The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, September 25, 1901, Image 2

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    T11U MORNING ASTOKl.VX, W..iNKSI)AY. SlTTl.MltrR 2. 1901.
gaily otovh-m.
Telephone Main KL
8mt by mail, Pr yewr J1
8nt by mall, per month &
8rv4 by carrier. per month W
While t:i mr of N .!.
versitiotis given ty IUrlv-M art n
kl ,.., I ... i ili" ..p.. I I,.- OlCSt
Sent by mall, pr year. In advance, K- j.;;p,,rua'i fVa'ture of'tiiV .. r..tcn
' (by h m a :h; repres'iitative cf
AH vommunlc-ation Intended for pub-1 ieoti in making the irea-y
Aatorlan." Business communication! lnt(,n ,,,K f,,!,nv trs r'ii "f Hi
Of ail kinds and remittances must be ! , ,-ui.n f the b -und.ines of the
a "Ti Isiorlan Publish-i territ. ry c'led. Ati.l
CO. i.,f l.f. collet- ult.'l on ih- par; :'t!i
Barbe-Martois on the Boundaries of Louisiana and the Ef
fects cf the Cession on the United States.
rubilslt-d by of ltv I h-css Commit. -v ;f St. kwi World Vlr.
forty-third degree, received several
stt.uenis, then looked uon as It
source. A geograpjitcal chart was un
! t i.'i,. .' of the pienlpolcn lirl.s.
TV i. got ate In entire g,d faith.
f of France snd the
The Astorian guarantees to us aa -.,, j ,lu ,,.,, .i'-i.m
note his aiu'-
ihOUgh .Ub:tf SUiB-'Sllotl f t!l" I
I of state no icv Mini, on ln- par
1 llo I J MI'. K '
to l.ivr "
User the largest circulation of any i boundary clause indefinite.
newspaper publtahM on the. Columbia; In this connection, the map of "Tiie
Hw ith Treaty and I: Results." givm '
the Treaty and Its Ueul .." goen sv
.Marbois In the first e Htton of his work
I; U sail the acleatlsts on th? I". 3. j vllNtoire .to la l.ou i.: . IMrK U' l'-.
. 1S:".1 U iv r.l;s the m..n liiiiwrnrit
S. Albi:ri. were unable to fln.l any of ;,,.s),, a.vumont of th- ;vr!ol in Anion-
r;:lnit the oontrnotlnir (na by IIihUk
iis-iwts-ii hUh all ao.tiililon of
t-rrllorv shouM In roibM.h'il, hii.I tliolr
I'vUikSUiii, on thU siibJiH-; wtiv mi
nim.v4 a lilvcatlo. Ii rvrn re
iirll ilrftiorn of Moiwl thai lh'V
lhsl to hav l.oumUiwi nin.n.l rol
:o SAin. Hut no mii:lon w n inn I,. In
(ho ronfrno of ,t (rtuik' a pr
toiiilon. The chart nlvin by l'tii XIV
In cnipr'hi'iiil''l all t'n count rv
Jraitiisl by th rivers which ilwohiiimvl
ihcninolvcs illrcoi'y or iinlirvily nto
iilc Mlll,i, Tho Ml url Is rill-b-ce,
in ttu: iciKritiiwi nn. I the river
ha sources an. I sexeml of In artluenis
In the ilclnlty uf Ihe U.nkv m iiit:u:n
Th, flrt .irtlol of the trcatv of oelott
! th.- Cilte, St.i:os lieiirt. llothlllK
more, bin the o.vuivkIoii of th. Interior
f'.cik'y ais',inr that the nia::or wasi'itoh has ami that hvh Ii as
full of iin.-er..-;iity. l(u: Ihev hii.I n.i taken rlaco on Hie racirli- oiv"
im .i is of retnoivhiK :t. Thi Kr, nc!t nc. mutii illv fnill.v enoh oilier The fie
o. i;or tMarlhits) sa!,l: 'Kven the -UHLsltUiii of Ieiitl.nia. tlut of III - VI or-.-hat:
wains us that tnu.h of thU coun. ,11a mil th eliio:! 'ii of some a'.ioiml-
rv ' llt'le bott'r knin t.Miy Iian"al cxncrsslnns or titles w hi. h have
:.o j'lw! is to allow ooiuvrt In tills re- J follow,'. I have cwt the l'nlle.1 Slate
no on-. Th- eaiullsh themse;ve hive about 1 A.ikio.iih francs; ;h' territory
to; i n':ri:o it. I'lrcuni't.iii.'c are i.--tlrv. enibi .1. e, ,i,xi.iHiii,iva a res
t si orvMln t. illivv (Miu''rt In this re- ; T'l re have been rales of nhoiil t . --
vs t wit the court,, of MilrJ 1:1. Tliat whl.h rem tins when I:
i .'iiM icon. re a loll time to compete : c.mies ;o be il, .n .s than a ee:i;tiiv
; ati.l Pitiahs It woul.t be thoimht will Iw w.rh several billons to the
ah -"ih'.e to "onvilt with the viceroy I'nlte.l States. What the value of the
of M isv WouM It a n be h.'iter for same Ian. Is will ho in '.)! of in
t.'u I'mt 'l Slates t, accent a iieneral Hvllual owners Is lvon, oileulatlon
A never fallloir curs for cut, burns.
seahK ulcer woniul, an J aorvt Is I
WIU'j Wllch Huael bhe. A most
sooth. nit anj healthy fur all
akin arf.'Cil ms. Accost only the uu
me, IIIAS. HOilKUS. lruMll.
