"3 ::aTv ITbT f iff '" ! Till: MORXINV, ASTORIAX, TlWItSDAY. sri'TKMHKU. 12, tKt. ."I : ' i 5: itrj r-"t. mi v i u ti r TURKEY'S REQUEST WILL BE REFUSED r I...,, v . , a n rrance ill Not Agree to Resume Diplomatic Relations. CLAIMS MUST BE SETTLED -' Btlitvc That the Sulm Will Eientuilly Oivt la Tibual Claim Settled - Head of Torilsa Polkt Ordered to Leave Fraave. IM.KIS. Sept. ll.-lr i oxrfctej In cffli-i.il circle her that the Tub. til claim has been settled by direct ncstori- ' Uons between the elaimmts an.I IVrte to rwume diplomatic relations. Franoe however, will reject any su.h propw; tloo a,nd until the suluin has yieijej In th cas of the Loramio claim which this city today to ivnsidor plans for re in nearly fwur times the amount of the ' orcaiuin the association on stn'tig Tubinl claim. M. Constans will not tv- :tne. turn to Constantinople. Advices from 'f he nsults of the mcetinK. It is that city say It is believed the Lorando s.i.:d. w;l! be the placinit of all rvds claim will soon be settled. 'in upovlhVd territories under tratllc dl- The attitude of th sultan tJwarJ the i :ors simitar to the p'an a.lopt.M by French cJaims is undoubtedly attribut- ; :!ie Southern an I I'nion Iiolrlc. The a.ble to the action of the decree .-f :he , l-nos are to be d:vijl as follows: French minister of the Interior in en- : Those operating southwest fsm Ohi pelling Turkish spies fnm France. Theloaffo. in.-lu.lins the Santa Fe. R,vk decree has been held b.'ck several days ' Island. Alton. Missouri Pacific. Wabash in the hope that the sultan who natural- ,and St. Lout and San Francisco; those lr was aware that it had be?n drawn In the district due west, lncludinif the ud would take the hint, but the patience j Northwestern. Rock Island. Burlitifr.on, of the government was finally exhaust ed and yesterday Feridoula Bey, head Of the Turkish pol!? in Paris and an other spy were ordered to leave France. This steo was followed by today's an nouncement that the sultan had se'.il.Nl trie Tublni claim. THE CZAR'S VISIT. Character and Number of French Guests Yet Undecided. LONDON. Sept. 11. The Paria cor respondent of the Times says: The Bethany review promises to be the greatest attraction to the crowds in connection with the ciar's visit. In spite of all that has lately been done. France ia far more of a military than a naval power. It is not yet known what the exact charatcer of the Compiegne fetes will be whether only French cuests or repre sentatives of the diplomatic world of Paris will attend. While the czar is at ComDela-ne as the rueat of rv!n- that will be his home n.t th. ,,oW nf!lu::jn "tly passed by 1-adlng Jap ruest will belwg to him. A man who personifies the great body of French public opinion declares that the rtar comes to France to pave the way for a new Russian Iran larger than anv nrevijus loan. For half a century, he d-clar Russia has been living olely on loans. Nine-tenths of the em pire is unproductive. The last loan lung ago vanished. Another authority asserts that the ciar comes to France because France'. n'na' is Jealous of Germany after the exhi bition of brotherly love between the czar and kais"r in Alsace last year. It is said that President Loubet in conver sation with an exalted Ruffian person age, did n'.t conceal his opinion ..f the unfortunate effect this had produced on Franco and that his rmarjts were repeat- 1 to the f zar. MUST ENLIST CNTIL END. Eng!ih Yeomanry I!-ing Recruit-d for On Tear or Longer if Necessary. LOND-DN, Sept. ll.