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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1901)
Till: MORNING ASTORIAN. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18. lf01 v. fi V STORES TAKE NOTICE. Wi. have mi h,ind one lln'ivm r H lf .V.'iimn inn, I.'ii.k.iII.hi M) or IMln ii lunk linn ,. h III i" II ill li.i If I'll'- Any WdiilliiK un- llilnil nf lil kin I ttoiild Ki'i a l.niu iili ROSS, I IKKilNS cV CO. The Alorning Astorian Mum r " l r- - I ni i iiutnti'n h (. TKLhil'lHiNIC rMI All cimiIi iic In fiii' mitt riming in I lie Ian in c 1 1 1 1 v I c on u n'ml unlet; ( cli'ciiliitliin (uiir Unlet liHKcr Until lluil nf iinv pupvr uiIIIhIivI or cli ciilalvd in I Jul op county. 'IN l 'A V S WliATIIIilt pi 'IITI.ANI i. M pi K Wm'.-in in.. It 'll. W.-n n n W.nililtlitl-.n. llieri-4iil"K . l.'ll : 1 1 1 mid e, l! niMr ill'' i' :.iI'-iii iir K- ii, l..ii!nii W.iuli 1 1 1 K 1 I Uli '. j AWOUM) TOWN. X-- l! M ali.. HI liarnras Tie II i'lm. iMll lifiirlhu wrliiK"!". 12 W ul Klilirr Itr.m cloth' r r Mial-ili liitiiii'im .ii.'l cinr-il . ..iiilin! it 1. 1 A i' I'ii.h-:!. : i'i ;'li ti.-t I'i l-. a r.-u" hi .'i ' 1 . 1 ni:;if.u linn Kuitr-iii' '"'I. Wll'll III ' -IMll . . .tlipli-l ln-r i r - ii . '. wit tin- .in It. mnl I, V ii,ii il f.-.-nf liunlcr. ' will. Ii 1 . " "fxt '! n.i.- d li. i.' Tli,. Lin I'nin-U tun Ikvi hiirvn-.l :. !o I In I'.irtlui.l fur S.m 1' im-o Mt"- Will il ilillily lent.. Ul the lit'T t.iii..iT r T.'li' fluent lira.- ..f iiii III Uli' illy, j i i!. i. ly ii.' .in.l ! utile- I haw . mr- f t i't '-r l""lv. from 5 . rmi I.. IM i i- Ii, I'li.itl. lli'it f .ii :.i bur;' i;:m.r & t, i-ihw in I I ilil I II pi nil -M i i.i r Ti.' it ill : null '"iilitiit mill i- r H .li ..f her um'-i 'iit lil Ii - , Hull T--I d'n Ho- ilvrr II : -i"-.t- I r, t'n; !i,. i:l (.III ! i net i't.iy In the circuit court ynterday ftr iHMiil thi rnnf ftjf.'ilrmt Dr. Chare ('. '". It'imiiliTK, wlm was clmrK1! with 'wlui'il'iif an Indnc-nt fuie-r. n.ii illu mine" I, tli" itr.tfi'1 Jury having, returned ii I rij- hill. )r. ll n-filxTii;' nnl no-urn-d minx Hnu- nf, mil. It will b piihiiiIi -ii il, tlii ' rr i (.1 j I 'i I ii k wlm"" w.h tun "ii burl it river sf.trm-r hy ni-'!'ii:i if III,, ir. Thr'-i" nf th' in- ii ii 'rum' ii'nl in ut!l")f thi I'ntii lil.ii'iiiiil itlciinl tin. Iiniii w-r- iirT.-"i"'1, ,vid tli.-li in"' we.-.- 'iri.uiflit h'f'if Ju !! Millii'l" v'-i' ril ly. The in.ii nf J ilni J il Ii, J:tl.. i;r. km a'l VI' Mr I. .iiIiIitk Th-y ti.i I l n nn It ti)ii! in k '; tin- ii.-ii' i- nc. th- ir Mi ll!", ,f -r 111" 'lll"lll.llll 'if III,' 'a iiifilii-l lr, II .x m'.i'i'k, liiutrl. : A:'"r.'i y A :i-'i iiiir." In 'llni hi id rliarK.n nK.iirint tli" llif".- it 1 1 - -! rlnJ'-rii, unl llli-y W'T- ifiv-n ld"lr Uln-r'y with.iut ii'iinl". Th" I'm. ""llnir li.-f ir,. tli" i-'iiirt ""l.ty Inv" -t 1 1 -1 th "iit ri- rna' IT, u!ni!i n iHari"l nn imil iinf -r- tllllllt'V I'rink MiK.Din mwl a par'y nf A:i'l flhiTiii'.ii win tuiv" ln ftKhlnif n flray'a harlmr r-t nrrt -l tn tli. rlty M m ilay nlKlit Th" nuti mil'iyl hy lli" i ' ,luml!.t IUvit l"u-k"ni' Am.k'U !l "i. Imt at (:. c!." nf th- Hi- .n IpT" ! t tn th" ..arlmr. Th-y ill'l h in.. In th'lr luatii, ntarting a: 9 a. m. M m lay .in I arrlvinic at 7 p. m. Tri m-iwin in h" hirh ir I nut yi nvrr. Imt ih" tii-ri r"'uriifl ti"iii 'if th" prnti- Tli" :nk. ,f ih" " I irki-r In tti"nMr nw ir! whl"h wouM Im- 'al l. TlnTn hn h"-n niiicli riiiM'"rii twaiiH" "f III" nll 'K l f.l lur.' nf th" lilit Itnti rrti'ii li'K mfl tn irrh" ai I'V.i'i i lin n, Imt Hi" f".ir iilrtaliil hT" un l In I'nr'I't'Kl w.i with iiit f unUllin, Th'- m'l i-.'4 li"l 'i '.