THE MOKXIXG ASTOKIAX. KEDNESIAY. UCIST 7. WW. WAS MORE REAL THAN EXPECTED British Naval Maneuvers Attend ed by Many Accidents. TWO TORPEDO BOATS LOST Crew l the Violent Hit Narrow EKipe Fran Beiot Scalded lo Death - Sim ilar UchJtits oa Other VeSStl. NEW YORK. Aug. .-Cmnnn:sng vp.-n the naval maneuver. i:i which the attacking scjuadron supposed ;o repro eent "the nemy," has Just boon devlar d victor, the Ttibuno'a London corres pondent says: There has been more realism la :hos. maneuver than the admiralty authori ties ha J expected. Not only have two torpedo boa: destroyers been lost, but it :s reported that several others have boon crippled. The wreck of :he Viper was. of course, the most serious ao.: dent of the maneuvers. This vessel was an experiment and her performances were being witnessed with a critical eye by the admiral experts. The destroyer Violent is said to be m A bad way. Nearly ail her water tube boilers have been disabled through split tubes and it was only by grea; pr-sene of mind and prompt action that '.he stokers were saved from being scalded to death. There are rumors of Incidents of a sim.lar nature on other vessels about which there will probably be a full in quiry. WAR ON MOSQUTOES. At Last New York Will Be Rid of :he Pest That Spreads Malaria. NEW YORK. Aug. .-Dr. A, H. Doty, health officer of the port, anj h s assistants have at last commenced the war of destruction on the mosquitoes of Greater New York and vicinity. They have at last taken their paraphernalia which consists largely of kerosene oil, to the pond near Concord, S:aten Isla.-.d, and forced barrels of the oil under the surface of the water. It is expected that while the fluid is making l:s way to the surface it will destroy all the embryonic mosquito life therein. Dr. Doty said be could not be positive about the success of the experi ment for a month to come, but he though: it would work well. Dr. Eugene Monaghan, sanitary su perintendent of the borough of the Bronx, says he believes the malaria at Fordham was caused by :he moS'iui'.Des. The experiments of Dr. Doty are bung watched and If they are successful, :he scattering of oil on the swamps an J low places In Fordham will be b-gun. Dr. Mor.aghan gall that the malaria b-arirg mosauitoes did a great deal of damage but he did no: believe that th-y eius-d so much sickness in this climat a they did in the tropics. In discussing the pr?valan-e of ma laria in Fordham, Health Comrri'i"n-r Crisby said the same steps would rje taken to destroy the malaria bearing mosquitoes there as in :her part? the city. CANAL TO GREAT LAKES. Association in Chaig- '. Pr imotini; the Plan Favor Pj-Tin Rarg W.r.rway. NEW YORK. Aug. S.-The -xe.-utive committee of the Canal Association of Greater New York has Jus: reached an important conclusion in regard to its fu-;ur- work, siys the J urnal of Cjm-mere-.'. The committee has b-n wavering en th- 'U;i m whether the pr-.mlse ...f 1 de p waterway from the Uke3 to the seaboard entirely unler r.a .jrul oii trol. did not offer better prP-cU for prompt attainment thar. a l'VK-t ' tai- canal. The cause of the wav rlr.g w js thft puMi'-.tti.n '! the d tail-i r -p r: if -he p wap rwa ' ioiim:.--i T fleet ha- now be-n : :i.e r---.iff .1 ij '!.-"s i and studiel by th- ":utn .1 an 1 ; has been formally decided tr. it tee in :s of New Y-rk will be le t' r rv by 1 l'."iO-;ori barie ea::ii 'har. i.y "'or iaig- proj -ct. MAKE IT A M''H'-M Hiitft'-ciioii f-r the Fu'ur f Ili-tor.V- Frigate V- rm ,r' . NEW YORK, Aug. ; - .V . r !..-.-' th Tribune, the U-r. mi -11--,r irig the "Id r.-eeivoiL' .-.tip Ve-imnt. vii.'-h comes as a r-sui: ..f a r. in.te-r f piote.-!.- to the navy departm -:r agi-!.; the c tnv rsi n. on sanitary ,11:, 1.- if be old boa: Into Junk is -tjhli-h a puval mus-um or trphy i n. -h- 1 m being made that .f -Ii tne- valuable war relies ar- -xpose 1 th" open air absolutely unpi !, fr ,m h w. ath. r. The r om now use J as n mu seum is small and it is neid-(l f.,r of fice. WHOLESALE GROCERY TRCST. (,n.