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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1901)
THB MORNING ASTOKIAX, PRIDAY, AL'Gl'ST 2, 1901. The Morning Astorian TRMOI'IIONH Ml. All cimtincU fin' mlvurtiKiiiK l Hi AmIoiIiwi nt inud on u itimn it ill wl siwiiUtiuii lour llm Urgsr tlimi Hint of tttiy pa par publlnliud or cliciilutuJ In CIhI nop county , i ' 1 1 TODAY'N WEATHER. pnllTLANP. Aug. i -W.s;i, fir g ut mid W.-nt.'r .1 Wii'i'iu 1'ildiiy. fair mi l i-.'iit Iti .ir-1 wnm, I'jsturii ' gii, ICk'itii Vn'.li:iitiiu .1 Hah,', f.ilr with slightly hlgier tiMtipTatiiu . AROUND TOWN. IVncli Plum Now cheap a I Jn)NN IHtiiH He It. M. ilsnton about htrni. pi'h pluma nw lioP Johnson Uro.t it Tlir nrt-dlM Uilxm al lb OooJ doiit barbsnniop. Frmk M Warr.-n, nf Portland, was lt ih i-njr )fi:rnliy n business. Unit 15-crnt m'al tthilng HUti laut:il. 612 Commercial strrM. It. Jupaiir g.M. of nil, i hr.ii at Y.'k ihmti llaaaar; (?6 Commercial HI. Tin- :ain,r Hu. II, I "in .re wl.l Inne i ill this it D i:1iik .r TI!'.i"inK .i f J Tln ram. brt ntan tnrl bran r f table fruit; mil. Me. at Johnson Pro " "iiif ery flnr h limit wer r ir.vrl by J ih!i.iti tlr la; evening Turn milk delivered tw. dally liy ihe M ill lpot .corner T-nih and liuane Htreel Funk M'-anry la acting as ul-illutc lt:-r carrier .luting the vacation of A II Karnes iiAiit. ud oiled a i PlnnH' i Twelfth sirl. Harnc supplies t j lowest vtct. j Crush.! strawberry lee rrm and vinlila in.- pint, and ( cream I0f j pint al the Parlor. Mm ruck'ia and Mr. It. M Wade, of Portland, will leave mi -he I'liii'TC this morning for TtM.iin k Furnlshr.l rx'tim lu let by lh itay. week (r month. T-rifl reasonable. Ap ply 2IJ Fourteenth street. The iam schooner Alliance wllh f roiBht and passenger from Han Fran ico arrlv I In yntrrlay. K H. Johnson, of th.i w-.lkiiwn Port land music noune of H .jlf k John. . ii. In In I lie rlty in hunci'M. I'r Jjm-a M !t "f Fort Hie vi-n. nix !ii th" i lty y.-ai'T lay on rout t.i N-n' V.itk I'lly. n Imv. "f iilm. ni'.1. II William. .f I'ort- i : v!i'r.y fii rouli' Ill- tt.ll np'llil H.'VOI.ll mil. In 'Ik I I H. Mil.' .!.. Mr J.wei( hiui ofi-iiftl dri'iii-inaklng .iirlni at 127 8v-nth tr,l. Th In of Aiorln ir. lnvlte.l t.i an In f lion. Fr flml-iliiiiK tiiiiii.-mi mi.) tt'in'iul palriiiK o l.i A. '. Plniifll. I9 Twdtli Htrvt Prlv i f miii.iblr ami tuthrfar Hon Kuiiranlxi'il. rr-.iiii pur ry AuktIi-ii' fln'st hlky. Th only pure good; Hilar-antoi-l rlrh aii'l mvllnw. JOHN L I'AHION. Holo Ait'ni. Thr fimtract fur lhi iToctlon f a KrhiMit tiull.lInK In the New Aaturln ll Irlct h.m tircn awur.l '.l Id For.) A lli'na ly fur 1.1799. Th. bull ling will ho iwj fiorlfi high with buni'tm-nl. nml two roomi ami a hallway will he on each floor. Tho trrlnre la In b compld- .I within four month. Ft KST ir..CBNT MICA I.; HUM ItnSTAURANT. RISTNO SNAPS? Well I Guess Yes Men's Crushors, all Latest Sluulos and Slinpcs, worth f 1.50 to fl.7.ri, your tlioico $1.00 STRAW HATS: YOUR PICK OF ENTIRE STOCK 50 cents VftlucH from iJ2 to 75 cents S. DANZIGER M ir than half pf III m k'-y aulin m bring caunlit In thn I'lig"! "Uh1 r ! Ing rlia"il uwlug lu th Inutilllty uf III cniirrr In haii.llu Ihnn. John A. M'inigm"rv hi (iip, -I hi at 42I irp n I tirfparvd to lo nil i-Iai f pliimhlng an tin n In T t l)i' lownt txlhli) rt. Il'iaiyn i' ml l liivr, I rivjni-r an. I niHk- l Iroubl with atovp and clilninry f1u than my uih'T, fk.irxi W. H.inbiirii, agi'iit; ti-lfphon Mil. The IlKhlh'iiiax liil.-r Coluinliln mi her uiul til tii tlii rlvir niaklnit i haiigi- In Ihti ln.'iitl.iii uf chiiml hu.iy lti." nrMty by Hip alilrtlng niinO Tho rioaloii n"Uurni U ifrviilly riopnlar. Th bent thai tho nirkt af fr1 I alway fntinfl on In hill rf far, an I the "rvlcr la flrat-claa. Oni-n 11, 1 1 a. m. Hrvrral boil' uf flh rami) ovrr rn tlix Nahnoita yrrrit:iy coiniancl I M.'