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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1901)
Till: MORNING ASTORIAN. SATl'RDAY, AlCl'ST 21. 1JMH. AMERICANS DRAW THE COLOR LINE Protest Raised Against Negroes at a London Hotel. FNfil KHIF MnDPTOI PD 4 T BIiJm (Ulncs, of Atlinii, One of the !(!( gtt$ to Evcmfnkil Coitcrciuc. Caastd tbf Protest Botb Sid( tApltio Their Poiitioi. NEW YORK, Aug. :S All the Uv.. ion pap?r puh.ih articles" on the objiv tlon of the American pi!:ons of the St. Evmlns ho:?! to n kwj a -.J the ubjexr. is much discusshl In hotels, says London dispatch to the Journal and Advprtisner. Englishmen side ihcoret! tally with the negroes while American ma a rule are outspoken the other way. Bishop Gaines, of Atlanta, one of the nlfTo delegates to the Ecumenical in ference who caused the rrotest. Is still t the hotel. He said In an Interview: "I have been staying a; this hotel off and on since the Vanning of July, nd was never better treated anywhere. I regret exceedingly to heir that trouble has been caused by the arrival of Bish ops Arnett, Tanner and Derrick. I was In Paris when the protest was made. I have met Americans, even from Tesas. II over the continent and received warm greetings from them. During my trip through Holland. Belgium. Germany. Switierland, Italy and France, I had not a msult from an American or anyone else. "I sailed from Nexv Tork on the St. liPuis ani was treated like any other cabin passenger. I preached on Sun day at the request of Senator Mitch ell, of Oregon, and General Grosver.or. America would be the best country In the world if It could get rid of Its race prejudice. Laboring men in Europe are oppose! as badly as is the negro In America, except when I: is a question of law; the the laborer has the same Justice as his richer brother, especial ly In Great Britain. I hope to see the day when it will be the same in A merica." TV. "Winfteld, manager of the Anglo American Bank of New York, one of the protesting patrons of the St. Ermins, said: "I do not object to Bishop G lines or his daughter, who are fine people. They crossed on the same steamer with me and were liked by every one on board. He is a highly educated Intelligent man. But with regard to negroes generally I object strongly to their presence In first cla-s hotels frequented by white people and pntest against the privil eges accordei hto them in Europe gen erally. "It gives me i shook when I se a beautiful English girl walking at the side of a negr who is perhaps h-r husband. As for the attitud" of hnt"I ! manager, Richardson. I excuse him be- cause he is an Englishman: If he were j an American nothing: on earth wouid i make me J i s j. When Europeans b-i ' to know the n-gr i as Kn w th-m, ; they will curtail his privll-g." i Manager Richardson said: i "I have re-:tvil numer-u written , and v-rbal m-sag-s of ---ngri:ula:l-" and indorsem-nt of ;'ie jcviti .n hay- 1 takn." i AMERICAN BISHOPS Promine-.t Divin-s Wno Att M-th'tdis; c-if-rrn'.-e. NEW TORK, Aug.; jn d-1- (rates ; th" Method:-: F um-ci' al '-.-.r.-fer-n.v have h-Kun to arrive in L.n don and register th-ir nim. a; '-i-eonf-renc- r om. 'i:y It--ad. sjys a dispatch t) the Tribune. S-v-ra! American bishops are -xy t-1 an I a larg- cumber of ministers. I!!"imp Hart-ell wh j lak---s a ?t 'Pg pro-English view ,,f the English war has r-turned from Africa to att-r.d the conf-r-nce. anl Bl.-hop.-: Hurt, Viic'-p: and Hamilton will alio be present w h-n the first m-ti:)g ;. held -ar!y :n Sep tember. Wt-sieyan Chapel, C! y Roai, will be the chi -f cent-r of r-onf-r-n work, but s -v-ral m -"tings v. ill lie- li'M 1 In St. Jam-. hail. Iils.-ussio:! w ill run on pr.i- ti. a! 4 j of work, charae:e.