The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 29, 1901, Image 3

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Fancy Imported English
Smoked Bloaters . . .
Something Fancy at 50 cents per dozen
Ross, Higgins
The Morning Astorian
All com rucla (or udw-rtuinu In
llio AxliH Itiii iii w iiihJu on m K'i( '
Niiltio of clrciiliilloii lour IIiik limn tluil of any piipvr
published or clrtiiiluliiJ til Out.
op coimly.
IMltTI.AMi. ih I -i,-. in, Wash
Ipglon ami Hallo, kA4i'Hiitl lio,r,
la ni'K'l) iiuriiixrly.
Nw govd tvrry Jay at Die rummag
Coal in bun! liliti .ft Co, hon
Whits A ill Coal, lx! fir family u.
'Phone, Main Ml.
Patron i homo islustry anl buy your
f"-ll at ' mill.
li nl rloihea. ron and In rij or-di-r,
at Ilia rummaga al.
C'll niMn 4t for your coal r'juir-tn-ii
i Ordvi promptly filled
ln: 15-mtii ml Iltln Hun lt"i
laurant, 413 OomiiKfcUl trl.
Tak a l tho pwrll rilxt arid
r. 'i'n at flton'a harti'aa shop.
II 'um for rent near Aldrbrook school
ti.Kixi Iniiuiro at J"iini Urus. tr.
Call al Hi lV-t.rni Imrl.of shop f t
up-( 1st v it Thr flrt-claa bar
ber Jt am-M good uf lilt kind, cheap al
tint Yokohama lun-or. 47 Commercial
C mo, jus! to what (he ladle
havs aaio at lti rummag 471-1
.'iihiiiti UI HI. ! (he Urn In oriW your wlnlr' '
Ui !y f i l. Call up "phone 41 El.
inoro A Co.
For rn; -Tliri-o t four fur'ilh'.1
r-Miiin fur t)"Uk'-,il"s. ! single
ro tin. Ii Tenth H!
F r rrn: Tw r"oin, cut-ally lo
cal, d :n a nul' l fet, price iamaM
t4!iii:y mil. rt lor ihr Tulti- J'oln; oy
fit will In. pr.inip'lv nil-J at !ho T ik'
iiW'r It ui". ''!in.' :71
If u w.iiil li x rt-.o-l, U1 w o ul ir
. : m f n .'iiil i -.. j.i .ii.- K.'lly, tlw
1 1 1 1 1 !.' r Minn n- :.'ll lUrk.
1.' v u 'ii) "v a iio.i.l mnoki- Iry n
"li'-iH'Ml HuIUmui." t!i fliHH! S-rrnt
'tr oil llln in:k"!. S I. I rirywli.-ri'.
.'roam putp ry-, .Vuirrl.-.r i fin c:
lilky. Th only fur- K "I". uur
iiniin l ilrh au.l m ''low. JOHN t,
I'Altl.soN. Hole Alfil.
A l.i rn umnrtnu'iil of m't' Ulltn,
(linn. tn,. ovir.'iMln, iinokl1' ami
lui In v.'fy (o.n romlllion t t Jit? ruin
initup nile-471-S Ciniiicrolal tt.
John A Montoin ry Iik ojiOftl
hop t JI noii.l !r-: nril l pri-parfil
ui ilo all clan'. of pluinulnu anj tin
I In at lowet p..nllilp nl
It.mlyn con I laaia lonT, la clranr anil
lnak'- Ikm trnuhls 1lh alv n
i lilmiu-y fliipa than any olhr. Clr.rTfl
W, Hanborn, aiconl; (cl.pli m ll'l
ltathi for laillra at lh Palac Hatha.
Trlrata rnlranc on alJ of bulldlar
Hliop open on Ruiiilay mornlnn
ihliica anJ halln. IvU A CVrbrtt.
"AitiMita wanlml-l'or Uf of Proal
.li'iit Tlipoiloro Hmwi'Vll. TlirlllliiK. II
luKtrnli'.l bloKraphy of our younr1! CompU'l outfit mulled on
ii'ivlpt of 5.VI In aliiniv. Ho flral In
th fl.'l.l. 8. f. MH'-r Co.. rorllninl.
I )'fK.m,
Flexible and Indcilmclable
ueen M
Iimiiri.'iMd for puuUo bulldlnga.
nllU'iH, eliivniorn, tlicaU'ra, alrert can,
rhuri'liw, dwelllnKH. aK'amPrs, bara
mill holi'la. Cull mid InHpcot them and
you will buy. For aula only at
Fisher Bros.'
