The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, September 14, 1901, Image 4

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V. .
Physicians Say He Shws No
Signs of Insanity.
Rmftd That Emperor William Has Rroiihcd
the Anarchistic Qucnlioa to the Cur
Ciolfosi Identified at
lU'FAl.O. Sept. 13 The insanity ex
perls who are keeping elotie watch on
Colgvtsi ray he : not breaking down, j
Doctors Fowlers and Orogo, th,. police
uripvns. saw him aain las: exoning
for a short t;m ;
"Is he showing any signs of break-ng
down?" Dr. Fowler was a-'kej.
-hi, con,!,,, u unohar
The police deny the report :ha; the
prisoner Is being closely conflnei to hU
cell. Thoy say he is a.lowej ;o take a
little air Jaily, consisting of walking up
and down the corrid ir ou'.sije of h:s
"Will the Buffalo police co-operate
with the Chicago pollc in oSKin
the habeas corpus proving .nst
tuted by the CkUmu w.xnan in c h i-
eago?" SurwrintenJent Bull was askcxi.
"I don't know," he replied. -Di:r!ct
. ,. , .
Attornej- Penny his been ind:s,-vsed Pr
- . , ,
th fast forty-eight hour, and It is
DANTZrC. Sept. .-Rumor are cur-
rent that William has bnached
the anarchistic question to the ciax, but
ixithln definite is known. In opening
the proceedings at the reception of the
emperors, the president of the Hela
trr. n'i nrl mi u-hnlf of th
town, hirror at rh attempt on the life
of President McKinley.
Gxolgosi Pcwitlvely Identiflej by Fellow
Workman. -
Tr-iT ArTvriTViV ni Sent 15. Ac- i
ecrting to the sury told by Frank Nie
dosyk. a Pole. President McKinley's as-
saitant once wked In WI!min. 1
Niedoysk said that a young man who
here on a freight train .bout stx year,
ago and obta ned work as a otppersTniih
, , . ,
at the plant of the Harlan Holl'.ngs-I
worrh Company boat bull Jer. j
He was receiving 12 a week, but he ,
left ills J...D :t a lew we-KS on tae pn--
text that h was not getting money
enough. After working a few days at
bouse painting he left the city. Niedo-
yak is positive as to the identity of the
man as he boarded in the same house
with bun anl readily wcognited him In
tbe pictures of the assassin now being
Three Gwemor of Provinces in F'hil-.
ippiies Ak for Its Prohibit! tn.
MANILA. S-pt. Aclve m iliary
oterations are n-.' r.r'.gr-ssln? in the
celKhbtirhtol of Cahagi. T't- differ
ent rompanieB ,f the i:;?hth r atim-nl
have had engagjm"nti with tne i'i-ur-gent?
anl have d-stroy-d -.-v-ral ;uan-
iities of shires and ammunition. The
troops alsj captured a nuniiyr "f f!ag.s
ami rilles and many insurgents.
The governors of the three privinc -s
in th- islanJ of Luz .n hav-r apjealed 10
tbe municipalities to pr n:bi: psmbiing
which they declare Is becoming a public
Emp-ror Nicholas Will Probably Not
Visit Paris During His Trip.
BERLIN. rr-I!. 13. Although the
Ian:ziff fejtivl'.les are not yet ov-r and
the cannon not ye: silent, public inter
est f -ii'.ent largely in the visit of Em
peror Nicholas to Franrt anl :h'-r- is
mu'ti p-eulation as to whe:h-r lie w,ll
go 11 Paris.
Judging from dispatches rec-iv-d
from th French tt.ap.tal, it looks a- if
tjlMelal circles in France had given up
that bo-pe. and w-re now -1 voting the.n-
v.-s princ. pa .y ta fc-cunrig I be saft; y
. .
tn guest.
of tn gu
Will Not Mix in Revolutionary Distur
bancfj! of Neighboring P.epublics-
WASHINGTON. 13. The Co- 1
l'.mbian legation last night received a j
long cab'.-gram from the state depart- .
men: at Bogota, the Colombian cap-
Its le-ast virtue is that
it lasts so.
Soap is for comfort; the
clean are comfortable.
Pears' soap cleanliness
is perfect cleanliness.
All sorts of people me it, all tort of itora
MUil, tupcciulr arugguti.
tal. rvtvriini; that evfrythiiiK ' o,u!el
thore and rv.vorlins u l:wk of olllolal
no us'V ;h bombardment of
Rio lUch.t by ihe VeiH'suel.-iu fhvt.
The location lis tves'lted n .:;.r from
from ilv O.d.tmhi.m minister a: Quito.
Keu.i dor. dite,l .VuKiist saln? ;h.i:
Hie Ki-u; hr Kovernment had K,en him
.lie mo; friendly .injurant', of an In-
; len i.'ti to iu.tlnt.iiti :riet neutrality
I toward v'olomhU. Tin- lew-ation liorx
iriws ,tvdein :, :h.j r'jor: of KeiP
' .! t's 'leiiiral jvdu-y.
N' Tl"i inns
Vars.i in Hank Kr.uds
' 01 t.V Oii'.nn. O.ipiul.
' HAVANA. Si-, :. 1."! --V.irtras. who
' :.!. a ."':, .,1 an .i.v.nin; In the l:a .k of 1 i:: id.i a elnvk
! . : r w u: n th- Spanish Rink of 11a-
i w:ia. whi a v is su1m'.ju-. ttl allotted t '
h.n b.-, i: fo: trd. is dead
' H- hi! h eri aeons d ..f c 'iv.p'ieity !:i
1 !.. '."iV.'v !( .!!, K. s. ....... ..I the furth-r the?, of J'.v-si from
1'ivvaa .v i . liVrmiu ba:ikfrs. Th.'
holy ;!! V exhumed a. 1 examined
for :ros of (vvson, it bene alec d
:h.: he j.vs -nt! by th? .i::.'ir.l
I .!lre,-:ors ,f :he fr.iu.l.
