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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1901)
:u l. J 11 - , i.,f,; ..,..,.,. . ..... .-lv -' w-,v.-:;iJ:.,.-t(.-;. --yj;;;,'.. THE MORMMJ ASTORIAN. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 15, 1001 Wonderful Sales Being; Made 4 tltll". ill.l II '1 ku..w that t m,. h rrnk-rv i'"Uld be 'Id III i ti'H Nearly Half Gone Mir Miti'a linn Inrn .o taut" tint ill.- U now n.-aily hi If llaie V U III yl lit ' Hi" wonderful lurnitlii" iMi't l- III t p ;i..iluii:iy t without coming In to ree, All Styles and Patterns Kwty thing y..ii wuiil fi'm it ,.up lure..n Ii mi Indlvl but-ei lil. And a ft I.V pile Ulna right. w Kill n vo that l' y 'ii. ROSS, I1IGGINS fc CO. pliant. ari nlil" immln publl '. n 'lit itiii "1. u ri'l tli ir,.). , ,ittv rMt h'"-ii made Tho fun'Til f th Mnt. Marv M,cvr! will h hil'l IliU ufl'rn ii. from tho family nul Imc lit tU Kl- hung,- ir-e. 1'imiiiii'lK'lnK at I Alik -r.l'. will Im held at th liou.- Iv tin- Itw. W. Hi-yntmr Hhort. ira.. church, and l 1 3'l Ihe. roil'-if. eav.. f t KUIht Ink. Tin- miuiiiT M.ij II iWi-r will conv-y ti, remaJim lo ilr--iiw .d, liMVlnif at i "VI x-k. HYi.'iid. f tli.' f.inilly Jr . Invll' J to attend th", The Morning Astorian TELEPHONE Ml. JfnTHT. TO AIVi:UTIMi:ilH 'lunge .if cpy iti u I mrti Ilia hual. na ..rt',.o y i in t.j areur. ap. prami," In lh following morning's .lil.r.:i Till rule will g 'Vera nil I" ml 1rvrtlrii'-iii. r ,-p!!ug fading ,cal TtlAY H WHATIII311. IHIlTl.ANP. Nm - W.Hfri, me. gn. Waehlhgl-iii, i. eui. mil lalll, fii'l ltrt' S( win In. hec'llllng .ligh li r li- , liintmn i ir. gon. jllrri Wsalllllgl .11. N .fillet I l.lll.l. el .il ly .in I threatening. freh nilh- Ciiiilrrlv Wlltd. AROUND TOWN. ('II ntin Ml for your Coal i.julre menu. promptly flllril. II: U-rtnt m.l lining Hun !! Lurnt. 113 I'ommrrcUl lrtt. I'ltMiila hi'tti induiiry nJ tuy your frr, III (rlll At l)t'ill' mill. IIIWT UCBNT MKAI. Hfs iu:htauiunt. ItlHINO Call at llie iVvM'itl brlir hop fr up t i- U f w.'tk. Thf flrm-clnM bm J.ti . o( 'l k:m!. rtiep t tho Yik ihm Itanrer. .' CoinincrcUl .tret. il -nrr i! HiiUU (Ui.'' tho fin.'.: 6-cciil ,'. ir !! th.' inatk-: S.M r i y wlif ri-. ft Vtt.tfitt The Man With the Clothes Ni lilnr llif "i11 t!l1' Nr lb.- "" l" " l",,h Cm r.-I nl.'tilt willful the man with tho cutiii:s. VlittliT yon k a fr job or a m't 'r hor hl"u1, lf ,..,u would ' You mut HUIH deoontly." You il'Mt't m-OiWiirllv 1iv to IM lo A tnll.r and Py frm J36.0O to W 00 for milt or an overcoat. otMl kind of clothing. nieJe by the bot niamifiictur'T. In the U. H which men the UBST In ths world l good nou-tt rir any mini; thfr' I so much ityUw.iui'h n griii of .hiipt'llnwi. about our cUitlicH, and all for from $15 to $25 Try our IVtf, t..,i HIi-ii l M - in I J.U4 ' iff"". It an' Im liat - John. ii llioa. ki you iiiiokr? Try "iirniia HuN limi." i!i.. rtni-i H.itih .lKr in tlt iimrk'1! Hold ryrrywlnr". tf you wnnl bt woml. .lab wood it olhir f:ru.J inirphoti Krlly. th. iraiuf'T nun. rn4tr 2.11 bin. k I'airoiiine Indiiairy t.y .mikliitT th "I' A.l -rn" rlirnr., fltnei mvl Miiiufa.'turril by Ma. Tmliiii ft Knolii-I I llf flflri!! llUllitiv I tooth to li-t fnm; buy onr; If lh. brl.tlf. lroi .oil return it, I n ive you . our i'h.u ItoK.