THE MORNING ASTOKIAN. St'NDAY, (XTOIIEK 27. 1901 WANT SOME u iimnun for breakfast, lu ) . ti- ii". V mn g v vmi "iti" Viilu itild III Die uillnaiy depiirtlti' III lit I lin "iiv'n vmi Hiiik mi l money unit i - ndli ROSS, IIKiCJINS 6c CO. W A ' Uilifitilir The Morning Astorian TICLKPIIONK Ml. All cimtiiKli (or nJvcrtiiniiK In the Aalmliiii iit' iniulc on tt Riuir miiI (if clrculiilloii four times liHr t lia ii I Iml of iiny piipcr piibllnlu'j or diciiliiUJ In Out op ciimily. TolUY'rt WKATIIKH IN'IITI.A VI i, net, Washington, (in go .if mil I 1. 1 Ii.i, ,lown", . ilir, . i-', neat the mml H.ut'ierly AKOUNI) TOWN. N'w ( -od every lay at ths -ummafs I :o Uur"! i:im..r A Co., I'Iikii Ml Whl , 'Hi. Hi1, All) Cul, Miln Ml. f,.r fmnlly uw. I"j:i iii homo 'mluttry n I buy yur frr, t i).!.n' ri : 1 1 1m t'l.iiiiBt, i Iri, an m r1 ur il. r at tno ruinmign me. full main Ml f"t ymir c! tiiir Ntrttl. ()rlr pr D.p-ly nllrj ".-iu mii Itlnlne Hun . (1 '.iiiiiKr.'Ul trl. Uurnti Tnko I v-k l lli. well r ami r v.ii at (! .ii'. Iianr li.., lt"u for rnl iirr AIJrliro"k .'tiool b.ii niiiro a J iiuiikHi lima. alxr. (ho iv. l.tctil tirt.r li ' f-r j -tk. Ttii" flnt-i-liiM bar. ui-t lr r Jil nr .vl, of i km.1, cheap al ; lir V. k.ituiiu lUii-pr. :4 Oommer.-lal Irrcl. ".'ni", Ju.t l.i what fie laijlm .ao f .r ! l llto tuimnif al-4?.; t'..iiiMi-.r'll Kt. N. Ot'l I. I! I'tnp I.. .m. i'a: y 'ur winter a up 'i liotie Ml EI in rr & Tor r ' Thre r r ' - -1 1 s f..r h"it' Ill 115 T'll II . f ur' I g. lli fllfle I r '.It., I ren:- Tn r 011 ti a .ii:- t a'r.-l. ftl Ih'tl ..ftl'-e r'nl-allv I" ..v -.l-l.e l-'.iinl'v -. .-! . !ll . 'Ml! ) 1 .1 ii . pr mio r Ii ii- he T-ke l.!ii! .. v till I nl the T k.' I h me .'.'41 ,.1 . ....l r -I t .'!l K. l!i. T lit 4 : I' II.- II t.i.t.-k. 1 " v tl '1 J- v l "I ""I trv . I t f f .1 1 Suilix.wi." t!i. nit'it: 5-. enl . l: .'II flu Ilofk.-: S.'I'l rl eryit li.-i 1'ie.nii I'utp i) . iLhtim i tin. tthi-ky. T!ie only ut n',l.. an: I ilrh an.l ,ii''lo,v. JOHN 1. I'Altli'N. t.. An "it. A Uri artitii'tit of m"ii'a iult.. lilrl. Ii.k', oier.'o.tln. norktlra niol li.i In v.-ry a"o t roii(lit:.n a: the ru:n imiii. n.tle-4TI-! C.uniiierolal SI. John A MontKom ry lua oiione.l a ahop at 421 non.l a'.rv: or. I U prepaiv.l to Jo all oln..- of iluinllnii un,l till i Inn al lonv't p,.ll.le ru- Ito.lyn CihiI la:a ,.n(er, Ii clean, r ami iiiak' le Iruuhl wllti alovM on4 thlmney ttiiri than any ollnr. Ororgv V. Sanborn, agfiil; lel.phme 131 Itathi for taillra at Ih, Palace Ilntha. 'rivals nitration on IJ of bullJI11. Hhop iipfn on Humlay roornlnga for hlnrii Mid bath. Pavta A Corbell. tr'jrlloni. "AK'Mita wnntcd-For IJf- of rrcal ilfit! ThfHlor,. Iloom-vvlt. Thrllllnc, II luntr.tte.1 liloKntihy of our yoiinifeat ,i,-el,lriil. Complcti' outfit inalltvl on r.-oo'.pt of 3.'ct In itliimiw. Hi- flrat In I ho field. 8. ". MIIT Cm.. I'uriland. I it. K 'it. IlKST 15-CKNT MBAL ; Bt'N .ItKSTAUHANT. RISING THE LATEST! Flexible iDd Indcslructahlr neon M t"iif ut ii-tHn'tl for public buildings, i.fll.'t', fli'valom. thiatcrrt, a:rcet car, iliuivhi'n, (Itvolllni'i. aii'fttni'rs, brirn mid IhiH'Ih. Cull and Inapoct thum tuid ymi will buy. For aula only at Fisher Bros.9 NEW IDEAS 'A a im. dinner? I'niii In mi l . uuift'M Ii.iik thin will h li y.MJ tixltl". This mat you nothtrg ntl, - aa wuriy. ' 'l l2 H Jf"j r,'l'" "'I'll'. I 'I' , . if f . 51 Flu.- rnliliiic J Ihkmii for kniiit nuking V lll'll have 10 lllirr y T III. Kill' i lot S NoVlllIlT I Hlv ii. y ur .i'l.-r at ..n. e l..iK fur krliul J"hti II III i mining f.r . nil- 'all l Fisher Itr.. ' mil ar th' lt"Hli mil In 1 'ru. taM (jiirrn in mi. '.Him Jul In and conw in l,uy, m the rummago l". 