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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 15, 1901)
4 THB MO R Ml KG ASTOKIAK, JhTRSDAY, ALGriT IJ, 1901. " " Jt y" J ; s1 0 c DIRT aEARANCE JTTtIT Is a good pUn for every bather to know something of the BOap he uses. There is a z i well-founded objection to using a floor-clean-in? sP ucon the human body. Ivory Soap ia me lv.h;r's soap. It costs more than common sosps, bit the difference Is In the ingredients and maidnj. 7isy not treat yourself with a little respect. Is not the human skin with its marvellous delicacy entitle J to pure soup? Ivory Soap it floats. It NMH The Morning Astorian TKI.KIMInNK All coiitniclt tor iiJvvrtiHinK In tlig ArIhiIiiii nic inn Jc on nur unite of circulation four timet Urncr lliiiti tlint tif any piipci publlnhcJ nr clrctilutcJ In Clul. P county. i 1 i TuIUY'8 WUATltBK. MUTI.AM. An M -Wrpi-rn "ir. II oi, Watiln! 'n uii.t NoitliTn Mulio. ThiinvUy. fa. i . K.i!tii r .-it n. i-l.uMy to .rtty IMily wish I'oMllily thiml'-r- Ak'OUNI) TOWN. H It. M. ()i:oii about luniM. Tho Km Hat at .. II. v'joii.T'a. Win:,, Ah '".!. b t for fiiml'.y u". P!l oil'. Ill tilt l t . I' J i"ir.wv m.u In I'or Mii1 -;ii -I i n lniio . Thru flmi-clajw iMibun at tin Occi dent iMrlwnnop. TM-i", .:l in biil.i-p.lnp n.w tm f 'il r Mi l.iri b.ii'ln-i.. N' i naliliiy I'jll iihiIji i'it f ir your run! I'Mu'r'' n ir Ot l. ia io inmily llll. il :. : I'-, .-ut in -. 1 Tt Latl tt tr Bun H-l.tiiin-i!, (!!.' i' miiiii't.'IhI atrfft. Jii nnii) k ,f nil klnU, i')icii at Vok 'lia-nu lt,i.iiir; ti.'O I'uniiuervlal Ht. Pur.- in. Ik ilrllvrisl lvvli' Jnlly by lh .M.Ik Piiot .i-orni-r TViith ml Iune Htrfft. Mi, M.iik n.'t KHk. .f I'lnUk.iiil", H In lb.' rlly iiii.l In : In- uui-at "t Mln Hlllll'K.Hl. Il.inir.. i-ictnotl an.l oldvj : Ilnni-H'a l'i'.i Twnlfih airwt. auppllri itt .ifat prk'-a. Arrlvol Thi m-w f.ill block f Knox llita. i.illfiinn. ioiiiw in.l . ;l.rm. i'. II. Cooix-r, aoln nifint. Th,. I.n.ll "lull.l of Oriu-o KpUHjo I'.il i'hiir"h will liolil n lawn ax-lil thla I'v. ninir. on tlv church luwn. Itoftcah nn'iita will tn arivi-il an.l a corJInl In vll.itlon la rxtiMuli'il to nil. HKKT lrLCJCNT MBAI,; RIBrNQ HUN IIHHTAURANT. MEN'S if M H N ill ' PRICES ALWAYS THE LOWEST u fhtctt HAWES S. DANZIGER Td." .rl. ,. n airrnii l n. la now hP.Ii 'ii r.M. li "f all. an.l f 1 n - lo : i fr on a: J 'lin 01 1 1 r . Kurollir io ).( by the .lay. wr.-k or month. Ttiim rpaaonable Ap ply i'lS Fourtrnlh a!rt. Tin- i.-tulur m.'lillily I I nit of !!). l' :v.- A .. i.iil.oi ill b' It'l l l.ullli'K oil a full .1!l.'U.:lUC,. la ..-alr.'l. ' K Oaifv, ..f Tr .y. N. V.. a In I h city an.l r'iuiii.l ytmlay ft m tin- bi'iiih, nb.-r,. ( b' ti ;..mi.'iib a f-nv .layii. I'artlft hol.1ln coupona for rrrkury .r at C. II. C ir-r "houl l r-a.-n: k aam whl!" the aaa.rt.nnt la Juru. lon't rtf lay. Mayor an.l Mm. H'onnmn. who bav, h-rn apm lliia; a..iii- ilnio .n ih.. maynr'a iliayn rH'r ranch. HI nturn to A toria Sa'.ur.lay. For flmt-elaaa harna an.l U'lioral repairing- o to A. I'lnnell. U9 Twrlth Kti-rt. I'rli-va rraa,.nablo anJ aatNfao :l ii gu.iranloisl. frain puro ry. Anwrloa'a flnfi! whiakv. Tb only puro "la; pruar .mil -" I rl.-li an t ni'llow. JiHN L t'AICI.SiiN. Sol if AfM. V.' bin.. r.-' clM' I carl a I lot ,.f at'Tiivloint il;r.-ct fr on Hi.- iiiMi'r I'b.'y in,, tin,- m.vk in I clu-.ip. ill' oi .it J Iiiioii Hi'. in. lb., nil'-: lliv 'f pura.'n In ;hc oi:y nmv iiii.l n.'tt at.a I luivi' l piiraca f r i vciyboily, (loin i cnila lo Jl" ''.n il, I'lurl.