-The Times says: With the approach of mid-September, sanguine Britons brieve Lord Kit chener and the g-n-ernmen; have a plan ii mind other than Mr. Doley'g simple recipe nf "declaring the Hoer war off." It is still expected tbaj there will be a great ( bang- in th. situation on Sep tember 15, when Lord Kitchener's pro clamation go-s into effect, the only ground for such belief being that the government would not be so fatuous as to issue a pr' tarnation without a defi nite scheme in regard to following it up. Oi the other hand the Conservative pap-rs now siak of the likelihood of contiu'-d guerilla warfare throughout the i- ming South African summer while the war office has issue! an order that imperial yeomen "must enlist for one year, or, if the war Icsts longer, for the war." CHINIiSE ORDERED DEPORTED. Twenty-S.x Chlnf'jse H-ld in San Fran c.sco Will He Returned. SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 11 Two im portant decisions from the treasury de partment have been received at the of fice of the inspector In charge of the 'nines- bureau. James R. Lunn. The Pears' Pears' soap is nothing' but soap. Pure soap is as gentle as oil to the living skin. Pears' is the purest and best toilet soap in all the world. All torta of peopl tue It. all sorts of Mores atU it. eipcciaily aruggutu. flr: cf !'.ic!o oax-fr the case of ;6 "ovor limp" I'liim-sc aha an' ( pic-ncn, hcM a: the ,!cton:ion .h -.t f, r b.ulns tvturn--1 after tlie limitation cf their rlsln.ii c rtltlc.ite hit.! i X !il an.l mtriout te. Incwai frvin the consul t the ,vi of .b Tir.iin 1 v'him's? consul g.'ii, r.i! tiNiu.-st.. ; m m mei,- w-hasf. Iploa.l iK their lini-tutct- of the lair. I Tht trviinuty Jcrurtmi-n: rules ili.it , Ihoro is no excuse an.t nler that the ! mon be iler-orteJ. . Th, ru.:!ns ,norni;"i ; 'r,,v,"s J.vwvn that aM ?cns ,.f iViine,. resi- i l'ti; merchants' !t. arc uiulor twenty. oVlC HtY .llrllis.-ilWe i!hi!l til,' iMUll.l.ir- : of the fn-UM State. OENTitAMZINV. K.Vtl.lSOAO TKAKKk' AFFAIR.- j Western Frv;irti: AvUtton Wili lb'ii.lfn I: So-tv .in.l Kmbrjce ! Mtr.y N.-w Koa.ls. '"HK'AilO. S.-1't. 11 It U Itkeiy -lt.it the Western Krvlsh: Ass.vaitlc-n in ill iv crv.itlv extended in juns.ltcti n arJ , M tr Kxeutive tr.ittle manager of '.ill of ttv more important transportation . system vt of Ohloaifo oiforivJ in St. Paul. Burlin(tt n. Of-at Wester". I'nion Pacific, Southern Pacific and Rio Grande, ami the line covering the Northwestern field, the Northwestern, Milwaukee 4 St. Paul. Great Western. Wisconsin Central. Northern Pacific and Great Northern. Over each of these groups would be placed a traffic director reporting to the owners of the various properties In New York. If this plan should be executed all traffic between Chicago and the Pa cific coast and this city and th Gulf of Mexico would be controlled, by the traffic directors and would be entirely divorced from the jurisdiction of the president. PROGP.ESSIVE JAPAN. Merchants Want Bank Established to Faci'Jtate Tra.de With rh!na. WASHINGTON. S-pt. ll.-The stat--deoartment has received from Consul Lyons, at Hioajo, Jan. under date of August 11. a report concerning a r-i- I an bu,ine" m whk-n is significant ! a' ShoW";nfr a very fri1!' f"I:n in !Jalan towarJ Ch'na' I: ' n1 that at '- "f :;" jas-anes-e r 'jmgn l r.i le .ss n im ; ".Sed of le.1 ling mep-haTts of Kobe and i Osaka, a resolution was passed that th Japanese pn-rrnm-n: be memoraliz-l t set apart a port:on of Its Ch:n-- In l-m-inlty fund for the purpose of fa.-illtatinif !c"mnM - !vUI transacti-ns l.-:nen Japan ii was suggst-i ;na: a bar.K for hi- n-e and Japans merchants be er-at.-l, S'j that the people "f th ;,v.i .nurttr.es mieht be brought Into ivir t m-h. 'PKN rx lt IN JAPAN. IX.N'LhiN. .;. ll.-The T- ki .-ham-b-r "f fumm-ree, says a ii-,-'i:. h f-"rn T .kin to th- Tim-s, lias th- Jarianse government 1 ltri-tions ..n th- for-ign l-i nd an 1 foreign mining Jatnn. tr-x ' rem v d '.vn'-r-hip I-rr'..r.s SALvr.IMS ARE INADM.QMATK. ''.insuI-'-nera! Stow.. Talks of Situati"! NEW YORK. S-pt. stwe. ex-conw! g-n-n! States it 'ap- T iwn, h New York and g."