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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1901)
TllV. MOUMNCi ASTOKIAX. nTSlUY. OCYOltKIt 2' HUM. Telephone Main Wl. TERMS OF SUPSCUIPTION. DAILY. Sent by null, per year Bent by mail, per month w 8rvd by earner, per month W SEMI-WEEKLY. 8ot by mail, per year. In advance. $!.W All communications lnten.ld for rub It.. H., fc.,,t I K. Htr.v-tA. f,v "Ted-tor Aitorlan." Business communications ot ail kinds ami remittance must be addressed to "Tt Astor'an Publish- tag Co." The Astorlan guarantees to Its adver tisers th largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia i would n.-t ex.ilne when the high tides Tirer. sot In sh m'al vis.t the waterfront an.l ., , . . , observe the laie arrivals from the tn- Advmlslng rate can be had on ap- tHlcatlan to tlx business manager. , !n ' ?. The coincidence I, really yT- " 1 T A remarkable or am! will attract at OrR FLAG IN THE PACIFIC. ! tcnti.m in maritime circle Nfy Tork TrUiune. i The ocjin nf the future" the Fa- j clflc has tbouithtfully ten calloj. Xr. Hijeed, doe It requlr an 'Xvvptlonal mount of prescience to d'.sv-ern "' tse .hore. of that ire empires des- tlned soon to plav Immeasurably itre.w parts In the commercial dram, of the - race. Time , when the "ure,: So tiaa the Mediterranean and all the na tlona of the world were grouped on it shores. It was n"t until lona- after the Christian era ha.! becun that the At lantic ocean becan to fiirure practically in the affairs vf nations. For the last four centuries It has ben pre-eminently the eroat sea of the vrld. No: until ah,iut one hundred y-'ars JM the Indian oo-Mn and the Pacific befrn seriously to be ctilt!vatel by the pS.iushshar.-s of co.-nmerve. Bu! to.'.av. the las: named, while not the prete,-t !n commer.-e !s the forenvist of an in rivalry and interest, while !n commer cial potency It overshadows, all the world. It Is an auspicious and rratlfying fact that our own country occupies ur-n that ocean of the fVure the assured position of advantaire. One other na-ti-n. It is iru, our kin. has. like us, a frontage upon both shores ami islands in mid a- But neither in America nor In Asia is the British Pa cific frontage comparable with our?, nor do the British Insular possesions form s complete a trans.x-e.inlc chain And no other non-A'latlc nation ha any Important f.iin? uo-m pa.-lfie . , j shores. In these It Is In these cirrumstan-es It Is that our Pacific commerce t natural shoull be Increasing It would h strange and moet discreditable .f It were not. As a mafer of statistical fact, our Pacific cimm'ro is growing more than twice as rtif'idlv as that of our Atlantl." an 1 Gulf p rts. In the last five years it has fully d ubi-'d. and un less! Russian spiilation of China shuts and bars against us t- many doors It seems likely to k-?P on Increas at such a rate, or even at a gr-ater rate. Ve have jaid that only one n n-Asl-atlc p.twer is in a p ition to s-r!ou-!v compete ::h us upon the Pacific. But there Is one Asiati' power capable of doing so, though happily it Is a power whose relatinns with the fnitei S'ates are conspicuously friendly. The dev!. opment of Japanese eomm-ree is one of the -wonders of the world. Practi cally 1t besran on civilize! llnej In l'TS. At that time Japan had ninety-six hit, chant steamers of an aggregate t(m. j . ; naSe of less .ban 124.000. Not n. of them was seaworthy or was able to venture away (rim the const. In 1V.0 Japan had 816 steamers of more than 528.000 tons, most ,of them m d-m ves sels of the fines: type. Since 1872 Jau anese commerce has had a practical constant Increase, until now. In eighteen years, a net Increase of more than 4517 per cent Is recorded. That Is not. of course, all transpacific commerce. But a nation which, starting from seclusion and barbarism at a date still wd hin the memory of men n it yet superannuated, has now developed a foreign commerce of mor? than J250,0i0,000 a year Is cer tainly a factor greatly to be reckoned -with. The United States, Great Britain and Japan are the three great commer:laI powers of the Pacific. Of the three by far the greatest natural advantage and opportunities lie with the Unite 1 States. But aJvantage and opportunity are beneficent only ai they are Im proved. The multiplication of trans continental lines, the opening of a trans Isthmlan waterway, the spanning of the Pacific with an American cable and the great Increase of the American mercantile marine on those waters tKese, together with a wise policy which will Improve our fxthold In Asia and keep open the doors of all China to our trade, are tbe mea-ures by which our opportunities are to be Improved an I The nartwv guae H Journal imii h.ul.1 und -rstnid that Ms town ?. n-.i " t w.vty the Ast.ulan In the slU-M-est d'Vrv. The Asvrlan no more re. rrvts the less of tV cup to which the Journal re'ers than it regret the Juirml' 'Xi: rvo. The disgraceful n'n.' said to h iv etiaoted after a r.v--nt f.vithill game there Is ':. .1 matter of n- o---eie-'rt :o the As. t t an. nilrt pt'.