The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, September 13, 1901, Image 4

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Tin: moumm; fuiimy. t. w.
0. A. R. Veterans Pray for Pres
ident's Recovery.
TcKhloj ol AoarvhiH Must Be Suppressed
Tgroufhout the Coaatry-Ciiil War
Incident li the President'!
Life Recalled.
CLEVELAND, Sept. 12.-The firs: day
of the national convention of the O. A.
R. was taken up with reading re
ports by the commander in chief, ad
jutant general, chaplain and various
commit:?.. Ex-Secretary Day then ad
dressed the convention as follows:
"On Friday last the president of :he
United States, having respond id to au
invitation to attend the exposition at
Buffalo, and taking part, delivered an
address, expressing with (treat force and
beautv the supremacy of victories of
peace over those of war. nd in rarely
felicitous language vicing the hope that
tiie nations of the earth might dwell to
gether in unity, was about to close h.s
vtatt by meeting p.- e at a public
reception as his be-n won- on many
"On his way to the reception a friend
expressed to him :he :h ug!it '001 ineet
ix.g j many rouble niignt make unusual
demands upon his strength. He replied
that th people had ever been kind to
him and it wag a pleasure to meet with
them and he found great satisfaction in
their expressions of confidence and es
"With thev sentiments rn his lips,
at a time when the country was in pro
found peace, when prosperity abounded
upon all hands, when his wor.h and
ability and gentle kindness had endear
ed him, it was believed, to all his coun
trymen, without warning he was strick
en m all t.V- fullness of health to the
portals of death Itself. Such an act
ppec such a man, under such circum
stances in a country like ours, seems
almost impossible.
"Other presidents ha been stricken
In the excitement following a great civil
strife and when the evil passions of
disappointed partisanship were rife. That
a man, thus blameless, could be attack
ed to must needs make us pause a mo
ment and reflect. It affords to the peo
ple of this cjuntry another lesson as
to th-ir du'.y in dealing with those who
encourage on American soil the propa
gation of priTcipl- which make such
attacks possible. W, have been taught
that if we sow the wind we shall reap
the uhl.-lwind.
"It is one of the sayings of the presi
dent, though worthy of emphasis, that
there are no classes In this fair land
of ours. There must be no place un
der the flag for the propaganda of the
doctrines of th anarchists.
"Laws must be enact- which shall
visit upon sui h criminals Just and ure
punishment : not only the pupil, but th-t'-a-h-r
of suta the irie mu". be r-.icht-l
Si punished. The advocator of its
awful tenets must l- kept from "ur
shore'; its jirlncipi-s must h- torn, r ot
and bra'-ch. from every f...t of our
domain until its aiher-nts learn that to
attack the government through its high
est "trkial is one of the rrost h-inous
of crirr.e, sure to m-e; with swift an I
terrible retribution. Let ther.. be no
nook or corner f th- eivilizd world in
wtiich It can hid- anl call t.-Hf safe.
"We are 'Ot .net on 'his occasion to
dUcuss ways and mans by which th-K
means are; t-j be aec .rnplished. We
know thai the Am-ri.-an ie .pie will in
sist tint everything oe done that can
he, to mak a r.-p-p.l:i 'ti of such horror
impoS-ilbl-?. Happi'y for the oountiy,
no 1-ss hall a course of unbounded joy
10 hi- ftinds, w- nav- every reason to
beliew that tine I.f--. s pr-ciu- to us
u-i.h-r the favor f ' 1. will be rest vr-l.
it L fit -r at -a,- .-h -u 1 1 m-t in sur
mus Unas of :h! '4 r- 1 1 iK-casion aril -:if an 1 w.'h 'h- u.l of his ,-ur-ivin'
comra 1 in arms guv -x;ir-i
fion tli- ov whi .-h Eil-- our h-arts.
T-ar has be -n (hangel to hop-, sor
rc.v to joy, and a greit eo;le bow in
revcr''.t th nkf u,oln-s in this d"liv-r-atu'.-.
Th- r-gr.-t 'hat tie rann it b.- with
us centra 1 s up m th! gi'-f-t hUtorlc 01-ca-im,
is as much f it up m his part
as it 's upon yours. His first real ex-
m life, breaking in upon n:s
days, was '.1'h ti 'Irun 1 Army
of th- Republic. Who s.nall cay that
In the duties, hardships and privations
that service, the 'ounlatioti of a
hara-ter .nay be s-curely laid.
He bel-ngej to 'hat nobl regiment
which has given the country another
president, a great general and a Justice
of the suprme c mrt of the L'nitel
Tpon the authority of one of his com
rades, we have an Incident which show
ed even In those early days the quali
ties which has made him -o,ual to the
great occasions with which his career
has been crowned. When General Ear
ly had attack?! the Feleral army near
Winchester and driven it back, William
McKlnley, riding through Winchester,
with General Hayes, his chief, noted at
the ria.Nl.le .0 .ij ;.i,lv. .l,wvn wlise
face tears of sjm.Mt.'iy were, !
