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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1901)
Till: MOKNIXd ASTORl.YN. .I.NKSIUY. SI.IM TMHUU IS. 11)01. NO REGARD FOR FOREIGN OPINION Prussian Minister of Commerce Talks on Tariff Bill. HOME INTERESTS CONSIDERED Ewry Country Has In 0t Scheme Tariff Duties Stvirlet, ( Commrr cUI Treaties el Vital Nc vft.ilty t (kraaay. lor 1:11 NEW YORK. Son:. i:.-T.V eorresionden: of the Tlms says that llerr Miller, tlio Prussian ni.tiistcr of tomm-nce a: a dottier giv-ii :n .us. i;o : r. spoke of the proposd tariff b.'.l. dwelling on th nvssi;y of a eomprv mie agriculture, industry and commerce. Replying to the charge '.hat th pts pcavd tariff showed no regard for for eign opinton he deoUred that every country in Its tariff schism as bound to think only of its own interests. The proposed duties, satd the minister. Ap plied on'.y "o "h.sV countries no; having commercial treaties with xe'rmany. but commercial treaties must he conclud ed. I: was of vital neveswl.y to CVer BSkBy to obtain treaties securing the interest of her commercial and Indus tries. On object of the bill was to stow to foreign countries) what they wist expect if they did not ooooluJe treaties with Germany. OOD WORDS FOR ROOSHTELT. Vandon Papers Cxnmertt on the New President In Flattering Manner. LONDON. Sept. IT Further famil iarity with the idea Mr. Roosevelt as president is havng its natural re utt in dissipating oVmbta entertained as to the effect of his suoeson upon the foreign policy of the United States. At any rate. It Is becoming generally tooceJed In Great Britain that th United States has obtaiiej a president of great distinction and charterer. The exposition of his polioy on Sunday a the subject of genera! comment. The Daily Graphic, which pMn'.s out that the president of the United St ites couples a more powerful position tnan any sovereign jn Christendom, with the possible exceptions of the German era enir and the ciar of Russia, sums up his oolicv as "that of a sane imperi alist devoted to the advancement and glory of his country wi:hout wronging then" The Morning Poat. in an editorial, says: "He is a personification of the younger reneration of American., n ho are look ing; forward rather than dreaming of the past. He is nun w ho soems made to be a leader of his countrymen in the new time which bgan w::h '.he war with Spain. He w ill be a pn-jiden of rreat Initiative, devoted to the national rather than to th- party ll-al." This Journal say? that "no na:in v-r rune to maturity without asserting it self as tne, if not the flr.. ..f the gov erning powers of the world.' In concl us; i the Mjrni'ig Post r- -ommends Great Britain ;o "try t ac-preciat- the Am -ro-an i 1-als in-'.-ad "f leotnrinir Ameri. an. on thHr Jit'l 'tnat.e me'.hois." i The Dally Mail -ays: The United Static ha a great man at its head. We may expert v!:h Confi Jence that Mr. RooSev-l; will be a mod and no: an ex.isp"'tatl:ig Influ nc" MAILS MAKE FAST TIME. United States lloj'e Will H-r-after I'e Employed by fta'Iroads. OMAHA. Sep-. IT. At Union Pa. ,ti, headquarter It is annouti' -1 tba'. il. a result of tne fa.'t tme trial- bv trains carrying th- mail ivr th- cuntry en route from Ausril a t 1 th- hiist. such mail will In firur "b sent v. a :h IJnited States r .ut- ln.t-ad of th- Su-z tranal. Th? mail wa. t itr 1 f om San F':n cis,),) to N'-w York "Vr th. Ut.: n !"i ciflr. Hurling", n a.fl N"- v York .'-n'riil. aril th- tirn- for S Iti-v t . Loud v. a cu t d 'wn .I-v-1 Dys. The niuo. n-iiti-'ist"-J r.f S'V -p M rts. I -ft Sydn v it 1. a. rr.. Aug'!., to the le'tilon p Al.d 'U d- lc ,tfi - it T a S"rr'ember 4 Important a'ta'-h the new (l' l'ftt 1: -Lsh mail l-' i document Int'-nl parpam'nt. uhih . .'1'i.n 1 itig ". - ti1--'' 1 i;.