1 I .1 , iKlKY Vl. liaCIo . ,,,,,,, VOL. Mil ASTOKIA, OREGON. TtCSUAY. Al'CL'ST 6, 1901. XO. 182 f Kirrtk ECLIPSE HARDWARjjCg. Plumbers and Steamfitters MOI.H ACII'INTM I OII S27 BOND FISHING TACKLE Tenuis, Croquet, Hasclwll, Golf, and all Kind of Sjxutiii Goods GRIFFIN & REED Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR. FEED, PROVISIONS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS Sujij.lii'8 of nil kinds nt lowi-st ruU-s, for fishermen, FnrmiTs uiul Ii r. A. V. ALlwEN, Tenth and Commtrflal Mrccts r i- ... V - -42 W.J.Scully, Pacific Navigation Company Stcunicr "Sue II. l-lmoi Only llno-Astorla to Tillamook, (iurlhnl.il tnj Bay City, llohnouvllU Connecting at A.torla with lh. Or gori Railroad & Navigation Com pany and also th. A.tnrla A Colum bin Rlvr lullrmd for San Fran cisco. Portland and all point. Et. For freight and pusenir rates apply to Hattiul Elmore ctt OK. N. n. n. Co., Portland. AGENTS A. A C. It. K. Co.. Porttand, ( H. C. I.AM B, TUIamook, Oregon. We Rent New KOPP'S BEST ADeliciouaand Palatable Urink Absolutely Pure Th. North Pacific- Brewery, of whl ch Mr. John Kopp la proprl.tor, make beer for domwtlo and export trade. . "olt,l r tot famly "e or keg; bsor aupplled at anny time. Delivery in in cay irotf North Pacific Breuerg c. a. Commission, Brokerage, cu.tom Hoe Broker. , . ASTORIA, ORE Insurance and Shlrpln?. m.,.. SUPERIOR STEEL RANGES STREET WE ARE SELLING AGENTS I OK. . . Moore's Steel Cooks CARLOAD JUST RECEIVED BOND STREET. Ninth and Tenth unJ V. II. Ilurrluin" Co., (kwral Agent", AHTOKIA. ORt Typewriters. Mirny new improvements added. See our latest " No. 2 Smith Premier Typewriter New Art Catatouue Free . . . L. M. ALEXANDER & CO. r.xolu.ive l'aoillc. Coast Dealers 246 Btark St., 1'ortlniul, Ore, F W.M'KKfllNIE, Local Attit. CHARD, MAYOR CANNOT SETTLE STRIKE Situation in San Francisco Grows More Serious. SAM) TEAMSTERS GO OUT lill.rL I. Oct Lmplojci t. Alie.d t Media. I.ry Coolerract rail a.d More Colon Mi) Be Ordered 0t Bclori Ihe Cad. SAN KRANi'ISCk, auk. 5. Tlir Sum Kui. c;, . i labor . u r 1 1 :i'iiilh: "i I-T.--I i.u: tl .i:i l l.-itin,.-r' union, l tut 'x l.uii I r.il in number. Till, move will rl"U;y afl'v t the building 5 iral... J HAN Kit AN' 'IS.1, i. Aug. S -Th.. ..ut l""k for mi am:. ,i !. ::,-ni-:i: ..f th :r!k- tun fund l.-i.ibly il.iii.ini.hc-1 an I buillfli! be (i i a l.iiui r- Ibn; lh,- r t' : will hi- ,i r'r.u"rl on"-, ih- i ff f M iy ir i'li-l.iii t.. biing iib ui: an un- .-1U:mII1( b.-IW.-ll Ihf ii'..l:i(t lllt.T- . luvliig fall.-1, .-i J lu- h.m b.-f, c m p !!! ,ih I i .l.in, li rnp r.irlly, it: b an: hu ....l : .i, 1iK.l14i.1r. '."tin r v-tiliiK luyr ,rn; ,,r i i. lh.- fi-.l-rail ni that Ik had b.vn unable llii git th.' .-iiipl. .yi Lik-iIlt. lh.- In f' t'-.l. .' Ii. IIIK tll.il th..y ,i ,,. l,y h. lr fTim-r ln'UiaM.ii u.ut vvr-r n : din. i' ' 1 :o tii-.t: further with the f.-.bra tl.m. Ijib.ir l a lrrn takf ihf pMi;ln that tlii' rrfuu.il uf Ihi? i inibiyi-ra to irt'al with th" unl.ina r.n l-rn a oiiiirunil.' Imp mHibl". T!-y have nut annaunovd til.in f ir tin- fuiuri', but ih-- brluf l K'li ril that tin W 'lM- i.f (hf ;rlke i l.i b' Hldilv rxti'llji-d. Th- lliri-,- rR.inlxaikina. tln Sand TiMiimt. in' nak-ra and Kl-ctrU j W.irk it, h.iv" bun already .rdiT.-l t,t hold ttiinu.-lv In r-iidliK in quit work a: a in un. nt notlcr. I 1, pmslblc !h.i! !h" l.itur iMiiiifll may take arll-in '.&'. Inn!i:h:. Th-r.' w i little hang.' in th" Kltim- :l iii mi lh wa:r 'r..nt t.M.iv. M ni. n w,.r.