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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1901)
Till: MORNING ASTORIAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 1, 1901. The Morning Astorian TIOUJI'IMNIO Mt. All coiiiracU for itJvcrtiMinK In Dig Antniliin tii u iniiUe on n nuiir untua of circulation ur Uihdm turner innii Unit or nny pupur published or clmiiluUU In Chit up cwiini y . Ti'li.VV 8 WKVI'llKlt. I'i UlTLASIi. Auk :M - ii,(f II, f in. In ill" .iiili,-rn - I ;ii. I'l'nli i til v 1 1 m -i n In id.- imi ( lii'i it jitir 1 1 nt, r.'t-r In llif i ..ntloii WimhliiKl "II full I" tilt- w-"t, '.ili:ilily Ihii1'I'ii!"iii In ill'" rl.illl ! 1 1. i. . .,,..f In I'llHii'lll . 'HI 'II I l.lll i, U't l,i I he n.Mllll, 'f l" itii v Mum I' !:'! iih in ihr iwilhrili "'i i.'ii. . .t-'r in i In- ii'iili ond wen; y ti ll 'ha AROUND TOWN. 1 K.U J 'Mil' hi Hf Tin- K ii' H i; ii II '""j'.-r'j. It M i ml. in li hi! iaiiK lui) .nir ; i i ni'i II' ..f J iim 'ii i Iir.. l.l.i .in" Ti n .in I ' a! '!li-r III-" 'Wlilli. Il.nii."- Wlil I'll 'II -, Ali r-.a! Mill! fill h! .'it ftiiully u'- Vli;: AI I'll. ii"-. main Ml. i t f ir f nit y u- 'all limlii 'il f tr ymir i-.'a! I'lii r. in-ira Ortri pr 'iii ly flllnl T i" i -i l.t ll! I.ii Intl'tl t .1 ll. ;i n ut In f t 4itlh(. M tin ''. f'r iirl'Li I't.'ii 'Mil nt:y -l!i ' .ll ' ml riUl'' lllr,( iiiiii'-r Sun !! .mi. nr. ti J ll'llll'-a.' k ll.llll.k ! "f all khi.l, ll u.nir, ii; i' i li"-aii t. at I I'llr" 111 Ik !' l;i M' k l'.-ft ,lll0 trrrt. : rt-t :l. a .lay .y c .m.-r T. n il mnt l'n- K tt i r;i"imlili i.i -i wrr- uiant.1 yiti.-tl.ty ti t'harli Oatl'in. a unlive .,' lliila. will lint tin .;.ii'i.Ult-1 If 1'iiv ymr wlnii-r mnlir nf u - J t "ii Hr... yni ilin- !l.irii", .liun.-.l anl nil". I at l'ltni"ir J - Twi'lf li tr.rt Iiiiii.. tii.ii-i a; lnv.-t: ii-h'i. It-talyii mm la: .niii"r, I rlMiir I inak" rm tr.iiibln wttti iilnvr an.l .-li niii.-y rtin than any nth-r. U'ortr V Slllthttll. "llt. !c(ih.. lilt. IIKST 1". I'l-rNT MK'AI.; KISINiJ St N HITAI'HANT. Mb'iVii'rttVWiVtiVtm SPECIAL Ilrfiirtt tnkinj,' my li'iive fur Sun I''riim'isci, I must iiiirto a ctiliiiii nnimint of innncy, ami in onli r to ilo no liitvi' (Iccitlt'tl to nivo tlu uililic an tn-portimity to lmy gooils at Httcli prici's as t!ii)' liavo nofr hoard of liiforo. Kvcrytliing in tho Hloi'cwill liosaciiliml. 8ucli is my intention and juir- pH0 siai. TIIK (iOOKS AND UAISK TIIK MUNKY. ThlTP art) only ii ft w days left for J this tri'inondoiia reduction wile. Imv A litttor chtuico to votir anil, lint, iiiuler- Ii wenr, Hliirts, eto., etc., will never conic again. f S. Danziger www "Upton" Tea mid "Wlilit IIuum" Crf U t Klht-r lin, Mr. itinl ,ti, Jiime CliMitle left y li'i'iluy fr Kvr"H, whiTu they wlil ri sldn In tin- future. Furnished rooiim to lei by the day, wnrk or month. Terms reitfoliablf. Ap (ily 213 K"iiurt"iilh tdrel. Arrived -The new fall Murk f Knm Ilils (Iqtitli'inoii, coiiix ml k' il.m 1 1', II. ('iiiikt, mild ngi-iil. j Jiim rni-Kivnl. Kimx lint fur f ) unit ttin'iT., t ; i nrr ami '"ft !!)!'. at I'. II "''( r', f ! HKr"l' Tin' nf tin- In; I'mi'll., luinl- ii w in li 1 I "i.-r.ty fr-'in lift , !f . i u at In ' i IiU Lit.