The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, September 12, 1901, Image 2

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Tin: mokx.xc, astokia.n. Thursday, 12, imm.
; v
1 1
Telephone Main (61.
terms or subscription.
Bent by mill, per year
8ent by mail, per month
8rred by carrier, per month...
. .60
Sent by mail, per year, In advance,
All communications Intended for pub-
lloatlon should be directed to "Editor
Astorlsn." Rusws cr-mmunicauons
of all kinds and romiita.ves must b.
ddressej to "The Asiorian Publish-
Ing Co."
The Astor an puarantefs to l: aJer-
... ,
nearer on the Columbia
Advertising; ratea can be ha 1 on !P-
tiUcatlon to the business maracer.
Thetv H food for muoh tetleot o.i In
.he published statement that two iarg -
lumber whners. eioh wl.h a oarrv-, u'-fa r-sv attd the v.nmi that se-ie I i
Ing capacity of SOOaVO feet, ar- now .to o-x 'rom tvtw.eti l: :ito s
lig built in Portland .shipyards f r ai Jt': b-f.'f our itohlo pri.lont was
Tillamook concern. Nothing ooul.i more '
rlainlv demonstrate the fact that there
" u , . .ve -nlM n. o-wenvise Th' ww1
la a market for al umber tha can N nt i ui.t not iv ,..epu. l n.s was,
, v i i v
transrHrted from the forest to the f.u- ,' n 1 ' i
lories. If ever a locality exl.ned that,"" i Pr'," m'lKv :ln 1 x'v- j
had to overcome ohstaeles of the ' '""r dltian- would !e j
nerloua nor: to market the rwouree of
the country tna: scuon is ;
Tillamook county and the territory ad.
. I
Jacent. The cvmmon point is a dead Is-
ue with the residents and business me-i
.Of Tfflatnook. because their railroads are
ys: on paper and exist only in the
minds of promoters. Its harbor Is by
no mans the K'S". on the Pacirt.- ciast.
although with the Improvement plan-
ne.1 It will be made better eaoh year.
But the resource, that In demand In
the markets of th- world ar? there and
.rn:in. itln ire
doing their level best to get '-hdr pr
ducts to the buyers. Astoria neeAs to
be jarred. It needs to be Jolted until
its clt'.reis will be awakened to the ne
cessity for doing things. Everyllme Mr
Hammond comes to the citv lone con- I
ferences are "held between the railroad
magnate and committees from our com
mercial bodies. Plans for million-dollar '
,.,. .1.1, ii.
iii.u.ii.9.Uj ,Uv,,.sS
cussed and then Mr. Hammond invests
. ...
hU money in California. If the pnper
pirit was manifested by Astorians he .
would undouhte-ily Pr to .nves, a
porthn of his capita! hire. He has In- J
" I
teres:? direc'.ly and Indirectly tha: will ,
k ,-..K. .i,t in v,i..h the '
citv move forwar). But he has no
!Jea of spending th? remaind r ..f Ills .
days feeding us Mllln's Food out
ery J 'nt acne I an. I -v. ry r.-rv- a us
a bottle. He has other plans f t a ; ra-k-J with pain." wr!:-s C. W. !; 1
busv and successful lifetime than ban I- j '""' a 1 : .mo ive f.r-mm. ,.' liur- n. I ma. "I was ueik a". 1 ;...-.
ling an infant's spo-m and hanllng "tit ; With u: any app-tlte anl j.l ran n.
teeth'iig rings M crying children. The 1 .y l it;; aoout t , give up. I g : a t- t-
, tie of L'.e.-r.o R tt-rs anl af'-r -aking
very' fact that Mr. Hamm .md is in- it. I fei- as w -l; as I .-ver .li l ;a my
, ., 'l:f'." Weak, siek'v. run ..n & e
vestmg to larg-ly m other - always gar n-w strength ..h i v'g.
I-ivei that S'me-.hing is la.king. Anl .or fr m th- us . T.'v the.-n. Si ifi -.,
. , " 1 t: n g-iiarjn'e-l by Hir'.'s Drug .- r-.
that one thing U If a mov- i pr r ce:,.,
men.. Is started to ereo: a fac;..ry or to j
Mules hav. b-. n Inf r -!u - I ,t.t 'Iv
Btart a new industry the ta-k hamm-r ; ..-,v y ,r; 40.1. will . ;tus. n. 1 h
brigade b-glns i , play the anvil chorus. ' 1; ;'UFV 'tn l M
l-Tikeys who ar.. . hirt r rr.-rn. r.s f
and b'-fore the plan has time m ma- ;he ..rd r.
ture anl bring forth frait it is kill-I. i
Therein li--? :h? secr-t. 1: a man pre-
P"? launch an enterjinse thai wi.l
bring more ;.ei.pi- :.i th- city or w ill
... . ,
add to the amoun: of m'-.n-y '-ireulat-'d
ar.d W ad of n ouragem -nt'.sih t
rovers-. i? i-n't askel: "Waal will be
the capacity and how much will the
pay roll amoun: to?" Hslsm apt to
hear th." plaint: "What if it sh ;uid burn
down'" or "Suppose the manag-r shou! j
... .. . , ,., ...
run away vc,:h the funds? C.vtc -n-
terpnse. Kosh: If the p-nnilesa and
uisneatiene! citn-.-i. ot ' nioago 111 mi -,e b-nefit. Finally I tried Fol-y's K:d
that way after th growing weistern me- ' n"y Cure an l a one dollar bottle cur j
tropolis hal been laid waste by the great j
fire, wh-re a ci'y of m.llions now stands i Ha-l Funston l--n a r-al trat-?.,t
1 he w-njH have 'apiur-1 th- vrivat
threatening to rival New York andj-h- Filipino army. Th-n :h- g--.eril.s.
London for worid-supr-macy. there living no on- to romman.) must have
woull be cattle ranches and farms, ed.
