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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1901)
THE MOKXIXCi ASTOKIAN. THIKSDW. .IlLY 25. mi. IS REGARDED ! WITH SUSPICION New York Physicians Talk on Dr. Koch's Discovery. THEIR THEORIES ARE IP5ET Dr. saxi'l Asttrtlsi te Cart Conjamptioa Takes. Wltk a Grtii el Sail If Discovery Slto.ii Mhk Good Will Resall. NEW YOKK. July C4.-K. Kar 1 :iy. th cable nvsaR, from London that lof K.vh. f Berlin, has made the ttt.c.o-m-r,t that he has demonstrated that Meat ami milk from cattle infected iy tuberculosis might be consumed with Impunity, Dr, William Jenkins, he tit a f-ommissi.mer. said last night :h&; Prof. Koch's statement upset all theories of th. h -tilth department regarding the de struction of d.eaJ eattle. "We have the recognised fact." sail CVtntniwi.wer Jenkins. ":h.u can b- uwj from tuberculosis cattle an I itt-s-tead of destroying th whole carcass, as was formerly done, parts of It may h use-!. Cooling will destroy any germs. We have had an Idea that milk was a evrveyor of the disease anj still h;l to that theory. Whatever Frof. Koch avs I would be inclined to beP.eve. but I would like to see his entire article on the subject." IV. F. M. Jeffries, director of the laboratory of the New York Polyclinic. ?id that the natural assumption hal been that the bacciilus causing tub-'rvu-losis In cattle would likewise cause tu berculosis in man and. acordlng'.y gr.a; efforts had been put forth to contend w:-.h th.. presumed Infection from cattle bv meat and milk. Dr. Jeffries Imrresslci.t was thu Prof. Koch himself asserted that tuberculosis could be producel in man from Infected meat or milk. "Personally." the doctor went on." "I am not Inclined to make much out of this statement of Dr. Koch. Of course, ff It can be thoroughly demonstrate 1 that tubercular material In meat and milk la Incapable of producing tub'r culosis In man it will greatly reduce the amount of work b our efforts to do awav with tuberculosis in man. K vh said he could cure consumption with his lymph and we take his statement of this with a grain of salt." WILL AID COXSl'MPTIVES. If Dr. Koch's Theory ?:inds th- Skk Poor Will Benefit. PHILADELPHIA. July 24-Dr Lau rence F. F.lck, Presld nt f the Per.r. sylvjiiu ? jciety for the Pr.-ver.ti-iii Tcb-rcul s.s and preatidi-n; jf the Fr HM.-ri:al for Poor Consumptive. w!;n ak -d f.r Ms v,es on the sul-j-ct tii!" rciili'.-is. said: "The greatest benefit that will ic-r'is fr in Dr. Koch's d munstrati-m. If ha i-m 'nstrare 1 what It as Ion a.-.-n u:i. 1. w.ll be th dlrecti -n of v-r.tlve m.a.-urt-s along th.- r.sht ' hin-i-.s. gnernmeM of this -untry h.i- xinlel energy for th- -xt- rmira- tub.rcul"is ara-nu car.l- w.'h a v:--.v of .r-v.n:ir.g the upr-aj -f lit- in human b-.-ltigs. but ha- d ry !::'.!; toivarl prev-.'H ns th- -pv'-i l . ' tv d:.-as from human beir.a i an ittier. ' With a clear demonstra'lon that th-'.-a.-.- cjnn-: sprei fr-'tn iU ' bi-ings. it Is likely that th- g v- Mii-nt's -ff Tts will be turn- 1 i :' th- ha.tttels "f pr.-vl ling .nitarium tr-it-n.-:.t f jr th" cnsutnptlva ;.o .r wh; h a. 11 'Tk- a; tii- v-ry r .if th- v:l !v ;-r-v-nt;ng fon'a-t btw-en thr-- ill .v.'h tub-rcul -sis and the.r h-a'ity r-la- THEY WANT THE ICEMAX. ,a . fnal -rs Are Unabl- t.. :'' :h- Demand From Other ''i'.i-. HI'-A'';'i. July 24. "ii!'.ago is b" Tie Millions of little glands or tube connect the blood with the skin, and through these small drain pipe perspiration paaea out, carrying with it the impurities that are thrown off by the blood. Should the pore ot the skin be entire closed for even a brief space of time, and the poisonoua matter forced lack into the circula tion, instant death would result. In addition to the sweat glands, the skin ii provided with certain others which pour out upon it an oily substance, keeping; the 6kin pliable and soft and protecting it frora heat and cold. The blood and '.kin are so closely related that whatever affects one seriously interferes with the func tions of the other. Not only health, but life itself, depends upon perfect harmony between the blood and skin. When, therefore, the Mood becomes poisoned from any