- it will !, : .if "r i-ross the W-s'-r n NEWS FROM THE WHALERS Infotnatiun S-a R.-ti i-.-ved Ih o Eff uii Was a Haid i.'(- SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 17. In a letter mat wan carried by native cou riers a distance of over Wtt m l- s across the wilderness of the north, from 111 mouth of the Mackenzie riv-r to Edmon ton, and thence by rail to this "Ity. th first news received thi year from tti whalers who wintered in the Arctic ocean is at hand. The J-tier wa writ fen hy Captain H. E. MufTrn.i ;, "f the n hooner Penelope, The whaling vessels that wintered in the Arctic were the steamers Narwahl. Beluga and Bowheai and tbe s' ho rn r Penelope. The last previous, informa tion from any of these vtrseels waa re mv.l 'as: fall, the vessel having bce-i spoken In .ViiBii: of Iit year. A: that .11110 : Narixaha h I three rules, the Howaei.l o"c. t .10 lV'igg.t on. -half of a w!i.i;, .11.. 1 tv.. r n.-ioi', (lone The i,t- t r ju: rcedi'l ri'i. ilia: on Aprl 1 las; the Natnahl's catch woo fie chili... the !'. ill'" live, tlu' lo'Higdt ' seven ami n half and the 1 it dopes on.' It is probable that the IV. ug. ami Nat ah: ::: , .m out :!. war. but 'lothltig '.. c nam .ibeu: I te lV-iol. i'0, ttch :s trad n." (!i (ho Arc :!.. The i,i.'.';,t .Vis' Slither ami. Cap- tain Mu .'iv oil !'... ioy 1', .' ip- 1 1, l VOUl- . apiai '. .in .1 . r i' nta.e . f ;!io He .1 wry mi !.!''". aft.r g.irg tmo m l dnrttts iiu (i total loin.- I the H 'uci A W .Vteb r .:' . s.r.o an l -s,s. The ' T. as: r iicird'tv a: lt.i,!i'v'..i j I ..'r r" . (irvv in t.'v Asvtl. rcs.oini . I r tie rt:". :("'.:' n :!v xp-.-r-'iuv of :ho 'u: t. .ic.l ih-' fr :.i: lii;vr i'S -'Ool TMo I '.is .lu' ii.i'.n ,i '."::. Ion.,' on land .'io ,l.iin ;n it'.Y.'i: number from!''. The lV:'ol.e Ian lei iroviion on rea.'h'.ns I'l.iey i:a:.l and w;L" to haie c ue halir-g inini: dtately after ard. but the vissel was stuck fast for etrhl days an I by the time the s. h on. r reached the o'.H'ii the other M'S.-i-.-I ,.f t.'ie rivet had trade their cat. hi and no more whal s a; iearod SIX K1I.1.K1V THKKK lNJl'KKl' Ftrt R.'P- rts of ;hr a '1-or.i do VN'.'i o '" Wore Fxaioterated. GLEXWaa1 SPRINGS. Colorado. Sept. IT A terrific explosion of fis n the Spring Gulch m'ne of the Color lo Fuel & Iron Company, l.vated e.s:ite.'n mll-o from this place, caused the d-'iith of six miners and the sertous Injury of three others, besides much damans to the tunnel in w hich the expl 'St.i oc curred. As soon as the explosion .vcurred a messongrr was sent to the Pocahontas mine, seven miles away, to telephone f r assistance. He stated at the time of the accl'lent that the entire force of 100 m'ner was in the mine and it was thought that all had perished . later messenger brought the Inf-irntati n that less than half an h ur previous to the time of the expl.:on all but a fw of the employes had gone .iff duty, t.ius preventing a more serious calamity The explosion was caused by ga" l.i-t becoming ignited by the blasts. The dead are: P. G. PICKERTON. GEORGE CASSENGER. ALBERT DER.NSrNADO PETER DELJR., DAVID COULER. JOHN ANDREAS. The injured: J. H- I'ltkers'n. sl'.irtitly burned. Wni. Reed, slightly burned: J sr h P'trl. leg broken. FINN'S MEET RERI'FF- r.u-." an t'zar i!ef'js It-HU'st fur R-i v. H-ed 'Stn '.. "" Th- r IjND'N. S-i.t. IT -A dispatch in- Tlm-s fr"in Finiin I. -av-"The senate has ps-lw I a v vere rebuff from th- .-xar by th- pmtiiuI. gati n of the new mil.tary .ervb-e la. The .ena'e a'ldr'sv , tr.-m r.i-i lu:n ; hi-" maj-sty .