The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 09, 1901, Image 4

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J.. - '.
453,4 Aliens Arrived During
the Fiscal Year.
Report Stan Tal Nttrly OaetUM of tb
Strtrar tmmi(raitt Prrsot at
llllirrxv Bttto 41 aid
SI Per Ctat.
WAS'iISMTOX, Vt S-Tlie annual
Po.rt of Thomas Fitch, oommlssioiifr
of lmmi(rratl.n at Nw York. has W
nvelvsl at the treasury d.-paxtmisi:.
The rvp.rt shows thjt the number of
aliens who arrive! .Hiring th? rtvjl
roar etvle.1 June JO. lll. m
There wvr also UJtV cltiiins f the
t-nitiM State ho arrlwil from alri,t
From of tV siivnige im.
migration for the Ust t year I: lj
hoT that .leariy Sfl.iW of the Increase
of list year over the year before was
in the immigration from Southern Italy
alone. The number of returning a'oenj
resident suLk. at 10 ( yr cent of the
total . ImniCTation. In th amount of
money brought per eai:ta there ajHx-ar
to be an inoreAse over last
year, but the repirt says:
'The conclusion unfortunately is un
avoMible aat our Immigration la con.
itantly Inoreising in Illiteracy. Not on
ly ar? we drawing more an.l more from
the countries where Illiteracy Is high,
but also the Immigrants themselves are
showing higher pen-enuges of Illiter
acy. Nearly one-half of our steerage
Immigrants now present an illiteracy of
from forty to ox-er fiftv Pr cent."
Of the ateeraire aliens who ar.
rived during the year the following are
glx-en for the principal countries:
Southern Paly. f4.Kt male; fe
males. Palish. 55. 4 malts: 11170 f.-nuies.
Hebrew. ;3.3 miles; l.x4 femal.-s
Germany. 17.23 males; 12.4!.' females.
Slavik. 1J.J09 males: 7C2 females.
Northern Italian. 1.2 mal-s; 4t. f.'
males. St-anJItiavUn, H.IiW maVeS: SS1 fe
males. The to"a) nunb-r of deputations for
the year, a decided .leer'ao a com
pared with las: year was TA'.S. Fol
kinir.g are the given causes:
Puhlic chirjes, 9I; .Ninttae: Ul-r-ers.
1J0; Insane persons. 13; diseased.
232; er.vtc!s, t on1 'eir ra, 5.
Of the total .if immigrants 41.7JS wr
alien resident return-tig to : I. Is coun
try. ".As a irnin of pntvti m agiirwt the
mining of convict, fugitives fnm Jus
tin? or an ir-h!sts." savs th- report, "too
prwse.-ice of our inspe -tors aVupI - uU
eith-r be futile or ur.n-ces .iry. Tlv-se
lunect i.-s would naturally lie .lon.l
etit on local au:h"rl'l.-s f -r Informs i n
of thin kind. If n. eff r:. nvr.. male
to ne.'ure such infr-.m it th-lr cer
tifiia'e as ;o the n m .st-n.v of i,ad;" w.iulj Se w .rthl ss. If -h--v
were tt assume th- right t exact -dene"
of an "ni''j- 't' na i! pi.;; y rec
ord him. why : :. it is ak"d.
miike it at T:v a .'ejui:,- lor .olniN
Ficn t'i 'he c luntry or mak- :ti- .il.-nef
of nei a re-.-rd u; n a-rH ti iT'rtu
f:ic - : !-nee crlmlnii tv?
"!!ut -v-:i th" .i!)"V- p-.,--.lings
would n.t t'ff-r a -otti;-p .. ! 1 1 1 1 1 - r "f
r.Bt'ril'.T ' iF Ti I K i '. iN I 'ITI' -X
x'K TH K
first National Bank
At Astoria, in the stav ..f ir-g . at
the rlos- of busiri-ss. S"i'!"mt) -r
i IKOl.
Loan and dii-ounts i;iJ.".."j OT
Ovrdrafts. g.eure.j and uns
cure 1 l.'s 2"
1. S. B mds to se.-ur.. .r'-u-
culat'.on i.'f
Sl'K-ks. se-url:l-s. eto .L'i;i 71
Other real estate u'li'l .l-
Uu- from National Hanks in t
reserve ag-nt-i) 12.94S Tt
Due fMm State Hanks an!
