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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 15, 1901)
( ( f tHB MOKXIXU ASTOKIAN THt'KSD.Xl, AltilST IS. IOA Satin otoritm Telephone MUn 661. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. 8nt by mill, per year Sent by mail. per month Served by carrier, per month. ..! . .50 . .60 SKMl-WEEKLX. Sent by mail, per yer, In advance. .00 All communication Intended for pub' llcation should b directed U "Editor Astorian." Business communications of all kinds end remittance must be addressed to "Tbe A:orian Publish ing Co." The V tori in aruaranteea to Its adver Usera the largest circulation of any nwpaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising rates can be had on ap olieHon to toe business manager. FIGHTING BOB" EVANS' REPRI MAND. TacJma Xewm. . Tbe tint Inquiry by everyone who reads the ivprlmanJ address? by Act Inir Secretary of the Navy Haekett t , . . . -v !.pd il: 1 pot, consider them cf :-iu.k In: the request of former Secretary of :n f - - ' ' ' w " ' Navy William E. Chandler, ti Rear Admiral Robley O. Evan a, will b aa to vh: Evans ga.i a-,ou. Chandler in his Wok, "A Sailor's Isg." The Incident will prove a valuable one to Evans, not because a chastening which for the bresen: greviius 's believed afterwards to yield the peaceabie f-ul:s of righteousness, iut lecaus? 1: will add largely to the saJe of "Fightlig Bob's" book and pu: many extra simoieons from royaties In his poc- Thus the cloud which rests on Admiral Evans has a silver lln'ng. 'Fighting Bob" vans has been in the navy for forty years. He led a party of mariners In a land assault cn Fort Fisher and was plugged s full of built t holes and hot lead that the sugens pro posed to cut off both his legs, but were dissuaded fr:m their purple by "Eob's" violent language, emphasized by a revolver he had thoughtfully placed under his Dillon:. He recovered but was placed on he retired list for disabilities. Being the only who had ever been retired for disabilities received in the most active kind of ser vice, congress helped Evans back into the navy. In which he his ti?en d's'lngu lshing himself ever since. On me other occasion, when Chandler w?s nit draw ing full pay for a time. This Is how it haanened. as describe! by Evan in the passage of his book of which Chandler complained: When I had Sr'rvel less than t'i ytars as equipment officer i f the Wash ington yar! I was deta-hed j,nd order ed &i inspector of the fifth lighthouse district, with headquart-rj a: Baitim -re. Ml. Th? change from metallurgy to a disbursing officer under .'he s-'-rotary of the treasury and the care t,f buoys ml liphth 'uses was radical, but it was a part of my profesin an 1 therefore to b don-. Being a disbursing offir-r without b nd frigh'eiel m? some'.vhat at first, but I som fiund t'.iat it was eav work, r-quir:nir oily rare .nd h r. esty. The duty wis .ain: and '--v.-genial, and k-f.t o- -ry "lit.-h in :h urrn air witii fin- uppruni'Ses ;,,r ah.i -ting and fichlr.g. whi-?h I -II I n". negiect. My dip Tic? .xt-nd 1 fr,m Havre de Grae. Ml., ti P.-auf .r:, N. C and Included ail th- buoys and light houses in the navigable wl'hln :hoj limits. The condition of the lighthouse sr vice at this time was f ir Trom .sati-faf:- terv. The ipoaintment of .he keepers. ,, , . . . . . was In Dol : ca hands and thoueh the Inspector had th- examination '.f the men, It was pra.tically imjjs.sibl- to prevent the appointment if who re-nderc I political servi e. An attempt to da this was the cause of .-erlous trou ble to m? long bef .re my tour "f duty was compl'-ted. I found that the Ilght keeners were being asscss-d a p rtlon of th-lr nav for p dlti-jl puiposes. which was clearly Illegal, an 3 when I dir-otej them to refuse to pay su'-h assessments I became persona non grata to a cer tain class of mi-n b i vint; political power, but nothing els- to comtn-n 1 them. Th y were fiulte hon-F: vith me, how tv r, and s-rv-1 noticr r.r. tne that un less I oh nig' d my wayii I woul 1 come ;o gr'.i-f. which I eventually .li 1. A certain f-llow wbo had be -.a ejectrd a del-gat,, to a political c-invention was nominated to b- llght-ke-p-r as a re v, ard, but was found so d.-r-putabl- on examination that I rdus'-l to pass him. I would not tubnit to (lif.iiion In my duties by a set of men quit., .as ill-rei u-tabl- as the suggested keep.