-ated. as news. a sum- "-ry of a stapveen, sent ,n,t from U aoo. and In which tttrc was :.- u: y , ycHn,-. i.. Th-'s. who might )nvf bellevM the lay days of the Pwtlitid grain fleet - ... l THE rtM.lTIOAL tM'TUVK. sta:el THIam.vk H mWV: It ts ..v. . ... i . -.i Co will he lH-tTHn two attorneys an.l L ne e.llto.- ;imon. Fulton ?n. Soott. As m,wt eJ:l.r. ar- nior than a ; match for two attorneys, Harvey should ! hi" n rmM, In cptur.n the t t.v 1 11'" 'hinif l ceitain. If Mr. Svvtt Is !v:(., h1 wf fl, ,he,n ,v.:, dlptiUy and hon r to the Havttur j ident.floJ hims- lf for so m -nv oar w(:h the projrress f Or-.-jrm. and Alios an important sition during tbut lim-'. It s-ems to us tVi: it would ho a fitthij h -nor to )st w upn him. He ita ned his r-"s'nt lofty iKslti,n by merit, and this ' what should b ro osnii'd In pre-f.-rs'nee t those who ffiln pmmlnenv Ncaas.. thev lit :n cn:r-d of a o' inin' ion and hen pull the p-ili'lMi stripes :o bst th-m'lvos Int a office. It I vks to us that Mr Soott Is the loeioa! candidate If we wan: to recHtn ie morit anj btow honor upn a pern who has labored s jjy f,,r state. a a ,, Pendl'tm East Orjronian: A; present, Eastern Ore)f n has no representation at Sal-m. in anv office law or small. , . ,, .' , , . .u and fully one-th;rd of the people of the state live In E-istern Oreen. E-ist-rn Oregon people .ay their share of taxes bf h iv n., renrsonr-l n In star vv. emment. WTiv s'l-vjij this unfair eon- tiitlon continue? Whv should not i of the dominant Partv b.- culled on to i -h abuse' tThv sbonl.l not ' the nomination for governor fall ,l i Us I some gH, capable man. on h. fully fitted to administer the offl.-e. ismie man frni Eastern Oregon? It Is itp to the Rs-pubifi-ans. The fie: of I :he matter Is. if Oeer is n-'miant-M or oth.-r west-of-the-mou.italns man. j F-astern Oregon Republicans would be I ! s T' i .riii.ii .1 tiv ne .or i:if i in 1 cra'l car.dilate for gu-ern ir. and thor? would be a chance of hi- el-rtl n in that event. Eastern Oreg in people, rr pvtive of party, s'nouid in -l.-st tha th ReiuMic ins choos.- several of the r can didates f .r state o;P.ct.s from Eastern Oregin. It Is nothing more th-m fair, and it w u! 1 have b-en , ne 1 .ng ,igi. :f Eif cri Ore? vn R- publi -ans had r'-ogn.x-1 :h-ir duty : their scti -n. Thev have simply be n lnd -lent, back war J in stan ling for their rluht-". w th :h-' ruit thi! Eastern Org -n has not sliarel a she shuuM in th- benefits of stav government. Eugene p.erster: Walla -e M -Cammant is said to have a congressional b om up his si -eve by w hich he expects : succeed Malcolm M-ely. Bu: ther- are s-ime striking uncertainties and disap pointments In Oregon pil'ti s that -i-vn the eru lite McCammant may not be able to overcome. Tillamvik Herald: When Senator S' mon telegraphed to Washington, and had Bib-e s commission held up. he slm- ply made a mistake, that's all. Mr. Mim the hands of his party and will no doubt rec?lve his com.nlshlon, in spite of the efforts of Mr. Simon to defeat it. id A familiar nam of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, known all over the Union as the Great Railway running the "Pioneer Limited" trains everv day and night between Bt. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago. "The only perfect train In the world." Understand: Connections are made with all transcontinental lines, securing to passengers the best service known. Luxurious coaches, electric light, steam heat, of a variety equaled by no other line. See that your ticket reals via "Th Milwaukee" when going to any point in the United States or Canada. All tirket ager.ts sell them. For rates, pamphlets or other infor mation, address, J. W. CASEY, C. J. EDDY, Trav. Pase. Agt. Gen. Agt.. Portland. Ore. Portland. Ore. PRAEL & COOK TRANSFER COMPANY Telephone 231. DRAYING AND EXBRESSMG All goods shipped to our C'ar Will Receive Special Attention. No. 538 Duane St., Astoria, Ore. W. J. COOK. Mgr. P-es. T?l. 1131. DYSPEPTICIDE Th ertrtid to DIGESTION. and our ractflo rom-mcrc made KVt :he groat's; f all. Nl-.ttVIWrMfS IVM.A-'i:. In the Xov.