Th-rn aiv 30.TWI fewer wrvjuuii Ihan
men li Soiitn imou. but iIih illlT'i'
ece It. male up In the uuiUly of (he
f ot in r.
H. W, rurs,-ll, Ktlltersvllte, I'a , rty
he siiflere.l ;i years with ii.le sn.l eoul
obtain 'to relief until v.,vtt'a Witch
llaiel Silve e(Teilel a ,einianeiil cure.
nutilrfel:s are wor:h!ei, 01 1 AS.
liiHIKUS, l MKlt.
do' I In xiIik iiiiiiiiIiIi'i
foun.l near r"iilii. III. Ill
works, iMvbahly.
has been
the wa:Wl
the Kibsters pln:ej in :he Oolumb a
by the rveniment offlcials stime ye.ars
ag.v Mayb? they went fo PortlanJ.
ean h'Sorv wl h which '.t -teals It is
nnnted In white. reen .ir-l l.h: ye.
low. In white, he p ve :he l'n.: l
S:ati-s east of the M:ssl:vl. n.l on
h? suith cut off rrm the ilo f at what
Is now :h? nr:h line of Flor-
Forferv a?ems tj be a popular diver- j kls he annts In yeilow. to uin.i : :h.
, Imoortatit fact. "tw ifenerally over! 'k-
ion in this part or tne woru. ana oi
Ule years many cases have come to
light. Uist nlr'ii a far&er was taken
to Salem to remain two yar In the
penitentiary. Tbe crime for which he
was convict! nettei him l-v Fonrers
ahould take notU- that Di:r!ct Judge
McPride does itot approve of their
xe'.hod of gsj'ntT aJons; In the world,
and that operations In this county win
be characteriie.J by failure of the ex
tremely dWmal order.
Rlthout making any effort to offer
evidence In defense of b! act. Ueon
Caolg.wa, slayer of Presiden: McK'.n
ley. ye:erday appeared In, court and
aat quietly br while the formality of
convicting him of murder Ii the flrt
degiw was gone throuirh with. The
d'jpatclies say the proceedings did not
Interest him to any appreciable extent,
and be heard the verdict of the lury.
which condemned him to death, without
the slightest apparent concern. After
all. there Is a Unge of sadness In the
care T of thi misguided young man.
wiose crime will 11 ve in history as one
of the most terrible committed, and It
Impresses as with the necessity for
stamping out forever the anarchistic
curse. No douX Ciolgoe was Indue- rcrlnl lu me r .ni v,,nui na: rue.
been sail of the uncertainties of the
ed to become an anarchist by older an 1 j boundaries. In giv'rg an a vmn: t"
more experiencid jersons. Once a mem- ;- f" ,n"' "f ,h '1 "i
ed. t!ia though no ivirt of it was in
cluded In the treaty, i;s rJnn :. the
I'nitet States was a direct result of
'ncvitiatlons,' began
atelv af er the cesion .f Uu'.s;ana an I
end.-! In 1571 by the king of Sinn's r".
luctan: ratification of th-- tt'tv of ces
sion which had bivn agrs..i on in lt..
A a result of the Uiuis.ana tr ;y
th Vnlted States was at once tnoye.
with Spain. b.nh on that east and
and the 'rora of both countries were
kept in readiness near the d'.sput M
boundaries. Tex.s and a'4 the terr'torv
afteraarjs ceiled by Xl-xiiv uo to the
north line of Oalifomla MarN'is pritus
in white, and labels It "M-xsco. OH
and X?." to Illustrate his view that It
was not llluded even by imp't cation
In the indefinite boundaries of Ioulsi
ana territory. The Northwest Pacific
states, formed from what was once Ore
gon territory, he prints in green of the
same shade which he extends from the
Oulf o Mexico a; the mouth of the
Mississippi to the Pacific, which he
calls .he "Grand ocean-"
It was specially In th direction that
the In 1 'flniten-iss of the boundary was
exfiectJ to be ad -antageous. bh to the
l'nlte.1 S'ates and to France to the
l'n!td States, which by exploration
ciuM press a cla'm of right by discovery
and ocrupition. suppirted !f tiecesuary
by a claim bavd on the Louisiana ces
sion: and to France (then aiut to be
attacked bv England In violation of the
treary of Amiens), because the claims
of England to the territory of the
Northwest Pacific would lend to for.-e
the United States and England Into a
hostile attitule.
Marbois makes It clear that this ld-a
was fully define! In N.pleon's mind
while the treaty wai still under discus
sV.n. As (he French plenipotentiary
and Nepoleoh'j confidential adviser, b
are drawn for the murder of prominent
rne c:mierenre. ne wntes: rne rTnrn
ber of the "arJer." h was subject to negotiat r iM.irh.-iis himself) rsrntel
its rules, under which, according wi Z-T? i!-
.and the lnc"nven.rnee .,f a etl''Ula:.n
the best Inf ormation obtainable, lots I o un.-ert.iin." In answ-r to h'.s obser-
ivatlnn. he had this response; "If :he
obM-urlty was not there already. ier-
Perha-9 CxDlgisi wis selected in j haps 1: would be gl politics to put
this manner to take the life of the presl-I ' The "meaning of Np-ile,.n' ilea of
Jen:, for it Is hardly probable that he'"e'oj p. 1 tics" Marh-is !lliitrre n
i the sentence preo-e-lng this: "Th
Toluirtee. to commit the deel. Hav- f ,h(, pa. ifi.. were rrtainlv n .t
in been chosen for the fl-nlish task, j ""f th cession. Hut alr.-i,y
! the I n'tel States are ta;)isne. :h-re."
