The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 15, 1901, Image 4

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Escape From Natal Frontier Be
lieved Impossible.
Laidoa StsnUni TliioW Tramiil Army I
I Tifhl Corner. While tfet New
Says Boer Otoeral Hit
Got Clear Avar.
XKW YORK. CVt. 14 In explana
tion of the vtatements of cmie of the
1 ndon dailies cn-mooming ;he nr in
South Africa, th London cwropond
n of ihe Tribune cable as follows:
The Standard thinks that th British
troop have & jr.v.vl chinos of capturing
Central Both. Very little Is known
here in reg-rd to the movements of
the B.vr comminder-fteneral alive the
failure of his attempt on the Natal
frontier. His wagons, with an escort
under Grobelaar. have been detached
and sent exstwarJ.
Rotha, with h. mai-j bvly, marched
in the same direction for some time
onlv to find that his retreat was betas
, cut off by one of the British columns,
which Has apparently moving parallel
to him. He then marched on due north
to witMn a few miles of Pt Relief,
here he is believed to have halted ;n
a, dtffleul; and perilous position. He
cannot break back toward Zuiuland or
tke Natal frontier without throwing
feimself right Into the arms of hU pur
suers. If be goes north he will touch
Swaziland, and will get intj trouble
with the warlike natives. He may r
BiMy drift away toward the west and
find a temporary refuge In the passe!
f the Elindsberg.
On the whoie. the Standard eonslJ rs
that th? Transv.ial army :s in a tight
corner. Tne Daily News, on the other
hand, takes the view that Oenera!
Botha ha gn clear away.
The Boer
Force H is M.'lted
Small Groups.
New Tork. Oct. 14. Heavy rains have
temporarily Interfere J with commanl
ration between the columns in the f.eld
favs a Dundee, Natal, dispatch o the
A was feared, the Boer for.-e , la
trvint- to make r"d its escape, has
melted Into small groups. Comman lant
General Botha and the main body of
burghers, accompanied by t'nre com
mandants. .ave reached Pongola forest,
near Lamehurg, Transvai'.
Would Manufacture Ev1der.ce Regard
ing Trinsrail Se.ret Sen-ice.
LONDON. Oct. 14 Mr. Markham, M.
P.. who bas come into such prominence
of late. !n a recent speech at K.mber
ly made many statements of general
interest, a.icording to the London or
resjondent of the Tribune.
H al 1 that Gn- ral BuiV-r's Interna
tional detective had pail him a vis!;
and offerM t k'. htm in
formation about the Transvaal swrt
s-rviie. The d-t tive aided that if
Mr. Markham cintri any inf irmati.m
manufa ",'jrd ho cou! i romufatcur it
ks well as anvb
r-Jec:e J.
but ti,
tjffir was
CAPK TO.VN. 0. t. 14 No passeng
ers are alUwM ;o sai; from Cape p-rts
with ut military permits. F iur aldi
tkinal stjuadrons of colonial troops are
enlisting f r active service.
Israel Zang-a-'ill Talks on the Furth
coming Convention.
NEW YOP.K. Oct. ll.-The Lonlon
.-jrr-spjndent of the Pr' ten Is the
following- interview with Israel Zang
will up- n the Zionist m ovemen::" Israel
Zangwiil, :he novelist, pon and play
wrirfh:, concerning tne coming t nf -r-W!C
of the Zionis.s n Basle. Switzer
land, said:
" "It Is not impi-obie thai Dr. H i' zl
To keep the skin clean
is to wash the execretions
from it off , the skin takes
care of itself inside, if not
blocked outside.
To wash it often and
clean, without doing any
sort of violence to it re
quires a most gentle soap,
a soap with no free alkali
in it.
Pears', the soap that
clears but not excoriates.
Sold all over the world.
nay have a great surprise for th4 world
to b announced at the convention. He
has been negll.tting in f.ers ' with
:he sultan of Turkey for a charter for
Paleotine and It Is p.wsible that be ha
,Hitalm! that charter. It teems likely,
at any rate, that the i'ha..or may be
ha.l before many months.
" Xnce the charter is asured. much
larsrter contributions should be obtained.
We have at present Il.Ooii.nV. ml of It
from three of four aubvrtbers.
" 'And after the charier is i btelned
an.l the money raised, 'he poor folk
amHig the Jens w ill ,iavo a pi toe of
refuse a: la.t.' "
P'rT'n-n.-es To Libor S.v'.e
tles Over Strkea.
