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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1901)
Till: M0UN1MS ASTOWAN. Tl'KSllAY, NOVll.Mltllll M HMH HOW TO TOME men economize so number of words receiver can not understand it. This is not sensible economy. Neither is it sensible economy to ruin garments of value with cheap soap or powerful chemicals that eat into the fabric True economy uses Ivcry Soap in the laundry. It is the most of pure soap that can be sold for the money. Chemically it is as innocent as water. Yet it docs everything you can ask of a soap. Try it 1 CHAMBER TO INVESTIGATE Will Look Into Freight Rate Dis crimination and Take Im mediate Action. MATTER LEFT TO COMMITTEE If Rates Are Not Reduced. Inde pendent Line Will Be Eslab Iihed by Merchants of the City. At last night's meeting of the Cham ber of Convnrce the nutter oi es tablishing an InJepes-jjent steamer line to release the merchants and manufac turer of this city from their bondage ns taken up and discuss? I a; length. The meeting nag largely attended and the question of transportatwn rates oc cupied a x nsidt-rable portion f the time. Member of the chamber arreed that equitable rates wjuH be neces sary If As'.ura is to gv ah-ad. and that the establishment of a steamer to be conjvlll bv :he merchants ( Astoria wnu'd f ll -.v unlevi the pr s ent traru';' -r-aii ,n e-mipuni srutv a d is P-within t, be f.iir. The entire matter was referred ! the cirr.rmitee m comm-rc an 1 niv-Ig-iz: n. The ritim.t!rt will immedi ately visit th rarroid ar.i f amb at people anJ unr- them t nt-ike pr.. vis Ion f r new linfr!-;. S5u tiU the c m-pan!- !e-l.:ie :.i aTter tie- pr-sent rate-, the Mtnmltt will Int'-rv.e.v the Mr. nessmen of the citv and est ah!in-rit f the line will follow. The committee having in chars the establishment of th- pred sa.-h and iviT factory wis n n '1'Jlt- ready to make its final retort nih: and M Ktunted fur. her t-m. Th cumit tee has the matter pretty well :n hand, but there are mill some detail to le look-d into, and at a me-cia metinir loun to be calie-J bv PmH Van I)u--n the rep rt will be present-d. Com mitteeman Whipple mated last evening that the factory would d ubtJe?s be teoure.-l. Tne C'tfrnniib-e is cni lerin a plan to make the enterprise a larger one by j oining with it an eh-r c mci-m. Finke Eros., of who have a barrel manufa -turlng erft.'ibll.ihm -nt at lirookfleld. having expressed a de-ire to locate here. Perhaps bJth ent r- Pears' Why is Pears' Soap the best in the world, the soap with no free alkali in it sold for 15 cents a cake? It was made for a hos pital soap in the first place, made by request, the doctors wanted a soap that would wash as sharp as any and do no harm to the skin. That means a soap all soap, with no free alkali in it, nothing but soap; there is nothing mysterious in it. Cost de pends on quantity; quan tity comes of quality. Sold 11 over the world. ECONOMIZE ccsoiy the on in a telegram that the nr can be located on the same Prop erty, though this matter Is yet to be decided upon. Since th movement for mope enter Prises was undertaken