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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1901)
THE .MOKXIXG ASTOKUN PRIDAl, MT.l'ST 2 1001 Telephone Main Ml. TEIIM3 OP SrBSOKIPTION. DA1LT. Sent by mall, per year Sent by mail, per month. W Served by earner, per month SO SEMI-WEEKLY. Son! by mail, per year. In advance, $:.t All oommunicatkins intended for pub lication should be directs to "Editor Astorlan." Business communications of all klnJs and remittances must be addressed to "Trie Astor'.an Publish ing Co." The Astorlan guaranty to lw adver tisers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river, . r- ! - Advertising rate can t had on ap plication to the bullae manager. The signs of the time point o n ac tive and !ndu!:riou future for Astoria. The fear or a fish famine has happily been dissipated, before the nx; three months are past definite steps will be taken toward the establishment of or more sawmills In the vlcinitv of the city and a company has bee.1 forn-.fd to d;inp -.he NehaTi'm coal fields, and place the product on the market with the central distributing point hro. Un usual significance ntMchcs to tic senti ments expressed by Congressman The. H. Tongue, In a recent letter to the Hon. O. W. Fu ton, which the Ast ir an was permitted reprint yostird-ty. In which that gentleman Impli. if he d es not state In so many words, that the con tinued refusal to grant this seaport ar.d points in the interior wual terminal rates with other ports on the coast is an injustice to th entire state. Mr. Tongue has seen with his own eyes the prosperity of Western Washington and attributes that most desirable condition to the fact that they each and all hive terminal rates with Tacoma and Seattle. As a member of the river and harbor committee, Mr. Tongue is In a position to render the state of Oregon the great est service In his most creditable and distinguished career as a public man the recognition of the unequa!i natural advantages of the magniflcani harbor at the mouth of the Columbia river. He has seen th result In the state of Wash ington where vast forests and other re sources have been made to yield treat wealth and assist materially in the up building of the entire state. He cm appreciate what the granting of termin al rates will mean to the sta:e of Ore gen, and the glorious future 'hat f.waits I: in the rrenous struck for the in dustrial supremacy of the great North- west. THE PROPOSED GERMAN TARIFF. ?3n Francisco Chronicle. Continental Europe shows much m re interest In the increase of du'ies rn posed under the tariff act litre, ij-e into parliament by the German g ,vr.-tu-nt than has been aroused in this sour.try. where the righ: all coun tries, except China, to legu !'.-? lh-ir own customs laws is generally m i?n.i- ed. The proposed customs union of Eu- rope to fight the United States -.-ms to have gone to piexs first in the very i-ountry of Its origin, for the Vienna 'rBan of the Austria-Hungarian office stit'.s that "If Germany w!he a tariff whj -a.jU:j .Jo thi, is un-ru :,, ;,i;r..e,f. var Austria, Russia and the Unite 1 ig a grea;-r cowarl than th en- wh Ptates will be ready to undertake it." a-fles th mob. .'or It Is a lam-itj.o:-w hU h Is a very difficult thing from j :run tait s,jm- ;rik, b-gun in )'J ic Europe fighting America. Tho interest j ,j..g.;.,erate until their advotuxi rav f Eiirope In German tariffs grows jut of the condition of trade balances, which in lkS8 were as follows: German Imports from ... 63,141.638 ... 40.5SOT0 ... 157.359.SW ... 173.040.51? ... 47,922.72? German Exports to J 4S.87S.060 France . Italy ... Au-trta I'.ussia . lielgium 22.46:;. l',44 107.S76.554 97.4'ao.512 44,570,736 J4S1.99,742 321.379,2'6 Tnit-d States. 