- .! w.nk ituin i n Sa ur lav i but an th" :i-w hands n.M" In.-xiKTli'nr I "d nil nut h n. n.i'iiinphuh" 1 tiw.irj I i-lii'Vlng lh - imtotlin ri'nultiiig fr un I .i.-i iiniulatrd fr.'lKhl. STI-:i-:i. WoltKKUS' STlilKlv SHuailnii In ri:thurit N 't ("h.mi!.'l Tr 'iibli- Kxp.V.. d Kii'vw In'ri1. IMTTSItfltid. Au 5-Th" mr- h!- tnrv uf th" day In IMttjibiirK In l:slf w.n n.it pr illlli' of nvulta. (,oiisl b'tabl,' howevt-r win doing In IIk towns sur niuiidlnK.. In till city all of lh" Idle mills nr.' In the Mm.- condition as ln-fore th" fail ure of the conference to settle the strike, and no apparent move Is being ma le by manufacturers to start the mills, con- sequently there has txvn no break In the slilkTV ,-anka. The most important strike points t night seni to be Leii-hburg and Well. vllle. with McKee.port as a possible tumble ceiiKr. rrom LPivhtuirj this ti-legram w is wived: "At 4 o'oKick this afternoon the Hyde Park mill, which na- tieen Idle sln.-e the first of the yiir,wns siarted." STKIKRHS WIN'. Employers Ornnt Garment Workers IV- mainls In Newark, N. J. NEW YORK. Aug. 5.-S:rlklng gar ment workers of Newark. N. J., have won a victory after n short conlll -t with their employers. Today all but a few of the 1500 worktiKn who stru.-k last Tuesday w 111 return to their benches, ull demands having been compiled with by their employer.. Of the fifty manufacturers and con tractor, who were Involved all but seven signed the agreement asked for by the workmen. The nu n did not stilke f. r Increase In wiges. It was a union labor fight solely. NOKDSTltOM AOAI.V DEFEATED. Prisoner Who Mas Evaded Death Sen tence for Years Denied Habeas Corpus. PORTLAND. Aug. Ti.-rnlted States Circuit Judgo Ollbcrt, In chambers to day, denl.il the petition for a writ of habeas corpus in behalf of Charles W. Nordstrom, convicted of murder In Kings county, Wash., and seven times sentenred to i.nng. Tills Is thought to be the last recourse of the defendant's attorneys and the court's sentence may ne carried out without delay. APPRAISERS WILL MEET. Annual conference to be held In New Tork Thl. Week, NEW YORK. Aug. 5. For the pur pose of tecurlng more uniformity In the appraisement and classification of Im- i"irte 1 in' nh.indiSe, I'liil-J Htat nji prulu m at varloui pons "f '-ntry Ih uigh'iut the country will in-et lo-r-In uitiiuit i .mf'-ri-n a; th" pubi c Htm", this wi-'k Tint i"-ii-i, wii.ih will lat for s.-vti dayi, will b- n I i nioirow and b"l Mr, Wak 'iiiuri, ap I'laU' r at this port. It Is 'Xp :' tiia-appralm-is will be pr""iit from th" p-irtt of Chi, . ik i. l'lilla l-lptila. )t ia':i. lialtl nor". Huffal i, Di-lrolt, Clv -I in !, Han KruiK-lat i and New Orb-ans. iiwliui Mi a . b'- annual ri.'i-r.T'-ii' , which are ir J ! by th" tr-mury departm'-nt. th'-r" Is n a- a ki-ati-r uniformity b th In regard l valu- and the l i.iflctl n of ditf-r---it kl-ids of im-rchandlse brought Into the l'nlti-1 Hta'.". A n"ir fm of hanl 'i g an I x , J 1 1 i 1 1 th" busiii", 1 1 come be for -j lh" cmif' r -rn e hi. bcn adopted an I w ill b" tr . . : ..me at Una W"-k's (i.-s-l ins. At the las, .'.'Iif'.T'-nt: I: was decided that each appraiser shoul 1 prepare lii qU'-stlons for subm.M.on t the New Yoik otp.-r b"f.ire th- ( "iif-r-nce a m-bl-. A. i- ird.ngly this year several ap-lir-il'.-rs have be.-n f 'rwarllng simples of many kin Is of iiurchan lis , stating the 'rai !! fill owed at lh".r respt-ctlve port, I i ius.ing the g,. t g--.her w.lh whatever Itiqulric. they d".r i make. All uf the, lumpim are lai-sifl.