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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 15, 1901)
J THE MOKMXG ASTOKIAN, TttlKSDXY, WCil'ST IS. Ml OUR RELATIONS WITH EUROPE Peace Outlook Among Great Pow' ers Is Promising. VIEWS OF FRED W. HOLl.S SpMisb tad Boer Win Have Ttujbt the Power L!iot-.Hist$ ol People Regard America is Tbelr Best Friend. LONDON, AUG. 14. Frederick W. Hulls, United States number of the in ternational court of arbitration a: The Hagutf, who Is In London after pro longed visit to St. Petersburg. Berlin nd Vienna, sails for New York today. In talking of his impressions of the re lations between the European powers nd America. Mr. Holla, said: "Although my trip was of profes sional and private character. I have had the opportunity of seeing leading states, men and foreign ministers as well a numerous publicists and lawyers. From all I hoard I bepeve that the outlook for p-ta.y among the "Treat pxiwens could hardly have been better. No European country wants war anv mor than the Americans. "Xc-thwiihstanding appearances to the contrary, public opinion is today 'he greatest European power. Of course it would be folly to say there is no longer any danger of war, for popular txcite ment in any one quarter may upset all calculations Still, the existence of a permanent tribunal to decide Interna tional disputes, the well recognlxed eco nomic breakdown which war now means for all belligerents, the lessons of the Boer war and the frightful fiasco In China these elements of the equa tion are working powerfully for peace. "The present feeling in Europe re tarding the United States ennot be characterised In one phrase. That It is not everywhere friendly must, I fear, be admitted. But this is no: srrange. The strength and prosperity of the great peaceful 'unmilitiry republic is not pleasing to Its opponents and critics of our Institutions. Then there is a nat ural jealousy In industrial and commer cial circles of our economic progress. "The talk about a comblnaton of European powers against the United States is fanciful and improbable. They have greater cause for quarrels among themselves than any of them has against the United States. All talk to the contrary m parliament and in the press is, In my opinion, merely a cover for an Increase In tariffs hy the par ticular Power. I feel confident of one thing whatever may be the attitude of particular governments or classes, the masses of the common people in Europe rarard us as their best frijfids. "They view the IncreaJed i.iet',ge and power of the United States in worid poli tics with hope nad del'jht. They re cognize our new lositton as a guaran tee of peace and progress." MONARCHISTS ARE ACTIVE. Brazilian Royalist Pays That His Coun try Needs a Victoria to Rule. NEW YORK. Aug. 14.-Prof. Carlos Lact, one of the lea ling monarchists of Erazil. has published a letter de nying that Prince August of Saxe-Co-burg and Gotha has sent a communi cation offering to relinquish his rights to th Brazilian crown upon the pay ment of 1.500,000 by the Brazilian governmen for the properties of hi? family In the Republic, according to th Herald's Rio Janeiro correspondent. Prof. Lact says tha; Brazil cannot recover its property and that damages caused by Rosa and Blanco cannot be A Merchants' Contest FOR FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS IN GOLD COIN. Th? undersigned merchants of Astoria for the purpose of showing their appre ciation to their customers, have agr--d to start a contest under the following conditions: We give one vote for every ten M0) cent purchase. Vo'a-8 may be east for anv society, organization, public or private institutim or indivlilu il. No votes can be sill under any circum stance?. The contest lasts from now until October 1. The society, institution or individual receiving the highest total of vote will b. awarded the five hundred dollars with which to buy a piano. r furniture "T whatever they may prefer to buy. Ron. Hlggln & Co.. groceries, etc. Fisher Bp., groceries, etc. Johnson Bros., groceries, etc. V. H. Coffey, groceries, etc. Jame3 Crouehley, grocer. Central Meat Market. P. Lawler & Co., fish market. Palace Restaurant. Seaside Bakery. Oregon Bakery. Robinson's Furniture Store. The Bee Hive, department store. The Wonder, department store. Holder's Candy and Ice Cream Parlors. Tagg's Candy and Ice Cream Parlors. John Hahn. shoe store. J. H. Seymour, Jeweler. Eagle Drug Store. Central Drug Store. Herman Wise, clothing, hats, etc. C H. Cooper, dry goods, clothing, etc. R Danziger, clothing, hats, etc. N. SchlUBoell, clothing, hats, etc. Will Madison's Cigar Store. Jack Burns, cigars. P. Miller & Bon, c'gara. Thoo. Bracker, cigars. John Pentllla, cigar. J. Utalnger, cigars. Fred Brown, cigars. repaired except by monarchy under a Braiilian Victoria and that this Vio torU catino; bo any on.' else than Her Majesty the Princess lobelia." The K allude .1 ;. lv Professor Lao is the am. 'us Argentine dictator who held sway for forty year. The Hrasillan minister of fore gtt affairs I conferring with Uruguay's minister to Brasil vvncrnitig the revolutionary hands who hover along the IMo 0 ran do frontier. SENATOR OHUIC'S RA1LKOAP. Copper King Say? Line Will He Huilt and Denies Rumors of Ccnso' n. NEW YORK. Aug. 14,-Tlv Tribune says that senator W.lliam A. Clark, of M miana. who is In this city, has con tradicted a report tha: he conferred w:th :he representatives of E. H. Har in Chicago and that there hid b en an agr-vm-n: by which th,. south ern branch of :h" Oregon Short Un won!! be turned over to him ml Uni-n Pacific o;-p.isit: n to h. s railroad V twe.n L Angeles and Salt Uke will cease. Senator Clark sal I that there had been n-er.'etnce with the building of his I rntlr--ad from U Angles t salt Uk. ( he trouble being of such forcible kind i as to call Mr the interference or tne ( courts. Injunctions and orders Mr ar- ! re; ha I b-vn obtained, he sail, and he expected to carry the building the ; road to a successful Terminal on. SHAMROCK'S LINF.S PFKFKCT. nvt exduslvelv of Asiatics. The b New York Yaehtins Kx.vrt Uy :heJtVt (,, lViMg :h A.htH to &g!ish Boa, IsaMvlel 'n Dvs gn. knni,.!Ke ,.t t!le Ens:Lh ,,. i guage among the Hawaiian, but after NEW YORK. Aug. :.-Jhn E. , , x,:, im,n: of ,vr a ye.,r tti, SiH-ears, the World's yachting ''Mv rt, . f.,unj ,va. f,.w nawala.ns atienl d. in his comments ui-n -he new Th,.., a lar(!., a:; .nJlIKV of yx.Ki. rex-k today jays amon:g o her things: I ... .,,, r The appearance of th? rew fhanit'Vk as she rides in the water a; Erie lsin '. liM..t,ln Th K..l.in0. ,.,.' u .i uiu..-.s. ... m pan by two Japanese lmm gratln corn was written on the r.her side was she : n,i,ionf tha: there are abou, adequately described and nearly every j.,ra.,, wnj wa. tJ t0me tJ ,u. descritpion of her that was nnt here WJ,; anl ,ha: (ho re8, on lm was seriously misleading. migration are about to be take,, off. Without exception the model of the u ,g .attNl hinVever, tha; If such a new Shramrock above water as the most ! lar r,u:br bgjn rrep.irat!oi,s to beautiful and the cleanest and swiftest . C.,,,H ,h, iaiIierU, government will t p of any that ever sought for or defended , ;WM f,irln)t bJc.,on9 from ths Vni:. th? cup. Let it be fully understood thit states these adjective are appllel only to what Thl, Vnivj 5., gunboa. Pltr,., ,,. can be s-n above water. Her lines un- hertl Aug,J?. 3 t,n her way t) gJn FMn. der water may be wrong in various re- ( ci(k.. Gn the same day the Bennington sret. thoueh that is scarcely possible. . arrlv.., f,nn Mjnu Mg0 Ray In her proportion of b.w to stem Sham- , home. T. ui rhlladelntiia Is her rocs. 11. is perrect, accoroing t American Idras. the best ! WILL CARRY MORE CANVAS. . . . ., . L to officers of :he Lnltej states cruiser Change? Made in the Sails of the Cup ... . , . , . .. . , ,, Philadelphia, who say tha; the TutulU Defender Constitution. J na,;v? g.Jirl ls one of lhf bogt drl!It.j 1 bodies of troops In the world. The na BRISTOL, Aug. H.