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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1901)
I r THK MOKXINT. ASTOKIAN. FKIIUY. XO 1-Mlll-lt. IV HUM - y ; v' . v M . 1 1 W o X I ifcp REMOVAL NOT AT ALL LIKELY Transportation Rates Will Likely Be Amicably Adjusted by Interested Parties. LOCAL TARIFFS QUITE LOW I A-turU letter Off Thun Alnut Any Oilier lHirtimi wf the Country Milliliter Kctulull Here. U A Norton, of N'rw Torlt. otw of the dtnvtora of tS American Oia Comitany; H. N. Norton, of Chkio, j ditre: mnKor. and F. P. Kendall, of San FrancUvci, ateo di'trfet m-in-a?T. JTiJ tn the ci:y yesterday nd Pit the Jay here. The Eastern rvp tntativrt of th company are on a tour of the West irw;vctin th uiants of th bijt concern and. after kcm over the local factory, tef: list even ing wit a Mr. KenJ-iil for Fa'rhawn. Thev w'll aim vbit other Sound clti. An rTvreenta:lve Mjnair?r KenJall and a.-k-M whether or not removal of th livil factory to Portland hid been deilviej upon. Mr. KenJall (lid that the d:rwjtrs hid not yet come to any conclusion about the matter, though removaj to Portland would ptvitly be wilwJ h a t Wactory adjustment of rai wr oot maje. Expiainin the effect: of arr trarv rate. Mr. Kendall M'.J: "The contemplated addition to the the etfect of caun delay In the rlans of the company. If present rate are maintained, we mu.: either b-ar the txtra expense of carryinir runs, or else saddle that cost on:o the coruumer. If the latter course is pursu-d. the can ners with whom we do bu.-in-'sw mav be compelled t3 put tn an-minufac-turinir, pknt of the:r on. with the result that our Astoria businesj will be materially lessened. The contemplated aU'tiow t.i the j Ast'irla factory wHl Involve the ?x- penditure of a large sum f money. As a business propwition. of course, our company desires first to thor.nighly pave the way before mak nsc any such investment. The present rates are not satisfactory to us, and it is evident that, whether or not removal to Port land will ensue, the prop oed enlarge ment will not be made If existing tar iffs are continued in effect" Mr. Kendall aided trpt he woui 1 again return to AstH-ia srD- t'me Jur- Ing the cjming we-k. when the entire matter will d"ubtles be th-HMughlv In vestigated. For the purp-w .f learning g-nr- I ally the conditions existing locally, an j Astorian ivrres-nta"!ve yesierdar call- ed on Agent Taylor, of the Wi le c i- ; lar iir.e Mr. TivIt stat-d that rat-n , bW"ti Astoria and Prtlan-I w-re . lower than in almost anv o-h- p t.: -n ; nf the entire o untrv where n.cmil con li-ion ht 'st. He eti!tin-I that ; disAitij'aetion . 'iui mturs! s. thJ isul- of an !nc" a" in rut s a'-.-r e:. tlement ..f a r.t- air-V..t it was ,n , ea.-v matt-r ti l'r tariff-', bin an ursaf'fa-t rv .ne :) in r-ei- -r r-- th-n. Pers-m.iilv. he was r.t -h' ,, , opinion thit tne rit- on .an- u' 1 le a ljnte-! tn th.- ntir satisf ictj .n , ail th- in -re!e,l rni-s an.1 -hat th-' transjK.rtati -n would n-v-r . tak- any atanl wh..