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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1901)
Tin: mokmxc ASTOKivx, s.utriuy, akust n. iwi. Telephone MhJq 661. TERMS OF SUBSCKIPTIOS. : n: i.iiy at Fo'.som, There uro two jvii ten. dries In California, neither of tli.'iu altmoive, ml Folsam U worse than the olh-r. Winters t'x;r:.l a desire to toe sent to San t)u.n:!ti. Ini: the ,vurt .I'.sresarde.l It. DAILY F'ls.mi nasi a peculiarity in that : 8nt by mU, per year .M ; srou-ds sr.- not iiulis'.l. ln:M.t cf Bent by mail. per month 50 walls. ;li r? is a cordon of nt.itvs- Served by earner, per month 60 ()iV,!,,(1 (.:l!ry;K r;,i,.4. T.,r, v 0. O. P.u.k. IHriif. Ark., : I troubLM with ivus.ipiiiou until 1 l'Utftu lVY.t;' Utile K.irly Kmera. Since then h been entirely cured of my od conii'laiit. I recommend them. i'IIAS. U(V;i:us, ivuiExist. John Hull may not be . b tllit'ivn! ,.s he iint to lt ini. I: ! noti.'o ilte tl-at tie 's a'.M'iy an. I utlliiiir, :o mil m h duke when '.her,. are Ainert c.,n lv ;ii "s s in :!i . auction room. If the actio.) of your bowel is not easy .lad regular sorl m.s iMmjil'eatloi! 1HK .. 1. It .ml r.yu! I.V!!', Ultie i IV:; i I 0 il ir iit ,iu t r i 1 tii1 1 II :..i.i I h ' I . . . . ' . . . 8EMI-WKKKLY l-.any i..sors woi nMiu've un winner. - i , . rriuooe"- in :Sv v irk W s' n ...,r. Safe, fl'jijii; an" efTiS-iive. OH AS. Sent by mall, per year. In advance, K.00 I " rK " i;,HJI-?n.-. lrus:.. rle. On.v :n ; whit . .m. prison t set i - All wmmutiloalotv. intend! for rub- Why Mrtxe for fime and f Urn. ItcaUon ahouid be directed to "Etor v "' u '"' 1 n"J'' r ' mtl -rs or !l or ..inK? jkniArlun Riiaine communication ou: never esvjjic. ome:im s , sot.. .:!! n of all kinJa and remittance must be ;h- sttr! k.!' h!.n. and iis.::i th.-y only ddre(M to tne t uo.i!-..- .,., j , ml. i ::. , j v tng Co.M If )- The Atirian Riirnte- to !; adver- fore ! tV.. r '.i,'i :-. ;,i stir', hi or to vi'.i- a r.-.I f'l se: !) is J.i'!'.,' V ' i-i.I ' riiririitii; : Uaera th lairst circulation of any a rM :.;:! .u.-un I hi hit. t!i- ..-! : i. w,a "ac-. : tm- Baper published on the Columbia ; l nu0 o, n ;( ,,,r . lrs..t J i'-a:i.n. ' Clt S K.h;kI5S. I rlii5 .;.:. river. . , . , . . - .tic..- -f any ou.lrik. T!: v thin: -Y..tir . Mr. ) :t)) )-i. . ..... .,.i v- v. rw. . , i . . .i r ,t tu . is i.. I M V r.. 'v i'r '::tn -i a:n. i c- is :n -.'s cs ..v.'v"a-' v. - sMi "HI IIM-.'AI.S AUK TIIK SKKtS OK Arnol I A-l (m. bv S Iv t, r ll .xter. PKSTINY .'l)'l tile o,:i. r ,',n,- r :i i n it l.ntlier IIiii- ' Sunk .in I 'lis leina: k iol ' i p 'i unci . ! 1 . : : t : II H ill. . ti.t ti inn I'.mii. : Ki.-'i ,1' k-;!.k ;!! :li" oi-:. a mt:t !.l!ui:t.i..,t. wi I .ivol : 1 1 t of out- born n k Wlliiam II Hun:. t.i.-. T i ; ik - In I'l.i.',. in T nie' Itilliii.n.l.'. I :'i.' n.l! : i hi ,.f yis , n, iitmcti; in t- stIM .!!;:.. "lis rice. Ill l.lf--!, liriuht ' l'"t Ulc . .ml ttiet . t i .l.-soi m.Tti. I .r the r mi mh j.'in ii. ) of th I' -.I':.; p.n T.i c In i'ii'i i 1' at X c,..l o!;- ' iimis oi in c.i ri''-:unK ni I! i ) :ude. I in T,. m:l:i',i , , h u.i, :. r tn' . . i 'i : r - - .ii r.i K I I . i I ' -i . i. : it mi 1 1 : i M a in i k'K, til l .. .) :) !i s.i n Is ; 1 : tot- . mn .in :Vr ' I'.n. t -i 'i.;vo run. I i. ! ! ti, . i:'m- . It , :i a 1 1 ' 'ii i .k back ill' n :lio pi.ns Ii ) : . i 'ii i! ai . : i . ,, u . . lir.:-t'v.H.'. In I ay t. i. M . r . , kit ... , t.a s., . .ml !) 51 ii"l rviho h.i i'..'d' f ,, j,.. .rt ;il;iin, ! . lloii- t i ri im h !i u r- x-'l-i'i it I t'l.- tt n t"':i lots. Me :).i I i . ... . ' T,. . .... . : , .... -i. nt'-niiit At tit. a ' 'ons. n.f.l-u.ioti. Ai ! WW. of . I ;) I !i ii r a i h i t" o '1 I' l! .I'll.' I l' !)!' clicatUn to the business m.v.aer. THE CHEAT COLOMBIA Si'HKMt rt!o!i Wirt rs has s.