-Tn:h of the Firms In the t'ni'rl Stales Will Be Cmsoll la:e 1. NEW YORK, Aug. 6.-A special to the Tribune from Philadelphia says: A gigantic combination Is about to be formed with a capitalization of $100,000,- 01 to he known . ;h. Nil tral ': ' sale t'liwety I'ompiny. 1: .s ' i .hat Here are about two : li '.i-i"- '.. -- j hundred loading nr.voi-y J. olvts .11 ( Vni.ed States and the :l.n is to un ' 1 under on.1 control ., "r . .". t of ;o.r . entire number. , A go. '.oral meeting is so held ' -, New York in Sopt.mpr :o .' a, orman-n: organ j.i :..;.. The ,r po- ' in. ion of the :e!ii- :.-...:'. .hi country anl Japan ; r cul.t output of al! :ea; ,:r.p'r:.d from .! ; at: . ar..l also so ;;::! 1,1'. s f 1 : e Nt- t.rtnettt of ;!i' tra !.' .s s' c leading tea h.u of l"i a-: diphra. 1; is s.ii 1 that .ill . f t a houses in Hie I' S;.i;. s li il h n c , tir ng houses In Japm a : '.-. tik-n in. MPKILLO TKKAT1".- WKi.i ! "v-.h at! 1 Close Tr trivtt. !i ' I- Hon a :: " r tag- a J a ' NEW YORK. Aug -Th-- At'.i f steamer A!::r. w hich has atr.vo! her from Oolomh.i". p -r:. Is :N ?.: f from Cartagena :u'c the arr ; h the steamer Aiiegh-. ny 'f C ' n-1 M".r ill.i. According to the mail a hies ..n ! newspaper Jispau he. C 1 :!': Mm:'". '. no: Incarcerate 1 n :he un ! : gr U" ! dungeon of Carta ::. He . '.Tp-:or.-ed in th- city Ji 1 an 1 it s . ' well carej f ,r. Th- arr. . '. Muri'.lo. is appears. ; r'i'ii: h.m fr m J !: iVr.eri: !.! -I':"'' :". - new rebellion. It Is oUimJ thi: n t -rt'y as -h his intention but the .-m.-tals that h ha 1 even a::: verbal s.ices for his eh. of. Passengers en :he A'.ia.r r-tr: a 1 -p.-rate stitte of affair ;n :h p.ra:e state of afT.t.r in the .nvr; r the coue.try. Business, as a r su'.l '. :h revolt and the uncertainty she fu ture, is at a standstill. G-1' 1 is a: a premium of 3iVl0 per cent uhleh is un rrecedented, even ia C.-lombia. an! -v. eral large failures are wrtel fr w g-ta. Another danger which is sail ! threaten is the renew.; 1 aotiv'.:y f :h f -Uowers of Manuel A. a-el-m-nre. who was deposed ffm the pJ l-ney a year agi by a coup i'eta: of Vi, e President Marroquin. Pr. Sanclment-' still insists that h l the legal h-i! f the government anl 1: is f-a:e 1 thi: h.s adherents will ou: of rv-g, J 'in the revlutton of the Libera!. ITALIAN PRIEeT'S MI.IN Seeks to Establish Piro-chia! 5-h'. for Hi Countrymen's Ch.liren. NEW YORK. Aug. 6.-M Ti'ljr. r Sealabrin!. bishop Plac-ncia. l ily, who is In this country in the ;nt"r: it the St. Jjachim Italian M.ssi-o. 1.: an interview explained his ; r c-arn. II said: "The main obj-c; of my mi! n h r is ! ascertain the con I.ti--n pr-v tiling :n the various Italian missi a-.! i Ir ishes throughout the e-.u try I: t my .-.j;re to s-3 etaM'shel a y;teni .f p.i rchial s-ho.l in whi.-h I'a'.an h e; aid girls may he ta'tgh: their mtiv--: neu:- t geth-r with -, Ere: sh -h- v are n'jw taught f well. It ha teen ur ";-r:;n"'-' that -'ie immigran wh i c .m h-r-. -k - illy the ir m re l.k-lv t h'a r. 1 strong-r gra ..f the hi l.mer- their rltgio:: if it V tauth'. "-:: their native ; .ngue. I shall .-t iv le tU f tv until af:ar the r-trit. whi.'h .- held for the Italian prb- at St. J ser,ri's peTiinary. Dunw y. !!. -eight day, beginning Augiist !'. After that I shall a"t-r. I th- 1-1: at . f :h- orphan asylum r w '.u 1 1 r; i-X-nark md aft-rward I !::! ' '"-v-lanl. Iielroit. Kansas ' i'y, r1 I. ji-, Cinclnr.arl. ' dumbus ar. 1 N Orleans. In all of th -.-: I am ike par: in wcl-3vl !."' '1". 1 shall try to s-ar: m ' t ar ! 1 u.Ming par hial h 1 f 'h V.! . 1 I have ou'linel. TORPEDO BOAT.- MOVEMTNT. Win-:' v T-ca-1 ;n H-.'ivy .-'. a '''e-mp mi'tr. ih- " j.-:.!r-' H r I NEW YORK. Aug. Th ! t, .its ;m 1 Wirs' . . v. r aeh-d -h- -Ity. htJ a . " - j fr -:n Norfolk. Th-y ar . : t , 1,in he X;r-h A-.lar.'i- 1 '.eir-nan: D -uglasa w i:, ef b-jtli b ' and L'-u' rtan- .-' ! In e ,tnrnand .f the Wl::-' j Th- Window d v-1. :! -' , !: -.