The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, September 11, 1901, Image 1

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A ('"' ' f 'ltm
"WVW.I ii; .
1 0
-"-c ... rufe
NO. 61
Plumbers and
holij AJi:rTM roi
shonv (nll'I-ti In "blHty to car for
himself an t from tlrn,. t tlrne h would
lar.-fully iurn himself to fl a more
tful i'mttlm.
iti;i-ovi;ity almost assured.
lllimatc Recovery Is Becoming "'"? wii...n . win
Hourly More Apparent.
NEW YMUK. '!' l' -"Tli pr-nll-nt
' 'A 111 In- .Iglll'lg oltll Idl pUplTS by Hut-
DANfiLR NOW VERY REMOTE "May ;,,Kh'-" 1 "T'h 1!T '.'I
th' department of agriculture to
!.i Trlbun, i-orrtnj.'ii'l'.'Hl t Buffalo last
, nitf tit. H- ft-tary Wilson )ia Just r
Mir ol Ibe I1t)ikli Krjrd the Diicr '. 'urn ! fr m Me Milburn Huu-. where
be ;ik'l Uh the pr-sid-iit physic. an
'.iiil !u!"r a: the Buffalo ''lull he con-:r-rr-l
with 8-cr.-tary Gug' Attorney
Point it lltlai Pimco - Proidcil
Sho i Kcmirktblc Kemp
tnllic Paatrl.
pLim rsjnfsstffasiiasajiBSirE
ja5:2i-i5ra5irECSCT ..ut .f b-l lv :fui ti
II.-i-.m: S io- 'r,uii ,"'",'r,l !" "
I l 3d
11. Hi
Triinis, CrtMjiift, Haseball, Golf,
;uul all Kinds of Spurting GoikIs
Fancy and Staple Groceries
Supplies of nil kiii'li at lowi-st ruU-s, f.r tisliiTiin'ii,
FuriiH'iN ami I'UK'T.
As V. ALLEN, Tenth anr j Cnmmtrclnl Street-
1 hi- f .11 -1 1 K till.. i I ll
mil' I by :li th : l rt 1 1 a
t. in .
"Til.- i . m l il .i ..f .h,. Ii'
Ih ll'ii'llling-d HI -III lllli
p.irlli -iilur T mi '-i u in . !-).'..
1'iiU.-. IH, hi. i'v
"Will-" th- ..i' .i w .i 1 in.' i.i-t ll A.i- m- i-.l t!.n: :li.
lull i-; I :t I ..i'I.'.I with I', a
"li.iit IH .in.-.- .. ii..j:!i i!i,- .-kit
ii f r K" '"' I ' tin- -n l I- n;'
T'i f .r. :n in it. tv..
"f i mr-. r in it.-. I. Imt ,i Kllis'lit
lrrru:i..t ..f :!i, :..nU'- w i-r -In.
-I. tli" i fT.vt ..f lit. Ii h.m
a;.i iiic 1 il : .nlirlit. I: h m
t n in ..-j.. ii . .hi ii! f
tliJn !!k!i: .Ii- u i t.i i'.--. to r.-m v
a f.- iti!.'ii.' .ml i-.irtl)' ui'i-n
t h- nkin w ni'i l
' nt (.mnot tt -to
n'.li'r .-.iii.1i.m.iii .u: ll in
t 'linintiiii. at. I tn tin- u I 1 : . - U4
tin- tir.-iik !n itt!- n lri lli
;. tn.ik,. ill -:t luilit' Itii In
O'tW'iii. 'ii ..f -i'tirjtl"ii of
.Ii.- ..f tli- nuifjit- u-iunil.
!).- Ii iiilnu of I li- tvi'.l in
mi. Imt ilfny.-l. Tlo' i-i i
.l.-ir : w !! iii-MiKh tiii.v !o h--g.n
'. ink-- n Mir ulim. tit l-v
ninu:!i In '.in- f.iiin ..f rxirj.'t
Mil 1 L. I. it . 4
ll-f r - y.m buy a tov or
r;ink-,. rxainliH- lii,.