NEW YORK. THV t U.-T:ie misiri
lei'tanling Ntwe n tie International
As..vl.i'lon of Meo'ia-iics and the Amal
famate! S.vlety of Knsineers led to an
n.hanfe of r,ls between the repre
sentatives of the two bodies at a;
tmvtinir of the Central Federate 1
I'nlon. The Amalgamated S.vlety of
Engineers has Its head ju trier I" K"
land and has only a branch ratjiia
ti.m in this country.
The trouble grows out of the failure,
it is alleged, of the M S-vi-ety.
which has a number of machinists
in Its rank, to co-operate with the In
ternational Ass.viaion of Machin.sts
dut-in strikes. The Amalgamate.! A
ciety wms suspended by the building
trade section of the Central body last
week for failing to str ke In sympathy
Mith the machinists. George Jl. War
ner .leteeai of the International Asso
ciation, started hostilities by demanding
that the action of the Building trades
section be sustained. The whole quoo
rion was finally referred t the atflli
ate! unions for a vote.
Mayor Ivrira Returns From Journey
Through China.
NEW YORK. O. t. 14. The Shanghai
ooiresp-'tid'-n: of the Times .iys Major
P-rira. an offi.-er of Brigadier-Gen ra!
.. G. Creaghs' staff, has complet.-d a.n
.nterstir.g Journey from Ta; Yuen F o
t- Star. Fo an. I thence to the Yangtse
ric-r. He was everyw:vre well
I. D-.pit- the terribie eff-ets of tne
f.;niine "i" t.e pro-Mce of Sli-vi Si and
the floiJs in the Yang's- region, the
'."t.'Vse court appear iet-rmi-ied to
m.ik- the j uvi'v to Kai F ng Foo as
a spicnii l Impe.-iat pt gw. Involving
heavy etr'n l!;ure.
.Vwrd ni to the opnii-n of native of
ficials, the court will whiter at Kal
Fonir Foo and ppveel to P-k.n In the
early spring.
NEW YORK, Ocr. H.-S-vretary A.
P. Cobb. , f the Ne A" J rs. y Zinc Com
pany, in explaining why the company
.has given a mortgage of l.0".'.'") to
ih Farmers' In A Trust Company,
of New York. whl h na Jus; b-e i
fiiel In the Efis-"! county r-gisfr'a of
(i. e. is quofd in a to th? W r'.d
from Trenton. He says a par; of the
ban is to "euro th payment of an
.-u- of sj-year four per cent !!
b r. Is. To- remain. 1-r Is to b. us,-1 for
xteHiing tine compary's t lints in ih-L-h':tfh
aliey an.j - tl:;iii the n w
: .wn of Palm-rton, n. ar It-vM'h-m,
which is r, .v b.-inj bui'.t ar-.un 1 a n-w
t'iat.:. and ..;hr lmpr--v"n -r.t'
ini-r way will c st -' M-
NEW Yt'iP.K. 0-;. 14 Toe .ut .m
i I- K.i.'ing A. "il l .n of the State .if
X--iv York has mad- a-ririr-ni'-nts for
he eo-.s'-u t or m T, -nj Islan 1 ab"u:
2 mil.-s fr m New York "f a :a -'ur-e
f r aui m bile t turnnn'-nt-.
The plans cai! f .r three t-a.-ks on - f T
sii"-i n?. n" f"r "rough rld.nir." and
me f .r coas ln?. This is said I . b th
first track of th- k 'ml in the SuUntry.
NEW YORK. "' t 14 i;-n ral E. I..
Moiioeux. f.i.h-r of P.. B. M.Un-nx.
nas Just paid a visit to his ""ti at
Sin!? Sin prison, fj-nnrai Molitc-tix re.
p.rts that K. R M.lin-ux, who Is
e.narffe.1 with th- murd-r f M-s.
K uh-rl'ic Ala-rs, is ,n -x li n- : -hy-
i al ronililo I that th- s'a-- f. .tr
'I Jiti--i ivoi i: -nil 'i on a n'-n ' :
tv rh,. nt-T- few llav'S. I
I ,
NEW YORK. Ot.-S-v r -at Is the
.'lita'ion ar'ins.-d by "he re-'-nt sp-'-eh
of Sir P-elv-rs I'.uli'-r that, a-cotil-ig
to the Tribun -'s L.ridon c iTT1;i itid -nt,
i"t-n' P.ij',l"r Is b'Mn u-,"-i by h.s
friends t! the full text of th,.
heliograph to f-neral White .n r-f-r-"nce
t.j th- surrender of Eidysmito.