-nilxr Km, Marv l!o!:n son Wilrhi, the eoiup.l -die I tiavel.r. who kn.'rts hor Sou(:i Ainor.o.i !ii'r ill l Am. rlo ins know ihotr trn. oi.'il vl.;iw, cvi r 'l lnM-lln ..n olo I'tinili'tl "T:io P.iI.i.v of Ui liv. ni" T!is iviln. '.s I ho (iil,iiii of now ' ;.!. I in. Mrs. Wi'iilil r.on'. Till- flNV lll'NllvMl il l.l I U ll 0Oll.',(. Hit rv nm mill frv laU'ia'.nry on tlio rn.ii. n iIot. aro aii' iisuo.l an.l tltt.'l m on it sol'.o of ol i;.i:i.''. 1.U.UI In ov. oi y o;a.l. K'.o t.iio:na d.' rvutar iy oiiv,;,.o : i.i 1', t I oik art or tlio p Mr iok of ,h T!io iiv orno imii-'uIi : lis .unount lo tho rlioii -utid mvini. I:i t!io fi-,..-locil .loiMiiin.n:. t:io sr pc.-pio mv a; ;!! i.i m.iko ki-uiti (tio.r iio1s. In Ills il I'ir.iiion; i.K'io ;iiv nisi tl i.myor oniio , : .y lv tli.s n oiu iiovMpor T!o.r itKvs aio ii' i lio I from a !r .vat' on r.uuv On t'.u' svi!l at" 1-vatiM the i.lKor.iil in his, t'io tuvh;i's of tho 'n t:tu:."'n. nn I Hio rooms for iwr-iitlon mil l inv.isoin 'in. as '.i A' a nrso n n ! n I inv.isont 'lit. as ' I nc room for uio us.- of :! P'vr(.'rs. I T!i ':' : ls, a Jio'n.l"..l I hrary, oon ! lain t'iS a o oliivtl n of us'fl an I val-'lo Kkks-a tillllur.l nvm, a;a f,r j 0"ih'iiK. all furnishiM In a inaaiiltkvnt i :yl . Tlio mn kiiit ro in ii"ti "IsionM j In sm.iko.i-ool.itvl Vt lut aiul tlnl-hoil in ihirj oo.l. is a r-'i'ul'r r'nlovmis i ;n'n lo urv ix'rm.tji siu h linliilirvmva. Tho o.Utoral rvnis have fvi-ryihln ' for the oomf.'rt an.l o nivonn nif if the ! busy men tio prepare the noa of the :!av. Ttie ortloos f the chlof eHtor j an- m et luxurious, ami In oolinivtlon J l;h them, e.u h ulior has a private ira Willi room. evu;snr.y iiiriusne i :h o-s'Iv iloh Smyrna rumi. I mr u. nims our,.u mi.l lnl.n.1 rl,,.r. j The entire :nir I st .rv Is sot as ,1.. as mi apar-menl I r tie r.ter.ainnie.ii of ois t!ni!Uish.-d foiv sn vts:toi-s who iini I the capital. T ies,- strangers at' not perm.ttol ; live in t.'ii- ho es, hut are I Ci 'ite-l ..s siicsr of Ui 1'rens.i Hole thev are 1 ; -'-1 with r yal novl ailtv ; T Vr J e '. Ihn, beloncs the hon r of hivimc I'u'lt th. splend.d stnunute In wti h ilio cri'ni newspii'r Is put. lisi.'l (m,1 i'.ii.pi'-'l n a sty.e b-tlttlnit !a rival pi'i ' Ho has t.-' ;i the chi-t ell or an 1 di:vt -r sin.v the first e.ll. i ;: n of i.nU J -unial Every stone in I the p. his b ell pla.e, un- dT h.s sii'r !ioti. ei ry .i:v!i!t,s':unil i plan of the hu l lliik" is uri i-v .donee of 'his faultless J I irii i n: and it M t iste I Every pi w of si itu.irv, all tao rar Innl 'leiutlfui ta-'-'stn-s. eirh chot -e !!; -f hr '-.i-l'rac, have tin s-le-ted land putvn ,! un I r h..s j-erfeot itv' t on. ! lr. P.ii .l is f-r feiirt e y.Mrs the I Vnr otoi'. am ' isa ! T to K atwo. anl In- . ki. ,j .1 .m. i rt Pin ,'nferl nn..l , ,lr',,.iv h..sp, al:tv.' numbering I atnonir h s intlmite the irn'-.t : sc.eiit-.sts and art s;n ,,f :h-' Fretieli cap- Mtai. and .ustmu'sh-sl vsiMrs from nil 'parts of the irld. Su h well-known j m,.n A, Ju!, s,tl,n M n,siu..t an.1 j Mr. V!ntel.r.v Reld and tinny others I were his special f:i n ls. The wit an I I sparkle of ils own ir'ftel sj.-.vh was il- i., a , : m.iny fie txinsmots t.nt pas, fr mi jop.e t an !her of the -.a g nlv-rings ; lllrttlit a s.-a'on were to te tril.sM III heir oHln to one of trie minister's brilliant cmpanv. i.oumlnc to Hu-n s Ayr. aft.-r his I 'tig r d -n -e abr 1 1. r. T.u devoftl " " us and w al:h to the etius.- of ! e In. sl'.in in I nh!I ntiir iv !n his own country. SEX ASP P"Pri.ATI'-N. Why N'.imi -! Nttmb'r v.-r ,.f Mil. of F ma'es. Ex- y York Tr bun Whivv-T d.ff -vn Pame N.u ir- ' miv hay-- int.-nd-d be "ii t!i- sp'i-r ! of intluen " of m-n an I w 'tn-n. she evi i .lent y nt.-n l-. tin numerically .v M- is! the t.o s- xs should st m l . -i nearly the ssm f-n ittng. Th.. world iv-r. ex .-ot w r -gilrild1' and i h i t m of :i V tl - S-Tll .1- ( r--ni 1 i-g-. -ii -h' ci'l' l i i! c.iuo- -. til- n: i! in I f m ile . l.-m-nls -ill en I-, ib in -nfil. :-hr. : T" i -. this ni l .' l;ot , (...,.,..!., '..j, , 'j, ( '..-- ! b i- ;-i ni ; ri y f uiv!i, II--. to I!-,.. r-.t r niaj -.) of i a-.