-ii '.vat-r tank, '.n 1 a': ; ' a, p.j- ;,.y th a'- r I ''ij.-h nL' 'h-n tan 'ire - a ; kl'.sh j .b -i- - :: ' ' r five sy,;;:-. A- 'i-r - , i. a ha 1 ' '' -.'r r j ie-'s.ef In' , .:r. . !! 1 '. ff an i th- W.r.-: ! ; . ; v. 1 h sal-, u a f .r . t ; . ' -: is inj'it! us t , 'h ; 1 ; Th- V.t.-l e.v .::) ; n.ily , 'h- v.-jM fir r- pa -s f a -j 'u'hlns? i.- -xp - : 1 : j . .. The -r - ws of b ,f) f 01 - . r . ly fagge 1 .,u-. ROYAL TITLES BILL. II ,us of Iiris a: t.:i-: it-a.iz ! ''' N.i! Pass T in h S-..n. NEW YORK. Aug. .-Say 'h- T:.' ute's London eorre-pord nt: It Is a curious illustra-ion ,f h. ! -:achm.-nt "f the hau- '. l''d- fr on -i.e outside world that it wars r,-.o u.'.'il l.-' evening that the prime minister r-a. z I wha: had evidently bes-n done in t .e house of commons fur many days n't that the royal declaration bill ould :, be passed into law during the pres nt session. I SICK CHAMBER SCENES I AS I IIOl KS of 1111: now.v. il K I MI'KI'SS. Whs Mitch (.haujivd and lliul Hc ennte tin I'ttcr Wreck Front Suircring. NEW YORK. Aug. . -The 11 raid s . ::-.... nden; u: Cronbcrg iti Hi fol- w ng detail regarding :he death of :'. l ag r empress of Germany: The muinifu! liHell'.g-n.v soon spr.-i I ft- on the tower ia the town where tlags :e ; laeed a: half mas! and :he inhab :a ts a: 'ronN'rg mot In small gi uip t 1 ! sens the .bbngs of the death. The v;".ag- .-t ONrurd Is the half .i !:. eon Hamburg and Cronb rg. an!, therefor, from the news pomt ,.f x.iw. is of strr.egical importance. All lay. In fact s'noe :he kaler Inir r d thr'ugh it. the place has Iwn tilled with tr.vp. late .1: night it U :di : nine with blue hussar wi:h 1 uig lanes. 01 which black and unite pn :: 1" s flutter. I: is a great ui.lit.iry !em .:: itten Th r l. r ha Just 0 'me in for the :::.- real : b- jia:rllel :li- v!i le :: gh: an I the almost f .tmihe I tTi or an 1 men are r ashing about trying to find f'oi ( r man and beast. to:h of e h . h h.n e ha I a hard time. They k' 1 pretty exhausted af:r having n . n iuty for eight-'n hours. l'p : a la'e h ur :he entire roa 1 from lOeru-s.e ;. rronirg; was full of pe. pe u at, h ug f r the kaiser and they'us'y interpreted omln ous'y hi nor-re:urn. The otfleor of th HiisSir ere gree.l.'y eating supper a; the I -. al S hu i 'nh f H te and phat with trxP ev-rywh re appearing unexpvte lly out f Strang- corner and from between trees and :he continual tramp of patrols or-. 'gh! easily hl!v l; w.u a time f wir anl :hat the little village was curie I by the enemy. In th-1 si k chamber during th- las'. h ".irs .f the empress the nursing duties -r- aitemitely by Irlne. Christian, the empre' sister, and the Pr.nees Victoria 1 Princess Adolf of S. haumburg-Iippe), the empress' second 'aughter. Th .- who saw her say the empress was much ehange.1. She had become an u::r wr-ck and Instead of looking :wen- tv v ar v lunger than her age a wa her wint. she looked twenty years oil er. Tne awful pains which racked her f-r month a: last reduced her spl-n-1.3 phys.'iue : a complete wreck. Fully nare of this, the empress had refused f em-:lme to see her friend, even h r fatthful marshal of court, no: wish ing : .1 b- -en In her changed condition. Sh- rraye-1 constantly that toe end might come. Extreme weakness follow 1 the intense agony of excruciating pi n. but. ni-reifully. this gradually les - n 1 until d-ath r lieved her. Pl'RSI'E D RY BISMARCK. I1 il Emer-ss' One Enemy C .uld Not Forgive H-r English Hlr.h. NEW'.K. Aug. -The L-fldon r-spon 1-nt of the Tribune cabling :. ming th- death of the dowager ,x O.-rmany says that nothing is definitely ben leclle.l with r ir! : ' the jetio., which parliament will k in th- ma ter but pr-ce l-nt Is ;-!v t ) b" closely followed. In ih i- '! formal resolution of con ! :. a 'h the king and Ormnn em r - -.v.:' b- submitt-d by L.r l Salis 1: .- in 'h- house of lord and by Mr. eir h- house lit comm m nn I be i- 1 : i ( is- by Earl Spneer, :n ab--n. e of Ird Klmb-rly, and In h r by Sir H-nry Campbell-Ran-' rr.i n. T.