many lnuuiries have been received from outside points. The chamber last evening deckled, on recommendation of the statistics and compilation committee, to utiliie five page of the new directory as an ad vert isemejt. PERSONAL MENTION. L. J. Whit-, of Ely. Mian.. l. visit ins in Astoria. George A. lVavis. of San Francisco, wis in the cly yesterday. W. W. Ourtiss. the weil-known tim berman. was in the city yesterday. A. F. Rigvrs and Max Fried-nthal. Port lam' commercial traveler, were in town yesterday. Deputy Sheriff R. O. Prael an fam ily leave this mvning for a br.ef virft with friend In the metror'li-. Among the Pontlanders in the city yesterday were L. Macleay, W. J. J mes. (J. F. Njiander and O. n. nugheon. I W. W. Whipple has been ak'l to b-1-Icome a candidate for mayor of the I city, the Citiz.-ns party tenj-ring him I the nomianti'Ji). A r-p-jrer called on I Mr. Whipple tun evening and a-k-,1 him ! whither or nt he w nil J aec.-pt the nomination. "While I appreciate the compiim-rit. it ill lie linp'jssibl for ! me t) accept the nff-r." was the t ' piy. "I am n-.t a politician, mil .nil he sati.-fiel if I . an b- -f am in s-eur.iig new etiterpr'.s f r A -ria. I tt'.li 11 ev t e:i:. r iiu .111 . o;-p Ttunitv t w -rk .is 1 t.z-'n f r A'torii's a!.ine m-M I.- i.l 1 i-k." The p-V'"li.l." "I.'. Mil arrive dwr. :. A ! k t ,.. J ft- ri. ..: r It i.l v ' la 2'- riv-r ahout . a'l I h r aT.. will pty tetv. .1 A.-:.: i.i .in I I' rtian I. The n vt : t his j--n Tie- Idl'e. run. hu- sine t ! na'er 1 . ,.ni -.1 1 ov file iui b- -.ei una. l- t . na-.ljt-e. Th -Tih irna male her I i-t tr.T) 'r .11 A--torii la.-t;. Si..- v. lil at n . - - go on the upper liver run ,n plae- f Oawert. TJw return .,f t 1- lifr ,."team-r will b- h:l-l with 'lelieai riv ; Astoria ns. who have il,,av i.e n Kind ly llspose.l t.,war I th- Wh.te .'oiiar line, and A gut Tayl.r ".;i d Pnd his 1,iw:i- (cn-at, in.-re.iv-l. i The Republican i-ity '-eniral commit , tee hag announce! the li-t , f .,. t'ates to be vote ) f jt at ( inii.a prim tr uest First ward A. V. All-n. F. A. Fisher, A. Mc I'haria-i. ...r ,Sh:st.i.l. !N. Clinton. E. P. Parker. D J. M -V.,- ar, George Johnson, Alex Oi!b"rt. C.W. V. lirmn and T. F. Lri! ie. ir.,nJ jv.ard-F. J. Tayl ir. Junes W. Vi 1 h. lA'jirust lanie!n. A. 'allan. M. F , Hard aty. Jacb M i re, w r,. .i,.,, I Adolph I.uduig Ij:s .n, 11. Ii. ,Gr.iy and ('. J .i'uij.s. Thirl w. vi llus Holmf, '"hris Wr'-iiw-b r. John 1 Nor-Ntmrn. T. S. ' ' ' (',. A. N' -I- ron. Ira AnJ-rsnn. W. F. M'iieg.,r. William Painter. W. H. Hitk-r an 1 J-ns Nels .n. The prlmarVs w.ll b hel 1 Thursdav. H"ll hith no fury like a v.. .man who paid li''i for a hat and then rinds that the hired girl h.m gone and e.,;,..,j it. i.'hlcago Daily News. ADVERTISED U3TTKPJ3. List of letters remaining un all.-! for in the pxitottlce at Ast'rla, Oregon. Nov. tl- An.ler.'i.-i & MIllerMitch -II. A. B. P.'irno, Mis Sail. M un yon. J F. f'hJMy, Mrs. Anna "leen, Anders F. irawes, F. f. P.itterson. DollUj Hammin. Miss D. Pinscroover. Mrs. H Hojrlt, P. H. A. Paulsen. Miss I. Holmes. James per.o. Miss PaujtV; Johnsm. 