-:i woull f'-suh in . driving awiy frfwn At..r'a any ' I- i manufacturing enterpris-s. , It are the a--I"ar that rate .,f A'toria real'y -erv 1 iw. On the P-und American Can Cmranv piys SO cents a i rate to have cans cirri-1 from Fiirhavf-n to B'.aine. while tine rate be-t-en Ast ria and BrokfM l. nra -tic-ally the 3me dLtan--e as Vtween Blaine and Fairhaven. is -nlv 1W cents a crate. It is sail that the rail road r-ompinv might mak- some reduc tion on cans, hut that r-st ration -if the old rat- of 111 a oar U alt.-geih-r too miuh fir the can compinv t- a. The A. & C. must Pay the Northern Pacific heavy trackage fotw-en O 'hie and Portland, anl it C'ul-l not. reason ably b ex,-)e:el to 1 -s money f t the ! accommolauon of a '-.m.-rn t-ml-aJized at Sl.lOO.fsrt.iiW f-r the American Cn Company Is pan of the I'n'tcl States Ste,. ...-, Ti'.ion While rVre has b-en s.,me talk of r- moving th- As-orla f v -v to P rrt- land, this laughej at by m-n o,o ; are u:.o .e,) to kn ,w what t.K-v are j talking about. The Wolff & Z wicker property, which, according to rep-rot from the metropolis, the can company ha been n-gnlatliig for. is far remov ed from the railroa1. and eyerything that went to or left a factory locat ed there would have to be carted. This cartige woald amount to mre than 1 e cal rateg out of As.oria. Then, again, it is pointed out, a suitable piece of prop-rtv could not lie purchase. ex cept for an immense sum, wherea the pity ha voluntarily given the can com pany an adequate Bile for the propos ed addition to the Astoria factory. It ij thuu reasoned "hat removal to Port land la not at all likely. However that may be. the matter of rates will un questionably be amicably settle by the tranaportatbn conpanl-a and the can company. PrTliSONAl. MKNTtON Alt' OilVrt a Hi lr:lnJ vixt'-r .lay. P. IVtinun, ,.f Portland. Is In the city. U K. Soln rvturnoj List n rM fivm PtirtUncl. Mr. Dr. TmuV rvturmit Ut nislit from lirtlintl. M.M Unta lxvvi ;vnt th. tl.w In IVrtlun I vtr.lay. V H. Sklnno-r .in.l It. A. I-Vilif invr- aiii 'ik th Sin KraticLs.M trn.l. j i . -n hist n:" tram. V il. Mir:!rt. IVtrtlml tv.n .'dtiJ j :n.n. w.l In the city y.!nUy. ! ; Herman W am-Mi tv. pan I hers .' ''! on last night's tr.U-i. I i J. A ivtumM last n-! !frm bu'ncss tr p to Pwtt md. j j Th mis Uvrio was in Pt:U '.,1 ; jt.rliv. He rx-airn.d '.a-t r..h; f:om j tn. iti' tr.p.l:. j l-nest rs.irton. of PMl.ini. arr:v,d !n j ' tle dty l;st even ng He t regiterv d I j at the OvVident. I Mr. f.l Mrs. A. Wis. of ivep er, list night from Portland. ( Mrs. Will Mad-son. who has bvn 111 with peritonei for vw time pa-t. extwrienced a su-Men Hare Wednes day night, but was much b;tter yci" tepday. He,- early mvvepy B Kk--d for. AXOTHKR TICKET SUVTF.D Straight-out I-nusTata J'iiJJ to After the Oitv Offlces There seems to be n -et in the approaching and n.w there ts taik lack -X Inter city election, of runn.tig a straight lVm.vratv ticket. It appear from the statement of une vf the lead ing spirits of the movement that t; straight- ut Democrats want to rote a P-moratie tK-kot not a m-.xed affair, like that which will be nominated at the Cititens convention and that the desire to vote that way will result in the naming of a full t of city offi cials. Here is the line-up, as an nounced: Mayor O. J. Trertchard. Auditor D. Stuart. Jr. Treasurer Pan B. Alien. Police Commissioner J. V. Burn. Stret t super.nten ltit Wat--i J. B'.nier. Suneyor To be fillel. Councilman First ird. T. F. Uiu rin: Secnml ard. H. li. HoenVr; Thirl ward. Jicob Ctiinger. The name of T. F. Laurtn ainxars in the lis; of pr.m.iry delegites eleot ed by tie Republicans y-t.