The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, August 18, 1901, Image 2

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. 1
. t; 1
gaily fitonitn;"
j -1
Telephone Main Ml.
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All oommunk-atlons Intonded for pub
.cation should be dlivcted la "Editor
Aatorlan." Pulne communication
of all kind and remittances must be
addressed to "The Aatorian Publish
ing Co."
The Astorian guarantee to Its alver
ttaera tht lara-eat circulation of any
newspaper published oa the Columbia
Advmbing rate can b had on ap
oaVarton to the buawea manager.
Seatle Fost-IntelliencT.
It I oosslblv too much to expect that
the French newspapers should ever ob
tain any adequate conception of the
American character of the objects and
purposes of the American government
which is K quickly responsive to the
wishes of Its people. If there ever were
any such expectations, they are doomed
to be disappointed. A curious instance
of the oblquity with which the people of
the Latin races glance at everything
American Is seen in the comments of
the rewsrapers of Paris upon trie pres
ent Jifflcultlea between Col.imbU and
Almost without exception the entire
French comment upon the trouble is
based upm the theory that here is the
opportunity which has teon greedlly
awaited by she United Stales to inter
vene and establish practical protector
ates over the countries Involved. It Is.
Accepted as an axiom that the United
States is only awaiting a decent pre
text y step in and frcixe the route of
the fanaraa canal for example, if not
the whole of Central and South Ameri
ca. The French newspapers ta:k of the
dispatch of American squadrons to the
scene of trouble, and seem to expect,
with perfect confidence, that the UnitrJ
States will frwj-d to land marines on
some pretext and that a protectorate
will thus be established.
The mighty squadron which the Unit
ed States has dispatched to the Pacific
ports at which trouble Is expected con
sists si far of the little Ranger, one o
a owdsar fl.v ejueie,l The I
rights of America is resident la :b.o."
states must, of course, be pro! .vied,
precisely trie same M In an e
country: and the wels of the '"nlod
States are poms to th.s countries dur
ing the varcnt dsturbaiio for no ot.V
er pur-.iosv.
To Intimate that the Unlied State
would d -lib, rately etv ursg.' dissension
b-tween to of th- Uitln-Aniorioaii
sMt. fr the purpose of advertiing
I: .nvn Interest, in the height of t-
surdity. Th Pnl.el Stites ha? o.en
for years and is now engaged In en
deavoring t.) promote the best of i.ood
fee'.l.-.g among tho-v ;.ites. 1; is earn
estly striving to make a success cf the
coming Pan-American congr-ss, In the
how that future wars and mtsunlr
staniings among the Latin-American
sta:. may be prevented; that a warmer
spirit of cordiality may pervade all of
their relations, and that all future de
putes may be settled without recourse
to arms.
Th? United States would not accept
sny country in South or Central Ameri
ca as a gift. It Is ready to go to the ex
tent of war to protect 'hem against any
unjustifiable European aggression; it is
striving to th. utmost of Its power to
encourage comity anl good feeling
among th-m. and it earnestly desires to
see each of them make Vtter progress
lions the pathway of soif-cover-nme-:
on th d-'mvvratic-rtpubiican pi an than
It has in the pas-. Rut It certainty doe
not wan; to take up the role of c n
pulsory instructor in the les m .-f or
derly and demvMtic gov-rnm-nt to atty
more alien rac.-s. who hmv rraotica'.tj
everything in that direction ye: to
learn. It has enouch w -rk f that k In j
on hand to las: for another generati n.
0. O. Rui k. P true, Ark.. a: I Van
troubled with ciwiipition until 1 bougiu
IvWit;' Utile Karly Riser.. Snoe
then have bvn entirely owrel of my old
eomr'aiit. t reconiooad ijim. C11AS.
liOviKKS, Druggist.
If iteneral A'gor prints that book
prior to the conclusion . : tile inves'.Ua
tiou of that C'uv: f i iiuo y he deeres
: b.' court martul d.
If the ao:o:i of your tvwHs Is not
easy and regular serious .mjil'ei'.!oti
'nist 1. :h Una: resul:. IVWitt's Ltit'.e
K.irlv Risers n U remove th's danger.
Safe. nl'MS-in: an! eiTvt'.ve. I'll AS.
ItiHiKKS. Druggist.
Tie ci'v .ouocil's -court of Inquiry"
failed to ,1 ''' .is IHI'Il is expected.
Kwd :i::y .'ini i ;n in -.i'.l Is n 't
a worthy suo.vsor to Admiral Schl .
James Whit . Rrvaiitsvillo. In l . aays
I'V-Wllfs Wtt.-h lluel Alive healed
running sores on both legs. He had
suffered s.x year lVvtoin fiUM to
htip him. iV! lVWItH AkVi; ;io Im
Itatlon. CHAS. ItiH-rKRS. lVugg st.
A new book on "How to Treat Ser
vants" is announce! from the ivn of a
IVwton woman. Alvance irvrs have
not been received, 'out it is probably afe
t announce that her vc-'ipt Is to freese
Rruatlona. cuts, soaJds and soren of
all ItiiKls quick: healed by IvWItt
Witch Hsiel SilTe. Oertala cure fc
piW. Rewnre ,f counterftta. Re sure
ou gt the odgtnai IVWitt's. OH AS.
