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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1901)
THIS MOHNING ASTOKIAN. SATURDAY, SEITCMIU-R , lf)01 The Morning Astorian TKLIIPIIoNK All contrails fur iidvi-niKiiiu, In the Antiiiliin urc iiuulc on 11 K'l' Hlilco ut clrciiliitlnn four lliiicn larncf (hull Unit nf imy piipcr rublUhvJ or vltciiliileJ In ( I11I up ciiiiiity. Ti'DAY'rt WKATI IICK. liillTI.AMi. S'i.1 i:-nr.-.ii mil V.iinntl .11. Haiur Uv, fair, wlih tlitht fr K in Ihi- in!. . . .r!.in In !,r rally 111 i ii 111. warm".- fa'iuliy af lrm.4i. I I ill ', fait wuh I Kin fi.nt In :Iik . arly ln.1ri1.111C Warm. 1 In ti..t li nt iirt AROUND TOWN. hM It M. Haul. .li aliout liariirm. I CI al hur.i! i:;uiir & C, t'lin- Wh Ath foal. Th .11". Main Ml. f if family u A frr.h nippiy i.f ur vh.:n i-.iit.'lii lu; In a; J ihna.ui Iir fall mailt ll f r your ci'l riuir ni"hia Orlora pr .mji'ly fll.cJ Ila; 15-rnt nit al 11 1st ti ar Hun laurati!. (13 Cmm-rrUI lr-. An i-i-fll.-tit M vha mi. I Java 3iv i"r iKiun l al l-thcr ln. T.'io iiivlilont barti'dlilii now h.11 f 'ur flrai-claat harbra Nj walling. fall Miln Wl for your foal r'qulri''. nr.-r promilir nilmt Jual fvi-'UiM, I' i. ki I klih'a; i-Kih'-r lln. a fllli aaaiTllli""! nf .-ty ..i.' Kiiarmit'i-J I'h.Hi. m ..11 ilia: rl'-gaut I.hhI platin if fU.-ii null va. !i 1. n!i .i .'.' il at H K A.' -'i N. w la th" litnr- t.i , t,l,-r wlnlcr'a aili tly "f ''' l'ail up 'pll ilip Wl Ki ln 1 & f". 1 1 im -S. rl'-aii.- I nn.l iil!" l at I'lniK-ll'a I'I' Tn"lf:h Urit.-,. ll.uniia upplhl a; l'ia. prii-i'i, Miii- y mi 1 hut -I (.in: pluiin nt II V All.-n A S M " ' Tl-k' la aro icUi ii !h ivry caali mill' "f II. V r nn'- - Thr fiirii:alii-, r.initia f"r lltlu h ma" ki-.-pliiK'. i"i icrnuinl ll.H.r. N 1. I U l-lx.'liinii!,. Hi. W" hui' ai'. ui-'l th.' a.l,- iiK'.-tit y for :h" f.ini.iiia J. V. i-n-itim-ry Initu-r, 111.i l" at Hkainnkiiwii Tfl". nine; lllrtilja. J ihlljnll ll.l. 1 ' ' Sunt" lin ky ruai'ini'-r of H. K. Alli'il & Smi will n-i-'ti h" niii'li' hippy hy w.ii l"i! Ihiu J.'iinl plan.i. Th'ki-U Willi 1- i.-h i iia'i aalt' nf II- I t.i t b it f ir hnlli-a ill 111,. I'nliu'O Halhu. I'rlvtli- intiuiiiv mi nil" nf tiulMti'K. Hllip npril nil S 11 11. 1 il y II) UlllllKa for f hln. -a mill hath. iMvla & forhitt. prnpfli-liirn. ft-i'iiiti piiro ry.", A nu-rl w hlaky. Thi' mily pur- tllllK'. KUiir- iinli'ml r toll ami ni'MoiV f AHI-SON, Hull! Alt -!ll. J01IN 1 John A. Monticoni-ry let a opi-nnl a Hliop at CI Hiniil air.'. nril is pn-puri'il 1.1 ilo all catf of plumliltiK ami tln 1 Inir at lowoK poaHlhlo r it . Pr. T. I.. Hall liaa ai'vordl lila con-ti-i-ilon with Ir. C. W. Ilurr ami hua npitii'il hla uVntnl oilki! In the I'ago lullUnir ovor fonn'a ilrug atore. Itnalyn coal luaia lotigi'r, la i-loan.-r anil niiik"i loas tmuhli) with sloven ntnl . hliiini-y flili-a titan pny othct-. aonrgi' V. Kmilmrn, Ki'nl; tol ph me 131. A very lliiij lln( nf I'-mich Utile Mlr-iot-.a, In Itn' Vt.oil, Walnut. Ollvn wmlo tinil Oak ,at vory low prhva; cull ntnl Mi',, Hum. flum. ltoB-m, .IniKKlat. llohort Suitor, of Wt'iport, Oreon, In proparcil to furnish, on ahort notlc, tip vory hisit of luinbor, roitKh, JreaacJ or klln-ilrleil, t tho loweat prloea. Thi- 0. H. & N. haa maJ a rate of S6 from Aatorla and Portland for the ran-Ainerlrati Expoaltlon at Buffalo. TIckoia will tit) on aale flrai to ttilrd Tuca.luya, Juno to October, Inclusive. These tlckota niust be used for contlnu nus piiasiiRe fnilnK. but atop overa will be allowed within final limit returning. BKST lli-CBNT MEAL ; RISING BL'N HESTAUHANT. A SATURDAY SALE (-i4llliiir thai prices "ii frit 1 1 m ii.ivi' I n lilKti, and im nrl-r that rv.