-rdav. 1-ui tlx the lunta in charge -f this straight-out m-vem--nt Jei-ians th,it Mr. Laur.n :s a D-m-rat an I that the Republican are trying to kidnep hm. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. H C. and Peter S-renn to iar oline Olsen et half of n"rra W ft if 1 t 5. block 19. Shlve ly s W. L. Houston t Josei-h I. Crint loV 1 and 2. block IS. Columbia Addition to Astoria.. Mary H. Leinenwer-r to John N. Ciriifin. trust ee. b! xrks 51. 63. 73 7j. ST, H3: S.ts 4 and . bl k 47. and lot . glxk 31, in th P c: of I"pp-r Astoria; E of S i, ectl -ns ? 10. and l'l. T 1 X. It 'J W i" s L'.n: t.i Marv K. S an-i.-v-l. ts 4 an I ..1-ick 47. N--V A-t irla ' FINE WHEAT Mr. S T. U'.i'kr rn-1 "X'i.'o n lit .,J ern-n- nv-tt-ig Satur-ia;. sain,M- ' m-.r th-n tniriy -liff-r-it ir:-M-" jh.-at gr -wn by Wm yit. It s - .m imflr r.-.-.v-l fro-n li- ..T1.,.rim -nt stati -n an 1 inclu-l :i..t ortiv t "n kiri - that :r- 'tan larii -n 'hit r-gi -n. but fo.ny others mv -A-r.- en.-r wrn. T .1.- m-ist (.. 1,jV xh ng m 0,nn.t:,n ,vi-.i-, t. as ri H -m Mr Walker's farm is the!' unif -m --x -n . Th- straw very ample I-;.ver tar e fee: :n l-ngth and m ft ( it is neir f ur r-1 Tn, ,Kt,.s ar al, Urge well rili-d. ind th - grains are of Urge size. Mr. W.ilker says th. Inerea. in size ,.f the gri;ns ver wn it s own is p-nwm-, able. The .iisplav is ail pr.;e-rly latj.-1-.l anl mav no be s--n at the Time of- (i. e. Forest Orv Times. TO EXPIRE ALASKA Extensive explorations r.hout t le undertaken le-te.-n the Ari t!- Cir cle and the snore of t.-ie An tic "C-an in Alaska. The exploring party will start fp m Bergman, neiriy one thou sand milew from Ritka. Ala.ka Is ab-mt as little known as the Interior f Afil. a wa- a few years ago. A p-?';flc im edv f r the cure of common Ills, was unknown until H-wt -.l-rs' Stomach letters were first discovered. For fifty years it ha cured al . tom.ich en.j ! bowel complaints, and toliy is the mK ' celebrated medicine in the .vorld. The ;Bitt TH will cure Indig'-sti.m, hea lache. I !lvr and kidney troubles, malaria. fever ar.'l ague. iag no suu-tiiuie. i ne must nay-our i ran Stamp over the neck of 'he Ixrttl. De XOTICB TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received at the o ce of Oorge W. Sanbirn, until 2 p. m., Wednesday, November 20. 