-a Uoif.-in. Joa. p i Supi. ni.ii linn b.'cn uw.u . .1 the coii'ra.'l for h'iviIiik ;hi- n.'w i i. nco to In' ! ullt ly i . -i rf.. pl.iv'l. Tin' pi ll" Milt 'it tt .lH vhm. I:nla A I'urlxvt have ri'dtli-.l the I'llncn Itcitha with piinvlaln iut. I Jv rrythlntr n"w on 1 vW:n. Four 'lmt cIih b.irln'ra nhvaya on hail I. Juki rtvi'lvc.l, thi Knot lint for full mi. I w Inicr. lWl-tw.', both miff and "ft ili', ut t". II. t""'i"r'f, ili3 Utfi'nt. John A. MontBomTV hna openej a ahon at iZ lton.1 aire.'t nn.l la pr.'pnrl to tlii nil i'l:iaai of plumbing an,l tln nlim at the loweat t09..lblf rntea. Tho Toke Tolnt Oynter Homv la now open to thfl piitilli- at 113 Eleventh St. Th orlobrnte.1 Toke Point Oyatora g'TV- .l In any aiyle. KverythliiK new and up to ilale. Service tho beat. Open ilny am night. Frunk lllntt. proprietor. SUITS Fancy Vests, Extra Pants, Nobby Hats, Golf and Stiff Bo5om Shirts, Shoes,' Inder wear, Trunks, Valises, etc. $3 DERBY HAT Thin thrr Ik auliftblo for wiCr- melon. We hava wiUirmeloiia suitable fur ihl wi-aihrr, Juhiin liroaj. There waa a (In" JlapUy of August uififif In lh h-aveiis Monday tilghl. Ttfy appeared (. ii from en of the ronatHlal-nia df ir the North I'oU. IVxIyn cm lasis longer, l clanr and rnnk Ii-m trouble with stovee and ehlnmy f1 Ihnn iy other. Qcorge W. Hunlmni, ag-nt; telephone 1311. Tlv trai li'Ti' -Xiiilnii Ions tr-K n ' frlay at he county i-oiirt holla,. rt 1 will continue ilurinic t lip wi'i-k. Nine u;pl U j n : h i rr i-xiiiii!n-d y. atei'luy. At 4 ii 'line of the r.gatta commlt in vtr.Uv It waa In .1-I that the IMUlil'Hi of 'In- 1'xiil iulon mm that no Irrr I).- mll In li - lerinan village at (lie tr-t 'air grant' 1. The union picnic announce 1 f r ii'-xt Friday by the llupIUt mid M'-tiodlt Culillillll i llo h.H Im'cII I' li fir I oil wck to give time for more ompl'v." arraiiartncnta and amiouiicviiicnii. Tl: llghthlp '111 noj nvt "u; yes terday owing to rough wenth'-r and a heavy f g on the lr. The llghth"U" l.oilrr Manmilia will make another ef fort :o 1"W th" llgblahlp ' ut today. Mr. W T 'hut:r, who waa -p ! ri t- cd ti- ill.- regatta tommllt''.- In n li-i-t t i iTiunilti t.i i iiii rtlii !hi u --ji . Mu. H.irk'T, h.ia liinivl t it- M.- la!i. ". V. Kill! ii, ' I. If -tiM:-.:! .ml l!lihnr.l.i : i tii-r. T!i.- V.iIi!iik: ii iiu:!i..rlt:e B'k I fi.-:IIT i.iiulll,. lo .l.-.'.iln a fl'li-r- m in kn .wn a. "Ituml.t i '-.'" n!io ! w.i-ii I ut Itr i iktleM f .r l!i" f illing to i.'ti in . itorrrA."! I. o:. The in n in hi th c only l ill. T!i- .-t-iti-t v h ."1 of the Klra: l.uHi i ii .hurl, ttl.l he an .x.-tuaion to ''h!n -"k "i Tui-liiy. Aiigua: l Th--'-tTior wi'l l. iv,- lliii'hoin'a runn-ry .it 7 a. in , an FI-Ii't ir..' wlurf at T .I'l ,i. in. TI. k-l '-a i i n!"!. Th,. (.-im.4r Sue II Klnmre la j.lng h:uiel ill on the wiya u Hie I on Ian I SlilpbuiMing c inipiiiy't arl In S.uth l'oi-l.m 1 fir the poro f c. p. She i .'ue 'o .l for Tlilanio-k .ig.tln iih.ut M i-i lay n x:. Ling iii t.iiile il.'lva ran be f 'iiii.l a: Koar.l & St..k.n 'o. Flii'-al nri-a-ivea on the market. Ptriwherrlea. bl:i.-kb.-ril.. pprl.o:s im,l alln-l or atie. If you enjoy om.-Uilng nice. lyrtiin a proervca will til! the bill. i'. II ltcre, ! i. h tli in f the Marih an.! Mm M irh are r g- a: the (Vcld-nt rr.nn C!u:'p Mr Marah !a a meinlier of tl.e Mir'ti i f.inn-'l.i, r. pt iet..ra Sum -t.-r Miner. Ttv-v will re- main In At"il.i for three or four i!.ya. Th-' f .. I mill . re, :e I y M. (M-t-ii will atari operation H.-ptenib-r 1. Mr. 1. 