-r, tind on this issue I was detiched and placed on waiting orders. It-port w as made to the secretary of the navy that I was inter fering with political conditions In the Fifth district, and, without asking a werd of explanation from me, I wa punished by being relieved and placed on reduced pay. It was, of course, A gross Injustice, aud caused no end of comment In the pipers; out I took It ja quietly at possible, an 1 ha lv.iys Mt contented that I was not personally known to the man who could so far do grade th,. high ortVe he hell. The n.vy had In some wiys dcR'nerat.d into A Job lot, ; leas; in the eyes of these who used It for their own purpos s, and was sometimes let to a very low hid lor. Finding mye;f on :h beach, as It were, became I would not take a hand in politic, rather than because I had done so. and knew'ng tha: I would no: ha employment again during :he time if the administration then In power, I asked for !ea for a year, with permis sion ta leave the I'nited state. In th absence of the secretary of the navy th? request was granted, and I was busy making preparation to enjoy It. when a teiegrarn ram from th ecre tarv revoking my leave and again plac ing me on waiting orjers. I was leally of more Import inc than I had consid ered myself, and I must b .-iade to feel my punishment. However, I had Mt th sting of Insects before In my life, Krtincf 'hefl ! ",e administrati n hil char.gnl and Mr. W. C. Whitney, the prince of svr.'tari s. had taken his l.'.ac? as sec retary of navy, there was a sense of relief amo"g us all. His uisin-ss met?. ods si-n b-gan to sh - excellent re sult, and his f ilr treatmou of th'se un ler him male officers an! 'n n alk" f! that he was th 'ir friend At't-r he had been In office but a few wek he snt for me. an I. teli ng me frankly what :he rerir;s against me as iii-p-cfr of the Fifth district had b-en. heirl what I had to siy in reply. I was im mediately orlerel t' resume my duties n Baltimore: but. In view of the tar?e amount of work I had on hand in Pitts burg. I was allowed n delay one month in order that I might complete it. Once mire In the lighthouse service. and this time with the assurance that my si ie of any controversy would be heard, I felt that I could do .nany things to the benefit of the service. The change of administration brought with It a de sire on the part of the smaller politici ans fir a complete ch'ange in th keep ers of all lighthouses, as well as In oth er government places. The secretary of the freasurv and the lighthouse board decided that political opinim was not a ?ufficient cause for removal. If a keep er was fiund neglecting Lis duty !... was to be removed a: once; but In all riss wher charg n w re pr-f-rr- I aea'nst them, ke-p rs wer to have a fair in vest. eation, and Justice was t I d them. Char?- were wrl t-n ;ea!ns n-ar!y evry ke-'l-er in th- i!.s ro :, tln 1 manv of these 1 um-nts w-r.. -vorthy of Th imas JefT-r-n or H-nry "!iy. I car.-fuily inv-stig it-1 .- -rv . an!. af:-r hearing ili th- v; I n . n; in I mv r-ri .rt. otjt of 41m k- -p -r I i" I ' I n"c-s-Mry to r""omm-rd th r-m v.r. f ' his one. and on,. ,.nlv. f r n- s'.- tin duti-s to political work. j It is tbe truth thv. hurts. This quite ! i"foms for th- "'In? of h-s- v.r's. -Thich s--m to have pi -n- 1 'hr-.'jgh th- j eutlel- in which th- n-rvous rg in.stn ' f -x-S-nat ,r "Billy" '"ban 11..- ..f N-vv Himvshir- 1 -nv.ra;p-l. Chindierj r.-v-- n-v-r po-.j as 1 '1 s- rvl' - x- I f -rm r, and as a ;ra tl'-a :-.;! ! i in w as j no sup'-'S-i t , r.A ' ive i 'h- X j cm whi. h n'h firm-I of I !m. "Flehttne Bcb" and Chindl-r are ! at th- extr-m-- r..-,!-.s of pr.iK-lpl.. ,inl l,.r ,m. Wan ?'..-s.p-d about th- v'llaK-. pra' tlro In th" public s-rvir--. The j Am inif o'h-r Hus-on h-ard It .and hur-id-is of duty and -ffieien-y and thor- j ri 'lly hunted up the girl. II; was abl- 'ujrhn" which have actuat-d Kvans through a long life of magnifi'i-nt and heroic service are not those which the political spoilsman exemplifl-s in the most successful care-r from a pirtlsan standpoint. The navy and the public service generally haa so much improved during the sixteen years slne fi-cr-tary Chandler retired from the manurm-nt i of the department that one ml-ht b r.ermitted ti tell the truth In a matt-r of public interest an 1 politi-al hl ttry wilnout te;lng called 'i ovn for it. Th reprlmand of Admiral Kvan" k- rv-s -o call attention P this ai-sjg- In hi.