-iiv'o'il for til,- n-xt t ii y- ar. No: a;i :l. ell the b-antiar secure J h is been r -covered. Tl.ere's .1 )r !abi!.:y that som of i: is conceal 'd !vre oniy the jhi'f knows abmt it. If he !- 'iav,s Ah: tu. I s .m;. . ; -;;. I ;n it: I H'- tt'.aoli - .TiS it as tli.t:. ' N '." I- s ." rii::.ii! i.'.i.a I'r. ss, Tii. i i w ii . ii unfa tt.tox ' I- trait as ;f ti ,e.:o .'l-ds u ii lit-, and ;i 'i r -r a I't New York Tribune. The currert disturbances in iV.omoia and Venezuela ajipeir to bo assutnitij; a more than ordinary orious form. They no longer involve merely the c,u s tion of revolution is one or both coun- tries, but rather a warfare between the oIi ani ,f l two. In threat of such warfare denies- ,u? a:JJ n - 11 -v- '.""Jh tic revolts In each are comminRled. The himself s, as not to rec-'lve any dis credit marks he will lie rel-as l .,: ;h. . n l of tt't years. Th n he wilt Ve an j Knwti ns. cute. K-aid an I t k 'f I loil k:tl iitn.k v h !.-.! by !vVttt j jV.,, ,'i Hij.'; s.iIt- :'ei-:ain cure f r j ti' P'r' of c.iunrff. 1! sure J i v.'ii i; . .ii o.m iii . i u.i. I i:oiii:i:. nntcstt. Th'-i w ' I.l . a i'- ii'!ar p ace; W.. k: k '' th, tiiv-ii: and day. Itu: n !v ii .t ooiiits : loivliii; it W s.oii' ao an: t s.ay. W isliim:: iti Star S ti . Tini-'s ri - t I't.'.lia, ! tli.iifis h.u . I I ko s ' 'in is; n ; ti,;.' ,,( in . ti r. An I . "it i. in bat I s ul'ii , m w it to care for himself ,!ur ns his d-v"in-itip days st. 11 will th re remain a iii M-s S H A Iport. J 'tittatown. IM aavs "Our lit:!- iclrl nlmott stranic'e.! ' to ,tei:h with croutv The I vtors sal 1 i A" "t!" V ;" U ii rs-. ! k ti-" i.i: I r : tm: kn i ! 1 . - No ril.l'l y 111 i'. til; . 1 1 1 y ii e. I 1..-: T-n M an I Wtsd -m Hi! ,: Ail fir: :!i- til n of ; r n1 : 1 i.f.:.' Illlo 1't l. f i " . T il '. " how ' Ii, it 'i I : u l . ' ml i vk In I ' .1 r 'u n.. on l '. I ' ltS f I ,011 I ' 1 ' "II "' 1 , - i't i' 1 : "tn i. ti - Hunt:- ; n Kt i. h . ':i ' '. - m i i n ' t : t i t'ii t i M i on;:, in '.'" " I ' Hi I' t" It! an S i'. . ! i .s I t I iioo n in nil tn ".i' i 1 ,i. s on .ii k to mi at.'ir : i" i "' i in n ; io s s io .' .1 n ii i : ,'.'!. .( :' M H 1 ' ' ' : how t -i.ii iraitat a . ' ' i il" T M it . Ii f ! "i rut '.! it t i;,. r, ton ' : ;.oi .m-l ;;i h.. i i;.--po n . f- m I' " t -ii is: i o ;. n i i! S oi tt oi ; ti n -.1 . oi l -. : 1 1. o- it' ,f. 'ol In Anion iti. W -.1 V 4 : , 's h ; - .it'.- s'' i t ac! : 1 1 . " 1 ' h - - -I" 'ii . 4 ..f .-il. us -1 f . 01. -. ; .1 n.'i ' I i' 'f nvon I,! 1 I., t;. 'i tti -i-t 'iw .m l tn itn .'t o r i'ii 1 - . '. ti III"! Mi ito(f'il N il' ' W Ai P M l : i.ost 1 i:mi;: leader of the Colombim rebels aims not ' ::en ns the coercion i Ui''T- :tlore w;' be no .u-aon. f t ; ,'HAS. r.-i;Ki:s. lruor'.s: the atswer Is too obvious, il.' wi l ,...i ... ... . h. .vii 1 !. I -1 ' 'va Kn' nit., wii tnj' i"t!ir . . . . .- , ' ,:i'ii jis : ' ;i--; :i,-r n. i . i ,"' r o i .1 t ,--.... - .... - - oniy at tne overthrowing; or me v oiom- " , ,oi.-, s n..., v -.,, ,,..ii ,',, " ti--ir s ! i I. a : i tn.'.'y m'n 1 w;i an i'n;t blan government, but at of Colombia Into the ?urrender of her : E!:n -nj 11 s:a d ts to Indepesdent Mvereipnty through union , ratJ. will kn nv :ha- h" has rvk M;m:!l f r ttioney with Veneuela. And the (trovernm 'nt " " ' 'e . i-.-i .m ...t am ... of Venetueta it said to be privy to the ! wi!l wm ' ,r:h int'1 an -:r la j w hich h w ill have n part. He w.U ' jar. outcast ;o the end of his a.ivs. scheme, and thus to te co-operating with the Columbian rebels. I: is added I that the frovernment of Ecuador is also Involved In the ur.d rtakir.g'. an ! will crenlv l-..'f tS,,- .a - .,f ' lMrr-v it Ut C in V -'.1 il 1 that -from 111 !! ' MC I t'l -s X I Wi'l'l ;., i TIM- t-il' Hi "n "Cy. ! ii'.-ir:. r oniiids us ' ly h si.v that pl.iv : Kt-rnrx r; i: a: ati . '' if $4' H. -n-s iy r . 'i or $.! 75 of : h-.r ' b 1 ; , S'- k !"i' ii: tn r 'i .'oiirt c 'ir ir oi ti T' OI Ml 111'"!'