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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1901)
r ' V,.:. iSOCi.Viluiv , '1 ptofwin VOL. ,V ASTORIA. OKM.O.N, SUNDAY. Slil'TOIIHiK H, 1001. NO. 59 'III 1 1 A. ECLIPSE HARDWARE CO. Plumbers ,i Steamfitters HOI.i: ACiIJ!NTH l-OU I p1 1 fMH SUPERIOR STEEL RANGES R27 BOND STRI3BT GRAVEST FEARS ARE ENTERTAINED President's Physicians Watching for Symp toms of Blood Poisoning Peri tonitis Most Dreaded. i THE MO Ufa BULLETIN!!. RITACKLE Tenuis, (()(iicl, M.iscli.ill. (ioli, ;nul all KiinU ul Sntiii (iouil-. GRIFFIN Sr REED Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR, FEED. PROVISIONS. TOBACCO AND CICARS Supplies of all k i(ils at ItittT.-t rates, f. .r fishermen, Furniers und Icrs. A. V. AlwIwFEN, Tenth and Cuminrfilnl Streets BELIEVE THE CRUCIAL POINT IS NEAR Chances for Ultimate Recovery Are Good Should No Un favorable Symptoms Appear Before Tonight Passed a Good Day. PATIENT DOZES DROWSILY MUCH OF THE TIME Has Not Yet Recovered From Effects of the Powerful An j aesthetic Absolute Quiet and Freedom i From Excitement Are Essential- IMRS. M'KIM-LY IS ADMITTED TO THE BEDSIDE Physicians Grant President's Pequest bat All Others Are Excluded -Was Cautioned Not to Talk With Patient and Only Few Words Were Exchanged Tooching Scene in Sick Room. CAUTION! li f f . y.m buy .i ht o iT r.lli(,;.- cxAMtliif I; . Royal Charier Oak ll. lt. r w.iih. !-n r ii.-; .I'M la liT. aii 1 Ian. '..'iir.'r Prices teas 'li i M i W. J. Scully, 4il HOM) 5TKi:i:T. Ilctwccn Mulh and Tenth ! 'lie Pacific Navigation Company Steamer "Sue II. I Imoic" and "V. II. Harrison" Only lino- Astoria to Tillamook, (iui Ihaldl and Hay City, llolvsonv illc Connecting m Am.irln with 1 tic'iron ravlgatmn Com pany nml also I In1 Astoria .V- Ooluiu i,i uiv.r Railroad for Sin Fran cisco, Portland mil nil points East Vr fr-lKXit and pan. engcr raus apply I.) Hnnuicl r.lmoro At Co., (Icnernl Agents, ASTHMA, OUK (. I!. & N. It I!. Co.. Portland, AIII'.NTS A .V f. I! It. Co, Portland. M. C. LAMP, Tillamook, origin. iutiwi..' s. i : ; -rn-:j-n: m.- jKlnl. ' cmi .:i m I. . xtfin. ly grive. T!'.. rf ul will prooubly wp.i.n I "!! -f i! Ii .ir.l Vli:. hist ih V li I ..ul !!; , and tin- develop- III."!'- ,.f 111,. .1.1 y hale S'lnowhat , eiic.iur.ii;. tig In '.h.i: ii.-n.- of the " in Mil. ..f 1't'l 'I'Vlll is "I' Ill i i.l i... 'I'liltt. h:, li II.. y . :iiii. :i .h !i.i ni';. mi -..I. ini'll, .ii '"-ri' n. .' xlniiiiir ..nnU .niih.' inn. uax'.'-.y. iin.l :!n ( liyl' !:in Imk,. lif.i is g!y Mil. -n !h-y n.r.ik .'f ;.'! fuUnv. Alili'HUli til' ir ! '. iumit-!ii-.l ..i:Mit ! . .Mull .'n !i:i. ! . ii f.iv.irat'1.- t!ir .ii;l "ii; id- .l.iy tli. y l.i n t l.wlr.' to l.ii.'V :h.' i "HiM'.rv n; li'I's In tl. mi. i:. .hi l wli: t!ii'V t.'.ir an. I a: tin" tli-st mull In ilh-.'. t!.n tli,' i'..utry i.'i: imi.H' n:i'" lla.lf tli. Iil.iw. t'nr thf ti'.t ilin.. tii'liiir tin. tuill r - a!i!ii. iif. !i'!t In t!!l In III.' li.'ly. Is n r"V:i il.iry .vti!.i'iat.ii. Will.' :t li.Li not 1 1 ii il n "f tin- nvTfu: a!iat:he:io . r an h..ur. Th-- i-mU: Is that .il :li'imfi i. rf -. t'.y r.i;l.iiuil w lH-n c -vi, li.' .1 '. mu. h .f th,- tinv At.s.j-:ut.