-iy urn- will t rlnilileil In ll H Unit Winter fruit n ill" going I" ' II at il iv i -!l .11 TODAY SATUHDAY iiaiiti.iitt I'iiaks, ahii- I.ASH I'KAi'MKH, HAMK"N IM.I M.-t. ITALIAN HUNKS. A t 1 I 11. t"iNiil'' im.) N Hi m K M I .111 MI I fa. I 1 gel ill.- .l ' It' iii-mli. 1, a i. 11I 1. . ilii.-tlet fur :.'.l.i. Ross, IIIMlns, ft Co. ll.irn i fi'ilr I a: Uiialin'a h Wi'l ,1111 M Hi a), 'mi. in I, la In l.iwn a 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 .1 ; 1 l':'. a I'm Inn 1 la U.IHiiK In Hit- ify ll'-W aMH-r rii JllKl r.-rrlv-'l ' - J-ill lit. 'l a.illli III v-r lln. Hnl"a I'll". Th" II . i h.. r 1 ii K"" I.' 'ii ut 1 1 1 : 1 l. :i r' u n l-ih.-r llr.ia. i-l..:h. J W I H!a: :ty a in. nil. .-r '.! 1 'iinnr.pai.i'i. ,.- I ti'.t III !h.' riii Mi II.111111I1 A.l.iir. !. hrr nf p a '1.1, 1 a-lv 1 ik.ln 1 r. Av I).. lni.l Aat.'rla. A l.lrn". 1 4 ! I - a Th" a-'-iiiii' r litn r Hui- II i:!tnt iil"ri'iH ni ir nlnic 11 " :'n- VMiy il.iwn. Mill in it iat Hull I! Thi- il 1 i l: n.t h.. 1 "f III- -1 1 1 t I an. i -w lah llu-r. 11. tut a li) until .f th" :if:.T 1 J -" I'd M k. ; i N'.- K'r flia:-, .a!rlnis i U hatn"a an,l : 1 a. f. ivn.ii-M. ; :rr. :. rrl.-rn r. a,. timi ifnaranl"" 1. Ml. a Wlniii.- 1.. W'r In.Ht.l.t) Iti : f II I-,- mnrr-.i-'l .. tly . f Kiuii'i't .n f ninty ri-rk Whrr !y l a.-n llnu tj t I'.wt il t.i iin. ia ..f t 1 m-u : tax a' ti uv li.-l.l hy tin- muiiiy. K'.)ltiC n-'tliv that th" i..'.-rty will In- a, II 1 t. iln-r ; Tin. tiuil wrvh will h,. h.-l l ut th I'l.-ahyi.-rliit ihiir-h ',.111 hm . M th mis I 'pl''. ' S'-'-liif .111 1 ll.'nr'.niti'' .-v n I, ina tiip;.-. "I.f" .ml Ix..t;h ..f ih .1 Hi." 1'r.m. j ' ! W V M (ir.-iror an. I N I pili.-haa.'l th" f.i('i In!. -tra!, auinil:i!lnir to Mm f'.tn- nii'--lh:r.l. In Ih,- H.i.-ii"ii H'lia; I' l .i;.'ll h l4iinl"'r 11 'I alal tti i'n 1 y . T .1 II. mi lli-nj V. .nt, K and ami. S . u f 1 I A lift la- i-i'-tiltiK f .r I-iii''r. wh.r.' Mr. Vminit jr. lll ,11:, -r a nilnl''K' a, ho- I. Tin y will k . hv way ,-f Salt Ijikr, In whl.'i 1 1!) Ih--.v will !nl! a f.-w ,laa. Th,- w.nk nf linpr ivIhk SiT!h a'p-i-l ha a l- .-ii itlni."!; I. t".l. Tin- thor- 'UKliran' la miiili 11a I an. I !he Improve ni.rii . ha 1,-1 wlili ili-llchl hy :h wh 'a ' htiHiin-aa ,-iilla ihi-in to that p.111 ..f own. I.'.tit 11.111! - 'n'tior il Ni-a.i A. Mllra."i -In-i-hl.-f ,.f lit" t'nlt-'.l Slalrn army, la a. h.- lul I t 1 nn lv,. In Aamrla f,.r ih" puii'iai' of nuikiiiK an !n-ap.-,:l.iit nf ihe for: at tlm mouth nf lln- i-.ver. I: la pi-olnih!" that tin- In- iii-i-ll"ii will lie iHittpmii'il, hnwt'vrr. ot li-i'.UI'lt nf the ile.llh nf the pll-alil"tl! te-tieriil M Hi n wa.a onre atatloue.l In tin Xorlhweat ntnl h known by many As Milan. IIUAl'TH'UL Decorated Tea Sets (51 VI IN AWAY FREE THIS WEEK Jl'ST Tx INTl;ollfl-: til'lt SULTAN COFFEE W(. will sen-,, ffiv 11 i-up of Sl'liTAN fDKKI'lH In every lady and gentleman entiling to our nit ire .and em-h person will he I'ntltlixl t,i lll'I'MS T1IH NUM MMIt iK foKPKH 1IKANS In our ten Pot. Till') KIUST I'KKSON gu.KSlng inarest to the number nf beans Ihe tea tint iimluliis will get .me of then,, beau ilful s."ts PltlCI-:. font you nothing. We will be more than pleased to have von conic and try a cup of SULTAN iNil'VKK, und lake u gucas. COME JUST 10 SEE Tim bi'vutifi'l ni:w rmos- HNTS VU AUK lilVINd AWAY WITH OL'll CKLKIIIUTIOD TEAS, COFFEES AND SPICES HlOMKMIllill Great American Importing Tea Co 571 Commercial S:rnet, Astoria, Oregon. DO NO FOrUIRT The Great American ImiMirllng Tea Cotnpuny, largest dis tributors of Teaa, Coffees, Spices, Chi na, Crockery awl Glassware on the Coast. 