()on' ut-rlvi-r i-nnry. Tl- ru mi lh north ro ri-puri.) in yr!rrilay an.) imitiml ratrhr vc mailu on lh! Ml If uf tliti rlvrr. Arth I.- jif .ig-ri-incnt for th I -nri t'oln dull' -rn ilri vn un la( iiIkIi' an I . III t.i 'ol,.' in.i ia -r for III :pi i .ui Kr-I llr in will maiug.' ih flit whlrli will 1) iulll nit AUKUtl 31. mi.) th" battl will In- for a f.Vio pur. Thr laillr nr. invltiv to rail an l look at tlm iii'W walklntl klr: a: Hhanahana If y.u t 1 1 buy, y-u will nti.l tin- irli- vrry favmalili-. If you ir.- think In or making a iii-w ku:. look a: III.- will al.l )ou In tin- a:yl- I u: rtiu I Iti-vi-nu' ' ominlloni r '! k.a ha rtil".l 'hat tiank'ii jivl -la'lon ria will n 't ! rvi.gnli I by the l:i l.-iiul mim luir. ju ai i n I i n - I o l a ag-nia (or tin- ir nl itlon i f i u- toiiii'i' c!alm In r.'K'J' I ii thr r.'.l'ii, lion of :ampa. I'rof J. A.-k-rnian, ui' U-r Ini.'ii I. lit of pllbllo Illa tU.'ll ill, In tr .arm a vn .n. o. th o.uim of for tin public ho !. In whiru th tt book r.viuly adopt I by th tali- ciiminltilon, l.l b igiii' their plai' The 271 hlng!r- nii:i In thr Wahlng. (on it"l i"-lr Hhlngln AiafcH-lathm wil probably for an In.l.-flnlli lrilo on T.iu:it of wvr prudui-tl in ttn.l 4 ubi,nui'tit luinii In pri-r. tint wrrr nuotr.l two w-rrkt ago at 11 . are now nrTere.l at fl W. Mr. II Ingtihm I nnw .li.laylng a full line of thr lalrt tyr n fall mil linrry at lh r'abllhment r-vently opmril hy her a! 651 (Vmmervlal trivt. oppatlte ihe lttnlgr: offW-e. Mr. Ingli ton ' earrh-a a full line of lailliV and rhll lr-n f uralebln ovli. The en..-r if the Third Iti'ilmenl Hand i f P.inlanl ha written to the k gatta committee that (he nii-mb-r of the orgtnli.itlo i ir.- union Miuali lina The hei r w i-a'lel f.irth hy the re- nut pivti'ii! 'f th, loenl F-'d-riill'in of Labor anklng tl.n: Hie 'an I be not cni iil.iiiil heeau.' II wa not a union band. The O. ft. V. Un made a rate of l from Am.inn and Portland for thr Pan-Aiiu'H.-iin ixpoion ut Huffalo Tl.keta will he on Mle flrt lo third Tu"d.i. June ti October, h(umIvj Tlcne tli keta niuat lr u'd for contln- noun paiaage going, hilt atopover will 1m allowed within final limit returning On Auguat 1 and 3. Inelualve, the A ('. It. It will Dell (likei from nil point l Portland and return to mem her tf the Woodmen of th World and Women of Woodcraft holding crrlUV este of gttenlanee at "Iog o!larl ' conlt. at one and nn-thlrd fnre for the round trip, good to return on Ali gn t fith. The Pacific tViM Portland iVmcnt t'omnnnv i about to erect a .W0,(kt plant at Vancouver. H. C. All .he eiiulpmcnt. etc., wll be purchane.l In the United States. N"arly IliW.tHK) worth of elei-lrlral machinery will be liwtiillt'J. The idAnt. It I mid, will be 'he only one on the Pgclflc coat devoted la the manufacture of Portland cemen'. The Initial Cip.iclly, It la ftatod, will be 100,000 tmrrel per annum. The cm pany propo' to make erlou hid f'r the Oriental trade. Tiling bnk Inlo Die Itun h Hylph Wdnrilay night but nothing of Value W t(ik"ri exci',1 li.X of tlglr. II U thnught tint (hi hurgUri knw that Captain Held Inn been carrying l.-rg' muna of money fur rti cannerym'n "f late arid h"pr I lo find "ni of it aboard the craft, hut Ii tlil tln-y wr dlnnp point. Fmird fl!ok f'o. hav ut rrriv. rd ,.veral hundr.'d box. of tine w chi rrle, 1 linn an I Aahlnn l iwii' bi-i. The prl.'e for tln'i or: f'h"rr!e. 7.'cle per box; plum, Wci per box; Ahl-nd in-ai lir, 7.' : per b 'X. It will be lin iol)ile 11 upply you wl.h (hit f.ull later o:i, o we dvle y hi t ll.i.-e mr order early. Mr. Phillip Mill Jonea, no France trang, ' f Han Fra rli o, I the gu't of her aunt. Mm, llawi-a. Mr. and Mr Jone darted fr'm Pan Franclacg to m.ik lh trip overlund with their own ipirc hut the ImpiMihlo road mad It neeemury In abandon (he plan at Ku reka. from which point Mr. Jon.