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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1901)
Till) MORNING ASTOKIAX, SIMMY, SKITOW'R 8, 101. M toy! You "Au-to" 5cc Our H'1'lti'li l'" pin'MiT KNIVIH 'rim 'In' ti'-i in I IiiiihII,- i 'i fl I'! ilitvl II III III ' I till .l ll-i'i'llt lUlifi". Y liny (III I bin -IllK "f 'A fl K""'i 1 5 1 ri . in Uli' filrli'1'1' lJ l,i . 1 1 tit in you (hi wliii' nllnT I I IIIW I I- r- V WW i' Ti. M .!. 1 Hut 'i " I i tt I .i! iiii!..iri. h.... The Morning Astonan; Ti:i.i:i'ii"Ni: i I All ciMlll'iUU tin inlvi-rllHiiiu In' HlC Axltll lllll lll'C IIIIUU' Uli II Klllll - ii nice "I cli dilution luiir time! l..i u. r II..... ..( ...ii' .mini iMibllflu-.l in wlinl.ilcil In I.U- lip COIIIll). T"IW H WliVI'lllllt 1 . " '' I li'Ui .... fir. ..",' 1. .1-. .il'.-irt l!i'- , mm, -in .mi! . i:.'.iii V.ili- I ' 'I ' K 'II. W'lu'f I H! "Ii .in. I N til l:i II ill... f.llt It M liat'.-ll (ill. UK .trtH'. - j '' ii " l'ir ' lint'ic A '. I'll""- j I!) Ml lllli- 'rit ti inn J Iiiiv.ii II' ,. Wh a Atli i' i.iI. Iii't: f.'r family ut.' 'I'll It .-, M tin Cl. A ii , It a lit! ; : I'li-lt' r Hi " I' Mill I ' .III '.til unit i Jol f t ynur iMiii fiu.l-iii-li' Ot I,-in l't iti.:l) ni .'l ItiM,; I.',.. I'll; llirj: lt.llllJ Slltt U'S', 1, ' '..iiini' r. i.ii tirri'l. T...' ' . 1'1' tr. .;r i. mil ji il m h.i. f ur I n'i.'.-1'.ai. l'H't-rt N.i wailinif. i .'ail M tilt WI f r mir i'iwl mjiltif-' in--1. : i nr l' ii ' r . Mil i I y tliir.l , I' a i nit frti I "i , K Mi t A k-i I'- Jn". r- -ril -I i .'iirl'.fl'l. i i "'" ''-"t :l. .) ! M'-k l'."t, i- Ttirr jifl I 'u - ., . .i.f.'t ' " '' "' " t i 'i i'i. 1 '. , li Ii u -i u in i .'.'"I tl tti.. n v fcn . . 'i ' . : h , it :t . i - it .1.' r i I ,t! I' t ' i -V ' .V M .11" N i :li- I il- I'.'.l'-r i 'ttr ivlti'.-t "Hi i .f . .u ' ail ill' I'll 'in- '."'! I-... In ' ,V ' '' I H i n-., ,'l'-,iii' . mi l tii I'itiii' U'i. 1' .' T - rih -it I "-.' . i r . Il l' in n .il..!'-. a. ,. V. nr.- f , ll li K Kt i. I Hall'l itti'.-, . itti- - ft . ttt Satt l-'liitt- . . .1 ,ltll it Ur "I 1 Kii' -I'll.t! II .kll. I' -.i'l. i f.'t ll :. u . I I-' t . til I It Illi-' 'I ! I K l '' 1 i "., I il .I.M.-.'I i!. ll" l I' III" .1 ! I.I K f 'I I ' I" ! . - ,1 r,,.n ;,iiiu.' i ..tin., ,. ..,', ,.r...t,.t, t'i-ii. r t,.- . ' ..- .l-i..- I'l-ii villi i-.-li,- ,i f vv f ., .inn.. .ii',:ni.".l,.n. At..!y , K nt ' .it h Si,, n-if I'l.itikli" Av I i II ,,r iMiiih-i . '"i'i hi uli". lulli ."I ! .I,.,,' l.m.ti'M. '." .'ll all I nail htl.-l. ill j am 't ni.'t'.- vni w. nr. ai i;,K-tV ,'iiik-"" j , . .,, i MT.-ltl l"T a f-vi .1.1) H nt',.-- W" w 11. j ll .'", ..i.-krtKN "f SH"1..'h . '.tiiti! , tw . fr iiini t-v i.i.-k.ik -k hm i"i I..-:-. .l.ihtH.'ii Urns. , K.lf IllSi-. I.ISH tllll!l-SS .Ul'l 111 IH I'll i-liali'lnif K. ,t A. i'. I'm. i.'ll, lil litli Hlff-l. I'll'-S r.-tlH'iltillllf .I'l.l Mlillf-lf tlmi iiiiiiraiit I, Sum-. Itirky riist.iiniT of IV V. Allrn & Sun will "'""I !'' I""'!'" hujuiy by wiii!iti Unit "' ilaii'i. Tlt-ki'tti with ."li lt rilH'i Kitli" nf ll. 'riMin miii. ryi", AimTU.i'i (In. whlky. The mily pur" iil; Ktmr itiiiivtl ill-It ntt'l in-low. JOHN 1 CAIUSoM, Hull) AK'nt. K..r ft liiiih "ml "I"''"' n Sunilay ttiiiinlnirs, k t Hti I'tilarf llutlit. Kv prylliltiK tf'W mi l cl.'iil. I'liroolaln lulm. lnvls I'lifb'tl, tii'iiirli't,n'. .lulm A. Miintumii -py Ins (ii''"cil ft hIu'P hi 4V!I H'"i'l Htrv-. ni'.l ii pri'imiv,! t,i tin all class. 