Hankers r.4 74
Inje fnmi apprxvel r-s'-rve
agents 11,4"1 'x
Internal-rev-tiue stamp 2'i 'si
Notes i,f nth-r National Hanks 27". "I
Nick-Is and --nt- !6 2
lawful money reserve
in Bank, viz:
Specie jni.2.'0 00
Legal-tender note.. 14' S
VA.yi 60
He.l. mptl .n fund with 1". S.
Treasurer (." pr rent of
, circulation) 625 OK)
Total $67i),3' 10
fapital st k paid in t .V).Wg OK)
Surplus fund 2j.M 'Id
l'ndivided pruflta ls ex-
peiisen nnd taxen paid .... Z3,Z2 (A
National Hank n'He out-
suinllng 12,0"0 W
Individual dep.islt
sul.J-'-t to he-k..Jt.10 311 59
Ieniand certtfi'-aU-s
if deposit 119.2U 47 G4S.5S3.46
Total 1670,306 10
STATE OF OREGON, founty of
OlatRop. hs: I. S. S iird'n, cashier of
the above-named bank, do a.jlemnlv
nwear that tne altivc stattmefit is
true to the best rf mv kn wlelg and
belief. S. B. GOKIXiN. Cashier.
Subrlbl and swim to before me
this 7th day of October, 1901.
Notary Public.
Correct Attwti
George navel,
W. F. MoGregor,
Wm. M. Ladd,
the difficulty. It l perfectly ri'r to
adopt any me.vutv to prewn. tlte cm
Ing of U 'h pe,tle. oridM th,. ndsh
cd Ls not lik' .y so I gcn 'ia:o .ntj a
more annoyance to lejtl'imirc lraei. In
. ur own f iv w mv.l not establish n
new precedent to cnaliK- Us lo actum,
pllsh tills objivt. The pn'c.Miiit la al
ready establlshe.1 In h amendment to
the alien contract labor law which the
courts have construetl to apply to all
he excluded. There Is no reason whv
the sane prvvdure should nt be ex
! nded to cover all cas .if unli',ii
.ii iis whether of the excluded cl or
not, and wl hout limitation of time,
.roper U ral safec'i irJs provid'.I
aaalnst abuv of th.s wr."
The Increase of :.he head tax to J2
and an extension of the period of url
dlctlon over the imm gram from two to
ft t ears :s rvc mmenled.
Anteric.iii Stisr Keftn ng '" 'mpinv
Makes a Further lie hi. tion.
SAX FKAXiMS. :. S -Another
.ugrtssive move has lhi made by the
American Sugar Keflxng tVmiviuy. In
the campaign which !t ha begu11
against the Wt suaar m.litsTy The
cut in the price of g:-anu!a:M sugar
t nil XI.svHiri rivr p-diits tvtiWh as
irnouihvl last .k, has ben follow
.tl by a r 'due; Ion In the price of b vt
a" 1 cane sugar in all states frm O.d .
rvlo . ("allfonila. The wa.s
announct I by the Wes.ern Sugar Kefin-
ii g i .miany and amounts to thlrtv
,vn:s a hundred on bet sugar and
twvnty cents a hundred x cane su
gar. Robert Oxnard. vt.-e.presi.,Vnt of the
American Beet Sugar As.vlati,.n,
which Is tpp..slng the trus:. Mid:
"It Is a fact that the Western Sugar
Keflning Oomp.nv ma le a drvllne
of twenty cents rsr 1 on the r cane
sugars and thirty cents r W on their
beet sugars. Thin make, the difference
in their price betivvn cane granulat
el and bee: grnmilated twenty Vjrit,,
irsteed of ten po:nt. as heretofore. The
rut nffeits all markets from California
to Colorado Inclusive. I know of no
change in the general sugar s tuatlon :o
account for i:. Further than :!i: I lo
m earn to discuss the matter at pres
ent." In order to disriminate further
arainsit beet sugar the Western Sugir
H finerv. wl-.i. h Is all!1 with the si- j
gar trust, has announced that It will
fntertaln ni orders f r granul.i'el su
gar which call for ovr fifty r..r e. nt
..f b-t suar. The r-Uk'tton in pn.-es
has also aff 't.l H ng K "tig sugar, .'f
which there is a small upp.y in this
WiuilJ l ike tn ll.ixc Anuthxtr, '.
