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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1901)
rjcvuoK!' k"i Infccn I'io:.' -ASTORIA PUBUC U8BART ASSOCiATT . .' .', mi! df 'Mi :i bu liable to pr03' ifinPwt mr 01 VOL, MV ASTOKIA. OIUKON, TI.'LSDAY, (X.TOHKK 2!). 1!K)I. ECLIPSE HARDWARE CO, Plumbers and Steamfitters HOLH ACIHINTH I OU S27 BOND School Books Supplies MAKE YOU! EXCHANGES NOW GRIFFIN & REED, Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR. FEED, PROVISIONS. TOBACCO AND CICARS Supplies of nil kin!.mt low-ret ntttf. fr linlicnni'ii, Kuriiicni Mini l4grr. A. Vi AllwEN, Tcoth iiflil CnmmcjvlBNtrctt .11 1"! . fif Xt;'.S THE PALACE COMMERCIAL ST " LcHt You PorKCt." WHITE HOUSE COFFEE and UPTON TEA at Fisher Brothers' We Rent New Typewriters. Vi23Nu Many new improvement., lidded. .VjriSV S,H' 'ur Ia,tiit " ffe'f ir No. 2 Smith Premier Typewriter New Art Catalogue Krt . . . c. R Commission. Brokerage. Cu,lom Ho,,M Brok-' . ASTORIA, ORE osurance an 1 Shipping. A.w. .4oo-adPifloiuiiMoo.. SIPERIOR STEEL RANGES STRI2RT COM.MI.KCUI. ST.. ASIOHIA, OKI'. CAUTION ! IW re ynu buy alove or range lanitno ll Royal Charter Oak llcfler work. ! ful "J la lr. ant In: longer. Prices reasonable. W. J. Scully, ji BOND STKIIET, Between Ninth and Tenth finest Restaurant in the City Ki'uliir .Moms oi'tius Sumlay Pinner n Spociulty IKUS W.W. Whipple L- M. ALEXANDER & CO. KxoIiihivo 1 'noitle Ousst Dealers 2-lfl Ninrk St., Portland, Ore, V W, M'KKUllNIE. l ixnl Agent. DEATH PENALTY METED OUT TO LEON CZOLGOSZ With Astounding Bravado the Mur derer of President TlcKinley Expiates His Crime. Walked Unflinchingly to the Death Chnmber, and, Sitting In the Chair, Declared He Wan Not Sorry-Ills Only Refcrtt Was That He Had Not Seen His Father. AfltfltS. N V. t :''. l A M-Wl:h true iinn-h.i'lc traval, V iIk iux. :ny-r "t lr.-!.-n t William M. Kmiiy. auff'-rix) the il'-ath i' ii il!) al tli .(iite piiltrntlary h re thla munilnK- Th'inf wtu i' that !) iria tiit-r mltl t":luMe 'T,. M lly In emir, f ir '.he inur l' rer nr-t d.-ath untl lirlllll!'. Wli-n tin- l.uh ltii.iliy w iti r..a,l t , the imanner Ua: n'Kht In- di.;U cj n . nil nl 1:1, llan-ii ni iirfiit ly uU't't'-r ent-d a the f irlii.illly wan K me thr mii.i w:ih It." r.t; il.i.e -in "iilfr liar the n,n e 1 to Ue 'lellf that the ( .r-ili-at iull rult :n h- T" -ration, but he w:n-d coniiilet-ly ftltpn-j. tfh inly af'er 7 n't'l n'k th'ji m 'fnina; the t u-r waa ir iar-. fr tne man ii n ihf .1. at h chiiiniit-r. Ite a:k"l lietwfn the iruurda with a att-ajy uteji, an J rvvii the irewm of the di-ully trli- chair ltd n i: i-in t i nnM'r.t h!,,, unhrn.tatinKiy t 'k hi eit wh'n tl.r l'l t i i llf .( !imiii tr4id tlrf i mailt a ,ri-f utatenent. He 'aid that he a ii. it ! rr f'ir iat ht- had done, hut exjirvm-l r-K;el that hr hal im: ami hi f.i'.i'T 'jef .r.- h i V- ith Tw liatt-nieni u aa mii-le In a auTrli!ntf;y 4tm in"' r anl the few pram "f!l:,i!a h wer" ITfiu-nt tJ ar'.iun ltd ii :h" ojw i.n' ! I. manlier. He a.'tne 1 tn nave thuriuifhly a'h-.iil liiiii.-lr t i liia fa'.e and manlfn:e I tile aune at ileal jn Jiff-rfiire that, with fX. ftH.tii, rh i.-i. ti-r.r d his ai tl ni alnre th- day he st i'p. d u; tn j-i-Ue "i.- tiimtieti-li" I hand of a iiatlmia ruler. N t one word of r'tf'ft came frum th- I t.ini.-i in m'-, li.. t-x,N-iit that h; father had not vllte! hltn; as he had 1 t- anari hlat. i he dej At " I.' J", til- nm.iMin havmit levn atr4pei ,n the chair, the current 'ac turni I m and ivon ,i,ilii'a' ami lied. niarkln the ole of the la.: chapter '" ot f th- iii'-at '.'rrible of all national drama". UNA!. Hiil'ltel i V TIIK AGASSIS' j t'xolct.i Waa Su.l.-n and KefiM-l to; Ciiineiw,. Wt:h the AfllfliN. N V. iKt. IS-Ttie t,oiy 1 of le-Mi !.- ail) not be pm Hed from Au'iiun Sine-: lliiui lent of Slate 1 Pr aoi.s Coll. us mid Meal.