J u'ontmuiM from ra.e one.)
' lown ehe r fa.vs an,! words of ln:ense
srief choking 'n :!ioir throa:.
j hiJ ,
j Avtwi th1 .i-n. t, lVnI(u
: fe !e bremgh: to h;m. The do.-t.irs
I ..... . . . ...
fell back into th, shadows of the room
as Mrs, MoXinlov came througn :he
j(Wrwa, TM m; fiU.e of the dv.
smil as their hands eiapd. She sat
' , k,,.. L. rv-...
i 79 . i t iUiii aim lieu n, iiiiu. aTV,t..c-
h phvslea' weakness he tire up
j The president. In h! last perl .l f
insciousne. whi, h end-1 about T:K
.chanted the words of the hymn. "Near.
by O.vl to Thee." ind his list audible
w rds as taken d n by Dr. Mann was
his address: VIoo.l-by' all: gol-hy.
It ig Oo-i's way. His will be lone "
i Then his mind becan to wander anj
' s-vn he completely .t i;ns. i ,usn--ss.
I Life was prolonged for hours by th
! administration .,f oxygen ar.J the pros:-
dent finally expr-ssed a Jesir- to be
allowed to die. About 3:30 the almin-
li-:rat;on of oxvgen ,-ase.l and the pulse
. . . . an-i falnr. Fy l-i k
the J":. of th- h-d. an! t,-
grew cold
Below :i m .he gr.ef .ri. k-n g i.h-r-
.c,o ,t ... .v. .,
tng watted s-adi f..r the end.
Thil ,n thi hous-. a, ..,; ..nlJ .A .....
a r:arij, Hitch-vs-k. W s ,:, and P. ,.t;
?.na. lrS F,llrbanks. Htinr.a and Hnr-
ip.lV3 jnn Dav Abner M, Klnl-y. the
1 M, j.nt ; br,)tnr a;, , h(jt wif,. r,r
an Mrj Bitr , )flt n;-,.(
; Jn j riuavjln,j. Barter and Mrs.
j D,Jnan- r.rsi le-r.'s sisters; Ms
, jja.v jjjrt,r jr Wlliims th- phv-
: -in. r,. Milburn. J .h.-s N.
-J-'a-.-h-rl H ir-y Hamlin ' .r---y
r.,r':e!y.i.i and a numi-r .' ' ch'-rs '
At 't'3T steer -ta'v I'.-'-ivi ,.n- ,,.
' ' ' V , . ". . . .
a forma' not'fi -at: ' ' h ; :--; i -nt
a as tiyinir. bu: :h- pr-sid-" ;ng-r- I I
n. :h- pul-e growi:;g fatr.'-r a-. ! 'tit '- 1
er. T'n-r- '.vis tn n ! f - "i 1'
b-:'n ift-r this.
Th. -s- who i-ttm . ft- tn th - i r .
.r.t-rva'.s to' the j.,m- .-. -y-' i
pr-ii-nt was dyitL' ird 'hr 'i - "! 1
might winit. a" any . rn -. H.s trem-.t.. j
vj:jl tv ,.,a,
r. y t - in 1 1-.. i.i 1
fat-t ir in t.-e r-su.:. an I -h.s -a.-
h. on'v ..f a t.rf. f ' 1" '- ,f i
h- -nd.
Th- f t'oi e;g ,f h- -
in and about 'h- i-atn 'l.:'."" v
ur- d:
. It. RiX-v r-m.ilri.-1 wi-n th- ,i--.-i
.it'ti... - . ,... I
' d
M -Ut '-' ''" t he i-t-l tirtti.fMku.Pe
"n ' ,
;h- td-d!" Mi-. 11 Kii-v e!
hi- -1 a-.v,k-
en h-r f-.r :h- las: wm-n's '. i'i-' i -'1
Thoe in the :.'. '- w -r
Abn-r M-K'nl- y a- I M -s ) -. 1
M-Kinl-y. Mr. Sat .h l y. h n-d st- '
t-r; Mrs Maty '!ar-e ". .! : ie. .
ran. Li' UP-t.h'O J K. M' K ''. o !
M. Lurtean. e'h 1-. I F. M ' --
h .ri-. r .,.) W. v, ,- 11.,.. ..s. .1 n '
I; ,-, ,.r ys-'T-tary ' '".- ' 1 01 ! 'A', j
,' I'r ...en I t'.V .V I v
Hnd a-t-n i.tnts. 1 1 v u ,.,: .' 'i ,
. 1
r a iiti:iuL-i j,i.-.i' j ..01 h ,
-!gh'. n -a- lor. Itix-y V-rr : ,
!lij''.-rint: b -at v.a- u" k :
A mom-tit rn .r" aril Lr. it.x'--.
- ehokinL' Voie-.-. sajl:
..Tha pr-ii;,j.rif N ,..,.,,)
A LAY RE'.I'N IN H' 'i'E.
phyr,.Uun .anKu:n(. f ,r ouv-.m- r
2 o'trlock Y'-Ht'Tday Mor.'..r.g.
MILIiCRN HOrSE. S'-;,t. 13 -Th-president's
la'- day. vhi'-h ml-,) In ,)-..
pair, was begun In -i'.,')-. The j:: that
e;'rne wh'-n th- irrzatm 'A dig ..stcn 1
fused to ban ile Koli J f ,.,'j had s'-m-ingly
b'-t-n overcTn- by tn dt,ii:ht. !! ,p-l-gan
to i-vlv'-. Phsb-laiifi d 1 r !
and the v.atdi In the d k fnn watt r
lu' -d. .Suddenly there wan a failur of
the heart, which for several 'lays had
ieen manifesting signs of :; ik'-'-ari l
the presid-ni sank toward urcjonsd -us-ness.
This was at 2 oV I'tk In the morning.