'x of pliimhliiK iin,l tin i lini nt lowot p.isslhlf Pit 'H. It'tslyn cniil Iiihis IniiK'r. In I'ltnil.t' it ml tiiiiki'i Ii'hh trnttlilo with HtiiviM mul . lilinncy Hues thitn .'iiy . tin '., ilcinnc V. Saalinrn. aRi'itt; t-l pli mo ISM Itoltert Sulti r. of WcSip.irt, Ort'Knn, Is prepari",! to fiinilsh, on short iiotlei", the very list of lumber, roiiKh, JicsseJ or klln-ilik',1, at the loweut prices. .. v. v. i ,.i.. ,. f lllf .'. ... .V ... .! I.....M- . SSB from ABinrla anil Portland for the Tftn-AmPrlciui Exposition at Hiiffaln. Tlckei will be on sale Hint to thlnl Tiies.lnyM, June to Octohei-, Inclusive. These tickets must be used for continu ous piissaKe tro'iiff, but Rtop overs will In. allowed wllhlti final limit returning, IIKHT 1B-CRNT MIOAL i RISING SUN UIOSTAUKANT. , 1 I i( ' I t 'i- ( ll .Mv hi I I 'Ml I ' II ,1 I l' V '1 il i y f l in N'K 1 ilii . - v xvniT Y.iiiik I ft Lib. .1- .1 ti.l t" N .Mil H'l ' .- , ll!N - - W II II i; .-I ..ii.) x ,, ('. ' l:."l. ' 1 11 -'; -t. l.iy I, i- ii. -f - - V.. in i" ii'.'V '.I. U ' "'i l.i ti"i lik'1 in- I" 'f ' : hi 1:1 il l M . 'Iiii mul J.imi .l.,h".n In '. V nl "f li.iK Inrl ll"- "T fr.'in Vlsi' !., i'i':"ii. t.-.-.-:v.-1 l.y I1' :' f" ' "n I in-., ..i mi. '.'K'...'. ;"' , ti . mil .'"i" '" Tl '.il . '. ,1 i t -iit n..!r .f U. lt -- iiii ri will t'c 1 I "! :!f M, ...... Ii, . !. i I '.lav r....' ..f j i- '-i'Iiii; n'lin "Tii.' In!' i('i' ". itl' it M...I in Mi.; r - ll i Mim A 't ll.-ii'l.---,.'! v. U-t !'! K ll I '' I ill t UK ' ti I lull l! 'hill !l S I'N'llll.'T J. a j 1 i'l 111 . I il." tl .il l, lilt! T i,- Infim ,ii "f Mr an I Mt J,i, "li y n'... . '. W V-'. T. i, I..-I .- lav i T.t ' fu'. i i. ." l'''i I : Mai ai'i'l !'i- ' ,. - in- n . u U! I... n i ti , ' tin I Til Ml'! Ii l't .M.iiii.K a: t.'i.- I'lti' ril It Sun In . III.. i it i ii .in I .I'tiii'iX A r l'i'-".-!i!it!.i,. "f .'!. H ut" Ml. ., s wi, ..,,,, ,. ...,,,; . Th,- utMt.i! ni t I 'm iv'l; , 1 t ..: Hi- I'.".l.l 'i- i in , t . it. .-It ! i.ti Th Iti'it'ilIU 1 I I ' Will M.I'i'b A. , '"I l " ii . 1 " - . hIiik :.., !' . "!! Km I' Y'.n I, il,- .,Ml... t. M'.'.,!..i , A.t .:'..!". . , ..',',,, Mr ll.,mt, ' t.,. ,:.-) M ,.,',, ,,;., . iv.lll8,. ! . i. . i l :, i ),.ii,Kk :l iiiifiiiii -Ii nil I luti.' i , . ti SI,"-1" i"' ' ' ... ,, , Tin- " i a !'. i. i' Mil II I'.ltii 't- M II f ail , , ' -r I .i mil k at I I' in : III ti w, M !l- , , ... . . . . .i. an I I'f'ii' r 1 u 1 1 . it it i. inik. a , . vi, If. i' : i i ii. In ' i'. : .j.'.tii; a! .!iil in. , ' 'ii li-i- l i.iin. ' .villi 1"' nil. hit a! il a in .till s I' in Tit ' . ; 1 1 til n ll! -:i a I I I' 'If lil'.tiilitK -"Hi" . I. , .! .r, -I ai W.i.-i - 't.Hiitnr.. h.iiil ! I- ai '.it ttiiit I , ' Tit -In. i Ii- I" It, ii ill ! ii- lal I ' .' i , - i i hi, It t e n u .i : i t i:-'. i i ' 1 1 , ., av ; I i. i- tl.iili nf .". : . vl ill, It . I' K 1 l lltMi .1- I'll-111 '".! :i. I - tl - i. i'lilni: ..: l-'ir-l I" . I ...i.i ' ' ;' ' " -"-' !-" - i r i. 1. ..f Mi M.hiiii'i i lin.'i' I'a k-rs A- i" ! i'l'in I'.-li.iiKlMK li'T : ' '.' T ' " ' ' '; " H tit W t ' w 1 '. an, I u If -, i 'f i ',il,'.i- I--"' "' !'"::'" 1,1 '-:' '"'-I ' " ;'" M'- U "'"' 'ii'""-"' "' th- Hi.i'1.1 I I I'l' 'ss Willi ll' ll lill II - , :.!- it! mi.M"' J " ' .,.,. , s !r,,i,, .,, ar- Hv,. , fl. .si. riiav ,ifl-i-j , , .f, 1 ati,'!i,n' .i...w:!." til." - i!y sin, ti'v ),. f..-- r. ..Mi. , li. Th,- in,n w.-f.. riti.i "IT iIiiiIhk i'i.' "fay "t tin' less III I'l.tillltlil St Miiry's rinii'. li S.-rvl.vs will lie In-Ill nt tin" iihuiI hiniiM, S anil 0: ill) a. in , Willi Hi'ininli til Hi.' lilt"" ni.i.i.1. l'"ath .'I' Iint", wli.t titm tn Ills pur lin iliitl'n will i-'-l." niiti" the luti' miisK an, I il.