Ohk-agj cltlztns were of a stamp that
makes history anl ipbjilds cities. They
wen: to work to erect a bigger and h-:-
ter city than was the one destroyed and
have sue ."red;! because of a ijet-rmln-
.- . r.
at. on and olu-k that brings results. If
some kin 1-heart s cow would kl.k ovr
a lamp In Astoria it memory would
!j saint -d, and a loving public woul 1
Immartalize It In gfiiden effigy. In Ta
lorna recently seven new wood-working
,.,1.1 , - . . y . 1. 1 1 ,.l,r'' 1 cure your p.l-s, your in nr-v
' -'."' .......... ... 1
daily press within a week. Think of
!'., one new factory for each day of the
wt -k. Ev rett is making strides that
lius attracte-I the atteniion of the entire
Pa. id... coast. From a hamlet of com
paratively obscurity it Is growing to
Ik' a hustling city that with Seattle and
Tacomji will form the three great cities
of Puget sound und of the Northwest.
Atorian with money to Invest are
watching Its progress and many are
more than half-Inclined to cast In their
future with the Sound city. Ssime such
exodus .win l ;h. logic; Vul; of
ountiniiod liuiv't.vlty lurv. Something
mut le done and there v never a
lRler time to au than now. If we
plae? our trust In fruldess conferooos
helueon nii'didiaivs and ol:',i'n.' com-
ii;tis we may as well imii..'I met
i It y to i tie worms or J csy, s.nd ivis tt
.1 sloop that il! m.ko ;h. h.spiic
aohtovenvnt of K'.p Van Winkle l.vk
, .iko the rrovrb'.l and of .-nio',, d ,!u ;
: T
.M'.tna 1.,-dior.
IV 'Xih'y :h; r - ; n . :! ,-r ip r
,i:tv s; :it tin; : atui
i: M K :-.'.i v has rv.i.-Vd :h,
I f P: '!
. .
.ie ths roadi.v un kt and mti.'h nj 'v-
V 'M.. i-.r-m:. . -. T,is sV ,
h.i had n. doflrit vw r t. hann. lui-
.otlM a.-r
lily tlut
.el of tr.
i the tin
-1 -. i s : os ;
-r of the other
w.:l lv .r.i:' :
'oonvoy u. n ::i sira.l
,'..,. I: r
minlf st
its If of .ff.vtlven -s- bv
't diwn the Oaron'.cle .:.! of him ,
'tha: he was unju ati 1 unfair ai! that
P-iJ utuiotloed: linked w th It. oun-e. .
i ,i .
torn..: to k.U Mr. M.Mnby has ,et,t ,
temp: to k.U Mr. MiKinhv has :e:it :
k,.l, ...... I ...... I. V
"-'. ..': "o. .m- i"u.i.i-t i'w.j
toward him. the wr!s sta id "it in
fecullar ugliness. They will b- rem
What th Chronicle
the ao! of CiOgsi
lay have said -ff
r.-: .'f re.'or!
; nerv. It may b h-poi :ra: .-urtvl
f ednes suiiioienty .. r.fra.n fr. m
j congratulating the mian: with
f'r the Chronicle :j
t-n.n. .. -v.. . .9
repei:. at Ion.: to ".he
i .i ni i , riT, i
itncir.g a sense of sh.nv. an etnoti'Xi it j
!,.-,..ii rt.i i i .
i " 'ui i irii.i n. n.i'i ii , -i a.i'i :ie .1
jmiht ''levA:in'
"r ""!J cough nearly ail nigh; long.'
I write, Mrs. Cnas. Applegute. of Alex-;
amira. Ini.. "and could hardly g-i any I
sleep. I had consumption so bad that
if I walked a block I would cough :
frigb'fully an 1 spit blood, but. when
ail other medicines falle-l. three Jits'
titles of Pr. King's Ne.v Ii.scoven'
wholly cured me and I (rainel ii
pounds.'' It's absduti-lv guarant-t-l :o
cure Coughs. Colds. La C.rtppe. Rr.-
"- a.i anra: ana L,ung trou-
,V,e rV. a: Wrt', Drtg ,we.'
A mi.kman was p.(b.-l th
ther day. I
but strange
h-' burglar : --k his
m - mey itisoad of s'aiir.g the him 1
ley itis;
,- urn p.
to ,
"I etu k to my e.-g.n. al hiugh ev
F'!'. I'NKCM'.NIA.
Dr. J. f. Bish- p. At'neA-. Mi'.h.. savs:
,.r hiyu u.j p,,i..v.rf H..,,,.-.v ari., T,r
in :hr- vry wr ..f pi.'-jm..'i a
wi'h K if..j results In -v--rv . a-." It-
wlr.. r,f sU,a;::ut.-.s. HART'S V.V;
ST' 'RE.
Af;-r li-.king iv-r the v-nts ..f
T'A'' m-m-h. ..a- 's lm- s- f-r 1
to ::i'- '.;ne;u-i"n 'rut ' .-rv-ra 1
frm th- bittl.. -f Santiago wl:i ; s
triui.l- than any
c itiinun I-rs.
Frank Treadw-il, Iiennef, la, was
, wb kl,:y :w,
years, rii. 1 h.i'i takn a-v-ral
kinds of kidney r-m-die, lir with '1.
I C"I, III'. J OS " J-T UJ ,11 I . IS I . , 1 1 I '
Chapped haids, r racked lifS and
roughness of the skin rur-d quickly try
lianner halve, tn- nrst h-aling r.ut.
mn. ,n .h, w.,rl i jiAI1T .s
v, lb
r;-.nni Pp...i c.r.n. ...- .v.-..
Fi'ln'r. , fnl t.r n aa l,,,a i.
j r i j h iu.i or .un and h.i a k- en
is - ris - ,,f hum'.r. This stat-in -r,' !
; pr jmp-s ih- ','til.ngi ''hij.Ml.l- i
sugg-st 'hat th- -xriiii-ite iJrn - ,,f v.l
.ivii r, M .. i.ii"!
list on film th-ri.
wii, b r-turn-1. I. is the mo-- h
m-rllcine, HART'S IRiv; HTOI'J-: '
l ' ' " . i
nijACl JC rTrls
rrVAlLsLrf S JvJt
Telephony 231.