he was compe'led to carry It out, as j The color cvm of tjiis mar. n hi- h
i '!ustra-e this id-'i by giving th arne
i tint to the territory wes: of he Rocky
member who fails to obey orJers. Fall-. mountain (is to th.i- on the ea-o he
I defines carfullv by "he Ian-ling of -h.-map.
f s of the It. k -s, he coun'ry
anarchistic rules con 1?mn :o death any -
ire to k!i th? presiden: wouM have
'resulted In the death of Cz lgo- a: the
hands of some other fiend, while the
commission of th? crime meant certain
death for him- In either cage, his
doom was sealed. The persons behind
th's anarchistic movement, then, are to
blame for he crime, and. while Ool
gosz' punishment will not be adequate,
so far as he is concerned, the punish
ment of those who influencel Mm
should be 'qually s .rreat; indeel, they
are mir to be dreaded than the assas
sin himi?lf. Tojng and inexpetinred.
he was a pliant tool in the hands of
the fiends who plot assassination and
destruction of civil government. Stoi
cally, no doubt, he will meet h! fate:
of which the C' rive.- Is th
; N "rthern herniary I'nnc the Stat"
j Oregon), ne labels as T-rr:t.iri.- and
icourrr'-'s o""u'.ll by T'ni'e! S:jej
In r ns-s-'i -n -e of 'he tr-iiv -t '-."i -n
of Louisiana." while "hit part -f th
' iiM "'ir-gm Territory." whi h Is r-T
the Stat- ..f Washinrt n. h la Vis is
.in disi.n-.' between Knglin f o r.. -he
lt'n'"el Sta:- a d'spuv whl.-h illus
1 1 rate.) Nip il-oiic "g.ei-l :..:! s" ny
continuing un'i! it had Its ri.mix ! i
I th- f -m u "Fiftv-four F rtv rr
Fght " which the !i;trar:ve -I ri n..
r Allen, in -.Mi. mad the
i "sluran" of a pr-. .-nt.a! '-ini.nL':i
' A; the tim- of th- r.eir itiitj .-. ,-h
1 Mutir o an 1 UVnc-'on u-hi. h Mir....
, Is reporting, the Iy is in I '".ark -xv-
sltion was alr-aly pr-pir.tig to -xpl -r-
the country from lyiuls r , ,--,.r:i-;
und'.uii lly with a i-n ..f its
occuootlon a fai-: which l--n is hi i I !
; ed ln'orer t , wha' M irtioU :iv if ?h
b,un!ary. 'There hi. I been rtr:ai
.an! Il'l.tritl- r".i h- .-..n' --rn.nit
first oecupati.n and flr-'t n'ts of
sovengntv over it. he -:t"-.-. "hut is
without pain for the electric chair
gives none ne will pay the penalty ror ; often happen in such risen -h- r-..
was that traveiern an. hf-rans h
I left nothing but vagu- anl c-ne:
been satisfied. But Crolgoaz' death is . ideas on the subject Th-v ha I re a
his awful crime, and the law will have i
stpulaton, and. .luce th m countries
a- - now f -r the m t part In the p.--s.
---ic-i if savages, , -vv.kxv for the
fittu"' arrang.-metits or treaties which
to. rtuteol Stat.-s will make with them
in I with Spain? !i ceding Oinada la
lie Krg"sh a: the peace of K.1. t
h.i'v n : extended ihe cession to a
.'ontl ry we di I n. t p.vssess. I; U In
!' that E'ig'.a id hascarrl.vl I: ocupa
t n if territory westwanl to the Arctic
"I. rn.ii be tha; the American pletil. .
po;.'nt r -s had thJm'lves delre l
wSat was thus proposel to them. It
::av b- that tMese wor Is were a rav
of ligb; for Ihem. They dvlar-sl that
'h-y held :, the in definite terms of
Atf.cV III of the treaty nf Sin Il.le-
oho'so, which was Interest .., entirely In
he fits: artt.lo of the trva-y of ,-,ss.s,.n
M .1" Marb -is. who pro,v.w l the pro.
Jed. said on several occasions; "The
firs, a.-ii. V may give rise 1 1 l.rtlcu't es;
h"y are losurmountarile t.slay. Hut if
they di not stop you. I wish to know;
it lust (hat yau have Bit committed
vonrs -if m ihem without w arning.'
He referred to the exclusion i f am- i
biguous clauses from the treaty: the
V n ri. an pi .nl potent t ar cs, however,
male no further object I nt. and '.f ap- i
ps'.ir ng to resign thrmselve in general
'rms as to a necessity they found
them really preferable to more precise '
s i.'u! it! ns I; Is well to recall that the
r suit iust:fle. their foresight. Toe
sh -res of the Pacifl." were ivrtalnlv not I in the cession, but airady the
fnitisl States are establ'srie.i there. In
dvine acount of the Firs: Consul of .
he pris-.-eilings of the ronf 'rv-nc. the
French .negotiator pointed out to him
the obscurity of the article snd the
neonvenientes of a stipulation so un
certain In answer to his ubrv4'.l n.