-. b' , wnieh has fall-n on th .it a s vere one. In the course of iv- t. ei hs he has lost not only his . bu' hi brother, the Duke of I'irj. !iii n-phew, Pr.nce Christian r. -'. 1 n w a sister to whom he 1. ! v : !iy attached. The sympathy Lis .- irrejn ling subJectH will go out 1. n; Ir. his allili'tlon. The kaiser I i- r l 'if he sympathy of th" ;i f this cuntry who have not t .-. h e.y h- hurrl-'d to the bedside ylng grandmother at Osborne : dm .' ' I K-k at night Wore th" -.Ti'-it 'f th- empr-ss' di-a-h wa 1'. Mariiior iiigh hous- and Hu-k- ' ;.iia. and the news ipib kly .' a:.".),,,,. .n... metropolis, at ' .'. g th Joy of th- holiday . .'. , -orri.c. The mpr... was , n , ' II -X' "I't by repllt", 'o h' : t! r.i'ion of English peopi-'. : ;, 1 I b-'-cn her horn- for forty-;.- anl h-r public aw'-aran-" 1 :. Ian I. --pe, i,,Ily during th- : 1 ) -, -,v-r- rare. I!ut sh- n-vr . .'.as irinees royal of '5r-a' , , I .is fa-t -nd-ar-d b-r to - r,y far he most cl-v-r and f W'- n Victoria's children an I 1 I a of 1 Axn t-r long ago 1- r as ib- cleverest woman la Ir. ninny r-sp-cts It Is "aid n- s mbl-d h-r mother. It Is alrnlf-l that she ha-1 only y. I'riri'c Rismarok never for for being English by birth and y. an l h- pursued her with ln- 1 r-w-ntmr-nt. It Is an open it -V'-n sta'e papers, emanating e-rrnan foreign office during 'hincellorship, contained -t and most Insulting allusions I. a a- ;-'r a . h.-r. Ai s ,r 'he nd It .'nited e ial featursrn In London will be P"--nt abandoned or postponed I probable that throughout the Kingdom mourning for the kins' s.sot wlp, h,. of m 'tub' du ration for the court and mve moillw for :ho g.n'eial put.l..-. I'll, .oi'aiti a f;lvt:n will not. !iov, 1. ly aft '. I by .lie empress' b a;li corrox OIL COMBINE. Believed That the Pi neipal Factors in the In lu'..y W II Join Hand NEW YORK. Aug. i Th J .mail of Coniiiii rce says: While const lei.ibl.- uipr.s- wa e plossed oer the fa.', bat icNCia! l.uge in.erosi i i nt lb' I '.hi' Am nciti 'et:.'ii t'il Co:n,vin lias .ik..l for .If p. sl;s of :.vk of siiat c 'iiipany. I h ttie ,-mx.l'ge ef selling ,:, Mine, it do,' not appear ihal th - cuir.-n: r. p. it of a con solidat.'u of ;tia: couipauy with ..'.lioi' cotto'i oil n: re: ; well :ou:il.-l. 1 some the m tn ri: is regarded .1 Indi. iCong that the ,.1'Jee! of se. ui ingi st.vk is to aboui an mini- e oisoltd ition wl.h the V ,1 goia-Cai ollna Che. n. cat c mpiti . Tlic la ter .iii pany has aliea.U , cured tlic S'U h'iij,u, ': ini:i to. 1. '.lie e onpan) Cotton i.l C unp ir . the chtef eeiupet-j , !1: x, , j. , 1 e f .-entrao, tor of she America 1 anl ha il. pur- 1 f wie.i, c,.. a,', :. a : tor n plac chased in the nelghPortio of a k. oio .,, ,.;.';ge : . . g-. Th purport of till of cth'r cotton oil prepera- , ..,.; wa that iiipany agr.vl On lepu't I tli.c. .1 $Pi...'ii . ..u t. -i I , 111 1.; il" soil la'.lon 1 c 'lltelllpl l. .1 App II -'tllK J ,,, i,or ; .: at n k I'll'' from h'wev.-r. such a da' I n't mid 'r . ,,,, .4! f ;,.... ,c: it ,n San a: this time. A pi a I y c . ,n .,:., ; . , . it j. f..j, .. :t, r. -t t ha: nosi.- w ti the Am " lean c. ;: ni ' onp t ' . .,. . ,, . ,. ;. ;.. .,, ;i w ..11; 1 ! e 1. is au;h aotv f :' . ae pr"l'oed deposo. f !'! s o.'k "f 'he eoini...iy in ,ne r::: a . ..0.11 i.ur ... 1- .. . v.. ..... I....' ..t New York was ni.r U t provnt trol from p.islng ..:!! r in:-!.: . , , , 1 ': u v. ;. : t!.mp i This ttlteinent. how ey 'r. w a g:on wita.1.,n (v 1. . , . ;, tin the re-'r.i:ioii t:ra: it wis 'n,1 '"''. t ' ' ,.,. ;. . : ' a. ! 1 : '1 . mpl af teil what th- futiir- nigh! bring frh. ,,.r ,v m ,;u f , .. a . , aid shit If the new e uf. el aat.ou IT r-! v r,: .; ... ; .1 1 g ta' men a tempting prie th- utr-1 of thy American C:: ti n.l Company migti: pa.. Som a Id.ti nal l.ght may be thr-wu n !!i situ, ion t 1 lay when :h" dt: "c :ors h id their me, ::n-t 1: is un b rt I 1 that the proposii '.n to .. . t th- .