All goods shipped to our Car
Will Jtecelv- Special Attention.
No. E38 Duane St., W. J. COOK, Mgr.
Aitorla, Ore. Ken, Tel. 1131.
never failing cure for on:, burn,
s.-alds, uli-rrst wounds and soivs l. IV
Wit:' Witch tinsel Salvo. A m out
sooth n and hctLhy remedy ior -l!
sk.n .iffvluis. Avve,t onl ihe geim
H'.e. i ll AS. KiHiKUS, Drugs. si.
About this time next year the Sham-
rock lit. will be making trUI svms mi
t.v :! of Now York hai w.i. j
. v. I'm,!!, Kimcr-a 'Ho, Pa , .
he wftored :S years with nd oou.d
v'ount-rf. i.!" a iv wor. ;!-.. ril.VS
I iroiii.m i is aii to ! ;'i"ni':iii!
I Kti-U a , li.vk. ill i: 1 1:
,.'iir,: :h.i: is .'i-- I'-i-m
.a. t tVUtrht "f v'lvinw Era m.'
S I Iiar'.'vtf, 10'.: H,i :ie :. V ". '
I llur'n. M oh., iv i ,t s - h :i-., d
' T.rtv l.s a:.. la ftvo. 'or l W tt
l.tttu- r. ir.y K.s-'s .i:, f ir :h , )!.!
I ti.iv .-v.- ti-ol." Tl'o v n-.r nv o
rii s k'i;::i:s. pnut .:
, i
in st
; i : t h
, .. U;; -:,;.i;n-
; P. lal'y after f- v.i-a!
of ooiimi
O n't wa! n"t ! y ",i tv 'in , !Mi ,
, ally r ii -tl..i:. .l but tak - 1 W I s I. it
It:,. EarN- l' now ml ::ion Ti y
I wi.l k i v ur I Vt-r i d b .. .:: .M
' rl r 'I''- -'f-- I ''"- l'AS
Th 're aro pl.-ntv ( oyt-rs thm y- ir.
v 'rliiic ;o ; i,s repor.s, tun t v
';'.;. al won't b !eo it until li tt'-es
t s.o'to i liuii'h -.1 ; r.a.niu n: and tin 1-
;w , .,, h(s
T" , ...
- , V V ' -l! ' 7 " '
- j k ,,, , ,.!:, y years for ahu.i
h'l' on- Wv f a,, Mm.-. ,,,-,,
ihtre dl I me more s i.l than any ih.n
:v dur;a :h.t: it,-; rough
' OHA KiXiEKS. ltugist.
A Pe M . tries lu.lir-- has ,l ', :,le, thai
'young i'i'le iuav '.ay at
ning wh. may ., ay at .. mim" .it
,;!.. public parks without b.-ing
lang'T of getting tut' the S 'Uti wh
ge. ng . s..,,;, wn.n
---v. - J
N -rrls Silver. North r!. N 11
. rarenase,. a ojiue o, ,-t.e .unu.e
ouch (tire when suffering wrth a
eonS il.v.irs 1,11 m. u-m -t,o I. - , 10 ,.
!'e I'ottle r'l eved m, the so md and
'thirl almost our.'d. To lay I am a w-il
Ill in. I. HAS. KlHil-.liM. IMUgg -t
I trie ew i.Tk courts ar, g .. tig t.
: ho very s-'vere with the, iti- n .-f
j.ha, citv .,,. f ;.w .utu.iilv
. ,,f ' r' " fr
' :
.1 atlv nrivn i-iini nr.. n..w nresi-r 'enir
. . i -
K i 'l I'vS'vetwi'a Cure i"Ku!tt-lv h ivng
f,,un,i thA, t i, t.e: presortptt-'h
thev can writ because It is the on-'
1 ;T',erait "i ivni.'n oon'.nns in,. eO'iii 'Mi. i
I r 'I'-'ss.iry to d:ges; n t o Iv s-uiie k.'t.l
; of food but all kn l and it th-T-f'r.
1 cures i'd g"stlnn and dyspepsia n
t what its caue. CHAS IimJEItS.
, lruggut
,,, h. a ,,. ,,,, ,f , .,,
as to who will golilil- u; the
earth and the fullness th-r- if lii-
zar of J. Plerpont Murgan
org. W. Lane, Pewamo, Mich.
Tour Kodol Dyspepsia ure Is
.h'.;' ,,t rmiy for indiges ioti an I
.mni-h tmuh!.. that I ev ns d
pr vear i suffer? from !isp;.psU. at
. m.., cmpvi.nB m to stay tn Ik-.I a" I
T;?rt iW', .
In r-r -mtnen line i; t fri-n Is wh . suf-
... ., n.!!i...-l,,n T atw.vs ,,T..p to
if ., fv. Thus ir I hn-
T pal I." CHAS. I'.'W.KUS. I irug-
' Th- natives ..f Alimka ar
I" liking again. Il-r- s,-ems
t N.i-.on's 1 nan - .!' .-urs.
; m 1 t"r about th- Indians.
V,o sh.nill kn, iv thl- F n.-v's II n-v
and Tir is abs.dut.dv the 1,-s: f.r all .
V- as s ,.f -h. thr .it anl lung
Il Ml- '
e-s ar- auth r z-d ;o kii .rant" it
.-v. sitlsfa. tlo. IIAP.T., Pill
T : reun! .11 ? -he
h 1 1.0 'v r
v. as ': -I
!'- 1; a k. N J.. 1 i.s ' -k
tTi'.r-. than a 1 ! if tir.
Stn.ths wr.. pr.-s-nt.
V Jii ks.m. Dinv.l ". III. wr"es: j
."Mr -laught-r ha I a s..v.-r.. afak "f
la gr.fD anl a t-rr.lle tough ser l-l :
, h-r lungs. We trie I a kpm? many :
' 'rr-tles wl;h "U; glvnig r-ll-f. Sli1
;- - l F.iey's H-.n -y and Tir whl-h
I'.-d hr. ?h" has nAver b. -n tnoioi.-.l
'.el-h a ough since " HART'S IiRC'i .