- ir terestlng bcx,k, and th- maj.ri'y of -he p-ople wh a r-ad It would not have thougiit to connect fhnndi r p-r-on.'illy wl'h the affair had not r-min l d tii-tn hlniHClf tha; he h -Id tie- ponf-jlio at th time. Evans may have be.-n gu;i y . f a technical o(T-ri.e In writing .hit1 plan, unvarnished narrative, out the in-ii-nt will only aid to the popularity -e ith the people. JOB COULDN'T HAVE STOOD IT. If he'd had Itching pile.. They're t-r rlbly annoying; but Buolen'a Arnba Salve will cure the worst cafle of p lea on earth. It haa cured thousand". For Injuries, Pains or Bodily Eruptions It's the best aalve In the world. Price 20c a box. Cure g-uarantst-d. Sold by Hart's Drug Store. iff YVH1TK I'.lKl. CAITIVK. Pr.'tty Itjibe Traded to In bans Now Oid Enough to Wed llor Swee-hert Th,. s: ,rv ..f All.-.. Hiitk.v of Montana. who Is about to inheri: tr fath-r's for- tun- and mirrv hoi- Indian l.nvr is strung., chapter In the plomcr I.Utory 1U" k" ' d "'"' :'' ,'! :' of the West ; suits were a: otuo hegun agil'nt (,'ie In babyhood th pretty white girl was "u",w f 'r n a-'" 'lin ing on th.. hand her:oslv traded to the Ulackfoo; In- "f t!l1'' :''k' dian. for twelv i.n(es For m.,. !hi:i sixteen years she dwelt among the red- men of th northwest as om of the daughters of the trIV. alihough In her veins there was no; one drop of Indian , It was at th lis: sun dance, less than a year ago. that White Feather, as the Indians called her. learned that he was a paleface; that she had been chrlstenej Alice Burke by her white parents, and that she had been sold to the Indians by an unsi rupul us friend oj her fat.'iA er s. These revelations A Woke new .motion :id amtvltl ins In White F'lther's breast. Strang- and varied have been h-r experiences! since th n. Through it ail sh' has be'n hel;J by the stanch in 1 shrewd assistance of a fuli-bl ,.d Indian name 1 J ihn F'. ' -twIng is no: :h' orl'.niry. pain: 1 1, b, f.. a;her d Indian, but be was as uncouth and nil! : anv of tlie-n w'.'-.n h' w js taken from his h-rs s ari l sent away to ;he palefaces school N w hi- mm- stands h gli 0:1 the 1'arlis' r 'll of honor, and tie typitW h w l'ii !' Sam can d-wl p th; m Mern Indian. Fi-etwirg s-aid a: Carlisle two years. When h came back to the res nation "J hn" Fleetwtng was scrawl d on t.i text books which the In l an y uith pr u llv displayed to Wh t F.-ath.-r. B-fore that vacition was over th- am bitious girl had mastefel as much of the contents of th se b ks 11. Fl w-'ng hlms-lf. "A half-breed." tlv old chief w. ul 1 ' answer when pressed too about 1 White Feather's ancestry. She ha! be-n brought Into their midst, he explaln-d. hv Bear L-ggins and his squaw when she was a little two-y-ar-o!d pup'i I'-ir L-ggins told the chief ;hat sh w as . half Inlian. that her mother and fath-r i were b th dead, and so he had tak n j h-r to his tepee. j A year agi events b-gan to d-vel p , that provel c inclusively that sh- w as a ' white girl, and that her nam- was All " Burk-. The first p rs n to tak - a haul In el-arlng up the mystery was Tun Husson. Husson was a disr-ptable !,ors--tra 1-r, cat;l.-buy-r an I a who hiiied from f-istern i'r g . He bor- a bad reputation ev-n among thj fr niier Ind'am. II- r 'il- Into 'h- B'vkfoi: s-ttl-m-n;, miking inqulr--s j c mc-:ning a whi:- girl baby that ha I j b n los: among or tradil the j Hi ict f.r some slxt.-n y- ars I."' tf. H.. f ul 1 g-t n clu- until h- r I- Im 1 I th- villi.'- where Whit F-.if.i-r l.v-l. i Just ib or the tlm th- 1-r.iv-- w r i g-tt ng r-a ly f r ti:- gr-:i: "sun d ine-." 1 Whit.. F-ath-r was .invng th- squaw io.mlilit s who wan:..-.I th- h m -r f 1 p.p i"lng th - "s.i'r-l tungii-." b- 'o--rrii-n: f by 'h- brays !ii' :ng th- .1 1 nee. Only squi.vs ,f s'aitil-.-s ( hari -t-r and trib- 1-s. -n' . s-', I . f- this h.,r. or. When Whit- F-.vh-r ;p.a - s - l h fjr- th- is-'mb'.ig- a- 1 '.Hi lda!-, an o'cl or !)- Jump -1 : h-r f : an I. in a i riek-l y. p ... htrl-k I : "Th-Ur- i: Fi h-r f rbid this. Sh- is r. Hi okfo't, but a white wiua'.v. Sh- is n -r fit ti frvi with the saer-1 on.