. '' ii ; ii . ira i. "nil it busy 1 i Ii Iw i' I l V fr, n I t is "i t o in Ins rnj-'.lV.nln-.t K . V 1 in 'h.- I.l'" at Ii; l M t s sii.o: -ii a's , .' ! i , ! llif ! h - ' l ; . I o ' i1 i ''tit i.. i, , ; " ' I. - ; , ii.'ii' ' .'t IV' Itlo 'l, '' l'... sill I' .,- , r ',' i; -il I - I It I ills ..H"l ' , llll.l'. . ' Ml,' 1 ' ' .is ; ';.' "I , .t I ..-n 1' r" i ii--. 111 1 -1- i . i "ll-'l il I'" I t il II 'I It Is a mirvi how aitv man wi h th'- ficiently er.couraijinft progress has bevn made. At the same time the Colom- i . Wr, ho a; ply hims-lf 1 1 tit h 'n- blan (tovemment not only strivt-s to sup- : orabl v-vitl n h- : success. Tlte a 't'jai 1 he fr-: t'i ! l achi-ve sue. eoul 1 calculate on thief, ew i th. u.-h ity an 1 r':a!-i 1:. n-t -ss. T.hvre Is no sue- s.s in In .'V 's if or ".i (i th-t little cnea ("ne M'iu:e 'ouirh 'ure. Th-'i tea: nsv anl hav n-i f 'ir. t- n-ver fails, l'l-nis-at: to :ak always safe. ii! anl -! m : l-st it in "-mi-i in effect, i"II .S K'EUS. DniBittst. I: 1 l'lts;, ii r W- hav- I hay f-'V-r is :' than usuil f- w - h i -a cr Ii. ;i -- .tn: i 1 1 'Mr that s I ri'vui-c: 'It's a ", sitic. the .1- irh, . v" 1 :h r- wul 1 b- : dares not teil how he oluiir.'I pres the rebellion In Its own domain, but apparently sanctions as irmed in- i crime. The man urn has money anl P- T. Tixmis. Sumtervl.le. -Vi.t I I Wl su.l-r.ili; Ii -III i, I .onmi-noo 1 aklrvc K !! Pya'ie, i miserable thin th b ceir of th ' U!S- 1 :'K 'v-ral and n i ' i ! ff-st anrthrne." Kodol Ilv,t.." r;i There Is. of course, something to be I s:r'"":' HaJ Win:,?r tetnrH.rartly esi-a- Cure Is th-"nm pr.-tMrat:.ii cjita.ninK I a. i tne r.a:ur.n u.kwut- uui-ui, i: k-.,'-? weak :omaehs entire rf'.. i,:ortnjr their na'uri! condition. ClIAS. Rfx.;-. KUS. Drurwts;. Th I.IV T : h ' t mi 'i.' h n ' 1 ; i- ' J -I' k- f 'il'ii as ' l-i I ; I- ; 11 l -II ' h !'-v tin ' II I' , -, . k-i', i , m . i n ( m .' - ' it' I '. i'ii b in Ii- ! i 'i- n I : i.i; ; V-' ' : ' i i 'i i M-i So i- . i w i . o v ; ' ' " " : wii-n i kn h o "-.' : :.i ., HI io .li s ii Ii . 'ill kt; ' a l 't i -ti i. in I !o' 1 1 ! - -1 - i ' I i l U' h r oi a I 'ii i. n I '. 'rn'.'i. w ha: -r b 111 io I- ' i -r' till : y f is: 1. f s ! i.l I r ' i I ii; oi y hi f i 1. vasion of VenzeUea, where the Colum bian rebels have their base of opera tions. ); .... ,. v ,. . N . o " l-MI u ik- l-i: At-.l in ; i- I . 1". - II ,i I . :t M i. kiy. MM in f.r.n, .-.f ,h.. .-,m,Ia. .sa ! eJ- ' e--ed would have founl him out. to which General Vribe-Uribe has oom-Th- most h c -rt w" a brl' f mltted hims-lf. provided the tate con- ! Iw: 1 nf r::,,U5 livi,'?' N nv '" in the stripe of the ;el n. r 'r-pald? N" cemed would accept It. The three states of Colombia. Ecuador and Venezuela were originally one. I: was as one s:a:e i that they galnej indepndetce from j Spain in IMS. No doubt Bolivar, the lib- J erator, intended ?nd expected them a!- j has ben catisej by Dr. King's New Dls- i IT DAZZLES THE WORLD. No discovery in m-diclne has ever cre ated one iiuarf'r of the excitement that I tt' I'll I' 4 I' f.'t - I ' l .1 Ol, t I 'i- r ! ! IV 'I'll Mi i . 1! V ' . I t 1 -1-1 .1 'sillV. I ;, ,., ,s 111 ;tl't 'II - ' ;, I ill I I tw ; - I -.nil , t ,. ,. , w . ,,. ., .,, 1 I kn-'V M". S'l.'l' oi - , ' i I i .111'. 'A' I I'liy ; ,i .,. t f ." -s ." " ' X I t' 'i'l-. K-r b il- I i' k '- - " -i '-,- I ir- -win,- to .( :h fv.w h-r ii ". "n anl j.i i" , h-r f..r h-.i I l.lgh .n i ! i - ...... I. s-;.:-f!)i.-r ' S'io- v., r , , tln-'y mo I.-:- I , ; I- t ,-k- i ; . firm, anl her -h-ks "in I n 1 fn'.t ! II r V"! '.' w is v. i . i . " n -,i '--, I'l. to :h- hour of going to i.r-'ss r.o M.dway pr s - has s.t. any'.i.irg ! r I. K.nt w-'.ul 1 -titltl- him .