100 Stores In Successful Operation. C n- ral ') i:ih I aaili fjc- I I'-tt Will I'll).- n'ljl'.'l! waa Tli.litl-I .V. r N .ill". whT" ah,-- W' t Sll.- at .'i.--IM a it I Mllra f, r- I !'f ' "f !h" H.y. II. I'.yiT. lh wt-l!-knon nwa I ni.iT cnii, -nm nvi-r from the Wash ington ben h yl. r.liiy ufti-itiuon and li-fl fur nil lh night train. Mr. I'lpi-r Inn !-1 In pnnr li'-.illli nf wile nr. I In ullll tilling. .1 IJ .in ti' .1 nf Hi., rutin' v ii r: will l'- I -1 to-lny, uiiIcm pot p..n''iii.iil In 1 ik'-ri n 11 murk of r'ti t .1 IM- '! t pn-ai I' lii. At ItiU 1 "rtn if Mirt iiiiill'-r nt tin- 1 .inn ru. Hum f In- I 'li.l f r f ti Hii. r-mulr to tin I'y ) t r 1 1 1 ' n li: li- Mk. 11 ui Mini t t ! 1 if in in : i- ); y I hti -1 Ih" f"l t ..r lln in. ; r .M.lli.ic f t th- I-ii.iim" nf ' r. Iliii'ilhlrig the r m l p. ill !.iX" l the 'A I wiit-rania f .r Hi.- . "I!. . tli.ii nf ina-SH-I ,-.,i,ntv finki available, for th'- ion rj i in. n' r--tiialMi-g, ..11 h.- lllithtb J ,,t,-it,o. ,n of the cniiri'-otltiic hlg.Tway, lie 1.1, ,.' ,. ..,,,.. 1 ii.i:iiiiilh- W .. -H ;im miii fvai. Th,- n.n't amount IK 1 ..!.-. ! I unit V I w I'll! 11 th. Ih- M'l I' .11 in 1 llll!t-i 11. xt Hui'.l.iy Ity A! Ih" M K . luir h It- v I. i: lt.-kw!l. i . I l. r nf I'. r:l.m I .1 :! .iil;il. .1! th 111 11 1 1 1 ii ... .f :h 'T!n -ii P. .r-Ki-!liiK ulll m-i-ui'y a,-iv!n-. A' II il y f nil !. Th.- .n : -,h.- i-vnlnic iminl'.ii Mill In tl. r w 111 ,-( ii; y aliiilnUti tin- 1. l.:: I a v... At Hi I r.t I !:! I T- I h" ! Th in- isa'1 tin! rhur.-h 1 1 l'.t h m.irfilnic v., i h"lnic at H f . 111 .mln h 'ur jlh.- imyr 1 Ilill'l '-v.-iiIhk I hi 1 s u Th" Mm ,.f S. "V nlim- '.h mirlr. M l-w.-i k !! I), r . vnl-iic a: V !.. " Tijilr M 11I11, 1 1 . ii.iii." in 'IniC W" Iiii-h I ly Wi;.l nn aiit.iln i:'rn, wi., l.i-l frun Injur I hv 11 fill fr in '..'i" Mit.l- I .1 h, A l.ilr l !:. h i.l no rla i'i :hi i-.'imlry II- u.vna .iitn' t'. in Aa'..ria. liiciii.liiiic a ahar l.- r iri.- f I'-rin- 11a Kt.. k anil I.: " w..nh .f A...r. 1 liiil!.;ii & A '! 111 .iT An a Ittilnl"- f 1 Ih" i-!a:.- h.11. tiit ye-. h'-n II.- 1 1- 'I'll- I" ilii'ii; I...1111"r In!- I hy :h,. r .1. mir:. A l-a I'y .!". ti'i. -1 1 I v auprvm-vl to Ii.- thi: ..f S' nin. in 1 il.-n who waa lr wii". iff th.- Ilrtl-'i lurk I'.illfill.ah Itirtntr !',. r iiit a. w.i" ;.:.k.'l up on :h.- li-n-li n-a- N"w A:.i',a hy thu na hf-xv n 'Mtii,r , w. 11 1 uvir !o th iwinir :i the em it wa lntrr'l at I I- ti'.itl-.l Th Ik'ht. wi' ,1 hlu" mripiwii in I w aj l'i:hl i-om- V. mr tire to an afif-n i. ii pupi-r Fort I it h.ia N-i-n p nrly I -ilml, I)"- IniC "H a lrvi-1 with 'ii,. wat.-rii'il !tn'n f. r,- li t'.!.- I 1 th" full Mr- ,.f ..h.- pn.-tny a 1 1 H a t Th,. w ar -I -parim -nt ati niM pi-r-iluja h.iv.' 1 otiif " I .h" tnilllary iMl- ;.. th- pap'-r 'i.-f..r" 1 .flute llif fort, I: ni'ttht h" a al. I ll ii f ilumhl.i la i-.-L-ar . .1 ua ,,ti,. ..f Hi- tt-:-ln.-atl Kita 111 :h- t'nil.'l St 11 -a. Tin- "I.l Ma of I'.i. nc f.r! .-ii h'.lN h.ia h,i"i ahan-'..n.-.l. an I 11 .v th. v ar,- I0rat.1l. wht-r- 'T p a-ii.;.. -r i-v.-i. iiiimr t'ma .i!l-'t ! I if-.i;!-r 1 r.v.-vtlon from tlr !l f. K. h-eii In "V. '. ihis elty. who hua r t'l" p.ia. three year. A!.iki f w ri.'i'a I 1 w lili-h 1 Ity 1 M:a ',1'i'iita from S utile, at .1 ( w .lays ago. I'.' arrlv. 1 Thr illi man aim 'ii'i- a Ilia lli'.en- :l"ll "f coitig I 1 r.ufl'.il mi bllsitieai 1111. 1 pleaaur.- e. tn'.unol. an I mi his t' .urti will remain I" Annr.u until Janu ui'y. Th-ii In will i.