20S.782.644 79,625,755 Th- trade balance adverse to Germany with the five European countries above nann-d is J160.620.536, while with the I'nit. ! States it Is but 129.156.8S, so tha: the proposed Increase of G-rrn in Ju'.i'y aff-cts Europe more than as, and w- should exaggerate our import inc if w- attributed the change to "hatred f America." G-rmany does not liat us tut German farmers are talki.ig very much as our own wool-gioa-ts nrcJ oiange-growers W'l - talkli.g a few yeaii sini-e. and talk still uh-n-w ' ii. ipi x.-ity" is mentioned. In UV ' it-r-tn.i.iy had f ivorabi" - i balances with "tigidiid, the Netherlands, Swilz'.-i land .1:1 1 SweJ, in Europe, but the aggr--Hote woul-J go very far towai 1 offset. tiiiir the balance against her from ;h ottm European countries. To Argen tina and Urazil Germany sold, in IV-), bu: JJ1.C96.914. while buying of the two couiiiilts J59.631.138, making the bil- anoe unfavorable to Genua y $:.iJI.;;. In th s country the feeling I? tha; ('.cr many should, as she surely will, make her tariff to suit her on pvplo. Wo propose to dj that. In petf vt friendli ness to all mankind. I; is very likely that Germany is tlx. tig up a !.iri!t to trade on lo "rav .rr.vity" tro::c h. h she will try to nuke. That. h.Movr, is a business which we shall mo; c - into We prefer to have our ienue t'vd by law. Our oh, n a Ion of ;vr "'i tia. which "VlvlliaeV nations InvetgVJ tnto taxation by treaty, is sufftVUn. f r u. Should Germany bvious y .1 r..ito agal.-st us no sh uild consul r th-' mat ter, but we h.tll no: go 1 :i : - any f:ik.' reciprocity business. JEERED TO sncil'E. Tacoma Ledger. Oeorce McOdv. of New York o. tv.m : ted suK-ide the other day. in this cir cumstance alone there would be nothing extraordinary. There are suicides ,- ry day; the ill. the dependent, the Insane, the remorceful. McCabe's case, how ever, is different. I: seems that this man had s ne out en strike early In May. but returned to work July 1. For this he was rjv'.:-'d by the men and women of hts .1 iu.i nt ance. Hls neighb rs would h iv. .h- ir.g to do with him. They bran lei h.m as an outcast. He felt th I c ti ir j worls and their s!:sh:s. a-. ! : - m av from th-'m he cut his :hr-a. Anvbo'.y ; 1 in whom this incident cause- an :;v, ul i to sh.'ut for unVns has the rich; : art and yell. The circumstance . f McCab- jre n.-t dofinately know.-, but it is eisy to im agine them. He went out on s!r-k-. j-'t-haps because the demands th- -trik-rs made seemed to him t be Jutt r-'st-bly because the action of his f-Cows virtually forced htm to this c-v.ire. . N matter: he went out. When a man wrks for daily was-s h expects the wages for bread an 1 she!: r and clothe. A mm may no: be idle in definitely. When the little on?s cry from hunger or their rags begin f appeal, th--father, has he a natural anl lucent pride, will seek work. He will se--k it even though the walking delegate, w-'ii- fed, frown austerely. He may dti thiall the natural Jigestlve fluids. It gives ,.i. 1 ,fc w-ak :..mchs entire rest, restoring conscious that he .s Incurring the dis- ,h,., conj!!lon. CHAS. ROQ- pleasure of persons who really hive r. o right to dictate fjr him, and this may hurt. Nevertheless, the family ne !. and he is the bread-winner. So MoOhe went bark to the :ak from whicii he had ben a deserter, and hi? emp!oyr was kind enough to overlook his -ief-:iin. Once mor-1 thr was (1 .ur in th bin and he could Ix.k h: 'in II -r 1 ,n :b.e face. But the reighoors w ere Ir-sS n? ! -r-a'e Th-y Je-re-1 anl m ke 1 nl .u m. Mated him. He was an "Ut-'i": !--au?e he ha J d t.-- an non'MY- 1: ! !-. -n: thing. The bur 1 -n "1- t .. gr-rat. Th-Te was way : g.-: ti! ' it. H- chis- 'his way. ml ;-rr'i -uli-n h.s n-lghbor saw th- f-jr. th-y wer- ? .rry they na 1 M-1. P - ..!! :h--y cam-:- forward ml :?.- ! . b-ar a porrlon .,f their exp -n.- -v I- m, b- that ! p in :h-.-lr h-ir:.