-ontea; .he I nv:o n.c'n.oy s:.ik s '.v. h h' Immorta! ting ' Tr'ggs. r-a. v : i rn't b saV:Vd wi'i t-mr-imry r"-1 - y ,- SAVIN'! ll'.YS I'. ill I'lriZHNSIIII M:-s I. l I froti In It, ' l-ll'A V .l C .n.imh rtl T." ........... ways to remain one. As a matter of i ;'' yT vt . . . V tests have b-en on h"piess v-cims of - fact they ji thus remain one f-.r mor ror?urnpti i. Pneumonia, Hemorrhage. .u , . , i Pi -urisy and Bronchiti. thMisand of' than a .1. z-n years, tntd 132. The-. . vhom i: has r-s: r-d to perf. heai'.h. they separated int three, anl thiv- ! p Conghs. CM.s. Asthn-a, .'roup. Hay ... , , ' Fev-r, H ar"n.-ss anl Wh -opir.g ; otigh they hav- stnr-s reminej. They m ir.-i: ; . th .,u;, k..9t. surest c-jro in ,he: rea-iilv be rutiit- l If :h"y so desire I. i w-.rld. I; is 1 by Frank Hart wh . , ' gu ir.'ip:.y; .-a:.s''ac:i, .n cr :efim ;.s, Tlvir p pul.'iti ns are horn .gene .u. j m t.-v. Irs-- lyctles J.)c and 'tl.'A. , Their constitutions a-.J pef,er,i sysms ! Tr'al 'e I are alike. I hey all three hav th? sam" state religion, r. man Catholicism, an 1 Colombia is only a trifle more tolerant of oth'-r faiths than tire the other two. t'nltel the thre,, w,,u;,l f.,rrn a ;ar? p-rrr.a".e;.:lv a-;,l cimple K.vl.l Is-rs a ; fr -n Cur- moves this eontp'aint iv r ...I,, V'uaoh -st :h- ; ;i-e K g-st 'A I: relieves r-r- I: a".ns :h- Mr I j.-f...- ..hi. Di-tirig w n't 'tnrh Ni'iir' -..o res sur-' th- f I w- eat. Th- ".-i t . I".-'', the t m n'h Is to : r.l 'teo, I'-ire, W ,", -h d - ' v .ii r. anl oan' : but , -! f'ilAS. I'.i MlKRS. pnig- . Hatiiil' -i Fr-rn-h f is In irr n W old's W..'k li"W :li .. -ys: ni f .r b.ivs wh i h iv- U-.-i . 1 ft nor- In N w Y..rk is ir- 'h- rn.i) ( th-.s- a i, ni i; up n to.. tn o'ti: ituk -o m m- i'i I g -"I i I":- ri-h.;i !i fc v-r sx ' -'n." -ays ! is ' ''.--r- w a s n ii- .' ii - I v n -ir:.,: 'h onrn n I io is i j.! c ,.f -I -: ' .1' g x. ; Ii- p ri : ri I i i : y -'.l ' putsU'-m II ' I' r t;i.. f s '..i'. - Io ... I; r.i u. is ! ' I wn : M W il I'll :- t ik- ti; ! r Ii s I - is .. 0 !. s i.. ', . ,u , f i' l w i -1 'i - - r- 'i ; . '' ';. ' ' I. !'; v' ' Ml.- n '.' - .1 . :i-r in imi'Ti i-t.ii s; -, ' t-II' o'liailv so- u is i i i t . 'ii and f r- . Ii ir i i lllU'll:shl';g mi. ill'! -s A I m I w in inllri.-ss sn- u f Mian In w n . i u hi -i 1 'hit ..f C - w on: i ii.n r on i i i I'.- -..Il Mil ", -. M' i' f- .Old. ' I. a ' ( . t. ,. 4 !,.. . ,. ' .... i s'.,, ; ' -. -i r! f..n I ..' t. .,. ' !-'! ' ' ill I'; ! in A S 1 Wis' "l- t s . t . -tl - I, I' I .- II I'l . f -.1-1. I r I..r ,;.- : ri" - UK 'i- -r. ; n mi- tr. ir ,ii-n . 'h -ni i --. - l.i i r : ii s ii;-1 ' -i I I' I n t; i r. i I ' Tha: r "L:irs all Cr .v - r..!,l.-:y irm irk.-- o i f n 1-1 r 1 ir I iii t. .1:' i a ; '- ..s I ' it - ii- i I th Tn HEAL A II I'P.T. Ban.t-r ?aiv the (rr-.i' h-.ii-r. am! mtom sri-e r.'.t.mKi-, h, , ! 'fa ruarant-ed f.Jr cu-.. w mnds. s-.r-s. F1 '11 Wit' .flNi'i COTT.H. ara of about D'C s'luar- mil -s. K--uadr i:o.i'vi 3n(j Ven'-zti-la -t r'4.'i.A a sl'i.'ii'';. Hart's .irug tt Cs- n.j : i I ft".! I I-. , I '1 1 ' I "Furfuml" . th- mm- of 'h- -I tual of l.:ii.rvi oriu.ire miles. c,.r.m. 'm-n: in wiit-k-y th.t i.-ings tl.- Jt it . ais i .t.v.-us - i: furrd'h-i i a: .' .r :h- t' .")' s Kt'l.T-y Lure. I:'a gujrant Han's jrug st .re. -I. bia's fopul.v.l .n is abou. 4..-00 r.iVi. ro uad'.r's lVl.0'Vi af -J Venezu'Ia 3'i. C"v. a total of ?"i0.wi. The "Gr-at Colombia" would :h-r-f .re be the thirl state of S-mth America In area and the second In population. It ivouid rink with Brazil and Argentina to f irm 'he "big three" of :hf continent. It is .loub'.ful. however whe-her the guzzled If he g.-ts out of grub one s:a:e would be any more paceul. j IT GIRDLES THE GLOBE, stable, prosperous or progressive than I ,. .. T, . . ,, I "he fame of Bucklen'a Arnica Salve, the thr-e. Ir three or fiur million p-o- ; as th b-st In the world, extends round Die cannot zt alone without revolu- tie earth. Its the one perfect healer - ". .