1 at oi !! leave in ,i few il ly for Th.. I:ill" wh.-re he w '.I; coninci f r grain to aiipply the m.ll. The copiclty "f :h" plant w l'l I..' I'0 U an h..ur. The IlrltUh lurk I 'iiinfr elilrc. with fi cargo of grain f .r Kur .pe, waa pi-M'nti-1 from going : e.i .-at"'.l.iv by the heavy wuitli'i- pr -vailing out-til.-. An effort waa made to leave ..lit hut the t tlK -4 tt'-" ohlig.'l to te'llin I. the 111 nee ha rb .r. I-atc a lv!ce from Piw.m tell of nn iffoit male by itcg. (iTolen, un.l.r a.-n: nee of death f -r murder, lo commit sulci I" wh'.l,. In hla .. .I by butting hla lual .tgilnit !he prison wnlla He l- ao tried to atrangle Wn'.-elf v-!i , pock- hail. Ik ivhlef. N'a.- ilriii; an l II. F Itivwer. who lire match .1 Mr a awimmmg ra.-e cur ing the r uiita. were .nt for prictlce veaterdiiy and swum from the Telephone dock nearly to Tongu Point anl re- tu'n, and both men emerged from the water ;n excellent condition. rr. Hill II istlnga, formerly quaran tine otfl.vr at '.hla put. Arrived In the l:y yesterday .m l will remain until af ter the regatta. Pr. H.iating.a la now station d at U Angeiea and has nven: ly returii'd from n big game luiiitliig cxped'tioii In Prltlah Columba. The Ivnny-Coie mntrh la off through (he refusal of Cole to keep the agreo rr.ent previously made to mo t Penny here riming the regatta. Manager Fred Itrown will secure .me good man to tnk. Cole'a pi ice If iv-aslble, and un nouncenient will he made later. Owing to the death of Fred Wlekniait, who was th, compl lining witness, 'he case of ' he state aginst Fire Chief Stockton, charged with throwing saw ilnt Into the river, waa post;nnpd until next Tus,l,iy When Mil -d for trial be fore Justice .if th,. Pcav Ilrower yes terday. The sawmills In the Inver Sluslaw country have been compelled to close down owing to the strike nt San Fran cisco. All of the nillla are overst.vked with finished lumber and have no out let for their production. Ord era have been sent to the camps to discharge everybody and shut down Immediately. The 0. It. & N. has made a rate of S6 from Astoria and Portland for the Tan-American exposition at Buffalo. Tickets will be on aale flrst to third Tuesdays, June to October, Inclusive These th-kets must be used for contin uous passage going, but stopovers will be allowed within final limit returning-. Ie Il')rrlri4f r'.tirtiid ymitty from 13k Cri.'k, wti'ra he had b-n on an outing the pat Ave day. rV-oit flmlth, a l"'-r wjiklng In Hal lrn'a cinu in ' rivr, waa brought to .'h-f - ly l; evening, ni(f-r-,:ig from a w i i; l mi lh . h -a I Inftided by a cttbl-. Sui.-li l.i I teen atru' k rn th h'M I by n iV. v. hi' h (Jiig it mi a .'tu-n.i, 'ni l reii'WeJ uu ,oi,.'ou", and th" ioUii..r for hla ri - '.very an dul ''. I Jle Ii lying n tt.'a h .iilifcl. f'art t-a de.lrng .'urnljur ahiuld not verlook th,, opportunity to purchM' it H. Umzig-r'a. While cml I'Tabh' hv he'll old !hre ''till r-nuin unwld me parlor furniture, china anl g la ware, klli her u'-nalM, lurtilna, wilnut bed room t, .'f., whl'.'h .7iuai be aold with '.i the next (Ift; n diya. lion. (, v. Kult. n haa pr aented a pr lt to thr county court ull-glnf tiiat th- pri;ioe.l leaamg of the Nehalem river la Illegal b-raun.. It d i-a not com wlihln the I'-kh il. iliilM.m of an unnav Ignl'le. atr-ain. Ju Ige Mag.-ra haa invit ed founty Judge iray and the commla- lonerj to be pre-nt at a meeting to be held on lh 17;h inal . at which tlni r'-pren'-nt itlvi-a of the Wheeler Lumlo'T ''oni;'ny will mee: the aettl.