-is:V of M -lh lism ' such as the l.quo." trafilc. fei tiv" tr -aching, mis-lor.r. e luca !; ' and mod en iniliffer'ntism an l h-r" wif bo si."(-in il-baa-s ,,n b. -iij! ir.'.i ini anl ptui.e- autism v-t-us .-a -et.! ,-tali-nn. Hugh Price Hughes, , most 1 efnqu. nt W--il-ydn preach'-r in Efigla -d, will I." k-pt ,-i.vay by i l li-a!-.t. It. W. Ih-rk.-. Y-rkeS' as-x-i.ite jn th" : reform of und-rground L nibin. will , take an active part in th" organiz ition j f the onferenc- anl Sir H-nry F"W- 1 ler will tir.-si Ie over one of the rriw. i important m-r:lngs. A s'-ri-s of t-up- Plementary meetings will be held in s-v- j iPears 3 What a luxury Pears' soap is! It is the cheapest and best toilet soap in all the world. All aorta of Mopl ana h, all aorta of Korea acll a, aapaaoaii atfagf ma. era! provincial (owns af.or the cl 5e of the o.'iifi-MU-e,' NEW YORK CHINESE. WILL HONOR CHIN Imp rial prim,, of Chin Will.. 1'.' Feasted by Hi Countrymen in Ncxv York. NEW YORK. Aim IS.Chm.'So m.r i hints In this cllv .111,1 the Chinese .ii ul Ch.xw Tsi Chi luxe air ally vv.n ' - ! pi.pivat -w f - the '.I. .1 Hsu. : in t.vpi. 0:1 of Prince x'hun. of x brother of the eui;vrr Kxx r hx ;s xpvtM to a! l c in this ab nit a month. I He will fir: vMt Iter!'... (it. he w nvoy te Emperor W'.Tan an of- I r'.ii.t! cp'.inat:on f China's gr.ef a: th i l murder i f the G 'rman m n:t 'r, It iron I Von Kette'er. a: the hands .-f the Hex I In the st-vts of IVk.n l ist iiMiin. r. He iil th.n go :, Tiirts ar.J I.n-lo. A l Chinatown is talking ab nit .'.: coming v.s t aril w'.il cebrit-.- I: as they neve- c.lebr.itcd 'off 're. Om'.su! how h.pes to have .o0 i iiinese at t ie I pier to receive the prince. Wu T nu Fang, the t'hincs,. minister at W.ish .ntton and his mtlrt staff, ni l come to this city to welcome him. City an I tate officials will be aske 1 to tak.- part in the celebration. Prince Chun will be .s orted tj th- ' Wa! lorf-Astoria. A reception an.l din- ncr wili be given in his honor. Prince Chun will spend twenty davs In this country. It will take six days for him to travel across the continent to Van couver. The rest of his time will le divided btw-een New York and Wash ington. BOLD HIGHWAYMEN. Epidemic of Hold-t'ps Near Biparla, Wash., and Vigilance Committee Formed. SPOKANE, Aug. 13. A special to the Spokesman-Review from Colfax. Wash., says: Word comes from Riparla that a bold hold-up which nearly resulted in mur der, occurred In ihe railroad yards at that place about 1 o'el.K-k this morn ing. T.vo men were held up and rob bed, after one of them had been shot, less thin fifty yards from the depot, while a freight tra.n crew was working in the yarls. The robbers escaped and the wounded man was placed on an engine an 1 sent btck to Starbuck for surgical treat ment. Eight men were h-Md up the previous night at Grand City, four miles below RIparia and robbed of JbX. Two men did the work. It Is believed th same men did both jobs. A v!ilance committee has been or ganized a: Plpa.-la. and the announce ment is made that th men will be promptly hanged If caught. HfSBBAND AND WIFE SEICIDE. Xfr. and Mrs. B-rt Ptrlegel Found In H it 1 Room, One Dead anj Other Dying. BOl'LDER, Colo., Aug. 23,-The d-ad body of a woman supposed to be Xfrs B"Ss Strieg-1 has been found In a r'in in the Line block. Beside h-r on th same b" in a dying conditi m lay per; i S-.ri-gel. An empty phial, on-, ouno-lab-led lau lanum. was lying n'arby. An e-vel'ipe allr s-ed to Frank M J 'hr.son. 1"3 Htrd-'-sty stret. Kant? i'i-y. w is f.unl up m a tab:-' in 'It ro .m. c.,nt lining pie- es ,,f pi;-r . ti whl.-h w-ro w-ri:;-n: '-This is my -al'-anl the "rly one I ever had a-.-J th- : :i.'i-T girl m the world. T-11 th'-rn ih -.1:; '. y hi wi" oh!!E.. R-rt Strl -B-i." ARRIVING i """ ""'1n s f'ap bears the mark of e. iK'm-i- Cl'y store. Among -h" p.v.