- came to Atorla on Hi' learner Alli ance. , Quatan:li 0 Itl '- r Karl ha received tuth irity fnm .h - iTal of tb I 'nit I HI uea nuthorlimg h!in l pr i. '' ' i - boarding v vi- -I before relraaed by the iiaran(lue ofni-la'. It wan generally believed "hat the govrnm !' mi l oMty did 'ot xten I hey ml :h- thre'-nle lne but the ur g -on general ay that un:l the Vec l ha be-:) rel'a'd p n- 'i;n a right ti hoard h r .; 'h- iiiar in' In if?l- Mr. fathetlne Hunt, wife ,f Jiim'i Hhort. a retired Portland capltalin . mimltted an v!." ter.1ay uironlng by 'aklng po: m Mi Hh .r: h.i I ! meritilly unbalan. e for .me time an I m pr-vl 'ii occiKlon at:eni;ite,t to kill Vrae'f Arrangement had te-n nia ! r her Incarceration in the any loin a; Hal"in m I: ! thought that the fid prey-I on lo r mind until he wrlcom I b a h l:i pref.-irn.- to i .nfin 'm. nt In the a) ium. Ferfinun , union were :he w"' bidder f ir the rontra.t for Imprnte- ment Li the fr.leril build ng anl groun l( The hid tre nM-nei yeLT- lay by t'oll-ctor Fox and wer a fol low: Ferguaon, V"ni; ). Palmherg. IM!'; Joeph Huprenant. JU'-O- The b!d will be forwarded to Wahlng;on with the recommendation thai th one of Frrgu .n A ll.unton be ux-rptrd. The work I to be completed in ixty day. Attorney-Oen-ral Hl.ickburn hu handed down an opinion In -vhlch he hold thu a cunty (upi-rinvndt.v. I not compelled to endnr a ert Hcale liMue.l by board of examiner :n an other county hut may wc h.i discre tion and if there (hnutd appear good re in for wi:hh Mtng nu tx endorse ment he W acting within hla authority In ao doing. The effect of the ruling l thai th" county superlnt.-n lent may accept the cerllflcate or may order the applicant to un I rg . .1:1 .'her .ximlna- tloll. The regatta committee was !n f 'ii yesterday afternoon and hst night, at w hich time a number of import int de tails were attended to. The work of the forming the program Is proceeding cat- sf.ictorlly. The main nu sil m tit tlo- present moment 1 the financial en.l 01 the plans, ulld '.he comml'tee "III need about I.O. v wb- scrili'.l.. The merchants and others will begin tn reip the benefit of 'he larg" run of Hen shortly and will probably be then In a ponttl 01 10 siri. iil as liberal ly as the committee requires. No Information till been reveive.1 yes erday at the local ottlces of the o. It. i N. regir ling the 'allure- of the Colum bia to h ave San Francisco on ch Mule time, other than th bare announce ment ttii: .he i'-'Iiiit had not sailed. Agent leiiinsherry kiP'W nothing of the iiUMe for the Columbia's detention nor had he received any advice of the amount of freight ahoart for Astoria merchant. The steimer Kld.r left yes terday morning on her regular run south with a larg ugo of freight and a good passenger list. Work la being rapidly pushed upon buildings to be used for the Tacoma Elks' carnival, which opens August 10. A the time approaches, the prospects for an exceptionally tine attendance. and the thorough uccen of the event grow more pronounced. Special trains from several sections, of the rnclfic Northwest are scheduled, and advance Indications show that they will be Iv natrvoiid, while nrr.ingements for entertainment and for the various fea ture of 'he carnival are being per fected upon a scale that shows that n amount uf energy and expense ls being spared. U. Onffroy and parly have arrived In Portland and .he details of turning over Ihe Puget sound and Alaski canneries lo the Pacific Tacking nnd Navigation Company will he "omplcted within the next few days. The member of Mr. Onffroy ' party are: Wendell P. nice. of New York, representing Charles Flint; E. C. Ksnt. of New York, tem porary presld.'