Ri V.Kit. Druggist
A New jersey Jury recently decided
i case by lraaiig lots, and now the
members 'ar t. ' un:shed f'r N,,i
temiu of ooart. ! s.ems as though
every avempt to raise th.. standard of
jury ser.i e s frran'l upon.
Mr. S. H A lport. J -titistown. Pa .
savs "iur little g rl almos: strangled
to".1ea!i with croup The d H-brs .U1
she couldn't :iv but she h tnst.i'itlv
-!! 'v-l br o-- M mi- ' Cough Cure."
CHAS K'O'tKltS. !mggs:.
" - " K"- ts" K" K " K ' W. ' K' h." K" K" K K" V- K fv'
I From Various Sources, fi
TUK MISSIONARY OK MANNERS. I'.ilmi'lo mln,. U desiliied to t.vome
.lie of the l.llgesi ore pro lucers ever
struck I i Me c.i, The outi'ii: will oiin
rei.-li fix'il 'mis dally and the m 'it'll)
Inoiiie of Alvrtiild'" will be Incr. ii-1 lo
no; I, l.llll JilKVlkHI II,. Ills oevi i f
fered fa lull 'IU "UlllS for the ml le. I tit
!T i are promptly d'cllite l, ;s .,.
ambition :s o deiel'p i be mine and to
spend Ills Incoiu, as rapidly as p ble
lie has li,l;e many of tils ,l..llne
p.M-.i friends in a ( w.iy 'ml the
lower clasn 'f Mexicans at I'arial adoe
him."- N.-w Yoik Sun.
i"A number of N -w YoiK women have
star:.1.! i le.iuu '. wh.xse ni:s-i ti is t i eii
fo:,e o denes, iioni lie guards of
trims .in,) conductors (f ,-,ectno tram
c irs "
l-id.e. ti l lavl es,
Wh ! nir mUs.on i- tuUllle I
Will you lak a 'r t ll-itl an I an I the
spe.vh resile all I g'ld
Of th,. cahbv w h s.' ioi..ns- ,s
To Ills more than -r 'per (are
An Impevtlnen anl a 4 1 sweat?
I -idles, transatlantic ladles.
Here your pi seine (s required.
In the nun . en of our a. p ihere Is
much to b,. deslr d.
D.i you think fr.'in mournful gesture
You could force them to desist
When we c!i v- the brand of claret
that Is lowest on the Us!
DetalN of the Lm of Five N'ess.'U anl
IK Uv Off the Iceland
Ladles, rr.insa'.lantlc ladles.
When you've finished the mis
Will y.Vj turn attention to a section of ; T, , K.n ( ,. ,Vf (, t,f ,,u,
th upper class? i , . , , , ,
Frnu experience I know you d -aster which oierto klhe r Mich
I'-ull the man-ers much improv,. tl-hliig 11. '.i off ih coast f Iceland list
Of the play and party goers with the 1 M,r,Ki of the flftv ehiiiem that
poiicy of Shove- Vm V-f: f i nipo! .te,.,lu-Norl. In Febru-
a: y las; f .r Iceland to catch codfish
MEXICAN CROESI'S 'were ..s- with nil on h.-ar I The io a I
loss of I fe of the Meet f r tl.e season was
ind 11 in n and lhe l, f; f .i'.y-flie w id ws
an I I'll or. 'ha s
Peon Llborer F.nds Rich M ne
R. vels in Wetlth and Luxury
Whv shoul 1 :h anarchists want
k.l: Iv'Si? Esiwtri? He is p r:-c
Tnke Laxative Bromo-Qulnine Tab
lets, Ke.
At the same time it Isn't safe to rely
heavi.v on Professor Tr.ggs' Judgment
of poetry. He fciid. "The Frair.e D '"
was doggerel." Chicago Tribune.
A disgraceful Inc.d-nt ocurrel re
cently in Kentucky. Two rival crowds
fought a feui battle, firing over 1'"'
shots aai nob sly was killed. What
miser ible shooting!
Au- tl'i. T 'X is V '('1 ' In w : "
M 'vic. i-.- ilkirg about l'e'.r . Ava
ra I i. 1. s; :b.-n ir ag h- w is a
.... II . ! i..,! r l'i:: il. a m'n IK- '
:n 'h. s: i'" f I'liiioi i in a. n l d ' H'
.1 r s i k t" I :'i r w as n ..h.-ig ah "it
e.m '. I s'-ngu si, h. n f'.-m htm lr. ds
f r M a-i " tb -r-t n m-n
' EmfV'r Will im k.sie.l Count vn
j Wat I -rs ... b't'i che.ks when h--larrtvM
a: Hn''urg. It was a m-'in
advantage t' tak--. se-. -g Mat
...o-;- li-. . 'u the s.iltititi'in
on pain .f N-.r.g yankel up f r lee j J'-- w r i-li'- ti h -h;
ij -ty. h- i :: b c .--..-sb
th 1 -l.ght
T . I ... I. ' , -,- I-.
Or. M.nute Cug'-i cUr-. Th- ! asv , ,
ar. ! havti.f-ir. I n-v-v f i.!.s. Pl.-as- j " ' f "
a-.t to tak-'. always af-. sure anl s!- ' . s :r -r- t.i!-- I a'l.-.t!
ni -st ir.sf ivirsioiis ;n i;-s .. 1
Ro'tERS, Druggist.