-, aft- : ler li.mrs nf c n:r very with' lotlier. u.v e I , .ii iihM.iilng fr nn him reitnn 'ilsh'iieiit uf the family claim ' rt.'H'll the ex vuliolier shall have finish- I .ti hi a w.i-k. j Coll. ns afuur Waiiltvk Cioig.1 that i he and the f iml'.y could attend the fun- ral, that ttvy u 1 1 Ik' pml vied and I that the body would Ik. given decent burial- Cxolgong aiiff-r. d a slight nervoua at- 1 1. k laie th.s but the I'rls- j m orhvuls did n n i.g.nd it tu the hght of a breakdiA'n and atlhercU lo the h Uef thit ae will g unfalteringly to his death. tr. Charles f. M.-Iv.imld and the prison physician, derwlti, vlsltfd the cell at ti o'cl.H'k Thw found the pris oner suffering from extreme nervous- Hol'KFl'L PHKUNU PltKVAILS. Washington Oltlclata H .leve Mim Stone Wlil Soon Ho Uesxucd. WAS!IINt?iN. IVt. State de partment olllclals are more aungulno than they have been of late ns to the siiivcssfnl outcome of the efforts being put forth In b.'h.ilf of Miss Stone. So far they have not sueeedi'd In cstali. Iislilng coiiiniiinlc.itioii with the kid napers but the rcort nvclved from !l'ncer Kddy. at Constantinople, and lr. plcklnson. at Sofia, encourage the Mlef thai they are alitnit at the point where direct negotiations can be open el with the brigands. I. KPT WITH t'NlTKO STATION. Will He Sole Oil ir.intor of Neutraliza tion of Canal. N I0W VO;K, ta,t. 2S. According to ll.e I'ar.s c onsp nd'tu ,,f the 11. raid, (he Fig.iiM fitihlishcji a dispatch from Us London correspondent, stating Hint the new treaty which la to be sub mitted to the senate as the result of ihe conferi'ti -e .if Mr. Ch.ute .and Lords l.insdowne and Pauneofot' to take the place of the Clayton-llulwer tc-aty, provld 's that the fnlted states will be ihe sl,. guarantor of the prlncipl1' of the neiitralliailon of the canal and rec ognises the right of the I'nitcd State to fortify the ctinnl. The stipulailo-m of the new treaty will apply not only to the Nicaragua canal, but to all oth er canals taken up by the I'nlteJ States. CAST 110 ELECTED. NEW YORK. Oct. 2S.-A dlsixitch an nouncing the election ef Ftvsldent Cas tro, of Venezuela, who has been the provisional president for a year, has been received at the Venexuelan consu late In this city. ms tht ma:i!f.:ed itsdf In dilate! ey. and tlio free flowing of perspira tion. Wh-n :h 'j- flnlhed examination thee prisoii..r turned sullenly from th.-m and retired to the -irner of t.i ceil, refusing to talk. They gave him no treatment and ere of the opinion that while he waa very nervous ie J;j not .(how any siirns of ntwolute col l.ipse. The approach if death seemed to awa'cen no greater c-inH'iousnei ,f his p is :ion. He again turned hln back u. n th" pries: who raie t urge hiin to eonf.'sa and recant und nu unde molistrHttve In the presence of thoK nj his kin who came to say the la: fare well to him. Ci 'lu -ji will be dressed in a very simtilc manner for execution. A vair of black trousvu. gray shir! and t":r of gray aioss cMinpleting the outtlt. He will wear no under garments and no shoe. The left leg of the trouers will be ..lit at the bottom lo permit the free adjustment of the electrode, and the ahlrt will be open at the neck so that the doctors con take the heart count If there ahould be any after the curr.-nt has passed through the body. 81'P.IBMB ColKT DI3CISION. I'ase Involving Insurance Policy After Date of Grace Expires. WASHINGTON, O-t. 2S. Only one Kvlslon was rendered In the supreme court today. The case involved the iuestl ns a 'to whteher an Insurance policy goes Into effec-t on the date of application for It or when the policy is delivered. In this Instance application was made lVvembt'r 2, ISM." und the policy was delivered lv mb-r 26, lSt'3, when the premium was jald. Provision was made for grace of one month later In the matter of payment of the sevond policy. The holder d ed January IS. IM'i'i, six days after the expiration of the month of