XEW YORK, Oet. 14 The l,nton
representative ',f the Tribun- is au
ihority f"r the star-m-nt that Sir il-'.-tnr
McDonald may be titt-; the p st
of'-f of th Austral
ian troops.
December. 9"'.
CHICAGO, Oct. 14 Wheat. Detem
oer, opened, 70T; cloned, 70.
TAC'OMA, Oct. 14 Wheat, tluestem.
club, Z2.
PORTLAND. Oct. 14. Wheat, Walla
Walla. X'A; Valley, 04.
Nobleman WoulJ Not llcssist Ad
vlicvslng the Officer mul
Scuffle I'iimicJ,
ST I'K'rHUOtl'UG, iVt. I - (Cone.
vn !e; of !lv Xss vlat IV-A"
inter else arTivtmg the military
his His; b'-'n ivtvr'e.l here and .s
'Miii-'c , oo.! l.-i.i'olo commeiu in the
Itu' in pip-r
On Apt-I :'". bl'-nt'-'iint Klykoff. of
(he Thr,-'v nili d:.ico.'iis. an 1 a' M uan i:i s.-a.
. or am noM.-man Mailnkcffsky had an '
ev-h I'-.s of woids in the I '.Hi i'!og,. N EW iol;K, o, ;. II -.,. M... ,ii..
.a! gird -I l.'iU'nmt Klykoff pki.vd . o r.-; mi l-o; r t'.V.rl' . pl iiii:.i
h s hand i"i the handle of Ills revolver :.v a; cmpl . t i'ouo, II. iiii le la
.If.! orlr-1 M.ili-.koffskv to dc.t . V.uil i, et."t lie M. I.i.i an'an
fron a I In-ssjig him. Mal'.nkoffsky m a ImiI . sa thai spve hi tr.p in a
d d n.t at on-e b-y and the lieutenant l-.ii!...Mi 1,iu 'art n Ceo.tai Itiw.a
li'W his '.iivn and after a scnmV a ear ago. the couni fia, ie.e.ite,l
tire! three tlnws Maiinkeffsky ded ,'e, la re I li , t.,-1 ef iha. x. i, p. a.t.catile
fr-m the eff vts of one of the hullo:. to the Atiatitse m fits way and
Klyk -ff has been In mil.tary !,u ex. !-. a h.v that Iv may
conn and eondeinnd t a y'.ir nd a prove that belief, pr mr ug t.. under
half Imprisonment The ooiir. Itself , ,.ik,. ;h t:lp as s 'n as lie can This
pet'tiot'-d the emperor to reduce the ' pr' -nt balloon vo ue may be dii'ined
sent'n-c to two mmths' arr-et in a I in re piel ni.nai ,v:i n. m tosom -.
fortress. Th.' case his caused much i thing of this sort.
.on.vrn in the newspapers. The mill- i
tarv oartv leelare that the wearing of: uvvv ItAII.W.vY, t
he uniform nsvssitaies 'tllo'ni defend-
!llt the
t,.,..r .,f the entire om.-ers
corps as well a th'T own toiial '
h mor. To this t'v Nov v VCryttu re- j
ph.-s that It w mi I be better to permit I
otti.ers to wir civil clothing when ff
military lu'y .
It eatl n nv N foreseen that the wide
spread cr p fa.lur's, the cons.Hiueiit ,
famin - an I the ret ef w ork of the gov
ernmnit and -f philaivh-oplsts will t'
ngrs..! siildvts ft this empiv diir-
ins the apt'raoh "f winter. The word
'famine' : not used t:i the otllolal pul
"icatloiis. who-0 ipeik of fam n''-;rl.-k- :
j -'n i!istr.-ts as 'V'aos that are in an
unfa w.iV. c nl.tion as p-sp.vts the'
hire s s." but th-" facts that are fre-'lv
a Im'.t e sh w that the stniirsle to kep
the oeasint p 'i '.il it. "n alive until a
n-'w harv 's- n il . h ifder than has
'o.s'n knvi:i sin.v VM-C The .x-ent
' the i-.i -r em tv acn'ly siirmis.'!
ft ;n an lr.sp--tbn of the government
ivpirt. wh-.-h oliivs th-" provinc" of
Yia ki as among th . wh-re th-'r
w as an 4 inoiftl.
siv-'S the am un;
s.stmc- re ih'" '!
harvest," a" 1
f ivertimenial as
a T.'oi p un Is of
Thr-atens .s.-nsitl n If Fireel t ne.
ply to tth'r Charges.