-' .in I ;r-piir- th- t nau-." "I am but haif whit-." r-tiltn-l Whit F'M'h r. s' ouily. "Wl.'te "qui'.v, J say; ,'iil v t;.t-." snari- I back ;he crone. "I .1; p-il to th ' Hig "h j Big ''ii"f no l ie 1 hl.s h-.a l gray ly .v. r this. ff ciuraM th r-v-latloii of tb- oil to add an ether chapter to the story. "I l imit It was my fa h'-r who did It," he conf-ss-d bluntly. "But he had to. I'v- be-n hunting you up for nearly a v.-ar trvinif ro straighten the thing out. I'v- s n vou oef ire In my trading trip h-r-. but I never gu-s.sed who you were. I didn't know till my father dl-l l.aat year an 1 he told me the story." "And is that th- only reason you've hunte. me up?" demand-d White F'-ath'-r. shrewdly. "W-dl." admitted Huson. with a bit of hang-leg hesitancy, ' I migh; as w!l t II y in th-re'H i little land your fa'tv-r I-ft wh-n he dl-l six years ago. It li-s next ours; It don't amount to much and I'll give you a hundred dollars for It." "T-M Me about how I came t a !.- sold, fir-t," sil 1 the girl. Tb-n Husson went on to r-cmnt thai - rri.. sevent'-en years before his own fn'o-r and her father, James Uurk'-, had d' t'-rrnin-d to give up firming in West em Kansas and try sfx kralsing In East-rn Or-ifon. On th- long wagon trip he entrusted his Ilttl... thr-e-year-old daughter to hi" his fri'nd Husson. He being in nee of oonl's trailed her to th- Indians and t ild her fath -r she had di-d. Whit Feather knew that John Flf-t-wing would be back from Carlisle before the week was out and he would advise her In this extraordinary situation In th-n-w turn in her again. Hhe met Fleetwlng almost as som P8 he rode Into the village. His advice was to refuse H'jsson's proposition. If lie had come all the vay from Eastern Ore gon to offer $100 for a atrip of land it mus; be worth a far lit ater sum. Fl''l' wing situ ne cl I Into tlw m.ttfr h.mself lie did. an I lie discover,-1 that 'be Imd nl. no w worth sonic l.'v'.ixv besides the value of til. hois.s n. cat- tl' which wer ,n ; when her ta li ,,i,s'- "ml H ,,u n ':,' ' tl I I Ik- II "'" "W l o-se.s,,,., f, A, , , " 'r:'' F ather's. ... rather All,- " :ne A' f Alice llurke's '''i,:m Uy t!,, her suit against lhf " which t-n-ught to light '" urv of ner lire among tn' H'aokfO 't Iinlati Now ihat her cl un.a ; "' tair way ot ncillg satist I '..'rllV 1 xtinl " " ,n!,: ' K' I" to ttti I e alvliv "f the chief an! marry ere of l h ,,r,x'0, S!"' ' K"1'" iww Mrs. j J'-,Jm H'A'wbg -.'c,v nk Journal. 4 ' AOCoMMob.Vttll) Dl'l'l .LISTS. F-'r aqiie months vmiin In V.'nn htis b.en mrkmg a living In a manner, leas-1 a houne In a svvlul'l quarter of the (-ay. she fur- nish-,1 the r'onis coinf.r'!ly. and th-n announced thioug.i a fw cuitl I tut .at ."C-"i:s that ny 'ei so-is wh .l. -trel pi , r'gut du Is 1 u!,l ,1m a; th lr ea,. In h-r r-vins. if ,-mr -. i.. charge I f. r bis .1 eo . 111 in ' a " i ul, but .b- .mmrt 'Mi n : l.ire, an I c. ns U 'titly rco ninny 'ays pi. 1 b f ie a fierce 00m bit to k place beta-, 11 two S lid n in h' in .si citf I,- ,i, . ,iprime-vs I mi', nig :h- fel'M'iii; i.e-k tin -' niciv dn-ls , w-r. f light In h.-r li. us', in 1 h- y ace b came "ver "Pore .i, iin.ll a few 1! ivs ag). when t!,-. , ! (uirs m Jos: as two voung 111 -n 01.' pteparlng ' flsbt with siPr 1 1 Th v arres'. I l:- 'irnn. i.h.i is I': 'wife of a sii'i 'i-'.l.n it .;..y n-n-nt of Itlcial. and a f'w days later 'h- wis : s-nt' lie I ; .1 long 1 rm of .iiipils-n-i m-iic She almlt.rl at her trial that , m :- than two h 11 ndro I du-W h 1 1 l ti , f 'light In her h ius,,1 nn I the she bid earn-1 a lir.'- sum of money ti this WAV. Witn'Ss-s uls. 1 t-stltl-l that sue had twit pr-s ut during all tne duel" a rl ha ' ;:ven iiij-'i .isslm m-e ) the s-arg ns In eating for the w. un I--I TrXNEI. TO NnltTII I 'OLE. In this y ar. when vi tniny diff' r-nt .itt-nqits ar- b-mg n ade t r-a.-h th- pole. It Is lntT't.g to le.irn :b- m-st 1 extra irdlnuty pl.m y. : sugg-s'-d ;,i . ' c nipli'h thit l-t t. A tuiin-l is the moth d pr p 'S -d by "'iptaln Ieuil Iiunnett -. f. rm r'y of .h-French navy. : Launm :t-'s " 1 Is thit by buliding a , fiund "f .lo-ly in -mil ic,. blocks i an 1 i.gin.n- ,- w.t'i I. . tri-ity he won! I sMh!lh a r mi". tit- f ; p rfe "ly I'M'-f I f:'"n '!.- . iii' n:. ml avall o' l- f. r tr iv. I at ill t I'l. s. r.h ba.-s t -oip; v at -onv-nl ". 1' -11 ! me f .! g. f r trie. .0.1 nn '. i'oi n i'1'Ti .hi-ugii . 