-The new suit of ;iv .,,,, up :he ,.,aier business with sails being made for the Constitutl. ' gM. tnthus'asm when given a chance will be completed this week and It ap- en...t unil..r th American flag and pears to be the intention to have the ! ta.v hl; until they sho.v mainsail bent on the Constitution before ; gr.a. Perf-ctl n In their military move she leaves f.r the races on Lflg Island i fronts. The Sim. .an troops wear r -d sound. If the new mainsail is ready f -r , ;urbllriS. w hite navy und-rshirt., blue bending Thursday, it is the intention to , dungare- "lava-lavas," or bree. hclotlis bring the Constitution here from New. w!:h tw,, w, ra; around the hem. port and as so m as the change Is male Their 1-gs and feet are bare, to tow her to Larehmont. i The lew .nainsad will be a trifle , longer on the leax-h than the old one, so ! that the main boom will not top up so j high when the sail Is set and the peak 1 of th sail will be as lofty as at pr-s- ! ent This means a trifle m re area of canvass for the Constitution in th- com ing races than she ha 1 In th s- '. th ?an month. WILL DISf'HAROE DRINKF:RS. Union Pacific Employes Warn! That They Must Be Temperate. OMAHA. Aue. 14-An edict frm (len-ral Manag-r I'lkinson, .f ;h Union Pae-iflc road, ha te-n i-su-1 n -tifying the employes of -ha: sys'-rn :h.f. habitual drinking or "vn the tn-r- fr---'iuen:ing of sal .o-is wll b tonder 1 cans- for discharge In the future. Four thousand copies of th- bulletin will be circulated. "It Is a well-known fact tha! drink ing Impairs a workman's "ffielen'-y," th" cir.-ular siys. "Th- dj'i- s if rall r,al men. partlcjl irly tho-.. in th" ransporta"! m anl mechanl a! '! par--m nts, are exa'tlng anl nec-s'arlly d mm! cool Judgment and a ,und boiy. Notice is theref Te given that hibi'ui! int-mperince or thr fr-'iu-nting ( aa Ijons will e frillo'.v-d by discharge." ENGLISH HAILItOAL EA P.N 'NO Recently Pulol.-h-l Flgur-s Show Marked Ii'.-r- as- In N'-t Pr .fit. NEW V'I;K'. Aug. H.-Th-re U m r- t.e-.imi:-ni In fin in. in! than in'P-il fir'-:..-, sys th.. Tribune's London f.-.r-r-spond -n. Th- r -rd of British rs'l ways i!i-o-"-d by th- August dlvld-i.d-an 1 reports is'the w irs: kn un f ,r many ye irs. Th" ' xp' ns's h ir.-cr-aje! nnd earnings hav- shrunk anl th- !-cllne In 'livll nds I- en', mos' m 'irked on th h'-.ivy, The d-elin- in th- n t "am n? f r six months for the English line? ap-', priixlmates J,7Vi 000. The croak-rs a, j K-rt that the shrinkage in railway ..arn- ! inr-j moic af s a u , n- in oustn- - m-t-r-sts and in tha- th-r- is littl- , ie lieve thit the sharefiold' rs w,l ie- r -lievd by economics in Working xp n- aeo STRIKE CAUSES SHUT DOWN. Vancouver Coal Mine C!o?e D'rtvn Shafts but One. All VICTORIA, B. C, Aug. 14-The New Vancouver Coal Company's mines have dose I excepting No. 5 and Harewood shafts owing to lack of fhlpping fa cility through strikes. NEWS FROM IIONOULU LAND FOR V VRI. ll.VKl.OR NAVAL STATION. Ftijilish Xi-jlit Schools Discontinued - Five I lioiisa nd Japs AYiint to l.iirgr.itc to Hawaii. tC r:vs; nd.r.ce of Ass dale 1 Press,! HONOLULU. Au, . xia S.m Fr in cise, Aug. 14. -Answers have been riled by two of the defendants In the su.'.s of the United Sues ;o condemn land" for pearl Harbor naval station. Th y are the Honolulu Plantation Company and th.- o.i'.u Sugar Conipini, two of the corpor i.ioiis prlncip-illy lntetvs:ed. They claim l.'-VV'-M for lands uhl h were iti the Federal endemnati n su;t : $lS.iVi. Sni,, of :he navy docks at Pear! Har bor will be natural stone wharves. l:i so:iv parts of the harbor th.1 leef ; ,tir ady as straigli; uji in I down a the ,,f wharf. The land rU., it.. A ? v;d s: .ne MVil and .ill tha: will be !;el-eary will be to dredge away the mud ;o pern-. t big steamers :o l.e al.oigsi.l . The night schools ftabllshe.l here nable t learn the Kttgltsh j iansuage have been disc nt:u d as it i was Muni fiat :h attendance was .tl- ! the adults in a majority. P.epr:s er, brought here from Ja- coaling and will also leave for San Fr inetsci in a few days. The United States has a mdei little army in :he Samoan uilands. accord. ng AFFAIRS ON THE ISTHMUS. hl Rii'is Along Railroad Continue Other News. tatlons c'orr-.'pon 1-nee of Assxtla'.el Pr-ss ) HOLON, Colombia, Tu-sday, Aug. 6 Th- political sltuatim on the isthmus has by no m-n.i.s imPmved recently and th-r- is a ( ons-'ju'-nt feeling of unrest Vpar-n: on all sid-s. The government r is tak-n no a ie'Hiate steps to prevent th- !