NOTIOHI tfooks, Periodicals, MnRnxi" Ac, Al Mi wli; hut iu i wi I.HKI (.. ... will bo liable to 0fll VOL. L1V ASTORIA. ORISON, THURSDAY. OCJOWiR 31. 1001. LI m ri JlrHl Itlil i jaw mi CONCLUSION OF ECLIPSE HARDWARE CO. Plumbers Steamfitters HOLI2 AOI2NTM SUPERIOR STEEL RANGES B27 BOND 8TBBBT School Books Supplies MAHE YOUR HCI1ANGES WOW GRIFI-IN & REIZi), C0"M.C. Fancy and Staple Groceries FIOUR. FEED. PROVISIONS. TOBACCO AND CICARS Hupiiliwi of nil kiinU t lnwit nitus, for fi.slicriueii, Fttriiii'rs ititil Ikjji'm. A. V. AL,L,I3N, Tenth am! CtiitimcrylnStrcct WAR CLODDS IN THE EAST Prance Resorting In Drastic Meas ures With Turkey. WILL SlilZt CUSTOM MOUSE t.'allre Freud Mcdllcrraacaa Sipisdroa Headed lor Tatker. Mii Orders lo Collect All Clalma la l ull or Levy oa the Cuiiomi. l.l:(S. Oct. Si.-'TJif ml. r Fr-mli M-lll"ii-i-i.i left y.-ttur.Uy afternoon." iiv (hi' Toulon orrenpoti-(l-Til .if th fUi-t. "Wlill,. ne Jivu ' In 41 Milltia-D'Hicr., another, , ili;.. , f hr l)i'tl,-Hh.K .III) two t rul'T, i.r J.-.J ii, ihi. le vari! Ti-o iIwumiM lri'.' will l,. n ..-, t diiii for.e. ("illiiinl n orders ir Ifint if '.,ni,l'-i.. aat uracil, in in t nil "ii l,y in.- i in 1111.1)1 irver.'itii..iit i. ull claim, ,,f Frill.-- h wd !. . cu ..f Hi,- port iMrmt th ma Inn. Ii is b lu.v.vl hi, il'-o'.initl ,n : iti Inland .,f Mi...m ,,r ii'.k.i. Til,- Wland c .111111.11! . the rill run. in I tin !,.-!l.- and the Gulf of Smyrna." f' m rti.iiK ..ih-; r, infirm i Kig-iro'a Tni;.ii ulili.-n lluiii..rn t.i the i.inie , IT... i were current In Purls t'ii cilriir- but l.i.' f .reign ..niic pro. f. n'.' l i ) kn ,w- ,1'ililnif .il.ut ::i. matter, Washington 'rr't "rvlr.. bureau in running 'l'in thow" (m-i-wii who art r- a;niialtil" for the of llghtwHg.n :l vr riitlf -lllar and dollar (ilve( if icntly discovered In thla city. Th ril'tolid employed ty the opera tor In unl'iu'', hikI In ir'-t It Is fiin itar lu th "w"iltig" f gold c mi), :iiu-e common, with III,- addition (hit tin- ailvr cdn are iUi-l. Whi-ii IlKlitni'l Ok. (Mtrm, r'tnln'.iiK (h',r or llflnol npjwftrani c, ar aK.iln plmJ In circulation, rulrlnif a t ruin i-y.. ml mi mikHhi1!! fiu.-n to Jl"rtr that tliwy hive bwn tamixirl wllb. KXt'KI'JKNfKI) Itol OH WBATilEK. Hli-amnhip Qucvn Arrlvin Frm N'm AflT 8triiiv I'iMdie BKATTI.K, Oct. .-T;io t,.ann:,ip Wutii arrlvtfd trim Nime ilua aftr- nun. She ha4 'm,, iii thi- voyage until within lat 4S houra bef r r-a-hlng f'nx; Flattery, at whlrh t Inter !ic a ovrfikon ,y a '.vln,!orni. The ifu!" rm t it nilW- an hour en, I th" a mmntaln hiifl. M m.lay n.idit th ahlj Uxik to rililnff ivl y nn l at 4 oVI x k ah took a plun-4 hi. a f ,r a mm-nt thr,-t".v J ti r,.ll hr i-.inii.l.'.-4y cn'rr. M tin' taint morn.-ni t.c wan tru"k mli iitilp by a ir m. nd iua m.M, ni hl.'h tve In iinc .f hw tatp rnix. br ,k In the 'l.Hm of Hih iimIii ail wn an l -iit t ,tw ..f ai,.r In'.a th linlnif !. n. an ry in. kt-'li-n an, ll.j.vli-1 the Ijwit c:iUji. CROSS-EXAMINATION Schley Comes Out of Ordeal With Flying Colors. FIRST RETORT UNPUBLISHED Sampaoi Related lo (twelve Oritlaal Btport ol Bailie Became ll 014 Hal Mea lloa PftUKt ot ;Vew York, So Scbley Kevlaed it. WASHIN'OTON'. Oct. SO.