The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, August 21, 1901, Image 2

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    mi: mokmnc; astokian. wkdnksiuy. Arcjtsr 21. 1001.
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ing Co.M
The Aatoriao guarantee to It adver
Uaera the 1 arrest circulation of any
nwpaper published on the Columbia
Advertising rate can be bad on ap
cacaMan to the twain manager.
San Francisco Call.
A recently issued parlimentary japer
contains the full text of the proclama
tion of Lord Kitchener on August 7.
calli.-g upon all Boer commanders and
leaders to surrender their forces before
September 15 under penalty of being
permanently banished from South Af
rica when captured. The prociamatln
contains the , further announcement:
The cos: of the maintenance of the
f&milies of a'd burghers in the field who
hive not surrendered by Septerob-r 15
shall be recoverable from such burghers
and shall be a charge upon their prp
erty. removable anl immovable, in the
two colonies."
The proclamation is pr.vedd by a
long jtreamble setting f-.r.h rea.vns
which in the Juig.nen: of Kitchener
justify It. Thvse, briefly ...ved are: i
Th Ora-ce Free Sstit an.1 rhj
. - -1 l
Af-'can republic has been annexe-i to j
, . - a h' mijs'y's I
hs majesty dom.n.on. h.s my ,
forces are in complete possesion of ai
the seats of government of the two re
public and of all tiwns and office: a
majority of the cltlxens of the republics,
to the number of 35.000. exclusive of
those who have fallen in war. are either
prlsjnerj or have submitted to Briiish
authority and are living peaceably in
the tc-w-ns of the colonies; the burghers
still In arms have lost nearly all their
guns and are incapable of carrying on
regular war; they continue, however, to
make Isolated attacks upon outputs
and to disturb the country, thus check
ing the resumption of industry; hi maj
esty's government Is determined to put
an end
to a state of things which is
aimlessly prolonging b'oJ.-h-d inl de
struction and inflicting ruin uon a
great maj irlty of the inhabitants."
The pr.-ambie closes with the ar
;:n: "I: is ju-t to prx-?-d against
ci"S... stlil resisting, and especially
ugains: those who, being in a r-o5.:i o-"-of
authrlty. ar? responsible for the con
tinuance of the prnt state of lawfcss-
Therefore the proclamation Is ,
... ..
i.vuva tna; ine comm in mils, ueiu vi- j
nets and other leaders of army ban is
mu.'t surrender by the late name I or
be permattently bani?h'd.
The d-s'gn of the proclamation is -f i to get up ten or twelve times In the
; nijrh: anl had severe backache and
course to bring the war to a speedy ml. Da;ns in the kidney. Was cured bv Fi
Vlrtually It amounts to a w arning that W Kidney Cure. It's guaranteed.
; Hart s Jrug store,
her- af:er the Both w ill not be treated
as prisoners of war. 'It is an open dec- ! U your wife worried bause she ha
:. pay such big b url a: the seis-hor?"
lirati in of a de-.ermmat.on on the par. ..0n no. (. tn., tnat; jUt he worn
of ;h British to conquer at all hajsards. herself almo-n sick for fear sne Isn't
ea'-n?; hr m m-y's vorth." Phllad-I-and
from the tenor of the discussion r,ja Bulletin
concerning the advisability of arming
the blatk3 to help on the conqu-s: it
secerns more than probable that :f the
Boers still continue the struggle :hey
fa a fight conducted according o the
severe.t method known to the wars cf
any period.
The burghers have already proven ifce
truth of Kruger's statement that tley
could not be conquered except at a cost
that would "stagger humanity."
Kitchener's proclamation n I the men
ace of an uoriclng of the blacks add
additional blows to those l.?t have al
ready stagg-red the humanity of the
civilized world. To many of the Boers
the threat will of course be an Idle one.
They would prefer banishment to sub
mission to British rule, and as th'-ir
property has been alr-aly destroyed
they can suffer no further loss !n that
ivav. Thev will, however, have to corv
"ider not themselves but others, and
thit consideration may make oma of
the bravest hesitate. The crisis in the
war has bepn reached, and it remain
to be seen how the valiant defenders f
the llb?.-tl;s of South Africi will me-: it
Tacoma Ledger.
On the door of the main office of
"Cm King" Phillips of Chicago I? a
notice slating In effect that the mon
arch Is out of business, and a throne to
rent. Philips has failed, as was Inevi-
table. He had a brief cYreer. oxelted
the envy of the thouKhtlf, and now
lie pf from th seene.