what she b. U?v.i N a (tr"it disist. r
t.i :h I'nion :rm!. I'he ou:iif otHvr
l.ii-w up lits hers-.- ai'.i l, her'
l'''iie.'r ui'; iiave im fear. We shall be th.s wiy airim.' In a few das
;' the prophecy v.ts .u.i.le true and the
icter: us .11 .liy .f ;h, ';ii n t pt back
! through Wine!) ln :iis the ctieniv
fi 'til the Sh 'tunl.uh alley. Tfiee
' si eat t: a.ts. Ic.ndness f heart, and e n
ti.ience 111 his csuse. .:. 0 ver tx'-.-n
. hara terml.' of hint. To iav tli- world
k''os the story of h;s if' and li s pl.iee
;ll the history of 'he .outi.vy ,nd ' the
n. 'il :s sectitv. We .v t.v tl'-'t lu
da. of tis fu'.n-s ar' . end i. We
r J I." abwe a'.l that to the pM'l,. of
th-s state w-n. h.u . ior.s known and
lev,' 1 his '. f, r. ni.i r.s for our
KiiU.i'uv .ml comfort,
j KNPKVKIN'J viCAl.lTU-55.
, There ar many in ho I'.i.lieiK'e who
know '-hat no 'natter how hlch he has
jadvat'oel on frt tine's ctyn s!o','
j he has ever rota.n.M those end.-arivii
iiua'i! e whi.h have ,nide him. while
I one of tho :h- sntlest of
1 men a".d the k:"d t of neighbors and
j friends.
! "We may feel surd that no woris
1 of g v J cheer wi: be m v-e welovne ,vi
j his journey back to health than those
; which ome fr 'm this knith-Tlng of hi
1 'neti Is in this (treat state aryl city, anl
: '-0TT1 h:s ol.l com pint ns in arms Let
, us f rv-nlly hojv and pray that the hu
lls not far distant wh.Ki .we mav 1 k
L'.CH.n on h s n t! ' face and f-'-l anew
; the pressure of his fri -n 11 v ban 1."
STiarD Fiehting Betwten and
Boers In Wolvek'.oof.
PRETORIA. Sept. U.-While Colonel
Monroe's oolumi was returning from
Bsrklev East to Dordrecht it was at
tacked by the Boers undeT Command
ants Fouche and Mybergh In Wolvek
loof. The advance guard was well in
the pa's when a terrific fire was open
de upon them from the heights
the Kloof.
The British were In a precarious po
sition on the flat wnere ther was lit
tle or no cover, but they rapidly un
limbered and returned a brisk fire. T.iJ
fighting continued for 'm tlm". The
British had four wounded. It is re-
ported that the Boers had four killed
iand a considerable number wounded
On the following morning a reoon
Jroitering force with big guns cleared
j Wolvekloof of the Boers w ho retr-ated
I in the direction of Drakensburg. TV
British followed the brughers for a
consllerable distance, s.nelling th-m In
Chicago Limited Express Wreck-1 N-ar
Syracu" Many Pers-ins InJur-d
! SYRACl'SE. N. Y.. S-pt. 1.' -The
, Chicago limited -xprss wst-boim I in
I the West Shore ralir -ad ran ov- r an
, open switch at Kastwcod alxm; thr--miles
east of this city a: t.Vi o'ejofk
; this morning and was wrecked, many
'persons w-re InJur-d mor- or l-s
i ver.'ly. but although the train was gj
i ing at the rat of fortv mil-" an h 'ur, was killed.
Hngin r Davis JVirsii: of Syr 1 use,
'was badly cut anl s-v-r-ly .njir.-! it
t-rnally. Ail "f th- th-rs w-r- ut anl
t.rtiis-1. AT.bti'.anc-s w -r- s.-n- ' .m
h-r- to :h sc-n- and :-- i.njur-d . iv
.are! for.
In thr- co,i. hej w-r- s. .
s'-. -M from th .' c-y. 1 s',v-
, I
hui-"i Many of ?i.-ni w-r
Th- n lu. t .r. I'avi-k N x
ity. coiil.l giv- rio rtii.ina'
'isasf-r. H- was sliehtiy :, 1."
n . a;' h c.v rna.ny p-rs-.r.s .
.v r ; k'-i e its an I c ej: I v. : -
( ar y of th- w un 1- I.
WILL ,(,.-Si.I,Il.'i i
N-w Ori-ans S"r t Railway : ii
to N-w York ' impany.
NEW ORLEANS. .-;,'. 1 -'. T.-i '. ..rl
of dirw-t i of th- N -.v r!-at - ' ':'.
Railway 'mnatiy. .-.hi h . .rrt '.- : -thirds
of tr.e mil-ag- of ".- sir t ra i-
lyJ h-r-. has v c-1 t - -ornrn-' 1 '
th- s-.k khold-r- that .1 .
.ff-r .f If. If. I' -:.'-.'. jr. ,. : i,L' -r j
I'.r ti A .mr.if.y. .' Ph.l i-i-iph 1 .n ! 1
N" -K Y -rk. t'-pr...-r. .r.g I';. 1 : ;; .
-.i!ial. s's f .r in- :! ia. f '
il-i-s. th.rte-r. in nn'i.i--r
l'-aron :i 'nid - rn. r' .tf- ' rj
N-w 1 t e-ir.s. '' n -in! . 'P
St- I Itaiiw iy -upc - v , ; -
j,oj- - ' . -i '. ' la ir.-r ir. in. .- ;
t-i- ity a . ...!-... ' I . j
nil- - Th- -nci-.i '.-s ... (, ,. M. ! I
-on 1 epr--lit s ha'... .lir-ai'.' - - .,
t.n- lends of ih- A--1. t'.t :r. 1 . !! I
trie'. I'.'i.i)1'!! of r:.- ; -,v ! ,g. , ,
s-werag- bonds .f iio. ty '. N--.