-k at the Firs: Natl :ul Rank i'l ' under .'.iscussioti and if 1. :j possible ttut a statement will be made fully expli.n- Ir.g the reason f'T I s Issuance Th! ta:emcn: wall pr bably sh nv '.ha; .if, pooling .if the stock is f T community! .if notion, nutside of New York inter- es: the largos;, of t -k In th - company i :bat of N. K. Ka rbank. Company. ..f Chicago. NEED XiT INTERFERE. Colombian Revolution Will Nat Affect Am-rican Inter '.., Th-te. t. th. c-untu ..:. : th tariff, but !ili-v ir i- 'S t ni I o-r . t.-ni.-d NEW YORK. Aug t-A. I'bu .u.-r-' , Th., ... rm i,.. e ,f tli-r-'ra. ag-nt In this city f .r th- '..l-m- I ,..,. w.,.,.h ,.. ,.. my . .nvertel bian revolutionist, who lias recently p1-I .,, r ,,.. lX 1 1. 1 t : ri of wtter cotved advlee from South America con- U-l,,. li; ,, ,,. , corning military movements th-te. In an , ; v ,r,.m. ,. . ... ,,n I r th- heal of interview upon the sltuai n ald: "un. nuni r it I a-t n the- M"-fT "Th-re will b- no cans-- f-r th - Tinted I i,,. ;,., Stat.- of America Interfering because I Th wtn- n' r ' f .'lif rn'.i will of th r-viilutlon In c doinb!.i. The In- -,,. . .,'K. ,: -. liiV . .m'. urgent will not dlstiirb the ..p-r i!i..n , . ,,f ,,,, 1,.. . ,.lr rl . -1 by of tri- railroad r th- d gging of the , ,,nK,..,.. ,- ; . ; ia- ;,,. i,ias. canal a. : V i-thmu. Th-y w.-r-' up In I ur ,,, ),,. rr. . -a . i. :.i4. in that t..n of th mtitry and llVec , i,,u . I; ; r - a; .r . . Ii 1: - his on.ri'. n w-r- -.a: listurb-1." 'i.iurn f: 01. b .: . SERVIAN ELK' TP'S lib 'TS. rp n lacm- H-rl-d P.i..t. r. Who W-r-c r.p-ll.'d t.i Supp r: c.-.v-rn-m-ns Party. Li'NI'X. Aug. . Describing th" lis ir l-r attending th- Servian lee tl m. th- S'-rvian rorr-spon l-nr "f t!ie fornl' f T 1 l.-r l.ll'l' " , .. , . . , , The Herylan government us-) -r.p and g-nlarnie fr-.-ly to Intlmela'e the ,1 ois.f:b - ,1 , ,si .,n. AtCranli-b- !.-, the vot- r w-ie driven by g -ndirm s and om: ll- I :i vnt- f .r :b" g iv.-rn-m candidal". ,.- Sngubica vot-r w-r- brought in ir-uis to th- t-'il. Tti " Intlmlditl n caiis-d ri os In various p'a, e and thr hundr-d r" ror,s, nil t' w-re Injured. SERVANTS or THE EMPRESS. W-r- Allo-.vl to Le.k fp-.n H-r in lie itli-I.ii s .'. Pa n Had Vanlii d. LONfi'iN, Aug. C Th I. .nd'.n Mail' corrciion 1 n' in I'l-eil' Tg ites that bast night ii" servant "f th- dc-i--l em,nre- .-r- allow, d : lo-,k upon h-r In d-a h. Sh- lay ni .s: p-ac-fiilly ami I a rn's.s of w hit- II .w-r. b-r hauls foil ed on b-r bi -as: .an I b-r b-a I Inclining to on- si I-. Al line of pain b 1 I vanish- I from b-r face in I fi-ir pl.i-e was a -mil "f bappl'-e"-". 'm- by on- !!' pi'S-d through the 1,0m piylng th-lr Il'tl- trlbu'e. L ."IS T II' 1 YT I'EAIb Was 'iinti. I a - Van 1-tlii!" Rrok -r m I'g Ii-al s ,f !,- I'.as-. NEW YORK, Aug. 'l -Loii: T. Hoy". one of !l !!: m-mb-rs of tb- s-o-k ex'-hang-. is 'l-.i I In 'i-rmany. I f ' -rni..n - t hi. -l a h lias Jijs; r-aoli-d 'h ( x-b.ariK . II - was intcr-st- I In many lurg-- s!o k d-.'ils m i am mg his custom- rs wh-n h w;n mo't a't, v- as a brok-r wan ''oin rnodore Vand-rbllt. NEW YORK'S TAX RATE. In Spit- of Incr-as.ed Valuation on Per sonality and R-ulty Rat Will R Raised. NEW YORK, Aug. 6 An advanc In th- tax rate of N-w York City from 12.21 to ll.Si on the tW has been detail ed urxin, says the World. The total Iner-as? upon the value of personal property and realty this year over last ! about $133,000,000 the person ality Increase being $14,000,000 and that of realty $3,000,000. Ill Sid, COMRACIS IMttN IKON WtiKKS I .MI'I.OV IN(i Ml t II AMCS, I (Mll'llll Ixcpl C-ClltlltlV CH lillMl d I licit' Mm ciiicntMiiul u Notlr 1 nt; of I heir Huh lie", Nl W fi:K A.u ; Ii ;ee.,at,f ;. .ti, I'i,. . It a ik . f Sail Fl 1MC!. .1: I'l -!l , . : e:gage lll-l , 'I'll -U t. ..1. llllak. I an I lll 'llel fol tie c.'ll'plin .-lllpto) T!lee I'l'le- 11 jta m 0 ,-e: i,.p l on ! t j w:ill;!l I atlll ' of ;. : I. u- : be kep; .! - ci-: a p :'.. anl writ iv n. 