-rs un-i ia a f awn tick-: of a ban 1 rn any "f Kansas City. Physi ian- at- -- lit g th- man say h- ha - -.-!. E PIS' '( PA L A IP 'H I P.ISH 1 1 IV IlT'P' a "t I'hanir. h Xlay 1! Tri-'-nnial ohur.-h .- I NEW YORK. Aug. 211. A r-orgi-,:-. 7.i:ia- of -he Episcopal church anl !.--i.U'.'i iritm-.-r:t of an archbi-hop to hiv-itr-'i-ril sup'-rvisi.,n over all liiv-'-s 1 ,f ! !; c.hiirch in this coun'rv anl i'" ( . i --ri-'l a:s are the ching-s ;blvo -.v-d bv r.-v. P-r.y S. Grant, r-o: .r of t-i -i''hurch of the Aseen.n in this -;-y. in tin riitifO.. in th rurno-r ' Ta ''bur. hmari." is-u-d y'-J:'T'lay. I- i- '.height probabl- th'- 'i:--?-tl .n wi.l be a; ;h - t r il convention of th.. Epi-eipal f 'nirch 'thi'!. -.xlll l.---gln Us tri'-nnial .! .r,, n San T-'r.i . i-eo on October 2. Th'-s fi orn til's ' ty il i no- car' -, v; . :-s an r.pUA n on th -uhj -c CHINESE STCLENTS. Pl-e- by Officials l.'niversity anl V.'il! Km it I'ai'fornia. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 23.-Six d-.t- in high Ktandlng from :h Yor.g college at Canton, xvho arr from China several da yd ago on Ha-amor Oa'-lic, have bin land'-d J ' by Chin-'se bur-au official's ;ind will -n-r-r :ii- Cniv -rsity of California to c .nipl-f-cia'-l' al and sclet.'ific r-liji-ailons. Th'-S- slul-nts were Ki-lecte, by !! Chinese government to study m -i-rn American methods, with a vi-w r,f spi'-ading th'-m In their native land. GIRL "WORKERS STRIKE. NEW YORK, Aug. 23. Two thousand fine hundred girl shirt walstmakers are now on a strike at seven workshops in this city and It la said that five more strike will be ordered today, Involving 600 additional workmen. WHERE lilt BOERS ARE i i .viu Ks kii i.i i. i:rn KH OK IN I All K. ltriti-h Serjeant MulkcJ I'ommait J .tut I our .Miles Hcfoiv SiixtcccJini, in Shooting . !,o,'. ivi; f i: r I ii old it o o; 1 01 e'l.i Kl' : A IV to, la dl- :!!,. statN i. s : s. O." the meoil'ei s ,.f tie : viitiv ' eoiun-i', only 1 Ke:ti are .a tile tie'.. I : . -s j. a '.. Gen val Cr-- J ' ' a .1 K.vk as ; :: ii .1 u! ' . a S-M- : on. of :: : j r 1 1 I !.t are a t".i- a T. S-o-ao; ':i;t"t-s of the llts: Volks iif. e, r 'r. 1! ire.ard. I.i 1 Ma an have b ti kit!.' 1. . S-o'ao: M.--f the te.lf.r.l.hlr,. c x-st. v s . ,,.-,! . 4 medal for K 1 1 5 - .r,g Malm. wh- snip:-.g at Ml gal cs'.-urg in J.i'-e. Merritt stall:-- ! hlni four m les bef re h . s'.iccee led in sh sit ing hl:n. Ibsen is dea l. W elmureiia I a prisoner. Eight ine-n!'-s -f the Volksra.ll have stir: "Mere I. About half of the mem-or-rs of the see n I Volksraad are ac-c-.umtel for. All the heads of ihe state Jopartments ar neeounted for except Smuts'. Thr.-e of them are In Kur:s I. t. are prism. ts and fourteen have surrend. r 1. The Judges are a!, ac count -si for Seventy-five per cent of the of departments ure ,'ountr I f r. ac- FRANCE IN EARNEST. j Weull Be H'l.l Blameless In Resorting; to Dras:le M-siaures. NEW Tor K. Aug. II. -The Fr-nch J governmrn; is thoroughly In earnest In) its attituie towa-1 Turkey, and It Is fully aware that at the pr-s nt moment. no fjr-.hrn p-er w nil I ralv any objeo- i ti ins t a French n-'et resrting to the m : drastic measure, says a Par.s dis patch t :he Tribune. Accorli-g t Information that has reach-.1 Pa-is, the real cause for the sultan chancing his mind and decllt'lng to fulfill h.s promise was due to his h i pes that the obstreperous clamor of the Nation ilist Party In France would indue XI. P'I ass-, the mlsist-r of for eign affairs t disavow Constans. Th sultan's objection to the French .