cause, it quickly iiltttfttMl MtlU manifests itself upon the skin in the form A of sores and ulcers, pimples and various EXt9lltMl POIMOtlB eruptive diseases. By the character of the sore ire are enabled to determine the nature of the poison or humor in the blood, u every disease originating in the blood has its own peculiar sore or pimple. The skin is not only affected by the poisons generated in the system, but poisons from without enter through the open glands or pores and quickly infect the blood. Mercury rubbed upon the skin will produce Rheumatism, and Poison Oak said Ivy and other wild plants gain easy access to the blood through the skin. As so-called skin diseases originste in the blood, the application PfJfC BlOOti of powders, soaps and washes can do no permanent good, but often do immense damage by Softt Healthy Ski1 dosing up the outlet to these little tubes " and interfering with the natural action of the skin. The treatment must begin with the blood, and the acid or other pois ns antidoted or neutralized. 8. S. 6. does this and purines the circulation, builds Bp the blood and flushes the little glands or pores with pure, new blood, and restores healthy action to the skin. The use of cosmetics never yet brought health and beauty to a rough, red, pimply skin or sallow complexion. What is needed k rich, pure blood, such as 6. S. 8. makes. It not only relieves yon of all disfigur ing blackheads, blotches and irritating, itching eruptions, but improves your general kealth. 8. S. S. contains no mercuiy, potash, arsenic or other mineral, but is a purely vegetable remedy and the safest and best in all blood and skin troubles. Write our physicians for advice or information: they have made a study of blood and skin disease, and you can have the best medical advice without cost Book ov Wood and Skia Diseases free. THE SWIFT 8PERIFIC CO., ATLANTA, 6A Ins dehic-'d tti .Ii -r.l.-ts for ice 'r m th.-- Itout.t ::'K.' itt.'" ot the V ' I .ri.l S u:'i s . The ,hoct in l'' s vtion t ' i-.tph :r r o;.. r .than. fl'kirs ill - ;:"..". tl. I'-'ivi; c'tv ".-m ? on'v :'. th. :!:h. ;;s b,i. h th I .! matt. I- , , i ! s i:.-:i J It is es:-.:i-.i; :':.i; i'l.e.-. thi l . - ,'-i-:v car, .: .. .: ! .rtif :... pc 1 ,'ti: '' i'h1.-,iir da ' "Itch .1 "a-i: v .mi un: Man over l. (.-. pi the ' .-'ry .: :'v t.11- Thus Mr :! h u , ; !v n . It .1:1. l an ! :':v m.i".ii:.ic:t!r t ; 1 " " ' ' " 1 ' " ; "l iic.t . sit. a !. ra-.l f.'i . s.i:d Pre-.!.-:,: J S R '.' -f th' Kn-;. t ftvx-k-'e Ice iVvrt; i- ' T't .1:1 ; .- e I d "" a- ! . : ni t't S uth.-rn c.ti s w h --h (- -tt; t '-'1 t '"c tulv u;-j''. i ! :' art it -' . "t't'.itti s Thev h t 'ti-i I .' i i.l ' . t a: T -t"i; n '--i ".I'vtti; it ' V 1 f full c ;'..".: " MKK I!' VP .11 W l:' Law D. i-it ;m It : li.if-.a-t 11 SAX FI5AX'lSO. .1 ; . Th .'a'.' savs t'i: I 'l, 1 a ' . '. t It v, i ' c-ivrl pnate !tif-:n f- til N'e. York that a r r-:..i.r. ' . staff of a:: rr.eys of t't S 11 h-r:i 1'a. tl. to tak ' place ; th- ; 1: futtt T't law a-:1-- :t;s :i l" '. :: V.i. :V uid th. S uth -n Pa. .tl w ' :s . r. VneJ. it is -a I. i 1 1 V ..- I . 1 s !8--r.:-r J hn M Tht:r' I f o.nws.-l. Ass vtatcl n th Thif-- v it s .: '.!. wi.l h J- ff-. rs -n C:.,n V- r -f Wis-.-mg'on P. . "hi i: - a:! T."..r-t have i ll' t i th- t .- W -.s-t.nt -. 11! will V 'n s :tt X w V r' ': :n which th-'y w.l: ;.ik ,a:. ..; : -. ' ; ,! interests of th-- H at t lnt vi ra.lw u s dicite. The Call also sy that F. 1'. V nlt.g gentral tnatiag-r f tt. Marke. stf railway system. .. t l- re 'ire I STl'DIED PP.EHT?TP.I.' MX. NotM Anthropologist Wh M.,-1 P.-' searchrs in L-r D: -s if. Ariz a FUXOSTAFF. Ait. Ji; y -l Dr Joshua Mill-T. :.- f th.. 1-.1 ! ng an-thr,-Ml,'giMl stu l-n- -f this ,-oyntty has lieij h-r- ift-r a br -f .In- ss wns b rn in Miss -ur .in 1 w is y-its old. Dr. Mtl'er r-n- :t,ar'v .1 !!. ni- :tt th- studv of t r-'V'Ciori.- ra t- tn th-S-tu:hw-t anl ha 1 i -it vt .-mpl- I h s research-', wha-h he h-!.--l w-tiM . tablish the fa: ,.f a c .t-n . t- b - !h Pu-M i In '.tans v-1 th- ,ri! .- -tahtt.m's of this , :t s : t H- was -n r nit- f- r 1 r'n a! -. . n. with -h- Srak- p.