-d ac cording t , the division or department, at public stores here. A careful r-port . then ma I., mi th-S" samples, and also on the pia'-ilee at in port if New Yoik lu passing such go-Mi. When there is f un 1 t.j be a uniformity a: all the ports in passing nn-rclun ll- of any de scription thus brought t j the itteiitlon if the conference I: will not b.-ti'Vrssary :o t ike up i:m In the dis.-ussl in "f such good". This arrang-m-.n:, I: Is thought, will give better results than formerly. IoWv Il'LITICS EXCITINO. Two I'll lldat.-s Make Common War on Cummin, for Oovern T CEDAR RAPIDS, la.. Aug 5. Cum min, against the fl-11 and the field in absolute control of the Important com mittee. 1. the situation tonight in the fight for the gubernatorial nomination in the coming Republican state c inven tion. Th? cr 'd.-ntlals commltti-e I. compn. . of two representative, of each can didate fir governor with the exception of Cumminc The .! -termination of the candidate, t.v make a common fight ,-U'alnsi runimln.4 was reached this mori'lng In conference. There are thr-v cintestH lo come before the credentials committee, all agamm Cummins men, nn 1 a mighty . ff rt w ill be mad - to un seat th-iiv SAI'.ATOCA ItAi'lNC. SEASc'N. Five Th ni.-san 1 Persons Present on the Op'ning Day. .A . - SAlIATiMlA. N. Y.. Aug. 5. Five thousand persons wltness.il the opening of t'i' racing s.-ason here today. The features w ere the $5000 Flash stake and the Jh'.ooo Saratoga handicap. The Flash stakes, i-y.-ar-olds. (Ufiir '.o lgs i! ildsmlth, won: Luxcosta, sc on I; Chilton, third; time. 1:01. The Saratoga handicap, mile and one eighth Itockt-in. won; Water-cure, sec ond; Water Cooler, third: time, 1:53 1-5. I'NIMAK ISLAND MYSTERY. Murder of th" Sulllvans Attributed to Two Deserting Sailors. SEATTLE, Aug. la.-Advicea from Dutch Harbor Indicate that two white men shot down Con and Florence Sul Mvan and P. J. Kooney on t'nlmak isl and last June. Owen Jackson, the only surviving member of the party, expresses the be lief that natives shot down the defense less prospectors. Other evidence, how ever, tends to make two deserters from a tlshlng schooner responsible for the deed. AFTER CARTER'S MONEY. District Attorney Attaches Ex-Captain's Property In Savannah. SAVANNAH, C.a.. Aug. 5. District Attorney Erwln today filed a suit of at tachment against all the property of Oberlin M. Carter, ex-captain of engi neers In the army, within the Jurisdic tion of the court. The purpose of the bill Is lo prevent the dlspisal of any securities held In tho name of 0. M. Carter or his brother. REPORT NOT CONFIRMED. Legations Say They Have No Advices of Battle. With Rebels. WASHINGTON, Aug. 5.-There Is no news at either the Colombian or Vene xuelan legations here to confirm the re port that battles had taken place be tween the government troops of Vene zuela and the revolutionary force under Dr. Gablras. ANOTHER GOULD HEIRESS. NEW YORK, Aug. 5.-A daughter wag born to Mr. and Mrs. George J. Gould yesterday on board the Gould vacht.Sybarlte off Seabright, N. J. TRAGEDY OF FIRE Philadelphia Disaster Finds Many Victims. FIVE BUILDINGS WRECKED Ciploiloo Probably Caused by QatollM List of Dead .ad 0laf Not Km. bat Several Live. Wcr Lett. PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 5.