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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1901)
HOT i.; .1 looks, V n- xfio- '-i. MinszinaT &5.. t ! ; cM3 1:-: U;::i IVj-iTho ifflttUFOK ui:l , ...'-I.; ""T i. . ((....en U VII .J -1 1 Uiicl",vi viii be liable tu pr osecution. JV KvKv 4 mm 2- VOL. Mil ASTOHIA, OKEGfl. rHIDAV, AllilST !, 1901 n. . A. m T 1 I I J V X BWHiririririit mi ECLIPSE HARDWARE GO. Plumbers Steamfitters HOI. 12 AJI2PHTH lOU S27 HO,M) RSmNGXALE Tennis, Croquet, lUsrliall, (Id If, ami all KiiuU of Sji,itiii ("hmkI- GRIFFIN 6c REED Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR. FEED. PROVISIONS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS Kii..ic.N of u!l kin. Nut lnwrst raU'M, f,, lislieniicii, Furim-nt wiiil l,ii( is. A V'. AIIRN, Tenth nnd Commercial Streets mm W. J. Scully, Pacific Navigation Company Slcaiiicr "Sue II. I liume" mid "V. If. Ilttrrixm" Only line- -Astm-la tu 1 1 1 a iii.m .k . (iarihal.K and Hay City. Ilnhsoin lllc r,inin-.-iliiK a: A"lnrla wllh in or K,i( ftallroa.l Navigation Com I'uiiy ami alio th,. At..rl & C.iliiin .itl Rim t ltallr.J ftir Sun Fran-vli.-o. Porllaiid una all p. Hut Bant, y ,r fr"ltit and PairngiT rales apply tJ Hnitmcl r.lmorc i Co., Orncral Ancnm. ASI'dUlA, OIIK 1 1. n. x.- s. it, u. r.i.. I'oriiiuid, At IM NTS A. r It. Ii. Co. rortlnml, ( H r. I.AMll. Tllaiii.i.'k. Oii.k,iii. We Rent New Many new Sen i m r Inti'st MS! No. 2 2 l, ;v.-,;s A-irj." I' W. M-KI!t KOPP'S BEST ADelicioLis and piki table Drink Absolutely Pure T)i North rncin llrowery. uf will ,. Mr. John Kopp Is proprietor, makes bovr fur doiui'Mtla and export tnid..-.. notilpd boor for family une or keg boor Biippllod at anny time. Delivery In the cKy free. North Pacific Brewerg Commission. Brokerage, Insurance and Shipping. SUPERIOR STEEL RANGES STKI3I3T WE ARE 5I-LLINO A(iI:NTS I IK. . . Aloore's Steel Cooks CIRIOIO JUST RECEIVED Ji HON!) STKCET. Ilctwci n Ninth and Tenth Typewriters. iiiiiirnveiiit iilM mlilotl. Smith Pre Smith Premier Typewriter ALLXANDLR & CO. KxoliiMt l'lii'ilir CuiiHt J)ihIi'It il.' Slink S , I'iihIuihI, Orts HMK. 1 1 nil Am nt. HARD, Custom Hommo Broker. ASTORIA, ORE Afnt W. P. A Co- ni PmIDo tipreuCoi. CRIMINALS ARE ORDERED SET FREE Honolulu Circuit Judge Renders Important Decision. BASED ON AMERICAN LAW Crlmlaili Were Scaictued After Kciololloa el Aoaciillaa 1'iutd Cotifrriisa4 Slfar4 by I'rtildrgl ' W bolt-isle Jill Delliery Threat. ocd. Hi N il.Pl.U. July ::. via. Suit Fiat i Auk I 'I'.'i. . mii.:iiI".'i .f Hi" I'lllt'd, . , .J. !P ik. .n II iwai; a1'' 'it IIiik I i a ;oii Jin. r .1 m.- I I.)- ';r. ii,: Jwl- G- !(; ! G. ar, f ii-,.- in -i i .ii-iiI:. Hi li.ii .iU i 1 i -i- I mi h iii. ji .r- plll t i 1 1 . 1 ' 1 1 till'-.