-i- s- ..f - M -m trili- !.i-f r i tns -ttt !. r-stil-s ' it s iisi'.'v. ti s . h n .ir- a s tak-- ;! vlth ic-im :i wh ': n- 1 ', s i-rh AFFAtitS IX i'lt V S : V xiiw v- .i:k j .iA 1 1. -. V '. h .. --r. rt.rit- 1 . h r.rn. H ; V - ra-r.- 1 M -- M ' Mr V - I'.V -;i ri' 1 T 1 - '-. ; . - - - ! ..T.i- ! ' : ', tn. -.- . It ..s s.,. 1 WILL I - r " f ; " -: ; - r t v: a .' ;: : A ' .-"A XT ItA!:-: !t ' Th- I'll ' ij ' i ti tt 1 - - ; : , n U : . b.--..k 1 . M - ! 7.- i 0 - -11 rr' I : 1 si AN INDEX TO THE BLOOD " "" 10 RECflVE ROYALTY t i I V HI- MOM KI Al. MAKINC ;ki-.vr i'KnAK.nos. Puke nd Dticlic!. (('arnaill mi, York Ixpcctcvl to Arrive September I . MiXTr,llL. July '.'l- llrMt rop.. hi' b-'nis male In M'tireai m c-'t-.n :! with the Duke and Duchess .f 'ornwal! an. I York. It Is expovle.l i.i: the t il pirty will arrrlve In Mon tr 1! ah hi: S , Member IT by rail from M !,u te.imer Ophlr being I o .! : the r: -r beyoti, Qu.b-'c A cix c adlr-ss will be presented a It - r al pat ty reaches the Ylg-r tlar-I'-s aft-r which it will proceed to the ' tn f i.,r Sttathcoiu and M unt It .i'. i: lH-hester stnvt. the home of the r yal party during their stay. Iti h ee!i:rg a reception will be ten lrr d : :h - c.ty bin! ling. ! th - mrn!ng of the f 'Mowing day h patty wi prv-.-ed to M,-"3iU fill. rsi:. wh,-.- the d. gre of U.D. will 1 , -i-fcrr d up -n his royal hlghttess ".'he ,- r tn 1:1. -s on this o.vas'.,m ,; be ' 1 p if u'at !y br.I'.lan; character. I-i h- aft 1:1 on th - party will haxc an . .v ting th- fain un I.i- t Itip Is. is.:ing Victoria bi-i-U-a '. p rl-.aps one or two of ihe m s ,-;...!:. Th -re will be a " try tutnar and Mr-woiks 111 t.o tn ti tan back of the city and In th- K 1 1 1 N . ; MEAT EXPLAINED XMW V .itK. July 24 -The Journal in 1 lv rtis.'r prints an article upiin h- w ath.-'i- by . irrt P. 8.-rvl. the s e-. rt. w nt r. Tile ai-fe'e .la'. '.l it It i.i.'.i X Y . says: "Th btrn n heat now afflicting th' wh ; .-f th- fn;--d Sta.'s and Ml als -n "'l- -t.iir s;le ,.f the Atlaitlc and g -r .-r 1 "v thr ugh ut the north -rn '".-!: isi - s ng pnvif ,.f th fa ' thr. irth is the -atelli e of a it s'tr Mrly on ht ssuiu,iton h i: th- "t:r--.- -f terrlbl Irat is iMreei y m '' -in anl do to un extra u"!l -irv n r 1- :n i s eff-vt've rt-dhrion an tl-,.. , i -pi-il 1:1, long conrinue 1 tiatut ' . s .-i; m-te .!. st- - h- s i-1 iriiv xpl il -.e l. Al ss-r rui.ers kno.v that the fire f :.- s-n ;s i.linkct-d with absorbing vicrs. wh:l .ts mterijr is much hot ' r "Han ti- ! -Wiiig shjd '.ha; we ve ::' f th- v.ip-ir-mi blank-t entir-ly 1 " -tf'i- of Ui- earth ' ' 1 -' - ' .1 '-: t.t s.ii.iki and llame in -ti-t'in us gush of unbearable " '' "ti! I h- c -nt-ri-d ut"Vi It. 'y' " ' " ..s o. eurs prio llca'ly. t-t . n ilways t., tbw same est nt - ." 'i;i;-. .1-- thlnn -1, the ' ' " ' i;-; mi: thr nigh th k . I-I. a" '. tr kes the fartli ! " 1 - ' ji'n-.s ai with a ' r- tr he su-Menly t'- ri'- l : f . -7. .' it-.a." . Tn,, hi- !n a.: t-ne I :his suin : "i- !: : ig.-ncy that h-'4 - : f :- , . J i,M .hi I s -tit i - ' ving b is: is th" ntys- - ' ' aliiah!- innnif-sta- - .- : f bla -k un p -t-1. . : s ,k- ;.i suppose 'h it th-' -ns ' . x-rci.. a y i 1 r- t tp ti .h- w-ather er "h.l" ,h 'r.-- ti h sun wh'Tvr th"-r-:- n -'i: nn th- earth. - w-r simply Indicator? - -i lit hi. n-s.-mbling in that nip i ms on 'the face of a ; i" - ." Th-y ;-l Ibe slory '-f . t r al r in lit ifns and indi f th- p! i''"-s .in 1U surfac I -: -Jti f .r'-s are burs'ing t. r :' tir y-ar.s ;h-se gigant ' ' 1 . j'-ase In fury un, a 1 I s f p rrestrlal s--as,iis ! ' w r. x. s of fmP'-ra- i- i in-r.iu-s Hid extraor lin I s 11 r I inc-s will follow." MILLI' i.XAIItES AfillOAD. ' I 1 ; il 1 U'i.l Impilcat- an Irish 1 ' in Atn,-rii a. '.'''K'INsToW.N, July 1!4. The Whit 1; st-.-im-r M iJ-Htlc fr.m N-w J'lly 17, f ir Liverpool arrived : -.- 7 ::,. .ink this morning. The it. I ti, it tiattv was transferred by a 1- ii! i-vb-r I 1 the st'-am yacht Val .: -a LI h is anchor! In the harbor. A:,-T-g.i!- the Valiant lies Mr. IIoW- 1 'Pui 1- yi'ht Niagara, which ar- 1 i'.-.'e last night. Mr. and Mr. ,'i:i have bee.-i visiting the Marquis O.-m url.. at Kilk-nny Castl '. They r- A' "irnpanii-d by an architect who "k the 'lirn'-nsions and made piano of - last!