4:0-J Cinninrr.'ial Wmii'.l. ini'ii I. k rl l.y Mil Kt!rk.n. Il.iin. lo 1.1 h tiaework Apply at Hi Hlntli ir'l. Aforlt j Pi you amok'? Try a "li-nrr! Hu!- 11 !." tlm fl !- &-,i-ni -lot i r m tn market H-'l l rvrrywlur. H i r 1 1 1 1 1 Ii." f the ..nlc ihiim. w hi. h 't !. i.iir.'.'ia.r I ilio mm. II UK .ll''. ttll'.ll .!'. S'.n rllll,. r I. k, f .K.-l !. III i i' !'. I'-. nn I (I"" .! ' i f .ri'. f r iy 111"' Ml. i I'MI' H'"iii. ii , It, . to I! Caiur- t ill r .n'i. t 'li,- In In. .). , : " "f Al t in i I.- M inuf t tir I l v IV l.v ll!.l K i ii c i. flto'i KllUllr Ma- llf li ,i c nt .-. 1 1 ;i ! t Jlllir l.y I lk 11 jf llf t.l . f r i Si'iit 'i li!) .". ' ! t in i.nir-n . "it. 'I It:'- The lirrmn i .htji HI ktnrr Il'-kir'r iirr.irl ,.wii tin riirp v"ir.tav Kh" hi. Ill IT toph.-:. -f h--t. !i. k to is: Pir li. rmmi j. It. ii. e II:. kni. ri Mil l.v 4 rl.-t.iv I 'T trie I'll I... I Kit If- i..ii. stio nk'i i:i.:m i,uii-: of 1k.h :i!u-1 at ir.r'-i' Joai r.'e!vl; a u; ply of .Ww4ite mil ! Hi,, vrv t.'n: .o.vl I i t,- h.t l t- r ftiit'lv ii- I''i.. or.len now fl I '.tn r.' A i' . leVph-.n.' Ml. late Hi u ti , . nr to nur. I'r-e.'it!. f r ih- r .-Mo'iiiVr tli.ii die N '1' inU-r I . iIitl.:tr4. in. I. I n.ns. .; : !.-;im, r I '.in itf tirrli I ft in T II wo k S'io !t .ll'lt.!V I f - k 1. 1 .tn 1 f - k-. Th.. llnr v.t.-r-tik' .I a ,i iiitn ,,n .il-o -I .1 ll.-.l t f -,, J.'. '!"th k-er. I: lltilit , Il : I !t ill . I l 1!. r t r ! .-r M l.-t . V .nl -k it U "11. id , ftl ,-iit.l.' I I I! "I The ni-nti.ii;.' m'.- .Il l-on ai the ..! ! M.-.MI n - M. lM'.n II :re. Pur. Inn the i: f.'V d.iy. the "lock of l! . ..U III. I.e-ll 11 Id.'d 10. ittld tin IV pili, h.i.-r nt.iv find A ny : hin ir lie titlifti t Mil. T:iere in a lu' it aaiirtm'nt f g '. .In on hind and ir"tiu!n baiK.iina are i ff -re I liepulv ''..II . -or of t'UKl ina 1'nrker In lo Sit. -ii . .nr.'iilnn nh I'tiini.'t about the trof. d itddlll-'iml Inipiov.-tii.tit. lo ih-' mil. lie Krotin.l Th. lot la . he tlllod to tht atnvt h-v.d an I plant d wlih v lvt Kr t.a. Tito itv.rk !!! . "I ill .in cx-i,llture of flK.tlt KiV, and ll! N' fonimi'itfe-.l ImmMt ate'y. XI. J. Pa v lit. roprcaotillnif tlto o ifnr firm of J P Myr, of P-irtliiml. I In Ihe rlty from a trtp IhrouKh the Oraya harbor coiinln'- Mr- Pvl anya all the Waahlnirt-'n ..encoiml lotvita r,- pn. pcroua, tho ItinihT biiina t'laT rtlr chief In.luntiy. Mr. Ptvla ' on of Ihe old.': "knlfflf" "f th ""'l'" I'ortliind, mid hla itrrltorv I'mbrncea Ml Hie aciboiird town of Otciron and AMl.'I'a if liicorpomllo" of Amcrionn rinnl!t Woiknicn'a t'o-HTUllv,',--ill'.oit w i'iv 111.' I In I In' Clint V clerk'a otll-c yc.fldiiy. The n.wvlntl'n h;H for Ha ohJ.-t II"' higher cdimctlon and moril and a.H'lul Iniprovmcnl of the Plnniah rolili'iiti "f " '"V. nm,tiir ivhom the M'lrlt of fr.ilcrnlty In tn b pioniolcd. The liicoiponit 'ia arc Al'x Ponttlla. S.muicl lvlcia-n nnd AuKUt Thoiiipa.ui. There Ih no c iplml atock. A jtinpriac pit't.v 'a t.'n.l.tcd An-uu-t Ihinlcleon lunl nlKl't nt hla resl demtt on Konri eiilh Hlreet bv member or Ih,. KnlKiUa f l'ytlil.'a 1l,l" t,ne Slati'fH. t b.-lng Hip iwenty-flfHt utiilveiHiry of hi" Over for- ly KnlKhla nnd '' eio prcwnl. t'oiiKiiituliilory Hi'eeoheit wcrt nuulo bv llroa. Win', ll'i;:m', '"' Jti-akk.! Hd Slrttera CmlH.m ami H'-'Kman. It n, n lolly Kiilh"i!nK mul Hie vlallors nop- unite.!. wWilnit Ml- Mr 1,,,,!''U a.m many h-tpi'y n-tutin of the event. lii'lMr'ii Ij Mini M) ii-w m"iiilr wrM liiinn-l nt last n l M 1 1 ' mk"1i.( "f n" i.niK'. i.r w.ikni'Ti, in mi 'it application fur iii'iiiU'Kliln wtn n- . .. v I. org '''''' ' " 1 niiii.-r wn ric itux -r WHk'im 'ii bad of. ni.iHi r' had ii Hi'' l.rouirhl In lh Mrvaiist number ..f ui,il!. ill..ii Binl a mill' li.