-! Is 'he stations along the r itlr -a 1 and as a result t !-" raids 'ontinu-. Immuiity fr m atta-'ks -mboldene.l the r-b-ls, small bodies of whom have b-'-n :; .it drill in the dnytim al fig th- lin-. an l gunpiwder and dynaml le-l-.ngir.g to the railroa 1 have be-n th-ir lit-s: a. iuisition. In vi-w of th- above the Unlt.-d .S'at-S ( ,r;-iil has r ahl-d to Wishlngtn, it is said, po.ntins; out the neeeity for the presence of a warfhip to pro- -r Arne; . -n nter-sts In accordane. wir-i :-: r;,llgat! .ns. A British man-f- '-.i" i- ilk'ly ty arrive her- shortly. Ity f t Lrr-at'T volume of trade tranc I he .sthrnus is fmm the hands f 'et !! British or Americans, the s- ming rn-xt. . f-r-n' e to the V'-n-zu'-lan i' ii-. absolut-ly nothing is 1 o r ,.f a definite nitur-, b-y.jnl r '.id statement lieiiev' d on all 'hiit l'r-Jld-n' '"astro, of V-ne- ;- g.vlng tii" i-b ij moral and ':),. i-i 'ial aid. There lire ,i!sn - f a 1 ''biration of war between . ."!' ib;i"-i find of n i! t' li'-i bat 'l.. frontier. In wliiidi 'len-ril ii:;- O" -i def.-ated and also vie. .. it ling to ino her version. 1.01 uji. the.-e Is evidence on all 'he g v. rriment cmsri I-th the ion t'j le- :i irltl-al on'' and the " ,f ;-n-ral Alban at the present l: el.'U ; Int-H.fy the f'-ellllg of and uro-asln-s. ST A UTS FOR ECUADOR. C n-ral II ir-n Will Organize F'rra- ! ti .at--I ', d uiibl ina. 1 f'.,rr. .,,.. n I MANAGUA, of Asclatei Presi.) Nlearague, July M. ft- n' ral Ernlllo H-rrera, a Colombian S'li'ii r of fortune, who has resided for s-v :a: ye.ira In Niciragua, starts to lay for Ecuador to organize the ex Pa rl itej r dottibians of that country and l"ad thern into Colombia to assist the revolutionism. K-rior Porre.i, another Colombian, lias irone to Salvador also' for th purpose of orginizing the exiled Colombians r-ilding in that republic and bringing them to some P.ieillc port 'f the d pa: .mcnt of Pan.iuii, Col im'ola, mid Joining the revolu.loiiary foices. It Is belie. -d tlm; Her.eia and Tories will t.'K'll r iissitibio ao. nit 1 00 men to as sist :ti, insurgeti: lillise, SIK THOMAS COM l SO. Owner of the Shamrock Is on the High Seas en It. 'lite to New York. NEW YOUK. Aug M ltesu llng !: l.ipton a.i.l his ino emti .s, i!i. Tribune's Loud m , on p.'iid.'nt cable Sir TiionirtH Up. on u ',1 -.Hit t-'d.i.v iV,lre., fr New Y.nk "ti the Ten: 'tile with Mr. Watson. He ret vats sllb't inti lilv th,, san.e e;-resnotl , in ! ploy, .1 when :he fl:t S.ninu'o. K I n I ;.isel S.oi.h Hook, an I Mltii ui. doubt I !.. '''A of v i'litl leiiee In ;!! uo.-es i of Sliiimtcvk 11 is ti' tmttic. j I. is based on ;h . di'ive Improie- ,11' 11; of Va: n's b .i: on';- the previous challenger, wh n .lj he Is net e.'iiv'.ii. e,l tha: t ie Columbia lias b -ti I eaten. S r Ti":iias Upt m's faith i:i A:uo:l -an fur p.ii . , xpressed as , ffusively i.ow a i: was when to started for the pre V toils C'lit'St. The pu'.iUolie.t l.s.s of the gues 4 whom he vn'.l en ; r ..1 1 11 en ihe Kr.n aie n 't iitr.ho! at Hive. LiNl"N MHMolllll. .-KltVl.'K li;-.l una. and Cour: "l!!e:il Pay II n T : th- U-'id llmpi '-s. NEW YOKK. Aug. 11 'onun tiling i u; on the tn 'in 'rial ,erv:c-' In England! in e 'mi"'",i"!i with th,. d ii ag -r tnpr s of Oerm.inv. th.. Tribune'. 1. end m nd on eo respondent says: The seri.-s for the Km. press Urd'tlik In th' ti.i. ( royal .it St. J .met br .ugh: back . l.on 1 ui f, mi the Country a large p.r.l :i of the d.p 1 'mat..' i'i:;4 and many court etllciiiis Th - Duchess of Aigjle was the m st c. r.sjncu 'U4 tlgu,. in the eh.114'1. Tile services were fully choral and w as ren ler-'d m Te lnipr-s.v,. by the flring of minute guns In St. James I'ark. 1'is: atches fr .111 I" 0.4,1 im lu ll ca:e tha: police pieciuti. :is w.-re strin-g-nt nnl thit the flay iii.uiip'rs and the funer.ll corege were pp tecte 1 by a double military card -n. Ail the royal arrangemen:. have b-en up-; and au thorat.Cive course have n tn en pro vided f 'recasting the k ng s .1 1 veni. nt.s. UASSKNillOitS FKi'M I'UIKNT. Captain I' Who c .unman led the Cruiser Chirl ston It tirn Kr m Service. SAN FHANCISi'o, Aug 11 Cait.iln Ceorite V. I'igman, who was In corn man. 1 of the 'rulser Chirl-ston when that ve4x.. was wr-ckel , ff the north ern c ia: if I.U7.on .ml has f.lrtie l.c-n In command "f th- m 'nlt r M nter. y In Philip! ine water', has returned tome on the ?: amer C;ty i.f 1 k:n. tr.s term of s a s !v!.