In eas-i of g-v,. -h l!t: rvos
. I 'l'l- 1
r- lb in fo
il b s ll -in
:tt ! 'n ev-Ti nilni-'.g . m
if M xi -ha- ativ ..b
rou rv. P-'. l-'i't tn i
. f
t- . .. . I, . j I.. . ... V in- ' '
!- . ,A , , .-' ,.etr for .Vi.l'.ii' f-. b ' X
,.. str- tur s oi -'X-S cr-.ary of lit ;,r iu-'i ' - v r.r.g a m.n -f '
Navv Cha"i V -. . :r.n "1 :n h.s lat'-t j ii.. u , .- St
vlinv. -I'- 'I 1 '""'''. ''''" I . v b.- hs ,v ,il;i, cim-ir
Us Banner Salve, the great healer.
It's ruarant-ei fJr cuts, wounds, sores,
pi:-s and 'all skin diseases. Use no
substitute. Hart's drug et fe.
"D n't you ever feel tha; you would
the oldest and smallest ships in -m- t nave
mission, rated as cruiser but really In- Ur.;nsi ; -r. "I've g..t a pam: tha: sweirs
. . , ,. and a hired man that eom-s h"m- drunk
fenor in stre.-.gtn ana iroinnirui - t w.hlJ m,T.. j y ni
of the modem gunboats budt for the d elphia P. c t
navy. I; is trie that it is contemplated.
.van!?" Phi! 1-
11. v .,,",. , 'h r. ,- ,11 i r-i : 'i a - ! '
h- w'.js furn'sh r.g c.iiuibl.. 11 Jvertising m r- ".! !-r.!v ml in larg-r '
for EvaiW p'l'il s.i.u-s. An I tnen again, ,,f .v, . r..; ,,-.1 . nulll 11 il,-
perhn'S h-' 1. 1. ; (. t ., , . u-l I n . affu !' "h.i-
is .M-js.r-g the .--imnien! ale-til turn so
r-'i'.arkal I - iiiitniier "f
P. T. Thm.v. Sumrervl'lo. A' t ' 1
suffer' ng dvs:-jsn wh""r. I
eimm-nc-1 aklni: KoM Dyspepsia
Cur-. I took s-veral hrtlos and an
digest anyth!ng." Ko.ld ryspPta
Cur-" is the only pntviratioi oontainlng
all the natunl l.g-wtive fluids. I: riv-k
weak s-onuchs ntire r-t. r-nt 'lng
their na-uril conil-.ion. CHAS. P.Oi.;
ERS. Drucglst.
Wh-. a bu-h-1 -r sav that n s'rl
w mid hav him h- always .hks a-
though h-. !. ln't -x;.-et a.-.ybidy
lieve mm.
A. P.. Bas-;. of M TCintown. Ind.. had
to get up ten or tw-lve tlm-s In the
in the event of-rious disturbances on
the is!hmi dispatch a battle-siitp
there, but this is only because there ar
no vessels of Inferior rating available
for -he purpose. If ;b.e phliad-lphia r
turns within time it is quite safe to siy
that she will be dlspa!chd to the ifh-
mus instead of any battle-ship. O-.e
vessel in a Pr( w-ill In any ev-n; b- the 1
(Txt-nt i.i the American naval f r.
there, ai l her duty will be confined t )
" 1 , I But Dr. King's New Life PUis give
Arn-ng th' intres.ei 1? .tie nM. ?lln rtosy Cheeks. Rich Com-
railway, which form part of 1 line of ; plexi'.u. Only 2Zc at Hart's Drug
. ,1 Etc re.
communication from one pa."- of trie .
United 5-ates t- another. Under our; i: .ti, that it is ! fivil servic- law
... ... t-iIi .a.s thi: k-e;3 Laimr-r Me,ay from Wing
treaty witn wmiut. kl-tke! out of his U.ii a day lor., it
has the right to land armed forc-s to :i!a: -s let's all gt up 1 moVrm-U
. . civil service reform,
protect the railroad Hn. when it.-- op- - .
eratlon is disturbed by war or rvo!u- xyiUTE MAN TURNED YELLOW,
ion. Under that provision, this country . was Wt by th
has on two separate occasions ben com- ' fronds of M. A. H arty of Lexington.
. , , . , Kr when rhfy oaw he waa
pelled to land a considerable body of ; y -J H(g glawiy charged col-
.ho uihnnii tn nrotKt the ; nr atao hl crag, and be roffer-d terrl-
my. xiw maiasay ww cww
pon't h- sa'.stl-l with mpirary re
lief fr rn in llir-stlon. I lysn-rs a
CuV wrmanen-ly a"d eimpl-t-iy r--mores
this complaint. Tt r-'lieves
b--jus.- It allows the tlr.-l
s-onia-h 1 rfi"t r--st. D:-:lng w n t
r-st -h-' st m i"-h. Nature sup-r.-i-
fr-m th- fi"l we at. Th-- vn-
nigh- anl ha 1 s-v-r1 nacKarn-- i-.a
pains in th- kidn-ys. Was cur-d bv Fo
y,s Kidney Cure. It's guarant-el.
Hart's jrug ttr.
Ir s ins aim e: unjustly in-u'.tlng
t call the m 11 h 1 g -t jc ay w till !'' '.- !
"1 'r ni the S-lby works .1 j
ihi-f. "Nip '.-n "-f Fran.-e- w-'Uli n--m
"r,. r-sp .-.tful.