-i at i'lgnn. He said 'bat vrr 'iailv given up bis poi ing to the Washington ' ai The Town 11 J lines 1;. of 'ii- I'r t- as a.-riv-l in n. e to Wash n h- hit" '.'fi i on by r- t'ort- lep.it tin-n toll- wlil have something to nay ate'en Her war. I'ntll then, Kw-y -r. h olir.es to t ilk on the subj-, t. Mr. S'.o-ye s-ays that when th- piSition at ''are- Toxn four v ago -h'- tra'l- of tv 1'r.l'e ,-t.. South Afra was W.'KO.Wi. No v. cays, ii is Ji'O.'ion.O'iy. i'.imm. -nt.r.i this connection on th- -maUries--"alary if the oonsul i.-ri-rnl a ' Town Mr. Stowe sai 1: 'Tr. ;hn expin.sion of Arm-rior. : whl'h m-an to '-x-Mid th- fell Amerh-an manufri'-'ur -r'. --.rf- t.in h'tve tn iw- d'f; - to j'i.i. - car "1:" force ): an '.ouitahl- n.r.:i hi! I, 1 .... t 3-1B for NEW Rf'SSIAN TAItlEP. Now Dull' Eff-f tlve at Via Iv 1 -'o k s L-ie l by 'lio-s '.'- t. WASHINGTON. S-pt. ll.-The ,t department re'-e'tv-d a 1 iiM.t,;., fourth In-st'int fr.m c,,r:irri. , c,r.-n at Vla ll v ,.-t s k to i(,. . f; 1 that the n-w ilu'ies ag'iin-t 'h- T'n 'States goods. IrnpiS'-l by -ti- tariff j European Russia hn I li-en r.f r'-"( 'that port. Dutl-H v.i., Jt. 1-v j i erw welg-ht and h- tre.isui-inent : goods. LIEUT. RICHARD P. STRONG. WASHINGTON, S'pt. ll.-LP-u...n. ant Richard P. Strong has be. n or-l-tir-1 to reoort in perso" to Govc-rnor Taft at Manila for duty as dire-tor of the new government biological laboratory at that place. AFFAIRS l COLOMBIA (UMtOAl M.VCIIIAS K! Il KNS FKti.M IIDCAS ll 1. TOKO. Her Presence No Longer KekjiiireJ I here ('onsul's Kcply to Kebcl Manifesto OOl.ON. Colombia. S-pt 1 oiaii.il vest ni The 1'nited S;a;cs kuiiNmi M.i.hias has returned from i:.v:n lei T ':, no devi'.' ni; -its !i.iln .ivurred Ihete .. r.-)ii'.!V her prosotu-e. Th- fi:in ;s :h.. text "f til. com. iminic.itlon dated September . In w.iieh the l':iite. Slates consul r pl: I to the re'.iei m.in.f-sto .1x1 Iressed to the fori irii io:isu!(! In Colon. d.ite, G.mui. Si,.t ni tvr .1. and simM by General IVluo. .i:.'h nit'.m.itiM that P.iti-.. i:i :-:il.-.l to attack Co! ii s'loitly and rsviesliV. that the r.speotive n.uiaiuilities be notitliM ' I acknowlevlg,. receipt of your letter of ivstor,lay and hen-by n'spivt fully n.;ify you thai any interference on your ;arl wtth the fnvi transit of gisls or pAssengi'rs across the Isthuius of Pan ama would be a violation of treaty rlnhts wltn my government a-ul :h,, lat ter, should you attempt .nicti inteifer- emv would a t a. vordlngly. "Obstruction of frv acc ss to the Panama railroad stations in Colon from any d.vk at this port or obstnioilon of the miin s:ne:s leading to the Pan. ama railroad stations or any act on the ivirt of the I'isurgent forces rendering such access dangerous, would be recinl ed as Interference with the above mentioned frev transit," BOT Ml'RDERRRS ARRKSTE1V Denver Police Vnearth a CrinH- Charged to a Quarrel Between IViyj DENVER, Sept. 11. S.me weeks ago Hom-r Reahanl, a 11-year-old boy. was found dead near his home In West Den ver, with a bulHt In his brain. H wan thought to have oeen accidentally shot hv a hunt-r but the police now believe It was a 'ase of murd'r and eight bn have ben urrJsted xi susplcl"ii They are: Sam and Case Gaul, aged 14 and 12 vejrs. respectively; Chester Jhn. agiil M: Ray Poil. ngel 14: Henry. Charl-s and Roy Burne. .Tothrs, ag"-) r-'sf-tlvely IS. 14 and 1! years, and their e u jin ?ierge W. Burne. agd 14 The detec-.'lves b-l!eve Reahanl had ijuarreI-,1 with some of these hoys and that he w-i first stone,J an I then shot They claim to have the evidence "f a boy whoe name they refuse to give on which t 5a.se their thnry. KILLED HT P.IlllH!t H 'l l'jp Men Attack a Bar T-nder I"a lville. Col . With Fatal K-su':s I.EADVILLF. Col.. r.pt. 11 -J ",.h Manshin. bar tender a: iMtl.