-llv 'r the H.Tin.Mi. t..s-l H,rvli,"H will lie li.'l'l fi'n tlay hy ih,. Swells!) HupllHt lihiiitli ut Unlp hull on Franklin iivohmo. Ml siiiiini'v tl. A. OHlirlnk, will lu.'t ihc nn-i'tliiKs it ttil tuny stay licit" the most par: of this month. Kvcrylinily woloi'mc to our m.'i'lliiKX. WiiP'ilnt'nili'n! Fyc, of the riatsop Mills, s.tlil y.'Ht "ftlny rcganlliiK tin" niiti'iiii'tit In an fvcnlnic papoi- that JiMitii) Wiiiil.l not ci'.'ct an export saw mill thai in," i-otilil hi" built for half lini! niiii'iini whl 'h w'.ail I have a -ii'u-i-lly nf inoic than liKi.ikki feci of liim li, r n ilay. t'lipialn mill Mim. Kuhn. who arc In'Ki" of the Salvation Army work In Astoria, wish to iinnotincc that th-re niv tnn"ttnt! In M fit H"cuf hall every nlirht In the wv"k ami thii'c tlm.M on Siinilny, 'lilit its the '.ili.irers In the Ijoiil's harvest lire few they cxt-ml n cot llil invl!'i!,in to all f'hrlitlnt) work- "'ix of Astoria to come an,! help to res- cue the precious diamonds In the nnurli. TonlKht th rp will be a hallelujali t-ound-tip, and tomorrow the niei"ll"n nri' as follows: HollnesH mcetliiir nt 11 o'clock, free ami eimy at 3 p. m., and a urnitid time at 8 p. in., at which service every lady nd gentleman will be presented with a very nice valuable book as a snuvenlr. Kverybody cordially Invited to attend. III tin' Kim! lllill H t (it ii t iimIi I In-i t i r.-1 v n' William Hi'Tii Ml from Um- riiii'luay, ii.-ur Kin I'imt An'iirln urti Milli'iuw, at iilmiil 4 ii'iim k till ii i"ii 1 1 ii k . hikI link" Ilia UiIkIi Ill-Hi li'd r-'ti'lvl'iK Ilil'llilil In-Juri-s ll.i f.-: ii lleiiiniv at liny f-.-t. Cllli' l H' Mi'lli iillil liliMlf brnllMllt lll'll In Ml. Mary's l'. U li fur In-alin lit. IM Ii-iilly it li.i klmi- of III- Hin I'f.iin li i mrlki- l r uiKl'I'T' il l.r.ik.n, j A"ii"iiiM iiu'iii w.i ii i Ii yiMii-rl.iy I'l miii -r 'm i - V, i:i I t will 111 riv :tilv i lil in TMiiiK ,ni I ul'l il' i. iri f,. -M:,f,.ri:l... Th.. rt'-nim-r ha I In "i.- I' ii -tin yew lay "'.l- - - ,,,,.. , ,iii i'l I II" I !' Ii-"ll. I'll 'I.I 111.. K n 'it- Ai ii , i lil'i'f','' lt,iliu.i I'niiii hi v f .1- ,i..'i Tin' ! r h i. ins ii. iM"iwr In :m.. . .ii Jinii-1 iln- .Il k III .l'll! I llll-l Hi.- IK'T I if M'" ' " ' ' " I a '"" ! UHt '""I ! ' "ii"ln I' II I" if injur. .-h r.i'. iv- i in ii.,- . i 1 -r . : In it 1 1 1 : i-:i ','Cfi 'l llll IK' f l 'll vIIk- :ii Ii ili'H lljf nf ii,, ,n . t.k 1 i , ,i i. iv, -i, ... i;. . Hiii-ii :m H' ni ii''. . f-, m :.ik.i t .i.';v itn-i a' ill- imirt , ,, ..,. , M ,.,t.j,. i .,. A ,,. . hA ('i,..i, ...f trl.. It.y. iri it. . i' i. i .. ii i.i.-i.i- 'i"'; - 'i '. '. Ii. '. i n ',in .mil .. I'll" .r ,,!, ,, m,,.., ,f...,., '-r.,k tr. H.....I In- A,,v I....M'iif '...;. '.-ti . Al'r I Ilia kl. urn, i ..r , '.;, 'i.l ttif ' i, ?t!y, .1 liti Hiinil". In i. ,i' . i ,ri A'. r ,t N.ill'.inl 11 u k, 'i .i.'ir ; . I. uli M tiiii. J'llni W.i'tl, " '" ir An!-i- ii "li.til.-R 1 1 . iii- . I'.r ril J ." I J 'line 'M. truit. . Am !" I'lu-'iiiK v. lit I It.-! I n.-xt W. il- , ., ,n' av !i-n I'M f n-h will .' .Ii i in- m: "f I !i ' I l-iiT .-in. n l.j'.. I. "11 ma ! lll'll I ! i A .Vi' K U !i- ii It iV N aii.l 'r I'tilin I".'. ;i .tti i .' .ii ii. in. f -r ! in- ....tii-it" i: i i!" ii ran" I, fp-nit, '. r. it .tnl ;'l k I -.1 in -ll llrii-afi.-r I !i.tM In-tt it .. i'y lt ;i r 'tiK-n-ii. "i' I 'll'' ! v r :!i.. 1'nlnti l'.n-!fl.- ti-tti, h'i:.''! ii . i I-, f-. i i - a. t'lii a4 It - r- 'nili. in-ii" . f :'.' Itt.r'-I..:- C.iin 'ii 'f , , 'liiit . t: i If r I i lllv 1 ' ' I' !,!. fi ii itij.i. ! -a. 'ii, w'. ti-rittl. nf i'l ft'l hlt'lt:' 'ti ."I til - Knl. i'i I'll . .11 .i-i. , .!.