-i'a 'ni'lge to Hi' liH'inli'T rfc. ih.llli..l;llK '1' Ui-'-ir. Tile 'll llli- l-r' li-idg. w.i w'-'i I'V Kit chief kin" mil i ho iii.-iiiWii tiadg liv .1 HiiM!!", 1i i returned l nn1 II op- 1-! n .1 eh -nmt- l.v 1-r I', Iking- l-n. Tin- f.illow . i. or l'-it. ha Ii n e.-iHv. el III A.t r .i; "l'rllinl. H-tt S5 llmi . in I am Ik I mn 'Veld In mill ? U I kJiit J t I ' an n 'I .til in I'll- f 'In ! hit li"t. lint lo l"lt viu kilo hefor I IlltVe hl'I til.' ttt-'l llltl ! evrr lltt'l" Tlil l viditt ihe c .rr'-m.o' .. til memil ' I am k I am w...'.l In mv i I i .iiui"t aee. I iMiinot conn- lo play t -l'iy. I ha I 4 httrd t me to lot y hi know b"f -re. I im I the a. (ulri I m.. I rv.-r had " Il.c.-tin of Ih'-n et.-r rvinliiila . it t .r l.t it 'lint the T ke I'.'lnl i . rr ;.iii l.-nt )!. i I a a r. .iltll"ii 'il th, 'iv ' r coil:.' I1! !et lul l Ittlir look to h'a luir.-l. II:. J I- hi V . ti g '-y niliiBlrla lll I prir at Flnr' open h'li'.- n Krl .lay aiil HHii ltv nrnt .ml Paturlay I I . A 1 1 1 1 ' ' Tie liO'l) evi ry w h"r.. n-k in htfii-l r-ii.. . f Ih'a ..IK uil! li tii.l proii iiri e t a'l a;lrui'l .i:i if nr.! inati-u ! In (lie tn irli..) line l!h m i l., in n -i- I f .ttitie .,f n.v-ltv a'i'l no ill, fet'.-r ftn- u nit ii and . J .'letH tll. ire til. ell e f-Hlulel ..f ihl it. t M"ii T:' i'l. v-1 Hid I'litiii ll'lVf ." 'Ko .'.lllre ,,f llio-lllt- lure, var-Mv i"l ill nl. III I I-tt r ' h .ii ne t ) tut n-i'-r r.e.-, .un-atie-l in i, ,,t " Thttt'.tiy ooint'ic ut 9 ... l-.k tile '( -; mil oi-n .it lint n.i & I t'tir fr e.t, i,.: .,;,., , , r.. k.nd y In. f .nr..' I ' .ii Ttsir.l.iy, n-' oto-r 2i. f -.Mil ! a m. mh o? aiirprae A ten c-j'lii , in fr.nt or die e v. 11 Inf .mi y oi "f Ih.- ; ctal tint! 1.i v and intiin.tte whit I t I ,,:t Ih" rn- rr .. Thl kii will he 1 1 ! . ,i.ii,ir.-l Ii Iv. ml tne pru-e. named are f.r th.i'. div onlv. 'ftl f"U. roll. e. ; .tn n:!l h- ni.t l'. tiirounh'tit Hi' rn- III'. ! -. k, h e lite i',.'.nl IH m- itiri'rl.- and cui-nd.'iilly e 'r'ti your attention ! war h ! our k-i - (" money a-ivlnit f .r y u "u- ( k nmt he r.allv - t. nitke r. rn f.r our ho May i k l - r'i.i' n nu Mit." . "in. ,,d ii-ll'l hv t "il! it d ' W.'nl. .r er of tin- M'l'-- w .th a rlurti r .X v no mil r'. nhl. lt the tiiein I . i'l.T- i ... I i IKtv n-,th. l-i ' Ti - f !! .w offl.-erit I .rn I ! t!l-l runt cni- M II .lIK'lto.i; 'llltll.ltldi-r. 'irf l'.i!t--t:i:i! i'iiim.indir i II! HI I I V It 'j IV ! ' . Ml It. 1 ,!! It. I'.i ; ;.-t I M A. "1 ' II ;v I.'. I i I! K . It A It.-II I' r; J I'-r-i in. ' 'll i;.: iltl. Win (nr. I i: -M iv.iii!.-v. .; C II ii! M .it A . fh.i. 1-! M f ... i' I! S;. in-'T. .; V. Vi'ito'i: .entrv. II V A! . Th- t'-nt .-11.111.'. .( f tl.i I -'i t .tin. r j A I ti .' I !.- I t ,' mints :! ':'i T'.e : I 1 k I" I j r Mill 11 I IHK. Tie II. .-'I h .-. i IV - M Kit K line '. repr ' " Th" .i ti I l'f; l.e It A ,-..!lt. tc I .1 lot 11' It her K do it .1 n roiiotv i n lll'lt e,,; I'. j l: left ! l, I . i '. t'. k. . .mi T II C-I'i". r r ,h. -nd: XV. i T'tom i rk'it !.-. I ll .'nh. le'l iruarl: e -. XX" XI. iv . rich: k'iMrd ,t t i. Id.-: XV XI ithertt. V. ' ". uu.irt i h:t' k : W h.iiri.i.k; I' Jeff, left oil ut i-'M. Ii II Fl.ii' l. fullhiek. F.i.l A.t t i T" Itirk'-r. left end: XV. Pir- k.r. I-ft -.i k!.-: H S-tt'tit. left Bua'd. i KmiStlt. , e,,:.o ; T M.t'uri.t. rltr'tl , ii tin -1 : A 1 .il Kit r till ! nk J4 J -t. ' h.iii.-t. r'lr'it enl: J. Ilolm-a. nimrter h.i'k: 'V J.t.kno'i. rht"' ick : 1 11 olmea. I. fi hiilfln.-k: XV. V, d. full h i.-k. I'm." r", J.. pit Zt". J -to'i'lt rtr'bl.T h.i. lu-t p'tuni.-l ft'itm XV lahlrcl n a'.t r. where be vif tcl hla , mlit i'tl pi te-ty. A Cripple Ovk mln- 1 Itilf niiui who recently vla tVl the Alice : irr.'Ui'. by M.-a-ra. Kcnney an , Crlhl.