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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1901)
Till- MORNING ASTORl.VN. M'ND.VY, SITTI.MIU.K S. HMU. i Tidcphon Main 661. TERMS OP SCBSCIUlTION. DAILY. Sent by m!l. Pr '"ar ....$6.00 Snt by mail, ptr month 8rved by carrier, per month.... .5 SEMI-WEKKLr. Sent by mail, per year. In a.lvaive. ;.V All communication ntn.M for pub- Itoation should be directed to "Editor Astorian." Purine communication of a'.l kinds and tvmi;u.'.Y. nu: b &lril to "The Astorian Publish lnc Co." "" The Astorian guaranties to lis adv. Mr- tist-rs the larpest circulation of Any nwspaper pubi:hl on the Columbia river. AJvertlsIng rates can be ha on ap rllcatlon to itu bus nes maraser. In p rm;t;;ix- the hi: hou'uls of an archy :o spr.-a 1 their t r ms or 1 the cavernmttt s. nesl.v tej the ounce of prev.-ntlon. an I an n- illgnan;. infuriate! nation ro-v ,1'jnan that the pumit of cure b arpi:-i. Thoro can b ro half-hear:ei meautv em ployed in exterminating these a-s vta teil nemie of estab'.isheJ governm.nt. Ths .lerpetual menaoe their existence en tails will justify extreme, r.gor In put- i:nr them down forever. Eum?fM statesmen were far-sighted when they adopte.1 measur,i to ri.1 their resp-v- tive countries of the fanatical fienls. They reailzel in time the ,langr im- 1 pr tiding and in a degree avotJl s Tiat a grid u Providence may spare; our honor-J president in no way los- ?ns the intensity of popular ind:gnatit. H-'petttion of Friday's crime must her - u . i- . i tvj'e o' tnen Hl.rr u- iui'..-v.i.'iT- ti lifi ... cpn attain that end. Am.yig his kin I J-urnal. the assassin is mw a hero. rre. dis- j, w.,u! , s,..m :ha: ia 5tKo, a p;a.,. patch"? tell honr anarchist groups in M.,sn Arm.n;a wh,.rr ..r:u, ,!;,:url,. different cities of the country celebrated ano, ar r;,,,,-,e.l, th- Turks sii.uiiJ the foul de-d and rejoiced. If the ex- ' j.,. a ,.f m.,k ,lf humaa treme penalty is impwl Cz decs will k: n I ns Paul I'l T.eer lr.. stil". be a nurtyr an.l h execution will 1 have no deterrent effect on his brother- NIOHT WAS HEP. TERP.OR. ! anarchists. They full well tn-. M - ; j w,nli,, ooUhv a:, n,Rh. Flic '.aw and are prepare.! U yield their writes Mrs. Chis. Appleaate. of Ai x . , , .h antirj, I: 1.. "and could harllv got anv own lives in return for g.ory of .n? slrX,p r hj j con..un)p..on bi.. :h.i: crime The chief danger lies in ten-'t if I " aike i a b! ck I wou'. 1 oousn fr:gh'fu!'.v an i spi; bl-"l, but. w hen i of th- creed. Murderer? who hav., paid all ,,.nt.r nte Ii'tne- fai.t-i. three Ilo-i the renaltv are t.el.i up to them as ne- roes. The a.sasin of King Humbert, of Xtaly. is a saint ha the anar,h.t N endar. As the Chin-'?e g'nrral b. li-ve 1 It honorable to commit suicl 1- aft-r ' 's- , ing a battle si are the delude! fana". s of anarchy taught that t di - by the hangman's hand is the high-s: attain able h'n 'r, provUin? they thereby sat- !sfy human law f r a lif- :ak-n. Th - , Buffalo trigedy in a b .1: fr -m a c! j Kkv. T i other preMd-rnt have ben , assj.-.-it n:-d. but i:i oafh instance It was frsmii v-f'g-an f ' fan 1 wror.zs. , z dg -z ha I n. fti-'vanr-. ag.ii.tst the or-.-id n'.. Hi- only corr-.-. 1 -x --ui-e Is that h" was f..!evinS :h. t-a-h;n?s .-f ; his pr-'io I'tor in ati tr. hy. The "t.! - 1 red" flag will iviv- no m ire !; ir.ust ie s-ippres-ed. A cot":!" of substantial oupinetss ne n .tre forming pi.iif for ih" .r-oti'm In b:s oi:v of a -awmiK t '.rt tlVl.'M. Tney .,. 0 no; pr en n-r in :.v ge..-ra.- Iv a.-'-r-.t- 1 int -pr- ai 1 jn of th" word. Th,. n;"n back of th" prop "d mill are P'j'.'.'.pit tb ir own '-ai,! ;ii Into the com Mtv av 1 .Ik no sub-i ly. I: U .Uite prba' i -hat outbid, inv-stors will be come it ter.