- ; I 'MS n-oil'lie. I f-M I it ft in ' 'ii iilni". .if,- Hi - r .lul;".'i "f niri. i I ( .. I . -f K nil a .is .-I If 'I I'V I'!' ld M Kill'.-), - H :li HP. tin I ilui: t'l-y wor,. n - -.tiv!.-.i' I I . y '.',' II II I I'.itli, il v, -Idiot ..f trt.-ly- J II! A it h 'I al- ) ill .! Il ry ,.f nun ! p-i . I'lircl iri. i.i. .t !,ir. :i:i: .ml .oh.-r j ilium ti Ii : 1 r .i ; ri I un b-r tli.- li ll 'H a'l l II mi i.'ii'u iii hi. . 1 1 : 1 . i ii :'.- 1 ..w r :h pi ...-. Tli -I ivou x .m glv-n tin 1. : th- r . ii li.iulir d.- i. o. i,f in.- I'm :- ! i Si lt -1 "III'! ' Ml" .- 'II-:. .ri 1 II. . ;l i ' III"" i 'i th- N-'Giil r i iliil. m w Id. h -Ut-j ' I :li i: -til Mill l! 1' ii I K '.I I . '11 '. 'I' II aw .ill.i.i .! i 1 1.. ii i: li!.-.i!iii h: with ' I'l" c .IH'ltu"! i-i, ill itli 1 i. in. i. ri ;u f rc Juts - ii"' I thai this meant I Ii 1 1 j tlic :li ,t w.-r.- i!i.-. iiiurn: l.h Hi c'luVu'l 'ii ;:! I n 'I ii-iii.i!i) In f r. '. .ml tti.v ili.-i f I'll- i i ): ti". I ! i f ' . i U-nt. I S v.... m'. ii : i II i-. i.. l-ii'ii Ui j. . n " i -1 1 K III1' N'-wi.inl' ' i - - - ' . In- Mi.- !:. ' .ii: : T'-; . Jtll)' '. 1H 'i'k ' f ! -i; " ..i:i rl .1 ur .. t.i. -1, !n ! II in .i.l I -. I-: I ; i'iiJMIIM :it S INTKXTH'iN. Inf i :l l. :. Ki N.i ! . .i i -i- T:m; II.. Will n Hi. !lli Kinpliy. i'i.i liNlh'N. A Hi; 1 I,- I i . 'i i -i. I.i - A i-'i . Ii fr " 1 Ti. 1..M.I. : -I iv. ' 1"; hi,;- ;! .it h.. ,i - i-. :v I i ! !;-r K ; . 7. iiK-r i i I'- t i' in !i ;;i ' 1 1 .ii iriii-i . n ' ;. " - : ' !'.: CI .ill, -i .;l : Ii.. I'.: : : ,i iiiol ,y. w !o- ll- r .li ln ! u ' It ill- 1 , .ll-i-i ,,f ! 1 - i.l - "1 -I mil: !- ,.1 I.i ll.l ;a'i !:i i.i..- r,;.iy ;i.n , r allv run i I " An. nil t l;i;,.i', li '; .;n 1. t 1 K.l. li' li- : I 'r : T. i. ,l.i;,-1 lay. ,iyf. "i i;i Jul) .'":h ..ii - Itli t i pi:!.. ,.f y,-.. tu. un y .ml i.,Mi" ti.illvo i.' ni!. f,'! liw.'J I'.irli .in I .i f-w liner II f :'-. ii mil -i f i ui lii n.ty a: i ,ormv r. !n i'i.iih.. I ! . 'T I 'ol.'ii y , li,--.. ;;i,y , r.' ui "01 liy Il.i.'i'i. an, I .if:,T ,1 -frit. I:nc IllOllllC'IVlM III a Klllllll lillll.lllIK t II" v llll- n'n.l.-r-'.l Mi-it lliilr aiimiuiiii:-:i wan "!iau:o.l. Tin- '-. y o ,:ii.uii-y oro iv inn I ' I. Aft.'r 1111 sui t "i I r. Hi.. Il i. ru nii.l-' liu- n.illv,. i,-..i:i tltrnv up tii.Mr liinl a n, I li.'l : h -in 1:1 -old M, .... I. Tli.'v ,if-:.-raiilii shot an. I ou:id'l a TI-.' r.'in.'XiiKl.'r w.-rj rt-I, I. TIk-li-K-ri Kiiv" an a ii-.i.i, ui f.ii- ili,, h.'oiiiii; of th,' y. ;h,-y ;!i, im-!i; ho ,i in a Cap - II ,,-r. I-: I l.-inv ,. ..;i(;i h ii 'i.-. n t.iki-n of i!i,. .iuir.1 'r.i " M.i: AI'I'lTli'NAl, CuMl'ANII.S. il.-iu' Mil's I.iiii.m Ord,r for tin- of! Ai-.ill, i'y. WAMIINC.T Am:. 1 -I.i, u.. na il-io'ii.'i-;il MiIim. i-..iu.i ri l : -i army, !k niod an or.l'-r for ih,. iiiiin,-.i.t;,. om.ini lailoii of iiimi' .i lill.l.Hial i-onu.ani, s of "a: u-;,ll..iy mi. ik. u. .,io total iumiiIit ..' sii.