ASTORIA PUBLIC LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, NOTION !M NO! 10 lit! II ' ; mm Will be liable to proiecwwii , VOL. 1.1 V ASTORIA. OKIX.O.N, THI RSDAY, AUGUST 22, NO. 45 n Kirro ECLIPSE HARDWARE CO. Plumbers and Steamfitters HOLE AC1RINTH I'OII "527 BOND FISHIlvjrACKLE Tenuis, Croquet, H.iscbnll, Golf, and all KimU of Sorting Goods GRIFFIN & REED Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR, FEED. PROVISIONS. TOBACCO AND CIGARS Supplier of all kind at loweM rnUs, for fishermen, KnrntiTS and Ijgj-t'rs. A. V. AL,LBN, Tenth and Commercial Streets fiiifi' W. J. Scully, Pacific Navigation Company Steamer Sue II. lllinore" ami "W. II. llarrlHon" Only Hne-AHtorl to Tillamook, Garibaldi and Bay City, llohaonvllle Contacting t Astoria with tk Or ran nallrrawl Navigation Com pany tad also th Astoria Col urn bla Rlvvr Ratln4 for Ban Praa claoo. Portland aa ail point Baa. For fntftK aa4 fmftr rates apply to Bartiuel Elmora ft Co., Otmeral ArnU, ASTORIA. ORE (O. R. A N. R. R. Co.. Portland. AUENT8 A. C. R. R Co.. Pnrtlantl. B. C. LAMB, Tillamook, Oregon. We Rent New KOPP'S BEST ADelicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure The North Paolfle Brewery, nf whl ch beer for domestic and exoort trade.. Bottled brer (or family use or ke g In the city free. North Pacific Brewery ,C. J. TRBNCHARD, Commission. Brokerage. Insurance md SJifppfae. SUPERIOR STEEL RANGES STREET WE ARE SELLING AGENTS iok. . . Aloore's Steel Cooks ClftlOID JUST RECEIVED BOND STREET, n Ninth and Teoth Betwtv Typewriters. Many now improvements added. StH) our latest " No. 2 Smith Premier Typewriter Now Art Catalogue Free . . . L M. ALEXANDER A CO. Kxolnmva l'noillu Coast Dealers 24fi Mark SU, Portland, Ore, F W.M'KKt'IlNlK.UaaJ Agent. Mr. boor KorP I proprietor, make at anny time. Delivery Custom Homm Broker. ' ASTORIA, ORE ACent W. r. AO, ani Paolfle Kzprati Co a. IIOWISON HAY NOT BE COMPETENT Said to Have Expressed Opinions on Santiago Battle. SCHLEY'S RliQULST REFUSED Mary Dtpirlmtat Not to Settle Question ol Cosipcicacy-WIII B Left la Court of lajuiry-SfUry Hack cil'a ttllff. WASHINGTON, Auk. :i -The navy d"paitin:it tliln afternoon gave nu; the rirriiti'i-iirv win Admiral Hrhley, relative opinion. ;a'l -, luv. i-en exprcaae-i iy Admlril Holii, mem ber pf ih- r-mrt if iniiry. Th(, lin ing r-tii-r f Acting Secretary t State ki '.; .ay.'thiit It wmj: pL. Irieg. i !ir for the i avy J'; o heir an I d -termlne question, off a ting the O'linp tMic y f nrmbet of the court and advUm. Adnlri) Schley that tliV quv ' I in f A lin'r. l.m, in'n cmi'e;cin y will W l-ft t. tin- .mrt :t.-lf. Tlii- l:t.-r "f A'I'tilrjl 8 hloy to the I' Jmi tm. Mt nc-:.i-1 a rl!i;lnt fMiii a ll"rin i' wp.ipT wh.T'Mn Almlral If l a i n 1. all-ifl to Iiavo txpn-fni-J I'Tii-n oplnl'ii-a r' tb" Santlajfj -iik.ik-iii tr.. ch! y dkn that the cllp 1'lnu lii- r.'fTi !. t,i a-r-;nin If th.- r' irt -1 iprrnlonii W true. In h'. dual li lt -r l Hrhl-y. Artln f-c-rflnry lUrk'".: my: "TUe Mll""!n,-ni of Almlral HowU in hk a iMIrl mmber of th curt of lixiulry v iuvipt,J .,nlv aftir taking ltr!it pain. t. Irnur ab.olute tlnllty In the officer .rl-cod. Vour re- ti't liitit-1 n a nr-nripjper rllpplng that purvir'a io nntiln utatrmcnta In rirl til th- truth uf whlrh you il no yniK lf xpr'w an opinion. The ile -iar;ni'nt I. un ihli' to .'! your nHjua! In any tithr liifht than that a prelim Itury -!m!l''nse of ihp fltnean of AJ- mlml ll.,v Iwoii t it rrve an a nieuib f the nurt. It will be treatnt la uu.i In nuea of r.iurta of Inuiilry. The .l.-jmr tnu-sit. . 'mln rof!iu:ol tl. tour:, nhoulil nut. at thlx atiiftv of the lr H-efiiitiK. un I'TtaJte to hear and ile- 'nilne tU'illonn '.hat may nrlse r pi--!ln the I'ump'-t'floy of Its iiumbiT, til U"Ktlna ,f thtu nature l"ltiK l'-f to the il PTmlnjt'.on f tho court liei'lf.' P K N N S Y LV A N I A 1 1 KPl' 1 1 Ult' A N "N S V KNT ION A I J( V l N S Judge Pott, r Nomlnited for Suprenv Court Judge Iowa Democrata Nominate State Tliket. IIAHHISItl RO, Pa.. Aug. 21.