Po-netlm-s a fortuno, but never, if
tou have a sallow complexion, a Jiun
Ji eej look, m-vh Catches and blotches
m tho kUin all slerns of Livr Vrmbl-.
sib!- w av ! 1
1.71 i'-h
fh !-
K .l. I Dvs::-st ' ar'-, ivn
g' .s wh 1: vu -it aril e,,n'- help but , h.s h..rp- 1
,! yu g "d'. ci!A. i:i-;i:ks, Drug- ,
Turn re
sh u'"l
An !
' iliek
i 'a s :
, 1- lv pin- k
11 S '.
!' !VT P
F" 'it WHix'I'IN'c, "HfOII.
mil il as ii;s
--pen pr.g his nvm-y.
11., , t . h iv no id- a ."f .ts alu
and his elil-f 1 x tv 1- t ' g- rl I "f b s
In.--ni-" as as I" ".s:l.". Til ." .
W-I h. an Am r . m tntning man wn.t
has Jus; ,irnv- 1 h-r' fr.-m r ,
la t1 a nuti-b-r "f instance of Alva
ril'.'s r- kt . . x:"ud ",-:re to the Sun
C'irr-vpml-nt. He si.l.
j .-vnl w.-k.s ar .rid
-tw A i v u-1 ! . almost dalv. Tit- uC-r-.
s; ,, -ry mil. w iii 111 an 1 ''lilld in
thtt c:;v -m-I t h- ' n I m th"
ni 111. S n. la--- N..V""tnl-r In- n-t
;.r,;. fi 'in lis inlie. wh.'Oi is n 1111 "I
h- P .,.m 11 . h iv a.tgr-git-l !."' 1
,..,, ; ;., !'-. I- t'tl'-" h- II I I '! ! able
tak-n "ii: J"""-' "f of- II l n -
.,- ; -is m v 'i bir-k. tor k p it -it
. ; e us' in"y gu ir i
. .if ann I ni' ti.
I -ii . h.,s r in ?:"' : ' I':'". n
., r. ." v 1 -t.'-v .- !: e - -or " 'h
J ... . s , r. . n 1 an ar tn 1
j -.-ii r 1 -f ,e!r m-ti a w.i- n ' '"''I' "';
i h.m Th in--nib s of -h's guard ir
I Ir"-- ! In f-int.i '-! M- xi.-.m stum
I .mi I Alviri l-i Is nl.iiys attlr-l in th-
I i,.,o,- .. f ,s;,'..... II.. .- ays a M-xb-an
"Il -.h my r-hlldr'Vi w-x tak-n I -..i;,,, -i high s i:ary t . k -p h.m I th-l
wh--T-i-.g -ugh." writ n Mrs K- ' ,
Imtton. -f iMnv.ll--. 111. "A sm.V.l b".t- I .T ,-
tie of Foi-y'-- H m -y and Tnr eup-l the Alviril. sf- nds li.s y -'-.i
nn..h iv.KI ,1. ..'tor's lil'.l." Hart' I , .... ,,.,.l V ..,. lavs ago I trtlV-l-
. ..11 . ...ri:.-k 1 "
P,,,. jio-iy ,., .....e.-. ".., lys..!f .ir.v- , a -aag.n to
r-.-n! v. ,li his war.-s. II- 1' K ilnK .......
.,i ,g ti,.. s-r.-- -a h-n h- uttntet-l th
irui? tn
W--H. sut.f, .s.- Alm'ral II o-vif .n
r,a-ris. ..' S.imt.s.ifi's- h .1,1 ; .1
l.o J---
railroad during times of public disturb
ance, and it will do so again should the
occasion arise. When the occasion pass
es away, the marine.? will be withdrawn
In the future as in the past.
The newspapers of continental Eu
rotje mav dismiss their fears. The peo
ple of the United States, who are the
government In a sense which the French
are utterly unable to comprehend, have
no ambition for territorial accessions in
South America, Central America or else
where. They recognize that we have
sufficient troubles of our own without
encouraging the accumulation of any
more. The territory taken as a result
of the war with Spain was not retained
through anv amblti n to enlirge our
territorial boundaries or to become a
col nial p .wer, but because no other
course seemed possible to pursue, in
safety, in honor and in justice to all of
the inhabitants of the former Spanish
So far as the states of Central and
S.,uth America are-concerned, the Unit
ed States has no ambitions or dei-rlres
lou-hing them save to Put our trade
relations on a rather better footing.
M'ith their domestic troubles or war
fares, much as they may be deplored,
the United States has no desire or inten
tion to Interfere, save when Its services
tr --1 c
Mr. Danl-1 I'-aritz. ( ittervlll. la., atiysi:
Have had a-s hrr. m l a v-ry tii'l rougn
f .r y'-ars, but -ouel get no r-u-r rnm
h- d if-ors nvl m- Hemes 1 tn-si, ""'
t took Fol--v':s Honey anl Tar. It gave
.i-tenf.on who. with
A similar iiiljf.'-'.iine has n.'t ba,1
pell.'.! : tile !l -.'t s'll.v tV III llie Hu
lls r..- f tit,, i-int. ni of r.ilinpo! in
.v'l.-. h the -a I ts aie reruii.-d t!i. re I.