- , f o .,. ... y .r th- ..rtvr. -Ml I An! v i -h -ni ! re" b- sutprse) if th' ' agjrr- git r? of -h s lojci !.-iln''-H i-r. to a .-tis.deraWe -x.v or ni-: T -. en.-n in a n iti n. Th- fad thr -u h n r -i-4'. -h'-ti. shows ' thi: 'h-r- 's som- : '-'tit in-l myst -r!- 'Us law- o' r rn;' --,i!i in at work ujion : Th- rice , -.v., .: j this law op.-r-i .'it- upon many of !;' iiriiinits as !' as m-n. im the firm I- Is f .un I -nn-: verl-nt to .r rv.- a gr-at pr-omln- an- e of on- -x ovr "he other in cattle .Hid .-bik-n-. Th- bull .l' Is pr 'd. s'ln. 'l f-om hs b rth i i conversion I i-it v-il. and a s.milnriy s'-nrn fit consigns -i e -iitf-rflll lis co k-T-l to the ! gridiron or chl -ken i.'e it a tender age. j Hut. s fir as fi- Increase is concern-d among c it'l- nnd p mttry. an iT.m.itly hvh balance is prcsorv I e.l Curi "ltv, n.-it to say aston'shment. is ex-ib-d. th -refor. by n recent an nouncement of the opnsus bureau. The enume-a ion of lrf) shows that there ar rccr- men and boy a than women and girls In this country, and that the dlff.-r.-nc iT'-ect, 1 via.iis) In a popu lation of 75,.1'i.1.l!,7. The excess fflpP"nr mor- distinctly, perhaps, when It I aM that ther are 515 mill's and only 4 ,8 femab-i n every thousand people In the 1'nl'ed States;. What is m r, this sort of thing has has ben going on. with some little fluctuation In the jerrentag-. for over half a entury. As long ago as 11-0 their was g distant numerical siiP"rl .piirity of the male ov-r the female ement Ry isso the pr-pondernnce u even mor conspicuous, but In 18.0 I less th?n f.r several decades. The re turns of show a slight gain once, I m ire. though th - dlspiritv of ISflO was I n .t iilt- reached, an.l those for 1830 a "ti l fnr'h'-i- lnc-e,)4e Th s:uatl.rti ;bis .e.-ir-i.- hi'r.'e, ;n the last t'n -ars. In I e l, th- c-n"iu bur"nu fig- "r" out a mf r iv.ple falling off In 'the gr.wth of 'he male population as . e .m pared wlt-h the f-mile. To b- sure. th.. v,-s was (in'... l.',f.o''i7 in 1 Sf0, and 'has nine ben enlarged bv 2-1.727; but M'i. bii-.-ui finds that the pro -ntag -' to' jrri n arc not nul' nlik". and that ' 'her i'" la'nt ir, II atloris of a future ! r--i' t!.,n. ' Thi I th- n h it l-r,!o "file of thln-s h-r. revealed Is ir- sir. kin wh'-n cempared with f -t In Kur ;,. lioth In th'' K.tigl'im an! on th- contin-nt 1 tn- ; th - -ha: wo-ri-.p . ruin- yiimorous han rn -i 1 Is p.oli!. n detet-t fori-es di-'turli 'he li-ilince In some of ' ciiiti'il- Hut Mr. Port-r, super id nt of ih- -nsijs ,,f 1K10. rras In- I " tnlnk thnt th -se Influent" n .t ,j,-i.-i - p r-cptibly In Austria i cIIt did ! and the N-thcrlands, and hence tnat n irmnlly th" f'-male s-x outnumbers M- mile ;n n'-.irly the proportion of '.I to 49. C ompiri.,n with that stftnd-a-d, tlo-n, makes the excess of male), in Am-r:c.i stranger 'ban If nature exhibit- 1 s rl'-t Imp-irtlnlity. The tw, forces which appear to ti" 'h ey ponc rne l In upsetting the equi librium are war and immigration. And ' the two t!io for ii. T I lunch Hie less floe, iv. -, Still, it was pow.'Knl elloiinl1 to Intlii' lie- ho returns ,n iicimacy an I Emtio, nflor the f.uuoii -tniKglc of Mi-;i All I la the l iitied St i:c it iHilll down tin' mi!.' pin. Mill. ot of .111 In every in Im'.i oi ."ovit m l.n Milt Htliill. of iMlllv, vvoiks III two wis Tile ni:i.l vii ,,r initiiatiMliis iiv men T ie depii lui.. fnun ono c Mimry, Ih' tcfot'e. I. ill o l be olher S' Ml execs ill one part of tbe w eld, while ,t pro UI.H.'S tile M ,'p M Iciancc ..f '.hell' own III aunt her Thus. In .iie Euiup an collil- til "s, ill pr 'po1.-; Ion ,.' in ili t fcin ai lib 'ill tv m M.V Nov. ' ii i- in ue i ni three on; ,' i-v ry tl liiiiiil-mii'.s nil, conic ti tile I'll tot S; ile, ar m n. an.l t 'I out of cc v so eim fl v e.p ''i'lc lli -Tv lite of f't'-ltfo t.i;;i. '. t;i ihiv to s v how imp ei no is his fuoor in ,-s i:t -; - ttig tlic rat o I'-'! f n the ma In tvHi ( ') tost l i e, ho i- 'i s, of hi lb s lii':' was m id. up In i'h prn ir. loir Xiil-v.1 tioin. ItjN.Tvr :'.,-n ts'in. wi ri.t And 't scare ly n s,-voni!i of the populiu came fim other lands It Is to this t ie; that itiiiit.-rit o:i has V"'t cnei' l a sl.-ht eh ek In the l is; tow yens, no .'.'Ulu. t ial the recent slight falling off Iti the misetillne avn.l'iii y In Am nlc i Is due Hut people migrate n t only from olio country to another TM, 's peculiarly true in 111- Tinted Sates In .