- wi'h a view to the construe n of a similar castle In the United HT. LOl.IS lir-lAT FATALITIES. T-.c-nty-TAo Deuh- lU-ported end the M-nury Is Still Climbing. HT. LOUIS, July 24. Twenty-two 't- ,i';,s du- directly to the hea: were re port d In St. Louis yesterday. In sev eral of th oas'; death onurrel late Monday and waa not made public through the ordinary channels until yes-t-rday. Th'rrmic fever, nunstroke, lieat pros 1 ' a ' I'm and Insola'ljn are named as the various f irms of the fatal stroke. The number of prostrations reported upto 2 o'clock this morning is 55. These fc ordg for deaths and prostrations were Solar Vtp't Have lteen Tlimne-I, Sa S-rvus. ever i-.rialle l In , , ,li Iti til - Vs lory o( Si. Louis I'liv si, laiis .1; :h i II 'spa il p iss ., 1 . ti 11 I d i) and no. 'it. , I - 1iv.11 CKiKtan'ly and i::iit the ic-.'urvs 't th t th at tne" I'niil a ' t' hour l.i; m-h! i. -li 1 1. s c.mstautly lirive.l and tli, In dica! staff as -rk- to (lie '. 1 c N'l "IstlO'l Tl. h .11 in S. l.'u - ... -'-lav . . f th. r v r l-l'te ! mis ".-;. th -ov 'i li nt. -lit rt .; '". t". no . ur 1 ; t ruu" liHi 'm th 'i 1 1, in th,, aft.-i n.i.Mi Th' wa.s otto .1. c 1 , . .-ho,: ,,( Monday's max nt'inr- V i s . . "h ch 1- tl" 1 el cr 1 v.ii 1 i h.s i; l:tit urihtsi: siiiii" . vx vi.. N'e Vol k W.ll I' I'. 1 Wit l ll 1 1 er to t 1 ' "11 tit X1"V VoKK. J.t'v .'I S ; ng o,M... sition to the h p .1 a! 1" '): "as r piee,l a; a 111 ' :,! li'-te: day of the suti-ex salt i e connnt. f : '.t.iier New Y'lk t'ati.i. -a'.ion 1:1 I Hi"' canal conuititiee , , Th,- putpo., of th-' c -ifci-.-n,' - was : . .mx.d-i the report of the d p a: ri , uniuls iiloii o-i he h:p . 1:1. it :i'V -s tion After 11 pr-l Mice.l u-, 11s-: ..1 of the .suh),c; f wis nt ititti a-' .1 , 1 le, i t-ottlltu ill cam. 1 -tt t t t't ;tt,: "- me a: of the .n.i wit-m.t) bv the: tat,- .iloitis ttt- :! ' ' ' l m.tpp I out j A.c -I dlnit : I - 1 ti , ha.r ! man of .lie tr. - - a M II ti x l ll-r- ti ti. ih- sat-rr. f ih . oif.' i,--. nas iin.f.imoiis N u: 1 .:, !i . c inal i irotxwiti 'tt j l'l IVO'.ll .1111 !, I f-r tilt oiip -1:1 '. II h :. -ail. tt.ts the' fe.-lliu- am -iiii:.!.... 'm -.- t . .- -tMitti J that Ne Y '-k a e.t -I mi lo:i I her cilia's. r iti '-o w ; li. tui ii them over ti the 111: Ml it-xetntti-iit a-j w mid It- i-.iif!. .1., il'ii; :.. the 1 c .111111 ss: ill r j- . '..'-, t!. t;o-M'- til. ": Mould nr. I itik th, . riiti u. t.o-i j f a .hip canal l l.-.b -t- thai j Herl.'lL .l'llbts "' I wh-".; ;li - I j t u.u ;-: ,p.,i: tl Invited l Vln: Iti- N-a Je: -y T -i Hi'! lv c l: I Where He V.t H on i'.KTTIN'i' -sll V"..' . ::i:!Y X I-1W Yt'llK. July .' - Mt-l'r-sl I. -r j "I'-velan I linn l-:i inii:.-l ,v ih- ,1 - S r T." ti.t. I. ;' - "Tin i. A-rinit. ;,.. f 'at-ltt.'. N J, to uttettl th-ni-ii-s - s. 1 Ti 1 I celebration of the 1 "al l -, K.r,- I'.p.itt- . j nieiii on AtiS"! 3 Mr tVi , I w an A 'NIwtN. JuK .1 S Thomas Up- !-'rn at I'tldiv-ll Whe.i th- i- tir.--.i-; m h is .itr.i I ., ; n . k to ui-r j dent a four .ar ,.ld h f itn U itfiv vise :h,, ,!-t hi, li a : , Ut h-r s. a ti p to A 11 Th ,-. ik Is ', -.. ir I at, ! if ail . letiip-r may I- .0 ' sh- I.i, m .- k : 1 !,-,: a:--1 -h.r h I I n I I it 1- t 1 we. k. S r Tho 11 is I,.; :h- ;, A-i:-I. iv- f-.r X a Y ..f n- x- tn h 1 r. p ,p nation . . mo , k II. for I ; llv i -h I f-.r- I . ;, 1 (y ,,r if it is ati- II ut. . .11111 o b- -til .f ih.s ' I ' 1. ' onpatH j 1 l.'i: -xp-ols '-' u' 'h mild!- i 1. 1. HP . N". . .-T.I. 1 1. 1 ' I I'f t - T .1 ti " nt- T s ' r ti I- I i-.. 1 Mt'X -111. It. I.J;,. .1 ; I I li.s to : 1. 1; 1 - , .-is : -,-i ial rt- , t-ttirliia I.- .,1 th- I'm .-t Tr 1 - 11 tn tin I . !; I ' "h- r-K- tl. ir p 1- th- ,- a . '1 Tn- v -' . 011 . d a-t I M Mllt-e- I.I Tie . .01 l'i ); 111 III I 1. ' 1 : ; - . I u :th o - i . ntii I b- v ,r 1 I-:.. . ., ,.f 1 . h s :ir- i I a .:: I., , .. ,r I ( . . I tl I I 1 1 A-. I C 1! .! I - Il.ol 11- 1 fp lit 1 I- 1 M ""'! ' M::V) ' ''I'1'-' N :i ; I YMI.I.' iV !'!i !ll: IX 1 ' I ' 1 1 V Vi. '1:11- V- - I' 1 . I .-'l am o, 1 j XI1W V'.ltK. I i y .1 A 1 tt li ; h- Tr.l.ut. f: -fi II i", an 1 say-. I Ti" - ' " ' 1 f'v'r u,,:,hl lin k or !; : t- , . 