-s:-.-d In the venture. As a ns;,er ni i a i a pi jniuicii . uiu -jr. nui. of the Em his airealy br. in con- , , , . , . ference with th' Astr-an ctmc.-rned and will pf' bably tw a larg? atwk hoider. An eve.ilng piper In comtnent Ing editorially on 'he subject haa stat ed that the serious iU.stion that will have to b" con:d-rl in the success ful operation of the mill fF the d'scrim inatl m in .-Hl'riad rn- 'j and from In terior points in the state. N'o one has supported with gr-.i.-r C'fi.-lst-iicy than the Astoriin the Jj'i'e of trmlnil . . ... . rates. It st.Il hope -md ijrio-v-s that I some day the railroa Is r,-i.I gran: th -m J to this port. And the g.'ri'rr,en wh 1 shortly to establish a saivitii:! h r - : its oararlty more or less, nr ir--ot!ng j a gniter argument than has before b-n nres' If the railr-'ads will not grant common p tint rat-.s then 1-t the resources of the county be developed. VI:h ti:. freight h'-re sc-eking an out let competition in transportation will ciulckly follow. Railroads are lop-r.-.t.-d for a profit and the freight traffic is the primary source of dividenls. Ixvel-.p the resources, create the freight and the railroads will tend-r a sliver salvor and 'with an absequlous bow. WITH THE PARAGUAPHKRS. Germany has an immense "colonial armv" already. The trouble is that It is all in th I'lilto.l S:n:os.-Mn!l a"d Kxprs.. Preir!ty (. th,. l'it our. f.r ivht tea; d iiU.--Va:iins;:n Star. Th siir.i of wealth now is a lba:o . n ,rn .1 .1.0 1 i lunn.- S;. Paul l1'1" r- p.o.iioos ar- ahou; llv.'-i;h wabo and . d11ar or nin'o a bus 10; t a tn .re f t .:'r.-M;nr.o;iiv:. Tr.him. " ''n',!l ' t-p curve of !..,.mx K, n--s. - I l.n ui;. !' n : .1 l' who . 1 tt r kit -o , ;) j. .. " ' ' l( ,;s ,. ... ,.. , , .,. n'tr'on, t.'ie ttniv.h r ' :u.ile.l I'.v the nmutv Montana Ke.-orl. Sinv; It- has a.vunuil.uoi! J'.'"1."'-". it ha. hi'-.-ii l.o-vi'iv.l -..aa; J.rry Hini; ot. I'ame Is nuKy J. l!.'rpvn:. -Ienvr UepuWlcar.. ha; Xortha ost, r:i university (1.1.1 (to; a n, a ; I n: :h piesti n ar-.-s: Has ho ever !: n kisl by a woman . Cho'.xo J mrKa). : Mr. Itryin cannt de ect a .1 ,k:ti-n n I' -f " : v ';e w,'nt Washington Star. ' jn r;VS.;s u a,iv i,.r n 1W. g..nt;,;n;i.jy o ap il.'cz ' for las: : v:t n th-- str -e; . I ,:v :o u o a,,j :ouoh. j, hat wi:h !lU j. f : h;l!). hoof. M:nnu?.:u Journal. J It U nA: for a wealthy man : 'busy. The ri-h nun with ::nv ke-p n h. ha"d I'U.tivate rxt-nstve tast..? f r po-fiti-' arts. Minn--ap- i s a s an.l t':;.j ,;'" " 1 r- tv-nns iis.ner v.ioi.v cure. 1 in- d-' l l gam"l r,,un,j, !; abs iut-!v gua-ant ! to , i.i-. pric- 50 cents and !!."'. fr a'. Mart s Drug More. Fren.-h infiu-nces ar- at v. Tk n- -'ii'ag. th .. us-- tip. Fren h iar.g'j ig in o'ai.idi. Ie L'.i-h i.j th-- iap-'uag- f . '...nad.t. an J th- in-ist.-n. ut-'t! ::i Fr-n- h has in swn.. s-. :;. us !-1 t t:i T- it .01 ,' a basta-1 i n.'i, n . :p Fr r anytnp.g . !-.. A Fi?.KM.S CI.' ."ALL "I tu k to my ' ',' n -. ai h .ag'n rv j i:o r.-- : or; ! - . ry r.-'. -a k' i o i: a j-1;-:.' a :: -s C v. It. - :t. j on tt. a. I wi-h u: a:.y a; ; As I -,v is a '' p iri 1 :. r .n I g L'i'. :- f K1-- "ro F: tt :i.: !. f .VI: as -.v.;. s I .. -r I 1 ,:. i.f- " Wcik. s k .... run ! .-.! tv e.t' n '', -'-r.j a 0: I "r fr m th- ir u- -, T'v : .- 1. m ! i n -': ,-, '.- - i by ii ,: : - D ";g .-' Pr..-? 50 Th rumor that G-rmany hoii. th t":.i." 1 Sta'o-s in any no-a.-ur. r-s.;-ns. bi- f.r th- iroubl- ::; -u'a Afri a aa I South Am I''- '.I Oil '' 1! m it.g ;in ,,(... tn , , ,(.;i.r 4 k:, aMy the furres je,r.d n: is a . of ;hos- two. FOR P.S'LVMONIA. tr. J. C. Bishop. Airn--.v. Mich., avs: "I hive F-'ley' n Hon'-y and Tat In thr-fc verv severs- cas.