-onessim is that If the Constantinople luays w-r- under the control of a Frneh or ot.Vr foreign company thre would be disquieting facilities for the landing of e inspirators and their bag- gage. But Constans gave the sultun ( th- option of buying back the danger- ous quays by 4I.iO.0t francs for :h-m within six months and pro- ; viding :h porte with a scheme fr . ra.'ing the cash. 1 An lin;"r:ant factor of the situation 1 ,s that th- sultan is known to be in gr-at f-ar "f you-.g Turk--y party , wh-.s- h- ad'iuar-.-rs are in France and w:ii hay,, for y.-ars Invn conspiring to g-t rid of Ablul Hamld. In fact the' wh .' l:j:y ..f fuir B'y. the , jmiK'j lor in Pans for the last four ! has bn to watch th"Se Turks 11. I : MlIT F-'a - . 1-. i 1 . I c r.ti !"titi il r- tts : 1 Yiil'z f :ii- -r doings. 1!. y N Ju-t now- abs-nt fr-mi 1 roi- in 1 as- Constans should 1 x-rt h.s .mtiuirlty to I.r ik :i' ai r-l itl 'lis Turk'-y :.:- ti- - s-..;,s of th" Kr-ndi ; : v "'i: be to inform Xlulr ' h- nil n : r--en:er Frame, j ; -1 -a ' in -a mi l ! k'-pt In Ig-; .' '. imi' hi. 11: Ions .f th" ' Ti-k . ..rt-nlra' anl It Is I '.i- ti-.ij Huiill have iiisan ;h 1 i- ( e .'-y ciiaracter of Abdul - i-.-y - ff-c. ;han '-ven a nivel 'lii 1 ' 1 s the Kronen goverim-nt ' Itt trumji cards up Its, 1,-f ,r- resorting to naval I - or a -ts of ho:!lily. such ' j ' ii.C'im. du-s or bom- 1 '1 l:n- ATT'TI'I'!: "F THE POWERS i tling 1 il II l.-r.; rtant Factor in S .' Dispute. v. I NI1W Y'lp.K, Aug. 23.-0.-"a .-'iiaj, x-r,,t--I States minister t 1 T ;' k -'. i-i ..' 'h- opinion that In the, !: - ':; I'.'o n as between France a'ol ', M T .!: y 111.i1 '.xiil r..fml upon th" a--j tl'i; I- i-f Engl ind, Aus'rla, Rournrinlii it i (',- . . ph ftuseia, of cours.- the 1. -' hi.;, ian: ficbir or in- ''I'm otiiita n has a very s-ri njs c ," - 1 1 .M-- S'r.ius, "inasmuch as the 1; ' l:ig foii-.trl'-s, namely England, A i c Itojrrniriia and flr-'ece, In pur--a f wlio. proti-s'.a the sultan has ,1-n hi. ,r-s.-nt stanl, are morally t, -id . with Turkey, In the '. I morai'y' In the ordinary sense, ii iL-h I iiii:ion whether It should Ie-j- I in r -";e-c to laternatl mal mat- M ' .- rius :-aid t hat the probabilities, v r. :ir- all In favor of a peaceful in' nt. though the ultuation 1 one -it c-riouHn'-sH containing an 'tle- .f ne-rr of lang'-r. It wan Mr. StraUH who ! v- l ,pe,j (h ili,l,,matic plana by which 'he Siil lim- Porto was brought to -t-il- th- American Indemnity claim. H'i b ll'-v ?. that the position of France to day I- va.stly weaker than that occu-pi'-d Ly the Lnltd fitaateu then. ENGLISHMEN ARE CONFIDENT. Return Match of Track Field Sport Arranged With Americana. NEW TORK, Aug. 23.-Mr. H. 8. HiMcks. 0'ie of the grudil.ile ntrtiia iters of the Yale nn. I Harvard !.ativ.s and who (u Just ftviinel from Kngl.uid w It ere lie mad,. itrr.ttigenieiUs for llie track aivl Held spor.s r luin mic!i be- Itwen iitord an I C iminultr - imd Yale i 'id Harvard says the Kni;!!htnen an' 'very confide:!- of .ory. I "We concluded matters," n.ild Mr. Jiioeks, "tit Moi-ley's Jus! Ivfoiv I I f., ' lr, J. M. Hi ay. of t '.-itulM t.lge. iuul C j N. Jacks vi. tile Oxford Cuivir, belnit I :! KnglUh repr mtatlxes While the1 k ntlemen w ill n "t :o,'onisany the .-.iiu the v'si;. K.,- Knowl.s. M. V-. .ml fo;;rer pr-'sd.'tr of :h C, 1". A. t: ooK if; r It's etl!i;r me - ll s - . a it ti - Sh -rm.m w h Atvi :! ri athl -tes Kiu-' in I. a u itiiv f-';d Capta'-i w .'.- n It" Me M ill - I .s w !' kn-oti . v ti l,.ii e i :; .1 ' i ' ' in -1. the i '- ; Ye! an I Ha- vanl j ma . V-r v't i'i lv '. w I nirn 'v an I .ii:: l:i : he in I ill ike the 'U-o-ll-l't I "Am fl,1 some of .lie chain; s 'utu -t. . 1 and t hleh I ave .1 e. o on w bi. '., 1! -naol- the It.-v II W Wo:k oi:i. the Ca m brl Ige lltance mm t enn petc in two 'venK Ths was .1-n .- bv p'acmg t'le "half as ;h second .v on the irogrnm and the two-ui.lo las: " Th- l-lnitlishin-n oNo ak that Hi stan for th - h itli Jnm: towe.- .'