The tru'h I Mia; bu:no I uu;mv.
anil gun 'titan In (train is not bu-!n
Tie man who jfula:r In that whloh
jhe il i n : o '. ivuld n t pay "or, and
ooulJ no: oM tin if he had the prioe. I
bound lo me; ili.ater. Nobody oare
how joon lie meet. l .iv that he t
likely '.a involve a lot of su.-ker. i.w
,f :.,,, :nn,vvnt to .Wrve ri:y
' The orditu
linarv ox.sten.v of ;he preen:
day :s a scrimble for money. No objiv-
t!on can arl- to the yuovess of any
man who n.'iu:ros rtv:i:ly 'ha; for
vhleh all hi. fellow cntenl. Let h'111
produce something, bui'.d. manufacture,
carry, buy or e:i. When a man ha
no carlta! but hl- nerve. It is an Irritat
ing spectacle to !ee him wiel.1 uch
jsiwer In the financial world that, the
market change at hi wink. The bak
ers who excitedly transfer large
amounts of grain for the moe; part nev
er saw grain, never had title to a bushel
of '.t, and. so far a their customers are
concerned, are performers in a howl
ing farce. Of course, commissions fat
tin them, and these commissions are
what they are after. The small-fry
dealers have no more right to be dispos
ing of corn anl nheit than they would
have to monkey with shares I:; the
Marti'n canal.
I: Is time to get down to a solid ha'.
AVhen a man accept a certain price f -r
a bushel of corn he ought to htv, the
corn, anl no; a vague po.b'.l:ty of be
ing able to so bear the price as lo se
cure the grain aftorwarls a. a protit.
There is too much wind in th m olern
commercial s. rhi'.l.r- float
ed into) n?:orl"y on a g'.ist of it. and
when it die) away tore '. n v.hins
fr him t d but 1 1 e-iiap-ie.
n - ..-..r.t . .... .i, v.. m
W "---u '
I friends of M. A. H'KUT Of Islington,
w!v;-, Tey s,w h "as turnini
yell-iw. Hi skin slowly changed co;
aad he .u(rerei terrl
co.- I
al,t h: pvs. ano ne pun-p-J iin-
bly. His
mftladl T3 Jiundic. wa. suffer ng m -iyv
eated by the bwt d-xtor. but ctmmene -d aklnc K-1. '" .'";
neflf. Then he was edvhvd ! I to v-ra. b ' tie. an 1 raa
letrie Bitters, the wonderful IU anyth ng. Kixtol nP2
t i. ..t .i vsicure is the only prep.trat. On cntaning
He wis treate.i
without benefl
to trv Ele:ri(
Stomach and Liver remedy, and
ltet "After taking two by tie 1 '
. whtlly curd." A tnai prove l
:ohls mnt for all Sumach. Liver
aaid" Kidney trouble. Only 50c. SoljjEUS. Druggist.
The p-vt sighed, a p-vets do,
"If all my dreams would but coma true:
'Tw-ouU be a sorry lot. n deubt,
Hnless fate cu: :he n!eh:mares nut.
Washington Stir.
At the same time It Isn't safe to rely
Iheavliy on Professor Tr.ggs' juigment
of poetry. He said. "The Prairie Dog"
was doggerel." Chicagj Tribune.
How did tee b-ard-j w-. man take
it v.-he: the nnnager d.schirg-l h-r
-Sh- fa.- 1 i; i.k- a mm until she wen'.
m the d"es,r.g r . -nt and go; hr raif
v.-,-k-.-r. "f. thep she l.r ke 1 iwn an l
r: 1 like a w,.min." Phiiai -'piiia I.ui-:-'-:in.
fs- B.inn-r Salve, the great heal-r.
If euarant-el fir cuts, wounds, sores,
;ii-s anl ail skin -!iae.. Use no
ub:itu'e. Hart s drug ft -re.
A skit I un! -rs a--! that
who tr .ate 1 he ' . . -. f,'
f lun Is
1 to be,
n.t so pror-ro. a- 1:
lanl has h.-w-hirj-d
st of hi
T-llit Yes. h-'s livin-' eft h;s hands
r.'iw. Haltirn re .trwrii-an.
A. R. Biss, of M rgintuwn. Ind.. had
Sometime a fortune, but never, if
you bare a sallow complexion, Jittn
dlced look, moth patdbeg and blotche
on the skin, all sign of Livsr '.''rouble.
But Dr. King" New Life Pill .
Clear Skin. Rosy Cheeks, Rich Com
plexion. Only 2So at Hart's Druf
The non-union movement continue
in the courts. The usual number of
husbands and wive applied for divorces
Oscar Bowman, Lebanon, Ky., writes:
"I have been using Foley' Kidney Cure
and tak great pleasure In stating It
irave me permanent cure of kidney dis
ease, which certainly would have cost
rne my life." Take nor.e but Foley's.
Hart's drug store
And still we moan in f ite'g rude clutch,
Whatever may befall.
Of rain we either get too much
Or els- get. none all.
Washington S:ar.
A. II. Davis, Mt. Sterling, la., writes:
"I was troubled with kidney complaint
for about two years, but two one dollar
bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure effected
a permanent cure. Hart's drug store.
I: is not to be womb-red at that the
Filipinos r-fiie to lay down their arms.
There ate Jii'tO polleem-n in Manila.