he had this respmne: 'If the ..bsourl v
was not here already, perhaps I: would
h. tovid Mlitlcs to put it there ' "
This Is a full and sufficient explana
tion of the dis.oute over rhe houndarles
f the ori.-n'.al Louisiana cession, which'
is oarri-d on almost as vigorously at
the beginning of the twentieth century '
as it was at the beginning of the nine
teenrn. If w hs: sayii with uch . diplomary were reduced to
a niniie hlun: s.ntenoe. It woul I be
perhaps that h- first p.olnted t ut to ;
M'nroe anl Livingston that, as Eng- ,
and ha i claimed the whole country,
nor'h of tile t'nltij States order the
r-Jty of lTt!. though France rede I;
toning it did not own. so the Vnitcl
ta:-s. un !e' th- treaty of 1S3 with
he . bs.-uritv ief: there or "put tl.ere."
uld da m everything which the treaty
".definite as belonging to no one In
uiar lining sugir'stsl that Ins
O' .v of the ailvan.ages and dlsalvant-
s .f In l-'flnlten -ss may have been
r.iv of light" In the two American
itpl'inat. Mariiuls condemns lioi-t'.'Hte-
ti-s- in gen-ral as wring inJ r-tl-- s
ti s.tne asperity on the fnltel
ites f .r having applie them ain-t
-v-ini wi-n I: s-enie I to have b-. n his
1 i hat thy were rightly ipplicahle
.r.'v aii is; England.
T'.i- r.-ir .t'.irl ins with S:iln which
f-i'I w s-vral years later In re!at!-n
o tn boundaries of Louisiana w - re
i .1,- in I llllloult," ! says. ' Trie gov-rnrn-n:
of th- !nlt.J States. In."ea. of
fr.mkiy rrognlzlng that there was
itr.unl fir re.tsnnabie doubt, un l-r ....k
o e-t Incontestable rlgnl"
T ... i 'n of the Floridas, In nl-nd.iig
the t-rri orb, put an ed to a lis.-us-
..f the eastern limits of I,iu!sl ina,
w.i.. h iri'H then had been Inextricable
i-s lffl."Ultl-s). As for the li iun I ori-.s
if th w-s It was rendered easier to
- -1 1 lo:n by the fact that Spa n f .unl
i:-. ' und-r 'he necessity of getting
r.l of .i:i e. implications In A merle . anl
ii tr-atv of February. Isls. put an
:. I t the embarrassment in whlrh that
O.I-- f.unl Itself Involved. It w;u
otrr- i that the Sabine river should b-
I.. louttdary between the two coun.
S d Parting. Ii'l.' Howard street, I'oi
lliti"ti, M i'li. wi t s "I have trie!
m any pi s and Uxa'lies, but IvWilt's lia.'ty Itiss'is are far lltf be; pills
I hive rver use!" They nsver gripo
OIIAS limn its, liriiKKist
The fa'! that some of the leaders of
fashion are 'islng th.Sr yachting c
tutnes r aiitoinoblling as well uggts
a to, of ....'loiny thai Is well worth
ssil I'Tlng.
IVoi't wait un! you bc-onie clirsihs.
ally constipated but take P-Wltt s Ut
ile Early lllsers now anl then Thry
will keep your Tver aid bowels In good
order y.nty to mke. Safe pills. OIIAS
KiViKltS, lriiKgst
The cession was followed ly the explor
ations, of scientists and adventurers, and
others wore uttetn;te by v 'Vageitr
and tllereliants They reached the
western cvist by crsl"g a isuiiihv
which was at that dav unknown to ihel
civilised w rl I. Tli'v fmnl :ln Indian!
trlb -s hosoliable and iMcefiil an I theV I Ten ' in lies the h rse w hich won the
were onlv by the otntarles of I big event at Sheew"ie I Hiv a few day
nature. These regions ere vaster Ihan . ago. Is iindouMed'.y brlillant lum nary
the terrlt ry .f original Tuiicl , Ii- world
States Thev afford issvm foe n tmn'roil
t , ay:
ll -nry Itrav.l m. Harris. N
"I took me.liclns l )er for asthma
but one bottle of One Minute ough
iur, dl I mt more g"ol than any Ihnig
es,- during that time let Cough
Cure." OIIAS IttHIEUS. lrugglt.
republics and ivnturles niav pass be.
fore tsi.nilatloll a". I clvllla itlon have
fully .level ipe, ihni. It would be has
arxloiis to ask what will be the r final
form of government, or what bonds
will unite them, perhaps with e.h
oth -r and ts-rhaps with a metr-'P-dls
It Is enough li foresee that thev w II
form thMielve on the m.vbl of the
I'nl'M Stales; an I that thev will cer
tainly tie fortunate, and that the new
w.irtl ttlll w-i fhe oLI se-tl
s.v.eties founded f r the adianase of Norrls Silver. North Slratiford. N II
all their in.liyl.luil inhabitants anl not l"l purchase.! a (wtlle of ime Mlnuts
f r tna: f their found-fa. or to Increase Ootigli Cure when suffering wMh m
th. lr riche. enlarge ihfir power, .t to cough divtors told me was Incurable
fee.) them with emp y glory Even lnl' e b tle rel Sve.l ins, (he scond and
third alaiosi cured To-lay I am a wen
mm" OH AS Il.xlEHS. IruggM
Emma t ddmait't early caplure pre
venie.1 her being seen at M le St.
Nicholas. Wichita. Kan. and Munlee.