Royal Charter Oak
Il. tirr work. I'" fuel ,! lu
lu r, mi I I n; i 'liurr I'r It-en
-'-:H .llitlll.'.
W. J. Scully,
Between Ninth and Tenth
Pacific Navigation Company
Nlcumcrn "Stic II. I Iiikuc" iiiiJ "W. II. Iliirilsiin"
Only line Aslnrlii i I i I.iiikmiI,, (ini ihitl.ll and Hay City, llnhsoiivillc
Cunni't'tlnir al Anlorln wild tlw r-r' Il-illroiiit & I'avlitatlnn 1'i'm
puny anil the Ant.ul.i . I'oliun hln lihrr linllr nul for Sin Fran-I'lfh-o,
rorMiin.l alii all miiiIi :nl. l-.r fr-'ltilit nj p-uveiiKt-r raiel
ai'l'ly in
Hnmiiel li:i.iioro',Ai Co., Onioral Ari'IiIh, ASTOltIA, OltK
(. H. A N. Tt. It. Co., rnrtlanJ.
AllKNTS ! A. ('. It U. i',., l'ortlan.1.
H. f. I,AMI1. Tllluiiiook. Un-ifon.
We Rent New Typewriters.
Muiiy now imiiriivenifiit niMi'il.
Si'O our liitcst
No. 2 Smith Premier Typewriter
Ni'w Ait t'liliiloKiiii Kr . . .
rii." I M. ALEXANDER & CO.
1 i', XjiijVl F.xoIiihivo 1'Hiiillr CittHi
r - '-Vfi 215 Sltirk 8t., 1
v.f'- F W, M'KKl'llNII-; I-oml Au.'iit.
Hint 1 Valors
!., rortliind, 0
A Delicious and Palatable
Drink Absolutely Pure
Th Northern Pacini- Brewery, of wlil.'h Mr. John Koup Is proprietor,
innkrH hi'i'r for donumtlo ami export tnil'.
I loll Ifil Ih'it for fiinilly ue or kuif b.vr snppljoj at any time. Delivery In
the city free,
Horth Pacific Brewery
Commission. Brokerage,
Insurance and Shipping.
Custom Homao'Hfoker.
Ateul W. f. AUo.aad -MlBo .ixpr-iMOo'.
2 Ml.
i IU KKAI." S t 1 Tlf corp-t uf MirK''"!!" ii"'l ;i'.i!i.i'i.i:i In
.lin n I in. ui1 ki :li.- - iiii.!v.t n-.:.! n!
I ..l.iy i-nimiiil - 1 tlien'Mi-lveH It ll mt
reii-rt .ill hi t.i 'In' .'iilnloii ilm: tin :r
i-i:!i-n: H.n -nil .f .l.inK'r ,i'i.l t:m: .mly
( it po-xlliility ..f t iiij.ll.-.i :I.iiik '.lir.'.il.-'i-i-.l
!il Ii'.' T-ii.-y ili.l Imt Kite til,. ,i-
1 ' . f hi- i .s-.. .-ry i-olli-eilvelt . ,-r
Hull' - itn-iiiii !n the luilit-
I till, llll! tlti'V !!! .1 I 'til! l 'Wai'-l
'I 111 lit I lu.iily lur ii r the .l.iy. K.n-h !
.'f thelll. ttilll tl-e ex. e.:l,m ,.f I if.
ltlj.-y who .III li ii lis'ive til.- i.!l'tirn .
nM-lenri', j l.i. e.l h 1 111 m If Kiiiur-'ly on - 1
o.l. not I't-lv iiie'.y to frl'i Is of the
pre.ilileill. lull pllh'lt'ly tllti'Ultll Hit
HK' liey . f the 'I H tialt 111 - il.lllKer
1'iiiit h.i.l ..isel mil the pr-si-
I'llt toUll Klirvlte.
