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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1901)
TV r."j '"-"1V-, V a- y Tin: mokmnc; astokian. svitkiwy. sirrrMHiu n. i.ku. I' Telephone Main 461. TERMS OF Sl'HSCKIVTlON. DA1LT. Sent by mail, per year 8ent by mail, per month Sttrved by earner, per month... SEMI-WEEKLY. Sen: by mail, per year, iu advanoe, ;.oo All oommmiloa'ioiv Intond-d for pah- Ucatlon should be directed t. "Editor Astorian." Ruslness oommuidi-iulor: of all kinds and remlaa.tces mils: bo addressed to "The As; rub'.ish Ins Co." The Astorian ruaranti-es x l: advr ltrMt nln.nU'l.n 4n . ,, v , ,w ,-.,n.,Ki, Dwjraper publlhJ on the io!umb.a river. Advfrifetne rates ean be had on ap- .. ... .w. i...., . it is hop's way." Th? prosii'nt ls d.-ad. The v:e:.u, Je:rue;lve dvvtrin.vs of .mar,-hy have aocomr'ishej the 'oul? vKme kiovv-n to :he chiliad world. With the mourn- 1n? of a nation And a soa-TV-wiiiR poo- pic's sympixhy for the frent'.e invalid wife w.Vv survives, there is inter.' in dignation at those who are rvsron''!' for our nation! bereav-ement- No sov- erelgn ever eievatod to the hiphes: of- tic of a nation, whether by eUvtloji or by the kingiy rifrht of Jnherltaiv-e u. ik. mi n.l nun' IpmI I than has William MeKin'.ey. Since h'.s j , . . , , , first appearance in the political forum of the inited htates .lis one ttt.vr: aw been for the good of the people who h.n- i o.-ei him with their support anl eonfi- ; This Is no time to enter into an j . involved dls.-jasiw of the b-ntftcent p dioles Pr.-sid.'nt McK'.iley formeol and carriej out. Vnder his able guidance :he countrv his paired safely and with . ; victory thrjugh a war un'r:3Ken from i hutnanl: irian motiv? The contltct over i ! and th:re came the greatest the hrrtory of tth worM. His spev.'h ! chitis an l all Thr-mt and Lung Tr e bles. Price 'i een-. anj 11. 'o Trial at Buffiio the day previous to the as- asssin's attempt on his life outlined his plans for great public undertakings. . . .v.. Just one week has elapse 1 since the; fateful Friday, when !h- presi lent was shot by thj fl-nd Culgost Th- fa- vorablr bulletias 'hat :ame frm the ' . Milburn hou'e, lulk-1 the fears of th- ! people and until yrsrday there was . . ,. . , , . every reil i i o-i.rvt- r.e w .-uu i--- rover. The pray-rs -f th- ''nr. .""tin v;orld were with nitn; 'h- h -pe1 jj i civilized :ountri.-s .ver- r S.U rvo v-i ery. The teleg.-xpiiic d.sputch-.-s i -aii Hie affecting soen'S in :hc death rham- . , , . , , ber. Perhaps I" all that h" n writ- ten or will be. nothing will m. .re truly i Ftani as -m'jlematic of th" st-rllntr vir- : tues of hl chara::-r than ih- '.vorl- at ' the head of the ol'jTin. With wtnple. earnest faith he acc-Pt-d the martyr's death with sublime dignity. Hut a f-.-w moments befor? he had part-d from r.H wife and the ay. -a of ail the witness--? w-re brimming with unr-preissir-l t-ars. These sal incidents of the d-ath (.ham-b-r dj not s-jften the blow. Hath-r with 'h.- t -b '' the nation will come a halr-J born of a great sorrow that will r-sult in the txt -rmination of anarchy anl the expatriation of all Its follow ers. WWN WITH ANARCHY. Tacoma News. An anarchist, as 'he term nece.ssarily implie.s is one who believes In and ad vocates the overthrow of civil govern ment. It mak-s no diff-r -no- whether the anarchist discourage a resort tj violence or not. He I' a -lang-rous foe of s'X-ie-y and gov-niment, n- rnatt-r how g-ntl-:. iieac-itil- anl w-11 nonlu' t-i-d a prsun he may ctnirn and app-ar to be. His theory to riio eff-itt that it is restraint tha: develops th- eflmiria! Instinct in man and that every individ ual should have the right of self-government is absolutely false and pernic ious. As long as human