-The long "r-l-al to b!.b Admiral 8chl-y haa b'. n aubjwtej aln'-e II in lay nv,rnlng rnl-i thla afternoon hn hla croaa--x.iiiiln.iii m was coneludrfJ. Wf. n Ju.lir A'lv K itL.-nil.-y flnlh. 1 thr rroaa examination the court pr lun J.'J to tne admiral thlr'y-fuur 'iu-:lona prparl by m, mbra -it the r Mirt. Th'- quUnna touch! many point of the o.nnpalKn of the ur fait, ayf the Trlbnne. Ever aince th unfjvorable apple weather l,i the prln buyer ond grrowsra have anu-ijat-d a aiiortaite and now Leal ieali-ra annouiKr lhat the al'uatlon even w ne than anticipated. One deal er la iu Xe'J e-timting the crop at Ci.WJ.ww barrela aa aa-ilnut 4S.0OO.0fii) bfirrela yajtt year and "O.OOO.OOO Jxir rt-la the year previous. itt'SHiAX rt:orrivE captured. LT8 A.VOKUa, Cal., Ott. 30-8im eon Ivanow Grin, alU Valtentlne Se maahka, liaj M-n airMtfd at Paaalena by Iiepuy CnlteJ ;ata Mc Cutcheon on the cbarne of vmi)-zzle. rnerrt pi-eferred by Paul Kosakevltch, muiff'jn ctnj it Ban Frcnclaeo. Orln waa employe,! In the government tank at Ria'.fiw, Rujali, up to March t, 1901, at wttch time he ll'appearcd. Inveatl- Ration waa ma le , f n; acc.iunta- nd an alleged stun-tage of tli.'M n d'a- overed. SLLUP IX OCEAX FRETOHT3. FI".iiTIX FOR ADMISSluX. If -wlan Wrtiiem. I: Utrl t'ontract ! "harg-.. I.ilur Law. K lOP.K. O-t. 30. Ccean freighu ar? still falling and tome firms having many time rtiartera of large teimh!p atand ti l.-we heavily, aaya the Worn. Freiglrt on cotton has turn hlel nearly one-third. One veel has been char:;rl to carrv fmtn Mii..n -Miadmn, but mainly centered about of oil to Colombo and Hhanghal for II u;n.-uiue rmouiiu-rc.l in cauns ,-.,. . c,, ... ,,1, ,v, formerly being 40 and 50 cent. Xir.V VOItK. "). :. 30.-Th.. Immiirra- tl"n ttut!i,'rltl.-ii In Washing1 in,- ). vrl'Tcl the v-r u ..n on. a w,ek of a num- anl r-iaon fir the retrograde move ment. X.,t one of them Mitel to the !ia"le of Santiago. One of the moat Interesting featurej .. -f the diy waa the development of the fut t that the re;ort of the bat'le writ ten by 8,-hley on July , M wa not the original r-.Kirt. The original r,-p-rt never li ii been publish,, and In acc.rd- i in." with a previous decision, the court HKKUi );! rs IX MKXKM. 1 .i.iuy l'.r,m AViinll, Thr ir- . .,f Hik iil.i: r. CAUTION I Itrf .re you buy a stova or range viamlne tn plj Royal Charter Oak r.r:.-.!.ii-.. lletter work, n fuel and la bor, an I l: hngt)r. Prloea rea,inable. W. J. Scully, AS HOND STREET. Oetwevn Ninth and) Tenth Till: Finest Restaurant in the City till kPH luiiliir Mciil.s 25 rouLs LAvL Suiiilny nimiiT a tywinlty co,c,ust W. W. Whipple SAN A.NTuXlo. T-x , 3o Xr-i .i re eie, her., toil ly that at Puru .in li ., M :,'. ih tolH-r :. a bread r. t vi' '.ii !i:cii ;d tn m were iiinl.-l. ininy fatally. T:i I'lim,. of the rl 't ul to have litn owing to :!ie -r. mi H.e, -.i;a:., n annerlnir th.. u; j.:y ..r .-rn. A . ,rn f i in n- hji exim.-d In that t! ii (if M. xlro f.,r m .iKhti unl the K .v.-r-imit r.-. , iitly n-niove, th Im ! rt '1 in v in c.rn fr.m the I'lilte,! 4'nt-a n a ii:-4.iire of r lief. (".,n.l. ti iti the r.'iui,i;,' mutii ,.f tin. ri-y f M,-!,., are .1 it:V,I an t.-rrUi!'. The government li.m n-eit tr .i to the r,-n.'