-.-. : :.g l.tfM Ai K. II. H I" l '!" I'1 11 l . ! "!!'! '.It- fnl..ii . fl an I V't'1! rti l'.i, l!l,- ni-'T u lti' h 1 1. hi. "".' t: ai i ii.. w : .r -v ill. in- "'""n-'",!" ' :h'""" ' 1 !i 1 " -,v :h,; h" S'"'h r" I'-"' ':! -" ' A X . It. IS. t t:. in. ': ,ih 'i, I- -i f,'.'ii'.i'-n:lv ' 'till., .in. I .1, . f ,1 . lttl.t I'.i-'.v l t.Mi'iiii ' lift - "I'ti l.-n't.. -nrv ..f ' tl In 'I'll." i" l-i'tit. tf Will I l-i Ii '1 a i t.' M,i-:!i "' V. - Ii:!".' an I !i n -'.I-.I ! Kiv- it i -it -ik- ',:! I .ri -4'...r.J.iv nf- I "I It ' It I I. ': .."lllll' t i !h- .? ; !l n 'f '!i- 1 1 i I . r. i I -ilr- .hi lilit ; i r' . I . !. -isif it,- - r'u .'.i! ut t ' a j' ,i ; . .'!!. .It". ..1 .ill ' .al.-h-: It is Ii ' ; l I !li: s v i.i in- ,i,-i-'i.i-1 I'i fli L.- ,.;,.-n mi,- liv.r .if t r. -.. i'ti' Ii- lias Kivi'H 1 it-. I -mil I a! iriiafai'- ' n 4 i h m iv.if.'s af- "I'-k-i .f h - ..' ! h tin: -I t i : t. p nt -i M- . lias t.i'-n .,'i .it; t ti-.' l'.t'' - ii . litisiiii s-i hi" -II-t.ii'-l ". I i Inn.- a:i-1 "it ill- His: In- i'i i' a : "- 'l' ii v - "f ;!ti nnlun w t. i,' i a' h:- !! ' ' . h ' .ri'k-i.i-r'.i ni-ur, ,:.t , , ,tiv ).) .-..ntf. Wiii!.' ,i. . i- k- .ir -n .! ,f i i iiiicr. sflvi'. :n, y : f ,'. i .vr :li ',:.".,rv. m i fr :l," it mil- "V tln'in iiitlilist li'v '.'..i I Ii mi l't 'I I fs It Is I'.'ti.ii';- j' - 't -v.-i-tl in ihnis wli.i lt.iv." ! :i.-n-I ill. .ik'.--in ' w'lh tit.' iinlun ar.' I j ,'i. - in .,- I:, a". I ill i: l!u will I !-k,. i.-.Im t.k:n .' a i-..,r.vtl.n. T.i.r s v . mii.i, ri;iui: "i. V W U'li't'"'" SaisTInt I: Will r..i T'n .iiv,-'i l s , I- h" I. ark nf ,., , ,.,, ,.,., " '' ' ' ' "Vi.'tn 'ite . ,"t' in ii s In an evenl'iR li ttler." V. V. W'tii i'l . ia-i l imit, "i.'i,. ttvi.' iii Mi "iia.,- h." , ii a"-, I iii.ti a sawnilil .'.inn : 'i- -sinlilUhe I In tins .iiy until Ihv ral't n ls have tltl irran--e.l tii loniiiton i'olnt nit -I. I .I,, ii": wn"i to he uii'l' is!" il as iitnleresiitu it inir the value ".hat terminal rates would be ( As'iirla and the resources of this sir"!on. f urirn. hut a sawmill cm succeed here without (hem. Moreover It w'll sueeed despite rate dis.rimlna llnns." Mr. Whipple Is :h" prime mover In the recently announced plan of l.toul capliallsts to erect a sawmill In ihU city In ihe niir futiir.' at a .-"it of $75. imW. An 'Cai'ern who has visit 'd the city nvenlly Is to t,. one if ihe larire .thar h .1 1 't-s and Astorians will subscribe for 'he I'll imv. Na suh sl, ly 'ins itvn m- will he nke from ih-' cont'iiTelal ln,il 'S of lite city. The tn tl will i tit th. lt- iiiiiney liiio the pro ject on ihe bails .'f a purely business piMp.i.sillon. "This .laninlnit with faint praise pol icy," rontlnu'd Mr. Whipple, "may cre ate a wroni; Impv.vsl n outside. The opt'ilo'i tuny "ne est.ii.lis!i,-" I w e are battled up by the :Mllr-'a,ls and doomed to utair.iatlon and d eiv. As a matter of fact iliere Is plenty of buslnefu hero In Astoria to support a Urge sawmill. T!ie lunilter ctinstantly beini; tfed for i-ipilrini; the city M'reets Is ti,it manu factured here. Net ftimts, of which As toria buys more than any other cl:y in th,. state, aty made In Portland out of Iok that are towed up the river from here. There Is the privaie demand far buildltiK and other purimses, In fact the situation demands another mill. "We want Industries In this city that will bp In operation the year around. The salm .n outness In a bijr factor In our cutnmer.'lal world but il continue!) f ir l-si than !i'f the y ar. M'-anwhll" l It, nu n are t a lu'K'i .