-A terrific exposK.n tuday In a block of .ix build ing, on Locus: street near Tenth wreck ed five of the s-ructurt-s and causej the d'-ath of fr..m tea t twenty or more per sons. Over two scori of other, were m.ire or I-'s --ri;usly injure!. Sjme of those taken to the hospital will die. It 1. estimate 1 that thirty-five per sons were n th? five ' builulng. when the expiosi in ccurrel, and the exact number of dvid will probably not be known f r twenty-four hour.. The building, were occupied as follows : llousman's pi.,1 and billiard rooms. Morrison Rosin thai', second-hand cloth. ng stor-i, occupied by Rosenthal, his wife and live children. William J-nes, colored restaurant, oc cupied by Joe-, and about fifteen boarJ- George MK'lernmy's grocery store, oc cupied by McCl.-.timy'. clerks and ser vant girl. Patrick Qui-lys grocery store, occu pied by Qulgley, his wife, three chil dren and hi. uncle. Albert Moi.italn's grocery and meat .tore, occupied by Mountain, his moth er. slst"r and clerk. The expWun occurred about :20 o'clock. What exploded and how It hap pened I. not known at this time, but it is believed to have been several bar rel of gasoline in one of the three gro cery stores. With the explosion of the building at No. im Locust street the front walla of the building were blown outward Into the street, while the floors and rjofsi were blown upward and fell 'straight to the ground. Almost every buiidi.-.g w ithin a radius of two bl.K-ks from the scene of the Jexp'.osiin had w in low panes shattered iand were tli-T.vlse damaged. Every I building on th opposite side of Locust stre.'t was m.'ie or less wrecked, but none f them fell. A. terrible cry went up from the ruins the m m-nt the ixploslon occurred. Wo men, children atid niv.i, occupants of the wrecked houses, could be seen crawling fr.nn the debris while agoniz ing cri.-s of o:h.rs were heard in the wreckage. From all surrounding build ings Injured people came running and fell Into the street unconscious. To add to the horror fire broke out in the -K-bris the moment It settled to the ground, and in less than five min utes the great pile was burning fiercely from end to end. A general alarm was turned in and the tiro was goon under control. FEDERAL JL'DGE ARRESTED. Judge E. G. Rognon. of Teller City, Charged With Misuse of Gov trnm.'nt Funds. SEATTLE. Aug. 5.-The Teller. Alas ka. News says on July IS: Judge E. Ci. Rognon, Judge of the United States Commissioners court at T-ller City, was lndic-.ed by the fed ral grand Jury and arrested for al leged misuse of government funds. The Judge used the government's money for th purchase of supplies and a building which ne claimed was for the government use. He claims to have made arrangement, whereby the gov ernment is amply protected from any loss. NEW NATIONAL BANKS. Act of March 4. 1900. Has Resulted in Many Banking Institutions. WASHINGTON, Aug. 5. Controller of the Currency Dawes has Issued a statement regarding the results of the passage of the act of March 4. 1900. He ays: "The Impetus given to the organiza tion of national banks by the act still continues. During the sixteen and a halt months, since ihe passage of the act. there have been organized In the United States 665 national banking as sociations with an aggregate capital of $;!4.2tiT,000, accompanied by a bond de posit aggregating J10.00tj.200." PRIVY COUNCIL JUDICIARY. Chamberlain Will Make Public a Plea For Its Betterment. NEW YORK. Aug. 5. Before the ris ing of parliament, Mr. Chamberlain will, it la expected, give the house of com mons .ome Information with regard to a scheme which he has had under con sideration for some time past for the T recunstruc'l-m of the Judicial c imrni::" f the privy r luncil, .iy. the Tribune's London correspondent. Th-? col,nla! secretary has, with the assistant of the representative, of ih-seif-govcrning cl jnie.. compl-ted the draft of th .cheine. but up to th pres m: no particulars of it have b-en pub lished. It Is understood however that as a result of their Jilm Iarjrs a 'chem" ha. been prepare I which rv.