- -. tt,. .'I H I l.iii Kiini mi I. I u: John Mi. I I'm'Cra li'il'llnic i-iiiiiiii f ir rr. li'-:y m ii - a: II ''i-i - l i ii 1 1 1 r - ti i llii' mm' wli.l ' Ihr n- trl;i. tii i I. u lit' I i-ni'i (l"lny. i " M I 'hrl! 'f' t""ii, wlii llii'l ami mm f1liln l:litiil n l,.cn'-. I)ti ;l ' t I till.- III I Iji-. II rrlr'''l fl"lll ' ill" i iMiii'y )tiil. ll'-niy ll'tllrn .nf liuijii rlvi-r. ti .i'-i!i-.t .Li ill (In' ll'it'l! l y:i l'lay f -X til't'i'ii I i liii" Tli" i i-ril nil a u . -ri aiftil 4n l tin- -all.-!!! in ri a'.inu ' iial'y an. I . in'uur W.tnt-.l ' .1 .nil. I. . IMI!. ell" . l ii i n: II n ii : y t i' ii in . at til,' IVr'n .y ll. M!r- In i .in.ll -. l--.i i.ll l.r :r llii- l-'tir flrt-i-li h.imni un l t'liTn'. I I r"i.tlrlii w.i t.i A I'itiin-11. IW T"ltli j Mir-i-t I'rli-'n r-ailiahlo in l natlnfa.' I ll hi iriiurmi'mvl l I'r'Ain imrn ryf, Aiifrb-n'ii whikv. Tli" nhly 'Uri if.Knl. fln'at intf-1 rlrh anl tnrllmv. Jul IN I'Alll.SuN, Hnl.. A"lt. I, Knr u Im Ii mi l bin inn-iiln,;t. k "'" 1'ilat tythlnit li' W all I el' in. 1' nil Suiihy r ll.ltln ll. "r.--lain Hilt. l.t ! .4 '' ll) I', pnii.tlt t j Jnhn A. MtililK'Hifry ha oprnf.! a at i."l lltiti l !rr"i mi l I prrtiarrvl j I t i il l all i-laiM" nf l'luinliln an I tin n inn ft! tli" liiw.-it x)tllilr rnt. It.ili.-r! Hut. T. ff V. i'rt. Or.-. : tiri-itt rf.t In fnrnlali. mi lmr: tmili t!i" v.-ry tax nf lutiilx-r, mnifti. ilrr .r kiln- ti k i. t th" I. '"( i-rli r.t. I.lptim" Ti-a iiiul ' White llnm ,,f. f.-c at K;h'T Hrx. We Inlr null Imv" Jui rv.-lve. n iiuli.-ii tn rll from new li :r.. t tn linmliin fi.iin 3'.. t tn 12 'l. l'MI!i. f I-. . n l.'i.'ti t,. J .'.I), lt.i;r. 1 lluyK t Th.r.. 1 1 1 1 r'-in.i.ii una. .1,1 tli,- f !: .w liitl fin m ! nr.-: I'jiI r ' li.ui. oli--ifT..i-.t. r. (U I! -. kill I'.. II llli-ll'll. I-.'-. Wlll.ll limit I"' il!;ii"l nf at mi..- a! any l-rl. -. H. I"iintli'-r. Mix M:i.ta Sw anl'i-i a. nf Si-. I'r.m- ,-In-i. nl". f Mi.. A .1. M k-l -r. wli-i liii li' i'ti 11 tl ntr 'ii A: -ria ami vlt in r.y fT h.iiii.- 1 itt.- r it. ml! I' Mir f.r (n'r trnl.'i li.'in.- tlilt iii.irnliis'. Th -ie -a. 11 'e n. i ni-i.'IiIhk at ill. I.ulli'-i in .-Inn--It Hun lay iii thI I'i"! .ii" .l-l.i "t Inn a n'Tiiniii at M t-'lift I :. :'iv ; i Villi Tin- ti-ial ii i'Vl.'." lit In- li"l I I'li'lllIlK In the Sw. -.1111 K 11 it c in :!i Tli,. annual Inn uir "f :!ie la.l.'' "f !li.- Klin l.uihi'ian ihiir.'h will -l-'e t.iiilKlit wl'h an uii.-tl.iii ale. The Ini ha Ite.-ll very mi,vrful an. I tin la. Ii" an- .it'ie ih.i'i ie.i", wl:!i the remit. The Tnke I'nlll' llyli-r limit.' I imw nl-eii In the pilltllf lit U- lllevllth St. Tin- t-eli-liruli-1 Tnk- l'nlnt Oy!"i-t eive, III nny ty!i Kverythlnir new mil up-tn-iliite. S'-rvlf,. the b'-"!. ti'- ii .1.1 y im. I ti i K ll t . I'letnr. Kl link Itlait. iin- J ' In tht irnhiile t'ourt yenteriluy Jti'lK'' J!