- ;h-y ,v-' arham-d of th-ir t-ondue;, iir -e. ru 1 land out "f touch with all J-4s :..:-. i Th-. principle r;f unionism is t : : , u I. It is necessary 'or to.; ti n of the laborer. There is s-t to its x r is- a limit. Th-r- is ni e-ju;ty Ir. d-n at.dir.g that a man shall , suit th-.- whim (jl a u ibn. The ir. no authority that houli be r-c 'gniz-d Th- Ledger believes in unionism. A h-tw-en McCabe and unionium ; ukc the privilege of sympathizing with 11-.-Cabe. SAVED TWO FROM DEATH. "Our little daughter had an a!:r.ost fatal attack of whooping cough and bronchitis." writes Mrs. W. K. Havl land, of Armonk. N. Y., "but, wh-n aii oth-r rern-dies failed, we saved h-r hf with Dr. King's New Discovery'- Our niece, who had Consumption in nn ad vanced stage, also u.ed this Wond-r.'u! medicine and today he is p-rf"!!y well." Desperate throat and lung ;--eases yi-i-l to Dr. King's New D.Soov rv as to no other medieir:- on earn. Inf;a!:ihl- for Coughi and Odds: 50" and Jl.oo bottles guarante-d by If-irtf f'ru? St bottles fre-. Th- o 1.- are now- no.'. Lon- Wolf is a d-i l oti-. Oie 1 WHITE MAN TURNED YFI.IAV. Gr-.-at 1 f-l by th fr.'-ri Is of M. A. H-igiry of'.'-n. Ky.. wh'-n lh-y saw he was turn. tig yellow. His skin slowly changed col or, also h.s -y-s, and he suff -r-I terri bly. His malady was Y-Ilow Jaund.':-; H- '.vis treated by ;he bo-t d e-;tors, b'i' without le-nefi:. Then he was ids Is -d to try Kl'rctric Blttr.s, the wonderful Stonnu h and Liver remedy, an I he writ s: "Aft-r taking two b ti4s I was wh illy turd." A trial proves, its rnai. hl-ss rn-r.t for all Ptontv-h. Div-r and Kidney tr-.-urnVs. Only 50". Soli by Frank Hart, DrugT-st. The b-st sid-nvalk th-r.Tio.n-t-rs could do r-i "ntiv was to liiak- It a d-a 1 h'-at. O. O. ltuck. Hdrne, Ark., says: I was troubled with coiwilpwton until t bought lvwit;' Little Early Ittmr. Since then have been entlrvly eurvd of my old complain, t recommend them. Oil AS. KiV.KliS, l'rufglst. The nuddvla of the fiscal of Cuba thinks ho can convict Ntvly with nit as-s-.w.amv from the Tinted State. For an otMctal with a title like that the audi new has mrve. hut he probably doesn't know that Necly Is a pal if IVnv He.iCi's. I? the action of your bowels Is not ,a- and regular serious ivimpIV it'.ons be ;h. tlnal result. rvWItt's Little Fi:' i;.ers will remove this danger. Safe. p' atit etT.vtlvc. v'HAS. r.. v.kks. Orion;::. llav you m.uncul ited yot" usktd :',.e V i-sir college seiior of a r.w I, site was wandering disconso ib 'iif the campus. "Matrlculat . ', ' ' as the horror stricken reaponce; !' no; even married yet." Town T.Ve' James White. Hryantsville. Ind.. sa IV Wit: s Witi-h Haiol Salve healed runmn sons on both legs. He had siiT"i.l st years. Doctors failed to help h.m. i: IvWItfa. Accep: no Ira ;M .Ions. CHAS. KOOERS, Druss't. r.etp. Morgan overlooked the bet of h.s l.fe when he neglected to form a sa loon trust in El Ken Eru 'tl.T.s. cut., scalds nl sor.s of all quickly heaU-d by IvWItt's V:., h II iid Salve. Certain cur for Iteware of counterfeits. lt, sure vou the origin! DeWltt's. CHAS. kiHii-KS, Druggtt. A man's id -a of a phenomenon is an other man wh never loses hH collar button. M: H Aliport, J -hnstown. Pa.. as- iur 1 ttle girl almost strangle I 1 .' --rh with croup. The d vtors sail .!. .-o'.illn't live !ut she w is Instantlv : e-1 by Hie Minute Cough Cure." HAS KiH'.HKS. DrugSist. I: a . :i ; m-'-t grief v. ith a brave 1- irv Ta nk f the Kansas City wh. -- .tusbn.i l took tnorphltie with s-.:.c. Ill '.nt-nt. She swallowel her .in if 1 w- nt out to buv a coffln. Then :h- husbml re.