nature r-mains sinful, as long as lust, passion, envy, ambition, avarice, fr-el and hate arc found In men's heart-s, so long mut o clety establish and maintain civil gov ernment. The theory of anarchy Is fundamen tally wrong. Jesus Christ taught sub mission to the temporal authority. "My kingdom," He said, "Is not of this world." "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's." No one but a mad- jtv.ati or . dreamer .'an entertain the rhe I ory ihat mon can Itve in group or oom muni: os without civil gov rmii. t. vvl.h eut '. gitdat .on, ivl.hoii: r. strain., wl th ou; an a ln;nitn:l. n . 1; : icntriry : vvtrv J..-..;e . f iv.ison ami '.o ivi'i) -raman ep't i-nce. tU ",ln a'lv 'v'uv : l;v'' . .50 Sirs; f 1:- a f'1 ;""i'o .0 .is pt.'P si.i.ou-.s that his dvtrir. in volve harm to no one he o.i:i only '.v rcgard-d as me:-,t:iliy; able of a:i.' i-vsar-tig. Ho is liko .1:1 Inran:! i.h flr--. Ho is ; ;!i:.tvc mi:.'!:.- m a paw 1 t o ictiiii. Wtu: i ns.1 is :h. r- ir. h: a.: ::it r.::on t oaui" an !'',v "i 'i; ,r "tar.ine a con tlaitation. Ho 1 r .11 unb vli,. or : v.::.n. Th, Kventiiir Xas do s no: ht'!:t- 1: won I ':l I'll'.' s i x, - u: m. r.: ,.: a:t avowed,:. l'v;:, :,m, a- vv 1 ra! .. and iu.Ue for :!iomf'.v wi'a: sn '.i . . . . , ' ' 1 ' M.I :r.a.i M r:o:', w h ' lives a: Horn. , I::sly av.wvs h.s .10 r.:a.n:a:n un'oais : v ::i an I a lm:ra;i n f r o-riiiin men and .1 :: toro'iis vvoma:: who pr'aeh anar.'iy and art n w : :he t.l. for eon-pin, v t ass.issi:-.a:, the iv.-vilvn: of th Vnl:l S:at s' The Kve'i.nv NV.vs ;::its vviia: Morton has to ?iv". but warns th:e ;uh- lie a(fiiinst su.j, ,ia.,p.r.u. d.-otrin.a. Th Evenms News f,-, !s tha; tt owes the duty to th, c immunity vvhl.-h i: 'rndtavor to a.rve to tx;s- ;ho ne. or MlH'rs vv h!v-h tl 'urh-'s :n mme- d'.ate vielniry. If there is anv IHW to wUh 5Uoh a commm;i;y of anir - exists anj frVll 'OVers as t x.sts a: II me. .the Evening News eai'.s up" the au- 1 ., ,. t i '"""" " 1 Haw whieh ill pr iteo; rho state .icv!nt i,c rm' r w"'c l a iin "r- . (caniw.n .3 0,.rt :o au ,,,inu. W mus: v, pass--! whnh vvi.I mvt the ca-. Lot n on- niL-u:-...! ! the motive which aetua.-s ;h- rer.ln News in KlvtniT pubiioitv to M ;r: oimmunio'it.n SIGHT WAS HEH TERROR. "I wou! ! couffh n-'arly ail nish; long." wri;es Mrs. i"has. Appleca:e. of A. ex- I r andra. IM, and could hardly get an, sleep. I had consumption so bad that if I waikej a block I would cough frishtfu'dv anl soit bld. but. when a; o;her medicine fal.ed. three $U) botti-s of Dr.'j Ne.v P.soover' whol:v our?i m aj I galnel JS pound." It's at-'lutelv guaran'.-'-d toj-irtn and the fullness th T-of :!' ; cure Couehs. folds. La Grippe. Ilr i-: , zar of J. Pl-r.vont .Morgan. bottle frv- at Hart's Drug Store. A miikman was the other day. J I but straniT :o sav the bur-' t.-.k his . m.,ny ir.s:a.i of staling the han-l'.e to ! pump. : A FIREMAN'S CLOSE CALL I "I tti k to my e-g.n-. alhough ierv i Int ache 1 and -very n-rv. a .is rack-1 with pain." wr::-s C. W. la my. a ' mo :v- fir-m.i:i, of I!ur- j n. Iowa. "I wis weak anl : ,i:-. , wi-.h-ut any appetite and ai; run down. . A, , w,4 a--,out e1v, up. K ,. u t. ti- ': i-.o-. r-: ;.tt -rs an i at' r taKi-tg it. I ;-!t a vvtli as I ever d.d in my l.f Weik. ."k v. run i -'-vn p-.j -a.wavs g i;t- n--.v streng'h an I v -- or fr -m th r us -. T'v :n--r. Sa-sf t.-. t. ti g-itirj r,'---1 !,v H irt's Drug St r- Pr.ce JO cents. Mule hav- b-n n-r-bi.-d -hm -h- S.v i 'riv 4 u. I w;.l an-- .-tin- .1 1. a: u?v an.j kl -kttig am -ng i'.nk-vs who ar- . hart-r m-ml.-rs ' :h- . ;,j r F"R I'NKI M' -SIA. fir. J. ' . It sh p. Agn-.v. M:.-.-n.. avs Mo "I hav- u--l F .ley's H-.r.-y ..'. 1 T(r In thr-f v-ry severe o.i--.s of ; ri;m o- a with g 1 "d r nilts In ..verv .i-e." I: tur- of sub'titut-. HART'S DRL'G STORE. Af'.