grace, If It was computed from December 12 or eight days In-fore the expiration, computing from the an- ! nlversiiry of the delivery of the pre mium. The supreme court decldeM that ! grace began only ufter the delivery of ; the premium, thus holding the policy i to be good. I MILLION DOLLAR FRUAD. illunilrels of People Throughout the Country Contributed to Coffers, BOSTON, Oct. 2S. In connection with j w hat the United States marshal's office . declare to lie one of the biggest frauds j they ever had to deal with In this city, members of the firm of J. C. Fisher & Co., brokers, were arrested today on a charge of using the United States muils In a scheme to dofraud. It Is alleged that ll.OOu.eoo has bee-n taken from the i public since January 1, 1900. j The method of the Ann Is said by the I authorities to have been very simple. People all over the country-. It is al leged, were wdten to and told what excellent chances there were to Invest muni;, and that large return could be xpnt'd, Pool were f irnvd, and th m li-almua of getting ru h qui' kiy were Invlt-.l to rr-tnit. A'tr t' or thr --!.. It In mii'l, Invest n would he advlaerj that a pool had ti-n formed 'in a wll-fcn wn stock, an ) that a. the iU itti'in had gin it mn the margin t..i I ti-i-n swept avray. and that mure money win n"n-ry Immediately tn ir-l r tn ave th t'.k. Aftter havltiK im: In two nr thr ilmi :h firlK'.nal mniirit, irn? Invnt'ir Iri-ame up l nw anl rill'! he attrntl in of n g. th rltl.-f to the matter. NKfilt' f. A SL'KFBH AT HANDS or WHITES. Three s-gnn at Amliy City. hx.. Pu: to Deail by an Avcnglnj Crowd. NTW OKLKAN9, Oft. !V-Tne pica-yun'-a, Amlta Cliy, La., aptclal aaya: Tire, white m'Ti and II nKr.e have le-t-n kill-d In a raie riot In Wuhlnrf-t'-n laruh, The a.,ene of the truVe ia at or near Ralll urn. mh'-ra a Ti. r, aa burnel luat -!( f,,r criminally 4aulting white wiman. Tnla a n it the iau'e, honeivr. of the murders yinlerdjy. At 3 n't Im k thla m irnlnif a p e left rr.uik!.n! in for the m-ne '.f battle. Tne troulile iws urr! at a neitro camp nift t.iiit and the nrlftln, a near as can Ii- a -'rtalned. was aa f ill iwa: 'ir r lyt'l. a nesr , w aa running a lefr'ai'itntn: gtand and th cntaMe, a i i te man, n.'ime not given, went to d m a-d arki-i) f r his license. He had ii .lie and h--ame Impuil'-nt, cursinn the ' imp? i... and defying him. Th- confta wl'h !r-w and returned with ev. tnl white men, when Litt fired Into h epiwd. klillna; Jo Heila and Char!"; I ITliott. The wh.te m -n reiurneil the jfire and killed Ieitt. Then a Negro I pn a h.r. named Connelly, ru'hed out I f h uae with a gun In hl hand and n k.lli-l Hia daughter 'J B'o killed. The shooting which folioA-hl an other white man waa kdied, H. Thomp son wounded, and seven or e'ght re-grx-s killed. Haiitown la about 21 mll.'s frin Frarikl.ntun in a acauerllngly settl'd section. It la almost entirely cut off fr mi the world. ! TALK CRBW GETTIN'O KEADY. Tiir r Cr-ws Will at One Begin Prac tice for Ciming Tear. NEW HAVEN, Conn.. On. 2S The Yale varsity oarsmen will meet Captain Ph. I Ku.'izig today and begin their training for the coming year. The !!an for the work this fall will he to form tare- crew, which will b-? kept t-wrng until college closes for the hM'diys. After the holidays :he oarsmen w ill rent until February I, when they will be railed t.ig-'tner again for tank prac tice. Ir. Kennedy and Captain Kun i g will d.rect the coaching this fall. BOYCOTT WOlTaD BE HARMFCL. P.-opwed Action Against British Com merce D 'es Not Meet Pavor. . NEW YORK. Oct. JS -The Brussels correnpsindcnt of the London Tim?s and the New York Tlmes saj-a the agiU tlon am ng the Dutch Workmen's As sociation In favot of boycotting British commerce haa succeeded in arousina a certain arrwunt of notice In the Dutch and Belgian press. It la generally admitted that an at tempt to boycott British vessels at Rot terdam would mean ruin for local In terests. RUSSIA'S G03D SHOWING. NEW YORK. Oct. 2S.