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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1901)
Jin Hi t l Toko i:; , Id: vol.. i.iv ASTOKIA, ORCfiON, SA'ITKDAV. SIA'IVMHVM 11, 1M)1. iu.j:j un'itw ii i . jMiaMjujai ji.g. '.. jmimj nirrYW 'mj.j-i.iujiimwiim a) mir) NO. (4 oo on prat t ffii W ffaflfai h i r i j"-ti i nu t nnn ft II II II II I I II II II II Plumbers and Steamfitters HOI, 12 AHJI3INTH I'OH SUPERIOR STEEL RANGES R27 BOISI) STUEBT PJSHINO TACKLE Tennis, Croquet, Must-lull, Golf, aiul all Kinds of SMrtiiir CkmhU GRIFFIN & REED DOG Ma u 0V0 DiQ oog SUCCUMBS AT 2:15 THIS MORNING Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR, FEED. PROVISIONS. TOBACCO AND CICARS Supplies of nil kinds ul lowest rules, fur fishermen, Farmers tunl lers. A. V. AI-,LEIN, Tenth nn.l Ciitmncrdnl Mrctts I I TTJlWl"""ll,l1'rT'" 'JT"r""r" I' Ms CAUTION ! II f re ynu buy a tov ur r a ii k examine tio Royal Charier Oak 11, l n-r work. Uws fuel ad la r, mi I bit :,mKT. Prices vat n.i bif. W. J. Scully, 4JI HON!) STKIIHT. Between Ninth and Tenth Pacific Navigation Company Slciimcrs "Sue II. l lmorc"utKl "W. II. Harrison" Only llnc-Astorlii to Tillamook, (iarihal.ll and Hay tlity, llohsonvilk 'iiiiivllnit lit Astoria with lli- Of gon Railroad 1'avlg.itlon IMra. puny mid ats,, the Astoria & I'.ilmn i.ta Jtlvi-r linllroad for 8111 Fran cisco, rotiiiinci nn.l it 11 poinu l-.usl. For freight mid passenger raua Pi'ly to Hnuttiol r.lmoro.eV Co., (loiieral Agents, ASTOUI A, OKI (n. it. & n. n. It. Co.. PortlanJ. A (IK NTS -J A. A O. It It. Co. Portland, (11. C. LAM1I, Tillamook. Oregon. Relatives and Cabinet Mcmbcrsa Surround Death Bed. rilli LAST SAD OFFICES Dyinj; President Consoles His Wife Before Lapsing Into In-consciousness. .AST U Will i; V.OHIIS AKL KWOR0l.ll (lood-H)c All; ll It (iod . Hit Win k I lie Done" Touihlin Sieiict In Bid- Chamber Mr. Kottetell Mur rain lo itullilo. itN iii.rsi:. s-j-t. n.-rii- !,: M- k.n : ) tln-.i m 2 i;, u, u, 1 ' I I ' iiii, !. i. ,uk f:u,',- j.. in M i. .-MH i 'lis li ,r mi ,-ur:l a- I'-n: l;h ;i.m wif,. i., . i'.i.m i Ii.v.Iiii.- ,.f , .in-. ,. ,. uim::,-;i 1',I y .i iMHUr: r ,.f Hi,. K'wiW. bu: lil A,'r,l, u, In hum:, I:- jiuliiii.Mii:i t!.i "f 'i'i. In wJkiiii ll,' He win n , 11, ll' ,1 it, ih" oru-S fu.c i . Alll.ll III- 4M4ni(.ir bullfl lia 1 III imi", ;i nt .ml t.t.iv: iKut.'i In ih. mi,, n,:r:: ,,r r.i;nm,-.n wiiu-h Im-. inrk,'l hl I.," .Hi.i lt."ii',ml'.,- run.T. Il l.iK , .,:i, I'Uih w,ir,l, r!iu'"l ! l 1,. .M.UUI, h,, .it 111, l., l Mil. II thry HIT,. uttrjs-J. w,t-: "(i H-l,y,'. all. if,,l-l,yi-. li is 0,1,1V Kiy lll w II ! ,1,,.'." r'iii;l , .in.i in, n I, i s ,,f i k- ,,r 'U: fatn:!y ,-r at .M.iluii n II ,Ust. I'l S,v.-:.iry V,!k ,it. mil n.n,,. ,,f Uv. "i-, ,n.i ,iii, i'li'.l, ul frl, n.l i.. 'k :,-av, f liltn, T!il pilnl'itl ,', rnn ,i a ;!iil,;,v 1 f Li 11,'M'Ih ,mni. : , , ! . h , r ,,f ih,. Si, k 'in. ( k a I,iiibiiik kI.iv a. !i!:n an. in , ,i li.iiniuy aay. M was a imii u:i,',,'m, I ,us ,Iitn;i th.s ll:u Nut poiviTful ti.'ar: mliniiliinis, lin'hi,l lilt ,'Xlil- W.T,' rillll'iiVl!'! ! I' !,,!' nut i.i i''MI','K,iihiii's f r a Una! ;vir:lii(; ii!!i Ills wif,'. Hi- for li.-r nn.l -Im s.t: at Ms si I,- ami iu-1,1 lit lian,l -,ls,'l,,. h -r tn, , a,),. i,.r K, , ,,l-l, y -!t writ: i!in,tm!i :!i,- lioar:iii,lltiK ,,'11,. wild tli,. Min;,. iiiavory an 1 f irtl il l,' huh wnii'ii ..hi- lias li,init i.i,- srii'f ,f Ui.' tnu-,'.ly wlil.'h , 'i,l,'.l his hf,,. BUFFALO IN FEVER OF EXCITEMENT r An Angry Crowd Attempts to Lynch Czolgosz. RUSH FOR STATION HOUSE Police Guard the Front of the Prison and the Crowd Held Back. OVER SIX THOUSAND PEOPLE GATHERED mimn mmm, the martybed president n "' r-.m.