"I If ionise, tte Will .ill feel .-asler
Hhi-ll ii week Inn 'll.rti I." II till IV. Me
Ituniey. the .l-illl of !he i-nrpi". "We
tt-nill like t i y i-tei y J.i.ii- l.i. k '.1 iiii.l
.1 In k -I, Imt th,. .luiier fnm pes- !
ullile f.iiiip'li ailof.H Is n ow very iemo;e."
The Utile p!e,-e of l.a.l In the nnis.-les
of the Im. k Is KiM'iK the physleLin no
i-oiifei n rth.ilev.-i I'iiUnh It sh.iultl i
prove tlonlilesolll,. to tl.e pi-i-sl.lent lilt- -
or o" h" will i.ury this urirn '
souvenir i f iiiuivliy with him to !ht) einl
of his ilivs The .io. tors sny tha', .m. e
eneys-ie,!, I; eau ,o no harm. j
TI;-' X-ihy niiii lilne U reiiily for In- .
xj int use. h.nvev. r, un 1 If ther,. Is the j
slightest liill.ini.iilon ,ir p.iln In Ihe vi- :
ilnlty of the Imll.-t an operation will he;
performeil, i
' i;--n-ral Knox anl I' jMiiiiuter O if n
j Smith.
,' "Of c.ur-," iiJ Mr. Wilun, "no
i -ui- -t;,; t th' nt will U-
line hut he will
h! mm' to of- rs Hi, orn iJ n j; f.-l i-oiiilhK nut bluntly as a layman
Wool I. Vit they ti-i; m- Ui'Te in no
.1 mill .il. hi; In - prvslii n'.'t sp- '- ly re
. 1 1 ry Tn.-y 1 i in: t-xp-rt any r
I -in i oin;. I. 'at. oiii" "
"Will th.- pr. s...nt il.xab.l.ty
i.'i,. khv . riiiii'-nl?" .Mr. Wl.-.m
w.m ask'd
"No'. 111 tile H.-lfilt-M." SJ..1 tie- S-C-
r-tiny. "W:iy, ili -r- n nh.'iu linport
a'it :.i 'I-i. Th.' war ':uj)!i it i. i a are
ni..s:ly m.-r l:h S.-. p-.ary K-.iI'h
l l'iriiii'": : 1 -iktnvr afo-r evcry:h-iiK-S-
i - a i y ll.iv ha a tmli! tir'.p on
' .-i t I Milne 111 his ie;i.irlnn-!i'."
"In tier- any ifo r -ii-.iii fir a;.(r
I. 'iisoin lii i umm -r.'lal i:vi-i i a. -
mint of Hie jir s: l-'ii i's i-.m liti.ei?" Mr.
W.I in "in ;mkel.
"N ! .''." naiil h". "S" r'-tary r.aiC".
whi r.tirns ti WjshlrKton toniitht.
li n h i niiii li K 'l-1 i tin t he il.i,-i not
kn .w wli.i! to ! 1 wi h 11- No. the bust-n.-ss
wnil I nusht ! f. -l e otnf irtiitile
with th- ..lll.-iai liulle:liis from th-l-r-s;
l'-iit il'H-! in."
"II ive :h. member' of th- aMne: Jls-.'ils-l
r- prenslve m.uures f .r anar-h-sts'''
wjh aske.l.
'It has been t.u h'-l on Informa'.lv
In iiniv tii:Io:i," nalj 'Wilson. "It Is
m ir.- pr 'p.-rly a stat - than a nat.-ial
matter. t'ni-,fre-n nn g.t only Just so
far. I look to sv new 1. mslati 'ti In all
ilie s::i:e having a eotislilerabl for-
lisn-ti.-rn popuia Ion. - i
"The ir .utile wuh iinnreiil.-ts is :lni: 1
they .Io not know h.-n :hev ar w-II
ire.i:e l In Kui'.'p,. they are houn le-,1 !
ab. oil. fienerail ins of oppression alio
. la .l.sim ti in have br-. In them tlls
'iivu aii'l envy. They r.inp h.-re anil
it .hi.'-, b.-irin a pro..iK.m..i air-i.tist of
II. ills who are working all toe while
Rabid Denunciation by the No
torioua Anarchist.