-The Iteputdlcan etate convention met today to nominate Judge Vllllam M. Poller, of Ilttstiurg. for ruprvme court judge, and Slate Representative Frank C5. Har ris, of Clearfield, for mate treasurer. U w.ia a mint unusually quiet gathering. United Htatea Senatom Quay and Pen Tima and olher party leaJera were ab sent. Judge Potter was nominated by acclamation, aa waa also Mr. Harris, and the convention, at 12 . SO. adjourned. The convention waa probably the briefest In the history of the party. 8TATE TICKET NAMED. Iowa Democrat Nominate Thomaa J. Phillip for Governor. DKS MOINB8, la., Aug. !1.-The Democrat of Iowa In utate convention today nominated the following ticket; Governor Thoma J. Phillips, Ottum- wa. Lieutenant-governor Q. B. Ferguson, Iognn. Judge of the supreme court John Shortley. Dillas. Superintendent of school W'. II. John son, Carroll. Kallmad comndsHloner A, C. Bryce, I led ford. The platform reaffirms the natl nal platform adopted In 1900 at Kansa City and contains a plank on state Issue demanding reformation In taxation laws, repeal of the liquor law and the nactment of the local option law. CAN PnOVE AN AIJItL The Case of Prank Mcllrlde Take a New Turn. 11AKEII CITY. Ore., Aug. I'l.-Tlitf case or rang aiciirme, arresteil yester day by Postal Inspector llenneu and Sinivlnd for evidence tending to con nect him with tha recent postolllje rob bery In Silt Lake, haa taken a new turn. McBrlde sny he has been hounded ever alnc he got out of his difficulty In 1S9S and that he can prove an alibi In this case. ESTATE VALl'ED AT S,000,000. New York Recluse Leave Milliona to an Only Relative. NEW YORK, Aug. 21. Henry Dolan who died In thl city a few day ago, Ii-f; an eiat valu'd at IS.ft'iO.WO. H hn1 no relative here and hla proerty la to ifo. It la umleratoiid. Vt hla niroe Mary U. Defurr -at, of Irving. Marshall ruutity, Kanxiia. She la the dauih:.-r it hi only brother an I la an old woman now with aeveral grown aona and Oaughtora. Mr. Doljn u paar. SO an I eccentric. Il wna alai phllantroplc. the negro- being hi. emiec-lal favwlti-a when It ranie to dlieralng charity and he al ways gave with a free hnd. It I e tlinate,) that he gave away hundreda of Ihounan la of dollar. Mr. I)an for the iojt thlr'y yenra haa lieen a f-clune, living moat of the time at the t'nlon Club, of which organization he haa beei a m-mber alnce 1H03. I'rictlcally all Ma fortune la In New York real--'.ate. HTUIKK HITI'ATION yflCT. Hteel Manngi-ra i'lannlng to Ptart Mill at MKeeport Non-t'nlon. PITTSIirrtri, Aug Sl.-The :e. tr!k. l!a:lon unl-rwent no change tivlay. There waa no rxfnalon of the strike a id rte. minnicru did not at tempt t atart any more mill. Latv In the day flr-H wr lighted In the Ivniml'-r Tin Piate Worka at Mc Keeajmrt, -but the ma'-bliury was not rtart'M and no attemp: made to nper ntr It. I; 1. believed, however, that the move la preliminary' to a aur: with non-union men. The leader on either II- were buny all day, bu: at night fall both aide, aald there was no an-Mnuni-cnietits to mak. rariaaruvxn an n n r ruvvrtarv! nnr UKAVY WIND STOItM. 5 Two IVtaon KMl'-d and UudJlng Wreckel. Many EL RENO. O. T, Aug. II. A special from Anudarko. saya a heavy wind and rain storm swept through the town this afterno -n. All Urge buildings In p:oo-.fa vf construction and a large number of ;ent and amiller house were C blown down. 5 Two ieron were killed and Lmany injured. innanrufjruntnjvrujnrvnm Jt'DfiE ESTER'S DECISION. Chinne B irn In' Hawaiian Is!inds Are American Cltlxens. HONOLfLL. Aug. II, via San Fran-i-lsi-o. Aug. II I'nlted States Judge Eflee has rndered a decision In which he d-tdarM tha; ul Chln-se born in the. Hawaiian Islands are AmerU-an citizens no matter what government they were born undr. Action has been taken in the supreme court here to test the legality of the ln cme tax passed by ;he last legislature. It Is thought by some that If the law la declared unconstitutional an extra ses sion of the legislature may be neces sary to provide revenue. HAY GOES TO CANTON. Confers With the President on State De partment Matters. CANTON, O.. Aug. 21.