(lriiy iiiiiilnti-il J. W. AnlerMi ntlmln J jlttratnr nf thi fliite nf l-Mwnnl An.ler f I nn, il.'i-i-aei, mi,) Chiirlf ll. Jnbnitnn, J j Kivtl Otierit ninl AnJi-ew Aiulersnn were :iiinlnteil iiiirabn'rn. Tho eatiito lit viil u. a ot 1K0. MtiKh, ohiirireil with nbtnln IliK iiinney miller fulne iret'iiHi-it, wn liefiin' Jtitli'tf ltniwi-r yetti-rtlny. He wnlvt'il iiri'llinliniry i-xiimlimtlon a nil wn helil to nwnlt th action of tho circuit court. l ib-fnult of a bond of Cameron wait runiiiiltlM to tle cnimty Jull. A liirifo ininih-r of At.irlnn. will K' In Skainok.iwii toJay to ntteinl the re Biittii nt tlmt point. An attrictlvo -ro-irroiii of portH iliirlnK the ilny anil a Kiiiinl bull at nlKlit will serve to ftiiuife the victor. MIm Annie lVleitton h.m hefn chtiiten to tn-rvt' at queen, am! will he t-rnwn.'il wl:h appropriate coreiinmlc.-t. The O. 11. & N. ha niailo a rate of S8 from Astoria ami rortlanJ for the Tan-American exposition at Buffalo. TU-kpts will be on aale first to third Tucday, June to October, Inclusive Thee tk'kota must be used for contln. uoug paKaiiffo Rolnir, but fttopoyena will ba allowed within final limit returnliiR. Capt. and Mrs. Kuhn, who have been aiwlfrned to tho local barrack- of the Salvation Army, will arrive !n the city today and will hold meetings at the army hall today and tomorrow. The couplo are amonif the foremost work en of the Salvation Army on the coiut and will undoubtedly soon place the lo cal corpt In an excellent condition. Tiiu moving picture show that was in Astoria let irli if Iiiiii returned tml brliiv a lut t new pictures of world famous rilt-lirlll.s. Fur Instance tin-re In a series of plctur showing Carile N ill Inn In h'-r Joint miiiinhliiK Hi"rlnl!y A not lu r flllii tlint htiK been nf unusual liiter'-st i lh,. puhllc il"-iit Vl''-I'ffr I li'iil I (' . v 1 1 lii.n InK mountain limis In Ui w lids uf r jt J'. IVon r"i"ri ttui: hv r-m-ln- Ui i lly ih i tii k In K mi i !- l i-r ( Alk m;II I onrid-t.iMy mti.illi-r thiiti .mt r . Th i' ki-y hivo. rnnil run llllIK nil Ill" sultlioii lidllk Ilium; I'll 1 1 r 1 y mi I 'l! Il"l hi. !: I n .. .- i t ill fur ,i f.-w div '"iiic r it' nny nf ;). lUlilnif point". Tlir 1 1 1 1 1 1 I ' 1 1 1 k Inn '.. s'li ii (.i ii;i i'.ir .ni'l th.- itiiifi'T" wlil 1 i"li. ilriy! ti. ri. itri l'' "? mini m nf. it, .f Tin- )iP" : v yi "'' f I n . "i I''!'' . w Ii i w ,i I i II !. UK m i' !i f"l h ii: f..r !.,..-, ..i Hi. fr-'in ilnt ' in III A .lui. a I. ..Ii W'.rk 'l'-r Ii t.-M flli in u In- U :v r i inn r;, rt' i.'U. .f Ih- tf.ll-ii. .ml n Mr. tj.-iif. r: :tri, -ali li!nif .';iiy I an I i" aii.;ny h; pUiit r - wlil" Ii In iiivin Mm." I f At iir'iciit .Mr I. i i .ii klnK tin- i i'ii h: I" t ir !. Th' iiiii" '.II !l. !. ii.'Kii niiiiii n t . f !h v. in- ii'iw ' lut n "M-r l'f r" "iv . f tin. Inliimrv "ll Hi i '"llllli!'! I I' i. k II ft I -1? I i i Tli- t.r ( t f "r th" f ill t i r'nii'diiir h . r n i'j"r "f n ... i i ll! .in I mi" all'l nil"' ii.rf I'-ii!" "ii i iKil.-i"! f nir .''lit I '.ilillllli . Itlvet I". I .: 1 1 1 1 I'I -'I !!! n! th: f.ill ..r ii ! I'r.l.t f. ir II "ll, .i I l.nt yi ir. Tin It'tit A ...-1 it .n !i ht ih'-y will i j r N ' I..-! r '.inw "f ihr y.-r tM.iii n .v tn hnv Mir ki " rl. f .r Hi- lir-r l.v- ryih.nij l l.i-;ni ..;, . h'-ii;'-r '..".lay limn It w.l In. it fiw- r.'k h"IK". I'- ! I" t ' y ll" I' -t-r-n! .-il i in I k Intn til" 'iii'i:iy "f if " 'I y.m k'-i 'll - I"'' i . y.",i jay f 'r !lfin 1 r.i I,. wIhtv : i k l. l.i'if -I fi li K'Mfl & S "K" 'i 'ik'1 ' (rl .l if" f ir li"it" nln-ll i! i- lll" !n 11.1. UK .III nr-l.T f"f M"T'-", lii.r.laar-, I u.',' matt-rial. . I -. I'r'.ii will In- fr-.