-r, of thin city, and Ooorite Pc- I Una nn Ilarrv Sh.irp-'. of S-'aitle. ; expre... the opinion that the Alice 1 will bevome one of Wnahlnrston'a (Treat ! mlnca. In the c.,uiae of a conversation ' he anld he w.ta emxvlnlly ImprKaed. not only bv the rvKul.'trlty and atreiifrth of the fl..aup- and !h. amnint of tie v.lopment work dm-, but hv Hi' fact t (nt t the ore in the brettat of the lonr t.t drill. 2.V) f"''t. la actually free mlll-Ir-X Thl he Mid. I a new experience, a Waahlmtton h ljct me n it general. ly en' I'. led wl'h free inllldiff ore at depth. Th- free milling; eropl'lnfr nn' irncc.tble for ne.i''!y 4iW f'"t. Mr. Cill.ler any work at the mine baa been aiiapti.ed for the winter, but that ope" Htloii. will be r.aaon.-l In the eitrlni. The half ltit':"t In the mine owned by the Aaiorlan. cul l have been Mil mo tlmo air i for JI'.ai.iKNl, ltTAI KST.XTK Tit ANSFEHS. Ilcnty Wm, Plttmor to Kiitherma Pltlmer lota I and 2. block 22. Colum bia addition: $1. AtiKiiat Tukalo to Anvr'can Finnish Workmen C.i-opeia!lve Aaaoclatlon lota 3 and t. block 2. Tiylnr'a A-torln: tstin. Ilulldlim; and Loan Inil Companv In Xnnle Peter'on s nth half of lot 4. block 21. Adalr'a: $300. Audlcy J. C.rairM; and wife to Iv tav lor and Loula Fluhp'r-aoiiilieitat Quar ter of sectl m . T 5 N; i'M. I'll It"! Fldtv el' in in . r J V Sh. r I I! ''vriie, t S ' . I . 'n ! ur" t.-nt of I ,e !., i ,ii S W0MIH'SCLUBA1EEnG ASTOKIA lAV WAS AI'I'kOl'Kl A ILLY OHMKVI l. l i ny nun of Akiitorlmii l.ltcruiy HiiJ .Mimical Number Ken Uurvvl Vc'HicrUny. I Ve.-rd.iy t i Aitlorla Jajr at t " i Wiiiti' n'a 'lu!. mid thi aea.r in prov'-l I a m 't Inatru liv one. lira. Ooif.) 1 W. Wu't-l preaipd. The f"turea of lit nieeili'K w.i M i M. J. K. Jlltfiflna' .a ' per, "What Cm tho W'Jinen'a Cut It.t ftr At'tU?" Mra. irijln a.k'J brief i-onlrlhu' from many A. to r.ana and th ntr, wnlch f-tliowa. i 4 I, atoned to with Inirrtut: I II. C Tliom.n'in: "Wliwt ran tlii ' Wonien a .f Aaturla !' to Impr.v 'th condltl tia of thu city?" la, I un deraland, ihtt ubJ'K'l up"n which I am aak'.i to ahej 4 ray of U(ht or at Iraat to offer n augf a'.loti. Il'lrif firm V j H.-yer lu th" aiilllllie a"d jriu-Ver. lame uf the kA la'llea of thla bltrt'iri.; Illlle clly. I am linHned to aak. XVhat j caniioi th) kullea occmidlah bv unlte.1 aclion? I b-lle.n It waa Daniel XX'elm j .-r thit aii l. ' XVh'n the bid fa of II 'tut put their ahu!Wa tt th. wh.-l the nr mve." but wh-n th ladt.-a ,f AvorU an-ume that attltu.l a wl)"U irnln move. We Ju l" the aklll of .ill alhleie l.y hla pwer of the it. a "J Julu-nK the ladle by the ume aliin lard we like off our hit. t) the Women' Club. W" nre iii:le familiar with tho w..rk of tie Monday Club, the Oudd. the A.d Rfi.-y, the XX'edn-ad.iy Club, und Hi., lihntry . 'Utin, and fully real-i- what Imp .rant adjunct they aro to the ora-in: ttiiri which they aa.l't. Ai-.d w hat an impr .vemeiit In the bav k ynrda , and the front ynr!. Mo. The jforitotia p.iii.len. the fraurtn: car, the lovely awet pei,,, the apb-n l.d be.ln of ipTanluma. all f'ta- t-iel by :he deft. Iuy flnr'r uf the Ittdbn r.ri dlet: The Women Club in ' tr rt help to cultivate a lov for the : beautiful !n the children of the Cltv. by de.-1'.ulnn Ih" walla of our r, .una or bv linp'ovinir the jrounda .ihoiit ih- a h i .1 houoe.. Itv. II. b"'o: Hy pltcinu b"f-re , A'torU womttnh h h h Ide.ila la ndil an I moral I. 1 A friend: I h.tve rm 1 In me b.ek Ihl. ii .l4'l-.n: "Il'-inem! er that he whi p I one t.tli-nt una hel l re. a; hi,, a h w-ii't ha! a hundrt and that a kind word hut lived mtnv a nit fr t n th- n r of djt..nI ni y." I th.nk Hie Wtn-n'a Club can do a of ;..vl 1" Atorhi by fp-ak-Inir k i.d w.rla tt al! with whom th.