. era! f.." above th-' cr bar. .ml to this Mr. ltro ks pronrsel n . oblectbMi. "Kv 'i thing was :i:e: h.n ni on-ous." sail Mr. Brooks, "and lb - oxford I'am- i'g' folks 'k tip. it 'h- next as the vor. 1 of n s-rl-s of r'ttu'ir ci'tess S-v.-ra! of ;!ie m n h i compete! :n the f 'rttvr ma .ch promise to be 'mo rtaut factor In the to cm,, and are lo. k 'ng forward t th- visit with much pb-.isure. as th-y' meeting, as thev excess it, "!h-ir los. fiien ls." WILL !'-!. KT ALIENS. I'ers lis Gaining En ranee Thr migration Fr.iuls Will He H ine. igh iin Snt NEAV YORK. Aug !3-N-i n port concern!-g the r. sul; of th,. tsvi'stlg.i tlon of the alleg'd Immigration frauds I will be g veil out by Ihe otll -lals un:ll the work Is c imp!-:-- I an I the otllelal ' r-sirt g -s to W.ishlngt fi. Ttionias : Fntehle. rornm;s.sloner of Immigration. xxas in the city yet r!ay He approves . th" work that has s far !'-. ti d ne. ' It is underst-KHl thi: .(11 -lals ,,f c:t s xx lll be ask-'d t !r:i u; people sus j p'. ted of getting into thl country wl h- i out having pas-e l th.- r- guiir itispe.--' tl n. If It can be proved that :hy were passed as a r-'-'ult of '.lie uppos- I 'fraud, they will V s-nt horn. THE II ICAI LIi HIT TRPT. C m. ertia in the Industry Will ) It.. Consoll l i;..,i m the N.-ir Future. NEW YOUK. Aug 211 -Th Pnlted Stif-s H-'U High: '"ornpiny !s planning, acinrding to the Journal of 1' , miner.-.-, to aciU:re the .n'-'r-sls of a oiimb 'r of its comp-tltors Tiier- are .1 nmiib-r of Ind -p-nden: c--rns. Including th" Star H"i Might I'oinpiny, -h-Glazier H-.i High: I'ornpany ,-iti th- K.h h-sf r H-.i-lllght I'o'iipany, all , ca'-l in It 'ch-sl-r, N. Y ; the Iir-ss-l H-a Illght I'ompany. of N-w Y-rk C-v and Ih. Schr ..e.ier H'-a-lllght ('oinpany, of Ev-an-vl'l". Ind. Th- T':iil.-, st it".. M- 1 ll.f'it romp my ikc.v in. hj-l'-s , 0 a . rns n lln'-'ii'-t, c I. -v r n-iii " 1 n -I 1 11 1 -1 and ' iM.MEIP'E WITH I'I'ltA. f 1 Ai u up. n N'. -.v irk-t f. Y .rk : 1 Sngir. Crip M NEW V. iltK '" - "f in -hang b ' ;v .0 Mr L. V Ii-th- i-: , ...mie In ling 111" I An-.' :i For t: )!'i otnm r ial ''aba nti l -his .- Pili- unity. b I I. 'ornni's-i;-. n.-r "f :o-i ,,f ihii. a. In-tcmer.-l i ais.i-l:i-1 ex in N-xv Y'-i k .1 lv 11 it- In f .re 1 '.itlff 'r-nim-n! li' ' a "iigar irio- let ii..ns of it-,.. I-.", 1 Mr. Ii- Ab 1 ! "' t; gr".s a in a I if rn a ! lb- j no,ly ' ,r (coming of 1 sugar will th" !., ;, ,! s it the tltn.- tvh-n s-rioii-ly lnv.1 I c itnj.'-t.- with he -civs that be oh" I, :h Am -rl n to Cub 1. iind ih" Aiii -rl an I In-- .p.-1 1 He- b.-a a-- such a in rnirk 'l mark -Is t sugir. But "111 t Is r-1 be o;i - illUs Eul'L PLAY PEA It El). I! nn-n , Taai T li s.ipp No lll.-H New J-r--r llis.,an .u a red. y p. NEW Y 'In- II rb" 1 I'-l i'i ve ba r-'-t i fi- HtK. Aug, L-ll.- MiH. M id i 11- nneii, -a ho claims la b--of Captain R. 1'. llobMon, I ill- polli f ,!"i.ecy C:y In: b" h -n in dav li" hu-baiid, H'uar- I'.'-iim-t t, bus inif 1 1 1 1 1. .IiJiy 2blh. on rt'hb ii trl--d for N.-.v York for P.ri.t- tol, T'-nn., wh'-.-- his wlf wa 111. Mrs. I:, tm'-il locolv d 11 diHpntr-h from him in which !, I he would go 10 n"r i-i ire lirs train. Hh- has heard nothing from hl.n nince, Mrs. R-n iett foars b- na" iiht wl'h foul play. OP.EO'iN-CALIFOItNIA. Fooib.ili 'iarn-- I-el .V"C x"-r-iil".s May H 1 I In: Two L'tll Arrang'-il. UERKELEY. California, Aug. 2a. The l'ti!vrel;y of Oregon h;m written to graduate manag--r, Ezra fjecoto, of California, asking fur a football game this fall between the two Htite unlver hIiI"h to 1- played In Ihe northern atate. The uregonlana ofTr to iay the vx-P-iih'H of th" California l'ntn or give a rier ct-ntage of the gate receipta. No action ha been taken by the California executive committee. SILVER MARKET. NEW YORK, Aug. 23. Silver, 58. WILL C0D1EST AVOIDED I'KINCISS II ll I I HI Will Kici'ivr. .