XKW Ti'iRK. Oct. II Puslness as-
soejat-s of C -vil Uh "le make no se-er-:
if the h-'ll--f t his eorresisin-l-n
-e w ith Mr. S.-hna-lriorst In re
irard t the fam-nis i-hvk of
i.e"i firms py no m-.ttts tne :iTi (
carl when Cii- T-pr-mi-h has
to play airainst his Lib- ral opponents,
says th- Tr.hun--s t, .n !.n c irr.-s;an-l-o-i
Th-v is.-r- t-t.-it th1, S 'nsitl'ii
s a.-t n -')i- e. n'.ti- -1 oil i aha: will
f .'1 ov if Mr Tiii-'I'-s : f -r.-rd to r-p!y
t the ehir.-.s 't-.i.! a.'i'nsi htm.
It s hint- i thit h- s ,n a p- s.t!-m
1 " I '- Hi" tira-. 1 t!
at'otis bc-
iis f th- I.tte-ral
M-. Kru-,-r. Th"
; i - . ! -l .-,- I Mr.
I :ci',e Mr.
-inir t i mail.- h m a
r j n th
.f S iitn Afro-i.
1. 1. -a
i i.ln..r-r
I'!' i:i-:::i:s --iam ixn MiN'is.
I.i.'" 1 1"-,
F air h
Wn.i Ii
Pr ..(Its.
NEW VoitK. " t 1 1 - -ommentin
n.'-Ti "h" I'- H'-rs m n -i- si'uai m the
T-!liiir. '."ti I on i '.it sp 'ii,.nt fays
-hit M-ssrs, !:h'l s, W-nih"rr .'til
II- t 'ht-M ;f- c n rs ..' the D- H-rB mln-s, or- -!'. tu ne-
f urth f in- n-i pr.tls a for 3 rr
-ri- ns l.-.n ("l-i by th" t ompmy In
."e on., yar
T.h-s.. rl.'h-s -li- vvi-h th- hold ts and
ii s n .w n -op-th-
plvtll "i .
"f on
r. th-m by
, T,,m.
in us rum.
.1 -ti-.111; . k 'X'-fiin m-n tne ei op-
..J el ij tn-et 'ie ... t h i. e..",l fle;il ..,f .
in- nf !h- thr-
, rn rs Is u a i ! I f
vi-'.v "f an Itwnr in
: iir rs nt - u r "i (7
m : pres. ht.
fr "n th.. P
. "tn; my an
,n i, t a yenr to
MniMililil) roit HIS MoXKY
Man Who W 01 :i' 'la.mbllng
Way!. 1.1 an) KXH.
'iil''A'li, ",t. 14 I'.oarl s rro-k--tl,
17 ye.lr9 ''Id. die ;n Provident
nosol-al nn l-r c.rcumst iricen that l'-admak- life ptimf il
the p.,::-,- to b-li-v.- he was murdered.
In f-irnpfiny oth'T-. It Ii sal'J, h?
p-n. sev'-nl limrs I'irriblinK and 1-ft
f.,r h im.- Ills wiiiriiti(i. He a
, , , .
found on th" str'-.-t iineinsi-loiis and
die I w.thoiit te-lnif al.'.- to t"ll who 1
', 1
ln ass.iilan s w-r-. W.nen foiintl hl 1
mnn'-v was misslnif Thlr y susps-cts I
' " I
wen- arrest'-l and In the roim of one
wa found a hatt-het which Ihe police
believe was. the weapon us-1 In the
XEW YORK, Oct. 14. Tn; contest
ovt-r the will of Jacob S. Rogers, who
left hl millions to the Metropolitan
Musu'-m of Art, will, it is sal'l, b; baaed
upon ihe claim that an agreement was
male between Ihe testator and his
i'l-othcrs, Oolumhus. Jason ami Thco
dote, pledging themselv i , dlp,e
of tli. tr tixvpei ii,- alter death to in. in
l'r of their own families. Tlil asi-ee.