-h r,'Mipnnloi 1 1 . Tli,. :iti'iili,-r is llniit-' l by la.v lo IX Allui.ur t Ik- ,1,-iv .-,iiiii.i;i1,.m will h,. ;ho en,- lliinili ',! and Sixili ooiiipany. i'a. liln Chai-1,'1 It. a: For; Uuvion, Waili. MAKYLAMi MKMncilATS MEET IN CONVENTION l'lalfoiMi On--fully Cons!,!.,,,! Hut No M-iti.'ti Male of .,.-. of V u in 'r Sen ii, 1 1- Gorman. I'.AI.TIM ilti:, .iiir. I.-Tho H .iii. . i.ils of Maryland met In canciiilon o dav f M- 'In- pur,. ose of naming candi dates for -ou r ill -r mid clerk of .ho court of app als and adopting a plat form upon whl.'ti laadidiilos for the I 'glsliitnre, which mccla in January H 'Xt, will maud. .Much onivful coiisi.lcialloii has boon given to the platform and to the spec ial iiiiitilin-ioiiM for both hniise-M of ilic assembly, as up m r).'niocriiilc success or failure In t liln .ini tk-ulai- depends .he re I'l.itlon or defeat of former United Suteg Sennt ir Gornan to succeed Sena tor Wellington. Dr. Joshua W. Herring was renom inated for controller by acclamation. J. Frank Turner was nominated for clerk of the co art of appeals. The platform, i'. hi. Ii ii ti ;i !.i ii) wr.h hi; 'li -nni in. I - i nn iii.i! ,(i'! in 1 1. tUla ; v.: l.y Kniri'V t i jk - - n i m iri'-n.i-,- I I ill" tt.-lf ltV nf t il- 'Illl'.-. Si iin-nil .'I ,ii iiii:I" In ih- tji firm .f il;i- i ,i ri tl'l ii-y of f.irin.-r i-'.-iiiit t (i ir iii;iii f..r r.-' l' cll.i.i to tli - t'nli... HiliK '.Hal" Tli ifiV' ir.l i.i --!. r-'I ;!i,n ih" iur fi m.. i.f tin. tuny. If fiji -i-nru! In ein--ll.iii, l l. ..ll'iiliiaic ih- n-i(ro frnm !i lii In M.irylinl, If nm.-li n tli'iig hi . .ili;;- unl'-r v"iiK:'.t'jU',n .if tli'; i it- IKil.ti Ii.N'i; HIGHWAYMAN' AOAI.V llfHINKSS N ir;h- ll.iun I H'.iikh tt ToILt Va!l-y, ''ill . t'p N ar Hcn..- of I-i!.- I! ibljcry. I'KIAH. il Autf l.--T!i.- n.rth ImiiiimI a'axi- a: I'41'r Viill.y viaji li"l 1 ii . a n. I r-.blifj hy a l.n' iiiKliwjyin.ii) ili ii't.-i ti . hi one mil.- ii..r:li ..f K t: !r-:i an I v,litn half a i:i of Ih-i:ik- r.'lili-ry "f ! n .l.ivi ;ik i. Tli" r Ijlx-r .ir.'rt I luyrn n I H.iil, III" iliiV'-r. to K i lil.-l ill j..i- tiif -rn I ' K-l "in un. I I' llvi-r ill' v h a : ni'itKy lli.y -.. Th- li.iv-l.-rit h.i-1 cvl- I' M'ly I ii j.i-j.jr"! I .r J'i; m. h an iff.iir .m l ;ili :h.- r iMi-r r..-;il.z.-1 wan il. in J'. T"," iii" Ii.Iii u... l.y :li-- tuiiili: I'm iiii.lir ! ' ili- r 'I'ti'-ry ; iu-k .m i I li ! . r;.;: i;i c .i r s; -n 1 1 i llu f .nir r i . ' l.- r. ruxnnnnnn n an an ruuuuuwi auj I.ANI' l.nTTF-llY fiiNTIXl'KS. b i:t. i:i:ni . T.. .uX. 1 -riu- ? I' i:i;ii of ;li" w nn.r.K nuiiili' r s ;ii Hi- I'mirl S a.-n I. ui I .;t.-ry c u.ii r.nini. l t'l-iy, i:;.ii .-n- ? M'li.j.. 1 KiiIk In"-.