit Ilio bii nuil meeting of the .vklio'.d rs of the Columbia lilvi'r IVick'tv. As.h.iii..n will ho IH.I at tile ortlce of the com .:i"v si Astoria, Oicg kii, on lkc!mlur yth, I'.mi. t 11 o'clock a. in, fr th purpose of i'!.vt!ng dtns-toia and for uo:i other bulne as nuy prpeily 1... conalderoil. lly orl. r of the preeld nt, IlKO, II tlKOIiili:. Secrelary.;i:i;'s notii'i:. No.lco Is hereby given Hint there aiv funds In the city tn-.illi lo iy warraiils drawn on toe getter il fund and I'lido s .1 pr or 1,1 Jamiiry I, r.K'l let i-ot will ovase after lbs dale. K. J t'AKXKY. Cuv Tr.-asim r Atot :.. Ot. . Nov It'. ItHU. Norici-: TO VOTI:l!! Tie nil Icnigie herl'V pile Ills name befote llin pul.'.lc as a . rtiidldilte for th- oltlv of sttn-ei sup nntoiulent. to 1k tlilel at the e'ectl ni I ember II 11 1, an I respv' asks the support of the pu'.llc J K WlltT. I.' I It- J.i ine li'a in-ili.-r f und b-r line day with her face covered ll 1 Jam from .Mr to , ,ir uti. Je intieil " said her mother, " would think it yiui i'.iiii;iii me 1 'hniK tine iii.u s -ini' n.i i-.iiti..i. Also I t) Ilia llonii-day?- "I shout. I tbmk you'd o-id a , lulu and Australia .'an lis nlitainrd awful givl time, iiiimni.i" mi id J. n. I feiim J. II. KlrkUud, Ticket Agent, IX n.-tte. her face I.tlKtit.-n ng -T t lllls I IT I A familiar name ot the Chicago, MUwaukee A St. I'aul ttatluay, known all over the t'ntun as the Ureat Hsliwsy running the "I'loieer iJinllfd" trains everv day and n gtit between St. I'aul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago. 'The only perfect (tain In tii world." I' Connection are ms.U with all transcontinental lines, se-uring ti passengers ths best service known. Luxurluis coaches, electric light, steiin of a vailely e.jua.e I by no olhrr line. See that your ticket reals via "Ths Mdwauko" when going lo sny point in the I'nlted States or Canada. All :.. ket ae.:s sx-ll tlisin. For rit.s pamphlets or other ,nfor enaelon. address, J W. CASKV. 0. J EDDY, Trav. Pan. Agt. lle i. Agt . Portland. Ore. Portland, or PRAEL & COOK TKANSrP.K COMPANY Telephone ::i DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All g-iodi shipped lo our Caro Will Hecelvs Special Attention. No. MS Duane St., Astoria, Ore, W. J. CrMK, Mgr Res Tel. 1131. J.A.FASTABBNI) GKNKItAI. CONTRACTOR AND Bl II.DKR GO EAST VIA SHORTEST AND QUICKEST LINE TO St.Paul, I)iilnlli,MinneaHili('liii:aiio and All Points 'ias:. DAILY TRAINS; FAST TIME; HF.R VICE AND SCKNKRY UN-hiyUALI-iD. Through Palac, and Tourist Sleepers, Dining and iiufret Smoking Library Can, Tickets to points Bast via Portland and the Great Northern Ry., on sal ae O. R. A N. Ticket Office, Astoria, or Great Northern Tluktt Offk-i 111 THIRD STREET, PORTLAND. For rates, folders and full Information I regarding Kastern trip, call on 1 r ad dress A. B. C. DKNNI3TON, City Pass, and Ticket Agmt, Portland. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. ThN iiri'piiriitlnn ronUIrm all of the dlnestanW iin'l (II'i sIh all Kinds of fiKid. J fc sfi vc-s HiMi;int reiit-r arid never falls to cure. It, allows you to cat all tho food you want. The most, ki'iihIUvo RtomuchH can take It. Ily its usu many thouHawlH of dvsiH'iitiitM have been cured iiflt'ki'Vi'rthlnu' clft failed. It In unequalled for all stomach trouhlcH. It can't help but do you good Prepared only by R f lii:ViTTei('ii.1(jilciigo Trie 11 . isiuiiicoiii 11 niKi'y 11 em s iiieuic. six For Sale by CHA9. ROGERS, Druggist. In '"" ' -Til IQIoaiM vutA I SOUTH I IVi.wl, Klflh 4ii.t I-rv I i Hlr.rtu ArrlYt 13 in iHi p. en Ovorland Kri-ii Trulim for Haloni, ItoKi'tlUI, Aall- liiit.l. Hairaniriiio, Ondrn, San Kmii-i-Iim'o, Mojnv. l AUKi'lra. Ill I'nao. Now nilraim and th Kul. V.3U r in S JO a J At Woddlmrn (dally rxerpt Sun day). iii.iitiiiia I train I'oliiiocls Willi I tram f,,r Mi ,n- !,, H r u w n y 1 1 1 r, Kprlngnel.l. and Natron, and veil ing train for Ml. Angel and Kllver lon. Onrvallls pArn ger. !IT SO a en .9 M p 111 'U a in ii M i 111 Hherldan t'a'-ii- r. 'Pally IMIly Hunday. Itebsl. ttekrln on sale r!Wr,ei 'rt. land. Hacrnnirnto ami Kan Krain-las-u Net rates II, etrnt rlsaa and 111 ......n.l class. UK-lulling naies and tickets lo Korrn .,.nii inir.1 Mreet. TAMllII.t. DIVISION I'asweng-r ilepo, f,in( 1,-fTeri 'n Hi for iiswrgo ,U! nt in. 'J M a. m ; i: JO. 1 Si, J js. 3 n, ;j, oi. 11 5 P. m and 4 IK) p 111. 01 Sundsv only. Arri.s nt Portland d.illy st 3.V '. '1 W a m 1 Ji, j i. 1 .,, :u 7 W. I (10 p 111 : i; 4n , , j illy .',crpl M .n lav; 30 and lo 41 a. m. un Sun days only. l.ea.s for Dallas daily ccept Sun day at 4 JO p. m. Arrive a: I'orlUnd at 30 a m, Paasrner train leaves Dallis foe Alrleo Monica Wrdiiea.tat a and Frl Isv si J 4J p en Itetnrna Tursdaya, Thursday, and Saturda) a, Kxespt Su ulav K KoHIII.Klt. Manage (' II M iltKIIAM. Oen. Frt. and I'aas Agt II UXURIOUS 1 RAVEL Th, "Northweateen lJmi'.'d'' trains, siei-trle llghtej throughou'. both inslds and nut, and stum heated. r with out oiceplluii, lb Mnsai irjlna in th world. They ths Ittest, 1 sweat nd bt Idrns f ir comforl. convenleic and luxury ver ofTsred the travelling public, and altogether r Hi tin si cniplets and splendid production i f ihs rsr builders' art. Ths ipl-ndld Tra ns Connsct With 1 The (irtat Xurtlicrn The Northern I'siiflc nnr) The Cnntiillnn I Vlilc AT ST. PAUL run ChlC Mi.) and the HAST. No ulra charge for !hea i erl or scomnui liil nn. and all rUui f 11. k e:s nre available fur aa.,g0 , r, the trains us 'his line ure pe.ite-!:d by tlir ln;erl.H-kieirf Hbsk Hysteen. W II MKVD. 1, ujhi.kk i'lieeal Ageei,'. Trayeilng Ag'l 1 or ti. 1 nd, ureg in I OCR AN AND RIVICR SCIIliDI'LIC From Atorl All lulling data nbjrrl (o change For Han Fran.-ls-ro every five (lays I 1 a m. I Columbia River ! 4 a. 111. ! Dadvex. iTo I'onlnnd and' tie. ceot Hun. I Way landings. ; Monday Steamer N.ihcottrt leaves Astnrl.i on tide dally, ,-xoepl Stii lay, for llwuco, ciiiuvtleig ih.-re with trains for Ismg li.-ach. dl iga and North Reach mdsi Hetiirnliig arrives at Astoria sime even- lug. (! W. Iil NSRI-:ilRY. Agent. Astoria. A. K CRAKI. Omeral Pasnenger Agent, Portland. Oregon. A FEW INTERESTING FACTS When psople ar conlempl itlng a trip, wholher on business or pleasure, they naturally want the best srvlcs obtainable) as far na speed, cemfurt and safety Is eoncerned. Kmploy of th WISCONSIN CKNTRAL LINIC8 ars paid to serv,, ths public and our trains are operated so as to mike close con nections with diverging lines it all Junction points. Pullman