(i.(i,M).tHu. AJopUvl H.iuulitcl oillic lciul Kail way Magnate Ahaiulon- I lie t UMlcst S I'ltANi ! I I a:. I r.-i i a lo-;e, iluu i: i in.- to i: a! ' It l s ' h as I .!; t in. nt h.n ! '' i .1! .-. d an I ill at h- ; I h-.- .in I I' ll. 'XV ..- in -'i : n!e :.. t t!-X b "lie II li- I. :l ' ' ;. o ' .' vi a I :a ax no n; -f Hi i be gi ii f r ill il'.ei l-'i.iu i - oil. -i . The sum I'; in.- -. II. r s'e: I c lv,. f t I'l'lliiiiu -li n- a I . ' .U il Kilter's full s'litr- ,' lii - r : o.e de i I i a!' iix inaitna ,. i Jit imsi.oki i if dii, i(m tin' I $1 ".me CO is 1., 1, . ! 4(. bv M ItUllti'lgt ll. :e l e, ..f the I i! I'aelMe i'i-.-s de in 1 .a- - a m ide thai II 1-1 Hunt iu tin i 11 I a! -aid ' P h a n i ll Wie b ihi ie.. , f t: "in i "".I HSI'ATl', TA l..i.-..x.v, N'exv York .ml N o J--i - t . .v;p!.i.' K-.g-'is' XI, li. NI--W Yi'KK. Auk- : : for to ci v and .-t i . an I I lie slit' of N J ! ly xxa'ehaig Ihe ixo-k -! " of the late J I. o. S left the itr.-ivr part of I mil'loiis to the M -nip .:.;, Alt I; Is c.tlnuivi .ha' th t Stat- lll am Mint t . l Tn ( Ne V Mk M.i- '.i:ii AMEIilCANS IN KI'SSIA ST PIlTlllt'.m'Ril. Aug .: S.-iia. tor tf.lge. "f M.fxs.-i.-h".l-'0. an I .his family haw aru.-d h. I-' af - r a brb-f X is.t to Moscow in I I't.e ator declare, he m.;ei ! tf 'i t -and r. vil, i.C tig, .,ii':. 1 -;i'n ti w ork 'hi. inter as ih.i.rmi'i f setiii.e Phll.ppine coinnii: '.. - I!--;.'. I.xtlve Hill, of 1',.,'inr, ',. u', i,.m ias.... lar'tigri Si I'-f : . mi- hi l--n ihlriy-e.glt! I.m ..-i. ii:i city ftoni Via liv isto. k - ug a-, x tti s il WHALi: FLEET S i' XT "II SAN FRAN'.'I July 4 th,. cat. h nit ..f -Ins imi b- e 1 .m to! aw s; o. Aug ." f h w '1 ihe j Is r-p ..- .- I ; tux I'li'ir..'. W M.ritin, j.-.i ;..-rni o.l an I llt'Vi p ,1111 !. f California, '."i'i b.irr -U of -1 Gay be id, .'.! barrels ,,f s.-erni .. Know 1,-1, irrels .f .p.-i ni two small nK,t w ai.-., j .(, v lxil barr-ls of sperm in I RI SSIA IN Tl'ltKI Y ltiiss..i Naval and M 1:' lug M ililiiot s Along th- l'r- n1 mtrssiiL-J. Aug ::. 1.., :he I'-ii' llln,. fr an Vn-nn 1 s,y. According to a K , . s fr on 1 ;',, I'H " 'lo b",lt. all I . . patch b MN h lie II I X I I t.-r I i-l'a. an I Itii". ,1 1 1 . ootiimlng to inoi.ilijo -i,, isli t.- .n'l-r. HIRH i'i 'lllt l-h i: M V Tin- NEW Yu,!K ig .1 ',a .' 'Mil. of e -Ilea'.-,- i.lcy. ..1 'I o,l n hat I-: '-it -11 r Hir-I c, r w I t o I h - 111 ' ;-T un ii i a i-ii"in'. -r Ii is a . ,.,.(: I , x I vits--iir.'ii- i W SlUNiiTi V. "in "x --',:! ! abai i . 'h- S It:, li ' it- g. n rat's -I'HI.IiV A-ig .:. 'a . 1 1, a -v 1 11 .. . f -III " I . I: x.-i: la ig- r I.. .i"i'i: Ai.isr i.tisi:s u at 'ii NEW VintK. Aug '.-". X f: I T .11:1- ihe J. .urn. ,.. be nlg'it I l"i. n a I b. w'uie on a . Mr T .011 lo III ga.Hll h- pole, x till. I 1: 1,1. ,"" k"t 'III- .' 1'. 1 glX'-II olil1 nit bl e. 1 ' :i ti I J A 1 V 1 ' nig ,n 1.11. '1 il'NI' III'. MAN SK I'll. I IT' N EVE RETT. W.uh , Sl'-v- 11', of A.-liiu..- a,, b-r !a v ii.- j.k"..;on of niilej f 1 mi 1 1,11 n-Dtioii Aug. -'1 I e.,Ve; .1 III I il Th- I .0 :i- boll"- w r "tan-ling iiciigh' In 'i incr Kak'-nian I re IIAMI'lUN' I'.l- 'V 'LIST- NEW Vui-K 1 r. W ill.' St a-l ix 111 line Aug. I: bbv W ,11 Sline ai an I .loii-ny M.i h 1 'in ' a- Manliat:. 1 Ira. I;, M ,,. 1 1 ', , I,,-,; b 1- i'-a, W C: 1 am .'i-i W iliii nn ii , " I, it. ;K- I'e-K I blcv "II Sll-'SO'I i'llk' s, u a,! t Wie 'iVi i.-'l I' I IT I M IA I ' 1! Tic , "1 ''KII LM. Aug 111 I ' 'I II I I- Tl : .t-.xei-., W.0,11 ,1 p ,. I a- I.o- Nl-'slltu'S AWEI'L 1 1 1 M I ". . 'olpmhi . s c. Ear row. a in gr -, s 10 x i". fatb r-ln-la an A uit . 