-r Vni.-,l To ,ir thif. IoIk.-l -ii A III INI l.'M.'rt cl.tii. to btlnrMI rrn. irr. M xl -rn in riilnui. A.klrnii K 4iv of Al -nan John A Minti'.n ry urn iiprn,j hop 411 lUmJ .ir-f! nr.t ) .rri.rrj to do all rlaaar. of plumtiing and tin 1 In .1 lownt poaalblr ril-a. Tim llililali alilii Torinlor w ta n ik.rt. " ofT th llila y.ntn.Uy .1 f ' .-t n S!n i.iin.'a fiin 8 yd niy, Au.tialia. an. I will prtbably r. Ii in( loliy. Itoalyn coal law. loiigrr, la clran. r and mak- !m tr..uhl with atovea and i hlliinry fluri than any i lhcr. ( W. Ha.'iburn. aonl; laliphma U'l C'ram fur ry, AnrriMi (Inn whlaky. Th. only t'Ur '). ruar- nired ilch and m''low. JOHN 1. OAltlON, A-nt. Ilallia fir la.bra at !h I'ala.i. Huiha. I'rlvato rnlranr on .11. .'f bul ili'K. Hhop o.rii 011 Hnn.l.iy mornliiii' for Mn.' an. I bath luvl. A i'.'fl).tt. .riiirr:ur. T'li ifht'a mrctlnif i'f the I'ii-ii riiili 1. . nr. it tin' i'IiimiIht of 1 ' minn r. r .11 7 ;'.ii Th. m i.- :'; i; I..' .in Iint irtan; on an.l a full .1'.: M' ..f in.-iii'i-.. 1.,'ftt. I I iH'f n' iul"ily itmirvl. The cm- nuik conwdlon yeeiwdny nwrnlng v.'iitl.ri will tin hH.I 011 Novi-mlK-r 21. end ri-tiwinnd In lw filly. He n 111 l:ni 'oiirih u'. An y-t can ll'liH'' of a Krcat iminy travid'Ta lw dwllne for i.MIri' nr.. .till r.-inulnliin In t.i" to pay rallrviul fare. Ii u kr I'm I. ik 1 far u lt.-l'Ulill .in 11a The a. khold.ira of tho Alwka, Firfi tiii',ii' I'avkliig Cnmiany will hold ItII mwtlng at 2 thla aftrn'n. whfn lh matt or of to lh frnfffiv cotnhlne will brf again t"kvi up. Wlr-!h-r or not the ommltt'M In chargi- of tho iiuiUr hae Milvd any further off.-ra frn th, Otiffroy iro.le w nH irarned y-emrlay, t!UKli a rprt w'J i'iiri-iit t,i tbo rlT" t tht thi orlKin- willjal prip'tbil luid h'ii ml!fl'-d. Smtl- nviit aiiionit '.h .t' khu;i.T liaa un-ib-rifonM e.iino chuiiK" of lat'. and Uwr" la now a etrng f.i-llnn tluit ihf rJn nry ah ml I not b(. ald. fti.f atur lug Ihl vl"W nr.. anKlou Kr.'ink Ltlndatrmt h.ill t .nt N rlh aa K n ithI .uivrl'i'-nd.-nl irt th.. canti'-ry. In whl h bvpiiI. th-y nuy. It will ! bi-tt.-r l. holt th.' I'Unt than ti a-ll. Th iitlo mmfr -MI !s thorounhty dui cu'ia.'d thl aft 'rnun and d-cld'-d one w.i r the oili-r. Th.. lni l-i:m.T. , Jotinao'i. arrival v.trrday from I VI, In bnllii. Tli I.i.liii'r no-al.- I l (.1 bring a bill of lii'iilth "I'l f iirl'trd to nnunintlrii. by IT. FStrl. Th.. d''.arlin.nt t Waeblliglon hue l.i-n w.r.-l .r lin'niH'ir.a aa to wlirth-'j it or not th- hillaat ahall b- fumlga.!