-? of pre-uin.i a tvlh good r-ijl'f In -v-rv a-e." It ware of substitutes. HART'S DRL''I .STOT'E ; u-.-iai 'in"'- '-11 L 111 11 nail- or-ii i , he, , .he ,afi. f..w Wn,.n a , mob "Xecutes exact Justice it is superior , to the average mob. Frank Tread well, lienn-tt, la , was tn-jublel with kidney disease for two years. He wnt-s: ''I had taken S'-vera! kinds of kidney remedies, but with iit tie b"neflt. Flnaily I tried Foley's Kid ney Cure and a one dollar bottle cur" 1 m-," HARTS DRUG STORK. Attorney Iewis f"e!s repaid for his long struggle in b-balf of Nordstrom. On;, pap-r in the printed the fel low'g picture wh"n giving an ac-'iunt or the idi.-nts t-x-.-c ut.on. Chapped habl. ' raoki-d Hps and ., I roughness of the kl. cured qtili-kiy by '" ! I'.anti-r Fao,-. the m h aling oint i,f j tn'-nr in h w .rid. HART'S MtL'G STORK ' ti-. of N- xv York p ,lb'- ohVlal.s b'ive ;,p p t ttuili big to their crimes. thus addii.g Jy- IP RAWER SALVI. D'.esn't cure your piles, your money ''Ii: he r turn- 1. I u th" mot h'-aling rn dine. HART'S IiRI'G STORK. PRAEL & COOK TRANSFER COMPANY Telephone 231. DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All goods shipped to our Care Will Receive Special Attention. No. 538 Duane St., W. J. COOK, Mgr. Astoria, Or. Re3. Tel. 1131. .V novi'r failing -ur, for iu;, butti, ,-al,l, iiio-is nound and s-rv I. I v. Vl::" Wiloh Hanoi Salve. A mt!i ix and l tithy rvniidy fr All .k tl aUv;!n. 'itiv tho liiiiu- i"i I'llAS. liV'vil'.KS. lrX:M. Th Ti tiro eunuch Arnu'niaiw to dis- .UtMST" ! pf'J'Vt f ."latllttt ill n !.- j two d .x:in( ;!iom. J K. V. Pu:oli. Klntirv:l!e. Pa, a' '. ho snifter '.I -'" y.vr with .lf and cou..l I 1 obtain rv'.l.f IvWi.fn Wlteh ' , Han1; s8'v.' t'l .'. Ii'.l i ; ciliv. '' Count tM: av wn-;h.i r. CltAS 1 .U.viKKS. ln.s..!. ; : .I'. w v l''. !iir'i! n.: loi'.ir as ;h:t he ,t:n . -.ts ir.u.-' 1 .lt, no: W ;nt -r iomM .mv nwf , ,., ... , ,.,11.- ... : ;nv. aili r-il :. the iv--" '' ' ' :.i:l " to-:i ,1 ok .lock. 1: a.-l-e ...1 1. j.. M.i-i aal i.n.v w u. v, : : ah.ur.l. s IvtrKns. it!; 11 . tr.l :r. :. 1' S MnrT. M oh.. v t s "1 b.iv t ' '.' " ! a-.1 !a.r: 1 1 W : ; Lit : I'. : ,r far .h- ' fi 1 li iv ; v 11-o 1 " T 11.' " r 1 cha.-' ;:.;i:r.s. p:o..:i;.-: I It S. t'o';-"-. who M)-e :)- tini'iu ' ; .!:. r.ct.oti f t -'ix th,- 'it'v '1 '.1 -t (: i i. .to. :m Now Y.ok o::'. ni-t't'Mi-! ; mav r 1 'f o in'-'. h !' ; , 'v! ty T.nv.pi my. : I1 .:': al; cnt 1 y-nt l o "o , a;: o-o' ti..C ! tm; :.i'k 1 W 1 't . K tr'.v 1!'."."' 11 vv .1:1 1 '' : 1 k - v 'iir 1 v r a l 'o . ' ri - 1 a-v t ' ak '. Saf .l. r.ixtK'tS. Pragir st. r n - 1 : : -To v !1 it vs I Itr 2: ia't seom : lc .nv.ik.'1'. f let th it th.. r p'.iol',.' uti '- .v I li T'l i th y 1 v s more or ! ..f 1 .' -k ! (f!n ; , think the : on i-:n. , ,,..,... , ... "."".. 1 1 1 . 1 . i,..iii ,i, 1 1 11 1 , , ... - . .1 j '! :'k me I cine '-'' w- for a-th'ei I hut on-- h'ttio of n M.nn 1 ' uc't ' C'l!" Ill me moro g'-l thin .my 1 t-.n ! e; .iu-. x th 1: tune n, : ,r:j j Cur-v" ''HAS It.tit KllS. P ixt-.-: A'Vor 1! t ns ar t 1 h.i 0 of ;h- faulty, art - the t'ni'o'd F:a: s 0.1? mator: ati event. onv. Ilto'lls :ov n Pi it f r such ! -rri ?i!er. No'th S:ran i "t parc'taso 1 a b e ;i . .( , f.rl. N 11 :. M tm'. . K , ... - h Cur.- when s-aff -rlng with 1 c 'Ugh doctor ;-'! 1 tt 1 . r 1 1 1 r 1 ' C i'o bo r-'leid mo. :h- - aol j th.-d a'.tpo.t cur-d. T . lav I am a w- 'ttt'f." CH.VS. K'XIKi'.S. I'-i.- -t Mur ! r-r O'ttri n. o h 1 cam. '. a -ti i -f rov in 1 1.1 a ., :i, r'di: for no: ' p iv ' in-! t him .11 io i n a .a M tny t'ii a' -, n w p' K ! ! Pyspejs.a Cut r gvii-i' ' ift ! tin: It is tho tc: ; ro to'v i-ir. '..rit bv-auoo i- t pr p'ti:' 'n wliloh I- :ratoi ,h . . r -s rv t ' I go.; r. 