& Co.
Tin' liilrivlll lift il.wn ii,,. ,vr
yi-ii-i Juy !iioniliiif
You'll liv In liuriy! th.. lumiiiitf '
jli. tl.ui'i NoVi IliliT I.
Til" UriUnli di p I'linl.iu Ima i-f:
up llio rlvrr lo I "'d ttli4t.
Th" llrlllnh ahlp ThurnllilMiik kft UK for a rnlii lomo.
Call al nhr lir.ia.' and Uk and In l 'ni. laid, gucn maia.
Coiiib Jut to and com to buy.
ai ilm nri i ma!! ml". 470-3 Cuniniairial
Th" liark'iitlii" Turn u'Hhaiilir arnv
t Huiiilay fnnu Hm Kram-iii-o, Hn
will l.u.l IuiiiIht
Tli" iii-ntiii bark Kavurlta arflVfd
d wn Hiind.iy mil la r.nly f r . Hli"
hi u e 'ii I ii tara- '.
! you ain-'k Try a "iinrrl fu!
iha'i." Ill" ni-t S-ifii( -lir in tn
mark' i l I rvry wlirr.
i 'lit ii' ' r 'p . f -'fi nh"ll .1 wulimta
In. Jni bit v .l T!i.-v me of 'i. i-l-li'i:
iUilt'y -J ill ii in Hi.
A .llKll' l !' Hllll.l.iy rrllllaj
i.i Hip .f- of i'lmrli- 11.111.. n. .if J. .(in
I v Mr HaiiK-ti ! In Al Tla. I
Mtnni!! all. jn- III.- only ihintfn
(il. i i-anii ! !, uiri!iaM-1 a: lt)- nun-
IIB" Ulr, Wll',!l i I uri N'llN CtllliT 1
Adolf I-" Vrrin. a nallve of S'-
I'll, ypalrrlay il.- !jr.-l h ln!rf1t;oii of
lirt oiniiiK a i Klli'ii of Hi - I'nil'.l Hiitirn.
Try "tir v-f i,ni lilrn M )i.i A
JjiV C'tTrr Your llloll'-y 14. k '.f U
. not pliii-.' you -J ohnaon
I'atrnnitu l-nnn' In.luairy by moklii
tin' "I'-l l" .if At r a" rU-ara: flnrat
mvl" M uiuf.t. lur'd by Mai .-Parian A
Kn Iw
Th.- "amltlp ' a'rlvl Sun
day fro'ii Hin Kr.iiii'in.0 anl priT I'd
up ilv r.-iiT. afti-r .11 h.irn nit fn-lKlit
for A'1-iii.i ni'r.-lmira
M( Anl 'iiU Tm l !.li i. . ,-(. r
'.iy nl llr.'kfl'l. of i'.iiiiiiiii .I. "Pi
fuii' 1- Ii-II l Cnthtiin't .-
.'r'. W:l tt if imp.
Jam iv,.. vs!. a Mli'plv of N'wrnaili'
nut t!m vry I i-oal lo b,. had
f .r fim'lv u" IVii." your ord'ra now.
H i:lMi r.' A C, ir:.p!' 601.
Aff.'. it n.v win d r lo imr.
.1-.1- I'tnh hoi ir-,-fi: f -r ih-'T
li ,!!. ll!i ''l.ll'.l ""lVlnll'T th"
nimm.ii; .!"-.'- Nu'IIiUt 1.
T i- 11 IH-h I'.irk M.n fl-l I nrr v I
dm II ., r !' I i v w.lli il i-iritl of i;l l II
fir Hi.' I'n ti'l K In nd-'in. Sin- Uku
I'l.'i!.' 'oi 'i-h "f wh.-.r. north 17.'. Mil.
IVi n i li.iuily ':u in-rn .r,. In
III.' iff. nil lino U Ui Imi'k ii'-i'-'nil
M.H.ii"! fron Iiiinlilik. an. I tli' oi1(-r
I'l" dirk Uuuorlri'li". from Hull, Knit
I in. I
V ti.iv luit ri'.'Hi'l a n"w lot of
lia r IhumVs in m-ll from iTn-la o 17.
H.ith !itii-h"t fi' m I'll lo $2. Cloth
irulii from I.Vt to I2.MV IloitT-.
Ih" iIiukkKI.
HAY, oiT'dtKIt aiST. AT P. M.