. li vis:: the xixth ol.ill-l Roll.. Ill.ill t'ongritiilit.-a Mi, i,.g. for I' Itrawry. !ol.-v d-.vllne.l to nermlr it to ffo Inlrt le r of UAUn waiter,, alleged t , have r,. r(J .Mey MM be-n bnu:;ht Into the conntry und-r I however, lhat Simow, M!nM Re- , ,.v,. flrjl( report because It did th' I ,,,,1 men' th nni4nnr tt .ha Vw York. contract i i w,wl tt a o l hotel, cently, I'.itimilMl'iii f Fit.hie. on lteal f a nrm of la-yer. d.i l.l.-d to re ,p-n the rae mil aligned a p"c;:il f liioulry to h-ar the t'-mlinony. Th hearing wan ae rvt. but. R I learn ed, thit t!il. e-c:al b-Mid aftlrmel the divl-lin if the Washington auth orttl.-s. Th - autliohtiei have tiled notice of an upp.'il ' the .i-rtAry of the treasury .ml ine men will be k-",t here tlirtil an-oili.-r decis on 1 r-ndered. "I felt that the victory at that time," aald Schley, In explaining the matter, "waa big enough for ail. and I made thla condition out (rf generosity and because I knew that If the Xw York had been present ahe would have I in. an gJo-i work aa anybody else." PTKOXd LVNOl'ACJE. R'dinoiid UimentH IrelanJ'a Inabllliy t Fight England. MAMI.A. i.'t. :n.-4"..,.n, Robe, of the X.iit'i :iir.i.itry. In hla onVUI re ,rt of the IUI.uiglg.1 engagemetit, In r-Klnn orlcin, iiralwn the magulfl- lit h.-r iNm of d.-ii.l Ani'Tlcan aoldlera. To the survivor, he aald: Your plen,l.l cmimgooua. d,-fon!v,. in.l agr ve warfare at R.ilanglga hiu gone Into hint ry n a rare achieve. iii.-nt of your reglm-it. I am nroud f you. To you and to th.wJ who fought ani fell, tlie army la In,!, -bte.1 for a nvperb JetnoimtrAtloii of what the iirav ery of a few daring m-n may accom h un l.-r moat and unfavor able clr.-umntanceni. to srur.icsT aruitiution. Members of Statin Oei.eral Ak Gov. eminent to Act. " IwCHt Yom Forsct." WHITE HOUSE COFFEE and LIPT0N TEA at Fisher Brothers' i ' We Rent New Typewriters. Muny now iiniiroveiiionts nddod. Sm our liittwt (f J No. 2 Smith Premier Typewriter V Nbw Art CatnlngiKi Kr . . . I- M. ALEXANDER i CO. Kicluaivt) l'm'illc' CViaiit Deaiora i -in 8mrk St., rortlnml, Ore, F W. M'KJX'IINIE. LocbI Agent. THE H.UU'H, Oct. 3i. Purlng a dla- ciiiwfiin of foreign ituewtkma in the bil-r-nu of the avond chamber of ntatea general today, the report i the Dutch Red Cnwa S.vlety regnrjlng charac ter of Iutch .imliulnnce corps near Pretoria In nunmicr of la.i; year and the general conduct of tho f.iuth African war for.mM alibjecta of numer oim qucHtliin n.l tl lh govcrn ni.'nt. Si-vnit m-inliera uvgwX the govern ment io mvure an arrangement with i" rmiiiiy wl'h a view of bringing pres sure upon Ttrlt'ilu to submit the whole iiu-'ntlon to arbitration. XKW YORK. O.-t. 3i The Lmbm run... a.-i. the Xew York T in print the following in a. pvimen of the Ian- Fi ag- ua-.j by H. K. R'Mniond. M. P., In a ap-h J.-ILvred n Clare M-MTia. O.Mimv Mavo Ireland: "Th- tr.ah tinlay are not like the stur ly burgher. I'nf rtunately he U un.i'il.' to ihouI ler a M:uisr and to kn, i k th of man. If n the f id. Into Engl.ind'K hireling an, mini! t. Rut the da- U H-rhajN not far .Mutant when he may take a man'a lir: !n th n'atoratlon of the rlghta anl liberie of which Ireland ha. been so njiintly dejirivM." j FRICTION IX ARMY CIRCLES. Action of French Troops In China Not Agreeable to Germany. NEW YORK, Oct. 30.