-,. having xplr- 1. Another pass, ng-r was William Haywood, f .r-m-Tlv consut-g. to Hawaii, who, as a t irn.-y for iiKiir 'rpora.loiis in Hawaii, s un his way 1 1 Washington. Several army i.ffli-ers -n route to H"r'.in fr tn V kin cam" i n the steanvr. I'nitwx iMtiN.'i: cii:s wimini. Ii-11-vel That Hi Trip to Loid n Is lil'.' H troth- l I'rincess Ina. NKW Y'''llK. Aug H.-'' i' ernlng th- ni'iv-m-n:s ..f th- 'lerm.m 1 r. wn prim, the Lm Ion c rr.-:'on .-nt "f : tie Tribune iarii-4; I: Is r-,'ort-d that th- H-rman iruwn prin'-e will arriv- h'-re on Friday. II. vis.t is to be s.rb'tly and Us ubj-i :s not known, but It llk-ly 10 r. -civ.- tin., rumors of an 'mp-ndi'ig eti-gig-m.-n; t th heir t th,. thron- and I'ntiecss In 1. "f Itn'l. nlnirg. INJUN' TI'N A' I A INST STRIKKIIS. Oarm-nt "Wiik'-rs It "t r 1 : n I rr mi In- t'Tf-iing With Noii-t'ni in I.alior-rs. NKW Vol'.K, Aug. II.- In th" -u-prem" court J'is-( - ii'ip.rin in l.a.s grant-. 1 th- .iji .IL miIoh F.nklest-iii and M.icg-f, . I'.thlng 1 1 1 nuf.v 011, rt. for an inJurKtlon 1-4 -Mining ;h.. I'liit-d ';a:rn-nt W-irkeri o' Atn-il. a. Il-niy Whit-, the g"ti"tiil -'.' -iirv. th.. I'iitif-mik'-rs' f ' rii'Ti . th- .la k-'tnak 'is' I'l.l .n, lb ir 'Ml' -ts ii. -id all th-ir iii-in-b-r' from Int-rf'-i iriit ''V i'imldi" -n "T fin- w'th th- -nil. I .y of -h- ;l ilntll'ts or '.vi'h oeisoiu 'l''sir.,iis of ir'"Hiig work fr on td.-rii, or fr un li'-k'-tdig in lik- ruemii.r or permifi-ig lli-lr ni.-m-li-i' '1 d "i. 1 l'l'osi;s .MuNitui; iot::INI: Fr-ri'-li Ne.v4,;iji r Whii-li h'viini p Sie'iik f.r th- ' olombiin 'lov er ririe n '. NKW YoltlC, Aug. II. -A ller.lll ui" o.iteh fioin I'ariiim.a Htyy: The follffV.-ing . ,1 :r i'iJliirlon Iroui in (dil irial c itiMii-Tii piilili...hed In I'Kto'Je, a Fr-neh ri'-'-vspapei- in I'.inainat "C oliitriblins gri'-rdly, while aiin fiating any ae'lon 'In'- I 'nit-.l Sut'-s might think imperative to pr'-Viit Kil rotieiiti Itit'-rvi-rilioti m South Ameri can count rof, do not favor In th" least anl ill-oruHtH any dlreet intervri'lon In inl-rn il affulrn hy invoking Ihe Mon roe dor-Tin", as they firmly b-lleve Ii would endanger tiu-ir national nover eignty." I'ASTOIt ACCKPTS CALL. SAN FItANCISCO, Aug. H.-U"V. Dr H. I). JIutslnpill'r, pistor of the Cen tral Methodist chur h of this city, has accepted a call ,'rom thfi Hennepin Av enue Meth'flist ?hur'.h of Minneapolis. NEW YORK SILK I It U US AIM'KAISI KS .II AKl.l l VI I'll IMISF lVt)H .(; Silk F.MimiiKT lir nu it in the I'av ol I'liiniincnt linpurtliin Finn -InvcNtiMatinii IU'K"ii W ASIIINii'lMN Aug II U, ii.1 ding It- statement pul.e.o.i 1 'n N w oik .hilt mill. n of ,!.!: l! a ill ,11't 'MIS du ties ll.l I Peen i '.; I i tile g 'V ! Hill lit till' Ugh n.,. tin i. , . , Ki; iind value 'f J ii'.i i.--.- , ;k :in , I into the I ' ml, I S at .1 , ;!i t: y .1 . .. 1 111', S' Spin. -ling w .1.1 Ju- charge of m.l.t'T In til- t"-iii: d pai 111 11; s.i:-l; "Ab 'U two w k e.g. ,1 g ul'-iiill II. llll. d I'd 'ell .111 I .111. ill 1 wh umie I ; h iv f og tie,, n.e V! m .1.1 1 s.n.l tbii: ili-v ti 1 I Un w : dge , f ;h t ic ".hut M k llxini 'oi IP m i w .i m die ii o. a piMiiiiii.-ii New Y k ' : ng tll'itl. leeeu.i.g (Viai , ,. i : .1, ...nip M..I-tl-illl for llhd." ilii ng .lie.. , g pi- 'tees and th it U' w u at. : . . ii . I 11 fl "Ml a:io 'l : mil, , ; 1 1 ' I t ! I th on ih it ': n .u ;!i, h gti is. iitipo: : in : ...1 t .-.. go :;i iini.s f t le f!-m cl; l ' g I w l 1 '.: t,i I :-. , -;-1 11 Ml.: th rrp 'i lion . .111 I iske I til. Ill . Put tH' O .1 ' Ol t!t ill nr.: 111; I .iKUiel .!i 111 tlic. it .h" w li d g, . in .1 g... .! tiil f l : of .1111 .nt nd . i:. 'i ti . I tn gli: act. I w "j' i ; , g 1 i n 1; t ... ' They .1.1, 1.11 1. u 1 i.. 11 . . ! f ," them ;., g. Lack t N -a -.k j :!') ht 1 n : .-ii ug 1 '.i .1 . n .!; m I ; on u. !i 1. 