.it of Ihe Paeltle Packing & Navigation Company; T. H. Mertov em, teniponry vlc-preeldent; O. H. Ilnnford. of New York, secretary and treasurer; Jadne Thomas A. Moran, uf Chlcngo, representative of the Pacltlc Amerionn Flsh'ries; R. A. Morgan, a di rector of the Pacific-American Fisheries Company; Moirla ilergor, of Chicago, representative of the Illnols Title A Sav ings Company; Ed. Cornell, of the Arm of Pavls, Stone & Au'rbach, of New-York. After horae with hula, that are com mon In the Rant ti ward r.rf h fierce riy of the burning un, what? I( with dioe apparently. A woman un cm of the It. P, Co.' northbound trains, a( Aahlund nation yesterday, clad In one of those tllmsey frock that tear with looking at alrnoat, had a tiny King Chftile (ptinlel in her arm ,an l on It fwt were hoe. The object, of course, wa to keep his claw from ahr.-dllng her fne-k at every touch. The (h?i were of kid-hardly more ihun a big ihumli lu sixe-neatly aewe j i nd lactd 01 fr .n'. V the dog wore the hoe In n -liking, a wn a clawing In h. tm;r. ' eirns, t.,e kit was bU k, and In eff-i-t the ahoe wer like dlmlnjtlve nioccasiii. Ashland Tiding. HpecUl Ii-pu!y K. C. !r.-(:iiman, whj ha b-n Investigating desirable hatch ery site for ihe flh war-Jen, r-turned to Porilind last night. Mr. Oreenman male a full report of the r-sul.a of bl Investigation, and In confluence racks will be constructed on the Grande Itoti'l-'. Knak-, I'matllla, Tucanon and Kaolin rlv-r. arnj If the flsti "cured Juatlfy .ha eXliendlture lemporary hatch ery plant will b edabllsh-d. The present work 1 largely experlnentsl and Is dulrncl ,0 0crl4;n tl,r mOnt Jeslr- ahle aitii for p-rma ien: hatch Tie. Fish Ward-n Var, Imen etlm:5 that HO.tss) will b? ava'able for thi work ut of the fund collected this year In addition to lb - aubstiintlal balance to the redit of the hatchery fund left Ly hi pr,,.(-i e ,r. x-' omm!sloi. r IteeJ. Ai ihe nrxt meeting ot the coun II au thority will be asked f r the institution f condemn itlon proceedings for the p'tilng up of Amor street from Trul- llnirer mill to Taylor avenue, giving a evei (tr-et to I'nlontown. A:t"mpt to rnpruvc portions of Ar.or reet have b-e-i ,. fe,iti. 1 by th.- reinonetra n.-e of property owner who have de, lan-d th-mx hes opp we.i to the improvement ,.f any pan unl, that street Ls opened through to connect with I'nlontown. The project has heretofore been opp n- d by the Cutting Packing Company, who, cannery would be cut off about twentv-llve fet by the cutting of the new road The Increase of business o several cmcerns below Klnney'a can nery has mide Improvement to the street a n.H'e.ity anl It Is b-llevej that the former opp.ieitlon will give way. The cotmvmv firmed for the develop ment of the N-carney coal field egpect to beg'n active ojieratlons on the 525 acres acquired by th' .Mrporatlon by H'Ptember 1 Capacious bunkr wil! b' er vtcd hire and As: )r!a will be the distributing point for the product, which will be transported her" In barge'. W. J .Cook, w ho la responsible ror 'he for mation of the company to work the coil field, stated 10 an Astor'an reporter y.-sterliy that analvs s h.d hown the Necuney cial to have a grei'er per centage of flxel carbon than th-- Puget smml produ t. and has less psh and water In Its composition. The coal can ! laid down a: the bunkers at Asto ria ut a prl.v making it possible to ell It at a profit for 13 a ton. It super !.ri' Is sufficient t i make It an obj-vt for (hips now coaling nn the Sound to come to the Columbit river. The larger tnrt of the capital will be from Kas? rn source but local merchmt and npit.illsts will be Interested. ENJOIN? HIS WIFE. I'hli-ait Tii'.iun-. 