Directed to Settle the Steel Strike
Without Delay.
Sayi Mckioky Hit Neither Wll Str Istclll.
leace lad Ktowi Ne'bliij - Stoutly
D"' Aiy Kiowledxe o(
1 Coonpiraty,
rIHf'A'l'i, Sep;. l(i.nHf,-rr.nir to the
att nipt on th- :ir.' of I'renijent Mc-Kifil-y,
Knima Oil-lman aali:
"It in a .llrty trl. k n charge .n ih
nespip-r r.p..rtn thit It wa thP re
sult uf an anarehlst pl ,t. Mark Han-
"1 has b i the rul-r of thin country,
n it M'-Klnl'-y. M. Kiiil. y has lcn the
in -si liisiK'iiitlcint ruler this country
has I'v-r ha l. H- nether has wit nor
.ni"l!ir roe but has Wn a toil In ti
on" Is ..f Mark Hann i. Other pre?!- !
1 its hatv hn.l hurt or w me:hlnir. but. I
this poor fell )(; ii f itirlve him. sine I f haracterlKtic lesn.ii of recent events
ne kii.nts nothliit 1 a tool in the hands - is ihit all (rovemments are exposed to
f thr u-althv men an 1 1: seema very i the same danger.
"It In not this or that particular form
of authority that 1b aime.l at. but all
authority. Th-rever the anarchists sea
authority or governmen. he strike, no
matter what Its origin mav be. This is
the lesson which is beingf driven home
in the United States by the brutal at
tack on Presl n; M.-Klnley.
"While II would appear that certain
n.easurt-3 may b? tak-n by the United
li own ,?ecouat in crder to
his new evil. It would be bet-
unwllll'iirmns to act harshly toward po
litical fugl lives cannot b permitted to
condone crlmi of th ruttllans wbn
prach serllt'.on and plot assassination .
"Kv-n the latest anarchist outrage
Kill not have been in vain If h should
determine on both sides of th Atlantic
a boundary bten the exercise of na
tions hospitality and harboring national
The Daily News aya:
"The try of "down with the anar
chists' U bfing ralel. as it was certain
' L raiixid In various fiuarters Eur
Xn M well as AmerV-ai but il seems
f) us that the worst possible way of g
Ing about th business Is to itlr up pubs
lie feeling on beha'.f of a. Venletia
against anarchism in general. The
greater the pressure the more violent the
The Ial!y Graphic write:
'There Is oia obvious means of dia
curagin tli anar.Mst propaganda
which his b-n lot much negteusJ in
the Tnitei States and on the conti
nent, namely to treal the advocacy of j Shaffer and his advisers In the general
crime Its'lf as criminal. .(-fnee of the Amalgamated Association
"In this country tha: principle Is ac- j hull" tae power, by the authority of the
c-pti-l and acted up..n. I'rooibly If a general executive board of the organi-.
score or s- of the phll' phlc aiarehlst I tatln. t j settle the steel strike,
iter" pent to coo! th -Ir hees a year or i Shaffer ani his advisors apparently
so !n prison they would grow consid-j allowed today to lapse, after this au
ahlv more cautious in the use of their j thorlty was vested In them without
worl and their disciple would begin .coming to any settlement. On Monday
to l-ani something of the same reticc-no? j It Is sai l, the executive board directed
in using revolvers." President Shaffer, together witn the see-
The Morning Pjxi brieves that the! retry. Treasurer Williams anrl A.j.t.
Soslfer Sals t Be Seeklef to Reoptt Ne
(otiatioas With Ihe Hope of Secir
lag Better Teras-Slrlkers
Resort to Vlolcsce.