-rve to the head of the principal colonial Juris lic tl on the right to .It as a Judge In the su ureme court of the empire and order, the appointment A several of th nua: eminent ju-'ge. from Canada, Australia and India to ac; as p-rman-nt memoirs of the Judicial committee In London. NEW YORK AND BOSTON. Will Connected by a Cntlnuius Electric Railway Line. NEW YORK", Aug. 5-S:-p. hv. Just been tak?n to build a through trol ley line frum this city to Boston. The first step was the foundation at White Plain., N. Y., of the New Yiirk and Stamford Railroad Company which is ma le up by the consul, la'.lon of the Larchmont and Port Chester Ee:rk companies, now operating ir A.Ky sys tem from Larchm mt to Por; Chester. The company is now buIUIng a r ad to Greenwich and as soon ai the line is completed the road will be extended to Stamford and to Bstoa. The applica tion of the New York and Stamford Railway Company for the right of way for an electric road service with the terminal in Boston is expected to come up today before the New York Sia.e Railroad Commission. TETILE INDUSTRY STATISTICS, Figure. Show a Decided Increase In Op eration in All Branches. NEW YORK. Aug. 5.-The Times savs: Reports from textile lndusirles .now that the number of woolen mills under taken to be built in the firs: six months ot 1901 wa. a gain of 250 per cnt over the number built in the last six months of 1900. During the first half of 1901 ihe num ber of mills constructed or contracted for was 261, a gain of 37 over the 224 reported in all textile maaufac:ories for 1900. Of the 261 mills 143 are devoted to cotton, 35 to wool, 5s u kni; goods such as hosiery, etc., and 25 to m.scel- laneous purposes. AGUINALIX' S SUCCESSOR. Malvar Has the Proclamation Habit and , Says War Will Continue. MANILA. Aug. 5. M.gu.:l Malvar, who ha. been recognized as the succes sor of Agulnallo by :he F:l:pi.:o junta at Hong Kong, has issued a prx'iama- tion giving assurance lo ihe names of a continuation of an active campaign. and expressing the hope for Us succes. ful Issue. MOUNTAINS WILL BE STUDIED. Botanical and Geological Expedition Starts From Chicago. CHICAGD, Auj. 5. The botanical and geological expedition of research. In charge of Henry C. Cowles, left Chicago today for a trip of exploration and re search in the mountains of Montana and Washington. OFFICE WILL BE REMOVED. Internal Uev-'nue Collator Will Move From Helena to Salt Lake. SALT LAKE. Aug. 5. A special to the Doserot Ne vs from Washington says Commlssioajr Yerkes today decid ed upn the removel of .he internal rev enue collator's office for this district from Helena, Moat., to Salt Lake. DOMINION PURCHASING AGENCY. Will Be Established at Assay Offic Opened at Vancouver. VANCOUVER, B. C. Aug. 5.-A spec ial from Ottawa says tha: the govern m?.nt has decided to establish the assay office recently opened in Vancouver as the purchasing agency for Aiaska gold. SAWMILL BURNED. Reynold and Davies' Mill o:i Rock Creek Destroyed Loss $10,000. CHEHALIS. Wash.. Aug. 5. The Reynolds & Davl.-s sawmill, located on Rock creek, was burned today. The loss will be $10,000. BANKERS COMMIT FORGERY. Crime Involving Jl.'