- 'I ' an .i-u:a:i. of th rr.i.ntenan. - ! t.i- p ".iti. il :n sti'.ution '. Finlan I. Th- . zar's r" ply says he d .-s n ' fltid ";i- pr.-nt o.-ca-i' i' a .'.litatjie ..n- f t -i-w i-.'ir-nno"" a. : . 'h- rndiH'.ei in. - 'h futup- '. " "1 ::i-t.t.rl" . z ii v;.( ;r,:-' t:o::s h: As to In- 1 Thru: - ii- ; Di-Tib ; ; 1 bv !- ! 1"' : in? H' mmd-i uld -i -hen-: I.-- in I r.s ; -o;,:- nrj.t re- st.t-;'- rativ m -as tr-- 1 riitn:.- "Th"e ire under-' " b- :ite ;o;i ' x..". '.i.tb iir. '".a .11. ur.'en.-V eren Th- v. tims pr .ba'ily .t-lu I- four r-not- r-. v "t-J airii-.s. t..i- military and forty I.u'l'i"." m 'l.-rgyni-n u h fut to re 1 1 -he low- th - ;.u a,.'.s,r : , th-- r. ':, Funis'. '.m." e h 1 .1 .1 Iti.YAI, DUrt- f GP.EETIN'i; AWAITS HIM r n .1 1 1 . la W.I Y . P ' - I'- . I I NEW YOKE. S ,: r-oin'ty f -; sir-c-pt.-'t) :u r 1-1 'o . Id 1 r,yal throti- ,, 1 o " fit-l 1 it ev-ry soys th-T-ib'tti- visi'? i r Stil- - 1 ,n' I - I-- -,- I .v 1 a w ; I 1 kn tne h-lf n-:i !:.r r noon ,r 1 el,; P"",,i ''I' TV- I. "I HI ink Stan laid P'ii:,". c - j' u:t..o."s fr'.'.n 1 1 ; V il nr V fr 'Vl 'io- At ' i-S iX'n ftorr! :r.g.- :nx .-' h of r of a '.;i:,l-l i "'l(l i'y f,f oi-- own uiir- I.'.tli h- the It.s L'I "i" ' I.e. l M IT DEATH IX THE FLAMES. SAN FRANCESCO, S-r,t. ;7. --... m"? ,She.(han was burned to death early tni mornlr.g In a fire at tl,e w iod .m l oal yards ,,r John Hardlman, .a Prunntin ;re,-t. Three horses also p'-.l.-ti'd in he fames. Ho-e!i;.n, who thirty five years oil, .la. "-rnpioy-J by Har- diman an w- asp-ep whtn the fire brok out. DAMAlil 10 SIIIiTI(i SI I Kl; liAl l' SWH I'S tiM'K I A k K Mil llltJAN. Many Wrecks aiul .Mishaps Kc ported - Manv csscls I luuilil ' to llac Hccn Lost. m-vi!o. s-i'i : t.i.' w. s; h;:i. ivliioli f 'r ..' sw. p: .. r :ri.' l.ik . .i.unii1 :h.' pj: !i. nr. :h.' rii'Oi" s.i.e. .iti.l mu. h I imi.uo iv i .h'.ppin The 'oul Horn . n I .l.i -i 'id.. ' I .In: ins .'!! . or a ,1'IH' ..' ' Of' M oiilu.ri escuiH il coiniiaratH 11 II'iic.!. I'll: in upper lak -. wher. wont on.'t'.e the st.'iin "littldls s';it .nit !'y the g " cl'tmlon: .i -'A'.Jiei' bun'au. niai'y w r.vks and inls :.a.s were r.port.d. Th,. w reck., reporte I Scli Ktier J Kil.'ii. aterl-iggisl and it'.in lone in nud-'.ake oppivilte Mil- uaukee: crew of t ur 1-e.omsl aft.-r ureat tianlsd p Vn o-ma.tivl s liooner. name mi kii 'in. fou l lered ne ir Uik.' Un len. M ch : crew believed to haie lusoi i -s-"uel. Steamer ltannvkbinn. ashon- and ;sundir.g to pleie. iwjr ll.ub'r lle.ich, Md'h : crew m great dang T Three-masted schooner Naui'k. a.hoie in . ilangeroiL vo.liMn at Hig Martin's Island. Seho'iier J J iurlum. a ban Ion. I by her cons rt In mtd-lake off I'lev. Und an.l believed to have foundered. St-h..vner Juniper. aterlogg-d Saginaw bay. in SPEEDY JUSTICE DEMANDED Opinion of the Manner of bal ing With le. Ciolgma NrrW YORK. 1T.-After forty eight hours drsousHi.m -f the H'.ifT.i'.o tragedy, public opinion In England a.k the ou'Stion whether America will tol erate another Gulteau scandal when M. KIn'.ey's murderer Is brought u; f r trial, say the London correspondent of the Jl-ratJ Lynch law as appU'.ibl t this wretch was never so n arty '"' ular In England, nil cla....-. agree that h rt shift i the onlv fl'tlng lus ti,e. From one of hU majesty's Justi.-es. v ur corr"p..neIeni Is able I i giv- the suJwtanee of the hlgh-st legal opini 'ii i ! wl:jt the H'.lffiilo court ong:i; j U. 'Tlii-" ought to gHe America the nance to shake off the incubus .? t o mu. h legalism." sai l the Judge: "and -v legalism I straining the law i ' lef a: its own purpose. "In criminal trials It seems to be the maci object of the American courts to l.scver a Jury who will l.b'-r.ii.