-.iv. .Kain for the ..i:tli. aa I: la :nv u- t.ia; he Saoulil he Pi flnle f:y In K-hniary. In Se allle h.. nie! Will fray an I John Jeffers. who have Jus: r turned fr-.m Nmne. II. 1. I'ernuaon, tii,. letier a 1 If. will wln t . r nn the Yukon. J.ui Si 'k.-a Is at Nmn Master Flah War, lll.H Just rellllneil fi n Van lUHon, who m a I rip of Inspec- ll. m to ,i.rr llevrs Ill.l 1-11 : a"r!l."iM of Hi,, state, bell- foun I an excellent haieh'-fy site on III" MrK !U.e river, a branch nf the Wllltnielle. :!i" mouth of which Is .1 few tnlh'-i be I w Ktlgett". Siltnmi are f.'inM Ui'-r.- i't larg. num bers .and tile wan! -ii cxpn-wes Ihe opinion that the hatchery which l to he ea'.ablished on the rlvir will he mon' successful tha'i tlia: 011 the fla.kainas. The strenni has lt headwaters In the Three Sisters nioiinialns and Is de.atr iibly situated for a halchery. While away Mr. Van Iuaen also visited the Siusl.iw hatchery, which was found to be In giMd cotldllloll. Superintt'tldell! Austin has hl racks In p.islilon and work Is progressing satisfactorily. The site for the hatchery o't the Sluslaw will be removed to a point some miles up the river from the present hatchery plan!, as It Is thought heiier nsul'.s will be obtained there. Dr. Rirle, of the marine hospital ser vice, In speaking Inst night of the re sults of unthVlut respiration, stated, that In a number of cases life has been restored by thin means. While Dr. Barle was studying In a Xew Tork hospital an Interesting case came to his notice. A man who was brought In to be treated for cancer of the leg brok,, a vein In the diseased member and before the doctors were summoned waa pnu-tlcnlly dead. Then' waa no pulsation ,flnd some of the older physi cians gave the patient up. Six of the young students commence J work on the man, und, by working the arms, Inject ing; oxygen through the nostrils and keeping an electric battery over the heart, Bueeoerled In restoring life .after six hours. The man recovered nnd was on well an ever before within a short time. When the young doctors took charge of him there was scurcely any bh)d In his body ,but the artificial pro cess restored life. j iii'-inli ra ,.f th" K'.rt S! i Inir rt- T!iij"lav afi'-n "ii. -. Th 1- 'rp" w .ia iv I mm -a .ia alx f'-! !n h I il.. ii: 1" p.. m l" w .r- ih!n .Im: 'to p!'-Xl..K'l. Ll'lln Admi HHIstnmi. nf Wind munch, wli'i wim si bally burned a f".w days niri, In now out nf danger. Th i lill'l, li will ! remeuib ri-1, waa ilay- 11 K ii'nr aoiti" brush tir- mi Iit f.ith . r' farm when ln-r hair caught tire. Fulling In her rfTorn t extinguish th-lluim-a. (hi- III I at I rt. wl:h rare pres. in ' nf inln. I, JiiniiH'iJ liitu th' rr"-k. .i" Him r-actii-d hy li'T fatli'-r. who wan .ii'r.i.l.'l hy he- . -n-aina. For a time I: w 14 f.-ar'-l sit- would dl". Vr. '. .i . i:i,' attending ,-ihysli Im, ntn.i'1 thai ah" will h on r ' vt-r. Til- 'if It'i'ini'i' ii".i hy I h- council 111 vlanr maa: i..t h.-Kn-r r Fry kniwti u'HIl ii'ii'l miik'-a h i r. p .r;. (.niniii' w.irk Hup -r- It Kl'l- nri I he r tad ycsti'tilay, and hy Monday i-xts-.-ls '0 tiav thr." or fiur t'-una on ths grad" Work will bp cinitn.-ine 1 al th" illy limits, aa all !h, rights of way liuv im; i-t be.-n "cur-l. the properly nwn"is nanlng lind tii-ate; th l'y having failed to tnak t.i" grania ,ta r-it'llly aa thnm. living further nut. Mmy .if th - own'-ra huve expr.-a-.l a il'-alr to have an i-lghty-f o-i; highway, hut a f'-a ai" sill to IimIhI mi a slxlv-f-i! road The road will be In line with the il y' a Tee; .and It la to b". Imped thai the !.. thiroughfar-- will lh- d.-i-i t". upon, as a s xty-f sd r .al w-nii'l h" of t'-miirary wnth an 1 en tall more work later on. Tha road will iniiil-ii" pri).i-rty valu.-a In that sv- l.'