ment was carried oil; ty I'olumlms,
Thcodoiv and Jasou. The agreement
, ,'ioildcd for the dip.s:vn ,.f the bulk
I f Hie iMv-ivi.le, and ih, -iv ,vas n. 'thing
i 1'ivveiit (inv ,t the hint Iter
m'.l thtim st to liistiu.on i
friends. Bn; ;hf oonl. nun;, n Id t tint
jih. .itiicnn in w.i, a ;.,u. i ,,.(, tl ,
1 po I ' VI as Jacob S ISogei , mo, I,. ,.f
' 'V bulk of his prop' nv. 1'ho -.:i,u
IK -cement tiself tl.lj. II,., b,v .liv--r
.1 .I'l.l nh it Ii.i.h 'o , of : ,i
",v"' rv
i'i;nl'is;:i ;tvi.ii vvv.i:
h ''o-m W .11 ;
it i.
r i
r,,s.o-I Svnd . a
Mikes Appll-
cat. on t,. hi,, pone.
NEW YORK, v; h Inf rni itl.-n
has re.i. h. I!.m fr 'ni'.iio
i l a Kus't, sxmlica.t,. lias
male alee. cation ;,, the Porle f 'r an
smpor.ant i.ii'h.iv c .no -nsvn
.11 As: i Mm r ,ll. Palestine, soys iv
le n I. ei ,-. iriesp. -ni f Oe Trtume
T l-- ai'.-'l . ato-n is i. i;t: !.-1 a. mil. o u
p.''.it;. il as a tl i 1 . 1 un .-i o. s and
as lbs KM'1 i III' i'0'-p 's. .)'' e Mil i .
.n-4 the growth of G-: n.fu p..l.t . il
in! tliiau.-ial In As a i Turk -v he
II ly Land aed A oo a.
M .
til Ne
. -vt
at in; t
Star l,-i
SKW YoKK i.- II bh
h is i-.-;.e i i;v ti en !' nl- ! by
tl.-!.ils I i.. Wo't - S ir !. -'.
't 1
in t tha' J I'O'rp 'ii: Morg in is neg--:- i
a;:nir to buy t ie I t., .s nit.i n r-viv d '
by Aim" cms arr.v tig frin Ioi l"-i.
says trie IP I ll. I
It Is r -for".-1 that h 'l si n g" to
Knglitil ti I" 'k afe- the preeje I In I
i) rs. n til that Cipt'on lMwkln", nil''
of Mr. M. ii nan's partner-, will pi-eg.--l
him n.Tss th- Atlantic.
Ai-.z . " t 1 - An
N.ll.r In the plant of '!'..
,-'r t'-nipinv itistati-ly
M nrm in I K A A I im-v
p. os ni T a
wr ii. to
kill-l W W
Hlrrv I'll,
i I J '- An
n -. ml -illy
ls, .p.
r .Is
n I'l-
l ..file's Hit. pr.
ni 1; n ni- ' il. Lnt '
.-..'i im! , total
,1'l'i s
n I
l rs in-'-T' i: vrt"N rx1
r- k
V'-.V Y".1K.
1 I
T no
I !'
' Ii
.1 .
M l.xo.
h ' .
t i t n ''lit
N u 'liuoti
ill ll'l -I in in. nl-'or. r
-tr. 'VI f r ' 'le ! s! i iitl-ei
s i.' 'ne Soon If. i K -a in
on ii; T ii,- li ti n' ty tin-
- 1 r . I ' i I -1 1 ' -1 1 -Ai-i'.-i i. X' l-l I 1
b- 'n'r-'y .t.ici- . ry. The ''hln-se
o p. th- r.itir.i 1 1 i.r. h- t-.-si ,r.-. to
"i in ; h'n 'h- n-xt fortniuiit.
Catarrh l as l.rome s-.ich a common
disease that a perw.n entirely free from
this disiiH'.-.n cm;' is srl'Inin met
with. 1'. i'. tit-.'.'. :n .;,- tn sjs-ak o! Catarrh
''.: !i ' 1 ,
fcl""c " -t t'" "n"
thr""V u ",' .;'!? !
i inu'er his i I if not lit first. It
very S'SIl le-i ' .mi :l so.
