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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1901)
THE, MORNING ASTOKIAN, TBTKSDAT, JULY 25, 1901 ' ' ' : i'1 :. A WHITE PATH. is only one kind of CIcanlirKss, but $f r& tnert are mAnY 'ncs soap" lcre is Mf? on'y on destination, tut there many 1 paths that lead to it. If you want the short est and safest raid to Qcinlincss, it is ravd vith Ivory Soap. Neither man nor c!c!a:. ever p.t bevond tlic cleansing; power cf Ivcry Soap. Its rich, creamy lather extracts every particfc tf dirt; ti.t it stops at the dirt ! Ivor" Soap it floats. Angara who art not fumlllar with the tal game la w a should) bear In inin I iliut It i uiiliiw fill to (lull fur trout If i -! mm hour aft'r nunxi'i and one hour before sunrise 'lirl' M''I 'n:i I'l lm mi far rwnvit id from hlii r iv I'nt !t u k its tu l tit nf lli Hi- la reported In li- recovering n'r"-fifth tin rapidly an coiiM he m,Hi ted mil win ,t. n Astoria nlini'My, Tin- Foiirl mil Htk"a Company will in n larg. building on ifa I'.mim-r. rial i.'.'t ptup.riy following th- Im provement I i Kluticnltl mr.-et from Cummin-it I i Ji-num- avenue Mi'iiig.-r F. P K'-fidill, .,f th,. Am-rl- ' m i Cihi " fti ; ri y, Martin Fount "'l I I'olli' Corninlxaliiiii-r Morn left yi-er-' day o i ill" launch Kagl- f'T Cathluiiet, ; l:i tlii- vicinity of whh li several Uyn will I ) ain'ir fl!tlr)(f. Tl wa p-porled along the w tt.-rfioM yesterday thai owing to th larKi- aill" I ply "f 1h th" Ilnnthnrn innnTy woul I 1 i imiiii -iii (iHTiiiloiia till morning- Th(. I Itiiiilhorn plant ia cntro!.-,) j,y the fo j lumblii l!h r IMi ki'ni A'a riutliiii. iovcnior T. T fi-T. Mm. r all a I'litly of frl-nda vlit-il the F.'.more nimiety yt -rl.iv to j h Hi- liand II ti ar of th.- tuna of flali ren-he-l an-l .i k'"l. Th.- n-w "f the larg. run hr night Homy viait -r ;n ill th- ra In an idler column Wla... r-l:u ! iloitil.r, iffem oo tlr u-i-.l.-ti i nini'T.' in t twi-e-1 jainta II n Th-y nr.- rf! -n 1 ; 1 pattern ri-!l-nt Mr WV .)' ! th . f nt avia an.) alwiy v1 tU V.. .ff.-ra thrn i: II !"i for o f'-w The Morning Astorian ti:i.i:i'ii.ini: e-.i All coiitritcli fin' iiJvcrimiiiK In thg Aatniliiii arc imiJc on it itnur unlce n( cliciilntloii lour time InrKcr than that of uny piipcr pilblUllcJ or cll'CtlllltCvl III MHt mop cotnily. T'IAY H WKATllHIt IMItTI.ANir July :-Valr, On on inil Wrat.-rn VIiIiiIoii. Tlnita Uy. fjlr mi'l allnhlly .irm.T. n..-il nmr III., i- t l.'iiali'tn On-K'ii. l-'a'. rrn Wnalilnijloii ant Mali', Tliuixliiy. fair an I roiiitnu. ! a nrin Ak'OUNI) TOWN. Si- It M ,ili 11 . 1 1 1 1 ll- 'flu ii DiI-.-Um bailum at llic lAo--1- til lMrtiraiio I' r lt. nl SiiiuII li.unliliK h"Uai 1I. , Ionia -k.'f-'iiic r..aii T. nna rmnoinihli- i A.'ly 2la F'Uilioniti alrii'l. I V lllii la ,1 1 1 T f I .ill in.-rtiti.-r a I.- .r. aioii nt Hi,- r "'i '.h: nilli( .f th'1 KilUr Th. i-ofr-. it I'.-rf.a-ili.n i,, n.l M.a lia nu t Jjv.i . iio-i.' Ii.-'l .-r Your niiiiir-y tmck If a n .l l. ii- -oii - John ':i lima - A mink l., Ix-twrrn At"ria:i , fTl . jn l ,-d'i fa. lory whiitf. I'li-a- rf tin n lo Aai.,r.ui ffl.-i" mil rviv f- I'ol J lnr't MU. Ii.-I' tut.-. F ILirvy lua .lii.j.-.t of 111" n i If .Kl Fluvi-I ti J. I. li., m I1 iii. man. it In th.