.n. aa It will oi.en ut a tract which Is n i.v pr.ictloally a wIMern'sa. The ei'.y iilllrlula will undertnke to si-cure :h nec-asary grantji an I I: Is tHieved all th- lanj own-ra will give eighty f.-l. Th Investigation Into the mann'r In which Winter Kyle came to hU il"a:h. which .s being conduct,-.) by 1Mb: riot Atinni'-y Allen and a grand Jury, has no! yet been concluded. Ttie exam ining bnr I iii"l yesti-nlav morning and many wltn"sc were aumtnonul before It. Th" proceedings were not public. Ullle new evidence was prs'ented. and the repor: of ppibable starlllng Jevel opmenta did not materialise. John llerg, an employe of the Astoria Oaa I'ompany; Alex OhlofT. k iown as "Rus sian Al-Xi" and a man named Jens -n. wh 1 first found the body, were i-allej and testllie l as to tli,. pHIIon In which !h corpv a f jund. The unfonuna'.e young man ti lying .m his face and the tide hal alm-mt submerged him. The was taken further up on the beach -and Deputy Coroner Pohl sum moned. Sheriff Unvllle stated U.t evening that the Inve-silgailon had not alt-red his opinion that Kyhf' dea:1i re sulted from ae.-l lent. The sheriff ex pre'sea the conviction that Kyle stum ble .1 iivr the fen I'-r w hich runs along the edge of Ihe roadway leading to the gas company's dock, the n-i-k b-lng broken by the fall. The tl,It, was low that morning at 4 2. and the accllent oivurnl at about that time, the sheriff believes, as the holy wa aonly par'.lally submergiM wh.ti f und. The Invesilga l!on will Ih' continue! th.s morning, when o;h.-r wl:n.-ics will b" examini-d As yet Ih.-re has lnvn no ovll.-nce to show that Kyle went to the d vk ;o set tle s.-,ir-s with another man, jl had N-n reonrled ariund town. Sf KX IIS OF SPLKNDOK. I'ort'.ind f arnlval'a Krillinn' Attractions. Army of Never In the history of the Xorlhwest have the people In- n ffered such en joyable entertainment mingled with use ful Instruction as will be loM before rhem during the m m'.h of the Portland carnival, which will be held In the great exp.v-tlti.wi bull ling from Septem ber IS 10 Oct ib'r 1'., an.) also In the beautiful Muli.ioiiiah Held adjoining. The committee of representative busi ness men having the carnival In charge have already nude contracts involving 'iho expenditure of tf0.iX. to nmke the .urntvul a suivess, rtn ihe music and ainus nients alone there will be Jl.1.000 ox.n.ed and the other appropriations w ill b- In prop i.-.lon for the horse show t.n.l th-- gran I nrtltlary tournament and the iithle;I. ivxr.'ls". etc. These tlgiir.-s will give people un Idea of the gr.iud ur and Immensity of the carnival, which will be illuminated with H.MKI ehvtrlo lights. The music by two full military ls w ill '.,e gran I, and ther,. will not he a dull moment, aft r noon or ive'iliig. There will be a re production of Mult Ionian Falls In the exposition building ,a big working min ing exhibit ,11 ficr.imn village, a showing of all '.he prodtt-ts of Ihe. Xonhwe-":. and many th -'r sights to see. All rail road and M-'amlioat lln-s will sell ex oursin tlckels to he carnival, good for seven days, at one and one-third fare for the round trip. People who miss the Por'land carnival will miss a gr.m 1 event. TO THK LADIKS. I take pleasure in Informing you that my full and winter stock for Utile men has arrived. The new yoke overcoats, Russian blouse and Lord Kuglan overcoats. The Norfolk suits, 3-piece Manly's, 2-plece suits and other new things. Also an endless variety of separate pants from 50 cents to $1.50 with dou ble scat and kni?. These goods arrt the creation uf the leading boys' house In America. If you desire good, reliable boys' clothing at