- in ,1,-urtlna; the- prrfiiblllty of an ad r. Ii l un.riwt . then- la no dla- ;jUHlm,.t f rat,- by tho At.ia-P rt riiM. aho.irl t.n- v'l. will l-i,n,i iranaiMirtatLui companltai y-eter- U.iy, the AalorUn ninTaned doubt on ac.nunt of the pomblnattlon at th. time of th .'ttl'-mi'iit of lh rate war. Thi-re I. notliliiK bliuUng In th,. agn'mfiit. IviwcViT. It havlna; b n .iwlfb d that llii.... n.i iloiibi. f,.r vl;n ttir m-ku-latt-.tia if th.- rr a rn" aTvlrf. Ti J.'ffr'.. -Hiihi::i fight iMi-uia t 1. i.ilfht at San Vr in. ... Hullotlii. of thn mill will b.- ri"-lv-. m Will Midi ..n . 1 '"in ni' rt'i it all.-.-: rlirnr Ii rallv Ihfie l niu.h lii:.-mi In th i-vimiI . though litll.' in ii.y Im t'''-n wiiK'-r.-d .ii t,i,. iault Thr ryml'ilhy of a;.rt- Ina in 11 l t'l IMhl'.n. who I. go'iiK ! ,iir.ilnt .1 haiil .r it. .n IIowov.t. : - .....I . . Iu. r..- Mk.r rt. .ft 4tOtl linn . r" I any ronijiany muid wlthdnw from the . om!.iiiitl n bv giving 30 day.' notice thr Ji ffrira ront:ng''iit hlik. and Ir ti.ry fiir ibr Akr 11 a ant hi lH n fr.f I). .p-, , .-,. A f.tM a.nj fur:..iu .on t. .l I. U.k" f .r. UukOfh Wnhidr.-n. I.i.l. ha. tx-.ii .haiK'-l 1 loll I'-atni .U' ll o 1 li i.r.i- u I bv the T.I. lad l al...ui 17 yrara an Al.-rbl"k with tlii- ma):. IT( and will 1 Wirt.-rn I'n'.on. J f aicr, and. ; with oih.-r l'. h.t U-eii amunlng llm-lf bv nhootlng away th,. liuuU I .in ii l l -graiih iil.- Th,- niiaiiy haa b (rirtlr a .top t.i 11. Oibrr boy In dlff.-nut urt of th 1-My hav. b"-i . nullar ly mli.h"h.iv!n: t.'i'-mwlv.'., but tli'ir of It. Int .nion Th.-r' wa. mir talk !of a inniblnatl in f bu!n'-im. n that i would g'.v. all '! fP'igit to th.' White liii- on fin lltlon of a r-vluotlon. but. now that e-;:"tnnl of th- diTT- with Ihn rin rornt'any !. aanurl. thla anion I. not llk.dv. Of the rlvf 'rout... th,- Whit.. .llr Hn t"W -iwav. l-.-n Astoiia'. b( fr!fnd. It punha.-a all It uill.-a In tbL Hty !nd It i.r-11'n:. U H. Hrl-y. 1. no ! lorliiurly iro-A.orU. It I ea'J that !th" Whl:.. I'olUr ln ban I wt money i.vit .In t.'w old T-l'tmonr a on the run. anl that tho 1 utaln-d hy It during Ihn ntt- war wan fully $i:..0oo. Wht'thrr or n"t th;a ! true roiil I n .i b, d.-t Tinin"-!. aa tb offl rlala w- 'uld .-1 dlm-uiw the .ulnesa affair, of the company. Aa a ma-tter of i . otu.tant:v atnioy.M by th: I IM.nin.nt . th,. W'htte Collar Uno cer- and it ha d't.Tm'itr.1 t i nut 1 lv enini 1., the llon'a har of Ant.Tl buniiiMii. th'Hjgh, b. It Mid to th rvrrUtlng ehajtv of this city. 1- . .. k... . th . III'WI S. IIIUCII uun ili f" n.r 0 havr .-..nt jiu.-l a long an 1 Kamm line an t.i the WhHe Collar the jxilh- pr..K. to iirrmit I:. Ilf - 'company. Not only ha the lant-nani'M aft.-r any boy f"un I violating the law I)n,. n,.t,ed the cltv In the matHy of w:ll be .evrrrly punched. ri'itirdliM f'T 1) family. Th.- i'll.e picked u;. 1 nU'Cr li.n'" Wlif.dav evening Ihr night 1 I ttan arriv-l ifflr-T Th tni m found j M nun on ton of fpviiht car anj t.