Kacc but NiitliiiiK (oiti Itc Ibmc
Before A ni it he r Year.
I -ii i -r t i.. r i.-.-t .r,-.. Is at
NEW V'litK. . t. x-S- Th nn ,J ; ' ' i - im in It s ; hi, . . : -e:.,,rt
I-.M .r. .11 ail Hi! r . -. -.V sill; ' iii" '111' th. s 'N tl:-' gift on f. .
"X w it i'jt i ti i v v' tii : i -'. -.h;.- rl f--ni t - hi n i -n i n -. i un'-i' I o x' i
j. I I s'tl: l.- l-'i- St: itn- k t. ..'.' .-. rn- amiti P'-s !-"i- l.-m
: b"lt." i-.-,. !'! tn.- dei'- '. ti- ?!.' i !'-ls 1
"Tien -,u w .u' ;:k- f ."! in '!;-, --n - I t .! -f 'hi: an Ani-ri-
ri.--"" w is .ok-d : '--'-i '-' "' I !. the if -'g '
"Y-s I tn tik I: -a! i o- w 'l t x ;:i ahi h I id I ! '..--;
a.-ratu'- a:i-.'.i--r ta - " i s kn -x n.-eig ' h- j ;-l ! j
Th.s 'i l ; I':- ' I S a' j
"ii.i. r. : ti th ii j x u'. I- -l':.e n.ct i
'" f"r" "!'"'r ''"'-"
' !l r. tn .r ... . !..r t ' r i. - -a :"i
-x haiifl .r-'.xs'' ;
' That ."o-i-r ii is nix- pr-.p.s. i..n." !
"Shtiii v si t.ik.. Si.imt x k bom- '
or shall x-"u l-.iv.. h-r h-r :n th- 'O'im
-f ari-c.i-r ;-r .-pe-'iie raee."
' That, of I . uis-. .s all un l-"'Tnii ri.-. 1
"The r.i v. at-e over. ' said ''-ciim-i-d-.r-
I.e.lyanl ..f the X-w York Ya. ht
i 'lull. ' and .iliiii'bln xxill Is- laid uj. for
h- wlii'er If the .jwn-rs ..f the y.i.-h'.s
want t , race tha is their affair. Tiie
'luti ha." to do xvlth it. Th
Snumt'S'k "f eniirs- r ml 1 not eomp-tf
for the cup .igiiti nn-ll aft'-r tw, y-nrs
iitiies.1 a font'-st f--r it bv sorn.. o.hi-r
c-ss.-l ,h.i rn-.'inn h;!- int-rven-1 "
SIV.Ki'KKI.S' Hot'.-'!-: fp iltllKh
SAX FitAX-'lS''!!. ii, t. s.-Th.. r-.-i-d-iie'-
uf Plans Spr k I- cotn-r of
''lay ?t"-..; ,,p, V-mti-sj .n-rm-. was
-nt-r-d by inn gl.irs ,is -."ning. Thev
fori-.-'! a r-ur .vitido.v w.hil- the famitv
ti-r- at dinn-r. vv.-rit up s'airs and
irtth'-r' 1 in ) .v-lry ainoiintltig In v.ilu"
to fullv J-ViiSi. N'd iitrl! ia'e nt night
was the 1 '" d.s. .e.-r.-l. No t
tile burglais was found.
This is the rju-'-stlin that has been dis
cussed v'try earnestly iy uur political
lead'Ts during '.he pist f-w in .nths.
Some claim I; would le a wis mov.
tvhil o-her. claim that to break th
old "two-term tradition" would result
disastrously. In prlva'e life. iiriv r,
thre Is a mir" important question un
der consideration, nnd that is the best
way to regain health. If you euff-r
from dysp-psli. indigeHtlon, biliousness
or liver and kidney troubles, there li
a medicine that wlU restore your health,
ind that 's H'Wetter'g Stomach Bit
teri. For fifty years It hag been re
oognlzsd as the best utomach strenfrth
ener and health builder In the world.