14 1 i..v !. .1 mo m t ; .,f f. ts Who- 1 have le a d t. !.: g i i fu: til r f- 01 tti'in I .i-.u:n . tm Ci - I comnninic.i'.e I . 1 A 1 : 1 - : W ik nun. . i.ii'g ; i.i :i ;i 1 . gui v.'Stlg.rion .f a ' g I fan Is si tiop n Ii J ijcine k 111, KXAMINIIIt i!'o 'V i.Tirs Ui'KK NKW V' 'UK .ig It V p 1 - r Wakenian h- r- v-l 1 ' i-ig- '"vn Kvmilner lir .wn 4t.i-:--,g , .w ,,. ,.k I to he reh- e ! f' 'til I'.lii 1: i ;.g in .!.. v.-s-.:ga:oii ,.( ci,. , A ,:-g.. ANoTHI-IU STRIKK I'l.AKHH Cut PoMii III Wag. .f Fa I' lliir ''I c, Mills 1V4I'. It -4 ntrn- r.: ! W. iv r FALL ItlYKK, Mi , Aug K A strife iver the cu d .wn i:i ti . u ag.-i, III the ptlnt 1 I oil 111.1.4 In r.i.l It t Is Imt'-iid r.g A.t-.iiy :h,. ;;n. . hiv voiced their ini.-niioii ,, r-4-.: t-i- cut down propos d li :h- ni.inufa -tin-is, th - m.i ;ilim r 11na1.rn "i , g that they will hung' r and 1-0 :1 .1 inc b-fore :h-y m ,1,.,...p. .)., ,:. Th,. mill spinticiV c iriimltt.-e has ask ed thit the uni"ti4 in itt.'u, S-.i Hiig land mill cltle, I... u'g -, g -. t'.naii-4-1 1 iiMsntance. Tn- National M II S; ;:i . nets Asoi lltem will a;o t -lg-Its .iHSisian, . .; i :.g4 . f iti . and Wenv.o, ,.t. . ; ., ., is much ciihii'T Th- sen 1 1 m- ut 4-. tiled -e un m,. ni"ii t" resign mthoiig i o p . . .,. that the 1, -tu.r fiiiig ..f i g 1:1 ! la lior In this city w Ii ... -h w .. ,r -Ii-m eting of t!t" ief :l- . "in. .: T .r I ij evnlng. AS HIIHM A N V SUMS IT ll'-rlln Paper ' 'on.Mi.-n' 4 ,11 tit- Tr 'Ul.'c of '"entiiil Atn-tl an Itepu'.l: 4 PKKLIN. Aug II - Th- K -l-t... ii 1 tunic says- The r"vo.u!lon.ii y pliy ::. -h- c un trles "f Solid A in.-! 1 a t,; , .i, -al- I fr-oii th rud- w .rid l.v ,1 rnist "f unc-rtalnty. All that i kiicvii .is a ma't-r "f fa.-t is that a r v lot -n his again htok-ii out bi'.n In 0..:..ti,v , .ni l V"le..' and l'.'S!"lt 1 :l.Io i-'pr.-. s.-n-.-d 'h-' Venezuelan r- dull -11-4-4 a 1 ' .loii.l.l.iti ini..ei4 with mi-h it I '-f. f -i t that the 1 '..I un 11 1 -1 T has air- a ly 1 -ft 1 ' ir I. .us PK.''K I'liOHPKi'TS 'I'" 'I I'-l.ti.-ll I! I th I! -. i s . 1 In N. . -I ..f s"lll'-4 of !.lf... N" NKW Vi'KK, Aug U- fli" war n-ws iieiig-r as It Is, .irr.-K j i-;.t pioiniK" of p-ioe than it I1.1.4 for i 't, p.-i-I 1 I. says tn,. L md in '! " s;. mi I nt "f r'i" Til. nine, Kiid-ti,-,, in i.-.-uinulat-ing that Hi'- 1 omiii in o . I1.1v.. I' 1. h d the b .H ,m of :!i. ir 4ii,i... 4 of ainmiiiiiti. 11 an I ai" siirr-;i . r ng f: -111 h--r irrililii y 10 d -P 11 I tl.'inev". Miliiiry ni'-.i cipliln ihe d-'p"!.i'" ,r ta. ki upin "mall Ii ..pes of Itilosh l I.y th- tl'-i ---Sitv ' 'I ol.M.nliig fi"4, -11 1 ,f . i 04 of rill s and 0 iti 111 11 n 1 0, 1 : m 1 1 k 7.7. 1 . 1 : 1 : s r 1 1 1 : k n 1 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 J 'lm Krug Tuni" l 1 v r t.. M x m Ol'lr .t4 -.1 Stand f ' ': I'to- III, I'AS'i, T x. Aug. II .I '.in l-l rug : n A'li-i Ir an, , r .-i . I -u: i a, ,... ,., M-X.--" 10 lll'W'-r III.- . I; 1: g, ,t . inir JI'i'i.ii'O from ii,.-. W-..4 I',ngo 1 ' 'i"l anv a' K-' ui .11. M- x . ., n ,. I,.-. ri 'i-liv-r d .'o t). M xi'-111 -.'Ii - 1 4 nt lnar 7. 'I'll M"X in olli I 1 s m-t 1 Ci.. I S"ii' - in '' ,.i 1 ' - '-.ui. r r -I.. Iti ' Oi 11. d I I 'k-'- hi- 'hey ,-ign d .1 ;.. ' pi for th I'li.H-n r Tn, . f , ,,, -., 10 ding' Wie ih 1 ,, p.., '..ui-,,. , 1 'id "'ii' " lii- n 'i i",ry v i- l-i, I STi.ltM IN MISSISSIPPI PIVKit. NKW iiltLKANS. Aug II . ,, wh.'li hi- Ii .-n ;,t 'h. M, 'i--lp-pl riV' y'h "1 ui'h f .1 '", ,. . ,, ,, ..,,,, hoiits has Ii 11 !( I 1 h. .', 1: 1 1 h '. nl .., up fully live f-'-i. Mn ny p-.p1. m iha sei'ilon hiiv- l"fi ii. r , Tli'ic In urobiihiv h ilii- I0..4 ,,f '.., .Pears3 Pears' soap is nothing but soap. t Pure soap ir, as gentle as oil to the living skin. Pears' is the purest and best toilet soap in all the world. All .nit. of people uw i, 1 Mrt, o( n til ll.Mpetialiydruggi.ifc '"kww t mm Wlicn thert Is a tmturnl ami hrnUhy rinnlnllim of tao Mixvl, tltn cntlrt quantity, cstiiimte.1 at onisciglitli tho wrik'nt c( the Ixidy, jkisucs tlinnii;h the hrart every live liilmitcs. This rapid flow of lli IiUhvI thrmigti the vlnu prrwnts the rntniiiTid iWascRermi ami liiipurillr of every ilrx