-v nilch' ome In con-a -, at,l 1 Ih- bet. ter for It. K' i'. I.'wla: tne of mnnv iii-a:rsie Milt ti." rluh r.tu 1 1 tike up and w. ill 1 he at on v oh.orved and. a; pre. i-irt'd l.v our own p-;'e and atranif eta w Mild ; the le' llltifv tn of l.iwn. Scar 'ly .invthiik' alia n-nt" tt the at IM. tl na of x rltv thin well kent sr. tin !'. 1'ien n tli anial'. c.'-.e.i? re-1-deiii (. it .lid mo'e 1'i.u; i!m t anv Ih'.nif elae to irlve an iiitpr.-l.rt of n1 lliienient of .via! and huainea Ha'.lnr t.oti and of u ".a. Tie c m! would h bu' !::!'. in,! all Hit'. iv.uld tt, ii.-ce-.aary woul 1 ho t' cre.'.t.. a ite-neRil .-nt in 'nt In thi. .1 I 'ti X .tie fi ul 1 he mor. aid' ti i'-aplre th'.a than th- I idle.. XI ... XI F.lltior TV1I: II hv can the A-torl.i Women'. Crult (encfl: this c'tv? I anawvr with two rhouirht-.: (1) Ity ac ini; thit ail lone.l and unaik'ht ly r .okeriet, esperiallv on the water front. ..hill lie removed; (2) by ("t'T Inu Ihe planting . f avenue f tr'e. aioni: al. .he ll..r urafaie.. f As: ir a '. to bee 'in.' the cUv her anient friends pr ph vy. Mary II. Klmoco, pretilden:: XX'hat can the XX'omtn a Club do for A'tor a? So much that It would be dullcult to tell all In on paper, ti sum It up !n a word or tiv. 10 the ladivldual !n lliieti e of eaci member, a wt'll a t!i ititliicnc-a a a "ilub." to f.nter anl eliieat-' the oii'ilic. In the Interest cf th" oil v. as a '!ty. Tt stimulate civic ptide in the cood name a.t well as the jr-i-i 1 litoka, of the rlty. so that law resar.llnu It moral .cleanHnea. mnv be not only mi the tatute lv.ka. but a llvititr reality, kntwn and fearel of 'l men, and ntrlctlv entlrel by thoie who have sworn o to do: not alone these law, but also thiiae relating: to cleanllneM of lo:a ami streets. In for. mer ycar-t we rarly heard of conta gious diseases In our healthful cltv. Today we have .tumorous ca.-fa of ty pholl. diphtheria, scarlet fever and oth er menaces to llf.v and health. Is any. one pr-parvl to say that the dlsfrust truly lax seiitlmmt n'Rardlnir health ful rliuillne of streets and privat premises has n-tthlmt to do with then conditions? L't us. as individual, do all we possibly can to aid our effleient vlllt'ge Improvement committee In work ln a aw eepins reformat! m in those rondltions here. We are telling no cltv Mvn-ts; "all who run may read." It Is written on every bhvk of our city streets alike. I. It. Halstcad: It Is easy to take thliik's a they are, but is this an ex cuse which intelligent an l conscientious women should be willing to make? Cme woman ran start a ball rolling, where momentum will revolutionise tv'.l. and assuredly never In the. w-orld's history lias wont m's Intlu'iK-e been Bo great s at the prAsent time. Tho Wom'n'9 Club ot.Astoilv can do a work of es timable bon 'licence by elevating the moral tone of the city, and lu Influenc ing the youi's mi' and boys toward i'.blr lirti', wllh hlg'i ideal, and in ItiapirlriK Hie girl with tlw b-autlful tru'.'i (hit thu Mgri'i and happlnat ty' of w.minhiol J fiund In a Ih nt un'lfl'hiiei, u'fjln' anl con ccratlm. A Krlen ): Till 'lull, comprls ng ihr I.r. n. -t wrnen of 111" cltv, ran ten, fit Aal'trio. In th" hlh"t il-r, by mdu-lrig th"r brainy l- do ih.. or.e thing needful for At rla tn extmi.l.d growth. v!x: lo imir. rn l' t Hind th value rf th port t.t Portland mj ir-iri.i r-y In Hi" Wi-t. Mr. J. K. Illga-liiv The Wiman'a Club of Aatifla n offer a nv lo lh family who will keep rter ha. k and front yarda th. rletneat. The Womin Ciuh - an frotvn down wrong .'tklng ahout tl.eir fellow rx-lnga. When an unk nd w ord ! ap ,kn about any -r.r tri'v run U' It, and when good thing ar raid they -an tell The ciuh rar. a.