It will tone up tlw? aystMn and induce
ound sleep. Be sure to try it.
FKAl. K.WDAl.l..
KccoiiiiiiciiJm That Innips Sta
tinned in Alnskn He KclivvcU
rvcrv l Ycnrm
WASlllNilTOX. Oct S-Thc war de
par ment has ma le public the annual
report .f lingalter t'.en ral t.eoif M lall. c tnnia'i.ling (he di ir:intt!
of Alaska, ileneral Kandall lays muvb
tr,sH on the I gors of an Al.-ka
i, r Tb cold, he sis m and
I continue so fr 'in November to A.m II.
with s -vcre and fr iuen:,i
j Th- re ' n. 1 vkagc f i .vein wi'is
at the .su;'?' For; St. M ehael. iiti
.ill tmin lv I ghtered from th.-
h w in . . .11 r vi.lste . lr h,- w. ath.'r
is n-uitli :h work of llghtclng Imsuii.
CfMcrul K mill; mil that the most
mtv.rtant work In th,. .b p.ii tmeiit,
i-rov'.IU'g for the housing and supply
of lroi. was that of c instructing the
m.l t n y tcViir.iph 1 1:;.' and luill:arv
read throuith Alaska The total length
of line constructed up t August Ij was
,i!ut 4 si null's. Ttie work Is Iw-ing
pushed .is fas; as p.'ible an I bv the
cke of nav'gatton h s year it hos',
that teo'gcaphi.t b
tw.eii Fort Si. Michael and Fort iltb.
hon. 4.M mil' s d .stant. w .11 hav,. b.n
stab'lsh d Th.. cons'ructlng of these
lines. I' ItandaH snys. is att'hid
ed with niinv dirtl. p.'euliar to an
Arctic climate
Owing to the isolation of armv Posts
and t ' the la. k of facilities for instruc
tion n drill and f"- cixiveiilng i-urt
martial ileneral V. I'ldaU says. tr,is
left to theiv for . ''wntl yitirs
must 1 -t'T . ir tte :n military etMe ency.
He ther-f. e rv tnnie 1 Is hat tnnips
stationed in Al.i.-ki )' r-Heved ev.ry
two vears. and that
than two y.-i h
there n c wi. lus
Th-- I.v.itii.n of .1.
'Hi nn'ti with more
serve be orl.'fsl
i I'.'iierai l!.inl,il
ir'nien- b' .i.liiu n .
t-rs in A'.iska f r ',h.
I - d " hlV t, 1 i
ti -al ' T . . ..i a' l t
pan y rtr u 1k'
r ci niti. ed !
protect!, hi of
i and
' v ill I
d-r in
-tni I -
h.. e: ib! sli
h.. t.-rrir o y
! without
ni' tit
I t., ..
r g..
has '"ti a
fti !:. th th'
;n harm my. it i
: in .it i.f ill hiw
t-i' eiv.l ans
ivl an horiti.ts and
Hi-th: th th.. n'ti
.1 .in I . if ie-
1 1 1 FT F I'HIXtM N
pf.m l.ung i'oiti bir.-s to '
iiim''!.i V 'tv-
NKW VnliK. iK ! -1'r s I-nt I. iw
of i '. ! u ni oi i rnvers; i n h
p .rt t . the trust -s ..f the o-lh ge
pi ik f so.-, a! mT. : m f I g f .-f
!l.'.'i f : -,m I.M.'tg." to ! a I.I-I
i the g ft an-n tti -usH ma I.- s tii'' i
in-- ag i M :h.- uitii --rii'v f..r tile
i!i!i'hiii--nt f i I -pir'meii ..f ii.