-;e.a. x..w .. I.. l. iiaye? RHe hlm.i.'lf was a string suppirr of iKTfJ l:i h:. illary: "Our nw s.-c,:nj' rPfufnt Harrison. i I m .Major .U-Kinley was re-eleovj governor or Uhl. by a majority i,f m).SS5. v: expiration of his t-.'rm hi return i to Cunton. He had fi-vn a polKioal 'vftker and leader In i-ontr'ss. known ird admired throughout the country. .n 1 his popularity and the i-onfldenee nf ihe people in his principle an 1 purposes ,,r- c.vismntly inoreasinir. Hrnc ther was little suriiris. when he m nomin ated on the first ballot at the Republican nan .'li. u convention a; St .Lulls It . rhcish the tarir? piestion was a: stake m that campaign, ve: ttie free coinas.' :' silver a? th all Important ipu-s- I in .and tv. the Issue of snund mo-.'v !u- was ele. t d ov-r William J. Bryan. he IVoulist jmd IVmocrtitio candidate. The Hrsr ?.dniin'stra:io Prl.t. m McKinley was mirkel by the beffinnins Th,. M.-Kin: r.ui.iiy is scot.-h-irlsh d' S.- 'ii'.. an I was transplanted to Mm ri. a a! nit "lie litin.ln'd and flfi Sd-utenant. M-'K:n!ev. returnej t,nlay us ai;.,. William McKinley. the fa-gm ex,-" hr.Biy hriRht. Knt and Iter ,f the pr-si l-nt. niarr:',l. in 1.''. ientl, nia-ily ,,u;i,r -t!U--r. He prom N.tin-y I .-mplH'll AU-iou, who was ,: g,ses to b.. ,iie of the !i,-s..-' At a little ::m;!:sh and Sctoh-C., rnmn d s, cut ate- date he ad l,- l: "He has kept the Pile pi sul.'ii; was the seventh of th-!ifpr- mie in t very nv the word." I?v We Rent New Typewriters. '""y imnroveinents ndtlod. iiT3 Sw 0,,r I,lUl!,t noa & anwn premier lypcwruer Now Art C'atalnK'iiti Free . . . L- M. ALEXANDER & CO. Kxoliuivo 1'iioillc DiHst lX'nlein 2-lfl Htiirk St., l'ortliitpl, Ori K W. M'KKCIINIE. Local Aucitt. 2 KOPP'S BEST ADelicions and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure Tho Northern Pacini; Hrewery, of which Mr. John Kopp It proprietor, make beer for tlmniMtle and export trad ), Ilntlleil beer for family ue or keif beer auppllej at nny time, - Delivery In I lit' A, I I jf 11 I U, c. a. ARD, K1X1XC. CAl'SH OK l'I'ATll. The linme. Hate can-,,, ,,f the pre-ldent' l.-ath Is uiidcleniiln -,1, lis plivslelan.' iisaijr,-..' an, It will proiulily icpitiv an uitopsy ;,i tlx the exa.-t cans,-. Th' ui'si 1,-ius remains will !.' taken to Washing hi and there will lie in state mid the funeral. Vlce-l'resi deiij K,m. v It. who now succeeds to the pnl- Icncy may lake th,- oath of Mlee wit, r- vi-r he happens lo hear the news. The itbl'ict will, ,,f cniise, ivsIkh in a body in.l i-reatjent uocs'velt will have an piMirtuiilty of forming a new cabinet f he so desln'a. LAST SAO KAltlOWKU.3. 1,,-foiv t o'clm-k H was clear to those it till' president's he,Hde that lie was lyliitf and preparations were made for he last sad olllces of farewell from I ho, nearest and d.-aivsl to him. nxy ,ren had been a lininlstcred steadily but ,lth little eft'ect In keopiUK; back thi ipproiun of ileal li. The president camel ml of on,, period of uneo'iscloiisn, s j 'lily to relapse Into .inother. Mown stairs, member of the cabinet ivi-re KiMuped In nnxious walilntt. On, "lie tiiev ns,-elided the stainvay. Scoivlary Hoot and Seeretarv Wilson a ii-o Ih, mi1. Tlu't'e was only a m nnen ary stay of the cabinet olllcers a! the breshold of the death chamber. Then hey withdrew Willi tears stre.iiuin; (Continue! on Fourth rnite.) :,W5ffiTaT3au,"5igg: i In eiill In'ti. His fallier was an .r 'ii namif a.