TherH was an Immediate application of
restoratives and a generai call w-n: out
;a :h, absent physician and nnr',
IMk-'.iaiis s'.r.vchmno an.l saline solution
.-!-,. a l:nlnlt.-:vd bu; iliciv was no
-.mmed'ato -'.piise lo the In aim. ill.
Th- physicians aln:t:o,: that h,- as
,'o sivr.iifly lil atid S'Viv,ar vod.. l.M
I vi.l.'d to scul for tvlaiivos and -'o
fr.etnU of in.- pro d tr, V'.ci'-1'ivsl . n:
K,sstvclt and m -nibors of the rt'ooi. t.
W.'.Mn half an hour Miilnun House
'"gan to til, ,ig tin. The serious e n it
tion of th,. pr.tidottt an I ;h gen.val
.i'l ca .- r s. j i a fooling of alatnt th.i.
o,v never again a'.!ae.l. lv-ii-ia..
ni.l--,:v, s mci" ivs,:t,l :,i in cv I r i"
-: o-iii'a . :!v hotrt and ,'t, siMkr-c ' 1
a ,- or 1 t o'cl h k r.v-., . :.e..l
v, .. l. - t,.,v ,M , , i; ,r-:;u; ! e
i.i h was acne I tin f th- 'im l-
! n-,. : . ut'.t b' carr e, f ; n .f .r
'.o'.:: l-.L chances v -ul i 'o fa o: a 1-1 .
. ... tt ;i!t.l wero h. it'i'K ; '!!.li.l' .
T';.-' pl-.vs -lans, ;-a,l;ii; .h-tnii l rrl.t
: a .I T 'ii !s that th. presi l.-:t: h id
i :!lt:i! g , 1m uc f 'i- i fc .ml :o li.-.e
:hi; i:t ; t end victor ou'.. 1 .v
y duii it all day.
F'w 11 1 1 He ii i :i h S re . ts- S.v n -tavy
Hay s Instructions
WASHINGTON. S 'pt H --iSp.M.i! :
Tn, ,1... Kl f.01 i,,,l
th,. .'!'loi il .inii.'un ' n n: came !ha
r-es.l "a; McKiti','' liad ana
th cr.,U which had ln'ti on tiiej.v g-n'ril isont "f tit- N"w Y"tk
stres s ha 1 retlr -d 'or th,. nlg'ti. as it 1 1 ! r.-:rr il Ititlr -a I It 'ioii'..l t- Mien-
a! g.nernme it offtVula swo a f -w j ; ..( .! th it the firs t up .rsmcst li
cicrks a: the state, war and navy le.
pirim.nts Scretary Hay had gii'ti
dirtvtioiis w ha! should be 'one and Act
ing Chi.'f Martin ImnuMUfely n-n! a ca
blegram to evry ."ni:ed States amlvis
?i.!or and minister or charge, notify
ing th-m 'ha: Pr-sid ml McKly died
this morning and Instructing them :. so
inform the governments to which th'
vrs a.vrel t'sl.
The orj-r of th ivtr letvir.meiu ha
been prpar'd alrea ly. It is drafted on
lines similar ta that smie,i when IV.-s-ident
itarfield waa sirtcken. It h.Ls b-s-n
telegraph d to S-retary n..d for hN
approval. The orb'r is addr-ysod to all
ltvlslon an i departni 'tit cotnman lers in
the t'ni-e-! S:at?s, Phillpp ohs. i'ul,a.
Port Hie.) and AliKk.i. end announced
the death of the ,r"sid''n: and dtr-ets
:ha: all work be f t a fevr
days, fjr all rlags to be a; half
ml thirteen guns :., ih flr.d In the
morning an 1 on- at intervals "f haif an
hour and for-y-rt-e guns a: sunset
Th offtdal notl.Vatl n to Vt. '-1'resi.
I-nt R.xwk-vel! of the death of 1'r. si l-nt
M-.'Kinley will nt b. sent until morn
o'g. when Mr. R.sfv.'lt can Is- t-a. h- I
hv telegraph.
Secretary Hay. as a m-m x'r 'f th,.
cabinet, will wire this n t fl. atom.
a 'eo-gtap...
nay. ,s a -r . -ne
.nhln.i ti '1 1 ii-i ' Vi t . if Ms '-.i r 1 1 kn
" '
x, Inirtant 0n4nK t.;k;y . tlv
Public. Polity.
WASHINGTON. S-pt. lH -Th" tie as
.f :he expected d-a:h -f :h.. pr-'si brnt
' lm" a crummg nt.n to tae .1 1
1 ntal. The fa.-t that th- hysl tans
hid given up ail h .p.. oaus-d - .m- 1.--
.-tisfisn puli'.le men in th- dty-
th probability of an extra s-ssi.m t
o-'ngress and of early changes In -h,
ahin!-but :h- concensus of '.pinion
'as tnat no cabinet rhang-s t imp"r:-
U:; i-Partur-s In th- Public w-r-
i' ad l.kdv for s. me time ;., cm- .1.1 I
I'h.f .-..ngr-. .ul I n-.t b- .-f 'mhl d
ju' - 'il tne r-gu!ar s-ssion .n I'i- mit-r
! NoP.TH ."REEK. S !:. II -VI ".
; 1-n. It 1 etc. -It arrtv-l ,f Atl-n
i .a r a; H 1.1 a. tn.
A May of horses -i.n b-'-n pr ci l-i
1 .ri - that he may r -a n North
' k. h r- a spe-itl tin J .v lit - intn
M. i:rttiSI.;..'.f,LT'S M VKMKNTS
north p.';2:. s-pt. n-vi
I I'r f. 1-n: It "f-velt will probably ar
i : v.. here at a. m. and wi.l a- oh' - ';tk
j t spial tritn fir Albtny. arriving
r- aiftut 7 a. 111. At Albany an
.:!: r spet-lal will tonv-y him dir to
li 1.