1 , ,,, ',. ,,f t h IIiv.iiii ''.iiriin 1-. r .'.iiipniv at San-ti.t'-'u i- l i- V- - 1 -ulei: , ..f Havana. ,1-1 .li! una 1 ;n 1 I vi i" s. K on - -; ii- men- . M-in.ti n.- , .1 II- III 1 . ll..r I l.f ln- I.IlL'. h 1 '-i 1 11 s. Inn -h- Am.':. 1. .in!".-iry in-th'.i'.'o--, mad- ft 'li.'- iv- rv. S.iiitntK'i Is In a ti 1 I . ii. . 1 r v . ,11 i'-,nt.tln-Init -"'I not,- ! 1 1 , ii 1 1 ml ird.s. N p y-l-I ov f -v 1 1- p -, .-. 1 , . x s- In l!tl c,iy. WIIF. T M A ItK I IT I'OltTLAXIi, Jii'v HI -W'l-it, Willa Walla. V.f.X HA X I-'LAS'i'I.tS'ii, July 'Jl-U'li-at, I) 'i- nil- r, 1 'il '' . CII f 'A' I' . Jul- 2i. -V!i",,i, Sepl-in-b'T, np.Tiiiii;, 7."n7!! o l .siiii!, 7!,".;. TACOMA. July 24. Wh-at. bin-H -in, 57; t-lub, 56. Sclentlft who are liinjr In Colo rado for the three to'' home of the pliocene period should nut 11. k1,,(,1 to put a straw hat on the 'ohhII wh'-n 1 h'-y find It. Ii'-nv.-r It'-publi'-iui. Pears' Soap in stick form; con venience and economy in shaving. It is the best and cheap est shaving soap in all the world. AH torti f.f pople dm Petri' trap, aft torts of itoco Mil 11, especially tliuggiM. l IMIItO I Ml M S (iOU KN.MI NI TU roKlll'V SN I K.VNCIMIO II A KltiiK. I lie l nUt Impi'itx til OrJniiticc Will He I'l.ucd mi All I li KiHIc I llliltCIKv. SAN Kit AN'IS- 1 . Jno .t In- (.n-. rumen Inn il. lerminej make u inorovi'iiien:- nt the f 01 tin, i:.oiis .iroiind the Initio,- ,.f San 1'uiii, To l.'iat nd Hi " pr -en: c 'nmi.ta l-t at the 1'n iildio, 1' ilonei Kaw llils. ha, P , n -o t: a li, title, w In, h KiV'i I'm )"r l,lic:i,ii ovei ui; f.n, all 9 pr te ! iii till ,-i lie 1 now coinnmii,,'i ,,f th,- dn 1 1 ' of Satt KimiicIv 1. Anion- lu a.(. till will he Tap al:i K A M. ltr oho i 1.1 le known as di.itnc: a llu 1:1! Tti liilln on both Hi ! of th - ilol leri trf to be Itli'iinle I with ni":e of tin lielet llll l 111 appr -ted eidu inc.- 111 lc;tk:tiit of the c Mitemplal-,1 ok i'ol iiie Itau l mil I lll piii.e ,-n al rl.(il. -nil tence th,. ;mpro.. . i lninc Tile i-uitiber. t 'ite hei l.h i.ios ah ' i 1V inoinil " I. .1! oppo'ltni.tte I fh-ul I Ill U Mint lapld Hit n sun, a- '' pi t e.l. and the iihnrii.ti,. inn'lns ' tl" I'tiv a ttt .: .tpi" u h. ,:i h 1- '" Ulldl till ll.fli! -II of th iit:!!.-rv lti'e 1 I. it f-.rn-.i-il u 1 l"i th- :in""er ."-.riMt M 11. h -Tk . ah it I ' il'' I'll! our tfronir-K tr.i le vt.'h ri.- ii-"- and . or, 1,1- w..rl I !i mad 1 " .''titiv lha' S t . Ki am :c 't u I I' pr-t vt-l with ttt - l.i'.-t tmpi I ' ? HX I'ltllSll'llNT 1.11V 111. X I --I ny an, I he lit n-ier i.t :,- I 1:1 nt n nine- Tti rit-'IMTIATK Itl'S-ilA II tiiir ll tp l ,n t' .utu 1 ! ti S 1. k tiy t o-riu iny' Hm-r -r 1 Xi:V Yi'ltK, July ;'l A l..'it.n ! the ll.-titl.l from S: tviertur "i Th- .J-.tlrii of i" unt 's.-u-Sa. k-t . the Him .111 amhassu ,.r 1 , t,,. ii-nn.i:i - mi . In the Itumlan cip.tal hi, lie, ti prol-mtred Tiler.. 1 K 'I oiltli o ity f 1 -i)i K that Ih . .In- t, 1 i--r 111 a 1 1 y ' s !, r-lieve th.- f.tain 1 r-l.i'...i. t :it-i -l th- la 1 flllt-lr , HI. tl f: ell I In-! 1 t.-i;K diai' "f ' t '" ha p .!! v 1:1 l'i- i-t IIX.II.ISII ATlll.llTll-i ' . .MIS' 1 xf ,id-' ' t-n .ri L"- T-nin V I I..- 11 - f II 1 't'-ti August I'. LXIN. July .'l Mr I.. , Ki, '- M I' th- ' 1 l-Rlir l-ii : in i-i u ;'o 1. 1 ..iiipa-'t th- iixf r an I 'aMibridif atl'l tie te.itn t 1 Am - l a The p irt x a id 1 -.r.-e I. t-n 1 f -r IL 1-1 on ,, An fiinl I.". m S-piemlier II the lliiit'l-htii-i i c .inn:- an fust T.r. mt . and M.-...U I'm v-r-iti.-s a; .Murr-ai an I X- Y-.'k 11 S-il-nile r iKa::i: llirvard mil Yah', I. VMItNIt Iti'hlL K ILLMI ' political Kii--my Turn Asa. in ,1:1 I Tll XKW Y.-I1K. Julv L'I A J M, th,- ll-ra I I'lild id, Itolivar. it:ty .'.-in-rai It . Ill, xov.-i n-.r of th- Yur 1111I dislrlct, ciiv'rlnit the f Kl ni .f Hi" rf.ild mltie d'allao, Ilii.tsiiMti, , !, 1 was ,,,.. ,,.,..1, . ,. sun by 'l.-n.-ral X.lpJta who I'mk p .."Sinn .if th.- iirtnu ..f th- itarrls.iii t ' 1 11a ra sept la I. wh-re th- a.iln t'.on t 10 k plan", aril iiriil.-d aboil: I'm 111 with Hhun he II J Pi-lLL I-'KOM WINI'iiW Tr ij.;b- Ac-Id -nt In ''hi. atto 1 :i ! i 1 -. Ih liue to 'lieat II -at IHi'A'H). July 21. Karly l.