- th-j ;.r... .n-r not carry out the law. ' " !-url nuestion. are afk-d wh-ther th- ventrmen or Jurym.n have r.-ad j jb'iit th- cas-t .vhether such (.'.ilngj ha. yd ; a formation "f opinion n V merit, of ;h rase si a., to pr-Ju- ! Iic th- verdict; whether they are a. - J .m.iitfe 1 with the prisoner or victim j Th.. a!-url straining f -r ...h..le. ! h- oUttS onion. t , er. th- tlr.t step ur.iit' t 01 a: rti.s , llfi'- t ; 'l. ,' f I.otid n i.ii'. .'1 is b'-n "Ml it I ,.,. law y- r "f N- n a sudden .ti.iii"ne 1 t, n t In !-' id it- ; a 'n II-..-. ti,- r-lv h ''in 1" 'Z 'igosz This 'I the mur,er-r is ib (nit n the 0 'n'rari "111 "I 1.1 1 h h- tool f .."hltld It." an " ivident Aib'UT I ED -Turkish D'lJI. ul'l-s Ami ably D!r wed Will It, I. SlfS. S-nt. IT A t-'ie ii.-e fr .in HnisKi' S says th- publ.sned i.-i 'triii I-' .rr"Smien' e In regard to .- Ii-"'ite betw-en Fiane- and Tuekey not reveal anything new, nut ..ows ir 'n- .ml", nit is no w.n a fair way .wafl settlement. Tb- .ta-'-me-it In the Inil-p.-ridei.. ,. i- hat Amba.sidor .'..tiBtan. l-ft ' ,:: n.,;,le .brjplly b"iau.'- h f . jn I a "gieat power" Interested in V.varting French influence m the liiwt in 1 1 "un-ling ih sultan ti I'-si"' s ii i J,it.fle'l by th' correspond n but. . ,r ( n to th'" ,ilsii.i ton, it p-malii. a :n "-r of In ferenc". AUSTRIA LEFT OUT. I'.NI"N. S-pt. 17. Th- Vi-nnii "t-- -;e. . i-rit of 'he Timed says that a s-ini- dlii ial i-ommiini'Mtion to th" Po- .!- h- Z" tung, felating t.i Russia. ' ;-rrr.iny and Fram e anl "iipp'.s-d to :.,i. -mi'iafd from a h.gil Russian p'-r-s..':'ig- s gnilb-antly avoiil'-'l all in -n- i ti of Austria. Wrole. h'.WVer, the triple allll)"'"- r,u .s--'im to be ecliTeI, It Is Hs rt"l ':, " ' m-r", i no ajiprehenslon. and th" ;s toiition that th Interview between k.ii'-r and th. czar has caiis-.l 11m hr.Jirit in Vl-nna are not taken wrloti'ly. MEXNS MAINTENANCE OF PEA' E. II w the Meeting of 'r-ivnJ H-a Is Is Regarded In R-rlln. HEREIN. Sept. 17. The rt inse(ir nc.-s of the meeting between Emperor Will un and Tmperor Nicholas at DantI't and of the Czar's visit to France are -till b-adlng trplcd of newspaper com ment. "It is obvious," days the Ret liner Neueste Nachrkhten, "that the end-av- I .'. U'.l . Th.. .on ii . I t!io m iltii'' i.m, .1, in ..-itui: l :u ;ho m. moi ;t:.- w tI. of liio k i.-or wlio i loi ii'iiK I ' Hi.' iin !.!, ,m. Ii.u .i.'t.r 't itio in. ''tni)i. t'.u -(l. u' ! In. .i-' i .i.'ii ih.l lie wit. ; i II (i rii.ili'l f'..n I'lii.'i' I'ouv ! u ..1,1 I b in i "I 'i -I ,i i. 'nc tin!.- ;o ,. til.' lull .11 'f i-.l .i ii.'i' - I ' i: ,' '111.'. ' T i,. M i ill: : : 'I. . ! . II ll.'.l llf l !v' '..':'.li.l''.l III I Klll I 1 i in I (i ' il I : t . vli mi' 1' 11. '0 I .l.'l.ll. .'t , .!i..l . 111. 'I .' o'.l,.'. .'III. LI , l I ' lis l Ku. .in ."11 ',,. , ' U 1 1 ! ':l Il'' uiir Ilv Hi. n .i ' A ' n li ir i. : , : "f .v.. Ki.l U'.l fit ii !-h'. . r . !: in HI. KU'iN; i in r it . Me.- 'i .lay . Hit ,.l Y.s. srv Vii;K .lk flM'.i: v, ii I: l.' ' '.'ll.llit f h i lib's f ill ni'S'tuik" ravi's.-sid c 'ii'.e :.'p; I.' Tw. noli t'C th f. .itnr.'S f III .ok.l n Jo. k' l t h:s af. i no oi at the if tli.e two. the take, tor u.'-ifJi- J.itKor I'liampion ,. , . f Sl.'.ols' ant. e.l value own A fuel ! . "111. ' I. I'l ' i The other Is th" KI M Spe. l il for liree- e ll', ol I. .iti.l iipwa: t.. at a nilie ,.nd a .,11.11 e: About til. ,1. k of ce .wo-iear-Ms of the'ii i:e n: 1 I. .nu-'1 g 111 111 being i!ic Win. n. 1 mil, .11 clll l::ig !h' I'-e.iW coll N.l-uir. llill Hill-' ijir'. iodmi. 