1: ii, .11. t.i 1 iig'li 'i h 1 1 r 0 s '1 ; 1 v iv : v-rl in I ' 1 s in. p-01 pi .Xlisl.a vh-nc- 1 ys. ! s :i I ' -r A 1 w 1 -1 s w 11', I 1 :i v ; : t - y , !i , :,, 1 l-i ,ip . n !v I by ' ip! I'll I. I'ltm-:' - a p pi; as far nn'c ': 1- s if., i" navig it T -I-!! Iiir -or the -iiort sinnm-r 'li ¬ xt-di- ti '.' "! ! 0" iiisla-d ov-r t h-- I bor !..r f 'h i- g n of p t--:u i 1 -. wti-r- th.. rr' i!n ii is- f -upi'l.-s 'i iiil I ),.. es-j.'-.h- I. Tii' nth le-in-n nn I 1 1 i ti .r-rs -.VMii l 'inp.r k n Ir toils nnd it o w- rk at .'.i tiitri 1 i to .h- N'irtli I' !-. I- s pr : " 1 t i h iv.. in I ' ll, ie., walls ir.d on i-e r 'f. FA Mi ,1 'S CI. I) VIU. IN'. Th- m is. ii", :i. IP rtp n, th- native , 1 ? tb ' -I'oi it-d vl-'lnl't "'I.. Hull. b-u lu"i, think- to tb- g. n-r oslty of Itllli'K Uil'OV, Cuin- llO'l I1' 'SSession i? i t.', o.' ).- ill-s- viol ns In xl't-no". I: l.s Hil I i i b th work 'if ilaspero dl Salo, w'th ri ;h ' n nn-n:atlon r.ttrlbut -l to riTiv-i ut i f-l'lnl, mil it is al b g-d to b:ir tbe dit- 1".J2. I; via boiiga: for "O'iO liueat.-s by '" trllnal !ii-l. nn l was pr-s'-nt ' 1 to the mus-um at Innspruch, wl ence It was Putted by a soldi -r, and was sold to a Vl.-rin-s.. bank'-r nim-d 't-hnrz-k n Collector. In lmo file Hull b-ggci the bnnk-r to Pt him try the Instrum-nt and aft'-rward h- iff-r d a larg- sum for It. but was refuse I. Horn., v-ars later, Jiovvver, while he was In conversation with I.lsjit nnd Mond-lssohn. Hull r-celv-d a letter from th- son of th- bank'T, atyiounnlng that nis Ii'h-r had 'II-I ami nai lierpjeatneij th.- pr-cl ius violin to lb- eniln-n: e-r- forrm r. Th-nci forw ird !t nccomp anled OI.. r.ull In nil his tours on the fontlnent an 1 In t.'iis " iuntry. HELEN. H-ap' l In raven loops and masses ov-r t 'mpics smooth nnd fair, Have you marked It as she passes, Ol-ain ami shadow are mingl-d th'-re. Urald-d s'ninds of midnight air Helen's hair Ti'-.-fi with ilr-ams and starry mazes 'if rh- 'hoiit'ht that in th-rn lies, Have you s' -ii thrn as she rais-s T.o-ni In gin In-tis or surprl"f Two itny gb-nms 'if dnybr-ak kl'.s ll-'i-n'i eyes? Moit ,rh due nnd honeyed waf'.ers ft a muni- s-.v-et that slips, Have you marked them, brimmed with laught'r's Song and f-un'hine to their tips, Itos-bu Ih whence the fragrance drips, II'1-n's Hps H- who h-r ne-d.s must love h-r; Hut, avo'd love's dart! If" who lovs h-r must discover Nature ov rlook"d on part, In this masterpiece of art Ilel-n's h'-art. Philadelphia Press. O. a Buck. B-lrne. Ark., tnr: I M tnuiMiM wiih isumiliiAiuin until I tsiujrln liWitl' iJtlln Karly Kei-a. Siium then hv in ntttvlv cuml of my tMU coiiilivliit I recommend tliein, CIIA8. KOslKlt.-A, lVugnt. AdllltAAtUenel' Col'hlll I on hi nav homo a vast nnount of val uable inroriii.nlon ibiut .lie widow crop in the r.nlippln s. If the action of your b.iw iiot easy and reguliir aortoua ooitiplVitluin mum Iw the final result. IS'Wltt' UitlD Fulv Klsers will remove thin danger. Safe. ..,i,in: a:I effvthe. fit AH. l!iXli:i;S. liuggUt, Young Mr I'li'.IIU could doubile" get suiie valuable tmln ei In he pn ellt i llli'l gelicy fr 'lll V HI K I. IliT. Jam-, W'llti. lliv.tntst lib'. Ill I. i T IV Wlt.s Witch llae S..le healed running r- on tutli leg". He lull UIT',r,s ix y.Min filled to lilp him. iK-t U.Witt Aivcp: no Im itation. I'll AS.;its, lniinti(. I: will be worth while watching the eastern papers to s,v w hien one of 'em will first till attention o the fact that th Younger are out of tail n I . inW n got I is 111 ng In I'jIlfomU. KriUJtlon. cuts, ootids and or. of all kiud qub-kly heale, by IvWItta Wltco Haael Halre. Certain cure for pil-s. Heware irf iMunterfet. He. sure you git th ivrigmil lWl:t' i'HAS, ki'uimis. iirumfi.i. You will have i.elo d that when Plerpoii! M' va hl cillded with the yachts of lesser ml qi I' was ilie o il- r yachts thai g t hurt. Mr S II Alloort. J .hnstown. Va . say "Our Utile artrl almost :rangliM 1.1 dei it h wl h croup. The d.s t.irs aald she couldn't live but she As" instantly r 1 1 v I hv One Minute I' lugh I'ure .' rn.vs it h; Kits. lriigg..i Vetl es Ini.t . held of the . hnr- :r t.r f I'otl'v M igan to the ' hnii' ts fc ,r,(tx wirrtn'i .,i Oellef ttiat he I" ucb a s -.inn r 'l as m inline I pil lules w oul I In I c 1 .c In ivws of ccup give the little ,le One Minute "'.Higti "'ur- Th-n 'im' asv .111 1 h iv- n 1 f ir ! n-vr falls. I'l-as-an! to Ink-, a'.wavs safe, sure an I al most It's! irran shis tn ' ff'Vt. "'HAS ip;i:ks. pruggwt. I.e I Z I.