-Secretary of State John Hay reached Canton this morning to confer with President Sic Klnley on matters demanding consider ation in the state department. During Secretary Hay's stay the president de nied himself to all callers. While the conditions existing In Co lombia and Venetuela were doubtless re viewed by the president and secretary. It is said there Is not any call for ac tion other than has been taken by this government a announced from Wash ington. WILL BET ON SHAMROCK. English Publisher Will Back the Irish Boat to Win for $25,000. NEW YORK. Aug. Il.Wlth $25,000 to bet on the Shamrock II, It Is stated n a cable dispatch to the Journal and Advertiser, an agent of C. Arthur Pear- on, of London, will leave In a few days commissioned to place the big bets that th millionaire publisher wants to make that the Irish boat will win. Mr. Pearson Is Intensely interested In yachting and he studied the Shamrock ery closely while she was being tried u; with the oKt challenger. FATAL STABBING AFFRAY. Two Killed and One Fatally Injured- Assailants Escape. SANTA FE, N. M.. Aug. 21,-In a tight at Fierro, In Grant county, three men were stabbed, two fatally Juan Alninnxa and Alexander White. Juan Mallnda wns stabbed but not fatally In jured. Antonio Lopez and Francisco Sotello, who are charged with the stabbing, es caped. NORDSTROM WILL HANG. SEATTLE, Aug. 2L Charles Nord strom Is to be hanged Friday for the murder of Willie Mason In November, 1891. All hope of an appeal has van ished. . i. , WERE PROTECTED BY THE SHERIFF Arrest of St. Louis Race Track Managers Frustrated. STOOD OFF WITH RIOT GUNS Poc ol Coitublct laablt to Serve Warraati oa Maiajen aad Bookaaktra Track-Ntxrota Mock Ev clletf at Sprlojntld. ST iy.ris, Aug. II. R!.t. guns, a tvywe of c'lnatable with warrants Is sued in fit. Ferdinand township anJ Sheriff H ncken. of 8:. Louis county, played Important part In the local rac ing atiuatl'in today. An attempt on the part of a pom? of cons'ables to serve warrant on the manag-mi-n; of the Delmar trau;k and th(.. bookmakers doing business thereon w as frustrate 1 by Sheriff Henck'n an J hi-, d-jiuti-, who sto-xl off the posae with rio'. guns. At th approach of the poes the sher iff piac'il ail bookmakers and the man agement of the trick under arrest on a charg-- of violating the breeder- law. Betting was immediately suspended. When the p.isse withdrew Sheriff Henc kn released hi. prisoner! and betting proceeded as uuil. MISS WILD'S ASSASSIN. Springfield Negroes Fear That Mob May Be Reformed. SPRINGFIELD, Mo., Aug. Il.-Pierc City is quiet today although a telephone me-wage frcm there aay it would b dajigerous for any of the negroes sus pected of the murder of Mtag Wild to be taken there for a hearing. Spring field negroes fear that the mob at Pierce City may be r-formed an J come here after Lark, the porter, who wa arrested yesterday. The warrant for Lark, charging hlrn with cutting Miss Wild's throat was re ceived here by mall :hl morning, but he will not be given up. Some one posted a notice In the negro settlement last nigh: ordering all blacks to leav SpringfKd by Saturday night, and as a result the negroej are greatly excited. BRITISH BEING RELIEVED. New Commanders Stationed at Pekin Reasons for Not Evacuating. PEKIN, Aug. Il.-The British troops who have been here Wnce last year are leaving and are being relieved by new commands. Three companies of thi Fourteenth Sihks and a battalion of the Sixth Burmah have arrived. Colonel Cary replaces Colonel Alexander as com mander In Pekln. The failure of the British to evacu ate Pekln annoys the Chinese officials. They alone refuse to permit Yuan Shlh Kai's troops to enter Pekln, though only two of the twelve proposed posts are' within the former British section. Chinese officials confess that the rea son given for the court's delay in re turning to Pekln is a mere pretext The excuse Tecently has been the bad con dition of the roads, the heat, the In flrmlty of the Empress Dowager and the desire to celebrate