-4"he Beriln eom-sponl.-nt of the Umiio Times and the New York Times says the letters ..f Voynn. who command'M the Frrach tnvips In China, to F"ie!d Marshal Cunt Von Waliersee. have I nude a dljigreeable impression. The' Ornian public, according to the corres- j jvin.l -ii!. which had been d duded Into j the belief !n a growing Franco-Gel man friendship, niw haa Its eyes open el. The Kreni Zeltung does n t pub I s'n the l iters because, as it says, "they d.i not furnish altogether attrac tive reading for wide circles." BlfJ BLAZE IN CHICAGO. CHICAGO. Or. SO ve familiea lost their' homes and IT.VMWO wjrth of property wan destroyed by a Are tonight that stai-.ed in a factory at Uiloa street and Austin avenue. Fanned by a strong wind the flamea got beyond control. Tw.j block of dwellings skirting Milwaukee avenue were wip-jj out before the flra waa aub-Cvt-i. LCKBAN HARD PRESSED. MANILA, Oct. 30. Advices from Cat bilogin, capital of the Island of ga mar, say General Smith has reliable infjrmi:ljn regarding the whereabouts of the Insurg-nt leader Lukban, who la being hard pnM.maTkVrnlshes take plue dally. Catbilogan was un der fire yesterday. General Smith ex pects to clear the Island of insurgents by Christmas. ABRUPT ENDING TO HONEYMOON Bride of Two Days Commits Sui cide at Portland. SWALLOWS CARBOLIC ACID Drlrea to Desperation by Draakea Huiboad. Mr. Mi A. Eaaiett, Afed 17, of Haliey, Ortjoa, Eads Her Lite. PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. JO Mr John A. Emmett, agd 17, killed herself by awaitowlng carbolic acid at a hotel hera today. She had been married but two day. coming here with her husband from HaJsey, Oregon, to spend their honey moon. Her parent live at Halsey. It is aald that Emmeft R-ot drunk today nd th couple quarreled, ending; In the young wife's suicide. CENTRAL AMERICAN ITEMS. NEW YORK, Oct. 30.-The Herald1 Panama correspondent cables the fol lowing: Salvador rep-rta that the American minister, Mr. Merry, haa been visiting the capital for several days. President Rigaido, who was suffering from A e vere attack of Influenza, some days has recovered. Colon dispatches aay that the British. warship Alert which is soon expected there from Halifax reported several cases of yellow fever In Bueno Ven tura. SUMMER RESIDENCE BITRNED. MANCHESTER BT THE SEA. Oct. SO- Fire destroyel the summer resi dence of Valt.T J. Mitchell last Light, entailing a loss of $54,000. The cause of the fire Is not The insurance is partial. FEARFUL OF PAUNCEFOTE. NEW YORK, Oct. 30. According to the Tribune's London representative the London Chronicle doej not alto gether like the new-g that Sir Julian Pauncefote has received full power to ign the new canal treaty. The Chron icle looks upon the treaty as a one sided affair, and says It it a simple task In diplomacy to give everything and ob tain nothing In exchange. PROiURLY FOUNDERED. Prltlsh Schooner John Cabot Thought to Hive Reen Iot at SCa. HALIFAX, N. S., Oct. 30 -The Brit ish schwner John Cabot sailed from Rot Ulanche. X. F.. for North Syjnej- on October 21, and since that da:? nich ing has bee-n