1 STORE. 1
I . IS .ll'l l.'i'il in - a tn -::uo . -
an r.ussia t'tg-.n-r wi.l niv- nin-tv-
x submarin- boats. Th-r- miv
,111 about '.hat flm- In 1'lur !--im
; -liths-also in Eurip-an ll--:.s.
La Grippe coughs oft-n rontlnue f-,r!:n'" ' -v' ;"" "
rn 1 ti t ri s and some'.imes l-aI t i fatal r- 1
'il' after the patient Ls supp t-
hi'.-. piei m 'iang-r pon.. fn-y
H si-y and Tar afforls p.I'lve ,
n ?nl seeur.ty inun m-se c-.uicii.
ii-wey s loom is s-ai-i.
n- pr-rsi'iency 111 llin ituu ii. 1,.1.
- art-d by a lot n young women. If
.l . 1..... I. I,!.. ,...V.aI. V. n. .u.n
Mrs. . hears of that s"j-w-w!
Th-re's no rest for those tireless, lit-ti-
workers Dr. King's New Uf I'lll".
Millions are always busy curing Torpid
I ver, Jaundice, Biliousness, F-ver and
Ague. They banish Sick Headache,
drive ou: malaria. Never gripe or
A-ak-n. Small, tas: nice, work won
ders. Try them; 25 cen-s at Hart's
lrug Store.
Professor TrlggH SVB he expected to
- railed an ass. This Indjoafts that
Prig ui is nrt such a stupid a.-H, iiff-r
I'- vvyanrty, rs'i.'s ,, y.. i.."".
had a severe ease of kidney disease
nnd three of the best physicians In
Sojfh-rn Kentucky treated me without
n'r-rs. 1 was Induced to try Foley's
Kidney Cur". The Mrs; bottle gave irn-m-liate
rell"f and three bottles cured
.nr. r...rmnr-ntliJ' T L'lmllxr re,.rTnrnend
wonderful remeoy lage no sun-
Tint Florida man who made his
Ibr.'d - a present of USMM) Is not
k-iv to becme thp .author or
popular fad.
"I suffered such pft'n from corns I
could hardly walk," writes H. Robin
son . Hillsborough, III., "but Kunklen'i
Arnica Salve completely cured them."
Acts like maglo on swains, bruises,
cuts, sores, scalds, burns, bolls, ulcers.
Perfect healer of Bkin disease and plies.
Cur. guaranteed by Hart'a Drug Store.
Price 25 Cents.
I From Various Sources. $
'SS.v.,.v....v..vJ...v..Vi.-.N4., v.v,.. .?
r.-..-2 r ;2;-:;3.-;3r:.J, 3:3- J'.-.-r.::3r-P;V
; lAo nm nt of a f'nuik i'ol . h.i:u, O'r
Ii.u b -' i 'i'ii '' i oo: ml In the a it: MVI il
:m' '0 ic.i: I.' I 'f i st is 1 i . f -nor
i 'Vl V ll I V. of ,l, ins II '!'kl:n ll ill -
!!:. y. ill I th T . ;. Ml :s S nr ,t
i .ho i'-;i! s .! i n -.1 at m tmir'i
lv:: .. n. .is in h r .'i-tr . .is m l
O SM lis
l'.'1-v na na! o.' i.l :;,ii t!i . a'i I
'M t o -l,. '"' AS , , iv . 'il'! t
fr " i't t h w a t t r t h i- o ( i - . 1
.11 ' A I t I Iri '0 I'' .1 1 ' U ' i i of
i mmi:"i; . ';v .i v The i M.m
s!' ' : Ol, ,t . ; .1 in !, n
is f : .: .rii thus r.'.i '.''.'' ;.
st--s .re ! r i y .ha
I'. i:, ' I. 'V t,-i !'.-' n in, t:i I I'm; -i .1
' .h's, so: r::l-ts s a ! lJOo'1. .:! t'li'
:h . hi-I ".'n : o.-r , , n: of 'h,.
.' s . ,,, M . ill'!':, il" llo I .in !
tMti.'i l ll i':m r tn.i i's ::i n . !: ':
a: th Ivihx,'H i. uis :ii 'U;h, n:.
ti ill - w 'ill b In ut'iliT j'r.s-'ss u".
I r i it '' uii . s I' will r. n luo; ;o
t V-lr sury ; a'.
ills.' Ill.u
N- . the ,"Sit.ll.i' HI
: f t: " 'i -l
f'lil.- ".vsi r oi .He
1 ':m w i I ' la .' If lie 1- f
t.u .. at.'u: i.:......i . hilc
:.rff. , ...n pr.. luo '.' ' "
,r ,...,,. Th"-Kcs .. mi-r.',,'.,..,
" an I an 'I'd narv ticiihl-r "t i
water wl;i .-u-ily ho.. I .vsi mfan:
to'lucks. ait ng 'lily f .r a u. (, ihle
.,.,. ,., sr,A. ,., ;,;.,., .,.,
o s. rii-l raw ..; tialf h II . r ft ! ! in
rums o. -i mi.'ws
T;,,. ,.f .,..s;,:,g" ;,.. btvalvs
' iS Il'St attempt.. I in .1 I Til I ' WllV t.
' up .lie fpf-'du.-t e '.rsaii' ..f
1 .,. , ,. ,.,,( (,.,.,:,. ,,,(..r , .wr .
a --.-l "f s,. 1 w i! t' 11 su. ti tr, ans
th - eggs an I inlit w -c ho. rat 'd and
u. former w.-r fert:':;. I. but a gr-at
Ilt.ltlV of I !e 'ggS I'T' .1 st 'd i"c-
! :t'..r!'. an 1 rim. fi gti aiai'-r la
w as Itirr luce I in; ;!i nnxitite
Tli to : u.iv si' tak- ati oyster a'i. I
l'-n s., hi' th- !!. . n '-he
.1 p sh 11.