1-aris and ptir-ha.- ,ti.,; f N -v. J
Or!-anw Ia.s ' ' 011 ; f. y .r a -rui.d'H'i
and has mad- fT'-r for ti
. h is- of th- N'"
a a 1
Mr'. H.,rif m 'orioni s oi
. on, i Hotel.
ir. T
TA'X'MA. S-pt. 12. Katiy fid mor,
ir.g a woirnn supp-.s-d to b- a Mrs. Har
rigan, Jums-i fr.m a thiil-sory wit.
low at the Fr-m nt ll-ti.. ' tb- yrw-t
below- and susta''.e mt-rnal injurl'-s
from which t-h" died a nor 1'm- af"-r
".hi-f lioatswaln Kole-ran-x. of the
transport Egbert was In the room at tre.-tim-
and tri-d to hold the w .man bv
one frot, but she slipped away from
him. He Is l-infr h-ld to await the vt
dict of the c .roner's Jury.
ARMY Ol'FU'.l.K.
TrouMc (rcw Out ( HinMin Kc
nuit ks by Frcitcli rusfcniuts
On u 1 fain
o'oi : 'tid' IU e of Aoi' ;t ,1 l'r s
M' l'lTHKSItCKit, Auk- - The
facts ah nit the d ata of lh inee 1 x
an 1. :' Sayn-Wltigoitstfin-l!: rl '.". ra'lv rcferrv I to as I'r.n.v Al x in
ter Wittgcnste.n. whi. h w- re e l-d In
mu h -nystety at !:t ar. n, w nniiin 'i!
irovrty in .mti.i:sl circle. There was
1 hint of 11 duel u the time but the
wr'iig name were g:. n.
Princ- Alexander, who was horn .11
TiMIs in Wi, was tr.neltng 11 the
Finland railway about two weeks .igo
with two French women. The t,uv
K es that they w-re somewhat gay and
aopuvl to .nav, nieij win, -hm a
1:00.1 for them. Phetr noisy conduit tin
allv b value embarrasliic to !"i.n. e
Al --lander and he movel to the other
nil of the car.
Lieutenant .M.tsun f. a distinguish-' I
young otflir wh was wounded tut
times 1" the Transvaal, the last
tuii.g a; Cranlenberg. en:ernl th- .ar
t.age, u"k a seat pt-sjte the French
women and began reading a paper, lb
had a som-what peculiar countenance,
in fact he ivs -mbles a Jew. Th-- young
women immediately began "Xihanging
irritating remarks aNut his appearance.
He b "re It patiently for a time, then
put down his pap-r and said in French:
"Mesdames, If yu knew that I un
derstand French you woul 1. I am ure.
nt makj suh remarks ,ilnut me "
The women Immediately ceased talk
ing and showed some confusion. Princ
Alexander rose, approached Lieutenant
M.iximof and said:
"Th w ladles ar under my protec
tion." Lieutenant Maxlmof salut-d and said
n othlnx. or attempted to isugh she
"Yim app-ar to nave f 1 lei to grasp
my meaning." said Prince Alexander.
' 1 said thaie ladies w-re un l- r my pro
tection." "I h-ard you and un l 'rst.ui I." i u'.-; -;
returned Maxlmof.
'I expect you t.) apoi iie f r w hat
you said."
"I said nothing that requires an al'l
gy or explanation. I think th- ladle
aiiprecUted my telling th -m that I un-l-rstohl
trnir though'less remarks."
The prince Insisted on an aoIy "i I
carls were exchanged. When on Is
cam-, to Max.mof he i-nt th-m b.ii k
u :th the remarks that he had in:- " I d
no insult or slight to Wdtg-nst-ln or
his ' impanions and lid pot wish : 1 fight
ib ut ucn people. Wit'.g-nst-in thr-at--n-l
to Insult Maxim of puM.-lv If h-
did not fight.
The duel .vis accordingly fought on
th- Wittg -nsteln estates n-ar this city.
Wittg-nst-ln flr-1 first and th- ball
pa-'s-d througn Maxim of's hair M tx
imof tlr-l low. intending to wound':-m
In th- l-g. II- aniv-l high
anl th- ball pier.' 'if th- ahd'rn-11.
W.ttgnst. In walk - I to th- hoii h -I I
u.g h s hand ..v-r th- w -u'ld I n', le d
- v -r ii days 'aier.
I.l-u'enant Maximo' .vi.l prdubly
li- hirg-d fnen 'h- armv. In 1 - d. ! 1
r inior-I that h- lr-ily his h--n il--h
i.-K-I. Th- Wi'tg-nst Ins ar- l.n
. 1 i:y-'v rich anl ire ..f r v il bl ..l.
i A'-x in l-r -vis 'h- t-"' ! cu
- - f th- pr--nt n-id of rn- '"nis
I .f his s-r -n.. hlgh.n-ss. Pi In. .. W'-tg" i-
1 T:i- 1-ceis-d wis a ii-w'rii.u in th
.it of his m.ij'cy anl .'.l-ut-nint
I M ix.m-.f was an other In on- of the
Innards r-gim-nis. Th- 'un-r il v.T "ii
I ' -r.d-l bv th- lea I nit in'-riii.-r- ..f s-..