-ra uf the country along the atreima Involved and will . nl.-avor t fv-r.-mnc their opp - lll .n to the i- .unty . our: granilng ihi-lr P-till.n. Til-- Kug-n." fiu.wd ta "Ut with a roat for Mat.-r Fih Warl-u Van lun becuuae he b'lli vea tlmt the atate hal' h- ry on the Siu-law could be more a. - vantag.-ojsly locate ! w here. The Juit l tells of the ! alill'hm -nt of the hatch-; y an ! Its in iln '-nance by the It.-an Itr itli'M". anl close, with the f I- lovung. "Now comes Commlslon- r Van Iiuseti, of A.-'orla. and makea a r. p"r:, saying the bull ling la out ..f re-r-.-oiiim-n la that th" hvrhery buain.-M io. i m rn.- wr ng poim, an i Hi the Slual.iw tie ali.llllon-d. He was .it the hatchery building and Il' j.l of Tile on- ah .r: hour and found this all out. !" than ll"0 would place the bull ling and trougaa In g -l repair. M -ra. Ilublnrl and M.-'lulre. expect salmon men, d!igree with the Great Van Iu.'ii aa to the loer.lon. The pe,D-pl- of th- Sius'aw river and of Lane umy coiid-mn the reer: as being un tru- and malicious. Still this fellow Van Dus. n, wants to e.tnbllsh a hatch ery mi the oqutll.- river which l known a a ma!l salmon stream. The leonl- of Line county en manse should ae tha- this great Industry should be protected and the hat.-hery maintained and a sufficient appropriation made to hatch 2 Dial.' r mor . chin k salmon annually." I'n 1 luM'-dly the thrilling experience tha- :h late Frei Wi. kmin had with th,- nVh.-rm.-n a: Mayg.-rs. Just previous to the opening of th- season, aggravat ed the ailment from which he suffered anl which ultimately killed him. It will l.e r-'-alle! that Wickman and Deputy Commissioner McReavy w re making a 'rip up the river look ing for violators of th- closed seison and their activity in confiscating gear being III k illy used by the fishermen aruia 'I a r-s-ntfu; feeling. Wicknjjiii landed at M.iyg.-rs to telephone the news ..f an arr st to Warden Van Dusen. the launch proc. edlng up the river. It was Wickman's Intension to tn'te the triin in. I r.Join McK-avy at Rainier. Hut the flsherm-n learned of his pres. nor and for a moment it looked as though a lynching b-,, wa.a brewing. They gath ered anuud him when he attempted to b-'.ir! the train and prevent'..! his de parture. Threats were made by mem b. r of the mob. Wickman- was not armed, having 1-ft hla weapons In the launch w hen I Hiding. Finally he w as allowed to depart and rather than re main In the place and take chances on th" f.sliermen changing their minds re. g irding leniency toward hlni he 8; t out for Rainier. II,, was suffering then from rheumatism so tha; any exercise was painful and it was long drawn out tor ture to be comp- ll. d to make the dreary trio along the railroad track In a driz iling rainstorm. For some time past Wickman was in ill h-alth and for the pas; week a substitute has been serv ing for him. The d'll.iiie aim luncement Is mule that the funeral of the la to Fred Wick man will be held Katurlay morning at 10 o'cl.h'k and the details w ill be made public later. The news of Wickman's death wa.a a surprise to bis frien 1 ajid acquaintances. It was known tha; he had b'en 111 frequ. ntlv of late and was suffering from attacks of rheumatism but It was not expected that the ail ment would result fatally. Fred Wick man was one of the best known Finnish citizens of Astoria and In fact in the Northwest. He was active In the form ation of a national organization of the Finnish llrotherhood and was grand president of the supreme, lodge and president of the Astoria lodge of the