Ac If mo nut ..mrj1" a Library w.lU ' V0.i!V W',U be aui - r 0H VOL. LIU ASTOKIA, OKCCQN, SATLKDAY. AUGUST 10, 1901. XO. 185 ECLIPSE HARDWARE CO. Plumbers and Stcumf ittei s HOLR AC1RINTH POlt B27 BOND FISHjNGjTAC K L E Tennis, Croquet, Hasehall, Coif, ami all KiiuU of Sjxirting Goods GRIFFIN & REED Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR. FEED. PROVISIONS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS Stitj.Iion of nil kind at lowiwt mUs, for fishi-nniii, Furiuors ami Iieni. A. V. ALL EN, Tenth nod Commercial Streets W.J. Scully, Pacific Navigation Company Sunnier "Sue II. I.liiiore" Only line AHtoiiii to TilMiiimtk, (Jnrlhnl.ll unj Bay City, HobnonvlUe Connecting at Aatorla with th Oregon Railroad A Navtfatlon Cora pany and also the Aatorla A Colum bla River Kallrd tor Ban Fran cisco. Portland and all point. East. For fiwigt and PMneager rates apply to Samuel Blmort A O. Tl. A N. n. R. Co.. Portland, A. A C. R. R. Co.. PorOeml, LI. C. LAMB. Tillamook. Oregon. AGENTS We Rent New V-v nr.,.,,, .,... : y .n .ttj-ft- film urn nuium cmuum iiuiiuu, pP"' . Sfo our lutest " 3?. No. 2 Smith Df wn!ir Tvfwwrltpr iiv 1 1 wmuji'ijfiia rrw KOPP'S BEST ADeliciousand Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure The North Paolflo Brewery, of whl ch Mr. John Kopn Is proprietor, makes boer for dwiietlo and export trade.. Bottled beer for family una ur ke g beer supplied at anny time. Delivery In (lie city free. North Pacific Brewery C J. TRENCHAPD. Commission, Brokerage, Insurance and Shipping. SUPERIOR STEEL RANGES STREET WE ARE SELLING AGENTS FOK. . . Moore's Steel Cooks CARLOAD JUST RECEIVED DOND STREET, n Ninth and Tenth mi J "V. II. Huri-lum" Co., General Agents, A3TOKIA, OKfci Typewriters. 1 1 L- M. ALEXANDER CO. Exclusive l'HPitlc Omnt Dealers 215 Stark St., l'ortlaiul, Ore. F W. M'KKCHNIE. Iax-al Aip-ut. 7 Custom Home Broker. ASTORIA, ORE, agent W. V. AOo,, and PaolBo tepresa Co'. DECISIVE MOVE BY CORPORATION Big Plant at McKcesport Will Be Taken Out. GOMPfiRS TO THE RESCUE Moral i4 Floaiclal Seaaert Will Bi dlvta bjr Antrlcia Fcaeratloa si Liter Built hr tbf Canst si L'lloilim. 1'ITTSHfH'i. Aug. s-Th.rr er gravely Important developments In the .irlki- -I : u 4:1.1 i.. Lay. The United Stale. Hd- Corp melon nuvivl ircllvi" ly In tlic ir:k- aninilKti wlih a i-r-mi'liiiy uri'T illro. t!ii(f tliu! ih--... W.iul plant at M. -K-t,e nmnn., mil r-n:.v-, id Kik:nilru-:aii 1 alU-y. Tlif I'itf.W.h. i ik 1. !. ,,f :h ill : an I luet kn i n pi m:n m viinU. It wji f..iinli-.l n ry fitly yr km 1 aii'l ll hp nit I mil:, m - r-.l frmn twrlvi- t i f iir:-. n a.w-. I' mpl .! mi avcruiC ' i.f i men. Th--plant rm -mti1 inillhui 1. Tli- 'iillni. nt of ilir 'lt!n. ,ui I nf. tl. f M K- -i ti t-ii tM- n imtm: ! iMri' irim an I It It brlli-vr l ll.'f tha t ttie btl'T prffriel !i g-t nut Milwr tnikir my utti-mpt l.i r'- l'r - ..t.-nt (J )ii!.T. .f it) Am -rli-nn F"tv.r.i:l,.n nf li.ur. offer tw.i days' iNinf-rr u r with l'n,l.'nt Jhn(T'T anl hi ni'iio. lail mi. laaui-d a f irma! tiiiv. nu ni t mlKlil. upts lrtciilly h.ilillnic ttie f.-..ra:.iii t,i thf nmral and niunclal aiiiprt nf tti- Amaliramiiteil Aik-!i-'.I'll. III. w rill -ii revli'W nf the trull if .'Vi'ii'.n I -a Una up to the Itl.irM auntalna lh" oour.e nf td Amal it wi'ii'i' l A'K-!n:l in an l il vlare thai UliltiK 1 main, for Uhnr lut in bailie fur tl'e ritic nf unl uilam. Ir l.l nt u 'tnix-m wnuM n '. .iy Junt what th F'-.l-ritlnn nf Uitxr pm.tnite-l ! d . I; l pr .umM. ti .