-iy iu:tl mi any r i ! -nt" I ninl atmf.i':l it In rv- ' u'.u kIv.-ii, i F. I-. l'.itk-r. ..f tli. fgMU . "min i . eir.tiu-i.i:li ni'T Hie ir"- I-. : ml l."l.". ifiai If th.. ea!ti.T fa.irllile :!i '!!! iariilv.ll Will "H.i' l a v pr .I ii- tiittit. Mr. Par-k.-r .i. tlint ful'v .".'Hal l" Wiuil l ti, Hi the il:y liitl-is- iln- w.- k. M-iii-li. r 'f .he otiiniiiltt".' are nnxlnu.!)' tta'.t-Minir ;;i,- iiamm t.-r '.tiene j;iy .inn ate hi'i'liiit f r :!i" l"-:. ijnv.-rnir (!."r an. I hln-r !!,. nrtlrlila will be jiroflit f jan I inn n v r'-"p inn.- arr -x,MVtei1 frnm :li" m v! ' .i I. -tji . n: .nit hy May .r I l-r- I in Hi. 'In- til IV. k- a '1 ( of cllliU N r : i w . . T: i. rii. :ni.' . ill - f ty f I'aliii: t. I'll are le'ltMllll.'lf to r u n n ulnnir the ' 1 he I l! Ill' 1 llll nil I'll- ii .i .. .'...I' (!: 'im I ami ill" :i'til..K" in Hi"''- an!-; ly "f :ln .l:i-- "'-veral in t ." will atijt. ml i 't ral ;';' Jill y -ur. i llii: '.rif . an:i ry w.l: !" riiiiiilni; "ii I i-..i. ii.iy ihl i nr .n-I. a l i.f twn, nnj th,. tain,. , ,.ii.1:i .-i .- ! mi the S.u ;:i.i. i'n ;li- l'n i . i ii t .ml Hi.- Alf'H ii. i ,.v.'ii It is 1 .. -.'ii le.i. li -,. The Sh... r luy tilth.-1 n. ' ti have not y t -in-!"!. Th.. tl"!i 1. inn .mull! In liray' nb T a:' b'-ntt haili'l thr.iiich ih '11 tt.'iik''- f. Kill .ml Hie llfh mar- Tin- r-K.i:!.i . ''iniii.!!' .. iv-re iii i-om-nuinl. .nl i" wltij tin- iiunani'r nf :he "ii1, .r crew "f ill- I "iilv. rt::y nf I'ull f nil. i eleid.iy anl Iheie may 1"' -"iiie .llttl. uln- In iirrani iih- r..r ill - tranpn:--!.'!:."! Ilie f!i"l! to A'lo ri:l. Til,, rl.lf: U fnr'V fi-et Lmc, which will nn! permit i; 1'. 'iik' lmiilcl in a fr ik-li! car. If 11 I plac.l on top th.Te will he .laiik-'-r nf it citchl.iK fir.' from :he i- n l -r-t an. I tho nnly feasible plan vet nii t M incliiK It frn'n the ;np nf tin- hiiK-t t ie '.n- tn the regular p.M-"'tiiier train. KTn'!. .li-, belnK in.iile t.i Ret pi-rnilsl.'ti 'r. m th. ta.l-rna.l.-t t.i do this.! from :ln- Nu-Oiairik receive.! 'mm a son of il:if IMi-rson. who is wmkliiK there, uniler 'lilt' of July . ciiVi'V the Information that up to tint date the Wari' ti cannery. In charite nf S.'fus Jensen, had picked 1.1,000 cases and had a few more day to run. Tim cannery wan ready for thi- fish when the run came hut considerable sickness In the crew and trouble wilh the machinery resulted In a shnrtiiKe In the output. It wis exnecte.1 that 40.(100 roses would be packed and can for that amount were taken north at the beginning nf the season. No rep rt have been re ceived from other canneries. HIPS FOll STUI-llCT WOltK. Notice Is her-by given that up to the hour of 2 o'clock p. in. on Tuesday, the 27th day of Augit, I'M, th- com mittee on street nn.l public wnys of tao Common Council of the Clly of As toria, will receive scaled bids for tho Improvement of Commercial street from the west line of Seventh street to the west line of Sixth strett as ordered Im proved by ordinance No. 26.6 of the City of Astoria. The tight U reserved to reject any and all