Your own prli-" for all nrlli-li'n fr.mi
Tu"ly, O.-tobiT W. 10:3(1 a. in., until
l'oi of nle.
Th Anxti Win aliMnifhlp ArlntM nr.
I rlvt'd down Ih" rlvr yatoidiiy. Sh"
hita a nirKo of IBS.riM tniahi-la of vvh t.
vulii'.l ;.t I'M.Wl. and l bound fur th
Uiiltod Kln.nlom.
Th" Coiinly of KJnroKii hna flnhd
loadlnu Riiiln- Sh Ink" 8S.840 buahcla
of whi'.i!. vulii"! ol 4H.81H1. Tho mn!u
tur (li'rniun bark Vrra hna iili com
ploli'd Iwr carKo.
"I.lf of .Mi'Klnli'V." I'onipiiH ln.oka
row r'.idy. Can fill orl'T for took
wrlll.'ii bv MimhiiU Rv"r"tt or Murnt
ll.ilHt.'n 1. oillllonn publlahed. Oill
fl' ffv. S. C. MIII'T A Co.. Portland.
Ol "Koll,
Hoioiiilii", Hi 4-y"iir-ol,l d.uiKhtor of
T. S. t'orn.lluH. of Kt Aatorln. died
yi'Slorilay mornliiK of nifnlnRltl. Th
iKidy will b burli'd at Forest (1r.iv.
in wlilf h town It will b uhlppdl thin
Th Mrni'at niln-'iri-l In the world Is
aid to hi' tin' III. It-Miry big city inlti
Mlifl nintfi'irnilon f 0fy all white vau
il. vlllo atara, who will uppear at Klah
,'W' iip'ni liouw mint Friday. Salur
,ly and nintlii'V- lilflod nlnKern, :al
ontod ooliii'dlan". hlBh-grail vnudi'
vlllin. aoiisuiion-il loootiioblle paruil.
aup.'iii K"ld ro.iHMI military band, all
iMinliin to form Ih" UMdlnft ntlmi'ilon
In thf mlnwrol line. RemmbT th"
dill. BiMtn on ""l" Thursday moniitiK
at Orlllln A IliwJ'a.
O'li-tal It.indall, h arrlvd yl'r.
day mi th" H'-worl, lu bwn Blifii"d
.i Ih" I'jMi'lnii'iit wf th OnlimiiiU.
Aiiioiia- III'' iii'-inVt. "f Ida 'ff la
I'nptiin W. A. IMIi'd. foriiH'tly 'iii
iiiiinillnit oltl i-r a: Fori Htuvna.
IiuiIiik Ih" ptvvl ui'' of Hi i i-'-p-IlimaMy
llim w i !n-r of th iat moii li
, o., hav II :i:-ii!lful, on a.n.uni ut Th l'n'.!l HUi-a lrai.."rt o'wam
lb; .'imii-ty win la. With Hi .vn arri.d y-lrday inomlnK frrnn Alua
. f th rainy .mi, howv-r, thr ka, brli.inir r;ii"il li mdatl and alaff
will I. a chii-K f-'r Ih- l."l.-r In th"d tw.-tity ov'ri.tii'-nt inploy-.
tliiiu'l 'ii. I j(J"iiral lUmljII ri"rU that tvTy.
- ! thing wiia pil"t aloiuf Hi Yukon '1 u r-
M ij .f ''riiin'T. KovttiiiK-iit lnp "lor, ' ;Mtf th wlnli-r, tint arvl-a of th"
h.ia r'-"iiiiiii"nd". Uiai l;i" I it on whl- h jirnpa In ln7 ii"" l"l on only on '.'' -Hi"
pul. II null linu ai inla b" llll.d lo j alon, JUJor fln-'ii'. who luia rharic.. of
I'l IvI of Hi- lr "t. and lnl ru- , th w irk if conatruillhg n I'-l.-iTriiiiti
il,,n Ii i,r"-"d wlHi tti w rk i" t- In., from Hi. lIL'tiai'l to Furl I'.Kli'r;,
j r I ,'i .in W,ili niiinn within u f" : nu'tlnif pi'll"i: proir. , aliiioiiKn
,la Ih wrk U n'-a'arily d;fn ult. Tim
-" linn h i alr"dy l"-fi xl-nd" I Ml mlW
T'i" ruitiiniiti ! la atl:l on at thajfl.mi 14. ), ),al. Tli Sward ri-inin
.11 Mi'AH'-n MclHi'iii' ll ator. Dur. ,.,in,;,n m f in t l-ar'apH lln
Inn th paa: fw d.iy tli alok of i twn Viil'lim and (lf'.'l ('Ity. Th
..! tn bn ald'-d to, .and now 1 j ninii r of (Jnrt lUinUila at iff
pitrhar may find unyhlnf h mlf ht whl return"'! ' th B'-wurd ar: Mapir
wjnt. T'i" la a la-. aa"f)rtinnt
of ' ! mi hand and if"tiuln barfaina
ar i.ff.'rl.