If he'd had Itching piles. They're ter
ribly annoylnar; but Bucd?n's Arnlr-a
Kalva will cure the worst cae of piles
on earth. It ha cured thousands. For
Injuries. Pains or Bodily Eruptions It'
the best aalve In the world. Price 25c
a box. Cure guaranteed. Hold by
Hart's Drug Btore.
O. O. Buck, Ifelrne, Ark., aayat I '
troubled with ct'rwtiptUoa until I bu,rlii
IteW.t.'a U;tl Karly Kacra. Since
then have been entirely cuivd of my old
complaint. I recommend them, OltAS.
ItO-iKKS. IVuKgiat.
Irat' I'lHtottier I've brought thl
oam: back. You told me I: former
masor hal taugh I; to talk, and It
d.- -..'thing bin sit ti day and v ggle
lis toes' nil rlhl. It
u d ,o VI. ng to ; -leaf and dum man.
- Thiladolpiua It.cord.
If the nc:'.o: of your Iv.woU no!
easy and regular .rlius istmplVttUm
mist l :h. Una! result. IteWitf Utile
Karly Kner will remove this danger.
Saf p' anl effective. 0I1.VS.
KitttKK. Orucnit.
0ar Nlcholis silll l.wks a son, but he
has the consolation of knowing that if
hi trib- of beautiful daughters keep
on Increasing In Jus time he will be
p.tpa-in-law io haif the royalty of Eu
rope. J.vne White Bryantsvllle. Ind.. at
IVWlt: Witch Haiel Ailve honied
running i trv' w btth letca. Me had
suffur..! a.x year IXtctor filleJ to
hip him. ( IteWttfa Ac-ait; do Im
itation. CHA3. IXJraiS. Dcufgt.
Toung Mr. Bevcrldge 1 In Tekln. but
as he Is not to take part In the dlcus
Un of the protocol hi presence will
scarcely cause any eriou delay In the
sisning of that divument.
Hrutloo. cut. oitids anj tore rf
all kind quickly healed by IteWItt
Witch Haael tfaSve. Certain cure f'
pil. Beware f cxunterfe4:. Be ure
you get th original lWl:t'. CHAS.
RtX'JKRS. Prugglft.
The independent cracker maker are
going to form a c.tntblne of their own.
Ttiey neei a p;ece of the blcult.
Mr. S. H Ailport. J 4in:own, Ba..
ays: "Our little g'rl almost '.iarigle.
to ilea: h wl:h croup. The d vtor a.Ud
she couldn't live but he was In'tantlv
relieve) bv it--,. Mtnnt Cough Cure."
C1IA3 Itiv-.EU."?. Prugrt.
i tr
n : si in vlern. af:er all.
A;Im. II; hell up ttie
In easjs of cr-uo g:ve the little ones
On Mlnut- Couch Cure. Thn teat vay
an I have n ' f-ir. I- n - ver fail. liens.
ant to tak. a'wav safe, sure an) al-
most Inst m'an hi in effect. CHAS,i
Jt'M'iEItS. Prugg-.l,
0--v-rn r Ya- of Iiiinois h.u fir -d
ail the mmb r of the stat d-n'a! !
bnir-1. I th to be tak -n a an int. ma- I
don tiC'ien'l It iweyeit tha: l'I'k J
... lb., -h., II., e -ne nln.. I r
,',, p ' ' '
I V.
Ait.: "I
. i. 4 o.
hen I
11 the natural dtg ive fluids, t g.
stom.r-hs entre re, re , , in
natural condition. CM A is. IUK-
C.eneril Kitehen-r is "gad lt be able
to report" tha: h kt'd-1 thirty-nine
H.v-rs laa- weeit. When Colonel It ms5
velt reports from the scetv of slaught
er ii "'..I rid 0-n-ral Kitchener will
look I ke 5 .-ents' worth of ea:
ft-on't be sat!sfl.l with temporary re
lief frtm Indigestion. Kodol I)yp-ps'a
Cure permanently and completely re
moves this complaint. It re'.levej i-r-manentlv
tvo.utse It aiioivs th" !lrl
stomach terf--t rest. Dieting won't
rest the stimieh. Nature ---cele iip-
r-ii-s from the (ml w- eat. The sen
sible way to h-'p the stomtr-h Is to I
ue ry;e:.:a, Cure, wnlch l
j ge.-ts what you eat anl rani lie.p but:
.1) yu g m. '. i i .ri. iti "jr.r..t, i-iui.-B'-'t.
The b .y In n.-curally at:ra.-t-l i
the attention of th- svnipa'he ie man.
"What's h ip'-en-l. my I. .y?" the litter',
a-'k-l. "I'erb ip- I i an h-lp you." "I j
-; a o'lirt r." an-"-- i" I in- i
wh-n I go horn- I'll K-t li'-ke-I for it." 1
"i i h . ..;!: d -n't ry." r-turn--d tne !
svmp,ith--c man. "Here's .vio'.hr qaur- ,
ter. II .vv iil you !.. ih- first 'in '"'
"M itching," pnimptly r-;'!ied th'- boy. (
"I have no !u k at all." Ch.cago '". j
"IVoth my children wre 'ak.-n with
whooping cnuKh." writ- Mm O. K.
fmtton. of Danvtlle. III. "A small bot
tle of Foley's Honey and Tar cured the
cough in I saved a doctor's bill." Hart'
Irug store.
