THE HOHMXG ASTOKIAX, THUKSDAT, AUCl-T 1, 1901.- " FATAL ECONOMY. I VERY old maxim declares that it Isn't econ omy to pick up pinj ; the time U worth more than the pins. Similarly It is not true econ omy to do without Ivory Soap? your health requires the daily removal of the bodily excretions which are discharged through the pores of the skin. These tiny mouths must be kept open, and they should be opened only with a pure soap. IVORY SOAP-94X. PER CENT. PURE. Ml ' The Morning Astorianj, Ti:u:i'i ionic mi All contracts for iidvertwintf In the AMoiinn nru initJc on t mutr. miiIco ot circulation tour 1 1 men Inrgcr tlinn I hut of nny paper published tir circulated in Clul nop count)'. TOPATH WRATHBH. l'HlTt.ASt. July Jl -Western Ore (on n, Wrtterti Waal.lngioii, Thtir .1 .. fair nil lliiity warmer, cx.-p! iinr lite lt; rt-rn Oregon, Kt rtn WmIiIujihii tiit N.prtiiTii Malm, (air, (liglill)' warmer (luring lal In ll afTimiin. AROUND TOWN. Your mony l.u k if you 1n'( like our While Uly nf J.ii'Jii l'c. JullNSoS 11KM. H-f It. M (Ui'uii ntiKilt hiriMH. Thrca rirI-clitM bailors l lUi Occi dent bartiersnop. Mm. H l. J in vUitlng li-r piir-m In Hli-viidi'ii, W.ili. Iimi 15-rfiii m ul - lining Hun !( t.iuiiitit. 412 Hirer!.'iiu K ". f till klnl", rluMji nt Ykoin'ii, fi.'il I'.ituiiieivUI St. Tiller can. Il ( rl lira:). In of liililr fruit; 3 rami. Mo. nl J.' Hiv I imru-t Attorney Allen l-fl Ins: iiltflit f r 0.-((,iii 'l:y on . Kill lmi-Mi-im. l'ure milk delivered twloe dally ! ihe M.Ik lH"mt ,1'nniKr Tenth mid Dunne Street. HameiM cleaned un.l oiled ut I'lnneM' I'i'.i Twelfth street, liarmos supplies til lowest tllH. Crushed strawberry Irs cream unit vnnllla ISo pint, mi.1 gwivt cream 10c pint at the Parlor. The Inci!; .re In vlt, in iull ami look nl lln new walking skirt at Sliniinliiin. If you choose to buy, you will (1ml the price vrry favorable, if you are think ing of nmkliiK a new skirt, u look nt these will alii you In the styles, IIRHT lli-OKNT MEAL; HUN1 IUOSTAUKANT. RISfNO SNAP Well I Guess Yes Mom's Crushers, nil Latest Sluulos nnl Slinjies, worth $l.fiO to 1.7", your choice $1.00 STRAW HATS) YOVR PICK OF ENTIRE STOCK 50 cents Values from $2 to 75 cents S. DANZIGER ,n In KUffkl -l.i p- I k ti;ir 'It . u nl lit -in 'f M.m o Cinii'ii'. iniimr ii.-lr ' the li"inti- Mi" J'-rlt Inn ,i;-!it-1 if-ituki'iK mtl't Jl ITT Hni-nih ttrrl. Thr. l.i-dl.- nf .' ir:a ar- Invl'.'l In it I" tic,ll"tl Kir fltt-ila !i.iin- ant g'li'rul h'l'Jitl: g i I A ' l'.n: :i. 1"S Twrllh Hitvt lr!-- r-a.iujr iinl n.t : iwfii.-- H ill gU4l4'll''i ' Kurlnlir 1 roiii to Iri ty Hie ilay. w.'k or nioiiili. T'Tinn rfaaoiiabli' Al" ply 113 Fiutl'n'ti tiwt. ('r"m lute ryt, AiihtIi-' fltiftt liikv. Thr only tii go,Ml; guar nti" l ri. h an I ni'llow. JOHN L t'AHWoN, Hole Afnt. Mail Carrier A. It Fililc" will leave i. lay for the neanhur to enj")' hl ' nual vai atlon nf llfleeii luy allow nl I'mli. Sam'i pmtii! einpoyr. II I'. Iliewer. the profewlnmu wlm iner. win him alien e. I :he rg.ttt.i In yeara t'lint. I" III the elty an. I will le malit un II afier the cir ilval. John A. M 'titg 'in tv tua opi'iif,! a lion tt .'! H. in I tireet an. I In prepBre.! t i all of plumbing an.l tin ning at the low eat poMlhle rat'"'. Iloalyn i-Ml ! longer, l eK-JUrr n, nukea K-a li.niblo with tov n'l ihliimey lHie ttiiin my otter. (Jeorg.' W .Sanborn, agent; telephone nil 'I'll.. II oaton Itetaurani l dei.erv.Mly poputur. The bent tlntt Ilie marKoi mi t...m I. .In.v. fMind nn lla hill of fare ml lb- aervliv la flit elaaa. ''pen '.HI 1 a. m. The oriental I.iki In Irawlll. w ith earg.i i-iirrylng .apieKy of M "''i vwnt to a.-.t xe;ei l.iy with a little over Iikki t.tna of freight for porta In the f:tr ICaat The a.'hooner Melunetlon oM "! l the cuatom hoiie yem-r.Uv wl'h a oar go of lumber for Sun Fr.u.'lei), having in thiiM Tsrt.iaw fe-t ioal.l at the Kitappton mill. On August 1 iin.l X Inelualvf. the A. v f. It. It. will ell lu'keta from an n.iiiit. 