1 i-v.
r .tv an -.f M ting "f czar and
KaiST--Pr-Js ' 'orn in-rit.
U i.NMN. S--pt. IS. Th- V-rma - r
;. nd-nt of the Tlrn-s c omrii-n'ing
on the coinj.laints on "h- of . ..r--;.ond-n:s
of ttHr InabllHv b. giv
foirnatlon r gar ling 'h- m.-iing .f
. . zar and kals-r savs:
Tii- confidential account "f rli
- 'Aili no; r-val rnu-h rn i
.- 1 orr-spond-n's. W-il ir
o;.l- D.-li-ve tlier- w.ll ie-
0 -lintr political consopi-'i.-.-s.
1 sioMisf. that Burop- is
m r-
,.f n-w unde.staridingH .r irrang--
rrs eft-, ting -x'sting affair-. Th-i-ilr-idy
stilli'-leni guaran'.-- 'iia' I n-r-
:il h- no Russo-G-rrnan .car.
Th..- .ire nhvlotlS r--as'irii WllV the
z.r should not -xt-nd nix vifit t- Aus
tria, but It is not apar-nt why his f
minlsti-r shoull not tiav- don,, so.
.-' -ri- thorny (uestlons might have b ri
l.sp,-. of satisfactorily in a r-w hours
onv.rnatlon b'-tw--n th- h-ads of tb'-It'i-din
and Austrian foreign d-t,art-
Public opinion In Austro-Hurigary
! ,.,kH upon the Russian pact as ( ol-UJ.S-.1.
Its fate Is scarcely encouraging
t.. who wish for an Anglo-Rus--..1
ri undi rstanding."
The Rerlln crrr-spondent of the Tim-s
The Agrarians who w-re form-rly
emphatic regarding the necessity of
g .od relations w-l'h Rti'sla are now
afraid that the G-rman K"v rnment Is
if .ng too far for their Interests In Its
advances to Russia. A significant ar
ticle In one of their organs demands
that It be made clear that the friend
ship of Germany Is as valuable to Rus-
. as Kiiss il fit. ndhip Is to C.i'l.
"I'he mijoii'.y of the Journal point
out Cut 'icinun urns; ivtiii.n friends
w. h t'o.h ll'.iglan I and Knu :i I 0111-
nit hi rs.'lf t. ivi.hei' "
I'he l:ni':"e!s 1 ic ici'on lent of the
Inn.. si tout, though li.'lgium has
110 ,lue-t lii:.tet In the 11.11 ) lll lv
Fr.rii ". her role of 11b atteniUe spec
.a, or is alnniliin:'. Hlulvat( tin
,. -pic-is Kcirard.iiK the t'antalg
tie 1: s no; th.niKli! 1.1a; mil
01 !
1 pi..
, ol tic
II. t. li
!' suits
w li ensue from it
c . U
.111 I Itlis- I
of 111
T'i In I.
"If th
p tldeiii 1
, cor c.i
the til
W 11
. 1 in
an' o:
V ad
p -I
p tin 1 at
n.'.i II , f ' U
Ins w if !
d "
! Beige
stt llllgclllcllt
w::i :
I be
I p sit,
cut gain
The K o
oolng ,
n a i an I
Rtir-'l'SI'O To St'ltKl.Nl'lli; Sinu'x
tsl b "1,. M
.111 1 Wounded
Vl'll IMWN. S.-t t: T.'i- K
iic ri. : f 1 '.1 o' ' !o!i n is
.i : M
T ',
pa :y
V 1 1 Mi" I -f III l b rs
-l H spo.s be. 11 .111
s : !mv
t d i
pi.' Ir i. tr . diri'- r
of It .1 s ii ir a fa- n
nil 1".
I a
h nis .in I
t 'in to surien l-r.
The Ho I 1
refused and the
w -un ilng il.ti' ra!
I'.o'is. .ni.i k'll iig
iVii.'i il Strut sue
Itr' i
op tied tlii
and o.hci
makliig !i!
I in
NE.V YiR'. S-pt. I.'.
Vi.siiurgh has assign-1 th
the Great hi". II.
longs, t b,. run at S.'.e
llandl. app. r
wights for
ap, six fur-
ph" i I Bav
n. x: Sa'ur lay
n th- .-it w Fiitiinty
KI'NPS Ki'K MI'l'l.'At. H'ol'.K
itPllI.IN'. Sept. i: Tlie wt tow f
: r'i. the bank, r, ha' mv.ti Kiankfui t-iii-th'
-Main e.i's'.1""! inaiks to j.toin. !-ii-
!i. al ..t.J.t ts
11 'KTI.AN'P. S. 1
:.- Who
"ii. bin
Wall I,
.'Ml 'A''., i. So
Wh a'.