3'tnn A. Redding, Arch Joahn, Knud W. Saunders. Frank W Kauen, fW. H. Smart, R. R. Krlkeberg, Henry Tatham, A. Larlmore, Earl (2)Taylor. W. R. Little. Mrs. K. I Thomas. Will J. Markstrom. C. O Troxell. riea. Martin, Charles Tyberg. N. Meyer, Herman F. FOREIGN. Brood, Frarii J. MRS. SCIILISSU DfAO MlKl llVNl'S Wll-K KXIMKID I. AS I rVKMVti. Pcath KvMilted From llcttrt Full m e uud Was 11 Surprise tit M.111V Friends. M"- Nathan Shln'l. w ? f , f t Mo m !-'r,;;o :i c! thine mnvhant, .lei .t l.ittc'v las: cveniujt t the .'mi. .t "I.- . c.-rn.-r cf Fl'teomV. m:. ) ,! mac -tP- ts. Mrs Sch'.a.i-'! ha I fc"i :1 '. 'r some d.iv, but hi-r con I . t:o;i t'.o; a: 11m tlirt t'i..r '.vl a. criti.Ml. and I lie Hews of her d'liti . i .1 sa l siirpris . to hoi' m uiv ff eii,l rh. fauril urrawniiMits will l. an. 1 if;- d later. Mrs. SchluHsci',1 death was due t Sir; failure. Abut six weeks ag 1 a son was born t her. but both mother and child got along iiicdy. The moth, r struct t N particularly s:ru!. inJ early last ve ns 1V to N- out in Saturday List, however, she cxist Ieticed a fainting spl. and on yiat day was quite 1U. Many frl- nd call.M to visit her, but, at the physician's r ders. n-i one w.i 4.lm'.ltt.1 The 14 'owing dav she seemej much misit md there was tv al.irm In the house hold, evening tihe griv sudd.Mvlv weaker mil sank raitdly. Tiie etui coming about 9 o'clock. r.vsej w.ks formerly Misx Inns" Ihnchower and had k.nir a rci- leiit of this citv. Sweet of d:ss. :i n, sh made a h.wt of frlit.W. to whom the news of her sad and utittnw iy d ;h will prow a severe shck. iVNDITI'XS IN THE ItM.ANlvS Phlipplnes N PI ace for Y m tig Men Without Money or Pull. Jihn H. Whltaker. formerly editor f the Morning Ast.naji, but now an educator In the Philippln. wr.te an interesting letter as to c mditions in our new possev!:is. fnU'r d.ite of Isab-la le It.uslUn. Sepu-mlB'r Z1. MK Wro.nk.-r writes: 'I have many Inquiries; u;n th-'ubj-vt of the opportunities for young men her and the nsults of niv in vestlgations are herein stated exactly is I have found them. Esceitt f.T a few diss's. n young man without apitai should come to the Phll!ptine 1 nl ss he has secured a posltl'n In ad-ian.-e. There Is. however, n s:rm lemand for stenographers, who are pail from 1"0 to I1M gill per m'mth I-ivlng ex;nseri In most p!ac- ap idgl for a single man being usually half the am wint nanicl. od lawyers archite-.s. buiM-Ts an I cl11 ire al. in demand at high prices M wt of the tVr fitions dr- rea.ldy rlil.V I ! by .-x-s 1 liers. ' Th man who li.u cip.tal cm rean ri ii"r rewards here than In any other Ix tlitv which I have ever '"1-rks and others in Manila have In vest their navlng l krg-y In lieens.. I arriiges. ,.f which there is st.ll a gr-it defl-i.-ney in that city. Tlies. 'r tig In 1 rt v-'nn.' of n 't le ii ;r i-ent a month of th. i-kC. I .un payittir $ (goI. r-r month fur th.- up- r story of .1 h ni-e w-ii.'h .' I Tli-' n'A ti'-r lives r..-iov inc. I ' Th -r-. Jf m.inv 'tii.-r "if.. l-iv st i 111 tits uhi- h btinir in normoiis pt- .M: The !urnhT hiisin.- Is t,- I..