-v-r. :hat all f''.('t.itui:i mm .-naaiff.! In th' Inn an.t .liv tnil will 11 c.ilie.l nut wt:h ihe Amu!rmafl tifit. I'., than twenty, fniir hnuin mil.! I'lajw.- iM-fnre tht. K n .ral elrlke nt.l r nf 1're.Klen! Sh.tff"r li ivimi-n eff.vlve. fn ejtlmate prepare,! Iirre y, I'. 'fi men are nnw l,l.. un ler th,. (tr.t .:r!ke call, ant the tren-rnl rail will In crM" the number to i;.'."0. Till: STItlKK IN 'FHISOO. SU-anmhlp t'.Mnpantea Wnrrii J Over Walkout of Sailnra. SAN FflANOISCo. Auk. 9-Marine ciKikn. waller and tiaker walkeJ ou: tn.lay. There were aevon'y of them. iilxty of whom were employed by the raeltlo Coaat Sieamnhlp I'nmpany. This latent phase In th,. utrlke doe. not set-in to w-irry the owners, who ay ihey can secure sufflrlent men to tuke Ihe plaee nf the strikers. Cities the teamsters' union Interpose an objection, the hoard of public works will begin to clean the streeis Sunday with teamsters who own their own teams. Two veaaelt left port today with non union crews. The steam collier Matte wan sailed with a non-union crew for Tacoma, and will not relurn until the end of the strike. Ths Columbia, of the Oregon Hallway and Navigation Company, put to sea with a part cargo and a number of passengers. Phe se cured a non-union crew last nlghi and despite the vigilance of the strikers' pickets, suhatliute wre placed on board between midnight and diwn. ASSISTANCE FROM Ml'NVIB. MtTNCIE. Ind.. Aug. the first consignment of wages from the working Iron mill employes of Muncle will be sent to Pittsburg to aid the steel workers. The strike fund and like pack ages will be sent from Anderson, Mar lon, Klwood and other gas belt towns. About $30,000 will be sent from Ihe ga belt. WILL AID STKKL STItlKF.RS. CIIICAOO, Aug. fl.-The union st -el workers In South Chicago tonight otcJ io donnto five per cent nf their wanes lo strikers as long as the strike unj ust. RIVAL ROADS AGREE. President Mellen Makes Statement Re garding Plans nf Nor'herti P.u-ltlc. LRWI.3TON, Ida., Aug. 9. President Mellon, of the Northern Pacific ami party, nrrlv;d today on a special train and spnt two hours In the city. The party Includes Marvin Hughltt, presi dent of the Chicago & Northwestern. Mr. Mellln Is en route to the coast. Ho gave out the stnteemnt that Inter ested roads had definitely decided on building the Lewlston-RIparla line, an extension of the Clearwater line from Stltes to Grangevllle, the extension of the Lapwal branch from Culdesac to Keutervllle, Idaho county, and the ex- 'nil in if a bu n-h Hti' In: i th- C!-ar-w.i'i-r white pine b-lt. (ViiHtnii tl .n on win", h" si!d, bnwevcr, would, be cmi ni -ih i-,1 th:, yi.;ir. II;. siuti'inent r'xardlMK th.. Joint ac tl in f the roa In In the plan Is the firs' iir.iiie.- glvn nut by the N-rthern 1'ii' itl Hut the Clearwater fight Is no loiigi-r a r'-allty, and thai the Intercuts of rival r ia ls are now one. lK'ISIiN ON KAILUOAD THANSI'OJITATION CHARGES Adverse Im-Ulon to Maximum Rates Fix-1 by South Iiakou HuU road Cummlssbn, HlOt'X FALIJJ. B. Da., Aug. Judge 'iarlun 1. nf th Cnltej Slates court, to day file.) his dcllun In the South li koi i railroad ra'e .. II declares that the srhi-Jule of max linurn rates and chsrgi-, for transporta tion of fr-lxht and pa-.!g.