-lay .1 yiuiiiK wuiniin ituppisi-1 tu be Mrs. I: I-Kl iff of It.K'lll- W'lM., fell ll' .lll .1 sixth Hl.iry win I ui ..f III.- Hotel M'.iti- Mil- slrui-k un uwnliiK and li.-i fall wan ho broken tin! nil" wiih ion kill -I oiitrlk'tn. Hhe wan plck'-d iii u iif.iim.T.iin and i-eiiioV'-l to the hosphal. It Ih nil thoiiirlil hIic will r-eiivr. It In li-lii'V-d nlie fell inl.-cp In the window while try- In lo K' l thr air. CONVIiltTH CLAIMS SLTTLllIi. NKVV YORK, July 24. A iIIhu.Ii from Pekln Huy that bef ire leaving f't Pao Tlnif Fu, C'huu Fu, the provincial treamire and commlmtloner for the M.-l-tlement of ml.sHlonury clalniH, waa tintt-r-talntd at dinner by the American nnd Kniflinh mlsljnrl',s. The octanlon wa the Hi'ttleinent (if all claims of conv.-rU. IHVINO-TICRKY TOLIl. NEW YORK, July 24. The announce ment Is authoritatively made. In the atrical droits that Sir Henry Irving; and MlfH Ellen Terry will make a twenty two week's tour of this country during the coming season. HTKWICT IMl'liiA'IOAlUNT, X ol e I lioivby ulven that IP I" l'i'' h. iii- of i o'clock p. tn, on ih,, i'jib day I July, l'.KM, I hp lMIIIIIlli. on Slleel .m l pul.lw y of th,. t'oiiimoti t'oim . I of lite t'lly of Ant.uU will recthtc s, a, d bl Is (or llto foiintru.'il.iii of ,h' ,1111.1 .viiient of SI m t It slici; front lltn .to iilt Hni' of t 'oininervial mreet lo it P nil whet Sixth Stlfel Willlld be inlir-wl.-l by north Pun of lil.u k (t, ei "tid . I west iy, a, .iidered !niir.. f I .y or .limine No. rtl.'tl of the i'ty ,,f Anioilil, Si I b nut; conform p. the i-cmiuc. 111 nt of oidliiitncp No, 1,'4 of th,, 'lly ,( As'oitt (iHirf.. litl f .i'iitie, or.ll-ii.tiu-ui and lite rlnht l renertrd 1,1 ie I -, : am nn I all bid. I". I' I TIXilKlt. UH'I AUItKX, W. J IM'K. .' mm. tt - on Htree:ii mid I' Way pit. I. th: '.'.'nd lay of July. I."'l l'Il.IM.M.f WANTim nfthd ..f 1', M.. Vancouver Par rack. W.n't . July , 1901. Healed pro ti.nal. .11 (rlpll te. will lie tKcrlVKd ti. ig until II ii'rl lt k. 111., Auii nt $. pnl. an I hii iKntl for furnUtili'X foritj .tu, l..-.MIii al Ihe .jicvtrrtl mil I :. -try p t In this departnienl, tind at .'.tinp .it iskiwv. AUka, and 1 Um-iim tl',.rt Vaibll Alenka. fur 11 .raj ). tr ending Jone 30. !ki;. Infornia t! -it fuitiih-d ben. or bv iiiurieriiiis leu at p-i V. H. twirm -li!i: to r )-, l or a ,- tun . r ,11 pr..p-iaU r at-c part I here if ICuvxIopra ntalii u i." pr p.ol ttoiild Iw niitrkcl. ' I'ro .....a f.-r F 't Aiie and lleddlnu al -" in 1 a l lr.-i.inl in iimbsri!ned. J W JAiNHlS. '. l M ST 1 1 KI IT I M I M tt 1 V KM KNTM X hereby flvrn, that up to Ih. '1 ui f .' o,l,k p m 011 the if T l tt .lav ..f Juti Itt'l. tin. e.Httmittei. on slrre's 111. I pill. lie ) of tho t'ollllll.n C'tlll ; if th.. i"ity of Aton will -tc.-h' al. I hi I for the iMnn riK th lm) r . -in "'i: rteventivnth tte, from th " ,.uth line of t "iiiiiinrrvtul utreej lo th- north line of FtmikHn avenue. ,,i- i i lmproe. by ordlixtm-o No. :l ,f th- ihtv .( At,.rl Hal) bid muM !! f T 'Il ti the reiltllreiiiente ,,f ordl-nil.-., X' K4 of lite t'lty of turl.i . -. u lli' .f prl.tted ordlnaitccii) and tl." 1. lib", is r m r . "d lo rej.i t any an ! all Pi I- r 1' I'TIXilKlt. iri At)iti:.x, W. J. t'tinlv. . '. iiunitt n Street and I'tlblle Way Int. I this :.'nl day of July, ism 1 'ALL Knit WARRANTS. N el. e I11 hereby given in all iwrt.n ivnuity tm:it, en or,. prior to FVbruary I, Ittoo, to pr-.-:il the "tin." lo ibe munly iriaurrr at hi oltl.--. l Tenth slrrel. fir pay-ni-nl, In ipitt i-ran.-M nfier tin ilitte. II. V. THOMSON, t'.-unty Tnure.r I .-.-1 AntorU. tr"., this IJtli duy of July. I'l'l Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you cat. ThW 1'fi para! Inn rontiilu nil nf llw (tiK'cst-uiis iiihI IIi;i.nU nil k 1 in 1 h i f fiMid. Il iflics Itn!, mt if lo fnml iii-vi-r falls to cure. It, uIIuwh yon to i al. ull tlli' f. mh ). 111 want. Tin' Mimt M'IinIUvu fitoiii.K'li- tun ttiko II. Hy Its un) many tlioiii.iiuli t.f tlvM'ptlrs Imvi! IkTii cured afi. r t-vcryi liinif i'Ik' ftillt'd. It Ih tint'ii ti.iil il for allntniiiuch trouble. It can't help but do you good Pis-pnn d nut v Im !!.'