-onse. iiui'ih-.. there is a ib pb-tlon of the rank of the sterner sex In the est and a string rolnfor -iiient In the nV In deed, In the luiter niacior there Is a double Invasion from the mure il iiey popula: parts of uir own laud and ftoin tlie Old Worll. Hence the distrl. billion of Hi,, sexes Is not Along the Atlantic sealHxtnl for in I nst half a centiirv there has h sni practical ly no excess of initios, snd. on ihe whole, a very slight doflet, tu y. Th.. supers, bundimv of wonuu his h-n nnsil eonsplcu mis. th Mi-h, In MassictHisotts, It!) M.. Islial and fie Instil.-: of t, luinbhi. Ju! u hv tier, itvul.1 N- such a sf nation at the' "ial esp ial is not eb'.i '. I'.it oi New Kii-'and a sp -c al local Ik n -y Ins I, ii a- work, an intbix of fi -tiry t!s fi.'in tanida As might b- e-p-.-t.M, tj.e gr-nt.xt i-Xci-ss f Ili."i IS t In' und III fie CP II a-.'!.'irtiiri m l int:il:ig dU'.tl.-ts In Minn-soli ml N .' i th-re wre l! I.Mst men oil . f o. r bSI p ople for a 1 m it tin', f on i- h .".l hi tl' pikc is an I from ;.. in m .si of th- r'-lom :,i i be nest and sointiw si, Th ratio tn M'n mi wis oihs- as gc-it ,s mi ,iu ,,f l i. an-l even in is si was M'-i t i II "I -o hut trv Hravd n. II irris, N. C. savs; iik me 1 cine ?' years lor asthma en bottle of One'e '"-ugh 1' ire ill I ti'-; ni T- ir sl thin any Unfit els,, during ;hi: line. H.s; Coi-b Ours" I'll AS r.iliHUS. lirugglst l'r -fessir Ilrnst avke h is im- n 'iin-e I that he . iiui .t undert ike an m -r.. puol c l e'ili-s T a l.lre-s... ti.c only on a.voii it uf his fa'ltrg li-a.ih and alviins -l vein., tm: also i.e aus.. h- wl'h-s to l.-y t - tti remain l-'r of !.S Uf- I i th- rump: -tl oi of the :tnprt. ant w rks which he hius .n hand II"' .lis i ens t ia: !i- wHI n 't visit iwiy 111 're lent il i-'ll-,--srses Many physicians are now prescribing K'l 'l Pyspet-sia due r-gularly hiving fmnd that It U th- bes- prescription thev ran writ- because It Is the one properatl n which c n alns he element pece-s.-ry ti t gest h d o ly some kinds of hut a'l k nd and It therefor eiir-s lnl'gs!lon an t dyspepsia no mat what .ts can- ("HAS IKK. WIS. tru-gist. In nn a I Ir m T-c-rim th- other .1 iy I'ruf f.fil 1 In n Sin th xa d "As pr if.-ss r ..f historv it 1 'xfoid 1 h id . ne po -r.-s!iii- .ni I -I !:irftil pupil-- mif j, ..ent kl-sr W. h' is .it I'vf.rl 1 ii- ,1 to 1- t ii-.- t i him p-1 . it -ly .oi hi- -'., an I iff- 'I'll Is had to g and -vim"., -ii'i II' ii"i.'i- ail ni -I on. t t hat h- was i, r I . in I. t h k rg ho e .ii'd !.. i .r ,1 bv a pr,.f-ss r '.. oh. tl' -h tlit h- was hor'. -tl II' 1 be ,ii ' :ib" to s; . , . iniinli :p il ad dles " V r-l. S Iv North ' .rd. S II i me M nu'r "I p'i: -h i"j I a h,j i'oigt fur- when e .ii it 'i .lo : . -..! I . i .. I. f r-l e. . :! pd al c-xt , iirl 111 in " I'llAr! Ri SolT.rl'H; nfh m w as iu oir ibl-in-' "iie (i-l .m l T . I iv I a-u a w-.'ll ll'tS. iTllggt-t. t Is sirotiglv sii-;-v I d 'hat th- n-'.vs. . :- vv h -h I' -irv ll- aih l! publish Sil lik cjtv will I'.- U.-iii'i. an p .lite s - K in'as City Star. In It W Piir-eP vinir-rsvllle, I'll, says he silffr '-I He y-.irs with p.lea ari l could obnln 'ii r.ll r iintli Ii'-Wlt's Witch Ha7e Si've effe t-d a pTmar.n cure, ''niintorf.dts ar" worthb-ss, CHAS. I'.iH-.KIts, druggist. Wh 1-.. ( W-bb Itny.-s tak- h" The fattollar sniioun.e took br''nkfat with the l.mgr at'!"'11'11 Toe-k a meals n-iw? m-nt tha: h pp's.d-nt no Stnt. . Journal. S'd Darling, 1013 II iward ulreet. Port Huren, M;ch.. writes: "I have fried many (el-s and laxatives, but IvWitt's Little Early Klscrs are far th best pills I have ever used." They never grip. CHAS. HOCKKS. Druggist. It must ! conceded that General Puller acenrrrpllsh 'd much more wheai he was In the fi-ld than some of the gentp-m-n who sueo-sied him. Wash ingtim Post. Oeorge W. Iine, Pewamo, Mich., writes: "Yoar Kodol Dyspepela Cure Is the best remedy for Indigestion and stomach troublis that I ever used. For years I suffered from dlspepsla, at times cotnp;lllng me to stay In bed and enuslng me untold agony. I am com pletely cured by Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. In r"commendlng It to friends who suf fer from Indigestion I always offer to oav for II If It falls. Thus far I have never pall." (HAS. HOOEU8, drug gist. If Mi's Stoti.. can't do It h-r way, her captors MhonI I b- converted Into good liulgnrains bv the process nnploy ed to make good Indi. ins. Anaconda Standard. or,n Rot.i'iKit'a nxi-F.