reasonable prices for good goods, call at "The llig Store." Very respectfully. HERMAN WISE. The Reliable Clothier and Hatter. TUB NBWH IN ASTOItlA. All th'-r Tjih Ahnl"iie. When N-ws if I'reslli-nt'a l-jih fame the pr-mature unniruni em .'nt of ;h in-sldi-nt' d-ath yst-r liiy afternoon was the signal fur general mourning. Flags vre nalf-maate,I. IwiU were toll "1 uii'l th- clilzi-na gither-d alsmt Ihe bulletin Ifurila i-agetly scanning th i'-i nfwa. All other mpli-ji wer- ahandnne I In th- fa-v nf the Xatlon'. i-r!l and Ih ' one auhj : dlsi-uanej -whs Ihe lltiffali) h .rrir and thomr reaponsi hie fur Its lommisalon. ii- nun. .aiion or ihe fjoiilmai woman anl nf h'-r tool fzolg.x wa every wher 1 nu.d th" vlewa exur'-ssed have i-i'ii rarrl".! nut th- anan histr would .Hive brok'-n mi :h whi-a-l. torn limb from limb and not a vui -e would have been ni'"d In sympathy. There Is no loubtlng out that every 'yal Anr rban regardh-sa nt pilltlrs, not only d"plurl the sad tragedy but favor the mBt Irastic measures again; tiromulKa'.ors f the doctrines of the blmid rtl flag of anarchy. Senator Chaa. W. Fulton. In ufieaklng f the assasalnatlon. suld: "llistmy will prove the greatness of I'realdeni McKlnley. While clrcum conspired to male- him great he showed In trying monv-nta the ca pacity of handling the situation In 1 masterly way. Though partisan critl- clsm was poured upon him he atrsl by his conviction and aubseipaent de lopments proved that h Judgment Justified In every way his ac'lonit. When the battleship Maine waa destroyed in the harbir of Havana, public feeling ran high. Xewspapera and citiiens. the country over, dejnamlel a declaration nf war. Hut the pcvHtilen bellevti that the time had not come for hustilitiea. Without In any way J"opardlalng the dignity nt the Nation he averted war until it wa als-duteiy necessary. 'In ha prlit life President McKln ley ha been a splendid Christian gentle man. While a member of congress, dur ing hia occupancy of the presidential chair. In fact at all times during hia private and public career he has been most honorable and upright. From a poor boy with no reeourcea aave his own indomitable pluck he steadily climbed upward until the greateat hon ors the Xatlon can bestow were given to him. Yet he never descended Into the depth of political intrigue and he wilt be always regarded as a statesman rather than a polltlclaa There is no remedy sufficiently ade quate to compensate for the president's death should he die. The only course that remains la to create such Preven. Uvea as well Insure absolutely end for ever a repetition of such a dastardly crime. We must remember that It wag not President McKlnley personally who was attacked. He waa marked for the assassin's bullet because of what he represented. It was the Nation that was aimed at .not the Individual. The doctrines of anarchy are the worst forms of high treason. Such legislation should be enacted as will prevent tho enunciation of thos d mtrlnes. Any one found affiliating with the sect, or in any way spreading the teachings of an archy, shoull be summarily punished. There can be no more tolerance. It is tinv to act and the measures effected must be absolutely preventative. The situation Is grave and we must act pr inaptly." Senator f. W. Fultin ha always been a staunch supporter of President Mc Klnley. At the Minneapolis convention in Mr. Fulton was th,. only dele ga'.e from the state of Oregon to vote for McKlnley, the rest of the delegation suppvrtlnij the candidacy of the late Hrnjamin Harrison. DR. DAURIX'S PLACE NESS. OF BCSI- Dr. Darrln, at the Occident Hotel, As toria, gives free