- n :! '11 ii'--- th- monev-maklng tai'lnes .f I th- l-l inls. Owing to unf 1 v r 1 1 t 1 1 -i; .slat,on. little in U-Ing din- al .ng tl.s line at pr-et.-rit. "T.i " w ho will su-v.-el l-i in I I'hilipiin"s from a fltiancal st in i;'.:it .ir- th" nin who come her- uti I-t file iv.l goyeniment, rr who are c..n;i.. t.s with the armv or navy here, nn.l h.iv- Caisceroo Sores a;. breast, tliouxh they are li.-.Ui: to appear litsm nthcr parts of the Ixxly. When they lict;lii tu spread snd eat into the tlesli, sharp, piercing jiaini are fe't us the nnilerlyin;; tissue is i!.trfvel and '.lie tender nerves ex-Hived. Cinrerun-i s ires ileveli, ifroin very trifling causes-, a carbuncle or boil, swollen tfland, a little -try blister on the tongue or lip, a wart, nnnc ir bruise of some kind beer.mes (til indolent, festering sore, which in time degenerates into cancer. "Ton yoars ago I had a more on my left temple, which the doctors pronounced a cancerous ulcer; It would itch, burn and bleef., then snab over, but would nevor heal. Aftor takings. B.H. awhile the sore faogan to discharge, and when all the poisonous matter had passed .. I . t ....11 T 'i"ti ; 'v t took In all about thirty bottien, continuing; It for soms time after the sors bad healed, to be sure ail tho poison was out of my sys tem. Have seen no elgn of the cancer In ten years. JOIZTHVa KEID, Oant, Audrlan Co., Mo. is strictly a vegetable remedy, and, while possessing purifying and healing properties that no other medicine does, contajtu nothing that could derange the systeirT. While cleansing the blood it also builds up the general health. If you have a suspicious sore, or other blood trouble, send lor our free book on Blood and Skin Diseases, and write to us for any information or advice wanted; we make no charge for this service. THE IWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, OA. an i.ii-iuiitty lo kci'p o)vn (heir cy . for protlMKo eui. -rpr'ses bef "iv un Icrtakllig Ihtng. or lli.w li br.KK out capital mid vx-tcis,. dciv ! lion In Its invest mem " SHOfKI. 1 TUK SIiVTNU. i Ox).'! ,f vicoit' Vtc:V W111II1 t'oll (. t Ua.v l'-v. ivl 11 Th.-iv I. iiMlher ciimi f the re. I ecu; h vt.:iii .11 I'tlft mi. and I; a pc:(i-i N K.mks wiio p v d (or a tone 'as .1 '.mi.'ti iilm-e.l nun, Is r all a 1 -u nlU'l and I -. alv d -.oimvI .1 .itli it i.n ha'i Is ( li.Mte,, pe; n 1. ! ch -f a. th,- T -k IVmt c st 1 h ii---, Kni can !k- l.sitn.'d. l-'mKs ; i le;es' MtV t;i ll.s pvc, .r: lir.m-el ' a pi 1:1 m h -r 'v !' in. u 1 . 1 oc mul.'lisl. ' Tanks sired ill o:V: d.n thi. tc i 'ta I ni t in. I m r . 1 t lie u -in in la San (Kruui-vo s nie avs k,i lie Mil j he went uuder iac nun,- T ni Mull: ! gen. tin: whu d 'li iniest..n,d bv Mici :tT lanvi.le ti s.orv d1 I not c n. nect, an I llnallv. when x.i:n.ti sl by the sher.fT lie conf.--.v lliat In Ill 1 tnlsi-.-pr'A-111-vl Ihc sUua.loi! all tiki way i!troei. Nu in( 1,. )m. d n s at the U(.:i n ef the woman. F.uik.s has stiuv l" n arrested for vagmiu v and Is now In the citv Jail. The woman was funwilv a Mis Mulllgen, uh.w,. hus.vind I f: h.r Sae Wftjt maer, l warn only 13 cus of ag" Seven ears later she met and married Peters, then .1 pr-tsi"'! us San Francleco restaur nit man 1 teis t-t hi btislti -s in I'aiifoinl.i. ati-I .'e'lilti ally came North to Vstotn. where he was engag"! itl fishing He retiiin'd to an r r.incisc , !ut 1i11a.11 came V-rt.i this .