-3tf-r ."I of k!ndn. wltlch live on forever an I ever, aa kind work nv-r d. The rlur can have k n l w"lrotne, and a re.iant amlle. and a be-any hindhke for th atran-g-r who cornea to our city. There are d"xin l.-nt .e arntng u: w ran how thern 'hat life la wirta living can how them that we make rur cwn liv-, and 'hit th world I Jut what we mak r. inl that the lytrl help thone who fcelrt thernaHvea. We can kI to ihe world how Jtudv and cul ture ran helrt th m'nd. a the mint miiet be o urtled wd!h .methlrg. g'"i or bvl. Cultivating the mind keep u from speaking many an k;i wort, a our word ra-rr either tln- or bleaalng. Th" Wm'n'i Club ran ;.eii u r-a.'h height and depth thit we little think of. Coen and have a " drink" at the XX'.tmen'i Club an In-t'-IPvtii'il drink. Good n;ed .n Worn en's Club! The chili ran help" on to noble deed, a 't. k'nd arts. a. a noble de;d I a tep t .ward h",ven. The wearl-n.-s of life cornea frm t-er'ten:lv riving our eVf. tt Ita gr-ameaa. .XIia n.vl 'lief papr, "Hihtcrlr Pla.'. In Cla'.ip Onjnty." wa also iiulte Interesting, an! contalnel much information of a valuable character. X!ra. C. It Thorn. .n. rhalrmin of th b iy' -ml)Iy '.tall r ported on the prorn-aa of the work- The re port mi to the effer thit th c)mm t tee had conferred with the director of the Crmmerrial Club, who had agreed to make privil .n for car? of the bovs f ,r 12 monthly. It would be nceg ary for the XX'omn Club to build one or two aldltlonal room adjoining the -lub. Tnl brought up the question ..f flntmea. in! the mitt-r vent over unt.l the next me-nlg fir further con si b-rttion. The ctmm!::e having In charg? the matter of establishing circulating li braries reported that four Urge boxe of bo 'ka had b"n sent t the country iWtrlrt. The fourth box. dntlned for the X'halem. w.ll be sent then" a .n aa transtvi-titl-in ficlHtK't are privld ed. The reslk'nat! n f Mr. P. Ptniiger. a nientlierof th' b arl'of Jir ctors. now a resider-t of Pat Fran-els. was KJ.I ?rd acptel- Mrs c. F!. Th 'mstn waa chosen to th- vaein. v. Mrs. J. E Higsln. who will srend the winter at Tol l Alt t, Cr.. ten l. re ! hr reslgna ti n as t-,siur.'r anl Mr. II. !. X'an Pusen was ,-' c:. d n h-r stead. Mr Ann i Pr.i n Smi'ii was elected to m'm- lle'S'-lip. Among the nns c.l numbers were a ch'.rua a'i.1 a . .I t by Mrs. Samuel Mad. d . k. Mr. J. K. HUgina and M s.. 1. a ura F'X ivere the cccimpa't!t. Pir-lrg the af'.er.non "Aul.l Lar.g Syne" via s u ti ir n hun r cf Mrs. Hig Kir.s and M s. ir'org XX. Shields. Mr.. Shi-lls ni'l h'reat'ifr resile in Oak Ian I. Cal. The n- xt mating of the club will be h.-l l November 9. when the subiect will be. "A ("letup of American Philos opher." Appro-tria'.e quotations wlil be given a: rdlcall. PISfU'STPP .SPOUTS rit'Tl'RN A i'MWiI of downcist spi rts returned yest. r-lay frm Portland, where thtv went to see the Smith-Tracy fight. "It was utiii lestLmably Ih" p.iorest exhibi tion of the manlv art ever witnessed," said one of the Astorian. "and the lilts) or 16 1) sports who crowded the builli'ig were thoroughly disgusteJ. It was fake from start to finish, there b.lng no other Intention on the part of rhe priiieirsils than to last out the twenty rounds. The spectators a'or. wire Injured. R.irly In ihe. first round the peddling of the gold-brick com menced and it was a continuous per fittmaice from that time on. Nothing tetter could to expected of Smith, as the Asruii ins w VI kne.v, but the sports had confidence In Tom Tracy, who had always bo'n popular. But now he Is a dead one, and if either of the prin cipal ever again tries to appear in a Northw-st .'ing he will get a turn-d cwn that will not soon be forgotten." VAU'ABlsB POSTAGE STAMPS. Ir. the recent edition of the Pan Anurlcin two-cent postage stamps ;t was fo'.nJ that the Illustration was minted upside down, and