'thing ..'o-m: tti ir 111 o men . I: w i leai I fr -n: :: of th fe Ilea h .lil'W "' I 111 .llMl '.Uelllellt, I ; W'm. II I I.! . 'k to u- .ippll- .)t . ;, . t. 1 UM yAi ,.,M. .,, 1 I . ., .1 guf.ui 11 g ,t 11 tr :; 'at '.- :'iat the I :nl un . u-l g"-- ri.. ". : ei'gage with . a: un I : a- ". I " -i I lilt VI' 1' ,:N..i;M..l'S j . Kranc- Ma.: F.n 1 :. - t ' a Su: ptu (-i ( t. , . .. y A,.,;. W TV. VN''!-o-a llh- i, R i t'- tattv, : . i.r m a .ngr 'U-tura! in- - !':. ha '-i I ' I'. 1 : ': :: !i - up rt- 1-1 t. ... . - ,fo.'- e 1 0 1 eortil. ,., n;(i nl,..m,k.r, f ...,, !,. . , ,a ,, !!rlt., ,.f Kr,,,- :',- - r 1 ( grai-- nave le' 01 n -rm ei :i it w;:i ha fil'en t. I--. 'bin -lo- a gallon. Th- Fr --ii gr i r ,1 : l;ug to th- ctiroobl", I', n ti-.t-i-.d slipping nine will 1 : 1 ; i -1 new r.;:it"'.i: I I'M r for I.' ;!. .:, 1" 'V f it" "a -tin ' nt fir NEW Y' iilv Aug A, 1 i-ul: of th.- r 11! br-,(k. pi in ' : i',-'!. ug lie str-rgii anl ;' 1, !. c v I eiblh.g the riirying ' a .1 1 f t.a- Itr- 'klyn 1 bridge have be. ti pr-i.i'e I l-v Will am , , , . Ill'l-nbian I "a., a .:. I ,.f I!,.- J ,hu A. S in. 1 ' .inpaii) ill el a Is ; , -r- an oh: rutin- lb iv- 'b - -01 n -a ,n 11-.. 11, I lul 1 01 r to It The wik f ' a- ten, lie s ly. i-.iuld ! "a I ti a .'n 01: In t"i rui-t.o 1 : ti itll .1:1 I v. .u: I cot a lone I.!. I 'Hei Ed III Iili)-.i. i t.g.r, -rii.g ex.-ort a.ip airte I by Ii;-i:. t Af en y liittbin to cause, . f Hi- r- o -ti! le aks his 11 o j ,.: Mia I- i,. 1 . p-o I. No CIIAX'-K F'R lilii'iiiitMliST N i h-r S' I 'AY, Y I'M I' ,; ., I - 11 -and X-g ' ia i.iii Ar 1 -ft. SAX FRW'iS'-i.. Aug ; N-g .11 1- t- e, f-,- I s- tt.-in ., .; , I ,i, . ;,,,. hi- .living re-ill' ! ! 1 0 in . i h 111-ii'-i ' i"iiH 11. ih ar- 'b o '.,,. . r.k- wl.l 11 .t b -ii'l I un- I , nl ,,. p'otr let- I ! iH-g, lV 1 I'll' lan's ' I ising s- ,t. 1 l, ... ,. .. , , I. 1 -ii- ,0' "i' - I. -' , 1. . ,f :. tr iv-ry. I ' si'iin 'tii: ' :i , fy ,. ., ... , .v '-is'lng le ' "i, !. - .-, ,-1 ti, v. piiii I s r,, .(,.. f 1 1 ;ii ll'h;-: ,;. re . " -ia'.on -I - .,. t .... in -,: 0. td.-li M'-ll lllil - J ii - to-. . 1 ,- :,, . 11 syilljeir'i -'i - - :.k : a-- -ln; 1 t hollo boyc-e-s A . ,, , ,,',.. , ,. ploy. -1 j ly tic -,- '. , . :. , a, ., ,-,,, ji,-,-ig iliiHt -rnpl iv-i ' ..f mii 11 labor ni a '.' mil 1 e-n-, ,.. . . N-iiln-r , I v...l - - tl .rh. : '. ib liolli'M at 1 s s 1 . ., 1 .,, ,.r,.f .. i-'tisi'l os th- n-got. ,; , 1 'n,at rh- S 111 I'i.ui' i-, , Lab .1 ' -,,,, 1; , -iiie,-. tains th - sam op aion t. -. el'-:.. by lis cours- In -nt a ii,g : !c 1 ,ni. .: f ,1 th- llrst lime aiid cilbng hi .,. -anl bamsrers. R w.i x ; .. -. t I by ninny that III- coueil which c.,-,1, ,im ai,,,,,) i'li'Kl union in "11 -..ould 1 ri 1 a v n-rai 'rik" but this will unt b- : ,i,,. ;i. pr--ent. Th- 'lulttin.; of w.,rk by 'h- sand teamsters today a ill s. rious.y .a l:,, ih,. luillding trad'. anl may .1 pii.- many o h'T men of -rnpl-iyiii-n'. A:idr-w Funis eh, I '-i r-tary of the Pallors Union of 'h- I'aoc, ;iM,i ,,n ,,f the slrlk- iiinigTH, nays that f.,r the present at leas- tin. Mrlk- would not be ext-nd-d beyond San Francisco and San Fran -isoo nay. Sniping In thl port remain pr-l:y SKIN TORTURES And all Forms of Itching isialy Humours Instantly kctievctl and Speedily CURED BY CUT1CURA. Complete Treatment ootiHiMtii of Cl Tll't M SnAi', to clonllHO tho nkill f rrtiMM Biul Hi't.Kn unit unflon tlio thirkonoil fiitii lo, Ct tu't ua Oin r n:Nr, to ltiNtantly nttuy Itiiun, Irritation, ntul itiltuiiiinntinii, ntnl Bootlio ntul lli ul, mul I t tu t iu Ki siitviiXT, to ciHil ami I'loiimio tlio MihhI. A Sit Ih oftou sultloiotit tiHMire tlio immt torturing, iliHllejurine;, itoliiti-;, luirniiit;, Mool inj;, smly, crimtoil, mul tiitiiply kin, Hi'tklp, ntul IiIihhI Liiiiiour, wliot. nil vino ftiils. ' MIIIImm t PwpU u Catkiira Sxp, M1U-.I lyClTii i niNtmiir for touiil; lug Uie ' In, fur rlrtmlngUie . li,tnl !"!