MKI'I'-AL JoritNAL'S Aff'orNT
tP-ia:i'tn Waj P'tfonn-d n tlo
NEW VKK. Sept. 1! I h- . -,v
V .rk M -do-al Joiimai in .-s I-hu - di
'.-k will print th- following .c . oiin: of
:.- ip -rttion uism I'r i l -n M.-Ki-tl-y
' Oo.vlng his Mh,llrig ;it ibiffilo i.n!
K.-ilay. This rer.rt Is furnish-1 by a
Miff. id physician who was present a'
operation. Beginning :li.. at
. ;il of the president a' tn,. hoSpl'al.
' ," a. ' ount says:
i Tii- hospital Interti'-M r-rnov.-.l :h-
; .. .. le,f clothing, iaSTt lined t-h- !l-
i-a'lon of the wounds and mad- r-ady
f ; th- surg'etnH who had b--n nim
; ti .re d by tel-'phone. Ir. Edward '.
, Mat-n administered ..nt-foiirth of a
! --rain of morphine hyp.slerrnii ally whi, h
I -r'.-l a good Purpose in ail ".int. ng
1 a rve strain.
I Itr. N. W. Wilson, sanitary offio-r if
I e'l- ,-x;s,s!tlon, was a: a reino'- part of
I th- grounds making an InHts-etiori wIi'ti
h- w as notified by on,, of tne guar I
.f the injury Vi the presld'-nt. Iir.
Wilson pntceetled to th" h'tspiial and by
virtu-- of his ofllr assum-d ointroi
P-nding :he arrival of the surg'-'ms.
This was at 4:35 p. m. Th Hist to ar
il.,, was Dr. Herman Mynb-r, who
brought wlrh him Dr. Wasdln, of the
Marine Hospital Service.
Dr. Mynter saw the serbm nature of
Ihe wound, Inf'rmed the president that
ti. t,fratlon was neca-stary and sei
about the usual preparations for an ab
d.mlnal section. Dr. Wilson, the In
ternes and the nurses, were all actively
at work furtliering the preparations
when Dr. Matthews, Dr. Mann, profes-
sor of cb!clrl.'S an I isyn- ico! 's in 'he
in d c i! ,'p iidiieii:, l'n v. iiU cf Huf
f.ilo, arvhi'l at llic ho.pita: which was
a in mi i s after .' o' lock. fer
!lc uil'iul-s niie. lr, John'nen.
tor. , i'fcsvir of anal. mi and dinlcat
siirg. ry in t ho ,n.uiu Ion !,. linn-i-ono.l.
c.itiic m. tl.- Ii -spi' il In Lil
niinut. ni'i. lv l inn hid male hhn
s lf teil and b c ''. co:".-'n! of
ll' Hll' ' ' I K' tll'M' 1 1 1 1 !l'' l'-
Pt i! i "i ' P' "id and le- ad is-:-s
'or,', 'V 1 ,1 till the '. i itton
rii : urin: vrb' liioirx
: ; V.m'i , o.i ... .! W , ,,:i
l ,'o,n i . m1 Co 'f '. .n t 'o- l. and
i' i : '.. . i 1 ! 1 1 : 1 1 . t l,i n of . !'. r a
fo on i ntr lo I (1 ! o- n ni till'- a I t
,o;,o I vas .mil : d I' o
iv as a-k I t. keep t'ae s I In M "
: ; ' !.m, opp, 'u "p.-iatoi n
; : !..'.! ui. ,rt i 1 I'l' 00. n. ' 1 o
and tt--xt : ! M it m h vMiltatil
a:. I i -can I l- K Uv.. "f S..
..ins. a it"t"r .ii :iio . pc.iit..'!i, it"
, a 'i,. '.i . l It, is , a: il !i. r ' : lie o 5te:
-a- '"iis i: -iv d, a a-k' I ;.. :.utd
t.. t. M n: ': a" u iddit.".i i'
Ms! a nt
Pr I' M K c wh wa suuinion.d
fioin i'i. ' whether h.
net'. ll ci'Ml'.'.ln with Mis M.-Kmle.
ar:t"l jus: is :lie ",'.rili"i b-tan i
ll.- I.',-,. " I . , li .. , . I r,
Falls an 1 a -pecta! ttaln t l-i-ir.g htm
;., ItttrT.i! . u ," ! oe, ,v lla;: v I'.ir-
I:'. ,!ip".tgi til- P I -n i el. .thing
and male an abris ni a'o'ti. : It,. . 'Hi. r
of ;h ' serum Th- I'tiil.-t was f .nil I
ii!s..l 'lie waNtcoa! '.i't.1 .I d n ' ''
i-.nt .r hum The .do: Mug was hum -I
by die .'ip'e'sioti of th,. powder at this
I.'i.'ATluX '! WiU Nl'S
Th- prs-sidetit io-.k th- ether kindly,
anl was w 'li it'i..-r Its tnllii-iie.'
th- ti-xt i n minutes The abb-men
haling b -n ant. sept cully prepared a"
tics. n thr.,. nicli-'s 'ong was made
i,rp -tidi, u' ir i.i the t, ml -n. 'hiding
til.. tttilng nude l.y tae bill a 1.'
eal'.br that a. I i at-d four .n h.-s i.e.
i'i th' left nipple, and an :n,h and a
half the m-bum i.n . I he in. n .n ,
w-tit hr. u;h a dp iav-r ..f fa: !-
for. he p-'f tonetru was rea-ii-d ii 'ic
the tnots: -ii iv-as .'nlarg-d atiolti.'r Itn h
A 5 .-f cl .thing pr dulCy a bit of
un l-r urt -was f-nin I !u 'h- tra.-k ..f
t'a- m.i-st which !'"k-d as if .: had
! :i pun li-d "lit" by th- bullet
I'p .ti .p-Mlng th. p -ti: .n.'iiiii. a bull"!
h .' was f 'ti". I in 'he an ,r ,
I'.rt:..n t-of the stoma.-h Th- vls-iis
wasdritv'i ,;i ri In t 'i .p-ra'.-'ii v mud
am ..i- p."l.,....s. a-.,-, -'
was .'f -i :n a a .. n
M . .- i ! r 1 ,.iiK,if .if iti.. .l.imii-h
.. ..