'ni lie,: i -a in In- ri'-ar ItaAklns loday. ITO WILI. N- -'I' '' M E. VdK'HI UIA h is ill) indoti' I tour. Aug. Mai'iii (in "I A ne 1 i-iin INSANE MAN AT LA t'lll. SEATTLE, Am,'. 2:i. son, an Insane man. Ih" asylum at Sb-lla-. large. -I'lii k Ibndrlck- l.'IH I S, ;i,e, f,.,,n 'in an I h h! ill 11 1 WHEAT MARKET. i-i in i iyA.MJ, Aug. Ua.-Whca!, Walla Walla, f,7; blui-Htem, f,S TACOMA. Aug. 23. Wheal, blu'ntem M; club. f7. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 23.-Whe,it cash, 9714. CIIICAOO, Aug. 25. Wheit, Septem ber, opened, 70; itlon-d, 7014 . Wh'-i HTKKKT NuTH'K, Notice U lunch) lveii thai l!ie Com mo'i Cmn, f ,), (.,v llf ,:,,M, i, lecl.u-ed lis do MllllUlll ll ill! I I 1 1 .-III loll to Improve all thai p .no,i ,,f Cumin cal slleel froli) ,..( n,, ,,f ''"ll. Il s ieel lo Hr,( ,(, ,,f ,Vmr( "-in !l -!re,.. nail Tenth street being i hit part of the Oily of As.orla im . ti t and r.vo,,le,l .v John McCline l ..tide I bv I'ytiK llliiey, in I niiul Kmir- l"elltll street b lliu In i.iii ,,r . I... l own (now Cliyl of i..rii as 'il l mn 1 l .m. iheiieo est lo ihn soiiUiwest coini-r ml leeoided by J ShlXrliX. to ti'' i ,.f "111 block Hill. tlU'liee liorlh on llo' full ixldtli tli-ieof and ,,it ih,. . an- ' .. Iln. of ald bbi.'k I HI to llm nilli lis'ied gill., iheivof, r X.'.-ft 'UK onlv 'lie I r ml e rn- r of lot fmir III. Ill Wo. k I..', 'do xxalk In front of ,i lucub e it I m M. Oine s Aatorln, then,-,, running Hid T. I i hi, .ok tiiiiiii.-r ill. in liui: ou !ii.-. Ihi-.iig'i Hie lnlddle o( bio. ks (,;, t lh Ci'v ,,f ,s: Tii as laid .'": - ti I i l an I il" : Hie . iiil.'i e ,,niier ..f l.n i - 'i'li-l bv John Mei'ltn,. an I "X.e,i . i. n.- ill In block U'.v irtui, tlieiie, norili I I'X l vrilH Ilium S.!,l l!llir'iM"lieMt ijiI con.i! of i,K all 'b- oil .linking. i:N. :i iK..ri an I p . and v I ivalk. x -. .t iaM .1 I., ix, ilk In 't "il of anl abiiti ng upon ,i I loin i! m l 7, In b'.o.-iy 6, af.,r,-i'. .in I ii!- I K n(t nil pile., aa, piillliii; .11 new lin e-;i!li:. g. nil I , oil . . late . I Hi II ' x .-." .x.llk. 'II elcll !d" o ille all . el '"'i f'- l xxi.l-. al th - .tr.-.-t ct .- ngi. Hid rep! inkl ' l.'le . I thlollgtl- ni: th- l I'll h--v,,f fi-orn . iirb 1 i curb i-xeeptli'g tile portion thereof .h-cu; I bv the utr.-et car lia. k now . -:! nii Th,. rris.lllgs a! Hi,. ,n,.-r"ee-li .ii ..f l-llex.-iitli, T -If Ii .i i I I' .ui vnth reel, with ,(.( eniii - sitor; !u. be Imi.i 01 e. bv iill.briilii- ulng and planking lh .im.- b ihe full' ! l:h thereof cXeepl he I ; ,n ll-er-of j COXep.-,! ,y 1J,H ,, ,,4)14. 4. ,y I . .i. 'struct hi of mi I- x i!ks i now n. Isting The und'Tpliinliig shall consist ' f p ut i.'Xl: p up .., '!i,. tl. .1 Is ! Hie piles nft. a li'inii cut off an i or ine i i.u nu t, i iaee. , apa on the cap. ahtll be lull airii.g - i .I'I I j "is and on III.- s'rinit.-rs th.- coxeflng i'lmk (!i,i:i In. Tile ("tin eons al - I ! "f pa.:, ,u,, ,-npn nhall not -t or. - liluii aixle.-u f.vt n;cirt and iii.-r.- nh ill i I"' a: lets' ,x wl, . (he 'i.-tn. end j "iK'i ,- Ibvesaary imi si. la shall be mvj . f .r the purp .a,. ,.f , founla ! n . n : , in- ll t rest lb,- ..u.', -file .'llllr ' "lib- iru-tiir.. ahali be Ihoioiiglily .ixay-1 ma - ' i xxitn g hM auintinlial .way I r ic ilng and :h" c overhiir blank ue. u... on aald portion f tr--et alull be racks. V.ih . Aug !.". I U. t.-a!r, prix fnir inch a In thlckiie.a by luelve in- i .,.., t r furnUhm .n.l .ltu-.r!,.. lies 111 width All material pari ; said Improvement .hall ronal.t of g.-d. I nin l. merchantable, re I or x.-li nv p.r i lumber, and in matt.-r of detail r.-ept n toreln ntherwl. proxll.l .hail be consiru - 'i l .ice .ra ng lo tti,. ,r iai -lia ' f genera! ordinance N j-aq, -n 1 1 1 .-1 j "An ordliuncrt in Relation to thc lm-i I rovenieii: ,, atn-eta." and Ito plan" anl apex'lfl-atloii, o be pr.'lsxr".l ttu-re. i f r bv the city surveyor at lierelnaf t.