- f'tng ot fllliig tialr, fur tiriviilug u.l whllrn. ii( U10 lun-U, l-r teat y lb blitf and f !, In ImIIk f..r tnnnrliigtrrlUll.iiK mlrlidii(, or Iihi frro ur nifriiilvo HPtlraU..i), f-r nnf MnaUtv, intl.pllo purtMiart which lujiitc! Uioniwbr In wumiui aikI ni-ltirr, mid 1I Ui uriof uf llio Mlrl, t-itti, and hurr-. kU IMmtlWxl Ik -'a Hunk lwi T !- tat ", g i 0ftifc- .lm4. Ivliaa a tan la liar. 4a . nell tied Up. though omc of !h t' g toiimalilp 0 impa:il'- are krrptng -Ii lard veanela ivhlvh nv twen iiwrt d Into temporary floating h t-l' liovern r Hag', la In thl eby in I ha, boon for two day .vit.blng th. progroi of "tventii In ih labor r u-bl-. H ht tuvn ga'turlig Inf. in. atlon at flr't band and n Hit tvV I th labor e.idr He i xm? to San Franene.) elirea'y to r u tli. groiin I III thr rvent of any eiiiiMgen. y ir. aig miulrlng hl pr-i-ner ind ha I'.i-ii. l hi Intentl rti to act -m a m-dbitor b-. :oen th- empl -yira an I th- .'ini'I n" hould hi, aer.ic.-a ! .!- r-d An at ,'i J oiirn -yni'ii paln' r ur- on 'r k '. .r lnrr'44'd ag- and the iron ik r sr.. atlll "tit but th-y nr. 11 t It r etlv Invnlvi-t la the cn'oa: th" I'lty Frmt F.-dorad n, tb.- Lib r I'oiinill ,111 1 il.. Illlipl oyer,' A"., Ii- Ni;V UNIVI'MtSITV I'llPAIiTMHNT ll.-rk'i "v Wil II i. a Vet. 1 Al taiiied 10 lulry S.ii !. IIICHKF.LLY, al., Aug. . IH Ar chibald It. Ward him arrive I la thl eltv from Ithaca. N. Y.. und-r uppoln'--inent tin velerlniirliin of th- agrieuiluial college of the I'lllver-lty of til t. a n-w pultlon r'-'-iitly cr-nited by th board of regent III work will be ooH-ly unr .i!. I Alih that of L-ruy And-r.n, lici I the dairy ho d. bull bngH for lib h ar- now In oouia- of ("cmtnictlon. AlfMIUAL HiiWISkN A I'll ilNTI II WAHIIIN'lTu.N', Aug. lt- r-Al-mlral IIowIhoii. ntlred, In Ik-ii ap pointed on the Hrhl-y Innulry board In place ,,f Admiral Klmb-rl.y. VII:aT MAItKKT. TAfnMA, Aug. fl Wheal, bl-lfni. .o'lt rlti'i, Ml I'i iltTLANM, Aug. fl -Wheat, Walla Walla, Mlfefl'-i. lilb'A'i'i, Aug. li.-Wheal, Septem ber, op-ricd, 70 VI 'ii; ii"-"'"!, 7i"i. A WAU 11F Iii:.STIi;"'iii'.N'. Th- war of d.-vinuitloii In Soulh Af r'l'a In ra( 1 1 1 ooiillniied. and Ih- Puviih In tb,. wir nwi'it region. are much diinagnl by nlllinry operaion.,. Wai ls a terrible thing and the loan of life In appalling. Yd It Ih nothing ('umpired lo lb.. ileHiiiii'ilon that I going oM -very day by Ht 1 11 lib liver and bowel dln 01 l-r. The number of vliilniK lo ron Htipillon, hllloiiB'i-H. dyspepMla, IiiiIIk-h-tloii mul malaria outnumber thorn- of war ry ma iy thojHiin Ih. Tlu re Ih no nan 1:1 for ihlH when MnHioii-r'H Hlo maiH Itltt-rH will cure the nhuv iill-ni-nt- without fall. It ban been Ih" milliard ni'dlcliifl 'if the world r.u-oy-r fifty yeiirM, nnl It" nn-rlt him been fully provn. Wh-n In need of 11 m-dl-rlne of thlH kind, do not fall lo give the Mlt-rn a trial. FOB BALIS. Tho Oitumbda PJver Packer Aniiocl ntUin haai for iai'i. two axhoonem and one launch. A dcsorlptlon of th dchnrmom mom: Bchotmor "Kinney' -Ixmrt. S6.6; bwn. 11.8; depth of hold. 8.10V4. rVflirionor "Hhtle"-Lenfflh Bl.; betim, .; dph of hold, 8.8. OffeiM will be rwwJved at the office at the mnchWon, where full particu lar may itlw be had. STItlM.T IMPItliVKMKNT Nolle. In ln-r bv given, tlm llle 1 '-'Hill mi I'mlli'll nr till' I'lty of Aal 'lll hi c, bii. I lu .1 ' ' . 1 in 1 1) .1 1 1 1 1 and liii' in I ui l.i llllpiaiyo I'lilllillelibll atn-el In Ml. i lly of 'nli na bill out ,111, 1 ivsoid el li John Meiim alii Ii 11 1-1 by 1 'villa Ullley. from the ea; line uf Si'l'. e. th all v n III- wra; line f Klt 1 ie, I. up ai th" pii'i ni i-a a'lliali al gl I o III' leof 1111 I .11 tho mil . I I'll 1'i. i ' f l-y leiu.iilng al he -l I 1 .1 .m k - g mid de ttalk giadliig the - Ibe .hlbll'lied gi ld... all I . ! 'I'I l"g all,- ttallia oil each a'e ill" 'f .- gat feel nble, and planking ilie 'iiine fl -111 - lllll loilltb till Hlgllollt the Ulllll Ii pi ink of Hue,, Inch.-a 111 thl kiieaa b lo. lie lilclna wide, anl pt ill ,1 Ig h'cloaiing I' Ih- In' -i aectl ill of I ' -il-ai ic'.al alien! Htih SU1I1 a-r.