I. ;
T A1
Whc It. OiU' S em
SII.VKK ii.vKKirr
kw VintK. s-i; u
N'tTI''i: K"lt iTI'.l.b'ATI. S
ft.iled Stales I .all I l llllee,
' 'r- k- m i'i.y. nr.. Mix I'l
N'o-.e ; li.-i"iy ('.veil that In coin
t'l.unce i;n provis.orin of h- .1 -l "f
.'ontrr'ss of Jun.. :;, 17. enti'-l-il. "An
let f .r : lie sill- of lands in
of i.'aPf a 11 a, nrei(..n. Neva. la
tii I WasliPiitto . T-nlt .ry." as exi"id."l
. . all the I'll .11, li n I St l'e by i t of
Auitusi I. I ,:.'. Ko, 1 M I'aro'lo-rs. f
K'-Ui. 1' uinty of .'.oiil.'.j. State ,f
W..h tucl.-n. :11s this .lav lit--1 iii this
!!' .. his'n s'at iiiioi- Ni r.l'is (or
:,c- pin na-.- ;t ill- N. N W.
S . and li. S II. ',. 'f 11
No .; in iwli-liip N' 1 I N . . J"K '
No s W-s'. an I W'.ll ofT-r
show t ha . til- 'and -ilit!i? Is 11
a il.' for i:s t rule r ..r sine
re vahl
Iti. ill t .r 1
v 1 l.i;sfi
.lit: . 11.' in al putp.s..s, iti 1 to
h.s .tern ; s.i: I la d I. : r- th
t-r an I li-relV'l- of ihU ot,e
i-.11 .'ov. (.r-i-.n, . ii Thiirslay.
lb Iti'- ,
a' it,-1
Ic- I I It '
I..V of Noy-tiih.-r. Lml.
II- 11 i:ii'-s a w ii
J tin It W'K-ny. of Ki.-e-. -l.i;s..
, miii'v. ir-'..t ll-rmin K M K-rin-y
,.f K-ls... 1 , 1 a 1 1 1 . courtly. W.isn.riKton
J 1 1 S. It ibli. ' f K'-l. I'o.ih:. coin,
y. WasbltiK .si; Job" Itobb. of !!
so. '..: z .- hi ,tv, W .sh.nift-.n.
11 v an I a!
iy tii-'
I to fl,-
p-i iii cl.i'miiiK adv. r--b-c
r.l.". land are r-:n-.r
claims in 'his "llc
I. ' .- s.ii I It h day -f X v-inb. r
ClfAS It
!! gisi.-r
XmTP'I: Km
snt-s 11 1 oriic.-,
'.';'y. 1 r.. Aug lil.
1 ir-g
N , P-.. u h-r-by tri v-n Ihat in ".iii-plia-ci- 'li- provb-ions of 'he act
,f 1 ' ,cttr- -.s of June li. 117-1. -n-itle I, "An f .r th- sale .f timber lands I s lie
j ,.t C,,oii:i fir.-isin S.',t.i
at'.-l Wi h iiKi.n T-nlo,rv." a's ' X -n I-
I , a I lie- I'liblle l.aii.1 Sia'.-s by id
,f Annuo 4. 1 HH.'. Mrs. 1,-mra S, M.--''
rm.clt. of Wh.-, P. ').. I'oilntv of
. "laisip, S'-i'.- of Oregon, has ibis day In 'his olllc- h.-r -.worn sta;-in.'i,i
No r,.7l. for -'li- purcha of th- S 1-1
i-i of -. I .11 Si !i. in 1 ntnshlp N' '1
.V, j-a'ige No. S '.V.-st. a el will off-r
pi . .f t. "-how lb it th- land sought is
mor- vi'11. ib'- for limi.'-i or si, in- him
f-.r attr. cultural purposs, and lo cstab
I sh h-r claim P. sal, I land before the
Iteuist.-r and lte.-..v.-r of this oHlee at
Or gon ('My, Or gon, on Thursday, th
21s: -lay of X iv-mber, I Ml.
Hh" names as witness-s:
')e,ri" M' Kari.itid. of fln"y. '.'lats'ip
county, O.-r-gon; 'lust Adolph, of oln-y.
'.'latsop county, Oregon; Olto Johanson
of Wis-, '.'la'sop county. Or-g-.n; Wil
liam A. Johnson, of Wis-, .'latsop
c uinty, Or-gon.
Any anl all p-Mins claiming advetse
ly the aliov'--.les. rlbe.j lands ar- n--'pi'Ht-d
o file h'-lr claims In this iiftlee
',n or b-for- said 21st day of November,
ciias. rt. MOOIIBS.
Cowing & Cowing
Offlcet Room 4, U. S. Land Office BMg.
Practice in all the Court of the
Btate. United Hta'.ea Land Office Bul
nesa a Specialty.
How It VpraiU Ilia Honrs of Dally
tlnllruftil Trrlln.
Tle inui'li iibuseil sutMiilmnlti,
whom the c.irtootiWts picture tin coup
I ii 8 to tint clt.v every morning ftvm
"Loiiesotnchtirst," "laint Man's ljnt,"
"Pnuii hurst by lbi-l iadlcy" and oUicr
places w ith i'iimlly ucgetlvi immos,
tiro tin ItitoreKlIng clii of Individ
uals. Tlif transient clement of (lis
t'lty's populatlou spends several hour
every day wlilrllntf mor the rillrd.
Winn Hie novelty of those dally I'll
of inilia'ri.llng lm piissod Into tho
inoiiotoiiv of years of travel tlimugti
t!ie satuo couutiy tlie commuter bit
Icanii I to lunke (he N'dt of tho lime
tic spends i.ii tlie train.