-xilii,itl'.u liiil Hni'l iy, Ii.ivIiik ni I" Ih" trl ilnwil Ih" 1'irnl .11 a.if.'ly. Th" nnlv il nf th" in hi. Irr linn n w.m nn' r'',i'irti' I, Th" i nun. II I" In ri""lit nf a r nninil- ili .ill .li f r . iti II:.- I'm I..HI.1 Imir'l ! i ir i'l" wiili r"f' r in 'n th.- . i n in tz til in I .f it ni il,. Ii h' I ..f li .--, n.nliiK f .r IN I .,h..i i :h.- ,1' ni' iil nf ih" Inn r. : !.: ..f (in-Knii .ii IniK" 'I'll" !i -!t"r w.ia ' i. f.-rr.' I I i l!i" A nil.i r iinin, ''lull ! Th- .r fnr !nt" l-irl w.i , lli.l.l- a .in.. Ilin- ,K- i in I al'l- " ll.lil li- '-n f iv .riht. ' . 'l-i"l ..v r Ih" MI- V I II nil. Ill I li-lll'Tllli'T llllll. ih-y run! r ifl' -r in !!i. .(!!. nf AU'lUnr . N"i !! If ili' V "ir I i lk- part In 111" ;.!! i-l-i 'ni'. wli "li in-, um In Ik-.', m i Ih r A yl f" A "i :tn tin" r-tl-j i. r. I Tli" l."..k .! r-in.ilii ni'-n f ir in- iin- I i I 'nii '. th... who r-Kl-t. r ii'.w will .iv- M." Ni-lmut i-mial iitiii. t m. l'i i"'.i f.i.!lnif to r.-K-la .r w.ll h.. ".ii!.-l nn "li-i-ilui 'lity lo a i ;l:i .iiKh ih.- t-.ri inic foriiuillty nf l.-iii; .w..rn in i' "ill t .r ll .ij! ft atatMi that Ih" w -rk ..f imiiillliiK III" w.i.-r iiHt"ni lit I-' irt si.-t-i a will h'ir:',y h" niiih"l !ir i j. ,i: J .Inn. .ii lli.. Will 'I'll li", A aft 'al, l"t Miln til. f r family u"" j Al th" -ii"" Iuk ..f th" l.i.U" "f Klk j Imt ""iinj a ai.nnntto" w.i nainr.l I.i pr pit., milt i'iI.. tra.iluU n I' ll- II- j lli III- I III .f I'r.n.l.lit M. Kllll") A fliw I..: . f . II' g iit'inrt j'".i.'lir Jual ni at J .'hi .m ir-. ("ail main Hi Lit your (.! t'ju t ni"lll Ollrta Jir ,t'.)ll)- flllrJ l": i-. oli( llicjla- ItiuliiK Still It""- Ijuran:, (I.' i " miiiii. ri i4l tr""l i "in" alii h! - a ' .'V ! h..fii" nn. h '.i- l hy I V !.i. " ..f Iir W C T I' it ih.- it. mil I;. "i". Kri'l.n. S. -pVnilK-r ;i. . nn. r .f ll.'li I .ill. I l:l.-v.iitlt i TfrU, I'r . v ? -'a M ml in I i ! '.ii'Til ii;" Mii,in of IiuhI inoa :h -r.. l.-uty.-1 th a.t.rul w.-'k. hut '.' a-rur iiif "wli"r' 'fk .in iv w-.l l ma; IVrhai'a hy S i't" ni" r I; m li: In- . .mii!"li-l Tli" .illtri.t '!! .' va-al :h" l"I jH-nilitur f I. i M-aKK Krriru"..!! A Hoiialnn i ... ........ t.-ll..r il, ( ,ll'l- Il'i IlK 'H i . wh.Tff at M'inwan An " il iit M ' an 1 Jiv Jii,' prr tniu ) a: l'1ah"r Hr.n 'ft'V T:i CKvl li iit Pjilxntrp iww tua f 'tir flri:-.- a.i t' ai I t No waiting ("all lliin (lit y.uir i-.l rjulte nirnli nrl"r pr unil y fliicl Jat r-.-.-i v .!, a flnr't "f p.i. kit knlt'a, ctoiy .t guai nt"-il - htli"r I Inm I'haii. " .,ii tint; rlrfttnt li"1 ptan.i ar" l"ii wlili . It i-a-ili m! .'f II at II K A : -n A H..iu. N',, li tin. Unit, t.i nrJ.T y.uir wlntcr'a utt'r .f ..Ail fail up 'pli nie l -1-51- in 't" 4 1 '" ICt'lt i'lMIr. nil, nl:" t at I'lllltvli'l I' J Tn".f:li .tc-. ll.i.'iii- Mppi!"i a; I iwra. pr .' T'i" Hi Halt l ili llllal.ill. Kith a Kf It I II I'ti'tfi f..r in.- t'nli"! K'-ng Iniit. put to n i t".. 'l iy Th- I'i -li, !i l. uk ll-lll "li t .til l I!'" i;.iini:i :il(i l-.u nl it nil I'.- I.ik-n up ili" rit-r I' .tllliia! T It 1 .lir.'l. !.'' fill! K-.iiril I I v -r in I .'.iirt-n.' win.l'iw wi.l ti,. 't-'i '"in 'rrnw iti"iiitic ..'tw.-ti !h - hmra ..f 5 itn I 10 f r !h" a. .-..nun.'- 1.1 1 1 al 'f III" pll'il:.- Th- al"-ltll- Mt-a Mh in p.-rt Iia: A I n'r .f thr .lllll.iw.,.ll '"fll. ". .ltlV" l t "M'-ur 'ii ' nn" I'i f -r UpI'll"a .t'l.l 111 l! i :. -I ..ii ih.- . " nh"t l.-i Til" Al'mtr ma a .ill il In'.lig 'tn Tli- ifi.ittl Jury unl I : at rl.-t Afnrn-y Ai.i-ii will pr'i'.a.'l.' . m 'I jtmf; ii i"li h- I'-i'h ..f '.VinW Ky'." jt.t.ii- Th" r h ! -1 ii jr afi- rT-t anil j n thl lit aiitti"li'l i-in !