-ot ! the 'il l iild'll ItlT'-'f. oxerp! llio par. loll -ii f coieiot by 'lie alio walk, with ' lull 11 pl.inkl 'g VI innl.'t UI iic. I tn .l!, IlllproV elllellt "lllt'l lie good a 'U'ld I or v.ilow llr lumber and an 1 1 ini a eniiMll eV-Pl fl ll"Oin til l.-r " I alt pi 01 idI liill -inform pi tlm r-inlio. ae -it of g 11. ia' udliimici- S" pail, tn i -l.lto'li to ill,, of att.-era the i--iai 1 1, 1 peiiae ..f mih ng l I lllll o, -Mli-lit ahall be .tefl iy.'l b t--ei-il nacam.-til upon the tola Uu la ait I pi. aula limiting tioii an, I oilu-i-n b iii ntr.l by .i ,1 llltploi -inein - -1 a x .ice, ir ling I - I he ritliin'. I le 11 , n a which ai, I dlalii. ! of Iota la-da Hid ct'ellllaea to lie maoli4l to deflAy the c -a'a llll l . Jl-onaea of a.(l. lll.o e in. nt la a r l- tu'wll f.-iiuiiiri ul it h noilheja; on nor of bit (lie l.'.l , b . k lilelltl .',. till. llll. I llltinlllg b ti. ,. u.-'t ! the noi-thc ! c or -t of - ,it 161 In hi", k tw. lily . i.l i -a. - 'Ulh ( the a -ultiw-a: o rnef ..f : "-.I.,- in. 111 bio k th'.nv 1 .in 1. i'-ti. , i-i ( le- iithrai! I'ornrr of l it f .in ill 11 bl i 1 ent) . 11 1 it.- ittvl ii.-n-e n-il'i 1, 1 III,- pU'e ,.f )i. glnnl ag, anl . 01: il-ilng lit of il" ll-'I'll liaf of bbe ."i iii-I I 1 a d I lii block it", and all f ", . ,11 t lialf of ,!.h k anl l'! !, in 1 it 1 11 bt 1 k ". oil In the T i . 1 1 ,.f A!oiii .11 bill ,.iit mil 1 . , . 1 1 I b I tin M-i '1 11 1 r- an I i t! "ii l.i lo 1 1 11 a 1 t'ney .ml itil-i and la 1. -In '- -ill '-oa .- a.t Hn la ,111 I rtil-a '' !-- iaiea-. .i left)- !-1.'.- ae 1 i-ii-r i-i of making aai 1 tin- , : - - lll'-l'-l Tli i the i: Sun.-) -u f thr ii y f le. 1 1 h i I- n due, led to pi -par-- nil t n ,- '.v -h I-,- ubt .r and I' .- Ju ! f -1 1 ,ati r inal.a of the c.a'a ant ' 1 11 a a ,f e Oia'rill tlllg aald lUlpr-r. net-.; a I pi ini anl po. ID I 'ti f r ", - I-- u-..v I ork T '.111'' ll -'lor - f !he Int'lltl'-ll f th i ' un I '0 lnk,. I Iniproi rineii! , ll'ien I.y publ.clt'oti in (ho Molllltlg A ! i in f r r g'it d-va by older of aa. I - ri 1. dti -. -il i tlio jiiio. tlio tin: l-llbll : i 1 :l 10 !' n being In !ho laaue ,.f ug I II K Mil .'. ind P -Iter III Igr of thr '!!' of ' Oil Hl li'ltT i'F Till. ruNt'lTInN i'F TllK first National Bank i'F ArTUlA. At Aat'-r'a. In tha Ktnto (if I Irrf m. tb" ol.-ar ,.f buainraii. July 11. li'l UKSniriti'FJ. 1. .1:11 and dl'.'.'unt I.':.ll I'li-rdinf a aeouirl and lltlaa- eur-l tTK I' S It 11 I to a.i'urn ilreuU- t. i:.r."-) Stoekr. a-ctiilth-a. rto "1 :t "th. r I'Ml eptat,. ownrd t l0 I'll.- fr 111 Na l. -al Hanka (not i"-iii- ag.-ntai S.30? I'ue from Ht! Huika and ltir.k.ra I'll' rr-.m approrl r'ari"., ng-nta SW.Hi In' 1 11 il lt''i enil- Htnmpa .... No ..f i.'brr Natl. mil llanka if) Nl k. U an I . e-i(a U Liu fus in n ey roaor a la I: ink. vU S; -. le .... III'l.SlIK () l eg li-'.-n l -r 11 d a . tW W .. u:.w It '. in-'. ,11 fun I with V. H. 'I'i .1 -111 . r i.'i p- r I'i'tit "f cli. uill 'in :s To! 11 IMT.IVO LIAIVILITIIX. I'upl' 1; at.a-k paid In fA-11" Sin pin fun I le.OiW 1 iid; .. I I pr -fl.a. b aa rl- l-.-ni an I t.i a p 11 1 30.L9 Nation 1 I. auk S : out- K.JrW l':v..-.-..l 1.W0 l-i i ll lo ,, d'p,.a.:a ui,).-. ; 1 1 .-.look. .tiM.lhtt S3 I an m I ci till i'ia , f d p -l: 94. 2114 I") 4:S.5"0 at T .Ml JVJ7.IS0 41 STAT.-: i'F 1 iltlliiiiN", County "f 'i.itop, un I, H H U.irdon, laalilor "f tb- ab o e-n.i 11 -d 'null-, do olrmlily to it Ih.. above amtemont la true 10 th" bei nf my knowledge itnd be lief. S H. (iiltPN, Cuahler. S'liei rii.'l and aworn 10 before me thin -il I day of Julv, Mul. i'. II. THOMSON. Notary l'ubllo. r..ii"' A .la w -b K 11 lllll, K Miiregor, li.I.ei, i ii'"ct ara. For Hiilo by I'".' Itli K STOKKS ''I T hese tiny Captulei trs lupenei 10 Dmum or LopjlDl. v.unrns or Inactions iMfyMi CURE IN 41 H0USV""-T the tains dnetMl voth- out inconvenience. Foley's Honey Tar heal fuaga aadjUopg th court. TKBi