. hrS ITT A I liieno 1 In. 1 . 1. .tlli-1 iiiitulliaJ't lino lilt K. u, II . ..r UiOQCTN itnL-i'' T "1. . fc I I'.l. Fifth nnd l.i-ave I I Hirsts Arriv. Overlain! Kinss Trains far Halrm, Rssfkurg, Ash land, Hacramitnts, "iden. Han Fran-clm-, Mnjave. Lim Angelm, 101 Paso, Nt.'W n leans and the Fast. 7 .HI p.m :1S a m H: 110 a m 7:00 p.m At Woodburn (dally except Hun day), nisrnliig 1 rain eunnKtts with nnin fr Mt. An k"i. Hllvrrlnn, Brownsville, Springfield, and Nalren, ami even ing train for Mt. Angel and Hllver- ii 1 . :1'ln nil ("urvallla ruiMfn- 115:50 p.m .. . I, Kr. li ' pml Hhrrldan aitsen- I irmr l8:2Ca.m "ally. llDallv Huntlay lt''kt th-ket nn aula between i'art- land, Surra mento and Ban Franclseo. Net raten in first class and 111 second Haas. Including sleeper, Hal' and tickets to Eastern selnts mid Kurope. A I Japan. China, Hono lulu and Auntralla. Can be obtained rroni J. H. Klrkland, Ticket Agent, 134 Third Street. YAMHILL 1I VISION. I 'inweng-r depot foot of Jefferson St. 1iive for (ittwego dally at 7:20, 11:4(1 11. m.: 12:30, 1:65. 3:25, 6:15, 8:26, 8:06, II lo P. in. mii :00 p. m. on Sunday only. Arrive nt Portland ibtllv at k:?.o, 10:60 a. m.t 1:85. 3:16. ':30, 8:20, 1 40, 10:00 p, nt.; 12:40 a. m. il illy except Monday; 8:30 and 10:45 a. m. on Sun day only. l-eavo for Dallas dally except Sun biy nt 4:30 p. m. Arrive at Portland at 8:30 a. m. i'iihh nger train leaves Dalits for Alrlec Monday. Wednesdays and Fri days at 2:45 p. m. Returns Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays. 17 n n b4Cq.J s. S t B I'll' iu k . J Mill 1 11 -r.xoept Sunday. H KOWHLER, Manager. C. H. MARKHAM, Oen. Frt. and Pass, Aft. Si'TH'K IMU rtUILICATIoN. Notice I li.-feby glvn, thai Ihe 'oui. 111, .11 t'oim, ll of Un' t'lty of Alorla, has In- rc-. In I 'll hi Imt'd m delerinliiAlloii 1111. 1 iiii '.ilion 1,1 i-oiihIi u.-l a drain In AtiUs AP Hi it In Id mil and r,i'.nl id In J. 1I111 Adair itn.l geiimitlly ku ov i Adair'. Toil of Upper Aaloiln, from the n ,i:h, iinl n.iiief nf the eroMilug ut Ibe liit.-i 11 01 nf ll.iii'iM.n iiviiun llli .Hltli i.:i.,-t down aillt stre.-i 10 ordinary Ii 1 H b water mark oil I he oulh h"te of the i",,liiinl.a river nllli a brnieh duln coiiiii-cilui; with the b mm rininlnir fi.un Ihe , il line ,,f 3,-,l etreet throlish and itloiiit ih- alley way rittinlng ihrouuh bl.xk 1.' In Adair's Aepitla 11 lid conii.ct' init tu b the .t I.t iti iiiii ruutiliig from II in!- . 1 in, 1. 11., to lilah ttatet- iiinik nil illlh ntn-ej Sail I1.1 11 ,'ull lie a, 1 ,sim ru.'led a I" .:. '! I ri on the routing 111411 -ti.iln III Hi,- X lull li tin at tin, iioi ihciet cor ner ,.f h, ,i. iiiif ( llurrlnoti avenue and sail tilth :r,-e ,om 11 a, itr.-l lo to eill IOkIi iiaier inftlk 011 e auutli b. te .f th- I'l'luitibiu rltrr, mi the r. t ih!!.i.M k' 1 !' "f ail. I imrlloll of aahl 'I'll sh "l en I br lateral dialn rjtrnd Hill fi.mi .be .a. 1 .Pie of Jiiti .ireet lo and I'm oiikIi lb' alley y runiilng Ihrmiiili l'i k ! hnll lw i-olislrurtrd upon ii h K itle a ehall b mended Ihetef .r tn tho plan and p-ci-filiation Hi. 1. (or lo bo .ie.r,l ,- the t'ltt ,1iii.o, a lierolnaf ,er protldnl. Said iliaui ati.tll !m f.inati tici ,i( B,t,. ,HI.. re I i r yell, 1 rlr luillbrr J llii llr III tliiik by U IIK-hea h Ids. an ,o nine aha!: he 1 fst wide llli.pi,' nltt J feet Itlfc-tl , 01. red titer tld lltlllly .lu lled I.-.I In In- itrmiild, neept lie Uot rutin. ntf Ihii.uth .,Hk 4: ,01 I the aino hall l- rtiiiitt liotind tognther cVrry l null : In. h by Inch (Hnlier, Slid drain !..i b.- .-,iiitrtiete, In mmter ,.f deiittl a,. 1 lug o tbe plana and ap.cifl. rl n 1 th.rrfor tu be pn'mie, . fu- . ! t;ane, ,,r a ln-ieiimft, r ,;. re. -t.l 'I' the , ai aii I i-ti.euaea f Mu.kln and fiat 1 I illitln ati a . p., , al Ue,e main ttic I piomleea benrfllrd by :li f 'aid iti am aci.r ltiiB to ' in. h Ml I ..t. mi,, ,ii li iepy 111, l,,,-. witltiH a ui. lll d!:r,cl which aol I I .ill ttie lo', Unit and .fitted by 4ld inn, ri.-- I.