ription. It filter out all that U not neceMary or bihhI for the K'rowtU nnd devrlopmrnl of tho tody and limirUH In ami strcngtltrnliig the iiuuclc. tissue, nerves ami lnc. Hut, unfurtiiiiiitrly. few iHTmma van riglitly claim an alwilutely jmre lli"l supply ami jerfecl ami inpllutcl circulation, and in cotioiietice ,rs riHwe to imiutiirrablo 1Im--s. Contatoiu HIimhI IVistm, the grratrst enemy to nmnVtnd, niter tha aystrm through the lilou.1, ami Cancer, Srnfula, Khruniallsni, Catarrh, I'rirma, halt Rheum, lVuriaaia, Tetter in fact the majority of huuuti ailmcnta are caused by JwisonaorlmmonitUatareenKtn- . . lerevl ami f.xtrnsl in a uluKiah TttO DIOOU 19 thO SOUrCO oiid impoverished liloml. ()d jg sores, chnmic ulcem aud rheumatic pains are com- f Jill SlfCltfftll num. especially ainoiig old pei'plc, whuae Min1 naturally Rrowa tlnn and pale twcaiua of the lack of the reil rorpiiscte that givs color and strength to )tiuthful Mood. Sallow roiuplriions and rmgh, oily skint evidence sorao cmutltutional or blood trouble, which aalvra, lotions, jxiwilrrs nor any extrrtul treatment can cure. llUeusc that walnut in tlie blool, whether they nianifest theniselvea tut tilcera, tumor, itching eruption, muscular or Iwne pains, retjirtre a tome and blood iiurif'irr such as S. R. 8., which not only antldotea and neutralue Moml KitaotMaml humors, but poMeMoliealth-(fivltijr tonic nwr ties that no other blood medicine dues. It goc down to the very foundation of tne o18" n,l eliminates from tho ytrm every- POllUtCO DlOOO t"i"K of a poiMUiou character or that oUtruct and cliK the circulation. It builds up ami impart BrGGu3 DiSOMMO new strength and vitality to the old innutrition blood, and when the urtetir and vein are ones more filled with new rich blood, the jreneral health lirgin to Improve, tutuclrs grow stronger, and tore and eruption of every kind iliocr. S. S. 8. U the oulv puornnteed pureljr vejfetalile Mool purifier, and the nurett and moat reliable in all blood dlieaae. It has been trsted in thousand of case during the past fifty war and U more ponular tlay than ever. We will be (lsd to send you our Uok free, and if in need of medical advice write our physician all about ytiurcaae; thU Information will cot you nothing and comes Imm rtrrl encetl and educated ductoni. All rorretpondrnre 1 conitictel in trlctcst conndencs. TMU iWIFT 5PLCIFlt COMPANY, ATLANTA, OA. PACIFIC COAST COMPANY Dcnlcr In. . I'nr SicuiuT, Ci'iiinit h tiers rii.tiij lly Km DOCK FOOT OF SEVENTH ST Samuel Elmore & Co., Agts. iikkhhiis I'uws fili:iv I TIik-V", Kilter Post 'ftl.-e and "lie Was rntal'v hno: ; tlm uimrl. MAKlJ'W. I l, Aug II -Tbr-e ' llierel ;he M.lrlow p .,t 'ttl V tide ihe guar I wis mi; and a.teiilpted to 1.1 ov .'l'"ii th.- safe. The guard rc'iino'd while they mte at work and a battle enu 'ii'- of the r bb,-r, shut through the h-id nnl breast, felt anl the other two inn le their ei.-upe. The man gale hl name as J hn (Ir ly of K Unas C:y JI" w n t.ik n to the hospital an t db-d with l a f-w minutes. Till'. MIAI'LY Tlt'-LLKY. Well Known J re City Musician Kill d In New York. NKW Yi'ltK. Aug H -Fie b riek A M il nil. IU' 1. il yearn of ag". h- a I "f a e. ns. rv u'.ory "f music In Jersey City, N J , 11 r-l.itlve of II. F. M .ill-iilniu.-r. the llrooklyn sugar r-fltl'-r, Is dead. He wa on his way to the Cortliind-str-". ferry with two in'phi-w' a! th-lim-. At Church street the party saw I i n- approaching. n! but Mr M lb 11 h.iii"r hnltel. H" thinking he culd g-t 11 r ..4 ali' a l of Ih- cur. kept "il and was kills-1. JA ' ll ItuiiKltS' K ST ATK. Appraisers Iie.llne to lilve Kxr.ct I's ur -s lb gnrdlng Its Value. NKW YollK. Aug. 11-Th,, work of the appraisers of the estate f the late oh H. Ilog.'rs bus been compleled Tile figure will not be given out III 1 hut the .-stlma!,. mil - by Mr. itog'ns himself Mh Ttly before his l.utli wh'-n he placed the value ,,f the property ut a little over I.VO'irt.iiO'i, will be founl to b" very close to the actual figures. M ItS. 1 1 A N N A AHIl'iAP. I llpl 'lll llli- I lilllglllel'-ltl-LllV nf Senator Will K" p Her Hoys. lie NKW Yi 'UK, Aug. M A to lh- J-.iirii:ii anl Advertiser frnin L"ii don ,ij-b: Mis. ).itne Haiiiia Is n i.v at AU l" ItiliH with the llaroness Piillnndt. Sh left ii'r children Willi n governess 111 111- Carl oil Hotel. After the'.ltloll t 1 1 . V- Will I.'