1S01, for the construction of a Pile founda tion and cannerv buil lings. BliU may be Put In for foundation ami cannery buildings separately. Plans and specifications can b. -en at his office. The right to reject any and all bl'U is reserved. The proposition for a new cable from the United States to the Philippine has produced a more than UHually prompt effect in the reduction of the existing cable rate. Pittsburg Dispatch. Whether on the brllge or on the bench, Admiral Pe-wev Is a noble figure, Puluth News-Tribune. WINONA SUNK 1 BY REGULATOR Former Astoria Boat Cut Almost in Twain at Postofficc Bar Yesterday. i disastlk mi- to nuNsn roo Four Mi miles Al'Uit illi.ion .small cr Mcatncr s :it llnttoin oi Kivct', in lVcl of Water. Tie si-Awr Win ma. built bv the Callc;i Icrs, sunk at P wtoltlce tvu'. ab-ut S o'clock yif;eikiy morning. ty the st.Mmer K 'gulat c, of The Pailes IVirtland rvute. Tlx Win-ut was struck Just aft of th iirine hou-s-. anl four mlnuf after .the colli-i as at tho bvtW'oitbclvuiljyu jr.-s will hae to w.,M,. anl In sMWl.f! imieri!Tl',1- ,'"'iM'' ''v't h!U JP ti'wIk. u -n-'ctinent of tho :'5 feet of wl saved. Neivs cf- the dlsuster was brought to AstrVa bv Captain Crang. of the Whit Collar Hue t earner ilatr'ri. On his wty down from Portland Captain Crang pickl up Capuitji Hasden. of he Wlnoru. nh. was tn a Ufelvsit. Capttln Hayde-n placed res)nsrblUiv for the sci-Ment on Cantaln Johns:. ne. of the Regulator, while the "tatemciu of Jehus', we us not kvallable. as his boat continued on her v to Tb Pall,, after picking up the Winona's men. The cci lent occurred at the nvu.h k the WH'.ameitte slough, ulvut two m'les abo.'e the mouth of the Wilam ette river. The Wltu as on ih-r wny to Portland frvn the dredger. fr which she had Wv-n acting a tender. Th f.g wa densely thick at the time. arl the two uteamtsrs were a!nt"t t--gether when the respective captains relied iheir predicant -nt. Captain Hayd-'n sasu he blew one whistle, and that Captain responded with two Waats. which resulted In confus ion thu cause! Uie collision. Tht. Reg ulator must have b-vu under g-l at the time, f-r she cat the little Winjna almst In twain. Cap. tain Hiyl-n at once rushed aft to g t h;s engineer out. and the. men barely made rh-iir escaiv before t.u- st.-anu r s-ank out --f slglt. only the top "f the mast prtrudtng from the water. Tue men were tak'n n brl the Regula tor. Captain Hi yd en remaining in a When the Oatx-rt came aloig. Cartaln i'rang first noticed wreckage In the vater, and near tlv sv-ene of the clllsi.m hearl a man call ing to him. The man proved to be Captain Hayd-n. who was taken aboard 1'titxert. Later he was pitted -m the steam t Mas tt and t-n: ba- k Portland. Captain Crang says the fog s very thick yest-r-lay morning, an-1 that he loft fully an hour and a half between Portland an-1 the m-.uth of th Willamette. ' S, d.-nse was th fog.'' sal 1 n a n c.ring list evning, "tha: the !nv "f b- c,atz-ri a. is in th" draw ( 'h-ste.-l bri.lg-, le-f-r-' I siw Ihe siru -aire. I i--did nit e-e .'el f.-: ,1 V-.i ! ( the s'-si'ii'T. and )'i"t drifted I "n til -rive C, lint; a'-oiin-l Swan isiati I I ;f-v-... ..n.-e sa.v lanl. Fr..m what I mil b-irn tins morning, ti Ili-ion was hi- ti the fog and wis uiiav-., -I.ibl. . fi iu-i of curs, this is a 1111 I r hat niu -t ! 1. If! -Mailt- s fiil." Til- Winona was built at t'rs c'-tv e -v-nl years ago. nut iao-iv -'""i th - I'-'rt of P inland c 'innii sl 11, 1 1 !,. us.