-arn-l hi to !! n. . pr.-. -i .-l t'lil'aa th" Kmnl jury an 'af'.n tli" rrlin" un I .tn" H-r "i. h-n- ,M I tin r"imrt nn 1 I 'i" i.u.v aim ;h 'i.-h t'i" Jumra wit" j ""i't in. I '.-'-at I-T wua 'Inn. A "-.t! mil)' win' -a tui" lh"n nam-In-I, an I. !i:'.. .in- it-w rvi'I'M Sa r. ji .-1 to liatv li.a-n iiir..,1u.. n mh- 1 ' ot -f a "ta.-'llng tutor.- haa J-v.lnp"l, I i'. I" a ii. l.r"tnf or" 1.1 an 1 M rnia a fluh h.i r.iitru-tora f'ft,.n pm I fnr .lvrra!. anil i-hutim. aii' -lI lni,ut h, l,ai,,nii arv that thla yajr" an.l tli"'r,,,. t r thii rlaaa nf flh will fail aa low i S .-fiia Tulll" ar" now tiding -auKht. Hi" ii'i.'fi pty ng forty rnt a Mali. It la ilk-ly lh"r will a! h a ilrop hi th" prh nf tulli. a T!t" prt- "f II vit'1.1. a an I "huma haa not h".-n nttti".l a y" hut th aliuatinn la not hoi'-fui Th'ro in nn m.irk"t fnr th" i-h".t.-r"n ..f aalmnn th y"r. ii I" th" livi. an l It l .1 illk.-lr that th"re will I any f .t'i flahlng .n th -.t!umbU. "n at.r M-gl T ha-a Vt i-nnah.Tng th a lv!atill y .f i'iiTn!lng hl ro.kflM .ann-ry. but, owing ! th inlilinn .if th" mark-t. h. will proliahly no: do i in thi H. uni, ai-c-TlIng to rpnrta rs-"iv'l h.T". vkk"y" hav" fallen to "1 -irit a .1"i"n. an.l !hf p.tok"r th"n" ay h pr'nt wum will b" on of th" worxt In th nla'nry of aalnion fish ing Th- prevailing low prlo" arv Jue to ivinupply I'ol-jmbia rlv"r rh'ti'k l.n hriught the uaual flgurtM this year. i"li.Tr i ATTMNBY8 OS TI I 'J I'lMMUKSTH DKATII HultaliV Ifi ilu:l'4i I'aaa,-1 by lh I- cnl Hir V -if Tlay Kl-r.:ion nf I.i h ,r 'nn'I"iiin Ahiin hy. At the rn" Ing of 'h atlnrni-yi of th" i-liy, h-ll y nliy morn'ng. approprl- it" ruliji!ri touching ,n th 'hath nf 'hr prm l-nt wr" pn !. Ail th'' I'l'-nt'i'-m nf :h- ''lit-,p cnun-y ti,ir wri- pr -nt ml m v-ril l-Hiii-nt itbut "r" pall 'o ih. at"r!lng ,,u ilt,. nf tin- murl-r-l rulr. Ail lra.i nia.. hy c r.- iit Ju !g MclirM", f'I'y Attorn "-y Hml'h. H-iitor F'ul'.'n, Ju'lg I'.ig', Ju lgi- Taylor, i..rg N'olatnl. V I Wlnto i, lUtrl -t Attoim-y Ail n. .-n atnr John II. Krnl-.h an I Frank Hoitt Th.. nr'-tl'ig waa n-M in 'ij-n nun. Jii'liC M.'liri.l" ;n..lng. Th.- iiirm-i f tin. at'oriii-ya -r -xpr".l'.n .f th" ut-Do: anrr iw for th w!f of th tn.irtyn- l pr.ini. con h-mnatlon of amr-hy an) gliwlng tribti to th victim i f th- a:imln. Tri" commit appo.nt 'l to drtw u,i rultabl? r-im:a. Itl'ina pru-ntM- th" following, which w r- nrti-rl at"""a'l upon the circuit court r-cirJn "W!i""a. William MrKlnly. th rr.all"nt nf t!i fnltf! Hta, has b""n brutally a ft 4 trcach'rounly murdr4 by th njthbun han4 of an aaMan; and "WTiTva, Th blow which atruck him ilown whll In th i"n In? an4 4iivharg nf ha public ijutlca, an . ur chief g"ru !lv. waa not only a ilaa'-anlly anault upm hl praon. hut waa, aiao, an at ti' k up.m him i th h' a4 of our grat republic n4 an a"ault urKirt all organ !i-"l government; anl, Wherraa. Wc, aa member of the bar. anl a loyal cltlt"na of our country. 1eim It meet and proper at thin time to MORSE DEPARTMENT STORE 510 Commercial Street, Kinney Building W take pleiaur in Informing th. people of Aatorl and riatup County that we w.ll up- n our j;or on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 We will ciny a cnmiJete (o-k of Dry QfiO'Ii, lAiUnf a.ka, Lailleg n, ;enta' Kurniahmga. Hh .ft., floihlng. etc., an l by courtrtiua trat-m"-it ami low prlc-n hop lo merit a nhare of your patronage terian "h jr n-'ot TS, block 41. i"X:"an STATK TUEASCHKfl'9 NOTICE View cem-t-r; :ii. fnlte a-ateii to -.'h iri-.rj .. K.'lche I Stat, of Oregon, Treaaury