't 0 Iv - in f f -I hut ail k n 1 an 1 :. i' ur . : i g vti. n mi l d sp. 0-. 1 t wh it it cause. t'HAS. K' I-.lgg'.st. hiv y nine Turkish writ-r his t'-.-n . tt. ! tint. ! to ilr-a : h by :h.- sa. ati. ba: a-ft-- ;j 1:1 Par:. n ov th--r" . oa: t pr l' a'ltd'y ' h s g 'itig ba -k to p: nativ ian 1 to b" "X -eut-d. org' V.". Iinc Pe.v.itn Mi -h . : "Your KoiO I'sp.'.-:i C-tre i S 't r Tn -dy f -r l-i !: i ! an I niaoh uh'e :! a' I ii .1 1. it y,r v,, irJ t ufT.-re.l fr mi 1 s o, rnp !li::g 11:.. t . -t ty 11 I a'. 1 m - u-t -I I agonv. I rti cm iv on re I t.y K .l I a ''i'" 'nm'-n ling it t f r. 1 I - h -'if-f- m ! I:g-'l '1 I a! ays ff.- r f 1 's T is ' 'Hs it'i':: i ii I." A-i i:t:"-...--ing f-,m:r-. f ri will b a-o r: . 1 , o: r sp t . ! 1 . f .- :h .':; ,: r ' rl. Ai . -a r.y a ! t . r. o -ti :njir...i ! 1 A i:n ti 1 kn '.e '- H n at ' te- 'h- i- .:! i 1 o th r 1 : c'l -: 1 i . HALT : Mt I-- n--g..- ail a . s -, v i - v 'tt: .-..-r,Ti'ti -1 : Pi' a - 1 to t- sol- h.m t.g'ir-1 ..ut wher is I l- l:l- :ti V Mv Jp k.ti, H in o i : A' '-' a u- ' -" : d in n v H ' 1 -A-hi b ! i!;;j! r ha I a w '.. gr'o;. an 1 1 t-rr bi : - ti." : 0 iurgs. V - Ti. ', a !! 1 1 with 'l. ;;.. r.lg r : : : F -' -y's lb n-y and T 1-:- ! i'o-r. Sh" ha n'cr b -01 '1 1 c .ugh sd"ce." tIAP.TV ri:i:. r oj' 1 ri:n; ''; ti' 1 f. 'ilia- ar- ;.. b- "o ! f.. u ml ! l-nfanor. "iiieag . do 'hat Ni-,v York tbii' b. :i th- fbo'.ving i.f w I'-ked". -. va r: 1 p o a'. oil Li Grippe couphs o't-n rnntinu- f -r m orbs and pom-times lead t . fatal p - ib af-'T tho piti-e.t U fiipp 1 to hiv- p ivl the dang-r (ion'. Foi'-y' H n-v and Tar affirln pr..t.--ti-n .'nd Roi-uritv from th" rougb? HART'S DRUG STORK. A time has ben set for Premier Salis- toirv to n tire. J ne 1 an m hi .a-.f has tak-n the liberty of s-tting It, WORKING 24 HOURS A DAY. Th-'-re's no rest for those tireless lit tle workers Dr. King's N-w IJf- Pills. Millions are always busy curing Torpid Liver, Jaundice, Biliousness. F-v-r and Agu". They banish SI'k Headaehe. driv ou: malaria. N"vr gripe or weaken. Small, taste nice, work won d rs. Try them; 25 cents a: Hart's Drug Store. Several hundred school gltlt. w-re ask'-d r.-cently which th-y it--f.-rr.d In 1... men or women. Thy prf'-rr"! :h.- B-ntl'-r spx. In this tbey will have ! unanimous masculln,. en,oryetn -n:. V,'. 1,. Wyaney, Padiioah, Ky., writ.-s: "I had a severe case of kidnev disease and three of the he-t phylclans In S-'U'hrn Kentucky treab-d rne without, sir-i I was Iraliic.-d ro try Foley's Kidn v Cure. The firs: b'.PIe gave :tn-m'-diate relief and three bot'den cured mi- permanently. I glidlv r-coinmend 'his wonderful remedy." Tike no sub stitute If ART'S DRUO STORK. A writer named Vignaud has giv-n tm world a b'ik to prove that Colum bus did no: discover America. Never theless, pome of us will cling to th" old. bllnl faith. SATS HE WAS TORTL'RRD. "I suffered such pain from corns I eouid hardly walk," writejt II. Robin son. Hillsborough, 111., "but Rucklen's Arnica Salve completely cured them." Aets like magic on sprains, bruises, cuts, sores, scalds, burns, bolls, ulcers. Perfect healer of skin diseases and piles. Cure g-tiaranteed by Hart's Drug Store. Price 25 cents. ' K" K l Pv - 11 J, 1 ivin til V":C: 1 '.v" : s C- 'i v c ni:i;i,i:ss noi.n n.i;s W.r:h 1 t.'u.i:!.' .in. I :h,. Mv." of .1 M:',::.'M 1IUm. e.-i- ;,.( I fp. V.i-: vti on Vlvenux s..iv "Th.- ie, t.-iofi of ;'."m .n;!i o' 1 ! ;.: li nn :hl tnoi. m t'tan ';i'l C, t o a iju.t'': .-r no! on ; n -i ! I. a:-- in k 1.1 t.i:-. ... tie.m ; . u .. , , -,.Ar m '.1 ''; '. ,a" I.. :u i',l the ,lli,oi i ,v 'tar oil', unki1 ov t- ,pi in 1 t I I !" or. a a h.nis,. tn ht, it oa tu ax 0-oi- i :i Vi,,!.uil. In-, a i' '.s :h' I .iv fr 1:1 S !i Pi .