-r . pr.v'de l That th.. e xst and rxi.en- of t- i struc tng said liiiprnein.'iit !n.;i lie de frayed .v special ,!-. nient upon the l ea. Iinla in I premise abutting up n 'and nth-raise N-netltel bv at. im. which aall district of lands.! l"'a anl premla. la all the lota Ian la PACIFIC COAST COMPANY COAL for Stcnmcr, Commercial and Pamily Use Orders Promptly K.u'cuted . . . DOCK FOOT OF SEVENTH ST Samuel Elmore & Co., Agts. I OLM)l- SUN INSURANCE OFFICE IK I.I N I ii N 1 hi: oldi si i i ki i. y i iki oi i i( i in mi: woki.i. I Coali .XanCla, C. A. HENRY & CO.. HI.") Sunxtmc Street, SAMUEL HI MOMl WW 7LMNV. IVL1ITI1 1 v m mMv nh mwM tui A Of New Zt:imu THOMAS, Mx;r., San Francisco. W. P UNLIMITED LIA1IILITY SllliMi'l ilil 'l ('iiiitill, I'lliil-llp ('lljiilill, A. SHI 'lei, Ascctfi iii t'nilrd SlntcH, Surjilns U) I'd icy JIoMci-i, lias been Uinlei'HTiliiig on th; I'unilic Const ovid twenty-two yemrs. SAMUEL ELMORE & CO. Residont A(ntn, Asloriit, Or. HQTELPORTLAND PORTLAND, OREGON The Only Plrnf-Claem Hotel In Portland .ill-l prnils-a ivIJiln I hi! fnl.iul:iir-4c , illir.l ilmrlcl, in-wll; ('oiiiiiioiicIiim nt III.' noilliwem conier of lot lnlu id), In l.lieli liriv-hllirt (OKI. Ill McCline', , toila. nn I lilil 'llla llirnen eni.1 IhroiiHh llie inl.l.lle of hi hk (.!i, ;,H ii . M,-. I'luie n Anloila. and Tr lot "A" as laid out mil :o.',.rle. hy the Astoria Ileal I iitale on I 1,'Xi'li.tiiu.i t'.oii.-aii v, to ilia II i ili. ust corner of lot live lM III uld tioel or ll i k " A ' ii nd running ilieiu-it , -II aloliu I lie east l!l. ,,f , ,, ri,.( "A" lllld block I HI III Slllvel.-y', Asl rl.l, 1. 1 !ie .llle.l ,oler of sail block I I., fie id ice of lien, mil tl. .Ill I ColliU II- inn an oi i ns u n, , ana , in in k :'.), ! --. x '' Ii. II. I.'. It and It In block ! .is :.. il .' and x. bl k !u , b.i . -j J i, 1. 1 t in block bus i, r, 3. i t. ; f-l x Hi bl , k l. 'd Iota I, .'. .1 un I 4 in b! - k Ho Hi Ms'uiea A.;.,ila. lots .. it V. x an I H. In I t.i. : ..r bl .. k "A" i ll I , ii an I iivoi r by il,,. Astoria ltd! Iln'ale slid l- xeliainte ('oiiipany, ail ill "f block I .tit a. laid out an I lo . a I -I b, .1 M Sin, .-l.-y. and all of xx a! I I '! lamia and premlaes olih ll " let dlsll let Htal! In .iaa. I oo lit! aceoi.llliK .. (tie ealliiia'od bell . ni '.. b-fi i) the cat. and riuc-iiK-a I f rilcll'ig rt'd lllll'rovrilieiil Thi! I It It s- I the till ultXeyor iaa b-e re- inepar.. an I fit.- with the mi- Xli I poll.-e Jlllge oalllllal. i ,.f t!in ml x p. ncii of c.n airticllng aald ,- ,S Oi ll! i noii! and plain all I ai..inct. na f T Ihe prop.wl wan k I'bai tlii. notice i a piibiiated In the I , M a ii ii i! A i ! oi I a ii f or piu hi d a x a In imr .in a e I i a ielutl,si i.r the t amnion i I'ouii, '! o lo.!.-, mi lin. IDth day of A it- ' gw:. ltd. d r.-dlng the ante. ; II II N 1 1 1 .Mi i S. i And tor nl P-illee Jtldgo of Dm City i of As'.nla i.loVKIlNME.Nr UU'S, l'r opmla for in mini and oiilom. "f-tl.-- Cli'ef Oo,mi.iry, Vaite.uiver "ar- I ,4i " " "n ' ''"'"" r,,r "'' '"' ?-li'T M I. PWI. will Im r.-nlved ' , r.- anl a; offlcra of r.mimlasrlea at 1 n,rn. Ore; for: S'"ien. Ore; llol.o Barraaka. Cor. by. Port l.awton, Wash, I'ora I'aaey, F.agler. Walla Walla Wright and Vine nn rr lUrracka. Wash, until ll a in. Aug. 3i. I'."1!. mil then open ed li.f irinitl ii funilatio ii pp!lc. tl n llnve! 'a c-mt lining prd'oaaja aa uld be did ra 1 "ProPo!a f r Pota to. anl Oninm," an.l aldrwa'd to I . - 111 III! "J ? y "f l est to I'" illpplled, or to Col F. K. Wye, A. C. Q, Chief Corn- mta.ary TELEPHONE MilN 661 A. I. I7IO aii,ai-t,t-sMi GENERAL AGENTS. Sun 1'riini hxo. Cal. & CO., AGENTS. 111 H I I 11 JVll OF SHAREHOLDERS $."1,000,000 1,000,000 2, 15,1 H :ioo,ooo 1,71S(7!2