1 .111 I l ; Han w"' Aiisiis; H. lin"it s M is! 1 111 m it It Mill ii.l,n Cit.iii.. It :'. .1 1 'U -er's litis a'i.1 I'.ipt.iin S ' Hi mvii. hyphen. For :li,. First Spe .i Tat'er the on distance winn 1 .l an-e Guanl add the th:ee- eai - -hi. Hill . Terminus and Wa'.rr "".in aie I to lv 1.. artery I I' J Dwyer I'ic.llent f 'he l!r'k i!n J s key 1 "lub ha decide I .Hat tlieie .hail K. no m. nig 01 Tliu . liv. the la : Kin lev. 'he funeral , .' Pre lent Mr. TM STAMP iIT AN' A It' 'M V NEW YiMtK S..t IT The We, chcter "'ountv hi. 111 I Jin 1 Jihi In fore a. I) uniltig a: Win! P;.ili N Y . a I I'te" re.luti..i: .l.'. ianne !lia: An. .ir- hi a foreign growth and dangei .11 to tie in.t tnt..i. ..f our lan I. an I re. n: eient. baie sliown 'lu i'i or- Ito -ii. ten-t.. of a are being .1 --e, ! - I nui.nly iigain' (he law-.ibibng til ( 111 '!' ! the I'lKl' d Sta!e " Th- " 'Ititlon. .nk that nil l.'g.l.itoi ti and national should oikc eeiv in.. in. ble '. stamp hi: .inuvhv n I il. tachnlg " Jndne Smith an noun. .-I that he wmll .i.)oiirn out 'or a We-R on the pi-i'sid-nt .,f lb- de.ith f XX'AN'TS Kb HIT l' 'S TI1' 'NKD NEW Vi'ltK. Sep: IT Era' k Kt'i. t.'l' llgll'Welgbt i lUMipioll W llO .1. lift Rut- Fetti. at lb- Interna ti n.ii Xtliie'i.' I'lnl, ,.f Fort Hue 1 M 11 day nigh! ui.ista up,, 11 a '. t'"n ni-nt ,.f he ligln 011 a. . unt ,.r tb lea'li ..f I'i'sM 'it M.-Ktiii'-v TXX " KIN" IS T" MEET l.i N1' "N S.i".e:i ha. :t -tier 1 Sept. 17 'The king .,f Jr. lie I Kink I'M a ir I an. I ,yai g'.i.-s's her-." -..tis 1 11 "opo'dl ig.-n t ' t tie ''illieS. 11 .it ' Visile So'i.-ro It . t ' ii k.:ig w :ll .1, ' "pt 'I"" 'VXI'SK i.- I'PIJISING I.' NI "N S. pt IT -Tb.- VI" tin. 1 cor n ! ' ,f 'b". Tiui-s i.-ports iliol n.- .1 ut . -1 ' .1 1 .1 ti -1- in ,i-li itiui in i'i--1.1 w.i" ,.ui.-l by tie- re, .nt "-rpulsioii f Au-lniii p; I", s from Italian t'lti- Tb.--nd-, 11 .niih nit r.tig : . .ir- 11 x toils an I suppress the mm- WHEAT MARKET 'AN Ii. 1 ERA VIS. .pt 17 - Wheat. IIP -pt W-ie. I", TA" '1 t '-. "M.X S , iub. r.41 17. Wil li MfTLAND. Sept. 17." Who el: iiiu.--t it. Wall 1 .ii. :.r, wv.11 1 ni, SILVER MARKET NEW YORK. S.,.t. 17 Sllv-T, ."i'i A FEW INTERESTING FACTS Wli.-ri people are ontempl iting a rip. wheth'-r ,n buslnes or plensure, ;h-y naturally want tli- b-st H'tvice ob'aii.a.ble ..h far as sp"e.l. 1 ..mfort and sar-oy , on' ern.-. 1. Krnpl ,yea of tb WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES are pa. 1 pi s-rve the public and our tra.ris are opi-ia .e. so as to milt" rlo.. con nections with diverging lines at ail J 11 net, on points. Pullman Pila'e S.-eping and Cha r Car on throug.i trains. Dining car service um-x oell-td. Meals served a la carte. In order to ob ain the first-class rer vice, ak the ticket ag-tit to sell you & ticket over The Wisconsin Central lines and you will make direct connections at St. Piul for Chicago, Mllwiuke and all irolnts East, For any further Informitlyn all on anv tl'ket agent, or correspond wllh JAS. C. POND, Gen. Pass. Ag't. or JAS. A. CLOCK. Milwaukee, Wis. General Agent, THE CHICAGO ft NORTHWESTERN RAIIaWAY. 'i j of ; no i .ti' .i'i I W.ii r Hi'' von svi.iv The Coin. lib 1 1 Ulier IMcUen Ami. I lil'p da for sale, lno ..cliooner. .111, 1 lie iiiiincli. A .I'sct I'tloa 'f the " hooiu-r. fol.ow Schooner "Kmiie" l.einlli. S.'. , b ain. H it, .I p.ti of hold. 3 li'S Hc!ioiiei ' II lioe" le'llgill. It H. beam. II S. depth ol hold, it lifter will be received .1. lie 'Itl.'e of the association, where full paru.ii :ars mav a'so le had Ni'Tio: run l'!.CXT.N I :. ,1 Sial.'. I -an I Hie. 1 "i , k .11 1 ' in. Aug .'.'. 1'I No.- . : ' I11 g .'11 tli." in . "in I d'lc w ' :i proi:. of lie aci of .' iiKi , f .hin, .1. Iv'v en'itlsl ' An 1.', f r ; i.' .il.