Department. MVi acr-s In a-ctl.n 30, TIM, Salem, 8"pt. 12. I9ul. W ; patent. William Aneron anl wife to H-nry I'-rtlrt -outh 40 f"-t of lot 11, bl.jok 3. Khlviy'i At iria: HI'S. ''il'jmhla River Pack-ra Anaoclatlon ti Thorn u Hp-ncr 11.7 acrea In actl on 1. T N. II 7 W; 3. Thomaa Linvlil", ih"rlff, to MTa Ru- ;il block 74. Shivly'a Aatorta; M. fame to same eaat half nf block W, and wen: half of bl.H-k 47, ShlvHy'a Aa toria, 1J2. Same to ara? part of lota 1 and !. block r.3, Shlvy'a Aatoria; $m W. C f"aaiv: t al. to Myra Rua II lot 2 anj S. block 162. Olney'a Attorla; 15. Mary B. Stvily to Margaret Braly lot 14. olo-k 5, Orlme' Annex to Ocean Grove; $. A NBW INA-BNTIOS IN POG 9fO- NALS. Trv .uif J n . : i -i ,t i W . i .. t I !' - i nn i hut t-t , l tn r-mull- lii-iy mil i! i ,i- .in' I .1 .tun. 'ii Hi a II i' - i :i I: it i it m: I' it It I- Ail u A S nf TI- k.-ia arc glvii ii i : , i . i i t y ii a'i iai" f $1 I'll- l lltKl elilp T.llila 111! mill 'I ,,,il .if'.-- l to r piaa.ig.- ot 110 'l.l sn- i . k i.'o Vit bu.ah"Sa ..f gram. I't .ii' Tlir e furnahi'l t.auna fnr ll,:h: Il U-.' k".-tlllk'. n't Ki "ilin!, N i I i.i I ia.-'umit S. ' Ii. ins .-.'ili t ti i I" " a l) nun. -4 in. HI n A1J mi. lit imii l.ik-n i- a in uk of "p "I t.. 'h- hit" pi""!- .-.-it Hotn lucky i iial.iiiii-r "f H K. Allen X ion i an "li n- until" h ippy hy w n"i'g ttnii $.'"'' plan i. Th-hi'N with e I, h i aa'i Hale "f II ltitlia fir l.iilii'a at III,. I'lilil.-.' It.itlm. l'tlt tic i-ntiiini-.. mi nil" "f biiliill"g Simp npi'ii on Huii'tiiy niornlngn for ulilm-a mil Imt It. lMvla A fortntt. pi-opt'l"tiira. I 'ream puro rye, Aiin'ru-a' i lltiir.! wlilaky. The only pur- gji4; an'.i'cd licit anil iif'loiv. JOHN I. f AltISON. Sole Ag-nt. John A. Miiiilgoni'ry It m iipcned a ahni at 421 Hum I mr": ai'4 i prcpurcil to ilo nil clnaa.-a nf pliimlilng ami tin ilng at lutveU puaallile ritn. Pr. T. ! Hall liu" hc vorcil hla coti- ii.a'tlnu with Dr. f. W. Hurt- ami hiut iip.-tl",l bin ilclitill nlllc" In Miu I'ng" biilhlllig over t'onn'i ilrug Htoi". Ilnalyn conl laatH longer, la i-lcnnor find iniikca I"h" Irnuble with atnveH mid . hliniH-y line" Um n ny i lh'i. fi":t'gi' W. Saiihnrii, tigfiit; nl pit mc i'i'I ltiilicrt Suitor, of Wc.iport, Oregon, la pt'i'iiari'il lo f ni'iilrih. mi "hurt notlci', the v.'ry licst of luiuhcr, rough, ilreaaed nr klln-ililed, nt the lowest prices. The O. It. N. h:n made a rate of istf from AtorU niul 1'ortlaiid fnr the ran-Aitierlcnti KxpoHltlun at Uuffali). Tlnkcii will be on tle flrat to third Tui'fday, Juno to Octolwr, Inclunh'i'. Them tlrkiitg mut1)e tiaed for continu ous passage irn't'K, hut stop overs will he allowed within final limit returning. HI-J8T 1S-CKNT MEALi RI3INO HL'N UESTAUHANT. Tli" il-Toitn a !np l"iialor arrlvr-l t wit ih" rit"r "i.t"r1uy aflcrti.mii Sh.- ina a nirif i of gritl-t and la bntinl f. r i the t'nt'4 Kliigloiii. Th" i:cu.i4 T a j now walling for n crew which will b" fui'iUh. I ! 'In- Incil aailor ln.i ling h-Mia" Voir iitln'l.n la m'.lrd ! the ifl i .-I t oii-'it ..f :ht M"i' 4' iwir'iiK'iit 'nr" Mr M .ra- ttita p'v.'.l a Inrg- a ... k "f lllat- li 'K go -la "tl ll'a ah' h'-a aii I hiCM-a it' io.irtiauia tr"ittii"nt .ml low ptl.-K i.i m-iit a a hare "f y.uir patronage hi" V Itri vn. who haa Just retum'd fr-.m a v:t I.i S u-il .'tVa anl Itnt '.ah f luinlili. 111 Victoria wh"n thr flrttt report of tin d'-ath of I'r.m- id-ii" MrKinlry i-atiu ..v-r the wlr.'f. ! Mr ltii'Wti a.ty ih- . Itetnent hi h , fo'..wel :h r. p r; waa n n exovl.d in the atatin T.v trr.-t were pa-k"-l wi-li I..