11 a -li gl . f undi ilia: has u t"
'1 Mr!l t'l'' 1 SI of It; .'M - f ts
merv'i-fs. In Hi lit-.:.- vill ig.- .f K 1
mi' a : ': are f -m . .1, .fag- s a .1
fr .in a Ii of tli.-m .11,. Ilsrie-in 111 s
:n!-s ru-
'l'i. - ! o- it oe-'tirre 1 . -r Aio i t .ml
1 . a'l ! by .1 t-m;.. ; 1. e :n an: I
1 .-I 11 I 'nr !, It Is 1 .0 . I :'i it
;.. I s: v s..; ,v r- . 1: 1 igi.ns. " '
m o'.e r a-id "link b th." . ! n. s
Tit- l-'i'i.- h !. as til ov fr.i .'
. to .! nv in I I''" ftatv-s .1. 'i I '
... om!" 'f tlsheriit' ll I r a: "- I TV
,.. ,,f th- K M I ' l'n's
g-v l l' f- llowltig i.e illl" f til,- I
r-btr-m of tb m .:
'"Mi- r." wis .)- i l .l tv - 'r, t'i r I
Th- t!l.'Vi! c i"e 1 .Mil. TV" wl I s .f
lb" Mai! I.' Tn 1 w.oiio, 111 k '. ''
.. r-st alvatie" "- tb,- MM- Tb.-i
was a n- ri im strain in tb--.r p.n. V-1
an I pal- f a-iir-s. Th-v m 1 I painful
IT t li.'l-l bi. k "h'-lr ! ar H-te
wn h- dl.ilogtl":
' 'What w is y.iur iiusbaivl's iiain--'"
" ... Hr-fn. J i"ph. shipl'-l f"r Ir
I irid "ll ! I III,. Maria '
" II .w many rhlllr-i hav- .11"
" 'Four,"
" V hi g t 7' frane' H-re is your
ni 01- y ' An I th- .'Itl.-lal .unt.-.l 11!
' -h- s-,. i, bin- Mils 11 n I i-l.i.-,-1 ib-in
01 h- r hind. II w tha! hand HI tr-iti-As
th' '"tnui iti". I away !ie
loirs; In: 1 b-ar-s.
"N- xt" sa.iut-d th.. -k 'Whit
a 1 4 v "ir lin -b in I s n im- "'
" I." II- 1 "1. J-I".' I "l - I lb" s .-.
. :i '. W '111 I . .HI I, .14 l . OM'll s , 1 1
: . k-! su-pts.-l. Mi ad b I. Th-v a r
"a b-''l.-i s. -:r. and th ". r wt I--A
.," ! I it - w.i si-i-ts
'11 .a 'ii 1 r.y hi' Ir-n tor. ti'"
1 - Tu -'
" Fly., bun !r- I'
' 'I. k h-r - r, si' ' ' I'M-.' nl
I- r. .'ii ; iking th. in-" -v. W.'li .
r -,.;,: the las; 1 iv "f Ii V w is g .11-
Tii.-v : i ... I 1! 'iiv th fbiw-r-b .id -r- I
i h !i 1 !!fg li 111 Ik r hi- f i 1.1 their
An ..I ! Itr t .a n i-id n -e-.v-r
I as lli-'V ; ass-1 lor ik"d f-.r
n .r'ung M "ery a-k nothliig from
grt. f
"A I lig th- r - a I shad' d by gr -it
and oaks th- -mrii ' " ilr
h- llf-
!-. town ..f l'i "iioaz ilaii'-e iV-llo 'ktng
Ii s . n H' ' 1 . 1 II III- e- 111' la r i n"'i - " ' - "l'
Sl.Paul. Uu!u!li,MlHiifiiiii!ls,rhli'i;o
and All I'oinis lint.
IMUAI.KIV Thrnigh Palae, and T 'tirlsi e,"ier,
Inning mil liuff-t Stii-klng
Ubrnry Cars.
Til-ken m .ilnu Vutl via I'.irtl.iivl
and the Ureal N r:hrrii Hy , an ln
ar It. A S Tb kei l iftl A.lorla,
or iiri"at Northern Ticket Drtl.a-
Hi Tlll STKIttri',
For rales fol.lets and full Inforitu'lon
r..garlliig Katern trip, .'ill Ml .r i-.l-dr-s
a 11 . ii:nnist"N.
Clfy Ihisii and TU ket An -tit. I'ori'and
ta . i i
'1 V-Ym I
11 1- i 111
111 1
II ' 111
II .vi III I
II Hl. I
p .V" l III 1
I la m
lilt 111
Sil'p in
PtmTlN lAnaivr
-i.illiiT Vn mil nu.( I U il t ill'
fur A.l.iil li.l W.7 u hi lu
I'l'lllO I
Ann 111 1 ,
K-i I'oriUn.l .lid W-
, II ) IK
I l.--np lit
ma," iiik l'iviliiM
Aslstrta fur w trsiit'Kl,
llrsrl.sil slut .'.isiilii
ml asiiKi
? otin
n 1ft t la
u A im
Dot p m
1 m p ui
T .t p 111
1 ily 'leiii HaUunlacy,
tiitunliiy iniky.
Trln lr Vliirln f.if Kll. llan
numd mid KTt tUvraim t 1 11 a. m.
ml t to p. m. daily lxHirs Kufl Hls
vihui Mr AatturU T-U4 , 111. tud l it
m. dU.
All trnhi nuik etM esHinsv-llon At
(Kitiio with U North Ihiflo IrnJu
lo and fru th n.l sn.l point.
llen'l FrW-hl 4.l IhiMriifsr Anl.