,uif w has XTL'
.,arB..m., ... ,.. ith,,,n
..w , ,,.. : .a:y, u ..rd-r ... -x-
mini- the d-ra -f h- st .ma h. ui.n
,h , . , , , . v , T,, .
'' he .1 an. o .i-r op-n.r.g u a ,,i i. as
' ,,.u ' ... .....
. . . , fl ,,
' ' '
" " x:N"'-"
Th- ,n!-s ,-s .. examine 1 f-f
1 .I,!.- wounds. ut happii none n-r-
f mn I. an I 'h-s- wr. wi.tpp-1 In h.:.
n...isf i-w-ls A piv. nis liy,-er-nie
;r ,- bit I le-sn mad- and n ,.
t-a-nty-thv turnout ..f brand- net
nmtlar!- a.lni a further
j s- ai-h '".:!'. m!s-il- fad" I to l s. ,,v r
I t but it b-' irne appar 11. that had
I n- " -i-r i'.il damage, tit-
s r 0 ir poi sil.l'it -. cat 1 '
n-:f .ti
'h- th'e-k lun'.bi- mus.-le. '
In-. R .s -:! Parke .11 : 1'. - I at. u- di! - 1
.; :' I'-el j .pi ! st.,ff a. . !-1
-lit' ant
Tii" alt lorn, nil oivi'y was tlii-hd;
with ti o-fii.t ! s.ttt lolii'ion an h- 1 -ur
i-K in "V'H .! -p. s ik .V01K gut "till.-
-s a-', .-tllpt-.y 1. and .!..-.-i -llp'l-j
!i iai:- I.-! w-n hetn, Aiioiit 1 i tii--ih.t-s'li-'l"
wo Us. "ni :nu-l anl "b. '
ab'loni.nal ban I ig was a;p i- d Thus'
the op-rat;. .n "ti wlib-h s.i iimci of ni"- ;
uc'tit ,l-;i -n b 'I was llnidi'd Th- t,r. - I
o!"n''s pit's.. w:i- l;'2t r -p!ra l-m, ::.'.
Tioiii.i- R.-gan bv ig-s ,v- Organs
E liiing I t I'erf'irtn Th -ir
Functions. j
MII.I'.l'ltN Hol'SE. S-p . 13 - I't-I- j
. 10 M.-K.ti'-.v b-gan u, sink sh.irtly ,-1 f- !
i-r 1.' o'.-l , k th's moml-ig .ifl a ci-.tb al (
p 0 ,d f ! v- hours In which alarm j
1 n I h .o. mlng! I In Mi.. motions of
dceo- w ho sut r .ilnd-d him. Tr-'ilbi- be. !
gin oti ' li,. iir. llmr aft rno .11 1 hr .iiitti ;
th- faiiiii- of !).. dig.-tt'lve organs
p-rf , tn ii-l- futict oiis Th- 'e-'-'-'Sl'v I
f o- n-or ii'iit,, nt bal le- n pr-ssing for 1
'v. ml davs an I tii- put al failure of:
a-M'i. '.il no aris had l -d '.. th , 1 I c.l. 01
of natural means. 1
T-... r-'tiirn. throiitth whi-h iiour'"'!-
iti-n' had b- n inj I previous lo
V"lii"day. b amc l-rl ated anl -I-
--I Mi- en-mas. Thl' for -d -b-physicians
o try him lirough tic
inoiith, ppibably before th- stomach
was pr-pif" !. Th firs, n Imlntst ration
of b"-f Jui-. through the moii'h. ii'iw -
.-V-i-, S--rrie. to .'litre,. With the pntie'il,
anl lb- physicians Woe highly 'tra'i
fleil ,-r th- way lb- "I im.o li seeme I t-.
r'-l-t-ive th" food.
Dr. Mcliiitncy was especially Jubilant
i.v-r th-' .1 -Ion of th- H'oma-h and y-s-n-rday
morning b-for- his ib iiartiir- for
New York dwelt upon the fact that lb'-stoma-h
seemed bt have r-sum-d Its
normal fiimtiins. T!i breakfast of
chi' k-n broth, toast and coffee given
yest-rday morning was spoken of by
all the physician as strong evidence
of th p--Hid"nfs Improvement. Il wa."
only wh"n It ti't-amc appar-nt lot- in
the morning that this fooJ had not
agreed wltti the presld-nt that the Ilrst
Kt-nulne anxiety appeared.
The first note of alarm was sounded
In I'lc "Illcliil bud, 'lit y, s,idl afiel
l n ii, ii niKc .' ;,' i'l' !' i,,
!' li-Kll ' l':e:,.'l, M. 1 111' ,l'"'.l 1'
vve.ik ft -in III,, ,e, ,.f ill '
at., I unei us', coin. 'la ne, I an ln, r.
::ig 'f fa'loi.' H,. ha I :!i--i' I' en
. 'O I'U'iant an I eh'-.-itiil an I h " e 'Hi-
.tn:s wer- legnolcl wrl -usi j I 'r Maun . aiil.' nliiiot: ,'ti hln life I
I'll,, pul .e was abii.e inal hliili. t.' (.md H.. . . tan d.twti :iii n.ive; ,'ll!i-Leal-
to llic minute Weh a nip i - , er l,i,,d t,,r a well at lh, iii.o.l
a'ti e .; I'1'1:'!: .'!., u! ' line 1" 'il't i : n ;.. ,,. it .,.
I, alt l,,ier l"i . n.iki'-.' 'f h' Afiio earn.' Abii.r M. Ivl'il I
I l .ei 111 ;., tt 'll"-,' s : i
! i- t In 0 a I'M t;! in 1'
, .. , . e'l.' OO'l 1' I .. I.'l.-C I
. ,.!. , , ! l''l ! .ft . I
ui.teo I in '. I: :.