The maid n lily in Orange. N. J.,
who eol.-bra-el her 1'Vith blrthdiy last
week furnishes a striking object lesson
as to how ins gniflcant and unnecessary
is man.
Mr. DanM Bantz, Otterville, la., says:
"Have had asthma and a very bad cough
for years, but could get no relief from
the doctors and medicine I tried, until
I took Foley's Honey and Tar. It gave
me Immediate relief and done me more
good than all the other remedies com
bined. Hart's drug store.
The fate of the mosquito should be a
warning to the fly and other Insects
which hibitually dine upon strapyhllc
ccccl and other sesquipedalian microblc
Wa. Ttan, ot Lima. O., obtained ex
cellent renulta from tost use of Foley
Kidney Cure. "It relieved my back
ache and severe pain over the hip. It
toned my system add gvve me new vim
and energy. It l an honest and reli
able remedy, a ure cure for all kidney
aisea-eg." Hart' drug store.
Some people don't get Higlon until
hev lose everything ele.
High living, Intemperance, exposure
and many other things bring on Bright'
disase. Foley' Kidney Cure will pre
vent Brlght's dlneane and all other kid
ney or bladder disorders If tak'm In time.
Be sure to take Foley's. Hart's drug
The strike of the garment maker -f
N--v J. rsev ha h'ert M ttl -i, and resi
dents of that state can now thl ,k of
the future and Its posHibillt.e vithou.
"Our little daughter had an almost
fatal attack at whiplng oough and
bronchltta," wrlteg Mr. W. K, Havl
land, of Armonk. N. T., "but, wVm all
other remedb-ii failed, we saved ber life
with Dr. King's New Discovery. Our
niece, who had Consumption in an ad
vanced etage, also used this wonderful
medicine and bJay iie l pftrfw.-tly
well." Desperate throat and lung dt
easea yWd to Ir. Kinff' New Discov
ery a to no other medicine on earth.
Infallible for Oough and Cold: He
and tl.00 bottle gaaraataed by Harr
Drug StoraTrtal bottlaa free.
'.' Lay-v im!i C r. .
1 1UII1 T (.11 IWIIJ) JUUIUi
I'lihapy Marriages T.'ia
Sulci te
To the foreigner, the lisatlort
of 1'h'n.i Is a mass of c M.t.a bcllom.
Wl.h their expr. siv ly f i inal cHnilotte,
the Chinese can Iv brutally rude; witii
ltelr classic exhor: illons li.-ne:y, (lw
bribe is a potent force with the coolie
and the mmdarlii alike. While the
mother of son rule the empire, whi.a
she Is reverenced and obeyed as long u
she lives, yet for woman 1 1 the abstract
the Chine? have little respect.
On the other hand, while crime
against their ex are usually followed
by suicide, the rvil wife for th,. funda
mental law of China recognise but one
valid marriage frequently Induce her
husband to receive Into the family a
hi secondary wife Ihe dlo!utc woman
upon whom she know lie l miimndcr
Ing his mean. Thl arrangement af
fected, the new arrival t econtes the ser
vant of the number one wife, and any
children that may be bo'n are entirely
und-r her control.
Female children are not d -sired In any
Oriental country, and, a In In lui. Chi
nese wive offer sacrifice to the tiol
d ef Mercy that son may Iv vouch
safe them. The ilestruo.lon of female
ehiMre-l I rather ,'ll iliy, .1 fli
i in
putrsh-'-l, an am nig the hiin lr
girl in the .-r.-hati asvluin o!
I he
Kri nuns in I'ekln the m a.e:
numlKT who vver.. r s. iie ! hit I b.- n ex
pes ' I in the streets and tl.M to perish.
Tl-e-re is on- cee..ti..i ;o -he g-n-r il
1 sftv -r wi.h vth'ch g:r! are p-i iri -l.
and thl is wlier- ma!, chi! Iron only
hive frevlouslv I- en b-:n When :';i
is th- cie a daiu-h -er is dere I. and
she Is ft;- " lr mu it Indu'g d
in 1 po.l 1.