- fu- Slm i ih I'i'a aiiinm. r rli ar i'i nr. in.'iklnir na i.,i the t.ualinn! pla I i At or: i. To.liy I... will ili"' n In low mi l oinint -r full of tra IijIH nt Ih- uniform ,n-,. . 2' ,rm. Tin-"-h is !i.i -n w-II'.iik fr un '." i-n'a t ' II. Sh ir .ihtu Th i-.Toio-r'a Jury :) 'h.- . of W,.n ink r.-:urnrl n v-r.lni ynvr dii y in..nilTi(t to tin- iffi',1 th.i: li-iciai-l i-iiiv lo h a .1 -,iih iy a r. tori -xjil ! InK Th- r.malna in-rf 1 t to l'or: y ali-rliy for lur:nl tlnr.- In 'h" rhln a,- i nii-ii-ry. Itl-t!! 'huti-h. Frllay a-vi.lnC. t 8 ii'clo k. h.Imii lon :' r,.r.;. -hll-lr -n ri-ii'.a. S'i'r' . x. uiaion thn uith ov,-ly a, i-io-a in miny . Iimi.-ji, h,li : if AI. k.i. -Th- I i n I ,f -.hf Mi.lnlicht Mia li.m o(, HI-.I .Iri-a.tii.iklni; fiul 'ta .it I.'? S.'vrir.ll uln-i-l. Th.' hi .11 of Aat oiiii in.- Invin' I to tin In-a.-.-tl oi Hun." hy I'r. hia tnu.l.-l f Jih-i . I kiuKln.aa. h i Th.- A a! m I'll Ii II,. i l.-.-.-i t.llll i it. fit.' lull II K!l in. .it iinii. t. n , ,t 1 , li- I ii U I'l.i. li rili. W, u..'.y .I nly Aa: oli. i iri- ii l.-r . .lily for Wll.l Ithu k will Ikiv ii ifiHxl. frva'i FoAltli A- HTuKF.S -" lii.iih' -in- S u : i li I ! Illl h.k in!.-.- I A III. Si l-ll! Th 1 1- !i : tin. .' t' Ani'llrilH 1 1 v I'l'i.' t!u.u ,in 1 m-l!o Jul IN I. I. Au-nt. ll! - I Mill 'I II , II". ll III 'I" lll- 'll- . Fu I- I., r o i-1 1. 1 i. h I la Ill- la .r yarl,'a i- in on ' ih'i ll : ll k' ll t' l i:i . .! Ih: M -m I ii II--n I -in ry h.ia a: f.-. I illl I it f Hiinil'lnu .,i-n.-, ,i l-t-.-l-.u.-l ,i:i I t .ii - .-a: jioailhl.- r.lf'a Th.t i a--, in. lo li,. ,i .liapoaltiin m n'.l utmri.'ta ti ,i,.ll' f r Ills' ,i'(, iin. - "f i!m.n In Litis- r.iuiit'.'ra to nr-Illl,-ill i " if k-i Ion F'.a'i an1 r...'1'ivo I ,lily Mill :li- .il;i,-- tin marine or o'h. i ni.'rk of 1 1, 'itifl.-ntio-i ahoulnu ih. in lo In- ,i h.ii.-h- rv pi hi. :. MrJ. I!. Inisli'ion a now il.-Thiy:ni: a full I'll - of ih- l it at ! In fall mll-lit.-iy .it Ih.' fin ihli'hniotit riifnl'.y op-n-I Ly hi-r ni f" ('. r.nn r'!n! air. --. opp.,lt ih- Hulit'l .'fill-.-. Mrs Inul--: 'ii ,iis . ,-ui!i'.a .1 full lin- of l.i.lii's' mil rhll-lr n' furnl.ahlnpf trooil. -IIIIK. li- i J.ip.ui- l- I i k Yok .h.i-ii i 1 tit ci .i i . "i.'il i .I ih i . itiiliii'a n I-., . .it iinin-ii i n S !:.! in ik.-n i-i,iioi. III I l.ii a I I---1 ll 'III''..' tin-, thill !,, '1 11. IS". Ill , :iK' T, la i-l--.nn mill alov my olh -r. I r nn I . .i -I I'MI k ,'.ihoni' i:ni V;II, ii- A I una. h,i j i- Jut - ! In :h. . ' Ih- S.i n I .i l'.ll.t a:!.i h. -n .lia. k-i' I fn m I' i ::.iti I. Mr. A-I.ilna ,, t M N AltMl.a. pi.wion I Kitii bty. ha li- lloapll.ll in i: ih- aifrht of lin- lion llmj Y. ft .-til ii w -k'a .lilt . utiu h.ta I .'I in h- I j Ilia WI'ulIM f u m- ' Thi-,- ritna. Iii-hi iinii,,ir l Iiihii-Im of I 1 l.ihli- fruit, a on n.a. .'".-. ill J-iltim 'll I'loa t'lu'i. hav. li!!K '"'tit ah.'i lly Ituhll i an-l Frof. .1 ... A . t . 1 1 . Inn ln:i-u -or of th- Mulln ' In-' ti itiiit.-b '.I for it r-at- i.ik- pliti'i' In roilliiu.l th- l-f! -il- nt bin liirivl. fla f Mi- l-.-au' f !hi r U- was not a. t th,- a. lulialv In - Fur- nnlk Milk Ixpot ritr-i-la. .Hiv.'i ,, oi in- .I tuli'r ilully by th T'liih ,tiul liuaiii' A alo.'k of Vi-ry tin.