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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1901)
NOTION ! i'i:' ii'-ii i,', . .'. . ' ' "i (v.. .'nl t;t 1 1 1 f y oi - .'S 1 9i liable to pro:jcuT?j-f l.i.V PUBLIC LlfcHARY ACS7r.K 0O rnt VOL. I.I V ASTORIA. OKIKiON, SATIKIMY. AlXl'ST 21, 1901. NO. 47 ECLIPSE HARDWARE CO. Plumbers and Steamfitters R27 13()M FISHING TACKLE Tennis, CriHjiirt, Masrlull, Golf, ;niil .ill KimU of Siuitiiiir (iond- GRIFFIN & REED Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR, FEED. PROVISIONS. TOBACCO AND CIGARS Siijiplic.i of all kiii'liat lowest ruti-.f, fur tislnrmi'ir, Kuril htm ntiii b'Kp'r. A V. AIlLIlN, Tenth nnd Commcrilnl Streets W. J. Scully, Pacific Navigation Company SI ca inert "Sue It. limine" utkl "W. II. Harrison' Only line - Astoria to lilj.m I., iiai lhuldl nnj ll.ivt ilv. Ilobsuni i! to 4.iiii.ct-iig H A .ml, wt , , ,. ,., t,!!r. I; -mi i'"in- I" ' ''''' "'" A ''''nit i, i .v r : i i r i . l t..t Sn l''i.'n- " I' '"''l .'ill .ni ;ii I i I' i i n ;Kj,. ..,.,-iiK. i u: ap, !v I,i Mnmticl Klmoro Ai Co., inn A, nl. ASTOKIA, OKI. I" i: s. N i: it I'... r..' iini, AtiKN I's . i It . - .i,,,l. If ' I.AM 1 1, Tl.l nun k. t'le-.n. We Rent New II . w KOPP'S BEST A Delicious and Pnlatnble Drink Absolutely Pure Th. Northern I'.iiin,: Itiewcry, f W,,i, m, John Kopp I proprietor, mail's ! i l"r ili'iin "Hi iuiiI input 1 1 ji t - i,.ill.,l bur fur lamil) r , J.,,,,,,11, j ,u ,, Hum. Delivery in the i'lly ln'c. Horth Pacific Brewery I.-- - . . . . . . -- - C. kJ, trenchard, Commission, Brokerage, cu.tom hom.o Brok.f. ASTORIA, ORE Josurance anl Shlrplne. . .,.00. SUPERIOR STEEL RANGES STRI3RT WE ARE 5UL1.IN0 AO I-NTS l OK. . . Aloore's Steel Cooks C1R10D3 JUST RCCEIVCO ji ijom), Between Ninth and Tenth Typewriters. Many new improvements mldi'il. Sen our lnirst No. 2 Smith Premier Typewriter New Art CiitnliiKUH Krro . . . L- M. ALEXANDER & CO. KxcIiihivp 1'iicitic tVmHt IValiira !2l! Sim k Si , r.irtlimtl, Or, Y w. M'KI'.rllMK. I .urn I Agent. NORDSTKOn DIES ON THE GALLOWS Completely Collapsed When About to lie lixecuted. I'RAVliD 10 SPAKE HIS LIFE Coodtmncd Mm T led to Kmrd tnd Tikca to ibe I ttil Trap trjliij Like Child Slory ol (he Crime. HIATTI.i:. AuK .'! - i-iiim 'V. N.,rJ- n mi w m Ii.iiik -I II, .n 111 TTi int . t '. 4'J ,,.'1,,. k f -i- " 'ii nil N .V 1 Kimii '.ir) 1111. 11 h,,. Mnl-il I . V.ll;.ni Mii- Ml"l'l,lllK 111.- iin I -11111'' I in 1 : 1 p,!!l.ri, .ml 'il.- .ri.iiu;. rii uil in. 111 l.r..f :!. Silvi I n A 1 my i-r.iy l ' h I'. 111, In- ( r. 1 -M '.f,i.i';y. ,r-!y uf- ti-r ' ','J N .r-l.'ruin is 1 4 III.. 1 Ill W M'i h (- it 1 J : u ! si ;lr . tin), 1 ; m r -1 Hi' ,i" :.:.!). ! U ' i h in .11 til h ! : Wli -li !i.. m t.ik.-n hi ..f tin' - iff ,11 l.i ,k -1 'ryinii In .1 i tul l..!i v i,. tl .11 I - .; ,r.-. ,; 1 iiMr ly nn 1 r-i! I . "1- 'I mii; fr 111 '.II. Jut r mi. t: f 'Ur ii-ii : i ,r, n.-n, I m - n!:r ')'. , .1:. I i-r iyiHK .1. W , ,-!;.!, J-. fl r. Kit t. lai.,, titin ilri k r,. fi ii. tl. .-.. hi I a ..l,-r I th., i thtu N-i! Nti ni Mm on r. t iii't Sh'T.ff ,'u 1! b 'iir-l I... lir-iiiRli:. "at t!