I nd
lisunlting themsi'lv-s from the conf.-l-
eratl.m, they will remain unite) bv lawn
whl.-h will pr.-sorve the pence and he
everything which wlil ensure their gen
eral happiness."
Thus Mirh'ls el. wes his review of ihe
ijuest'on of the bsm.larles of the t -rrl-torv
and of the streets of the cession
Perhaps iio ojier w niter N-f .ee or
sin-e has aid it so .inclusively In an
i .un! numOer of words
There Is a tin mine at IMIvIa
ll'Stl f. t I oolr the S a Where WOll'l
men g i when they're after ihe tin?
"Oh. Harry, here's charming sum
mer travel article: it Is called How to
tlo When to llo Where to (;.'"
Harry !es It tell who will send
th- money? Iietrjl: Free Press
waman can't 'hrow
can heave a sigh.
a stone, but
Many physicians are now pres.-rlliji
K d 'I !i)spet!a Cure r'guiarty having
foiled that It Is the best prescription
thev can writ" because It la the one
proper ill -n which contain the element
necessary to d gesl not 0' ly oils kinds
, f but ail knd and It therefore
iur't led g-stloti and dvupepsia n- mat
rr what its cu OIIAS ItislEllM.
Dr. J. C. Bishop, Agnevr. Mich., say:
"I have used Foley' Honey nd Tar
In thn very sever case of pneumonia
with good results In every rase lie.
ware of substitutes. HART'S PRIM
J hn Rolf ,.f Virginia planted the first
t. I.a. co f r coinmerre History d '!' I
ay wh-ttier he mlse cigarettes or
lust had a pipe dream.
Emma flol lmiirk cannot be wholly de.
praved. Sie wrtes a very fervid love
NIGHT WAS her terror.
"I would cough nearly all night long."
writes Mrs. ('his. Applegate. of Alex
andra, I I I., "and could hardly g- t any
sleep. I had consumption so bad that
If I wake! a block I Would cough
frightfully and plt blood, but, when
all other medicine fulled, three It i)
bottles of I)r. K'ng't Near Discovery
w hollv cured me ad I gain I 5.1
pounds." It's ali.utely guaranteed to
cure Cnuichs, i'.iIJi, Iwi Orlppe,
rhitis anl all Throat and Uing Triu-bb-s.
I'rir- 50 cents and ll.oo. Trial
bottl- fr e a; Hart's Drug Store.
Oieorg. Vf. Line. I'ewamo, Mich.
writ.'Si "Tour Kodol Dyspepsia Oure is
th host remedy f.r Indigestion and
stoma. thai I ever used.
For yeir I suffered from Jl.pvpl. at
tim.n compelling me to stay In bed ad
causing me u tol agony. I am com
pletely cured by Kodol Dypep Cura.
In r c unuieii lsig it t friends who suf
fer frm n.l!iei.on I always offer to
pay for It If It falls Thus far I hav
twer pall." i'IUS UcHlEItS. Drug-eist.
i m
t On p m
U i
I'olllsu.l l it mi Is-ii. I II 10 si
Cor Astoria anil U mupw
ion ma
K..r I'oitlmul mid n.y , ii sn'tii
PulhU lti'i hi
l a in
M p in
HKAMpr nivisitiN
asitirl l..r M'arrvnlim,
luel, r'url Hetnia.
IUliimoli.1 anil Attoila
tietidv for Warrrnloit,
rlsii. lUmin -lid. for.
sielei.f and alorl
1 1 i Mi
IU 1,0 s III
I 1 1 rsi p m
! 7 isi i III
I u Ja a m
Sun.lay only.
All trains niak cbis conn-cilon al
Oolil with all Northern I'acllto train
lo and from ih Kat and Houn points
Oen'l Freight and Psixeiiger Agent
VtA , ,
.Portland Astoria (ou(o.
Pally Round Trip i,-pt Sunday.
shurtist ;no quickest
St.l'aul. I)uluih,MlnnmHills, Clilcico
and All Palm i:a'
Eyi'ALEI), Thrugh I'alac, and Tourist ,airs.
Dining an l liuffi Huiokiiif
lehrary Oar.
! Ticket i.i points East via Portland:
ami Ihe llri-at S',.rlliPru lly, un !
ai O, It. A N. Tt.ket Us. Atlorla,
or llr! Niirihrrn Tioki ortlc
Iav Portland
Leav Astoria .
. .? a. m
T p. m
To piay up. n a golden hrp
K r v 0-nie o,i t sutM ',
A lo; of m n are ery sliarp.'
And c tin y cu: no Ice,
You shoul I kn. w thai Foley's H. ney
and Tar Is absolutely the best for all
Iis.-iis-s of lo- :hr .at un I lung. Ileal
ers ate auth r xed to guirnnte It to
i give satlsfa. tlo.i, HART'S Dltl'U
1 SToRK.
If the picture of Prim
ir .l lik -tis he ought
. 'hun are a
to Upollglgo
I It
i lltl'M
'.line f .r Richard i'r..kc
if the ana r. hlsis ar.
,n their Jireats t-i ki.l
lo f.-el
all rul-
"I stuck to my e.iglne, although ev
ery J Int ached and every nerve was
racked with pain." writes C. W. H-i-l.imy,
a I omo ive fireman, of llur
l.ngton. Iowa. "I was weak and pale,
wl;h"Ut any appetite and all rim down.