-r's sal i in Stringiown. three t iles from In.l-viil- was kille) bv Robb-rs at Mid night. Manshine was cloning uii th" -a! "n ahen ;.) masked men .i:'empt-d to gain admission. In the struggle that enue 1 me r b- jt-r drew a revolver and she Mans.'iine ! id Dtrli-r. th- propriety of th la! "n pulled a gun and killed one of -he ! ni-n who ha riot as ye; ! n I en:l- I -! !. HINKSK STITiirNT'S PIiT. I Anth iriti-s Iiisfov-r l-arg- Quantifies . Dynamite Smuggl-d Into Cant "h. 'ANTON. Sept. 11 Owing to th- re. r- that iiiantitlH of dynamite are "g smuggl'-'l overland into Canton. municipal officials ar- adtvi-ly H' htiig domicile. It In le-le0'l that - students. liwipiiint.-l by th,, abo- in of military examination, hav eight dynamite Into the city with tin- ntlon of terrorizing the .inVIn! int 1 "-tablishing the examinatiunH. ARANDONS IN1 SWIM. M Nallv- oiv-s I'i Trip From N-w York to B-Hton liecaus- of A ci l-rit. NEW YORK. Sept. 11. -peter S M -Niily has aban l ined his attempt to - o. m from Host on to New York In '.i.r'y days and has returned to this i:y. says a lton dispatch. M'-Nally -iil the eem-nts were Hgiinst him. hiving smiihed two of his dorl'-s And In"" two of his attendants. FRENCH INCIDENT TRIVIAL. '"lash R-tiyeen G-ndiirrnes an 1 It'-" rv is's Said to Be Without Sognlfl--anr . PARIS, Sept. 11. The sperial (lis. t.ji' lim pubM-tied in Imdon announcing 1 riotous demonstration on the ;,nrt of 1 number of r-wrvlHt.s a- Motitc-au l-s .Mine was evidently groHsly exuifg'-rat- 'I. Th- iiicilent at Morit.-e.-iu l-s Mines, wriu-li was of a trivial natur-. has -bHolutely no bearing on the K-n-r- il spirit of the French army. The affair occurred Sunday evening iii-l pass-d almont unnoticed. Only irir.e PaiLs papers alluded to It. Fol- '.ing ar- the facts In the case: M. Rouvcrle. a Socialist deputy from M .n-ceaii les Mines, obtatncl from the minister of war. General Andre, the re establishment of days of liberty for th" r-s-rvlstg called to the colors for a month's training which leave ha4 been ruppr..-ed by the local authorities. A number of resefVlufg consei'iurntly spent the day at Montceau les Mines and took a train in the evening, majority of the men being Intoxicated to return to lb,' camp at Chain Sur Clone, On .trilling at the lathvu.t siaileii in Mont , ail les Mini's, a neils', shouted to a Cicn.l.ittno alio vi.is on the plutfoim. ' IV'hii with tne G. n.l.tt nii'n'" The H''iil;ii nie a-ked tor Hie man's M l' is and wrote his luinc. Ills comrade "c.ng tins, bewail tonliotit; "Poivnwlth l ie iJi-l.l II nr s," mi 1 abused t tlf l''lue I'll,' la;, or tried to arrest one el the s ldi. rs and foitv of tlftx icneti is: siirioundcd ;h' in and end.aioivd to tilciso tin ii. ci iiik ' l''ii II the re. muioh. " IVian l;:i the gvndai- m an 1 ' Ul' !' anaieh " The - :a ; n master In.'i en d an. I ma. I tin r s-iw.s i.-enler the tralti wliuli llini left an I the incl 'III w ,1s e.l. ace w h r ' cenih It ,l f..- So- M 'I! Iv'c ill 1 s Mil s s the )i :'i ' mtn.'ii; s.iike i-cciirnil le. ,s no; 'i I. his as betim a not .linn and :he mlm i lo n oani; their opinion wh n the dun ih m I.- .ary nil f mi. i nfc- n(o. cited oi Sundiy .-om of !!n m i;..i-'H ;n i. l.ilm I .her sentlniei-ts d'h' in l ien; ha im further sumtk ance Htil.D WITHOUT BONDS. (Cont inue.l from parfe one.) lent McKlnley will uudou'oti'dlv -in-Vive. I -a kii'ici the Naaks," ilni.lti.l Mrs. i'r.ivms The .ante here from t Pacific c as; in January, an I I have i ailed at thcr te'itic a nu iitativ tlm s 1 have anv of :iie fam ly f"r .vieral n Cart-Ol n.d .ecu .la. " P. -spite thus statement. Mrs Painmis li'splayed after a few moments hunt the latest copy of 'Free Sut'tv." the edi torial c'lumiis of which were tilled with glorification of Hresci and his cr.nn , the killing of King Humbert .if Italy. Mrs Parson it.