Th,. "N orthiie.t.rn I,:m:'ed" trains,
10 light.-1 tliriigii.ii'. I' ""i 'ni.
anl 'lit, a'l. I s'e.m, he.i'.e.l. ail" rtlllt"
or. .'.-l.'.l'll. !ie fines; t'llll. o, the
a ill They tllUvIl the lit.-"', tea est
a-i ! !: 1 b as f T eomf m t, . .in .11: . "
and liuiny fn-r rf.r.-.l th..
t'Ul.lle. all I all, "K-et ll-r tr. the 111-"'
. Ollj.l. 'e and s;.l. II ll.l . "111. II 01 .f '.In-
.- ir hull l-i V art.
The... (.t iid:. I Ta"is
C ,"iii"v; With
The Grc( Nrthcr8
The X.rticr rcif Ic nrt
The Co.aiia rVtfk-
I'h'CACt aid the CAST.
Ni et-ra rharg.. f r 'h-s. i -r. r
1. 'tti.'ti i lut oim aii.l ill ."i ..; .1. k-
s ar- a.iliahle f 'r .aii;r .1; in
trains "ti -Ills line ar- I'lotefd by the
bi "ii. IH. k System.
v. 11 mi:vi. 11 U sisi.nt.
ti-ii-ral Agent. Trjiietliig Ag't
Portland. Hr.-I 'n
..Porlland Asteria HouIb..
Dolly llouiul Trips r-r un4y.
Ix-ve f s-lhllvd
ljfa' Astoria .
7 . m.
f m.
Det, Fifth Hid
I Htrt
I ivrlnd lCrMi
I Traim fr S.lem,
I ltseuif, Anil
U11U. Haa'rifnel.
7 3 p ni gen. Kii Pmn-
clis. Is
Ang-I'si. Kl fmn:
1 31 ml N.-w Orlotiiui n4
tb I'juit.
15 a. in
14 am
Ttiraigh I'or.lsaid MoUon with
!muT Narit fnin Hro anJ
l'h pWnts
VThlir C.sllar Uiki iw-k.a b(eivhn.
asVIe wtth O It .t N Oi. mj4 V. T. C.
T.-Iib sie r-k. T"nirmn III.
uctrr nolo 11
Yanitouver. Cascade Lrxks. Si. Mir
tln'j Strlr. Hol River. White
Salmon. Lyle anlTne Dalles
time cahd
Iavs PirrtUral 7 A. M.
Arrivti Tha Imllen P. M.
Uav Tha I kill-a P. M.
Arrlvi- IV'Uland 16 P. M.
Ml- A IS THt VrHY Ut8T
I 'Sunday Trttsi I-adlug lTvaiuro.
I This lUiiro h tb (Iranvleat tWrmlo
Attr.'t;"ii on I airtli.
luVNPIN ! AND urffli'K' FOOT OF
At Wlaurtt
(Jally raut Sun
rfay), mvrnlng
train on-ls Willi
truin fr Ml. Au
g"l, Ullvrrtsn.
SrtnJ, ftli
Na,trD, ajtt rvn
log trnlB far Ml.
AugM ii4 rtllvi-r-ts.
:1o.m rrvJll ,xisirn- 115:110 am
114.50 a mi Hha-rlaiin p n- l:in
Dally, j tally t-t tjunlay.
JOHN M. FILLDON. Ajt The Dillcs
A. J.TAYLOt. lt- Astorl
PKATHER A RAHNl.S, Af ts HoodRlver
j Salmi n
ij C" WYAfT. Act Vancouver,
ll. W. CRICHTON. Aft Poril"nJ
arrm-1 1:11a r 1. bai'le-n.-d t
H sh .v.. I his g
b- pas-ing
led In fro-it "f lh. tnur I s i!s..inis
Tiblets In i-.irv.-d .!, ni' dalll .tn and
1 . . 11.. 1, .a. :i n.l ,
. . u ... - i. ,....,,1,1 1 eros-- in.- 1. iiik. 1 . k '"
itt'-r a.-K''l now nun 11 u-
f ,r his u h'.l ..u-flt. Th" e"ll-r
r'- I ill 11 h- w
.ill I P..11 ..lit for $I'..0ihi,
m" immediatf rdi-f and done me mr vVi-h..ut any u.!tl!ng "v"r th" '"'r5j
H- was treated by the beat doctors, but
w-itbriut benefit. Then ba wtM advhMl
to try EJfeotno Bitters, the wonderful
Stoma. -h and Liver remedy. n l h
wrhea: "Acrter taktoff two bo'tle I
wae wh.Jly oarl." A trial prove lta
Dtatotilewi nwrtt ' tut oil BtuoaaKh. Uer
and Ki-lney tavkbs. .Unly wc. bow
by Frank Hart, DruggWt.
The Conger bxim and Santon-Du-
mont'f) aimhip seem to bave ex.wit-'i
about the aame time.
Ow-ar Bowman, I-banori, Ky., writes:
"I have been using Foley's Kidney Cure
and take great pleasure In stating It
sr-AVf me nernrnnent cure of kidney dln-, certainly would have cont
nie my life." Take nor.e but Foley's.
Hurt's drug stor?
Th? rumors of a cotton famine are
not ann ying the dear women any.
They pr-f.-r dp-.SK.-e made of elik.
A. II. Davis, Mt. Sterling, Ii., wrlt'-s:
"I was troubled with kidney complaint
for about two years, but two one dollar
bottles of Foley's Kllney Cure effected
a oorrnanent cure. Hart's drug a tore.