PITTSUUHO, pa.. Sept. lu.-Presijent
r.-markiib.e f..r Mirk Hanna to say
thut h was notlfl d of a plot fir his
assassination. I think M.-Kinley to in
s.gii. Ii. ii.t for suen a thing."
Kmm.i 'iol.lman rh,rx With Conspir
acy t.i Murd-'r the Prsident.
he ananhLst lea 1,-r. under whose rp I j a,,f "n
Sept. 10. Emma Goldman
banner I.-on I x ilsosx claims h stands, i
wl-.os, words he cla.nis fired his heart "r lf a!1 measures were adopted
an 1 his brain in th- attempted assassl- : ln '" th? gr-at powers tfwr an
nat.on ,,f the president, was arrested ' i a'l nal conl!Ka:e- lne" ' w
h-re shortly before noon today.
She .li-vlais all but the slightest
acquaintance with the president's as
sassin; sh;- denied absolutely that she
or any anarchist she knew was Impli
cated In any plot to kill the president. !
She said she believed Cio!g,sx acted en- jT Present Immigration Law Ij Not
Urely on his own responsibility and that ! Prohibitive.
:!.e. r urn-lior.vt
Unite I Stan's
t Ii -insi-lt es a:. I
ei. The peopl- of
er:. Inly nuis; pr--ns:
r. piil.s of tha:
l'liNVI.H. Sept. in tlovernor lrman
has issiK-l ti priv!ama:ltin s.'tting aside
We.lnes liiy, Septt-miier II, aa a d.iv of
praver f t the recovery of 1'ivsideiu
M. Kinley and requesting that every
;! t'l'.lz-n of th- s:at- Join In a pray
er service for the speedy recovery of
;he chief executive.
AllItANillNr? KOIt (T.UiHlvATIilN.
ltUUFAli. Sej't 10. The;i,iii
has suffered severely in iitt MHl.ituv since
the tr.ig.sly. and the managers are 'low
.rga'iixii'.g f'r il givut thanksg.vlng
he never claimed to hare been Inspired
I bv h-r as he is luotej as afflrminar.
The president, she averred with a yawn.
was an ins.gnifleant bi ing to her, a
mere human atom whose life or death
wer., matter of supreme indifference to
her. or to any anarchist. Violence, she j cause of his pcJi'-lcal beliefs." the com-
J:l I 1 U iw n..f a It'll... In .!. -iil. nH 1
- " . "i .. lu.i.i ji un
anarchist, and she hil no; alvocated
1; i'i i'l. uhere Cx-dgosz said he
i .-irl her. nor elsewhere.
Mi-s lol.lnuin arrived here Sutidav
m-irnlng from St. Louis She was held
on ii warrant sworn out by Captain
i' 'lb-ran. charging her with conspiracy
to murder the presi lent.
ant Secre:ary Tlghe and Ben. I. Davis,
o: the advisory board, to settle without
I delay on the best terms obtainable.
Since then there has been no action
developing anything to further the set
tlement, but I: Is saM that President
Shaffer Is seeking to reopen direct ne
gottations with the United Statss Steel
Corporation In the hope of getting bet
ter terms than those submitted to the
Amalgamated executive board.
Three Workmen Set Upon and Badly
Beaten In McKeesport.
PITTSBURG. Sept. 10. The first vio
lence of the strike at McKeesport, It la
reported, took place tonight when three
workmen wera set upon by the otrikers
or strike sympathizers and badly beaten.
Henry Weir, water tender at the tube
works, was caught and beaten so badly
that his condition lit rltins. fhjrl
M.. '.'t-m tahir HMLa of TVinla. n-1 I
NEW YORK, Sept. 10. Immigration j o badly beaten by a crowd, and John
Commissioner Fritehie, who is in charge I Isenberg. furnace builder at the Na
at Ellis Island, says that it is impossible j ''tonal rolling mill, parted with trie
tl k-vp anarchists out of the country- j greater part of, his clothing before he
talniy a solidarity between all civilized
nations now that America is no longer
j outside the circle of Its Influence."