!;.," , a , . ill 1 1 in 1 I it i
. v " ril t te i w , a , ' .
situs til. io ' pli
n aio ; .til I ill it i lite r
f . 1 1 -1 " uk
I IV I 1 I.e. ,
1 '' '
11 ' n''
' tn-
s' a -
i'i fa
I s mi In
n i ii-
al . me!
! ,v is
II . .v
: 'ii I 'tit
i" I
iv -i- - d si : , i! ti-Oi : i'
; ''' 1 lutl
lll." ''.. !,e.l:
- j'' '' '" ' "" '"' """ :'
, 1 1 ' ''"' '
s -f t'l" 1t..e. wiil.'ll
iiin. ii .in t t !igl:
'..e.-lMc I .VIS
I , e I ll 111 V -? V
I' 1 1 . . 1 1 ll iv a s Itle
; '
! v I th-,. :'i.r 'b - "I - et ' '''
--v iv m, I 'm 'tie ff ' 'l.t -
g ii . ,v I pa i I ' i f t ' ! i--'
II pilSe d I 1: 'p t 1 " I . i " 1:.-"-
was . 'gV hr ghter I'ei- !"
I , It. : i I "t s . V! '!!' ' '"'I'll""
I'l ! hi. ' tt ten tl it 'tip 'I ','.,1'
, , i, .,! ;',- ,i if.- !'"l-.l
w . Ii v ts f" t I' ' -'i
i 'i n.-iea "'I a v . am I'd " " 'I
So. 'uv r.i-V'1 tto CO t'llt t'l'
"il. a sh -Hid '- ". ! ' n'1 "' ' I '
ar, "i. lap: 's '.'; tn-.- .. o :
i-ir the , uu' an ,' .-.- t 1''
plat.i. Th.-te was "t;.. h ', - h i i
A-cii aid iv i'v a w ',i! I I- b-I-
. t in t!i-in r'l tii ud i tin t"..g't' s.x--
i - aiv I' tt l ",i 11 I o .i n 1 pi
ll.i that an.'tli" I'lP!' ; . a -a I '.' t..
sUe no! I 111 't n lig
lli.l'K-i i;il IVI't.
11 f
ill iv i : .1
,( ... v !.,,. ,..
ni; ir ml ..! v . ipi
.'. There h el '
a. .i si f .r "' ! a' i it
..!! -f "" ut'f.iv ,',:.
le-.-i link- I -th 1 '
and .t '.v is
!.f 'ln''lt ' U'l '" t
! -I
i a.,v
", 1
I ..f ' i . a-i -i .
! 1: t .t a .. ',. ;,, T
I -...!!. it I 1 k. r 1
' I
,. .., f ",. , r , -a
I I 'I- '. I e'l -4 (, '
'lo ll" t'O'i'-ir- I ' o 1 i
' ii-lr to h.-r t'.iitt ! 1 "
of th. '...rtli an. I , ' -.'. "
.f t'l'll ng lo :' ' ti
I v ti ; oil- A '.01 - : .
'r-'lil the vv-s; ' . - : 1 1 ..
! s of tv nlglr
BETWEEN I. in: !'
S i o IP. a'! I J - - k -
ti. I inn ! ' - ! t .
Ill'- ll-ir I' M 0. The r".
.1:1 I vv '-ok.-n-' I it ! ' - ,0 '
I. I 'I 0-1 'I'i i t 'I
a. h ind IP st-.ia .'. t a
ipplp ! in I 1 he ;'. t at. .
la' 1 a ! a it! t h- ! -:i .
- Il. e e! ,-.n VV Is t-i.'i,
tic 1 1 K ta'.s an I .
1 Pn n' -1 -, I 1 -1. 1 1-. , 1 -in.-
1 -t in -ii m as t,l'- t t .
t; ' - ,i ,t it rn u .0 '
n -a t tik- I' -. 'I . ft- ,'. I
so' 'a -' a" rn -. .
I'l l t I -t i e: . '.p ! e-i- ; -
ft ,.t 1 I n .' 1 -. :
11 nit
i. k
' !l
' ''"
'" -
: ..
!-', j
1 ni 1
f :
a'l 1 ;
l i l ,'- 1- !- i! t I Mi 1' '
; . is "1 1 - . X ' t 1: I . '
i Til It 1 ll I l'e'11 1 1; o
; 1-1' it !, .11, 1 1 1. 1 . in
0 1 'U'h.'ll '11 1 .
'. s and . lo p.". . . ,
P' !- T 1 . tn- . 1,
... '! I . " us .,..-! -..f
I--I ff aft 1 Ml--.
to I h -ih . ' 1 ;
' t 'j! '. 1 no . in v. . lit; lb
' ' it v ifintm " -I
.d'i-HiMN'i Tin;
To- - ' 11 . al.-.ii' P, a
to' 111 - a 1 r - ,-. i 1
.1 i -n an I - "P.i- 1: I ;,
is ,.f th !
i ! n I j
,011 j
1 1 l-d I
1 M. 'id
1. '' l.nt-s
-I iriapn
1 W :
11 . .1 1 1 111 li
lt mi 1 n :1s
, r -'f the
I . I.- I lip HI
lit I lit , the
I .', till .I-.'-
. I , ' O S ' it"
.! ... - fioin
r 11 .111 11 ' ii- w
.i.-l .W's f
ti- . ."I
, 1 i ! -nt had
1- riio-ally
a -.'. a . li 1 1 d
1 I :,- -a , 'ab
I I no w 0 Is.
o -v h 1, id
1 1 rl 11
I A Ml' - !11"T V ,.
1-1 'I -III t 'A I ' 0 to- I, I
I lie .-lit I' f ' 1 - ...I
il! -I .lititli.1 ,.., ,f I
lltlllli ' Ml- -ill
.K"ti bill ri .1 '., .! 1 I.