-, i.i mi . fl . k-4 ar nnul th" !iu"i tl-i K-itt t . f tii- new ,Nip'-rs. n , 1 oi. fc- fur.1:"- ti. wa fruit lluff.ll'i. i Tin r- no g nun- Trnv In the Hrltlah i i ' 'iuiiitc.i ritv. M- llrown r.xyt, and tb" ' . . ii.-in.'t't , .'tiid n 't hive b -.-n li-gti.-r : ti i I K iu- K in trl l-. li !). victim To -I in.' ll oi li act e it U I b" h !4 .it th- M.'t'-i ilia: church at I" W t"iii"r t .a in. ning lt-a li'.wl.inl mid M ir- . "tl :il lll lli" all o t .1 I4r.-av.-a Mi tll- o al ki-i i : 'a w III l h i I lit fine ' Inn. 'i a- I i"1. wli.-n lt-t W S Sli r! will .. "i an api-r ptiul. ..-tuion Th.'t mil in a. ai-.-itv ..f y.i. !i'a f .r I', - 'i. : i" i.i'i.i, f pi.f in pi.t" are , ,1'fi. l "lit Sevrtl "inig lin n hate :i i" l it Oil-r 4 h .iia. hli-'t w II h "Uli' .luring th- winter T.iete la -nt" ; la'k "f f'inil''K t Imitt elnh iinn 1 to; ill- Aat il.t i 'Mnni"i I il fii!i anl the. i I a in '' nllli favor. Th.. .'!. . -t i'liniiiitt "f III" .'. um. !! Inn .1" I I '4 In f ii'-" off,- Mp' ' li-t u ' "i S", .- i - ' Ii and Tit nty-thlt I. a'i. S:i" -( Hupei In;, -n l-nt K-.u ti.y w iil .iti.'n.l t th" : -r at "ii.-c Th'' a!ri , xi. -ii. la from l-'oard St.'lu ' hail to til" fl.lta.'P lllllla nn.l la ill :l il-l'i r-' . on liil -i Tiic nii'l-i'i'iiiiiinK Ihi-" tolt'-.l iiw.iy an.l a t"ini went through M. in lay aft.-rnooii Tin- I homiighfarc naa 'i'"n n.ilii'.lo'i" I for i '.'111111. fi I II street, mil ih.-i" la lull" probability "f ita Iniprov "lien: for Kiiiu-uiie to i i'inc. Th- . : l n-.' i on: mi :'..- having In ;.'i.i-,:e ,1- .in in : Micnta for th" Pub- 'le tn'-lllTl ll "i'i l I '-a o Ir 1-I4 t. .mor ion 111 t it Mav 'r It rghian's otllce lat .-v.iil' g, but a 1) 'Uriiiii 'tit waa t.ik-t--i un l II ini'vk this morn ng. when :h- p-.'gt.i-n It the lay will he "Ut iin, 4 I: h it - i. 1 1 oi to hold the ih- i-.itt.i gr.iii4Mt.ind. e otirno !a!" a tery lirg" 4 a w iil be tna4" by . I. 4 r.i' oa an.l is .1 s : on' I rain Interfere iirr.ttuctneni': alrea4v niade. II cilng. 'A I! ... h I I .i't' .1! Klah- III I the "!ll"r l! Kolr.l & StnkeV , hall Tn e 'int.!' t- 4e.a is of the mentor- it... a ttl!l he ,un 'im. -4 bulay. -"'i t I a il w hi. h w !! . r-ot I .in I -'t-ril 'i.' , ' .,,. k. will I A new method of fignalling during f -ri haa been In rente l that will leiuHi eipreai In the most public manner our th ZTigr of collations among ocean detestation and abhorenc? of the deed ana ir n proves a micceaa many which deprived us of our rhl-f magis- "erloui will be averteJ. It la tra'.e. aa well aa to condemn the cruel, Inhunun an t mrc!ies teachings of an. archlstic doctrines whU-h made th'.a crtm" powible; and, well to heed signals of danger wrhenerer they may appear, especially those that show there la aomethlng wrong with the stomach. Hostetter'a Stomach Bitter "Whereas. We wish lo express our shouM ' onc b knight to the reat-ue. i GREAT COFFEE SALE HANDSOME BIG PREMIUMS FREE li-ii I'n.'i"'"" k il' f .he :)' "' il lie II ' III II n ' III . t- iir , '-are tigi:--ii" ir t'i" 'I't ! 1 4. hut it ,s t tic :r uilii" " i era ar w II ng l-'t "I I I ,r ! it Work on th ' ii-- to conne-t with i ; cr.ul.ina lute th city llini:. and 'igagcl. The n.v v t'li-oiwh pr'p-ity " e Ve: lie it a 'eiir- 4 ' el .' it Iil b" llt- , oi-'. l! th on r ;taut the r.glil. but itH'S'i-Il. im.Nol'Nt'JW ANARfHT. i-i.n on It' as Favoring That Will Stamp Out the Curse. Th" f 4l. nvlng reMjul'.ion. Introduced by f oun.-il.-iun S-h -rneckau, was adopt el by :h" city council at Its mating on M in lay evening "When aa, The life of the president of th" l'nlt"d S a'e h.ts been tak 'n at the hands of tn anarchistic a? be It ' l!.o!v,.il by the otnmon cnindl of th" flty of As'.ori.i. That we. Individu ally an.l oli vtlv"!)