-t'-nt I'll". Th'T. Is mi ri'.in in why Astoria ( nrni .t be a busy low it a I'll d iX"tm of mills mil f.ii t iri -n. Kvr-tt Is years youi'K-r but f..r tiuiill'iK l 'ast li- 'unliiic a i lly of mill ji'll I ('P auls-. We have ih,. ii'lvnif !!(. l-i Id a'l 'ii an i tjn...ii'i,t'i'-il r ,'inj i I: Is up In "tip cil!. "!t to s'"-;i tiv.'y 'n ih- inaivli of pr.iKi-ss or to In' l-f. In tii,. rut wlh ut her ham ' ts vihli ii Ii d i tvi.r un!ts and ii-Klieil to u'll . th 'tn." a I", dt'iTNi" t uk ;ivi: away. n I -.1 I'lltil.tiiilir ,ii.; lets siiir:.-. to n i . aw iy .'its f .itin.. '. i i-, ir.'li-s In nil ;,.it "s nf th- -,i;iii!r.v,' .tit I li "J iu'.: line 'i Kill (-.ill h- a i inn) I. sit'-1. Tin i" ;t:i it ." tK - h')' liim ?iiih a-- itnl'!.-fi I it i-1 . l.-il f it i'i'!,, li.s. ' , . . t. in .. .-. it,.. ,.,.'.ti. in. , ' ",' . . ,. i a m It -it i hi. in,' xt'iina-h ii nil - tit.. II f:; ya'" V i ; , .. itl it'."'! :h m I n.i i a- i niii'.hi',i in ir- any ,.Ht i r in il. Von rattn n l,. -:t-'.li -iy w 1! niii'-- y.nir n: una. Ii Is In if "I - lid :i"li, ii" l - Ii-M ini-l. -in- to i.rlnif l.'iU j'. nit It II is.ett.-r'it Hi'H'iiai h 11. 1 ' -M. It pr in it-t. ,t.i.".,li-, inur-s Hk-k'I'.ii, i-o'.-s il ii.-'!a. r'-Kula"-- ;h 1 1 v -r and ke ps ,ii- Iwi In r-KU'ar, hL.'. r-v-iit l,.-ir!ilii. Ii'-nriliurn ur li.itul--n y liin'i fall ft try It, out b- ur K'"i th- K '1111:11". v i ; i i s M i ;n t i koi s a uh. i enuni? nouses carriea on unuer tninese It i"i..tiii f.,r Kr-h -f an I Mutton: I management. The cwks arc Invarla "ttl iTii.-f C.'innt sary. Vancouver Dy true CelesUals, and in only a few liirr t 'k. U'n-h . S .:. 4. 1'1. Si-a'a-d cases are the proprletora Americana. ,.-iIiikiW f ,r f'jr-in'il.'in: nnl ll!verinK Tlie fixxl la prepared, therefore, accord- 'i :i bf .m l fr. tnu. ton f r six ni'.ti'h. b-Ki iiini! January I. l'A2, will ii- i iv-d h-re ai a: i'in.:- of com- mini irl-n a: Kurt Stevens, OrcKun: It li.i-r.i ki, Ma.i'; Forts i'a-y. ''tidy, F.ajtler, Uiwii.n, Walit: Walla. Wrlkh; and V .incu'. -r Rirrnki. Wi ll- ii'Kii.ti. unt.i 11 a in. :. I. li'l. and ilin .ii.! If lrmitfi.i furniKheJ up- ...a ai;... -atoii. Knveliipej eoi'lal.-o.iii (ir i. i ii nli ml I be -n 1 in -.1 "rro;,.s.ili ? r Fr-sh Ii f an I Kr-eh Mu:t.:n." and ti,! Ii '.'" I ;o , o:niniii-aiy "f it to hi nippit-il. "r :. i" il. F. Ny.-. A. C. C, fhf niiy. TIU'STKK'S Ni 'Ti'" ti. Kh'" i 're lit'T. if th-- Firm f ;ail.i. & I-l n--n weber N-;!i-.. i. hereby given -iMi b lng un 4 il.. t- iii-.-t our .::Kati'ns, it. have ''.fer: -d .ill ..f our prop- til' Ill'.lllK It''- I'ld 4 V'lUlliil to it F. M tri-ri. trust--, '.ir the purpine .,f . in ,t t .ni; tii." mm.- in',. caii aril apl"iiiig th- iir'.- ii!" :h.-r-"f in pay tii'til f ..ur delns pro rai l. AI! persmis in n,' tti ar - r'nti-.; d to pay the name '.. tl F M ti 'f, "ru.'-e, nnl ail .-redl-t ..t t lii'vl.ii; ,'i',iw against Us are re- in i :,i iri-.!i tin- t-aine i i :n- ia-i N! -r i.i. .ril-..'". ..i ill..; ottlee In ,a. t'r.'g'Ui. !, S p: iiih-r .'. IfM. KUVt ill lilt - I.KlNKNWKliKlt. F lit For. SALE. T.':e C lunibii lilvcr Packers Assoc'- ail n ha f-T salo. two .chooners and ni." launch. A deser.p.ioa or tnt- Scho mer "Kinney'' vhooneri follow: - I.eniith, b-tim. 11.3; depth of h aid. S.lii'-,. Schooner "Hatiie" Length, .Sl it, beam, 9.9; depth of hold. 3.S. Off-rs will t,e received a: :he office f the assoiiation, where full partu-u- ars may aiso tie hid. A FEW INTERESTING FACTS When people are cunte-.tipliting trip, whether ,n business or pleasure. :h y n.itur.iiiy want the boat service obtainabie as far as spe;J. cemfort and siife-y is concernt'il. KmpK've.i of the WISCONSIN CKNTRAL LINlS are paij to s rve the public and car tra.ns are oi.ra;e, so as to mike close con nections with diverging linos at ail Junction points. I' l'aia.