as only a few of them were sold before being noticed. the value of them has been greatly in creased. People who have once used Hostetter'J Stomach Bitters place a very hlh valuation on it as a family medioin-'. It Is for weak people and the most delicate stomach can retain it. It it-stores the appetite, and stimu lates Hie digestive element from the It has a rcctrd of fifty years of euros of Indigestion, dyspepsia, consti pation an.l flatulency t'o Us credit. We urge you to try it. The genuine ha our Private Pie Stamp over the neck of the bottle. JUDGE TAYLOR'S REPLY OIIJFCIH TO TIIK KNOCKING OK I'KOI'I R TV VALUES. Sa Chairman Vhh Dtmtn'a Let Ur Poch Not Dual Fairly With the Situ Nu"tiitioim. AST'tklA. (nu. Oct. 21.-Kd t,r A tor;a'i; I am aver ti carrying on n-goi.t;on for il. of my pr'perty in the public pre.; hut, as om gen. tlrrnen. who rlilm t Je delrtu of ob taining tilte to nme property whlrh I claim to own. have been givejj spare In your colum i t "kniK-k" my valua tion and title, I tru-t that you will allow mx s;ace to re;,ly. In a meas ure. A lett -r, signed by the h morable chairman of '.he mil( site emmittee. ap pear I In your Issue of yesterday. I !t Bv- believe the said chairman i the author of that lefter first, becauie when he says that the state has not part"d with It Interest In the water frontage, outside of low water mark. In front of the proposed flour mill site, he prartlrally des'rirys the claim for Treat Liberality which he tuu made, r n arcouit of the great area of water frontage, above Tongue Point, which he gave to the railroad sub'ldy: sec rtid. beciue the lKter la devoted to knorking" pp-rty va'.U'-s and titles In the town, which Is not character istic of the chairman, and. third, be cause I Jo not think the churman w ,uld have thought of the subtle legal dis tinction embodied In thit letter. The Htr ha the earmarks .rf one or more, combining the mental qualities of law yer snl scne.-ner. XX'hlle these gr-ntlem-n are prelendir.g t h" w irking In the lntrt of the wh-'le community, they are. In reality, engage I In trj ng to destroy the values of oth-r people's property: for what reason. I presume we all know. I only regret that our wortnv chairman, in an unguanl. d moment, got en-angled In their net. All I desire, in answer to these at tack upon values and titles, and the assertion that prices aitked are "pre posterous." Is to call attention to a sale of water fmntage, made by the Ato. r.a, Company to the Clatop Mill Com pany. in June. 19(s). The tract soil Is Jeacr'.bed as "all that Portion of the water frontage and water a.nd wharflng and riparian right and privil eges north of. In front of. and now or formerly appurtenant to lots 4. S ani . of blx-k It, of -he town (now cltyl of Aator'a. as laid out and recorded bv J. M. Shlvely, that lies north of the bulk head line in front of said lets es tablished under authority of the Unit ed States, anl ex end ng from said bulk heal line to :h" shirt channel of t ie Columbia river, excepting only a small fraction of said water frontage on ih? stutheriy sde thereof, hereto fore conveyed." etc. The above de scribed tract of land is not more rhan 150 fe.'t wide, is less than 3"0 feet long. n-Tth anl s'uth. lies wh-lly cutside of l-nv wat-r mark. Is unconnected with any Hrer ,r highway in the town, was as far or farther from the center .f the town thin is the prop:s;d flour mill site, was wived by a cmpany w'th an established business an! a large payroll in the town, an l yet, th de, has upn it a carte-lie 1 revenue ;amD i f It. importing a consideration of M.