-) ! ik-n fr .;u 2 liu- v ll t-'.i. p 11. i I i. hk Auk. C. Ui s in 2 mil .i.n:r.i'! will Ii" .alic I 5 f.;- ;x:y ,i.iys f.,r ;!i,- IlliiiK i.f C Lli i!i.' l.-i I .-iiirl.. J i iruuvwim lot uijvijwaaj laruvrG HxXKItS INVITIN'j WAIt. !'r,,i i.i Ac.i.n.i; Itain'iiK of M -n-.y f In l.'iniiiiy I'tirj'. . s. CANT. 'S. C!ii :a. AjiK- 1 -V. ,1,-nt an- i-f.r,li;ii '!.i,ar,s t-iti .i n.i : i tin !mh ;!h 1'. xn li.u,- l u p is. ,1 :i ii-,,. v.i In.: y f .Ii" C; i-lia.-ors. Ti-.- placard r : .ik.i ,.s: th" imp i- a of tto- li"ii.' :.u, fa I.ik 'I '. uilv mi l, I in i 1- r I ' in ; :!i .v. ! iun.:y to 1... I II," ; .-A 1 1. an I .!; 'I.' in ,.y , 1:1 li.- .Ii.alii'"), w:;y n i ik- n.ii ..ii f m-- k:i ' China i. i! ,; ! f at I. Il H only li k . ruin- ill's s u l'.i, :i ar- I '.inl' .i l.y iis-l-.yai in 1 1 s ' - ; J . If u , i.fiii- Hk'i.. i.'i-n i: .- a ,.ti :' S'iiik n ly ;,, 1 vo, : f, i: ,iu d aih. II ' . .in Hi,- ,-art. !Ul! -Mil: I in l;;..iy ar'.s l" us,-1 , x aK.i.i.i: f.-r- IjiMrrsV ll.nv o.ia wtf '.'I rwl-.- out pi v our t-i-KMii.-ntsV luii Imk l'"'l mu, !t ni.n-y w ill bo i-.CH-.-i--1 : 'ii null l-'l.i-ii s. g imMinit and . :nia! :.iv. s. !lu: th.-y -ro novor sillsll d. Tli r f,u". .-Iiould in,- Iiouso tax Lil- voi l -,! w .II d'-in.'tisti tin- vtiapil in I dr,o on; ill,' If th.- ,ni i., :-'r is lo pay, w l!.,x..'rs havo an i-Xv-' il.-n: plan to nai.i a vk-tory ovor ,h,- f-'tviijn.Ts. I'nl"-is thin p.i'.i.-y , .(.'..'pl.-d a ;r,-.t: i-ln liion rs v--r:.iin." TEl.E iU PH TO HAWSON. I. Hie lieluc-u Klondike City and Ot tawa Opeii.-.l Yesterday. OTTAWA, on:.. Aug. 1. There will I.' dire.: coniniu' by tilegrapli lictH.-eit Ottawa and lViwsoti City today. The s.-veral sov'.ious of the line which will In the near future be tlni-rnd into a c .inpl.-lo rystoii are from Ashchof: to On saelle, ":0 miles from ijuesnelle t.i lt.izelton 4"o niii"s; Har.cPon to Tele graph Cro-k '. ei' miles, and f.TO nill.-s from A. lin t.i P.iHsi.i, making in ad 17.".I mil s of .inc. Th - o'.it'i tci-ninus of tli.- Inn- is Ash- cioi';, an I Vane niv.-r messages will p.- 'iccei led Ir on tliei'o. KOi 'SilVELT VMING WEST. l-!:i Knit' to Co! li'.tlo Springs, Wli re Me Will Deliv er an Ad iress. KANSAS CITY. Aug. I. -Vic .-Pi v-o. .P ill The i.l ce Roos.-v It spcot an hour il Kansas City en onto to C'l'i'ido Spiing-. wit -iv he g'es to ad Iress :ho siat; iU.irto-ccii: 'nnlal colebrail.'ti. W lie-n a r por.or mentioned th- "1:HI Koose, l Club" roc mi ly organized ill K.'iis.w city, Mr. Roosevelt revolved the ml' ii in.itiou w ith a no I but m.ulo no re marks regarding it. TIlllEil NE'r.piES HANGED. JACKSON, Miss., Aug. 1. Informa tion roach d here tonight that three ne groes were hanged today at Carrollton. Tney wot-o cha;-.;:d with assassinating Mr. aid .Mrs. R. T. Taliaferro. REPORTED MURDER A FAKE. VICTORIA, B. C, Aug. 