-e Sieeping and Chair i' ars "ii tluoug i trains. 1 lining car service nnex.ell .'d, Meals served a !a cartt. In order t.i olrain the first-class ,er ask ihe iicket agent to sell you a ticli t ever rhe Wisconsia Central Lines and you will in .ike direct connections ut St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee anJ all tKiint.s Kast. Pur any further Inform 1' -all on anv ticket agent, ur cories,i md with JAS. C. l'ONn. en. Pass. Ag't. or JAS. A. CLOCK. Milwaukee, Wis. Oeneral Agent, THE CIUOAC.O NOUTHWESTtmN RAILWAY. A familiar nanie of the Chicago, Milwaukee & S;. l'au! ltailivay, known all over the I'nlon as the Great Kaihvay running the "Pioneer Limited" trains overv dav and night between St. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago. "The only perfect train in Hie world." t'tiderstand: Connections are made with all transcontinental lines, securing to passengers the best service known. Luxurious coaches, electric light, steam heat, of a variety equaled by no other line. See that your ticket reads via "The Milwaukee" when going to any point in ihe United Slates or Canada. AH ticket neents sell them. For rates, pamphlets or other infor mation, address, J. W. CASKV. C. J. EDDY. Trav. Pass. Agt. Gen. Ast.. Portland. Ore. Portland, Ore. Foley's Honey Ti tWt liczis Mags ana stops the couti. CIIOPSTICK DINNERS. A FAD WITH WOULD BE BOHEMIANS IN NEW YORK, (blurt IlcstauriBla Tbrr Tolerate l"pre mnd Kr, E rrybadr Hurt Jl Aliual m II or kbo I'lraava. Iti the lust few year a jurprlslngly lnrf,'' riunilr of f;tilti n-staurant fcn vc tnnili. thi-'r Bnin-urance In up town ilistrlcis la New York. Tim tawdry ioiitivnnl flerorntl'itiH of rel and blue ,' Hnlits nud LuRi gilt ('lilWKe cliaraetfrii i are In tvery ase tb; HUtne. The same, i too, are ihv mialtrar.-tlve entrances, the I walls di-corati.-d with colored (ilctnrei i if pretty Cljlnese girls and marveloui Ipcciiiii iiH of laii'lscaiK's, the little ta- i Win covered with white olldotb, the : . ..1 ,lll,.r.t,1l 1... ..fll.lUI.. ii.i. iai u.l.ij'li.n u. .,1 iim I'luuiiiinu tnciit. Nothlni; about them aeetna at tractive, bimI yet these place thrive, and their numls-r Increases with aston Ishlnr rnjildity. The reason la not far to seek If ono Is at all familiar with the fact. There are several characteris tics of the Chinese restaurant which recommend It highly to certain classes j and seem to Indicate that Its populsrity la not a mere fad. In the first place It should be under j stood that most of these places are j really what they arc auppoaed to be, Ing to the most approved methods of the Mltldle KlnR'loui, with the result that In cheapness and sarorlness (If you like It) It can easily outclass aim' lar places run by American cooks. The Chinese Is a master of the art of mak ing palatable dishes out of next to j nothing or rather a little of everything, I Not even the French cook can rKal him. The Insipidity of cheap cnop- hntises and the sameness of the dairy lunch counters are thus escaped by frequenters of these restaurants. More over, In spite of appearances the food Is prepared In an extremely cleanlv manner. No one Is debarred from en tering the kitchen, and a visit thither sends one back with renewed appetite to the untidy eating room. So many who while possessed of a small share of this world's goods still affect "sport Incss' frequent the restaurant for