I ',- Mdoi! II 1 -i-l ',
' i ' I '.
I: vv
I . I " 1! , I 1 :
I ' ' no-' III Mt pt i I n"
I - -I ' , 'ii nni-r o. - !
, 1 ' 01, riisu-
c a -h . Ill '
'. t a Mi li' 0 bill',-: a, -Tic
ir -eii ai- fa , , !. . . , ; I, . 1 i-i
-'I'll ' il bv to 111 'V 1 :. - on II. loll
'0 ll- pr-'i I' lit. 'i'l' ! o'lll llltiee I
' 1 it rl, y ill ha I 'uc, - , f n,. recv-'-i
,' H, , r "ar y Hit- !c op, I -. 1 11. , "lac
01 -id"!i' i. raib. I''K "I '. I .' an I w.. sill!
Iiink thai In- has u-a 1I111 nil 1 veil
. ha nee of rceov -ry."
Til" VII I'l' II ,ll t ll V. o! -ies.d,, of
i'i-.- r .. - 11 . ., I,,,. , f a
:;ro ! smpils. In 1 ,,-. t ...,,fs friends
:t lid phy-b l ins Tin y w-re pr -ii-ir-d
10 lo-ar that he might not . so w.-ll In
t 1. in Ttii'tg oat o-y i eoiilld. nl Miat
ii.. chain.-. . '.v-,ii! ri.,i . ,H .M, as
11 'proved 1-, I,'.
"We mo ni'.r.. siirpiia,., at . di
pressbci than th- fi,,-: ,,r bis 'ally
ing." said on- m-mb r of th- tubliiet
in talking of ih- ch-intt".
HI'ltRYIN'r; Ti 1 T.; llol'HE.
Fri, lids and I'liyn;,l.,s Hasbn to the
MILIiCRN HOI'KK, Sept. Rj-As the
- !d,'Kli,i lslllllll,'llH ial.1,'1 nun
.. , wi;n ri,,.lr t'Ml'lll .. .ll I Ihl,. 111, nil-
Ititf. lil ,u,u,i ,l ,iih!, lan-.
'ei'i airlvliig.
An ni!. mi,, ;,il ... i , -pu, ,, (.,,, ,., ,
I'l 'ilKli li' Minl-r llil II. did n,.i
'I 'p I sp'ak bill iiisliod pit., th.- II..U-.'
n"1 '"'-pil. ind -. II,. h i I left th. It 'in.
t i d, .nc-iv Iw , houu aii M ,.
' '' I' ll ..' vv I ll ;. .111111.11,, ,. !,a'. the I ,t
' ' ,l1' , hil ti. a. I In :) , .. f his .In In
" '' ' "' .uiiil.'d '' .i;,., ,. I, i I ... .,.,,, I
11 M. di in 'Ciiii, i v , mci. ,K . who ..i I
' 1 1 ' il'lll lo Cellie ,,( ,. ,.
. S'-cr tail , wili . , , ni'.-!,. ... i, hi
, .ni- Kt-cf at :ti . , f , r , I, , r a-t U. d
11,1 "''s t:!i-ii a ' in mi ii s N ..h'-i k ! w
, ' !' ..i,. Inie t It.' .if !!,, u is!
"I 'ln ml an t In i -at ' u ;' e, ,,u klv j
.tit, I' d he 'eiltse Vil"!,,, limit' i
vi-l'u i, Wal'ii. wli-'. unit all
. oiui'i -i -, in,, clr l, ,.f ..hvsldini a" 1
another M s Ma. Hti.iun the
rr en ,.f Mrs M li nlev
'Ph.. ,iv it I i'i. afl. t Ih'ti . 'iisii'.t.i-
I ..ti anl .he .J.lnit I liloii ,.f the pa-
. IVlit. . ,.l I , ft -r little ei, olll IH-lll III.
'H.. was v.-i v v ik and hl heart was
P f. "bi,- tint ltie( f.Mle.t ,..; ,U life
III. ght ii . ntt .il .lev time The bu'le.
! tin h 'v p.sti -, o : ,,i '.,.,1 ,,f t!i,- V'tv
. '.-tti, li f..iilt';,j f th,. pi,-, lea
It : s , ' 'h -PI I' the
,-tiv.-"l ipp "h 'tis: '.is "
I'll.' Ill "V lll Iil ."' 'he b 'V !' 'ill
- lit I but i le hall 'I'd II 't "-.'III
.. - Illill.Hl ei The . e!e,.'
' 'iv stars v at, lie I the . I fk II' k a a ,
' a., m 'illles an I It'in s an I , t. i a.
fe .' 'hi' ptv,, I mi; id h mi i wo! d
' ti 'il-Ut'tii .lit until l".i"k iv ii' i i'i''
re ,.!'! i a !i. 1 . - 1 1 1 V lil -at .
!'!- wbt.'i " u ,sl Mis M. K nl ' life
Sin F- a nets, t had t'l.v.d In a
, 'ii-i.siir rfW tlv.'
I r Mann and I'r Mvi''i !. "f : "i. !-
h.ine. Th lr .ml ie,t tiling t " I
, is tilt" tin (ill 11 '. up h p
I'ni I'g liie Wll.i'.e diet, If ugh: Mil
" " ti 'twig
haiiir" tint (mi !! I--. ie: r : J
I'i "ti i! v is , am I,-: f 1 . st
' . i-if o ni i.-r .f itie pr s... .0 1 - t ii!
il .- at. Ht ti in I s.i -I (, --.t. r.i iv
t 1' ' m'h t t'l
I I - ! : l!o.-t .!! vv II 'el, .
17.1 ii -1 t - it t lire
: h!i k. Ills Mm
; ; ; v
Tahi' is ."nt., ,ti tti,. n -t h w Is i'i!
s ., 'i,-v ! h- HI' ,.''.' I ,. oi
Pe .. Ii . -in,- h -ii- s f i -ii ',-'... 1 ; .
en 'null:, a '.- -n IP' wis ; -.'- I !