--vere,l. !tu: that do-s- : in: if re with the fact thlt & wits : a iy 'o bury her grief. I-i -is s -f cphip give the little ones 1 in- Minn'.' Cough Cure. Then rest tasy a:: ! have n 1 fear. It never fails. Pleas-a--: : take, always safe, sure and l m s: Irst m-an-nis In eff-vt. CHAS. K'V'EKS. Druggmt. S-vr-' ary Wilson shield not g-t too aNiut the failure of ma car ttl What do we care about maear'ni while we have spag'ttt -nd eh p suJy? P T Thomas. Sumtervllle. All.: "1 ... . . AT .. . . I ...... , . .. V. .. I .:;r,V" i Vn. "iXrU ! ''ure. I t-kk several bottle and can j 1 e-t anything." Kodol Dyspepsia M ur- is the onlv prparalion roniaming F.I'.S. Druggist. The has given It out that Cr k r . ibut ti become a British subject. Thr- may be something In L r. I n !'"ks like an oyster that w--uld h- fa. anj juicy. D r.'; ! - satisfied with Temporary re-inlig-stlon. K.)dol Dyspepsia 1 rnt.i'iently and completely re s tn s complaint. It relieves per-te-. jus- it allows the tired a h ; Tf-ct rest. Dieting won't th- t m ioh Nature -eceles snp-f-. m th- find we eat. The sen way t h-!p the stomtch Is to K 1 ; I'ysj.s-nsia Cure, which di C.i' v j .-at anl can't help but x -1. 1 'HAS. RiHJERS. Drug- T't he old r-gime. For I:- .impson-ti'hly affair had y-ars ago richl-y si.ul I nr:-l 1 lai ornam-nt befor' br-ak- in a t-'Ikin through his liv.-r. wnixipiNt"; coroii. ' ij'i'" 'wri'-i Mrs O K. 1 : I'ir.v.1!'. III'. "A small hot- j 1,,.irni9ir.inu'iiiii v's M,.n-y and Tar cured the I -a-.'-l a doctor's bill." Hart's ! - "k yn Kagle deprecates the t .- going all the way to 1 ' V ,v 'nF,!!5 fneO,110lan ' "At !." alls the Karle, "you t. ' arry guns up there." hit y u get mi s?ej ini.j m , Dar.l 1 Itantg. Ottervllle. Ia.. ays: had .i'.hma and a very bad cough iU: f .r v ir-. but could get no relief from h- I oto.- a d medicines I tried, until I k F i '- ' li mey and Tar. It gave .Tie .rnm'-liate r-llef and done me more it' -i tn n all tne oiher remedies com-b.r.- 1. II lrt's drug store. Th - c m-'n have gone on a t'trlke In ' oiuT.bu' A ivertlsementii In the 1.0 utntius iiae-tsi indicate a fine large o,'e:tiir.g f ,r ,-a number of persons who w "jl I iik- to b- the Iceman. Wm. Fnn. f I.lmi. O., obtained ex- " ::: ' r -oils from the use of Foley's .- ''or'. "It relieved my back a' he an l v-r.' pain over the hips. It ' ) '-1 t y y-m and gave me new vim md I- in an honest and rell '.- r- m-dv, a sure cure for all kidney I'"- Hat'.'.s drug store. Tn. a dm r,;-trj'io.n Is gilng to cut off - "' a-.tached to ihe Philip- - '.. tnrn-nt. It Is not yet dis- i '. 1 i- r-sbinslble for this ib it Ohio. I! : if. .ntemperanoe, exposure h-r mi ngs bring on Itrlght's 1 V' Kidn-y (Jure will Pre-li-a-e and ail other lild r I s r 1-r.s If taken In time, ik - Foley's. Hart's drug n irk-d to himself, as he b.-ehin, uiipreposHCSsing 1 ...i 'itnm-ncement, "she ' 'tcy rail post-gradu- ii. .1 1 W 'I'M, I! , 71; 1 . HT HIM III3 LIFE 'ii , - It rn 1 . I.-banon. Ky., writm: 1 :. Foley's Kidney Cure it .l-a-"ure In stating It t . riiiri-n' 1 ure of kldn-y dls- In ' "r u'nly would have cost ' " T.k- rio.-.e but Foley's. Hi i- T' r I- ri h- 1st of attractions for tS .Ml---oi-i !-s.lvM , nurnb-r of llltl tuous n-ime- wlil.-h indicate that It will b- i-orte tiling of a gabf-st. From Varous Sources. HE STIVK Tt FAKMIS 1 I've boon readlir In the papers Mow big fortunes have been iwlo 1.5 v butliig cash in fuiiuv -It put fannm' in the shil'. It -ftomed as though lw.11 .ty Je.s' to .lc II.. ,1, 1 gold Aivordtn" to the p.n-eis A '-' the stones that they told. Some tellers mu le a million l:i the tilmkln' of a i ye, An' since money's male s oisy I ma le up m- 111:11 to try t'vs ben Kvkin' up the manor. Hut no one Jus' seem ;o kn w Why the feller that has fortunes Seemed so anxious l let go. An" when I got mos' ready Jos' to go into It blind. The market up an' busied. An' some folks come out behind. So I'm goin' to 'y at farmln', Keep a Peggin' right away. An' when the sm is shlnlu" You'll still find nie makin' hay. Farm work ain't so awful oisy Kr oxeitin'. I'll admit, tint then, you're nilddlm' ortali To get profits cut of U. Indianapolis Sun. PICTl'nESiJfE SOVATTFRS A writer for th-' New York Trmn" s.iyj th it E. H. tl ir: 111 .o's inir- has- a of abou1 :w, nty-so. n hunlr-l acres "f land J'tlli and west of Tuxe lo liav ' aus'd rejoicing among .!d-n' Tuxedo Park mi . .oist.