- l I: r." iu.n l ls in tl ti hill (i:in tilnli- .m !""ii .1 Will:,. ''.:, g t!--1 t.j b" li-i.ii.l N rt.'r .M, i nitltui.-l t , ry In a l"ii ) -u f t in, 1 I,,.. I t-i !' ik I ir -r I. a ii',l.-i. :!! ii (!-. Th.- -:x m-n h Hal V. I him ml,..: h: . .a tr l ;.n I. '!h r i; .-nf-.r.. u.-.'i-.,b-,l In h-.-::!n i'ln -ii;.. th - h',l...rt- ami . .nt.. ih.- r.t : il ti if II r,. h,. nan : i..l nj.-'it hi, f mr if m-:t ,r th f..ur f !!i'' tr.t i in I Ii li-liiii! him. W'Ktiin i- , m,.iii, aft-r tin- v,in-il'-nr .-I hum in jil.i,-,. :;. ir,,-, pr iinis an I .V i',ltr 'in h.i I pill !Vv n tlty - f In, 1 1 m.v Th,- ti.n.-w i. Mini: a: 4-'. oil N 'iiUtioin' ,t, n- uii- ! ,! a. I a: In .MflM'KIJKH WU.I.lAM XIASmN St tv of I'l'-iii-. f. r Whl.-h N ,,l.:r, W.H HatlKi'l. sk-atti.i:. amk- !!. W. S -i Ml I- utr.'tu, wii.i wan haiin,-,! In ih,. ji.i rr--j if tit- Iviiiu ,.iMii(y ,'uiir! h.nis.- ,i; hi in,. nihil,. . niiiiii tie, I th,. ,., , for whl.'b h- w.n rum !,;,', I rim v.mi-s ao, X.w.'HiImt ::,i. iv-.t N..;,trom rk.-l liii'hiK ih,- f.,11 ,.f thai y.-,,r t Tti-'inaN Ma.ioii, a iaii, !i,. n.-ar 1'i il ir m-Hiiit iln, Ml till ,'. unity. II- ha I a ,l!.i',lt.- about th- am Mint ,.f .!;. .In,- limi. Tii,- Mini -I'll b-'hii; :t v.;,. iii ih.- nlKht of th,- tn ui .1 -r Win; mi Ma' mi wa Kitilnir ,l,ivn i,. smu, r villi h fatlior. Soiiio on,- tlri' l u .ho; ft n j oiitH ,b' th,- win. low Y.uinit Mason ' l'!t, h,'il forwarj an l ,11, ',1 In a tiort tlnii'. I n .-.( :r it !c i hIiow.-. th.- J I'llnts of itio iniir.l ! ,-i'j f,-e( as !i,. st ' "I ':, I,, a f tii-. . ii n.-r it n 1 r-;.-.l I'll!,, on th.- toji i-.i;l Tho in'xt ,l.iy of- I tl. ! took lip th,. .'ins,'. Tin- nttir 1 rr wiit ;ra,'k.-, ov, r n ,in striVi-h f ; I'.Mintiy. I t"''Tal ,1 ays'r N,n,Nti,ini with a Win, li,-Hi,.r ml., of th,. Him,, oill'.'iv with bl, h tho vu'tlni was iiHiiib'iv.l v an ar ivxttil on th,' iiilli'oa.l tru. k n.-ar OV.I.o' inoiinialn. II tol,l I'ontlli'ti.'ijr. .Mi.u-i. s. On trial i, w.u ionvl,'t,v.l. Tin- ,,is.' wan iiip,ilr.l t i Ih.- iii)i'tvm.v ronrt of ihU mat,, wlib h r f iiK.'.l to; a ih w trial. I'oloni'l Jam,'-, llanillton I, -win bo cam.. .! h'lato ,'ihiii'I In the i-u. II ToiiKht lb,' i-a' In th,- I--,l.'ial nun on it. wilt of habi'it roi'piis which w.u ui,',!. II,- t-aiTlct! tin' matter to the .-'ii-iM-cnie fonn of tbi fnlte! S:i!-h a.ul lost Ms ,'hmo. II,. then went to the su perior couit of Kliiff county mi l asked for a ,'oinnilssl,tn of pliyylolanx lo ex amine Into the mental comll' of Noril.tti'inn. Thl win (jinnuM. The ,loctoi'!i proiiouiueil the man Mine. Lewis ,leman le, n Jury tivtl as l, Noi.liti'om's H.uilty. Th,. stiji 'l i ir cnir: ,lenle,l this. In ,,. supremo ,-,,ur; of this Ktate, Lew is' appeal of this question was ovoiTtilcl, Then l'wls carrl.,1 this I,) the Muptvmo court of tbe liil;e,l Slat 's an 1 h,. also appl'Oil to the f. Jeral court for a writ of habeas corpus , n the stieiiK'th of the Insanity pro.'ee.ll is. The federal court lefuse.l lb' writ. Lowln carrleil this to the supreme court of the United Stiie nlso. He was over ruled In both cases. Since that Lewis has nppl:,Hl to federal an,! superior courts for a slay of proceedings and been refused. The entire lltltriubm ha taken nine yenr. Lewi last nlffht, In uplte of the an nouncement the other day that l.e had left the case, was out of the city look ing for a writ of prohibition from iome supreme court Junllce. The governor had refused to Interfere. BAR ASSOCIATION ADJOURNS. DENVER, Aug. 23. After the election of officers and the selection of Saralo- N. V., .'IK til" I'lur,. I,' .. 