- 'iiii.-t itml fr.' f i m fxoi:enunt itiy:.!.ins r. 'ifar.l us '.Ii,. grvJti HITKAIyj. Hpt. 7-Th., fol- i-m iK tiuO'lii iw liu I by the .i-"'.'l-nf ;hy!';-iut i .30 7. m.; "l'r'Kl.- n 'd cufil'n-j.'-i muiii thf Miri'-. Tan jrpl-it-'H r':nilH u j to mell.ition. I'ulef, J"-. :-riiTa;ur., 102.5; rvf i ra I n, 2't. Ail ti-mixrature nr t.ik ti In :h; r.-ciurn. "Th. h''.c!ari & ttttirnjatic; win?) fay -.hat thfy ar? 100 Uum.v "niriif l to r-,Iy ;,j Inll vrlual t.rl.'xritiiiH. 'J'. M. i'.l.XEV, M. l." Mi fUANUK AT 1 UI KKAIX, S ;,t. S.-Mr. Cur telyi'u n'i"Uh("l a: 1.4J that th'T.. ii ri i'ii.inK- in thn jirm-il'-nl's I-... 'i ;i;i"ti. si:kimN'; i'vkkully. lil'KKAIy , S, ;.; KA S thin iSu:'liy in .rnitijf. It wa an il 'ir. . . I ;:1.,; ;n. ir-sil'm was i '!'!' - -fuMy. Th nimp in'o wlrh :!: ;rtsi.-nt hw full-a is r-sirl j ..:h favor. riiNDITI' iN AT !:2i). 1;1F1-AU. v-Tti- f i:- Inwi'ii; liullrt.!! was Issui'J by the 'ri.-s...'.'U's .h .an at 3:20 a. m.: IT, has p.isvl a fairly K"1 iilk'h'.. 1'ulsr, l.'j; ..mpera- S '.ur-, 12 4;;i.n, 21." ;hln awful. It in h;irl i,j r-allz that ijf-h ii IhlriK f."u!i h i(.,( n In thin c.iu" iry A;! the rlvli.i l nitrinn nt the wurlj will look up-m thU of a rnal nmn wl'h horror. It it h'jrr.tili vn to think of. I; i a calamity :hat in worM r.-il?. Mr. M( Kinl-y l a ifr-'at an'l alli- man. H hai ?hown thij In the way he ha ke;t h!a party t sf :lT. ha al ;vay been a lea ler an'l an efilcn' one. A man who hau twice b-;en elect pres l.lent b)' a nation like our an.l p-o:a'.ly In (rttrh a p-rlo-l a :h. Is a man ho 'tanrtu out amony the graat nr-n ct :li; world. ''Sal a la the fx'?urr.-n"e I lo not think the attempt n the pr-Ment'i life will have any ff-ct on th In'lus trJ of the country. The uinr af faira of th nation are now In nuch nhap; that no dh'x'k ran eff-t them. S-curi-tl'-. I am positive, will r main utealy. Thing ar? d:ff -rent froni what they ver when I'resll-i.t Garfi-M wa caot down by an a.t'as.s'n anl th scenes whli h followed tha'. iraKIy ar not nrolubl of r. i,ti'-ion." GIBf'.ONS lirCAItS THE NEWS. Kvilvnord the f:m : SolituJ f t th? Chief Executive. RAL.TIM" rtE. .s-pt- T. Car.iir.a! Gib bon gave vl'en e of the utmost silii.! tuJe for the ch ef executive an 1 wh-fl CZOLCOSZ ALONE IS RESPONSIBLE Says There Was No Plot to Mur der the President. TALKED IT OVER W ITH FRIENDS lodertoti Six Hour Eiamlaatloi bat WeaM Implicate M Oac EIm- DtUctivct Believe He Wti Pkktd to Carry Oat the Deed. ii. iw. .nil vl-l;.'i'S ar.- -x.-luilc 1. Nut a .aMi'i". f!l.- n t .-vea S.-.-r.-t.iry ( '.irt'iy hi. .i al'.owe.l :n the sl.-k . h.iinli. r til.iy. With t!n- exc p'-Ioii of tl:,. J liys 1'i.ins ,in.i at:-n .Mrs. Mo'.v was ;li,. nn! ptsohh who oros i'.l ;)ie tlu'.'.-h Tin- nt .isk.'.l :o s . Ii. r an. I his p!i .-i.-i.uis .li.l no', haw t!i.' :o r. fus- Ms r.'ia-s:. Sh., nils tlvre lull a few tir.iiutej. S".a:el at his 'i.'.ls; 1.' as In his ilt'votl.m to her. a licr, !i.. lias so of. Ha in'i'ti a: ,.'is. Mrs. .M. Ki'i't'v had lvn warned o talk anl t ho ;r. .sllvn: an.l hi cx.'haniti'.l .mlv a few wonls. 1; nas only h.