Senator Ste'.vart of Nevada he
expects to see Mark Hunna pr-sid'-nt.
Does r'ne senator mean to fay that he
ban b"gJn seeing spooks?
If he'd had Itching plies. They're ter
ribly annoylnsr; but Buclen'a Arnica
Salve will cure the worst ease of p.ies
n oorfh I. has mired thousands. For
Injuries, Pains or Bodily Eruptions It's
the best aalve In the world. Price 25c
a box. Cur- fuarante3d. Sold by
Hart'a Drug Store.
giol than atl tn o-.n-r p:in-'n-- ".
binel. Hart's drug tore.
Presidert Krjg-r's mini Is said to
be falling. We susp-:t-l as mueh
wh--n h-ard that he was cornii.g to
the t'ni-ed S"a f-.s exp'-ctlng us to tak
an int--r'-t in the plight of th-.- Il'jrs.
Wro. Finn, of Mma, O., obtfiine.l ex
cellent r'-sults fnn the use of Foley's
Kidney Cure. "It r"H"ved my back
ahe and v"-re pain oer the hip. It
tone.) my system and gafe me new Tim
and energy. It Is an hofieat and reli
able r-rnvdy, a sure cure for all kidney
diseases." Hart'a drug store.
Now that we are going to hive a war
ship at Panama we higbt as well bom-b-arrl
"he town until the Inhabitant ron-s..-n-
t pay a ran-orn of nay IWKrt.'lOO
in Piinima hats.
Hich Hvlne. intemperance, exposure
aid many other tlrings bring on Hrlght's'-. Fol y's Kl'ln'-y ;ure win pre
vent Hrlght's 'ils (i.e and all other kld
rov r.r bladder dlsor 1-r.s If tak'-n In time.
He sure to tak" Foley's. Hart's drug
TiiTe do not s-em to be any godo
r-ason why the government shoul 1 f"-
diicr. th'- duty on Hmava bibai-co. All
th- liana .a toban.-o comes 'rom WIs-
con-in, C.nn'-eiK-ut and West Virginia
'Our lif-le d?iui'ht(-r had fl almont
facial a'.ta-k rrf whoijlng oisigh and
brwihltta." wrlt"S Mm. W. K. IIa.vl
lDjid. of Arrrrik M. Y.. "but. WiVn all
otbT renvlln falbsd, we saved l?r life
wlrh Dr Klnir's Now IAxrerT. Our
r.l.sie. wbo had C!onmimtUon In an ad
vtinc.-d ntaer. hIik, ua!d this wonderful
nnsli'-ln" and UrJay he la perfectly
well." I)-sTorate thrrt and Ion dla-
ewa yiold to Dr. KirKTa Nw IAi"t
srv ui tn nn other melV4n rr ert.h,
InfsJinile fr Oouglw ftfd CJukla; too
and tl 00 bottles gurated by H"1
Drug Store.Trfal bottlaa free.
,n" prle- isk-'I. .Mvara'i.i mi-"
.... . - ,.-ui f fh.-
rnon-y ami mm" in o po-.-- --"
Ii"ap wi"ch.- .irniini-nts and fak- ilia-
monds. The tntm H.-m.. as pfas-i as
a boy with a n-v top over the trad" n
bad made.
A nhort lim- .'-f re this Alvarado
pun h as-! thr"e pianos of tho most cost-
y m-ik'. Th." 1-iHtruments will go to
. . . . 1 . 1 .. 1 1 .1
ornament th- palac.. wntcn n" is nuiw
lng for his permanent home. This build
ing 'will be the fln-st private r.sld-nce
in M-xleo. No expense Is being spared
in Its con-truetion. It Is etlmV-d that
It will cut n! b-s than IVK).W and for
that distant Part of M'-xi 0, where
adobe buildings are the rule, It will be
something wond'-rfiil.
Alvarado is taking tho'deep-st nter.
In the progress of his pilace. lie
says that he will furnish it .vlth tn
l,eHt things that money ran buy '.vh-n
It is compl'ted. lb- lias purchased
scores of useless articles and simply
buys things f..r the pleasure that they
ran give him f'.r the mom' nt.
"Wlrh all his r"-kl.-'s expenditure .,
hi wealth he Is d'-plnvlrig a philan
thropic Kplrlt. H- ha- not forgotten tn
p.-oris with wh .rn only a t.b'.rl time ago
he wis clns-ly aySKtinied. He has un
dertaken "he cons'ruc'lon of a larg"
charity hosi.itil for the poor of I'arral-
This hospital will be eiiipped with all
mod'-rn appliances for siic.h Ins-it.iHons
and he prop-n-s to b'-ar all th.. -xp' rih".'
of malnt lining It. In addition to this
Institution h Is also constructing
large church which h(. has named Cun
dalup Cathedral. This church will tost
several hundred thousand dollars.
"Then- Is no prosp'-ct of the wejlth f
Alvarado b'ltig soon exhausted. The
Rcasite thtketa -Jw-n Prt
land. Kncrimvtit an Han Kranclsi-o
Net rates U first ulaiM and ill second
clisjis. Incluaing HlMr.
fUites and tickets t UtMtern '
.. -. ... .v... r .., .., .1... ,. ,11 ..... and ('.urea, aim jaan. i-inmi, iisiui-
'T--""" ' '" : ' .,. lulu and Aimtralla, Can be aalaln'd
tre.s. honcj-sinkl' S and l-y. All fr0m j B Klrklana. Ticket Agent. 1J4
ih" tabl -s hav pr ',: m irly U:" same lliird (street
irisotlpti "lis. H'T" Is a Hiinpi : Till-"
m-tnof v of Atitoti" Savllan I Mt off lc- YAMHIIsIs DIVISION
. . .... ll ....u .S I rll I
and rroin tin- i i' -n " t-"". , u ,
' . PiisHcnir t denoi fool of Jeff.Ti'm nt.