Palacs Bleeping and Chair Cars on through trains. Dining car service unexcelled, Meals served a la carte. In order to obtain the flrat-elnas er vice, ask the ticket agent to sell you a ticket over The Wisconsin Central lines and you will make direct connoclloni at St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all nolnts East. For any further Information all on anv ticket tgent, or correspond with JAS. C. POND. Gn. Pass. Ag't. or JAS. A. CLOCK, Milwaukee, Wis. General Agent, THH CHICAGO A NORTH WESTKRN r RAILWAY. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. I KAVK fuel II AMI I'olllSlid I II OH 1 1' I" I 1 ,1 . .loiia and iVsf liillila ii a III I 1 1K p III I II 10 Ml I v u p m aii'.iiii T I a III K t I' ll lend 11 1 lllW I, 111 ) ... I' j IU'l S V 110 I I M11N I . . 111 i.i.o 1 , 1 r 11 ii""i'i"'i. tsi, lloaui II...I I 'll H.1.HV t't Ml i ii II iiiotioe I mii I A .1111 is ileiaiu i l.iii.. .i 1, em w 4tti ni i.'t'm 1 i , .. 1 . 11.0:01. I rn . . : 111 p 111 ill 111 ' -I, 1. I tool. 1 u Jl s M Sun 1 1 y oily All tent: a emika id 4a coiiil'lon at llobie Willi s'l Nonliein 1'aclfln trains 10 and fioni t lie l.stt and !4ounl poinu J C MATO. Uen'l Kei- sbl n.l fassenger Agsnl. ..Forlland - Asloria Houlo. STR. "BAILEY GATZERT." Daily It und Ti'i't Ki.'PI itunday. 1 1Mb CAMU l.eVe p otlalld , . lean. Aioi a . . ..7a. in. .. 7 p in. The Dalles Boat STR. " TAIIOMA." ll'tweeri I'.f lsnl The Ds l'i and y l'..u: TlMt CARD leaves ' .eliaii t. Tiie lya. Thuea.lays and ej ic li.i ii ? a. m. Arrnrs The Dillrs ttic tame day I p n. lea.ea ill, Im.Ici Hun lay a, WsJnes- os.a : Kr.daya at 7 a tn. Arr.vra I' iiint day, 4 p m. This route has t tie grandest -iiio at teactl ew on earth tein ling Fix.t of Alder ete( llolh 'I'll, lies Main ill A J TAYIsilt A(t Aatotli J.'HV M ril.I.i m i.N Agt. The Dallas). I'lt.rillilt IIAUNK'S, Agll II0.14 River Wc.MtH A WTKRH. Agts Whit Halm in. 3 c W V ATT Agt Vsnvsavsr K W. CIUCII I'n.N. Agl Pueiland. ODFr.OfM .'tv i k imiir iii ii- f " " and UioiM Ricinc TIMl. eO'llKD ; CI.IH I Ft in I'ottland D-pirt I'll:.- 111-. P-rttan I a! t ml III v:a Hunt ItiKt.oi Ati.mtu- riir.s 9 SO p III via Hunt. 'ngiiin Ht I'aul l-'.n; mail p m via SpokaiM Artlie 1 ni. I .o.v r, W.o.h ions h ill st I'll I 1,1 1. 1,. Kl hi H' I. .1 . nil 1-tii.l S.iil l.ik.- Iii-nv-i I-''. W.oin inns ' In. H in,.,, ri y , m ,H I, n a. 1 h ,-.,( , und rm i W.ill, Walt,"' ! I't-'ii Hn k in-- M ntirnp , , s P hi D nth M l', lllk'r. 1 -hi. cig - 11 n I l-iat "a en TI hmir. from p.riUml to Chic ii Change ,,f CBr,. 'go. BESTOF LVERYTHING In a W,, This T.i'. f ,h, Service . a fhe Norlhwcslcrn lino.. Klght T.sii.s Dally p,(erM Ht. Paul an I Chicago, r .inprlslng The Ijile.t pu,n.v, Peerleee Dming C4rs :l,"tt7 "'"I rvi'ilon cr. Reclining Chair Cars, The "Old Century Trslns- -Run. -.very J)ay of y,, The Finest Tnnn In the World nrctrlcl.i,h,fd n(td THK RAIIIIKH MTATl.' FVlMivau ,1.. Ht"T''iii, JjJ Jul un l Pi,i.-.,,, via th, Hliort Con..cllns fro,,, ;1. Wl... ... Th. ( NnilTIIKHM PACIFIC civ,r,N,,,t'nil':l!N AND ( A N A 1 1 1 A N I'AC'IFh: R'VS. This Is nln,, 11.. i,i..u.p . . . The Northwestern Line W. II. Mr a I), . ir ,. H,u, n... ViiVo -Uo sli Mo '"ni riil Aki-hi n. . ' . AM,, 'Str.:.,. Pnrfnnnren"1-