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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1901)
Till! MORNING ASTOKIAN, Tl'I-SDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1901 MAMMOTH CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE SALE III l.iulnii nut Hi" kl.K'ka "f .tnrm ,, ,.1V)F ii-"iiiiliit.-d , ,.t ,if otiU ttf) imi.I in nil rciH'kfry mi l itlinawnrn lui'-. lilln llila U In Us.-lf nil ! wni'i- yi limn. r inmiy fllfr.-lit tliliia-a, I'uN'iii. au.l lylf, Hint hk hav- il.-.-M.. 1, rili.-r than Uke II In mir lnv.-ut.irir ihla, ho w.mlil i.I.mii nut lli -(( r I t tt-rit JiiiMioiy 11. We Have Arranged Bargain Counters tn wlil.b iUi.vl ..uiipln ,,f ihla i-r.ak'MV au.l TnlV ailil lliai'kp.l tll.lll il'rtli pint, II. uf iv.ilih r .,,d' unv r.-a. M Iiatlln nffur Will nil I' P'fllaul, Now Is the Time iMI't Vtnll lllllll Wc . ( I)IIV wild li h trad.' Ufiln . klHK vir tlni ..iinii.-n. Cum.- at aiwn 4ii I you will l aalniHi.l it t ill- ( .lllTth'll All.l Ul lhl ITil'n. Never Another Such Opportunity A ilmiirp ti buy m Hi'-- I'll,. nl' .-nnm on.- In a II'.-Iimh- L."k up mi'l v what .iu r iJnil uf. nii.- and ., rv.-u if yiu dmi'i want l.i buy. ROSS, IIIGGINS S CO. Ilil.ld ti-ll IK-W fl'llllIK luttls fir I Id Al ink i .vnn-ty. Tin limita will l. In this cly ami will coal !'i0 i-l. V. r, Mi-On-Kor'n mill In D'iw work lux full tl?u mi'l tim manager report In- haa a Urif iiinnlxr if orili-r ii hn it I. T)i mill Id cinil'yliiK 75 nw'ti it n I -lI'Mna n t Ura amount monthly. lain I'ri -r i-ji"ri"n.K-i rnt raiile iliflli ulty In K'"llliilt r"r, th- 8 in Irt ''Ho union t dxtruiti'lliiR 170 for lh run Ui tin- conat. 'aj:ln Iri-r re gular nv'n rw Hv a m nihly ailary "f ihr- p'ihkIh i"rtlfia? ii'i'l ih il-mn-l of th Han Il-if'i m'-n wiw enniiJrl uiirc.iao-iii'ili'. Th Hlv-raide will I 4 Igr.iln hrt,-e. A h-uvv utorm rm-.t la.t -vmlng, I Tl- I'.riUnl fiapem ruv- Jui i-ib- illll Ihr M,W I. J.IVOU!. whk-h l '"",", "U,'fr,, """"' "t th '' nii.l.or.,1 In in., low.-r liarh-.r. .Ira- ''"' lh" r'vr h-r mirl.-.r oikI If-t out of th.- tlwiillH. T"- "'"'' ' ti, ii'.ii..i. .il. hi ... .i.. IiiiikW-iIiK tut. oni. cami.-r- output li- .,.!.- an 1 Imulr.l l.arV I. .,W !..lo cirr.i-tiy KIV.TI. .I.-'I. wat -r. N-i wan I- iu-. The Morning Astorian TKLKHIONB Ml. NirTl i: TO AI'Vl:ltTIHKU8 nin f r"l'v f1 1 ,,,n ,,u'' lir. ntr.iT liy J P in l i arcur ap. Iwaran.T In Hi' f.l .U morn nt r,lll...n Thli rule will t vern all . l a levrtla.-HKIita. r,Tp!lnj I H-a!a Tl,t H WKATIIKU Ml'l't..Vl. N '.' - Wm-t'-rn "-. g W .-anvil W niiliitt 'li " !" tlir-t-il"1. P'r'.'-lr ,...i.ii.i ralm. ii,t, in :lv no.ui- I. I'.al rn g.,n. Ilia'-rn Valnitt'--'t an I l.rili - 'I..uly. ! hr-'A" -ii.liit v,a! -lial mill . aii.w. win la li-itlv li -rtl'Tly. AROUND TOWN. Tlie Tain ii'Hliii'.-r U'lr:c HiitiJay f,ir Han Krau- la- J The lr!lh Tr atirorr arrive.) HuiMay fr an I'hl'e The tiaikeiHUle I'Ull.l r.Ve, HutliUV fr-.m Hn frmn.l''". Call main Ml fr roar coal r.iuir menia. Ot4t pronipily flU'd Ile. lS-eant nmla-ltlln Hun H'f laurant. Ill ComnirrcUl lrat. I-AirxmUe k -m liulualry an-l buy your fer.l an I r'-n at l'.n'i BUil. llKHT II CKST MB Al : HIHINO Hl'N ItKHTAtMtANT. IdM-.n. I'ln.. l 'uiture Club tt'" m.-.( V.Nnel.iv ilt'"t t Fl!ier- ll.H. C ill at the ti.vl-l.nt brbr h p f T Ul-t i-lu e w uk. Three nn.lH.-laM bat- lel. - The Man With the Clothes N.