-rn.iti-'n among about a tiun.nei t.-nant- at win ami will audi si'ii:t'i-s. Mr. llai's un.-ompro- J ,u!il'c." began the Ii t.i .. mlsmg oi position to wayside dramshops ilU ..itig-ng was j . k- .-v - u 1. ,. is w.-ll known, anl there are -sever a! . t.;,. tt.-k--d : th - in - -.ha- 1 i.-l nul.s -uch resorts on the farms an I mj Tlo- cr -w I tt.a: , n -s . ttie th-' m nm aln wilds .mbra.i g In !i.n p.i'.lic ..1 -. that f the ii'-gr-. mirclias-.s. It--si.-'ir.s of Tux.-lo P.11 k ! Andy liie.-n. w h- a, hang- I July :.. generilly ay th-y believe that both the J (sa must n,. unit- r 1 ion : 'u..i, rumshops and the squatters will have ( 1 r,-m -mb.-r .hat di w 1 I was .1 do to vacate, and :1ns belief is shar I by ! t--:l e a: the tint", and wjs detailed 10 the subi-vs of :he discussion. Mr Harriman's nwly a.-iti!re. lands Include the J sah K Meal tract, ttie Hudson Coffey property and the Wal worth place, souietim s i iII'M th- Ed wards farm, between Tuxd- Park a i l Southrteld, and consolerubl- proi'rty ;ti Southfteld village, connecting his vast untry seat, formerly known as he Parrott estate, with his less recent pur- chases. Including ihe John A. Coffey place and the lillb-'r: Turner farm, bs--twe-n P'Uthfleld and Central Valley. These Purchases s. lid fy his holding from Tuilo Park ti within a mlb" "f ' Men', women and children hung f ir Central Valley. jmlb s iln-m r 'flm' I. Just outsi le the north gate of th- park came to the execution. It ,n a ay par In a colony of about thirty families of 1 took of ihe niture "f a society ev.-nt. natives and Hungar'ans. This colony l 1 The hanging was d ve-t-il of soiemniiy known as Wlld'-at. probably heciuse it by ih- enormous crowd, who s.m.-.l ti is situated In a little valley ,n th- lower j find pleasure In th" ..-. t.t. l,-hom-s of these 'i.-,.ile are ru le t-uta of iilmu: t Ik ena.-el. The death men.- little value, hut there ar- a f '.v sm ill was relieved of ii f lis ghastllne- dwellings wrh 'me pr-i-nsi 1 is ,,f re. . ,y (,.. roughly . rue;.' I .affoll, stji-ctability. I which ha I n st-ps. Except the sh -mak-r. th bU ksmt h. j -The -....r-. iniird-r. r was stanllng the bnrb--r, tn- gr.--r. .ml the :av-in;,in i...ii-.-s rti--d a f-w In. h.-n from the k-eper. the h-a-ls of th- families ar- ' gr.mnd. Th- w h .1- sc. iff il l was such liborers in th- -mpl y of 'h Tux- la, a smtple contriv 1 tnat it I; I not i-- Park A" 1 :a i n anl -irns lis Itig -.-nil,'., m er.itin- .,f .l-u'li .1! all. Cm wages. Th-.v app-Mr to b.-ll-ve that ,,.,r.. ;., t(,.. ni.i -,n scaffold, it was a n--xt April Wildc.i: is to b- lp - ''y 'nil' .iff ilr Tic- Ir p' . m- h-' earth, as hiif a 1 z- n told tin- Tribune r-p'Tt-r that th-'y 1... I n ,.!,... -h-lr l-.i.s-s w oil I : ..t b" , . . . .1 .... Old "lilll" itu'hri-. the Wlllca: !.- bl-r. Is o.tlini'i.' concerning Lis own Hh-r.ff ''r,am-r, the f-v. V fiiiiir bu- :i,lini'u rh.-i- ill rVi.. of'..s '...,. ii.i.mi ..1. ....... -1. the colony, --xc 'i.t ih- M n ksmlth. must go. II" sal 1 to th r-pirfr: j "I'm th- ol b -t resid-tr of W Id at. 1 ,.xcill ,., faml'y tha. v.-s a-r .ss the i railroad, and I'm 'he only mm that . vr tiald rent. I'v- b--n h-re ever since Isi;6 a., j ,.. ..,r ,.. ,rt me to in- nd its ho and th- bi n ksmllh to sh- its , hors-s. Of ours-, th- barb-r. the gro. -r ( an.l the tavern keeper ire not n. I"., j0 nr, no notu e has b 11 srvj on I me and th- bla-ksmlth. but I gu-ss ; everybody .Is- got on-. Pay rent? Never a cent! I'v- done a great many favors for Mr. M-ad, and that's why I'm here and am likely to stay." Pressed to state the nature of his fa vors, he sail he had always mended th" family footwear and Ihe harness. The huts In Wildcat are strung Irregu larly along both sides of the SoutbfMd highway and there Is a trough near the center of the group with a strong flow of