-tur r. He was a man of alii;i: ii;, cli ira, t. r. In lel.'ci n a devou'. l--th" lis: an I in p 'll:ics a", a.vlei.t Willi: and 1! pub'.ieiin.' He Kved to re, is s ,n (foveinor of Ohio. Mi-s. M, Kl;'. , y saw her son president and d'e! , li iVveml'i-r U'. 1S.'T. a: th,- nit-e of y. Will. am M' Klnlcy was born a; Nil-s. Mil ,. on J.iiuiarv IM::, and hevan ,:s i dii. .I'.l'ii In tile pubile schools ,,. eis nativ - place, but w hen he was nine civs old !he family r moved t" I'l'.aiid. Mahonim.' c unity. Oltio, w here his edu- i:on w is c,ii:inned in the I'nloii seml i.iry. He enl-'ivd AlleK'lieny col'.ese. Me.uhil! '. r. nn . m l'"0. but his health -oon broke down fiwu overstudy, an l was . "inpelled t , leave colleso. On us rec very he b.vame a clerk in the ' I post'itllce. where lie remained tut 1 1 the aar broke out. On June ll. Kill, be enlisted as a pri nt,' In Company K of the 23,1 Ohio Vo',- I'Ueer infantry. Anvil? the othcers of his famous regiment were Oenerals W. S. ItoseciMiis, Kutherford It. Hives. who became president In 1S77; K. 1 'cammon tenl Janu-s M. Comlev and olon ! ,-?t mley .Matthews. McKinley rved on the staff of denerals K. 1 Haves, licrire Crook and Wlnford S. laniM'k. Of his military career It mav. sill that both as a private and anj Ulcer, no.h In the coinmissary depart-! lien: and on the Hshtlnir line, he uratr 'ous. clear head -.1 nnd culm. For rvl.-'s reti e "d in the winter ennip of l'iye tevllle he rec. h ed his first i, ro il, 'lion. !i,v inline a commissary s-r- .",'ant on April 1.,, ist,:'. After the sum ner's canipabtn in Virginia his reirinicn: oi'k -'art on Sept in'ier 14 and IT In th, allies f South M ,uiita!ii and Antle- niii. an I It was for ,us extra Tdhiarv rvlee as lon.nUstry fertteant in the itter hurtle that he was promoted to second lieutenant. Not Ioiir after an February 7. lvJ, h.. bevame a first lieu tenant, and one July 2 of the folknvingK vear when he was only ;eii:y-one he nas male captain for gallantry and aiilifu'.n ss in th,. battle of Kernstown near Wl'i.h 'st T.l A iittk- later, at ilerryville. hsi h ,rse was shot under Urn, and on March. !4. l-",". lie received a:s commission as ,naj r ay brevet "for a" ! m,-it iri.nts services at the utiles of ("tp'ipiin. c.-Jar I'reek and !.-h,-:'s 11:11." He to k par: in every 'i'.e of the many enfr.iR.-ments in which ,1.- r.itr! ,,,r, . ,.l .1...,.,, 1 ...U.-... I ,. -..i , iN ,, uii'i uvii ui- ffaas must-rl nit on Ju'.v 2t. vas in perfv: healtn. UeturniiiR home, he studied law with ludire Charles K. lidJen, of Canton ind at the Albany Law school. He was idniltte.l ti the bar in March. lt;7, and settled In Cant, in, which has since been Ills home. He voii attracted attention I th.. r viva v which has 1S63 Bas a lawyer of ability, and. although .-.., i Hits i'-einiK i a ,ic. ne w as i elcted prosecuting utt irn, y in K(li, bu: tie was ,iereate, for the same office two ontinu'-d e'T since, an 1 bv the su essful w-iging of the war that wrested trom paln the lat vstige of -,er vast mpire beymd the sea anj that nla.-cl I'r.lted States in the firs: rank of world lowers. Th- conclusion of ihA tre-i v ,,f t ai ls, thj lucificati n ami ren- nernion f Cuba, and the stab'.ishm, tit of Am rican military rule in the Phillt'nines. ugetnr with tne practical mamni-.c ur or ranize,i ret'ellton -here, are of histo.y fresh In the .