1,,-Xt III I.'K. tin' Ain'-i!i-Hfi ylr A' i.Oi'.n nj I'.ur (, I uti- Tii.- uiiniii! 1' it n r Y.,iH t : : r I -. i by 111 i! of (In- ni'-inb r r,f .hi- u"ii I.i ;l i(i In '.In- city lull, it. A nuin- r uf t '.in : H kit.- r n.Mi... to, 1 1 1 1 n 1 : 1 1 1 1 -a n 1 1 i i n i;h ,4 'Al'SlN-; f.NKASIXKHrt I'l .'ulilMly Th.i! Ti y Wl" r.t :na. :y It'-fii,. !u H'ltu I..' I'lut if ! -U N'"t In It. I'KKIN, Atlif. 2'!.- T 1. C'i1"' . !.-nl; i!:ir,irl n ;ifii!'.i- ; u i auNiiiir h ,ni-;ln- f ir.':Kii 1 11111111111! y t : 1 m i n ! -i. r uf tin- . 'V iy -.f :h iv ,ri -Udjiij :hv ' IJTl''.IHili-l4 In Ii't-, dUliHUKh ' -I 1 l it :!ilnk tii - I'lilti'". Int ii'l 1 j il-fy :li.- (n.rtiTii ' iiltiiniMy i.-ful-iK t.) ln. A il'-.-r - r,-i I in k lb,. I'tiri:."Vin.-n jn.J -u : ui n :(i i--.nii::;uil-n will be h-Fin-t li f it,. the .'hln- irtMtur it 1 lilt- I. I.I lliinir r'.'unic I'm r-:ir-l lnt i :h b.t'kter.,unl. b'dvltiK :.,. rhln t'i" r i-.nlb:lliy ,f .,nni;imu:l:i :b.. nk. Kin 1 I.! ftnU liuii-i tf In til" "in- I ,11. UK .-Itl .n !l" 1,-eu- "I t'li- ! '.- of n'i.'"'l'.''.lPini f.. 1 ii--k :l.- ir with J.ijn. The rutivt-;,i,-n . iiti.iium iu In l i.f.i-'.y W-iiuuiK-inic b in f-i." whir. i ,all.-i a sur-r-ti!'-r i i f iri-n.-i, mil a iiuii,i.r if i-ilii-i i'.h hjv.. i,.;l:i mi-; tin. ,-nij- r..r to l'iinlli I. tin fur b' trayiiiic thr i-.untry. Oaa wuvvnnn ru i uu nniuvuxnn nrtc T'i nt'sr itrfSiA. Me "iiu nt on Ko'i- f ir Kva. uj lion of N:u Chwans. INIxiN. Aug. It -"Apparently tlp-re is a m n'- metu on f-"'t o:i the par: .' iin-at llrltatn, Japan and trie I'nit d State..'' says a Jispatd. to :be si irnlng P ( from Che Foo. "t i for, e Russia tJ t-vacuate Niu C Chwang." J AIJVlAAAriXrlV'riAAAAAflJUU NINETEEN HOMES itECoVEUSD. Ktv- Vicitin Arrive on S:-am'T Hatlrg titllclal IJs; ,,f Drown. J. VANi'i vI'VKlt. Ji t'.t Aug. Ti. The j , r 1,e-l"ribe. I'resid-nt Castro bai also s'. 11 tttrsif arrtvl r .day 1 i-ning ' 1,0111 a "d "JPply of ainmanltlon. t!i,- r. !iia:iis of live victim- ,,f Islan-I -N, ws (Mm Venezuela conftrms the der dtjfter. In all nineteen badu-s have j r,,','rt'' Ihlt lhe r,'Pub!!c is absolutely l".-n r-w-red mid It is au: h -mi ! '' notwithstanding a fear of a gvn stated that t!i.. tit tl number f :ivrsj''r;l1 uprising on the Colombian frontier !-s: Is foriv. The ,, in, l .i ii,- ,,f )...!''"' to the pr c!ani.Uion of President Ii vw ::, d follow s l'a-s. tu -r-. llr-t- 'l ts Kinmtts, J. W. II -II. M;-s Kate llain-s. A. w! J' iy, M. J. Ibaeiln, Mrs It ss maid til l hi! I, Ai tnur Keaiing. E Ml . J. 1'. llellilevs ,n. Mr ,t"d bill. Mr. J. Duncan. Mrs. M.nnl-f It'tss. J. Dihl. Mis. Nichols mi, Mr. K at.titr. II K.'