- liml-rn liiuna. biron an t lapl .ilw.iya on at Jobn son Hr '. Miss M.ny FittrlHh. of liuat!, ttlil li- th- ku 'tl of Aaioiiu ft Inula for a-v-t tl wi'i'kM. i'ruah-, atiitttbriry I,-,. itvnm an, I vtiillla 1''.' pint, mill khi',- i-iviiui lUi pint at tin- I'arlnr. ltKST l.-fKNT M l-'.AI.; SI N UHSTAFIIANT. ItlSrNtl Th.. II -a: mi l!-aiauraii la J on'i v-illy popular Th.- h at that th- nimki t af la 1 1 il i founil on lla bill of far.', in I lb- a-i vliv Is tlrat-i-laaa. 0i.'ii '111 I a. in. I Mr an I Mrs (' .F. ('.itlii-nn nr'' j tiit-aia of frl-inla In Astnrlii. Mr. ('nth- i i-iifi Is In th- omplity of the SnutluMn : Fai-ill.' an I In thf futur will bo ma- : tl uiisl In I'lah. It.'v. ami Min. V. II. ll.'lllnKah.'ail. of j ICuiri'ti-. iiv alopplnn In the t-Uy for 1 ,t il.iy'n visit tt hlli- mi Iht'lr way Inmu' ' finin lb- Inti'in itlnnal Fpivnrlb ln'imili1 j ffiiv.-nllun at San Frnnolsoo. Tbfy will i bf at h" n. lo frl tulri this ev.'lilng at tlio Mi'lli'illat luiiUMiuiBi-. mm m bjiect IN TO CI.OSF. OCT I1A1.AM K OF Ol'lt STOCK OF Summer Suits, Bicycle Clothing, Lightweight Under wear, Straw Crash Hats, Children's Wash Suits, etc. Ilavo cut jirict'H rogartllosH of cost nil Summer (iootls must go. Now is tlio time to buy. S. DANZIGER Th- I'ounly fo'iinn'Rioni't's will mo--t to, lay a: whli'h tlnii' tho ai'inUaitnual ri'pofts of Ih.- founty tl-ik an-l fountv Hi aaut'i'- will Ihi rivi'lv I. ll la tls .vn-.'t.'l thm itniiouiifftin'tit will l ' ma. I .r an ariaiiK' nu':it wh-n-hv war rants for th- final ruftVm of :h, N-ba-li'tn r 'a I wi'l Ii illsfounto,! at par. Th.- o. It. & N. has tna.l,- a rat,, of I Ml from A-!ot :a a:il Fortlanl for thi' Fan-Am. ih an , xp,ial:l-in ;1i HittY il .'ta will ln on sale first lo ihir-l Til-allays. Jun to Oftobt-r. In, lusiv . Thi's- tlfk-ts must b- uwil for oniiiln UiUts lass.tK,' Koine hut slopovirs will b,. nlloHf,l within tlnal limit rfiuinlnn- In th county flfrk'.a ottlfo yostoril ty Fivil Strnntt, nf Fortliuiil. nttonify for thf tflfihn:ii' oomimny, tll.'il n ilt'mur- r.'r to tho eult rtH'cntly inntitutoii by City Attorney Smith to m-over tho l"n nlty for iiiin-complIniH'e with tlio tele phone nrillnanfo. The tie fe mliint onn teiiil.a tlut ( the f.ii ts slat 'il In the Ptl- lloii are InsulhYlfiit anil ilo not consti I tulf Kroiiml for- ai'llnn. j Th Ainorlt'iin Flaherifs Society re j cftuly hfl'l I's twenty-ninth annual i ni't'tlnv at Milw.iukiv. Wis., niul thoiiRli I the -astfrn an.l iniilillc AV ostein slates were well ivpresenti.l there wore no tU'l ' eitates from the i'iieltle coast. The so I fifty's work Is the prop.i;allon anil pro ; nervation nf food ami it,inio ilsh nn.l a ', number of representative of the Fniteil i States tlsli commission were In atton.l- mice. I S. II. MiiiMox. hookkeeiier for the Cnlumlilii niver Tackers Assivlntlon, i ilistlnKUlsh.'.l hlnuelf yesterday by 'X ! tliiKHlshlnir a small blare that would hnve d-'veloped Into n serious tire but for his prompt notion. While walking up Sixth street just above Astor he hear t the eracklliiK of tinmen n,l up on Investltr-illon founil fire hud ben oomnuinleatfil to n iuantlty of tar un der the sidewalk and was burning with considerable vigor. Mr. Muddox con stituted himself a bucket brigade nd securlnn a rail of water soon had the fire out. Tht city urvyor In preparing v mid piclrk'iitlnii for the cormtru'itl'm of a rod from tint tru'-rvol rto Wll Iluinaport. 