1. A special to the Colonist late last night says the reported murder at Mud Bay was a fake. Two men had a fight and some blood was spilled hut no one klled. CASTRO'S FORCES ARE VICTORIOUS Second Engagement Results in Complete Victory. CASTO CABLES THE NEWS Tbc Fic Tboiiusi Met Lclt ol tb Celom bin Revolt Were Completely Out battled isd Detested si Ssi Cristobal. NKW YI;K. Auj. 1 C-n-iul Gen-i-ral fj'iiixjlis 1'.. vs. of Wnt-zurla, to liy r'l-ivi-l a ob!-.- from Presld-Jnt Ca-in a:in un- iiK :li result of a .- on I liailii- Willi tli" l.-ivading force un-j.-r Di-Kulvlra. the news o! h-&- d-r-f- at a ro-lv;l by the corsul g-?ner-al la: i-Vtii.nK. T.-i- cable received to tod.iy a at f ill ing; "Kive thousand men 1-f: of the Ciium Lia r'-vol: c impk-i.-ly uutbattled and de f at.-J la .'an Cristobal. t'ASTI'.O." MAY KK'St'I.T IN WAH. Keb-'l Hand I's..' Colnnlilin Territory as liaie for Ven-xu.-lan Haids. XKW YOKK. Aug. l.-A dispatch U :iu- 11- raid from W'iilemsiad, Curaca ). i.iys that th,- ou'.lir,-ak In Venriuela " th.- Colombian border may lead to a dilarail n of ar between Venexueli and Colombia, th; revolutionary leaders haviiiK oriAiiix- A their bands In Col mi lua .m l oi mi',1 over tj Venexut-la. Till.EE DAYS' SF..5ION ENDS WITHOUT ACTION Executive Hoard Walling Word From J. 1'. Moriiaa n-Karding Peace Propositions. I'lTTSilCKC,. Aug. 1. The thirl ai!- day Sr.s;,':i of lite Amalgamated Asso-i-Iatlan executive hoard has piss.-d with out action being taken on the New Y.trk conference pi-ace tirojMsal. An-oth.-r Sissl will W held tomorrow. Th" ,'X,Tu:at hoard of the as.ucia-t-on is in fact wailing f.,r ivord fr-m J. P. Mom-ati. Af. r the board had heard from Presi de.:: Shaff r i- nc, rnitis his trip to New Y:k ias: we k It was dectjej to re- lii.s: a ihang't in tin prop ..-i. ions of M .;.:ui a:il a messag;' was sell: to Mr. j M ritan an.-.cunclng their des-;ren on th's ma::-.-.-. In t on of this Message j the AMiaif-'amat'-.-d Journal says: "T.-ie i x u;ive board de.sir.s another j c.-nf I-- .onsiiiueiit companies and will ron.i.n in the city until an answer Is received. i . , i io.,,.-oi.j.iua i'i i p ii resu.. of that answer will de pend whether the strike will be prokv.g ,1 .nd.linitely." TP.ANSPOUT IN D1STHESS U nn ex HioVieti Down and Tug Gone to Her Assistance. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. l.-The horse transport Lennox, now out thirty live days from Manila, la broken' down at sea. a'om: P'O miles from this port. I'll -he ; !- n snow Milt stl.u.ort. ' , ' w,vv" - To 'ler iss -ao.'.. The l.