Mayr lrman r'lurnl ylrtay
friuii hl lirnva rli' t farm II ha
alia. h" l hla lirna'ur to th ordlnaiii ii
a-aiit'.i'ii t i ill" 1'nlliil Slat a lft-y-ar on a tor iltn at th foot of T'nlh
rlii-i-l, anl ! to th bill whlrh au
t'lor a C!iy Hurvvor T" m mnk" a
aiiivry ,.f th propn- l Am .r trt x
l"iilon. Vl. t .ia lo h- "tir:.h"ii. complain
hat th -hallway I. r-.irly ailwuvai
,-row l.-.l with .)..(! and (hit th mm
h . fail- lo I . 'k I.' f -r lo
i!a'l 1 in il u7"i in i in n. fn"
.! v m p.'iiii'iih', u h 'Mo'lv b'ark a'd aiimii-r uK to '!i nun.-, ' I. ia
, n'lv ' :h f t-'-u h. la a
uf. h'.ii-" tli ui. I. ui III f .riun.. la in
.t f r him. n h. I f" haa alri-a,y
I u tbr.-at"tid.
f ihia ilif.
o i, M'
Fra'ik J Puiith.
Il'ilh n.
of Amity.
Yainh II .-uiiiy. w .-r marrtd In thU . rylng r k to the fort all day. and It
il:y Siindiy nft.-n 1'ounly Ju.lKnii, atlmat'd that the amount takn
liriv i!n. iilinir T'k ii-rvm my waa
l-rfiirm-d a! JnliC" ilray'a hum Cap-
'a n Sm.t i ;a I t.iI Hit-nt of lb Van-
iiui'i Traiiiir!ai!' n "Vniipany. w hll
Ih brl I i. .h diiii.'htr i f R H Wal-
!.i. ", ,,!i.- .if th ill ! "ihiialv fruit
ariiwrm I.i nrici
Win n. oin ni 'inh" nfo, Harry T!-
I Bin. Ho popular ymitig hnik man on
:h A. A C. hat th miaforun to
..i n am and a In an ai'int
ii Warri'i! oi. hU frt"nd m-t about to
a.'l.t b in flnaiii laliy Y"tn!v the
amount .'.ill-. td. 177. 74. w aa turn !
..vr t i li'm Ttil in !! waa colW'.'d
it ih I'n! ol ,1 po'. I' .r'lan l. at S.-a-
ll a" I An'orM. but loi-a not Ini lml"
Ii ...iro.ii n in id hv Mr Twl-
:ig-il' f. .! .-'iii'loy.-a ,.n Ih.- rn'lr. a.l. . WM making a Molly llmtun "f h.iiim lf
T'i" ir i f r w hi h the recipient I" ' ,m Ajit T atrf t when :he atrmg arm
m -t iir.i: fu!. m l ni.ii.-t ill a-.!l him f ;), law a p--ritiltled In Mr. I'hll
n hu rr-'i .jr.i:: .ma f r th fu ur II : j(- wo..;i'd down upm him.
ant l'ni ! I" , in uri fl.-tal l int ", i No a ,.nr had the officer taki-n M ior?
r.i'luo I . inpiny . f M,i'.ng th t- , im,, cumoly than the troutil coinmi iu--;
i,.o I lo th" trip. d. M.air n-lKi"d Knllv at flmt, but.
aw a tmg aa opportunity, reached In hl
T!" w i:ftig lank n-- tv'.v inta;lis
bv Sh'i iff I.ltn ill :;! Fl"' "''
S'.i.-k1. oi h i. ali'idy : ome -i'l lm-
f 1 1 i'H a l)u:i. t At fUt i
on.. . i "Mi . f 111"
Ih- t ink w .is ,'. n-rv.i ! '. tli
hi re
In which
I I u In'-
n a low
r.g th it '! -h"jl. .h iv I "it
r ui'.h !'it i-1 I ' a . yl.ii.l
IT I .-in-'It i ,ili '.hit a trough
Hi-H IK bet" I"?, ii
r ! ' ou f r .1.
woull ! rcn.l 'tv.l u
in. ut four f t -ii '
v I lc I ith an xti.i ii
to w. thin a ;' in h' ,.f th.' lop of i'i" 1 (xv.ui'. in.