-llll'T till" II,IUI Nr th.. " with llm l,,mf Can K-l Ab.nit without Hie "" with tho own-in-. WIlflllMT yii wl( miln ,1r job or a muM f..r hr linn.l. If you would uv.J. "Ton mual 1UIX dwontly.M You d.'n'l novinarllv have o go to a J t"1" ,r"m ,3t,M to IM.00 fr ult or mi onTcotvt. tint klml of clothing-, mJ by tho boM iitanufacturtTg In th U. H wWoh mftn tho BBST In th world la k-hmI onouifta Nr ny man; tlwr la o nnn'h ityla.aui-h KnL'u of alni-llneaa about our clothed, ami all for from $15 to $25 V huvf a f.'W' of the ch.npi'l klml. too, Hut wo liodxt of tlio "ood" kind. Japaiuae gouda of all klndi. cheap It lb y.'koliania Hn'r, 1:4 Commrrclal (met. I' perferlloii bleii.l M . Il.i and ins e.ifTe If y,.u wan; the beai-Jiin'ii llra The Lanalunk an, I Ki4nrl C,..u win tin Hie river Hundiy to .Mrg.. He., our v.-g.-tablra ami f(uu dapUv .01 M.m.liy li .-Ti til(rn-tt by M.ain. r Kl-er; 1 hiia.n lir.ia. you ain-'ke? Try a "(ieneial Hill- jl;" i.-ie niiMi t-.Tin . I((r .-n tho market. H 'Id everywhere. The tieuimn bak Wappaui, wlih x grain i aiKi f r lh.- t'uit.-d K!nd.iii. doarti the rlier ypt.-rliy. The N k-w-kuiii .ai-V All-aiua Iwa ai rlv. l down the river. Hh h.a ;.3.I bu-ieii of valued at lliumo. If y 'U want b X wood, alab wood or other flrewiml telrphona Kelly, the trumfrr man. I'loai ::ll black. "Ueneral Sullivan." the fliiei! S-cnt clir on ih,. market. Hold everywhere. I'atronlae honix liuluairy by mok;ii Hie "I'rMa .if Aat-'rla" rlitan; flnrt made. ManufA 'tured by MacFarUne A Knolicl. The aieain.- Hlfiil arrlvH y-wt.-r-.lav front Kun-ka. Hlw lirtnt. a .arg i .-f r-ilw.-l to ('..mpli'ti. th.- laif i ,if Hi.- Il.-nrl.-tie. A .-iiul." of Kirrw l-wd1 with turn I. r w.r- hrougtit down the tlv -r e. l.-rdiv The lumber la f--r the Kort ' liiiprov-m.-ht. Tli.- Kr.ii,i tui:k lininl lu.lni.i' nlg.i arrived Hu-i liv fr-m Si N'ua.ili-. lr;iTin-. in !i,tl!t:. She la uiid.-r i lnr I. r t . I u l iftA'ii Want-d To or Hit.-.- l.i.ltj.-ia .p .1 ii: rvil li-iirn rl..- to biHii.--. .-.'n- i. r Mi .l-iii . niiM-n!. -ii.--- Allr-a-i V.. .in- of Tifin John A M nl!ii ry lu ,ijn-ne.l a h -p at tn lloii l a:r ". nrd H jir.-pari-d l.i .In ul: .-'.ill. -a of pluniliini; and I n ' 1 1 1 it at lowe't p.mHllilr rit a. Wi- h.iv.i Inn: rei-elve I ihla '.n' . i li of li. ill. in And I-'ii-iii h priiii.-". li.'!. I an. I ..t. k'-l xpr-wlv fir u by l';i. k ii I A Suiiili J inn in ItiMn. Itnalyn cmtl luaia hiiki'. I clean. r and niitkea Irai trouble with atovra and i-liliiin.-y lluea than any .tin:, lieorge W. Hanborn, agent; tel -phme 13' 1 Cn'.im pure rye, An'er'.t"i flnia: whliky. The only pur Roxla; guur-anti-rd itch nd inMoiv. JOHN 1 CAUKSON. Sola Ag-.-nt. The "Tiike l'olnt" a-ivia oyKleia In .my aiyle. Their aervl.e U coinplote la every reaiHVt. Try the "T.'ke rolnt." Kl.-yenth Sl betwi-eu Hond and t'oin morclal. I have fifteen hundred tooth brush. to aetect from; buy one; If the briatlei drop out return It, I wl give you a new one. Chad. Itofer Pcc-rlem mush for Im'akfadt l tho bt In the hind. Itecommend'Hl bv phyali-laia" the world over aa flrt-claj IliMlrh food. For wile Ht Jolmdon Urna.' Uathi for Iqdlea at tho Talace Baths. Trlvato entrance on aide of building. Shop open on SuVdny mornlnga for ihlnea and bath. Da via & Corbett. proprietor. Lout Small purso containing two rlnga, one a diamond, and V In gold. Kinder will be aullftbly rewarded by leaving twine nt thl office. Family ayrlngei from 25 cent upwnrd at Hogei-a', Fountain Syringe from 80 centa up; any kind of rubber gooda you may want nt bottom figures at Itog.