-a Iftistly refused :o par: nith her copy of the pai-T. maiiuiilnlng that it might Ih- :ne ' las: issue." Questioned as to the life of the Kiuk. Mrs. Parsiins expressed much ignorance rIie only knew tl.n: in smite way they manage 1 t i issue the aper They wmv P TSiuis of c "nsl.lei-alile orlgi tall.'y and managed to find irlnt.rs who w.r will ing to get out the shet. She niai" ta.ned that she did not know ,'iow Mrs Parsons declared thut Caolg "sj was undeitiajly a lunatic. "No person of s iun I Intellect." lu sail, "would asi.l:: he had .'' :Ys I ' public W.;h only a few year to occu py the pos.tlon of pr'st lent what g.N.I could c.im,. "f th" .itt-mpte.) a.s.issina. tn'ii. The preiidTit is tin- ihl-f is. .utive through ! imlar ch ii" and in vl-iv "f the l.mited term "f p-wer co" ferrel up 'n him no I'.-r.n of hhiii I Judgtrien: could dream of lnnerlttlng m.ink.nd by a : t in;. ting to bring about i.ls death. It could have ll tile de.il inly of a lunatic. "I havH rn-ver met 'X"lg x was, ! am sure, con.- ted ,n ri i way with th-l-rsn;i ti riil-r arrest in this city. It s :ru-. h 'W-v-r. "ii tl.e fa f these stat 111 tl s i. . u, l vl.-i:e Chle.lK . .m l was .i.-ijua ri te I with the links. Hut :i wis n.t supplied al'li funds by : lii-ni. nor was h- urge,) to do the sho illng by any i-rs.ins c 'iine, t,, wltn the eir -l" in Chicago 'What cul l he game I by the wan ton ih'oting of th- president of the l'n'f-1 States'.' Nothing. It Is the 'rusts a 10:11 the h- i'ls .,f the trusts with ml I n e.v . .urend Tin- " i t soils h n'r '1 "f i'.f - .tr- ,h" oiie.i and ll! uti " inn '. 1 ' ' ' -1 f ti... iffair- wri.-m the I- f.-'u- ni-igl- s of ai: . In.. I Every article s ! life -.tr- b im- t- b-y 'tl I t'l- .e.,, t "I'I-. Si.-h a s al'- of coiit.nu- d .Csh to curclmse f,,r I .ill l-d in it. 1 . an I .1.- :n..i .n p riti. .: .. llv r-. thing I hoti- h .id h 1 iii'o-.i-,. in vain., i. nil rrianipula' . 'ti of price- My due ,., y e on III 11 - th 't.oiiJ ..f i.ipit.il. Rut v.lth it Hi.- pr-M-!'-nt ..f this gran I nation ha- no hitm what- - to d .. Th-refore I say Czoi gosz in ''Ii mad 1 rim-, a. ;-. not as 1 lie 11 it'll! of ay 'trcl.. of org.in.z-d "lie rni.s f Ii.. g iv-rmii. ir. but ilii 'lv 01 n. .'I'.. I iiii.'m!n;i'lot).. Wha: 'tin I say ah 01' 111 v ,'li, Ions th rhe r.-aii'.-i? N ithlng vvluie th- v in ii- i .1 -t'l- ..f th" e;i uiv I do 11 h .. th-v a 1 .1- extra l.t I. Th-v v- . "rrurilrte I no 11 one. It, 11 wiilb y ar .ti -lo- dan-Is ' ii. . hev it, li- band of rh- .-ti.-rn v " RKS' l.T op A CONSPIRACY. 'X IgO'X ''OH f-SHe.s o Ruffilo p llil . the Cans" of A 'tempt-I As.sin.ir ii'. NKW Vi IRK. S-pt. II A s ,, ,, ti- Ho aid from Itiiff.ilo ."ivs: L" in ''Zolt'OSZ il ls eonfi'ii-d lo III-l-olc e t Id' IliS a -t-lll;,- Upon t he l.fi 'f I'r' -i I-n t Mi Klnb-v was Ih. le-'iit if a " ris;iir.'i' y in anleh rnany li. -ld. "ini.'-lf had 11 pint. S i far a -m b-o-iri'. 'l I'gilgong has refused 10 in. iii'.n uny 11 1 in . -x.-it that of Emma Gold man, but papers in-" In exM-ricf whi'h. ,f thei ' in b- 'lis'-oveiC'l. will lay bar- '1 ntlr- conspiracy and will r--.- 11 1 r in a hub s il- tirr-s-s. foiloiv-d by 1.1 11- lions. Aliiioilgh Eriiiiia Gul I111111 no b n urest'-il in Cliic.-igo. il is probable thai -li- will be brought to Riiff ibi for trial. Trie ren;-r of th- connoli m y fs her.. Riiff.ilo i.