l.mgiiag-. ; . ri"r . .n .iml I
."Nt; '. .NFKStF.X-'KS HELD
M ;.ng -' r-,t,-l ll-.i Is Ex -it
M'l tl ill iti-'tl
l.'iXIi'iN ii.'. "-Th- V.'-.'uu
r--t ti l.-ni ,.f 'ii- s "its th.- long
' itif.-r-n' '. li 1 1 ia-f u' -k U-itv.-en
K.tiie-r..r rr.-i'i- s .1 .s.;,. i', tint liolii
'hoitski i A us ' o II .ing. i rta t minister of
f r- gn .iff ilr.i. ind King 'harks, of
ii uini.i ni.i. hi-..- t , -. much speeu
lati in
T.iT- ar- i n, .mailt mitt'-rs of
i 'niiri'in in'-r'-n !o Aiisti i-llungarv
oi, I 11'UiiiMii. i. .-on . 'ho wo s iv r
igns 1 ist tin a sul-st mt, al i-fiiiproai-h-rri-ti'
ti is b-.-ri 'fti'-. r--l li-tti-e-u lou
tn.i 1. 1 and il:--- --. pn lv under An",
ran i ii .pi. . It-iriiiiiu .s bel .-e
I i h- beinl !. Al' r.i a mill a: v
. to., i.'oo . .-j . 1 I: 'ijfn.i'i a in I iii't-""'.
uiii'-l ii -em. Is ,,f ititiina y.
s n s th- i .pa . -i, - ,:,s!.-n - a fr..-.h
- in -li.- n.ilkm
Tin: wai'.k Mti-: kkpt pp.
-f. ti
... p. .-'.,. -n-lv Criticises
liio.-li i r'im-n'.
NKW Y'iKK it x - I'.-gardlng the
.".-nth Aft ' a si uiil-.n, tii,. lyindon r"p-r-s-tit
itlve of rh,. T'lbune cabb-ii:
Tii- gi. rrH'ti warfare against the Sal
. ni: v i-v i i.rii'-nt atid 'he war oftlc
is soil in p:ogr.-s, l.ii' what Is des
cribed as tin .unburn of popular indlg
rioiiori ,'ias a sii.sf.o-loiis .,und tff slag
ti.u' Tne bulk of th" critlcl-im
lom-s fr-.rn th- Conservative pr.-ss but
li .till not Ik. long before parliament
r assemble, nnd all 'Ii.-..-.-andld friends
will be eg'olilng th'- statesmarillk"
court of the minister's an) the busineflu
lik- oualiti-H of the secretary of war. A
.ri'-s of publ meetings protetitlnil
against the uruu-lentifb- methods (it con
iluoti'ig the war would h more nlgnlfl
rant than the complain s and Krurrib
llng of regular party organs respect
ing minor details.
One of th- source of the disturb-
ihv baa been laml Klioliciier's ' p ano
older" which bus enabled caustic writ
er to lampoon Hi Is.h ntlleem an carpet
krlghts lighting Ho.i, to -itow music.
The full text of tbe older ha appeared
and the truth Is now known that the
superfluous- baggage obJivt'd to bv
lnl Kitchener ns lnciisls:ent with the
mobility of flying column was no; or
dlnary rrv:ee rqulpmritt but km taken
fiMtu the house of H.n'is, notably kltch
en raniies. fuinlluie, li rni-nimnis and
ICatlos. which iHlgh; to he been '"'ft
bi bin.1 when the lines of i-otuniunloatloit
w i riMchisl.
NKW YOUK. 'ct S .1 -spaich to
the Time from London ,;
The r i le r. tu:tis bv S pi. niber are
again uiat'.sfacloi''. Th.. on'y el is, , f
ini.H.i; which do i-oj liow ,i fall-litf
off tire eh -ml. oils, nfa. tin e I art:
cles. mis.-etl me 'us ar.'cb s and articles'
ImiMrtcl Itfusli Hi. pnic'is pot. j
There w -ny Hem v d.-.-tin. s in ar l. lc. ;
of f sil and di ink I ahl lu'v itid .n !
raw ma' l.iU foi v m tuH !s. ;
Fewer cltlle and tnoie 'le eo wer.. till
ivute.l 'i.on he I nt.. I State. Tc
ha.vo and uietals 1.I1011 a l.tieaie
the l-i.t 'alls hi copper, r. g
ullis '.roil ore an I niiii i 'tilt h: ste.d
ilKMr.VS i 'i i I 'I !'! X
HKl.l. WS FALLS Vt .