-i V, Odd Fellowa' building. The crew of the Addenda wan paJ.l off yi-Hti-rday by Collector Fox, n.-.tlug an United Stilton dhlpplng i-omiiil-w'oner. Jim. Uarley on,, of the aeanvn, died on tli.- piwago from CiUIno, P.-ru. Iii.llea wanted to work on ofa pil lows; nmteilaU furnl!ied. Steady work guaranteed; cxivrleno,i unneceaanry. Send Ht imped envelope to Minn Motl- e, N.iedlework Hopart ni.-nt, Ideal Co.. Chi cago. Thd rortland-Alimkii' A-fc.aM-atlon It) now making arrange-nontd to Si. M.iiy'a iary H. l-.ty m.cia t nlalit nt Tag. Ii.ill H will Imi Jam.-a nii' i'iiii. ii.i.-y n u in aim m-iiitu nit j will I.,, from Ihn auih r Among the pu ll' Ipuita will In, Mr. Frank M'-any, j w li".' rfT'iri will 'lnibtl'a attract a! ling- ait'ti'luii. ( of iiH-iiii.-r. J-ihn I.. I'lrla-.n h.i return-.! from Alaeika, w here he ha I b --n li- k lig aft er h; i4iin.-rv lii!.reii: Mr. ''arla-m r-Kirta thai the iu m wad a proa-r-una one, the caiin-ry parking 5I.""0 . The capacity '.f the plant had be-n !ncrra.-,J an.) nrgt yejr'a lav-k w :ll b.. l ug -r. I'dptaln J K i ' -rkhJI. f -rm.Tly of Ui Hr.lUh !iin I'rm n of India, Id now maniir "f the I If-t dhlp Sierra Ilium i. whlih ban ).!'. arrived at Han Hi'-go with a crnvrit cargi after epiiik'ng run fr-'tri I. l n. ("ai.t.iln ''.rklilll la v.-rv w . K-kimw n In thld P-.rt. M.ivor lli-r.-iii.iii ) .-.urday n'laiii'd hl aignatuii. o th.- r ll:un.-.- ai-c'iit-lug the H.nth and ('immer lal tr-t 'mi'i'iv.-ni.-iiJa. that , tt.-ii ling the time f. r tin- r.-.linm';oii . f property l-lln-.iiil on llw Ik; r-.ll. and that ntiit. Ilahieg the giali. on S-vette.-nlh tr-.-t i.eiw. e.1 c iinin.-i. ,'i .-!ianKe. The lil f th .'..ihi.lir fair lli to r;il'.n Shelf lllilllk" t. their fr-Otlil and :he publi,. gm. nl'y f-r th.- kin I pitronagi- glv.-n i--ii! fa:r. Th.-v off ..f th.- Iiuild.-.g. : i i Mimnl".iti . g u. i'l'-tn during the re. off.-r ;i-iu thank : i the city water inp.vny; the '- liiinbU or. heair.i. mi 1 uted ton nrda the b I 1l a. all who cnirlb- ! i anj dlnuir The IVltl! inanuh.D "ruad- r ar rtvcl Jran the r.ver Sunday- She haa i:.f aarka of wta w.Tih HI.4M. and .'iro l.s. of hay. valii'd at UX A large .j . Hit ! v of !iinil--r and pMlngf will lr lightered Imn -.lie rlv.r and .drl hire, a tlv r.veP la too low In permit fullv 1 .!e. v -wi,U to owe down In aaMv. The C iluinbla Itiver IM k'-ni' Aim I m: n ! a-. r.-llt'd with a pj.-k 'if TOW) M'- f'r thU y-r. while the b'k IuIiiii in-tunlly pa..-k-l more than I'm.') (.. The -utut of iitli'-r L- rti'-eri- la like vld; mlrpre. a-nted. The w.t watli'T bad put a et ip to all outal l" work on th g ivernmenl c-m-ira.t at Kurt Columbia. SIX, bulldltiird are III c. lura.- of erection, but iikjk of them haw urill ul "!.-.! f iun-latlono. Th rain'it an aliuiMlance trt mud. which will continue probably all win ter. All the working place ar with, out ahelier and m Tu-lay lml M hand were IM off. During tlwe dry w-eth.-r eg.-avalion, oiuitru itlon and rk'k work werv progr-d ng rapUly. I Ix-puty Sheriff Young y-terday re ceiv -d a letter f r mi hi bfothsr. John K. Young, who haa be-n In jfor aome month. Mr. Young write I that he la very mu.-h Improve.! ai.d that IndliMti in are favorable for a I further linpr iv -merit. Fj.