-tiiCNrc. M. M. Austin, a civil war veteran, of Wlnch-ster. lnd.. writes: "My wife was sick a lonu time 'n sj.l; of gond dor lor's tr.-itrncnt, but was wholly n:red by Dr. K'ng's .V.-,y Lif pills, wt Ich work "! wonder, for !ier lealth." They always In. Try them. Only 2.1c at Hart's Drugstore, It Is remarkable that a courageous woman like ihirrie Nation should ) conteti' to Kink Into obncurlty without going over ii nd trying to r'"' lie MIhS Stone. Wash I ngl on Kiar. J.A. FASTABEND GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. A report from tupt, J. I' lllti.k, lt. f.u in S. h, i 'I. Pi uiiutown, V, V. I VI. 11, 1'Hni "After living all oilier advei ip.isl ivuiull tnedlcliie, v,i lull divhl"d to use KnI'Vs lloni'V and Tar exclii slvely In the West VlHillUa U 't i III School. I lllld II the m et effeollie, lllid Absolut 'Iv liaiiiiless." Halt s IUI. store. There llll-tlt Inns Ih'CII 'tile Oi v.IkIoh for feelinji in irtitlel mi, I nelUii ml It ihu VP's.dcnt had Invitoil ii mm Ike V.l lb ks lo dine III .he Wll.le House fill. . ato Tribune. fhas It W.-sj-iu ir. Kvansioii, III,, wines: ".Mv 1 1 ' y . 2' y.'iirs "Id. Had a seieic -I I wlll'h iv.'us d to lull lo HIV ll'ea ini-'i lllltl'i We tll'd IC'h-i'si lloiioy a nd Tu lie wa ompleiely Cllli'd l-( .re us im .Hie bul:e." Tahe, loll- but I'lley's Hills lMilJ!oie. III tile illstidnillotl uf Methodist pis tors l" l.lli.llir. In the I'll i-lllii llsiibl, Crow A. I'.-icli v'lib UK Tr bune After expoMire -r when you feel a cold coming on. lake a dose f .'oe" Hmiey and Tar It never fails t sn.p i .-old It taken In ttni-- Har- s 1mii- store There Is nothing lo prevent Adin'riil Sauip t1 having a little , ourl of bis own. - Washington P ust . . When suffering from racking cough, take h dose ,.f r'olov a II mey i.,l Tir, The soreness will be relieved and warm, gial-ful feeling and healin- of Hie parts ArTe, (il will be ex.iei-l.'iiied. - Hart's Pnigslore. The reporter who wishes t i achieve fame as a wiir cm r sis.iiilenl, by Is ing r ght on the iit when It liup'ii". would lo well I i go to Afgu ils' ili now .i"d settle llier- .-New Yoik I'oiiitu-r- ,'ial. 1 Hit is of Krosthing Ml. writes "I bad i v rv ha I .it i.-k of kidney coin tCiInt an I tried 1'ilev', Kbln.-v I'urs v. M h sue me innii'ill.i'e relief, and I was p, i'..-. Iv cur d af er tak'ng two Ii.,- " ti- soi y m I ike r' ! Hart's Iirugst-ire. Ti'iv I 'g has his day It seem tamps n has hu.l his and no,i - til.-v a tin :i - SI 1'aill l ll die hi It f tti-kich shoull never tie negleetrd I: in-mis kldii'V dlsord-r which. If al low 1 t r ti i toi I sig. in a v r suit In Itr ghfa llsi-ise dlab.tes ,-r othe- er ii and of!n fatal enpia nts .'oey' Kl'n.-v fiirn makes ;he kl In.-ys w-,-11 -Hart's tirtl-s: ire. As to th - i .spur; that Mrs Vn. h lie l-w soe.iks four 'aniiingi s Is 't so ,,r I s-a it only s-'ni s . as In th- ease of the Wife When We have ie- ll :h- ottlce s'til -ag . J ninial S A. Ingills. rnwn P..!ni. V Y. wrl .s ' Mv w!f.. sutferesl from kl In.-y t-ouVe f r y-ir-s. Sne Indtl e. ti rv Foley's Kidney Cure an I In .e. thin a v . v. - i using It. he was greatly Improve 1 and "ir Kittles euril her" Hart's Iirugstor.. Ithol.. Island limits silt .m-il.lles to tw-lve m I -s in hour I'pib.iMv I: d. -s n -I wan: th.-in to leave the a:ute Ibi- h H -r aid- Mrs T nrl-lllomm. ..f Parshalhlll -. Ml, h . was 'rouhb-d wl h salt rheum for hlrf -i vears and hi t tr ed a number f do lors w't'i.uit "ll-f After two an- pMeul.ns .f M inm-r Stive, her turn Is b-e.ini - b ''er and In a short tlm- she n.n ent'r-lv cure 1. Jteviare of subsil- ii'i s It i-t a lirugs ore It will CO e only J'.insil un i M s -1 on r v S -n-o.p -rtunliy i . en Ig-Hlds "l.--o t-i 'ak - I vv i v fr on h -r in I lin.'iu ice i ! J nulla! y oi-l l-I b T"T iW.VKS NMIIT At.AHM. i it'i my hr-eh r s b iby w is br-ch i'i"i wl'h cr nip," wro.-s es. J. c '.I l-T. -.f I-: !!' ':i b n Ky ' It s -ni d 'i ul I s rinirl- before we could k' 1 . -o-, ,. . u i:iv" It llr King's N'. vv ' .- ,: tv vv1-! "i n'll k r-'l- f and "' I 1 fi le .-II ' -d it W- at'.viys l(.-eii 'n h ii.. m pr '..- o,,r ,-hll Ir-n '-ofn rr nifi nn iviiioi' in; . oiiirh It nr.-1 in- a cbr in'.- br..n. b il tcvibl 'b't ni n'h'T re'tie Iv would r-le,e" itifill '.!.. 'or c'urtis, e l is, thr.eit .nd lung rmbl.