-.lemory r an. Presldnt McKinley was inausrurated or a second term n March 4. ISH'l. He reappointed his cabinet and made few hinges in the personnel of th.. first ulminlatration. The supreme court's leclsions on the so-called insular . as- s imply sustained his .-olon'.,l nollev urs later. From time forward Sthouch 'hev m.i I . n..sss.,. ,uk. u.eriticn in the Plans he had mado for proclaiming A fuii system of civil gov- rnment in the Philippines on Ju!v 4 A partial system was. however, put In iteration on that date. Lat- In Julv t notice from the Porto Ricn !-e sla- tun that a sufficient system of loe.i! axuton had been established on that "land, the nresident lssne.1 n nroc'nm.i- :lnn declaring the abolition .of iinnor: and export duties laid bv the Forak-T law. Th president and Mrs. McKinlev took n exten.lel trip n-ross the continent n the spring to attend the launching r the battleship Ohio in San Franeiseo ut the trip was cut shr: bv he s-. ere and serinis Illness of Mrs. McKtn- Major McKinley gave much attention o politics. In lSTti he was el-.vti-d to congress. That year the MMivn-ratlc 'egislature of Ohio gerrymandered th' state. Put nevertheless Mckinley was 'etunied to congress In KTS. as he was also in !nm, tSj, ism. 1M and lNSS. He was unseated In KS4. and was tlnaliy lcfe.i'oHl in 1S90. when his district was ;envniandc:-i,l airain In IsSS he show ed srejit ability in opposing the Mills bill. W.IS T,. sen-Ill.. an!,,-.,.!,,,,,,!,. IV.-eiln' 'lev-elan I's policy of "tariff for revenue -nly." When the Kepuhlt, ans assumed control In 1SS11 ne was appoiu'.ei chair-. man of the ways and nietns cmmlttee. in.l oi-esently gave the nation tie great nenuro that bore bis name Troop Ordered to Avail Immediate Call but Crowd Finally Disperft-Prea8iioa4 ! Chiuo to Preveot Denoo linitio Ajilnst Aurchwlx. BL-F.-'ALO. Sept. 14.-(Speclal to The Astorlanj-TiiU city, not only in tho paru near the Milburn House, but ail ever anl tv.'ii out li the exposition grounds, went into a, state of ferment when the news of the sudden collapse f the president was announced. The bad news of the early day had been somewhat softenei by the later after noon announcement that there was a -light !mprov?m?at, and the sudden an eouncement of the -ipproachlng dissolu tion came as a great surprise. It seemU but an instant when crowds f -rmed a; every corner and swarmed to var l the newspaper bulletins, and when they found that the rumors were con firmed som?bdy shouted, "Let's find he assassin." With one impulse the crowd started fi r thi station nouse where Cxolgon Is. The police were notified and when the l iowd arrived they found the police out ii front. Superintendent Bull, antici pating trouble, called out ' the entire force and n addition asked for the Fourth brigade healquarters to be In readiness to ..ssist. Colonel Welch an swered by ordering two companies each, from the Sixth. Fifth and Seventy fourth regiments o the armories to await Immediate call. Around the station house at 8 o'clock, t was estimated that at least 6000 oeople w?re ag:here.l. They were not ;articuTarly ugly .nd the pjll'-e proceed ed to drive them back. At 9 o'clock they had been sent back two blocks. i"n each side of the station and before P) o'clock, w eary with waiting for defl n!e news, they had dispersed. GENERAL ORDER ISSUED. CHICAGO, Sept 13. General orders aere is-ue, tonight by Chief of Police O'Neill for every available man on the police foree throughout the city to be kept in reserve