- The
comlnl.ui of Kdwarl II lr- it.. I''-,
main unchanged. li s mi. Klwardj
II Utvene had mad., anan iL.'ni''iiti to 1
tviutit to Texas. Ms hui'r.e I jiininions
here making th , itnp-rat.v,. In ....ter.
' ... i
to arrange affur.. but ' j
was tak'n suddonly III a. is now ,-i j
IttvM to his ro.i. ti lues not j
Ivlieve.l to tv serious and pr d.vdv s
, . , i
c.uis-1 bv the strihi of h.- ir p ..or M;
and the ,-loe .iitlu- iii'"il In ih,. l-k
,,,.,, ; b.'glnnuigs- i not i""iii,'' y ii" k"i. is
,li -mi. I to deel it s.i inn I- it'.-i
Mli--r,- is n . I iiit-i mil.' ! xp.-.l-nent
Ki'T AT WIIITVMV I'.I'SKIU K i ,. ,.,t1,,.r
j Th.. .i' ii. -tic of th word his b n
NKW VoliK ,.- s - -p en! to 'that m .-y.-iy ca.e of -I kn.-s i'tpt
... , ,. .. .. '. om-ah.-l ti.t-xes ml Impure
the World f. 'in . t: i N a. ,,;,, .,,. , t-.-...ry .- .,-. I .1 .
Sectoarv of W ir ;:': ' . wife a,il ,noi-. a an.l . rT - lie i -I K th
lc lighter ar-. at Wh Itev f-'ie, d- :.t t.-i -u . t ie :l'-"ii-an-N -t iu' ehit
IrmdacK. w 'i -r,. ;... i- v.r.l re
ni i. ii iint. I ho '
er I; I, ext.viel h w :!. :.- iw i .
W l.lll.lgt
a' I I st W i we..k
?. M km. !: m.i.i: '' X'ii:rss
I . i'I Ii i.
AX Kit VX'M.Sihi ii t
li tin li-oie I to. M il I J P I 10 I I I
for a -a!e c 'IIV-'IK o l t i tk hit 111
h ' dtv -n N'.nemo. T .'I f .. ih- i'ii'
los.. -f iii .ii .i ti i r. n it oi'ir-' "'. i. I' ll
i 'i t h.. h s.. ex !: n i t In h
. ,11 . xp re ii. x' M.i
riti'-n sii.vki:
NK'W I'M'.lv i ' i -U r
Will. Ilii'ltMll.V ItllSI'lN
M AI 'IS iN Wis , i h t x T.i- 1. ! 1
.' i' g nf ff t ie il' t ti ''
11- !.' g F' i 1.1 X Co .( 'li l! : ',: Vo
i. s'gn n.-i.i .f Ih s 1 ..i; A lain- 1' r.
,.' I' -s l- n; ,i; I M A t un. .-a
i the .-i-.n '- - ' . s x ;.. -I i t
lie i is ',. . : i i ' l b.. 'ill -( t-ll mil-
I. o-s tl t r I : ' .- to ll's I'l'.'f
II. tg- w '!' h i- -I I 'I ig I'"' -' l-nt
lllttflg " 'I- i 1 ' i- i l,- tile
;. 1 S V I " ll ell - 'Ik i '. I -''I.
HI 't'lT ri. ' : i 'i: l it - i.i
l Mn : Its I '
I.' i l - Ml 'I
-r-.-i I.
For Steamer, Commercial and Family Use
Orders Promptly Executed . .
Samuel Elmore & Co., Ats.
Oenessee fruit
Pacific Navigation Company
Stcnmcm "Sue If. Klniurc" unj "W. II. Ilurrlhon"
Only line Awtoriu to 1 ilamook, (iurlbiil.ll unj Hay City, Hormonvillv ;
Connecting at Astoria with the Or'gon Ilallroad A navigation Com- i
pany and also the Astoria & Columbia Hlvsr Itallroad for Ban Fran
claoo, Portland anl all points East. For freight and paManger ratei I
apply to j
Bartiucl Elmore 9
(O. R, A N. R. a Co., rortland.