bids. c c. UT7.i.Vti:rt. I AO.UEN, W. J. COOK, Committee on Street and Public Ways. CARNIVAL VISITORS. All persons desirous of letting rooms during the carnival to visitors will please record their names, addresses, ac commodation and terms at the Street Fair headquarter, on Bond street. irAKTMAN MAINTAINS II 10 HICUMMI'OHHI.l FAHT His Illble HI Only Holaee In the Coun ty Jail, Where He Is lining 1'en ik for Ilia Off-til'. T'idiv I the foiirih day Krd Jl.irt m.ui ha sp'-nt In the County jail and a ye; no fo". ha panted hl lips lm e tin- Imi t-i door nf the prism hut him hi fr nn the outside world. Th'-re Is a n it i e.ibln cmacliit'-1 l""k grmlually enining linn hi r.if, the i b""k are sink- lug and the b .m ate st in Ung out with a proriiln iue that sugg-s: the K.inn:ii" of tarv;iioii. He i-otifeKef !.i physlt.ii w-'iikn-tt mid in a vigorous ii i'.ni -. y. t tn- :;i not ii,pet,. his I ung.-r '.mill In- f"-it tlmt Hi" Iir l si w : l s i . a' first .i.i. r.'k-a:' f' a a wlilin .f a wh l oliil l -r" 1 U': Jiiily '.-I is :i,;,r'i.i. -Iihig th-' "T-I'tu-ti si nf in ir:yj'loiii to a'- I'nse to th-- .lu'.. ,.f j.-llglnn. Yet ,he man l nn linniM". Hi- ii k ra:iii,i!iy nn nil tibj". mil t-'i;vt-r"S readily anl ln tt llik'. inly with p'tt'ii vlth whom he rtn in conlact. c ntl l.-r'.iig :he fact tut he r gattls th.' proies." thai have latidi-l him In Jail i mtrary to the livii.e la hl h h- nle-yt us the gull ing spirit nf hi a-tl Hi It woull be i-x- I-..I--.1 tint lie woiil.l ri'file to accept III, r.llllll" nf the Jail. Hut he n as r'1" a u tii.i.l"! pr i"r i-nuld be and mak's ni prc-Jt wh-n directed ti I" Utile task. Not "lunnur has he ii ade at uiiv i "iiiiniiii k' n-n. but las loll" nl I," ha be n t il l.-i all t'liiiK i ept as to f I I'I. Ill tile 111 'llllteliane 'f hi S'l.'-impnti d fa! In- I tr-meml'MUly la larnesl. He l as that faith wlil'li mole. iii.-uii:alns anl ;.; a-.-nll)- It Is ustaniing turn In h s t mt s: against nt!ui '. Water l;a li.'ti :ii- nny thl n '.hit m- hi nk-n f.-r f nir d.i . Ilu: tn-r In every b-llev,. that mi .til : r mo I and . i z- tn:ed app-tit - will "omp'l r 'c-'g.ilii '.1 f ire th - ' npii -f hl ten ttite. Ail Asl.iil.ri r porter saw Hartman t-s' -rdiy .in talk' l with Win a; some iik'ih in Hie Jail. When asked where 'i th- luhle im found Jiist.flfa'.lnn for 1 Unary s.-lf-d 'nl tl lie r. lied that It would be of no avail to give 'lffltilte answer. H" Sil I that tin- ne i;il- i no; understand him and Implle that the outsjt worll was in lined to nn.l a source of merriment in his -flout at -a Ifastn-M nf purpose. He reiterated w hat he si:d the day pre- inus that Jails were not in accordance with laws, that tie had not been guilty of violation nf any law of Ccd and that the statutes of the state were at van nice w ith those of the Creator. luteal m -mii -M of the Salvation Army i no; uphold Hartman In his pt-V of martyr. They even say that he in not member in g.nnl standing of the army but tint h" his been an occasional wci-k'-r. M'-mber or no nu-tnber he hag lecmne n p rst'iiag,. of some renown and if be makes g.wl his promise to abstain from f -it for the entire period of his sv-ntenc- he w ill be glv n the 1 ic