brotherhood. The last named ofite he had held for twelve years successively. Wickman was horn In I'leahorg, Fin land, and was 39 years of age. For the past twenty years he has lived in Astoria and has been a power polltl cilly with thp Finn population. He was councilman from the Third ward in 1S90. and at the last county election ran as an Independent cnn.lldate for sheriff. Since the appointment of H. O. Van iMison as master flsh warden Mr. Wick man occupied the position of water bailiff. He waa of unusual value to the warden on account of his Intimate ao onalntanee with the fishermen and his knowledge of the Industry. In the con test for the p.vsitlon of muster fish war den Wickman had the endorsement of seevral prominent politicians for the deputy wardenshlp. A widow, now In Nome, and a sister. Mrs. Mannas, of Silver Lake. Wash., survive. The ,le- ceased was a member of the A. O. V. W. I A TUB SEASON'S PACK. Conaervatlva and "Authentic Figure llact th Total at ili.W) "am. Corwrva:lv. and authentic flguret place the eavn' pick of d-ilrryn on I th Columbia river at 529aV; ciaea up to the cloae of the a-aa n :onig it ot mil night. The pack lam year win fOO.OO i?ae(, , that the pr-.-;nt ,-a'k falls eonalderiibly ahwt. In a meiiun thli la niade up by the x .-r-tio-i-il' v 1i. 'luallty of the flh pu-kr-d. t'onr.ery men win have been in ;h.. nv?r "t yarn do not hmltate -o y '.liu finer aalmon were n-v"r before handh-d anl In no lntan.- In auch iu tuM'l a. The unck la dlvlde.1 aa followa: ''olumbla River Packer A'A'n.... 'ASM Co-oreratlve Par-king Company.. 2I.W; Cutting tt Hani,orn lSow A. Itioth Pa- king Co 1S.0W Pillar itxk Pi'-klng Co lo.OnO 1 l. Meger aV Co H.OoO ! f. M. Warren Cath!ame:) .m F. M. Warren (Caacade) I. r w ...... . , . ... 1 r. e. .'i.'Mn.n oc nona I'J.'JW P. J. M'-fJowan Bona iCaaad'H) 7 000 Keuf-rt Hrm Total 229.000 In addition about two thouaand tonaoY fluh w?re handled by the cold atjirag planta. accurate flgurea of which are nit obtainable. During the big run carload of ailmon were ahlpped dally to the u;-river canneries and It la c-tlmat.-d that MoOowan'a cannery at the Cjacadea pack-d at leaat 100 tona of th (overflow inn the cch. An lntre;lrig feature of the annual pack on the Columbii la the amount of money neceaaary to place the produe-i on ,;h market. In the grain flelda of the Jl.dJIe WVa; Immense amounts of mon ey are required from the banks of the big cities to move the crop and so alw there mini be a large sum Invested In th a!m m pack, which is paid out b fnr ih. returns come In. A cannery man conversant with tne refjulremenU of ihr inlustry stated yesterday to an Astoriaai reporter that It would take about I2.500.000 to place the pack on the market. Including the products of the coll storage plants. The congestion of tha canneries dur ing ihe big runs an J the consequent scarcity of labor will probably result in the Increased employment of white labor by the cannerymen next summer. The I'nlon Co-operative cannery em ployed large numbers of white men and wom.n anl children and found them satisfactory. Secretary Nelson, ot the company, said yesterday In discussing the matter: "We found the white labor satisfac tory In some of the departments though of course their employment waa made necessary by the unusually large run. As to whether or not they would be preferable to Chinese labor It would be difficult to say. There Is n doubt bnt thit the white workmen could do sat isfactory work after they become fa miliar with packing house