- S'-Ilt to 11 lliVtc Scll'lol near London. AM'il'NT WAS I'MiKIt STATKLi. Wlnl'is Plundered the Mold Vault for JIIL'ii.'Kiii W'irih uf Pars. SAN FllAN'IS''0. Aug. 11. John Wlnl -is. wh i I e I the vault of Ihe Selhy Sinellliig Works nt Vallejn June tn.n In xt Tuesday 'ii'irm:!',, seiin.d us his booty gold bullion tn Ihe vilue nf tL'ii.'mii .r nearly t'M.MA more than the sum originally gh'-n. An error was ms. e In co'iiplllng the list of stolen I'M GOVKUNMKNT PHOPOSAL3. Oilier of C. Q- M., Vane mver IturrnckB, Wash., Aug. 6, 1W1. Henled proposals, in triplicate, will be received here until 11 o'clock a. m. August 21st, 1WI, for furnishing and delivery at Vancouver llarracks. Wash., 1116 utondard artillery horses. Delivery to commence within 60 after award of contract. I'referince giv en to anlmalii of domestic production, equal. U. S. reserves tho right to reject condition and quality and price being Fur further Information see circular to bidden or apply to this ofllce. Envelopes any or all bid or any part thereof, containing proposal! should be mnrked: "Proposals for Artillery Horses," and addressed to the undersigned. J. W. JAC'UtH, C. Q. M. IIEALTIIV 0! DISEASED COAL n inl aiiil Family W tit.l TELEPHONE MAIN 661 HiPHi. , Ci-TToN liUYKIl ATLANTA. Ha. Aug II A firm of i ' Ion buy.r announced t.nlay that lliev lm I uk -n Uiciiin.n l p. ll .. .i Into artiti mtilp U ILL I.I.AVK Full Chimin N"l:F"LK, Vn.Aug H -The un b..i:'luaa will Pavr Norfilk f .r i'. I ' i I'liiofiv .noitilng witn full ( .tn. I'l!ii"ii: .f iii.iiini-, t i pi-do. mid .liiiimi- ulll-n. O'lI.Ii Flti'M SKAOWAY SKATI'I.II, Aug 1. The sle,,.,,,!,!,, I'olpiiin f r mi Skigway reached S- a'.:i I'll i.'ler:iooi with :''r,im In gilt. AN AI'Ti'MiillILi; HACK A fen ur- of the Htiffalo eiposltloii will !" a r.i 'e b-t-yren MUtomoblle. p p-r- -tiling nil nation. Allhnugh It ! ' I Cut France l h"d of u In the c 'mil iii t . 11 ,.f the... vphlclcs, It i Iiop-d :ha: American iiiaiiuf.i.-tuiei will com,, la fl rut. America generally ke. p at th.. head of the pioce.on in u'l liii'-i , f in lu'try, science tin 1 ni'ill Ine. N . iin;rj- l.i the world has ever ; roduc - I o a medicine for Hie cur.' of stoma h. liver, kldiiry an, li..w. "I disorder, as 11 Kletter's Stonifli letter. Fr "ver fifty years It tun I n th" standard medicine. It t't- mute. is. oiii.l sle-p, K'storra 'h appotlt a id i iir-. ,y..H'pin. Indigestion, cmstl I itlon an.) Milium..,, BUo prevents iiulaiia. f.-v.r and agile. lo not fall to try the Hitters, as it will surely do vuii C'VKltNMKNT 1IIHS. Proposals for potato,- and unions, of lli' I'lii'-f ''. Viincuuvei- llnr rack4 Wash., Aug. 15, 1WII. -Sealed pro p"il for fuinliiliiiig and dcliverliiff po Ill's anl "lilon. fur seven lllolillis, beginning net I, PJo, will be rs'.-.'lved h-i" and al ollleeii i,f CominlssiirleK it Fori Steven., (ire.; Ilolse lliirriicks, Fort Law Inn, Wash., Furls Cimhy, c.i.'-y. Flagler, Walla Walla, Wright ami V un iniver llnrrncks. Wash., until II a. in , Aug. lin. Iti, and then nien ' I. Iiifoim 1 1 1 rn fiirnlsbel mi npplli ii tl"ii. Knye.i... contaliiliig propusuls should h,. i iuloi.i il "Pioposills for Piilll I". ... an I onions." and addressed to I '' ill1 in i -sa l y nf punt t" be sll'illed, or I" C"l. F. K. Wy, A. C. tJ., Chief I'.nii Mis4,iry. FOll HA LIS. The Coliimhli Itlver Puckers Assncl atlon bus for sale, two nehooners nnd "lie launch. A ibucrlptlon of Ihe schooners, follow: Schooner "Kinney" - I.en-rlli. 3.-1.5; beiim, 11.3; depth of hold. 3. Ill's,. Schooner "Hatlle" LcllEtll.; beam. .!!: il.iith nf hold. 3.8. fiff't's will be received at 'he olllco of the iissiiiliitiiiii, where full partleu lain may iiIh.i be hud. Andrew Asp, Huifun fljlrr, IllmUnillli and llorfiliotr FIRST-CLASH WORK AT ItKASONAIILI-i PmCKS; Special Attention Given to Ship anl Sieambont Repairing, General ltlnck smllhlng, First-Class Horse ahottlng, etc. I CORNER TWELFTH UNO DUAfJH STS J.A. FASTABEND AND BUILsDBH.