-ar His iiillrcn wer.- at v'l f : mi wuh th lr gr.uulmotVr, the voman retca.n.ig in San Fiancitco S.'ie 11. id met Fatiks thTe. lid "Vllcntlv had come u:i.l"r hie pw,r. Peters lea ned . f th.- nn.t-r, an 1 when h: wife wrote an 1 ask sl f r m 'in v w th which to colli,- 11 t If tin id,- ha-hiii! ji-ciimd .0 s-n I It. Liter, tijs. n t-.., fi( of tih.i lea.f. he forii ai Id an I Min Pet eres ciiih' Nona Kinks fu:.i,,-l her. going through to P Ttlau 1. tn F.i lav P- ters w.-tr. t, i'l f: :i (.i s e li s wif. and ,'i:li.-n lie ab nit to leave !) b..usc t 1 g t so. m' in.'k when Finks ar.-.vsl Wvn Pet ers to th.- house lie sin Fank in th-- from r un. II 1.1 1 kiii vin ilic in.iti in . 'aiifoi-ni.t ,md .t., K ti w d his ac'iuamt 1:1. w.t.h M-s p- r. ''!i-' l usi.inl ha 1 a rv -lve in th- h .use an I. it. im-.h to the ir oit rou-u ant o...:-,,i I'mVs f i . m the I'iiu-. Finks 1 1 -Hits-.! n :i .tnl P . -rs eriiiih t - in -l his c, mm in I Iw . Ilt d shots, tlr r.g ..tit ,,f a wind .-it the river lie till no l-it-nuoji of in juring in- man. but w.stiel mih to frlghte.i In -ii .may. Finks male a hurried .)! ai tu '. . l-tg ihe sh . t th- tall l iii.i 1 . II th.-u Mar.c.l d'wn the nii-Mil trick, m I thai nik-ht . i-ne throu-ti !o At'o-li jv rail. Ar fi ng ii.-re lie teld a st ,rv that scull I' d h s ,,,mi ii.iw, hu: Mas trp . up bv th" l-ri.rift and f .re- t it; . 1 ''iress .,n ..f guilt. Mrs l'-t. rs is now at .'l.f toti li- r chil Ir ii md I. itixl ais that Fanl.. shall be !,.; awiy ir.oti :i-r. P--:ers ,s .nu .. w -ll-known in A-tor.a. and b.-ars m - x - ll.-nt r-'PUtall-.n. II ' ,s popiil 1.- Alt. 1 his cimtryin n n.: l til- .1 1 A I I 1 11 ,1 J-l. ett,,. , ,t.z !). liiu- f -r In 1 wite ml .."i.tlr-n .VI ' - Pet - '.!, s F.ll.ks -1 l!ll tl ! I " I l'U ' 1:.'- iti Sin I-r 1 : 1 : ... .tk.nn ir ft I. r ;.. 111 Mys -if 1 ... II bj P". 1 - 1 : 1 '. 1 lil- F ink- w ,1 I ,1 n: o' ,t ,;. ,1 . ,,, I, w 1 ri .ii' .it" iii Hi.- gs !' .r h:i- I " Ii-- .1 ir 1 n .01 .. e u;. .1 1 ; t ; -;i .1! o.- made extivne !v w trm . t.le .li io c.ill' I mil .'l ti I . i i ' . 'ii .ii t n il ; t coiiinnl . o Ritiks .-.ul ih- ,-ti..,. ,.v ii. Mr in. i. P t- rs ti id tl r 1 th- .h ,u ., n ni. i 1 1 -. I'. - rs ...ii. tti.s. aij.n le' llr.- I l a le il 'h ii at li-"it .inv Int'nt to kill. Tu liXPiiUii ALASKA Cxt-nsive xpl irjti.eiH ar,. alrnit I., li- in I'Tt ik-'ii b twi-en the Arctic i'.i-rl- nil t.i" sh .r-s t the Ar-tlc u. an in Al.i-ka. Tin- exploring p.iry "ill : in from I'.'rgiiian, ii.-.i r ly ,ne thou... and inil.-s from tvlkii. Alaska le annul is littl- as th- inl-rl .r wf Afr'c.1 wa. a f-w y-ars ag ,. A Sieellli r-in-sy for th- cur., of c un iion Ills 'fas unknown until Moite'ter's Stoin ich Itif-rs ner.. rlrst d'' .v-rd. Por llftv ye.nv, It has cured all stoin ich and 'nil..; i iiinpl nuts, ai. 1 to lav is 'he must i -l.