-,., tt Tl . n . 01 i-uH. i'irnw, jurris, oruusea, nores. A. P.. Bis-, r,t M .rgintown. In I., had i to g.-t up ten or tw-ive tim-s in the ; yr ntr.l-l H.intz. fferv!l!. la . avn: riiir.t: anl ha 1 s -v-r- backache :.d ' fv- ha I ...s-t.rr.a .m.l a vr had cona-h na n.s In :he kidneys. Was cur-I by F - ! ; r-'rs. hot - .uld c-t no'r-ll-f frcn "Ik.'h my 'h.'ir-n wr 'ak-n wl .vh- t'.ir '...)-i." wrt-s Mrs. O. 11. "i" t. f TT,'.' '! '. 111. "A small b .t- I-""l II t.-v an 1 Tar -ur-l the , .'i-h .n I si.el a I .."or'a i.lli." Hart's j., -at? st-.r-. I 'V ; ,. Th- 'hr a'-' -1 x'--rmin iti .1 'if th",', no ' . ; --.-- ..1 nil" .1 1 .i"'i lion ir.-ii i: I -V... m :'V. -.. j ,., ,y ,, v ti h In Ml- -n W 'I I .I'l - ..ii. T .Mti.s ,- 0 ii ' 1 f- a mi ri 'h c ' .ilo fi-tii f ,r hr- ! .- i- nl: n I irv I "n.'l 01 . s m.'i i ' . ;i 'h Ills; . list. in. - I n SAVIN'. i'l' Till! I. 1 ' A l:l- .fit I'iMl.ll' I. t ' a .1 : At. I -Ti 1 r- 10 " I- ni- r r ask. I ..n- ..f Mi-'1- -in s ,i r- .1 .f the... h vs I -'-' w r , a ',a j-r -ml ! n ir '' '. 1 I H 1 I w-- 1. 0 . ir -I- sVs. 1 ill I I. iv- I. n ..i.l i;-. 1.1 s. ml t i' "'i . f.ri. oi W nil nut s is:." I I 'h-lr s n-.-ii-. s. I- J .'.iv' 'n ino- w.iil I fli-y iv ii i'IV V 1 h .v . .to. 't-l "f st.-.ii-il? in 1 -It-. ;' in-ii ' -0 .r . . -1 1 1 -1 11.1t I-.- I.. f, l ,l-."l . .. I...1 I I Tl I . .- I t-ok F-v-y's H.n-y and Tar. I: gave j ..... ., ,.,,.' .. T,. ,,..o,. ,,, 1'i'hv th.- . -;i , P!.;li. 1 ' i .1 il". In i ;i V "' t I .11 I. I -;;- I o, "T th- , - -I mejl.'ine I trie.1, until me irtirn'ji.'t g ' 1 than a T-lly P. ..,-ev-lt is lost in th-- m .un .am.s or " "lora-lo. .N,, alarm f"lt by 1 binl. Hart's drag store. ..-1- .-'i-oi-i a irien :s. as n- tan -a: f and done me more n o-her retn'-dies com- tions, nine millions cannot. Still more doubtful Is It whether a lasting union can be formej through the means adopted by General I' A somewhat similar experiment was made, with far more Justification, by the late President Barrios, of Gtitaemala, with disastrous results. Peoples, ev-n of the same blood and language and re!iK.,n and civ1! polity, do nut always want to be und-r the same govrnn-i-i::. Of that fact South America has 1 noteworthy illus tration In the li'-r -I history of Para guay. I: Is quit.-- legitimate fi.r -n" state to say to Itc n-iir'ib .r, " 'nn , us take counsel tog-:h-r f"r tlie foima tlon of a federal un'on." But fir I: :o say to its neighbor, "Unit- with rr.e or I will thrash and annex youl" Is simply attempted conquest In Its most naked and brutal form. It would be deplora ble an! disheartening if It n-re begun Just on the eve of a Pan-American con gress Intended to promote peace and equity among the nations. S.-aJds. Bolls. Ulcers. Felons, Aches. Pains and all Skin Eruptions. Only In fallible Pile Cure. 25c a boi at Harfa Drug Store. The safe; country to write war stories about is .South Afriia, be-caus- no one nas a good eni,Un mem ory to successfully contradict him. QUICK P.ELI EF FOR ASTHMA. Mi? Maude Dickens, Parsons, Kan., writes: "I suffered eight years with asthma In iw worst form. I had several attatks luring the las: year and was not expected to live through them. I b-gan using FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAP. and ! has never failed to give m-rn-'liate r-ief." Hart's Drug Store. For th- mom-'.r Mr, J. It. Wo.ds of Lawi. .n is --oTnj.-:iiiir with I'.ijHs..; Sig" for th- palm of popularity jn the Unit ed S:a:-s. Tla-r he. 1 -. In'-r from a train tha- was h-1 1 11;.. 1 al I- "the souv enir of a g i" r.hb-iy. " May I hav a. so -h" souv-ior of a great robbery. Ill Fr.'o a r r.i in ? May No; from 'h- Pa:. -A tro-ri' an. I: is a tin upon which a Pi- th it cost fifty c-M r-st-d. L'hlf -ag News. ch rs w ml I h r... I,-. n b ol Tin- w ith th" fird- s'."' in -h- .on lltion is hing- !. II- g ..