methods. They could probably do quite as well as the Chinese labor but other things must be taken Into consideration. "Suppose that the canneries were eouln.ied with w hite labor and that In the ml dot of a heavy run like we have recently seen the mn should present a series of grievances and threaten to strike unl ss the proposed demands were granted. Where would the canneries he? The chances are we would loe the entire run. Then again some other labor organization with which the can nrry operatives were affiliated might walk out and a sympathetic strike would be declared as has been done In San Francisco. ith Chlnee labor there is no trouble of that sort. How- ver. I presume that the percentage of w hite lahor employed in the cannery will be Increased next year." An official of the Columbia River Packers Association last night declared that the association stood unequivocal ly f .r white labor in preference to Chi nese einnery hands. He said: 'We are going to give white labor an opportunity to replace th Chinese If thev wish to do so. Next year will try to start a cannery to be operated al most entirely by w hite worklngmen and wom.n. The only Chinese employed will bH the splitters, bath room men and soldering men and th?se will b? replaced as s vm as the white men become suffi ciently proficient to do the work. We wan; lo encourage the young labor nf the city and If there La n-t enough here we hope to be the result of work ing people (locking t Astoria during the fishing season as they flock to the hop fields during halves; time. We shall eive the experiment a thorough trial an 1 we sincerely hope that It will prove of p-rmatien; value to all concerned. TREASURER'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that there are funds in the city treasury to pay all warrant drawn on the following special ?:r?e: funds and endorsed prior to the dates named herein: Astor street, Sixth to Ninth, July 13. 1S!9. Commercial street, Tenth to Eighth. October 6, 1900. Commercial street. Fourteenth to Sev enteenth. March 22, 1901. Seventeenth street, Irving to Jerome, March 22. 1901. Franklin avenue. Twenty-sixth to Thirty-first, May 10, 1901. Eleventh street. Franklin to Harrison. January 13, 1901. Thirty-eighth street. Duane to Harri son, January 23, 1901. Franklin Ave., Thirty-first to claim line. November 24. 1900. Seventh street. Bond to Astor, Octo ber . 1900. Fifteenth street. Exchange to Irving, January 24. 1901. Twelfth street. Commercial to Frank lin. May 9. 1901. Interest will cease after this date. City Treasurer. storla, Oregon, August 7, 1901. SPECIAL Sjj For a few 400 PalM JEft' These pants are made of woolen Cassiuiere ami Tweeds and always sell at $3.00, bat we have too many of them, therefore you have a chance to get them at $1.90 a pair. We have all sizes now, dont wait until your eize is gone, because you won't get such panta at such a price in a long time. HERMAN WISE The Reliable Clothier and Hatter. . SIGHTS AT THE SHOW. Some of the Things That Will Be Sun at ta Street Fair and Carnival. George JaboWo'a variety of entertain ment in his Str: Fair amusements is calculated to appeal to every persons ac cording to bis taste. For thos who like music the -tither playing in the Tyro lean peasaits. ihe rendering of the fa mous Swiss "Raxiz Jes Vaches," the lodellng of the Swiss aerdsmen, the mu sic of the, resembling nothing more in the world than the psalter and sackbut of the old Syrvlan days read about In one's chlUhood, the tom-tom-ing acomoanving the 'eats of