- an-ea,..t t .lrr.i. Il, the l.i-n. ! pleniiTei "I e. t il .1 d'.atr! t I pi 11'-, i. Ill' Il( .III I ' "I" .in I rtl-1 rs ller,.f, will -Il J, pec .u os,,-,i-i,r,i( dlelr.ct a MIon to-nil t'..iiiiiir:! ii k ; ihe northwtat cumcr of l-l. k '1 at. I rutilng thetit-e e-.utti alius tli- u it I: nr ..f l.l.Kk S1 anl 41 to Hi,- .,u:ln. t ti.rner ,.f 10. x 41 tbeti,., m: .1 mi8 ii,r .,utb liin-e , f bl-i k tl .v I 1: to the iu:hrat cirtier of bi. . k t: 'ti.-ucc north 1.1 Ihe n.irth. ut ."it. 'i f , k 4.'. Iltrtit c vtrat lo thr ti,,rth.s: , . itirr of pit J in .a 4:. iheiic- 11. if, tir,iah Ihe middle .f I. I.i k 1: : f e 11 .rtliweat iMrttar of lot i 111 Pi ., k it. t.-.,ii, weal la Ui. I.e. of beginning nl c .nti'nlitg all nf nk, k 41 and .' an I 31 and ilia Wrs; l ,,f bin k 3,' nil In ilia: part of Ibe I i(y ..f a 'a , ,n,t B,J re-urdd by I, ilin Alilr a-id generally ktonn at Adair i'..r: ..f I'pivr Aet.tfls. Clatsop cum')-. nt,g ,ti Tht th. City Hurt or Im ti.-ri, 1 t.vtetl In prepare 1.11, 1 1,1. with the A1I1 . r iltlil Ih.llce Judge rati mate ,,f iir 1 .i,' and eipenae of en. trtiollng aid improvement n, .peel, flcalluia f,.r the 1 r,..aie, work. Th!a ii .':. 0 ptihllahe I In the Moi- .l iK A; ,1 in f. ten data In iniru 111 , lll,.'i t '..u-i, It I ,p!e I nil .lire. ! IH: there .' !,, tat . Ju! I . Audi'-1 ml : a i'eilutlon of the i' mii f the City ,,f ,a ..-la. o I'; It dny .d lu'y, l''l. l'i.--. ihe nut inihlii .tttort I 1 ttie laatie ,,f ' 10 II i: MILS i.. I- Jllll(e ,,f the I ' N"T: i: I'. 'li ITIlLli'ATi i' N-t... 111, 11 ' ' .11 . I v I- en lion ,11 1 ,, 111 th- 1 a . ut .in 1 1 1t.11. 1 a.: , to 1; Mil. 'ha! the C. 111- .. t'lly ,,f A:,.r'., It . t ir-. I l' .let ntialun- t , Imprtve ,'l;h i!ti th'' ''lly of Aatoril III .1 I I b J .hit A lair mi l a A la'r 1 A'l.'t t -. ,.f Fr.111kl.11 uienue m tti of III" nor. Il Heinle by ki t UtiK Ibe . .f 30 fee: thr hi it a Ihe Hie e'.,, he I gr 1 l i it. kin the aaitii !,i ,t I, from th- r t,, 11 . 1 it II'..- .,f ll.11 r tin.- P, 1 c liter 1 therefe,. ttldlll f l.--,..f Ml! Ilr p! it.k : III h a 11 detail 1 lici t 1". 1 1 ur 1 Ili.-M' t Surt i-y.,r III .1 . -I 1 1 I throiiuh -he 1 enter I a.iund u i or yell.nv 1 in ililckii' by 1 I'lial 11a to mutter of 111 :it s t 1 l. nnd,. I i 111 un ape.'lfl.'.lllon ; n par.-1 by Ihe Cliy : -. n 1 ft er pii.vld-d and . h Ihe prmlai .n ..f No. 1'1 of the City 1 r g.-n.-rnl d.i. of A' 11 t That Ing a-i I , . Bh.ill l,e ,;. upon (he I lilted bv 1 ill ) Opeiuti! 1 f lllll k - 1 I' g said I.npr iveiiii-nt I Lv p.'cil rcment I 'o l and premise tiene- .iipluvi'lllent ll.iMnllllg obi, h h ill lot, bin, I .11- hereby Included In a II v.t dletrlt'l. whl.-h euld -a.. I lo the l,. ,. !! , and pn-iiii-., ., special ,l , I, district in, . u i,r l.lelliis-l I.. 11, II lll'lits all It !, all Ibe ltd, bin ll and I by mild Improve- .1 i-eiaod lo d.-friiy the n 1 thereof, and which Msiiient dlHlrb-t I us CI"! nil, I ) "II l I S'. 1 ll , foil-ill , Pi it I! I '.' lllll ' l nK- Of I"! it 'll 1. 1 M ai.ulb tin , ii,-., 't II. I 41 III Ihe I Mile nf hi , ( 1 the northwest corner k ::s un, I running tli'mee 'he middle of bl.H-k 3S ti -1. 11" ailllt of I he south ll. thenro cam lo the Hoiltlie.1 It . 11. I ,,f ,rf 7 In lil,Uk 42 II II. I theiic. ti,. tt, . , ;!. ,,-tW,.t ,.,.rin-r of lot 3 In 1,1... k ::, un,l then. e wesl to the point i.f lK.,,,i,,K ,,,( ,-, ,ni nl n Ing Ihe . tit half ,,f b: ,. k. ,'ls and 41 and ihe went hair of I.I .. It 1; und of block 37, all "f ii.tld ih. .ti : .IIIK n,t Adair's Axlorl 1. Th-kt in,, 1 Mv Surveyor of the City of Aalorla h.i been dliecled lo prttiarc and (lie with the An llir and Police Judge eHilmnies ,,f t. nn, rxpens.-e 'f coniniciii,K improvements and plan 1111,1 m;.. , 11, .tUi.ii) for Ihe pro b'.ae l ivoik. Till 11. .tie, la piibllnlu'il for en days In the Mi, tiling At irlnn In piirauniice lo a re.. lull, ,1, ,,f ,t, t;irrmon Council of the City ,,f Asb.riii, adopted on tlli) l.ilh day of July, pjni, directing Ihe """' lb" 1l"l pilblli-ntlirn thereof le- ng 111 the Is ,f Wislnemlny. July 17, VM- II. H. NKIiSON. Audllor 11:1.1 I'., ll,,. Judge of the City of Astoria. PRAEL & COOK TRANS! IM COMPANY Tel. phona ML DRAY1NC AND EXPRESSING All flooii shipped to our Care Will Itit-elve special AtH'ntlon. No. 6!H Imane Hi." W. J. COOK, Mgr. Astoria, (ire. Ties. Tel. 1131. JA. FASTABEND OENT0RAI, CONTRACTOR AND BUrLDBIl.