.i;:iis. F. Rekatc S cond-ct.i-s-ll. T. R.'Sers. N. Cas per. Wittiain M'adows. t'if.v II. R. P.Mte, niii-t-r; II. Fow ler. Mih.s Joiieh. C.c.ige Ibiekholder, II. Farter. Norma n Unv. S. J. Pi::s, two Chinese nies boys. Georg' Allen. A. Kendall. James Hatch. J.mii's Raird, F. t'.eo. Mil-s. two coal passs-rs. mines im kiiow n. KENTTi'K V FAMILY FEED. Dial an,! Poss. In Pursuit of :h' Murderers. Wll.LIAMSItCRC. Ky Aug. I New s ha v.-ache I here of a bl.vdv it- jtie 111 tiie eastern par: of th Munty, j twenty nill-s from here, In which Jake Ligi:i and his two sons and two Wil ls, mi bioth 'r.i were killed bv Westniavs i.nd C, 'oige Golden In a quarrel over dollles'lc trouble. A posse has left .'or he scene to make arr-.-sts and to bury the dead, as the neighbors are afraid to go near them. vJIIOT HIMSELF IN THE MOUTH. Man Found Dead leaning Against a Shock of Wheat on a Farm. MMINNVILLE, Ore, Aug. 23.-A man was found dead Iftnlng against a shock of wheat on a fatm a mile south of town with an empty pistol In his hand. He had shot himself in the mouth. There was nothing about bis person by which he could be Identified. He was evidently a laboring man about 40 years of ago. ARRESTED FOR FORGERY. Private Stationed In Vancouver Wanted In Hillsboro, Texas. VANCOUVER, Wash.. Aug. 23.-Sam. E. Clements, a private of Company H, Twenty-eight Infantry, was arrested to day on a charge of forgery alleged to have been committed in Hillsb.iro, Tex as. The arrest was made In accordance with a telegram today from Sheriff Satterfield, of Hildsboro. LIGHTWEIGHTS FIGHT A DRAW. LOUISVILLE, Ky., Aug. 23.f-Steve Crosby, of Louisville, and Joe Gans, of Paltlmore, fought twenty rounds to a draw tonight for the .-olored lightweight championship. COLOMBIA ISSUES OFFICIAL DECREE fJuty of Governors of Depart ments Pointed Out. CASTRO RELEASES PIETRI!,S r Popular Mote oo Pirt al Colombiaa Prcsi deat Situalloa Becomloj More Com. plicated la Venezuela-Dull-iaf (ioia Oa. I'uLfiN, C.ilombla, Au. 23 -An m i lal l -f rp ad Ir.-wt-d t the g vcrti-rs of d-;.jr;men;.i tta, pubiuh.-d today. I: fa) s: "It has b. n rjlvj firstly, n fU-i-pi-nl pnym-ri: of atl amounts for war material f n Unit, and t-t Ijmlt t!i "X-.--ni-s to piynwnt of the arm, ! f r. e, and ;h,- a iminl:ratl m." "S-t-indly, to appropriate all ei'asary 'l.-rii' n'.n f,,r the f 'f ltng, eiui;m' ru and in .b.llilnjr. of the army. "Thirdly, to levy forces an! volun tary I--a "os. RCord:ns Xj circumstances, fn l t imtio.. war contributions. "Governom are authorized to prooe-d accoM.n? to the requirements of ca- nd each govern r must assume reu ponilb.llty In order to sive the iitua ilon within It) territory." DRAFTING IN VKXEZfELA. Krnptoye. of American Company Dis appear During the Night. NEW YORK. Auif. 23. Pr?iidfnt 'as:r. has sent the gunboats Zumbalor Miranda and other Venezuelan wir ves sels from La Guayra and Corrn with troops under the command of General Davlia to Uii Hacha, on the coat of Colombia, says the Wlllemstead, Cuha- jcao, corresinndent of the Herald. Eight hundred men are In the expe ditlons. These troojis will assist the Co. I .mbian revolutionists under Giietal j Castr v tha; Venezuela was being at- j I tackc! by the conservative government i i "","m,'i'1- Th,'r' itf exc -llent authority for the It. Doughs. "ti:em-"nt that a n'w ,ne.ue'an revolu lr. l'nillips I :!"n h' liberals is being arranged. Tbe l. ii i -r of this revolution is now I -. X-vv Y-rk. The ivilitioal situation ;n . Venezuela is more than serious. Xo one is all-,' w-.