- a time he atTticteJ with :hr.ia trounk- rnd h: voice b-vume very weak, bJt now I lie la v-ry much bi-t:er. lie had again to the mounti'na from Totnb- jtol. I The ladlea of the Aalorla Tublic Ll jbrary A"..-latl in have received Hie ,f'.oo In gild re-ently w n by th li brary In the merchant V t mit, a-od ;d.-alr to exprewa their alncerc thank jto thr fr.end who awueied them In i urln the prig-. The $M0 U a mit acceptable addition to the of I the d.nervlng liwiitutlon, and. with the amount rt-allfM from lh rum mage ale. make It p.mlble for the jUllo to adj to th ex-ellent library which ha been deourJ afier duch hard work. Aai-.rii K- -.bill flub bad a -. game Hun !.iy nt A. F. C A l.t ige lutri'k-r -f player were I liie . ik t fie mn wan hiBh- . .M.-h. 1'r.titlce 'i.-m t'lln lint., on. w ' kd I he ti am will T-,.tiikg'.vlng diy I li aome nearby I he l-T.ti II. .i.rk lit at 1) g: a:!i it-.i. t . will I titlmie' an t witbln a f -it !..- I- (. Th- game w ill in- play i"t- itall-.ii. T'le Hr.'iah nhiji ur lav fr .-ii S.m Iv t-ii.le n.ill.vl Sal. f ir Adti-rU. Cip- AOETN3 WASTKD. Sew Holiday book. Memorial Life of M.-Klnley. Life of President Koasevelt. C.r.-nt Krllera. Outfit fr-e- S. C. Miller & Co.. Portland, Oregon. NXTICE. Tao Snidird Con.-ert Hall, having compiled with the rule of the Barten der' Union, had been plactd upon the fair 111. The action heretofore tak 'n by the Feleratlon "f Labor Is here by rt-d. ln C. J. CURTIS. Pres'.d nt. Sow Ij Hung Clung la dead, there will K- nothing to ''it. fr..m Clinu but the .tal ly tvp.Mt of the demise of the cinpre.'H dowager. Nfrrcn ran publication. Notice Is hereby gtvn, that the Com rni.n C mncll nt the City of Aetorla, has declared It intention atil determlna to a:ahllh the gra-le of Uth street from th north line of Duane treet to the douth line of Exchange street d') that tlut dame will tie at eleva tions alnve ih base of graded for the City of Aa'orla aa etabl.atie,i by C n eral ordlnanr No. 71 as follows: At the north l n l Imane Ht. 21 1 ft a hole said b. of grades. At the .outh lin of Kxchane s'.reei ni fet above said Vine of grated, the slop of dalil stre"t between said designated points 1 1 le straight or gralual. Thit the AulU .r and police Judge of sab! City has b-en directed to give no tice of the Intention of the said Council to eatbbsh the grade of wild portion nt said d'reet as aforesaid by publia tlon for ten day In th. Morning Ad- j torinn .a. I publication to be ma.e ant i aald nut-'-e to ! glvn In the mann-r provided by the Charter of sal ! City, bv i resolution adopted November I. lidil, I First publl.-a ln N -v. . mi. H. E. NKLSON. i Audlfr and Police Judgg of tb City of Astoru. f'llv Notice, So, 3 First publication. Nov. I Last Publication. Nov. li. HERE YOU NOTICE FOIl PUBLICATION. Notlee Is hi-reby given, that the Cm mon Coune of the City of Astoria, has ledared I: determination and Intention t'i Improve and repair lllh g reet frrni the north line of Commercial street to the south line of Bond street In the Part of fheCltv of Aftoria laid out and re corded by John MeClure and extended try Cyrus Olney upon the present en tabll'hel gr'.de thereif an throughout the width fnm curb to curb between Ideiwaiks by removing all the planking m salt portion of said dtreet between the sidwalk curbs and laying through out the le-.gth of said part