examination to all and when necessary gives medicines In con nection with electricity. The poor are treated free from 10 to 11 .except meiVeln. Thos willing to pay, 10 tj 5; evenings, 7 to S: Sundays, 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. Deafness, catarrh, ey-.s, n-se and throat, heart, liver, stomach, lung trouble errors of youth blood taints, gleet. Impotency, varicocele, hydrocele, tumors .stricture and cross-eyes a spec ialty. Surgical operations performed when necessary. All chronic male and female and private diseases treated at half his former price, for home treat ment; or In that proportion of lime, as the case may require. X 1 case pub l'hl except by permission of the pa tient. All business relations with Dr. Darrln strictly c nfl lentlal. Letters of Inquiry answered. Circulars and ques tion blanks sent free. The doctor will remain un:Il October 12. Seldom more than one visit Is nec essary after that the patient can take home treatment. The doctor Is prepared to perform neaily all surgical opera tions. Eyes tested and glasses titled. Belts and Batteries furnlslied when necessary with full directions for their use. STATE TREASURER'S NOTICE. Stat of Oregon, Treasury Department; Salem, Sept. 12. 1901. Notice Is hereby given that there are funds In the treasury with which to re deem all outstanding state warrants drawn on the state sonlp bounty fund and endorsed "Presented and not paid for want of funds" prior to January 1, 1901, All such warrants, properly en dorsed, will be paid upon presentation at this ofllce. Interest thereon ceasing from and after this date. CHAS. S. MOORE, State Treasurer. TUB TRUTHS. f DROP of ink will color a whole glass ffi)-t of water. It is an inch of yeast which makes a pan of bread rise, and a single ?ci1s.c of soap containing unabsorbed alkali can ruin a hundred times its cost in laces and fine embroidery. After all, is it wise to take such risks with common soap ? Of course you can get along without Ivory Soap. So can a wagon without axle grease but it goes hard. SPECIAL MEETING OF PUSH CLUB. A special meeting of the Antoria Pro gressive Commercial Association will b hel l today .Saturday .Sept. 14. at Cham ber of Commerce, at 1 o'clock. Object', to take any action that may be proper to retention of Pacific Sheet Metal Works In this city. AJ1 members should be present. At call of member. H. 8. LTMAN. Sec. CURES MULTIPLYING. Testifying to the Wonderful Success of Dr. Darrln Electricity tlie Road, to Health and Vigor. Dr. Darrln is certainly a fortunate professional man. To the successful cmctltloner It la hi Itself a creditable achievement but to beome possessed of a skill that enables one to be the means of curing thousands is an honor that falls to the lot of few men In the ordinary walks of life. Dr. Darrln has certainly won that distinction. All that necessary for doubters to be con vinced ia to visit the Joctors office any time of th,, day and interrogate those present who have been under Iiis treat ment. Not a day passed but Dr. Dar rln ia called upon by one of the 'x-pa- tients to express gratitude for complete restoration of health and absolute free dom from disease. Voluntary testimon ials of this constitute a proof that would make the most skeptical man weaken .could he only h?ar them and observe the sincerity of manner In which such experiences are related. When we consider the Inestimable blessing of health, md the wasting dis ease and Impaired vitality, we must accord to Dr. Darrln the distinguished honor that belongs only to the nobles: benefactors of our ra-.v. By this dis covery he sends the life-currents of that great agent through the debilitated frame, he alrays pain .restores the strength and florid bloom and Joyous- ness of spirit that are lost when suffer ing from disease if the "rgans r de rangement of the nervous centers. A few- Instances of cure we give as a proof Positive of the superiority of electricity over other methods of cure: Isaac Winters. Centralia, Wasnltuton. 