-n iox's tall shaft broke during tlic gale of July llli, when about 300 miles . IT tiie po t. Th- .teas of the Lennox's accident was brought to this city by seven ..f her passengers and crew who left h r in small b a:s for assistance. Tlicy w re piek.d up yesterday by the steam, r iPv-rgo Loomis. The Lennox Is short of provisions. FAILURES FOR THE MONTH. Ir.i.ii'y ing Improvement Compared With July n Year Ago. NEW YoRK. Aug. l.Ue ports to R. ii. Dunn - Co. siiow commercial fail ure in th- United Sta'es during July to b- ii:'7. with an aggregate indebted ness of $7.n.V..!i;'.:'. Compared with the same month last ar tli re appears the most gratify ing Improvement, as the failures were then 7:'.! ii number and $'J.771,773 l:i amount. LAP. 1! UNIONS ENDORSED. Socialist-; Will KxpMI Members Wh, Join the Militia. INDIANAPOLIS, Aug. 1. T'ae Na tional Soclilists convention today aJop: ul a re-olu'i m endorsing labor unions and advising lite members to join. An itlu-r res dutiori was adopted pro viding that SooiilUts who join the mili tia or iu-0 pts an uppoiniive office at the hands of capitalists, shall be ex pelled. SUGAR TRUST'S RIVAL. New Company Organlxed In New Jersey and Developments Expected. NEW YORK. Aug. l.-The Indepen dent Sugar Refining Company has tiled with the county clerk at Eliiabelh, N. ., arik-les of In' orp i.-a:! m. Tti j.ipiia. . put a: but thin tan he :. vr'4sel at l.l. The h'.rne oIIIlt of tae impiny will be at Kuoa r;. wlore llarry C. t.'hrlst'-nson, one of the i .c poratoM, rem leu. The other l.icorprator nam-J arc Henry L. Hobar; an 1 George II. !.- 'jlnriis. Their a. Ureases' are g.ven a.i Kro;u street, New York dy. While ;he details of th- c-nt--rn are no; mad puhllc h;re It Is said the f ;rmati n it the concern tne fundaiin or de velopm'nt of a s:ro.-ig rival ti exis: iriK combinations. The charter u arnpie tj covtr iimos: anytning or to be expanded In ii at any time. It is drawn u.ii-ir what has become known as the "blanket clause." NOI.THPOi.T irTI'.IKEIiri. Temporary Injunction It-straining ;h fcjtrikers From Interfering Witn Empi -yes. SEATTLE, Aug. 1. The order and mp .rary lnjun ;i..i restraining tne cirik-rs at Norihpirt, Wa.-hing.ur:, from attempting t- .ni-.-.-fere with t;n pioymen: of n-n-uni.n ni-n a; :'.i Northp rt sir.- l;-.-r wan s.g.-iel :-j 1 y by J'jlue Hanf rd. of the L'nitr.J i:a:es d:?trict court. Th- oid r i.i siv g la i.s terms and pr-mbi's the .-tr.k-.-rs. their agents and r"pres-n:a:ivM frj.ui a::t:inp:!ng in any mann-.-r t i In-.erfero wi;h the com pany or by threat, force jr persuasion to proven; any "tnpioye ..f the comnany from g l. g to w jrk. HOTTEpT JL'LY KNOWN. Ail I.eords Ilr .k -n for Con::nu-J Hign Tcmperaiur- in New York. NEW YORK, Aug. 1. The holies: of all Juiys In the history of New Y'ork was the month Just passed, aecorlinj a the wearer bureau. July of I'vjT being nearest with a mean temperature for the month of T7 degree. The "ighest temperature for Juiy of this year was 99 degrees 0n the s c mJ diy. The low est was C4 dogres on July 27. The mean temperature fir tn month wis 7S. August for the tlrs: fe.v days a: l.