- , f t nii'ei 1.111 I. in id' S.i.e. o . ' 1 1 t . 11 a. nieg.n N.'ij.Ia in I W i.'ii i'tt Ten It !.' a !'" I'''l o nil the I n .ii,- Uind State, Pi 1.1 of Xugii't t Pel M I' of Ur. C Hin 1 "f I'ottbti Sta. "f W'.i-I.o.e.oii i.i Ihl. , II'. I III tills III,,- In. ... 01:1 s at -mem No .. I t 0 rni. a .,- of 'h- N V N W i. S c '. in I I H I E. of "'' ll No .''I !., : oil ll!l.p N N . I a 11 II ' N.i Wc . .111 I w.'.l otter proof o .how ihat the Inn. I . 'ugh! 1. nioie lain .tote for tinl' i' or : sie than for agt I. 11 1 11 : at I'urpocs. in.l t " H' !ti Il . ci.l III to 'a I II d before til.' It' gl.-tei- .All I Itecelwr 'f Ihl '"be .A' "I''- it .11 C'.i. 1 , leg. , 11. 011 Thursla). lie tl Ii d.iv r N-'X einbev. I.'l He 11 1 in'. 11. w 1" n. .! Oin It When, of i'i.i!op , 11 n : 1 . b g 'n II rni m XI K.i'.n . r K'-l. '. i'.' Willi count. XX .i.,i,ngo,ii . .1. Oi S K bb. of K''l. .'owl ti . mu- 1 Wi.htngbsi Jo.'0 ' lt"!'b of Kel so r 01 : ii . u t" . xx' sh.iigi n Xni nil .1! p." :'!' . . 1 111 " g adwne. v the at., 1". r t, .1 lan 1. ate 1'. ,U-'fl t, n - ::i,-r ,'111:11. :n hi. fn-e .01 or b.''i,' .a: I It h l.i 'f N .wonle-r ltf'l I'll AS II M" hikes l'.eg!.'er I.IC.X 11' 'N N.iTI.'i: F.'K IT I'm e t S Mte. I.m I i"!lc" Hrgnii'.'y r , Aug :i !'! N "tier I. h'-reby g w-i that :n .s.iii- plan.e w .th the pi-nl.t m of 'be a t of Coiigr, of June 3 1. m Itie I. ' An act It th," "Hie of titular lan I c (lie States of 'ail for 11 a. 1 'reg m. .N.-ii la and Wa h ngt T rM ori " a et.eul. .'d t" a'l the Ihib lie laind Sta r, by ..: 1 ....... . , . f Xugu." 4 W: Mrs Uiin .1 Me- j Nolle,. I hereby given that the rni b r Conmck of W ." IV O . 'iiii'y f 'Kne"! h flle. hi filial acuni a. ad Cl.At.op 'sta '. of .'.teg .u ha. h.s , y ,'.ttri I ,r of the r.t ale of P XV . ."le fli.', In -hi. ott! her -".-:i st i'.-ment ' '" 'l'"'''"l. I 'he X outity ..urt of N, '..m for th- lur.-ls- . 'ti, H IT M!'e "''' 'f"r-g'H for .'la!.. I'outitv. i .f . i.ii No '. n fun.'-lp N it "' 1 H'e 4""' ,", "" '"r bearing v So x ,1 wl! olTer I bef r u Ii curt ."" Hatiirlay, lbr H'h pr H'f t sh . this 'he lac. I oigh: t ........ . .'.,.".'.. . '..i.i.rtr ... . o... -'in f.,r ;.'..,,.: ..u'm. . out -.b. i .ti her claim to mi. I .an I ' Hie Re.' r and K.v:ver '. " "i!t - a: iir'-goi ''I iir-'KHi, on Thurn U. th .'Iv :.n of N 1 onoer, 1 sl She name, a si !uea.-s lieotge M" Parian I -f '!:i'"v, 'I its p nun ' 1 . ' i. r -goti , 1 iii't A I" p.:. '. . " 11, y. Vat" I" , 'lint 1 , H'egn i"t' JO, i". 'n f W.'. '"a'.p cant) "r g n Wi.. I. am A J .tin.' 1. of W.e. C it.oP county, nr goii Any an I ill pri":. 'lining a Ixe-se- Iv tile A'. '.--. I' Kbe.l AT re- "lii.sf.l o II heir , ." in. In 'h . m n "r b, f i" n d :ut day of N"ie nb-r. u"i. cii.x ii M"i"i:i:s R g'-te SHERIFFS SXI.Ii ; Hi 1 irtii- of an ri.. ut. n in I : b r f ..lie is . lie, out ..f tb - .1:, 1,! ..,urt f th" Sta ., utrg 11 for to.- Un y of "'Ir. 'p. "li Id- .3l.l diy -( X ig O . It. I. upon a Judgui tl an I I . r-" ren ler.'d :b"re:n on 'lie .'.', b ,!av f Jai.e. 1'I in fsi 'r of lleurv .'.'.IHllAW. plaint ff. .ml iga tii Funk M 1 '- ":nl k an I M '"'ii in, ok .. f.ii la. lis. It 'tl "11111 "f !,'", u ti, in ': s- t tie re n a lb. r it f t'ii p : tl 1 - ' .111 : .1 til '1 -in til" I7 ti lai ,f ,'-'!ru 111 . l'"-". : i.i:e f th 1 d", r- . ( I , 'it. -re; ., -I- wh '. . sum r-vo'.e . i- j,,. , gal t 1 1 - t , l i: ' sa - ,,, a' rti- i f- . I'" I',-'. .,,! dlsbll: s"ll-'iits '. h.s ii:' :i" n .. ; i ,ir,. 'he ., s in i III-"II ' tl a ! . ' . oil ill 1 1 1, 1 1 II g l', : ' . pl ' II, g ili.