-d ; leave the country without speoial permission At the Linvm river ! where an American comnnnv emnlova ( three hundred m-n. one morning onlv fifteen were found on the premises, the others, having been forcibly recruited the night to defend the eountrv. PIETltl SET AT LIBERTY. Former Minister of War for President Ctstro Given His Freedom. NEW YORK. Aug 23 A special' to I the H-'i ald from Caracas says; General Juan Pietrl, who was mln- 1 is:.-r of war for President Castro during i th,. I-voi'itlon of I 2. while on his way to ( ,u ir i i raise an insurrection, was trivst'd n the shore of Lake Valencia. G neral Pietrl. It Is announced, has bt -mi if. hiding fourteen months con spiring against President Castro. He was brought to this city immediately ater his ai r 's: an I was paraded in the streets from th,. German stition. th" prom, n l ie he was escorted to the central sipiare of the city and set at lib it'ty by onl-r of President Castro to the great surprise of the populace. The cit i.ens were astonished. This Is a popular move on the part of President Castro, The city Is perfectly quiet. SEXOR VICVX.VS FUNERAL. Remains Arrived in Washington Today Final Disposition Ye: Unknown. WASHINGTON. Aug. 23. The le maliis of Scnor Morela Vicuna, late minister of Chile to the United Slates, arrived in Washington today from Buf falo. Tii,. funeral cortege was met at the depot by a number of officials and members of the diplomatic corps, In cluding Colonel W. II. Michael, In behalf of the state department; W. C. Fox, acting chief of the bureau of American Republics; the Feruvlan minister, Mr. Caldcrson; the Costa Rican minister, Mr. Calvo: representatives from the Mexican, Japanese, Veneiuelan, Dom inican and ether legations. The funer al party proceeded to Rock Creek ceme tery, where the casket was deposited in the receiving vault Pending a determin ation on the final disposition of the re mains. Over the casket were draped the Chilean and American flags, while a profusion of beautiful floral offerings were arranged about It, There were no services t the cemetery. It will be decided later whether the remains will go to Chile on board the Chilean warship, soon expected in Amer- , wj'.i-r. nr wi'.l g i from gjn Kran :'.' i a m-rrhant Hi- arner. Th bu r'iii of Aim-ri'-an r pulilirn wa, el m1 lo'Uy an 11 mark of rv'li.'l U -h-; J'-in'-l rii!iii;-r. At th" t'-'iu'-ct of the Cnlisan B"''-rn-rn-nt th.- n:.t 'l-;.ar:in nt ha-t r-K-n.i- 'l S' n.r Kti nlon a ciutg l'.,ITa!r;i of Cn I", 1 1 the d-a;h i 5S ii'.ii'.er VI' una. S -ri r Infante ban 1 lift r-". ary of the 1 gallon jr !orn- tin:., an-l is ;'rior lUghly fitiilHir .v;.h i' affairs. fSJTKU .-iTATSrf NAVIT Emmet: .Y.bri J Hi, j Cnspira.-y Exist ed to Pr-v-ni !li .Urrlage With Portland rjiri. HEATTLE. Aug. I'J.-Appib a'.ion for a .vi I: of hub ai c.