As I w is about to give up. I got a liot
tie nf Kleior.c Ilitt-rs and after taking
It. I fel- as well ns I ever did In my
life." Weak, sickly, run down pe,l(iie
always ga." n'w life, strength and vig
or from th-;r use. Try them. Satisfac
tion guaranteed by Hart's Drug Store. I
Price f,0 rents. !
N, Ja. -Its. n. I itivllv. III., writes:
"Mv daughter ba I a vcr,, at'n k of
la itrli p. anl a terribl cough eied
n li-r lungs. We trle a great many
rem" II s with nil ttlvnlg rlb'f. She
tried Kol.-y's Honey and Tar which
cured her. She has nev'r been troubled
with a cough since" HART'S DRI'd
Through Portland eonnelJon wiih
steamer Nahcoi a from IlwacoanJ Long
tiescn polnta.
Wnlt Collar iJn ticket Inlerchsnx.
abl with 0. R. N. Co. antt V. T. Co
Telptut Dork: TUphon III.
IlCf PT Ronotr
ViBvouvtr. CsiJuJe Locks. St. Mir
tin's Springs. Hood River. While
SilmoB, Lyle tod He DtlUt
Iav Portland
Arrlv Th Dalle ,
Iav Th Dalle
Arrlr Purtland
'Sunday Trips leading Foatur.
lThl Routs ha th Urandesi 8cnlc
Attractlnna on Earth.
For ram. foldsr and full Informailon
regarding Eastern trip, oll in . r d
drsa A. I! C, I)KNNIT)N.
Olty Pa, and Ticket Agml. Porllod.
Th, "Northwestern Liml'.-J" irsliU'
elet trlc llghtsvt thr.'Ugliou', both inslil
and out, and iain hsalnt. ar with
out ifeptinii, th flnt train In th
world. They etuhody Ih I, teat, w(
and best id's f r comferl, convnieir
and luxuiy ver olTorsd (he travslliag
public. nd altogether ar th most
complete nd ptndld producllan if th
car builder' art,
Thet idrnd d Tfi'n
CcBllSCt Wllh
The (ircat Nsrllicro
The Nirlkrrn Pacific isd
The Ctiiilti riclflc
No extra rhsrg for Ih oprar
acommo-Uiloiii and all i ! of tick
! ar availabt for ptaatg cr. Ih
train on 'hi Un ar rote.-t:4 by Ihs
lntsrl,H-king Hkck Hylm.
Osuwral Agent. Trviln( Ac's,
Portland. Oregon.
. T a. M. I on4einJI
Ortrude (uinLii. a comic opera
' f . r rti diitini. has scored a g l one mi
i other m-tntiers of the profession She
jS.IIV I'xolgosjt shoot ihe IrreslbTII and
I was indiscreet as lo let th Iiews-
pipets know about It.
I' his map In 1829, Marteils
i , the Sabine as the boundary
tlx-1 for the territory added lo the
!'.:! State, "by the treaty and Its
: "'i He ignores the claim to Texas
i i i had been an up under the treaty
' "h- I'-iited Htate. and it I evident
h. r.. it .Isewhere that t. his mind the
Indefln.tenesa of the treaty to which
S "tnetlnie list in.. nth a ni ointuln in
.farcin jii l.b-n'y sank to ih- level "f the
siirroun ling plalti Whl. h appear to
be a most t.-tn.irkalil.. Instance of a
Jrp In real estate.
not all thai
should 'eul: from the as- 1
! only the aceid-nts of navigatiot.s. ..r
The possibility of further j diet orv acts could oppos-1. Aer.,-!!ng
I to me annent ref-iros. tne Msnnp-'. x
aasassinidons snoull be guarded i nt Orleans exiend-d to th- l',i. .f! .
against, ani the only manner in which j and It was Inc .n-estabiV ha -h- di...
I r-san bnundarl-s -re thns xrr
this safegjard can be taken Is the ex- Rut this wa based on it'',. e-i .-
The ringiead- ! hope, and the savages f
I Iia.1 Il-ver een iJMe-i'i- .;r-
termination of anarchy.
ers of the organization must be ar
rested, and. If convicted of complicity
li the Buffalo crime, sentenced to d-ath;
If not, banishei forever from the Amer
ican continent. Emma Goldman and
her followers, including the publishers
of the anarchist pa;ers. must be se
verely dealt with, whether or not they
were directly concerned in the plot to
kill MeKlnley. If our laws are not
broad enouzn to make anarchy a fel
ony, they should be changed instantly,
and pending thU change the police of
tre nation should "spot" every anarch
ist, so all could be rounded up Imme
diately jpon the passage of the necefl
eary law. The spectacle of fellow-anarchists
sec-king admission as specta
tors to the court where Czl.ogoss was
triel 's a sad commentary upon our clv
iliration, and bpealu the need of laws
that w HI punish the cause as well as tbe
commission of crime, . .
!!y x-
in I
a a
h r.
Jurisl.tion whl.h wis suppose. m
erclsed oyer them. Mon-i-.-. r th'--nothing
In common wl h dom'ii'c
prot.rietorhip. An im.r'nn: ; . n
ren l"l U'ld'-lioteol,!,. ly rl:.- f-,
according to tr'-ot'-s h -n . xi --t ' ' .
course nf the M'ssissb.,.' In lo l -'n1
to the thirtv-flrsr. pi rail-!, he v of
New Orleans, formed h - ,'ne of ,v jura
tion, leaving to tiie l'n i-M State, m ,n
the left of the river. To ;:. righ- hi
the contrary were vast vc,,.h
recognlzel frontl -rs oith ui-h Fr.n'o.
had hitherto or'-upi-d a r'-'if .art of
th'-m In what a lall-d '';ii,"r Lmisi.
ana. i nis was .w.r nar:."tjiarly tio
country south of the Mis'iir.