(.' s ...' ,11 a Wasli- fii;'. '1 1 y -: oi.hoo "I a. . :x.x- d 01 no., -:v- i U 01 :'i,' 'O.o 1 . I h : in . n 1 1 1 10 fa t. ,1 1 am i ,o: : -a v ; !i I :i ' : a-: u:.i"i ;r 'in " . n r kn ! . : i. tu: 1 ( 1. " - r :h : rn , I - 1 I'll ti tio i o t :a 1 ,t. !- w -o ". to- I rn: 'a ,n !, v .1 v t 1' :o 1 1 i it -, : i in , ma - on ucity 1 ' .'.! 'on uet .0 . 11. il- f no ! t"p : . w h..m in h 1 I .0 :g : 1 : -c o ) . i l' w a nri Hi w 1 -: 001 . i ' a in - 1 A -1 ii' - t. - o'-i-l i'i nil ! n 'a'i ,x'" I oan:'. o to il !'i -1 f t'i,- ; a: .'. a : !i a. -ar-1 ; 1 0.1 'i 1 , n k oow : Ji an. ' '? a. :' u-s 1 in, in 1 I'' a : t 10 :,tn' k- p no -titid a re. A ' f . a.m.,- Tenth ,,, . . ,- 1 1 ,1; rl 1 u ,,.A ,, i I 'o a 'an' :- 1 1 '1 1 i .f hi ot a: ' tn I", .pa i-. v y -.i t-.. , . ' !-c..y,. tl tt'o I ...'1 ' a ,0 at -r V". 1 -t: nk, S in Pr in. ;- ',! ' M l! Til I'd h,... 1 ho Too i ; I ' M I 01 tl 11 1. on tiMiit 1 I I man ii ! !. g I'l 01 I ! 1 1 om - rn, im it a .e . in I'. 1::. ill 11:' 11 g 'd !. i" til ! I'": : . . v -t ti up . a d..: g tig. ' ii' i" fi h r i-.l a. 1. t .,.', f d !o I a!'.' 1 am in- a'1 1 '" .1 a, ba t l''g 'f 'l !-J t.l Ml.' . . ' ill I .. tl. I iit-i '.' t a hi.-b, - : ! 1 " v I,-- 'tn.' 'T'i I" 1 a r.. i: lib I ' 1.. t"s. I iitiU Tin v wer t :o tie- tn! I .pa av ,'; "tn tt! - nil bs r-d by ,'th ' The Mrs- le t -ti -1 "hit s.-tn-Oit:.: ,.-' 01 -.ti t-ti i !' ii'lf III I ';i;o ll 1! o . f nr ,n. n '.' ,s a 1 :h- v ''Pt ! ok for g" "1 .1 11 1 r .. ! h i v :n etfiiN pi r a Tl. or ton ha---- ' ! a I It ' y id ti el '.-"i '. : y ;-. :' h ot a ! e:g .-y. h ' . - -r ao I the :'., t :., I :-i tu n T 1 : a i a '. -all 1 u ' I. tn I th w. :'. nod r I -ga! 1 : .. ttv -"ii g ! tf ":.-a- pr : t" ' 1 p '..:.- o - - mi ' 1 .' g !., on ' , 1 .. . 00; ii p- o- .. 'l , ' - ', il: - 'I o ..if -S I :l f ' ' "j 1 ; , 1 ' ! I 1 ', r' b on N . i"..- r..-.. ti. -1 1 1- : ' -1 - ; f .- ;. .-r; c . 1 r 1 a. 1 :'. (rl 11 .1 I. .ttg'i v " I 1 I ,r,r 1 I g ! J" a , p , ' -, ss.,r 1, id in. k 1 : a- In l. js 'b in .ii ! - a i-i I, ink it. :l ll.l I l'.'l'-!"."l to 's .01 '..-ir . Th f bis pr .p ttv and r 01 I 1 ! , ' - ill C,e bit!.. 1 ' Otag- ill -Ii 1 'ik! in I ii.. tin I v a. a '"d f..r h:. h 11- T'. - ..tily I lung lie ,-. I : r on 11 I b in . .f i b" day "f fi:-. ting w:th .ih 1 Turkish rug wordi ni SI''.", a In h h pi ii- d on tb" ll "T th- " ig-. a'.l Would not soil when ail -He 11 1 1 goto'. "Th- third man dilpateil al! of his w.-.i!:h tn f-i t living an 1 gambling and died a juup.-r In a hospital In S''atle. Th-'". r .f -h" ,'ourih rnan I cannot re. .'ill ai eur.-itely, but I know that h-. tn. los- all that he had. The ranch owner, bv the way, db-d a miserable d' ath alone In a cabin on Hi" Sacrani'-n- to river and wa hurie hv the t.w I" tie putter's field. "Th.-gold, -f course, did 'not rightfully b'dung to th,. m in who secr-ted It In the walls of :h.- house. It was stolen from some on", and If It had been taken by the man who had formerly owned the ho its th heirs, put In no claim for It f..r tlie r-a.soti that -hey knew It did not tiglpfiilly belong t,, him. It was .-on- sid'-r.-d imprubabl. ha: any p"r.on nth- 'T tnait h- haI .(...f , however, .'is j-ixp-ns . im 'bey take all t li-ii- own he hid . iv-- J in th- house for miinv noaps. tow-Is mid ologH v. itb t li.-ui. years, had biiii- ll hiriiHoir. if my r rol- What they pay Is r-ally th,. "water fee" b-ctlon is correct. and a penny or two for ihe ait' ndaril. "Sine., li.- bad been f,,r ,., long an em- ' t ,,' feature whl'di Ibis b-. n Inlro plove or ih" mint tlie general impn- : due.-,) inn, th,- old Turkish bath Is the -Ion a! ih" ilrn- was that he had stolen Id water dnuclie which It Is li.coin the gold, a bur a,; a dme. Tr mi the iiilnt K customary f,,r the - to lake vaults, bringing it horn,, wlien h - ipilt nftir th.