-r I " king -rt-r ih- pa.-t tw.) in -iths. on- ! .tn f -r - .l t" t.T- ' t.cijsi. ,n -ti it 1 -rv-M from the baitl.. S i wi :r,u''i- titan any .:i'.-r of ho c-jmrn in 1-rs. Frank Tr-ad.v-ii, Itenn-f, la., was trojiiiel vvi'h ki 1 -y .lis-a; f.,r two year. He vr.t-s: ' I inJ :K-r. s-v-ri. kin! of r-m-diM. but with !:t- t b -n-fit. Finally I tr.ed F .1 '., K. l n-y 'ure an! a on- d' bo'tie fur-1 me." HART'S I.'RL'G STORE. Hal Funslon !-n a r-al stri'-i ;,t he woull have captur--! th- 1'. Tie Filipino army. Th-n the gontrtls. TravU.g "o r.n- : i c. itntnand. must have Keen that :he Jig wn up jnl -u.-reri J-r-ed. Chapped hail. crackM llji and roughness f.f the sklr. cured fjul'-kly by Banner Saive. th'- rn st h-aling 'int. m"nt In the w,rli. HARTS DRL'G STORE. G-neral Fr- Gran', says that ih Fillplro Is full of fun and has a k-en nse of humor. Tlii s.'iteui-rp. prompts th- "t ! a ''hr :,'. 1- , si;r.'g-st that th- ' X'pi:-iie h jrr. .r of h civil governtn-'it at Mu.iia w,. no I -lost on t.lrn th-n. IF BANNER. SALVE por-sn't cure your p:I-s, your rn .r.'-y will hp r-turn- !. T i 'he runs- h-iii.r.t; ncdlclne. HART'S DRUG STORE. The melancho'y lavs are In:, So of:-n used in rhvni-. Wh-n John and Jim must hump th-s-lves And g-t b) school ,-,n 'ltne. PRAEL & COOK TKANSI Ek CO.Ml'AY Telephone 231. DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All goods shipped to our Care Will Receive Special Attention. So, 038 Duane St., Astoria, Ore. W. J. COOK, Mgr. Res. Tel. 1121. A never fading our.' tor ou;. burn. ., ii.oeis wounds, ami on I l. Wi;:' Witch Ha.'i Salve. A m -l svlhng ami h. il hi- I'm1 al'. sk ll art v.l' is Ao'i,'l on'.v ;!io K 'i.u I'o. v'llAS. i;vH!!:KS, IMunss. A'oni; ;t'!s :lme nrvi yar i!i tSI'.ani ;s k IU. vv..l 1' maKtiiK :r:.i! .:l..a :n Mo v.oril'.v N.'W York li.uivv. 1: w Vir--.'.!. Ki.i'.er.iv.llo, l'.i , m' .1 .5 v.'tr- w:;i lo ,1:1,1 oou..l o!;a:ii 10 1 Hax-o Si v. . i,,i.- im.u i'. vv 110:1 i'. . ,'r:na:'.''n ; iii1"' nrit 'r:'. 1. vv or;',i.i s v'HAS. K'ot' 1 1 j-.ii.t I l , r'nr.iu e v Kni.i a ,!!., '., , ut a, ao :!'.a: vv 1 s the !.tv.; ;:.e u. ..i t :. -toiis.U of nivltii! Kra;u S IMrl-.-ie. Hi: How a-., s::e t. I'o !lnv !i. M oh . r.t s "1 li.iv i-. 1 t". p : au.l laxa ivos, '.u i w ;i la'..: Kar'v K for ar- far .:' 0 p:!S I h ,v - u-e I." Toy n,'v ; nv .'HA- liiMKUS, l'rius: III. t !' :, 1.0 S.l'l a ! of -)w .0 a Inn: ' 1 oomm il l o ;lu: t'i- , 'o.san; .: ti.Tiit ls . , Ks Ar:e x.un oi r 0., o ' Il on . v. r-a :- . l '- f vvai: u!i: 1 you u- :v o!:r -n..-- l a"y oo"tt:.i:i'd hit: tak P -V;:: - t it- : ,. Eariv It.sois n 'vv aril fien To. y .1 k,- 0 v ur I ver -i .1 l-ow.-.s ,n oo . r I r- i:asy;i ak'. Safe p.':. v'HA 1 uv;k':. ivruKs 1 Til r-. .!:' 1'ieiHv of ovs; -r : i s y. ir. .'..'.' rims' o' tress r-;"r.s. i-n: t:to . ' . 1'. won't I,, '.'v.- t: u'i'0 1;-. f-w's t. iome ehureh er.:. r;a nm n: and :l 1 Is tvv.v ;n his soup. ! ll'iirv llrayd ,,. Mams. N 0. .;. ; I :.v k med.etne vea-s f..r asthma S-i! op- battle of On- M:nu: ' 'USh ; 'itro -HI me mor.- u o, ttim any thnii; duttts tha: time. ;,.s; tViigti urv. viias. utHiKits. I'iikuis; 1 A M j tf.. has d-vide-l that .''S l'-'pie l'.av u: -;.-..- .11 ; jeVt'.nK int'.' :..e uiu"r "i .'o.nK mi.. ,.ie ui' w;i..i ! do ' v re ! In- tn- poo;.;, I " Norrls Silver. North Stranf r!. N II : "I rnr.-h.ise 1 a hottle .f in'--. M-.rmte Norrls Silver. North Stranf 'r!. N II : I pnr.-h.ise 1 a hottle . f im.- M.rmte ."otiKh I'ure when sufforhii; vvrh a . . II h .t .v.. ' ,rs il I m u , !n ii'i1.!.- i. ........ ..., ,...,.... .. -k . I , , e bo -tie "relieved m- the r.d and j third almost ,ure,1 T.'liv I am a "l eitAS. i;o.:El:S. I-n.i-t. j The N-'vv York e,.urrs ar I very s-'vore wlt.'i the p .: ; thar eltv. 1 in.. of t'n-m ni! to eno'ii ".' aotu.iily 'n , .' r , i. :ur' a membvr tii- , 0 mirnlttitii? perjury. Many physician are n-'W pro. riVnu ; K s'.