10 I'ortlim.l ami return to mem- bera of the Wooilmen of the World and Women of Woodcraft holding pert Id- catea of attenlanre at "Ig Ilollein at one and onMhlrd fare for the mum! trip, good to return on Au gust 6th. s? Tint ran'l heal II; Perfection Ml -ml Mocha nd Java JollNHON, IlltOH, Th fin a an l forfellurri In the p i lire court for the month of July aggro guteil $775, a dMol'leil Increuae over lh nine period ll year hen thf iionth'a roelpla loliil.d t?M. The Vanguard yeater-Uy look 114 boX" "f (iilnt'iii cina up the river, cxialgnel to th. M -gl r and Illlur Hock I'liinier !. A litric- lilpni"ii: nt freah flah nl- i went up to the t'lllar lt"ik l"iuklng t'otiiMiiy. Th" repreai-ntaMv "f th. Onffroy uliiioii aiming y idle He w ho are "n r Ule l.i tile I'll. III.' eojt til coe up l'e deal for Die aeillil!lntl of pllllt III Alanka are epecte. In I'ortlund lhl tllol mug The bar lug Wallula !l be out cf e.immlaaloln f..r (en d.iya or !' "eka and will undergo a general overhauling ;n rortlanl. The tug I-ort will ro (ilaee hr an) will be In charge of Pap. tain Itatntall. The ladtea are Invited in rail arid look t the new winking kir!a a'. Hhariahana If you h.K.e to buy. you will find the prleea very favorable. If you ire think ing of making a new aktrl, a look al thee wilt aid you In the atyl"" Another large nin "f aalmon came Into t!K river yea'rd.iv iif;'ni"i on 'he flood ltd-. The flh av.riige am.iller than thoae i iimV 'u the l.i: '.en duya an. I it l thought Ilia! th'y are the .id- Viiti. .' gu.irl of "h.- regular July run. Major i-ft-rlay n. H. M Iriapeetlng ! It Y ung !er : he fort a: the niout'i of Ho river In K -t't'-rnti'-r .' ;i i .it You g will turn the department "f lie (olumbia ov.r : li neral Itanl.ii:. an. I will tum-ilf renin1.!! a: the heal of the deptrtm. n: ..f Viifornm. Mi". It Ingletoii li now b;. laying i full line ,.f the Int.ft 'yle I-. fall mil- tin- ry a! 1 1 ea'ubliahtnrnt r-etitly .p.-ti"l by her '. .'.S Ctiim- ri ta! atri-t. PP lle the lludge: i.m. e. Mra Ingb -on a'i iatt;.-a a full Une .f ladl'-' and etui Ir. n a furmhlng go.l. Martin Penny, who arrive.) In A:orla lut night from Portland, has two titW n f T thl month, on the IT.:h he will meet I 'a! H.iwK'.ns. wittl w norn ne re cently fought a draw, in Spokane, nr. rangementa having been mide yeter- J.iy. on the Slat he will tight olo In thla elty. The o. n. & N. lyui made a rate ff I from Atorla and Tertian I for the I'an-Aiiierlcan iposl(on at Huffalo. TUkets will te on "air first to third Tuesdays. June t October. Inrluxlv . These tickets must br u'l for conlln- iioiia pa-sig. g :ng. but stopover will be allowed within final limit returning. Work 0:1 the government submarine able from Skagwuy to Juneau will lie oinniencfd about Augu: 9 Tin- eteam r I.ikene has b.n chartered to lay the ctble nil I a party of otllcla! from lie two lending telegraph companies ' lliet-ountry will av..mpnny the contra - tor on the trip. The actual work of lay ing the cable will occupy two wei k. The III l-a ire nulled to call atl.l e'k il the low walking skirts at Shanahan. If you choose to buy, you will find the pilce very fnvorab . If you arv think ing of making a new- skirt, l kok a: these will aid you in the styles. The Teamsters' I'nlon did not meet last night on account of a lack of a nuorum. IOcal m-mbers of the union .lo not think the San Francisco strlk1' will extend up the coast ns the news paper have stated. If the l.vnl union should be nrdcrel to walk ou; but little delay would r-sult, as the majority of tile teiiins ci s Hie n,it affiliated wllh the oiruiliallon. The steamship t IV li')e Is now out nineteen day from Nome and It Is fear ed that some accident him befillen the vessel. She had about thirty p.issen gvr nboird and cmidlderable freight. The owner of the leamr scout the Idea that she has been wrveked but be lieve that a break down of ome or: ha occurred. Captain Charles W. Ames I master of the hlp. The price of salmon was again re duced last night and In all probability four cent a pound will be paid from now to the close of the deason, August 15, unless there ehould be another fam ine of fish. Severn! men