-The St. Peters burv eerrcspondent of the London and New York Times, commenting upon the customs returns, savs it U inter esting to ivi iha: while Russia import ed from the t'nlted Stales In the first half f this year goads valued at 22. ;?7.'.W roubles, the value of the ;etum trad ', consisting almost entirely of su gar, is ef:imat-i at only 2.2t7,W0 rou nl J. NEW WITNESSES FOUND. NEW YORK, Oct. 2S Two new wit nesses have been f und by the prose cution in the ewe against Lawyer Al i.Mt T. Pit riclt. charged with the mur der of William Marsh Rice. The dis trict attorney ictus's to give their name-', but that they will corroborate the testinio.iy of Valet JoneJ is no: de nied. ON EQUAL BASIS. HELENA. Mont.. Oct. 2S.-The su preme court today handed down a de cision Involving the question of the pur chase of state supplies manufactured by non-union labor. Under tthe decis ion, the bids of non-union firms will have the same consideration as union. FAILED TO REGISTER. COLUMBUS, Oct. 28. Returns from the four large cities In the state. Cin cinnati, Cleveland, Toledo and Colum bus, show a falling oft from registra tion of a year ago of 28,137, and a g'ain of 6170 over two years ago. SCHLEY CLOSELY CROSS EXAMINED Lcmlcy Fails to Shake the Ad. miral's Testimony. GOOD WORK OF BROOKLYN Strvea Thirty-Six Per Ceil l Hid Ika Ek tni ttcthti Sttcaty Per Ceit at Hits Fraej the Spat 111 Skip. WASHINGTON, rt. 28.-Th cross xam.aititm 'A Admiral Schley began today before the WUrl d inquiry and hiirJJIy m..r than a third of the ground waa covered when court adjourned. When Schley concludes tomorrow two ither witn1; will be called In his be half, Admiral Barker and Captain Bor ln. The latter was officer of the marine ?orpii aboard the Brooklyn. The Judge advoea.e will then call wit. nesse4 ;n rebuttal, of whom there are und"rst xl to be more than 15, and it la pr ibabte that 8chly"a dunse! will call wltneas-s ,'n rebuttal. Nothing sensational occurred today and the only outburst In court oc curred when Raynor, Schley's counsel, objected to the 1'ne of Inquiry of Judge Advoctati I-emiey. deigned to criticise Schley's alleged failure to firmulUe a plan of battle, with the declaration that as Sjmpsm was l.n command his Jun ior had no r.ght to plan the order of battle. Schley onclud.-d his direct examina tion, which continued only about ten minutes ifter court convened this nr.rning. with the statement of the ef fect of the fire of the respective fleets at Santiagj. showing that it per cent of the hits suffered by the enemy were scored by the Brooklyn' five-Inch gun while his ship received TO per cent of the hits from the Spanish ships. Lem ley's cross examination was very searching. Schley, however, appeared to be unruffled throughout the exami nation, frankly admitting on several occasions that he could not remember little details after the lapse of three years. Judge Advocate Lemley In his cross examination dwelt upon the Interview between Sampson and Schley at Key West before the departure of the flying s.uadron. at which the latter testified that Samps'm instructed him not to ex. Pose the ships to the shore batteries until the Spanish fleet had been de stroyed. On the fact that Schley is fuel no written order of the battle; on the question of roaltng off Cienfuegoe, and the s:eps Schley tojk there to as certain the presence of the Spanish tleet. He was cross examining the wit ness upon matters connected with the cruise of the squadron from CtenfuegoJ to Santiago when court adjourned. WILLIAM GETTrNG MAD. Will Smisn Everything to Pieces If No Commercial Treaties Are Nego tiated. BERLIN, Oct. 21 The German press is discussing in a lively fashion the folio .ving utterance attributed to Em peror William: "If no commercial treaties are nego tiated. I shall smash everything to pieces." RELATIONS WERE STRAINED. Commander of Allies and French Gen eral at Outs in Chinese War. NEW YORK, Oct. 2S.