her birthday at Kalfeng Fu. The real reasons are that the powers still retain supremacy in Pekln and vicinity and evacuation has not been accomplished. Chinese censors are becoming obstruc tionists. They have sent several mem orials to the throne, especially denounc ing the Chinese for assisting foreigners who thought their aid necessary In the administration of affairs In Pekln. A RUSSUN VIEW. If Vencxifela and Colombia Go to War Russia Believes We Will Intervene. ST. PETERSBURG, Aug. 21. The Novoe Vremya says President Castro Is evidently desirous of declaring war upon Colombia in or der to strengthen his weakening author ity. What will be the outcome of all this complicated affair It is difficult to say. Possibly war may result after all, between Col i.nbia and Venezuela. In that case we must expect that the Unit ed Slates will not fall to Intervene In this quarrel between two of its neigh bors. A3 PARIS SEES IT. United Stat 's Is Suspected of a Desire to Seire the Panama Canal. PARIS, Aug. 21. The Petit Journal says: The feigned anxiety expressed In the papers of the United States over the Colombian situation only serves here to mask the unmeasured ambition of American Imperialism, this favoring the accomplishment of a long cherished dream, namely, taking possession of the Isthmus of Panama and the half built canal, which the Americans will under- take to finish for themselves and for their own profit. INQUIRY REQUESTED ON ISLANDER DISASTER Mat? Nerouatsos File Report With Captain Oaudln Iceberg Seen by Captain of the Flos.le. VICTORIA, B. C, Aug. 21.-Mate Nerouatso. of the 111-fate.l steamer Isl anor, thla morning filed with Captain 'lau'lln. local agent of the Dominion marine and fisheries department, a for mal report of the dlaistef upin which an Inquiry will be held. Th report I practically t request for an inquiry and contain no new derails beyond giving the exact apot the hlp went down and the estimate of the 1" of life and the number saved. He es timate that the number lost was for-ty-'wo and th number sived lO. An Interesting story was told to one of the paaierger by the captain of the steamer Flossie, which rescued the ur vivorj. He says the Flossie passed over the same water aa that In which the Islander wa wrecked in the afternoon preceding the catastrophe. They saw a low lying Iceberg with the surface ft little more than flush with the sur fice of the s-a. One of the offUerj predicted that It woiiid bring snme of the Skagway lin ers to grief. It is the opinion of North ern navigators tha: the berg which caused the destruction of the Islander w as probably the same one seen by the officers of th Flossie. qrumruTJvuxruvruini STAGE HEI orionuvui rvnp HELD UP. Highwaymen Secure Wells-Far-go Treasure. Box. ASHLAND, Ore., Aug. II Word reached here that the etage on the Ager-Kiamath Falla route waa held up by highway men, ten mile east cf Ager this morning. After securing thf Wells-Fargo treasure box end the United States mail, the high waymen made god their escape. The location of the hold-up was a flat country In a : eigh borhood not hretofor Infested with stage robbers who have ao frequently operated along this C line. KniniiAnAnnAnnjuruinAriruiAf NOTED PRIEST DEAD. Rev. M. D. Lilly, Prominent in the Do minican Order, Succumbs In New York. NEW YORK, Aug. 21.-The Rev. M u. lAiiy, ror more than thirty years father superior of :he Church of St. Vin cent Ferror, Is dead ac his home in this city. He had been blind for the last four vears. He was prostrated by heat early In July and grew worse stead ily. Father Lilly was born In County Fer- manaugn, Ireland, about TO years ago. He came to this country when a young man and lived at Memphis, Tenn., un til he Joined the Dominican order a few years later, at St. Josephs, Perry coun ty, O. W hile still a young man he became president of the Dominican Col lege there. This position he held until he cams here about 1S67. At that time he was made Father Superior of St. Vincent Ferrer parish. When Father Lilly took charge of St Vincent's