-r fixed by Ihe stat" rallr.a 1 commission Is In vl lullon of the I'nlted Slate, constitu tion In that It would operate lo cnnlla n: the pm-rty of the ra Iroad com ianle. without due jir-o'-ss of Itw. INJl'N(TKN (JltANTKD. Origin Sh-r: IJne Kea.ralm-d From In terfiring With San l'.-lru Co. SALT LA K K, Aug. 9.-liy an Injunc ilon granl-. at Carson City. Nev., todi)'. t!i - Oreg in Short Lllie Is restrained from interfering In any way with :he San I'rdr.i Company (S-tiator Clark's r ia II on the ilne nf Llni-oin county. Ne vada. A the San Pedro road has claltnej Hie right of way en the surveyed line of the Short IJne, the latter will be unable to continue ,ts work of construc tion until he lnjj.ic.lnn Is set. led, at bast. COPI'r:it MINK SOLD. IHg Price Paid for Hrliah Columbia Prnp.rty. t VANCOCVKlt. B. C. Aut. 9-The irliannla copper mine, l.icatej on the Howe s'unl. thirty miles from Vancou v.r. has changi-d hands. The majority uf the at.H-k has ben purchased by Montana im-ojiIj thrnugh George II. Rob inson, a mining engineer of Butte. Tbe pr!c paid was ll.VS) a share, a: which rate Hie local valuation of the mine would be Ifiafl.OOO. ' ' I: l.s state I that August Heine, of Hutte. w ill ultimately become connected with the syndicate. CANADIAN CKNSfS. Increase of r -filiation Shown Last Return. Slnci VICTORIA. B. C, Aug. 9. -A special i from Ottawa says: The c-nsiis returns will show the pop ulation of Canada to be In round figures , loo.onn. This w ill be an increase of I about 600.000 over the figures of 1S91. which were 5S.000 over those of 1SS1. The Increase Is disappointing. It Is blnt i ed In ntlli-lnl circles that an explanttlon of this Is that the returns from 1S91 es j pecially for the province of Ontario, i w-re stuffed. DEMURRER 19 SUSTAINED. PORTLAND. Aug. 9. In the of George Whitney Moore and George Wil liam Moore ag.ilnst A. B. Hammond, John C. Stanton and the Astorli Com pany to recover a share of certain bon uses and subsidies secured for the build ing of tbe rallwad from Astoria to Go ble, Judge Bellinger today rendered a decision sustaining the demurrer to the bill of complaint. NATIONIZED THE TWN. Joint In Cnlonvllle Demolished by Thir ty Women. UNIONVILLE. Mo.. Aug. 9.-At Men doti, a of 1000 people on the. Iowa state line today, thirty women "Natlon Ixed" a Joint run by John Murray. The women emptied all the liquor found In the Place Into the gutter and demolish ed the 1x'.urs. CfVIL SUIT FILED. SALEM. Ore., Aug. 9. Attorney-General Blackburn and District Attorney Hart, today filed a civil suit ugilnst the former state land hour I, and Sylves ter Pennoyer, George W. McBrlde. Phil Mctchati, 'or ihe recovery of $30,932, a shortage caused by the former clerk of the board. Ge.v.;e W. Davis. BOERS TAKE REVENGE. LONDON, Aug. 9. According to a dispatch to the Dally Mail from Lou renco Marques, thL Boors are reported to have captured and shot In cold blood a lieutenant and trooper of Stelnackers Horse n revenge for their being In strumental In shooting a Boer dispatch rider. DESTROYED BY FIRE. CHAMPAIGN, 111., Aug. 9.