AGENTS -A. C. R. Ii. Co, Portland.
la. C. LAMB. Tillamook, Oregon.
Take the Only Remedy
That Is Guaranteed to
Effect a Cure.
They Are Dropping- by
Great Work of Paine's Celery Com
pound Goes Steadily on.
f ,.v,-it (-;,i.i ..e. i .. . v ,es. ih
1 !,. '.-kiv. oi .iii!U ..f , ..iimi n s n-, II
l' ! b-'glu. k
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.!- :... ti'l, ..t 1 "1 .'ii i Hi I
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Co., Oeni-ral AenU, A8T0KIA, OIU5 j
the Way While the
ti-.-n .einll'iii this great.'.! of all pre
; li.. I I'tn.-ti. ti l.'le f.-ut illltetft of
tti.- ait'i. in'-r an I lain'i .irp
iiii:I ' .1 -i tilt; .lill . in p'g !i s' k. te.
.I.,r iii: the u eak mil .1 In . sr I to bell ll
I an.l .tl.-uiifl. Illikng I'. (. . !!. f"l
j in nix .III lii.l l ;..!. II (' I'xe n.'lo
I Mild tin I ii.i i. 'l. t In ix .-tl-lllten I t
i-i-.- il,' .rn. .. aniiipi it-d iri l ''.li.
... s ll '.Ijmt'lt IS illi.l n-! X I II e
i In i !i -. x.iiii that tiai,- r-ett ii iininv
niti. k- . -'in.- an I s . -li.- . ' . ill.. I in.-. I
.. lie W IS pill Up 1'V I''- 'I'' ' Xp.'lt' 11'
.1 a ban I than a rustling Ph'l I' lphU
cal .-.til,, .t-.llel. 1-1.1 lie,- I Ml. be, n
ml i. it ni i un In I- n t I" a gi nip
'lllip to" .X l;..' Ill ll illl-ll.': IX til. ll
otg-lll!.- 1 -IS ipl.-1'.lllt tllilut t -I c i.ti".
ll i. ad I I II 0 I i l's I I ! il"'" bill I ' Its
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. .III ol I 'le III. lids of I I' ."!. ll
.11!.- l-r all the 1 1 1 1 " 1 1 ' . II nt- I '"
ll'1 and su. ll Iti.'a-li ... Might tie llilll
l.nti I I II I I 'll' ll t I. Ill'
V. tun' ti-i-l. or iir,- ii ix log
:h , .1 li u ti l.- 'be .p'ln ill,) f"r Am. n
' i , ,!- rimlli a real i-ni-.
. f i ; ,. it an -fT'i !li .. -otil and
-. -i i i -. g ,i ti - m li i. n l .ufT : d
. ''.- t nipt -I .ill..! -1 at 'li i f tl-
-I -In. I'.Clie C i. I X . MI-
ilU Ii.i un .1 . in- I 1 1 cur-, t h - . k
mt no hiirt . : I'm .liuiti:': -v r at
in, . t . l i In. ,i ' ii . lie r I . iake
mi tbp.g in t a l
1' i n - '. .Iii . . in;. ni M 1 1 li li g 'ti,- "ii
. ,-1 1 I x gain ng Hi ! mi.- 'll. .' ir' I"-'
.. ,,. . nil,, tin., it.-.l it bat
' g. if - f ii" .i'ig 't. I" i and In t
.-i - Miiniunl'i in in.- . un ti tune !v
.1 ,- .1 if III nlth spl. .l l I ' " f.1111'".
t -. .nliot ti I he w .'o k 1 1 1 1. 'l .-'111. of
I l-,l! I'.l' phi "I- -HI" 'hi. .'.--. I t-ll-ll
-III. It tie t '! V '11 -! f .- ll pi.-et
, , i , j. ri x t un. P. g.i.i liming an I
in., f ... mn a g't I v g i ii t hem io
d IV
I'.., "i . ' . mi Pa io". . eV. y , -an
i.uiid Iii- in i. r I.- n indole I mn .tut! in. 1 In. . .'..tiling fr .III . tl g'l
, -ur a.i 1 " " n li ugh "I ':i t I i oi l . 1 i o. o il - I 'llg rill
c -l I i is ii'-ti - 1 i' ' it l .1. I o. Ii it ,-u.-
t o - - -lit- lit i ' - - t - i ' i ' n
I ,- H . ih.- . in" of d.-.-pt
,-, I . i. f. -ii ti,.. id . -I
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, ' 1 1 1 - ni I .1' n v
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; 1'it) on th. r -! I t '.- ill i
t - .. ..u s I- 1 -' I - i II - ..Ill t
-1,0 I'll 1 1 ' I ' -I- "
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' i'i 1 ' in a t in i h- ) : ni
t li. . 1, lio I I., .ll' it
Is f ..I f.r th- i. i i .-.