-s bm k to p: .v.. him If ' " W.n. Finn, of Urna, O., obtnd e oelleTit results from the use of Foley' Kidney Cure ' It relieved my baok a.'h and geyere pln over the hips. It toned niy ytem and ge rrx? new vim and o.-rgv. I: Is an honett and rHI ar, remedy, a sure cure for all kidney dlseas-a." Hart'a drug atore. In a ree-n' Is.sue of one of the popu lar m igazin -s, a wr. -r slated that the Hindoo cm Mjr for several hours without repeating themselves. And s''- as ma z-'-m, they hav 1 -.yer ; ike,-i : -t golf. High living. Intemperance, exposure and many o'h-r tilings bring on Bright' d.-ie. Fol-y's Kidny Cure will pr-v-tit Ilright's dissa.e and all other kid ney or biaOd-r diso' i-r If taken in time. It- sure to tak'- Foley's. Hart's drug s-or--. DOES HE FEEL P.EPAID? Tacoma Ledger. Jack Winters, the man who stole 32, 000 from the Selby smelter, has been sentencej to flfieen years In the peni- JOB COULDN'T HAVE STOOD IT If he'd had Itching pllen. They're ter ribly annoying; but Buolen'a Arnica Sa!v will cure the worst case of plies on earth. I: has cured thousands. For Injuries, Pains or Bodily Erupjona it's the best salve In the world. Priee 25c a box. Cur gruarnV;jd. Sold by Hart's Drug Store. There Is but one gleam of hope in the gloom that has Bottled down upon the country with the rumor of Sampson's retirement from the navy: It may be true. A. H. Davis, Mr. Sterling, la., writes: "I was troubled with kidney eomplamt for about two years, but two one dollar bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure effectxl a permanent cure. Hart's drug store. It is not t.'ij- that Lieutenant Hob '-'.o is t b- male MjbJet to a court of inouiry for -lnkir.g the Marrimac. The sinking of th - Marrirnac did no Injury to t..e -nemy. STP.IKKS A RICH FIND. "I was troubled for several years with chronic Indig'-s'ltm and nerV'iua debil ity," wrlt'-B F. J. Green, of Laneanter. N. Y. "No remedy Iwlp&d me until I began wing Electric Bitters, which did me more good than all the msdiclne I ever used. They have also kept my wife In excellent health for years. Bh nays Electric Bittern are Just splendid for female troubles; that they are a grand tonic and lnvlgorator for weak, run down Wimen. No other medicine can take It place m our family." Try them. Only Me. Satisfaction guaran teed by Hart's Drua; Store, In the August Lit-nry Era. W. S, V,"i!h. In his paper ''on, -rnir.g I'.-al I' in Fl'"l..n, r-f-rrlng to ri'l"d 111 tances, says: Ev-n th- gre-i'-hearte J Thackeray showe.l oeieisional p'-ttlness-s In the m inner w herewith h. nse.l :h- lash of satire. I do not allule 10 the Hulwlgs and the Iiirdne's of his Yellow-plush p.-rlod. which h- subseiiuenMly rs'in; ed, but to his qublylo howls oyer stlng l ss Insulis. "Jt vva a pleasant le-rull-arl'y of Mr. Tha k-day's," savs Ed mund Yite, ", mnke some veie, but unmls'ak Mile Illusion In his books to ' rsons at the time obnoxious Io him." Ya-'-s sK.k- f-elirig'y. for during the awkward "t.i'...e at 'he Gnrrlck Club, wlil-h brought down upon him th" enml'v "f Trio' k.-rav. the s"vnth nnm li"r of "Th- Vlrglnl ins" came out with what Yit-s pr-p-rlv rails "a wholly Ir-r-l v.inl an I ri ll' uloiisly luggi"l-in-by-'h uh milder.. a!ln-i..n 10 m as Young Grub S'r'.ef" In lis piges. Th- Y-ll ..wp'ush s.irii itures nr" mns-t'Tpl-r-es of wi'. As "iieh no lov-r of vit could aff.,rl to lose thern. T'l. Youni' 'Inih S;r--et huMnesH. on the o'h-'-r hand, -s , pr-i-y ebullition of P"t llln'.u. On- w'ish-s that Th ick 'ray had !." -n 'urge enough to refrain from Small rei'e-aes. THE WOI'J.Ti4 WORK FOR SEP TEMBER. The World's Work for September con tains th- n'rlklngly liit-restlng story of one of the rnos; notable achievements American Industry has ever accomplish ed. How the famous Goktelk vil.luct was built, near Mmdalay, of American made mat-rial, according to an Ameri can eicimate, ,y !in American com piny, is tol l by J. C. Turk, who waa the engineer In charge of the construc tion, and the article In finely Illustrated bv Photographs taken In India by the author. And the magazine haa many other Interesting features. To lovers of country life and the growing of plants and fruits, two articles, one about the 1' 01 in I ! : "111 11 ;' I in , r !, s . tl,.