-lr hot bath, work at rilgdit. Wlille this explanation , was the on,- generally ;icc,-p.-d the, Th" srinller company recnily roblied singular part of th" mystery Ih that If in Calif .ruin has decided no' I.i pay the it were true th ; government made no j """ .-r,-m. "' '"7"'1 " r'.': 'rrort to run down the thl'-f nor was a) t)f.n r,.v(.,, ,, Ul (f;y,n,., f ai'v such large shortage of gold bars 1 ihe money Involves nothing but a iiies ever discovered and reported at the San I Hon of honor. Francisco mnlt nor has it be-n reported to this day." HIS HOOFS VVKIIR COVERED. London Answers. A conjurer, after a performance, was one evening returning to the hotel n a K'K' - C" K'l K'i K"! KJ fj: JUUiU, irv - i '."S : ' h Cs :N v, . . . - 10. a". I. 1. -in foil I of ,1 ko. ho to- :,. 1 1 ; I f oah'o WIi.'ii :h, oah !.,o..'.- ( ,,. ,i;iK!t!o,, 'a i l. il'!'! X li " I la: !ti , ket. I h li'' i'ir a han Irii'l of i;o:,l i 'H iv, ,.ilO'j, ol.oll," .-. i:.l ho. Josiii; a o o'.oi.;. (a,, mill, u)i,, ! I sa: on I I- l . o hk'ii n i i'ii,; an I ,1 1 :h ' ;n . ml 1 n . i .,- r iio, 00 .1. . ui -.1 hit f. , ' 0: ,k liii; ' I: in 'Are "I "UI ' .1 U 0 0 o; II p.o k . "" a-k ! I ho . on Lit : Sttppaii; hi. tll ipo i :o. .n !i, .( u a . o.'i' t;:i ' Tak !l .1' I he ttolo-,' !i .1.1 as !." 4 I ! ,'i ,10 o w '1 . ot ,! 1 1 i I . . it. I ih . la I 'I':- . . : Pa- r : V :n kp'o 0 : ii- on auh. on :: "!. p -. ,. Ill . I'O .' ..iM !l f . ! i . : a ::: p: ' v - mo, '1 1:1 -h g ! t. I a-sit-o v 11 ' ' i'i 'vv, !i oi 1 w an ,i m -o. ..h t r ' -i .1:1 1 I-1 k. " !,.. . 1 . ' 'i i 'I 1 'll' h o. 1 ' 11 .1 ' u fi p it .--I : : rii' 1' u '.oi : .-. i. .11 tan no 'o! h ,lt - r ipoLv .1 , .1 N.i TI KKISH ItvTIIS IN ITKKLV . 1 t . if .: t T 0 in 1. : ' II .in in 1111. Wo'. Ii H i.h s 'in.. S! ipi: l:'",..ii!.',iti. -- . .f f i,. W.-.-k . 1: o . ; 1. k i ' Ii Tui'kl-li o.i- ti kn 1 ti Tin . Ttl . lOtl'i "IS 'IUO.M O; .,0 . ' i put . t - ill 'o 1 . ' on ' tl" 1 ' !! in : h . .'"uro 1 ' . ": n,'l nri fi i . no. : ' i" - I..' ' . a PI ' i : 1 10 i : ' man " ..f ,!i . , a". I T-tr . I' i'!i it. 1 a id "1 ' rti.. : 1 oito 1 :u'' ;i:,i. . -i p. I" -. T '-k i "a ltd 1 1 ttllll It I - u ' .rn,-: b.n "f ' b- aop a ' .10 .1 d ' I - puloti: V . t :i . '- h - . ; :m, . ,,- ..up 0 1 . ,, ia. ii tt. 't- t f '!' :n lb tn' I I'- . t b !:'. I- -! '. u : b tn iti am it! " f - '!; ptr; of i git Itig t 1 ''. 1 . in 1 . - - .'. al' . ' o i - Pr !i 1 . .. :'- "b tninuiin ' '1 i ,. n a : o I , , I' s li .itglt: that :' t he a ,ti, !- I III oilt. I 1,. al- : ail I 1 tl- Pi . b In t .'rl, r a :i I in.- a 1 n r t : 1 I'-dra tn 1 ti ti. o -rv U -rv -1 I .ui.:.. I . r '., ' In. , . , and '!o'l ' :.,. :a 'b ,b Pi ". I".!-, b t i T 1 :r il p I I" 1 ..f I at' ' : A I t ni bid !:"..! ' g tl t'lbv !'; II 1 . I I I : . . 1 ,'nb ) ' ii IK. .a nil " 'I'll.- ! P .f Tb aa.l 1- -.pi. 1 I tl !i 11 . ' 1 it al . tn ito, b t . b ' - tl I an I ha g ill r , d a. 'A 'li b at' k- p f .- al a ay. ' 1 b I -s" t . tb" do -r. in king hi. pip.- i,r !'.':-. 'a I'.-b. .;ii I y iln'om 'b, .01 . tn-! t .' .. '" Ill an I g". I'l 'lie till 1 !' .,( Hi'' "(O-t'io.. bail i 11 f'lltiti'.n I b-- 'inn ai d 1 ..I ! water of wh.i-h I . . i..el, .y tig 'h'ii 1'h mar!,:,, t ink In 'bis i f fiesa fruit and .,b.' ,.f i 1 1 1. . ti M.,!i are kej,: , In siiintn. r lime for til - ipie of ..iistoitl'Ts N' II tt man run y be s n al.vay. Inppv making -i.rr.-c mi Hi'-i harc.til lit", fur in.,i j - p lir,. v,.ry ready lo Ink.- a liny ciin of coffe.. nt almoHt tiny llin- of th,, day. Many of the Turkish battiH nr.. biilli doutile, one portion being assign.-.! f,,r th.. use of ladles. In souie pla.