-v.k iv II.. tiiruifrhi Tj ' ill .,-!.,. to i- b.k-d a a l.lg r ip;'recl.U-.l 1 ..... 1 I f u- tho nK-nt. i.u: le.-lPi-. wltnttuuiK j th.- .i"tT 1-.-.I ,i.i'.i:i. -. ..lyhiir be wa. i t hi. t.i care I f h.m-lf As ev1.l-ne j..f Ihl. ho iil .i . 1 a t'.'.-k con jlrn.ntf ilir. I.u S'll '..vm an.l other I in v. II, t .1 1 1 he fll.vr -he hud li,.ir..-l th. ti.i n .11 ! aiv.,",. and jiha: i ' uu through lo Sin i l-i.i:ico.c.i on th,- It II- f ul-1 to pile, but It ban wfned and dlnl thou.uiU of pe.ple In the old day when AtrU wa. trylnu to Interent railroad T. puu-mg ll eteamere .11 ihr e mvenlence of ranltalleUt and other It hiw n-n b-re.1 Uie b.t r vl.v ev -r giv.-n on the lowr river, but eff a-ta eo'ii to be only uartlaJlv NilTK'K TO V(Ti;r.f T w iind.-rslanel her 'by his mine before mib'.ic a a candidate for th ol'l e f :r-'t .in rintendent. t 1 lv tlllol at the e'..H-tlon Pvember tl. l!HH. in I r.-so v-fiillv a-k. the en, i.rt of the publl.-. J- K. WIRT, Wo have a few kind. too. Hut we bo klnJ. of the ih'iiper f tlio -'good" MiwaftllJtii Kim lv ayr'ner, from J." evil, u; iv ird it 1! 'g. k', fount. 11 Svrlr.Bee from " cent, up; anv kind of rul'bT g ,id. m iy want nt b'tt'in flgur- at llog.-i '. Odd l'VlloW t' lillil l n. T.i" T 'k,. I'l-lnl oit.-r h ih,. . pr .ar', to niooly family otibr f u- the rimii Toke I'oini iV.tcr Serve. .tre :n any e:yle. Kteventh .S:ie.-t. hiMwe-ii ll-iii I 111 1 I'oninioi chi' ; phone. Tno .t.-ilfiiT Sue II. 1-Tlm.ii' parted y.nt.vlnv morning for Tillmi iok. the Klder .-roui'.iiK out f r Shi I-V.iii.iio. Tli.r,. w.-iv no other departure, the itralil Ib-t .till lein.iinlnit In the I'Wer haib.r The American fan 'miipany haa U'light mil Ihe le.yhrtl Tlnwiue 0111 p.iny, Sentll'. Wa h. Thla make. MO plniilx now owned by the American Can Company In till country. It tum fartorle. nil the Tacltlc C.vmt at Seat lie, K-aliliiiven, Aatoiia. Urn Ang-bn, an.l San Frum-laco-The Tcide. Th,. Coluinbl.i itlver I'aeker.' A.i elatlon yealenluy chipped IfiSO ciif. of Alank:i .aim ni lo Ihe Kiwi. The -n-.Ignnient w ia worth nearly $10,000. The riillroa I c.iinp.uiy la handling lot "f aiilnum at pre.'nt, dully shipments over 'hut .hin running from lf to ockmI en-.. All the Million Is for Ihe Bat -rn murket. II. M. HiMilHfiml yeatenlny re''lvNl lel.'irraphlc ne,v- of Ihe denlh, lit StiK-k-ton. if !il father. Judge J. 0. fwln, me of Ihn mt prominent He- publl1M.11 In California. IVcea.iM wa 11 brilliant mm and had held sever. ollliv'H. Among tho children who .ur- vlve him I. Artist Swlnnerion. whose r.'put.itlon I national. Utile Paulino Itou.low. aged II. daughter of Mr .and Mr. Cloorne Kou low. died at 1 o'clock yesterday after ii.Hiii. Som etlnio ai the child was attacked Willi typhoid fever, spinal meningitis following. The Utile one ulttre.l gr."ally during her lllnena and graduallv sunk, ihe end coming yester day. AiT-i"g"iieiil