- .1 'II I k ' s i , , f ..',.' f ,,. ,'.l - nit I '. t.b- I r-' il pt o, i y "e.l To- ..'i'h- -i -in irt" r , f o" n !i ,i' i .iii,:,r !b,. . ,ut !i ,1 -t uui: :.': 'f j h 'i i l'i'l" -pia; ! : Co' 1 ".- h-- ist ,il ir ,-i ..f : h s.,,,1 ;: .jo ir and) r li" ii.Tioc ' ,' r , f t v - 11 :riC -III .It" I'. : I ,11 ' 1 nil,, 1 t a . '1 1 ', - !l -. .. 1 J ii I I 1 toil n-::! o f -u: . 4 ., n i t n "f 1 .l!ig" nine ' in, m -if tb- ..1.1 in.-, -., meri dian I N 1 ., x, !l -e.y glW't, '( I 'i ii "t 1 Moie! iv. 'b- i!!i .lay of . i, ,- .J. at th,. b uir if pi .. . 1 - k In lie f .re. 11 ,oii of sa d -lay In frorr of a.. I at . h , "ii ' h oi" I i.,r ,ti t he 1 '' v of A -tuii (V 1" p . '011 1 , 1 1 . 1 ir.-g ,u at (Olbl, Ill -!l in !o (tie bii-1,.-.- 1, d I t for -... 1. 'lie a) .i ,. .) rib d r ni prop'r '. :o 'I!'-, tb- Ju l.'tni'iit, ,,-:. and ill a,-, o-t l'll"S LIN VI l.l,E. S! " .ff of ' lis , ' 1 um y. l.t.g ,n. A : . 1. ' ii, ipui Aug I's.l. notice p. 'R IM'ATI.'N. r I . Vlt.'S Lld Olllce. "r,-.t n 1 'ity. 1 "r . Aug it"',. I '.ml. No!. 1 - b"i"li glv.-n tl. a: m 10111 I'.a'i't n il ti... prov slon, of the act of ' '".lllil ! '!. .lu ,. .!, -.., , 11. ,t d, -An '! for -"i 1 " .f 1. mi.' r land. In tint "''" ' C.l'f ro'a iT'O'iii, N"l(ld.l nil Wa .'ion-1 11 T.-1'r.t'.rv." ... eAlelei "It" ml o- I'm, II,- I. "ii I S at. s by act f'.i I I-!..-. W, 11. a n A Johnson. ' W - I' "I. ' I,,,,'',- of I ,!M I '' '' 11 en 1 1 b. ,.V fl I'-'l III !' ..! ' 1 ' it' lllellt No .'.'.II.!. for ! 1 p. o ,. .. ,r ,, . ,n w i- ,,f I N.. ii 11 lo.insli p N . 1; N, rang"' N . ' W. s'. ,,., ,,1,11 ,,ff..r pr,,,,f , ,,,..v hat Hi' I in. I s uigiit i.s m.!,- loliiabb' I it I : mo,-.' r e.oi.e Mi 01 I o ngrieu, '"' . seine. - and (o , si loi.s), bis ' l-'im 1 '.1. I 1 111 I b"f ,r, ,e R.-gl-.t.-r and R 'I . r ,,r tbl. .til --. - " "r- goli c tv. i.r p ,11, on Tlninlai. th,. L'ls: day r N ". ii.i.-r. l'"H. II n .1 in " .1 . e, ,'iicssc- Ge ri',- M Kdrliin l. of (. io y. c'lat s .ii I'.u .iy. Hr t(,,n: August Dolph, of 'ihi.y, " l.iiHop .oiiniy. iif gui; into l 'bi:i.oii, of Wis", "" c oiiti'y. ni". goti; Mr. Luna H. M.-Cimi. k. of Wise. 1 'In'sop ' '"in y, 1 regi.n. Any an ! ill p.-taoiis'nlng .I'lv. rs". ly the above. d"s. rlb-d lan Is nr.. re. U"'s:,'d t 1 Hie their claim., In this .ilil"" 011 ,,r I, -for" sail L'I. -it day of November. I fell. CIIAH. I! Mi (ORES, Regl.'cr. 01 tv rr ihese Uny Caniulei aro sunenoi 10 oatsam 01 uopjitia. Lubebi or Injection! and CURE IN 48 HOURS the lame d lease j wide Out inconvenience. HIII'MUr-l"S HAt.E N'ot li-e lierbv glxen Hull I will, wi XI ndiy. th.. Tin .lav of nctoli.r Its'l. . ut the hour of lii o'. l.s k in the foinooii' of sal. I day. .it and in fimit ,if the conn li,.ii,. d.ior. In ilis City of At 'H. ' 1 i'Uihoii ci unity. Suite ,,f ung 11, ofTer ;';":; f r H f mid sell, nt public unci lie highest bidder for c"b In hand I be tune of ss.i. nil Hid singular lbs ivai eat ite an.l propel ly lietrtofois bid in for lAA-n by said i kiifc.p "iiiity. tli - -aid my of Astoria, and School t '11, -I K.11 mis .xid of Sk.ti.1 "'oiin.y. or either of tlisni ami whl. li they or either 0 tlisni bavs uc.Ulrj, litle by virtue of any sucli mIi Siid .ale I. lUed for ,.0 1 date I'lin- .in; to an on, r iieiet f .re made hi lb" .' Curt of mid .vuiiti. s Hie t. of .ucb propel ty ciil I ii n be pie. I'divd bv ill,, (!:( M011, In y nf er July I Itot Tib iH I.INX lld.M. Hli.-rIrT of sai, I'ated. Sept 3. I flU County NOTICR rH PtJllLICAfltiN I'lilted States lnd tiftlcs- I July . Hut j Oregon illy, r Nome I. g,ve that In compll - ic with lh proi isiuita of Hi as't M 'Vngretaj of June , t;,, "An act for th l of limber land In th .Stat, si .if I'abfornu. Hr.