'Jlil, will cntblc ll. nx-k rruhT r" tnty pun has- I by ih't conn, ty curt to be work-d to advantage. II 'M'tof tr. thi? r ad ha bin In U' h a inlai-ralil,- condMlnn that It would have b-i'tl liiiiosalbe to haul the erush-d al-.n- In Hiilll. li lit ounntttl-a to ittak- it Mill III Willi". Th- tommlssloii'-ra of Piienial rv-iiii- ha i.i-ldi'. thit draft drawn "h Oi- win-.! "at aljrht" i-ras-d, and th" Woi'la "on arrival of goods" aijlstl'uf I ihi t-for la ,i draft drawn oth-rls.- than a al(bt or on .-tiiiltid. and l llalil- lo '..ix; .tls. a s:glit draft on which Is pilnt-d 'if ri'iU'-ste. hold until arrlvil of go xla; allow insi, tloti." la a draft n olhcrw ls,. th i lit sight or on '1 mand mid la llnlil- to tux. Tin- Columbia brought h-r usual amount of fn-lghi for hx-al nienh.inis from f,i:i Fr.iiii-I-.) yst.-rl.iy. though ih-re wan apuri-hnslon that the team atsrs' rlki wnull ln"rfsr with lh handling of rorialgnin-n:. Fortunali ly th- c.iuuiM.i .-ft Ixfore the n'rlke iacurr-1. The paaaengt- list w is larg-an-l liiflu led a numts-r "f Klor:h 1,,-agu 'is i-n roti'e ho'io- from th- mam moth ronven'lon r"""-ntly los'-J In th I'niif ,rn:.i m-tr.polla. Th rc;nt havy lc of 'In cn by Ind-pundtnt manufaoturri to brok er who d'-r-Ilne to divulge the Identity of thlr principal ha, given rle lo the belief that lh Amcrlcin Can Company la trying to corner the marke-f. Until the past we"g tne indefwndent have ruf und-r the trtwt irlci? but all quotation, are now uniform and the Kaltlmore fiix-torl- have gold all thefr manufactured pnelu' t. Anoth r Ind-pendi-nt ran com. pany lua been organloel In firooklyn with a ei,il:fil of 1200,000 and the avowel Intention of tin- nw corporation Is to compel- wl'h the trust. The rilalne fWash.) Journal aya: On" of th"! move h-re of the Alaaka I'a. k-ra Ass-s-latlon Is to put In thr-e m.ii-hln.-s for the purpoae of b-anlng the fi. Th'H- michlnn have each a ca pacity of ZH.IiW flh rf-r day. They tak 'ii-.- fish an th"y Com frm the trap, cut off th h'.-ala. take out the entrail and hi rub and cl-an he fish all ready for the can. They then go over to th cut! -r and then 'o the michlne paikers. All the work of canning the fish In this r-!-inry la d-ine by machin ery. Th c!-.ining ma-hlnej are the first to be put In, and thin la the first year thy have been put on the market. Th-y are marvel of ingenuity, and do the work mu-h better and clean-r than ban 1 work. A Initial fvlwurda and Mm. Kdwards wer- in the city yeaterday to I'ortl.tnd on th Columbia, which i' liiap'vt-d by Mr. KdwarJs on the t r; j un The admiral sill that the ojn-ll- OltEOON PINK. turning H-nry K. Dosch F.xplaina l.i F-asterners What It I. H-nry K. Dosrh. lit. a for r.g.ttt.i U-en will be announc- the Oregon exhibit who la in charge of it th ed at a n ting to be held in Portland to lay Mi l voting will b- eointn-n. -d Initio- II it-ly. In-jie tora Ivlwards unl Full -r w ill be in Aat' ria n-x; M !,! at wbli h time the ateam-ra Nahcotia j-ld Ii-ule will be Itisis-f.