A.r!' edac,t ! n : v t v m-.u-r-'. 1 1',1
l"S miriiige. wln h o.cir it tie-
ace or II : - V, at'
h.-r ho-is-h .11 or-
flei.'.-lt .ec lj. ttl Hi.
amp', s. h uv-v.-r,
r hi it he ir s of
.up;-- d to b- suf-Tii-
:'e h.iv-- ben i -
wli- r- .mihiioin on I
cit-v er sir'. fo-rli ue
er v i-f in J It '.
ii.vr studs- Iti lift
n d th it. In the
mi- n eh 'Is. her- ire j.r !!. of
'-.) li g i mani .f the girl sati n'
h-.w-lnj i.-tniekU.I. aptitude. -rang-ly't. in m tth-m itt.-s anl the n a '
Wh. a chl I I born :he frl ndi unl
Ma Ke a-e notttl i and gift are pre
'ntil. The s.-X of :h - . hi J deermbi.
the valu of th-- pr-s-nt'. nr.- of.
mu. h lt v ilu- shmiid th. .iill I lie ai
le.iu-'U -r.
c.irl. ar, tingit: ti s--vv and .-mhr 1 1- ,
r. and, am oig :h- po-r. t i r. k. t- wa 1 I
:he '.i-men;j -vith cotom f r winter, :-'
r -m -v :h- -.valine In th -.prim- an I't
th- ; i-hmg f -r summ r Miili..nJ !
..f th-- lee r . las-- h.iv.-" but one, .r
a: m. 'w . "uit "f .-1 . thtt
:h pr-OiI-Tn ' i r -n il .-leinl'n I
i n w h -.-. hi a th -y i i n-.;
:h-mlv. ;irl uu w.-rk
fl-1 Is. h-'p t-'th-r th,. . r
t'le !
r .. . t
ir itiek .in I
crass ind vv ij f r fir-
fowls. ,i:id. .-i
light "f a 'in
ri.oth-s..l'- 1 -Ol
in. r and vv i n
Tin- w--m-n
itni'-h at : ti 'i .
:h f if- .v I - h
ti ni:. I y
il lump,
vvhi.-h are
th- f. .-!.!
make ih--worn
tin - ri h
i th-r t"
thi. k. o
r ri ;,iy
l-tt pa ni g
l.le .'"It nf
bismuth, tlntiig th.. ii:--ks anl lips a
v'vld r-1 with .-.irmln . Th-y al pi'
mil il .Tt.-nti.iri' to th -ir eyebrow .
which. d-!ira--ly anh.-d and p-lnte
and shape ik- th- willow l-af. the
Chln.-e conl h-r a m irk ..f .-Jp.-
b'-autv. Th'-v aUo play unnn tnui al
Pm' mm. -tits and. .is In the days -.f the Night', ar- en'
f ssi. nnl tnry teller,
man--., an 1 by th-vrl bv
r.-id-r of ro-
al perf'.rmiin. e
in their private -h'-i-.-rs. They vlit on
ly on :.. o'-c'islnn. eiiei-lally at th
New Y-ar and th-n s-t out In cart or
sedon chair loa b-d !..vvn with rleh gar
ments of silk, brocade nnd fur, whl.h
they rnus: be urg'-l to remove, one aft
er the oth'-r, until the proper un W-r-dress
is revealed. In addition to this,
the woman att'-nlnnt bring other gar
ment of great richness, which are be
stowed about upon chairs and stools
for Inspection, to be carried away ngaln
when the visitor return home. At these
ceremonious visits Inrge quantities of
tea re drunk and swe i-meats consum
ed. The two dreaded ord'-al to which Chl
ne. girls look forward with more or
less appr.-hensl m, are foot binding and
marriage. Foot binding Is not so uni
versal as is gn.-rally supposed; nor Is
It confln-d to the daughters of the high
er class. The Manchu. to which race
the empress dowager and 'he eourt of
ficials and the military classes belong,
have n'-v-r observed the --ns.-les cus
tom. P'K-ts nnd nov -lists have prais-d the
stunted feet, comparing thorn to "gold
en lilies," and the hobbling gait whh h
follojvs lh crippling to "the swayli.g
of lill-s upon th'-lr stems." It l ex
tremely diflli ult for Chinee of the
hlgh.-r classes to llnd husbands for th'-lr
daughters whoe fee: luv.- attained th '
natural slz". It i thought that wormn
who delre itnm.'ilmed f'-et are ai-:uated
by no honorable motive; th- crlpollng
mtiklng It difficult for th -m to go about
and keeping th'-rn more clos -ly at home
than would be the case If ih'-y had full
u' of the stunted nv-mber.
At the same time, bound-foot wom-n
may be seen tolling in ih. field, enrry
lng heavy hurdi-ns poor oppressed
drudges, who frequently end th'-lr lives
by opium or 1-ap ng Into the wells.
Marriage Is wholly problematical, be
Ing arranged by the omnipresent go-
!:. , The huba J and wife dt n.-l
j see .Mill other- unit Hie veil Is raised.
I when the b:.,. ni ght from ii, r
;'dan chair and U c-mduv te I lo h,-r
'chamber in the bridegroom lions -.
i l'nm ''"'-l!'! -'" U , olirrontel will
, "''' P"wtbl!lty of :ifelon iinhapi In-, a.
a w.fe. should .-'In- fall have a mi
The lire lH e. n(tall p Hi! u.-hal.
IViugho-rs are e;v,-te.l to It iv,- h. ir
parent' li 'iio-, to return eiy for l ite
and brief vlsi,. They mno, nf;er iiini
riage. to belong to their piirett:' fam
ily, n t even returning to take pan in
the funeral ceremonies.