of sail dtr-"et to be Improved two new stringer on each side of the center of said street fmaking four stringers to b laid through said portion of Mid street) raid new stringers to be laid tetwepn strlng-m djw In said street snd by Planking said portion of said street throughout the wld h t.)reof from curb to curb between didwallu with gool. sound fir plank 4 lnch- by II Inches in slxe. A'.l material used In said repair and Impnvement shall be good, sound red or yellow fir and sill Improvement except as herein otherwise provided shall conform to the requirement of general ord nance S . 1901 In relation to the improvement of streets. That the costs and expense of mail ing said repair and Improvement shall tie defrayed by special assessment upon tne lots, lands and premises abutting upon said street or otherwise benefit ted by said repair nJ Improvement pro-rata according to the est I ma ted benefits, which sail district of lots, lands and premises to be ases.ed to defray the eosta gnj expenses of oald improve ments is a f .Hows: Commencing at the norrhwe4t corner of lot 1 of block 59 In the part of thj city of Astoria laid out and recorded by John McClure and extended by Cyrus Olney and running th;ru-e siutherly on a straight line ti the s-u:hwest corner f.f lot ( In said block and running thence easterly on a Ime to the douth east corner of lot 12 In h! ck 6S of said part of da'.d city and running thn.-e northerly on a straight line to the northeast corner of lot 3 In said block f8 and thence westerly on straight line t the pilot of beginning, and accordingly- eaid district Is to con tain lots I. 4. 5 and t of said block 59 and lots 1. 2. 3. 12, 13 and 14 of sail M.K-k 5. an In the city of Astoria as laid out and recorded bv John McClure and extended bv Cyrus Olney and IncluJes all of the lots ti b asse?d for taid repair ntd Improvement. That the City Surveyor of the Cltv of A: "Hi has been directed to prepare and file with th Auditor and Po.i-e Judire of sild city estimate.-" of the eo-ts and expens-s of constructing said im-provem-nt and plans and specifications or th- prop sei' work. That this ntice Is published In the Morning Astorian for eight days in pursuance to a resolution adopted on Sov -mber 4. 191. Orderlr-ir the same Novembor 6, 1901; date of first publication. H. E. NELSON. Au'lt.-r and Folic? Judge of the City of Astoria. City Notice. No. 4. F.ret Publication. Nov. 6. Last Publication, Nov. 15. ARE Danziger's Stock Reduction Sale Is a Money-saving Opportunity. PRICES THAT CANNOT BE EQUALED. Men's Overcoats, worth l'J'2.00, now $16-85 Men's Overcoats, worth f 20.00, now 15.00 Men's Overcoats, worth U (..itO, now 12.00 Men's Overcoats, worth! 13.50, now 10.10 Men's Overcoats, worth? 11. 00, now 8.25 Men's Overcoats, worth $'.. 0, bow 6J5 Men's Suits worth S1S.O0, now . . . $13.50 Men'sSuits, worth $15.00, now . . . 11.25 Men's Suits, worth f 12.00. now. ... 8.00 Men's Suits, worth $10.00, now . . . 7.50 Men's Suits, worth $8.00, now .... 6.00 25 per cent discount on Overcoats, Suits,' and Mackintoshes. it 20 per cent discommon Underwear, Shirts, Hats, Pants, Trunks, etc.II;IS A call will convince you that we do as we advertise. S. DANZIGER NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Notice Is hereby given, that the Com mon Council of the City of Astoria, has declared Its intention and determination to establish the grade of Duane street from the east line of 12:h street to the east line of 13th street In the part of the Cltv of Astoria laid out and recorded by John MeC'.ure and extended by Cyrus Olney at elevations above the base of grades for said cltv as established by general ordinance No. "1 thereof aa fol lows: At the east Une of 12th street. 