- . i ''- j 1 . ond : 1- ,i; w .1 'iiinil..-r pti! In :h- S- .'-iii!i. r c ". rii i' iii.iizln- i;o.-, ;. .,i .,, v illi its!.- iigi--tl ns I,, y .iini.: ni-. from a inas'-r In ill- art ..f husln.-s, m; '-lii-.''t. ' Io o. -r.i "i ir ii .' i ll '.in '.Iplbl: . an o n..'hliig w.Mi .ir bl lllis t d-t : It An American boy c ,iiiim -1-, oi,,. p... f ile h.s tim- Io vote . 1 live the yming man a 1 I1.1111"; this i Mi" country of !)io y.iii'.g We can': h-lp Mi- past, but w- - in look nut fur Mi- future. Hop.- Is pr-:ty poor s. eiirliy to g, to 1 bank to borrow money ,,n. A "sli-d wn method won't . . a minute in Mils ag,. of aggr'sslvein-ia Ther,. Ih nothing els., on eur., b,, aM. a, pr n'ras'lnail 'ii In .ccihI .ns. A man d.n not n ssarlly have Io be a lawyer bi have good, hard s-n".'. An Indiscreet man usually lives pi s.e .'he folly of his ways; and, If h- docsn'i, his children do. A man should always he close t,p the situation, know what lie I- doing, and not take anything for granted. There I on,. ep.m.-nt that Is worth Its weight In gold, and lhal Is loyalty It will cover a multitude of weaknesses It Is an easy matt-r to handle .-yen congested CIltltroV'THleS, Will'!,. ,e spirit of the pirtles h rlghl and honest. Th,. trouble with a gr-al many men Is. they don't appi'-dat- their pi,.. lo'itri.-nt 11111II th'-y K,.t I,,.,, 1, sanl. When you are striving to do thai which Is rlghl, he courteous an, ..i,.,. in every way. but don't g-: ":ii,n-, down." Th" man who Wants to marry happily should pick out a good uioln-i- and mirry on- of h-r daughters; ai,.. will do. Do you Huppos.. that, with nn ollK;i. like this, I could afford p. pm anyMiliig Into the boiler thit would make Mi,, ma idilneiy run wild? It Is all right. In some cis-s, pi bank on a man's pedigree; put. ,,',,,, ,,.,, there is something a great d-nl de p.-,' man this matter of genealogy. I will always risk a man If he Is In the dark and knows II, bill I haven't much use for a man who Is gronlnir around In the dark and doesn't know- it. Sore Hairids f-r,ij .b '-s.'Sl--v ... ',.,PI 1 s ! f rn.f l SKA j f ',ir,i y ." v ! V. Red, Rough Hands, Itdiin?, Burning Palms, and Painful Fmgcr Ends. lUi One Night Treatment Soak the hands on retiring In a strong, hot. creamy lather of CUTICURA SOAP. Dry, and anoint freely with CUTICU.RA, the great skin cure and purest of emollients. Wear, during the night, old, loose kid gloves, with the finger ends cut off and air holes cut In the palms. For red, rough, chapped hands, dry, fissured, Itching, feverish palms, with shapeless nails and painful finger ends, this treatment is simply wonderful, and points to a speedy cure of the most distress ing cases when physicians and all else fail. MILLIONS USE CUTICURA SOAP Aaaintod by C't TU'i itA Ointmknt, fur pn scrvm1,', purifying, nml Ih hu tifyin tlie bkiti, for rl tuising tin' rn-nlp cf crust, hchIcs, ami dim. ilnifT, mid tln htnppiim o( falling Imir, for Hofti'tiiiiif, wliilonlnjj, nml Hiliinj rcil, rniit;li, iiinl noro liaibls, for Imtiy ru!ii's, ltcliiti)ii, hipI rlinflnH, ribl for all tho pursrH of llic toilet, luitli, ninl tnimcry. Million of Women tixn Cith i ha Soap in llin form of Iwtlm for nnnoyini; Irritntions, lnlliimiimtions, nml I'XcoriutioiiK, for (im frco or ofTcimivo piTHpirntion, Iti tho form of iviisIuh for ulivrtttiro weak nfisi1, nml for intitiy tintiscpiin purjHwrd wliicli rcti'lily mijicst tlll'MM'lvi'M tO WOllll'll mill IllollllTH. No tllllollllt of M'lHll ivh lui can iii'itiro tliosit who liiivo ouch used llicsn jfi-rnt hkiu puritlim find N'tiil tificrtl to IIMC ntiy OtlliTH. Cl TICt llA SoAITntllliitirn ili'lli'iilc IMilollii'tlt proM'rtii'K derived from Citptua, tin' nut skin rurc, wilh llio pur. ft of pli tttiHiiii; iiiK'ri'iliciits, ninl the inot ri freslilnj of llnwer odours. No other pii'icufi'f Muip U to 1' coiiii,'ired with it for prt rirrviii purifying, mid lH':ititifyitii tho -kiti, Healp, Imir, mid litiiids. No Other foreioil 14 donichtllT tuilit Sotip, himeVcr expensive, I t") Ini cortiptind with it for till tho purjiOhi'M of the toilet, Imih, mid nursery. 