-d as a tend.-r f r th- Ire lir r. Sh is sunk souarely in (h than. nel. hu: can doiibtl'-ss be llojt-1 witn- out much trouble. The extent of the damage to th. t"am-T has not b i-n ancTta!nd. I'P TO PA TiC riTORIKS. 1. I... ihi- the senior li.trtner of a big ,-ltite str-et shop has an esjefial f .n Inefs for cut glaw. It tner-f re thiu the cut glass department In h stor. is an .sp'-c.auy line one. t o the old man" Is always snooinnif 1" Hnd rm- fau 1 if the hand- som-st pi-ces p tsHible to buy are not in stock. Several monms ago a m.igino ceot cut glass punch b 'Wl and glassea were put In the Khwcasn. Th--v were Iteautlful specimen of cut glius". a-nl .t... tin Ihem was eorre- stiondlnglv high, says the Chicago Tri- bun. Many people admired them gr'at- iy. but the price was no u tsri tou-i sal- was not easily effe te I. On 1 number of occasions the "old " nilnu rlir.tiitt-lt the store, no. ill 111. o..l.n -.-r... tlced the set and ask'-d about them. ne dav a he came along he looked nt the case and noticed that the pride of the Collection wa inls-lng. "Where the big IHIWI.- lie it-K.-t, anl the happy sil-nman resptndwl: Just sold them, sir." "I thought." answered the "old mm." that such beautiful pieces woul In't stay In stos.k much longer." The next arterruion in. io "i"-" again walked through th cut glaim de partment and, to his ajstonlshment, the great b wl and the glasses wer- back In th. case. "What's, the matter?" he a-V'-d. "I don't know, sir," answered the sales man. "They dbln't suit and were re turned this morning." "Well," sal I the "old man." I m glad now I went to tlMU reception last night. I had the saisfacion of drink ing punch out of one of those glart-s for once, at least." 1 It was simply bullheaded luck," said the: young man with the red shirt waist "Papa declared that It -would be a warm day when he con-sented to mv marrying hi daughter, and, a the weather record had hen broken sev eral time after he had made that re mark, I was b'-glnnlng to lose hope. When all-the-world-to-me went on her vacation I wen) to the same piac tind lii ui al the s un - 'i N-'W. pa(vl t-ls-to-te Is-a, 1 wlird, nnd it ma to me tired -. dv else, t h - tho he braitgei a. tout lite tHh ho cam; 'il in former yeit-v sail a writer In lie le;rH I'hee Pftsss "Fluallv oinite hlnltst that It would 1 plan for htm to make go si .md give us an example of les skill as a tlslioi-iiKin. He aceple. the challenge and sient thio .kis gelling his tackle n-a Iv II - weid alone, as lie old he ,'1,'n I w ant lo be botlieiv l liv havin iiiv (o-. nVnw il 'tig. ail we waited rtitlflutet breath f-'i- til il to renin ''N nV. I am s me-hlng of a cano-ia fb n.l. and lale in the ttt' i n -oil I starl et out to t ike a i' c mo of a t itle ..! ,'.l d '. t h 11 th,- nilld-'W.s were weil d w n I w it mak Hi; lu ii iv t i'ie "Ml llll Olil s o,e :'o k lent : w It 1 oit - I Its, illy I 0. ,1 1. bit : il 1 f 111 tl! ''ot t a 1 I t On lion ". k-t k it Ills- .1 w th t' ish t sn i: nt; ! 1- h r oil i h md i; !"l til.