'ne of th mot novel injunctions ver I'-su'd from a court of w was slgnel bv Judge Klnne of the Ann Arbor, 1 Mich. I circuit last week. ChviiM S. You ig of ihe village of Mil an has secur-'d the necessary legal pa pers whlih res-rain Foster Kllpatrick of Ypsllintl from Interviewing Mrs ''harl 's S. Young In any way. directly or Indirectly. In his bill of complaint. Mr. Young says that he was married to Mrs. Young in lsS. and Mv-M with her peacefully and happily until 1900, when Foster Kllpaiiick came Into his house as a hoarier. He allege that Kllpatrick alienate! the affections of Mrs. Young during last juinni r. and Induced her to ecmnvti v a divorce prodding. He says when the scmlal got out Kllpatrick oft th- Yoip.g Vviie and the divorce case was dripped. Mr. and Mrs. Young commenced liv ing together agal i, and continued to do so until April IS. IW1, when, he says, Kllpatrick again nade his appeirance. and again began paying attentions to Mrs. Young, ro that she is once mire dlssatlsrl M with her home life. Mr. Young says he ordered Kllpatrick to desist from enticing his wife away, but that Kllpitrick refuse to refrain from the ompanlonshlp of Mrs. Young, snd thai he insists on making arrange ments to have all flv-o of the Young children sent to the reform school for Juvenile disorderlies, and that he has practically siiocv.led In getting Mrs. Young to consent lo the arrangement. The Injunction perpetually enjoins the said Kllpatrl'k from visiting Mrs Young or putting himself In her pres ence or visiting the place where she Is staying, or from speaking to her or writing to her, or Indirectly correspond ing with her, either by himself or through the aid of third persons, or from meddling in any way with the children or fixing any scheme to get them sen; to the ref irm school. The notoriety of the case has split the Young household In two sections, and Mrs. Young stiys she will revive the di vorce case. Mr. oung says he will try and have embodied In the decree a ciaus to prevent her marrying Kllpat rick. FOUND. Net about 100 fathoms long, corks branded "II. I." leads branded "T. U." Owner apply at Booth's cannery. CANADIANS MAKE PROTEST. Claim That Am'ricar, Ar Fishing In the Dominion Water. A apeclal dispatch from Vancouver to that Victoria Colonist siyi: United State fishermen are flxhlng In Canadian water just where the fish ar crowding toward the Fraser river, at "ano Psjc Th Canner' Association wired th minister of customs regarding the matter and the minister of custom referred the complaint to the minister of marln- and d'herb-, who wired the ''inner' Assocluath.n that he had In structed Flsh-rlis Inspector Sword to do what he could In the matter. The can -ner( are not content with this vry mild course of the government, as It la a well known fa-t thit Canadian boats when they cross the tins are promptly seize 1. A memljer f th executive state J thi morning to the Colonls; correspondent that when the United Stat'-s fishermen start fishing In Canadian waters without 1 license or legoJ right of any kind he thought th Jt under the circumstance they "were rubbing It In." Not content with trapping the ockeys which right fully belong to rtrltlsh Columbia, as they pa through Canadian waters b-fore reaching th T'nlte-1 Stale traps, they are followlrg the salmon Into Canada. This Informant statej that the fict that Ana.-ortea was gluttel with fish, and the Fraer river cann rs were work ing half litre was aufTb I-nt proof that isorrtfthlng was wrong In the adminis tration of the flsheri-s. Hji Id a was that In that for'y ml:.