-'-s ladbn i, t ;h bith only on certain days of the week which nr.-i oris. crti:e, p, litem, Certain baths, again, are used ,v t li'-tn everv day until 7 o'clock In the ..yen- Ing, aft-r which hour th. y nr inade over for Ihe use of men. The charges are very reasonable. A man can have complete hath, and may stay on Ihe premls'K of the establishment as Iok , plensej,, bv paying a ...ill Is Kd. Ladies pay much -hh than this sum: t h I r- expenes can hardly he niin h over It Is easier after all to guess the num ber of beans In a Jar than It would be to mention the name of the next Demo- rallc Candida!., for pr'-slilent irf Ihe Unll'-d State. Kansas City Star. Th race war at St. Tulg do'n'i't In volve the llveH of n'groe. The book makers seem to be at stake. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. IK.WK j I'Oltl'IANll f '' III I l'nrlll.l',1 I 11 011 P. a 1 Tin p 111 t-of .,.rin hikI a) I I'ntllU I II 10 in j ,1 111 111 A -In 111 ' 111 K r I'itiUii,! . 11, 1 1. I" i' in , 1'niiii. II II' A Hi I" '.',. II. - il'l I I I ii t IH 111 l. ll I . 1- ,111, ,,i.i,, II O ft in t i ,, . I ,,, H ,,,, , " ' !t.Uiiiti,ni,l uit'l'i ' a '' I"1 11 I'I ' A I'lt l"r W tin, i., 1, '.' I' l I I'll o . Hitii.m .i. , "I 0 "I H II. -1, a . r .111.1 V'... i,i I" I III i" p III 'I'i hi p 1.1 "' , 11. .' 1 1. I" Sun, I iv All tial-n 111,1k cl .' 1 01111 i-:l ui at 1! 'I'le Willi aa Noriln'ui I'aoillo tr.iln :o and from ihe and Monti I po iiiA J C, MA Vt 1, il'ii'l PioOtiht and l'lnenn'-t Anen! ..Portland - Astoria Route. STR. " TAHOMA," t'aliy Itotin I Trlp rx. eni HiuiiUy riMt C ADD I.'ave Portland ; n L.aie Atorui ; , n Through Portland cmn-ciion with Ateanrr Nhc"( rmin llnao n Ui!i lie i, li point. j White Cotlar I.pie , k n In t. rchit'tc" ; able wllh 11 It , N Co. aul V. T. Co j tl. k.'t. . T.-iepiioM,. D'ck. T'l-'hi.ti.. ill IHE DALLES-PORTLAND ROUTE : STR'BAILEYGATZERT." DAILY HOUND 1 HIP IICIPT MOIDir I Vancouver. Ctsuie Loiks. St. Mr ' tin's Sprlnirv H00J Hivcr. White j Salmon. Ljlc anJTnc Dnies I tIMK CAHU lone Portbinl ... Arrive Tim I '.ilb-v l.''v Tin. Iu.;. r Arilyr. P .rtlund . . a 1 10 MfcALS T HI- VH(Y lll-ST C TSun lay Trip a to a l ug P amr S "ThU !t.iu Im Ibe lim.-iba. H--' Attra t:,.ti on I .nth. LAM'IN i AN'li i'l':"!' K Id nT up ALI'lilt STItltKT Pa 'TH I'll' 'N P.-! .MA IS' 3.'.1 I'1 'ItTI.A N I , 1 .:K JOHN M. riLL 0N. A gt. The Dalles A. J. TAYl OP. Aft. Astoria PHATHt R A BAIINI.S, Agis HonJRIver WOUORD L WVI.HS. Agls. White Salmon, J. C W'YATT. Agt Var.coii'tr. K. W. CRICHTON, Agt- PorHand OREGON Shoit Line and vmoh Pacific I TIM IS HCHKD- Depart Chicago Portland Hpcrdal 9:00 a. m. via Hunt ington Atlantic Express 9:0 p. m. via Hunt ington Ht. Paul Fast mall p. m. via Spokaria Ll,o From Portland. Arrive Salt I Jike, Denver, Ft. Worth. Oma ha, Kansas City 4:30 p. m. Bt. Jxutm, Chlcmo and East. Salt Lak, Denver' Ft. Worth. Oma- ha, Kansas t'liy.' 8: 10 a. m St. Iiuls, Chicalpi and F.aaL Walla Walhi, j Iywlston. Spo kane, Mlnneapollf Hi. Paul. Duluth 7:00 a. m Milwaukee, Chi cngo and Fast 72 hours from Portland to Chicago. No Chango of Cars. OCEAN AND IUVF.Il HCHKDULIO From Astoria All sailing date subject to change. For Han Francis co every five days. Columbia River Tn Portland and Way Landings. 7 a. m. Dallv ex cept Bun. 4 11. m. cxc. Monday Steamer Nahcotta leaves Astoria on tide dally for Ilwaco, connecting there with trains for Long Reach, Tioga and North Heach points. Returning urrlvc at Astoria same evening. O. W. LOUNSBERRY, Agent. Astoria. A. I CRAIO, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. .; .'mini; mm m :,'.,, 1,1 ! - - ' I 1pI GO EAST VIA SMUR T EST AND QUICKEST fi Si. ran!, iiilii'li.Mlinir:iMilh,l'i and All I'oii a lip: l'AII. Tl. I S . PAST TIMl . li !: AM' si-i:ni:kv ' N- I i','1' A 1 ,1 1 1 liM'll il'.ll- I'ai aigti I .tin -,. an.) T nil I.e. irr, I . 