- t 1 'I it! in i .i l- lit a o-ati I I c 1 1 s atiout : rU a h I ' till' til hid f.uiiiht Tli-il I h."t.'l b mi Hi-' picture I t'd htm l' h. di.l'i't c-o-s.-n' to 111 v t'.iai" ) tug i.U I.11K lo'r I ni l s.r - .' '. broitbt" A. i- il- bole., a". I ;..! t".l .-lit if if lis n.'iit it:--n w 'ill I be. lie Willed. lillU'-.l I. ll -lid Ui i-'.l lie is. i I a bad s.,-t , f a fel low when voii know h-n t him." ha n-lie CIIINESK KXCI.I SION next live titiestloii with which Th p KJ'HMCU Act. which will plr CiLjIv-'o Itsi.' It is Impiritlte that thc,t Vrku ,he c "i : iniii-1 I idellnlt Iv There sjrono t- 'iiditl ns .11 - x st.-n.-e iitiw.":fffon b-s w i' i attl for the Law than when il fli"! i'is.s i.t the federal etatut w The re. em Chinese lmlr"gro. In which the nat-.on of the worKI wro ln olve i. ha fiii-nlsln d m ire an I tester gr -niiils for the -l:ing up gf a barrier against I lie certain m llux "f fie ve!t,. nuiri" than we ha I wti-n the pevbeate was 'aid for th vr t x -liis.s.n. Wlm eter t he sen titn n: ' the oi'lcii clise- In China tnvar-l the I'm it, I Stat-t. there Is n- .Iniii! of the hitsrilttv ef Ihe lower eb- Tl..... .1. ..t III... it- ,io.l neviT will. 11? all ill i lls ill V are the l-as: auien ible lo m . It il'.j.itisiii Tin-v com.' her. but tt 'Xl-loit us anl in ik" no secret of tint I'lin-en- Toy are d-ft and unttativ- and ins'.. In nieiv ore.-,! hit 1 the s iiipb-r b inil.crafls. when', by the tn-ggirlv sisb-in c-f ch.-ip living and "III tn. ire teggarlv fronts, they s.t. tt oust t.he whit - artcan and ti-urii 1 Meld th'-v :i.-y c h. i-xl .-f till they came here, lo tn- .ndb-t plai-H 1.1 the Ain -rlian gallerv by M nlst.-r Wu lining his s Jotirn in ilm isiuntrv as un'ia-sad -r. -ill ef wlc.-'i :i it -- o.-en I c.ii'-'-illy .i.-i.l proini'tlv 't lv-i- l b h.s I .- oisiil K-.-e-ril a: Son is, ,,. (se hoi on itic pr 'grim i'f 1'liitn in this r--irarl. iiimt-U. I t pr.'i.ltl it,, ih.- Atner- l -ai g 0 r-ime-y an-1 p i, l- and to die. incline tli'-in ttt the r "f this i ei-!rig"iil and p-'pulir liw. bis 'n-.-n 'man.' st to trie lollesi 00 :n tl''- oiiiilrv Tv-rn ne -1 1 s, ir.-"iv anv i;-r.-tieri-.ori as to the ,i::i!ul,. ..f ;h in gallons In c igr'-ss. of tturse Sal, Mil Statts-m in. HKRi USSI K T 1 V How H i Miner. Work d : -M in From P a'h S.n e 1 bie Salt l.ik. Herald A m-To .l-s;'.r.i ! again I- atb w 1 111 of :h imiir is and h- r i!c i. y -r mad light than I miner, 1 1 hubs f It-tkll- Xu'tmg. .1 n! 'h" entire 1 I its that, nft-r :xrv-Hve I ha- I si 1.1. sir. sin ce ... I bint fr 011 a living t imb boiirs (he In f-le ts nir ie I l oth- land It-'V mine, Xiitt-ng's si -ry .,f his I111 i 1-siritMi-ii: than Itie e File,) rent in-r' rec-rd '' a to th- II '- tell". II !l t. h-st he Ilk- om tnc. in t-xi.-ro 1 r an I i-liil.-n 1 tlier.. by a irnb'-r .thi. b lav I, ro.s Ins dowlv Will tied at to-" w-.o-l k- t knife I ,r h -ors. u-i'il th with .1 11!' t --! v s vi .1. and '.ib- o ! 1 b.niM..,f fr in un.-r n an.l 1 coal lis w or 1 1 1 oil- '' ,1,. no- 1 w 1 1 i r w --It ne t 1 I.- a iv : t ir 1 birn 1 Th Ml '. "--.t"t If., t il-.!. U llll ! t ' " r r. tr ' n ' I .1 I 11,1 r 1 u,-. . trl-- it :i , li ; ' .