1ST.. Pray for bis ,oiil. . . (mw-go dally at ?:2",
At l'.'r.c-IIani'.n we saw the rhap'-l a , . js. 1 J Vl j;i5 ;2f,, Htift,
of the fihlpwr.-kel '.vh-r.- th" pilgrliii lltM p. m. and ) p. m. n
in pr ".rslon to Pry l N -r- Dame only. Ar na a -n-i" y - ;
la Vh'rg". 'H-nven nly kni.vs, ftini . ,.() ni.t 12:40 a. m. dslly . xcept
Commlssarl'. Dunind lorn", 'the niimlier Monday: 81I1) and 10:45 a. m. on Hun-
f nravers that have be.-n said In thnt aari 0(,y.
llttl,. cbanle and the number of p'-tHI ns I i.. . i,.ii,i ilailv i-xc.-nt riun
h'T- pr-s-nted which have never D--n diy al 4 v) p m ArrlVu nt Portland
granted" . g-M a. m.
Faith and resignation are me iiMiiuiK t...,,.r train leaves Dalia for
virtu'-s of the nr"ions. ask nn- " - Alrlee MotiJiiyt. Wfslneadaya nn.1 rn
piKir widows what calling sh would ib- livlt tt( 2:45 u. m. Returns Tuesdays,
sire for H'T son ami me aimvw-r I Thurmlaya ami Haturauys,
to b" , H will O" a sailor ime 11 in n- 'Kxoept Hli'i'lay
Smost LINE
mim Pacific
"Th love of the sea Is strongly Im
planted In the rii'V of Hrelons.'
Iast night, my darling, ns you slept,
I 'nought. I h anl y ni sigh,
And to your little crib I crept,
And witch". I 11 space thereby:
And then I iMoop'-d und klsn'nl your
For, oh, I I 've I you so
you nre too young to know It now,
Put some tlm you shall know.
Home ll-ne wh'-n, In a dark. -lied palace
Where others com., to w-"-p,
Your eyes shall look Uson a face
Cairn In eternal sleep;
Th" volcel' ss lips, the wrinkled brow,
Th- patient stnil" shall show
Yon are ton young 10 know It now,
Hut s.ime time you may know.
I,ook bai kwirl. then, Info the years,
And see me her tonight:
Ke". oh, my darling, bow my tears
Are falling s I write;
And fee once more upon your brow
The kiss nt long ago
You are loo young to know It now,
Hut some time you shall know.
Eugene Field.
U. KOEHLKIt, Manager.
C. II. MAHK.UA.iri.
Oon. Frt. and Pa. Act.
Dyspepsia Cure
Diaests what you eat.
ThN prorarat.l(fi contivliiH all of the
dlicstantH and (llfiCHt ll katH of
n . 1 ...... ..t tt wA ii,,ifitr
food. HKivea iiwmni i.i " --
falls to ciirft. It allows ri to tt ull
the food you want. Th moHtwumltlvo
Btomar.hH can Uku It. Hy IU use iimny
v,......,..,ij .r i vHnorir.icrt imvu u.-cu
curwl aft-er uTorythlnn lso fallud. It
U uneiiuHlb-u lor aiisioumttu uuuuico,
It can't hsfa
btt d you flow!
Pr-orrsl oolv !... IhiW (!., (JhlcnKO
Tko 41 . he-Hl" ."onuiatw W Hmh ta sue. W.
For Bla by 0HA8. BOOQUB, Drurglut
timic miraO'
From Portkuvl
l.rwa. m.
via Hunt
9:M p. in.
via Hunt
m Paul
FnM ntull IkiitKi. MTntwapolli.
p. in. Hi. Paul, Duiutb
via iMilwtukee. till
Hnokaofl 'ajiRo and FJaAt
knit lsnl,DinverJ
wt Worth, llma,
ha KikUMU OltyJ4:J0p.m.
wt. isiMta. ChVomrsH
H 'ir1' . -J-
Halt U. lvwri
Wt Wrth. Oma-i
ha, Knnmwi CHyJ ItCO a. m -
Ht. Isouks, LUioatroi
and blunt.
WrttVi iValk.
rtiowiston, Boo-
7:00 a. m
72 houra from Portland to OliloafO.
No Change of CaK
Vom Aatoria
fa. m.
Duflv ex-
ill MAQ1U0 Sater
nrrtent to ohtkmr
00 trwmj live iliiya.
'(Tiiuiifii Uiver
1 IHirtuind and
Win ynxrlng.
T. m.
3tnuriv"r KnJioottA leavea Astoria on
tilo (lly Cor Qwano,' connoollnsg tln-ra
with trJna for trnaf Hoaflh, Ttogsi and
If inch Hencd, rsjnta Hoturnlnit arrive'
at Astoria aatno evuftng"
O. W. DOrWanRItuY, Aent.
si. ti. CIlAja
OonenU F(.jwiKr stsent,
Portland, Oregon,