- I. It-v. I'r. ',-o. W. On-, p.tat-ir ''f c-n-t.-rary M-ohodis; church uf Fir'.lind. and ..n of ih- i l-rg m-n "f ih- slat-, d:el yesterday in .ruing of h-art failure. Tr. Oue was it! on time pr -siding ! l-'r of th- Purl lin I c-'i feretuv and a well known In Methodist clrcl.-fi throughout th- North west. Ir. i!u- was born Kehruiry 2'., I1"!''. In N-ville. cierni .n: county, nhl-i. A wl.I. w and four t h 11 1 r ti. thr-- sons and ,i daughter survive. Th- fun-ral arrang-m-'tits nave not yet he-a n n nitif I. exn .siCon. has taken exception to an editorial in which the New York Com-m-rdil stated the ( 'r-gon pine was to b- classid-d with 'h- fir family. Inci dental:' h puts In irod worl for Or, eon's timber resources. Mr. DoKh's letter follows: K.lit ir New York Commercial: R f-rr:ng :o your elitor!al In yesterday Th- prop 'S-d street fair at Th I.ill- la off. bvaus- th- bualn.-xa men P-fus-d to i-ontrlbut '. The I'hr.'liicle says; "It la bird ti write thi humiliating con fession, but It has to be written. It ni-ans that w sha'l no; alone hive no street fair, but thi: we small have nt district fair, an.l no d'stntnrlon of lla"0 apl''Sl by th- state f ir premiums. It m-ans that after working harl to g-'t th- district fa r bttfk her- igaln we are, too all-tlr-dly m-an and niggardly to put up th- funds necessary for Its entertainment." V i' liui king ham. who runs a small frui: st ind a: Seaside .i n the hospital- suff-Ting from Injuries rveive 1 i:i an a. e :d-n: while trying to board th- i I- train yesterday no .n. II- at- train at th wits moving wis thrown broke under S- a l-nipted to get aboard the " It. A N d-vk while I; .ml missini; his foothold agjinat the railing, which his weight, and h' wen: Into the river. 11- w .im inimi'dl it -ly ra'sf ue 1 and it was found that one shoulder ha I been badly bruis I and h.n k sprai te.l. The Injuries are not serious. While the re hromrht 1 v to an.l packets, s f ont big ru i of salm m th- hearts of llsliernieti 111 It will he mVoss-tri ll to continue until the close of the season for the season's pack to b a suivessful one. I'p to date but TO.tkk) cases have been put up on th- Colum bia as against 2."rt0 cases at this time itl previous years. Kven If the scarcity of labor could be relieved it la doubt ful if the capacity of all tho plants on the river could catch up with tho lo.-s In th- total output occasioned by the lack of fish up to a few- d.tys ago, Cannerynten an I others intimately eonmvtfd with th,. llshiiifr industry are inclined to be when nuostione I on tit. statement that the present run of salmon exceeds any In previous yetrs with on,- "i- two exception. While tho number of nv.ivod has been sutll-ol-i't to result in a temporary conges tion at tho catinorios In operation it is pointed nut that the capacity of the en tire river has been greatly r-duo-d. Th lack of tlsh at the opening nf the s a son and Its long continuance resulted in many Chinese laborers leavlnk town nnd mere Is a scarcity of labor non- thai Is being sevor 'ly felt. List night the boats did not go out, the fisher men being Instructed that no more tlsh would bo received for gorty-olght hours The Wfl l-m.inii Company is already