Then, with an orhnirv
n as p ;
.':' . sh. h .is u 11 s. 1 f an v
K'li.r, str.k' i'.s u,'p"r sulfa,., g nt!
away fr tn the hifgx Th.s 1 f
i"k s roily to siawtii will , ause
it : 1 i- uf out a Hu d wh'.'h. in i' the
"s: r ;s f-malo. will be full of nil r.
so .; o egg. A few dr ps this Hul l,
taken up by trie p pet:. are put In: 1 a
tumbler 'f sea wat.-r. anl 1 1 drop .r
two .f li'tii. similarly ! i.ii 'd fr nn
hte ma!" ..vst.'r t-Ing a Id.' ll f.-rti ui
ti of th" egg it inline !ia;. y ae. inp-llsh-d.
A e.nipl t hours later if it Iv ill "f
:!'. eggs will have u v,,, W1n
ha.. in th tutn!'..- m itr." :h .iisi.e!
y ung vsl. ts F : .1 . ei; . f !.ii
'h-y ar fr- " .to tn lis. p.i-1-!
lit ite ut w tli h .1 I of t ;' v ha r Ik
' i'O ti iitt . 1 :lll -I ""'; I , " I'll ho M 'lev
,' i ! !..-:' I w n f " . . ' in1 ,1' -
1 i 1 '1 ins l " 1 rtii ill"!' iy 't -in '
s d. I 1.) '
I'. i" t.-.i.s fr switnmi ig . 1 '.
t '.- r ' if- h.i : : .i ;.-!l! 'is . . 1 n
!' r ' 1:" ll "- ".isi,ii li
11:1 1
is niitnl.'-s ai-t-
I ". ti i'V .1 In
-.1.. I
1 1
.1 1 1 g: .1 ' :n 1 1 .' '. ' ti -
t". i'. -lira .'.uig- I's i'V n 1 1' v
hr .ugh li Oig titt.i!.!-' ' . Ill ativ
'' w lo-r th'-v in 1 y ..;
It .0 - s no rti.'f' -f ' , a ' ung
uii. lb!
v.'.-r w i- .1-' h set'l s up -ii a i,..-k,
, ,,. ,,r 1, ,,;, .
, ,uff.;,..-
''" ' 'v- "v"r ,ll,n
Th- r. w!v ti it ti-'i . yst. - Is ulr-a Iv
, , ,,.-,,,.,.. ,,,.. ,,;,... -,
'' '- " ' '''' " I'r ,V!''" '
1 ':" ' Af'- r If .-"t'i s l..w'i and I. -g lis
1 1 gr-'.v "s ' r u liniv -ti II. this I.i r v it
. , ...!,,,,,
if.irh l to tli" l.itt r an I
1 v- Mil civ .... nil ..ff. I i s' i.elsnlng
ii '--if . n a r -. k or ..h-r .sull ibl- -1. Js I.
.1 ,1. ,,j ,. 1.. 1. w 1..
I . . ..
' ! '" mov,. ar ,un i ui -r ma',
bw-aus h f-.-d. who h cnsls's ..f y-rv
. .,rgirilm b-oh iinimii inel
v. , ,,,, , brought I-. It bv 11 .-urt-n:
, ... , ...... ,. ...
..f .0.1. v. 1.. I,..,. ,.,.,01 11.. II
' '
Ink throuirh th- sh-l!. 'banks ti th- ar-
lion of th- vibratory "cillu" attach. 1
the mantle.
Th r,vst.-r. Inlee.i, H rnuoh mor-
r-ornpllr at-l nnlmal than most p'-opl-
Imagine. It has a heart, a liver, an In-
t.tins. ,n. '.i.i- i-
,.'-...a'.. :
" ' ' """.is "i i"
kTits of n-rvous matter Just over the
irull-'t What Is ordinarily called th-
hart Is In reality a great musH-, by
tb- help r,f whl.-h the animal k-eps IM
sn-n i 'io"ti. I n- r-fii nenrt may ti-se-n
lust above th- musr-Ie. J.-atinif sl.iwiv.
if ...i a
' ' " ..,..,,, ..01
iieiir ai,. metntjrains cioh" lie in- rniis.-l-
ar'.r.-s-ill h- gni!y cut away. Not r I ,
1'ms: Important of the organs of ,
cr.ahir- is a iTipaelous Hl-.mar-h, ih"
rnoutn o-ing at in- ning- -no.
The method i-triploy-d by lYof-ssor
rtvd-r Is so simpl- that anybody ''.in
jiractl'-" If for hlrns-lf, wild th- h.-lp
of a mi!l amount of Instruction from
;in .xp. rf. The imp irtanc- nf It .m a
'lisr-r,v-ry li'S til th" hr.(w. I(i;i; t trlilV
Ii- mills I In a large way f.r propaga
ting oyst. rs, with a view to p-rpr-m-
ating th- uper-l-i. which at the present
il,,,.. i -miv i,r..i...i i.'
" "oik.
Evn th- beds of th,. Clir-sap-nk...
which frr,l-l, .wlr- as many oyster
as ar- produced by all for-ign ",,.
tries put together, are beeomlng alarm-
nviv (Ir-oletrd I
' j
1 y-ar l'il!,li4t m-dals hiul he-n Issued to
Not Unique as Olher Admirals Have i Woolwdr-h to Im engraved with the re
IJfen Similarly Tried. iHoP-nt's name.
The giving of war medals has been do.
I scribed ns a ch"np way of recomiX'ns
The court of Inquiry which will con- n(? men f,r risking their lives.
ri' In Washington ti mk iiooi the
character of Admiral S. I,..v f,
i imi.iI Ihv.ih... u .,iU with ,(. urtloer
f , r h K'i rank. Alio 1 I lv , al!.-.
! ( au'wer ois , ,.n,
'!,,! , 1 1 - ..,li''lii,, Im: till per,
! ..(!.!