-! s, 1 n- .- ,.i' 1 - -s :-t-I : - 1 r f 1 111-1 -I-- :h " th.. s I c ! :: i-i i t :i : l . .1111 - i t iv 111: i tn miii j 1 1-1 tec , or-, ). , sT-,!ui-'. ... '.... 0 . 1 ' m- a i-l s-i-c-1-. 1-s- 'ii ir-. "11. o -vat '. "-it -il Kr I - I- a. e a "e- ' 1 - - J -11 I S 1' 1 o- 1 n 1 oi-t- h-- I !-l t le I c 1 1 1 1 s .1 1. M--C-- -s 1 v t , ills. I! f y j f-..t .1-1 1 r-f: Itltt-dx -ii 'ti- 1 laW jthit usiiiiiv i 'iii.;'-s f-- in a e c k :o j ' .-'i -lav f-.;- a 'nfii'ili b.-il -ii-. Y-t i N'ii:i no:' prl-i'ti -.tat r a h d 1 loll--1 in T' -.-ii-i .-1 x t -.- Icon's fr n tb.- in ' ,,i.,o 1. . .1 II rl 11 I'm! -A 1 , In- 1 I M my .,f ta- it's. ii'Ts 1' ini.ri I I 1 1 h nunc fr"in fonv-cigiit to (Ifly-llt-e ri-nirs. Hui 1 i" in to coiisnitoi 01., In--1 .1 ti- . o' I -v 1 I hi was rant of J iseph rir-gg N il r ting's pa i't 11 r ari l ro 'in mre. One of the m-'Xt exb-Tt drlll-i-s j imonii n.. rmneiM ne in e'r-o on n-i.'o. proiesrs nn.i ev-n 01 1 is iroin 1 ne t-u-;ierinii-r' b-nt to leave lh" iniii.- arid s.t-k rest. 't tlil bis '-ntomb-il c"inr.iil" llll lltll .-.l le-d Would Me ,U 1 bis P st Tins 's a fair '-xiriiple of lb.- s.uff f will ii l-'ilh's inlni-rs nr.. male With such m ih-'s- W'irking for the upbiiliil- ntr of lb.- slat. I tan s ru.uie can n- yr for a inoriieni. be in doiiiit. Mr. J bti Is n Ir.. k ilangs. the form er hurnors; a I - 1 d.ned nt 'tie White Hour". How w Mild v ni I ke your daughter to marry a former humorist? -Chicago Tribune. Mm r. 'is.. lias n..vcr yel coritlesct-n I- i-. to ex t-nd a sisterlv hinl to "unit- Nation. I'erbni's th- r- Is such a tiling as profession il )'-iiUusy. a't"-r ali. tV.irhlngt on Star. 0? I hew liny Capiulet are superior to Baliam ot Lopair-a. v Cubebs or Injections and (wn? CURE IN 48 HOURSr the ame diseases with out inconvenience. The Original Worcestershire BCWAHI Of IMITATIONS. The only good sauce; enriches the taste of all Meats,Fish,Game,Salads, etc., and gives a flavor that imitators utterly fail to produce. Onr Store Comfort and Happiness It is the insklc iM' tht? lumsc. not the outsiilc, that t- krs the iliarm nl lioiiii' H tlu; ilwclliitj; is linoil willi licati ami has an .umosilicic ol, it cannot bv. cnnoKli'il by cxU'i'iul iMiilicllishinciit nor ln-littU'tl lor want o( it. IKON BEDS Very missive a-id Intt'osiiig. brass trim md bia s rods, kn lis an-1 h.-ai .ml fed T!i"v are nitigiril-'lit and h u gains at DINING CHAIRS Hot s nit, nude cf finest red '-ik - steady at 'lur firs' car . ad of new "tvl'-s has already reach.. our salrsroom n I our rJr-rt lliioleiim man Is rlv to .,,'lh; ...oa,,. ,tur r put id-n in this line of go . I. Is a guaranf. nd 11 is tirpn.lng lo now iiistonirrs h.iw o... ue can ever a luge Mom will! heavy weight liilobum. Ih( ll l-r Hie same price Hut Is charged for licit- w.-ig il goods our linoleums "in from .Wo to I! DO P'r yrt. and we send our cir to lav lh lln-louin on tue lloor for cirtom rs our .isi and the kkU CHAS. HEILBORN & SON. Gold Medal At Buffalo! Other Styles for Street, Dress, House, Outing. John Halm Si'l.K ASTt'ltl.V AUKNTS Overcoats ThatSatisfy Il joli I.m e - 'llfll'-f'l snil'O anil- 111 ,le- i-l '.il'li oii'.to 1 'Kin iluit Id ig "try. Irv no ii'irnf Ilo- ii. h (j.u nii'iilt we ilnilav Sllil 11..'