'thma of eighteen years' s-tandlng, re ored. Jos. Moore. Portland, polypus In the rose, fltfeen years. cur.'I. J. W. Bottom, Astoria, Or?., kidney and liver complaint for years; restored ' perfect health. S. S. Whitman, MonmnKh. Ore., deaf ness and ringing noises la the cars, twelve years; restored. E. E. Joslin. The Dalles, Ore., dis bursing ear twenty- if v ars; lured. J. B. Taylor, Pendletnn. Ore., stric ture; curexl years ago. Mrs. J. Ellis. 3i3 Clay street. Portland. Ore., deafness and dUeises peou'lar to her sex; cured. R. C. Cook. Portland, Ore., stricture of the uretha, cured after live do?tor3 failed to cure him. Wm. A. Hall, Astoria, Ore., tils-charging ear twenty years, from scarlet fever, cured ten years ago. Stephen Wylle. Xasel, Pacific (ounty. Wash., liver; and an aggra vated case of plljs, . urel Phil Ransom, 1?) Twelfth street. Fore land, Ore., neirt. liver and kidney mmmm IT J troubles, also dyspepsia and constipa tion, cured. Mrs. A .C. Landla, 80S West street. Seattle. Wash., cured of a scrofulous sore on leg twenty rearj ag.i iy Dr. Darrln. Mrs. J. J. Itoye. Ainrts, Wurk. cured twelve years ago of deifn(?s, ca tarrh and lung Irmihle of fourteen years standing. Richard Parrett, Mlddletoo .Ore., deaf ness, cured In ten minutes. His tmcte. Wm. Parrett, was cured of deafness teal years ago. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. tirlmes Orove Land Company to Ma mie Rlngville lot 1, block S. Grime Grcve; 1W. William Dillon to M .J. Klney south west quarter of section 54, T 8 N, R 7 W; J2S. M. J. Kinney to W. M. Bray same property; L A. O. TJ. W. NOTICE. All members ot Seaside lodge, No. IS, Ancient Order of United Workmen, who are interested in the growth of our or der anl increase of membership of our lodg are invited 80 be present at our next meeting on Saturday. September 14. 190L THOMAS PARKER, Master Workman. GOVERNMENT PROPOSALS. Proposals for Fresh Beef and Mutton: Office Chief Commissary, Vancouver Barracks. Wash., Sept. 4, 1901. Seale proposals for furnishing and delivering fresh beef and fresh mutton for six months beginning January 1, 1961, li be received here at at offices of com missaries at Fort Stevens, Oregon: Boise Barracks. Idaho; Forts Casey, Canby, Flagler. Lawton, Walla Walla, Wright and Vancouver Barracks, Wash ington, until 11 a. m., Oct. 4, 1901. and then opened. Ifornutloa furnished up on application. Envelopes containing proposals should be endorsed "Proposals for Fresh Beef and Fresh Mutton," and addressed to commissary of post to be supplied, or to Col. F. E. Nye, A. C. O, Chf. Corny. FOR SALE. The Columbia- River Packers Associ ation has for sale, two schooners and one launch. A description of the schooners follow t Schooner "Kinney" Leneth. 35.5; beam, 11.3; depth of hold, 3.1014. Schooner "Hattle" Length. 31.9; beam, 9.9; depth of hold, 3.8. Offers will be received at the office of the association, where full particu lars may also be had. C. W. BARR DENTIST Successor to Dr. Ball. 573 Commercial St., ASTORIA, OR. TELEPHONE, RED 206L J.A. FASTABEND GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. A Model Kitchen THK HOI SKWIKE 8 DELIGHT We carry everything for the Kitchen from Rolling I'lu to tho Btove or itaute RIGHT PRICES AND THE RIGHT GOODS