- n0 f ir th prvperty. This deed 1 exe cuted in the name of the At Tla Com pany, by A. B. Hammond, Ks prv.sijer.t. and W. G. Gissiin. Its secretary, ani is a deed of general warranty, thu' how'.ng what are the real views of the Astoria Company and its offle'rs regarling value? and titles of water frontage in the town, when selling. Th? deed to ttfs pr perty Is recorded f-at page 3TS. of bok 39. of reoerils of .'reds for this county. I shall not enter into controversy w ith the gentl-'men eegardlng the num b -r of acres in the proposed flour mill site, nor as to the ownership Ihereof. If the ti'le is 'n the state, the gentle men should apply to the state to Pur chase It. If the title Is In the "Tav lors," than the gentlemen are in small business. In trying to "knock" the val ue and title of the property, through publications In the press. I hav- but a general knowledge of C. W. BARR DENTIST Mansell Building. 573 Commercial St., ASTORIA. OR. TELEPHONE. RED 2061. Dr. T. L.. Ball DENTIST. Page Building, Astoria. Ore. A FINE CUTLERY STOCK We take pleasure in announcing that we have now the finest and largest cutlery line In the city Including FINE CARVING SETS. POCKET KNIVES, TRIMMERS. SCISSORS. KOGEIiS' FAMOUS WARE. FOARD 8 STOKES COMPANY the Tongue Point mill site: but I am w-li acntMbfttsd with th owner of th property, and, If I mi!ak not, ihe gen tlemen who want It ara not betterln th Ir cue by trying to carry on their ii'gttiatl ma thr-mgh the) public prs. Hueh a courso smack of attempt at intimidation and bulldoxtn tactic, which men of spirit are likely to rs sent. FRANK 3. TATLOR PE ft SON AD MENTION. Dr. and Mr. August Kinney are In Portland today. Depuiy County Clerk Trulllngef went to Portla-il lat night. W. II. H. Ileed. of Corbett. Or., W In the city yestetrday, on business. H returned last night. fJeneral fltarle-i.F. Peeb", who was In the city yejaterday, rturn'd to Port land on the night train. C. I. Houaton went to Portland last evening, to meet Mrs. Houston anl daughter, who have been visiting In Haker and Eugene. Homer I. Fletcher retumwl hom yesterdiy, aftr an absence of mor than four months In California. He hu almost completely recovered his health. W. W. Curtis, the welleknown rim berman, who has been along the coast for a few days, left last evenrng fo' Portland. C. W. Fulton left Ut 'venln for Portland, where he will attend the fun eral of the late Judge Raleigh Ptott. Mr. Fulton has legal business In Sa lem and will spend a day In that cltr. NOTICE. Nrtice is hereby given to all parties holding Clatsop our.ty warrants, en dorse! prior to March 14th. 1S0O. to rr. tent the same to the county treasurer at his efflce, Ml Tenth street, for pay ment. Interest ceases after this dale. (Signed.) II. c. THOMPSON. Countv Treasurer. Dated at Astoria. Oregon, this ?5th day of October. 1901. Fisher's Opera House L. B. IMS, LeoMM aod Maaotfl. Friday and Saturday, November 1 and 2, and Saturday Matinee. The Great Show HI. HENRY'S Big Progressive Minstrels POSITIVELY LARGEST IN THE WORLD 50 All White Stars 50 AllPiew! All New! All New! 8 Modern Comedians 8 NO STALE CHESTNUTS 12 Cultivated Singers 12 comic soisas LE.TEST BALLADS GRAD CHORUSES 14 New York City Vaudevilles 14 SPECIAL TRAIN OF FINEST SHOW CAP.S IN WORLD Watch for the Grand Automobile Pa. rade at Noon. Hear Our Great Band Forty Members. When you see a great show make a note of it. ADXIISSION Reserved seats. "5 rents: Gali?ry, 50 cents; inatlne., adults. W cents; children. 25 cents. Seat sale opens Thursday morning at 9 o'clock at Griffln 4 Reed's. Andrew Asp, Hiifti Iiktr, Bljrtsaili in4 lunfvktxr FIRST-CLASS WORK AT REASONABLE PRICES. Special Attention Given to Ship ard Steamboat Repalrlng.General Black smithing, First-Class Horse Shoeing, etc. C08NER TWELFTH AND CUflfU: STS ELECTRIC RAZORS, SAFETY RAZORS. SHAVING ACCESSORIES. CORN KNIVES, CLIPPERS.