-ast will not be so unbearable, for Forecaster Emery i.s s.v.istUd that the hum.di'.y will be lc-is. Morgan i? iNE..oii.bLE. P 'sitively P.. fu--s to Ke .pe.-. Was C.-n-ferenc I. nh' t-trusrsifl I't'obabk-. riTT.-l.rili'.. Aa. 1 Ti: , i -.t.m-.-:- icij. tiaz-jlt.. ui. sav ; j;:: .; row : i .,.,.,... .;.. ,t 1 l-y it. ;i,-!i a tta; re fusal (win J. Pi-.-r,-..i. .M : .- i.-oi'-.-.i t.le i.- c ::: i n.i- iae.- i; wi broke n ...;T iie.i;,y tiit.'e we.-k as.'. Th-re : car.- :y a ftaai.-..: .-i li e I .i... . .i. . v ... .... , ., i ............ ,.oi ..oil; tile- .i.n.i.i. i.i .i.-. i ev. ,.i i.-.-.i . ... 1 . ., ... , ,,, ,. . . .. ., ...... . .4 i oack a.'an t; . i-... Ktiovi .1 I TK.ED To KlilE lOc-K.-i. Hoboken P.'lke Flames in Time to I'rcVii, Set-. ..-as D..a:.ige. NEW YoitK. Aug. l.-W:ia: is be lieved to have b.eti .in a.tenrct :j tire to the'tieiv decks of tlie N.'.i i G. r-i man Lloyd in H hoken was i -P r.ed to the police las; nig.ii. A; watch man found a ;;! ..f pap-.-rs burni.: ; be side the oil hous. on the line .a Hale to save a oonlUgratioii I A Strike of tne i ek bull U'rs going on for the last tea days. US bee!! CAPT. SCHLEY'S DENIAL. SALT LAKE, Aug. l.-Wl,.n sh ovn a Washlngt -n ii- -at -h s; .hat ihe war dopar nient woul i take cogniza ice of the publisne ! i-.!-..!v.e.v :-.-ga:-d.r.g the curt of imiu.ry u;vn'. R -it-A.lmira'. S,h' . Cap:, i'.i in.e F. Schley, who .s -:a.l 't'.-d a; F ; D 'Ug liss. in tb;s c.ty. . -.'... .-.'. tti: .he lutervi w as pabli-li .1 was v i: 'I'y un au'h u-iz. .1. A1.' TO Cl.i':' NEW YC ItK. A committee of :': A Auk r.c i . s. tra - . I cl-s will -..ii. . of the club fr :i N o-i S .!':':!!'- ; 0 S. v. I'.li ,-;i nu - .. pose.l '.'.'. b. n.-i le bad sir. tclus -i r, l 'I'l.NEY. C!-.;b tt p:o avoi.l Sn.IK.I .MAY -ETTLED. r. l.-The only '.'.- trouble is SAN Fit AN, new phase . I string pud- : for po.ic . u.'. :i. to. m.iklng UPTON'S Y Ae'ili'S SIGHTED. PONTA Dill. C.ADA. Az .res. Aug. 1. Sir Thomas L.pton's s: am yacht Erin and Slum oek II.. ;h." clt illenger for America's cup. i' iv 1 'oce;t sighted off Arnel point. RASEltALLSCORU.S. SPOKANE. Aug. l.-Spokane, 9; Port land. 4. SEATTLE, Aug. l.-Taeoma, 3; Seat tle, 1. WHEAT GROWING OF PACIFIC COAST Interesting Bulletin Issued by Agricultural Department. AVERAGE YIELD PER ACRE Orefoa Lower Tbai Wublaitoa tad Idsht Wbest Growlm Belo Abiidoaed Ii tlK WilUmclle Valley lor Fruit id Dalrigf. WASHINGTON, Aug. l.