The hou'idarl"" .f fy.u. i'a;i and
Florida, south of the i-i'rtv-"r-- d -trree
cave some "lorn for dl-tor TV v I it I
wme Irnpottance beeauo. ..f the proxim
ity of the ea anl o.,. mouth . the
rlv-r; neypr'hel. -s this fief, i'Oiln
id by the Euripean rfiw-r. w'-il h md
sueeesslvely pos.sei jt w,,, ,j,rl"v
mentions I In the conferener-, Frtm'.
hsd had th" '-n-r Interest !n P. The
single word 'Florida' could not have
been Infnrted in the treaty without
opening the way for great d IfleiiPiea.
"Th b'jun 'aries rn the north and
northwest wore .h.n less ea.-y t. Ic.
scribe. Even the course of the Missis
sippi could give room for dispute. Iie
causfj this great river, b-yond the
Frank Tr"adw"ll, Dennett, la., waa
trouble 1 with kidney disease for two
years. He writ's: ''I had taken several
kinds it kidney remedies Imr tvlth lit.
.- was a party was a g.sid ground for , tu heneflt "Finally r tried g-olev'. Kld-
lalrns agiUnst Filgland as the enemy . ney Our and a one dollar bottle cured
. France. and not against "his catholic me." HARTS DRUG STORE.
majesty." "Tnl same treaty, ne con-
Ia f'.rliipe coughs oft-n rontlnu for
months and sometime b-ad to fatal re
sults after the patlett Is suppe, to
have passe.! the dangT pfilnt. Foley's
ll.aney and Tar affords p.itlv protec
tion and aeeiiritv from these coughs.
Talk ab-mt na ne A Mr- QuHnow
of Toje-ka reo-nily became the fattier
of twins. He should.
ririu-s rer.-rring now to tn treaty or
!!' .i. h Sialn, "determined their line
'. pirttlon from the sources of the
Arkansas t, the Pacific. It Is traced
along 'Ic-.w sources to the forty-sep-md
;.irei:.. which It follows to the ocean.
A ukase ()f the Emperor Alexander
'S-M'-mher. 1H21), asserts that the rights
"f Russia on the northwest coast of
A inert- eitend from the northern ex
t' n, .y ,,f the centlnent to the fiftv-Orsi
b-gr-- latl'u le on the south. This Is
,' . ... r ... I . u-hleh th frilled States.
'ar "lug from the forty-second parallel, j STORE.
"-t to their claims on the north.
Tlo- ave even shown a disposition to ni.w
" at the forty-ninth oVgr.-e. I-,ng-
... n-J and the tTolted State have not
Ic-r, able ui agree on their occupation
f this territory. A convention entered
A New York woman has sui-1 for
dlvorcs because sie can't tell her hus
band from his two brothers and that
the liken cause endless complica
tions. We supp.'sw that ihe complica
tions ensipei when th,. wife naked for
money. Hubby played Ih.- part nf
brother-in-law, of course.
Chapped halds, cracked Hp and
roughness of the skin cured quickly by
Banner Salve, the most healing oint
ment in the world. HART'S DRCO
science call.-.) pedol nry ba
le.-n discovered, or Invented, or made
out of wnole cloth, by a tlh.xle Island
savant. He (Uilms you may control
the expre.isl in (,f your face, hut you
Doesn't cure your plies, your money
will be returned. It Is the most healing
medicine. HART'S DRUU STORE.
in' o October 20, ISIS, declares that theipsnnit that of your f.-et and ankles
' -r.-ltory claimed by each shall be That's undoubtedly true. A man
op-rie-i to the trade of each for a whose feet don't track lit about 3 a. m.
te-r.o-1 of ten years. This term Is about sure to give away th- f.u-t that he
I i expire, and It may be that the agree. )f drunk.
rre-nr bus airady expired. Y Olirteen
lo s bef re the signature of the treaty
f 'Jh'-u the ae'.tbment of the Oolum-
hci bad le n restored to the L'nlte-1
States. Th'f cession of Louisiana was
an assured guarantee of the future
irr-attie-s of the United States, and It
poss'-s-d an Insurmountable obstacle 'o
'he design formed by England of domi
nating in America. They concluded at
once that the negotiations for peace,
opened at Ohent. gave them an oppor
tunity to recover their boat advantages. ministers renewed their claims to
'he free navigation of the Mississippi.
Tii v d-niande! As an absolute condi
tion there should be a neutral belt of
fndlan territory bordering that of the
United States, for the purpose of epa-
A Minneapolis firm ha announced
that k will give 17 for Ihe largest
pota'.oe raised in Minneapolis. V for ihe
next 'arg'-st and $3 for ihe third
largest. This looks ilk,, a scheme lo
get a million d'HIars' worth of po
tatoes for 115.
There's n0 ret for thosx. tlre lit
tle workrDr. King' New life 1 1II.
Millions are slway busy curing Torpid
IJver, Jaundice, Ulliousnnss, Fever and
Ague. They banish Hick Headache,
drive nut malaria. Never grlpo or
weaken Small, taste nice, work won
ders. Try them; 25 cents at Hart's
Drug Store.
One can scarcely blame the sullnn
for looking ii(i his, cnok. He
couldn't afford to take ( hftnees on the
flavoring of his soup.