Tl,. I,;,.,ul i. o.-l.. ri.i.t ami iinlttA l,w
the futi! retit'LH, oini l!ic MiKiti tlirntib
tne in-iii.-ritl ttf, lieiu'm 1. rorrieu 1,1 nil
.t - 1 - : . :.. I . .11
1 irt.o!;.s.,.-m
iTlaiVC, w:!?i:i'" jtih sj'tii". ill" ui:miu
factory ntid .:i..i.;...t,.l.nK; ic they lo
mil n-at l,ii-M. it of t ic trouble S. S. h.
nuex. It rle.msii tht; bi'O 'l of the iinsoii
ami t-liuiiiititi-1 Irmti llic f.--sli-iii ml catar-
rhal secretions, tin, I llitixciues thoroughly
ami itrinaii'-nt!y the uorit 1 ivs. j
Mr T. A. V.-,i;i.-ini.., a lenilitnf ,rv ic-! mer-
. Chant d Sisirl.-itil.iitK. S. t , will's I ,,r Tearf
nasal Calarth. iv.tlt all
, the itituKtP' ef -n
' whlrh Ih-1,,iic In IMat
idisetn-. and w Ii 1 c h
lraiinu itnuinn tv
of Yrlin, ,,, w.,,wul
' (prttlnK any "'"' I
I thtm lK""t" ' s S
10 it i,.,i n,- ,.,,i
?. t'ur, ' J$$2LZ3 H' 4
after taking enR-hiem rJ
bniilra. In mv i.,ii:in 8, R s i . ihe only mull,
ein n,w in use thut mil rflnt a ptrnunenlcure
of Catarrh, 4
is the only purely veg
c'.nble blood purifier
known, and the great
est of nil blood medi
cines nml tonics.
If you have Catarrh don't wait until It
becomes deep-seateil and clironic, but be
gin at once the use of S. S. S., and aend
tor our book 011 Iilte-id and Skin Iliseaaea
and write our physicians about your case.
'J r I
TV, t-Vh I
a r.vMH.Y
lliMlltci'H itiul MsUri ll.oc a
I nupn.- Mcclini: il
l'lllV!', IVt. II Se;.i al I (,.
I . a.s tunoiant of rti. ! otlii-:'
w li.o . al.oul s, on. I li. 'I evil kn . Hi If
'".'ih.-is ail .t'is w.-r,. B.i;i -il.v .
ni nili-is of ill.' r.uiiMv of J cp'i
i'i..iiii.k, "iiev a i s. I' nt of Cl- linl,
.n. ; o Austin t d i) T iriini.iii
his ic ..hi,' 1m . I. it tl.. biot h i . an I
, to a h i li jV. lo rv -gillie
-a. li '!
The ll.' too',, i l.l. e at I'le ll.ello
f M-s W.llMm U Rd-r. ii'i Sou li
lloe'.-i ir I, .in I to v -.iit 'paling In
li iii'i.. Mis Rider. William C do
ina.k. l Civ. Pa Ms Main Me.
G'lieiral. Kon-vil . I'l , Jo-, ph Chain-i"-i!alii.
Stiila Pa. bar i. 'al. Mis.
i-ia ni lain. Aki -i k. an I Mi li ii-
mi P ujil!, Palania. -'o
Tie )H' w a bl" nutit ,lh ni bv
a c mp toil v e string 'r who on,-
li'atd'd at the K) l-r h..ii.- ,n An In.
Tins a.n n P 'iii)1.ihi.i an I it lo k
.. eais .if ,-.r'e,;.,....-ue
w : l.o m'imi- it .! r 1 it U V
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Sl'l.T AN Nut .'I'NVIN'i'l.'P
II. , j
' the i
NliW Yi iKK. v. 11 A I
from I'.ii-iitii no,, to i:i.- ion.-ih.-
sul.ati is not fu'lv . 'in u '!
iiil.-nl on ,-t ilr.. i i i: eat It' a n
up Is ett 'I t f 'th
.lUeiain I c'lts h.t. o v 1!. pp
the t ansf 'r . f th .. i nh: 1 ami
po, er.
MiU KNlS.! VMl '.:;. S I'l" M il
NliW Y i ' I ; K II V i s
fr in S.ii'.la ! th.- I, :i 1 T ii ' -ii
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II - T'i' I'nl I j
. oiis n sail- d no- !
-ol- .1 n i al . r let s
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..fill)- IV ' M . 1 il coi II
ih.Ollil "ii'oilllt II I'll).;
st I -
ni, l.t"
O T C T A T f'rDTl
of me
I'l Mt'.iK'-i
i HI L I '
orin wcsism Line..;
.,. n r , ,,. .,,.. S: ,,,,!