a favorite vith Astoria playgiK'rs and good houses have greeted every per formance. The member! of the com pany ar? capable i.nd clover actors and actresses and the plays are interesting and full of action. In addition there are a series of specialties that In themselves make up an excellent performance. The electric dances of Sliss Weidomann have been favorably compared with La L"ie Fuller and they are without doubt ar tistic In conception and execution. Last nlcht's) bill was the comedy-drama "A Soldier's Sweetheart," with scenes laid In the Philippines and an officer of the American army as the hero. The dif ferent characters were well cast and Tom W-ldemann had the role of a rol licking young Irish-American with a htippy habit of turning up at the right tint? and at the right place to help the hero and foil the vlllian. The bill to night will be a stirring comedy-drama, "A Western Judge." best-known iUe h-ad.-d "Douglas fir and long-l-af pine." i -rm:t me a few words. The Douglas fir. known botanlcally as "Pe udotsug.t Douglasii." and to the timber trad- as "Oregon pine." is neither a pine nor i fir. correctly speaking, but a cles all i:a own, and a far as kn-rwn grow only on the Pacific coast not as you have stated, is commercially the mos: valuable timbr In the world for many purposes, and for shipbuilding ha-s not only no superior but n-ne is its equal for strength and durability. Th- point midt by Presid-nt Nelson as to the Jurability of Oregon pine about th? shin budt in 1S2 an! still In use. a 'Min 1 a ever. Is a good one to which mav lie added its use for battleships. If my memory serves me right Che Uelna Christina, one of the Spantsh battleships at Santiago, waa found to withstand the fetrful bombardment of our fleet the best and w as bast damaged. On exam ination it was fount that the d-cklttg and sheathing under her armor plates were of Oregon pine, an! It creatH con- s;der:ih!' dis.-us.slon at the time. Th Marine Journtl will find Its mist.ik-n in its assertion that "Eastern sliiplmil-l-rs or even Southern shlpbufld- ers will neier pass by the S 'Uthern for- i-s'.s. and 1: would break thi? hir: of South-rn shipbuilders, etc.. etc." P, tri-'t:sm. a rare article nowadays in bus iness, i.s certainly ntns: commendable, but a c ild-blo-nled business prop sl:i n knows neither patriotism sen'.lme.-t. W hive now on exhibition at the Pan-Am riean exposition samples of everv grown on the Pacific coa.-t. esp vial y Oregon, w here can be found a 1 niglas tlr stick 74 feet long and 34 In ches s.iu.ii-0. a ship's plank 74 fee; long, 4 Inches thick an.l 24 inches wide, both without a knot or blemish, and in the language of the poo:, "The woods of Oregon are full of them." HENRY E. POSC1I Hufftlo. July 15. NOVKI, ENDOWMENT PI.AN. Insuranc .'licies for the Church. Benefit of the In the various Protestant Episcopal ptrlshes in this country there will be fore long tie broached the subject of a n w form of fcenevolenee insuring one's self for th- ben-fit of one's church. It w ill be brought forward by The Church Endowment Society, a body organized for this specific purpose, and it will be backed by the endorsement of practic allv alt the bishops of the Episcopal church In this country. It wis recently mado public that the R 'v. Mr. Stirs, who 1 to go from Grace Prot 'statu Episcopal Church in Chicago to take the place of rector of St. Thorn as' Church in New York City, iuJ ia- suiiJ his life for $100,000 in favor o; '.lie farmer c'.'