-'l Pysiepi.i Cure r-ituia" v- h iv iu-i f 'ur.d tha: it Is th-' he: prescription i thev ean vvrlt h-vau-e I; Is the ..n-I pr-rera:!'" which e.-nt.Uns :h,. ei.-m-iit ! s.iry to diKes: n t o lv -me k :-.! j of fwi but a',1 kn.l an l It ther-for iur 's rd gstl.-n an l dyspepii n., r-. -r what its cause. CHAS HixJKKS. i I 'nu-gist. It .mn to be a g.0'l deal f a l i e these dav, a to who g .bl.le up th- ! G-org W. Line. Mi h . I'.vr'.:. : "Your Kivlol Dyspensi i Cur-! 'h- h-st rom-i!v for Indigestion anl st-ma. h :riuhls that I -ver tin -d. F .r vears I urT-'re,l from l:r-rsl.i. at t ni-s' compelling me to stay in tvJ and causing me mt.'ll agonv I am c. ...... ..-,,, ,v K...l .; Ik-v.-is , .-, m- u7: ! In r -c imm-n ling it t frl-n-ls h ' - .m In lies'l.oi I il-.vavs .,ff..r -v-'tav f r t If ir fi'l Thus ,r I h.u n-v-r pall." i'IIAS l.i IKiiS. pr.u L-!.:. Tv, n4.;v,4 uk a-- mk h; .i,..k-n ','-iin ' li-r.' .'... . '. . '.I - - ". lUi ', ., ..... iia t-r ab ut the Indian Y :i hmil 1 km that F :"." II -n- it. 1 Tar is aboIut--iv th- t"-s- V is s ,.f 'li- trir it anl Pirig. I a ' ar- niith r z-d t tru .r i"-- s- v- sitisfa. tto.'. HART'S IGtf ST"RK. To- r-un!)!i 'h -.-ipa k. S. J . i is: i 'r- tnan a I - ii ;-i..-.:,s vv-r- pr-sent "'1 flilll'V 11' k wis i'i V .Ii'kon. Dinv:!--. M.. t": "My 'liught-r ha I a -v-r- a-'a k "f la gr:t r- anl a t-rr.hl; 'oigii s"r l-d n h-r lung. W- :rf I a gr-.i' many -m" !!- without glvr.lg r- ll-f. Sh- ' -.-I Folv's Ilon-y and Tir wh!-h ' .....I h... ' h. ,-.. I ., rr,,'.l-,l -v'-h a cough" II ART'S I-RF;' STORE. j , " ; : . , I- Is ,aid that In x tn oi'h Fr in. e ,r. ! Rii-sia together will hi v.- nor iy-i - r siihmarin- le-a;. Tio-r- nnv I'" an ' i-.iv-il about that Urn- in l-hir ij in h -s also In Eur -p-an II s. T.i ilrlnne roughs oft-n contlnu- f'.r rro.n'hs and ."'im-tim'n l-ai to ratal r-' -tilts after tho pat lent U supp toi h-iv- piH.I the rtang-r po.n . Foley's i :l4i'-y and Tar afforls p-sl:lve pro!". t.-n fnd security from th- rougtis HARTS DRUG STORE. D-wey's doom is sealed. A boom for the presidency In his behalf has b-en -art'-l by a lot of young women. If Mrs. D. h-ars of that O-w-wi WORKING 24 HOURS A DAY. Th-r-'s no rest for those 1 1 r" I '-n si llt-'1- work 'rs Dr. King's Sew Uf Pill". Millions are alway busy curing Torpid Uvr, Jaundice, Biliousness, F-v-r and Ague. They banish Sbk Headache, drive out malaria. Nevr gripe or ".ctik-n. Small, taste nice, work won ! rs-. Try them; 25 c-nis at Hart's I:ug Store. I I'rof.-sor Triggs snvs he exp'-c'e.l to b- cali-d an ass. Ih.s in ih-h'-s tnat Trli-gs is not such a stupid a:-p, i,t'-r W. L. Wyancy, Paducah, Ky wr!t-s: T toi l a severe case of kldnev li?ae , and thr-e of the best physicians in j 1- .uth-rn Kentucky tr-at-l me without i u-f-'-s. I was liduc-ij to try Foley's I E.dn-y Cure. The first bottle gave nn-rii'-dl.ite relief and three bottles cured ; rn- p-rmanntly. I gladlv r-comrnend ' tr wonderful rpmelv." Take no sub- -ut--. HART'S DRUG STORE. That Florida man who male his iii. l- a present of M.000,000 Is riot :k Iv to become th? author of a popular fad. SAYS HE WAS TORTURED. "1 suffered such pft'n from corns I ' ;uil hardly walk," writes il. Robln--on. Hillsborough, III., "but Bucklen's Arnica Halve completely cured them." Acts like magic on sprains, bruises, tu's, sores, scalds, burns, bolls, ulcers. l'rfet healer of skin diseases and piles, f'ur- guaranteed by Hart's Drug Store. Price 25 cents. 'V ' '". K" C" f "-' K K" i.t :k From Various Sources, i II V. l.ll.' I'K! N K I S 1 AMii THE v'HINESt: ; ... ,,,.,..,, . I- ,1 ,.f T;i; T'.io l 1 e.