-Th entire business portion of Rantoul was des troyed by firs this afternoon, Thirty six business firms were burned out. The loss Is $100,000. . BOYCE PAYS THE DEATH PENALTY Wife Murderer Hanged at Ta coma Yesterday. COLLAPSED AT THE LAST Dooaea Mia Broks De Wbei Marcl to (be Oallowi Bcrio Waa Qrut Car acl Plajtr-Hlitory l tbf Crime. TACOMA, Aug. -Ebn U Byce was executed on the fifth floor of the court-house this inornlng for wife mur der. He slept soundly from 2 to i o'clock and even then had hops of a stav of execu lm. Mo collapsed when summoned f ir the march to the gal lows, but was rvlved, and a he, stool mi th scaffold said, "I am a soldier still." The eexcutljn wa perfect, hig neck being broken by the fall. The drop fell at 7:06 anl .he heart ceased beat ing In fourteen .nlnutes STORY OF THE CRIME. Boyce Shot H's Wife to Death In Cold Blood. TACOMA. Aug. 9. -The crime of whiih Jben L. 3oyce waa convicted was committed 'n on February 10. r.0. at o'clock In the evening. He went Into the restaurant at 107 South Tfnth street where'hls wife was m ployel as cashier md shot her In CDld blood. Boyce ud cached the city oniy an hour befrtv on the Victorian, an) had been drinking heavily all the way dv w n. When he opened the door of thi restaurant his wife iaw the look of de termination In lils face and screamed In terror. Boyce pulled a double ac tion Colt's revolver and opened Ore. The first shot shattered her arm. she turned to run Into a private box behind the counter. The second shot struck her In the left breast and she e to the floor. Without a word he advanced to the prostrate body of his victim and placing the revolver against her ireaat fir-d the third shot. As he left the reji-.aurint he walked ilowp Tenth street toward the Tacoma hotel but was overtaken by Officer Needham snd quietly submitted to tr ie:. He said he hoped he had ilone a Job. ORDERS THE ARREST OF CHIEF CLERK DIMMICK Warrant Issued Upon Request of Secret Service Agent Hazen Not Tet Arrested. SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 9.-UnIted States Court Commissioner Heacock has upon the request of Secret Service Agent George W. Hajen, isued a warrant for the arrest of Walter D. Dlmmlck. for mer chief clerk of the United States mint In this city, charging him with em bezzling $30,000 in gold coin, the loss of which was discovered early last month. Dlmmlck was chief clerk at the time of the robbery, but was dismissed by Superintendent Leach recently. Dlnr mlck has not been arrested. HENRY OF ORLEANS DEAD. Was Coming to Win American Heiress Succumbs to Long Illness. SAIGON. French Cochin China, Aug. 9. Prince Henry of Orleans died at 6:30 p m. tody. WAS TO MARRY AN AMERICAN. (Prince Orleans Is the oldest son of the Duke of Chartres and a cousin of the Duke of Orleans. He was born In 1S67 and was vi married. The prince had been dangerously 111 for some time past. He was on his way to the United States by way of San Francisco, and was to have passed some time at Newport next autumn. His name has been mentioned na a juitor for the hand of a well-known American heiress, and at one time h figured as a suitor for the hand of the eldest sister of the j-oung-King of Spain, the Infanta Maria de Uis Mercedes, who was married In February of the present year to Prince Charles of Bourbon, son ,f the Count of Caserta.) STRIKE AFFECTS SHIPPING. Order of City Front Federation Obeyed by the Men. SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 9. About 730 members of the Marine Cooks and Ste wards Association Joined the ranks of the strikers todiy. The association comprises all the men on passenger ves sels In what Is known as the steward's department. The Oceanic Steamship Company, the Pacific Mall Steamship Company, the Oregon Railway & Navigation Company and tha Pacific Coast Steamship Com pany will be most affected by the as sociation's decision to participate In the strike ordered by the City Fron; Feder ation. Tbe promln-nt gratnt merchants nf this city are In conference now with :h labjr lea ler. Thy ar- end-amr-Ing to gt some aort of a concession by which stevedores will be allowed to un load grain birg.