good water from a spring on the bald hillside forming the l-ft bank "f the hollow. All the famlll-s of Wildcat draw their water supply from this pub lic tap, and tlir th women and girlH linger to gossip. These girls are the descendants of Hungarian laborers who found employ ment in Tuxedo Park aft r the adjacent Iron mines p-asel to b- operated. The Influence of a closer association with culture and refinement derived from this change of employm-nt by the heads of famlll-s Is bcevd to have caus-d a difference betwn the spiattrs on the outskirts of large dtl-.s and the people of Wildcat. The park association several years agi erected a club hou.-e for the use of the m-n of Wildcat, an I the irnih-r of Ham ilton Fish, Jr., has .-r"i ; -d a public bith for their use. A rnnrble tabl-t on this little brick bull ling bears th - Inscrip tion: ' : In Loving Memory of ; : Hamilton Finn, Jr., ; ; Sergeant 1st I", H. Volunteer : ; Cavalry, : 'Killed in Rattle, June 24, 1X98. : ' In addition to the Wildcat Hollow squatters, th-re are about twenty farm er tenaits at will scattered over the slopes of the mountain lands of the Ok .-- I Mead tract Some ,f thorn uie In the Imldn of well tilled . K, :,.l.h m aidens I an I ot.Vis are mu rounde l by small I lM,U of rye. The old M ad lion- is ha l, ''! bu' die Walitorth h -m. ... I. 111 used as n w.isulo inn. Is falt.y preseiv d. It is .-lie , the Ian hu ll k .1 id lolibtl'ss w II be c'eat' m'ss.-d by driver's who fi '-111.11'. .'i. Soiittilletd j roid The iii.iu-iiain lands 11 all the lincts la; 'ly bought by Mr. Ilaminan are more rugg-d than 'he lulls of Tune. do Like, and o(ii,il or excel In holilne-m those on the sid A lw up the I Itanium Villi v at ,i poln; nlioul mld jttiiy between the ii 'ith gate ,,f Tuxedo I Park and Svathllcld afforls an .xeol. Mont coiieoption -f tb,. l ie! u: .iie I'.au- ly of the ll.irriman puichase The ti.u t abounds In II. n n. ry. and it la said will be convert'-d into a twelve mile x:'nion of th.o pim .hi-ms if the ass via. I. 'ii grounds at Tuvdo. invi:it stx'iirrY i:nti:ktaini:i The l-i't Pubic Hanging IVuM-k of the Ni.uie of a S - Function. i t -ry t ll.-r ' 1 in Ii.-trc.ho Sam II -'A ,-atri : .,- 1 T-'da : ... .-otnersatton di.ft.d :- .lie r -i-. .il f . ,k nu b i.ti ti penalu f, r nun br 1 f e.-uis.- Sun in I ; t.i: 1 .,:,; , ., .,. hang.ngs ,n h-' old ' lab f ! la The in i t 1 --'t 't'g t th many . the l.i-t 1- sx il pubic hing.rg 1 i ;, .,, jsv jt tti.- Ii ira m-. w-i assist .n ki'ping .Tier. It-fr-' I i. n t.nue I think it b -s. ; g;- a li-r: "u:- Ittle of llreell cr'.Ilie II and J " 'Ih'T tiegro n.iiiie.l J,.in Wltii.'n held up anl k.ll. I Joseph c Wtu'ii.ih. 1 sites-, car driver. Withers . llfe-rs.,1 tlw whole crlm- turned sates i.tioe mil . now serving a life s.-ii:.-:i,e 111 the l 11. 'The iciff'll was ere,;od 'n the bed of Cherry Crook, ml (way b. :we-u the j Hroalway and Coifug .ive.nue bridges. The day was 11 beautiful tu?. bul In- j i-nsely hot. Think as you in ghi, the heat h id no deterring effe. t mi the crowd s,t -. ,.f m.-r-ly a 1.1, e ,ui, a wight t,. -nil 11,, :h.. mur l-r.-r. h win .n-out I o'cl .. k li-n th- i-r 1- . . -.1 I . l l- ' II I I - J j III -IU I J- jijr - eii. lh mur l-r.-r. win atieril-d by lam 1, ray prisoner's rhapiain' a, K.lgir i'iipl-ss. his at-I turniy. Il-for- th- -ru'.in th-r- was; tk ,,f .1 bin I ,4 music, but at h- last m.,mei,t ll was oml.t.-l. At the very h -id ..f th- pr '-"si-m was I'lii-m-i f'hlv- incton and a tmss .,f p .lie.,. TI1-11 fil- lowed s"m- deimty slierifTs and ili-n ,-im.- the pns .n.-r an I thme having him hi t harg" uml lastly 1 tiiinib-r "f links and other v-hlcl-s with visitors ' The candldn for (he gullown mis atllr-d In a nobby suit of hi a k dug mul. II- wore a whit- uhlrt anl black slip-,'e-rs. His appearance w as parth-iil irly sinking, as Gr n, wh.