-'.oer -ha: h" -I 11. 0 Mv - in I'hu ig. When he I" I" col'n-e tng I '" ' r.nls ihit "liable t'.llll I 1 ipllUge In W i-lll-.g' 01 to- do, s Ii,", ll- lllei K 1 " , 111': y 'II know' I1 T Thomas. SuniTervI'l... All "I was suffer ng fi 'in dv s.'-ih,!.! wh-u I i-'imiiH'ti"'-1 laklntf K.l'l Iiyafpab i'ure. I t .k s-v-ral b otles and 1 an llg-st anything." Ko.l . pyspepsia I'ure Is the 1111W pr-Jlkiratioi ,i..nUinliig nil the natural d.g.tive fluids It glv.s weak stomich ent're n t, n-a" i-ltiat th-'lr natural con.l'.tlon. "'II AS n KUS. Iirugglsi. me my Ute Take run e but Foley I: Is now sail that the .ill. g'd 1 Hart's drug tir- ios-ni rol.b-r. cannot b. ."iivlod. be- cans., none of the tn n In II urn Ti.rl. w HI be ..nly . xty per c-nt "f an can be Induced t.i g.. :.. ruba ! testify .v,.rill( ,,,,!,. i.n, p, Mlasoiiil. but aitamst him In i'l.f "f he failure ..f ,,.r u n,, nI,,arrt, fulling off In tbe hi New V rk bank. I: I "l.. nt ihat 1 .y tag,. nin-tinn' of .tom.i.'h.a. he Incl Ihirv Heath's r-soin-s have n ( 1 -n ,,.m , th appl . ml the .. n. hiustd A H. Pavls, Mt Sterling. It. wrlb-.: Ion't l- siitisiled wli'i i-nit.irary re- ' I was Miibled with kldn-y complain! lief fr 1111 Inditfestlon. K xlol Iyp.p:aj f ir about two year, but two one dollar "'ur- permanently a id o m.i -t-ly re. 1 tiottl.s of Fol-v's Kidney I'lir" erT t' l nii'V" this complain!. I: r'llevs l'r- j a permanent ciira. Hart's dru- a;, ire. nian-ntlv l.'.'ius' It ailo'vt !h tlr-l ;""- - s'omach 1 rf." rst. Ih-tlng won't rest th- stmiich S'itu,.. --.-.!,-, sup-, STItKICT IMI'ltoVK-MKNT. t. !-s from th- r -1 1 w- e it l h- "--n slhl w iv t 1 h'C'i 'he at mi 11 h Is oVi .nl,,.-.. k-.l.l l.vO'.-,s i'ure .vllleh dl- . I ..sf j uh.f v t I em'. Iiein loi- " ! d" y hi K'i'l "'HAS It'i'illltS. lung ;' "" I It st. II ,s .'ii'y .i m il nii'ro S i he n-i-r la's -'Ho n-r Irijst. II - iys h.. -a n st i.i l ' b.. 1 1 re I tn h b i ,; u i ' i th.. -ps. I'i'lt WlliMil'INM t'lifiill "Hob mv ch,llr-n .1 -re 'ak-n with A ti i -iO il ciiuieh I .) t . in. of 1'anv ..7 ..." , . ." I . in v sni in ii ii f Foley's limy an I Tar .ur... Km 'ninth in I s iv Irug .tor-. I it d ict.ii ', I'll;." Hart' i N' ., M ni b-. 1 II '. 'to I'.' S Hot ,,a his till llli I' port-r - ivtlefl "llpp-'l." Mr Paul"! Hmtz. " it 1 i-rvll! -. I.. say.: "H iv had as bn a and a v-ry bid cough for years, but could pot no r-ll-f from th- d "'"r a-id inelein"s I trl-d. until I took Foley's ll 'n y an I Tar. It gavi me lmrn"..i t- r-1 -f and done rm- mor gin I ban all tii- o'her rein-dies com bine I. Hart's drug store. If th- cult' of Iti'iu'ry v.l.l l.siie .sub ;i"efi is for tb- nil k-.s ot tli,. Sp, Hilar Is whos.. bodi-s ir- lying at th.- boltotn of th- s-a off Sanllag . A luilril Samp shii won': bnv- a ghost of ;i chance of recoirnitl n. T Win. Finn, of Llrn i. ft., obtained ex-c-llent r'"sult fr .m the use of Foley". Kldn-y Cure. "It rfll'-veil my back ache and (H-v-re pain over the hip.' II toned my system and gave me new vim and "n-rgv. I' Is nn honest and reli able rmedy. a sure cure for all kidney Ils-um-s." Hart's drug .tore. Professor Sparks Is the lafst univer sity candidal., for fame. (IB has a story ab mt hirl Mines ahead. I'mf-M-snr Sparks will have to be better than that If h- hole s in b,. In (he money wlih the Immoital Trlgits. High living, Inlemps-rance, exposure, and many othf-r things bring on Hrlght's dls'iise. Foley's Kidney Cure will pre vent Hrlght's dlscae and all other kid ney or bladder dlsor b-rs If tnk-n In lime. He sure to lake Foley's. Hart's drug store. Thou- f'lillfomia cr.iks i. Id more 'o reduc,. thi- visible gold than have nil the-gold-bug "ra'ots sii Orover Cleve land's flrn time on earth. SAVED TWO FROM DI3ATH. "Our little i,-,u,;htir had an alrnont fatal attack ff whooping csunih and bro'ichlthi." wrlt'-s Mrs. W. K. Havl land. of Armonk, N. V., "but, when all other nim-dles fnil'vl, w(. ,ived her life with Ir. King's Now Dtscftvery. Our niece, who had ftonsumption In an ad vanced stage, aim u"d this wonderful ni'-dlcin- arid today .be 1. perfectly well." Pi-spi-ml'. throat and lung dts- easos ylold to It. Kin'. Now Dlafiv ry an to no rthT mesltf lnn on earth. Infallible fi,r Oougha and Colds: and H.OO bottle guaranty by Hart's Drug fltore.Trlal bottlos) free. Two Indian m'-n have been fined 11 apiece beciius,. they indulged In the lux ury of calling a f"llor employe Mark Hanni, which Is cheap at the Price. Having no mon-y, of course, they like o near tne w ards Al th aaiiin tlm It Isn't awf to rely heavily on I'mfivtaor Trigg' Judgnu'iit of poetry. IU said. "TU 1'ralrl I" w d'i(gi'rvi."