-s an) to load grain ships a: Port Costa- Th'y argue that other wise the. firmer will surt-r great loss, although entirely Innocent of any of fense against organ ied labor. About 120 apprentice boy employe) at the Cnlon Iron Works quit work at the request of the Machinists Vnl'n. There are still about twenty-live appren tices In the works but they will prob ably also come out. This step was tak en by the union to still further cripple the Cnlon Iron Works. The apprentices who are employed In the Rlsdon and Fulton Work ships went ou: last Monday. FORECAST OF THS DEMOCRATIC PLATFORM Senator Vest's Opinion on What It Should Constitute In Nineteen Hundred and Four. SW;:ET SPRING. Mo.. Aug. 9 -Senator George . Vest, In an Interview to day, said the principal planks of the Democrat" platform of 1904 should be: First, declaration for a griduite In come ax. Second, unrek-ntlng opposition to :h trusts. Third, decliratljn igiinst Imperialism snd colonial system. "It would be suicidal." said the sna tor, "to thrust the silver issue forward ag'aln." OLD FRIENDS WILL GREET M'ARTHUR Milwaukee Sends a Warm Greeting to the General at San Fran cisco . SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 9.-S. M. Greene, a prominent business man of Milwaukee, has arrived here as the bearer of a grtng from the people of Milwaukee to General MacArthur who Is expected to arrive from th? Phil ippines on the transport Sheridan with in a few days. Milwaukee is MacArthur's former home, and In recognition of the splen did war record made by him during the last few vears the Merchants and Man- ufact-jrerr" Association of that city is anxious to ex:end him a warm welcome home. SWEPT BY A STORM. Tornado Doe? Much Damage In Gosper County, Nebraska. OMAHA. Neb., Aug. 9.-A special to the World-Herald from Elwood, Neb., saj's: i Lpst night a rain, wind and hail s:orm swept over Gosper countj-, Nebraska. The rain varied from one to five Inches and caused much damage, while hail fell so heavily in spots that U formed cakes of ice a foot thick. Four mil.s north of Elwood a tornado passed through the countrj-, levelling farm buildings and scattering grain in sticks for miles about the country. Horses and cattle were picked up and dashed about like toys. SUED FOR DIVORCE. David Nation Wants to Be Separated From His Better Half. MEDICINE LODGE. Kas.. Aug. 9. Davld Nation today brought suit for a divorce from his wife, Mrs. Carrie Na tion, the temperance crusader. Mr. Nation alleges that bis wife held him up to public ridicule, neglected her family duties and abandoned his home. THE WEEK'S FAILURES. ' NEW YORK. Aug. 9.-Dun's Review tomorrow will say: Failures for the week were 173 in the United Stares against 177 last year, and 31 In Canada against 23 last j-ear. ROOSEVELT AS A HUNTER. COLORALO SPRINGS, Co!., Aug. 9.-Vice-Presldent Roosevelt returned last night from Eastern Colorado, where he has been on a week's coyote hunt, and brought a number of skins with him. ROYALTY WEDS. ST. PETERSBURG. Aug. 9.-Prince Peter, of Old.-tib.uirjre. was today mar ried to Grind Duchess O'ga Alexandro- vina, the youngest sister of Emperor Nicholas. WILL VISIT EXPOSITION. CANTON, O., Aug. 9.