- filled llorally to oyrrflo'.ilr.g v.ith ag-n's of Ih- secret s'-rvl'---. A s -nr'-h Is b'drig hold- of every sew. r that underlies iho city, for It is known that in o f them Is a package of pa- r"-r containing the ib-taHn of the r,,n. splrary and the nam" of thou- con-(-rn-d with '.'zolgosz In the plot, to-geth'-r with an outline of It rnmlfl'-a. tlons. In his confession, Czolgo.sz told of hit attempt to destroy, tne written evidence of th conspiracy. Ho xald that they ('hi not permit him to burn the papers os he had desired. Ref,,re eavng iMiiin In N nak' liot'l he gather.' I to. ltet,i,-i' all ,if hl p.liSr. 1 .1 k I ' tllMll from nU picket, and troni h! vail1 and fiMin the draweii of !i.. iuhl" AM iero hound together in Mi' i. k:il , which he cncela.il I'miei'.li hi eo.i: I'aolgxss sas that he male a circuit. oils iind almlesM t-lp about the ill' and that ai some p.i.iu. which he e.iti i.oi now describe, h.. came iimii an iipeti . r' Into this see er h cast al pa llets 111. h by inch the s w el s ,if ;he iitv .ir- li.''"n si'ireli l an. I I', such a Jlllli; Is I'Millile thiine jiatu r w :ll be I i a n ei ( On .ciili ti:i a,' i r .ill i an be .;i I that lining the lav leu weeks I'Mim i tie! In in his lilted sit atmivh iv n u inia:i 'iis. Si" ha., lie. u ,n Uuf fee : -it e limes s.n. Juli M lul lint '.ft -h .Ii Cie l.ii t'me f uir las 'h-. Iiiif Hi,, ai ituplnl a.si.-l'iat on Mm- I ma i ! 1 liuao. C..:g s an. I I 'd Mill' s aak re 1 i i ' il. x i hi I w o 'n aluim i c.insal. I aak I t'.o'n M ir'e man .1 let I''!. I'.iirrc. o nous act'''! .IM-UIIK :u.i i.l. .us l-Ulk .1 . iiurr.ii ini, Muted Itaiiua iol . the la.-: I one . tic arch ( ttie inirchi.i Cuolkto; w as a an I about the w i. bet c 'ini an. ed to 1 1 In a titts- 'h 'inlan man an I woman w M i suipb bnisiv Ion !hnt th. to warrant kliea ,.f tV a.s.1 -evil. lie tint'oii .f C,.g.i-t : i'i e.tdenl W II MAT C;Ol' IS lN.'.rit San Mi in M m H .ai' I fi I' -.ale Al'i't la s mi: vNi'is ' s :. a' I f t:.l h s .ll t i ! 1' it 'l.-'tl 'l c li.ll; fa t t h it the w 'i .C . '' daniier of I'.'i't : llietit. I '. .I'l-e of !'... hat an lab t ' in; i " won! I ti- l.rtt'le t . v .... tlinate that the 1 . al tie w nil I .im mi ". ' ' l he.lt IS II. it W al'et'. rains 11 Th :.iie 1 a ineni n tal : i: I -ti to the w a i i p s ' lie . I- i ,. 'it t'Cocf i s Ii m lil'tg ; 1 1 a a j IIAKIIHK Sll'il' I'CM'.l.lSHl 1 Negri Wh II. a I'lac, K.-fu I to J 1 Win k -1 ! ' l'n!"n II. n I In i.iml.e ' - . It A. ' '. J I'm T i.-r i 11 b iw ti no ' I I ' V ' it . ks 1 ' t ti.- r- aui" . d'h Tvier . . w - ki a- Ti! r - l-s . r th.- ; citrppi.K citur.K. ml I.n.ght the liirb-r 1 "ii South Tin' I 1" oy dynamite Mr. in c a . r- placed iind'-r !. bull ling a' ih- ;'!, was .;.-'p:'i l't. - th" hinldlng and e . .. af I W 11 I .a . .n -tr. t ( ,r ,!, k. w Ti : r.-f as. a ti 'ifi r.i I'lloWNKI' IlilM'S Mi. IT s:i'li' -m r M" 1:1 I K 1 - IIMRI.IN Sept 11 and ei. 01 l n 1. 11: 1 r gnu 11 Hi., ne and kais. r fu: th- r 1 p'i-U I -'is bet w "e:i t i. iruaian'ee .f tii- , I- a. f th- w .,: 1 , 0 1 1 1 1 1 11 inn ei-iv 1 . i .ir '. tl I v s in I .1 .' th- H'i !,'' iTr-'l l:ii:i: MMIIT SAN MR VN' I :. th I. 1 tw-ity 1 i.r la; i'. r 1" I- 1 ' ni Hi fr 'in N in.: h .' !l tt: - ' ' ti 1. ar- li ". h ; , an. Is I t-irv NI' IP 'I, AS AMi il.l.l M 1 1 1 ; I - . l- g ie : P-ror Wl a .11 li-r I'MI-s , I 11,111 N . II I I III- p-I f-ct . I'li'lg ll -I Itl- an la-r S" in- taut uaw ti'. 1 Today II .'. le -I ud man all I Ra- Man t fua.ti, a .',- Ill ,1 iinl tut 11 'ell ll Catarrh lias I., rutin- '.m 11 a common disuse that a pejv.ti rntnrly fire from linn disgusting- colli;. 1 m.t 1 , Wltll. It 1 . ( ii'.tKtn 1: t , - p. .1 as nol!uiif Ai te -'.tl.,;., t:.c a t-itnpl ijjitniii.tliun (.1 t! tlirna'. lt,f i 1 fed. a '..tti! very (lantn-r o'l nis-- c ; ; i.. Very -.non I e, ,,m(-i . , loom met ' l Catarrh 1 lid cold, noe ami nnpiii.iii-il nnil l ' t ut first, it ii'.itnuiatnl liy j '.no,' tliroupji I lie lam. I I , (;;ii, i.e. ( th't iil si-i rctloi.s, and 'I the j;(-netal in ul.i'n n parts i.f il.e r jsirm. 