he ditn-rvcs In history through the How Journals of the country. cou ii'-pi.ns TiuiifTi: Ti) H"R niX'iATTA yl'KKN Th" K.lltor of the Salem Journal Tells of Mis Ivy Ruker's Military Career. Colonel I'nv-sl llofer, of the treti- hant pen and various politics, who llvKlet his time betwe-'ti editing the Sa- Icin J nirtial ami raising fincy straw berries recently publish. -1 the following tr.btite to the queen of the regatta- Miss Iw ltarkcr: That women are filled for arts of war prmen by the achievements of Miss Ivy Harker, qucn of the Aslorla rcgii- ta. Mi linker Is a military genius by birth, the daughter of an ex-otlicer of the. CuitcJ States navy and a veteran the war of the rebellion. She was made a daughter of the Grand Army the Republic by the state encamp ment of lSi". In lS;ii sh." organized the auxiliary orps or the uregon TNaval Hattauon and wis chosen commander, proudly ictlng ns colonel of the division of the p.inish-Amcrican war. We salute Col- niiil Iw Darker. In IM'ii she won great er nil!l:.iiy h mora by presenting at the Portland armory a beautiful silken ban ner to the b.if.aihta. When she left the public high sen ml ll w.n to accept a clerkship In the I'liited Slates lighthouse service. While Mi.s Colonel Darker has no; Oregon's Most Fashionable Resort THE HOTEL FLAVEL J. S. MITCHELL i CO.. Lessees. Flnvcl, One. Stctam launch will ".ik-; trips from Astoria to Flavol every two hours from 7 a. m. to midnight every day during the Astoria Annual Regatta FREE TO HOTEL FLAVEL QUESTS Hotel Rates IJ to tj rr diy with b.'.ard Secure Rooms by Telephone. h'i-n In any battle by land or sea. h has vn var!ty of rvlce and may uropi-rly be iookd up to a a seasoned veteran In both arms of the rvl-. rihe has proven that woman has a thou and duties to perform If she choos to adnjit th profession of arms. M- re ly to behold Colonel Ivy would be "nniiifh t i make many a tou!-harte I man surrender and throw down his arm. In full military array, wlrh her naval full dre uniform, i-pauleit-s and side arms, she has the app-ra ue of tHitnliy and military spirit that reminds nti" nf our nl I friend 1'aH.K-Atiienae In :!, p'tems nf Homer. What a Kht It would be to b'-hold such an Amazon l-adlnK a r'-(f Im-nt In I k:,hk bi eim-rt Into hail!..', fni h m'- wllh while iistrieh plunn-s In h'-r pe lurh.n and a lae han lk'-rchlef nat tily tu' k'-d In h'-r d-'e ilelte, they w u! 1 le- an army Invimible. Th stnut'-st-h'.irt-'l wairlort would ir.-mble anl limp'.'" I'-rms nf capitulation If they were sinKb- m-n, and :he married m-n wmil l f! to tin- mountains for safety. No man of spirit In Oregon In either inn of the s. rvl' -', married or sing'--, th'- form'T comparable to the nival branch with it storms and ti-mpestuou e.'Li, wnuld refuse a court-martial at !h- enrnmand of Col. Ivy liarker. !ler' hnplng that aft.-r winning many more engagements by both land Hnd n. she may at last be taken a pr!"iner and aftr a graceful surrend.-r an l being hld under a most favorable i armistice, may little tendrils i.f Ivy bl'fiin and May cluster. No hoi irs ton gn-at can the Astoria regatta shower upon Oregon's m't mil itary woman of arm. No fe:e can be ton g in.! f it her, H i fame t.o great. As 'U'--n of h regatta all th netvsparer m.n who attend the great event of her coronation oi Thurlay evening, Aug ust in, will feel It a pride to lip their col rs on that oreasl.