To tin I a . similar . 'in . I; U n -. . . it v
. tu. k ! i til . ..f id,- II .11 .1 Oin
lUtlW. -I'l .l llH l.ll f I'll' Itl'.l'.sh liui
Th' a.lnil-al .is ,; : -i ! - ,.f i.i- h
. M t I I
I' 'l ' '
' i' o t noi, a. w h .
''I In tl o l'".-li ti
!:l.'n was iinsuoi-
li ii H it,-.
I'll I'ii
s'lll .ml
VlMOta! ItiMi; was tn..i k ti . hono tin, I t
,1:1. S
i I trt il by (.! -ma !', il V
it ; -I or It.i); otfl. . r. haii.. I
In a m" 1 1 ; of as j ui of i h , barn,' of
rt ir I . loi , , i , , . ', ii (. , , ,
'I ll'' !l s u t til . t I.i ,'. the l'Y.'tl.'Jl
n :
Th.- O 'ut" s. iiten. I li in : , l.-.uh. Ini:
l ie I '. M' nieivy ' ii th' Klullllil Ilia!
h i I'tilt ll h id b -.'ii ..on i . M w '.III a
!' ! Ill I l'Stl.l! ly Ml.lM 'o' I all l In
shameful eon lit' 1. 1, ,,., i;;.it u. ,.i-,;
;!', t il o-'."l mil!:y of , is an in.. I' of
I JlldCtlle.!t l'l'lll MllOi."" I't; e',v.
.'t'. t. K-il:i .i hi f -r th' altniril.
j hut U.-rse .l'. :i'."d .. K,a:il I.U
. , ,
r. oiie.t Almlri ItMiit was iiiallv
, -h"! ! a fi e of mar n s ,. , :.v .1 .,-k of
; It s on ilak-s!i!.
T'i in...; u,.u; ..( th.s kin I In
!.i I h..t r . Ii.m-ur v is he ' an
;. win: .;i of tn.. ifo.ii.i-i lum il.
: i't lite.' I'.tri.'iol . In .-'. Tli alinital
.!,, ,lf ,., ,.,. .,,,.. ,
;li. Erglisli t'.nv .ml ti 1 1 m (-.! , re III
a I iii; in I lii'.lllani r v. t. ( inn al
1 h . tn. n:s 11 . wa. .i.i. I ..n ttlal
:v I., r I Nets hi 1 hai'g' l with tn-a.-her).
I'd " im I l!t'.'.. Aft. r a
h 1" f-al the al'inn: n ' mil girl y
itt 1 was rtj'ig fr eu t 'l varl a'tn of Ills
"fi sh.p im I Irs h'lv i .h '!:r nvn Into
:o.. 1
I : w a . ift.-rw ir !. I -u" i I . ti lie w u
- HI ' ' -' 1 "M f I'se t '.'i'ii .-i
Th" i-t 1 rial . :h. m . w m ilia:
of V ItIi-.i! p.-rsun . ii
th I: ill in :! -.: i.i :!,.. ,
lem.iti e.
of I . a
In I
Th-' it ,; ,,:p, f .fining (,:
"iitilr m w -re all built ,.f '..! ,o,.,t,.
tg :. th.. latest put rn. wh::- t'i." Aus-
tt'.ati l.'il. w t "11 n '..loi iffilrs ..f
an I - t ! s gn -i -t t h.-l 'he Ati-
r'atl h .its 1 .line oft V . tort... is
Aft-r a lotg th" altniril was
'iirt-m 1: t.all.' I
it.v "iiEi"it itt'N Tin: I'i;m
Virginia IN'at- iv - r Wh
tnati Is A How, 1 .
1 1 S
Th Virg nla n .! 1 11 i .ti ; e..nv. ml'iti
has more 1 1 1 . ti -1 . r s In tt. ri'.-tuh.-i siit
f than .my slm.Iar b.. Iv th.i' "V r i.-.-eiii-,
t'i I im th l I d oiiiti' ti .:- .;-.' a h.-r-
1 "1 ' ': tn p- . in 1 : 1 . -1 t in -tubers
I '"'iifi's 11 Mule;. f .; :ih ,1,1.1''v. Mi' Mill t is th.- ,,r ..!! .a tier
f 1 I '.i i- r.- ' it mi -,i.r. 1 ... in,',
'.t. -t fr mi M-.un- A11. .1 .1 h has Lie
t ' -' i II " '' ..f 1. y Ing !. :l -I t.y
' , t.l'ir . 1
111 im- I . in-;., h is
III':"' ll IS ri-T p.. i- I I,, ;l-'
h n' In p- .iking t
l Ml':- r iil
III-- II p'a...
' Hi- pr p -t-tv "ti ! I ' . 111 fr -m
:l' .: I' -I at th ,,g.. ,f ti. 1 -i y
" I- k t'li -.-'f ti w 1- 1 I, I 1 -1 1 .-1 :
M' ' ' ' 1 ' ' ' - ' ' ' -':..' 1 1 1 M i- 11, I ;h,
ft r 1 ' is ; r ' - hi !.- 1 Ki. h.'.oi
MP I I ' r tie t - t'i in -, .1 r 11 , mi'
.'i ! -a f- I..I-." i-y.-r l.vd -n :he .iM,
I o't a a-, tiev .-r .iik ga ton
. "i" r 1 . . ii'i I .t.i ri ling 1 h it ! h-h-
'fs i ,1 - hmi I I 1 .. i in 1 . r y I
I'!-! hap;, to. I 'll 11 n- oh, -1- in v un. 1.
M--r 11. y gi it-'itii I. .-, .-r man l.-l
Ill's l! ll:. ,e '.. I' tl f..o. ,..r
I' 111 v 1111 .-'s I - 1 1 li. !: '-..nstitnflv
urg-l in - 1 . noi tv '-of 111 '.. tills utii"
I ll IV" I'"' . -111. ill.-. I Mpl. 1,! r".UeSt
"Th firm has h-v.-r p ...... out .,
'h.. foil , , -:ii, - 11 y, is , t-g ti iliv grant
I an I I' I'a 1 nev-r t.n-1 1 ! 11 ,.r tn n -tg
i-'.- "ti I'. 11 h is 11 .-V r 1 n ,.-n
-I io n t f r t 1 x- s
Wm: .- 1 . 01 Mi rn- -I ha. ..r, M,- M.i
i.-r n r.-ii I -r v ., l.-iy ,i" i -,,1 .r'auia
tiianv pirtie, at hi.