! - 1 1. k a i'l',-; !'-a Sato la, ne--..
li vv !i. Ii pais the ; . !. il.l ' 1 l.t
"- Is 11 ' "tl lil, I' IV ' ' 1 ' .0 1 . . 1: I
t l it ll ' V It! I - le.l 'here s t '!'. I t
11 tlili a f : --r n .a a : 11 ,: 1'
Si: -tlti 1 ' ot.-o -il a-i-t M: 1 -ill .
l-i. d ii. a id I vv n In f -nt-'':. ti 11
:-r t . '"i'v in nut - (an p. f . ,. 1 , ,
. line Tin hil . .11 - - n- 111 it; n-m
'-, off -r
t 111 V !. .ii t'si 1 .nil.- 11 On-
, -.r. h a' I s: 1 f .- mtiiute. I . k-
ii.- ini-. Mi.- .1 it k'l.-S' II ' 11 I 1." : 1 !
t: , aha"'! 'to I 1 'p- but li 1 a 1 a 1 . n-e
.c i.- 111-:! 01 llie:)M.I :g .11 I 1' I
: a it li- ut f illur- i's .' are I
N'i 1 I'l! I' "I'll i.N IN S VMi 'A
lil-lRI.lN. S t'' .l Tii- re s 1 1 - f.-ui..
I i'1-.ii f-.r tin- rum-'!' th 1 I ': Wl.h. i n
S lf. g v -in T of te'iiuau Sain-'i i.n
. , .ins-, Its .al t'f l-t. ti ntt g IP. 1:1-
!; As a 111 I't'-r "f fa. t iii- f di! -i s
; I t w 1 ; !., go- rn r an! :i .-aid'
.a: . v-li.'h'-
1 SHI, Villi M Mil HT
NEW Vi 1, K. S -. 1 i MP,. ,.
1 IIP'Ado. S-pt Pi
-r. op ri-i, Tn'."',.
Wha., t-
, : I. po,
THE finest Restaurant in the City
p. . - af- lit'ulnr Mi'iiN "J.'i ci'iils
I AlALL ShikIhv liiiin r a Sniiiilly
Oenessee Fruit
POUINDniJ. A. I. 171C
1 IK ,l INI 11 IN
1 mi: oldi st itki i.v i ik i: oimci: in tiik uohi.d.
, tnn Asl, . . jIii.iiimi.imio
Ctntili AhmIs In Itnltcil Hioitu, :tio,ttin
215 Siinsntnc Street, - - Sun I'runclsio. Cnl.
The Only Flrt-Cln Hotel In Portland
IlltlTHll II A It I nUNIHlllM.
The Thiol", t'liplalii Til , m. m. i.'i' li 'ivii
tin I All Hands Arc l-M
I . N I x i N . S,-pl I.I l.:.,y,l Boeroury
It.l.'l received , .IUp.ll, il Hull tll Hill-
l-li bat keiiilii,- Tli.-tu, I'apialu 'rinniina,
tuts f.'tin .-i i d an. I all .mi l, aid aiai
'lipis- ,i have be,. n l.wt
K, Mll'I'M' Th lll'l illVIlN AWAV
V n I ,1 phllaiitli: oiti !,at (ttm-ied .i
gtv a iv iv hln f ! mi.- t., , nii-.tli- In nil
pot t ' ''f III.' ,'Hlllll, Hill 11,1 doll., I
IUll. il g ' ll Will I... a . nlllpltilie I'llele
s mi. i h 'f ig"icy l!i,i has a. ctnpllnli.
.-1 a g en let) f K . nam My. II .
telli l's -i . Ilia h lllttri., the III,, tp plit
V ! 1. !l i ii . eli , Hi tig ntsnntl. h I ,,uli ,'
' r the pas, Mr: v-ats N i I ml.t p.
li.t s n . "in! t sli-d in-. re i, gt..t. than
mi 'ih i r in .l V,iu , ann.-t b en. weit mi',-,, v.. ill- it'ouii.i, in p,
y. d n I tl II. Ill' I .he best llle I. . ill.' oi
t'ipig Hits a'' u! t ll"S i'Ipt H'onia. li
Idt.'is It pi ni Men appetite. tlnui' S
dig stl .n. cm en ,lv spepl.l. i-guU:,., :,..
I v.-r and k.-fpi .he b..v.l regular, nln.i
pi,-, -tils l.e'clitlig. ht-aitl.urii .T llatul
etiev I'on't fall io ti It. Put lx ui
V'MI ge tile genuine
Aiwavs Sin 'He lite ll. an l
..Popular Cigars
V i I Ii.-r la only one place to
r;et .h in, an I 'ha; !a fr m
TIVo KT '11 KS
inn a.' a; St lliev rntti Ht.
WIIKIill l-t YOU
, I I '1 '
iiwi: vur tkieu
( t nt 111 1 r -la! S r'ep
That I,,. gt. th.- bra: there
.s t . b- Imd in he . I for
t.h. lean; 111. tne) . t'lao an
1 !r o ii.-r an 1 .-
Andrew Asp,
HdiPii lair r. nU'lmilll tiJ 8rirbMr
KIKs-r-i'i.ASS WoRK' ,T
Sp'e.a. Atfn'.loti i.ilrn lo Hlilp mil
S'''.iiiib,..i; Repair ing.t i'-i.'i al lllack
:iii'b:.'ig, 1'liSi-Cl.iaa II ue
Shoving, etc.
Cowinjc & Cowing
iillll'IMN crrv. ORI-MON.
"ill." Room t. C. S. Isttinl ottlct. llldg.
I'r.i.-il.-e in nil tin. r,,uri of tlm
Static Ctilted Slavs leind ottlct' llusl
inns a SM clu!ty.