-n, and. If duty reque. "to give ("ol ,n-l Ivy rtarker a partirg salute In honor of wornin In th? I prof'-ssion of arms. GOIJ3! GOLD! GOLD! The latest Kl TXrudo Is rep.rttd to be op Nome City Beich. Alaska. Thous ands of people are has:enlng there, many of whom will return broken in hcilth. Of wha'. avail In gold when health is gone? Guard your health with the best of all melicines Hostetter's Stomach Dlttl-'rt. and you will always have true heaJth. The Bitters are for people who have abused their stomachs, or ar-! naturally weak. It will regulate the biwcls, stir up the liver. Invigorate the kldn-ys, and absolutely cure indi gestion, constipation, malaria, chill and fever. It Is a natural ionic, absolutely free from danger jus narcotics. It should be taken to pr)-,?ct the system from at tack of malaria, fever and ague. It's a gnd m-dlcl-ie to kep on hanl. REDt'CED RATES FOR REGATTA. For Astoria Regatta and Street Car nival the A. & C. R. R. have announced the fallowing round-trip excursion ratea: Frm Portlanl, Deer Island and l.i termeliate points o Astoria and return, 12.00; from Gob!e, Knappa and Inter mediate ;o!n;s anl return, one fare; From Svensen to Astoria and return. jocts; no reduction .'rom points w-est of Svensen. Tickets on 9ale for evening train of August 2S, all trains of August 2'Hli and S'.'th, anl morning train of Au gust 3lst, good to r -urn September is:. Ticket? sold from Portland will bo of iiterehvig'aMo for.n, giving visitors the option of ret irmag oy either boat or rad. From nil folnts on Seaside Division the round trip fare will be one and one- third tim-s .he rejlar one-way fare. tickets on sale Aug. 29tii, 30:h and mornl -g trains of Aug. 31st, good to re turn September 1st. SEVEN PAYS AT CARNIVAL. All the transportation lines in the Northwest are arranging to give special ly low rates to and from the Portland carnival, which runs from September IS to October 19. and the excursion tick ets will bo good for seven days. This Is the longest limit ever given on such tickets, anl will give people ample time to see all the sights connected with the great exposition. With two full military bands, a mili tary tournament, a horse show, athletic sports, exhibits or mining, agriculture, horticulture and manufaoturing, a full midway, fireworks and an array of aniusmein attractions, the carnival will be one of the greatest events of the season, and the admission fee Is going to be only twenty-Jive cents, ten cents for children. FOR SALE. The Columbia River Packers Associ ation has for sale, two schooners and one launch. A description of the schooners follow: Schooner "Kinney" Ix-neth. 35.5; beam, 11.3; depth of hold, 3.10H. Schooner "Hattle" Length, 31.0; beam, 9.9; depth of hold. S.S. Offers will be received at the office of the association, where full particu lars may also be had. EARLY CIXSINO. Commencing Monday, September 2. all the retail stores will close at 6 p. m. ex cepting Saturday night. The public are retiufsted to