'I El-. it ''"NTI'.i iV;iisii;s fiVEK
A li-.v b is t -11 ..ih"--. ii N .rw.iy
""V'Miiir that In futur- imv woinaii
'' d-s.i.. i,i 111 in l-l must present
to tho au!tiorltl"s a . -i-lllle,,. Hhowlnir
'li-il she Is "kill .1 III ih- arts of i-ook-
i,lir jnK knili ng and .-il-,, l-ring.
Th-r- has been for som,- ,,M,- an ugl-
,;,,l"n 1,1 Norway Hi- I,J... i ,,f whli'h
wis o -eilr.' the p-iS'llg..
11 law pro-
bibl'liig ih ose persons who ,v-r- In any
w av plivsii-.uly il- f.-.-t i v.- fr .m murrvlnir
""'I ordaining thai marring- should
"'y " .'Mow d to tak- pla. .. t,e we,.n
persons who could show ,,pl,mias f
t-mno health. Many obj-!:. ns, how-
cy.-r, w -re tils -d agaiiui ui-h a law
l ;l su'is'.:i.',. the -.M. t r-,juirluir
women to In. skill-,! In id,, household
arts hllis Ii 'n nasse.l
Th- young men ,,r Norw ay ir- juhll
""i ov r iin vn-i.rv. im ' th- young
w"-"" "' "lalurallv w.,i..-rIll whv no
'"!' :.. re h- ' e.iii,.-1 fr,,,,, ,.
whlrli shall prove nil ih.-v (,,,. tn
siipp'irt til -I r wiv-s. .'.,r 'In. .-ioii
"'"v "insl l-r Hi- n-w .-.p.-t nnr.iir.
'h"v :I'I'',,,''K 11 "V"r have
,,, ;ir,; ..,', ..), ..' ,!i',."wl,' ,'",w
a nop.i.-mi invnii i, iui. i,.,.n ,,1,1.. p,
IT'd-st in Ills fashion
"K""' "'
Th- ni' dal d";iir-t,ii. ti: ,,f n. f t r 1 1 (eli
-irmy was fully employe,! during pinn
".,, . ,.,, . v..
n.11" - 111"" "f tb- S- iith African war." Of
11 ,'lco,U!lt of Ih- SIp,ose, "-Illy cr-
'"" ""'"' W'T- suppll-d
i,, ,1... .,, ,.,',. fi.,, ,,. ,,
WJ., ,'h" , ' ' ',, ' ' ' '"""ininy.
1 " ,h ' f.' "' " 7''rrir.i-nt. ami
llZX S '" "'M,""n 2'"
' u ' . , ,
many rncrlils wrre wanted that the
mint was nimble Pi coi. with the work.
i Outside firms ha l, therefore, to nssHt,
I with the result, thnt by th- end of last
riiUTI.AM) nn
Miu urn I l',.rilmi,l I'll mi i m lliiiu
U"pi Kit Aii.'tU unit Wy in in
i i nun
ANl'mtl A
.l am r r ronlmul ,n. 11 n.;niii
K H'p III : I I'lllls lll.U'l
h V' IPf Pl snN
S I 'Hill ISI, ll: lor Willieiil.Mt, I inn III
11 O in H.lil ,,, i,,, . I .1 1,1
. y " . iimnin.iit.i hii.i ,. 1. ti in : -111 i.i,
i' Ii 11 111 : .ii,li. or Wrt,'iii..n, , it nip
1" '" I I't. . II 'I III III ll. I. 1 ill , . 111 (l in
' in ' "ii'ie. mi'l t..t 1 a :a in
Sun.liy .n;y.
All trail. m.ik.. close oonii"..;.. n
llobte wi'li :i Ni.rihern I'acllto trains
to and from tli llant and Suiml poinli
il'ii'l Ftrlglit and Ihissenjor Agent
..Portland Astoria Roufo.,
I'ally Hound Trlp tt.-ept Hun.Uy.
Is-nv,, Portland T in
I.rsvs Astoru 7 p. m
Through Portland connection with
teatnrr Nahcot from Ilwaco slid Lung
Heiih points.
White Collar Lino tickets Intrrvhsngn.
bis with O, It 3k N. i'o. and V. T. Co
Tlph.n lck. Trlep.Vine
Viruouvef. Cjscj Je Locks. St. r
tin's Springs, Hood River. White
Salmon. Lyle inJThe Dalles
I-eav Portland 1 a. M
Arrlvs The t'alles j ) y
(.-.lie Thrt lall-'S 3 in ii in
sVrrlve Portland 10 P. M
'"HimUy Trips a Lading F-sture
''This Hmitf hl the Uran l. s: rt,-en!,.
Altrnctloiis mi Earth.
LANIHN) ANH nEn.'I-: pi H 'p tip
IK 'Til I'lloNES MAIS :d
JOHN M. FILL00N. Vjt The Dalles
A. J. TAYL0K, Ajt. Astoria
W0LF0RD & WYLRS. Ajts. White
J.C- WYATT.Aet Vancou'er.
E. W. CFICHT0N. Aft-Portland
and Union Pacific
9:00 ft. m.
via Hunt
ington Atlantlo
0:10 p. m.
vis Hunt
'niiton St. Paul
Fast mall
6 p. m.
From Portland
Malt Ike, Denver,
Ft. Worth, Oma
ha, Kana City 4:30 p. m.
Bt. Louis, Chicago
and East.
Halt Iake, Denver
Ft. Worth. Omt-
ha, Kansas City. 8:10 s. m
Bt. Louis, Chloagfo
and East.
Walla Waliu.
Isi'wlston. Bpo.
knnn. Mlnnenpolif
Hi, Paul, Dulutti
Mllwuukei', Chi
cnifo and East
7:00 a. m
72 hours from Portland to Chicago.