.yllnler. The i xli in: k in the water j T,p. ur f,iUr friends of the sailor,
inovltig iMiiKtaiitly a til .lnt will n t ! w ho were standing near, armed them
i. -ilicul lie on l i' f the wnter, , -Iv-m with clubs, presumably for the
w -hi' 1 othrwl. be the , . It Is an j of taking a hand. In the acuf-.tmi-ni
'iisly 'arMne" I .bvice and wc'.llfl.. T),e oplnrtuiie arrival of Chief
won. 'i th - $70 ,.r IT.i which 1! cost. j Hall.vk and Officer male
I outside lilt 'rventlon Impossible.
The liiieiilh. r (hiiiR i g and cipplngj Moor was taken beforv lhilice Judge
nnii hin,- for packing " i nion have licen x, Ku yestcnl.iy afternoon, charged
opct.Ve.l with suci-cas at M ii nvat's wl;h resisting an officer and attempted
I 'innery. Salmon Is p.tcke.1 with tb'S is.-uull with il dangerous weapon. He
machlnei w ithout solder. The cans are ',,Uiid guilty and fined $4'). In do
put through one cooking only, while fault of which he will remain In Jail
the sold' red cans nr.. puttthroiifrh two. ,flir twmy dan. He la a desperate
There la no venting. An examination ( char-t-'ter and had Ihvii in Jail only a
of the pack put u', show only 2 per ,hort time previously. In all, there
cent loss In defective cans, while In I were eight offenders before Ihe bar of
Ihe snider il can (here In atnnit S Per j justly yenerday, one tine of ltd be.
rent. A (.t of speed In packing s!iow ng Impi'sed on a man who was anx
:hut the capping machine capped 40 I0Us to demonstrate his abilities aa a
cans per minute of 2400 cans per hour, j fighter. The others were drunks.
President II. S. M,lowsn. uf P. J. Mi- . Dining the aftenumn the police r'ek-
(lownn A Sons, say th pack now be
ing put up i r Ihe market, but the
machines are being operated prdimln
ary M mrtlng them in condl'lon for
active service next season. When fully
perfivt'il thy will be principally used
In packing fruit and vegetables.
Captain W. W. Hnbl'l.lg.'s new boat,
the Klectro, was sucviwfully launt-hed
at t o'clock ye'ti'rday afternoon, at U.
M. Leathers' shipyard. The new ie.ini
er was christened by Miss Ilaxd nab
blilge, d.iugiiter of the captain. A largo
crowd was present to - the launching,
which was aticcevful In every p-irtlcu-lar.
The Electro ! one of the most
substantially construct-d steamers ever
built on the Lower I'olumb a river. She
Is 75 feet In length, of 17 feet beam and
11 feet depth of hold. Sh will be pro
vlilod with powerful engines and Is ex
pected to develop speed that will Put
her In the van am 'tig the lower rlvr
sen niers. Her nuu blurry will be In
stalled at once and it is expetced the
trial trip will occur November 10. Her
Interior furnishings will be modern in
all r.piv:s. As soon a possible she
will be placed In commission In th
quarantine ae-.wc. plying between As
toria and t government station.
Tli at'-ainiihlp Indruvulll la on th
duy down ih rlvr, -!:h a partlul car
go, Hli will load at AatnrU Vf) ton" of
Hour, whlih will t li-il'Ti"l d'wn th'f
rlvr, Whwi lnd'l th Indiaveill will
hay acartto valU'd at I222.7J, madu uu
of Hour Bti'l lii'iilx-'". Hh l daiin
f ir Oil"litl Tl.
W. F. Tu kr, i'hl. puymaatr; Major
It. J. KV!l, rhkf auiifon; Capmln
(1. 8. Illniftum, clilrf i4Uanrmalr;
I'apaln W. V, Kiolmrikiun, aljuunt
nra:, and Captain W. A. U'th'., ar:.
Ilia; JudKe alvwav.
A Ifx'k't of g 1 ("ai waa atrui'k la't
wk In Ih aainlntoti Urrv of I'. J.