.uroh. a::d lie wants to pro fe:' a $100,000 er.Jowmcn; fund by q.-ttlrs $-00,000 additional insurance ii d-.. o.ri". IT - r.i' !h" f!-t rr-'n'.-lum himself, but he hopes that parish ioners will take hold of the matter and continue the payments. St. Thomas' Church, lo which Mr. Stire. will go In the fall, wants an en dowment fund of $;0,000, and it Is be- lleved that he will try to get It by this plan, ltishop Potter and the Rev. Dr. Morgan Pix. Trinity's rector, are arn mg the prominent clergymen who favor the Church Endowment Society's work. Novel as the scheme is. It has- already been STiously entertained by the trus tees of two institutions whose financial wants will be great. For the Cathedral of St. John the Divine In New York several millions will be needed. At the last me'ting of the cathedral trustees the society pres-nted Its plan for the raising of the desired endowment funds by getting benevolent men to Insure their lives for the benefit of the cause, and the project Is now under considera tion . The trustees of Columbia Fni verslty, which desires to raise more than $5,000,000, are considering a similar plan. The Rev. E. W. Hunter, rector of St. SPECIAL SPECIAL For a Few Days Only 400 Palrj PANTS 400 Pal Tl.w panU are made of woolen (W-imers ami Tweeds and always s !! at $-3.00, bat we have too many of tU-.n, therefore you have a chance to jojet them at $1.00 a pair. We have all sizes now, don't wait until your size is gone, because you won't get such pants at such a price in a long time. HERMAN WISE The Reliable Clothier and Hatter. Anna's church. In N?w Orleans, organ ized the society, after discussing the matter with Richard A. McCurdy, pres ident of the Mutual Life Insurance Com pany. First he obtained the sanction of Bishop Sessums, of Louisiana, and In turn he got the approval of about every other Epis-opal bishop In th country. On the board of trustees there ar half a diz-n biMops. and Ievl P. Morton, Elbridge T. Gerry and William A. Duer among the laymen. Mr. Dur Is the treasurer, and J. P. Morgan & Co. are the bankers for the organization. Mr. Hunter has only been really push ing the plan since '-bruary. but a'.reaJy policies approximtting $300,000 hav- b-en t tk-n ou: in behalf of churches and in stitutions in various parts of the coun try, according to the representative of a large life Insurance company. The soclfty 'harg-s no fees, but vol unteers to act as trustee for any church or charitable or educational institution in whose behalf a man may wish to In sure his life. MORE TRUSTS FORMING. If the trust formation continues the time Is not distant when almost every thing in the country win be controlled by them. Whether this would be bene ficial to the country or otherwise, we are not prepared to state. There is one thing, however, that can never be con trolled by a trust and that is gd health. The bes; means of obtaining this is by the use of Hosteller's Siomach Bitters. This