- of water be tween Otter Point anl Discovery lHnd that the governm-nt should perm't the use of pur- ..n'. The ater Is too cl-ar for gill nu and th fish are too far from the shore for drag nets. In the use 0f purse (.ires In this stretch of water Hrltlsh Columbia would simply reap the harvest thit the United States P..p!e are now reaping at main. Point Roberts and Ar.acortes. Last night the run dropped eff on the North Arm. 100 to the boat, and on the Fraser SO to the boat. At Anscortej Se.OOO fish were caught In th Winch A Bower traps This Is appraehing the record. Traps were repirted at eleven full and fish moving slowly towards Canadian war.. ers. I.arg shoals are still in evidence. and there are reports of more coming, so that th run must reach the Fraser this week. The big run reached Canoe Pass las- night. One boat caught 475. Th average was 200. A letter -o a prominent Vancouver cannery from the north this morning stated that the northern canneries would put up from half to throe-quarter pack. That the Rivers Inlet pack was a com. plete failure. On the 23:h the Wannuck cannery had 4215 caes packed, and Low Inlet can nery 12-0 cases on the 20th. On the Skeena the Standard had 2100 cases up on th' ;j:h, and the Cunningham 5JO0 cases on the 24th. A member of the executive of th? Canners' Association states that vicious persons are cutting Japanese nets In wholesale fashion. They have offered 1250 reward for conviction, but so far have not been able to bring home the crime to anyone, as the cutting I done at night when the Japs are asleep. I; was stated that If the cutting of nets is continued as at the present rate, this season will be almost as disastrous a' last season, when worth of nets were destroyel. That the net cutting is Inspired by hitred of the Japs is evi denced from the fact tha; only Japa nese nets are destroyed. TERRIFLE CONDITIONS IN INDIA. The depopulation of India through famine seems to he asumlng alarming prop irtbns. I: is estimated that over 5.000,000 ,-iersons in India have died, glnce 1S96, from causes directly due to the fa-nin. Famine Is a terrible thing and proves conclusively that food is essen tial to the body. Ye; It is not so much a Question of how- muen food Is eaten as how well It is digested. To Insure perfect digestion and ibtaln the greatest amount of nourishment 'rom your food. take Hostetter's Stoomach Bitters. This is the old reliable standard medicine for th cure of stomach, liver, kidney and bowel disorders. It promises appetite, cures dyspepsia, Indigestion, constipa tion, biliousness, and ke?ps the bowels regular. Do no fall to give It a trial. It never disappoints. PICNIC TO FORT CLATSOP. The Lewis and Clark expedition of nearly .'00 years ago, spent their win ter on the coast a few mires from here and bul'.t a fort in which they wintered. The remains of this fort can be seen at Fort Clatsop up the river named after Its explorers. Lewis and Clark. A grand opportunity of visiting this historical spot will be given on. Wednes day, August 7, when the steamer As torian will carry ihe annual picnic of Grace Chur;h and Holy Innocents' Sunday schools down the bay and up the Lewis and Clark river to the very snot where ,he fort once stood. The very name of these schools In sures a good time, games and prizes and songs, etc., and the fact of the great interest which is directed towards the old fort oy ihe exposition which ls to be eld in 1905, adds another Item of inte.vst. Come ond bring your lunch basket, your fishhooks and lines, and have a good time. Adults 50 cents, chil dren 25 cents. The ateamer leaves the Parker House at 3:30 a. m. If stormy, the next fair day. FURNITURE SALE. Owing t.i my departure by September 1, for San Francisco, I will offer the entire contents of my house at private sale. Parties desiring to purchase the whole or part thereof should call be tween the hours of 10 and 12 a. m., and 2 to 4 or 7 to 8 p. m. 8. DANZIGER SJJ Fourteenth St. SPECIAL $1,90 SPECIAL For a Few 400 Pairs MEN'S Tliet' ji.'ints are made of woolen CasMmcrs flixl Tweeds and always sell at $3.00, bjt we have too many of