No Changa of Cars.
From Astoria
AH sailing date
subject to tthanfre.
For Hnn Francis
co every five days.
Columbia Hlver
To Portland and
Way Landings.
7 a. m.
4 a. m.
Dally ex
cept Hun.
Steamer Nahcotls leaves Astoria on
tlrln dally for Ilwaco, connecting there
with trams for Long Reach, Tloira and
North Ueoch points. Heturnlng urrlvcs
at Astoria same evening.
General Passenger Agenl,
Portland, Oregon.
IVIIID: 011.1,111 LINE
Sl.l'aiil. liiliiih,Miiiiiriiinlh,i'ilcui;o
nd All Points Km:.
Vli'li ANI M 'EN El IV ' ' N-
Thr 'Ugh Paine,, and T-ui ' 'le. prj.
I lining an I Hufli". Hmok ug I'nii
Ticket to p .lui. v a Portland
and It,., iir nt N r hriit Ity . , ti al
"' " It A N i nil , A:rl,
-r i -tt t North, rn Ttck-! utile
E.-r rate. fo,r, met full l
rrsarHns Eastern trip, call m .r J-
a it c hennhmn.
i'lly Pass. and T'.ket Ail. )'orl!n4.
Th ''N'orihwr.trfi, t;(n...,i't irnlnA
iotrle lighted tlir ughou'. both Pisldo
ant out, .in ,1 .ciiii Invited ,ira with-
nit ric.pilim, thi tlnet train In tba
',ii They s-ln t..B V llio l,t,t. iwt
ill l"t 1.1 nil f ,r cinnf itt. r -invrnJ
and luxury ever olTrrrd tho .ravcllm
l ui'iie. an l ali.Hteftier rs 1 1, ,, t
mple'e ,uid spl.tiil:,! iirodii.-ll ni ,f th
. ir (.ut! l-r' srt.
rile. p -n.l:,l x :
'"lin!cl Wild
The (mitt Nurtlicrn
The Northern S'silflc snd
The Csnnrlliin t'acif K
AT MT. PAl'l. l'i ilt
t'hICAt.O nnd the I! AST.
No -.i A i'hars f t lhi', i erior
a. ..iiunolat. ,iti and all rliu ,if il k
' ar- ilialilo for psuign i i. th
trains on 'il4 litis, are pio:.- I by tb
In lerpM-iniiit Hl.s-h My stem.
V II MMAIi. II I. slrtMcn.
lien.rai Atfi'tit. Travrilnsj Ag t.
Portland, t in in
'li 1 V V-L
I'epot. Fifth nnd
I Mtnxt
'nrlaiid Hipres
I rnltia f..r Malein.
Itos.-buts, Ash
I Ian. I. Mb. raiiiriiiu
'" p in "K b n. San Errin- ' IS a m
clicn. Mojuve a
! Aiik'.li' I' I l'lian I
1 H'l a in N.- w i it .-m, mi,
in p. in
tbn I ant.
At Woii.lburii
j I tnlly i-jci-pt Muit
I iluvi. iiioriilnK
I Hun iitiri t nun
I tin, n r,,r Mt. All
he'. Sllveilo,,,
I II r ii ii v I 1 1 r.
-"-piinsMeld. ttud
Natrnli. nnd even
l"K linln f,,r Mt.
AiuJel nnd Mllver-
I'oiVulilK liilUdell-
hi a in
l 5u p.m
' K'-r.
i .'') p till MlietPIun pnsa,.i-
I K- r. I
'"'") i l"il ly .Hcept Hun day,
I(et,,it,. , i,, t dial,. ,..(,Vr,.M ,,rt.
land, Miietniiienti, nnd Mini l'i anclwii,
N' t rnt. s II,' Prst rlii nnd Ml aeciunj
rliiss. I in 1 ii . 1 1 naf stipi-r.
I!al. nnd II. kels to Eiist-rti ,.olnta
nnd llurop,. Also .liipnn. Chin,!, linno
lulii mil Australia. I'nn be oblnlnrit
from .1 11 Klrkliiiid. Ticket Agent 1.14
Third Strret.
VAMim.i, nivtstiiv
Pass-tig.r ,p poi fooi or ,i -rr-rs ui m.
Isi-IVe f T !. go ilallV ,t .' I'll ") 4A!
ii. in ; IL' Jii, I f,'.. 3 L',', r. 1.1. IT,'. H nr..
II m P. in i. n. I II imi p I,,. Sunday
only. Anil" at Portland , billy ut 3r,
.T. 'l'i -Ml il. tn.; l llj, 3.1.1, 1.31) ::i).
7 t". l'i "0 p in.; 12- in ,i in. ! ill v ' xcept
Motidiiv: H .in and 10:45 a. in. on Hun
days tiply.
Leave for Dallas dally except Hun
day in 4:110 p. in. Arrive ut Purtlamt
nt 9:30 . m.
Pass uiger train lesvra Pallia fr
Alrlep Miuidiiys, Wednrsilsys and Fri
days nt 2:4.1 p. in. Iteturn Tuesdays,
Thursilny nnd Saturdays.
ESeept Hundav.
It. K'HOIILIlIt, Manager.
Oen. Frt, and Pass. Agt.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you cat.
This prupiiratlon contains all of thn
dlKcstaiilH anil (Hirsts all klmls of
food. Halves Instant rclh'f and novor
fnllH to cure. J t allows ymi to cut nil
tho food you wan I.. Tim most, kciihIUvo
Btoiiiitclm ciui lako It. Hy Its usu many
tlioiiMinds of (lyspcpMcs liavo biien
cured after everytliiriK elsn fulled. It
Ih uiit'inmllcd for ullhtoumch tioublcH,
It can't help
but do you fjootf
Prepared only by H. ('. IikWittAI'ii., Chicago
TluilI.tsittlni'iintnliisllS tlim-H iboUit:. nla.
For Bale by CIIA8. nOOEH3, Druggist.
Foley's Kidney Curo
ouku kldacya and bladder rizht