wonderful medicine con tinues to cure al stomach, liver ar.d bowel troubles: the same as it has dope for the past fifty years. If you are a sufferer from dyspepsia, indigestion, constipation, flatulency or nervousness do not fail to give it a trial at once, as It will surely cure you. It will alsj pre vent malaria and ague. FOR SALS. The Columbia River Packers Associ ation has for sale, two schooners and one launch. A description of the schooners follow: Schooner "Kinney" Length, 35.5; beam, 11.3; depth of hold, 3.10i. Schooner "Hattle" Length 31.9; beam, 9.9; depth of hold. 3.8. Offers will be received at the office of the association, where full partlcu 'ars may aJso be had. A Merchants' Contest FORFIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS IN GOLD COIN. The unlersigned merchant of Astoria for the purpose of showing their appre ciation to their customers, have agreed. t start a contest under the following conditions: W'e gtve one vote for every ten (10) cent purchase. Votes may be cast for anv society, organization, public or private Institution or indlviduil. No votes can be sold under any circum stances. The contest lasts from notr until October 1. The society. Institution or Individual receiving the highest total of votes will be award-d the five hundred dollars with which to buy a piano, or furnlturs) or whatever they may prefer to buy. Ross. Higglns 4 Co., groceries, etc. Fisher Bros., groceries, etc. Johnson Bros., groceries, etc. V. H. Coffey, groceries, etc. James Crouchley, grocer. Central Meat Market. P. Lawler & Co., fish market. Palace Restaurant. Seaside Bakery. Oregon Bakery. Robinson Furniture Store. The Bee Hive, department store. The Wonder, department store. H-tefler's Candy and Ice Cream Parlors. Tagg's Candy and Ice Cream Parlors John Hahn. shoe store. J. H. Seymour, Jeweler. ' Eagle Drug Store. Central Drug Store. Horman Wise, clothing, hats, etc. C. H. Cooper, dry goods, clothing, etc S. Danz ger. clothing, hats, etc. N". Sk-hlussell, clothing, hats, etc. Will Madison's Cigar Store. Jack Burns, cigars. P. Miller & Son, cigars. Theo. Bncker. cigars. John Pentiila. cigars. J. Utzinger. cigars. Fred Brown, cigars. '. WHERE DO TOU BUY YOUR GROCERIES? HAVE YOU TRIED A. VV. SHIPLEY? FURNITURE SALE. i Owing ti my departure by September 1, for San Francises, I will offer the j entire cont?n:s of my house at private i sale. Parti's desiring to purchase the whole or part thereof should call be tween the hours of 10 and 12 a. m.. and 2 to 4 or 7 to S p. m. S. DANZIGER 333 Fourteenth St. tU Commercial Street. DO YOU KNOW That he gives the best there Is to be had in the city for the least money? Place an order once and see. C. W. BURR DENTIST Successor to Dr. Ball. 573 Commercial St.. ASTORIA, OB, TELEPHONE, RED 2061. THE PLACE TO BIT CANNERY SUPPLIES FISHING BOAT SUPPLIES BUILDING MATERIAL SEWING MACHINES AND FARM IMPLEMENTS IS AT FISHER BROTHERS, Astoria. Ore. KOPP'S BEST ADelicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure The North Pacific Brewery, of whl ch Mr. John Kop Is proprietor, mae beer for domestic and export trade.. Bottled beer tor family use or keg beer supplied at anny time. Delivery In tke city free. North Pacific Brewery