-gm. Nevada, and Wahiiiat i IVrrit sy." a rileiul l ti til tb public ku 1 1 (tat, bv ae'l of August 4. Iil. Win M iXHxlarkt. of Atorai. County ,t ilaisop. Htat of hkstoii. ha 111 la day tlbil In tin .'(TV It sworn it 'iii.-n: No 3t'. fr tb 1'iirelia of th sotillinaa V 'f e'tln N. . 1 a 1 . In Tp N.i ill N, Hang No. 11 W. n, will offer pnf 1.1 "I'ow tint tkt Un.l tilit is tnor xaliiabl fT Its timber or ston than f aarleulturval purpoasM, and to sstabl ah III claim M ti I land lrfor km Itngiattr an I !( .eiy.r of this nnV at 1 Teron rity is Thursday lh Id .lay of m-totur. liH. II name) aa wHiiasAi Geo. M'Far- I land, of Mny. Orotrun; August d"lpa. ! 4 Olney. itgi, Jama Hurk. of a I tide. Oregon, and Tltomai Uidws'.l, of I A.torva, regoa j Any and all per.ia .-.alniliig advera- I .7 . r.n tuu'i u.iuei ihii wf : ,paaiJ la fll their claim in Ihl oftV I I'll AS II. MiKMH, j Hsgsster. , ,, or bf rs said td Wy of tvtoixr. 1HI j , , NOTI-'K I'F FINAL ACCul'NT lay o' at th u.ur .'f ten 1 lock In th f oretio fi 1 " u1 "f,t,.-r 1-1 W KULToN Cowinjc & Cowinjc ATTORNETls-AT-LAW oresiON crrr. Oregon. inrice: Room 4. V. H Und OfTIc Hl.lg Pr.';'c m nil tb Courts of tb Stats United Hta'e I jn I ifTlc litis!- ' iirat a Specialty. ' ; Iwsint riMrvi aKwi Oencsscc Fruit AUSOLUTHLY PURR CIDER VINROAR. . . FISHER BROS. I OUM)in A. D.I7IO SUN INSURANCE OFFICE I IK l.l INI II IN THK OLDEST I'l KI I.Y I IKi: Ol I l( I I.N I III. WOKI.I). Ct. A ( In rnliftl mi4, 4,r.if.,u.iA C. A. HENRY & CO., GENERAL AGENTS. '213 Snnsnmr Strcrt. Snn I'mmlscn, Of New Zealand VV. P. THOMAS, JV.KrM San Francisco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDERS Stil.scrilifil Cii'iliil, .... fi.OOO.OOO I'liiil-iip ('ii.itiil,, .... l.ouo.OOO AoSI'tH, ... 2,.ril..,11l Aftwls in Unittxl Slnti'H, - :i(l(),()l)l) SurpliiH Ui I'tilicy UiiIiKth, - - 1,7IH,7!I2 Hhh lu-cii Uiiiliirvx'rit.iiiLr -m tin- I'nrilir Ctmst ovei twi-nlv-two yt'iim. PACIFIC COAST COMPANY COAL For Steamer, Commercial and Family Use Orders Promptly Executed . . DOCK FOOT OF SEVENTH ST 9 Samuel Elmore & Co., Agts. BESTOF LVERYTHING I" Wold This Tel! of tlio I' i.".igr Heivl.o via iJhii Northwestern feint.. ., ,, . j I'-'K'11 t'-illy lletwern H;. Paul " 1 O'b'ag". cuiiprUlng 1 j Th j p,,!!,,,.,,,, 'e. .'Aa linliig Cars and '1 b.ei v .'iloii 1'ara, Kl t.vlin.iig X'liair x'ars. I 'The Wlh Criiluiy Train - I --Huns livery Day of th Year. 1 Jf finejf ffvininthe W0H0 Diaitrk UIU( nic THE IIXDUEIl HT ATI' EXPRESS. th Fllirat I'ully Train Ituutilug I let wren Ht Paul and Oil, a- .. via III HUrt Ln iVciiiectlona from he Wrat Mad via The NoltTIIEUN PACIFIC GREAT NORTHERN AND CANADIAN PACIFIC It TH This la l. tb REST LINK leetttsen Oina.'ia, St Paul and Mnini-aie'lla Ail Agent Bell Tlckrt via The Northwestern Line W II MEAD. II L SISLBll. Grtirral Ag.'lil Trav Agent. :41 Aider Street, Portland. trgon A fat mil ar nam of the Chicago. Milwaukee A 8:. I'aul Railway, known all cvrr the Union a thr Ornat Hallway running the ' pioneer t Jmlled" train rierv Jar and n g'u b'tw'eii Ht. Paul an I Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago. Tho only prrfoot train tn His world" t'n.leratand Conmstloii ara mads with all !ir.eotit!nrTi!.Al line, sncuring to pnu.ngrr th bet serilce known. I an or I 'ua c -ache, Urclr'.o Ugbt. nim beAt, of a variety c laird !- no other line See that your tl.kt reads via "Th MUwauk"" when g ii.g 10 any isiint in th I'nlttsl M'atr or Canada. All ta ke! age: t "'ll tbnn. For rib pninphet or other .nfor mntl 'li. addr-"a. J XV C.XMEY, C J EDDY, Trav. I'a. Agt U'i Agl . P -rtl.ind. n.-e P irdand ore Company I l I lc '1 1 TELEfHONE AHIN 661