- asked h.T to be hravo j for ! ;h ;!uir sali"s that she faltoro.l ! j'hys.oliins haw left the house. A very i l"s . watch is le-ing kept on the patient '. t if :he.-e arv to b' unfavorable symp- t ii's they are exj.-oiri to manlfes; ;!i-trsoh-4 In a few hours. CAHI.VKT MMM15EKS AUIUVE. All Are Now a: Except See re. taries Hay ai L ng. Itl'FFALii, Sept. T.-Thii evening all the ni-inli'TS of the cabinet exoept See rotary Hay un1 S rretary Long hal ar'l. All members of the cabinet will r.-:n.i::i h.-r,. un;d the teuU of the wotin ! is .h t-rnilne'l. T!io op. ration uimii the president la. ti iuii : lis:.-,! alni.i.-t an 1. u r. Ether was a lnnrus. .':,.!. A the Inch incision was nia w h.-r. the lull entered the ab I .ni' ii an I ! . c-utse was fallowed unli! iiie physloians b v .line satistl.-d that th k .liiovs l-.a i not been t 'uohed or the i:i: s:inos p. rf. rated and that it had l.i.lco.l probably in th.' niuvl.-s of the back, w h Te it o uli do !io harm for i.ros.nt. The i n t.-s tinos were l.fted out through the itK'isi.m und carefully examine J. and utmost onifi loiue exists that there was a,, injury. 'h si. Litis were ex .ee r.njrly gratitiod at the result and ;r .nounoo l ;!ie oivr.iiion a complete suooess. We Rent New Typewriters. Many new improvement mMt'il. Sf our latest " No. 2 Smith Premier Typewriter Naw Art I'atulnKtiH Krc . . . L- M. ALEXANDER t CO KxKltMivit I'liiMllo ('oust Ucnlent 2r Stink St , i'orllaiul, Ore, F M'KF.( IIN1K. Imal Auctit. r ib.-?st'.::.-:,;:.X KOPPS BES1 A Delicious and Palntable Drink Absolutelv Pure The Northern Tai'lfle llrewerv. of wi.i..i. Me r.,),., v,nm Is nroprletor, niake boor for domestic- an.l i xn...o ..... i . ' " llottlo,! boor for family uc or keg lvr iiipplloj at any Um'. Pellvery In North Pacific Brewery V. O TRENCHAPD. Commission. Brokerage, Cua torn Hounc Broker. . hvhim i ei p P Insurance and Shtcplng. uy,.,.. In'. n absolutely tiva'.-d they ail auroo .rnl aim s; broke .'.own. With a chok :1 at. aftet- Its piie thrntiKli the ub- in tlifiit an.l loimmlng eyes she .1, oavlty an I " I for.itniK Ixoh . pr mlso.l with a bow of her head. Ai- walls of the sl.imich rope r. It I 'l.d I'l th,. tl 'shy imis 'los of the back and If n.v.'ssliy reitilrod I: ooul.l be easily located with th, Koonti'n ray an 1 ex ira.'t '.l. They atrr.v that it H now of niore lni;ortan,'e that the president sl.oiil I rally from iho shock of the oper ation than that the hull'-i should be re moved. I'crlioiiltls Is what they most, and, after that, septic pilsonlng an.l suppuration of t!i- w.hiiiI. The oruoial point will come within r::y-ciKht hours, possibly so.iti.'f. Indeed, one of the nt- tending h,vsiclans said Inlay thai If no inioni ni; to lit. -Ijtn of In'lainiilion aiineaivd befnre to rn, ii'f.nv night ho would eons!. lor the 'h.uii'es of ultlniat,. r. e 'very exoeoding ly go, id. Several of bis colleagvics, liow evor, are not .so pangtiine, Th,. piosidonl has b 'on dozl'ig drows ily thfotmhoiil the major portion of the day. Two physloians a".l two trained nurses are c instantly at his bedside. He has not yet fullv recovered from the eftecls of the ether which was ad ministered t hint. He was under the TO UK'ATE THE HL'LLET. Thomas A. hdLson Sends an -Ray Al- paratu.s to I'ulTalo. NEW YORK. Sept. 7. At the tele piinnL' riu s; of SiVf.'tary Cortelyou, T'.iot-as A. Elis.m, t'.ii... aflerno., ship ped an X-ray apparatus to be ud to locate the bullet remaining In Fresl ibn; McKInley's b.vly. Th.' train Is due in Uuffalo at 7 a. m tomotrow. HaN.NA MAKliS DENIAL. HFFFAU. Sept. ..