the In dian Jugglers and the rhythmic mo lions of the .tauten dancers will each and all appeal in varying degrees to those cultivited in what has we'd been cilled th? sixth sens Others find more pleasure in watching the motion of tbe dancers, gathered from every clime. In the fair can be witnessed the cachueha of the Span lard: the fandango of the Mexican: the sworl dance c-f 'he Highlander; the hornpipe of the sailor; the strathspey of the Scotchman, varied with the nautch of the Hindoo; the hula of the Hawa iian and the muscle Jan-era of the Al gerian and the Egyptian. Other find still greater pleasure in Intently observing, half horrified and vet wholly unable 'o tear away their fascinated vision, the daring 70-foot Jump of the high d'ver from the high. es' ladder avail ble in the city Into a small tank of water not more than eight feet deep. They watch with growing trepidati m ihe mounting of the diver :n: the air. his gathering cf himself together for the delicately balanced poise and then the breathless swoop through the air followed by a resound ing splash sending up many gallons of water announcing that the Jump has once more been sifely accomplished. The strains of wvlrd music attracts the spectator into the street of Carlo, where he will be confronted with the amazing sight of a whirling dervish whose endless gyrations fading so swift ly that it Is impossible to distinctly observe his features. have been known to go on for 40 minutes, slackening and oiilckcnlne with the monotonous but pe culiarly fascinating iriustc of the tam bors. Then follows a scine baffling de scription. Some dozen acrobats whose swarthy lineaments and apparently Jolntlcss iimbs proclaim them true gJtn ons nf El Khayreh. the Holy City, are i- WHITE HOUSE COFFEE FISHER BROTHERS j(J SPECIAL Days Only PANTS 400 Pairs seen whirling, turning wheeling ana somersaulting all over the stage with such baffling rapidity and much celer ity of changing figures that the specta tor already bewildered by the unaccus tomed and gutteral cries accompanying the feats of "wah wah!" "ajaib!" "8ha-baoh-" ."salamat!" Is ready to Touch that at least fifty performers crowd th boards. Then there are the graceful fet of the fly'ng Austin sisters upon tbe trap eze, which once seen win never be for gotten. Such Is the ease which these different feats are performed that th spectator, deceived by the grace of the performance, is apt to forget the Immi nent danger which ilea behind a mis take. Again there are the animals under tie charge of the old veteran, CoL Boone, a son of the famous Indian fighter and scout, Dan. Boone, anl himself no un scarred warrior, which never fall to de light the children and attract the at tention of the grown up. Scenes from the life of the Oriental and from unaccustomed nooks m all nations confront the vlstor at every turn. He la not ablj to grasp the whole fair at any one visit and Is a spectator again and again. BANKRUPT SALE. The entire stock of H. Tol, consisting of dry goods and cnrlos must be closed out within thirty days. Goods sold re gardless of cast. 831 Commercial St. WHERE DO YOU HAVE ?OU TRTJSD A.W. SHIPLEY? S54 Cotnatesektl Street. DO YOU KNOW That he give the beet tbera Is to be had in the erty for the least mooeyT Ptace an order once and see. C. W. BARR DENTIST Successor to Dr. Ball. S73 Commercial SL. ASTORIA. OR. TELEPHONE,' RED 2ML Wisdom Today C05IF0RT TOMORROW TO TROVE IT BUY THE (flfllTE AND USE IT j n m i mm rn luniiu ut uiuiuu uuii SOLE AGENTS AND UPTON'S TEA AT i