.OO) Causes an In diana Bank to Close. HUNTINGTON, Ind.. Aug. 5. The private bank at Andrews, this cou.'.ty. was closed today and the proprietors are under arrest, charged with forgery to the amount of $12,000. WADE DEFEATS DONNELLY. BUTTE. Aug. 5.-Jack Wade, of Salt Lake, defeated Jack Donnelly, of St. Louis, In the third round of what wa. to have been a twenty-round go tonight. DOWAGER EMPRESS FREDERICK DEAD Emperor William and Othej Chil dren Present. VICTORIA'S ELDEST DAUGHTER Far Some Time the Do.cr Enpreu Hai Bee. la III Health aad White Her Death Was Suddta It Wu Not Ei tlrely laeipecled. CRONBE.VJ. Aug. 5.-The Dowager Empress Fr.'ifrlck died today at 6:15 p. m. Emperor W.lllara and her majesty", oiher chillr.-n were In the sick room most of the day. and were present when dea h rame. The bulletin', of the at tending physician, grew less hopeful hourly and while he dowager empre d-a:h was sudden .t wa. in a measure expects 1. The Do-wiger Empress Frederick wa. the eldest of Queen Victoria', children. Since the acc?jsbn of Emperor William :o the :hr)ne she haj lived In compar ative retirement. It has been known for some time that her days were numbered ail during the la.t hours of Queen Vic toria the .erljus condition of her eldest daughter .-aused her much concern. KEPT SUFFERING A SECRET. Dowager Empress Excluded Public for Fear She Would Be Pitied. BERLIN. Aug. 5. Soon after the an nounced death of the Dowager Empress Frederick was made, flags on all pub lic buildings were half masted. It la takn for granted that the Interment will be at Freidrichshof by the side of Em peror Frederick, but the date of th function is not yet known publicly. Load news papers assert that th dowager empress recently ordered that the public be excluded from the grounds of Frelderiehshof, saying: "The world shall not learn what I am suffering. I will not be pitied in my misfortune." KING EDWARD LEAVES TODAY. Usual Galtles Attendant on the Cowea Regatta Will Be Omitted. COWES. Isle of Wight, Aug. 5. Ac cording to present arrangements, King Edward will start for Flushing, Holland, o:: the royal yacht Osborne. Tuesday morning. The new royal yacht Victoria and Albert, will accompany the Osborne. The usual galtles of Cowes' regatta week, which began today, are almost entirely absent. By royal order, no dancing ot any kind will take place dur ing the week. The entertaining will consist of impromptu Invitations to small concerts and dinners, Issued an hour or two beforehand, owing to th hourly nes expected from Cronberg. ROASTS THE SPANIARDS. St. Louis Preacher Savs Thev Are Self ish and Oppressive to Colonists. CHAUTAUQUA. N. Y., Aug. 5.-The Rev. Daniel Rochister, Jr., of St. Louis, in an address here before an audience of 12.000 said: 'We are Immersed in the feverish struggle of modern civilization. God'. will Is not done In Cuba or tha l'hil- ppines. God can help man only through man and when the man Is a Spaniard dominated by selfishness and deter nln ed to use his colonists in his own in terest tyranny and misery must be the neonle's oortion un;il God can persu ade other people to carry out his plans." BLOUNT WILL RECOVER. MACON, Ga.. Aug. 5. Ex-Congress man Blount is not critically 111, as was reported. He received a slight touch ot paralysis .-ome days ago, but Is stead- ly improving. SILVER MARKET. NEW YORK. Aug. 3. Silver. 5$V Baking Powder Makes the bread more healthful. Safeguards the food against alum. AJttfa Wiinf fovMcm ktt tWpmtot mttjocn li hUMx of the praest 4iy. iwm nigna poww cm., ,mw vy