-The agricul tural eiepartment baa Issued a bulletin concerning the v.neat growing conditions cf the Pacific coast. There Is an aver age of 4.3.M1 acrej of wheat harvested in the Pacific coast region each year. Tie av-rig,. for the past ten yem that :h;s sectk n ordinarily will yield is ab-u: bushels per acre and pro rtucj a total annual crop of 65.017,532 bushels. The average yield per acre In Oregon during the ten-year period has beoa 17.7 bushels. In Washington the avenge yield Is 20.S bushels and in Idaho It is 22.8 bush els per acre. Spt iking of the effect of Irrigation the report says: The chief factors in curtailing the area of wh -a: has been the Introduction of fruit, particularly in the Sacramento valley, attention Ls given to dairy ing, which is rapidly gaining a sirong hold in several sections of this region, notably in ih: Willamette valley of Ore gon, where wheat is being abandoned more rapidly than in any other portion of this region. DIAMOND ROBBERY. Thieves Ge: 3w Worth of Plunder at Colorado Springs. COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., Aug. 1. Mr. and Sirs. Burr Ferguson, of Ne-w-Y-j.-k, were robbed of J3ij w orth of diamonds at their hotel, the Jewels being u ken from Mrs. Ferguson's trunk w hile th.-y wer absent from the room. Am-.-n? the articles taken were a dia vor.1 horscshee. a Jew-led cross, six rings and some trinkets of lesser value. JoHXSoN IN NEW YORK. H.s Mission Not Political the Trip Be ing f ,r Persenal Business. NEW YORK, Aug. 1. -Mayor Tom L. Johns-. n. of Cl.-veiand, is in this city. "I am h-re to s o my mother, attend to some p.-rs 'tia! business and look after tne affairs of rr.y brother nho died re cently." be explained. "I do no; expect to see or talk with any politicians and have n 'thing t siy poll.icallv." I N D E PE N V ENC E dEATEN. NEWPORT. R. I.. Ails. l.-The Inde pendence ha 1 an opportunity today to I -how h-.r nu.tle. Although dofeotej by the Columbia she was by no means dis graced, over i triangular ocean course f thir ty miles, i.i a breeze light at the start and fresh at the finish, the Co lumbia beat 11 r live minutes and four : :n s-.omls. oorreeted tin.e. CORN M.VRIC'iT excited. NEW YDUK. Aug. 1. The announce- :v. n; on tiie ..r duce exoha.tge that the M:ss.-ui-l state 'cp-t on corn was on ly si, or no (f the worst In the state's his:.ry. indioa'ir.g aboiu oro'-fourth of ..i" or .-p. .lira- I .be eorn market Into an -.veiled u, f ar tins ifternoon an 1 vio lently up-io. 1 pr. ,'.-s fully two cents a bii-li-.l, Sep: .;'..':- a" 60i. II .TV ANA'S NEW" COVERXMENT. NEW YORK. Aug. 1 A dispatch to ill' II 'roll fr ' ;i Ha. mi says; Tii. line in wbich the new g. iv- in-n n. coo b s abllsneJ under tile ' uv :s i Mi' m Tiie electoral bill , ov i s car a ; - It all citizens, na .iv ' 'i n an I i: ii'.ii'.ili;:-,1 alik.', no dis-:-i:n n C: ci b - til ld-e. Baking Powder Makes the bread more healthful. Safeguards the food against alum. Alum baking powde ar the greatest menace rs to health of the present thy. HOVAl SIKISO POr-JM TO.. WfW Y