-s and $1 '. Tr!illet- tl i 'r - a: lli'fs drn-s ore Th" Ch ict i. v Indians have a r-s .lull hi cm l-mtiiiig .itiir hy Th s shows the -.l Ini m-M .st outfit what a red shoull be I I -nyer I'cpullll. an. A DME" M YSTEIIY It Is a mys'er,- why women endure t -I' kache. h -adiche. nerv msneis. sleep-I-ssik-ss. fiielin h. y falnMng and d'Jiv splls wh'n thousands hnve pnive I thai Kleetrlc Hltt -rs will ptlckly cure mch tri'ibl-a "I sufTerel for year, with kidney trouble," A-rltes Mrs Pheho Cherl.-y, of Peterson, 1 1., "and a liiuie hick pain-1 me so I could not drcs invs-lf hut Electric n'ttors wholly cur- a m n,l nfK,,l.rk 71 . - nl.l f tl.,.u am able to do al mv hous-work " It , nver-oniiis oonstlpitlon. Improve appe tlte, gives perfert health. on'y Me at Hart a Drugstore. It might not ne a bud Idea lo i-nlnnlx' all anarchists In mid-ocean, provide them with plenty of dynamite and bt them work out th.-lr own Idms - Washington Star. BHR DIDN'T WEAR A MASK. Ilut her beauty was completely hidden hy sons, blot-hes and pimples till she used Ilucklen's Arnica Halve. Then ihey vnnlsh-xl as will all eruptions, fever sores, bolls, ulcers, rartiunol-s and f'l nns from lis use. Infallible for 'tits, cons, burns, ncalds and plies Cure giinran'".-!. 2f,c at Hart's Drugsore. Kansis has appropriated $.VK0 for the ex'ermlnillon of prilrle dogs. A belter plan w mid Ik- to declare them gam nnd prohibit their slnughlcr. Minneap olis Times, A nev-r falling cure for cuts, bums, scalds, ulcers wounds and wires Is Ie Wlft's Wllch Halves. A most soothing and healthy remedy for all skin nff-etl -ins. Ar-ept only the genu ine CHAH ROO ICRS, Druggist. Though President IUos-vet Is epok- en of as a "young" man, he Is i-igh'-cti years older than was t he y -mng r Pitt was when h- ent-r ., Ihe cbinei; eight y-ars older than Nap. -Icon wh-n he wus mad PrHl eotinl foe life, and older than rr-ierick the (irem when he nva .-d Hlbsla or firant wh -n h- took VI. ks- I nurg Don't wait until you become chronic ally constipated but take D-Wltt's Lit tle Rnrly Risers now and then. They will kern vour liver and bowels In good order. Kasy to tnke. Safe pills. CHAS. ROOKRS, Druggist. GO EAST VIA SHORTEST flNO QUICKEST LINE TO iSl.'aul.I)lllulll,Mllllli'Hinlh.l'tlk'tlO' and All Points 'lis:. tiiuvh- timi- mn 1,""' TIIAIN8, Y st TIMI.. rr.n VU'K AVU HCKNKItY I'N- ByrALKI). Through 1'sUc and Tourist 'Irepsts, tuning snt liuffst Hiuok n i UbraMy Cr. 1 Tlckela to points Kast VU I" 'rtUnd nil. I the Ureal Nerihorti Hy . oil ls , o, u, a N. Tl.ksl vim.. Anuria, r ilrei .Northern Tlcksi VHTUa i 111 rillMl) 5IKIitil. , IVltTIVNlV K-r rla. foldsrs ami full Infumullon regarding Kaatrrn trip, call in . r . drest A II i" IMlNSIST'iS. Olty Taaa. and T:ckt Agsnt. .iriland ,-aN a L) JCL1S4 wl I WW I l'r pel. Klflh and Ix-ava I I Strieta Arrive i H er land Kxpresa Trains for Salem, ll.iarburg. Ash land. Sacramento. SO i.lll I'Kdell. Man Krttll- 9 li a m i-lstti, Mojave, less Atigrlr. Ml I'aao. S 30 s in New urlrana and ' no p m th Kaal. At Wiwdhurn (dally except Hun ilv). mornlrjc tram ounnevta witii train for Mt. An gei. Hllvrrton. Il r o w n v 1 1 I e, Hprlngnrlil. and Natron, and sven lug train for Mt. Angel and Sllvsr ton. 117. a ni f orvallis panen- -ISMpm er. i W p ml Sheridan pasarn- l Ka m I ger. l'ilr 1 Imily eieept Hunday Kcbate ticket un sale b-tween Port land. Snerniiiento and Han Francisco Net rates II 7 first class and 111 aeeond ciiisa. Ilicludlng aleefMpr. Itut'-a and tl. keta to Kaatern points nnd lluroie Also Japan. China. Hono lulu and Australia Can tie obtained from J It klrklnnd. Tbket Agent 3 Third Street. j j m St I . .., Ml :l 1 of,, Sun Isiv ' l! 3.'i, j .0 ;'n. vwiim.i. divisMN I'SS.el:- -.- i.'.,i; f.Mt .if J (Te Is-ive f uswm i dally at T ,i in i: .1'. i v., j i is. II l l P til . ft I 9 ii p III. Iv A-r v e .at P uol ind dal'y '.a a hi ; 1 -tl, J li. ' ; (o pi i u, , i; to a , ,,iv ..T,.t M ni lav s tn and l'1 .'i n. tu. on Sun da), tea-.,- fo I i V a: 3' Dallas .la. Iy ,- li m. Arrive n: ft Sun P.irtlan I at i 5i a m Pass-ng-r train leaves I 'all is f-.r A..'! .. Moll lays. Wednesdays and Fri livs m 4'. p in Ketitrns Tu-sdays, Tbuisd.iva and Satur.js fx "pi Suolttv I! Ki HUH. lilt. Manager C II M A UK II AM. icti. Fri, and l'a' Agl. Il Travel UXURIOUS ! Th, "N irthweatern Llml'.