-Pre.sident Mc Klnley will visit the Buffalo exposition September 5. WHEAT MARKET. PORTLAND, Au?. 9. Wheat, Walln Walla. 364. TACOMA, Aug. 9. Wheat, bluestem. 3i vi: club, 66. CHICAGO, Aug. 9. Wheat. Decern ber, opening, 7273; closing, 7!T. OFFICIALS ARE MUCH CONCERNED Affairs in Southern Republics Causing Apprehension. SITUATION REGARDED GRAVE War Betweea CalambU tU VtsetstU Caa Siarwly Be Avoided Official A vlcti at Wsisluftai Not Yet at Haal WASHINGTON. Aug. .-Th situa tion In Colombia and Venezuela contin ues to occupy much of the attention of officials here today, and while It la not felt that afTilrs had reached a serious aspect yet It n appreciated that both official and unofflolil advices Indicat ed a condition of affairs which might mean war between Colombia and Ven ezuela, complicated by revolutionary outbreaks In both countries). A more serious aspect of the matter was presented In a press dispatch from Wlllemstad, stating that Colombia again had invaded Venezuela. There was no official confirmation a to this, but if it should prove correct there la tittle chance of avoiding an oren conflict be tween those two countries, as the in vasion by Colombia would 'be In itself an act of war. But authorities here pre fer to take a conservative view of the situation until official advices are at hand. THE KILLING. OF HUMBERT. Luigi Glanottl Conless-s to Being a a Accomplhj of BrescL PARIS, Aug. 9.-A dispatch from Rom,? says Anarchist Luigt Gianotti. who Is charged at Milan with being an accomplice of Bread In the assas sination of King Humbert, has confess ed to his complicity in the crime. He admits that he left Paterson, N. J., la company with Brescl and that they went together to Monza, near Milan. Glanot tl started a street row at Monza the day of the murder In order to distract the attention of the police while Bread at tacked the king. ADDRESSES BIG AUDIENCES. ' South Carolina Senator Talk to Their Coas.ltuen;s. J GREENVILLE. S. C. Aug. 9.-Sena.y tor McLaurln today addressed 2000 peo ple at Oakway, near Westminster. The principal part of Senator McLaurin's audience was made jp of farmers anl they applauded Hberailj-. SENATOR TILLMAN'S MEETING. UNION," S. C. Aug. 9.-Senator B. R. Tillman spoke at a big meeting here todaj-. He discussed "commercial Dem ocracy" advocated by Senator McLau rln without personal bitterness or abuse. ROOSEVELT ROYALLY WELCOMED VICTOR, Col., Aug. 9. Victor fully made reparation today for the discour teous tretm;nt of Vice-President Theo. Roosevelt during his campaign last fall, fully 20,000 people giving him an enthus iastic welcome. RUMOR NOT CONFIRMED. , LONDON, Aug. 9. The war office has received no advices giving color to the rumor circulated by a news agency that Lord Kitchener has been wounded In a skirmish with the Boers. . . r.:-x. I EFFORTS To END THE STRIKE. Leave New York to Confer With Strikers In Chicago. NEW YORK, Aug. 9. It is reported at the efflces of the National Metal Trades Association in this city that a strong eff ort will be .-r.ade to ' nd the machinists' strike in ChWcog and Hen ry W. Devan3, secretary of ihe National League, h.ia gone west for that purpose. PL Baking Powder Makes the bread more healthful. Safeguards the food against alum Alum baking powders are tlx graatat tMoacers is health of the present day. savim. ssmwo sowoe. o.. stw w rtss