MHInwan. aliout WW f-; from th Co
lumbia rlvr. tii--ii Mi'J.iwan'i can
ury and Fort Oiluuilila. It l about
two ini h'-a llih-k and two ft lni. anl
H aiinon-pur coal baa ln (rd l:i
( fl jf ni, fjun1 , turn B.M Th
! f,)rM,lltll of lne ,UArry b-llv.-ii thre i
.., , . ,,, ,h!, vi,.ini,.. , f.,r
from whet tlw p kt haa b n founl.
and torn.. pr.iaKv IIuk will b dine ;0
find Ii. Tin- aandat m quarry of P. J.
M-iiow an. n-ar Fort Columbia, ha
bn a gr.-at nurn of pr.iflt to th
c .iitra. 'iota on tli govrninnt work.
Th"v ua- It for fiundat.ia fr th
; buli IIiik ro:ii "P. 'iJ H 'a x. :li'n(.
dumb! init.Tlal. It l a buff rolor
i auaifht, and la raaily thr
in. n bi-m able to kep four ama car.
from th quarry up to tn promt oai
; i, 4t jpt jw tone The aandaton la
; aid by the forwman, who ta an npr-
f lrnc-1 quarryman. U b fine bu'ldlnf
' niatrrlal, and hard'iia whrn taken out.
, It (a aimilar to Si-otrh freraton. P.J.
Miii.i-.iii haa ;lv-u the government
1 ciailractora the aton free tir o'nln
. up the quarry.
I Sailor Cit Drunk and Tried to Whip
! Poll.e Olllcer Phillip.
p ,:,v (im.'.T Piidl pj ran Into a tough
' diatom t on th. 11 wry Sunday -ven-
lng The ind.v.dual in nutl-.n la
! J.mi"a Moor.-, w ho foll.nva th" aea- H
,.vk.:. Irew forth a heavy beer fla
; and mil awlpe a: th" "ltl-'"r. Mr.
' Philllju. mmik the g.eam of ihe gla.iK
an l thinking the sailor oa.l drawn a
Knife, cl v'd with him, and the Mow
luhlc.i M.un- had alniej at the officer'
,,,) w ,.ff ' tlv,-. In the mixuu
Oi." gl.i fell t th ground, and a m i-
' nn-nt later ;!v lull sailonnan waa alo
I t ' would prove .vin'li h il ui mi the street. 11 Is a pow -f
and that It'.-iful f II ),v and mule deM'ra: ef
!". The tank U : f,,rt to ttgun wur-' the- dngrus
gtit and l pro- weapuii with which he had attempted
: p.p run i U)l. .(. iull, but the utile, r was equal to
el up a young nun on the waterfront
who was very much the worse for li
quor. He halls from Lowlg river and
had acquired a allly ska'.e. When found
he was staggering the docks, and,
(earful that he would fall overboard
and drown, the pollc officer took him
to the station and held ilm until he
regained his reason. When released he
was In a stiiivir and it tvik some time
for him to get hla bearings. He re
turned home last evening.
Ir. the recent edition of the Pan
American two-cent postage stamps ;t
was foU'id that the Illustration was
printed upside down, and as only a few
of them were sold before being noticed,
the value of them has been greatly In
cr"n!d. People who have once used
H.wtettor's Stomach Itinera place a
very hlith inbiatlon on It aa n family
medicine. It Is for weak People and
the m 'St delicate siomaeh can retain
it. It restores the appetite, and stimu
lates the dlgitlve element from the
food. It has a record of fifty years of
cures of Indigestion, dyspepsia, consti
pation anl flatulency f.i Its credit. We
urgo vou to trv It. The genuine ha
our Private Die Stamp over the neck
of the bottle.
'.'onimltt' to If Hil Another Confern':e
B-ifne Time T'flay.
The aawmlll (ommlltce d.d n't nil
ylrr;iy, aa waa i;'ct"d, and no fur
thiT prigra waa made. A milng
will b h'dd t'lay, however, when th"
altuatlori will again ! dlaruaed.
.'ommlil"man Whlppl aaiil yter.
lay that he hud rail I on th i-nra
of the Tongu Point all anl ufti
Jil'lg Taylor. Th owner all d'"!ii
nl to aulmi.l any wrlt:m propoitl, a
had l"-n naked l.y th irommtt!, iy.
rig th"'r original flgur"-H2.!ViO fr
Thikii Point and IJ4,lVi0 for Ih flour
ing mill !l w uld not b changed,
It la "Xprt t-d that Mr. O'war.n will
return to th city t'lay, and tlu; Mr,
Hammond will I- her oni tlrn dur
lng th w'k.