Tlie 'V.inl tleiid" Is ft prominent llg'
tire In this class. Rolli tnornltii: and
cvcnltu; four or five gmi" of cards
titv ttulpe; on In every smoking car. u ml
It Is nafc to sti.v t tint tliod-.!iiiiN of did.
litrs cliangf liands In this "innocent
nmtiseiticnt" w hile the player ftiv llU
ryitig to or from busltics.
Next to tln "curd sluirp" Is the nun
who only enjoys Ills cigar and pitMT.
He U otdlvlous to nil Ids surround
ltiirs auil only nlmw nnlmutloti when
ho Is at Ills journey's end.
Many of the pouch's and plans of
Home of tills cltj's most successful
tiusliiess men have been born ir tle
Tclontl on ttu-se tnilns The short
respite betwivn the bustle of tlie city
and the enres of homo life Is to this,
type of man u season for misllt.nlou.
Another lutcroMlug co minuter Is the
Individual ifho Is on g.ssl tenns with
alt his fellows He trnvols up nd
I down through the car evercising tin
j ri'in'rtory of latest joke or syuipa-
thitlng with some giiomy looking
friend who tlilnk that all the world
is sgnlnht liim. lie sivms to never
grow weary In tils well doing
The traiu life of the commut T I now
and then enlivened by wnvU Though
tossed about and sometimes cut aud
bruised. In getierallj' e :ili' lU'rioU
Injury. Such eiperleiico as thoso li
Cinslders the sphv and coloring of tilt
Mtsteuev. New York Mull aud El-j
.-"!. up .a a Ju,lK!u n. an I .Pi ter t.-n.
Rtsuon Kor Ill9rnre. la Ttat j b'r"d .h-i-ii on the : ,.b ,lay ,.f June,
tola, cf 'trh Mlaiaa. I1""1 ; l,h 'r "'',,r i'r..t.h.iiv.
, ,. j plaint ff. .in I iKMinst 1'iaiik M .''imPk
Suuii time ago a I tviielimrin p.arrd , lM M ,,, w ,p r,. i.,t,. f,r
togetller a UUttibi r of gold coins of j-he um of ..."i. w.tlt lnirt-.t t!i.r.'..n
Fri'tich mllllage of the N gitinlng. mid- ' ' 'h r il - f t. :i p r 11 - 1 - r aiiiHini
die and end of the last country ll..!'r m " ! "f K-bruary. 1.
. , , . . .1 . .1 ! ' ' ' " 'f 111 s .b'cre.-. I Hit' rot 01
was nuicti Hiifiirlsl to . Hint they..,,. w(lll ,, f,.,.,,.,.. :.,;
differed In color lie st nlN.iit r.ndltig , , it . t.. l t(.- ,. n il.- ni. y ' f .
OUt till- retlHolK for tllU iliffcri'lice. ntlil , lie C'' and ,lnbu:elll.-lil of ih.t
the n-fiilts .,f 1.1s liivesiKatl.ui, liave 1 ,u:; :"v-1 ' ' '"'' ";
. 1 up ui tu 11 writ, c uiimaii'liiiK j',1 te.
Ixs-n in I..t Niiture. x .,, m(k f .,. f..:..,w.
There Is a pill.'U.'s ill-out the yi'llow lMlt r.b.-,l re.ti property, to-ni:
of the 1" nn. I JO friinc plc .-s which The noii'.h.ii'. iiuart. r of the 11 .r h
iH'ar the t'ltlrfle of NttH,.s.u 1 ami , k""t 'I'"'-''. Hi.. Mi:h.-t .,ii.,itrr (
i.i .1 . h 'orthe:it .iinr:.-i, fie iior'h.-.i"'.
Louis Will that Is not observed ln ,iuir ,.r ,lf ,,. ,..,,.,. .,lM..r .,
the gtildpleoo of latiT mintage. Ous!,;,. ii.irt! .uar' r , f t.i.- ..iivm,;
admirer of these eolns xnks of ttielr 1 on irt'-r. .. tl, -t lu niti.-r 1 iiity-rli.- :'
color tt 11 "taautlful pnleiicH" and ot-i '' f"ir .H. n ni. of i.u.g
,. , t. 11'iie i9i. : of '.he ill -im.-t : . ni.-ri-presses
n-gr.-t Unit It Is lucking In litter , ..
wins. The eiplitiiiillon of it Is tery
nlmple. Tin nil..)- tiuit entensl into tin
French gold coins ..f th.. days run
taitiiil aa iniicli silver 11s o.ip r, and It
wa the silver that gave the coins their
Intrrciitlng paleness
Tin' coins i f the en i.f NaiIsii III
wttu itmre goi.Jeii In hue. The silver
hail been taken out of the alloy.
The g' ld coins of tolay have a still
warmer tin. I deeper tlngi of yellow.
This Is t-cuui the I'nrU mint, as well
Its that In I,oUili.ti. molts the gold nil. I
the cops-r nll'ty In hermetically M.'
boles, which (ireventM the copper from
j Is'lllg SllpieW l.llt blenched. US It iilwny
! Is when It Is 11 itaok.-. br hot air. So j
1 tlie present .Miiis have 11. e full warm
I ness of tint that a c.,p r alloy in 11
1 (five.