-ot ; f N w Y,o k a- .. of .in ,.:t r . i l- ' ''I- !l IV .' I'll t! I Ills I !l01O 0 Il . O'llO t" o ov:" Mio.v !o:n;. I ll '01 .lie (l II,' -; 111.1. ill's, T'lo as li 'im'.iv- ; :i. '.iu I. ; ! Am v , 1 I - : !i-1 il . 1 " f ,1 'Viii-s :tt ; 'il , I; v t 'V in : -x 0.1 1 1 o: is a MVM Wi.i'. e.- , ft:i'i(. ili.-y iu.iv hive, th-'i il - o 'i a:il no; irifik 1: !. an I. I i ! , -n Yor n nf (1 .in thu :hov :r - !''! ; v-"t :.' : I'l'im; '!:a:i :h ; ,,f .ir.v n 1H01: il , otn -s illv m I no. hv T' V. VV IS if '! 1.1 ! . .. e in r s: t m ,-i t '!' :i 1 I int '1 1 : ."in e unirv .lp :e Is 110 .loiilo, vv n .NHitttrv her,. !n 11 ' .lout-:.; : t 0 -s. :.. 1 Th . wine is rai'.lv ni -s oiv f om th i.ilo.s rid :k-:i f :h r.- 'i a"! '. :!tr :.s .in, I'l-r is amjo.i r'.K'1'i I t s .run; iha: i.'.e ' ' t v' fisi ... ;.,.., .-Us, .,- f'.. n n th ne ;n ov than dn'ikir'ic 'ui: a: i whl. h minv f th,. ;',i. .'. oventaaltv . ., ;l r.4.:!lll ,,.,, ,, In, ..lM.. 1,: artioi- .01 "Mn 1" l"k;r'rf m mir -.lie rh 11 " a iit'-r In a r-: tv. ; f ;, N ,-: ,-in, II. r iM has iiiii li t . s.iv that is of n. .-,.it wi,! i.-r- In;' "in prl.... th . vv h know' lit- ..f :,,,,;, ,,r . . ...,. ,s italll'l fr Til th,. I'hln llvlrii; .11 I : 1 1 1 - 1 1 '" 1 Til s v ri: .iv ;r.a in r a. tin; 1 o's' ,!,.,.-... u" h . .,,'-.s.. i .... . ... r vvt.n i;i' ni.inv : r-i ., es :n,. in:-. a r tors m ik t. 'ii- il-.' an 1 a'ms of vv :)-. an-1 h- or. --.., !. ... I r ,. f ! 1 vv, tho vi. i 'ii.s "f n: V. a::ng '..ev ' a.-s n us.- in "hi-ia '1 Is p rh ip I'v ii --if u! s r h- i .. rhi. "iir w ,v ii.-' :A 'iirllv a i -lulvai tit .f ..'i- i '!i n vvoi,i . h; i T'l.s r r'.-s.nts ;:i,. u:-! nt sptr t ? nit'.- :;t a:i 1 ':.!' i; I iin. ::::i;'it .v.- iti.i.k m '!'' apt.) r m ! i I In hi: a . I ohsk v Win- w Hi us hupp s.. o , ;'i,. ...-.. ,.f !! gr a; -, anl .li r.-. f t Is .'il:.. Iist.n.-: from til.. pli I "f 'h n Th !a : -r In, n. ve-th. . . ... :i ::r..luo-l t. Kngl iti.l r-.i ! r, u ! - th : mi win- 1. Ls 'ru,. tha- th-I'tiin-r-.' have differ nt kin Is of wic i.-rvO.-Iv knows t.'iat t.h.-y hay- '-am-shoo,' w hi. h is a r-.rrup.'a.on ,-f tw-. I'hlms . w meaning t.'irl 'o tire I ' Th-y p also. . i, ii wines anl or. .mi:' win- vvhih I -rue tii-.r nam.- ' ' ' ' O K- ' ' ' 1 '' 'ml' Tli-r- o; i.-r is w h nam-s I' n no, r:.-. ...s irv (, nienti.-n ti.-r I'.ul i it' v r h th n nr.- .r. th- Ii -!v f tii- i n -i ' ,r . st tl t r g t mi -. ii -.v - ! ri -I K' g'. i!i " ' th.- : l:",k I. il at inl-nt iv in- n ' l in A to .ig'i I--' a- fg 'hat V link -in. i toi1. 1 i n iinki".wi: oi t '. - Kui i ii ! li i ' : : r i - i - i vv li 1 Is ; , s .,- r c i ' I- i i - a ::, -si t - t p. t r. on--in- ri : ' ii ir"!- I i Iml' . th it i i'i: .':! '. i- . i 'h .. i v ur .... ' t J- :is . n . :i ! a ' ,. r ' ' h y ii i v I s : ' i ' s .ir.' f .m- ::, I'.ai ti- i i' I .'.. I-. i a i i-l i , ' a . .- ': a i !- i I ' "ir l.v li.- r 'r.s.. . i ' -n trr - n -"i h '. . is- .n 1 w (i - M ' rn - i -Ti ii n r i .' ii t h ir ; usiia -ir.-- r, - ri v ' ''in It-M-jr es'a'oiis'i.s ... v -il i pi-' n Iv -tu'" ti.-c liar! Irl-ikoig ha , pr v i . I " I ' t oi- it orl.-s anl tha' ' ii ' p.e-'s. .-! ' l!:v ' IV. I.e.. 1 U -- II1. 'I to i- a. i ' 'li" r d -."i "o ir win up m ! 'h" 'limit. -r tltn ih. v '- "il l m''. ih rn a -n.- 'O.'t'ng As - v i in t .: s "i '" x --ii-. ' wile n "11 r-i- I ' arlv .vrl'-rs wtit th- f .ii.. .'.!: -t i . . i ' i . .1 I fr on 'li'- ' "Th- ti-. .I I- d'-Titn of iu-iiti'.'. -.n- ' ... '' -""-'l "fx "f "' l;'m-"" - w i -lor .. a 'irunk-: man 'h' i tffi rs ,.f 'h. w .-. at-js-ir hut as rriuo'i -in k w -.-I.' II- ha I lull "ti" d J "-r-. -a '.'-h '' ' 4 ' n ' ' w ii'-'o-vi-r h- vv-it . a! .., I ti -,..,iiM b - n. .-ompanl.-d by -.v.. .