-, expresa our pro fit! n I sirrotv .m l regret at th sa l ca- iamlty that h is t-efall-n the nati n In ie 1 -s of mir chief executive. Wo are conscious .it th" 1 "f a n .lite iiM virtu him man. a s igaeloui statesman, and an ix-vutlve in whom thj bualn. world had uiibni'tded confidence. "We are horrified to eontentpUie th:t! i-i this '-nllght-nel age any sane p-r- son living under th prot vii.m of this great government, the constant object ind design of which is to protect man In his rights of life, liberty, property nn.l th" pursuit of ti.tpl' iie-s, coul.l har bor thoughts of nn.irehy. the enemy of all s order and the monster that has e niip.isse.1 the death of all govern ments, democratic or otherwise, and we illness our firm belief In the necessity of i.itta that will .'terely punish any overt act of atuivhy. and punishing any nsenilily of aniirehlsts as an tin 'niifu! assembly and crlinl-ial conspir-.'.-'. "Tin: tins r 4ut on be spread upon the Journal " profound ailmlratlcn for the noble char acter of our martyred president, and hU many public anl private virtues; "Resolved. Tiiat in the death of Wll- lUm McKlnley the eountry haa l-git an able, conscientious and faithful execu tive, on who as presidnt of the nation, as It will absolutely cure stomach, liv er and kidney troubles. There Is-noth ing to equil this medicine for dyspepsia. lndigretion, Insomnia or nervousness. It has been before the public fifty yean and Its superiority is firmly established. If you are a sufferer from any of these N'oticj Is hereby given that there ara funds In the treasury with whlch to r-de-m all outstanding state warrant drawn on the state scalp bounty fund and endorsed "Presented and not paid for want of funds" prior to January 1. 1501. All such warrants, properly en dorsed, will be paid upon presntatlra at this office. Interest thereon ceasing from and after this date. CHAS. 8. MOORE, State Treasurer. POPULAR MEN Always Brook the Best and ..Popular Cigars.. An thers Is only one place to get them, and 'hat Is from WILL MADISON TWO STORES. Commercial St. Eleventh St. as governor of his own state, as a mem- tp!aints do not fail to give It a fair K th natl.-inal tionae nl rUlrtwnli. I trial. tlves, as a soldier of the republic In the dark days of civil war and as a private eltifn. was faithful to every trust, and dlsehargeJ his duties with a devotion wirthy of our emulation; "Hes.ilve,l, That In his death the na tion has a cltlxen whose tmblem- TO THE LADIES. I take pleasure In inferming you that my fill and winter stock for little men has arrived. The new yoke overcoats, RusHin ishel chancier and social and domestic blou5e an'' Lwd RaIan overcoats. The virtue 'u.eadlej lustre to the exalted ,rr',,K 3-P'cce Manly s. Z-plec rMslthn which he oecuoled. furnishing 3U1:S ana otn-Jr ' nS'- to the world an example of civic and AIsj an nilea varietr ' P" private virtues seldom eo.ualled. He P""''' '"-ra wim w un ou. was a faithful official, an unrlirht citl- Bls eat anJ kn' ...ii. a .lev .ted hushan 1 and a Christian These goods ar, the creation of the gntman. whe hirt was fll!ed with u'a1;nK in America. gracious kindness for his fellow men. i; '" d''"' B. reliable boys' Andrew Asp, fjjr.1 liler, llarluiitk n. Isr 'Mr FIRST-CLASS WORK AT REASONABLE PRICES. Special Attention Given to Ship as Steamboat Repalriog.General Black smithing". nrtt-CIass Hon. Shoeing, ate. C08NER TWELFTH fflD CUBflH STS WHERE DO TOU lathing at reasonable prices for good goods, call a: 'The Big Store." Very respectfully, HERMAN WI3R The Rel able CiothUr and Hatter. GOVERNMENT PROPOSALS. PKltSitN'AI. MKN'TION. tin-re Is a 01)" .I'.rfen-u. e Mf opinion :is the it 14th of i h.