. ,-, , ,,;. , .mprls.n I
Tli- IH": I'nilinn H i
p r-.
pe..r...i, Ijinliirf (.'.ir,
Library a n I 1 ihs-rv nl ,11 Cars.
fr'ree ileeliiilnir L'llil.r 1'ars.
r. -'nth (VMnru Tralna
Runs Kvery Day of tne Year, i
The Finest Train in the Worlo
CltLlric liihlrd
I Ha i.y Train RunnliiK ll'-t
St. I 111 anl Chit-ago, via the Snort
CVin"ct!oni from the Wist Made via
Thla la also the REST LINE between
Omaha, St. Paul and Minneapolis,
All Agents Bell Tickets via
The Northwestern Line
Oeneral A(r"nt. Trav. Agent.
24S Alder Streot, Portland. Oregon,
l:iidoremeut of Pninc's!
Celery Conipotiml
Allmcts the Attention of Mali
uil Journals.
TluitisitiiiU ni ikIi ( nns
Monii ' I titer
A in.-Iii al J ni .i a wilier ill
he It. is. ,iu Tiiv. ', i h.. i he ii mi,, a". I
III. . aii'l fuil Ir I i ..f loin lt .!
1 t e.ifi' t of . .ii n.. an I a. uie i i u.t.a-
Mil 1'ia; lllli l"e.l p. I to in ."ill) , III..1
to ih,. on. I. i till r in Ii w ii . It Ii i ie-
i llll) been .1111-1. 1(14 Hole allen'l 'I
ii..' i in .i u..- Vales ..f llliiiola pub.
V, I) i ll, I. .S.. I II
Niithtllg civ has '!( tl'' II k"el,. o
li e ol'sunai-! I' tii-n all
ottieu,. lalii'd (tils mat eloiu teiu
' i) fo I'l vsl ll-l.l 'leive tia III Ills
k p.-opie e
Panii iiny coin pen n . I en re. I. un
loMlthv nei act i .ii ond I s- i Hi,, ii. rM'
i II I s Willi the el nili III lie. iltt til
iiii, Id lie in up iijii..! In: i li'ii Ui) II.
u Ii cleanse, i, ,,. lil.iml of every
ll.lee .if (Mil,. me Un lillltl l- nilil etlieur.
ages a KH...1 ni .win ..( Hi - no! eoi.'iis.
.! tll t rttl.ill the V K 'l of III.' -l!IIV
l.ii'h il'l'.'-l'ls
Its .lei. II Is pi : fe, t. (, II (i'l.'e Ul
' V el v I V.,. ' l i 'all
i'ls'as', ,,f i,. ii'i'vous , vsi. -ni ilo not
. in.- w.ttioiii ! ii'i'ii Itoeiini.t Imu.
Hs'.e ..i.i in... ini- a an .I s. an of Ih,.
,im: in I ki Ini -i s i . but ten , ll
' r a I'! oltl'l I u reas,- of it III lnilli.-n t
r..l- .i" hall an-1 nelve .-niei.
I'l'tl-. i'-le: loop ll'l'l feeds
i v i . . fa .' n a: .
' r' li-A.sf '1
: 1 ti . 1 1 i ... -1 ts nun i
n or llo ill I'l. i
-s'K ail pin f lit; I he I
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m"l, ii ol
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- -i . ' i it .1 . m f . 1 1 i i - It
x i -tk'-i i'l it thai nTi
I ' o-s !-." 0i . ' I -r f' on
1 . I ll .. lis I I' if- . . . let V
ne i in! Inv '. . ti I" Ilf'1 bv
0 ,i,. s ti- i nt ..' It i-res.-ii-n.
i ; 11 S: . ni . ni- or : n- il il
f KinsM aii, i aa "I I'uaid
I . le- V ' "111(1 -un. I IS III" most
1 ! I O'l'l v iln il-' .f i nt- lies.
-, I a tur !e 'alt iii.inihs " H--
ii-- f . is ha - In i "iv
.: . of t!i.. it ..I I Hie
tl III- "II . o.i- lo
i'i, I pr o f I lni'
-1, ii in U , f oth-
I i lite Iv 'I IS d, , ll
ll, e reader n v H
I' th . illnlll'l Hit
tilth ,f I I I'l.l! Il l tl'-' tl
1 1 1 II t e II It I'l II ' s
t lit',. I - I , s, I, in II ;! 1-
ho n i of ,'s vi ol I a ' I
nl I.
-. I-y ..en
i that tell,
i' m k .
;i i
Por Steamer, Commercial and Pamily Use
Orders Promptly Pxecutcd . .
rocKiFooT or i vi nnr st
Samuel Elmore & Co., Agts.