-d" trains, e.i-trlc lighted throughou', both Inside und out. and steam heated. ar with out exception, the fin', trains In th world. They embody the Istest, rsw'st and best ideas f ir mmfiirt, convenln- and luxury ever offered th travailing, nubile, and altogether are Hit meal c"'n',l"!r. "'lr,,dl11 Produrllon of th leaf builders' art. Tlieaw Splendia Trains Connect With The Great Northern The Northern Pacific and The Ca pad Ian Pacific AT ST. PAWL KOIl CHICAGO and the CAST. No xlra cliargs fr thts suptrlor acomnindutintis and all ilaaass of tick els are available for passtgs en tht trains oa 'his line are prole-t-'d by tht Interlocking Block System. W. II. M 10 A D, II. I HI8LI3H. (Jenoral Agent. Travsllng A'l. Portland, Oregon. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. iThH ,)rwpilraf n ronturm all of the I d, t , (, H klinle if I'M I to riire. J t hi oWH yoll It. (! , ull ! tho food you W.'lllt. 'J Im Itlimt Hi'lWlllVO I BlOlllili'liH can tilki! It. Jty llmiM) IllUtiy i thousands of (lysiicpt Ir Imvo Inton cured lifter pvoryt ItlniJ I'lnfi failwl. Jt U uricitialli (l for ullHioiiiach troubles, It can't help but do you good Prepared only by H.n, irWirriC..ciilcao Tliell.bitllecoiiiiiliisZ llniea For Bale by CHAH. R00ER9, Druggist. ASTORIA AND , COLUMBIA KIVIR IUILR0.D. IKAVk IHII1IAMI Asaut Sills III I I'.'lllilllil I'll ,ut i, i. III III tin . ik li in lo t A'h'i slid War II ID u m I I'olnl. A s l um A t.i K r liiitlsinl . nd w.y , 1 1 W a in il I ii, j I'niuls luaiiiiii si. V-IPt PIVIsliiN "Spsm- f"r W llftelilnii, II O S III j OI I I -II Mill!,,. - II p - I lUlliHinll I rtll'l Ailillla I f m a tu I l III I 'Ii' f. a lit I f. n In j eail.lelio W .In lit. iii, ( , '' f'v ni si p to i i isis1, iisiniii 'iiii, .-un i . in p m urn. m I -i.o.o iii. i anuria I v ft m Huii.Uiy only. All Irsli a llinks 1 1 oao rmiU'Cllon t ll.ible with aM Northsrn rclfl,i trains in n, from t lio I'aai and Hounl pxni, J. l M A t O, llen'l Treiglil Slid raanjor Agsill. ..Forlland Astoria fyuto. STR. "TAHOMA." Pally Hound Trips fUctpt Hunday. TlMt CAHO Leave I' .rllaiid I.eav Astoria . 7 a. in. ,.T p m. The Dalles Boat STR'BAILEYGATZERT." Il.(,iri! pot lanl. The ialle( and T Points. TlMt CAHO le-avea I'ottlaii.l, Tuesdays, Thuradayi and rta irdaia at 7 a m. Arrives Tim iMlba the same day J p ra. Is ve T;, I'ailes, Huiidayi, W inea- ilavs an! Fr.daya at a m. Atr vra I' .rtHu l. aam day, p. nt. Thla r oi: has I tie g-anel ,-eii c at tra. tl ! ,m nrth Mi'lllig Foot of Alder aireet Hot). Tlu'tie, Main Jil. A J TAVIsHl At. AslorU JnllN M nt.l.'HiN Agl. The Palles. I'ltvrillllt IIAH.NKd. Alls 114 It.yer Wiil.lMHIi tt WTKItM. Afta Whit Halm m. 3 C W V ATT Aft Vsnvnuver 11 W crtlCUTON. At Portland. OREGON Shot line an0 Union Pacific ,TIMll Si HKt- II.HH i Fr on I'o, tlaml I'-p-rl Arrlis ' h ' tn t I' -r-lan I al '' "' a m. v ' """'t .rnttoii V ant e I'tl.resa '-' P in iv ill unt . "'al; .ke. tiriivtr, Kt Worth, niua ha, luieai I'lty J.) p m. Hi I.oti.a, i tiK'At ' ant I last Halt I. ike. Deliver Kl, Worth, inna ha. Kansas ri:y. a 4 m H' le u s. i h eg ' and llan' Wall! " Walla" , nut oil. Hl'-i-k m- M lineup I:, X' Pain. Du nth ; po m M l ink -e, n,. rag i all I Past 'luit.-n H- Paul I i' mail il p in. i a M, 'lane bouts fr in p. r land I i ('Mcacsi I'ti.llige ,,f i-ar,. " i: ami itivint scniiDnj': - Pr un Astoria I A II sailing date-: i subject to change I Kor ."an Pran. la.j ; ro urty five days C ilunihia Itlver 4 a, ni. , Ti Portland and' xc. ' Way Iindlnga. ! Monday 7 a in Da lv et. i-ept Hun. Hi tide .mi r I lllv N.ihe-.tta l.-avn Astoria on i-xeept Minday. for Ilwaon. ciiii.-cting there with trains for leWi Ilea, b Tioga nn North I leach P'llsls. Itetiitiiliig arrives at Asl .rla same even lug 1 1 W. i.orNsiiKitrtr, Age"i. Astoria. A I CItAin, 'l.sienii PnsseIK.r Agent, Portland. Oregon. A FEW INTERESTING FACTS When le.ipi nre conlempl itlng a trip, wlit'ilier on business or pleasure, they naturally want lite best ssrvlca; obimnahl,. tar nn speed, c.mfort and W SIONHIN (MONTIIAL LINKS art paid to Sitv,, t, )ub0 nJ Mr traln, are operated , ft, , m.ihi close con llectlotu with dlvervlnir II.. - .11 Junction points. 1 ullman Palace Sleeping nnj chair Cars on (hrougn trains. Dining car service unrx.Dlled, Meals served a la carte. In order to olnnln the nrst-class str vice, ask lb,, ticket agent to sell vou a ticket over The Wisconsin Central Lines and you will m.ike direct connections nt St. I nil for Chicago, Milwaukee, nnd all nolnts Cast. For any further Infortnithn "all on anv ticket ngenl, r correspond with JAfl, C. POND, nen. Pass. Ag't. or JA3. A. CIx'K, Milwaukee. Wit. Hen-mi Agent, TUB CIIICAnii A NORTH wrcsTicrtN HAILWAT.