Mr. Wnippl an!) yat'-rday that th
'rtiilook f ir th tablihrn"nt of th
two mill waa nn favorable. H b-i-ie,
ntimimt la agalnm tb prop'l-
tlon, and xprmu-l the opinion that th
malt.-r would 1 attlel finally tolay.
Whthr a meeting of c!tl"na will be
called by Chairman Van Duan before
an actual canvas I commenced, or
whthr u!icr,tion will be ao
llilted b'for any report la male
by the committee, Bm tvil to bave
b n de'ermlned upon. Mr. Van Dun
wna an yetrday afternoon alwut thU
mati'-r. but could not av any 4-flnit
information. Mr. Whipple exprenaed
:h liell.-f thut a maaa mating woull
lf callel at once.
"Aa far as I am concerned. I wlah
I to c th whole matter nettled at once.
. one way or the other." said Mr. Wh!P
1 pi". "It is my Intention to go to Port
land ton'ght to nvet aim saw-mill and
flouring mill men -who ar anxious to
l'ian b-e, and of course I di not want
j to tie delayed. It seem to me there
lis a strong sentiment In favor of pur
chasing Tongue PJnt outright and of-
fnng alt.- to Investor, and I IHlere
'an effort In thla direction will eventual
Jly iu!t."
Mr. Whipple baa been conferring with
l Manager OUen. of the AstiTla planing
' mill, and may succeed In that
; concern enlarged to a very Important
j one. The milla now employ eight or
ten men, but Mr. OUen say he can
,gt plenty of capital U Increase the
j plant so :hat slx'.y or seventy men will
be emjiloyed. There la a big demand
'for ihe sashes and doors turned out here.
' and Portland gets most of the output.
Mr. Olsen auks no other Inducement
' thsn a atte 100 fe-t square nar some
I'awmlll. The great difficulty with
I which he must contend at -ie present
I la soarc'ty of lumber. As s.ia
as the neveral saw mill prnpoitlijn now
I un ler consideration are d.po-l of, th
planing mill man's offer will be taken
, up.
Frt Canhy P. meruit Will Serve Sec mj
! Term for Perjury.
I Prlvato Milgon's escaiie from a guard
at Fort Canby Friday, and his recap
! lure later, devlops a sad ry. He is
a boy about 1$ year of age, anl his
: ambition to b-vome a soldier anl the
ohjivtl n of his parents have caused him
; twice to enlist falsely, and to s -rve
one sentence In prison and a longer
; term now stand before him.
! He says frun his chilJh iod he has
i ha I but me losire, and that wa to
i h v. me a soldi ?r. ilia parents have al
' ways o'ojecte-l. H.-fore he was IS yetrs
I of age he ran away from home and
enl.ste-1 under an Assumed name, and
swore h - was ov t 21 years eld. In a
short time h's parents discovered that
he was in the army, having enlisted
with the Tw Yity-first infantry. They
promptly n ulled ;he secretary of war
and young Milgvn was tried and snt
to prism for three months and dishon
orably discharged. He served out his
term on th dismal rocks at Alcatrax,
mid cam out an ex-United Siates cin
viet. He assumed a false name and enlist
ed again, swearing that he was of ag?
and ih it he had never been dishonor
abiv .!!.'harg"d fr.m the Cnltted States
army. He arrived at Fort Canby a, few
days ago as a new recruit, and was aa
happy as a lark to again be a soldier.
Hut his new enlistment again reached
ihe war detriment and the comman
der at C.i'iby received Instructions a
day or two ago to place the young toi
dlcr under arrest. The Instruction
cime direct from the secretary of war.
You ig Milgrn had not been under ar
rest long when, seeing a chance while
his guard wa looking after two other
prls itiers. ran away.
Had the young man been acquainted
with the lay of the country he could
have escaped, but he had Just arrived
and knew nothing about courses or di
rections, and ran away blindly for his
freedom The thicket along the mill
leading out from Canby are Impenetra
ble, and had he hidden In one of these
until n'ght he could have gradually
worked his way out and got away. But
he ran lowii to the water's edge arto
crept aloig this until he found that he
could go no farther. The great roaring
surf and the perpendicular wall came
together In front of him. He heard
the approaching footsteps of the pur
suing soldiers In the rear; he hid In
the crevices of the rocks In despair.