Its cheapness and grow to enjoy the highly flavored dishes. There Is also a free and easy atmos phere about the Chinese eating bouse which attracts many would be "Bohe mians" as well as a goodly share of a class below the lowest grades of the city's many graded Iiohemla. Visitors loll about and talk and laugh loudly. When the waiter Is wanted, some one emits a diri!! jell which brings an an- iswerlug w hoop from the kitchen, fol lowed stioner or luter by a little Cbl- nese at a Jog trot Any one who feels like It may stroll Into the kitchen and try a little pigeon Knglish on the cook. The proprietor will teach anybody to use the cbonsticks and roar with lauch- nPlla ,..-i,, iv. eryliotly does as he or she pleases wlth- j Cl.rtu very elastic lioutids. The ; limit is reurlied sooner In some places than in others, for while some of the houses nrv before midnight at lea? perfectly well conducted others are of lnore than questionttble respectability. It Is curious and Interesting to note that under American management the tone of these places Is lower than when the Chinese are lu sole control. These new tip town places are not so good, either In a moral or a culinary way, as those down In Chinatown. It Is usual to speak as if Mott and Pell streets were the city's sink of Iniquity, and so they are In some respects, but there are no Chinese restaurants In the neighborhood as disreputable as one or two up town. The clientele of the down town places Is atnive suspicion as a rule. Chinese drop in for their meals, and dwellers from up town come either from curiosity or because they have learned to Uk good Chinese cooking. I'p town the bills of fare are more lim ited. "Yockmnaii." "chop suey" and "chowuian" are the pieces de resist ance. They austver the purpose cer tainly, for 2.1 cents' worth of some kinds of chop suey served with rice will make a toothsome dish for two people. Tea Is served free of charge, and the quantity Is not limited. But no one should Judge the Celestials' en llunry skill by these up town houses. Many of the guests in these restau rants come regularly. Frequently men and women come with palls to buy the food and take It home. Negroes are In disproportionately large numbers. They seem to like the Chinese, and Indeed the noise In the kitchen reminds one of the similar condition of southern kitch ens under negro management How ever solemn the Chinese may seem to be In public, he Is a cheerful creature In his own kitchen. Talk and laughter, even music during "off" hours, float out to the dining room. All the servants seem ready to break into smiles at the smallest provocation. They tire always ready to exchange Jests with their pa trons, but familiarity never becomes Impertinence. The Chinese doesn't care what happens so long as he Is left unmolested. He likes everything to be slipshod and merry. Nev York Trib nne. AVhr "Wedding; Brrnkfnatf "In all my experience of wedding breakfasts,' said a guest at a wedding, "I have never understood why the feast was called a breakfast aud not a luncheon. Now I have learned. It Is from the custom In the Church of Eng lnnd, where the bride and bridegroom always receive the holy communion be fore the ceremony, receive It fasting and remain fasting until after the wed ding, when the meal which Is served Is really a breakfast" New York Times. THE finest Restaurant in the City PALACE COMMERCIALS' ! ..'if J,"!-', Aiffc'lJt.vaCji: HQTGL PORTLAND PORTLAND, OREGON The Only Firwt-Claww Hotel In Portland C. W. BURR-DENTIST Successor to Dr. Ball. J73 Comnvrciai St., ASTORIA. OR. TELKPHOXE, RED M61. WHERE DO YOU HAVE YOU TRIED A.W.SHIPLEY? 