-n nrr-st-d, look ed very much Ilk- u hobo. The prisoner seemed to realize ;h" gravity of the sa nation fullv. The crowd, on the con trary, took the situation lightly nn, was very boisterous. The llrat thing on tin program was th- reading of lh death warrant, which w is done by Sheriff Cramer in a voice that not nice f.ilier, When ihe reading was finish! a choir sang the hymn, 'Why Not Tonight?' Green Joined In 1 he singing. Then fol lowed a numb-r of good-hy between the prisoner and some frl-mls. The Inst act of Green's life was his dying speivh. which was a resume of the crime. "After he had thanked ill his friends for klndi"ss shown him anl forgiven his en1? tiles '.he rope was fastened around Green's neck. While th- choir was singing 'Nearer, My God, to TV1,' the stone was dropp-d and Ihe death struggl,. b'gan. For fully llfte.-,, min utes the crowd cng.-rly walch-d ev-iy twitch of tin- body, At th- expiration of that time the body was nit down, nil the crowd dispers-d satisfied that It hnl b-en r-wirded for .Is Inutile In coming such a dis: inc-." fi.-nv.-r Col.) Tine H. VKAI'.NINO Foil Til K I MP' 'SSI HI, 1-1 "If J had a million dollars-" Jut ih'-n he stopp-d 1,, think, And said: "If I had a iiiu:er I'd go and get a drink." Hoston Travel. -r. I humbly asked h-r for h-r hand. In accents bold, y-t calm, And nearly died ivhen sh" ,-pH-l; "You tun carry off the palm!" An old bacihelor says the friendship of 'wo women Ih always a plot against a third. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. HFTKOTIYW JULY t, 1901. IKAVK I I'OKTl.AXt) m I'M m I Put tlauil Vtiion fv, w t I ll 10 111 t.i hi ror Aainri slut w II W In ,)sr, m -liii. AHTllKIA ?" 11, j" tJr I'l.ilUiiil .11,1 M. v U p 111 Point. I 11 U III I" M ' 1' III ' -' M i IU HBAMPK PIVISItlN AiIhiIk luf Wsrreiiloii, tiearlmrl stul Si.t.l.lo I IS 111 II au a 111 II via 111 ft M i lit P ,W i III I Will a 111 a ' . m 0l III t 's III levy a m SH'p in .1 ,V. Ill v .11 a in IK si p tu I .' I' in 7 .V l ' 111 si xi p in H.sia, tlir W.rrenlon and Asintia Ikaily racpt Haturvlay. II Miturday only. Trains leave Aalorla for Tlavel. Ham mmid and Fort Htevena at H IS n in aed W p. m. Jally. iv Foil Hie vus for AaUirU T.ud in, aoj i.ii p, m. dally. All train nuik close conn -vi Ion al (loble wlih all Northern PartrtV trains to and from the East and Sou 11 1 points J. C. MAYO, (len'l Freight and Pa..iger Ags-nt ..Portland - Astoria fyulo.. STR. " TAHOMA." Pally Hound Trips except rtunJay TIME CARD Ix'ave Portland .... l.ravs Astoria ....? m . . T p m Through Portland connection with steamer Nahcof from Ilwaca and Lo: Peach points. Willis Collar lans tickets interchange-. able with O. It. N. Co. and V. T. Co ticket. Telphi Dock; Teltphon 111. IHE DALLES-PORTLAND ROUTE STR. ''BAILEY GATZERT." DAILY ROUND TRIP IICCPT MDIOIT VjucoBver, Ctsctit Locks. St. Mir- Sprinp. Hood Him. wnrte Silmon. Lyle ind Tae Dalits. TIME CARD teava Portland T A. M Arrlvs Th tmlld 1 P. M I-ev Tin Dull' 4PM Arrive IVirtland It. V. M MEALS THfc VtRV BEST 'Sun,U Trips a Lradlng Feature. j I'Thls Knute has th Urandeat -nlc Attractions nn Earth. 1 I.ANPIS1 AND OFfria'E: FfHT OK AIiDKII RTHHKT. IIOTII TIK'SBH MAIN 2'A ' PORTLAND, OltK. E. W. CFICHTON. Agt-Poniana JOHN M, FILLOOM. Agt The Dulles A. J. TAYLOR, Aft- Astoria PPATHEM BARNES, Af IS Hood River ETHEL McCUKN.Agt Vancou er. OREGON SllOfp LINE and uaiofl Pacific TIME HCHED- Depart Chicago Portland Spo4al 1:09 a. m. via Hunt ington Atlantic 1 " Ktpress 9:00 p. m. via Hunt ington Ht. Paul Fast mall 6 p. m. . via Hpoknnn UDES From Portland. Halt Ia. Denver, Ft. Worth, Oma ha. Kansas City Arrlvs 4:10 p. m Ht. Louis, Chicago and Bust. Bait Ike.Dusiver Ft. Wsrth, Oma ha. Kansas City, 8:10a m St. Louis, cnicago. and Bast. Walla Walla, Dewlaton, po- Irnnn 1 1 n not U 8t. Paul, Dululti 7:00 a. m Milwaukee. Chi cago and East 72 hours from Portland to Chicago. No Change of Cars, OCEAN AND RIVBIl 8CIIBDULH! From Astoria All sailing dato, subjoct to changat. For Han Francis co everjr five days. "Copjiubla" " Ulver To Portland and Way Landings. 