-l,; it I me li hie In the tvull. T.i- lilt -i t mil our., iri liR.-s lon, .'ys-e-iis a. l, Hi .n. biliousness, head n il. liv-r an I kidney troubles, malaria, fef.'r ami ague Take no iih--iito. Th" gviuirio ruii-t have ( ur Priv.iie Iie H'arnp ovi-r the ,i'i k of Ihe hollh. i:i:ai, ivtatic Thorn is A. Mvl in l t i Ni ls .lag er west half of lots 1MI and i!) block nil, Hhlvly's .' n James FinUvson to John Chlt woisl lot 3. blot k h4. M -('lure's 'M K) Watson .1. Hinder t i Charl-s Hough lot X bl'k 12, Young's addltlm to Alderlrt-ook .V Wl Thomas Herd. rm and w'f" to J. H. Itaumgartner, 1SS seres In section 11, T. 7 N. H. 9 W.. 7.'i0 Wl Hugh For i and tvifo to Jlenrl ette (). FoM. lot 1. block 9; lot 3. block 11, McClure's: lot . block 122, Oln'sy's; lots 11, 12 , and 13, block 11. Warrenton; lot 2, traot 2, Pleasant View.. ',IM W Atout the hardest thing to make a woman b"leve Is that ;he ran tie Intel lectual without J'llning a Hit of socie ties for the Improvement of something or other. st; Our Store Comfort and Happiness It is tin- iii siilc n! thf limisr. nut tlu- oulsiilf, dial makes thf ili.inn nl Ip'iii.' Il ill-' ilwfllin-; is liiu-il with lr:iuty am! Ii, is an .ntiios.ifn- ol paratlisf, it caiumt In aiimUi..l l.v pxtt inai t iulifllisliiiipiit iur hflitt't'il lir want ol it. IRON iSEDS tnipoit ng. brass tr i kit b an 1 'I' nd.. Tli -v are niagit II. Very nuss'te a i.l :iipo ng. bras tr nt- no I M.t'-s 1 -.Is. kit b an 1 tell alii f' ' T!i-v are niagit II. Ill an I bug 1 us it DINING CHAIRS .' sit, male 'f tlni'st red oak Kt.aiv s-1'..-r at ltir M-s- cu bad of new styles has already r-,-h.-d our salraro m and en.' the inil'lc inir r I'U.iii'ii in Ih lino of gooU l gtiiriile, and II o,..,,.e .... . an cover a l ug - r -'iil with heavy weight lillol.'iini. that sells f - .1 .l l Mt ill 1 . . ...... , II ... .., . ...I ....1 Ma light aeigit -o sis our 1111 'iciiins lite floor, f .r ctK-tolliers l't ii-,Flt'l-:i!f lUislil.IitTIlt' ' Annual M c'.lng and UuniUet 'f the Irving ''lu H'Sd Utt Kvenlng The anniul and l'linnn-t of the Irving I'litb was hell last evening Th' atte.i Ian. , of iii. inls-rs was ten luge Wlthou, .-l.-.-ptloll the oil .1(1 ,cr of the ,-lub won- iv-'leci. 1 as , follow. Pr. s 1-nt F 1. Parker We-pr wdeiit I'r J Tut tic S.s o-id' M S.-ci- taiv II I' Th ng Tre.isti!-r-W I. tt"l'b tut. ot i J i' M ho. J M - a. lr A A Fin. b. A . I -it lMtit ar .m l " A ll-ll'ioi-n The .uciitil np-'tlntj ;s ul.iivs male lb.- nv isI.mi ' a pl'-a-aut seal g It It a 1 1 -C . an I th-- nienili-rs w . i .- en "i . l. If. I 1 I... et.-lllllg Tie -, .11 1 1 1 1 1 '. ! .- .11 . h.n.;.- of Hi,- .'iiii'ili inn ill was male up ..f V I. It. .'.!. J It A P oiii.Mt an 1 I ' A M U-i i l.lllott an I W.ds. t. r. a . l-. -r t-.i ii of ent.-rialners. were pr -.s.-nt mi l jsttLsiel iii.i'.i rl l!v in !h' ettt r. iinm -nt. M -mb-n riid-r' I an Impi-.inpta pr.g.unt ( f.-, ai mils, and aft.-r th,- in form inc it Pl h.-i" o;-rti house .,!!.- ,.f 'li,. ni mhei . f th- "Uniting for llawkiu." troip- Vlle I 'he . hill .Hid ll-ipe-l Mllke fie evv:ng Th-- t.t!tiiit-t t d- low.