1 1 1 1 1 1." an I loirnp Pin 'k 11 if I., in ai y 1 't 1 Tt. ket I. p liii a Ka', a I" u '.land and lb- 'li a: Ity, ,i ' ' It A N I 1 k" 1 '111 .:,iti, 1 1 It at No ilii-nt 1 '111, lit llll. I) .11 HI. I: I, P"KTl,.M I' r f. d.-in and full I if iriiutlait I'tu biiK Ln't.-rn Hip, ,-il hi .r J- A It l"i an 1 T PCNNHI'iV k.'t g !, )' .i"'und. Il T, UXUR10US 1 RAVEL Th,. "N no In. i'. I,, tn i.imi ,)' n.ilii. I'-..; :o .iglpi- l tlir l ''.h 'nl,li ail nit and .''iiii In-iP't nta. i.llli. 'ui: o,, i,e niu': faliu in tlia j n .11 Tin y rtuii vlv :li,. Hl.-.l, ie; i ii'.i b .: I I'-.n ( .r ninif ill, coin on! a 1 t"l ami! v n't ..fret-el :bn 1 1 v i-ll m tjc 1 t a '!. ai. I I...'"it ir- Ihn in. ( ; . nip! -.- ,,, ,.1, 11 I. I p.,,,. ! ,,, , f ,t,o j , ir pull Pa 1 a,-:. To ' i ; 11 11 'iv tin'- : With The (ii t tit Nnrtlirrn The Null hern I'liclflc and The lami'tUn ril(lc AT ST PAPI, Pi'll I'hU'AI.O and the CAST. ' ' .1,- f r tb.-.- u .-rior 1 .him . .11 t! IP". In o.. '.'l 11 mid ali .? i, k '.'o for pan. ige . t. u,o 'II lllj tliii. al- '!,i , ; 1 ,y t K tig llt.M-k ) cm H II Mi: VI' 11 1. ihi j:u. T.-.11 .-iiiin Aft. fit ei I ; '!l"t .1! AlP'tl! I'oi'.lali 1 ', ,a i- 1V-. ti 1-iMdt -n r.iusr; LING p mIVT P m 1 nc "J I'cp.'t. Fifth mil J I .Htii-.-i, 1 At rlvn . ' 'in nitoi 1 p.-i-.n I 'I'liiiin. fr biiirin, 1 ; K- -.-l. it k. Ah I i bind. Ptii-raiiioiito, '' '" I1 i" ' bob 11 s,, I 'tati. ') i 11 id : . M"J,n.. I Al'K' I.O., Id I'll!.". 1 ," 11 111 . 1 1 1. 1, ..iiiH n, 1 I tlie ItdHt. P Ilk ! At Wnndiiiini I I'liiHv .A. ' pi Him- j ' liivi. lie ' 1 ti I n K t ' 1 .tin... 1. :t ;, ; t' 101 r .1 Ml. An. I ". siii'tt.-n, ; ! 11 1- " ll v I I ! e. i ;l tpitn.-'d. and j I Nait'Oi, iiint rv.oi 1 I"lt Ha n t"l Ml, I I I Aio'.l and HlH.-r- ! I i"ii. j 7 111 11 111 1 'in all!. pa"..' ti- I K'T. I ',4 '.! p mi Slid dn 'ii.., ii. ' ! P Ilk 'n ui I K'T. JL."L.E; 1 -i ! ! 1 )' ccpt Hiind.1 v. ' It'lillte II, lots i nale ..... .,t. bind, Siiciiitni-iii,, i,ni Sun Pt iiiiclncn. N.t rules 41.' Ilmt cbiss and III secniiij rll.. Illi III ling Hlceper. Itni.s 1111. 1 tickets 1.1 Ibi-iern polti and Europe. Also Jnptin, I'lilm,. Ilnnn lulu Hint An. nulla i'an l. ,',ttti,i,-, fi.'in .1 It Klrklnnd. Ticket Agent 1.14 Thin! Street. vwiiiii.i, nivi.-ii'iN' l'llSe,K .,. ili'p,,, r, ,,f Jeffor HI Ht. Is-'V" for nuiog.i dailv a! , L'n. !) 415 a in.; 1- i"i, I '.'.. it t'.l. f. 1.1, ii.ifi. Naif., II il'l p. in t.nd !i (Hi p in. ,,. Suiidny ntiiy. Arrl at Portlund dally at . 3B, x .'!, 'In Ml a. in.; I . -ir,. :i ,-,. 1 20 ;i), 7 WOO i. 111 ; 12 III ,1. m, dilly ixeept Moti lav: Kt.'IH nnd in 4.1 a. 111, on Sun day only. Leave fur Pallas dally except Hun 'luy at 4:;io p. in. Arrlvn nt Portlaml III 9:3i! a. m. Pnss 'iiger train leaves Hall is fur Alrle. Mondays, Weilnesdays and Fri days nt 2:4!i p, m. Returns Tuesdays, 'J'li iirmli yM and Saturdays. lixciit Sunday. It. KoEHI.ER, M.inngiT. C. II MARKI1AM, Oen. Frt, ntid Pass. Agt. immm Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you cat. Tills invpaniMon contulim all (if tlio (IlKi'staiils ami dlgcis nil kunls of fund. Halves IriHl.iiiit, relief nnd never fallH to ('tire. It, allows you to cut all Uii! final ytiiiwunl,. Tin' iiinsl.KciiNltlvo Htiiniiiclis cum laki! It,. Jty Itsiisu many tliotMiiiiil of dyspcpl Irs liavo latcn cured after cvoryililtiKi lso fulled. It, Ih unciiunlled for ulUloinaeli trouble!.. It can't help but do you good Prepared tinlyhy P..C IicWitt A-t'o,, Chicago Tlii'41. lMiti.lii.'oiiiiilioiM'4 t liiii HtlicUic. 11U. Por Bala by CIIA3. UOGIfinS, Drugglat, Foley's Kidney Curo mikes kidneys and bladder rieht.