-pus was tiled in the I'niiel S at s llstri't court today for the purp- se ; - -a-lrii Enimrit A. No land f r .in service In the United States navy. II.- taims ha i a conspiracy was tnt-rv-d m'. i by bis fath-r, a Porclan l at; .rn-y mm.. ! a'.d D-imty Sher iff Wan r. ' f Multnomah cmnty, ure g -n. -o prevent his marriage with Misa L. -.ti-.- Eli. vtt, of Po-tlanl. 1: i alleged he was arouse! of a crime, am nrcej to enlist in the navy to ea rape punishment. He Is n restrained on beard the receiving ship Neipaic a: the Puget sou.-.l navy yirX C lNi SHOREMAN'S CRIME. 5 S Jjhn A. Mann Shoots His Sweet C hear: and Then Suicides. PORTLAND, Ore.. Aug. 23. In a tit of Jealousy this afternoon John A. Minn, a longjhpr.eman and logger, shot his sweetheart, Annie Welsvm, in the left arm an i under ihi right shoulder, and then put a bullet thr-JUgh his on brain. 5 Mann fiund the woman in a e saloon drinking with other men. s Tfte Wilson woman will recover, e Mar.n', body is in charge of the 5 L coroner. J t uiAAuvuvruviru jruxmvnjnti IOWA POPl-LISTS MEET. Full Slate Tic:;-: Nominaied Atwnd ance Very Small. XjES MOINES, la., Aug. 23. The M!d lle-of-;h -Rad populists of Iowa &s sembL'd in state convention today. The attendance was very small. The fol lowing ticket wis n'n,i-ated: Governor L. M. Weli.-r, of Nashua. T : -.11 -.n ,i n r .. .... .r lr... . t L. "-- .now ion. Supreme Judgv J. It. 3, of Des M ines. Hallway lomnvsfi Ti.'- Luke McDow ell, of Shelby county. Su erjntenJent of public instruction J. C. H.iri.i'id. of W.oibury. AU iiom'naii.nis were by actlimation. j MISl'NrERSTAXDING OF ORDERS. I i ?ha'"rock II. Was Not Given Trial Spin Yesterday. I j NEW YORK. Aug. 23. Owing to a ! misunderstaf.dtng of orders Shamrock j II. did not have a trial spin outside I San !' Hook t ...lay. The forenoon was spent in making alt, rnatious and re- , l' lil's to '-' yacht's r.gging. As the vessels passed out by lomer I Peaeon tliey b gin to feel the effect of the eastemly s a which was rolling in. At 3 p mi. they headed out to sea. It was then so late S.r Thomas de cided i; would be better not to at'.e.npt to sail over any stated course before dark. NAVAL OFFICERS RETIRE. Among Them Will He R--ar-Admiral Schley. Who Will Retire Oct. R WASHINGTON. Aug 23. Important retirements anl promotions In the navy will occur within the next few days. Among them Imiral Schley will retire Oct il-er 10. Other retirements are those of Captains Fareholt, Allen, Rob inson. Forsythe and Ide. Th retirement of Schley will promote two capuir.s to the grade of rear-admiral, Capt litis Frank Wildes and Hen ry Glass. UNABLE TO EXPLAIN IT. Wcil-Known Yachtsmen Astounded Cjnstltution's Poor Showing. at OYSTER P.AY, L. I., Aus. 23,-There Is chagrin among the friends of the Con stitution ever yesterday's defeat. Bad sails, It Is said, did not explain it. When ever the wind held true and showed any strength at all, Columbia simply walked away from the Constitution. Weil known yachtsmen were astound ed at the spectacle and unable to ex plain it. TREE-FELLING CONTEST. TACOMA, Aug. 23. In a tree felling contest of logger- d Bede, of Olympia, and George Digs, of Shelter, broke the world's record, falling t