for the funeral have not yet been cunpleled, but 't will dotiWIesa be held en Saturday. Thttro wis no excitement nt the lte pulillean prlniorle y.titetiilny and tho election of deb-gate to the city con vention wag a formality that was never HERE YOU ARE Danziger's Stock Reduction Sale Is a Honey-saying Opportunity. PRICES THAT CANNOT BE EQUALED. Men's Overcoats, worth ?22..r.O, now $16-85 Men's Overcoats, wort h $20., H), now 15.00 Men's Overcoats, worth tUl.H), now 12.00 Men's Overcoats, worth $1 3.50, now 10.10 Men's Overcoats, worth $11. 00, now 8-25 Men's Overcoats, worth ftf.oo, now 675 Men's Suits worth SlS.uO, now . . . $13-50 Men's Suits, worth 15 .00, now . . . 11.25 Men's Suits, worth 1 2.00. now. . . . 8.00 Men's Suits, worth $10.00, now ... 7.50 Men's Suits, worth $8.00, now .... 6.00 25 per cent discount cn Overcoats, Suits, and Mackintoshes. 20 per cent discount on Underwear. Shirts, Hats, Pants, Trunks, etc. A call will convince you that wc do as we advertise. S. DANZIGER notf;e rtm itblication. Nntlr., I. h'-reby glvn, thai Ihe Com mon Ouncll i,f ihe City of Aetor.a, ha dri-UrnJ It. Intention and determlna to r.iabllah the grade of 11th tp't fr im th.. north Una of Uuune tre-t to the south line of Etvhanire IrC'l s i that the same will be at eleva tion, atnvn ihn base of grad'- for the Oty of A.-oria aa eta.blihM by gen eral ordlmnc No. 71 aa foliowa: At the north bn t Iiane St. 21.6 ft. nboie .a d hue of grades. At the .outh line of Kxchanve s'.nei !SI fet above ild hi." of Kra Ihe .lop. of said atr't U-tw.eii aald de!gna:ei pJlnta to h straight or gradual. ' That the Au Ptor and Pol.ce JU'ig oi , ai City ha. b-en dir t"d lo g.vt no- . tie.: of the liitentlnn of Ihe s.ihl L-jun. ii to enlblish the gra-l of aald portion f .aid .'reet as aforesaid by i th.n for ten days In the Morning As- ur an a.-l publication to be ma.e anl , ald no:1'- to e giv-n In the mannr' i provided by the Charter of .all City, by r.-.oluiion alopti Movemner ! i-e'i. 1 Kir.t ;ut:i -a l n S -v. D. liiOI. I II K. NKUJON. I Auditor and Police Judge 'he City 1 of A.toria. Cl'.v Null-', No. 1 I F'.rt pubileatlon, Nov. t Ia.t Publication. Nov. IS. i NOTICK FViR PLBLICATION. N it Ire I. her-bv fiv-n. that the Com mon Counril of the City of Astoria, haa Wlared lis determination and Intention to improve and repair 11th :reet from the north line of Commercial street to th. .outh line of Bond street In tbe Part of thCI!v of Art irla laid out and r- ord-d bv J"hn MnCIur. and extended by Cyrus Olm-y upon th presi-ni ea tabll'hed grade thereif an! throughout the width frim curb to curb between .l.l,wa!k. by removing all the planking on sa.i portion of said street between the aldwalk curh. and laying through out th le-.gth of Slid part of alj str-et to be Improved two new i tringrr,. on each side of the center of a,d atreet ( f .ur :ringer io be laid thro'iirh sai l portion of