-4,blogj Trlliuii. The shirt-waist mm ha been vlndl eatc'l nl lum by k resolution of Indois... nienl iiise, by ill,. Texas igllaltir. I will hardly be nr.- o call a Texas aim t waist man a du Ie. TO HICAt. A lltriiT. I's llNiiuer Halve, the great healer. It' vuarnntee,) for cut, wound, amy. I'll- and all akin dlwaso. l'a no utxtltuie. Hart's drug st-re, A hor.. In W;tpik.ii-tii. iv, u so lllodcsl tlllll. Ileal le le CiillVCIUl 'It'll straw hat. i fifliloiiable thla year. I10 weaia ii'iu.eia ml pink auapi'ii.lera. Hut lie hii no; g n , rr n, u,,. .hin. wnlai yet, A It. Has, nf Monrantown. Itid , had to irel up ten or twnlv ilinea In the night an I had sever twekache and pain In Iho kidneys. Was cured by To. ley Kidney Cure. Il's guaranteed, Hart's drug store. . . . 1, The nun indeed I enalllc Wh,i f.-l a at xatuiiii In Just the thought thai lis null I'p to his reputation. WIIAT'8 YOUlt PACK WoltTIIT Bnmstlmes A r-rtutie. but nsver. If you hav. a sallow completion, a Jiun- direj i.vik, moth ixttoiio asid lilotah an the akui. il ln nf I.ivr '."rouble 1'ut Or. King a New life I'ltla (. t l.r Skin. Itoay Chk. Itleh Com p'.rxlon. Only io at Hart's Prui Pure. The fact ihat Ui.ty Francis Idpe called "'apt iln a ', s. .n, nt.- thr. she knows Jus: lhn Sim I "f uui. terl.ll tle Is pa lll re. li.SKlg'i ll wiiiti: mas Tt'itsnn vkli-ow lr--ai condteriMilon w f. It by th friend, of M A. Hoa-iriy of U'lington, Ky, wlvn they .i he was turning yellow. Ills akin slowly dimmed col or. Iv h'a ryea, .11, t he iifT.'p' 1 terri bly. Ill malady wiui Yellow Jaundice H -'wus treated by lli Imt d H'tor. bil! mlltauit tk-ntt. Then he wa4 advlavd to try laegtnr Illttor.. thr- wonderful Ht'iniik-fi niul IJvfr renicly. and h wrlt-ai "After taklnat two h e tie I wn wlnly cun,." A trial I'Mi'n Its nwttodl a ment I t all Htontsa h. I.iv r Mid Ivllnejr ttv.uM.. Only 8.41 by Fiitnk Hart. Iruiiglt. "I want a hail the la'e.t til-.' Said he of tender .-u Tli,. tut'er rl k-d s 'nv toi l -. And made replj : -The li e.; !:. Ha hole, m f ir -he rn n"' - I 'till 1 l-lphi.i It-ci ! WH'l.n IIAVHi'oST HIM HIS I.I FH IVir Iktwrnan. le-ban. n. Ky., writ.-.: "I have iKen using Foley' Kidney i'ure and take rreat pleasure In auilng I" race me tiertn men; i uri. uf kidney ills. a which certnJnly would hava real I Vol.... Is hrr-l.v It V.'tl ft'Il' 111,. I'.llll- n "II "II ii .1 of tile Ity o; Ast I: .a PC '''' are I its '1 nnlnati ti nn I in rml n j to onprve I ' s're.; In tlie ' v'py ..f As" arli a lull -nit and coord e bv J 'till M.-llliire mi I ext-lllel by i'yriH "'lii'-y, fr en ih- ! iln- of ""v i e .th strvt to the lies' lln of Slx'h ' SlCet. Up '11 til" pr.-s. nt eS I'llistl d i gni I- th.T-.if alii to the full i. ilth there f, by r-movlng nd In- "1 I pl.u k ' Itig and s ) walks, tb- i-.lin" ti th- establlslie I grade, an I cotis'rii.-:-' lug side walks mi t-.u-h s i- t!i-r of .no uo.i.. Lii.i ci, W!ii,t i i it,.. from curb to curb through oi. th- wl 1th ! l:h plank of tbr-'e Ineln-s In thl kn-. by twelve lnebe vvldu, and plan ill i th crossing at tb- Int-rs.-ctl ui of C on i Diareial street with Sixth sir- el to the full width tliernf. ex. !.; Ihe pir lon 1 thereof rover! by the side walks, with I similar plunking All material used in 1 iild Improv -nient si, nil be good s-'ii'id I red or yellow fir lumber mi l "a 11 ini ! jrov'ment except ns li'rclti oth rn lse lirovl led shall conform to the ri-iuire-lii-nts of gi-n-ral ordinance No. ltil. In relation to tho Itiiproveiiunt of atreeis. That the costs and expensi s of making said Improvement shall It- d. -frayed by sps-clal .iss.ntBjent upon the lols, inn Is and preml a nbutllng uis.n mil oilier- wlsii b-ni'lllieil l.y sul'l improviiienl pro-rata according to the estimated ben efits, which .aid district of lots, bind 29. and lots 3 a id 4 In block .X and all of the south half of block 111.', and lots 5 and 1 In block 21, nil In the Town (now city) of Astoria as laid out and recorded by John .! 