.- Ilo- 'loll l-'ii-' . Is-ttt i ll llii-lll llllil tin- 1 'I ' t I1.1I1' ln'cll III Ho- lull. I ill h'l) let 1 r y II st I, ,l's lltii-r A Msrk. ur A'l I'T cults nrnl toll ll! iivi rcinl I. -I fet-Uoii Hist n few yt-trs itn'i 11 its not ilctiiuril l-iissl-Lie III n-S'l)' lo wtar sitin- We re iistu rnlly lo'i'iil of mir wIitIiihis stid wsiil you to l.iililUsrlf im rst-1 f t II 1 llo-lll P. A. Stokes, Clothier. Pleasing the Ladies Imrnu I" ik' v!ntr cvrnlnm III si mot it stiuH t rt'ini'ifi')' r C I lu'l'i Ut niU r cMf C'tf "I the rinr Wu nrll riKdm llutt nrc l-ilnK r., frai; rnt, mn until y nf (hit ciiMnnicr I1 1 1 1 c slru iiniiitrt In lln'lr rvi'iiiiii l.onn' mnok. "J li-y runt iitt iiior'1 than lnf-flir li fitult, aul rgvi mmiy ii v nu wold. You try Ihi WILL MADISON. Fnoritf. JV y MM'r ,"s s,"",", ) v 0N tvEHr ERMS' SAUCE Tlik itpWl It M mry tntds, JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS. Afawi, N. T. an Op Gateway to The coirrei l fttr lli nitklern li"iii. I'ol.nhfd ok with Ilia Vein in coi.-r-lugs .-lcin.-lh ng llial gives coiufoil an t It a 11 iinderlul birgain at EXTENSION TABLE Hi'.ld csk. brilliantly pd'slifd. r(r larg. tlutd ! A 111 oil - v r t... 7.50 2.00 LIINOLBUMS iMMir nn 1 1 im Piiiii ma) mm) m Of New ZenUuul V. I. THOMAS, Mgr., 5an Frapclsco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDERS .Sulisrriliril Ciiiitl, 1 "a i 1 -ii j ( 'aj'ital, AsX't.S, Asi t.s in l'n i toil Stutifi, Surjiltis to I'nlii'y IIoliliTs, 1 1 11.4 Im'imi UinliTwritiii); on tht' PACIFIC COAST COMPANY COAL For Steamer, Commercial and Family Use Orders Promptly i:ecuted . . DOCK FOOT OF SEVENTH ST Samuel Elmore & Co., Agts. Pacific Navigation Company SU-nmcrs "Sue II. l imine" 1111J "V. II. IliinUun" Only line Astoria In I'll a monk , (iarlhul.ll aitj Hay Oily, lltihsum lllo Cnnnrctlng at Atorl with th Oregon A t'vltllon Com p.iiy .nil .Isii the AstorU ft Ciilinnbl. Itlver It.llrontl fur tUn Vran-rlt-ii, rurtl.n.l nl nil point. Kuat. Kor frolnht .nd pmutiiKctr rl iiply to Notntiel I'.lmoro tt Co., (Ii'iiernl Ai'iits, ASTOlMA, OHK ( O. 11. A N. R It Co.. rorll.nj, AIiKXTHaA. A 0. It. R. Cn, I'ortl.nd, jll. C. LA Mil. Tlll.moolc. Urvfuo. l'OUrNIl2L A. I. 17H SUN INSURANCE OFFICE OK MINIMUM IHI- OLI)tSI I't KI.I.Y I I UK Ol I l( K I.N THK WOKI.I). I CMfll Af. ... f ll.MV,CMKt Caali Attt In ltnlld Mlt. a.nin.g.m . C. A. HENRY & CO., GENERAL AGENTS. 215 Sansome Street San I'rtimlsco, Cal. KOPP'S BEST ADelicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure Th. Northern Paclflo rirwery, of which Mr. John Kopp 1. proprietor, m.kes lifer for domestic .nil export trails. liottlfd beer for fumlly us. or kf beer auppllcd at any tlm. Delivery Id the city free. Horth Pacific Brewery HQTEL PORTLAND PORTLAND, OREGON Tli Only Plrnt-Clrmr Hotel In Portland COUCHES 8.50 .00 ii'Mi'it 1 viw im imum ,f ' 1,IKHI,()(H) :i(io,ooo 1,7 1 S.71.J Pm - ilir (Wil ovri twnity-two yirs. TELEPHONE MMN 661