Son bring their wives home, but are
assigned to separate apartment within
the common court. Over the !i u lt d In
of th- moth -r-ln-law
rules with a rod of Iron, the dnntht-i-In-law
are practically her -ric. they
are no: permitted ti lt or talk in her
pre-n.-e and inus: p-rform n ha ever
task he algn them between
husband anl wife ns It .v: atno g
Chrlilan v.iple is utikniwn In China,
and It I a subj.vt that It l n -t coivid-er.-d
decor u . dleu..
A Clnnee ladv once ak -I an Am-ii.
ca-i "why she li.-r hub.n I "
Sh,. r- p'u-,1 simply: 'lie i m.- I l,n.-.
j him." a'd the tlanai -:i wa f.llo..'.l
! by deal sll-n.-e and prof mn I .m'-ir-
jrae-nen: am tii h- Ch'u in.i'ron
' prej,-.-.:.
I ".'re II IV lie -it
ti i!
. vamp.
i uh 111 I
il ..f a
iff .1 : h.
Sh.. h i I
of real at: i. hut it
.-in I i if.-. Th-K a s-.-ry
ning it- in vv h w ;f.. h i l
v! s'lk . of h -r m -t'i -r-'.ti-l i
I" en an . tnbrol b-r-r .m 1
it-: ivv c --I 1 .-tit ii I
t i in ik ii f mi-
:h- ' , f u hi ! ir - H ud
hi IVV II li ' I .. -I ! -1 !lg ,i!.
iii I vv lit -I .-gti! nil u:i I ;
li fllietl ;., -,-. p ,f ,
i-', a -I in id.- "li -i n g it.
''!. w.f. -f h- I -a.- -eil.'..
h ti -
Th. 1
0 ti-o-t '
"..!- or
ling. I"
'. i. ..h
ba-k to
r-f'.i '.
1 i. k u
mi , i.l- h
IP !
it hlcli a
1-, I. I.llt
tig. V! ' I-
ii n.n-.
1 !. r
v -r, MiCv
t ike h-r
'i-.v.ii ;.i
htl ' ui. I
in . Hi--i--
i the un-
in i-v,
mp. 1
VV hi
If. h
he HI'U
11. Ill .0
h -.
i , r 'ii !-
h'r fam !v
i.U-lil'l I'
It. jnl I:
J in n to
li-enliv i ni
i writ! n 'avv "-.a- ti
.V ! ' h thl. l-litlltl'.l e
1 ll e. I.i i . i to " i;
. ill .i-t'S in 1 a'.
, ' ' iv .'lie :.", ii-iha;
is th-- m i . . ttini
tr.-g -d!-. Hun !r-.
mat.-l, -ni their II
, P-ki.i al 'n - N-vv
oi must Interfere
i : of -tig' i
, .'.Ml Mlg IV ell. It ,if
h- from ktn.-f aft-r
in t airi.iK
n . an . ..f u. h
f vv v. . I: N , I
.i" v-ry v.-ur In
V..rk tfun.
'AfCIlT I i I r5 M n.s THK li.Y
Vet.-r i:t It iv
W rt ila'f M our
: "f :
II i I
' T.n w
ha'f ml in e .in I
h ip-
.'... f. .-iv: y I ive: hid in
P- ri. " s il 1 .in ..1 I .I.-- : i
in v
I" I In hii way:
'i h i I I ti hunting for a w. -k for a
'' i f vv : i i ii ii tn ii.- ih n i n I of ;i 'U-
10. .11 1 .1 VV .1 , C. ,t il a lot of ie..i,e,
pr .p.-:tv. an I I g if him l. it.-. .tie .if.
trim ti In a biisin Imli II g li.ii
, r- ei til.- lbs tl ...r and ..III. above,
In wh.. h h.' d b '-n m.ikiiig. In a small
j w iy, s.i!ii,. pr cty go i I haul. I foil ea -.-1
him "V r th building and tl tin il y
1 vt'i; him l iwn on t!i" tbiti llo .r, and
! hod g..t myself le tw'.-i him anl the
! stairway, and I didn't ' how he was
' i-..-1'.iy going to g-t away. mil s., a
I s ud :.. myself. 1-k ng y. h- jum,..-1
i (.it- i.f :h'' wind w.
I "l!"t by the great sn.ik tC That' . x-
i. tly what he ill I. I'd got him in a hall,
w here ih.-re was no escape, exc -pt by
a window at the front en I oj-enlng on
th" r reel, and I thought all I had to do
was to walk up and nail him. And I'd
g t within fifteen fe-: of him. smiling
to mys-lf w h -n, looking back nt me,
Just one- more, away he went! He
Jumped cl'-im out of the window,
"To certain death, I thought or a
general smashup of broken leg and
arms and ribs, anyway, fin) It was a
very uncomfortable sensation I had
there for about half a minute, thinking
of losing my man after a week's search
and after g.-lting so close to him, too,
and of losing him In that way, Smashed
to death by Jumping out of a window
while I was after him, and I rushed for
ward to look down and put my head
out of the window Just In lime to be
hit on Ihe under bl of the J iw by the
top of his head, coming up from below
with for.-,, enough t i shut my Jiws to
gether In n way that pretty near kn s k
el my teeth out.