thirty-seven-inch tree In four minutes, nine and a quarter seconds. WILL HORRY THE FINAL OUTCOME Trust to Be Given a Telling Blow in Six Days. LABOR LEADERS PLEASED Amalinnated Ollklsls Satisfied With the Way Taiati Are MoYloj-Coatereace of Labor Officiate Held Bcbla4 Closed Doors. PITTSRt-RG. Aug. summary of the steel strike aituatlon tonight re main practically unchanged. A conference of labor lead-rs today was the leading feature of the strike during the day. Officials of th organ ization seemed pleased with the way things were moving and one said: "In another six daya you will aee a de cided change In the strike that will tell with great effect on the trust and aid in hurrying the final outcome of the struggle. Sessions were held by confere?g be hind closed doors. There were present at the conference, besides Amalgamated officials. John Mitchell, president of the t'nlted Mineworkers; J. W. Jenk, mem ber of the Industrial commission; Ralph M. Eastley, secretary of the National Civic Federation, and Henry M. White, general secretary of the t'nlted Work men. WILL DENY INTERVIEW. Trust Officers Will Not See Pittabura; Arbitration Committee. NEW YORK. Aug. 23. It is under stood from the attitude of officers of the United States Steel Corporation that no official interview will be granted to a delegation representing the commercial interests of Pittsburg which was said to have com here for the purpose of effecting a settlement of the steel and iron strike. . ADVERTISING LOTTERIES. Attorney-General Knox's Opinion on Newspaper Advertising. WASHINGTON. Aug. 13. Attorney General Knx has rendered to the postmaster-general an opinion on whether certain western dally papers have vio lated the law prohibiting the use of the malls by advertising lotteries, gift con certs and similar enterprises. A paner advertised that it would give prizes to persons making the nearest estimates of the number of paid ad missions to the Pan-American exposi tion. The attorney-general says: "I am unable to reach a conclusion that the giving of prizes as a reward" for superior intelligence In estimates, where human intellect existed in making such estimates, is in purview of the statute and a convlc.ton cannot be er ected of the demoralizing tendencies to which you refer." RAILROAD CONTRACT LET. SEATTLE. Aug. 23. A contract was let today by the Nactiiern Pacific, rail road for the c instruc.lon of a five-mile extension of the Green River branch. Nelson & White, of Seattle, were the ucc'-'ssfal bidders. HARVHAN OFF3MED POSITION. SALT LAKE. Aug. 23. A special to the Tribune from Chicago, says: James T. H uatuti, second vice-presl-deri; of the Illinois Centra railroad, has beer, off red the position of president of the Southern Pacific Company. THE WEEK'S FAILURES. NEW YORK. Aug. 23 Dun's Review of Truie says: Failures for the week number 205 in the United States against 171 last year. FOUGHT TO A DRAW. DENVER. Au?. 23 George Dixon and Abe Att'il, , f Sm Francisco, fought ten rounds to a 'Iiaw tonight. Baking Powder Makes the bread more healthful. Safeguards the food - against alum. Ah Uttay ptndtm aw tta m ' manacm to kaaltt of fcs pnaarit day. TT