Oenessec Fruit
ItKI'iUlT OF THE I'ONI't'l'loN
first National Bonk
nF AKTi'lllA.
,Vl AsIhiU. Ill Hie Htillo of lll-.l, nt
ihe , !. of l'iiiii . Heiimb -r Hi).
ItKMi lltCcH
Loans and .1 ee.nin! !:,(: Of
mertlrattt. -ur'-il and un"-
cine I'itf 10
V H llmda to wellle olri'U-
ellllllloll 13. MH) 110
Sl.s k .vlll!le. etc I0.MI 7t
u'.her r'-nl eniale .i g.lml 4i
bo,, fisiin National Hiuk (not
Hue, io aitonl'l ... 13 VIS 7
I'ue from H.aiK li.tii Km and
llankria W.4:
I !' fioin appione l reeerve
ngcii IIS. t U
lllt rilll levenue tllillllP ... . '0 (tU
N.iiu, ,,f ,,ili. . N ii onal Hanks J,'i uu
y ;, K. U and ccnl Vt It
,iriil ui'io'e r-sirvo
In Rink.
li3i :.u no
la-gitl-lender tl'te
no ti
lel.Sik) W
llr.leiiip l ni fund with t'. H
TteSsiirs r t p-r i rut .
:.'. no
HI.'ii.J'Xl It)
Capital ( elt pal.) Ill I W.MM 0)
Hiii plus fun I !'.) W
riid.vwlo.1 pr'inu le
ttehai-K on. I lnv pau! , . J),3 04
Nailonal Hank II '(".' "ill-
atan ling 13.50 M
Individual li-lso'ls
.ul. ... I (., . It. ta it 1 1 W
I Vlll.llt I eellincata
nf ,. t.l; It ' :M t' lM:i
Ii1.'i.4 10
SPATi: i'l-' I'Uli'lt'N County of
I'laisop. as l,H ri tl"id ii. eaah cr of
tin' above-iiaiiK I i.-uik. d' lemuy
swear Iha! t te above italeniilll Is
Hue to the b-l of ntv kn 'ol'ilgo and
ti. lo-f H X tli 'III" 'N. Cashier.
Huh -ili'i-d mil nti I., b-t.tre ins
tins llll d'H cf O to'-rr, l -ml
C It TlltiMS.IN
Notary PiiliHe
' fie, I- A'le-it
i ;e.t un !! i
V I' M.-sl
Win M I a l I.
I I e -
liliMilt At. CoS'TIt Ai'T ill
AND Itrll.l'lilt
Andrew Asp,
Wnn An, 6U I'Eiila ! Hrsrtkor
I-'IIst ci.vss WnitK AT
liiivsnN vnu: Pl;i-Iiei
titec a Atl'titlin linen i,( Hhlp aid
Steamb-'a; lt.-i a:r::ig.i li-i-tal IHack-
ml'hing I'l!' -Class II T.
ShiH-'ng. etc
iiavi: voi; TitiEii
II i' initi-r la;
Thai be iv- tli- !": ther
1. I i b lia 1 I i 'be el y for
th. i.-isi nioary? Plain all
mi 1 '
A fnmll ar n i:tv n'
Ml, w uike,- .v S Pan; hallway, known
ill ov, r the I 'no ,n ta ihe iiio-w( llsllway
Miniiliih' Hie I' o -r Limited" trains
veil- ,!.iv an I ii K it be;e, n Ht. Paul
ml I'M., iii". an I iimalia and I'lil.-aii"
'I'tle Hilly pi-rte, ; tiSOl In I llt "
I'm , -rataii d t '.i'Hi-et .n. re mad
with nli ti a is-"iii .ii'-nlai lii)-. ae.-uring
I i p.isa. IlK' t til" b'-st aervlee ktl.nvll.
I.uxiirl ,iis e ei, -In . e,-c;rle llitlit, si'iin
li' iit. ef a i m l- tv r.piale I by tut utbrr
See tint y nir '.I. ke! reals via "Tha
Mln auk'" " n h"n k dug t "y pi'lnt
in the Pnlteii or Can ida. All
tii-kel aire, ts w ; then.,
Per rst panipheis ,.f nilirr .tifor
malloti, blr-CKi,
J. W. t'AMK V. (' J. KIPT,
Trtiv. Pass Ant tls i. At .
Portland, iii- Portland, i 'r.
) ' lUWV I) POO
"hie iiiiiniir
I :is i"bli-a