1'residi'IH's l'hvsiciaiis Impress .1 Willi
Rapidity of Ills 1 iiipioveni.-n:.
ltl'PFllai. s.-pt. lil.--'lcc-lresi.l nt
I! i.'sevelt left llils tvelili K for Ills home
a! Oyster buy. S.'iintur llann-.i n'luni
ed to Cleveland. The tlvc inemli.-rs of
lie i iiMin l silll Ii'-r-i- will remain a few j
The president physlclnns nave n.-t-i
linpt 'Sseil with his remarkable tvi-upcr-nilvti
powers mid I lie rapltllty of his!. ordinarily the Incision
for such an opci'itlon such lis was made
upon the chief executive should heal
tt ithlu I lire.' weeks, but In the presi
dent's case he may be strong enough to
be moved sooner. The president will
l.e taken ilireci to Washington as soon
as It Is safe to move him.
Tile president himself today began to
CI.KVELAXIi, Sept. 10. Nava! vet
erans took tlrst place i'i the f. siivliies
attendant upon the Grand Army en
einil'inent today. Th-" Thirty-seventh
innivcrsarv of Oliver Hazard lVrry s
historic triumph on Lake Kr!e was tll
lingly eel brated in a grand parade of
;he naval veterans and a naval display
up 'ii the lake.
SAN IMKC.U, Cal., Sept. 10.-HoiV.ird
I-'. Ilrewer, i f S.m Francisco, defeated
Wilbur Kyle, of this city, In a three
quarters of a mile swimming race.
Ilrewer's time was In minutes and tine
second, an.l Kyle's 20 minutes, three
seconds. lo:ii iu,.n broke the world's
record of iil minutes held by Schafer of
the University of Pennsylvania.
Told His Employer to Watch for Im
portant Even: Before October.
KANSAS CITY, Mo.. Sejt. lO.-Ed.
Andrews, manager of the Andrews
opera c unpany with which Antonio
Maggio was formerly engaged as cor
netist. Is in this city. Mr. Andrews said:
"Early l ist February Maggio told me
distinctly to watch f.T an important
. vent bcfor October. He assured us
that President McKiniey would be klll
:'d bef r. tha: month came."
"The law at pr.-sent states plainly that i could escape from the strikers.
no one shall be refused admittance be-
mlssioner a i led, "and the only way that
an anarchist can lv? kept out is by prov- j SAX BERNARDINO. Cal.. Sept. 10.
irg that he has a criminal record on j Thre hundred mechanics employed at
the other sid-." ! the S:ln;a Fe shops here quit work be-
Th declaration was male in response 0il"se tn company refused to pay them
to a querv as to what would be donei:r dirking on a holiday. The
in reirard to a number of anarchists i wPjr bt there
who are ..n their wav over here from j is sjme Joubt as to whether the com-E-nrland.
Scotland Yard officials had . W '1U them to come back,
cabled descriptions of these men and J
it was thought that their entratu to I OUTLOOK FOR "WINTER WHEAT,
this country could be prohibited. '
These anarchists In most cases are
not paupers and meet all the require
ments of the immigration laws," the
commissioner said.
Good Deliveries on a Footing With Oth
er Grades Expected.
Crolgosz for the Present R
Retain Counsel.
j NEW Y'ORK, Sept. 10. At a meeting
j of the grain trade held In the produce
! exchang? It was decided that No. 2 hard
10 j winter wheat on and after June 1. 1902.
! shall constitute a good delivery, on an
:o H, Introduced in the Wisconsin
MILWAUKEE, Sept. 10. Senator Ju
lius E. Rochr will inrtoduce a bill In
the next session of the legislature to
exclude from the state all anarchists
mid all those engaged in teaching the
d.vtrin.s of lawlessnois.
"1 believe," li- said, "that the best
way to Ugh; .ri.irchy, anarchists and
anarchism is to make this class keep
cut of the state. Every state ought
to pass such laws niul then there would
be no preaching of lawlessness ln the j
country. 1 intend t.i introduce such a
measure al the n-xt session of the leg
islature uniiss Ivt'ore that tinif. there
are better plans devised for fighting
ar.iiivh.v an.l anarchism."