w ho have been employed In the lumber camps came Into town yesterday morning and went to work nt the cold storage plants, being nrtrairted hy the large wage paid. lVptPy Fish Warden Henry Hultiimu Is gialually rounding up the delinquent flsherin.'ti who have neglected to ray their Hc-tise nnd comply with the oth er provisions of the fisheries law. Yes- etr.luy he nrres'ed two offenders, Fred Hartman and Zacharlah lieorge, bo:h of whom were taken before Judge Nel son and eleisvl on ball to appear before Ju'ilce of the Tea Itrower for trial, A civil service examination will be held In this city September 4th for the positions of clerk and carrier In the postofllce service. All persons who have been examined for the positions nAmed within the pi! year and failed to pass may be re-examined upon filing appli cations. The applicants for clerk shall be not less than 18 years of age, and for carrier between the ages of 21 and 40. Applications must be on file before the closing of business on August 23. HorT, wh'i hat bean a liotur- loua character In the unlir world f.n orne time puat, and tua ee;)jitidly giv en the police trouble, waa a'ntni el to arve fur yeara In the penl';r.lary yes terday by Julg.. Mi llrld- In Un; cir cuit imiuiI. The dn'lfltr charge iigalnut llofT wan teiillng a purae b. longing to (leorge Mill and atieinir.lng .i ivn i.ff with I'. Iloff haa b-en .ii-eua-d i f al n Par off nei In -for but hn vldeine n.-eaary In convict '.ould iiji be ob mill. ), lie pl-.l e gu by lo the chargr and I'hlef llallxk nil li ri.-( At orn.y Allen lailflel t li'i worthl'-um-aji. The eirti'vne ptnlty la -vi ;in, rut Judge M. lirld'- g.iv.; ilm '.) t.i in ir llmll on aic.un: of a p! -j ..f guMy ! lug niivl'-. Ipiily Hh-n.'f I'r.i.-i hit la"! night for Hul.-m Aph II 1 iti chaige. Kperial Ih'puty K. '. Ore..nrna, In chirr' of th'; hutch'-ry oie-ratl.jria of the flail w irde.i'a office U expecfd Li Aatnrla tolav to report to Warden Van Iuen nn bia Inaia-ctloti trip looking f f new altea f.,r hocherlen. The I'endb-Uin Kaat Or.-g i.ilan t'H of an -i.'ltlnic trlji u.a ! by Mr. t.reenniati and a compan ion down the Hnake river. The Jlatance traversed waa I7(J mll-a an I the Journey M a made In a mil ill boat, w hlen ap- avd aeral tlrn- an 1 fr';.U'r.t pirt-ai- were nveaenry Mr. I'lreenman aaw thoua.inla of aturg-in In the ISnake rlv.-r. an) e;iite the i-l.iwl e4,,n fiih enii'ti ure taking them from the atr. Jinn in large numb-nt Mr. (Jreenman lught one a; Irani Vb-w thit waa eight feet long anl weighed n the neighborhood of On miuii I. A recommenda'lon w ill be iim ! for the eatabllnhmen: of a hat h ery Huan Kalla. wh-re there al ready a c mcrete dam making th con atructloti nf racka unneeo.jary. ItKHATTA I'UimJUAM PKTAII.S. Ilowing an I S ill tig Kv- ii'i Varied and Full of Kxe Will tetlon!. The regatta .iriimlt h i atm 'unc d par: of the program b-ing pr.-par-l for the rar.ilv il and excellent spirt is ;. 1. The rowing race this j.-ar prunls- to be eX."ptonally gno.l for mtny reistna. In the llr: iace. th- I'ortlanI crews have promise! j.i e at Astoria, provid ing Is furnished them, and there wll be all the come!lton they wan:. Vle"ir!.i an I Vancouver are wnartlng over their r-ceat defeat at he hands of I'ortlanI anl want a chance to even matter up. while a four oared crew will be sent from the Uni versity of California. This make the rice representative (f the entire IiU'lnV rotst. and the winning crew can call themselves the Pacific champion and possibly gi Kast to meet some of the university oarsmen. IVpe, the Pan Francisco oarsman, w ho has a goo I reputation In the alngb'S, has also promised 1 1 b on hand, and will hive as his opponents Gloss, who won the Junior singles so handily at Shawnigan Lake, and Hall. Itall was not In conliton for the Victoria races In that event, and will make a better show ing at Astoria. IVpe is nor overconfi dent of winning from the two Portland men. anl they may fight it out between themselves it the finish. S. J. Pembroke, trainer f the Olympic hoat club, and