1-. arrii 'l Id nil r.c 'i ure unialiiv I .ri'liu.,c thvv r tr-mble. S S. S. e.'l 1 I the poj.aill ' s'l-iu a.l tatar ( en , 1 hnroui;aly halves, n ashn .-mil faclnry tiinl ilea) uttHi tint rc.K ii to'-'-' . ' 1 does, it eh 1:. .1 ... 1 nii'l ( i. 111111. iti , In, in 1 rli.il h-( ri-timis, ninl 1 lo and pcrmancii'ly ti,' v. Mr T. A WOliniir a I- Cll.'Olt u S.til'.ii,l,iiiK s ( 1 llild a M- rre i :i-r of riHSiil ( ' .1 1 .- 1 rh won a 1 1 t ft- (tisHKri-eMlnr rllri , , Vll. II l.eloiig lo C ll.it dlSS'H- 11 II if l I r' I, timk" hie painful 11 ul Mieii'lut. I.I-. I 11 . r .) t'l1n lues pirv . I , IrH'llll J.il. i ,.,,1 , ;i(, I anyif- l-l l.v 11111.1'.. , , of f i le nil. I hi I v in, 1, 1 It sula liter I nr yari fllnilt any 1 - 1 I tlli-ll t egri tl Ii, la,. 1, S It ',.,'1 in- ,,,0 effect, mid .nut i- '-'vv w-v ry, IT taking rliti-m ' -'. i J " lsiltlr la IIIV(..liilici S S S 1 the only itirill- rin- ii'.w 111 useth,.t w.'l II-, 1 a i---1 ma zicnt cure 01 Catarrh." . I (P pSi (Jfk ' l!T "'!y p-'-iy veK- .SfV l;l,,,v 'i. and tlir KreHt- MllMieOS1 "' l'l"od medl- till. , ;.,nl tomn. If you lia- e Caliirili don t wait until it lieromes (lcp-weale,l ami chronic, but tie pin atomte the use of fi. S. S., and tend lor our book on Illood and Skin Iiisrasei nd write our pliyMcinns aUut yourraae. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., AriANM, 0." CIIrlllS Ci'1,i;,Im Ct IN VI iTS HMCAPi:. I'vei'imwei' War leu at Cuiioii City Pris on and Get A way to the Mountain" c NiN CI TV. CI , Sept. Thiee coin lot at the al.ne penltiiitlnrv, lid Cailnem. sent up for minder. Frank ll.lirl", for ti'illlllg beef c.ltlle, mi.t i K. Ried. serving llnte for luceny, n. cape. fiMin the I'eiilleiit iry lanch two mile from the prison. They overpowered i ei'.iccr King and iak'.ttg In iiii'bliii' and i c nlv -r, and tak'ng h irse, from h,. tahle. tarlr, f or the iii.iutii.iins. , hug,, i.,., i, f , -I wing with bl .slliotindi The men my . x.s'cted to tlgtil If oei taken. JMVVNMSIl I SI1S ULVnl.VMIt KKIlSNii Cal . S-pl 11 A Japanese i iun I lanlcugiinl was sit u mi l In .taiitlv kiiiel bv iiiinttier .apaiiese cur ly '.ltl mm mug Th " murl' ier Med and wis puisu vy iioi,v ,it,-,rs The fuglll.' turned and shot omcei Me. Smiin twice. intHctlng painful wounds N -is'in lli -u tired and wounded lln- Jap in -s... w, , W4 f need to mi riend. r I'UMWIIU WINS AGAIN SAN 1'IMGi i. Cal. S-tit tl In the 'ii - in tl ih.imi'l nistito swimming inc ! .'tw.-eti llowail ).' Ilivwer nf San Mianeis,-,! and Wit m, K Kyle of this t I It ewer win In .'" inlnii'e a"d '.' I 'i e, in.s In .iktig the Ainernnii Vtiuteur ri'.'.'t.l ..f I which was in i I. bv ottn ah ale at the Pan Ani'-t-ii in xii.'Sltl ui oit Jnlv y NKW I 'I'M A It I'M MN T T M oM C S N Mh "'I.,, i'X I it VN' II atst 'ISO 1 'l't 11 Mr. pi) all has agreed t 1 I a I 'i' 11 in. lit f 011- !lll".o r .rni.1. "v lit Hie I'll e.lty of ' a '. I -which Will be devoid eipe. laity u ly of Indians ,.f th.- Pa Irtc Th'- c .a; will h- aUni: $.'.n isst u ! '.. th.. j c ci.: v-ar I TAMI'I.'o ItMTI'UNS j SAN I'KAN-'I.-'t'o. S -ft 11 Tbe I steamship T.impu '. wti;ch sailed on 'S.nur liy f n Seattle, has relumed t" p 'r: f .r 1 I litl 'tial tiallant ItASMllAI.L SCnni:.u SliiKAN'll if-kan . 4 SM VITI.K. S - 11 - por'lan 1. t 1 1 -Tie 111a. V S at- WHEAT MA It KIT SAN PltANi'lS 'o. Sept. 11 einb -r. I'V ''III'Ali'l. Sep! 11 -Wheat W le ii r. npi-iie.1, ;i, . l .s. d. ;.ii4. l'"RTI.ANI. Sept It - Wile It Watla. ...'