heard from the vessel rr crow. R nl lea her crew the vessel had on boird the Rev. Dr. O'Reghan. a pas senger w ho was to have been landed at Chinnel. X. F. 15 miles distnnt from Kos Rlanclie. But 'the vese! never touchel at the port. n Is stippvl lhat the si-hooner has foundered with all hand. The John Cabot was own ed by John Ke.iny and Sons of BorcgM. N. F. C. J. TRENCHAPD, Commission, Brokcraee. CH,,oni Houm Br.0ktr. t , ASTORIA, ORE csurance and Shipping. AGAINST THE GOVERNMENT. Chang of Feeling In Regard to UUior Legislation In the AntlntHl.-. NEW YORK, Vt. SO. A dispatch to the London Times and the New York Times from Wellington, N. Z-, an- the upper house of the New Zealand legis lature him affirmed the principle that either jvirty to an Industrial dispute may go past the conciliation hoards di rect lo the arbitration court. The fact that this motion was curried by both houses against the government Is re garded as significant of a change of f-ollng In regard to labor legislation. NEW "SWEATING" SCHEME. Stvivet Serv.-o Men Looking for Sharp Counterfeiters. NEW YORK, Oc. SO.-The Nfw York aul-treasury has asked the aid of the AUTOGRAPH AUCTIONED. NEW YORK. Oct. SO.-The first au tograph of President McKlnley offered at puMlo auction In this cl;y since his tenth lias Jus; been sold by a Fifth avenue concern. It was simply his name in full, "William McKlnley," written across an original photograph f him. Nevertheless, much interest iv a min.fested by autograph c.Ulectors In the distribution of this Item. After splrlte.l bidding the autograph was se cured by Geirge D. Smith for fS-2.". This Indicates t!nu McKlnley's auto graph nt the present time demands as high a pr'ce as that of any f the pivsidents. MADAGASCAR PROSPEROUS. NEW YORK. Oct. COv-The trale of M.u'agascir. says a dispatch to the London T!m"s anl Xaw York Times from Paris haa Increased from 13.000.000 francs to 51.000,000 francs In Ave yars. Tnmstave has become the chief center of trade on the east coast. French posts are being rapidly pushed forward southward. NEGOTIATIONS PROGRESSING. CONSTANTINOPLE, Oct. SO. Nego tiations for the ransom of Miss Stone are progressing satisfactorily. U U un derstood, but beyond this those hav ing the matter In hand maintain se ct ecy. XEW YORK PUBLISHER KILLED. XEW YORK, Oct. 30,-Slnclair Tou sey. of the Publishing firm of that name In this city, was vprobably fatal ly hurt In a driving accident at Yonk ers last night. He was with Freder ick Yeungllng, son of the brewer, and drove Into a pile uf smid in the 8tree. The horse ran away and men were thrown out. Mr. Yeungling was very seriously hurt also. NO NEW CARDINALS FOR U. S. WASHINGTON, Oct. 30 Unofficial alvices from Rome confirm the un. demanding that no papal consistory at Rome will Ih heU before next Feb ruary. While there may be some ad- liti ins to the roll ot cardinals, It is cer tain that none of these will be from the United States. VOTED AGAINST STRIKE. FALL RIVER, Mass.. Oct. 30. At a meeting of mill operative held here to night two unions voted against the pro posed strike.on .dondy. and as a re sult there will be no strike. SUPPRESSING TOLSTOI'S WORKS. LErPSIC. Oct to. The police today