coach to the University of Calif iriila crew, will undoubtedly be here with his men. Thr Olympics, the Ariel, the South Kil ls, the Alameda and the University of California will have crews here ,md the tits; four nam ed will enter In the fmr-oaroJ barg racn. The anolher Cillforniii dub, wll have an entry In the senior kilfs, and IVpe will wear their em Mem In the single shells. The Ariel and the South Knds will have men In the singles. K.nch of the clubs w ill enter In the sin gle skiffs, but Raker, the champion sin gle skiff man of California, will be the most Important feitures of that event, although some dark horse may beat him out. With these features, the rowing ,iart of the regatta wll attract more at tention than even the North Pacific As sociation reg-atta at Victoria. Afternoons will be devoted to yacht nice and sillboa: races In general. There will be a free-for-all. In which the nt iy entor, a trophy for 20 footeraand lo events for catboats and yawls. The Oregon Yacht Club will have a nu. nber of the fast boats entered, and the fishermen will have an oppor tunity to settle dispute as to spce-d which have been brewing since the last regatta, a year ago. Swimming races and exhibition of diving will take place ulthougii it I too early to make a defi nite announcement of the time. The Held diy will be Saturday after noon, and will be participated In by men from the Multnomah club, the Y. M. C. A., of Portland, the University of Oregon; Olympic Club of San Francisco; Seattle and Ta.-oma. and possibly Spo kane clubs. Appropriate prises are to be offered the winners, and the contest between the cluuhs will be de cided iy points. , As to.ivo.hiiig of i.n Innovation, la dles' night Is to be given, with a spec ial program by members of the Olympic Club, of San Fr.i.niseo. John Lim mersmith, the physical director of the Olympic Club, win be present. If pos sible, to superintend the entertainment. There will be some sparring matches and other athletic features. An effort Is being made to secure the consent of the government to have the battleship Oregon, now In the drydock In Puget sound, brought to Astoria for the regatta. The Oregon will be on Puget sound for some weeks, and could easily be brought to Astoria, where many people would eagerly accept the opportunity to visit this far-famed, ves sel, A watch may be cleaned by soaking; If In a cup of kerosene but that Is not the way a watch Is usually soaked. COMMON POINT CONVEflT. (-'ongreeamaa Tongu Telia How It Jaa Hullt L'p WaahlngtoTi in Lat Yeara. Hon. Thomaa II. Tongue haa b'Ctmt a convert lo the bneflrlul advantage of terminal rite IHng granted wherever the d.-mand la backed by a polble com mere anl developm-nt of the country. In a recent letfr to the Hon. '. W. Kulti.ri, I'ongr-anrnuri Tongue dlagr.-HHed from p-raonul an I w rote the fol lowing, which Mr. Kulion h.m p.rml: ted the A!orian to publish: "Hy the way, my trip through th alate of Wahlrig!on ha given me a dlff.T-nt ld-a. or rather a more thor ough ind compile Pb-a of the merit o' th" common riu'ntion. There la gr-it thrift In every little town along I'ug-t aound At Kverett. Falrhaven, Whatcom and eve.i Ar.aeor: -a anl other pln"- where a railroad louche. Uiere la marked activity anj rapid growth. "I-umberlfg I the principal Induatry. I waa told that all these town aituited up n a railroad were made a common hipping point and can hlp lumber eaet a cheaply a Ta'oma or Seattle; that without this It would be Impo'alble. fur th -m to ship lumber eiat and, there fore, Impossible to dev-lop their lum bering rewiurvtM. If the policy pre vailed of granting common rate only to one city, say 8'-atile or Tacoma, then such place would be the only city i of Importance m Western Washington. The lumb-ring Injuwtry that la now to prominent a f.-ature. In building u; the :at an filling It wfh Inhabitants, building up town and cltl.-s. w nild be undeveloped and th. '. ..eats untouched." NEW SCHOOL, BOOKS. iuiTln--n l-nt Ackerman I-wu n a Cir cular letter. State Su,"r,n:en lent J. H. Ackerman has i'ued a circular letter to publish ing houses and for the Information of the p-.