- nv.iiiie. Sum.' of the .'tin r Ix-lleve that a flre't till feet wide 1 tins.; .'ci'.ilr MiifiilN, while others are anxious to utve nn SO or lort-f.iot thoroughfare. The wider Mad Is most gen 'rally fnv cvl, ind If the efforts of the enterprising oivners prove su.'ecs-ful the avenue will In- one of lite llnest In the state. It has lie. it sugg. st.-d that u meeting of properly owners bo cull 1 to settle the iiie-tlon as to the width of the ron. I b'ltveen the water works nnd the city limits. Come Just to See KIOMKMIIICR R7I Commercial S:ri t. Astoria, Oregon. DO NO FOROI-rT Thp Ureal American Importing Ten Cotnpiiny, lnrgest dis tributors of Tens, t'olTivs, Spices, Chi na, "roekerv ami tlliuwwore on the Const. UK) 3!i)rcs In Successful Op era! lun. There w is eousi l r.ible excitement it! the corner of 'Clcvemh and Coiitniero!al streets about S:,1fl Ihmj evening, when it street-corner religious i xhorter w as suppress "'I ny the police. The mall glvca the .Mine nf William Robinson itn I eame to the city a few .lays ng '. Nightly he has taken it position on this corner, the most prominent part of town, nnd made religious addresses. Last evo.ilng, after -nlkl'tg religion for mi' time, it,- commenced a tirade of alius.' agilnst President McKlnley. The lute presnl nit, the exhorter sal.l, w as the tool of the money power, which had put him In olllee for Its own use. Rob inson's remarks were of a most uncom plimentary nature, nnd within a nhort time a 'urge crovd of people had col lected,. The crowd vns not ut all dis posed to peritlt she dead president to be vllllled, but refrained from doing violence to Robinson. Chief of Police llallock put a stop lo the man's rnlil.l address by taking 'ilm to the station. Robinson will leave town this morning, by request. V S rhnpiran was in town yesterday fi- "ii l'oi-:'.t"d Mr. V. 11 Rlngham, of Portland, is visiting In the city. H. R. II 'oiler has sen ' to the Sound for a week's vacation- Miss le ttit UmvIs returned ye erd.iy fruit ;t short visit In Portland. It. n. Slgler, of Portland, was a pas scnirer down on last night's train. Misses Lulu and Pearl Kates will at tend the MeMlnnvllle college this win ter. Me. and Mis. J. J Orlpgs and child, of We'iatehtv, Wash., ar visiting in the city. Mr. and Mrs. ,V. If. Ptrnuhal, of Port land, were union", yesterday's arrivals at the Occident. Judge t '. 11. Carey was down from Portland yesterday to attend to the interests of the telephone comiviny. Arthur C. Callan. who has been vlslt Imr In K.istern Oregon and olher parts of the state for the past two weeks, re turned home last evening. Misses Florence Turner, Alice Cray and Jessie Sandu have gone to Mon mouth, where they w ill resume their stu dies at the state normal school. lMivur l Rua'll, formerly of this city, but now one of the proprietors of the Juneau (Alaska) Dally Dispatch, ar rived In the city last night, for a brief visit. Mr. Russell utait-s that June.tu and Dougbis, sister towns, are enojylng healihy growth and that business condi tions me good there. C. VV. BARR DENTIST Successor to Dr. Bail. 373 Commercial St., ASTORIA, OR. TELEPHONE. RED MSI. and an earnest anl devoted love for his country. "Resolved. That In the terrible man ner nf his d.-ath, by the hands of an as- s:t!n. we r--c"gnixe t.e legitimate fruits of unbridled anarchy, which, originally transplanted from foreign soil, has been too !