Mid street) .aid near strltiK-'ra to be laid tetwn tringrrs now in .aid street and Dy Plank. n .aid portion of sil 1 street throua-hout the wld h thereof from curb to rurb between sidaalk. with g"Oi' .und fir plank 4 Inch by 12 Inchea In Ixe. All material u.ed In said repair and Impr ivement shall be g wd, sound rel or velloar fir and ilJ Improvement except a herein otherwise provlled shall conform to the requirements or general ordinance Si, 1501 In relation to the Improvement of streets. That the cot. and PiDerui.i. of male- inif said repair and Improvement shall lie depraved by teejal assessment upon lot, lands and premises abutting ! upon said street or otherwise benefit ted by said rrair ani Improvement pro-rata according to the estimated benefits, which said diatrlct of lots, lanaa and premises to be assessed to defray the Costs anl expenses of salil improve ments I a follows: Commencing at the nnr;hwet oorner nf lot i of block 59 In the part of the Crv of A.torla laid out and recorded by John MeClure and extended by Cyrus Olney and runnins tlvnce nutheriy cn a straiRht line to the southwest corner of Wit 6 In said block anl running thence easterly on a straight line to tne soutn eist corner of lot 12 In block of said part of said city and running thence northerly on a straight line to the northeast corner ot kit 3 in .aid block ii and thence westerly on . a straight line ta the pilnt of beginning. : and .iccordlnglv fall district Is to con- , tain I 'll 3. 4, 5 and of said block 59 , and lots 1. 2. 3. 12. 13 and 14 of sai l j block It. all in the Cltv of Astoria as laid out and recorded bv John McClure and , exiende.l by Cyrus Olney and includes i all nf the lot to b assessed for aid ' repn'r and Improvement. j That the City Surveyor of the Citv m An orla has been directed to prepare ! 3nl file with the Auditor an Pod-e ; Ju.lse of said cUy eeilmates of the v-ots j and expens-s of construct. ng said Im provement and plans and specifications for the propose.' work. That this notice Is published In the ; Morning Astorian for eight days In i pursuance, to a resolution alopted on : Nnv-mVr 4. 1901. i Or.lerlre the same November 6. I'JOl; J.ue of flr.n publication. H. E. NEISON. Aullt-T and PjIIcj Judge of the City of Astoria. City Notice. No. 4. Fitvt Publication, Nov. 6. Last Publication. Nov. 13. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Nolle? Is hereto' given, that the Com mon Council of the CUy of Astoria, has declared Its Intention and de;ermlnation to establish the (trade of Lluane street fr.,m th.. past lln- nf l":h street to the east line of 13th street In the part of the City of Aetorla laid oul ano recoruea oj John MoClure and extended by Cyrus , !n.t .i elpvitlona abov the base of grades for said city as establlshrd by general ordinance -No. U mereo: us tui on: a, th. ..nt line of 12th street. 