'lure nnd ext-mlrd by Cyrus Olm-y. and which said dis trict Includes all lot. nnd land, and premises to b assessed tn defray the costs and expense, of making said Im provement. That the City Surveyor of tbe City of Astoria has been directed to prepare nnd file with the Auditor and Police Judgs of said city, estimates of thn oosts and expense, of constructing said Improve ment atid plans nnd specifications for the Dropitsed work. That this notice of the Intention of the Council to make said Improvement la given by publication In the Morning As torlan for eight days by order of said Council, dlr -cling tho unifl. the llr.t puhll'fttlon being In Ih Issue of Aug. 7th, 11W1. H. 10. NKI sSoN. Auditor and Polloo Judge of the City of Astoria. Hnd premises to be assessed In defray (he costs and expense, of .aid Improve- ment Is as follows, (o-wlt: Coinmenclng nt the northeast corner of 'lot live (fi) In block twenty-two (22), and running thence west to the northwest corner of lot six (8), In block Iwenty-one (21). (hence south to fhe southwest corner of lot three (3), In blo"k thirty CIU), ih-fice east tn the southeast corner of lot four (4), In block twenty-nine f2), thenc north to the place of b ginning, and containing all of the norlh half of block PRAEL & COOK TRANSFER COMPANY Telephone til. DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Goods Shipped to our Care Will Receive Special Attention. No. 63t Iu&ne 8t., W. J. COOK, Mgr. Astoria, Ore. Res. Tel. lltt. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER. RAILROAD. KFFl.VTmU JULY I, J, I.KAVK I ItyjTI.ANIJ ,Nj 'm Portland I'n am .imh!" 1 i ij- ; ampin Kr atila i,d W.i Jioim ramp i I lanm. ' 1 " p AUTtMtlA ' w 1 Vt 1'unUTiii ".nd wr.,y ' ; ij art. I . hiMwipm HSiVlllg lVI"lllN A.lorls hr U aimit'iu. liearliart ami laaslils I I V III II SUa m It M AIM I'M ,lk V i III l ill A a 111 iim 0O J Ul Hi. in r in a iji m MeU, (lir W.rrtlitou and Auri. u eu o, IU aO p .k I J" I" u 1 p ill ao ji m I tally gcvnn rUt unlay, II Hnurday uiUy. Train leav Aalorla fur FU"I. Ham ni.uid and Fort Hl.vsn. at t li a. in. nd I to p. m. dally. Uto Fori HU Tsn fur AaUtrla I.v4 a, in, auj l.N p m, dallr. All train nwika ikw ciiycikm at (Johle with all Northern IVtcHlto traJn to and friii th t-.t and fViun.1 ponn. J. l?. MAVO. ilen'l Freight and Ihnawoaer Ag-nt. 1J ..Fordand - Astoria oute. STR. "TAHOMA," Illy Hound Trips ieH BunJay. TIME CAHO I avo I'.irtland Atiri4 . .7 a. m. I p. m. Ttinmgh I'm-tlam! cnol"n with, (rsainer Nrtii( a from Ilnrao and L.onr !- h prtlllta. WbJta Otllar Una tickets tnfrrhang ttle aitth O. It. - N. Co. and V. T. Co. ticket. Tel":ilmn Dck; TeK-ptmii. HI. IHE DALLES-PORTLAND ROUTE t 1 1 STR. "BAILEY GATZERT." DAILY ROUND TRIP UCC'T MOMOIT Vifit-ouvcr. CiscaJe Locks. St. Mir- tln'i Sprlnfj. Hood Hlver. Wfttte Salmon, Ly Ie in! The Diilcs TIME CARD I-'.v Portlaial ... Arrlv Tha Illei.. T A. M. 1 I. M. 4 P. M. 10 I" M. Iava Th. Inll'.. Arrlv. IVtrUand ,., MI-ALS THt VY OfcST THuii.Uy Trli a leading reatur CThla Itoutn li th Qrandrst B.-nlo Attractions nn l-iarth. LAVIMNI ASH iFFI'i:t Fix T OF AI.IH'.'ll HTHMCT. lliiTII 'I'llitNIX MAIN 351 1HTLANI . oiti: JOHN M. FiLLOON. Agt The Dalles A.J. TAYLOR. A(t- A&lorla PRATHER BARNES. Agis HooJ River J.C WYATTt A?t Vncouer. L. W. CHI :ilT0N. Agt- PonlimJ OREGON Suorp LINE AND Union Pacific TIMK HCIIKD- Depart Chlcaaco Portland fl.-fsclal i00 a. m. via Hunt ington Atlantic, lffxpres. 9:) p. rn. via Hunt ington St. Taul Fiist mall 6 p. m. via Hpokane. UI.KH From Fortnd Arrive Halt Imu, Denver J Ft. Worth, OmftJ ha, Kansas Ulty 4:30 p. m. Ht. Isnils, Chloagsi ami Mast. Halt I.aka, Doover Ft. Warth, Ormv ha. Kan.iis City 1:10 a. m Ht. Louts, Chlcnvol and Iflnst. Wtillu "Waua. Ijirwlston. Boo. kiux. Mlnncapolli Ht. Paul, Puluth 7:00 a. m Milwaukee, Chi cago and FaSt 72 hours from Portland to Cliloago. Nn Clinngo of Cars. OCEAN A-NO niVKR BCIIICDUIJTJ BYum Astoria " c 1 1 "X"": AJI sAIUng QAteel sulrfeqt to olmnsje, Fiir ftm Fsuncls- J on fjvery five dnya. 7 a. m. I "(iunilila illvwr T a. tn. etc. Monday nnflvex- Mti Portland and -ijt Bun. I Way Tamllngs. rt(ainer Nohcotln loaves Astoria on tl.Vi dilly for Ilwaoo, conneotlng there with trams for laong Hoach, Tioga and North Ileauh iiftlnts. Itoturnlng arrive at Astoria same evejilng, O. W. LQUNaBIURItT, Aont, Axnorte. A. Ii. CRAIO, Oenerai Favwenger Afenf, Portland, Oreton. S&1 KlxoLSo & Mo fTrss'V si