66 Commercial Screet. DO YOU KNOW That he giveg the best there Is to be had in the cl:y for th least money? Place an order once and see. Kur .-me bv FOARD & STOKES A Alerchants' Contest FOR FIVE III'NDKIO DOLLARS IN GOLD COIN. Th unJorsigned merchants of Astoria for the purpose oi showing their appre c.ation to their customers, have agreed to star: a contest under tne following comhtluns: We give one vote for every ten (10) ceat purchase. Votes may be cast for anv society, organization, public or private institution or IndividutL No votes can be sold unjer any circum stances. The contest lasts from now until October 1. The society. Institution or individual receiving tbe highes; to:al of votes will be award't the tire hundred dollars with which to buy a piano, or furniture or whatever they may prefer to buy. Ross, Higsinj & Co.! groceries, etc. Fishr Brti , groceries, etc. Johnson Bros., frroeeries, etc. V. H . Coffey, groceries, etc. James Crouchley, grocer. Tentral Meat Market. P. I.awler & Co.. fl!i market. Plivee Restaurant. Seaside Bakery. Oregon Bakery. Robinson' Furniture Store. The Re Hire, department store. The Won.ler, department store. Hoetler's Oanjy and Ice Cream Farlors. Tagg's Candy and Ice Cream Parlors. John Hahn. shoe store. J. H. Seymour, jeweler. Eagle Drusr Store. Central Drug Store. Hurman Wise, clothing, hats, etc. 0. H. Cooper, dry goods, clothing, etc. S. Danziger, clothing, hats. etc. N. 9ehlu.--.jell, clothing, hats, etc. Will Madison's Cigar Store. Jack Burns, cigars. P. Miller &, cigars. Theo. Bricker. cigars. John Fentilla, cigars. J. Vtzinger, clears. Fred l'n wn. cigars. PACIFIC GOASI CANY For Steamer, Commercial and Family Use Orders Promptly Executed . . . DOCK FOOT OF SEVENTH ST Samuel Elmore & Co., Agts. Ili gulur Meals 25 cents .Sunday Dinner a Specialty W. W. Whipple A Model Kitchen tiic inn niiwiri'ii tmuoitr We ctrry everything fr th Kitchen Intra Kul m Pin toihj or Kn. RIGHT PRICES AND THE RIGHT GOODS POPULAR MEN Always Smoke the Best and Popular Cigars i And thi'r; Is only one place to get them, and that Ig from WILL MADISON TWO STORES. Commercial St. Eleventh St J.A.FASTABEND GENERAL CONTRACTOR AXD BUILDER. Andrew Asp, Hi?i laker, Elarbnitk md Btrxukttr FIRST-CLASS WORK AT REASONABLE PRICES. I Special Attention Given to Ship and Steamboat Repalring.General Black i smithing. First-Class Horse J Shoeing, etc. COMER TWELFTH AND DUAflK STS A VOTING CONTEST Given bv the Enterprising Merchants of Astoria- by Which a $500 Kimball Piano Will be Given Away FREE ; To the School, Church, Lodge or Ladv of Astoria voted the most i popular by September 21, 1901. All j ballots must be marked with name : of merchant issuing same. Other I wise they will not be counted. The following merchants issue one vote I with each 25c cash purchase. ! PACIFIC BAKERY. Bakery, i HAXAHAN'S, DrygooUs Store. P. A. STOKES, Clothing and Geata Furnishings. PETBRSON & BROWN. Boots and Shoes. A. V. ALLEN. Groceries, Crockery, Hardware and Fuel. ! SCHOLFIKLD & HAUKE. Groceries. FOARD & STOKES CO., Groceries, Hardware and Queen3ware. A. W. SHIPLEY, Groceries, terms cash. 6;i2 Commercial. WASHINGTON MARKET. Christensoa & Co., Meats. B. F. ALLEN & SON, Wallpaper ani Paints. GRIFFIN & REED, Books and Station ery. BOSTON RESTAURANT, Gallagher ft Leitiweber. Props. MISS MEANY. Milliner.. H. II. ZAPK, Furniture. It. EKSTHOM, Jeweler. Piano on exhibition at Foard & Stokes Co.'s show window, Eiler's Piano House, nf Portland, Ore., Pacific Coast repre sentatives for Kimball Plinos. TcLEPHONE M41N 661