"Automatically and InstnntaneoiHy
I r aied down with both hau ls, on.- ,n
.ith.-r sid ' of the man's head, and seize,
hlrn by ih" shoulders nnd hung on, and
th-n I liftel him a lltil- and drigg.-d
him In ovr the window sill ba. k Into
the hall, and pul the bracelet on him.
I'd got hlrn aft-r all, and unhirmeil.
"And of course It win perfectly sim
pl -. There was a spring w.igo.i back'-d
un ov.-r the si'Iwalk lo the front door
fif Ihe store on the griund Hour, which
was directly under lb" hall window, and
rny mm, inking (my chanc f,,r free
dom, and with all but one chance n a
thousand of Jumping to his ile.ilh, had
la il d on (hit spring wagon lth force
enough to bound him back up Into my
band." N-w York Hun.
t'arne Nation's husband having sued
for divorce, the 'rad'-l ins of Ihe house
.rf David, which h.ivr seem'-d to be for
gotten, tio.v K-m llk.iy lo be vindicat
ed at last.
SLPaul, IVututb.MImieapolls.Clilcuso
and All Point Kn:.
KgCALEB, Thr-ugh Palac, nnd Tourl: ,le.-pcr,
ItiiUng an Buff: Httie king
Ubrary Car..
TU-kel lo point, Fit v a Portland
and the Ureal Northern By . "it nale
' . It. N. Tleke! itlM v. Astoria,
or ilret Northrrn Tu-kt t title
For rates, folder and full Information
reg it-Hug llamern trip, call ,r j.
A ' lillNNISl'.'N.
City Pass nil I Ticket Ag--f. ''.in I
lluxuiious Th
Th,, "Nor:hw'tern I 'm!' d" train.
': t.-lo light.' I thr-'UKlt 'u'. I' ''h 'n'de
and .'tit. a-i I --.un he it.-.. at.- with
tl! exception, the rlnest ti.tln in the
we'll Til-v etltb.ilv the litest, Irtr.t
tut p.-: i p is t t .'"tin hi, i otiv'.-ni .. .
and luxury v er offered the 'ravelbng
t'lililie. anl nl.ogeth.-r ir- the m i
'oiiiple'.. ali i "i-l-.'ii l:, pr.. Inetl ..I ,f ;h
e lf bull let' art.
T !. , 1 ni'.! T a "
Celine,". With , . ..
The (iret Northern
The Norticri Ttdfli' imt
The Ciili ruifk
IhlCAd mi the CAST.
No xtr,l chart r if ?! s ii'-n.-r
a. 'iiini'V bit. ,m and all ,,f :1k-
: lira kvaliAlii.' for iiite .ti !hi
train on -hi line aro prite t el by the
ln:erl.N'ktng H.-Jt f-y..-m.
i.-iierl Ag'llt. T.-jv i-illlg .vg't.
Portland. I r. -n
I Dept. Hhttb nnd
Leave I I 4trl
I Overland Uxpres
I Trail fr Salem,
I, Ann.
I Un. hnrainat.
7 .W i ut. tgen. tUu Fran- $ II a nt
.in-, Mcjave. La
I Aligele. Kl Tan.
J 3 a ml New rtrUniua un f .no t m
the IjlH.
At Wa4kurn
(dally i'Ktl Huti
Jiivl mrntn
train onec witn
triiln fr Mt. Au-i.-e,
r r v 1 1 I e,
Harlogteli, nnd
Natrsn, and even
lag trala far Mt.
Augei and miv. r-
I7:1 a-inl ('rvlll astsiien-
er. .
114 50 .m Hhertdan en-
':2f.a ra
HuHy except Hui'dv,
ItWt ticket an anl ftween Fart
land, Kncrni(U ti4 Ban Francluc.
Nut rat tU nrt (liana aad 111 ernd
clan. Innludlag Mfpw.
flute and tick la Uantrn lnt
lid I0ure. AIM Jatn, l.tiln. IID
lulu and Australia. Can be tbtain'd
frm J. B. KlrkUnl. Ticket Agent, 134
nilrd Street.
I'mweng-.r deKi foot of Jefferon Ht.
Iz-avc for Uweg,, dully at 7:20,
a. in.; 12:30, I f.. 3:2&. 6:16, (tlfS, HOC.
11. W p. m. ami (1:00 p. m. on Hundity
only. Arriv at FortUind dally nt :35,
:, 10: SO a. m.; 1:36, 3: IS, :, (:W.
1 iii, 10:00 p. m.; 12:40 a. m. dally ittcept
Monday; 8:10 and 10:46 a. m. on Bun
lii-ave for Dollii dully except rtun-
, day at 4:10 p. m. AniVo at l'ortlnd
at 8:30 a. m,
I'uMitenger train leave Dallu for
Alrlee Monday, We.lnen.lay nnd Frl
'lav at 2.46 p. m. Ilelurn Tu.-iduy.