them, therefore you have a chance to get them at $1.90 a pair. We have nil sizes now, don't wait until your eize is gone, because you won't get such panto at such a price in a long time. HERMAN WISE The Reliable Clothier and (latter. PROPOSALS WANTED. Office of C. Q- M.. Vancouver Bar racks, Wash., July JO, 1L Sealel pro posals, In triplicate, will be received here un:l 11 o'clock, a. m., August 13th, 1901, for furnishing and delivery at Fort Walla Walla. Wash., 128 Standard Ar tillery horses. Delivery to commence wlrhin three weeks after award of con tract and to .be completed within sixty dtys thereafter. Preference given to animals of domestic production, condi tions of quality and price being equal. V. 3. rea?rvea the right to reject any or all bids or any part thereof. For further Information see circular to bid ders or apply to this office. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked. "Proposals for Artillery Horses," and addressed to the undersigned. J. W. JACOBS. C. Q. M. PROPOSALS WANTED. Office of C. Q. M-, Vancouver Bar racks, Wash., July t, 1901. Sealed pro posals, in triplicate, will be received here until 11 o'clxk a. m., August (. 1901, and then opened for furnishing forag? and bedding at the several mil itary posts in this department, and at Camp at Skigway. Alaska, aavd Fort JJscurn (Port Valdez) Atsska, for flcal year ending June 30, 1902. Informa tion furnished here or by quartermas ters at posts. V. S. reserves igh: to reject or acc- p: apy ..- ill proposals or any part thereof. Envelopes ecntaln Ing proposals should be marked: "Pro posals for Forage and Bedding at -" and addressed to undersigned. J. W. JACOBS. C. Q. M. FOR SALE. The Columbia River Packers Associ ation has for sale, two schooners and one launeh. A description ot the schooners follow: Schooner "Kinney" Length, S5.5; beam. 11.3; depth of hold. S.10V4. Schooner "Hattle" Length 31.9; beam, 9 9; depth of hold, 3.S. Offers will be received at the office of the association, where full partlcu lars may also be had. NET LOST. About 2S5 fathoms net; corks marked with cross cut by knife. One-half lead marked C. A. Two black buovs. Re turn to Elmore's cannery. C. CORBO. It appears that the J. w hich leads Pierpiit Morgan's name stands for James. Can it be possible that anybody in the world ever ventured to call the great man Jim! Chicago Journal. Table Delicacies Ripe and Green Olives, Dill Pickles, Pickled Onions, Roquefort Cheese, Swiss Cheese, Mar tin's Cream Cheese. All Fresh and Wholesome fn7.oP?S Fruit this Season Leave your orders with useaily. We have Wild Blackberries. Cherries, Apricots, Raspberries, Peaches, etc., in great abundance. Foard & Stokes THE PLACE TO BUY CANNERY SUPPLIES FISHING BOAT SUPPLIES BUILDING MATERIAL SEWING MACHINES AND FARM IMPLEMENTS IS AT-- FISHER BROTHERS, Astcrta. Ore. Days Only PANTS 400 Pairs Andrew Asp, Wipi liktr, HitLtaitk hi twita FIRST-CLASS WORK AT REASONABLE PRICES. Special Attention Ctven to Ship and Steamboat Repairing, General Black smithing, First-Class Horse shoeing, etc. COWER TWELFTH D CUflNH STS WHEdUD DO TOO TIT HAVE KXJ TRH9D A. W. SHIPLEY? 954 Ooramextlal Stsaet. DO YOU KNOW That he gives Mm best there fcs to be had to the efty for the least money? Place an order onoe and see. C. W. BARR DENTIST Successor to Dr. Ball. 573 Commercial St.. ASTORIA, OR. TELEPHONE, RED 20sTL PRAEL & COOK TRANSFER COMPANY Telephone 231. DRAY1NG AND EXPRESSING All Goods Shipped to our Care Will Receive Speclil Attention. No. 53S Duane St., Astoria, Ore. W. J. COOK, Mgr. Res. Tel. U3L J.A. FASTABEND GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. "I notice speakers always address an audience, 'Ladies and gentlemen." " "That's the right order of nature. The boys should always be after the girls." . . . Co.