20 feet above said base of grades, at the west lln,. and also at tbe ea.t o: toin etreet 24 5 f;-et sbve said base of grades. The said part of said a.reet to be level from north t.i south, the cross ing of said street and 13th street to be level and the slope between the east line of 12"h street and the west lira of 13th street to be straight or gradual. That the Auditor and Police Judge has been directed to give notice for ten .lavs bv publication in the Morning Astorian In the manner provided bv the Charter of the City of Astoria of the Intention and determination of said nn r..,n,ii t astahlish the srade of slid portion of said street, by resolu- tlon adopted movemiwr . ", publication November , 1W. H. E. NELSON. Auditor anl Police Judge of the City of Astoria. City Notice. No. 2. First Publication, Nov. . Last Publication. N.iv. 19. C. W. BARR DENTIST Mansell Building. 573 Commercial St.. ASTORIA, OR. TELEPHONE, RED 2061. Andrew Asp, H i Km, BUrkMitk md EUrmliMr FIRST-CLASS WORK AT REASONABLE PRICES. Special Attention Given to Ship aid Steamboat Repalrlng.Qeneral Black smithing, First-Class Horse Shoeing, etc. CONNER TWELFTH PND DUANK STS Dr. T. U. Ball DENTIST. Big Values Little Things EVEN A NICKEL HAS PURCHASING POWER HERC IT DOES'WT HAVE ANYWHERE ELSE. 5c buys Embr.y.dery and II. 8. Handkerchief, Heavy T.irch'n Lace, five w'elths Hard P.ubV-r Dres.lnr Comb l-in.-h wide Elis'-lc. White anl fanv.y finished Braid, five .. Embroidery H.p Handkerchief Pa,ttera for working 5c 5c 5c 5c !5c 5c 5c :9c One Chad's Large OH Bib 9C All kinds of Fancy Braids for Working Stamped Goods. 9c Buys Fancy Jeweled Hatpin.., 9C Embroidered Lace Edge f- Handkerchlef Vv Lslies Linen Collars, any Style 9C 9C 9C Pompador Comb S yards No. 2 Satin Rib bon, any color The Sanitary hair binder.. 9C 1 pair Fast Black Ladles' Hose Shanahan's THANKSGIVING DAY I RESERVE YOUR ORDERS FOR i yl.-s I TVRKETS. J MINCE MEAT v PLUM PUDDING I f WILD BLACKBERRIES i j fi rn-! LONG'S FAMOUS PRESERVES i ('ly WILD ROSE HONEY JAMS AND JELLIES. 1 FOARD 8 STOKES COMPANY j 4) CAUTION ! Before you buy a stove or range examine the lfayal Charter Oak Better work, lees fuel a"d la bor, and Ust longer. Prices reasonable. W. J. Scully, 431 BOND STREET. Between Ninth and Tenth Page Building, Astoria, Ore. TH Finest Restaurant in the City Regular Meals 25 cents PALACt Sunday Dinner a Specialty W.W. Whipple c EVERYTHING THE COMMERCIAL ST MARKET AFFORDS WHITE HOUSE COFFEE and UPTON TEA at Fisher Brothers' TheJVIojn Astorian Sixty Cettts Per Month Delivered ot Your Residence, We Rent New Typewriters. jv Many new improvements added. V See our latest No. 2 Smith Premier Typewriter New Art Catalogue Free . . . L M. ALEXANDER CO. . Exclusive Pacific Coast Dealers 245 Stark St., Portland, Ore, F W. M'KECHME, Local Agent. C. J TRENCH ARD, Commission, Brokerage, Insurance and Shipping. Custom Houtte Broker. ASTORIA, ORE, Ageui W. E. ACo ax.d Paclflo Kxprns Uo a.