If tin- coins i.f today me not no linjul
lome In tin- opinion of amateur collect
I ors us tin. so by the llrnt Niijxi
lism, tin y are superior to those of ci
ther of the Napoleons In the fact that
I It costs lens to miike them. Tin- ilotibli
operation of the oxidation ..f tlie coplx-r
I and cl.fitiltiif It off the surface of tlie
I cola wltli nobis Is tin longer employed,
I and the large elimination of copper
I from the sin face of the cuius, formerly
pnietlrt'il, iiinde tliem Ich n alstant un
der wear nn. I tear than are tlie coins
now la circulation.
Ko Kr)i In White llfinae.
In tlicw iiioil.-rii days the front iliMir
of the White Hons.- is not locked at
nigliL I'rH.'tlctilly 110 doors are liH'keil,
and If the Kti-ward hhoiild liM.k around
for keys be would probably not lind
half of thosi- formerly In n I!g pn
ll' i-meii an' about the only doiits tit the
'Xi'CUlhn lii.'lhxlon. Tiny guard the
main doors at nil Iniins of itiv and
I "Wit. Il,d tbel
Is no ii.s . 1 to close mid
1 look the Inner doors. 11. f..r.- President
I Lincoln's tline policemen were run at
1 the president's home, anil when all tli
' clerks ami -.. ri ants I ad gone home lit
I lllght Hie l..ll-e0'. pcr Went III.MJtlll
: and carefully luck. si all ii,,. .loots In
! Hide mid out.slde except lu rooms IH'OIJ-
pb-d by thorn- going In and c(,mii,s 0uL
- Wiislilagtoti Ktar.
Don't n Siinrlim of Vour l,ne.
The power of love Is one of the great
Hit gifts to humanity. It gcm-niti-M the
Bunshliie of the moral unlvi i ho. with
out which life would M. a ilesort. waste.
Use this ill vliif imwer without Htltit
Hit pnsllgnl of your love. Let it radi
ate freely. It will brighten the dark
places. It will gladden the Hot-rowing.
It will lift you alsive the petty, grind
ing: care thut no hooii corrode the mind
and nap the oniTglcs. It Is tin- golden
key that will admit you to the palace
of tlie true llfe.-Kucci-HH.
Well Rnouah.
"Didn't I tell you to let well enough
aloatV" wild tho doctor to the convales
cent who had (Unobeyed and was Buf
fering a relupge.
"Yea, uoctor," whined the patient,
"but I waan't well enough." Detroit
Free Pre.
Gcncsscc Fruit
C 113131s! VINBCiAR. . .
l'OUil)i:i) A. I. I7IO
i tu: (U Disr ri'Kii.v i iki
.' 1 1 A .
Catall All In
'M SiinMimc Sttcct.
Of Ntv
V. I. THOMAS, Mjjr., San Francisco.
SiiliM-iilxnl ('Hpital, .... $'i,(Min,ouo
l'aiil-u. Cii'.itiil, .... l.mKi.uoo
AVM'I.X, ... J.iVl.'i.H I
As-si ts in I'liitol Mates, . :10(I,(MKI
Stirjilus to 1'olii'y, . . . 1,71S,7!I2
lhis boon t'liilonvritiiii; mi tin I'mitir I 'oast ovoi twtnty-two yi'nrn.
SIIKltlKKS .s'Al.i:
Ity Vlrliie of an recuil n and 01 b r
f ile issu.-l out 'f tli - 1 Hi mi cur:
f tif St .t e of i'Iti; ill, for t!ie I'lHtniy
f I'litrt'p. ,oi (tie :3t,l ilay .,f Annus:.
X I. Is b -M'-n.ity.
l the tl 'Hi
ll '..II of .l d
' h curt h 'ii"
t Tla. 1 '..H op
public an -M 01
cas.'t, the ah
! 1 s.ltl'fv tb"
-by gli
'lit day
:l.u: 1
w il on
r. Iwd.
r 10 .. ci k
day In froi
I at
- t oor HI I lie I ' ; J ,
1 '..ip'ty. 1 ir. g 'ii. P,
to the li!, h I.: I I- r
. d.-si rib .1 i.-ul p,.pe
Jll lll. lit. cosls u lot
1 at
f -r '
'1 y. i
UI 1
k I
TII.'S 1 (.
Aug 2
l.l xv i l.i.i :.
'01111 V. ' .'. K
'. I'1.
Sheritf of
A: 0
1 ii-.-ioii
SIlKltlKFS SAl.i:
N .n!c b b-Tby given that
M n l iy. :h Tta day 'f 1 1
I sill.
at the hour .f b o'.-lm-k tu lb ,
of said day. tit ami In fpsil of Vie curt
lion' door, In tie 1 'Ity "f At.r.a, in
1 'latsop county. Slate of 1 tr. g .i. offer
f.r ale and 'll. ut public an lion r
.'he high-st bhrler for cauli In hutnl ut
the time of mile all in. I slimuUr the
pil estate and properly h.-r-t .for bid
In for tne by said I'latsop is.iiniy. tht
sail 'liy of Astoria, nikl Scb. l'.s
iin t No, one mid six of il. e -un y.
or either of them and wbk b they .r
elth.-r of them have title by
virtu of any such wilu.