'l'hilM it conil'ities in (Ivk. Soap lit (Kr. I 'i: i li, the in ir hkill litld complexion Honp, find the tt i.m r toilet mid lnhy trntip in the world. Comploto fxtornnl and Internal Tmntmnntor Every Humour, A l lellsl.e.. of I I Tl' I II 4 Moll'. Io 'lioi.r II, n il'l .if rril.U fl t II 1 ll frt mil ai. , s.i. I nil. 11 t'.- II, . I .... I . nil. k, I 1 11. I 10 01 s r VI I I 111 II I it VII M, I.. nil.. II ,. t' cioi.dii.i., niol pro 01.01. and V-r " f.i-llii' me 1 li.'al . Ill I I I 1 1. I II IP , I M. I.o .ki! 111..I i-li ,111.11 YUi: epv in., in. n.i. a sis.,i , , 1 1. ,,- i, . ol- , 1.1 1.. 1 111. lie- 1....IJ.0. I t 'tl Imllur, .II.IKoirll.i, II. hlli, l.iiinoi... ni,, I .. ..y .10.. .,il. mill M.osl liiiitnilirn. rtt-hrs, llrliltu".. mid lrrl(-itl..i". ultli I.... ..r I ilr. Mln-n Bl! r..- fitlU. hoi. I ll.ri.ii..iul III.' mhiI.I, llilll-li ii-...l K. :i ni,ii .n s..s. ;;( i luiil.-rtiutisi. i.t j. 11. loll, K. (,. I'l'l UK lUll'U AM. I III. . Colli'., Oulu I'l.-l.. , I', ti, A. The Worcestershire OIWASIC Of IMITATION. The only jjonj s.iticc; enriches the taste of all Mciits.Fisli.datiu'.Sulatls, etc., and fives a flavor that imitators utterly fail to produce. SAUCE ti.u u .s. n.r lutiu. tCC4 vr JOHN UV Nl.'A N !l WlSn. ArinU, N. y. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. ' lOFFI'XTIVFs JULY I. 1901. I.KAVK i I'OKII.AM) I A HHivr IH Hill I I'orllHIIll I'll llll Il.'l.i I I II III lll l-ur Amnri ninl "y tiiopiii GO EAST VIA v, .'. i .l . IM 7 i III I It ill . in I'lillila AnTOHIA K .r I'lirllninl W y I'ltllllH 1 1 1 .;n in I ii . in i'iVinn A I in in 1 1 .'to n in lli'.Mim f. ' . in i". .', i in I .mil IM . n in V . in 'iimp in HKAMHK IHVI-I0N Asloi In fi.r Wurri'iiHm, In in lime mill li'iatlilo Hem'.!., for W.iiri'iilon nml Aiiiin. 7 in it in Vn in 4 in p m ti .Vl. Ill f it in I :.: l in I .'in p in 7 'II p in li ! p in liiilly exc-pt SaturJay, H.itiinJny only. f mippofip," inl(l th" rink", "that you will look alnut for an American irlrl an a wife for your gun?" "Yc," the earl; "and If the nri-Hcnr tenilenclen of commerce eonllnue. I Khouldn't be flurprlKe-l If we had hotter look out for Home hurtling American younif man an hunha-nd for our diucht em." WaHhlnRton Star. SHORTEST AND QUICKEST LINE TO St.l'aiil.Wiiliitli.MiBiifapiilis.ClilcaKO nml All Poliim !: Ht. HAINY TIIAINS; KAKT TIMK; HFJl VK K ANIi W-'liNMIlY UN KgUALK'U ThroiKth I 'lilac,, nml Tnurlut Sleeper, Jlnlii( an I lluffet Hnmklng Library Cam, Tlcketg to point a Kiim via Portland and the flr.'it Norlli,.rn Uy., on tale ar O. It, & N. Ticket Ollloe, Astoria, or Oreut Northern Ticket oillco 111 Til 1MB STREET, POUTrjAaVD. For rates, folder, and full Information . rcirardlnif Eastern - trlD. oall on i r d- dress A. It O nENMtQTllN. -Daltlmore American. City Pas. and Ticket Ant, Portland. . Trains leave Aslorla for Flavl, Ilarn inonil an. I Kurt Ht'veti" at 8:15 a. m. and E:aii p. m, dally. Lave Kurt Hie-v-iis for Astoria 7.06 a. ui, and 3,29 p. m. dallv. All irnln. mnke close connection at flohl" wilh aM Northern Pacific, trains .o and trom the Kast and Hounl polms. J. C. MAYO, Oen'l Freight and Passenger Agent. A silly young fellow In flloucester Made love to a lady named Foucster; No aoda he'd buy, Bo the maid said, "Oh, muy!" And shook him, and that's how he loucest her.