do their trading before that hour. Respectfully. RETAIL CLERKS' UNION. CARD OF THAXKS. To the many friends who have offered their klndiy sympathy la the recent be reavement of myself and family I desire to tender my sincere thanks. X W. SMITH. L v i ii'y''', itpi Ui. I v' . ... u,. cc..a.t THE PROBLEM. IOROTHY in the price of Ivory Soap per cake, but it would take a mathematical genius to calculate its true value. For he must take account of time, labor, and materials. He must deduct from the apparent cost the saving in the longer life of the cake, in the longer life of the washed fabric, in the labor required, in the time consumed, in the strength ex pended, in the results obtained. When all is finished, Ivory is the cheapest soap in the world. - It floats. Mary had a Utile lamb. That lime has passed away. Nj Iamb could follow u? the pace that Mary sets todiy. For now she rides an air-sh)l wheel In skirts too short by half; no lambkin shares her airy flight, but you can tee her calf. But who Is there who can complain or cry In woe. "Alls!" So Ion as Mary's all right the Iamb miy go to grass. So all the men delight to gar?, their Joy Is not a sham, for while the other critter's out they have no use for lamb. Yankton (S.D.) Herald. BAXKP.tTT SALE. The entire stock of H. Tol, consisting of dry goods and curios must be closed out within thirty diy. Goods sold re gardless of cost. Sol Commercial St. The Sunday school lesson hal been on the subject of temperance. ''And now," said the teacher, as the closing hour drew near, "who can tell me what it is that blteth like a serpent and stingeth like an alder?" "I know," exclaimed the little boy who had Just returned from the seashore. "It's mosquitoes." GRAND TWENTY-ROUND GLOVE CONTEST T'n 1 r the Minigemen; of Fr.-d Brown, at LOUVRE HALL, Astoria, August 29 Between MARTIN DENNY of Australia, and KID LEE of C -dorado. 10-round preliminary between Young Nell, of Oakland, al hid Murphy, of Portland, Or Poors open at 9. p m, 9: 3t p. m. Tickets. Jl; i.r.o. , Exhibition at reserved seats UNITE HOUSE COFFEE FISHER BROTHERS nursery can calculate the The Pan-American directors are M in love with art that they have gives medals to all the painters In 'be world and are now considering the destrao billty of decorating the kalsomtoeri. Andrew Asp, Wipi laker, tlatLuitl im1 Ikscsimt FIRST-CLASS WORK AT REASONABLE PRICES. Special Attention Given to Ship and Steamboat Repalring.General Black mlthlng, First-Class Horse Shoeing, etc. CORNER TWELFTH JtfD DUAU: STS WHERE DO YOU HAVE TOTJ TRIED A. W, SHIPLEY? DO you know That he gives the best there is to be bad In the city for th least money? Place an order once and see. PRAEL& COOK TRANSFER COMPANY TetephetM CI. DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Goods Shipped to our Care Will Receive Special Attention, No. 538 Duane St.. Astoria. Ore. W. J. COOK. Mgr. Res. TeU 11U. C. W. BARR DENTIST Successor to Dr. Ball. 573 Commercial St.. ASTORIA, OR. RED 206L TELEPHONE, J.A. FASTABEND GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BL'ILDER. Wisdom Today COMFORT TOMORROW TO PROVE IT BUY THE ttlfUTE AND USE IT 6 ST6KES CO,, SOLE AOKNTS AND UPTON'S TEA AT