Tliuradaya ami Saturday,
Kxcept Surwlay.
It. KolJII I.IOIt, ManaRer.
Oen, Frt. and I'a. Aft,
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
Tills pruparatlon oonUlnM all of Mm
diKU'intH U'fl cIIrchU all kk(l (if
f(Mi. It Rives Ionian! rellnf and never
falls to cure. It allow you to cat all
the food you want. Tb niotHcnnJUve
Btomaelw can take It. Hy lu utte many
tbouftantlfi of dyHpoptl'tf have been
cured afu-mverytlilnK cine failed. It
la unequalled for allstoiuacb troubles.
It can't help .
but i you 4
ppurudmly WytfJ. UWjw4c(lo.,OlilutO
For Bale by OHA3. ROOBR9, Druggist.
llFniCTtVK JULY I, llNit.
IJJ-AVK Wri.11 lanmvR
it in a in I I'orlUuT I'll an l'.-i j to a hi
.o.vpni Kur Alti mnl Wt u iu u tu
. I. I Pullila
ll'HI fur l'..'ulu,l ,ii. w .y
Sill pin IVtllla
II K lit.
1 1" mi p tu
I il'-!)! Ut
A.lorl lr W.rrriu.iii,
i.i-srhul and 'k-I
. Ill i
II nu I
a v p u i
loan ut
il Mf M
i Ii'im
I .tu p m
7 .u p ni
li hi
ti t in
J .Hi
UI in
hx!, fiw WirrviiUia
ml A-iUifl
I tally aoopt BAturday.
II Utturday only.
Tntln learn Astoria for PUvel. Ham
mond and rnrt Htvn u I II a. m.
and t W p. in. dally. av l-'ort Ht
vu for Aaturla 1M a, iu. uj p.
m. ,UUr.
All train niAk elo ronn.oilon at
i ).ible with all Norttiero IhuHdo tralu
to and frvxn lh I jt aad Moun I potm.
J. C. AlATO,
Oen'l Freh and Pniir Arnt.
..Portland - Asliria liule..
Dolly Hound Trit exeat Hundy.
Lave P..rtUii4
Iare Astnrla .
I m.
ThiMtigU Por.UitJ (vot:n with
toniwr Nah.K,: from Diriu and Long
W.i-h lnl.
White Collar Un ticket iBierchsng.
ale with it. It ft .N, Co, and V. T. C.
T'd"ph.ti Dock. Telephmio HI.
rictf r noun i
Vancouver, Cixade Lwks. St. Mar
tin's Sprints. Hod River. White
Silmon.LyleinJTne Ddiltj
Iav Portland ...
Arrive Th lulln..
Isav Th ltll..
Arriv IVirtiitnd ...
.. i f. M.
.. i I'. M.
1 1". M.
t 'Huh.tay Trip I-adlu F.-lure.
tThl Home hat Ui Uri,.b't ,H.-nlo
Attraction on l-'Jtrth.
JOHN M. FILL00N. Agt The Dalles
A, J.TAYL0K, A;i- Astoria
I PHATHt R4 HARM I S. AflS HnolRlver
IW0LF0RD I WVtRS, AflS. White
! Salmon
J C- WYAIT.Aet Vincou er.
E. W. CRICHTON. AKt- fortlonvJ
Saair Line
Union Pacific
(TIJiK WTKlfO- ; '"'W
tPrt UlaMS Arrlva
Fnun Furtl d
Portland fbtk IUa.Dver.
f!prta! Kt. Wovtht Oma
Wa. m. ha, KaonM Cttr 4:t0 p. m.
via Hunt- fit. I, Cbkrnc
ijton and lat.
Atlastl Halt Lafc,tar
Bxpraa Ft, Warth. Oma-
t:M. m, hn, Kanui City, 1: 10. n.
via Hunt- rtt. Lavta, Cbtoar'
tottton and Iduwt.
WidDa TVaft.
Bt. Paul fowlMton, Boo.
Put mail kiuv. Mtonaaaolli
( p. m. Ht. Paul, Duliith 7:00 a, m
via Mllirmikeft, Chl-
8pokan anK and Kartt
72 hour from Portland to Oliloag.
No Cliantfo ot Cmk',
dffua AtoHa
All S!hot Sat I
oh4 Ot to ohtint'
7 a. ta.
uViniAti Hhrar
1 ai, m.
Tn Portland and
Btamnor NiUicotla laave Aalorla on
tfcln dl)y fur Ilwaoo, oonnaottnc titer
with truiik for Itnif nianh, 'flora and
Moirt Beouli point. Hnturnlnf arrlvr
at Aajorla auie ayqping, ,
o. w. LouwanmnnT, Af ont.
Afltorla. t
Oeoeral Paaaoose' Ajsnt,
Portlanfl, Oregn.