-Senator Mark A. llanna requ-'st.M that a denial be nude that he had bent a message to his son. Pan K. llanna. s.a ing that President ;.:. 'i:y ,.f reserve yin ngtli to draw upon. , Ml Kinley's cmdiii.i.i alarming. end for th.' prcnent neither nourishment j nor artificial stimulants are tnvessary. ! COXDinox SATISFACTORY. No medicine xcept digitalis has be -n Itl'FFALO. Sept. T.- Senatar Hanna ..i...... .....i ii.... ...... ...i,ii-t...... i t.i I r .turnel u the Milburn liome at 9:i0 , , ... . ! o'eloek. The report yonies from reliable .iu.o bis pulse, which mounted this , . . n . . ii.i, quite satisfactory. It he cm -sustain th,. same measure of strength for twen- ty-four hours lonter :lie outlook will be : do Idedly Improved. n .s; Inmie. Mat. -!v thereafter sh,. was led from the sick room by l'r. ltix-.y. Mrs. MeK.nley througluiut this trying ordeal has shown n'markable fortitude. The president has taken no nourish- j me'ij since he was shot. Water Is glv- . en blm a: intervals, but no food of any j kind as yet. His p iysteians say h. lias It ith his respiration and temperature, ilth.mgli they virieil much during the lay. were eonsl lered atitisfactory. AT THE REHSIDE. ltoctors Rixey and Minter Watching for I'nf avor.ible Symptoms. MU, ROOSEVKI.T CALLS. IU'FFALO. S tit. 7.-M Ibuvn House. Among the call is at Milburn House to night were Viee-Pr si lent Roosevelt. IU'FFALO, S,ept. 7. Milburn House. 11:20 p. til lVotorn Itixey ad Minter are to k 'Op their night vigil at the .CENTEMERI. THK LEAPING KIP CLOVE OF THE WORLD. 51.50- - -AT THE PRICE- - -51.50 GERMANS MORE FRIENDLY. liKELIN, Sept. 7. The tragedy at Ruffalo has made a deep Impression. While O rmati:'. first knew President Hide of the president. All the other j MoKinley as the author of the M.-Kin- - j ley bill which they regarded as cspx-- ! lally aimed at Germany, and, therefore. disliked him. that dislike has latterly given place to more friendly feeling. Plaek, White and Newest Colors. SHAINAHAIVS; THE ACT OF A MADMAN. Mr. Whitney Says No Sane Person Would Shoot the President. NEW YORK, Sept. 7-Regarding the attack upon President McKlnley. W. C. Whitney in an Interview said: "It was the act of a madman. The man may say h Is an anarchist, but no sane person would shoot a man like Preslden: McKlnley. It la an awful they will have expose! an anarchistic plot which they are confident the prts- j aminatlon and questioning at the hands f police offie.-rs today. A lengthy ex- LTFFALO, Pept. 7.-Leon Ci dgosx. tne s-lf-avowej disciple of Emma Gold man and other radical aaarcbist lead ers, wh'i shot President McKlnley, In sists that he alone Is responsible for the crime. He says that he talked the mat ter over in advance ia a general way with friends, but he was no: advised by them, and that there wa no plot or he read the bulletin anmun ing the r nsr.iraey to take the life of the presl- ip'.ni .n of the attending physicians that j, ln uh!