W. L. Wyancy, Padueah, Ky., writes:
"I had a severe case nf kidney disease
and Ihr-e nf the best physicians In
Southern Kentucky treated me without
success, I was Induced to try Foley's
Kidney Cure. The first bottle gave Im
mediate relief and Ihres bottles cured
me permanently. I gladly recommend
this wonderful remedy ." Take no sub
stitute. If ART'S DRUO STORE.
JOHN n. HLLOOM, Aft The Dillci
A. J. TAYLOR, Art. Astoria
J. C WYATT.Aft Vncouer.
E. W. CRICHTON, Act ronlanJ
ar -iTnr.i'i'Tik '
I Iviiot, Fifth snd
l-av i Hlrort
HVrrland Kspres
Train for Salem, t.urg, Ash
land. Sacramento.
p in i 'g len. Han Fran-
Cisco. Mojav. L
Angele. El Pao.
S 30 a. m New nrleaii and
th East.
At Wimdliurn
(dally rxcrpi Hun
dav i. inoniliig
trul li connects witn
I train fr Mt. An
I get, Sllvertoti,
I II r n w n v 1 1 1 e.
Sprlngflpld. and
Natron, and yen
log train for Mt.
Angel snd Silver-ton.
iJ;J0 .ml orvalll i.sssi-n-
114 50 p nil Sheridan Iaseti-
Daily. llDally except Sunday,
IJ a rrt
' 00 p an
i5 to p rn
lis Ka m
amd Union Pacific
From Portland .
Salt Ixke, Denver,
Ft. Worth. Oma.
ha. Kama City
St. Louts, Chicago
ajid East
Rait I-aka, Denver
Ft. Worth, Oma
ha. Kansas City,
SI. Louis, Chicago
and East;
Walla Walla,
Lewlatnn, Son.
kann, Minneapolis
Hi, Paul, Dululh
Emma flol lmiiti. It I said, preachm
ihe nuti-maiTlnge and universal uffec
llon doctrine. A glance t Ills photo
graph of Emma would Indicate that
any man who started on the practice
of her teii-hlngs by kl.slng her would
be simultaneously attacked wllh lock
jaw and mal d. .-tier.
"I suffered such ln from corns I
could hardly walk," write II. Robin
son. Hillsborough, III., "but Rucklen's
Arnica Salve, completely cured them.
Acts like magic on sprains, bruises.
cuts, sores, scalds, burns, bolls, ulcers.
Perfect beabn- of nkln dlseaSi-s and plies.
Cure guaranteed by Hart's Drug Store.
Price 25 cents.
1:00 a. m.
via Hunt
ington Atlantlo
Em press
SttOp. m.
via Hunt
ington St. Paul
Fast mail
( p. m,
72 hours from Portland
No Changs of Cars.
Milwaukee. Chi
cngo and East
4:30 p.m.
S:10a. ml
7:00 a. m
to Chicago,
From Astoria
7 a. m.
Dally ex
cept Bun.
All sailing; data,
subject to change
For San Francis
oo every five days.
Columbia River
To Portland and
Waoj Landlnge. j
4 a. m,
Steamer Nahootta leaves Astoria on
tide dally for Ilwaco, connecting there
with trains for Long Reach, Tioga and
North Beach points. Returning arrives
at Astoria same evening.
0. W. LOUNSBB71RT, Agent,
A. T-. CTtAIO,
General Passenger Agent,
Portland, Oregon.
Rebsts ticket un nle ti"'wern Port.
land, Sacramento snd San Frnnrlsco,
Net rate $17 first clas and III second
class. Including sleeper.
Rate and tickets in Eastern Points
and Europe. Also Japan, China. Hono
lulu and Australia. Oan be obtained
from J. 11. Klrkland. Ticket Agent. 114
Third Street.
Passetig-r depot foot of Jefferson St.
J-ave for Oswego dsllv at 7:110. t
a. m ; i; 30, I 55, 125. 5:15, (1:5. H 05.
11)0 p m, and 9 on p m. on Sunday
only. Arrlv nt Portland dally at . &,
s : 31, I0 Ml s. m.; I 35, : 30, 4 10.
7 to, 10:00 p. m.i IS 40 a. hi, clilly except
Mondsv: K.3U snd 10:45 a. m. on Hun
day only.
I-av for Dallas dally except Sun
day at 4.30 p. ni. Arrlv at Portland
at 1:30 a. m,
Paaaenger train leaves Dalits for
Alrlen, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri
days St 1:45 p. m. Return Tuesdsys.
Thursdays and Haturdiy.
rlxcspt Sunday.
R. KoHIILER, Manager.
den, Frt. and Pass. Agt.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
This preparation contain all of tho
ulR-'otiintH and (IIki'hih nil kliulu ot
fiHKl. It k'lvcs ItiHtiitit relief and never
fallH to cure. It ulliiws you to cut all
tho food you want, TlioiiioHtsciiHltlva
Rtonutclm cun tuko It. Uy IUuho many
tlioiiHiitidH of dyspeptic havo been
cured after everytlilnif elso fulled. It
Ih uacuillud for allslomacb trouMes.
It can't help
but do you good
Prepared only by E. . IikWitt A ro Chicago
Tb 41 . boUln contains l 1 1 mis the 5uc slal
For Bala by CHAS. R00ER3, Druggist.
Foley's Kidney Curo
makes kldoeri tuui UZdda right