-rv:irits of wli 'm .ii f.-ioiil-l earry i i.-ir "f win- .-ivl ;h- oti-r a spad-, so -ha: th- p"-i might ( buro-l t li-r' and tli.-i wh-n h.. f"ll. "Wang-po n-v-r m- li'.it-l li for-h md but nf-'-r having .r'.:ir-d a illarilily of Ink r.-:i ly for u- h wotil I drink him self tipsy and II- down with bis ftu-e civerl up, tin wiklng iic woiihl ne!z.. his p.-n and writ. off v-rs-. not a word f which no-1 to be changed. "I.l-po was th- great-st of ''tilnose Kh-'s and "tie of ttie greiti."t of lippb-in. t.'i on-occasion wh-n th- emperor sen' for him h- w is foiin.I ilrunk In th- tr--:, and It was ,,r,ly aft.-r having hi- ,, . . , fa-,, w-il rn-.pp-l with cold that h. was fl' for th- Imperial pr-"ti'e. Afl-r rn inv waml-i-lngs and tminv ad- v-,,-,1,- . h- w:, !, owned on a Journ -y. fr .m l-m'.riK one nlg.'it too far ov-r th- e-lg- ..f h bmit. i-i a ilrimkeii effort to e tnr.rae.. ii,,, i..i tioii of tn. moon." , , , . , .... mi I omlng d nil to th- I hiti"o of today the wilt i- in th" shanghai pnT stiys th-i ar- facts .vhl-li prove lhal ihey ar- bv tio m'-ani1 t.-e-ot ill.-r J. Almost ... ,., , ,, I Judge from your oonv. rsa.ioti," every village t,an lis wine shop. I h-r- ai, th- r-irplng pers ,. ",,ai you n rnay be only a f-w Hhanlii-s and those In "urn- to be an optimist " rh-ni"!! dllapl lat'd and pove, ty-sl nek- V"H- " I" ' " well to look .... , ,, , , on the bright Hide." -.. condition, bur th-re Is a . o,,,pl, uous ..v,1 ,,,, ,,. , ,,,nt(.r;l ,,, nosliion of th- Jars of win- for sal- .y , r8,,,. .. n ltl.,, ,rt ,,f surrouniled by nu-riflcial pnp-r arid thing." blood red candles. And as th-sc shops "T,;I' .'"i''1 '' lb" t-nd'-ticy of my , i i in .i nrgiimerit." ar- found In th" villages so are Ih.-y , ..Ar, yll t.,,.Vi. t,,;it ,.v(.ry,I1K , found In large numbers In ev'-rj tiwn. .all for tii,. best?" Of th- condition nf affairs In th gr-at "Ve," .-ill's the writer aays: j, -'!a'' '" n"H 1 V""- 1 ,,... , . ! to tnlk with sum .,n-who has sludl.'d 'Today In the Ir-aty ports, espt-cl- , , .hlect, and who can M.sslbly ndl ally In the largest and oldest like fan-j me why It Is that the man who rock ion, there arP some streets in which al- j ,rl" boat always mitnanii to swim artlmre mtt evry shop sells foreign liquors. J'"'1 1';-''': ' "h'r. I'-'l''- r"- " . , lb" nil for the bfr, but I'd Ilk" to have IJ-ers, al-s, spirits and wlncfl llll the ( t , xplalned."-Washlngton Hlar K' -.' K" ." r,-. P ,' (stilv.s. oil I ihu ! .ok inu" In- k..l l.i jin, . nr.vinu ,. ,.f , riniio,. r i n l In.l. e I ,o ., I 'm mm Hi,. :io. !n li' ..-in .1:1 lutv of :he I v N f- a-l " Hi vvil i 01, -In I ,, ",s .'oimo',-: w ,1 .!i , u j. u ,i i I i'i - '1 ".ev . til' an I '1. ,- li ill! ! and "III I. d I- . I O'.IU .0 111,- Kll - vv 'I.".' ' tus 'n 1 i, 'iul .a... ill i : : :i.- e . 11 . I -1 111 '.1 klel.. all I "I -.. I- III.- r Mi.ll- 11 10:1 .mi v.ii: in 1:1 k mi r . 'ii.ii Mill." Ih,' no '.. , -i. . i;-, a Hi.', .n H 'lie Kouk tli' t . an oi'l iiaoe u: 1 11- II, pi .01 1. 1 i; n mi I. . iv o 1 an t il a in ( t!i p .'! I a iv i v '- !v ,V !. ' kll.-vv II .1 ' '!"! I! I 'I -I ' M h -ir s Tna. h main 11 1 1: f 11 ',' mas t. r o a '"'., n-.i-t I a 1 1: c' 'i'i in'.' ... - h unk . kll ov Itle I III l le o so l. . Iv ev ." 'oolv i f..-t vv 1 iiialnialii T! 1 it I I al . r ' ,.v . p nk in; am mi! "i w i .--I . i lpn u uu' - p s.ipv Th Vs re I i .lllllk win, I. I .'lg in the is'oj.le, f - !s n. v-i a '.-i. that :h. w in,, jar is ,.:,i -, - I i, : i'. I M- n 1 o a l ., au,i a. pa- n " v w .ut t t el. '' if : i v , u I .s . .inn. in o VYIieii i s et- i , -ik :.. h . -I 'ii :?i.' pr-mis,- , ' U) all; -..t! 1 n nl i e ': li 'I st initt it., tin- II ,. w 'I'k' i s like : ii -1 n '' a J ir -i.' a ;m.