7 a. m. I 'all v ex tent Hun. 4 a, in. exc. Monday Steamer Nahcotta leaves Astoria on tide daily for Ilwaco, connecting there with trains for tsing Beach, Tioga and North Peach iiolnts. Ileturnlng- arrive at Astoria same vcjiing. O. W. LOUN3BERIIT, Agent. Astoria. A. I CRAtO, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. IflllTE CBLUR H i't - 1 : 1 1 , it, ...J- . 1 . 1 GO EAST VIA SHOHTEST flf.0 QUICKEST LlfiE TO St.raul.Dulaih.MlDnfifiilN.riilmu and All Points Raat. tAH-Y THAINS: fABT TtMR; 8E1V. Vli'K AND tsy'KNhlllY US KeWUAIJIlX Through I'alacs d Tourist BlMpert. Inning sna SiQVt Hiuoklng IJbrary Casrsj, Tk-kets to ixiinls Bast via PortlanJ aivd l hss (Irrat Nss-thrrn Hf-. on t N. A M Ticket offlrs, Aslort. or limit Northern TIckM Ofrlos 111 TIIINU 5TKi:tr, POHTLAND. For rate, fodders a4 fH lafrm tlnn rtrdlng Kaatern ifiiv call o or ddrnaa, A. B C, I'IBNNIBTt'N, Cltr f't and Tick. AgenL Portland ll Travel UXORIOUS The "Sorthwrstrn l.linllrj" tralaa. electric lighted thrsuglieul. both Ixalda and out. nn4 stnatm hrstsa. art wih- u etceytiaii. tha ftnistt truing In Ih e. rid I'hey tnikly th latest. nwst and ! Ideas fsr rvmfnrt. caiivrnlenc ml lusury ever nrTr4 th travsllnc public, and allsgether r tha niMt ivmsietu an lei.s)l4 nmductlon of tb car builders' art. TIkw Hlrn4l Trains Connect With The (ircst Ntrtlicra The Notfhcri ftriricttd The Ciimliia "iclflc at bt PAirts ron IhiCAdU iay the CAST. No ritrn rlisrgs fr ths utsinoV ci omii'o.lalln an all claaaa f Uck rts are vlil fr on tk fomsu "Nrthratrn Umlta " All trains on this Has ar risTl4 ly tka lnterlss-klng Hock Hyttrm. W II. M HAD, II U HIHl.IR. Oenerml Agent. Travvllng Aft. r on land. Or I I'e.ot, Fifth nd Leave I j flirseis. Arrl) 15 m 7 "0 p.m I Overland Kikrea Trains for Halom, llowkurg. Ash land. Has-ramala 7 JO n m. oiMrn . rri.J rlnco, M)v. ( AncelM ii'i JO am N,,w Orleans and th float. A 1 Woodburn dully Sun. I dayi. nismlng I train connects with ! tinm for Mt. An- Hllvrrtnn. I M r a w n s I I I r. prlngneld. and Nalrun. and even ing train for Ml. Ang-I and Hllver tun 7:30H.m C.irvnllis pnssen- KS.tO p m ' ST. n .hi P in; Mheridan pnj., ii- illi'ta.fn 1 n r- I Mially fllmily scpt Hulidav Iti-hate tlcknts nil P,l. land. Hiicrsiii'iito and Hn Francisco. .NCI rates ll. first cIm 111 class, including slepi.r. ftal's and tickets m Kasrn point uti) Kurp. Also Japan. China. Hono lulu ami Australia. Can be oblalnrd from J. H. Klrkland Ticket i Third Street, ' YAMIIII,!, DIVISION. I'lllWellg-r .1 -...J foot of Jeffeis III Ht. Ive f r dswego dully Mt 7.;'il. 'HiW a. in : 12 .m. 1 r.r. 1 ;& r. 1 r. a .. mm Il l'l P in i.nd II (XI ii 111 'on Him, lav only. Arrlw H Portland dully al 3S, oX MU M a 111.; 1:3.',, 3. IS, ;30 :20. 7 0, 10. 1)0 p. i ; i2;4o . m, ,Uy , 0Bpt Moiidnv: k .30 nn,i 10 45 a. m. on Hun nny only. leave for Ilallns ilnllv pnotif Ann. day 11 Mm p. m. Arrive nt Portland at 0 30 11. m. Piisii-nger train leaves DalliS for Alrl'-e Moiidavs. Wednesdnv. nn.l rri. "lavs at 2-4.1 p. rn. Keturns Tuesdays. 1 liiiinihiyH and Halurdays Uxopt Hundar It. KoDIIMlIt, Manager. C. H M Antv HAM, Gi 11. Fri. ami I'nxsj. Agt. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This propurnl Ion t-oritalns all of the (ilKcstuNtM mul (llgi'stH all klrulH of rood, it Bivns instant relief and never falls to cure. It hII iwh you to eiit all the food you wimt. Tim IIIIIhI, HCllHll.lVft stom.'ifilm can tako It. Jiy Ksiiho many thoiiHiiiidH of dyspeptics have been cured after everyt lilnK elhn failed. It is uncqiiiiiicd ror all hioniach troubles. It can't help but do you good Pf -pared only by R. f. IifWitt A Co., ( lilcogd 1h()l.lNiUl)ii'iiiiuliis2lsj tliiii slbi! 50c, slal For Hale by C1IA3. HOUIillH, DrugglM. t7 .1ST,i. Vf swi SOUTH ACM