(.n any one els had a part l ie wounds of the president were not . . , , v .u . .u. Me deeaned to furnish the names of the necessarily fatal, he exclaimed: "Thanks be to G ! " men with whom he discussed the crime In reply to innuiriu Senator Me-Comas Friday, but the police belleve they will teleph :;led from his home at Srlngflell iyi: learn them and that when they do the following: "P.y his living President M' K'.nley has bec:;me th? bebved of a tr at na tion. By his dying. If this be imminent. 'r Ba the fln' agent of this mur like Lincoln, he will brlong to the agi-s. l?r. "This assa'sin is the spawn of Czolg .si underwent "Ix hours of anarchy. tnivemor Jonn waiter Smith was much moved by the news of lh at- I lempetd assassination and said If the ! aminatlon of the prisiiner was fruitiest. presideR; was In a precarious eonditim j save in so far as his own Individual tomorrow he would Ls.-ue a proclama- ! fite u concerned, for while 'he Mi J in calling upon the people of the state t , , ,. , .. . .. . u no'hing that would Implicate any one to assemble In tneir various houses of worship to offer prayers for his recov- j c':se ln hls crime, went over the ry. ieen at the Temple of Music when be shot tha president, again and again, completing a confession as ample aa the law ever exacted. He toll with mani- Pr;-sid-n: Previously. i-t pr:a now ne deceivea tne president Gustav Meyer, who says he is an as- anJ hls Protectors with the bandaged iDloger, living In Hoboken. X. J.. ! hand tha: held the revolver. The ad- claims to have sent the following tele- , mission .hat htf had discussed the crime .tram to President McKlnley wlHn the j . . w,h Me. ftnaM latter was In San Francisco: j "Your wife will live another year-j Jrian from him' but tiKTi he st0d until about nex; February or March. ! and could no; be moveX but be careful to ymrself. You will be All efforts to break him down failed, shot or stabbed during the month of In reviewing his confession he made June or else In September." , I tl 11 -'pell mowAl UL 11.3 ucoci U Oll- ! archy, and said tliat he had merely done his duty as he saw it. President Sehw.ib Discusses Attack on The general theory now held by de- Presdenfs Life. I I NEW YORK. Sept. 7. President Schwab, of the l"i;ed States Steel Cor poraMon, in discussing the attack upon the President and after expressing his j bl' tae ,Jt a"d induced by perauasion hornir said: , to carry aut the conspiracy. They say Should the president die h would ecr- , tha. , .. rewdnes. to have plan- talnly have the most d'sastrous effect I th business and industry of the I country. The effect would be but tern- ! ATTACK WAS FORETOLD. Gustav M-yer. Astrol gist, Waniel the CALAMITY TO THE COl'NTRY. tectlves is that the circle of Czolgost' jasj.x'ia'es plotted the murder of Presi- 1 dent McKlnley and that' he was picked i ned and -xeeuted the crime as he did. The prisoner has not retained counsel aorarv. for business Is In sach shape and .vhrti the subject was mentioned to now and business men are in such a i him today he