- ' I-'- "' t'i .in ' in v I- l--f .i ii I th ( th' i'!i:i .. ar- n,.t ... nip ia,e s.. n:u. ti 'on .111 t;e as f : - 111 -i . . : v " I till i.'l'ii -li as ani- ilk t'u- alio: lit woo n!i p- us.- Mr i ;i . , .-i si ! -lav atnofg :li.. r!. h oil l.-i-iii-. i l -s lii r lj i n ... I J- al .-r w In-' Ii'.i'kiiii; tt'-'n w i 'i tu 'iitth p''-r )- .tie 111 I -.s s a ' - -1 I' I I ui:i' 'i s i iM rr p. !'M V v. rv Int ivel'iii an I . u.-i u- oiii.-i. f roi ,iv;o iiis P.--n .1 n, M '.- in M xl. 1' i u th.. fo. t f ' h i '.u i i I ill ii'l 'i . no. i . : '-. I ' -ii-ll so t-. ks - f -.vri: il vv -re rtgtti illv otiari'l' I an l i-i .g it I - wti " 1 'i- a tl i - nt :u "io a i' M anv -- ' r- ' ' . k a- i ' . t- 1 ii- i- 1 ii' crypt and ar- r-giir-l. I is an evl !.- ia w i. 'i v- .ip' I 1 '.'" -'.i 1" 'i -r.-r'.r -f ill.- 'ml I tik' at., oov - n I -,v tti m sil w'-.l .i i:-- riv s. ii . 0 ar I a a I , hi. ti i: .- f m a v -i .m - 1 t !i -ft ti: pa iv . , .f an p:. ii M I- V i la.liae, a I'i- n 'i h i c I II. nt Ih.- . v ' . i v s It : e is . ! t ' s I 11 1 men ' 1 ' I 11 I i -g'l X '-. n ,- ..f G"- k i-i I ' ni'i I 's s" in" t M-i i 'l Ul'hu vv ; '..-is r ar t i I'i ill.- Ir i. -. .f iji- - k irt T f "i in I'-n; Arv ai. v li i i .ii I. nl I - ir.!v i' ti- tae' -in-l t ri .( at. -ml' : . . lia ' ri ; ; U'l- 1 1 -o-r : : i' I -ns. If anv f er'i-r'v 'X - 1 I--I .v -i : i. "i I t tit as the.- ir si:' -hi-ni I.. 1 in r - in I rnv"' rv ' Th- wa'i of '.tie . rv p! w r,. prol.. li'ly i a :iie I. for - n - fri-on- ii' .v'P- ti II l.s I : f.iim.l U.Vn..r..l w 1 ti e.-in.-lit. in I . r "ll- la il . 'it n,' . t l-l pll'it Til . gr -U'l I insi I- w a n . .-v -I w 1'ii ..-lo t'l, whl-ll il s'lngil - 1: s I'i;. hull, lug fr uu .oher eryp'j T'e- . rr-.aMi.o-.-a- ' . .1 . . ri,.hn-s. and I ..f 'h. sun. -ivl. as t'u: 'n ih gov -ni-.r s pl.t.- a' t'vmal an I In th,. h ali nf th'- p iia ' ii'ltlm rv'-' t tii- -i i 1 i i I'll o anv i I' - ; 1 1 t Mo il Th.. u i. in - ' ' -'iLth i' n f 'li.. rn ri i'ii.-'. -. ir I r g.r'-t I forming a i i-' t T N- h-r hii'.ian !. ti. . i '. ii in i ri i -'l.s a:- ; ii 'l' i ! N v V .r'-l. h ov. "' in 'i ' wi ' '!.. in , f ri M, in I i, i ' ! ! "i -r- I I'- ! . I I 'h . .o-r . .V il'. n .. i .!''. in v I : r. 'i (li e i ri ir- , .I'Ktll- 1 I III t I '. r n I-i ih -F '' -om.- -K.-ti t' I '11V S i' i tr, tin Mi'' IT', w.l . il'O Ih'' i - t ' I I " .. M-I' "'I I' ", -.vol ill' -i'i -n. . I- ' .e. ,,.. . i: i ' ii :i ' ll : ,'l" I s a i ' a -or -1 -vmb il" sini hah , 1 1 isT' m:y A a i'-l I and -h i't ' i I w - in ' n 'I I-i' ' h- la w , i . ..(li.- . au.l -.'iv uh o : v w as xliimlnig to, tii" I-sk ' I . o - ir i. rd m " -I,. p ., s ilu- ' ' ri ' '.. I'I V"l -.1. ir.. 1 few llllll- u' -f viir v ilii'ihl- tliin- " ' I rn '. rv busy, inn inui.'' ii re pi I. loir If V .11 111! v.. llivt'iini; ..f iin-P-'i" in. lo on rn 1 1 rii.-.i '.- I -h ill I... ula I :o h a:- .' I'r iv b ' J"'lll -.1 ' T'l.iot vol no," sh- al I. lo .king .-iioo'i'l i' i 'I. ok "r t.v.i In a n 'rv. mis fasliioi. "I'm a vv-oui in with a hlsiory, .!"'! " 'l'li il-.. m-," apol.uriz. .1 :ti. a'toin-y. si-lug i f... appailng mi th- bor!..i'i, "..."s I.U vol hid b-'t-r sl-. Int i in v lu-lvat.. ollli - wl'ti in.', w'li' r- you will not I-- Interfered." S"ie ' ti a ri It d lilm and tte y w-ti: into ih- a lolniiig room. Now', tie Sill'l, vv tl-ll ttl'-v Were S'-lll- I. I ir-'SUtll.. Voll will .1 lit. I, roll. fnl. . ,, ,tl) matr-r of y,lr hH,ry V'". .'.Ir. Thiil Is why I am hen "V-ry well, procwil. Anything you may ay will ! h'-M In 'he 'rirt con- fl I.-,,,. Von WIT- MIV'itlL' v-oii wit- n woman with a hlslory'.'" Tti's v-ry vii't.-i:h"'l''.-illy as im neoiir igi-r ' V""' Hlr-" "n" bgnn .is she laid a um-nt b fore tilin Ir I- a history nf f ,,. ..j,,,.,,.,.,,.,, r,.nUlrv , ..Kit-,.n nionihly p.