. hlueslern. .'aj T.V'oM Sift 11 -Whc.it. bin V.'j. 1 Iun. ill, Walla Gcnesscc Fruit ABSOLUTELY PURR CIDER VINEGAR. . . j l'OUrMIlil A. I. I7IO 'SUN INSURANCE OFFICE I K I.I INI X IN THI. OLIi:sT I'l'H I "l-V 11 KI. Ol l lt I. IN . WOKI.I). Caali Aaairta, . il.mi,iai l.sli Aaaala In Pulled Htaita. a.r.in.g )A C- A. HENRY & CO., GENERAL AGENTS. '.'I.) Sansonic Street, - - Snn I'mmlsco. Cal. HE Of New ZcnUuu VV. P. THOMAS, MXr San Francisco. ijiNLIMITIvI) LIABILITY OK SHARIvIIOLDIvRS NiiHenlMd ( ii,ita, .... f),(l()(),()0() I'liid-iiji ('ujiital, AhmcLh, A.-f.ict-s in lTiiiltt(l StntcH, SurjiliiH to I'dlit-y Hnlili-rs, ffim l.ci-ii IJnili-rwritiiiK on tin- I'acilic Cdimt ovi-i 'twenty-two yenrs. PACIFIC COAST COMPANY COAL For Steamer, Commercial and Family Use Orders Promptly Executed . . DOCK FOOT OF SEVENTH ST Samuel Elmore & Co., Agts. NOTlCfJ H Pt'llhlCATION. United (tlule Uunt Oltlee, July 'J. I'JtH. CregMit fit y, Or. Notice I hereby given Dial In compll niic Willi the prni miiiiia nf th act of t.Vniriv: of June 3. llt.'M, rutlllnd, "An net for III ale of timber lamia III lilt Sile of Calirornli, iirnoii, Nevada, and Vhlngtoi Ti'irltoiy." iui rxleiid is' to till thB public Mn I mull' ly not of August 4, I Mil, Win. II. iipi'liii. of Alortil. Couiiiy of ClniMip, Hul "f Oregon, lias (hi tlay fll.il In tins ultlus III sworn wlatfitu'iit No, Hit, f r Hit innclmse of th oiilhrat 14 of sn'llon Ni. ii:i. Ill Tp. No. It.1 N., iUiiigf Nu. it'l W. and will offer proof 1.1 h Ihat I K.i Ian,) 'Mil Ii l I mom ysluabln for Its tluilwr or lone I Inn fur sgrlculturnol purpoir. and tu oatitliliah hi 1 Ullll to ild land hrfoiii th Heglatsr slid It". culver of Ihla olTlee lit uregon City Thuraxliiy lb 3d day nf tciutinr, lH. II nallim a wlturase: Geo. Mel'ar Isiid. of Olnry. luvgnii: August A'lo'l'b. of Gluey, Oregon. Jams Hurk. of Hi Ide. Oregm, and TlmuiM llldwall, of AaiorlA, oicsn. Any and all pnr'i claiming .vn ly th ahov deorlliil land art re. ipiMia.l to ni tlielr claim In thli unlet CIIAS 11. Mooitl'W. lrtMtr. on or bf or id Id day nf (k tobnr. INI, NOTICK or final ACth'l'ST Nolie,, la hereby given that the undersign.-,! baa tiled Ills (1ll.ll ttiollnl as i. Mlllllalril T of tile estate of P W Cnn- iiian, decraaed. In the C.iuniy Cutirt of t he State of 1 ir.'gon fur 1 Ul 'P 'oiint , and Hie aanie baa lneti lri f.i.- bearing lief 're audi court .01 Saluivla. th,. Itnh day ..? o. toli.-r l.i. at t tic- hour of ten "'clock In the fon-ti'i-si Pa id tl a ilh day of SeptmnliT 1 '! C W Ml I. TON NoTICK Mt Pl IU.ICATIoN Mill e, Slat.-a lllld Ottlcr. or.g 1, City im . Aug 1, l'd Notice I, lii-reb) given lliat 111 com- pll nice MoU ih,. pr.nl.loua of the a. l ..f Coivgr.-as of JuiiP 3 l.0i, rti'ttle I. "An e.-t f 'r the an e if tlmlier Ian do la the Htitea of Calif. iriila, Oregon. Nevada and Wa hlngi -ti 1rrl'.ry." as ej en l id t all Ih.- Public IaihI State, by act "f August 4. ivj. XI, Umra H Me I'ormUk. "f Wise. p. o. I'ouiity of I'lataop, Stale of Oregon, has Una day tiled In tbls nine her awrorn atalemriit No f.:.o r.if the l ureliaa of r s M ' of ( tl ni .No 't in lownahlp N ' N. range No. .1 West, aid will offer pr- f ! ah"W that !hc land anight la in. ire valuable for limber or Mfin than f "r agrii ultiira! purpaw. and t ealaU l ab her claim to al. lan I ! foru the Reif iter and Receiver of till . ttlce at Oregon ipv Oregon, ,u Thuralay. tit's -1st dal of N lyemlier, ltl She iatuM tt w tnrae (l-orge M. Parljtid ,.f oney, i'lataop county. O'-r-g m. iust A loiph, nf olney. Clals.p Mini v. Ot,.g..n ut to Johansoii f Wis', Cia-.p county oregm. Wll l am A J huaon. i.f WUie. Clatsop e ninty Or g 01 Any an I all p"r nu eialmlng adveiar iy Hie aboye-de rllir l landa r- re. I'i' a--. o rile Heir claim In thla oft1.i ni or lief 're a!d :it day of N-ivmnlx-r, IX I. CHAS l Mtx.RKS. It. glat.-r DYSPEPTICIDE Tht ortatttt aU (0 DIGESTION. Company FISHBR BROS. IXSURAN'CE COl. 1, 000,000 .".1)0,000 1,71H,7!)2 TELEPHONE M4IN 661 1