NEW YORK, Sept. 10. A special to : eoual footing with other contract grade
the Herald from Buffalo says: j of wheat.
Mrs. Czolgosz, mother of the man j The grade represents a large propor
who attempted to assassinate Pr.sldent j tin of the winter wheat crop grown
McKiniey. was In Buffalo today. She i in the Southwest. Its introduction aa
made no attempt to see her s m. In s me ' a contract grade, it is said, will mill
mysterious manner, however, he 1- amed j tate against "corners" as It gives so
of her presence here and when District I much mor wheat to deliver. A special
Attorney Penny asked him if he wanted j committee of the trade appointed some
a lawyer, Czolgosz staid. ' tIme a recommended that this grade
"No" I want no lawver now. Wh-n ! bi made deliverable at u discount of
the time conies I will be suppl
counsel and there will be plenty of mon
.1 with ' two vents a bushel, but a stroug mln-
' ority among its members has been do
ty for n.y defense."
SEATTLE, Sept. 10. Tho postmas.or
nl Nome, Joseph Wright, has been ar
rested and held for trial on a charge of
embezzling $4I:'0 from the government.
$1.50- - -AT THE PRICE- - -$1.50
Black. White and Newest Colors.
1 . 1. 1 i o : Pipers Discuss Attempted As
sassination of the President.
LONDON, s-pt. 10 The papers again
occupy themselves fully ivith President
McKinley's suite an.l anarchistic peril.
The Daily Telegraph says:
"Pr M. Kiiiley has a ivoii.Drful
t .institution as has indeed been proved
by the liu-l lents of his illness. The
simple, almost austere life he nus led has
helped him at the crisis of his fate,
while the devotion and fortitude of his
wife, with iilioin, as the president has
said, he has often conquered both illln
tulty and danger, have profoundly
touched and Inspired the sympathetic
nitv of the world."
The Dall Mail remarks: -
"Both In this country and ln the
United States public opinion has hith
erto been slow to recognize that ti
Three Men Were Overheard to Pist yss
Plot in Chicago.
CHICAGO, Sept. 10. Charles P. Mo-
Murray, employed by a wholesale gro
cery house In this city, has notified the
police that on th,. night of July 1 or 13.
he is not sure which, while waiting for
his suburban tr.ilti at th main sta
tion of the Illinois Central railroad, he
overheard three men discussing plans
to kill President McKiniey and two
well known New York capitalists. Af
ter talking a few minutes the
three shook hands and wont toward
the Michigan Central train for Buffalo.
Mr. McMurray says he told the po
liceman on duty at the station and af
ter a few days had practically forgot
ten the occurrence.
The description or one of the men
given by McMurray Is not unlike the
appearance of Czolgosz and It is known
that en July 12 he was In Chicago go
ing east to Buffalo that night.
Assassination of President at San Fran
cisco Was Decided On.
NEW YORK, Sept. 10. Details of a
previous plot against the life of Presi-
Ing some hard work since ln the trade
an 1 it was to their work that the vote
to make the grade a full contract was
Oregon and Washington Report Higher
j Average Than for Ten Years.
WASHINGTON. Sep.. 10. The month
j ly report of the statistician department
. of agriculture, shows the average con-
I "ilon nf corn Sentemher 1 to havp
been 51.7. Tlur,, was a decline dur
ing the month of August amounting to points, and the condition on the
first of the prosent month was 31 points
below the m an 0f September averages
for the last ten years ind 8.3 points
below tho September average. The
average condition at the harvest In win
ter and spring wheat combined was
S:' i, against a ten-year average of S0 3.
Oregon reports even 7 points, Washing
ton 12 above their respective ten-year
(Continued on Fourth Page.)
Spokane, 0.
Sept. 10. Portland, 7:
NEW YORK, Sept. 10. Silver, 6S14.