-iri". at twi slillllngs ' in nilti. ucl -" , "" 'h; ? ''" '" ' " Hi 1 ,.. - ..ll lli'l ....!. .u.'iv ,.,t ll" ,,. ,wn ,,,, .,,, .,,, ,lW .,,.. ' " i . v lih u b's-mv" ; meniloneil 1,1 Mr- hearing ll nnl" . 'il l , hills run 'low 'i tils tiai'k, IN' Dori'.T FALLWIj HAIR ilk Prevented by Shampoos of CIJTICURA SOAP and lljrht dressinvrs of CUTICUKA, purest of emollient skin cures. This treatment nt once stops falling hair, removes crusts, scales, and dandruff, soothes irritated, Itchlnjr surfaces, stimulates the hair follicles, supplies the roots with energy and nourishment, and makes the hair Rrow upon a sweet, wholesome, healthy scalp when all else fails. MILLIONS USE CUTIGURA SOAP A'llel by H'TH'I IU Oixntixr, for pres.'rrln purifying-, and twaullfy. lug tint skin, for idi-iin-ltn: tin' calpot crust, svale. and daiulrulT, and Itm lo,.iej of fallltiij hair, for ft.-ulno, w liltenliig, mid .. thing- rixl, ruilgh, ami or liiinil, for biiliy ni.lie, lli-hlug, mid t-li:il1 tK. ' '"r 'I'" I'uf o.c uf tho lolli't, bath, and tiuio ry. Millloim of H niui'ii iim' I'l TIi I'm SA1' In tlm form if halln for iiiui..yIiil Ii rllii(l"ii, Intliiiiiiimtloii, ami rxcoriiithm", for too fro- or iplru!on, In the form of lie for ulixratlvo wv.iknrs'i's, and for many n:illeiilc purpo vvhleli n-ivllly u jrenl tlioiiiiii lve o womi'ii und iiiotln rs. No 1 1 1 1- u 1 1 1 of peruailou ran Indue th wtin liavm oiui' u-e, lli.-so grmit kln puillli r Bud brniitlltcrt to ii anv oilier, ii rn i it Si a it tune dell, uto iiiiollliml ir"'Mli'i ilerlviil from t I tn I in, llii'-re it -kin nire, I: li the purrt of i li-inilinf liigTi'illi'iit, und llie liii'.t ndesliliii; ,.f tlowi r " I in. No oilier mni. aifr.f otiji Is to lie (dliipnri'il vvlli il f.r pi. rv i t t r i r v I s tT . Iiud In-unlit lli Ilu- kin, Kealp, hair, ami lirmdi. So I c i i'i -r doiiie-tlo f..t.f soup, llowever I'Vpolislve, Is to be coin pa: e.l w i Ii I; (..l all llie 'llt m . l.f tin) lollet, hiitli, inui iiurs.-i i . Ihu u ...ii.'iui in list Smp ul I'm: I'ltl' :, the lllsT Skill lllld I ..lllplel"ll -oup, H id tie' III sr t"llet tllnl lull')' i"lll 111 tin world. Complote Extornnl and Intornnl Vuin )jiuiu bitiiiiii iicura I nlol.loiK of I I II. .-l.- m.. ...n. ll v nil iv tl. siel I- ' , i d ' i yp asiv.ii si i H mi, ,,ii,, ii t,i m run-ilu-itio.l ii', iinoi TnL Obi utiitg. f. '.'i t, l.tii'tii. ; ...:., .i I .km, ,ili, in. -I III I Illinium, mlie, Itrlilng. nnil Irrluu m. I-. . 1 1 . i . i- it nil el.- lull, s.-id ilut.ivli.iut Iha M.irl'l HrllMl leil t.Vinnni .1 -"v., I li ,.1. ih.,u.,. s. , ..ui.l.ili, .. 1 . folim lllll O At II I HI. Mil Al.l Olll.illlli.., s.,1, It. , II,..!,,,,. I H A. r fl' 11 4X11 M M ja.ii i hid t.)f New Zenlfmd VV. P. THOMAS, M-r., Saw Pranclsco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SHARK HULDLRS iSulitsi rilicil ('apitnl, I'itiil-iii ( uj'ital, Ashi'Im in I'liitcil Stilt. 's, Surplus t I'ulicy I lulili r-, Huh ttei'ii Uu. Icrurititii; hi the CWANI OP IMITATIOMI. TM HHHm h oa t boitU JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS, fn. N. Y. . Bonpt PACIFIC COAST COMPANY COAL For Steamer, Commercial and Family Use Orders Promptly Executed . . DOCK FOOT OF SEVENTH ST Samuel Elmore & Co., Agts. Truntrtnint for Every Humour, I I v s.' VI'. I.. ' ' o .e I! r uu i l i riiils nt.. Hi. I ..'. I I ll. t. . I I II. I Ml I II MM I M, I.. l. i .-. no' h oi il'.. ii, ii "l Ii i l-ili-n. and ....aim I i v i m t..i'...-l uu. 1. 1. .in.. i. r l.. "I l ill M I I k 1 i.nn il, f"),liill,('lili 1,(11111,11(10 J.'Vlo.ll I .'!()( 1,0(11 1 I,7s,7!i'i i'ln ili.' Cnast nvi'i Iwriitv-twn vinm DR1G1NU Hp Rndorttd .viffvtiini (h hnt And moat dllelon Saurcln Hi Vfurld for Moat, Usaia, md (irvl. TELEPHONE AUIN 661