seized an edition of Ojunt Tolstoi's orocnure, "rne Meaning of Life," at a Leipslo publishing house. REPORT DELAYED. WASHINGTON, Oct. 30-The report of the Isthmian canal commission will no; be ready to aend to the president until about November 20. M. Hutln, president of the Panama Canal Com pany, Is still holding frequent confer ences with the commission, but has not male a definite proposal for the sale of Panama canal Interests. AUTOMOBILE SMASHUP. NEW YORK, Oct. 30. As Henri Fournier, French chaffeur, was cross ing the railroad tracks tn an automo bile in which five other men were seat ed, the machine came into collision with, a locomotive and disastrous results fol lowed. AH six men -were hurt and th machine was smashed. DENIES IT IS CANCER, COPENHAGEN. Oct. 30. The official Gazette publishes a denial of the state ment that Kl.ig Edward Is suffering from cancer. LASTED RUT TWO ROUNDS. LOUISVILLE. Oct. 30.-"Australlan Jimmy" Ryan was tonight knocked out by Jack Root, of Chicago, In the sec end round of a twenty-round contest. The tight was fyr the middleweight chnmpLuishlp of ihe West. GOVERNOR TAFT RECOVERING. 'MANILA, Oct. 30Oovernor Taft has been sick In the hospital for 10 days. He has undergone a successful opera tion and la now recovering. T R A X SCOXTI X ENTAL RAI LWA Y. CIUO AGO'. Oct. 30.-The Chronicle will say to.nirrow: A new transconti nental railway system Is to be formed. The Pennsylvania and Santa Fe roads are planning an aliance. The scheme Is no; a flnancl.ll proposition but mere ly one involving close traffic relations. FAMINE IX RUSSIA. ST. PETERSBURG, Oct. 30.-The dls tiess caused In the eastern provinces of Russia by the failure of crops Is so se vere that the authorities have forbid den newspapers to publish any save olllcial Information. LONG STRIKE ENDED. TACOMA. Oct. SO. The strike of the Tacoma and Seattle Molders' Union, which has been on since June S, was finally closed and the men returned to work this morning. SNOW IN ARIZONA. FLAGSTAFF, Arlr., Oct. 30.-Heavy snows are falling In various parts of Northern Arizona. It Is of great value in providing water on dry ranges. THE OREGON DRY-DOCKED. SEATTLE, Oct. 30. The battleship Oregon is now on the government dry dock at the PJget Sound navy yard to undergo repairs to her keel, which was severely strained when she ran on the rocks in Chinese waters some months ajo. Later she will be given a general overhauling. BOYCOTT IGNOMINIOUSLY FAILED NEW YORK, Oct. 30. The Brussels correspondent of the London Times nad the New York Times sayj the scheme to boyco;t Britlsij commerce has faid Ignominlmsly so far as Belgium is con cerned. The leading stevedores of Ant werp have unanimously decided to re ject the appeal fo the Amsterdam dockers. ROBBERS IDENTIFIED. REDDING, Cal., OcL 30.-Three men who robbed a miner named Harry Con way in a box car on a south-bound train near Grants Pass, Oregon, yes terday, were captured by officers here today. Conway haa identified them. GOOD FOR OREGON APPLES. NEW YORK, Oct. 30. The apple famine which dealers have been predict ing for several months Is now an as- The Finest Cake Is made with Royal Bak ing Powder. Always light, sweet, pure wholesome. 4