I -II Ik . " - ceo - ' 1'
Til -ii .io I. hi. - . ' li ' ' tl d t Il-Mis-
,., I 'ni.. I i.ii' I :-i 1' i ii ' . i" l-n
, -.nip .no I It I II .fit ooig Iw.' ll-ln
fa '-.I
Of New Zctilfiiifl
W. P. THOMAS, Mgr., 5nn IVanclsco.
SuliHcrilii'il Cii.ittil. .... $j,IMHi,liliO
I'iiiil-iii Ciiiitiil, .... 1,(1(10,110(1
AsscU, . ... J,.ri .i, I
As-i'ts in 1'iiili'il SlatPH, - .",(1(1,(1(10
SiirpliiM tn I'dliry Iltililt-rx, . 1,7m,7'.i2
llit.t hi'i'ii ('ipli'ivxritiiii; on tlio I'licilif CuiihI hvpi lui nlv lwo yt'iir.
The Only I'lrMt-ClimM llotul Iti lortlitticl
The Mornliij; Astorinn
Sixty CcntH Per Motitli
Delivered at Your RchIcIchcc
The Worcestershire
The only good sauce; enriches
lasie or an Meuts, nsh.uameaiaas, y
etc. , and fives a flavor that imitators ic&r-,
....-li ,..l i ,
unci; laiiio prouuee.
Kunsl.l Pint llllng o Urdu ' Ihllle. or)
I'Vi licit t J.m. In.
l.iiXIN, im A illipiilib from
Palls tn Hie Times iiiti lhai M l"l thi, foreign mliilsi. r, rel'l) !'"" t'
I lis sp-ik 'siliiln nppolnled bv ll'" '"''if
nnit.i wine gixiwel.. stated Ihal ll"1
hud lei'iniledlt iik't, llussla !' ledil,-
lite dil e on Flench tt Pit. nnd lu snd)'
but ltuU ak' d coin poii.i'g li'lilc
lions Iii me itiiH.'s on lt-r and
oilier t as rd a. tii.
nt ociiiloii of Hie situltai) ngiiliit
oil llu"l.iu cal bv
M li. t'naan pr iiill.e ! Io C'llllllllS
hi. rrfnr-s. but, M)i Hi" ilpntill. t
I. ol.l Ion. Dial Hie .Ionian I. . f l(u.ia
w ill i n. o iu(-r i.imii.i-i,
, WHEAT M.Mllxlil'
I'llll'Vli'l ' I t . Wllrat, lle.elllll r
open. I. '.''Sill ' i , ci 'ed Ii",
TAi'uMX ii I "i Wlo it, bin sii iii.
.inn .;,
Pi'llTI.ANI'. 1 1. 1 s Wulia
Wail i. .1 V all. -v an I blunt, m. JU
Andrew Asp, lakir, tliflxailk taJ HtfrMr
rnttsT i'LAMs woiik a r
Hpet'lal AUsnllnn Uufi to Khli at it
rlteatnboal I(.plrln(.t)ciiral Ulack-
inithiiig Flu: riai. H um
Hlioolng, tic
WlinilK l"i YOU
hl'P !
1 1 1
I I t' miner lai H'tset.
That hn give, th? b: ther
la to b? bat In ' tie .I ) f ir
ill. Iejt iiioi.flyT Place n
of lee . r. -e an I S"'
Pur , bv
1-h lAlil' .V S l'i Mx IH ' '
Foley's Kidney Cure
nukes kldntys and b'udJcr right.
the n,t1.iiuiii,a.,unifc