-The Paris Ma tin, says the Paris correspondent of the London Times and New York Times, publishes three letters written by Gen eral Voyron. who commanded the French force In China, to Field Marshal Count Von Waldersee. The letters show" iuvtv strained, during the entire period of for-!5n occupation, were the rela tions between the French general and the commander-in-chief of the allies. iiT) lip Makes delicious hot biscuit, rolls, crusts, griddle cakes and muffins. A cream of tartar powder, absolutely pure. pt'u t.w:N3 r.i.var'" The publication, remarks the corrs Mndent, to Ignlflcant, because It mul be by the consent of GnTftl Voyron or some authorised colleague of that g neral. Th first letter upholds tb French right to protect Catholic mis sion, which Count Von Waldersea con tested. The second letter, replying to i tii field marshal's prottots against the numerous French flag! run uo o-tween Pekln and Pao Ting Tu. oays that h French ocqupitton does not exciu other powers except where French, rights are exclusive. The third totter crltlciaes Waldertea'l tchem for or ganising the government of Pkli. . I VENEZUELAN AaTAriU YSHJ SATISFACTORY Condition of tbe Country Remain Nor mal Despite Outward In fluences. WASHINGTON. Oct. S.-Mall ad vices, up to October 15. were received today by Senor Pulklo, the Veneiueiaa charge Here. Edward Blanco, minister of for-lgn affaires, reported chat affair are tranquil there and the condition of the country normal. The sltuaUca on the Tachiri frontier, where the armies of Columbia and Venezuela are facing each other continue one of expectancy. The economic condition of the country is reported good, though awaiting ani mation that will follow the movement of the coffee crop. SHOL'P RESIGNS. SALT LAKE, Oct. 28. A apecUl to the Tribune from Boise, Idaho, says: Ex-Senator 8houp has resigned as an Idaho menber of the Republican na tional committee. A meeting of the state Repuollcan committee has been c-alled for the purpose of recommefl fl ing lbs appointment of a successor to Shoup. TO ADJUST CLAIMS. WASHINGTON. Oct. 28. As a quick, way of adjusting the claims of a small number of American citizens who were deported from South Africa and the Transvaal as a military necessity, the British government ha offered to Pay a lump sum of J30.000 over to the state, department, which will distribute the money among the claimants. The proposition will probably be accepted. OREGON'S INDUSTRIES. WASHINGTON, Oct. 2S.-The cen sus bureau today issued a report on manufacturers of Oregon. It shows for liwO a total of 30t3 establishments, ag gregating a capital of $33,423,333. The capital Increased four per cent sine. 1S and production value Increased 11 per cent. ENTOMBED MINER RESCUED. SALT LAKE. Oct. 25. After be;ng entombed In a mine at Bingham. Utan. fur sixty-one hours, Charles Nutting was taken out today, alive but very weak. One other man, Wm. Anderson, is still In the mine. There Is no hope, of finding him alive. THREE SOLDIERS KILLED. BRUSSELS, Oct. 28 A conflict has taken place between soldiers belonging the to garrison of Fort Waeslen near Babtnaa and neighboring peasants, the latter, armed with spades and Pitch forka, reputed the soldiers, killed three and wounding a number ot them. SERIOUS GUN EXPLOSION. LEAVEN WORTH, Kas., Oct. 28. By the expt.igion of a Colt's automatic fir ing gun at Port Leavenworth today. Captain Menoher and five men of the T.venty-eijhth battery of field artillery were wounded, three severely. MARINE MATTERS DISCUSSED. PARIS. Oct. 2S.-Tne chamber oC dep uties today began the discussion of the ministerial project aiming at the revls al, by means of subsidies, of declining French merchant marine. PRICE OF SILVER. NEW TO-IK, Oct. 23. Silver. 57VI. ex,