Soon a bluecout ordered him to come
out, and he came.
An extra guard has been placed over
him, and his trial will take Place as
soon as possible. Not legs than three
years In the United States prison will
now follow as a punishment, unless
mercy Is shown In the way of a par
J.m. There Is Scarcely a soldier at
Fort' C.u'by that Is not sorry that the
Ioor boy was captwed.
t i
ra 'M "a WVTt a C ftUKaaHMtt
nz.,:.T(AE?-S is an epitaph in a Vermont church-
' f1. 'J.-- I. tit a i t , a r
yarg ; i expcciea im oat not so soon.
Sudi is tfe epitaph on dothinjj worn out
in ihe wash-tub. Underdothing; may be
Ira; 'e, yet it ought not to wear out in ten weeks.
Eu tliis Ln't wear; it is decay. You buy 5 cents
wo h of chza? soap and you lose the equivalent of
50 Tits in the wash-tub. Ivory Soap will not harm
the most delicate fabric Is it wise not to use it?
Hm. BenJ. Young haa been In port
land for a few days.
Charlea A. Payne, 0f th Chinook Ob.
arver, La In tbe city.
Robert Gibson U expcted home this
wek from the Eaat.
Charles K. Wheeler, of Fart Dodge.
Ia.. Is visiting in the city.
Henry Lang, a Portland trarel'nr
man, was la the city yesterday.
Captain Cloke and Lieutenant Weeks,
of Fort Stevens, are In the city.
George S. Dlehl, of Cincinnati, ia
among the late Eastern arrivals at the
D. W. Cade, of St. Joseph, and T. D.
Woolley, of Portland, were among the
passengers down on Last night'a train.
Mrs. C. L. Houston and daughter, who
have been visiting friends at Baker
for the past two months, returned
horn Sunday evening. Mr. Houston
met them in Portland.
Notice is hereby given to all parties
ho! .lln s Clatsop our.ty warrants, en
doisel prior to March Uth. 1300. to rre
sent the same to the ceuntv treasurer
at h's office, 1S Tenth street, for pay
ment. Jnt?rest ceases after this date.
(Signed.) K. C. THOMPSON.
County Treasurer.
Dated at Astoria. Oregon, this ?5th d
of October, 1301.
The undersigned des.res to return hi
heartfelt thanks to those who have fo
kindly assisted him and to assure them
that their efforts are genuinely appreciate-.
There will be a special meeting cf the
Astoria Rod and Gun Club at the office
of Smith Bros., attorneys, October 29,
at 7:30 p. m. FRANK PATTON.
Andrew Asp,
Map IiiUr, Blarlcinilk uJ Borioer
Sneclal Attention Given to Ship at d
Steamboat Repalrlng.General Black
smithing. First-Class Horse
shoeing, etc.
Mansell Building.
57J Commercial St., ASTORIA, OR.
Dr. T. U. Ball
Pagt Building. Astoria. Ora.
We take pleasure In announcing that we have now the finest
and largest cutlery line In the city Including
R. E. Dunlap and wife to Isabella
Taber nor;h half of block 2, and
north half of block 7, Sylvia
Park t 35
O. A. Borklund to August Takolo
and Victor Mlchaelson sixty
nine acres In section 2, T t Jf , R
7 w : m
John Wintun-I fo Joseph Keki
elghty-flve acres In Well Halla
day donation land claim, quit- -claim
Jowph Keakl to John Wenturrl
ninety-two acres In Welte Halla
day donation land claim, quit
claim 1
Sheriff to Albert J. Hill Francis
Hill farm; also lot 1. block 4,
Warrenton Addition to Astoria;
lots 5 and 6, block 30, Dement'S
Astoria 4)
pshcr's Opera Boos'e
L. X. 8R.Ifl, l.aaae aad Maaagair.
Friday and Saturday, November
1 and 2, and Saturday
The Great Show
50 AH White Stars 50
All New! All Wewj All New!
8 Modern Comedians 8
12 Cultivated Singers 12
conic somos
LEaTEST ballads
14 New York City
Vaudevilles 14
Watch for the Grand Automobile Pa
rade at Noon.
Hear Our Great Band-Porty
When you see a great show make a
note of II.
ADMISSION Reserved s?ats. "5 cents:
Galliry, 50 cents: inatlne, adults. M
cents; children, 25 cents. Seat sale
opens Thursday morning at 9 o'clock
at Griffin & Reed's.