Slid ".lie Is IU.'.! for fi! I dill- purnu-
ant to an
1 'out: iy 1
'lit a of si,
pap"! bv
I, I'M
.nb r llereP f 'Ii- lliil'le Py l"
'. ill it of said count',, .is tlie
,ei property . ..ui 1 1, 1, . ,r--!be
Hist Monlav af er July
Slcrlff of a. 'I I'oiiiity.
pt. l:d
NDTI'T: Fh'R lM'llLli'ATInN'.
I 'tilio.J Slates Land olllee.
Oregon 1 'Ity, or., Aug li'l. i;m.
Nolle is h.-r-by Klven 1 h i: in 1
pl.ii'ice with the provisions of the act
.f ('ollKI'S of JlP'e 11, lV.'H, enM'.I'd, "All
i -. for llf sale of tlml.. r hinds In the
S' it-4 o( I'ollfofiila. or.-Kon, Nevada
in I WasliliiKton Ten!: .ry." ,ih xl 'nd-
,, to llll tile Public I, 111 I ,y ,,(
..f A nuns- 4. ) mi;, William A. .1 hn-u ,n,
' Wi". P o., l ouipy of ( laiHop,
S; ate of Oi-H 'ti. has ;lns .lay llo'd In
this olllee his sworn slat' IIK'iit No. .'.."ill!!,
f ,r the pIllch.tM.. of Ihe S. W. 'i of Bec
llo il Nn !l. In lowiixhlp No. 'I N , 1 ungo
No. S Wi-hI. add will offer proof to show Ihe bind s night Is mote valuable
for Its timber or stone than for nerleul purposes, and In .stabll.h his
i-l'lnt to said land before lite H.-glsi.-r
m l It -civ r of this oilli
1 My, r"g 'li, on Thursday
.,r Xov-niber, 1 ". I .
II""s i.s witnesses:
e at Ol.-goll
lb,, lll-si .lay
Oeoi-ge McKarlnnd, of
Olney, rial-
.0 ciii iiy, ir.g..n; Augiot l'olph, ..f
oln.-y, ( latsop county, oi-cgm: oitu
Johanson, of Wise, i'latsop ooiiiity or...
gun; Mrs. Laura H. Md'oimlck, of Wise,
ciui'sop coiiniy. 1 iregon.
Any and ill persons claiming adverse,
lv the tiboye-descrlbe.l lauds are l'"
oiie.sted lo Hie their claims In 'bis ofllee
..11 or before sal I I! 1st day of November,
CHAfl. II.MoollKS,
Notlua Is hereby given thnt the und.T-
sgnil has filed his llnal 11 1111 as a.l-
inlnlstrat ir of the etnt" of P. W. Oile
iiiiin. deceased, In the Count v Court of
the Htate of Oregon, for t'liim .p County,
and the same has been wt f.rr hearing
Itefore such court on Baturdny, tb,. lath
lay of October. 1901, at the hour of ten
clock In the forenoon
Dated tl.'ls 5th day of September, 1901.
i i it r in un: yvoki.d.
l'llll.1 MlSIt.
San frnm-lvo. Cal.
tu, Tbn Tclli
of th
Ihc Hor(hw8s(ern line..
Ti:n l'uliy
All t 1 'tlk'AtfO,
lletneen Ht.
c inpillllg
0 I.tten ru'.lm.vt Hli-ep-r,
IV.-rb-s Pailng Cars. ant 1 'b.-t v ill .t Osn.
l-'r 'n 1 iet luting c'ltair i'r.
;'th (Vntury Trains
Ituns l.vr'y liy of th Yer.
Tlie Finest Train in the Worla
rittlrlc liijhtcd ncttd
Kiti""! I ui: v Train liunniiig li.teen
St I'.iui anl i.'hui. via th Sti.rt
etloin fr'
the W.': Mile via
liliKAT Niilll llllllN AND
l.'AXAl'I.VX PAt'IKlC It'VS.
This is tl-
ninaliii. St.
the lll'.HT LINK between
Paul and Minneapolis.
All Agent, S-I Ticket via
The Nonhwestern Line
w 11 mi:. n.
'bn.-ral Ag. nt.
IIH Ald.-r Hire. I,
Trav. Agent.
I'oitiuiiil. iicgun.
I v b. ii people, are contempt itlng a
trip, uiiein.-r nn bmlni-ss or pleasure,
tli' y naturally want the beat suvlce
,. 1 . 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n ,ia far a speid, cinfort ami
safely Is concerned. Kmployus of lb
paid pi n v f the public and our trains
are op' iao'd so as to in ike closu cnn
ii' cMoiis with diverging line at all
Junction point.
Pullmuii Palace Sleeping and Chair
t ins on through trains.
1 lining car service umx i-'Il td, Meals
served 11 la carte.
In order to obtain the first-class ser
vice, oak Ihe ticket agent to sell yuu
A tlck.'t over
The Wisconsin Central Lines
and von will make direct connection
at Hi. Puil fur Chicago, Milwaukee mid
all no! n Is Euit.
For any further Informithn "all on
any ticket agent, or corres.i iu l with
JAM. (V POND, (Jon. Pass. Ag't.
or JAS. A. CLOCK, Milwaukee, Wis.
1 Oeneral Agent.
K 1 1 he,e Uny Ciptulei are luperioi
iWl ,0 Ba,,arn of Copaiba!
I! 1 I the tame dneaei with- M .... Inrnnvsniiincfl.