20 feet above stHl base of grades, at the west line and also at tl.e east line of 13th etreet 24 5 feet abive said base of grades. The said part of said street to be level from north to south, the cross ing of said street and 13th street to be level and the slope between the east line of 12'h street and the west line of 13th str--et to be straight or gradual. That the Auditor and Police Judge has been directed to give notice for ten ,md by publication In the Morning Astorlaii In the manner provided bv the Charter of the City of Astoria of the Intention and determination of said Common Council to establish the grade of sild portion of said street, by resolu tion adopted November 4. 1901; first publication November 6. 1901. H. E. NELSON. Auditor and Pallce Judge of the City of Astoria. Cltv Notice. No. 2. First Publication. Nov. 6. Last Publication. Nov. 19. C. W. BARR DENTIST Mansell Building. 573 Commercial St., ASTORIA. OR. TELEPHONE. RED 2061. Andrew Asp, Hajroi laUr, BlafksBiiti ltd Borfikor FIRST-CLASS WORK AT REASONABLE PRICES. Special Attention Given to Ship aid Steamboat Repalring.Qeneral Black smithing, First-Class Horae Shoetng, etc. COKNER TWELFTH PND DUANE STS Dr. T. 1. Ball DENTIST. Page Building, Astoria. Ore. Big Values Little Things EVEN A NICKEL HAS PURCHASING POWER HERB IT EOES'NT HAVE ANYWHERE ELSE. 5c Buys Embroidery and H. 8. Handkerchief, Heavy Turchen Lace, five widlhi Hard Rubber Dresslne-Comb 1-Inch wide Eltdile Whit anl famiy finished Braid, five yard Embroidery Hp 5c 5c 5c 5c 5c 5c 5c Handkerchief Pattern for working All kinds of Fancy Braids Goods. 9c Buys Fancy Jeweled Hatpin... 9C Embroidered Lace Elg A. Handkerchief S Ladiea Unn Collars, any ft- Style rC Pompador Comb 9C S yard.. No. 2 Satin Rib- A- bon, any color S v The Sanitary hair binder.. 9C 1' pair Fast Black Ladles' A Hot Vt One Child's Large Oil Bib 9C for Working Stamped Shanaharfs p THANKSGIVING DAY RESERVE YOUR ORDERS FOR j f!V--; 1 TURKEYS. A J MINCE MEAT fy' PLCM PUDDING f r-f WILD BLACKBERRIES f'fK-n LONG'S FAMOUS PRESERVES IfAaZmmk WILD ROSE HONEY JAMS AND JELLIES. FOARD 8 STOHES COMPANY CAUTION I Before you buy a itov or range examine the Royal Charter Oak Better work, less fuel and la bor, and laic longer. Price reasonable. W. J. Scully, 31 BOND STREET, Between Mnth and Tenth THE Finest Restaurant in the City mi rr Regular Meals 25 cents PA J AIT Sunday Dinner a Specialty EVERYTHING TRE COMMERCIAL ST MARKet AFFORDS EVERYTHING THE 11 IV UllifflA TV Tie UaiippiW " Lest You Forget. WHITE HOUSE COFFEE and UPTON TEA at Fisher Brothers' The Morning Astorian Sixty Cents Per Month Delivered at Your Residence We Rent New Typewriters. Many new improvements added. See our latest No. 2 Smith Premier Typewriter New Art Catalogue Free . . . L- M. ALEXANDER A CO. Exclusive Paoitlc Coast Deaiers 245 Stark BL, Portland, Ore, F W. M'KECHNIE, Local Agent. C. J, TRENCH ARD, Commission. Brokerage, Insurance and Sbip;!ns. Custom Houne Broker. . ASTORIA, ORE; Aaeut W. F. ACo. and PaciHe Kii-rwa Ooa. V