-nr suffer-M to propagate Itseif among our people, and we, as servants Proposals for Fresh Be?f and Mutton: of the law, expounding Its doctrines and Office Chief Commissary. Vancouver pra.-tlcing Its preopts. urge such stern. Barrack?, Wash., Sept. 4, 1901. Sealed repressive nvasures as will prohibit the Proposals for furiljhlng and delivering teaching of antr.-Mstlc dvirincs In this frh beef and fresh mutton for six coun ry, an l as will prnlde severe and months beginning January 1. 1902, will a leijuate punishment for those who de- be received here at at offices of com an I seek to overthrow our eys- missarles at Fort Stevens, Oregon: tern of government while enjoying its Boise Barracks, Idaho; Forts Casey, benefits, and who. under the protection Canby, Fiagler, Lawton, Walie Waila. of cur 'as granting them freedom of Wright and Vancouver Barracks. Wash spewh, a'nise that or.t-vtlon to Incite Ington. until 11 a. m., Oct. 1, 1901, and murder, riot and disrespect for all gov- then opened. Ifyrmatioa furnished up- ernme nt. on application. Envelopes cortalilng "liestlvM. a copy of these reso- propos:ils should be endorsed "Propoails j lutl.'iis be spread itivn the of fcr Fresh Beef anl Fresh Mutton," and this court, end :ha:. as a mark of re- addressed ;o commissary of post to bi sp.vt to the menu v of our late beloved supplied, or to Col. F. E. Nye, A. C. C, presll-nt. William McKlnley, this coura Chf. Corny do then adjourn until Monday. S p:eni ber :3. 1!W. a: M o'clock a. m." RESOLUTIONS OF FEDERATION. At the regular meeting of Astoria council. Federation of Iaibor, held Mon tl.iv evening, after the transaction of routine business the enmcil adjourned out of res ."i.v t to President McKlnley The following resolutions were unani mously adopted: "Whereas, Our beloved president, Wil liam. McKlnley, has been struck down by an assass n's bullet at a time when the country nvd d his services, wis. cuius 1 and statesmanship; therefore. be It "Resolved. That Astoria council. Fed eratlon of Libor, representing the labor unions of Astoria, recognli.-s in our late president a man of unimpeachable char acter, wise statesmanship, and loyal and true friend to organized labor, whnse efforts vre guided solely for the uplifting of the toiling masses of the nation. "Resolved, That we condemn anarchy and all members of that organization as detrimental to the fundamental prin ciples of freedom, and a menace to a free government. "Resolved. That this body do now adjourn out of respect to our martyred president, and respectfully ask that all members of every union In Astoria re frain from labor on Thursday next and properly commemorate his memory by I ! attending the funeral obsequies to be held on that day. C. J. CURTIS, "R. D. M'FARLAND, President. "Secretary." HAVE TOU TRIED A. W. SHIPLEY? W Commercial Street. DO YOU KNOW That he gives the best there is to he had in the cl:y for th? least money? Place aa order once and see. J.A. FASTABEND GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. ' For paie by FOARD & STOKES :' THE PAIACE COMMERCIAL ST I finest Restaurant in the City Regular Meals "25 cents Suiuitiy Dinner a fyeciiilty W. W. Whipple EVERYTHING THE MARKET AFF0HDS A Alodel Kitchen THE IMl SKtt UK'S 1 K 1. 1 '.'. It ? We curry everything fur the Kttcben troin Kol mg I'm to ill: St. ve or Itun.e RIGHT PRICES AND THE RIGHT GOODS .Oi&WO, RBAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. John Sundin and wife to John Engs- trom 10 acres In section 36, T 9 N, tt 7 V; (500- City of Astoria to trustees of Presby- HOTEL PORTLAND PORTLAND, OREGON The Only Flrt-Clo Hotel In Portland