said he did not desire a position that the leath of the president ould only cause a ofary c i Rut the crime itself is a calamity to the ' country." lawyer to defend him. PATTERSON'S TELEGRAM. DENVER, Sept. 7. Following the re- j ceipt of the last and most favorable bul- I letin last night, Senator Patterson siiitj the following telegram to President McKlnley at Buffalo: 'Denver, Sept. 6 We are all un speakable rejoiced that Cod will save j you to the nation. The latest telegrams : Ctarged With Being Implicated In Plot THREE MORE ARRESTED. CHICAGO. Sept. ".Three more al leged anarchists' were arrested here to day, charged with being Implicated la the conspiracy to assassinate President McKlnley. SIX MEN ARRESTED. from your bedside rill all the mountains and plains with supreme "T. M. PATTERSON." WANXAMAKER DEEPLY GRIEVED NEW YORK. Sept. 7. Kx-I -stmaste: ro Assassinate President. I CHICAGO, Sept. 7. The names of the ! men arrested last night on the charge of being Implicated in the plot to as i -assinate 1'resld 'tit McKinley are: Abnham Isakk, Abraham Isakk, Jr., General Wamiajiuiker a: Cape May. J ;lip,, ,;yt . fI ivel, Henry Treegilo, Cle- wnen told at the star; that tne !re.-i- I .....,, Pfeinzii 'r. Alfr.d Schneider. lent had been murdered: i Th ex nninatlon of tho tiriiner last- "I am speechless witii sorrow that , umU iar;y thi3 m,,rnjng. hut police another American president has b-'eti tviu. tl, make public what informa- issassinated. I cannot think of any other event that would pluns' tae :n-tl-m in such grief or touch trc ii'.' r.y- ovlne world so profoundly witii re gret us this sacrifice of our presi.l -on." .ino hal b-en secured. Ciiptaln Col- !;.ra'i. eliie: of the detective bureau, hoW jevr, itave out th followln:;: j "Th,. raid was made in conseiiu -nce .f a telegram frmi secret service otll iciais in Buffalo, asking us 'o Investi gat' a'll learn the wh-riibJirs f a pa- " per kn.nvn as Fr - 3 .cl-'y. We traced NEW YORK. Sept. -.-Congressman i ,h . . :h . house at ;ii Cam.ll William Seher said that he had no j av(.mK, anJ there -mud the persons ar wotls suitable to express his sorrow at j risU,d n,,ll:.,r,.miy .lie midst of an Im- Sl'LZEll IN SOKKOW. the attempt to assassinate Preside nt ' McKlnley. He deeply deplored the eon- j dition w hich could promote such an act. He also expressed hU most profound svmuathv for Mrs. McKinley. CONGRESSMAN TOWN E SHOCKED. NEW YORK, Sept. 7. Ex-Congress man Charles A. Towne, lh an interview upon the attack of President McKinley aaldt I am shocked hy 1h news of the attempt upon the president's life and with Americans feel great grief. I know (Continued On Fourth Page.) p.rtant meeting. "All of the prison -rs admit they are. anarchists an.l do not he-ltate to say that they have no regard far the laws is niiv enforced. Some of the men. I learned, have served terms In prisons in .heir native countries for attempted crimes, inspired by their anarchistic be liefs. The Free Siolety, published by Isakk, I have learned, was formerly on the Pacific coast and it was only re cently that Isakk opened an office here." Captain Colleran said the prisoners (Continued on Fourth Page,)