-ople of the state that contains the Mlowing Information: Th- exchange rUe is the price the Pupil must pay for the new book when he surrender an old book upon the ame ubj-ct and of the same grade, heret iftre legally adopted and in actual or contemplated use in the public schools of Or-gm. This price remains In force to December 31, 1901. It is hereby In tended that a family having children at tending & public school shall have the riirh: to exchange old books In their possession for books as above stated. The Introduction price is the price the pupil must pay for the book whea he has no old book to surrender In ex change. The period of introduction ex pires December 31. 1901. The retail price la the price at which the book will be furnished to the pupil during the life of the contract. The publishers agreed to take up all new stock the dealers had on hand on March 1901, displaced by the adop tion of any of their publications, on the basis of dollar's wortli for dollar's worth. They Mill pay all costs of trans portation on new books and old books retuened to them during the period of exchange, and will allow the dealer tea per cent of the exchange price on new books during snIJ period of exchange. Sections 13 to 14 of the act relating to :h adoption of text-books makes the use of the new books adopted oompul sory, and are as follows: Section 13. It Is hereby made the du ly of all boards of school directors to cause the tvxt-books adopted AS provid ed in this act to be introduced and used in their respective schools wi;hln fifteen months from the date of adoption. Section 14 The text books that may be adopted under the provisions ff this act. and none others, shall be used in the public schools of thip state hereaf ter, and It shall be the duty of school officers and teachers to comply wl:h the provisions of this act concerning; the same. If any teacher shall willfully vio late any of said provisions, he shall be deemed to have violated the terms of the A Merchants Contest FOR FIVE Hl'NDRm DOLL ARS IN GOLD COIN". The und 'rsigned merchants of Astoria for the purpose of showing their appre ciation to their customers, have agreed to start a contest under the following conditions: We give one vote for every ten (10) c;nt purchase. Votes may be cast for anv s H'iety, organlxatlon, public or private Institution or individual. No votes can be sold under any circum stances. The contest lasts from now until October 1. The society, institution or Individual receiving the highest total of votes will be awarded the five hundred dollars with which to buy a piano, or furniture or whatever they may prefer to buy. Ross, Hlggln & Co., groceries, etc. Fisher Pros., groceries, etc. Johnson Bros., -groceries, etc. V. H. Coffey, groceries, etc. James Crouchley, grocer. Central Meat Market. P. Lawler & Co., flsh market. Palace Restaurant. Seaside Bakery. Oregon Bakery. -Robinson's Furniture Store. The Bee Hive, department store. The Wonder, department store, Hoeller's Candy and Ice Cream Parlors. Tagg's Candy and Ice Cream Parlors. John Hahn. shoe store. J. H. Seymour, Jeweler. Eagle Drug Store. Central Drug Store. Herman Wise, clothing, hats, etc. C. H. Cooper, dry goods, clothing, etc. S. Daniiger, clothing, hats, etc. N. Schlussell, clothing, hats, etc. Will Madison's Cigar Store. Jack Burns, cigars. P. Miller A Son, cigars. Theo. Bracker, cigars. John Pentllla, cigars. J. Utilnger. cigars. Fred Brown, cigars. SPECIAL Sa90 SPECIAL For a Few 400 pairs MEN'S 'J Lose pants are made of woolen CuKMmers and Tweeds and always sell nt $3.00, hdt we have too many of them, therefore you have a chance to get them at $1.90 a pair. We have all sizes now, don't wait until your size is gone, because you won't get such pants at such a price in a long time. HERMAN WISE The Reliable Clothier and Hatter. contract with the daurict. Any taxpayer of a ichool district, or parent or guar dian of a child attnJing a common school In my d'.s'ri:, shall