-l i ink isi'intti'i: 'ti 'it Ilthel-wlr'. th,- ' 'll'llltl-lg 'V H.aklis' d r nil.- Is a Sti-'i.g ' Mi . N . r it ' -1 t l. ehi IX oils l . t Hiding l i - i' h m ml. "in I .IIS, I'l-ie T ST is ' I Ot e a ih a fa h. .'..i' le an 1;- n. . "Il.i'i nu- for II ink us w .tu - f . m Ii i I I"-' i ,.. i i .! iii i ... pr .n on I fir i . ! i . iti : a ' ! -n :u a :iio -' ' t -n -,e, t II i a kins Is a fri nd t. ti. ati i: ' : . u . - lot" W til I'e'l t I I , A-lll daughter. Mr- A oil i .. If ..ii h i f ui:o l!n in tk her laiutiit. i ' mm Alios.. iii' Crv . w .dt :. l i I. S.ligb ton i Hi. ning I ''' : flan kins, a in. u ric i in f li -k Sine;... fry inn h in v, a broker , in pr.ib-s her- ag i, wlsh'-s to ,. w'f- "f nlU'- i fir." f.-et In lis nil iipsiftrl, r 's ar.. Lad. i r ni' e to li s aid. Volliut n uiir l . ..-- as Ins line.-, i! Pu-s.f I. r..fl. an eminent author of tin- Huh. who has an ar 1-ut admir er In Mrs Ashley All g -h wvi un til Siiidciofr ernes to N-w Yoik. Ih. sier'e ..f th- st irv. d'li -a Mi c Ila.t k.ns i nnies to t a,, m 'tr 'p -I s I J mi h--r s;Mii-e. bill falls I . lo. a e Ji.m and the hlltll begins. I If, eve' Vlll llg coin, s out right 'n the nd, but tle-r" are Ini'Mvstiiig doing' f u "lire" lets. T.-i" title r 'il,. whs assume. 1 by John I, l.'i-irii.v. This w is his tlrst nc- pe Jl llic h'-l -, but he Irf a' I' d a Winn reception mil llchle ni"il.i...l It. IiuiiII Harold, as l.vman Ashley: Frank Kly. as rtand-rft, and lii-age II. MlVille, as 111-. Pieb-rlk Voll Siilll.-lh'llg. ill pl.lVi'd their I S'-IS W' II. A f 'Ii int. i . w Ii ii f II lb" b'-at y fun ny part, it.n a ah I show In hlm-lf mil kept ih,. crowd laughing through out the evening. Miss Mimic I'miway. .is liinrgliiia Smith, ma I" a decid'-d Iui, and h -r eol were very much ap pi lined. Frank '. Young s-aye, the part of I lck Soigi" on, the arllsl, bill It Is to be pr.-siim'-d tbi- company i arrh-s lit in nut for his nblll'v as an ncni, but rather for his spelling ipialltl.e. The company Im to show In the city again tonlglit and Y ung was snt out to make the announc -in-nl. Instead of retiring after I ho statniin-nt was made, he cnnlnlc.l to aslis-si the au dience, the mil g'-nll'-mTi pres ent being reiiuiwt'sl to m-quaint tle ir friends with the determlristion of the trouie to show the second lime. Then followed a most unkind and un-callel-for reference to the pais-rs o the city. What provoked the slur Is a mystery, as the paper have hee-d the show In every way possible, Kxrepilng Young, the "Hunting for Hawklrm" aggregatiim Is well balanced, and the show Is one of the best ever an Open Gateway to COUCHES The correct style f,r tba mo lern ti 'in" poli.Ii. l oak null lite i.iu coe. Illg Soltiellt llg IhAt l' lOlllf Mt and la a n 'itdeiftil bugiiii ( 7.50 2.00 A UllNOLBUMS run uom 1.1 . i- r - sa Vsrooiiu, and tb g tods (ill AS. HEILBORN 6 so n he Mr Wl Jolt. " IKlcki'd re, tonttiig U. l i "The Wrong ighf and ' What Happened o Tile llouse s'1'itlld Sg-Ult be tonight ' H anion in the las! few dat' i Th. j stt.l on. car.-e .pen s.