in the event that there was any demonstration against an archists. MAG3I0 MLVH AGITATED. DENVER, Sept. 14. A special to the N-ws from Silver City. N M.. ays An- onio Maggio, when told that President McKinley was dead, at once became eery mueh figltafd. He made a state ment to the officers which Is said to implicate several other parties who will be arrested. NORTH POLE EXPLORERS. From the tini,. he cast his firs; voteHi,,y, who Was. how, North Pacific Brewerqlu MRPRI A .A r Commission. Brokerage, Insurance and Shipping:. Custom House Broker. ASTORIA, ORE Acni W. r. A Go- and Paclflo KxpreMOo . BEST IN QUALITY LOHEST IN PRICE One Thousand to Select From -S H AN AH A1V S tor Lincoln In lSiil McKinley has been a- Itcpubllcin. In 1,S4 he was a delega: it-large from Ohio to the national con-. ,-ention, and helped ;., nominate James G. Blaine. At the next n.rienal conven tion he presented ;he state in the sunn n. liner and suppor:,sl John Sherman. : that i oivention. at": r tile first day'si l allot, the Indications were that McKln- -v hlniA-lt' might he iioini iai-d. Then trengih of purpose and lis high ideas f loyalty and honor showed themselves. 'or in an earnest and stirring speech ie demanded that no votes be cast for liini. In 1S91 he was elected g ,vernoi f Ohio ',y a majority of about 21.P1' iver ex-Gov-rnar Jam 's E. i ampbell. he Democratic candidate. The issue hen ar stake was chiefly the tariff, but McKinley also placed himself In opposi lon to the free coinage of silver. In lS9t! ie was again a delegate-at-large to the latlonal convention at Mlnneap ills, and vas made permanent chairman. Al- hough his name was not brought befor. 'the convention, yet he received 182 votes. I ver. abb- te he ! CHRISTIANA, Sept. 13. A message dated August 5 and reclved by way of Hammerfert from Evelyn B. Baldwin, head of the Baldwin-Z -igler north pole expedition sayst "Am ri.a. la;itude 7S, longitude, C8. Se-klng ptissage northyard throue ice. All well." jliroiight to her Ohio home, where '('covered, so that her health was such that sh accompanied the president tuffalo this w'.k. Majo- McKinley was married on Jan- nary 2). 171, to If ss Ida Saxtoai. of Canton, daughter of Jam-s A. and Oath I rin.. Dnvalt Saxton. Two daughters ever? born to them, one in 1S71 and one n lSi.t. htir both d e l In earlv chillhiv,! Mrs. McKinley is a woman of exeeptlnn- U charm and nobility of character. Th- resident Is a member of the Methodist 'episcopal church. During his otl-ial areer he received the degree of d,vtor T laws from a number of istitutlons of amine. In 1S92. he wan thus honored by Miami university; In 1W the unl- v'al-aiHa f Chinas an A Vnl. a..nlU.1 L. "IJ nriT c Tl , T T TO .. f. .... . . . m. hta nam amatitt the r alumni. whll In! "- u.-u, urc, ww. u.ine IS99 two women's college Smith and '(Oregon Railway & Navigation Corn- Mount Holyoke bestowed on him theinany's sravel train -vas derailed a. mile ame honor. Harvard voted last JuneJ,. . , .,i.,. o hono him In like manner, but owing j"7'"1"' w""'- lul" to his inability to be present at com-IEn8Ineers Thomas Haslam and Edward encement the degree was not conferred. R.eae were instantly killed. RECEIVED IN AUDIENCE. YOKOHAMA. Sept. 13. The special Chinese envoy, Na Tung, sent to ex press and apelosue for the murder of Sugieyami Yakira, r-hmcellor of the Japanese legation at Pekin previous to the Boxer uprising, aj received in au dience by the emperor today at Toklo. O. R. & M. TRAINMEN KILLED. i i R1