it was In its Infancy but in his hands It wis built up and extended until it became the extensive parish that it is today. Father Lilly at different times pre sided over the Province, as it Is known In the Dominican order, which includes all the churches of the order in this country west of the Rocky Mountains. GRAND TRUNK WANTS HIM. Deposed President of the S. P. May Re turn to the Canadian System. NEW YORK. Aug. 21. It is reported In railway circles, avers the Times, that Charles M. Hays has been asked to return to the Grand Trunk Railway as vice-president and general manager. LARNED IS CHAMPION. NEWPORT, R. I., Aug. 21. W. A. Larnel, is now the national tennis champion, due to a victory over Neals C. Wright in the final round at New port today, by a score of 6-2, 6-S, 6-4, 6-4 and default of Whitman In the chal lenge round. PRESIDENT HARPER HONORED. CHICAGO, Aug. 21. President Lou- bet, of France, has conferred upon President Hirper, of the University of Chicago, the decoration of the order of the legation of honor. MINISTER TO CHILE. LONDON. Aug. 21.-George A. Lont- er, secretary of the British embassy at Washington, has been appointed min ister of Great Britain to Chile. SILVER MARKET. NEW YORK, lAug. 21. Silver, 584. WAR APPEARS TO BE IMMINENT Diplomatic Relations Between France and Turkey Severed. THE SULTAN BROKE FAITH Pcrsoaat Promise to Pay Dlipotca' Claiau Diarctarded-Frcadi Warships Not " " fader Orders-Eafliad Ap proves Fratca'a Actios. CONSTANTINOPLE. Aug. 21.-The French ambassador, M. Con tans, haa notified the aultan'i first secretary that ail diplomatic relations between France and Turkey are broken "fT and that the ambassador has Informed his govern ment to thl effect. M. Constans communicated direct with the sultan because the latest negotia tions were transacted with the sultan personally. The ambassador Justifies his action on the ground that the sul tan broke his direct, personal promise, given to M. Constan at an audience in the Yild'.s palace, Thursday, regaraing the purchase of the quays and the set tlement of the disputed French claim. Th? foreign minister also rave formal assurances that the agreement would be carried out, so. In view of this -breach. of faith, M. Constans holds that It la impossible for Prince to continue dl-. plomarfc relations with Turkey, : WARRHIP3 NOT UNDER ORDERS. PARIS, Aug. 21-An official of the foreign office said: , "The stories that French warships are under orders to proceed to the Boa- phorus have no foundation." FRANCE'S ACTION APPROVED. " LONDON. Aug. 2L Diplomatic opin ion in London generally approve of the French action toward Turkey. . . OVERTURES FOR PEACE. Rumored Pending Conference Between Morgan and Gompers. NEW YORK. Ag j. 21.-Samuel Gom pers, presileni ft the American Feder ation of Labor, is. it was said In la bor circles la?t right-expJcted; In New York today and St was cima1ntly as serted that Mr. Gompers already bad an appointment to meet Mr. Morgan or that he did mt apprehend any trouble in making one. Terms of peoce, tt Is though:, may be arranged at this n.eet Ing. CALIFORNIA NAVAL MILITIA. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 21.-Th United States cruiser Philadelphia has been assigned for the annual cruise of the California naval mllltla, which num ber abo'il 400 officers and men. BAR ASSOCIATION MEETS. DENVER, Aug. Il.-The American Bar Association opened the twenty fourth annual meeting today with large attendance of members. TROTTERS TO MEET AGAIN. BOSTON, Mass., Aug. 21. Cresceus and The Abbott will inea; at Charter Oak Park, Hartford, September 4, for purse of $7000. ARRIVES FROM NOME. SEATTLE, Aug. 21. The steamship Oregon reached this port tonight from Nome. She had $500,000 worth of treas ure on board. KILLED IN A MINE. BAKER CITY, Ore., Aug. 21.-John Tonkin, of Boise, Idaho, was killed at tha Virtue mine this morning by a cave In. Baking Powder Makes the bread more healthful. Safeguards the food against alum. Alum baidag powAaa are taW yoaltat tnacacm to ksottfa of the potseat day. mm