-.t-.n tor k ldng lloers is bill game s-'iit to be unu"tuillv Peri- tual motion mat- "of be p .! I i.l.. nu t iite mot finem of HiltUh iro..p t .Soti'ti A clos-dy rw'mbli it. I Fisher's Opera House I.. K. ri HI. l.rts. sail Maiitl. . SPECIAL REQIESI Tuesday Nov. 12 S.sniiil Nil't 'f 'I'liis S-u-tnV (irt'iiti'.st l.iuiiliinir Sno'fKs. Hunting ii Hawkins" A Merry Musical ChiimmIv. I'it si iilcil I v u Iti;; C(iiiii:iny id' Fun MlllilTH. John L. Kearney, A.s "Hawkins." Dozens of Specialties They're Great! A I M !.--; N-Ites-rved seats "s cents; llnll-ry, r-0 cents. H'-iits on "alf at liritlln & It-ssl's. Pleasing the Ladies Imrliig Ihe long winter etrriiliiga the niiikrr sbiiniil renu ml-r the ladies and tlm slier i lbs'ls ul Un- ''lar li t sell I'luan that are pleasing ..d Irngrsnl, anil mini)' nf our iliv rs Hiel rtirs i b atiire lit llleir evening l.ollie tllloKe. "1 lie)' cent i.ii ni'irti llisn Inle l"t b ""'l. s'el 'ave luanr s ii oaa w ml. Yen U) a leu WILL MADISON. for ruffi ADelicious and Palatable Drink Absokitely Ptxre The Northern Paclrtc Brtwery, of which Mr. John Kopp I proprlstor, - .. V ..nm f . . iSiimnstln anil .Tn.l Iru.lM Hnttlrd beer for family us or keg beer supplied at any time. Delivery In the city free. f4orth Pacific Brewerg HOTEL PORTLAND PORTLAND, OREGON The Only Plmt-Clartn Hotel In Portland 3mm 8.50 EXTENSION TAKLE S.'.ld oak. brllllainlv pdah.-d. extra II 00 larg tluttfd A money titer at... I I lUU our exi-ert linoleum man l ready to is sui prising to net . ,n' -nirrs how r Hi- same price that Is . tinged (or ... ... ' .. .lie lilt .l. iii.i .. -i 1.. -. SON. A w oman t an'l I ar I . tear up an oi l lote Irllisf. nv"it after stto ha foigot. ten ten i w r-te n. The bei wav to in ike a g'rl stirr y nl late ller I" II Hulk., lor pellet e oil an't think ,.f b.-r wlh nu altlver tig a. I up and I ' n your back. Overcoats ThatSatisfy tlir pt n I'll ntitf i ( t Is I t-ili'g tf, try utt nnt i( l.m nt-w gtrmtMiti mr illiln tnl iii th iltlf ' t s-nt Umiril iJvrtn Hitt tlir kt'i l J'u lAr I') Hi "f ' 'tl 'f in ty Hurt, .''(I'ifr A Mrti...r A-H-1 t ivt Mt yuii istcrtofti i ftH'ttuti that t f'W fr it tfi" m tit ili vuirtl lw.l trie lu t ,tr tur' t i tifttu fall) rMi1 if i iif twlrrl(ili it-l juu U finllif in' ) niir trlf wit I ll.rtn P. A. Stokes, Clothier. Wait Fntil 1 1 if last iniii. ilc tu Inly ynlir wintcl slini's'.' t ) 1. 1 you I'ViT ttllllk linW IIHP'll IiiIIJJiT II pair of luiivy mhIit Mini's wi'iiM lnsl if yuti liniilil llit'in ami wcirn tlii'in a fpw (imps just In linak tlicin in licfnri' llip ri'iil wi t ami nluliy wcatliiT lii'iriiiM? Ituy yniir lii'iivv winter cliiu-H iinw ; lni'iik tlii'in in rail milly ami tlny'll lutd umtitlis lmii r; tliry'll ivt ymi iiiueli In-! u-r wpiir; liisiilcs tlicy'Il staml nu pxtra lu iivy suIp, list S'illi'S to fie Ism nlHMIt Htiurs applies is well in the woman. We're Leaders In Fine Shnewear Edwin C'app' Men's Fine Shoes Wmnr i s " 1 ilci'li lliiilpy " SIiiiui Sll.dO Men a slities ;I(K1 Woinrii a Well shoes (SO M.RO Mmi' Wnlsipriiiil Sh.s't .1,(1(1 special Mines lor Ititlliuail, Mining nml Mllltiit-ii. Itnlihrr lliHits anil Hlntm of nil mils. aJOIIlN MAUN Ol.l HttllailiU Mln.o Man Why -.- j 4 J. V