be deemed to have such a beneficial or direct In terest In the enforcement of this law concerning text-books that be may bring any proper prjeeeding In a court of competent Jurisdiction to compel the hoar! of directors of his district or teachers In hit school to perform the du ties enjoined upon them by this act in relation to text-books. CIRCUIT COURT. The circuit court adjourned yesterday and the following orders were handed down: Flavel Hotel Company vs. E. J. Ford Demurrer overruled by consent a-id defendant allowed thirty days to ans wer. Fannie Rowan vs. John A. Rowan Default and decree of divorce. Ellen Scott, executrix, vs. A. & C. R. R. Motion to make complaint more def Inlte and certain sustained in part and plaintiff allw.'d fifteen days to file an amended complaint. Robert Carruthers vs. Geo. H. George et als. Motion submitted to strike out ran of complaint. TERRIBLE CONDITIONS IN INDIA. The depopulation ?f India through famine seems to be aauming alarming proportions. It is estimated that over 5.000,00") persons in India have died, since 1S96, from causes dir?c:ly due to the famine. Famine is a terrible thing and proves conclusively that food is essen tial t. the body. Tet It is not so much ?. question of now much food Is eaten as how well it is digested. To insure perfect digestion and ibtaln the greatest amount of nourishment from your food, take Hotetter's Stoomach Bitters. This is the old reliable standard medicine for th? cure of stomach, liver, kidney and bowel disorders. It promises apped'.e, cures dyspepsia, in ligation, constipa tion, biliousness, and keeps the bowels regular. Do no fail to give It a trial. I; never disappsints. FURNITURE SALE. Owing to my departure by September 1. for San Francisco, I will offer the entire cont?nts of my house at private sale. Parties desiring to purchase the whole or part thereof should call be twean the hours of 10 and 12 a. m., and 2 to 4 or 7 to 8 p. m. 8. DANZIGER. 333 Fourteenth St. There is In the heart of most women such a deep well of love that the winter of old age cannot freeze It. THE PLACE TO BUY CANNERY SUPPLIES FISHING BOAT SUPPLIES BUILDING MATERIAL SEWING MACHINES AND FARM IMPLEMENTS IS AT - FISHER BROTHERS, Astoria. Ore. ANDREW ASP, Wagon Maker, Blacksmith and Horseshoer First-Class Work at Reasonable Trices Speciil Attention Given to Sblp and Steamboat Repairing General Blacksmlthlnr. First-Class Horseshoeing, Etc. COR. Days Only PANTS 400 pal PICNIC TO FORT CLATSOP. The Lewis and Clark expedition of nearly 100 years ago, spent their win ter on the coast a few miles from new and built a fort In which they wintered. The remains of this fort can be aeea at Fort Clatsop up the river named after its explorers. Lewis and Clark. A grand opportunity of visiting this) historical spot will be given on Wedneav day, August 7, when the steamer As toria n win carry the annual picnic of Grace Chur;h and Holy Innocenla Sunday schools down the bay and up the Lewis and Clark river to the very soot where -.he fort once stood. The very nane of these schools in sures a good time, games nd prise) and songs, etc., and the fact of the great in; which is directed towards) the old fort uy the exposition which is to be 'ell :n 1905, adds another item of inte.-est. Come nnd bring your lunch basket, your fishhooks and lines, and have a good time. Adults 50 cents, chil dren 25 cents. The Jteimer leaves the Parker House at S:30 a. m. If stormy, the next fair day. NET LOST. About 2S5 fathoms net; corks marked with cross cut by knife. One-half lead marked C. A. Two black buovs. Re turn to Elmore's cannery. C. CORBOt FOUND. Net about 100 fathoms long, corks branded "H. I." leads branded "T. U" Owner apply at Booth's cannery. WHERE DO TOO BUY M GROCERIES? HAVES YOU TRIED ' ' A. W. SHIPLEY? 654 Commercial Street. DO YOU KNOW That he give the best thf is to be had In the erty for the least money? Place an order onoe and see. C. W. BARR DENTIST Successor lo Dr. Ball. 573 Commercial St. ASTORIA, OK. TELEPHONE. RED Mil. TWELFTH AND DUANE STS ,